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Age of Gunpowder

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Thread replies: 239
Thread images: 139

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Post pictures of cannons and musket infantry. Discuss why cuirassiers are best cavalry, and hell, while we're at it let's get some period clothes and pictures of royalty. Protestants and Prussians need not apply
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Age of Gunpowder TTRPGs would be incredibly boring though, unless you somehow find a way to give everyone magic or superpowers without trivializing gunpowder weapons.
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I think with the right attitude and a healthy amount of imagination, you can make anything fun. But now that you mention it, few settings have suffered from adding magic and superpowers
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Can't forget ships. Nothing like a cannon ball to send a wooden plank through your sternum
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Give me a narrower period. I prefer the 18thC in general, myself.

It can, if you play on the micro rather than the macro level.

*Inner city underworld drama.

*Fairytale horror ala bros Grimm/sleepy hollow etc.

*Courtly intrigue and sociopolitical maneuvering

*Adventure and discovery in unclaimed new lands or on the high seas..
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I too am a fan of the 18th century. Please, dump your favorites from the period
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I work as an 18thC historic interpreter for a living.

I have thread upon thread of "favorites".

Pictures or art?
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Katana shmatana!

Thanks for the guns, Europe, we'll put them to good use!
>historic interpreter
What does that even mean?
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Personally I'm a fan of digital illustrations like >>52213366 and >>52213390
You know, something you might find in a monster manual. But by art do you mean period paintings?
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I am a military science historian who works at a living museum, demonstrating and teaching the public, as well as performing experimental archeological research. Among other things

Its a fancy way of saying I get paid to march in 114 degree heat, and teach people musket and bayonet drills, in between possibly blowing myself up for the sake of research documentation. I also teach fencing, and sometimes get whored out for film productions that need people for cannon/musket fire, and battle scenes. Pic related

I have both fantasy art and historic art, as well as period illustrations.
Fantasy 18th century pictures would be very interesting
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I see, sounds pretty interesting.

Oh boy, here we go again.
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>Highland regiment and Cherokee
First of all, those don't look like Cherokee. Second, when the fuck were the blackwatch ever far enough West to interact with Cherokee
The term to search is "Flintlock fantasy".

Suggestion: Go watch the miniseries "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel" on Netflix ASAP. Gentleman wizards making fae pacts during the Napoleonic wars. Starts off slow, but gets darker and darker, as they sell their sanity and dabble in violent magic and necromancy.

...You do know there were Cherokee as far east as Virginia and Maryland, before we forced them west, yeah?
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Is gaslamp fantasy no longer the term?
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I have never heard the term, but Gaslamps are later technology. Victorian.

I take it that we're talking more Baroque. Tricorns and flintlocks, early colonialism etc into the early Napoleonic.
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Gaslamp fantasy is victorianish industrial revolution.

It was gangraped by "steampunk" and never heard from again.
sweden losing the great northern war is the best part of the gunpowder age
Is this an european thing only?
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18th century nobility, you say?
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Napoleon should have won.

You Jainist sympathizer
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Another casualty....


Yes. Sadly, what you have their is 36thC nobles, dressed in 19thC Formal wear.

What the fuck did you call me? I'll wear your face like a moron party mask.
I know they're from the future, I just wanted to derail this thread into LOGH
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You're not foppish enough to derail this thread

You Huan Lo Pan dick jiggler.
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Fop thread? Fop thread.

I would hang a million treasonous French peasants be able to wear stuff like this without it being seen as a costume.
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We'll then you shouldn't have bankrupted the treasury getting into shit flinging contests with an island of protestant apes
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>When the battle starts at 18:00 but it's already 18:02
I am so depressed this guy took down all his art
It was costume even then you think niggas rolled around their chateaus in that shit? That was for functions
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Black Sails
This one time at waterloo, a bunch of brits were hiding in a farm and the French wanted to get in to check the pantry. So they did and when a bunch had gone through the gate the brits shut it, traping the French inside. Then a really morbid game of hide and seek ensued, and the innocent french were cut down to a man
Running a game set right now in a fantasy version of early America and the frontier. I don't know why it's not used more.

