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>Have to miss session for a job interview, but clear it a

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>Have to miss session for a job interview, but clear it a week ahead of time with the DM
>The party is just going to a nobleman's masquerade so they shouldn't need the fighter around for too much anyway, give the DM permission to NPC my character in my absence
>Get a text message last night
>"Your character died, call me"
>The wizard saw his wizard school rival or some shit at the party and started a fight
>The guards intervened and it turned into an all-out brawl after the wizard vaporized two of them with a fireball
>GM let one of the other players control my character during the fight because they didn't know how else to handle it
>He completely forgot to use any of my martial archetype techniques and got my character killed during the battle
>My character is the only casualty of a fight he never should have been in that I wasn't there for

I think I'm a decently adjusted person but holy shit I think this is the first time I've ever legitimately gotten angry over something that's happened in a tabletop game in my life. This is bullshit, right? My GM is basically just going "them's the breaks sorry" but I'm not being That Guy if I push this and try to get him to undo this, am I? There is literally no reason why someone else should have been handling my character sheet, and I have never in my life seen a GM target a player who WASN'T AT THE FUCKING GAME with consequences they had no time to react to

What the fuck should I do /tg/
Killing off your character while you're not even there is total fucking horseshit, yes.
The GM giving it to another person makes sense for a fight kinda if they have lots to take care of. But making them die because the other player and keeping the death is horse shit and you are justified.
Them's ARE the breaks though. Shit happens, you lose a character, and you move on. Roll another one and chill.
Ask for a retcon because someone who didn't know how to play fighters fucked you up. If that's fails then your dm is a faggot.

This only applies in meatgrinder games where you put no effort or investment into characters because them dying is par from the course. From what OP said, this was not one of those games.
Drop the game.
Yes, it's BS. If a player isn't there then their character is sick/hunting/gathering information etc. Even if it's absolutely necessary that he be with the group (like if you're a mile deep in a dungeon) the GM should not let a missing player's PC die. Honestly I would leave the group if he doesn't let you bring the character back.
Why ask strangers on the internet you could also ask the DM. You gave permission for your character to be npc'ed. Shits fucked but just take the hit
Yeah, your GM's an asshole. There's a decent argument to be made that it's bs when a character dies to completely random chance as opposed to either a significant mistake on the part of the player, or as part of some narrative piece. This isn't even random chance, you had absolutely no part in the character's death, and it is a complete dick move to force you to reroll as a result.

The GM should just say you were knocked out during the fight and got healed up.
Stop playing with that group. Thank god that you've been freed so easily
No, you have every right to be pissed.

Losing a character you have spent more than a couple sessions with, when you aren't even there, as the only casualty is bullshit. Maybe, MAYBE, if more people had died there could be some cool thing to coming back.

But as the only casualty, caused by another player who triggered the event, and another player controlling him poorly, then be angry. Demand that he brought back. Hell, say that your character was kidnapped and it was a doppleganger, say that you beat the god of death in an arm wrestling competition.

Drop the game only if this is just a compounded issue on top of other severe issues, or the GM is just absolutely unreasonable in letting you suffer for actions you had absolutely no control over and were the other players fault.

Most likely he doesnt have the dtop yhe game option, likely its the only game he can get into in town.
There is 3 games im aware of in my town, munes the only one that plays even remotely on a day i can, doesnt smell wierd, or have crappy Wiccan overtones to EVERYTHING.

My policy is if a player can't make it their character fell into a plot hole and is absent for all events of that session. No, narratively it doesn't "make sense" but this is a game, not a novel. I will never put a person's character in danger of dying or otherwise suffering some kind of negative consequence if the player isn't even there.

Killing your character when you're not there is textbook That Guy behavior.
Funnel your rage and have your fighter return as a revenant with the sole goal of transcending the game and killing that player.
>anon plays games when businesses are regularly open
dude what is wrong with you?
Actually a salvageable idea though. I know that Revenants are a usable PC race in plenty of systems. See if your GM wants to cooperate with you to bring him back.
Yeah OP, do like this anon says, because rev enacts are cool, and remember to bitchslap IC the mage that started that useless brawl
The real question is - did you get the job?
Make your replacement character literally the same character and act like nothing happened.

No, you are right to be mad.

Ask your GM to retcon your character as being merely badly wounded and left for dead. Its completely unfair for you to be punished in this manner for something you were not even there for. It was a questionable decision to involve your character in the fight without you being present, and its very poor form to have your character suffer lasting consequences from a session you missed.

This applies beyond just being dead, for the record. It would likewise be a dick move for you to come back and find your character suffered a curse or permanent injury because of shit that happened when someone else was controlling your character.

