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Dawn of War III Multiplayer

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>IGN: 8 Minutes of Intense Multiplayer Action
>GameSpot: Ork Multiplayer
>Luetin: Eldar/Ork Multiplayer

What you anons think?
This is something relativeley minor

>Warboss gorgutz

what happened to your dudes?
Also why would Gorgutz be part of any special snowflake orc paint scheme i make?
Look i know this is probably the least credible criticism of Dawn of War 3 but this is still 40k and it not beeing about your dudes triggers my autism.

Just make it a generic Ork Warboss..
Gorgutz has been part of DoW since the inception, and so do Taldeer and Angelos.

Your dudes are for the multiplayer, DoW is about the BR and the microcosm around them.
Another thing that gets me is how weak the shootaboyz feel.
In Dawn of War 1 and 2 the projectiels were all fuckhuge and people were beeing knocked places left and right whenever someone threw a granade, i kinda miss that chaos of combat.
looks like shit, map is literally a MOBA map, particle effects are still cluttered as fuck and melee still looks ridiculous. 2/10
This is multiplayer, my concern was that your Hero unit in Multiplayer is Gorgutz, aka the guy from the Campaign who is part of a very specific WAAAAGH with a specific colour scheme.

Thats my issue, why cant he be a generic Warboss in the multiplayer so you can go your dudes with it?
Especialy after Dawn of War 2 enforced your dudes so heavily with the Hero unit and later with the last stand mode.
A few bits here and there:

Bolters use DoW 2 SFX, while Heavy bolters use new SFX that most definitely feel puny as shit.

Some animations are still a tad wonky, but Relic has shown they were able to genuinely progress, there is quite a difference between the first reveal and the last video we saw, so props to them.

Eldar vehicles aren't even gliders anymore, but outright flyers, going over any and all terrain in their way. Will have to see the game in depth and between my hands mostly to actually judge, but that promises some high quality cheese if their vehicles are as powerful as the other races, an advantage as big as this one can be gamebreaking.
>eldar vehicles
They allegedly make up for this by being made out of paper mâché.
Probably because the game is still in development, I wouldn't worry if I was you.

Having a changeable color scheme is probably something they can do fast, at the last minute or almost. They probably have more urgent things to do less than 2 months before release.

I like the fact that plenty of visual effects are a bit toned down now, or better made, like the devastators las cannons, those wer ejust a continued ray of light at first. Now they're abit broken, which looks lich better. Still far from the cool effect we had in DoW 2 but oh well.
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The lack of interaction with the environment just kills it for completely. I loved CoH and DoW2, but this looks more like a slowed-down Starcraft mixed with DoW1 than the former two. Tactics shouldn't be reduced to nothing but build order and APM.

I want to feel it, but I can't. And the cinematic trailer was so good too.
According to people in the beta, you can pick and choose your elites, which may include a generic warboss.
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Nothing to be alarmed though.

>heroes are stronger
>maps layout is MOBA-like
>destroy the ennemy core will be the only game mode at launch
What is this? DoW for ants? Nothing has any weight, as another anon noted, there are no bodies flying, everything seems so nauseatingly SMOOTH. How can orks be smooth? This is 40k, not starcraft. Hell, even starcraft seems more meaty than this
I have some issues with the animations, they seem so fast and short. Are there even synch kill in this?
No sync kills from what I know.
Destroying the enemy base is only game mode in DoW1 multiplayer at launch and practically the only one in all the missions in Dark Crusade
sync kills were the gayest shit though
>oh look my guy is locked doing a thing for 5 seconds while the fight is going on all around him, meaning I can't use him to tie up a devastator squad
Looks like DoW1.

DoW1 was, aside from being the first real 40k game that was good in a long while, was awful. Horrible path finding, blobs of shit, infantry squads would just shoot into the vague center of each other rather than actually at one another and models died entirely at random with no rhyme or reason.

I wonder if it'll have the same shitty pathfinding both games have.
having played the beta
its okay. Babies first rts in a lot of ways, lots of room to grow, pretty fun, balanced mostly, no glitches that I've seen, boring maps, elite over-reliance depending on which ones you have, doctrines will make or break multiplayer. It's a very casual rts, but if you're good you can really fucking destroy people.
Looks like shit.
Dull, simplified combat, no cover, obnoxious particle effects everywhere, units just standing in rows and shooting at each other blindly while dying.