> Actually large army hamstringed by bureaucrats in shiny capital
> Largest actually seen force are bands of militia
> Vast territory full of myth and legends with little facts
> Angry natives who see colonists as less than them but love guns
> Angry colonists who see natives as less than them but love guns
The list goes on
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>I would hang a million treasonous French peasants be able to wear stuff like this without it being seen as a costume.

Start hanging around with baroque society clubs. Get drunk on Madeira and dance with a cute girl, play lawn games and fence to woo the ladies.

We're having an 18thC inspired thread in /cgl/. Some gulls are planning to visit me and we're going to have a tea party/luncheon. Where you live?

I was having a dick of a time finding even that ant post.

> you think niggas rolled around their chateaus in that shit?

Do you even macaroni, bro? You basically have three "Power levels" of male fashionista in the 18thC.

The first is level "dandy". A Dandy avoids laborious or strenuous activity that isn't of an amusing nature (such as yard games). The primp and preen constantly, and dress formally and fashionably at all times. If they were to go on a party hunt, they would be wearing a designer made hunting outfit and designer boots.

Next is the "fop". Fops tend to the somewhat prissy and stereotypical "noble" behaviour, and dress in a more feminine and gaudy manner. The fop is the one who's wearing his wig and embroidered coat to the hunting party.

Finally, we have the "macaroni", which refers to the avant-garde, over-the-top Italian styles that border on the ridiculous. The macaroni is the one wearing a two-foot tall powdered wig, silk stockings, a rhinestone studded coat, five pounds of makeup and high heeled shoes to the hunting party.

Pic is macaroni fashion from 1760s. You'd be swarmed by women throwing their bloomers at you.

I enjoyed that series a lot more than I thought I would.

Which system? My group is getting ready to try Colonial Gothic, which is specifically set in revwar America.
Forgot my trip
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>cuirassiers are the best cavalry

That's a funky way to spell Hussars, OP
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>We'll then you shouldn't have bankrupted the treasury getting into shit flinging contests with an island of protestant apes

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looks like the threads slowing down
better drops some hot memes
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It's not *perfect* for it, but I'm using DnD 5e. It's part of a series of campaigns basically telling vignettes from the world's history, and the gun rules are pretty much fine with them just being another ranged weapon (FLINTLOCKS DON'T JUST EXPLODE 5% OF THE TIME), though I feel Napoleon is basically the end of DnD's timeline, since after that guns got accurate enough that melee isn't viable anymore when every six seconds you will get hit.
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I know we see lots of historical pics of soldiers in fancy dress uniforms, but was there an equivalent to "tacticool" back in the 17th/18th centuries?
So what sort of themes are prevalent in these Flintlock Fantasies?

Mundane Science slowly catching up with Magic? Changing times and Revolutions?
Being fabulous was the ideal at the time.

I guess rifle skirmishers were the closest to tacticool you could get.

If "James Bond in the Napoleanic Wars" sounds like a cool premise you should check out the Sharpe's Rifles series.

Also, if you want to get really tacticool, you could always outfit your elites, or skirmishers with air rifles, or early breech-loaders which are way too expensive to outfit an entire army depending on the tech level.

I suggest reading the Powder Mage Trilogy by Brian McClellan
Great story, lots of Flintlock Fantasy, and likable characters
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Pic related.


Those are not dress uniforms. Those are standard field uniform. Bright, orderly uniforms and a professional presentation is just as important as bravery and fighting ability.

Think of them more like heraldry.

Already have. It wasn't bad.r
And the Polish lancers were better than all of them. Kurwa, motherfucker.
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Pic is my uniform coat. I suppose you could make an argument for skirmisher militia in hunting shirts, buckskins etc.... But the myth about American guerilla woodmen sniping behind rocks and trees is a bullshit.

Hmmm.... History would argue in the end....
>equipping your elite soldiers with pepperbox pistols, limited production repeating rifles, and grenades

How much would it cost to equip a soldier with that stuff?
Austria in the Napoleonic wars tried to do tacticool, more modern-style fighting because they couldn't beat the small Frenchman in field battles. It didn't work, partially because their army was still badly run, and partially because technology just wasn't good enough yet to support that kind of thing.
Jesus, in this pic mah boy Frederick looks like fuckin MATTIS.
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>pepperbox pistols
If they are in range to use pistols, they are better off drawing swords or using bayonets. A waste of money.