If your GM doesn't understand why this decision is a problem, he isn't a very good GM. GMing a game absolutely hinges on the social contract that exists around the game table the the GM controls the world, the players control the characters, and the challenges will be fair. In this situation, your GMs first priority should be getting your character back in the game ASAP with as little fuss as possible. If he brings you back with a negative level or some other "penalty" as a result of the IC fluff for how you get brought back, its bullshit. There are any number of ways to get you back in the game, and him choosing one that penalized you is, in bird culture, a dick move.
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This seems like a cool way to salvage a shitty situation.

should your PC have died? Probably not.
Is your GM going to fiat them back to life? also probably not.

It seems like you are in the right here, but it is unlikely that pressing your GM on will make them reverse the decision, it will probably only make them angry/frustrated with you. Even totally reasonable people can be pig headed about little things like this.

working with the GM to come up with a cool reason that you are playing the same character again might be a good compromise.
You tell the GM that that's a huge pile of bullshit and to retcon your character death, or leave the group.
And if quitting isn't an option and the GM won't budge, your new character is his identical twin who has been secretly stalking the party the whole time, waiting for an opportunity to steal his brother's identity.
It happens in every game. Characters die, it's a fact of the hobby. Sure, they might not go out the way you wanted them to, but there's not a whole lot you can do about it. The dice will fall where they may, regardless of how invested you are in your character or how much backstory they have. Yes, it sucks, but complaining about it doesn't do anything for anyone.
Are you an idiot? RPGs aren't just "roll 1d100 to suddenly drop dead" there are choices. But he was gone for something in real life that was important and was punished for it.
Didn't know saying that you shouldn't get angry when a character dies was such a controversial thing. Calm your tits.
Op is mad that their group fucked him over and his gm supported this. Now we have a decent bit of people that are implying quitting might not be an option.

Is this about d&d or an abusive relationship?

Because that isn't actually what you said? Context is everything, and if you're ignoring it that just makes you an idiot.
That argument applies when you're actually playing, yes.

To make a comparison, this is like leaving a slice of cake in the fridge and putting your name on it. You come back later, and find a plate covered in cake crumbs, and your friend says "sorry man, cake gets eaten, that's just how it goes."

Your character should only die when you;re playing it. Getting angry because your character died while you were playing it is one thing, getting angry because your character died while you weren't even in the house is another. Don't pretend that those two scenarios are even remotely the same.
You're dumb.
What is >>52047857 ? Maybe you should actually read before you start screeching and namecalling.
Yeah, this.

It's bullshit. I'd tell that group to fuck off.

Nope. What I said entirely applies. Your comment, in context, is you being an asshole, nothing else. Acting like it might mean something else out of context, or in a different context, is meaningless. You replied to the OP, which set the context for your post, which makes you an asshole.

As other people have pointed out, "thems the breaks" really only applies when the player was actually, you know, playing the character.

It's not presumptuous or bratty to get peeved when you have to miss a session and come back to find out your character is dead.
>Ask for a retcon because someone who didn't know how to play fighters fucked you up.
This. All other matters aside, your character did not behave/perform the way he should have. The integrity of the of things has already broken, so retconing it so your character was in a coma rather than actually being dead ruins nothing.
Yeah no. >>52048592 is correct.

You're an idiot. DMs killing your characters during sessions you're not in is a DM intentionally punishing a player. Games are about having fun together. Yes: characters dying is part of that because there's no reward without risk. But the player wasn't there. So there wasn't any risk or reward--the DM simply did something dickish to a specific person, intentionally, to harm their ability to obtain enjoyment from what the player spent his free time on.

That DM, and you, are idiots and can fuck right off.
I don't think you have the authority to determine what context it is or isn't.
He does.
I say so.
I second.
I have the authority to call you a faggot

I don't need to. You replied to the OP. That defined the context in a way that doesn't rely on any 'authority'.
What if I told you that DnD is an abusive relationship.
The best system to avoid this sort of thing is having people swap out between sessions. The game I've got going right now has like ~11 people, but we never all play at the same time, so if someone's going to be missing, their character just isn't there for [reason]

That said you're not being autistic and should def drop the game because that's a dick move.
>What the fuck should I do /tg/

>The GM should just say you were knocked out during the fight and got healed up
Demand this.

If he refuses after reasonable discussion, then:
>Drop the game only if this is just a compounded issue on top of other severe issues, or the GM is just absolutely unreasonable in letting you suffer for actions you had absolutely no control over and were the other players fault.