Fucking hell, all they had to do was to take DoW 2's combat and cover mechanism and ad back some basebuilding and larger scale, and they would have been good to go.
stikkbombas are still extremely powerful though, Shootaboyz are extremely useful because of this

>heroes are stronger
and yet die very quickly if they aren't supported by normal unis
>maps layout is MOBA-like
>destroy the ennemy core
The turrets and shit worried me a lot at first but I kinda dig it now. It plays a lot like classic "Destroy HQ", except you have intermediary objectives before destroying the HQ - which make rush pointless, but if the level-difference between two players if large enough you can still steamroll a "lane" and crush your opponent relatively quickly
>will be the only game mode at launch
that's actually pretty shitty not good for comp-stomping

either that or you didn't noticed them after a while. A lot of effort for something that was either detrimental or fun, but only for a small amount of time.

did you check the videos? Because it seems to me the pathfinding has been vastly improved on, as well as reponsiveness
dow 2's cover system barely works with imperial guard in dow 2 as it is.
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>But the MOBA influence on Dawn of War 3 extends further - deep down into the very core of the design of multiplayer.

>Dawn of War 3's multiplayer revolves around destroying the enemy's core, which is found inside its base. But to get to it, you must destroy a turret. To destroy a turret, you must destroy a shield generator.

Dead on fucking arrival confirmed.

MOBA's dont give a shit about your dudes.

We Herohammer now
Yeah, on horde armies it didn't work that well, mostly because the maps were so small and lacked sufficiently big pieces of cover.
The problem could easily have been solved by bigger maps that featured larger pieces of cover, trenches, partially collapsed ruins etc where units could take shelter from fire, and IG's ability to set up pieces of cover being made more intuitive to use.

For Eldar, and Space Marines, the Cover worked extremely well.
I fucking hate how the Eldar and Marines just stand on the open and die like flies in DoW 3.

Thank dow1 fags for that. They cried about DoW2 not being ebin enough, so Relic listened and threw all tactics out the window in favor of shallow hordes smashing against hordes.

Feels fucking bad man
The cover system in DOW 2 was fucking great. I loved how you actually had to think about how to position your forces, and how to flush out enemies from cover or flank them.

Using embolden on muh Guardians and charging into grenade throwing range of enemy cover, and forcing them to flee it or get blown to bits, never got old.
is it me or are those two threads straight from the /v/ thread, same image and all?

Nope because more units and bigger units means more destruction of cover, and exponentially so, which means by half game there is no cover left and the entire feature is moot for the rest of the game. Unless you make covers indestructible - in which case, vehicles would have a lot more pathing problems.
>is it me or are those two threads straight from the /v/ thread, same image and all?
Yep, someone there linked this thread from /v/.
You could have both destructible and indestructible cover you know, and design maps well enough so that vehicles can move about too.

Also, even in the tiny maps of DoW 2, having every bit of cover destroyed was quite rare, and even if all bits of cover were destroyed in the late game, why would it be a problem?
That's just how the match progressed. Vehicles could be used to push trough cover which was a valid tactic.

Also, DoW 2 had means of making new cover, multiple factions could deploy cover, and wrecked vehicles became pieces of cover as well.

Your reasons for removing the cover mechanic holds no water.
All I want is mods, prerferably race mods like DoW1 had.
You won't get them.
DoW 2 didn't get any modding support from Relic, don't expect DoW 3 to have it either, especially now that Relic is in cahoots with the Giga Jews that Sega are. DLC up the ass senpai.
reasonable arguments actually, but there's also the fact that you'd have to gookclick your way to put all of those squads into different covers - maybe for nothing as they would face Knights or things that would (or should at least, fluff-wise) just shit on cover.
And I'm not still convinced you could make believable battlefields with enough (destructible and indestructible) cover to fit the larger hallways necessary to let your army pass through (I may just lack imagination there though).
Race mods are unlikely, however a 'mods' folder has been found within the Beta files.
> but there's also the fact that you'd have to gookclick your way to put all of those squads into different covers
Wouldn't that be a good thing in terms of a skill differentiation between players? Good players would be able to place their units into pieces of cover effectively and so on.

> maybe for nothing as they would face Knights or things that would (or should at least, fluff-wise) just shit on cover.
Knights are late game units, and yeah, they do shit on light cover, but at least on the TT, they too can have trouble removing units from shit like ruins etc, that grant 3+ cover saves, in my experience at least.

Cover becoming less important in late game, where heavier equipment is around, seems fitting anyways.

>And I'm not still convinced you could make believable battlefields with enough (destructible and indestructible) cover to fit the larger hallways necessary to let your army pass through (I may just lack imagination there though).
That's pretty much just up to map design.
Personally, I am not too fond of the lane designs DoW 2 had and now DoW 3 seems to be going for.
It creates too many choke points and seems artificial.
>Dawn of War 3's multiplayer revolves around destroying the enemy's core, which is found inside its base. But to get to it, you must destroy a turret. To destroy a turret, you must destroy a shield generator.