>limited production repeating rifles
Are for long range support of your regulars. Single shot rifles are ungodly expensive, delicate and only shoot at a fraction of the speed of muskets (which are quicker to load, and fairly accurate themselves)

Giving EVERYONE, much less people who are likely to get into close combat repeaters is crazy.

Are for your biggest, meanist assault troops. They are over 6 feet tall, and sometimes don't even bother loading their muskets. Grenadiers only want to rush into close combat, charging with sword and bayonet shortly after bombing your ass.

Why would you give anyone other than heavy assault troops grenades?
I think it would be a better investment to retrofit your old flintlocks, or replace them so your average soldier used percussion caps, and Minie Balls.
I thought everything we've been talking is all flintlock tech?
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So how about Wheel lock weapons?
What about them? Centuries out of date, expensive to produce and maintain, over complicated and delicate as fuck.

There was a reason matchlock was more common for longer. Wheel locks are really only useful for pistols and funky shit.
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No Idea where I got this picture from but I guess it's relevant.
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Whoops, didn't notice the revolver bits. Let me atone with some landsknechten.
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No idea where this guy is from. I wanna say Spain?
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Are there any treaties banning the use of Hot air balloons to drop bombs in the setting?
I struggle to think of an uglier style of helmet.
This image is pure distilled bait
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>Prussians need not apply

(I know she's a lot later, as in she died in like 1980, but the style of dress isn't, so it still counts, right?)
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>innocent french
There's no such thing

I'm sadly lacking in early gunpowder era art, so have the Royal Horse Artillery

Another person who's played AoE III?
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Best Field-Marshal coming through
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Incidentally there are a couple of good Napoleonic RPGs, including Duty & Honour (for Sharpe fans) and Beat To Quarters (for Hornblower fans). There's also FGU's Hearts of Oak which covers naval characters of all kinds through the 17th-19th centuries,
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Leibhusaren are best hussars
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Not to be confused with the equally awesome Brunswick Hussars, who also wore black uniforms with silver totenkopfen
>I struggle to think of an uglier style of helmet.
I think the lobster helmet is cool! My candidate for ugliest helmet ever is the Bavarian one from the early Napoleonic Wars
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Methinks the three-barrel gun was designed to become a makeshift shield when its ammo runs out. Thus the image in what possibly is the infantry primer or manual; shows the alternative usage.
Like those alternative builds you can make depicted on the back of lego sets.
>Not posting the other side
You have to admit there's something weird about seeing Napoleon being so casual during a battle.
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He was a big believer in the powernap
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One cannot post them all, man
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You know what seems strange to me?
There was amphasis on bayonet charges in russian military doctrine (mainly because soldiers found it hard to operate a gun, could not quickly reload them and in some cases did not even load them at all). As exemplified in Suvorov's saying "Bullet is a fool, but a baoynet is cool"
However, if one looks back, there is no known pikemen formations in russian army before that. One can find wagenburg-style warfare, but nothing like spanish tercios. Although were there anything like spanish tercios?
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>Bullet is a fool, but a baoynet is cool"
I thought you were memeing, but there's academic citations:
>The bullet is a fool, the bayonet is a fine chap.
>The bullet is a mad thing; only the bayonet knows what it is about.
"The Science of Victory," 1796

What an absolute boss

Well he was French, 'I am le tired' and all
Except back on planet reality, even if the French stopped working on fridays they'd still be more productive than the British.

I want this meme to die, mostly because some idiots are actually starting to believe it.
>Well he was French, 'I am le tired' and all
It had more to do with him sleeping about four to six hours a night then catching quick naps during the day, which undoubtedly gave him an edge over more slothful opponents. There's a famous quote where he was asked how much sleep a person needed and he replied "six for a man, seven for a woman, eight for a fool".
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>How much would it cost to equip a soldier with that stuff?

Cost? It would only cost you every battle and the war, fuckwit.

While they didn't have the technologies and materials we do, that doesn't mean they were STUPID.
>You have to admit there's something weird about seeing Napoleon being so casual during a battle.

