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So Cadia is kill

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What does /tg/ think about it and more specifically, what are your theories for what happens next?
Something else on Abby's shopping list? Should we expect Eldar dick moves?
Isn't the whole reason the Cadian gate exists due to the pylons and by extension the planet? It seems like the plan would just close off the Cadian gate and with it the only easy route out of the eye of terror.

It is like blowing up the Panama canal and sealing it off when you are fighting a war entirely to be able to move ships easily between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Could someone make a version of that with Haters Gonna Hate Trazyn strolling away from it?
Didn't he basically help save the day by pokeballing in a lot of people against Abaddon?
He also caught a wild Creed, I imagine a lot of Cadians might be pissed off.
Isn't he also directly the reason it blew up?
That's one theory but I thought now the warp could spill over more easily into realspace.
I think that was a techpriest sticking an appendage in a sexy unknown piece of pylon tech? But I still need to get my hands on the actual book.

>caught a wild Creed
I mean the eye of terror would consume the Cadian gate which would include a large number of worlds but it would also pretty much prevent any future black crusade as they would be unable to concentrate their forces until they had exited the Eye of Terror.
Yarrick is going to fist fight Abaddon.

Ciaphus Cain actually was just missing in action.

Commissar Lord Bern will show up and just be himself.

Someone's going to tell the Admech that there's that one mega STC in the middle of Abaddon's fleet.

The Blood Ravens will thaw the Emperor out of their freezer.

Malal will do the fusion dance with Ynnead.
I've already seen that image in a prior thread, but I don't have it.
They've retconned the crusades into being about blowing up various pylon arrays which were preventing the growth of the eye, with the cadian pylons as the final key.

Now the fluff about the cadian gate being the only stable route out makes no sense, because it should mean that theoretically there should be several "cadian gate" esque regions of space around the eye.

I dunno. It's pretty obvious what they're doing with gathering storm. Hopefully they don't follow The End Times all the way to its terrible conclusion.
>What are your theories for what happens next?
They're going to stick a Halo Device on the Emperor.

Galactic massacre ensues.
>Hopefully they don't follow The End Times all the way to its terrible conclusion
What terrible conclusion? The warp consumes everything and everyone dies?
>Someone's going to tell the Admech that there's that one mega STC in the middle of Abaddon's fleet.

Funnily enough the AdMech are preparing one of the biggest gatherings of Skitarii and Cybernetica that's ever been seen in order to make an assault on a Daemon World which, if I recall correctly, was in the Eye.
More or less. "LOL chaos wins gg ez nothin u scrubs can do" is pretty much the easiest way to piss everyone but a small subset of the existing playerbase off.

I'm pretty sure they're not going to do that and instead just shake things up into a new status quo, but it's hard not to be a bit uneasy with the pattern.
So basically 40k is over?
I think it was in the Maelstorm which is the second largest warp storm after the eye of terror

I suppose one thing to counter that is that each race in 40K (except possibly the Tau but who cares about them) has an "end-game" style scenario which would see them achieve massive power. Imperium finds STC, Orks unite, Necrons all wake up, bulk of Nid fleets arrive, Eldar wake up their death god and so forth. These could all challenge Chaos for supremacy of the galaxy, meaning that the finale of the Gathering Stom could be the entire galaxy being engulfed in a gigantic war far larger than anything seen previously.
They wouldn't need to. They could just wait for the Eye to grow until it engulfs Terra.
Maybe Tau endgame is that they throw off the Ethereals and somehow become stronger for it?
I dunno, that might just be bullshit, I don't know what I'm talking about.

The Tau endgame is them playing the diplo game that nobody else in 40k even understands to play off all the rest against each other and emerge the last one standing after everyone else is shattered beyond repair.

I think we're going to see a new focus on the Webway as the simple explanation for how all the factions can encounter one another.

If Cadia being destroyed has eliminated the Cadian Gate - a secure route both in AND OUT of the Eye, Chaos forces are potentially suffering even more incoherence (let's invade this world *sets sail* *arrives far in the past, at the wrong planet, etc*) which would mean the stable warp-transit system of the webway is now of much greater interest to everyone - and the fluff thus far suggests it exists even without maintainance from the Eldar or Dark Eldar, so every faction could, with a warp gate being secured, launch forays into it.
>I suppose one thing to counter that is that each race has an "end-game"
Not much of a counter, since fantasy had those too.
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All hail the coming Demon Emperor of the Tau!

Abominable Intelligence is the endgame.
> The Tau endgame is unifying under Commander Gundam.

I'm okay with this.

Continued: I reckon GW is trying (not unfairly) to create some big changes to the 'setting' of 40k but the overall situation to remain as it always has "time of ending" "one minute to midnight" "your games are part of the decision era, the schwerepunkt, of this galaxy".