If it is not part of a larger issue, then this:
>Shit happens, you lose a character, and you move on. Roll another one and chill.
But remind the GM he was wrong and a douchenozzle.
Forgive, but don't forget, lest he get comfortable being an asshole.
Don't do that last thing unless it is rolling up the exact same character,
You gave the GM permission to NPC your character, not pass them off to another PC.

Retcon it, or find a way for someone else to bring them back and reintegrate with the main party later.
This requires you to create the greatest abomination in the history of games. Make either the most min-maxed Murderhobo Destructotron or make the most obnoxious fetish-fueled snowflake you can imagine and inflict them on the GM.
That's not how context works.

Bad GMing, you should be there when your character dies at least, no punches pulled when the character actually plays though.
Yes it is
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>say that you beat the god of death in an arm wrestling competition.
I like you. And it'd pretty damn cool for the fighter to have Death as a sort of grudigingly respecting rival.
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I don't know how you should handle this OP. Probably talk it out with the GM. Get him to retcon the session sounds a little dickish, but it's his own damn fault for fucking you over.

I can tell you how I've handled this before.

Last session one of the two Barbarians (2 Barb, 1 Druid, 1 Paladin party) had a job thing and couldn't make it. I had the Druid's player run "Velph-the-Angry-Elf" in combat, but otherwise we sort of ignored him like he was an NPC. When a herd of Remorhazes attacked the party, the Druid immediately offered to throw Velph down a hole at one, ensuring his death but saving the day*.

*The Druid is a fucking moron at the best of times and Velph would have been utterly fucked if this happened with no discernible benefit from my point of view. He got the job of babysitting only because no one else wanted it.

It was then that we decided as a group to impose a NPC-By-Committee rule. Basically, while one person got to play a missing player's character in combat, they had to get everyone's input before doing something even moderately dangerous. It generally kept the character from doing stupid shit, and the most experienced players (who didn't want to play two characters) could lend their system mastery towards keeping the absent Player's Character alive.

I don't even understand this weird bickering over context. It played out like this:

>OP: I missed a session due to previous plans, and my character died in a fight caused by another player while I was absent
>That Guy: "them's the breaks"
>Rest of Thread to That Guy: that's not how it works
The only case in which I would kill off a non-present player's character would be either if they rolled up a new character (and I would require them to give a good reason why their old character needed to go) or if they had to drop out of the game permanently. The only other reason I could think of would be a TPK, and even then I could have it that the character that wasn't present survived because they weren't there.
If you bot a player's character, they shouldn't enter combat.
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>it's a "My character was killed when I wasn't around to play them" thread

Been a couple months since we had one of these.
Sneak into his mom's basement and take a shit on his dm notes. I am of course assuming that your gm is a neet because he killed your character over a job review, if he has his own place go over to his mom's house and buttsex her.
He's right you know. OP has a right to be pissed, his character died and he had no say in the matter. If OP was there and controlled his dude when he died than it would be fine, but shit like what OP describes devalues your own characters because they could be killed off when you miss a session.
Nonchalantly accept your characters death and roll up a new character without being upset. Kill the other players character and leave the group.

Remind the DM you entrusted him with the character sheet, not the other player and then ask him how to fix it.
Go there next session, tell the GM he's a shit GM and the players that they are both faggots -especially the player who controlled your character, he's a retard AND a faggot- then leave.

Roll a stealthy fucker, kill everyone during your watch, leave.
did he died ?

Nah, the GM fucked up. If he doesn't go back on it, he's a shit GM and the guy should switch to Roll20.
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Eventually, the pit spat him back out.
Each person has their own limit.
This death alone isn't enough to make me quit a group, but it is a strong step toward it.
Shit in his fridge. Shit in his bed. Shit EVERYWHERE. Do it for months, bring a shit in your bag and excuse yourself to leave it somewhere. Embrace the roll of Shitlord
It sucks, but as long as the GM isn't in a habit of doing shit like that I wouldn't worry about it too much. Especially if you actually like the group. If you don't like the group, move on and play somewhere else. If you do, roll up a new character and look at it as a chance to start fresh. Don't let the GM jew you on things though. Get full gold value for the items on your dead character to spend on your new character, full experience, etc... Losing a character sucks, even more so when it's not your fault, but it can be an interesting opportunity as well. You can probably use it to get a few concessions from the GM for a certain race or class you want to play that he wouldn't otherwise allow. Gluck.
That's retarded. Offer to let your character have a scar or something to show the fight happened, leave if the GM keeps you dead.
No it isn't, kill yourself you retarded little brat
Offhand, I can only think of once when I killed the character of a player who wasn't there, and it was on purpose. Maybe it was childish, but the fucker said he was coming to the session and didn't. So we were left there waiting for him. And another one of my friends (who wasn't into RPGs and therefore wasn't playing) ran into him and he was apparently not in the mood to play, so he was avoiding us. Understand that this was a campaign that we had played without all of the people there at least a couple of times before, and we had a quorum, so we didn't need him to be there to play. But since we thought he was, we waited and waited for him. Also, it's a character that he had only played for a couple of sessions, so it's not like it was some great loss.
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Suggestion for your GM. Your NPC'd character didn't use any of their techniques because they'd been replaced by a shape shifter beforehand.