It was all part of his 'schitck" to keep up the "mystique". It was an affectation.

When, or more likely if, you read a biography of Napoleon you'll learn he was basically acting 24/7 from the Brumaire coup in 1799 all the way until his death.

Alexander the Great did much the same thing by constantly walking around with his eyes looking heavenward and muttering to himself so everyone would think he was always talking with the gods.
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>>52220527 is right. Three quick shots, then the gun is used as shield for the melee. The barrels laid side by side plus the left hand handle were features for it to be more effective as shield.

This is another image of it. I'm not sure it ever entered actual service though.
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And here we have yet another attempt to create rapid fire guns.
And lest anyone acuses me of overly asian affectations, this should be the site to binge read on napoleonic warfare.

>Our website has over 1,800 illustrations, maps, charts, articles about Napoleon's strategy and tactics, about the French, Polish, Prussian, Austrian, Russian and British armies, the Royal Navy, their organization, commanders, uniforms, orders of battles, books, clubs, reenactment groups, Major Sharpe etc. "Napoleon, His Army and Enemies" is a massive work in progress. We make updates on a monthly basis. There are several sections here that aren't yet complete but we strive to add new information all the time. Here are some of the many articles you will find within the website: "The Battle of the Nations", "So which are the best soldiers ?", "The Cowards at Waterloo", "The cruel war in Spain", "Slaughter at Borodino", "The French Army", "The Russian Army", "The Austrian Army", "Napoleonic Unifors", "Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Combat and Tactics", web polls, humor and much more. Amateur and professional enthusiasts donate their time and effort to collect and create content that is shared here as a public service. If you would like to share your information, articles are invited. Contributors: César Hernández Yúdice, Dr. Jean Cerino Badone, Ricky Gomez, A. Nuñez and G. Smith, Peter Hofschroer, Mark Townsend, Oliver Schmidt, Paolo Gerolla, Jan Kowalik, Jan Wojciechowski, Nikolai Mozhak, Rémi B., Richard Lysiak, Pedro Castilla, M. Ayala, Thomas Mischak, Andreas Hetzert, Erwin Muilwijk, Zbynio Olszewski (webmaster), J. Carvalho, Jason Seigers, James Mitchell, Jr., Branislav Petrovic, and Janis Jaie.
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The Norwegian ski troops, in various incarnations, were issued rifled muskets from 1711 to their dissolution in 1826. It's pretty early, and the first rifled muskets all had to be imported from Thuringia.
their terrain is shit yo
>French King

Mixtape so bad you forgot history ?
I was just referencing a dumb video you jumpy frog

And got anything not from two years ago?
i think the bicorne is the ugliest shit ever conceived in military history
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I wonder if that import may have been due mostly to a wish for proper, imported, fashionable hardware. As by that time here in Sweden we saw good hunting rifle barrels made in, for example, this house.
Soldiers feel like absolute twats when they can't shoot back and musket fire is pouring into them. Their morale would be fucked before they could even think about closing in basically.
>tfw affixing bayonets
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>silently marches towards you in good order, closing ranks as soon as someone falls
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You dream general.
True, the ocean will prevail were no mortal army would.
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There's somewhat of a difference between hunting equipment and military equipment, especially when you're seeking to outfit around 600 soldiers. There's high demands for both uniformity and quality.
If you're taking the cost of equipping them with expensive arms, you might as well import them from a place that can give you both high quality and high numbers.
Besides Norway was hopelessly underdeveloped at the time.

Import from Sweden would naturally have been impossible in 1711.

I wouldn't worry, they seem to have a tendency to freeze to death.
>Besides Norway was hopelessly underdeveloped at the time.

I was rather thinking that there should have been some capacity for the same across the border, but I guess that may not be the case, at least when you bring up the volume.
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Weekly reminder that some of the Russian Troops fighting Napoleon were actually horse archers.
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*modernizes his army behind you*
psshhh nothing personell
Unless you were living in Finland during that time.
Savage worlds of solomon kane begs to differ. It has nigromancy, it has guns, it has lots of fucked up african shit. Would also be good for running ye olde call of Cthulhu if you took out righteous rage.
That's a fairly shit one. When it's all pointy and worn front to back it's pretty boss.
>magazine rifles
>formed up in a tercio

Fucking Japs. Making people stupider once piece of anime at a time.
You don't seem to know what a tercio is, so throwing stones at your glass front door is probably not a great idea.
Vi...Virginia?I don't have the outfityet
You mean uh
A firing line?
Maybe they're shooting at Barbarians with axes.

