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Made Saw Played

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Thread replies: 287
Thread images: 127

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Let's have another one of these
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You're an asshole. But at least you're an asshole with taste.
A good taste or a bad taste? Maybe bitter?
That's the shittiest taste I've seen.
I'd say good. I have a burning hatred for Griffith, but I still recognize that he's a good character.

But I may be biased due to major erection from Sylvanas.
I don't know who the fuck Sylvanas is but i chose her to represent the fact that the character is a half-drow bastard.

I chose Griffith because the character ended up sacrificing her sidekick's (who had been there right from the beginning and semi-permanently physically impaired herself to prevent her from dying) innocence, self-respect, general joie de vivre and faith in humanity, herself and the universe

for more time on the clock
You're a big president.
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Forgive the poor cropping I am not good with computers
>shinshinke nakamuumuu

yee boy
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So you superman punched dudes literally off cliffs?
Not quite, but my monk is a doctor who uses his knowledge of anatomy to his advantage when killing.
So you grabbed dudes and ripped their hearts out of their chests and crushed it in your hands before their dying eyes?
I tried once, but couldn't quite literally rip the heart out. There was a lot of bone breaking, attacks to the spinal column, neck snapping, striking of vital organs etc.

Why are you being so inquisitive? Tesshu was the best way I could represent my character in a single picture. Of course not every detail is going to be exactly the same.

I take it you got your share of lumps?
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Stop posting this. It wasn't interesting the first time, it also makes no sense. None of those characters have comparable morality.
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This one's my favorite.
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Fun times

In hindsight i'd swap the pictures of the first and last boxes, but not the heads. The basic premise that he was this really dumb meathead while the rest of the party were A) gun nuts B) edgy raiders.

He ended up having the highest killcount in the game, among which is an involuntary abortion caused by a botched DEX roll.

Them not-so-dry bones.
Explain further into the abortion attempt. Was it a slave girl giving birth or something?
The party was walking down a really narrow spiral staircase with a pregnant woman in front, we were tasked to clear out a sewer full of peaceful feral ghouls. Cunningly i was walking right behind her and had to roll DEX to not eat shit in the staircase because of my gigantism.

Long story short my 200kg frame fell on top of the pregnant lady and we fell down the stairs. Cunningly, we hid the lady's body in the town water supply.
God that's gruesome.
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Yeah Meaty Joe was quite the brawler. His other feats include:

>throwing a man face-first into a bear trap
>surviving two magnum rounds to the chest point blank
>using psycho and buffout at the same time
>ripping off a man's lower jaw to use it as a decoration for his steel gauntlet
>causing a witness to the aforementioned action to shoot himself out of fear
>drowning a man in industrial paint

Ten rounds of grapple checks on that last one but it was super worth it
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Demonic villager girl from a simple background sworn to fight undead, ghosts, vampires and whatnot and deliver tormented souls to their eternal rest after coming up with a bad case of undeath herself. With nothing to her name but rudimentary sealing magic and questionable sword skills.

Has grown gradually jaded and sick-of-it-all over the years, may or may not be borderline narcoleptic and slowly loosing her mind.

Tragic fallen paladin figure. Tired, battered. cursed, and practically one foot in the grave already but keeps fighting with righteous holy might until they either die a hero or see themselves becoming the villain.

The whole "undead curse" thing got anticlimactically fixed after a few sessions with no strings attached. Around a time after which the party came in possession of a huge quantity of valuable goods and cleared a large underground fortress. After questioning some of her life choices now with her newly found mortality, my character then assumed control of the fortress as overseer and chief of economics. Inventories were cataloged, budgets were made, workers were assigned, and expanses were calculated. The end goal is to turn the place into a fully fledged independent kingdom so I can retire as a ruler and spiritual guide.
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Griffith is a guy you dumbass. How else could he have fucked that princess and raped casca?
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Yeah Griffith is a guy dude. Yes, even when he fucks that old man.
>raped casca?
you can clearly see his shaft in the triology movies
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>made a elvish ranger
>DM is all like "aww shit here comes Dio"
>and then suddenly Griffith, everywhere

makes sense to me mate
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Sylvanas is a WoW character and basicly "Character pet the revenge 2 electric boogaloo super ultra turbo".