Either the shape shifter(s) replaced your character and the party has a limited window to find the real one before he's killed, or he's already dead and the party recruits your new character while investigating.
Where exactly did he say that it was okay to NPC their character though? Even then, it's one thing to NPC a character whose player isn't there and intentionally murdering the character off when a) the player gave prior notice and b) they were the only casualty in that particular campaign.
Only on /tg/ have I ever seen DMs so stupid as to not say "Oh hey, OP is out today so OP's character had to run some important backstory errand, fuck off, he's not here"

Absolutely every GM I know would rather do this or simply postpone the damn session rather than invite the clusterfuck OP just described.
That only works when the player is present to play that particular character, not when the player had to miss a session and the GM decided to drop a bridge on them just because.
but HE didn't lose the character, you idiot, some other faggot did.
You're honestly better off just dropping the game though. In some layer of THAT GM's being, they saw the situation play out and decided "hmm, I'm okay with the way this is going down" regardless of the player's feelings, especially when the player missed game to go to a job interview.

It's like someone wearing your clothes without permission or barging in your room uninvited, it's technically not the worst thing ever but it does display some traits that would be categorized as narcissistic behavior.
If it would be unfeasible, or an unreasonable stretch, for the PC to disappear for a bit, I just rule the PC to be an NPC with low-level plot armor.
Never had a problem.
Might be tricky if there was a TPK, but it hasn't happened.

>Where exactly did he say that it was okay to NPC their character though?

He says that right in the OP. Which honestly was a mistake, but at the same time he probably (very rightly) assumed the GM wouldn't actually let the character die.
You're not wholly wrong but this anon >>52050208 made my point better.
>low-level plot armor
That's fair enough I guess.But if you run them as "Sheet piloted by monkeys" then you deserve everything that's coming.
Yeah if you paid just drop 'em, OP
Sorry, I missed that part before I realized what OP said. Either way, my point still stands.
Death = waking up after the battle with 1hp.
>T'was but a scratch.
Just roll a new character and ruin the game on purpose.
Like some others have said, request that a mysterious circumstance occurred that allowed your fighter to cheat death. If gm does not go for it, I would leave. No game is better than a bad game as some anons say.

>my point still stands.

Well obviously.

Giving someone permission to borrow your car doesn't mean you forfeit the right to be angry if he crashes it.
Especially if they lend your car to another friend of theirs without your knowledge or permission
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What the story really underlines for me are the other monongoloid players OP are dealing with, that start some douchebag bullshit out of spite and then throwing OP's character under the bus to deal with it.

I'd be better off at home playing vidya in that situation.
Shit GM detected
Tell your GM to fuck off, that's a dick move.

In fact, I'm pretty sure this thread is full of lies because the level of passive malice and general retardation required to actually allow such a thing to pass is beyond the threshold where you lose the ability to actually comprehend things like dice and storytelling, so it automatically precludes any GM in our reality.
You're a contrarian shithead, fuck yourself.
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>not realizing this is a sign that they DON'T WANT YOU THERE

Stop playing with them.
Dm and not GM so pathfinder or DandD. DM should never let anther player control the fighter. Not GM long or kind of bad as why is not the wizard paying to get you RASIED !!!!
Just quit and find another group. Delete your email addresses, block on all social media platforms, change your phone number.

It's either that or they're straight up social retards; in which case unless you are in Scandenavia and that's normal, quit and never look back.
Anyone with a half a brain should be able to determine the context of a post in a thread is the fucking thread, which is what he said.
>give the DM permission to NPC my character
If you do that, you are accepting that the character might die. If you didn't realize that, you've learned a lesson. Just tale it as such and move on.

See >>52051381

I don't think assuming the GM shouldn't let you character die because of the actions of other players is at all unreasonable.
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Here's how it should have gone:
>Party receives invite to masquerade
>Everyone ready to go
>Fighter inexplicably falls into the Elemental Plane of Probing Questions
>Party leaves without him
>Has an unseen but extremely boring quest that results in gaining a Necktie +1 CHA -1 CON item if he passes his Reference Checks.
>Fighter materializes after the party ends
>"I don't wanna talk about it."
>crash you car being a retard
>shit happens, buy a new one
Roll a new character and kill the wizard
If you cannot succeed, others should fail
Yes it is, absolutely, and definitively, you should play tabletop and not just shitpost about it on /tg/ newfriend.