Hyperbole, asshole, hyperbole. I used the term to highlight the absurdly childish infantry formation portrayed in the Jap cartoon. I won't even get into the armor.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a tercio was a big dense square of pikes, swords & buckler men, and a type of early musket called an arquebus. It was slow moving and not very flexible, but it ruled the battlefield for nearly a century despite being the a BIG FUCKING TARGET for other guns and artillery.
Everyone on this board knows what a tercio is.

You are aware that the British were still using fire-by-rank tactics even with breach-loading cartridge rifles, right? The French didn't get the fucking message until practically WW1!

Further, given the fact they're still heavily armoured and rallying around standards, it's clear they expect the enemy to be charging into melee as soon as possible. Given this consideration, it's worth noting that a line of guys with guns, not bothering with the cover that would normally protect them and dilute their firepower, but rather concentrating it in volleys, is STILL the best tactic against a charging horde.
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>Jean Colère
Remember in the day Z book when humanity finally gets their shit together and reintroduces the tercio to fight zombies? But instead of badass drummer boys they had speakers blaring Metallica
I just realized that the bagpipe is the ideal instrument for the battlefield.
The best thing about bagpipes is they're always surrounded by scotsmen.
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>all you have is a tiny messer
XVI century was a mistake
Those were the Tatars and other Turkic people that Russians wanted to get rid of, so they recruited them and made them fight the French using nothing but bows.
The Russian commanders did this knowing full well they would get slaughtered while the casualties of the actual Russian Army were kept lower this way.
So it was a very clever method of ethnic cleansing.
Russians are really assholes
You know why you always see pipe bands marching?
It's so they can get away from the noise
That seems... Astonishingly pointless. The whole purpose of a drum or pipe or trumpet, or the full damn band, was to keep time when marching and to sound orders over the cacophony of battle. Metallica, while badass, doesn't do any of those things.

Who the hell came up with the idea of playing the damn things at weddings?

Oh well, at least wherever pipes are played these days, you know there's gonna be a caleigh!

Bitch I'm with the pike block! You wanna try and swing that over-sized butterknife at anyone on a horse? Didn't fucking think so. Stand behind the professionals!
>Oh well, at least wherever pipes are played these days, you know there's gonna be a caleigh!

It's almost a Freudian response, you hear pipes and your mouth starts watering for a drink
He works at Colonial Williamsburg, anon. He heads mus/k/etfest.
Does anyone have that one painting of a line battle from the 1800s-1700s with a solitary horse archer just looking like he got photoshopped on?
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>The French didn't get the fucking message until practically WW1!
I don't know whether this is deliberate hyperbole or you consider the 1870s to be "practically WW1," but the French had already dropped fire-by-rank tactics by the Franco-Prussian war in favor of what would have been considered skirmish formation/open order, only later than the Prussians; the British did not until the Boer War and the United States didn't until the experiences in Cuba during the Spanish-American war, both well after the French and Germans.
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Gropey, i have no fucking clue if you'll be able to see this or of the thread will still up up if you do, but last week on a 18th-century thread on /k/ I saw you saying that you had pdfs regarding the use of the bayonet and small sword.

Could you please upload some of them? The only one I know is the "Compleat system of fencing" from Blackwell but i couldn't find a PDF for the life of me.

>inb4 this is not /r/

I believe everyone in this thread would appreciate such material
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He loaded them up before. Check the archives.sa
Yes. Hyperbolic. I was being hyperbolic.

I totally didn't just assume that because the French were so ass-backwards as to consider bright blue and red acceptable battle dress in 1914, that they were equally slow in developing their battle drills. No sir.
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>I totally didn't just assume that because the French were so ass-backwards as to consider bright blue and red acceptable battle dress in 1914
The horizon blue uniforms had been approved and produced prior to the start of the war. They hadn't been brought to the troops in 1914 yet because it would've been expensive and the French didn't expect war. Because unlike certain someones, they didn't just have "MUH COUNTRY STRONK" as the only basis of their foreign polciy.