So we have (if I read the death of Cadia right) a smaller Eye of Terror, but more randomly dangerous Chaos forces, a less-secure-feeling Imperium (although it remains the status quo ante situation of predominant power, I think GW wants to inject a bit more alert desperation into the Imperial meta-narrative), if the webway idea is correct, a new (and no longer geographically bound) way to throw whoever they want at each other.
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So does this mean that gee dubs are actually progressing the story?

Also what the fuck do DE have to do with this? Are they out to troll like they did to the tau? Or do you reckon there is an actual motive behind their actions?
new imperial guard incoming.
Legion of the Damned Cadian Guardsmen when?

Admech have a deal with them to fix the Golden Throne.
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I think a sudden upswing in Tau fortunes may be indicated, to give them a more galactic reach.

They did? Huh, never knew. But did they have a plan to shut down the Polar Gates and stop the inevitable spread of Chaos?
they had that too, yeah

GW is probably just trying to capitalize on the same sort of interest the initial nagash book created, but it's definitely a dangerous balancing act.
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Fuckin kek, really? I hope they don't let urien anywhere near the big E

He'll probs turn him into some gargantuan grotesque
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> Abaddon is above Terra, ready for the last battle
> The primarchs have all returned, for one last meeting
> Suddenly everything stop as the Tau have achieved cultural victory
>The Emprahsque is born.
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I don't even like the Blueberries, and I still think that sounds like the best possible ending.

>Abbygail throws his remaining troops And bombs at the Tau before ragequitting.
Ok, I laughed. That was pretty great.
>Eldar wake up their death god
Sadly already attempted and fucked up. Now every Infinity circuit is empty, their souls irrecoverably lost.
In part 2 of their duel, Celestine cuts off Abby's arms.
In my case I'm very OK with this.

Farsight is more into equality than the Tau Empire itself.

I'll tell you this. His Greater Good > Vanilla Greater Good.

Man when did this happen?

Keeping track of all the shit that's changing is annoying. Can't there be a single consolidated source?
It helps that he genuinely just wants to save his people while the vanilla Greater Good literally doesn't fucking mean anything and is just a buzzword.
The Death Masque.

AKA: Eldrad steals all the souls from all Infinity Circuits to accelerate Ynnead's growth. Deathwatch waltz in and disrupt the ritual. Eldar are now barren as a faction. All links to the past completely lost.

And that's why he's the best Tau.

It's also a wonder why the Fire Caste still is around with the Tau Empire. Especially after Aun'Va got Culexus'd.
I love that he's a literal anime character. Like, people joke about the Tau and gundams, but he's the one that actually fucking reads like a character from one.

Plus he has a team of pilots with their own unique backstories. Commander Gundam is best Tau.
Wtf why?

You would think if Eldred could tell the future he would forsee that
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you would think
Well at first he wasn't 40K's Char Aznable, yet much more heroic.

At first when the Tau were introduced, he was a grimmer and more realistic individual seeing that his race's naivety would be their undoing.

Then later editions came, Tau turned from noblebright to Orwell's 1984. Farsight went from grim realist to the heroic anime hero we have currently.


I blame bad writing here. I'm more into Space Marines, but DEAR EMPEROR I actually feel sorry for the Space Pixie Fairies.

This part should be retconned ASAP.
>Space Marines disrupt the ritual.
>Space Marine souls take the place of the Eldar souls.
>Ynnead awakens regardless.
>Eldrad cheers at his race's success.
>The newly formed God shouts "For the Emperor!"
Talk about the OH CRAP that would come with this.

But sadly it is completely different...
>Now the fluff about the cadian gate being the only stable route out makes no sense

Wasn't the fluff that the region was the largest and most stable, and that there were other, smaller more dangerous routes that you could get small ships through(thus the raiding bands and the like), but not a full on invasion force?
No my friend. Ynnead did fail.

He left immediately for the warp and is purging in the Emperor's name.
I think that we'll have a hard time explaining how the Ciaphas Cain novels fit.
Wait, I'm all fucked up with the chronology of this mess.

What was Cain's involvement in this?
Was in retirement, splinter fleet of Abby's 13th crusade played a visit to his planet. Said splinter fleet was lead by psychic werewolf space Hitler.
So what you're saying is that we can expect more Cain Novels?
No sense banging a square peg into a round hole, man. The cain books are based in 40k as it was pre-5th edition.
Honestly, I would have preferred the opposite, I'm sick and tired of the providential man archetype and of the "councils are always evil" trope. Farsight should have been the naive one who overestimated his own wisdom while the ethereals go full greater good.

Then you could have Farsight being offered to be tau Horus so he can refuse and die gloriously remaining true to his ideals to the end, saving the tau from suffering the same fate than eldar and humans... at least for now.
>That spoiler

I like it.
Was his sword made by the Old Ones, C'tan, something else, or do we not know?

Way to subvert the easy writing trope, anon.
I'd be down for any of these.
Hopefully a Cain vs Eldar book.
To be fair, you could do that anyway.