Did anything really happen with her as the new warchief besides her plan to save her "species" getting royally dogfucked by Greymane?
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Lesbian rape is a thing.
>Did anything really happen with her as the new warchief
There was a pretty nice SFM animation where she fucked a whole clan of orcs to make them acknowledge her as their warchief.

That's about it.
Well she learned that due to her corruption she will go to hell no matter what she does, no amount of repentance would fix it, so she's gone full "fuck everyone" mode
>having reading comprehension this terrible

Let me guess; item creation rules?
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I had a seriously retarded GM.jpg
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My GM was seriously, seriously retarded...

very much so....
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When he wasn't gleefully blowing up structures, inciting natural disasters, or committing domestic terrorism, he was abusing the crafting system to create shit that the GM had to scramble to counter. This was balanced by him botching multiple crafting rolls, losing everything he'd invested and having to start from scratch.

He was a competent nuker/debuffer, though, and carried a small pharmacy to patch people up when shit invariably hit the fan.
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this game has kinda stalled, but he's a fun character, simultaneously the foil and moral compass to the rest of the party.
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I'm literally sucking up 105% of the group's healing output
Squishies seem to stay safe at least
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>VtM Anarch Game
>Playing world's most well adjusted Tzimisce
>Character has a 9 to 5 as the Mandarin Language Elvira with a TV show and everything.
>Gets hit on by everyone because muh fleshcrafting.
>OH NO! Noobie GM has let our twackiest player run an Abomination (A vampire werewolf)
>Player keeps hinting at how we should all get clear when he gets going
>Quietly build her for extreme levels of violence
>Abomination player has to go back and redo all of his work in international law because Trump wins the presidency and everything he's been working on these last few years is useless because they were sure that Clinton was going to win.
>Well, I put those four dots in Vicissitude so I might as well use them!
>Collecting Sabbat Skulls like they're fucking Pokemon when not being a vampire who pretends to be a human who pretends to be a witch on TV
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There comes a time in every dishonorably discharged soldier turned adventurer's life where they wonder.

Where they wonder about small things, like those goblins we fought and that goblin who fought for us.

About the big things, like the barrels of giant heads we've delivered by the score.

About the good and bad things we, as men and women of action, must do.

Mostly, mostly I wonder about tomorrow. And the future of the Sword Coast.

As for tomorrow, I think a late brunch. No sandwiches.
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It went smoother than I had hoped, to be honest.

There aren't a lot of problems in fiction that can't be solved by flying them into the sun.
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Got any stories?

I wish I could be Perona.
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I honestly had a lot of fun with this character. Hatebeak, the hateful beak.
>Lesbian rape is hot

Respect to the King of Strong Style.
>no Six String Samyooray
How else would one stop a space zombie apocalypse while traveling to a nearby system inside of a penal colony ship turned survival ark?
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Not like she has done nothing to deserve it to be honest.
True, but learning it would do no good even if she tried basically made her go into full bitch mode
Honestly she his now just badly written and her character pet sindrom make it look like she has a multiple personnality that constantly switch.

Don't know what they want to do with her, she was already a crazy bitch before with no consequence for her action and that was ridiculous but now that's even worse.
I don't either, personally a basic road to redemption would have been better then this insanity
Or just end it at WOTLK; not like they was not any opportunity to do it.
Edward Blom.
>My companion of the night.
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What i made.png
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Bump for stories
Chill out
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Things didn't play out how I thought they would
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He must be a big artificer.

I don't get what you ended up playing, some knight with a goblin aide/pack mule?
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Has anyone in your group actually read Prison Pit?
What if the sun is the problem?
Weird metal band too.
>Chilling with wolfbros

Feels comfy

Clearly, you need to find a way to fly it into a different sun.
Well time to add some Sunless Sea/Fallen London into the next iteration of this campaign path. Thanks fellas.
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Oh, shit.
You should mention the game you payed it in.
This makes zero sense to me.
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updated and cleaned up version.
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Punisher... Magneto?