If I were you, I would talk with the GM and if he doesn't budge on the retcon I would tell him straight up
>Either you undo this colossal fuck-up or you can play without me.

I know it might be hard but if a GM and his players are capable of this faggotry, you -really- don't want to stay with them and play. Because you are going to get shafted some more and you know it's true!
You are a colossal faggot if you do that. I would understand if it was in a Maid game or, as >>52047891 said if it's in an Only war game where no one gives a flying shit about their characters.

But in a normal game, doing what OPs GM did is very fucking shitty.
Fuck off Kevin
That's what I thought immediately too.

Character didn't act, speak, or fight like themselves, it clearly wasn't them.
Not that anon, but you should really be clear about your expectations.

In my current game we had an MIA player, so his character was knocked unconscious after one weak attack, because they asked to have the character around, but not endangered.

In my previous campaign, the player just asked us to play it by ear and in character, so when they died we described how it went down, and they agreed it was fitting and rerolled.
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this desu

OP, in the future, don't let other people play your character if you're not willing to accept the consequences that come from other people playing your character.

You would've accepted the rewards, so don't be a hypocrite.
Killing your character while you weren't present as a result of decisions that weren't yours is absolutely bullshit. This is quit-the-game levels of stupidity. Even if things have otherwise been cool, "he only kicked me in the balls the one time" is the reasoning of an abuse victim, not a reasonable person.
It's always nice to be reassured in the fact that there are people more stupid than me.
I suffered recently from the same shit situation.

>Weekly gaming group
>Have a crafting wizard which main plot point is to take care and, basically, level up a djinn from my former master so I could use the last wish and free her from her imprisoment
>Game is going alright
>At the end of one session, the other two players say "Woah, I am willing to play a little more, why no we have another gaming session tomorrow?"
>I explain my group and my DM in the table that I have to work tomorrow and I won't be able to play but, anyways, since my character is a crafter, we could just let him by his own crafting stuff while the other players play tomorrow.
>All settled and fine

The next day...
>Arrive at job after a shitty day
>Check telegram messages
>The gaming group are just talking about today's session. Notthing remarkable
>Get a message from my DM
>"Oh, Anon, you have lost your last wish. Because they went on a boat trip and had you crafting there while they were on a sea adventure. But... HOW UNFORTUNATE! They rolled a 100 in encounter difficulty and they found a kraken. It would have been a TPK if it weren't for the wish. Sorry :) "
>On a boat
>My character
>Who would be crafting in his own workshop at the city what I had to pay with my character starting gold to have it for fluff reasons.

Yeah, the party was save but I feel like I lost my character, since I have lost his main motivation. I can't even free the djinn by other means because if the wish are spent, the lamp disappears and teleports to another location or even plane. I couldn't even say her goodbye.

Nowadays, I rarely attend to that gaming group, since it looks like I am just an artifact dispenser and I just attend because of DM insists on seeing me there because I am a long time friend.
It's utterly bullshit and a sign of you having a DM with very narrow vision. He could be fighting some guards in the background while the party deal with the real treath, just returning a little/very wounded (depending how dramatical was the situation) when the party finish off their fight. BAM! PC saved and it didn't disrupted neither the flow of the game or the suspension of disbelief. It is not so difficult for fuck sake!
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I'd quit.

>oh hey that huge piece of your character identity?
>yeah i got rid of it while you weren't here

"After losing the genie, my character loses the adventurous spirit and decides to settle down in the countryside. The end."
The way I play is that if a guy isn't there we either don't play at all, or he's in a coma and doesn't do anything

You gave the DM permission to play your character on the basis that if combat broke out, he would have the ability to competently play your fighter.

What you did not do is give THE OTHER GUY permission to play your character.

DM "didn't know how else to handle it?" Call him out on his bullshit. A significant portion of his job is playing for multiple characters at once in combat, including ones that may be on different sides of the fighting.
In one of my games, I had a fighter. A simple archer town guardsman who being one step too heroic fighting off kobold raiders wound up tagging along with the party to be the voice of reason. After we defeated that section of the cult and found out that were looking down the barrel of doomsday, I decided my character would retire from the heroic efforts and he had done his part, now was the time to defend his home and ready for the war. Party were murder hobos anyway.

I miss one session so it works out great for me to show up next with my new character.