I could even see him making a little speech on the pride of the Old ones, the necrons, the eldars, the humans and the emperor and all.
> "I won't make the same mistake: I refuse your so-called destiny. I will not have the pretension of taking the fate of the people of the galaxy in my sole hands. And I will not stand above them, but with them!"
Hum, I still need work on writing I guess. It sounds pretentious.
At least much better than what GW did most of the time.
No they weren't lost
Ynnead opened an eye let out a fart and went back to sleep
> Commissar Lord Bern is soloing an chaos corrupted Avatar of Khaine atop a mountain of Ork corpses made by Yarrick who is currently pointing at Abaddon and screaming in holy slurs how he's going to purify the galaxy of the taint that is him.
> Ciaphus Cain is calling in chrono-laser bullshit airstrikes from the full power Admech against chaos undivided Daemon Princes.
> The Eldar souls went to Malal who now manifests on the battlefield, only to be singles out for a 1v1 with the Emperor, now freed of from his "visit" with the Blood Ravens.
> The battle is narrated through Sabaton songs.
>Commisar Lord Bern is soloing a chaos corrupted Avatar of Khaine.


My problem is less about the specifics than it is about the near certainty that any major setting development will result in a derpfest made of pure cringe. We're already seeing clumsy plots and unnecessary retcons. The chances of the current GW dev writers not completely shitting the bed with this are slim to none.

Sandy Mitchel dropped off the face of the earth. No idea why he's not writing anymore. I rather liked his other series based on a Dark Heresy group.


The Cain books commonly cite works written in M42, often more than 100 years after the turn of the century. Furthermore Cain fights in the 13th Black Crusade on Perlia when Psychic Hitler shows up, but he is said to have died peacefully some time afterwards and was buried with full military honours (though he's still listed as on active service because the Administratum wrote him off for dead so many times, and he kept coming back, that they ended up putting a clause on his file that he's always to be listed as on active duty regardless of any information to the contrary).
So what we can gather from this is that somehow Cain made it off planet before it broke?

That seems very in character, actually.

Cain wasn't on Cadia. He was on Perlia, the same planet he liberated from Orks early in his career.

That being said, Cain escaping from an exploding Cadia would indeed be very much in character.
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This the one you're thinking of?

Fuck Eldrad and fuck the Eldar. I'm glad they got fucked. That ritual would have doomed all of humanity and 99% of the Eldar race. Eldrad was lying to everyone and was going to backstab the living fuck out of even his own race, as acceptable losses to get rid of Slaanesh and summon Ynnead.
Considering the Black Crusade is going out into the Galaxy at large I'm hoping to see a big confrontation between the legions and Sautekh Dynasty

Word Bearers taking out perimeter worlds and ending up in a massive shit goes down war against the Necrons and ultimately causing the downfall of the crusade like Germany entering a war on two fronts against Russia.
He did a series based on Dark Heresy?

It's in the Dark Eldar's best interest to stop Chaos.


Yes, there have seemingly always been other ways out since Abaddon didn't have to go through Cadia for every single one of his Crusades.
I can dig that. The Word Bearers (a Dark Apostle and a captain, specifically) face off against the Necrons in the end of the firdt book of the WB series.

They get rekt.
Perhaps GW wants to shatter the setting but they want to do it less sudden and brutal than Age of Sigmar on Warhammer Fantasy.
Word bearers deserve getting fucking felt for starting the whole shit in the first place.
*rekt , phone, rekt
this nigga ain't got no neck
Wow, it's almost like those who abandon the Emperor's light for the Tau are spineless.
For the love of all that's good in the Imperium this must be read in Commissar Lord Bernn's voice.
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Top tier Bantz
Commissar Bantz for the next Dawn of War when?
Top kek
End times and AOS 40k edition incomming

Except you just made that up. Ynnead formed into a shard and the ritual never reached the point of draining ICs, hence why we just had an event where wraith units were depicted.

Nah. We know that Abbadon's one spineless now.
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So are their infinity circuits still full of souls being all relieved that they weren't sucked into yet another chaos God?
As I understand the new plan is not to move Chasos fleet out of the Cadian gate as one force (kind of the only way to do it) but to bleed out the Eye so it elarges and it's borders become blured so the fleet could be pulled out everywhere. The problem is Abby also have to blow up another (smaller) pylon system on the Shield Worlds for it to work.
>what are your theories for what happens next?

Here's hoping 40k get's the AOS treatment and we finally get a huge reset with a wave of free rules and codex's simultaneously released without ludicrous power creep.
Fingers crossed. It might be a bumpy start but if GW pays attention again to which homebrew fixes get adopted by the community and makes the 40k equivelant of the AOS Generals Handbook we could be onto something good

I dearly hope so.

Regards, Ork player


Sent from my Hive Mind
>hoping 40k get's the AoS treatment

Your phone has some interesting ideas concerning Word Bearers. Not sure how appropriate molestation and rape are, but at least it's unique.

what fluff?