This interests me, tell me more
The punisher aspect is unneeded for Black and White sleeveless Magneto. He already just drops motherfuckers who deserve it left and right.
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something something sauce
You would be into that, wouldn't you Satan?
Went for a Blackguard with some goblin pets. DM saw having so many Goblin pets as annoying and toned me down to having just one which became dead useless but became a good buddy. The Blackguard was originally supposed to be Manipulative and Threatening when not dealing with the party, but I ended just becoming another do-good'er but with Dark Magic and Goblins.
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That marine looks like he is not realy fighting, just turning around the firewarrior so he can fight the fire raging in the background. Like a firefighter. No war, just a man trying to point the helpful firefighter in the right direction.

>Do you have a moment to talk about our Saviour the emperor?
Just was to represent played a specially angry murderous version of Magneto.
Aw. Here I was hoping there had been an issue where the Punisher had gotten Magneto's powers somehow. Can you imagine that?

Before, no one was safe from the Punisher. Now? No one is safe from the Punisher, EVER!
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Not quite sure I follow.
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you're not the only one
Autistic lycantrophic druid/monk nerd that shits damage.
I wasn't that good of a wizard, but just good enough that I thought I could make some cash off it, and I could.

But also, yes, item creation.
Anyone got the template?
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Interesting. What's the story here?
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Big russian lady troll, was the mom of the group

Also a street sam chromed to the gills. She outlived a couple other characters(which she took pretty hard since she considered her team her family/kids)

Eventually she died covering her teams exit.

The big parallel to brad i got from her is that she usually got a new cyber limb after someone died thanks to those runs being worth a lot of money. Was just a fun little thing i noticed.
Making these for the last groups characters, if you care.
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I'm finding killing for sport/fame is way more fun than just being crazy or in it for gold.
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wanted to play a ronin samurai with a dependent and sketchy backstory he's trying to salvage. if you have seen the Twighlight Samurai, you get the scenario, but my character was far more lively, like a Chanbara Character. due to the added gusto personality but retained low class and stuff, i was dubbed a retarded character that really wasn't a samurai. yup, not a samurai, because i was not stereotype Bushido whore. i tried to talk sense into GM.

GM is self-righteous retard.

so, i end up playing this off-the-wall Ronin whose kid end up dumping him early on (GM Fiat) and who gets fucked at every turn (GM Fiat) so i go FLCL level nuts just to continue having fun w my friends...

PC died like a bitch too. oh well, i tried.

did i mention the GM was the GOD-EMPRESS of GM Fiat? he'd just auto-judge shit was happening without parlance to the rules. it got worse when i no longer needed any social skills (see where i needed them earlier?) so my combat stats got FUCKHUEG and i could literally combat-walk any other character in existence. this guy would retcon in-game stuff all the time too....so anything i did came to shit...like when my sword consumed my game-GF's soul...wait, my sword can't do that...it's not magical!


what game?

"Say these words with me, Domon!"

I like this, dude.
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Oh, hey, I remember that story.
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fetish players are the worst
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This old nonsense, to be exact.
I remember that thread
You sound a little bit like that guy
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Before I do, how'd it go?
>None of those characters have comparable morality

Actually considering all of them are driven by self serving narcissism and the desire to be immortal, they kind of do
For what game?
Man, I am gonna need some context for this.
>Punisher just has the bullets
>no need for the gun

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Your sheet should have been burned
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Chan Bow.gif
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Last time I'll post anything about this, just wanted to mess around in Photoshop.

Give it a while, let them finish the current batch of terrible crossover events. Maybe something will happen.
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Nobleborn female Wizard.png
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I intended to play kind of hands off, make a supporting, conjuration-focused wizard since the players were kinda new. Made her a noblewoman and everything, so she could be innocent and naive.

Next thing I knew, I had people's entire essences stored up in vials and was threatening to blow people off of flying islands, plotting the demise of everyone who ever crossed me.
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It was a good campaign.


>I turn into a moped, beep beep!