I show up and the guys tell me how my guy didn't step back and return to his wife and kids to defend his home and let hero's be hero's. But was in fact stabbed to death in an alley way on his way home by an enemy assassin to partially show that the cult are a threat, but mostly for 1 day from retirement cop dies XD.

Needless to say I was pissed to lose my characters happy ending for a stupid joke.

So when my character died again a few sessions later I just turned up with a high level archer fighter revenant who instead of the calm lawful voice of reason was a cunt to the party because he blames them for everything that happened.
>false equivalency

It's just a game OP, if it bothers you that fucking much then don't play with them anymore.
I don't see why any group should bother with combat at all if they're going to be so "invested" in their characters and their "story". It's still a game, and there's still the possibility of you losing that game.

But of course, casual faggots like OP and the sympathizers in this thread have a problem with that.
It is presumptuous and bratty when you "clear it a week ahead of time with the GM", and give him "permission" to NPC your character.

OP needs to suck it up and remember that if you're not fucking attached by the hip to the party you can fuck off and do your own shit when you know your fighter won't be "needed".

>Guy 1: Hey anon I'm out of town next weekend can you hang out at my house and watch my dog?
>Guy 2: sure thing anon!
*next week*
>Guy 2: sorry Anon I let my friend come over and he got into a fight with your dog over a steak and killed it. Be cool though bro you did trust me after all. Kinda your fault.
There shouldn't be a possibility of losing the game if you're not playing in it you contrarian mongloid
underrated post
It's better than my story.
>play world of darkness, players get turned into various monsters
>I'm some kind of mutant
>Decide to make myself somewhat immortal
>Other player's can't play for almost two months
>I can't play next suggested date
>They play anyways
>They drive to a meeting I told them would (probalby) be an ambush
>My character gets sniped and somehow dies of this

There is literally no way this shot would have hurt me. I would have lost some energy, but not even taken a single wound.
we once, as a party, killed off our rogue, he was chaotic evil and missed 4 sessions. no ragrats.
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>dnd 3.5 game
>playing a healer/support style character
>just found a crystal ball that can alter the weather
>chaotic idiot gets mind controlled by a mummy for being a greedy retard
>i know that my managers are incompetent retards and will schedule me on a day i asked for off
>tell dm to play my character and what he would do when im gone
>dont worry about it because im a back line support guy no real risk of dying
>chaotic idiot starts burning down the town with help of fire skeletons
>turns out my character just "wasn't there" and neither was the crystal ball that could have put out all the fires

im kinda mad and now need to make up a plot device for why my character was gone when he was needed the most
To be fair, that's a far preferably solution to avoid shit like what happened in the OP. Just work with the GM to come up with a reason for WHY your character wasn't present.
He had a goddamned job interview, you basement dwelling manchild. If you think that he should have canceled that to play his game, there's something seriously fucking wrong with you.
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Arguably worse than just killing the character.
>DM "didn't know how else to handle it?" Call him out on his bullshit. A significant portion of his job is playing for multiple characters at once in combat, including ones that may be on different sides of the fighting.
PC = NPC for a day is easy unless you have to deal with using non-renewable resources, which I'd default to never using.
>There shouldn't be a possibility of losing the game if you're not playing in it you contrarian mongloid
You're just saying that because he's beaten you in chess in the dozens of times you haven't played.
In fact, I just checkmated you twice!
You can't play chess on a go-board, idiot.
>But he was gone for something in real life that was important

Like what?
Boo hoo, allow me to play a teensy tiny violin for the aspirant wagecuck.

If you prioritize anything over the game night, you've waived your right to have a say in what happens, and you've waived your right to get angry over what happens in the game in your absence.
>Have to miss session for a job interview,

Did you actually read the fucking OP or are you just spinning your wheels

Okay, you're clearly trolling now. No-one is really this much of a stubborn moron.



For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to assume you're trolling. Because if you're serious... Christ. I don't know where to fucking begin.
This. This. THIS.

I tell my players very plainly when they join my games. We meet on the same day every week. You are clearing four hours in your schedule every week, indefinitely, and you are making a commitment to that.

OP knew that his precious job interview was on game night when he accepted the callback. He chose to prioritize that over the game, even though he had cleared that night in his schedule months ago as a tacit agreement when he joined his game group.

In my game groups, loot and XP don't get split if you're not there, the plot keeps moving even though you're not there, and the game doesn't stop just because you decided something else was more important than the game night. I've had players over the years get pissy about it because they thought their excuse was the one that would be important enough to cancel game night and put everyone else's fun on hold so they wouldn't miss something important. Your family going out of town? Your sister getting married? You have a job interview? That's all nice and good, but the world doesn't stop because you have "obligations."