There's also no need to be upset about the French, friendo. What did they ever do to you, other than tear your butthole apart purely by existing?
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You can be advanced in some areas and ass-backwards in others, but keep in mind that the Germans had some gaudy uniforms in 1914 too (pic related). As did the Austrians, Italians, Russians and Ottomans.
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The Belgian uniform in 1914 actually included a stovepipe hat.
If I recall correctly the landsknechten were given permission to wear gaudy colors like that because it was seen that their lives were so shitty that they needed some sort of special privilege to make up for it.
>Scrimping on your soldiers equipment
>With Germany saber-rattling every five minutes; the buildup to WW1 taking months rather than the couple weeks Germany wanted; and France already wanting revenge for the ass-pounding the Prussians delivered in 1870

So France was not only stupid, but also cheap. Good to know.

And you don't wanna know what the French did to me, mate.

They also got double pay. That's what the bitch up at >>52218868 is talking about when she says 'dopplesoldner'. It literally means 'double-(pay) soldier' as I'm pretty sure everyone could figure out.

At least the guy on the far right looks reasonable enough; comparable to the rest of the German army at least...

Christ, it still utterly baffles me now anyone thought cavalry could beat machine guns; I mean they were made into extra rations with fucking GATLINGS in a good position, much less the Lewis, Vickers, Browning or Maxim!

Not sure if stupid or stupidly classy...
>So France was not only stupid, but also cheap. Good to know.
Fuck off Lindybeige.
I may have a mild English bias. Just slightly.

But come on, no-one can argue that of all the powers (except the Austrians, but who really counts them?) in 1914, the French were by far the least prepared and fared the worst.

Oh and those are dress uniforms in that picture m8, not battle dress. Any idiot can tell you that the British didn't still wear red coats and bearskin hats into battle at Ypres.
>With Germany saber-rattling every five minutes; the buildup to WW1 taking months rather than the couple weeks
Designing, green-lighting and manufacturing 6 million uniforms (half of what France mobilized by the end of 1914) is not something that can be done in a month.
>and France already wanting revenge for the ass-pounding the Prussians delivered in 1870
France was actually rather conciliatory, given that its first actions in the July crisis were to retreat all French forces six miles from the border.

And by 1915, the time of the battle of Ypres, the French were no longer bright red pants and wearing metal helmets at a time nobody else was wearing them. The German cavalry uniforms had also become significantly less gaudy too. But at the beginning of the war everyone had their own idiosyncrasies.
>in 1914, the French were by far the least prepared
Yeah, that's exactly what I argued. You turned that into "they are stupid".

>France was actually rather conciliatory, given that its first actions in the July crisis were to retreat all French forces six miles from the border.
Let's also not forget that, had Jaurès lived, war in the West could've been avoided at all. Ironically the man who killed him was released after WW1, because the French government claimed that without him Alsace would never have been reclaimed.
The First Battle of Ypres took place in 1914, but to be fair, the BEF's first engagement was at Mons, on August 23rd. Happy now? Again, the British were by far the best trained and prepared force the Triple Entente had and most certainly did NOT wear red coats.

And the French didn't have a month; they had several! The assassination of Franz-Ferdinand and the Balkan Crisis may have been relatively swift, but Germany was building its military power for YEARS before that, which is plenty of time to put some new uniforms into service!

>Not responding to a massive military build-up in the country next-door, which you have had major conflicts with only a generation ago and with a web of alliances that ensures Europe is always anyone's itchy trigger finger away from war
>Not stupid
Is it possible for you to see history through a non-Francophobic lens? The Germans had been acting uppity before (basically since Wilhelm II became emperor) and it was resolved diplomatically time and again.

>And the French didn't have a month; they had several!
Let's assume that for some reason the French would utterly start preparing for war right at the start of the July Crisis, with utter and complete unity across all political parties -even the pacifist parties- because suddenly the people who don't want millions of dead become "smart". Explain to me how you would replace millions of uniforms in time for the war.