Truly he was the hero we all need
Brando nor Ronnie James don't have boobers
I'm just stuck on the last panel.
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tg attempt 1.png
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Magnificent bastard!
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It was the 1980's 'James Bond RPG'. I played James Bond (the book provides his stats). Well, the DM thinks I'm a pretty big goof as it is, and during actual game play, let's just say, I lacked in grace..
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what i made.png
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'the group will probably all be guys so I'll play a girl to balance it out a little'



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made saw played.jpg
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So much for subtlety. Call of Cthulhu campaign.
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If you squint you can see tiny pixelated vaginas and breasts.

Unsuitable for a christian image board I'm sure you agree.
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every dwarf i make ever.jpg
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So, you constantly failed to show up to sessions, but the loud and obnoxious members in the group kept sticking up for you?
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I'd say likely not, even though i keep endorsing it.

Thanks dude, have the whole thing
But did you have a cute red-haired love interest whose death you never got over?
as soon as i read WHM's name i knew i weas in for the whole dollar ride
i had a backstory with a sister which was sold as a concubine
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Good Grief.jpg
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What's not Christian about that?

Dunno m8, ask the mod who banned me.
He said some derogatory things about your mother that I can't repeat
its bad if i recognize the left image

Dare I ask what it is?
art from a guy called Aka6 basically draws porn ranging from monsters fucking or futa fucking some of his shit is "normal" but the women are all amazon gods of thicc sometimes with dicks. its pretty much desensitized me to futa.
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Story? This looks great.
Its more along the lines that even with pixilation, dude, this is a blue board. That image is fine for the likes of /b/, /d/, and /aco/ but even if its beef it isn't kosher for /tg/ even with our reputation as /d/-lite
I think he wanted you to splain your made saw played. Not the ban.

How'd that turn out?

Oh who cares, it's hardly worth a ban, especially when the very idea of "Worksafe 4chan" is pants on head retarded to begin with.


What's to explain? I played a minotaur who was a sex machine.


Oh wow, mother jokes.
My character was based around talking up the hulk hogan equivalent fighter, making him seem unbeatable, And we'd both just make over the top promos about how great we are.

Unfortunately the hulkster moved away after a few sessions, and the game fell apart.
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You know the rules
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Cleric haunted by ghost which gives him powers.
Have you tried showing them the cartoon?
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There's no little boys getting fucked in the picture.
A guy in /5eg/ had a somewhat similar idea? >>52071247
Donut Steele? If so, very nice!
You meant: "you're the president, bigly."
No Hulk Hogan in Mr. Mom?

Shit taste.
You're wrong about the second part, but it sure is boring.

Post your MSPs like...once or twice at most anons. Nobody wants to see your one character reposted 100 times.
This multi-image MSPs are always garbage. Stop doing this. The whole idea is to convey things to an audience, not make a mess nobody can figure out.
You made Rob Roy, the DM saw a dude with bagpipes?

Your DM has shit taste. Kudos on finishing things off Sharpe.
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Was an ASOIAF campaign.

Carry on, Jeeves.
I mean, not me, but it's a similar enough concept.
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Do tell.

>Elf Wizard that wants to be a necromancer and ultimately immortal / Lich.
>DM sees my character as a daddy's boy and thinks that it's sexual for some reason, even though it clearly isn't
>Having to play the mediator as the Sorcerer of the party is fucking stupid and is more concerned with talking to the female NPC's than actually trying to settle disputes without getting massacred.
Hi Kyle
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Decided to go for the good old secretly evil Monk disguised as a Cleric.
I played a man pretending to be a cowardly pacifist who was sort of okay at healing but not much else and spent battles hiding behind the wizard.
However this buffoonery was a ruse, for my character was actually a cold-hearted murderer and a master of evil Kung-Fu.

...except the game ended before the conclusion so none of the other players found that out.
For sure wipe the cheeto dust off your fingers bro.

Well, hopefully you got to rub your hands together evilly when no one was looking.
Is this what I think it is?
I want her in my group

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Technically the DM wasn't wrong.png
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I was going to post Dr. Gero but Rotwang was a greater infulense on the character.
Basically a mad scientist lady shoved her brain in a robot which she then wrapped in a new, sexy skin.
The DM saw a fembot or female terminator but what I ended up playing was an amoral, addle-minded inventor who viewed human life as political capital.
>Huh, this sounds interesting
>What system is this
>Looks at original image

Ah. What a shame.
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Yeah but i don't remember the results.