I was almost excited.
>/tg/ hates it
nice, it must be great then. Cant wait.
so will this game go the same way as total war warhammer?
meaning that each other faction will be released as a fucking 20 $ DLC?

3 fucking starting factions in a 60 $ game. what bullshit this is
all dawn of wars have been dlc traps, so yes.
>Wouldn't that be a good thing in terms of a skill differentiation between players?
Yes and no. There's useful micro, and there's tedious one, and I feel like always moving from cover to cover, while interesting to do on the tabletop, could feel very dull very quickly if you had to do it too much.
>Knights are late game units
Bit of nitpicking but if I understood well Knights, aren't that lategame, depending on how you use you manage your elite points. (You may have only one elite while your opponent has 3 though.)
>That's pretty much just up to map design
Well yes, my point was more or less that it would be difficult to design such maps

watch a video, it sounds like a MOBA but plays a lot like DoW1 really - the only thing turrets and other shit bring to the table is preventing rushes (pointless since you can't destroy the core before a turret, and turrets have shield generator), forcing people to play the game without cheese, and more places to fight for (big armies clash around the shield generators and turrets as well as the ressources points)
im perfectly fine with a game without rushing and cheese. I fucking hated that playing sc2. Got to diamond and almost 80% of my games consisted of 6pools, proxy rax, and proxy pylon, either me doing it, or the enemy. Only time I would ever see more than 10 units was if I was losing, and practically never saw lategame units, since rush is meta.
>Yes and no. There's useful micro, and there's tedious one, and I feel like always moving from cover to cover, while interesting to do on the tabletop, could feel very dull very quickly if you had to do it too much.
I see your point, but I don't think that moving units to cover would be that tedious.
I mean, Starcraft 2 for example, has far more tedious micro one has to do than just moving units to advantageous positions.
I'd think that micro involving putting your units to cover would be preferable micro involving casting half a dozen spells etc.

>Bit of nitpicking but if I understood well Knights, aren't that lategame, depending on how you use you manage your elite points. (You may have only one elite while your opponent has 3 though.)
I'll go on your word with that, as I haven't found myself much info on how the elite system works.

>Well yes, my point was more or less that it would be difficult to design such maps
I don't see how it would be that dificult.
You'd just need to leave big enough major avenues for your army to advance trough, and scatter smaller pathways here and there.

Doesn't really mean much, could be just for things like maps and reskins.
Beats having to shekel out for them. Which is still happening. Welp.
Ignoring the fact that this power core game mode sounds stupid, i'm very disappointed that it's THE ONLY GAME MODE ON RELEASE WHAT THE FUCK
Man, it hurts. Every time they show more of this game it just keeps sliding further down the shitter. Nothing is pulling me away from DoW1. Just wish they had added more unit options to DoW1, like striking scorpions.
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Can't believe nobody's mentioned the cartoonish WoW graphics.


>you don't know about Ultimate Apocalypse

Anon... FFS
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Is that me or they using DoW2-like maps?

That's a sweet meat tenderizer.
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>only 1 muliplayer mode at launch
>3 lanes, 3 objectives

The game doesn't even have annihilation or VP yet, we might even have to pay for them later on.

Dawn of Moba.
hu, depending on on how you count them there is actually as much/more units in DoW3 than in DoW1, and Striking Scorpions are in as an elite unit (and have been briefly spotted in the Ork gameplay video if I'm not mistaken)
DoW1 fags kept spouting that DoW2 was shit for reasons and eventually the developers caved.
its just the typical reaction of "everything new is automatically shit".
Staple of the series. Fits the theme of the world.
Also precision controls realy werent much a thing in DoW so far.
Its not about usefullness but about how weak the combat feels.
Remember shootaboyz got bolters, they should punch holes in people not go pew pew.

And here i thought this was only /v/ sperging like they always do about the MOBA boogeyman.
Nope, its fucking real.
>More units means more destruction
Add destruction of bigger buildings resulting in more infantry cover?
Well no because Total warhammer actually bothered with the feeling of the IP.
But yeah its probabl going to be like the ohter dawn of wars, each expansion will probably get you one or two factions.
>ts just the typical reaction of "everything new is automatically shit
How ironic
>staple of the series
Irrelevant, they already changed almost everything about the game from DoW1 to DoW2 why wouldn't they try something different again?
>precision controls realy werent much a thing in DoW so far
And how could you find it a bad thing that it has changed? Because it has, according to the beta players
>about how weak the combat feels
They don't feel weak to me at all, they feel nervous if anything. I'd agree that I'd like the time-to-kill to be slightly higher too, I like that it doesn't take a full minute of shooting to kill 3 Marines anymore
>shootaboyz got bolters
Can you expand on this, because I don't see your point
I find it strange that you answered to >>52050552 and didn't see that it doesn't change a thing compared to classic "destroy HQ" mode.