>Again, the British were by far the best trained and prepared force the Triple Entente
Because they were a professional force and not conscripts, Lindybeige. A few months into the war most of them were already dead. They didn't start conscripting until 1917, and if I had some irrational grudge against the English I'd say that they were being utterly retarded and were centuries behind in an age where mass warfare had already been a thing for about a century.
>Again, the British were by far the best trained and prepared force the Triple Entente had
They were, and they were certainly the most forwards-thinking, adopting the standardized khaki uniform well before the Germans standardized Feldgrau. But they were also under-equipped in terms of artillery and far too few in number to make a difference. The French and Germans both understood that mass mobilization would decide the war rather than a small, elite force, and had designed their infrastructure (particularly railways, a major area where France had failed in the Franco-Prussian war) to accommodate it. Not as well-prepared or not, it was the Germans that threatened the line and the French that held the line well into 1915, when Kitchener's Army finally lumbered into action.
I just realized that guns mostly had people names back then.
The majority of guns still do. What do you think the "K" in AK-47 stands for?

It's really just guns developed for NATO militaries that lack the designer's name in them.
I...didn't know this. Thank you, fellow anon.
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The archives of south australia? I really hate to be the one begging for a spoonfeed but, could you be more direct please?

I'm sorry anon i don't want to be a bother, i just want to practice smallsword fencing
>Bitch I'm with the pike block! You wanna try and swing that over-sized butterknife at anyone on a horse? Didn't fucking think so. Stand behind the professionals!
>Spearnigger doesn't know she's charging the enemy front
>Doppelsoldners are paid double because they're ballsy bastards
>Legend has it they can lop the heads off spears with their zweihanders of destruction
>He doesn't know why nobody's ever invaded the Holy Roman Empire
The Dopplesoldner were just front-line fighters, not necessarily offensive. You're still getting double pay if you're in the front of a pike group, because you're still likely not to live too long!

Legend is bullshit. A pike is a hella sturdy piece of wood and were often sheathed in metal near the business end for fear of bullshit like you describe! The most that'd happen is knocking it aside with the huge weight of the zweihander, or hacking it badly enough that when they thrust and skewered something big, like a horse, the head would snap off from the impact.

And no-one invaded the HRE because everyone in Europe realised a) it was fucking huge and liable to just unite and field more dudes than they could and b) it was such a divided and inwardly-warring bag of flaming shit, no-one could ever put it out EVER. Plus it was a bad idea post-15th-century to distract the Austrians as they were busy keeping the Ottomans busy and stabbing them in the back to take what was left of the notional HRE would probably just result in goddamn Turks up in your back yard before you could say, "Oops, maybe this wasn't the best plan."
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Zweihanders deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine zweihander in Germany for 20,000 Euros (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut rods of solid wood with my zweihander.

German smiths spend years working on a single zweihander and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Zweihanders are thrice as sharp as spanish swords and thrice as wavy for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a zweihander can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a zweihander could easily bisect a pikeman wearing a plate cuirass with a simple vertical slash.

Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering the Holy Roman Empire? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Landsknechte and their zweihanders of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the zweihanders first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? zweihanders are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for zweihanders:

(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork

Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of zweihanders in real life, don't you think?

tl;dr = zweihanders need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
Stale pasta is stale, but damn son, if you can one-hand a zweihander, fuck the sword!

Just flex at the enemy army and they'll all go home feeling scared and slightly emasculated!
if you want to be pedantic its the Emperor
Because of the influence of Uhlans (polish lancers) and there actions during Boneys Great European Bash, by the end of the 1900's Brit Cav was 40% lancers
I thought it was to show how rich and awesome they were.
Trigger Warning: Lindybeige
Why would lindybeige be a trigger?
You've never seen a Lindythread before? A lot of people get their knickers in a twist about him.

Just as a small example:>>52230299
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Also, it's a bit of a joke, I do it with Skallagrim as well. I don't actually believe in trigger warnings.
Ah, Lloyd is great though. Skallagrim is alright, something about his mannerisms irks me, but that doesn't change the information he has to provide.
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Like I said, I don't actually believe in such nonsense, but there are some around here that will come apart at the seams at the mere mention of one or the others, and it's a joke to poke fun at those people.