At this point every book and codex is bloated with inconsistencies and shameless fanservice which seem to exist solely for the purpose of perpetuating internet flamewars and hyping 12 year olds up for disappointment.
>shameless fanservice
Wait, what?
maybe fanservice is the wrong word. I'm talking about how incredibly masturbatory the lore gets for each faction and then the disappointment that it leads to when its translated to mundane tabletop stat-lines.

Eg: The flavor text on just about any weapon or unit in any codex. "It's vicious claws can rend through plasteel with ease" = Str 4 AP 6

Bolters = Strength 4
Guardsmen punch as strong as their lasguns shoot. Christ.
OK, now I'm getting what you wanted to say.

And agreed here. Some of the things in the flavor text doesn't go well with the actual rules...or the units in general (see Terminators and how they currently function on table).
And then there's Space Wolves...
>see Terminators

Yes, exactly. I assume power creep may be partially to blame for some of the inconsistencies. Maybe a simultaneous reset would level things out enough for significant things to be significant again.
Make 40k Significant again!
>armless screeching

Fuck you for making me laugh at this historic meme

They really need to cut on the wolf suffixes and prefixes. Then again isn't it in-universe that all the wolf stuff a translation error of Fenrisian to Gothic?

Maybe, maybe not.

We need to see how it will be first.

But you know what I'd like with Termies?

That they'd make Storm Bolters Assault 4 Shred. If they say that it's two Bolters fused together to shoot simultaneously and with a better rate of fire, then why make them like that. Mechanically Twin-Linked Bolters used by Chaos Terminators are better since Twin-Linked makes weapons (just like Shred) fire until all shots hit the target.

Increase the number of Special Weapons from 1 per 5 models to 2 per 5 models + up to 4 models would get Cyclone Missile Launchers.

Also add a +1 to S to Terminator Armours since it is said that it does increase the strength of the wearer, but all it does is simply allow to carry Assault Cannons, Heavy Flamers, or other heavy weapons in one hand.

Also buffing Chaos Terminators would be a good thing too.

Making Twin-Linked Bolters Salvo 3/4 Twin-Linked, giving them 2 special weapons upgrades per 5 models, and giving them Cyclone Missile Launchers (because for some retarded reason Chaos Marines forgot how to make those even though when they were still loyalists, they still had them and could produce them) with up to 4 models to be upgraded to carry these things. Maybe even add the ability to get limited Chaos Boons since these guys are one step from becoming Chaos Lords.

This would require some crazy re-working.

My SOB would be VERY happy with storm bolters becoming worth the effort of taking. Heavy/Storm bolters are part of that holy trinity of weapons but basically everything with 'bolter' in it's name is worthless instead of just more flamers/melta.
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Would go for a Trinity Gun.

Eh, I preferred the way that one formation used to work. Where flamer, melta and bolter weapons fired by different SOB formed a single scary attack.

So Melta+Flamer gets you a single flame template with near-melta power and AP for example.
>every book and codex bloated with shameless fanservice
Not for SoB players, unless they like suffering
So many factions get ap2 blasts now, I think they really need to bring back the significance of 2+ armour for models where only shit like lascannons would easily kill them, now 30 point grot artillery can
Why are people saying that this is the end of the 40k setting or progress in the story?

They already did the 13th Black Crusade once. It didn't change shit the first time, so there's little reason to expect it will this time either.

This version is giving us more detail and re-writing shit to fit their current model range better, but it still seems basically to be a re-tread of existing material.
That would do.

Also the Sisters need Flame Projectors and Melta Cannons.

Though allying with IG and SMs is probably enough, but I'd rather if they got their own options expanded and get some new units.

That's also a thing that should be reworked to make Termies and anyone with a 2+ Armor to be a threat again.

I don't mind fancy weapons that are powerful, but having a shitload of AP2 weapons makes a game too easy.

And don't get me started with Eldar and Tau.

The latter especially should get some significant nerfs.

1. The whole Marker Light spam should be gone. Marker Lights shouldn't stack.

2. All Riptides, including and especially the vanilla one, should become LoW choices. That's pretty stupid with the whole gameplay and story segregation regarding those not!Gundam. Riptides are supposed to be rare due to the exotic resources put into their construction to the point that only the best of the best of Battlesuit pilots get to take those things for a spin.

Hence I see it as ridiculous that a Tau detachment suddenly gets 3 of these things despite being slow and difficult to produce.

Also make Kroot and Vespid legit again. Also add more auxiliaries to be playable.