>Add destruction of bigger buildings resulting in more infantry cover?
If they're big enough to destroy the buildings how long before they destroy the small pieces they just created? Plus these small covers would also be destroyed quickly by the grenades and other AoE abilities that almost every squad now carries - and as anon said, there's a shitload more squads
>Total warhammer actually bothered with the feeling of the IP
>implying implications
one silly jumping ability et voila, Relic doesn't care about the fluff, they're just vile exploiters of the license now! Like DoW1 and DoW2 were ever faithful to the lore.
Literally nothing wrong with MOBA style gameplay. Seems well thought out.
I don't know how to feel about this destroy the core game mode, but i know for certain how i feel about it being the only mode available at release.

I feel angery.
>Literally nothing wrong with MOBA style gameplay
Only for MOBAs.
>Moba is a bad thing REEE

Considering the last stand was the most popular part of DoW2, and the literal lane construction most DoW maps have in 1 or 2, you have only yourselves to blame.

Because I'm not /v/, I don't give a shit because Mobas don't trigger me.
Relic seem to be making good changes.
They acknowledge people wanted to play annihilation instead of point cap, so instead of one base to hold you have several.

The abilities for heroes in dow 1 were generally cooler than dow 2, so they used them a inspiration with a sprinkling of skillshot moves.

A slow game where an outcome is decided early is no good, so they're making the game more swingy.

Say what you want but relic is actually innovating really hard the stale RTS genre here with dow 3
I agree with you on everything but the innovation part, comes off a bit shilly. I am happy with things though.

Anyone who didn't expect this to be a hero focused game was silly. 40k has been all about the heroes/elites since 5 or 6e, when GW figured out there was higher profit margins on them/people were more likely to plop down fatstacks, hence the elite/giant unit glut we have now

The same applies to SEGA, who loves their DLC and guess what - unique elites or elite skins are PERFECT for dlcs and micro transactions. I have no doubt GW wanted them to push the elites so they could see some echo profits on their figs.
>Because I'm not /v/
Yes, you sounds like Reddit, who cannot into wargames
>Say what you want but relic is actually innovating really hard the stale RTS genre here with dow 3
By copying SC2 and HoTS?
>40k has been all about the heroes/elites since 5 or 6e, when GW figured out there was higher profit margins on them/people were more likely to plop down fatstacks, hence the elite/giant unit glut we have now
So what? How it's related with DoW 3 (video game)?

I am not opposed to the MOBA elements but it sure as fuck feels like it coupled with Warhammer 40k: Starcraft edition feel to it.

They shouldn't have named this Dawn of War 3 for fuck sakes, should have just started fresh instead of fucking up the series.

Damnit, why the fuck couldn't they expand on DoW 2 and actually imrpove the formula they went with. A couple of ideas in this new version (specific Hero units and/or progression between matches) are actually pretty cool.

They should have kept the DoW 2 aesthetics and improved on the formula in general. Upping the scale, improving cover dynamics (not having relatively mundane units smashing it all aside in the first 10 minutes) and improving game modes and available tactics.

If the devs actually cared went as deep as the total warhammer guys it would have been GOTY to be honest, that game seems like Warhammer battles brought to life.
>Irrelevant, they already changed almost everything about the game from DoW1 to DoW2 why wouldn't they try something different again?
Argue about "trying something different all day", but sync kills fit the universe and the series; I do concur that units got tied up performing the animation could hinder you (fixable by inspiring nearby units or giving minor buffs imho).
>They don't feel weak to me at all, they feel nervous if anything. I'd agree that I'd like the time-to-kill to be slightly higher too, I like that it doesn't take a full minute of shooting to kill 3 Marines anymore
It's literally starcraft tier, hammering away at each other without any consequence, DoW 2 was all about unit placement and in most cases the decisions for weapon upgrades were pretty important as well.
>What you anons think?
That it will have expensive DLC out the ass. Only having three races is a dead give away.
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I think it looks like garbage, visually i mean. Units just standing there shooting and taking shots, the general clean art style, the color palette used on the environment, the over abundance of particle effects, and also the sound effects, they sound pathetic.