Anyways, to stay on topic, pic related, Hussite gunwagons.
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Ah right.

Blame industrialization and Beau Brummel. Industrialization for making it cheap to dress up and therefore less of a status symbol, and Beau Brummel for making bespoke unadorned clothing fashionable for men. We've never recovered as a gender.
>Skallagrim is alright, something about his mannerisms irks me

The over apologetic ninny aspects?
>Beau Brummel
That motherfucker!

He should have kept to his own class instead of mingling with the elite and tricking them into thinking his minimalist style was fashionable instead of simply be the result of a limited budget.

Speaking of horribly sartorial vandals, who was the Beau Brummel of women? What 20th century carpet-muncher is responsible for women wearing blue jeans and t-shirts instead of dresses?
Your grammatical errors betray your true identity. Frenchman!
But anon, I prefer chicks in jeans and a t-shirt, although I do have a soft spot for sundresses.
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That's de-industrialization; industrialization meant that pretty much anyone could dress like a swag motherfucker, and so it fell out of style in favor of bespoke hand made clothes, which were still elitist. De-industrialization meant that 'working clothes' started becoming less and less of a thing. Indeed, for most people in a post industrial economy, work is something you will have to dress up for, rather than dress down.

This meant another change in style; it became a status symbol to dress relatively casually. It means you can't be forced or expected to dress up for people. We also start to see a separation between the fashion elite and the fashion of the elite if that makes sense. (and is another, longer discussion).

Meanwhile, clothes associated with manual labor still had some masculine cachet, so women appropriated them. It's why heels, originally designed as a riding shoe, are still worn by women.
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>a stovepipe hat.
That's called a Corscian hat, it was traditional headwear for riflemen
Huh. I would have thought the smallsword guy would have been helpless against a weapon that can so easily overpower his own.

There was a Lindy video where he talked about how scythes were not converted to a weapon due to how they were constructed differently. His visual aid was a pamphlet containing instructions on how to do exaclty that conversion. He did not know the language it was written in.
I can't stand to listen to him talk. It reaches a point I can't even care about the information he is giving me anymore and just get annoyed by how it reaches me.
As a Swede I'd have to agree. The cycle of wars were not sustainable at all. After the wars Sweden could look inwards and eventually come out richer and more successful than their old rivals, but of their own labour, not that of conquered people.

Sucks for the Finnish though.
It could be influence from the wars with the aggressive Swedish army that were quite reliant on the charge and had pikemen later than all of their contemporaries as well as an abundance of swords for their common soldiers.
Are most HEMA people thick around the middle? I know it's not the jackets.
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Does anybody know the survival rate of someone hit by a musket ball? Let's say in the 7 years war specifically. Obviously getting shot in the heart or an artery would be a death sentence, but what if youre marching in a line of an infantry and caught a ball to the arm? Leg? Gut?
If it lands on an extremity, the extremity goes from the first joint above the injury. If it hits the torso anywhere but the shoulders, you're dead at least 90% of the time. Head or neck at least 99% of the time. If it hits the shoulders or manages to not hit any bones AND doesn't go through your gut, you have a better chance of surviving the aftermath of the battle, but of course there is always the chance of infection.

Better to get cut by a saber thrice than to get shot.
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>not Taranis

>inverted cockade

>not the original avengers lineup with l'homme fourmi, la guepe, and l'incroyable burp.

>not knowing the difference between camouflage and identification
>not knowing that almost every unit except infantry regiments (like chasseurs, legion, colonial troops, every shock or elite formation) didn't use red pants
>not knowing that you were supposed to put overpants or the flaps of your greatcoat over the pants before nearing the battlefield.
>not knowing about the "reseda" uniforms trials in the early 1900s
>not knowing about the results of said trials (dissimulation improvements: meh, cost of implementation: $$$)

Sometimes it's better to shut up and read a book before speaking than to spourt memes
The french uniform of 1914 was far from perfect, but there was a reason behind it, and I would hope /tg/ to go beyond "HURR DURR RED PANTS" worthy of day/k/are
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>"reseda" uniforms trials
They look pretty practical (though it makes them look more like Russians to be quite frank with you famiglia)
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