Yeah. Storm Bolters/Heavy Bolters for EVERYONE with access to them needs a buff. That's not a SOB problem so much as a 'General bolt weapon' problem. A heavy flamer with torrent or a Str 6 AP 3 flame template meltagun would be pretty cool.
>Also make Kroot and Vespid legit again.
Would be nice if more Kroot units were added. A Krootox-mounted heavy weapons battery for HS, a pack of Kroot Hounds led by Knarloc riders that can take Rough Rider lances for FA, that kind of thing.
Hurp a derp

>They already did the 13th Black Crusade once. It didn't change shit the first time, so there's little reason to expect it will this time either.

Back then Cadia didn't expolde and the Eye of Terra wasn't let loose on the galaxy.

The Cadian Gate and sector have been consumed by the Eye. Now the Eye is making its way to Terra. All worlds between the Eye and Terra are going be washed away in a sea of madness and uncreation.

So how does this read like a re-tread? Oh and this is just the start. More is to come!
>the eye is making its way to Terra
Does it move or something?
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The Pylons were the only things keeping the galaxy afloat from being consumed by the Warp. The only things shoring the dam of that crumbling reality. Abaddon spent 10K years blowing them up ending his destruction spree with the Cadians pylons.

Now the Eye and the Warp itself will consume the galaxy soon. Well, unless the Eldar can pull something out of their collective zero-fat butts.

I think you might be onto something with the stable webway... Furthermore, I think this would allow for AoS and 40K to cross over with a new standard rulebook that covers both.
It's expanding. Growing bigger and bigger. The Pylons were the only things holding it back. Now they are gone.

The Eye will expand to Terra and eventually it will cover the whole galaxy then drag it into the Warp where the Chaos Gods word is LAW. This is the Crimson Path.
Well, either that or the Necrons make more of them.
The Void Dragon made those.

He iz dead.
I thought the void dragon was just sleeping on Mars
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I've been speculating on what the most awesome thing possible would be for the eldar book. My money's on 'the eldar steal the shards of the void dragon and put it back together so it can un-fuck the situation'

They need the Imperials and Belisarius Cawl in particular to steal the shard on Mars.

Whacky hijinks and raiding necron tombs ensue.

Naturally the first thing it should do on being unsharded should be to punch the necrons in the 'nads.

But then, I do play Void Dragon Corsairs.

Sadly this will never happen because the eldar hate the necrons and the C'tan for poorly explained reasons.
A shard of him is sleeping on Mars.
That's it, yeah. Someone ought to go over it and remove some of that funky white shit around Trazyn though.
If only GW dared to do something like that.
Yep. Or in the case of Heavy Bolter increase the number of shots from Heavy 3 to Heavy 5.

I remembered an official list for Kroot Mercs.

They even had a special strain of Kroot with wings.

But can't find it anywhere anymore.
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For the ancestors I give you this.

I really wish they'd put a kroot HQ in the current tau list; maybe a few more units, make them a decent allies list.
Thank you laddie.
best thing Eldars could do is all die by SM or Chaos hands, even necrons are better at un fucking things

Like there's going to be unfucking. Just more chaos-wins crap.
I don't care at all. We had a succesful green koosade in 2003, and GW can't take that away from me. I'll play games set in other places or older times when doing fluffy campaigns, that's all.

Why is that so? The Maelstrom (and half a dozen other minor rifts between the warp and realspace) have no pylons, yet they don't engulf everything.
>40k dogs of war codex with pirates, mutants, human renegades and non imperials, kroots, freebootaz, eldar corsairs, loxalt, sslyth and other minor alien species, squat survivors, and regiments of renown like mengil manhide's manflayers.
I'm throwing money at my screen but nothing is happening.
Unfortunately you need to be throwing your money at GW minor races models.

I suggest buying some FW eldar corsairs.
No, leave it, the shittiness is part of the charm.

And we'd have to remake it anew otherwise.
They've said multiple times in various places now that they won't and somehow you fucks don't spread that actual info and instead spread the lie/headcanon of trazyn made cawl blow up the planet by accident.
I don't even work for GW and this is frustrating
Because the Eye of Terror isn't just some Warpstorm. It's a festering wound in reality that's getting worse with each year. The Pylons acted as its stitches. Abaddon is removing the stitches and letting all the pus and bile pour out of it over everything.
Its too profitable. WFB wasnt thats why it squatted
Already disproven
Wasn't it before then? Cadia has had the pylons on since well before Lorgar discovered it

Chaos wins or the Tyranids eat everything. Either or.
His armor is made of finecast resine?
It is a good way to move the story ahead a little, as a tau player, this doesn't concern me too much crunch wise, but fluff wise this made me sad.
Why there is no chaos Tau?
>Should we expect Eldar dick moves?
Always expect Eldar dick moves.
Read the fucking lore
Their souls are too weak. Only in the Fire Warrior novel there was one (explaining how Kais could kill so many guardsmen, Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines)

There are Genestealers Tau, one time the Deathwatch had to deal with it.
>Someone's going to tell the Admech that there's that one mega STC in the middle of Abaddon's fleet.