To me 40k was always about the rule of cool and this doesn't look cool. I hope there's an open beta because just from looking at the game it looks horrible, it's possible that it is very fun to play, but i don't know that.

Also they still haven't said anything about how they are going to support modding, if they pull the same shit they pulled with DoW 2 and they just throw us a map editor i wont be buying it. And either way i'm not preordering or buying day one.
>how Ironic
Not realy. I gave Dawn of War 3 the benefit of the doubt, such as with the MOBA accusation, but they admit it.
>Irrelevant, they already changed almost everything about the game from DoW1 to DoW2 why wouldn't they try something different again?

Are they? where? to me this looks like trying to remake Dawn of War 1 with a different artstyle and added moba elements, aka the part that people liked the least in DoW 2.
>And how could you find it a bad thing that it has changed? Because it has, according to the beta players
I dont think its a requirement for Dawn of War gameplay. They saccrificed the cover system of DoW 2 as a result, i much prefered that over precision controls. Having both would be nice but im more willing to saccrifice precision controls because it was never much a thing.
>They don't feel weak to me at all, they feel nervous if anything. I'd agree that I'd like the time-to-kill to be slightly higher too, I like that it doesn't take a full minute of shooting to kill 3 Marines anymore

Low rate of fire, projectiles feel weak, less impact when they actually hit, smaller projectiles.
It almost looks like they got a tracer thing going on where you only see each third bullet, rather than the fact that youd always see a bolter round due to beeing large and beeing a miniature rocket.
>I find it strange that you answered to >>52050552 and didn't see that it doesn't change a thing compared to classic "destroy HQ" mode.

Besides destroy HQ not beeing a thing but destroy certain designated points? Why even have only one mode at launch, DoW2 had two or three at launch.

>If they're big enough to destroy the buildings how long before they destroy the small pieces they just created? Plus these small covers would also be destroyed quickly by the grenades and other AoE abilities that almost every squad now carries - and as anon said, there's a shitload more squads

Make even bigger buildings? An even bigger map?
Dawn of Turtle 3
>in an interview https://youtu.be/QLubEjV9thU at 6:30 the main director says he wants to put every faction into dow 3
we complete game boys
we dlc out of the ass boys
>25 bucks per faction like in TWW
more like 10$, because with TWW they have their own campaign bits, and with dow 3 they can sell off elite units. Better get grinding.
Remember all those people who said that people who called DoW 3 out for being basically a moba were full of shit?
Where are those people know.
uh, everywhere, if you go on /v/. no one cares about this thread.

>willingly going to /v/
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>those gun sounds in the first couple of minutes
How am I going to enjoy dakka with that?
>I gave Dawn of War 3 the benefit of the doubt, such as with the MOBA accusation, but they admit it
except it's not a MOBA. Yes, they took inspiration from MOBAs, but that doesn't make the game a MOBA
>to me this looks like trying to remake Dawn of War 1 with a different artstyle and added moba elements, aka the part that people liked the least in DoW 2
Is it a MOBA or DoW1?
And it actually plays a lot different from DoW1: more abilites, shorter time-to-kill, the new faction mechanics that basically differenciate the factions much more, the turrets to prevent cheesing (it's still possible to rush to get generators down as quickly as possible now that I think of it), etc.
>I dont think its a requirement for Dawn of War gameplay. They saccrificed the cover system of DoW 2 as a result, i much prefered that over precision controls. Having both would be nice but im more willing to saccrifice precision controls because it was never much a thing.
Well the DoW2 cover system was (obviously) not part of DoW1, would you say DoW1 isn't a DoW game? I can understand that you'll miss the feature though. I liked it quite a lot, but as long as the game is playable and coherent in its design, I'm OK with anything (and so far it seems to be, I haven't watch many videos already however).
>Besides destroy HQ not beeing a thing but destroy certain designated points?
Not sure what you meant there
>Why even have only one mode at launch, DoW2 had two or three at launch
I already admitted it was shitty, yes. (Unrelated and not very important but 3 modes? I can remember destroy HQ and VP, what would the third be?)
>Make even bigger buildings? An even bigger map?
Maybe it would work. It doesn't change the fact the game would be much, much longer (which means few people could really enjoy it)

What? You can't even build defensive buildings, and you still have to go out and fight to get ressources

On /v/ like already said, but I'm here too
>except it's not a MOBA. Yes, they took inspiration from MOBAs, but that doesn't make the game a MOBA
>3 lanes
>objectives on lane
>run around and defend objectives
They tried the "run around from objective to objective" style in DoW 2 and nobody liked it. And now they're trying it again except this time the nodes are slightly stronger. When will they learn?
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>lanes are bad
lanes are in every single rts game my dude, including dow 1, and starcraft, and cnc. And no, one thing does not a moba make. If it only had elite units, then it would be a moba. Or if you only had a couple of squads with no defining features, and a hero unit. If it had ingame item purchasing, or creeps, it would be a moba. Having lane-based maps and objectives are in basically every game, I guess you think tf2 is a moba as well.
>No fucking Chaos

I'm literally so unhyped I want this cancelled.
oh damn, they better cancel it, a literal who with shit opinions is complaining on 4chan.
>lanes are in every single rts game my dude, including dow 1, and starcraft, and cnc
I'm sure you can back that outrageous claim up.