We meet on the same day of the week. Every week. End of discussion.

OP had it coming.
>I don't have a life and I demand that my players not have one either

Nice of you to tell us. How did you get internet access in the basement?
Rather weak. 1/10
EDIT: 2/10 because some idiotic fag answered.
as an npc would he have received any rewards/xp/whatever if things had gone well for the group
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No, *you* can't.
Have you ever seen that movie beerfest? The one where the one character dies, and at his funeral the group meets his identical twin brother who insists that they refer to him by his deceased brother's name and treat him exactly the same? Just do that.
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The problem isn't him being away, the problem is character not being away. Letting some retarded arse play a character whom they do not understand how to play is a bad move.

OP did not have it coming, OP's GM was just a fucking moron. Now, these arguments would been valid only if you weren't a fucking troll.

Besides, what happens when one of your players when they lose their bloody wife in car crash, musters the will to go to your session and then you state:
>oi m8 ur char is ded sorry m8, u see me lad over there wanted to have a giggle but he fucked up but it's okay right?
>inb4 replying to trolls
Somebody has to bump this thread.
I'm running a game where players are notoriously bad at showing up. If someone doesn't show, then their character was present with the party, but said nothing of import. And if combat happens then they are still there in the story, but their mini doesn't appear on the table, and they deal and receive no damage.
This isn't complicated.
Had a chuckle
Fuck everything up for the GM
You have to be 18+ to post on this site.
You life sounds tremendously sad.
Even if these chucklefucks were taken at neckbearded, cheeto stained face value, they're still wrong:
Let's assume that game night is a sacrosanct obligation that trumps all others. Even if that's so, that doesn't excuse the handling of a martial character so poorly they die while being in a situation that they had no reason to be in.

>you've waived your right to have a say in what happens
>loot and XP don't get split
>plot keeps moving even though you're not there
>game doesn't stop just because you decided something else was more important than the game night

>You've waived your right to get angry over what happens in the game in your absence.
Fuck this, fuck you, and fuck your game.
If, on some flighty whim of fancy, I choose to have life saving surgery instead of game, and return next week to find that my hard-as-nails fighter sold all his gear and prostituted himself just give all his money to his teammates and then cut off his feet and hand for no reason, then yeah I'm going to be pissed with how my character was run.
Hypothetically speaking - if no player showed up, do you still run the session?
Of course he would. It's not like he has anything else going on in his life.
Yes, he just plays with his anime dolls
>Yes, he just plays with his anime dolls
They're tacky pillows, actually.
How old are you
That experience must of had a pretty BIG effect on him, huh?
This. For fuck's sake, how hard is it to say "he was fighting the kobolds, just off-screen."
>thinking wagecuck is an insult here

This is a board for one of the most social and well adjusted types of hobbies on this entire website, robots should stick to video games and dolls.
Roll up the character shit and shove up the GM's ass, light the other end and walk away.
I'm sort of surprised no one has asked about this, but;
Do you guys not set out a clear policy on this kind of stuff, when new people join your group?

I mean, I'm not religiously for or against "character dying when player isn't there" but I do think it is worth having the conversation with players before the situation occurs.

I DM with 2 groups - one is definitely too "soft" a bunch for deaths while they aren't playing, but the others all realize that their chars are fair game, at all times, and may be played by others in their absence. Because we spoke about it.
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Also how the fuck would you even buy that sweet plastic crack without a wage
Here's your (You), I had a sensible smirk
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This is bait.
One of the other players killed your character, leaving you characterless. The solution is obvious. You kill that character's player. Now you have a player in need of a character and a character in need of a player. Problem solved.
>staying apart of this shit group
>not actively smiting these shitwaffles IRL for being chaotic evil shitweasels
Sounds like you'll be free to work weekends OP

Your GM is a pathetic petty cunt with delusions of grandeur. Any "normal" person would not inflict this upon a player, anyone who does is taking his position far too seriously.

I'd drop this GM cunt like a nuclear potato, it really, really, really isn't a loss for you.
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There is no word in the english dictionary, nay, within the entire cosmos of printed text, that can accurately describe the profound sense of rage that I feel towards your group. If rage were a form of energy, my rage would be enough to stave the heat death of the universe for eons to come. If my rage was an ocean, I would be able to drown every terrestrial creature in a torrent of blood that washes away all the sinners in a tsunami of boiling blood cells, all screaming incoherently as they gnaw at the flesh of the those bathed in my wrath. Even thinking about this causes me to tremble, but only because the visions of death that wash over my vision is so stark, that even my own psyche cannot accept its power without breaking. These people are neither friend no foe, they are insects, bugs given the form of man and allowed to walk upright rather than crawl upon the earth as they deserve. Nay my good anon, they are creatures that deserve the cross and the whip, no quarter.
It's clear that he's on welfare collecting autismbux or something.
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I'm caught between

>mfw hearing about shitty dms
>OP, in the future, don't let other people play your character if you're not willing to accept the consequences that come from other people playing your character.
There's a difference between being an NPC controlled by the GM and having another PLAYER lead your character off a cliff when he shouldn't have been on that cliff in the first place.