That would actually make me feel sorry for Abby the Harmless.
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>Abaddon stands before the Golden Throne
>ready to finally kill the Emperor and reign supreme over the galaxy
>as he swings his sword to decapitate the corpsegod, a green light flares up from behind him
>the music hits
>The Silent King has returned to stop the Chaos fuckery that would stop him from getting his soul back
>with him a gorillion pylons, constructed by his top crypteks who had 60 million years to study the warp
>armlessscreeching.pict but with the Emperor and the Silent King

>unfucking stuff
That's not how they work
>pic related
I need this pic with rocket engines on Mars for this
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What prevented Chaos fleets from entering the Warp before they got to Cadia and just sailing through and past that gate to exit at another point inside Imperial space? I've never read any fiction about naval engagements occurring inside the Warp, so how could that have been stopped? This seems like a massive problem with the setting.
There are Chaos Tau, but they are so few in numbers that they are practically irrelevant. The Tau are just one small alien civilization on the ass-end of the galaxy, after all.
So is the Maelstrom.
Abaddon is fucking retarded.
I dunno, I really do think the most interesting direction they could go is having every faction beeline to the eye and have the end all battle of the Millennium.

Every single SM chapter gets a 'no but for serious' drop all from Terra to head for the Eye.

Hive Fleet Leviathan comes up on the eye from below.

The Crons have some spooky plan now that Cadia has gone off.

Orks are lead by a Warboss the size of a Titan on the biggest waaaaagh in history against every other faction at the eye.

Eldar can continue to be incompetent and try to steal some stones while everyone is distracted.

And at the end the sensei are all sacrificed and the emperor is reborn as Space Sigmar.
Maybe if they do something like Bites the Dust in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure they can "reset" the universe while still having stakes up. But I don't know how you would write it.

Abaddon wants to destroy the Cadian pylons to expand the Eye.

Also warp travel from inside the eye to outside throws you into a random location unless you take some very specific routes.

Cadian gate was the stablest route out, but it is worth losing it to destroy the pylons because expanding Eye means infinite daemon reinforcements instead of finite Chaos Marine reinforcements, negating any industrial advantages Imperium has over the Legions.
>Also warp travel from inside the eye to outside throws you into a random location unless you take some very specific routes.

Trying to travel outside the Eye WITHOUT using the Cadian Gate would result in getting randomly deposited somewhere. That's the entire point of the Gate: it's stable and that won't happen if you use it.

You need to go sneak through the gate and the blockade in realspace before you get to attempt a stable jump. Otherwise there would be no blockade in the Cadian system at all, all CSM would warp through it.
So you are saying that the reason you can't do that is because there are no stable routes leading towards the Gate from inside the Eye?
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Based lord Nagash was going to wreck chaos but then a fucking garbage vampireeeeeeee ruined everything, fucking vermin
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Speaking of recent 40k Lore.

Where are the Space Wolves at? Since Fenris fell are they a fleet based Chapter now or what?
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You are retarded.

read FoC. Inside the Eye, the traiors ha ultimate moblity and speed since they can navigate in the Eye with no issue. The Imperial caught inside can't. They are left with their plasma engines while the traitors use warp travel as they please
Fenris is still "fine". The thing is that Magnus killed many civilians and the Inquisition made a purge with most of the survivors. They also want to ask some questions about the Spirit of Fenris being real after all and not being related to Chaos.
>This is the crimson path.

Sorry, Anon, but you spelled "Path of Nurgle" wrong...
So the writing really is just that bad then. Forces from inside the Eye could just blow past the Gate and attack somewhere inside Imperial space. Astropaths and navigators would detect the fleet and the Imperial Navy would have to assign a anti-invasion fleet to follow the fleet from the Eye, enabling Chaos forces to dictate the flow of the war because the Imperial forces can't do the same at all. Am I missing anything? Because that's garbage world building.
I think he was talking about the inside of the Eye, not the outside.
End of the Storm: Fall of Terra
Your reading comprehension doesn't exist in a meaningful sense.
What I understand from what he said is that inside the Eye, Chaos has great mobility and is nearly impossible to beat ("the traiors ha ultimate moblity and speed since they can navigate in the Eye with no issue. The Imperial caught inside can't"). Nothing has been said about the previous anons' claims concerning randomized exit routes from the Eye.
In other words, the hyper mobility that Chaos forces have is valid only as long as they are inside the Eye. In order to attack specific locations in Imperial space, they have to exit the Eye using the Cadian Gate first. So no, they can't just "blow past" the Gate. They should be able to make a second Warp entry right after they exit the Eye, but maybe that's impossible, I don't know too much about how Warp travel is supposed to work.
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You're saying that there's an area of Warp instability between the edge of the Eye and the Cadian Gate. That directly contradicts canon.