>lanes are bad
They are a sign of a lazy developer that lacks the vision to design more open maps and balance units around them.

Stop defending shit design.
I want your post cancelled, too.
>lanes are in every single rts game
AoE is doing perfectly fine without.
Whatever you say
Why do people who like dow2 complain about lanes in dow3 if dow2 maps looks and feels exactly the same as three maps from closed beta?
No interesting cover system
autism, something dow 2 fanboys commonly have.
Should make the game free. Payment should be for factions which you can unlock with money or game time. Take a hint that if you go MOBA, make it free to play or the game will die quickly after peaking. maybe I should go to /v/ with this shit kek.
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not the anon you're answering to here but even though I agree not every map of every RTS has lanes (that's reaching), you can still find them in a lot of RTS games. Here a few examples from SC2 and RA3,on the first page on Google. Notice that I didn't even touch 2 of the images about SC2, the "pro-players" or whatever that commented on the map used the words "lane" and "attack paths" on their own.
I'd also like to point out that you are moving the goalposts there: anon was answering to the critic "lanes are MOBA-only", which clearly isn't true
Also, for AoE,
>implying forests and lakes and shit don't form lanes
When you put walls in the middle of the lanes, they don't disappear
well now THAT is dissapointing...

Well yes, but you can hardly expect triple-A companies to put the same kind of effort that a small french indie-company operating out of an office in Paris does anon.
An entire office in Paris? Must be expensive.

how optimistic.

Worth is not dictated by quality or quantity of content. Its dictated by what people are willing to pay for it.

Faction dlc will be 20 bucks a pop because people will buy it
RA3 is not even worth commenting, and SC 2 is so shit that people are still playing the predecessor even in tournaments and pro gamers have in fact switched back. (see a pattern here?)

i vastly prefer dow2 to 1, and i have absolutely no problem with lanes.

People with autism have problems with lanes

SC1 had lanes in all their maps as well
RA2 had lanes in many of their maps as well. Lane-based maps are real common in games that strive for competitive balance. It's a shame, honestly, since more fluid maps feel better to play on at times...but its whatever.
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Well, these were some lame-ass videos of animated shiny plastic toys making pew pew sounds without impact.
To expand upon this anons post, lanes aren't bad, but having a more fluid map design where so much paths exist to attack from really open up strategies and tactics used (see wargame). What really matters is how movement can occur and what ways of positioning you forces is viable. There are a shit ton of ways to do this in Wargame versus what you're able to do in Starcraft. I do agree that the more wargame-esque designs are way more interesting than seeing Starcraft matches.
That top map is literally bay of pigs from RA2, just without the the buildings.
The fuck IS THIS
A month after the game is out people on here will be jizzing their pants over the game, just like DoW 2. Mark my words.
DoW 3 is a disappointment, "babbie's first RTS, 40k edition" imho. The recent developments sealed the deal for me, won't buy on release and not even consider preordering.
Also, I don't really get why people mention Wargame and its map design, essentially the autist's RTS, when it's fairly obvious this game caters for the big market, casuals and SC players.
>saying DoW3 won't be good but without arguments, just vague "babbie's first RTS"
>do not pronounce the word MOBA, and cite SC but not in direct reference to DoW3
>shitting on Wargame for no reason
This bait is actually pretty nice. Quite subtle, with a nice choice of word (so you can always answer "that's not what I said", always handy), and shitting on 2 mostly unrelated communities on one go to troll them both. This is not something I've seen a lot on 4chan

10/10 master-crafted bait, well deserved (You)
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At this point it's for race balance. pic related

I won't be as it reminds of SC2 too much. At least DoW2 was more or less CoH. Not enough to deter, but still gave me issues.
"Curious is the trapmaker's art, his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes."
Thanks for the compliment and the nice analysis, have that (You) for your effort.

There is truth to what you say. Yes, you are correct, it is definitely autismo to nitpick on this, but it is understandable that the desire to get your own dudes going on in game has been deflated a certain degree when they force you into the established schema, especially where this should be most leveraged: MP.