Either way, it's not hypocritical to accept something like XP or magic items when the game is balanced around characters having levels and magical gear and withholding these just because the player had more important shit to deal with that particular week, especially when they gave adequate notice for you to plan around, is unfairly punishing the player for bullshit that is not under his control.

You're doing this shit for fun, and once you become more strict about attendance than school or work, the only people you're going to attract are NEETs who can afford to attend every session because they have literally nothing else to do.
Losing a character only on your or the DM's terms is boring desu.

How similar the two objects are in comparison is the entire point of arguing by analogy
How so?
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>you allow X to drive your car
>X passes off the keys to Y without permission
>Y crashes the car

Y and X are at fault.

It would be a no brainer in court.
>You wake up with a terrible headache, in a shallow grave
>Make STR check to dig yourself out or scream for help
>Stagger back into town.
>Lend your car to a friend while you're busy with something
>They give the car to someone who has no idea how to drive
>That person crashes and totals the car
Thems the breaks
Yeah no, I'd leave the group but not before leaving an in character suicide letter about having lost all purpose in life.
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That's a load of bollocks, when I DM, if a player cant be there, their character stays at the nearest inn and catches up with them later when the player re-joins, they are not involved in the game in any way. So having them continue to use your character, and then get it killed is just bullshit, so they need to retcon that
I suspect anon was referring to extremely specific, naratively related, and confirmed beforehand PC deaths.
Which are predictable and can therefore be comfortably called boring.
Otherwise, I doubt even he knows what he meant.
Are you going to give us an update OP?
you are literally objectively wrong and i would take the time and line out exactly why but instead im gonna shitpost and call you a faggot
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Kill them.

Kill them now.
The DM pissed on your character. The people who risked going on that adventure should have to deal with the consequences, not you. Leave that group
I am authorized to ask you to leave this board. Please do so now.
A court wouldn't hold X responsible for the crash itself, though. Might give X a stern talking to, probably wouldn't pass on any actual penalty to X.
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>X, with permission, is taking care of Z's child
>X, without permission, passes Z's child off to Y
>Y results in the child's injury and/or death
>X and Y are both guilty of endangerment
>X is indirectly guilty for the damages
>Y is directly guilty for damages

Just because X didn't directly cause the damage doesn't mean he isn't responsible for the damage happening. It's simple shit.
Letting someone drive your car is not the same as allowing someone to take care of another person's kid when you're the one whose supposed to be looking after them.

In the former, the owner of the car can sue the driver for damages if their insurance cannot cover it while in the latter, the parents put their child in X's care, meaning that X would assume full responsibility for anything that happens to their kid.
Is this a pasta? Because it's tasty and I'm stealing it.
>Letting someone drive another person's car is not the same as allowing someone to take care of another person's kid

And neither is as bad as letting someone play someone else's character.
The anons analogies hold.
>Is this a pasta? Because it's tasty and I'm stealing it.
Damn it! I saw it first!
Shit like this is exactly why my group just days absent players have their characters stop existing momentarily. Nobody plays their character, they don't participate, if they happen to be holding all the healing potions then it sucks to be us (narrowly avoided a party wipe once when our treasure holder had to work one day, now we ration supplies properly). They still get xp because people are rarely absent so they'll still have to keep up with the group in terms of power level. We don't care about "plot holes" because we aren't trying to sell novels here, we're playing a game to have fun and experience the story as we influence it.
Question /tg/:

Obviously, each group is different and will prefer what they prefer.
But let's discuss the pros and cons of how to handle a PC with an absentee Player.
Which is better?

>The PC disappears off to some other place, or ceases to exist entirely, as in >>52074184
>The PC becomes an npc on protective autopilot, as in >>52050531

Both have possible issues, such as the autopilot option being far more complicated and the disappearing teammate changing the strengths of the party.

(Third option of repeatedly raping the character omitted for brevity.)
He disappears, and when the player comes back, retcons put the character back in the previous session as fit.
Go ahead and take it, I wrote it up last night when I saw this post >>52058837 and I had to express my rage before I ended up getting a nervous breakdown.
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