I'm not implying anything.
I'm just repeating what the others have said, which boils down to "chaos can move as it wants inside the eye but it has to exit from the cadian gate if it wants to attack cadia". Argue with them, not me.
>[the cadian gate] is the only predictably stable way out of that maelstrom of Warp energy. It is therefore a site of frequent raids by the Forces of Chaos seeking to break through the Imperial defences in the region so that they can invade the larger Imperium of Man.
Indeed, Cadia did not fall, and will continue to not fall. Forever.
Cadia, as a location, is less likely to be occupied by enemy, or indeed any, troops than any other point in Cadias fine and glorious history.
But what if Chaos builds a new planet there?
Lol. Plausible.
I know this post is a few hours late but warp travel is very relent on currents and stability to work. You may have to travel to a system that is 138 lys away just to hop back 120 lys to the system you want to get to even though in real space it's only 18 lys from your starting point due to the currents and tumultuous nature of warp travel. You COULD make a direct jump but it would take 2 years longer, you have to navigate through a jagged reef of false reality, not get caught in the doldrums, and hope your detranslation doesn't land you inside a temporal anomaly. The "roundabout" route is the safer and more stable passage if you want to about rive intact.

Same with the Cadian Gate. You theoretically can exit the Eye anywhere but it's like sailing through a storm on a rocky coastline when it's pitch black and GPS isn't working vs a calm sea with a steady breeze. If you want to move a fleet of any real size with hopes of 75% of it arriving on time if at all you have to use the Gate.

This is compounded by the fact that the longer the duration of a warp jump the more unstable, dangerous, and inaccurate it becomes (which is not a good situation considering how bad it already can be). Most vessels must enter real space periodically at way stations before making another dive.

Chaos is no different. They may have the favor of the gods but they are fickle, flaky, and fleeting with their boons. Their power and influence is also not omnipotent across the whole warp and chaos fleets must still employ navigators or powerful sorcerers to traverse the Immaterium.

Unless Abby wants his forces depleted and scattered across an entire segmentum at random intervals he either has to send small sneaky fleets out and around or bull his way through the Cadian Gate.
>AOS Generals Handbook
>something good
>the status quo is upheaved
>the eye of terror is expanding
>chaos is throwing sick parties. even those nerdy, dusty old faggots from the Planet of the Sorceror are invited
>shit happens, the eldar die, and the eldar god of death is born from the infinity circuits. it begins kicking the shit out of slaanesh. hope returns to a dying race. Exodites are merry.
>the golden throne finally fails. the emperor is reborn as the star child. The imperium gets its shit together under daddy's supervision. Guilliman's life support is finally pulled. Chaos laughs nervously.
>the nids show up. In force this time.
>Orks get even more orky.
>Necrons unite under the silent king once more - plan: kill the tyranids. Anybody not on board with this plan doesn't deserve to live, and will be killed accordingly.
>Tau, ignored by everyone, have actually grown into a threatening empire.
>Malal is back in business.

I wish 40K was divided into eras, rather than being a more or less permanently stagnant setting. I'd really like to see a 40K universe where every faction miraculously gets their shit together and suddenly everyone's playing their a-game.
The Tau "endgame" is being too small to be a threat, but too well armed to be easily conquered or killed. Best bet for them is to see to their own small corner of the galaxy, and pick up the pieces after the main powers finish killing each other.
>Guillimans life support is pulled
I think Emps will heal his son with magic and shiet rather
God I hope not.
>be Emps
> agonize on golden throne for 10k years
>finally die
>navigator screeching everywhere as astronomican goes out
>suddenly demons in palace on Terra
>get reborn as star child
>know a few of your sons are still alive and you are finally mobile and back in your glory

I know you hate Guilliman but it's most likely that Emps goes to heal him and then fix crap.
Maybe he'll slap him up a bit about the codex tho.

Guilliman coming back would be absolutely amazing for the Imperium.
We should be so lucky. Remember, this is GW and Age of Sigmar is a thing they thought was a good idea.
I would be okay with that.

Eh, Guilliman and Russ bullied Magnus for being a nerd, which really didn't help things, and the Codex Astartes was imho a fucking disaster for a variety of reasons. He's a retard, basically.

But he's a charismatic retard, so as long as daddy is calling the shots I guess it doesn't matter.
>Codex was a disaster

I mean I don't like all of the Codex but keeping the Legions together at their full strength would have been a pretty bad idea.
I figure that the lack of cohesion has played a big part in why the imperium is crumbling at the seams. It makes coordination more difficult, has resulted in bitter unnecessary rivalries, standards of varying quality, and people playing fast and loose with doctrine.

Of course, the case could also be made for compartmentalization due to corruptability. I can get that. The question is at what cost. At the very least, I would have made chapters larger.
Yes, I was about flight inside the Eye. You know, the Eye which will cover the galaxy soon? If you read FoC, then you would understand what I am saying. The Imperial fleet got caught in the expanding Eye and were screwed since they could no longer warp travel while the traitors chasing them can.
>The question is at what cost.
actual mental and genetic standards for recruiting? The chapters are the sizes they are, largely because they demand a much higher quality of recruit. Less numbers, but less instability.