WITH that said, it appears that Relic, rather than fostering "your dudes", appears to be fostering the Dawn of War FRANCHISE elements (our dudes, if you will) for the time being (could change post launch and deliver multiple faction flavors, I don't fucking know), essentially delivering to those that enjoy the characterization/elements that they have established in their off-shoot of 40k for the past decade and a half.

In a sentence, DoW3 is means to be more of a DoW title than a purely 40k title.

Now, whether or not Relic is successful in delivering on the characterization/experiences from their previous titles considering the many changes they have retconned on (Angelos and Gorgutz particularly) is an entirely different question altogether.

This sounds like some good ways to kill-off the MP player-base more quickly.

The risk they are taking is that they feel that they will be able to siphon off a certain portion of the large MOBA population that will keep it alive longer than if they just focused on a more traditional game mode.

I believe that risk is ill-founded and they are going to get a lot less long-term players from their venture and/or will have to shift-post launch to nurturing the 40k-die hard player base extremely in order to have a active population.

Once again, it all just smacks of Relic trying to hit some middle ground and not satisfying any one group thoroughly. That will bite them in the ass.
>>boring maps

Thats a pretty major sin in the RTS genre. Maps, considering the amount of development time goes towards them or to elements interconnected with them, need to be nearly characters themselves in being interesting. To look at, to play on, etc. You may or may not have lots of units on screen at anyone time but you will always have a map.
meh, not really. lots of games do just fine with boring maps. dow 2, sc1, sc2, ra2, all have competitive lane-based maps, and they still have big followings. Well, not so much dow 2, but it used to.

I would venture to say that the outlier in those (in regards to runaway success), SC1, had fantastic maps along with the more contemporary mirrored and very balanced comp maps. I would hazard to guess that as time went on and the e-sport was fostered, most maps newly developed revolved around the latter but the prior visually exciting maps still existed. In fact, the custom maps/games are where most the players not competitive focused found sanctuary on battle.net.

I merely suggest that to skip directly to the bland competitive focused maps can drive a great number of players off when that is all that developer will offer. Same logic can be applied to game modes I think. This can be quite decisive of the games success,for the first quarter following a games release, the most important 3 months for sales usually.

Of course, companies try to mitigate this "make or break" time perioud through the dlc cycles nowadays..
alright, so having watched actual gameplay https://youtu.be/1YEiCYs3NKs?t=977 it seems like the actual 'moba' objectives are basically just there so you don't get rushed in 5 minutes, because any competent army destroys them right away. thats perfectly fine desu, makes it semi-objective based without making games stretch on and become annoying.

I'm sort of with you, i am interested in such a mechanic, mainly because i don't like rushing and i'm bad at RTS games.

But that's the problem, this is supposed to be an RTS game and i don't think it should cater to people like me who are bad at RTS games. Their biggest mistake here is making this THE ONLY game mode available.
>Their biggest mistake here is making this THE ONLY game mode available.

B-b-bingo. It really minimize their initial playerbase, which has long-term effects on the longevity of the online community.
its really not a huge deal. I have never seen anyone play anything but victory point in dow 2, or annihilate in dow 1.
because those are proper RTS modes not this MOBA shit
it's a MOBA mode only in your head.
It plays like a "Destroy HQ" mode, with intermediary objectives. Even rush is possible- it just won't win the game, just give you a huge early advantage (destroying the shield generators grant you ressources)

Well, in the case of DoW2 playing Annihilate would be incredibly stupid. And in the case of DoW1, i'm fairly certain that there was a big mod that even other mods require that adds additional win conditions, so i would think that there's a demand for other game modes.
>i never learned to hero rush in any of the DoW games
>muh DOW1 fags :(

Cry more you gay niggers, literally nobody liked magic button gameplay. And literally nobody asked for this
The game is 40 pounds on steam. Do americans get fucked that hard?
lmao it's real
poor Americans
fuck you
pls don't turn /tg/ into /v/
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am I the only one who has liked all 3 DoW games? at least I liked what I've played of the beta
yes, I love all of them for different reasons. I just hope they bring out more MP modes right after launch (it shouldnt be too hard to put out annihilate and victory point) because putting all their eggs in one basket means a fast dwindling playerbase.
What? Won't you welcome all the new and fresh memes the game will bring you and all the new anons with a superficial understanding of the wh40k universe, flooding this place with the new memes that will replace actual lore?
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Honestly DoW III looks pretty lame, but I will probably enjoy the campaign.