Ye, thanks
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No one could stop my grapples, tackles, and sweet hail marys.
Hello, Old Man.
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It's sad that he can't really get a game anymore because of OMH, because he sounds like a really baller dude to play a game with.
X-COM: Enemy Within MEC Trooper Warden Pattern Armor without the chestplate.
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Well done anon
You've guessed my secret identity
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Specialist evoker
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Made one for one of my friend's characters
"I lie, I cheat, and I steal...my way to godhood!"
The campaign was originally supposed to be a horror campaign with the players as the monsters, but everyone decided to make time traveling Nazis hellbent on creating the 4th Reich. The PCs included a charming scientist (the head of the crew), a genetic super soldier (the muscle), an occult cultist (the mystic), a cyborg with built in firepower (the gunslinger), and a regular infantryman tank driver (the skills monkey)
>ancap dwarfs

>died doing battle with papa johns
This cant be real
Domino's Zimbabwe is a joke account, but the tweet is probably real

Well, at least they enjoyed themselves.

You win my friend.
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it is in fact finished
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They never knew I pretty much ripped my entire personality from the Lion King.

The only thing I hate more than lawful stupid paladins are paladins that assume you have to play the Punisher or you're holding your party back. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a truehearted and honestly good paladin.

Like, do you understand how beneficial it is to have a party member that can tell the truth to the authorities and they'll actually believe you? Or how you can you know... get treated with respect without having to beat down everyone in town first?
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>a party member that can tell the truth to the authorities and they'll actually believe you? Or how you can you know... get treated with respect[...]?
I wish. I took a break from ForeverGMing a while back because a player wanted to try his hand at it. Made a straightforward, honest, brave and true paladin. I roleplayed him as being deeply faithful personally, but lighthearted about it in general. He didn't bring it up outside of me mentioning him occasionally praying while the party was in camp.
>We get to the first town
>Townspeople all miserable and depressed because GM's favorite setting is Game of Thrones
>Guards all assholes because GM's favorite setting is Game of Thrones
>When we help the townspeople the guard captain confronts us because we aren't assholes and this is suspicious
>I offer the simple fact that I'm the Lawful Goodest
>His helmet launches off his head like an ascent stage to reveal his true, euphoric level of power
>Talks a bunch of shit about how religion is garbage and no one should ever trust a paladin and furthermore
>Pay him off to leave us alone
>mfw my god physically existed in the universe he wrote
>mfw my god is known to come in person to do shit personally in the universe he wrote
>mfw I didn't announce myself, or appear as, a paladin of that god, just a friendly questing knight.
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What is it about paladins that bring out the fedora tipping in some people?
>not finishing off the BBEG with a stiff K I N S H A S A
>Tesshu from Wrath of Heaven
ayy, my guy
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made saw played 2.jpg
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Some people don't like to admit that they could be better people. A well-played paladin forces people to face that
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The cream will rise to the top! Ooh, yeah!
Sauce on the fem-dio?
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Gestalt Pathfinder game, Chosen One Paladin/Bard, her divine emissary was a thrush.
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as a side note, if you ever want pictures of Japanese schoolgirls holding katanas, try searching 'Japanese girl "baseball bat"' because that's all I fucking got. And if you want a NON-fetishistic picture of a Japanese girl playing baseball, the solution is clearly not to try searching 'Japanese girl baseball'. Even with safesearch on.

Also, if you search 'Japanese girl "baseball bat" -katana' there's still pictures of girls with katanas. Google is retarded.
You made a gay cowboy, the GM saw a badass cowboy, and you played a generic solider?
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I just managed to forget that spoiler
yeah don't play with /pol/

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Tiefling Warlock.

The GM and some of the other players thought I was playing a girl character based on the art.

Hm. Yeah, I can see how they'd find it a little ambiguous.
it's a homage to Kouta Hirano
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