I mean, the results kind of speak for themselves. The only major space marine betrayal in ten thousand years? The badab war. Nowhere near the scale of the horus heresy.
>Codex Astartes was imho a fucking disaster
How it's a disaster if it's a best book any soldier or commander could ever read
>they could no longer warp travel while the traitors chasing them can
What their navigators all fucking died out or something?
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>>unfucking stuff
>That's not how they work

I don't know which is more pathetic, that that's the picture you're using for Slaanesh, or that I've seen other losers use that same image before.
Imperium is confirmed loss

Eldar is also confirmed loss

Tau has no realistic chance, they're also soft locked into a loss

Necrons have already lost to chaos once and are nowhere near full power right now, it's theoretically doable for them to win but I'm sceptical tbqh

I know people like to meme up Tyranids and Orks but if you warp dump the whole galaxy (and this is repeatedly stated to be the chaos plan) then just being numerous is irrelevant because physics stops functioning entirely.

Chaos is positioned the best right now, they're the de facto big bad faction, all the other "bad guy" factions are just there as ornaments. It always has and always will be this way. Why? Because the narrative centres around the Imperium, deal with it,
>celestine is stabbed by a special magical blade that causes every single sister of battle in the universe to feel the same pain and spontaneously die
>tyranids decide they're not hungry anymore and need to lose weight for swimsuit season anyway and go home
>dark eldar find jesus and rejoin their brethren
>necrons put their skin back on and join the imperial guard
>emperor wakes up and uses his special new secret recipe to turn all imperial guard into more space marines
>all those pesky factions that stop us making more space marines/spikey marines/eldar/tau are now out of the way
Not the space nuns!
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Brilliant ideas, El Presidente! Surely now you will be recognised across the world!
It'll never satsify.

GW isn't going to toss their whole production chain. So, you're still gonna have Knights in every battle and 50% Marines, even if they did magically get the lore and balance perfect.
Penultimo is best waifu
The "official" Tau end game, as stated as such in fluff, is exponential growth. This doesn't seem to be tied to birth rates or anything, but rather to assimilation, ambition, and innovation.

In other words, the Tau end game is distracted enemies. Pull the Imperium off the border, and by the time the Ultramarines exit the warp and arrive at Terra, the Tau will have assimilated and fortified the entire segmentum.

Not sure what official endgame Char has, if any, but his latest reason for betrayal was the discovery that the Ethereals were hiding the existence of chaos, and his belief that it presented a bigger threat than they bargained for. So that's probably not super relevant, he's thrown in with Shadowsun before against common enemies.
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Wait what's happening? Haven't followed 40k lore in years. Anywhere I can read a summary of the fuckery going on?
Just read the End Times lore and replace the WHFB names with the equivalent 40k names.
All the fluff says the Maelstrom is second only to the Eye of Terror in scope, a place where reality and warp overlap, etc.
All Warpstorms are like that but the Eye is an actual wound in reality atop of that.
The navigators and astropaths don't dare do anything inside there because they would end up dead or worse.
The pylons were made before the Eye of Terror became a thing. The only ones near it were on Cadia, which created the Cadian Gate. The other pylons, elsewhere, are/were stopping the galaxy from being consumed by the immaterium. Their job was made harder by the Eye coming into being, and with the Cadian pylons gone (the ones most responsible for holding back the Eye) the galaxy is at risk.

That the narrative could lead to an AoS-esq setting wipe definitely ups the tension on a meta level. On the one hand I don't want to see 40k wiped out/rebooted, etc, but on the other hand this is CHANGE and adds a real sense of drama and uncertainty to a "main plot" that has been stagnant for a long time.

I am also fully sold on Crystal Dragon Emperor magic and Saint Celestine being confirmed to be a warp entity in some form or fashion.
Tau endgame will be galactic conquest. In Warhammer 50k they be the new IoM equivalent. Then these upstart Thexians bring them down. Humans be wherever a subjected race to various main factions and some small empires left. Space Marines be like Eldar in 50k super rare and powerful but on a decline. Chaos be armless and mad.
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>Inb4 it was all SINDRIIII'S Masterplan.
That's a funny way to spell Trayzn
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i think is time to a drawfag do a Sailor moon celestine

because for fucks sake, i thought i was reading the series finale, when she was fucked up but saved the world with her fucking willpower from galaxia and the Entity of chaos.
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More like she shoveled Big E's Moon prism sword up failbaddon's ass and now he's an armless, spineless and invalid loser

Just as planned
I imagine the anons who got into the whole Daemons of the Emperor thing must be pretty pleased with recent developments.

Big-E's saints are in fact the Sailor Senshi

>Emps remorse for not having her as waifu when he was young and more powerful than her husband
What's really shit is they turned sindri into an ex wolf rune priest

>Isn't he also directly the reason it blew up?

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