I want Merrick and Castor to come back in the future IG campaign
I enjoyed the first 2, I'll enkoy the 3rd, just like I enjoyed BFGA or Deathwing.
Ok, so what will the story be like in your opinion? Will the Necrons appear at the end as some pretend? Who is the Storm Prince from the story trailer?

eurofags get the game for 60€ game (like always for AAA games), so we're even more screwed than they are (and I guess it's worse for aussies)

I loved the first 2 (for different reasons), and I like what I saw so far for the third (with a few exceptions, like the fact that there is only one mode in MP, or the voices which apparently aren't as good as they were for some units)
>just like I enjoyed BFGA or Deathwing
my man
storm prince might be the stormlord, one of the necron overlords. I would think the necrons come out, since theres so much necron-looking stuff, the necron coming to last stand right before dow 3 got announced...honestly if the game doesn't have necrons in the campaign, its gonna be garbage, unless they really pull a miracle of storytelling.
Good thing I buy my games on pounds then.
I liked the campaign in DoW2, but the multiplayer wasn't my cup of tea. Point captures suck if it's dumbed down at all from CoH. Really the only thing saving DoW3 in my eyes is if they have a really long campaign that has a decent story, multiplayer looked fucking awful and I imagine the playerbase is going to be awful.
How do you get into dow 3 beta?
you had to have signed up for a newsletter on their main site a while ago, gotten a signup form, and been lucky after that.
I hope they will have open beta before release.
they probably will, wouldn't see why not since im p sure they've had one for most of their past games
Gorgutz is just in the campaign. How do people still not understand this? It's like asking "why am I playing as Angelos even though I have Dark Angels scheme?" for multiplayer.
its still gorgutz in multiplayer as well
in dow 1 and 2 they replaced commanders with more generic versions for MP, but not in 3, they have the same names, and army painter schemes dont work on them
Not sure if you understand what anon meant here, but the Warboss in MP is literally called Gorgutz, and you can't change his colors. Same thing for Angelos and Macha, they keep their names and color scheme in multiplayer - and even their single player lines apparently (things like "I'm the master of the Blood Ravens!" even though you play Black Templar).
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Eternal crusade has more hopes to turn into a good and challenging game than this
who wants steamkeys for the free versions?
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'the fuck' indeed (looking at how gorgutz still has bad moon colors)
gross, one of the 4 remaining EC shills
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>"I'm the master of the Blood Ravens!" even though you play Black Templar).
They're nicking whole chapters now
Sure, if we can give relic enough shit they can change it by launch.
>Triple A meme
That sure explains why there are less Black Templars in canon.
>I want Merrick and Castor to come back in the future IG campaign

Fuck that shit. I want Lord-Commander Merrick wielding a meltagun and relic power sword, with an attendant Servo-skull that sounds suspiciously like Lord-Commander Castor.
castor will be a higher rank, but merrick will still shittalk him under his breath.
kek. Ravens now steal whole chapters.
>castor will be a higher rank, but merrick will still shittalk him under his breath.

Not if the Servo-Skull is all that remains of Castor
I'll take one.
I felt that DoW1 had more cover and more visually pleasing cover, from Heavy cover craters to No cover Swamps and more inbetween as content creators can designate cover-types and what area/terrain would have it.

in DoW3 you have Void shield cover and hidden area.

Sure there were a few maps in DoW1 that had that many cover variation but those tend to be plain maps with little environmental reconstruction/destruction (I.E that one large snow map).
I really loved DoW2 Environments and I'm quite disappointed/sad that the assets were never released for content creation.
I hope that DoW3 expands their cover system but you guys know the saying
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment

I'm little disappointed that they showcase a DotA style map, as that I Really hope they more and different kinds of maps, but I feel that style of map could work for multiplayer. A simple case of Defend&Attack the objective, kindof imagine it as CoH in the sense that the objective you captured you want to hold and defend in order to fight effectively but at the same time you need to assault the enemy position for obvious reasons, though the super turrets might be a little much.

What bothers me altogether are the large effects for minor attacks/abilities and how easily things become a cluster fuck for even small engagements (mainly in the small-mid engagement). In DoW1 the cluster fuck was enjoyable as models did have personal spaces and there was good detail to view the melee fight and hopefully catch that Sync-kill. However in DoW3 everyone blurrs together. also fuck those wonky Devastator animations, the H.Bolters fire animation is like how the shoota animation Should've Been, and they still haven't bother to fix the Lascannon animation
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Gorgutz and Taldeer were not in Dow1
well, specifically not in Dawn of War, but in the expansions. Gorgutz was in WA, DC and in SS, and Taldeer in WA and DC.
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