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What is the culture surrounding /tg/ related stuff in the country

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What is the culture surrounding /tg/ related stuff in the country that you live in?

Pic related is a screenshot of my French playthrough of TW3. I find that its helped me get to grips with understanding more complex sentences. (I'm going on a semester abroad there)

She is also my NPC waifu, for no reason in particular desu
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>for no reason in particular
I could think of a few.
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>OP here
>Be living in the US, Chicago specifically
>MTG and Yugioh are the staples, everyone has at least heard of one of the two
>Comics, Anime, Doctor Who and Star Trek are probably the most recognized nerd things
>There are Anime/Comics conventions in my city about once every 3-6 months
>Theres a pretty lively nerd subculture, I know of two arcade bars and one videogaming lounge, a couple of LGS's
>TFW I probably live in the place that is the center for this kind of stuff
>TFW I overheard two people talking about Tyranny and Crusader Kings and started to chat with them about it

If you want more I can answer some questions, if anyone is living in France I'm especially interested in what you have to say
Traditional gaming has taken the place of parlor games for the socially apt. As with spiritualism in the early 20th century, it's an acceptable deviation from the social norm - a "dangerous" but temporary excursion into normally unappealing behavior.

Like spiritualism, its status as fad extends only to the boundary of irony - so long as you don't really like traditional games or play then frequently, the momentary indulgence is harmless. This status quo is exacerbated by media which enshrines nerds as noble outcasts and their hobbies as secret wells of wisdom.
Generally perceived as weird nerd shit, and predominantly enjoyed by people above the age of 20, because we're filthy second worlders and there's no way kid could afford that kind of stuff unless their mother fellates a parliament member. Subsequently nobody will give you shit for it because you're already in your 20s and what you do with your own money is nobody else's business.
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Should mention to please include the country in question, I get it if you wanna keep it private, but I'd like to hear about it
Hint: my country can't into space. Or freedom of speech. Or abortions.
If not Vatican then Flipland.
Uh... I guess it's alright ? I mean, no one will take you seriously if you touch anything /tg/ related (same goes for vidya)
But the community in itself is waaayyyy different than the american one, at least in the way you handle adventures, if my own experience is worth trusting. Regarding stuff like miniatures and cardgames, these are being laughed at, but mostly because we lack the scene w40k has in America for example . A few hardcore fans manage to keep all of it together tho
If you're into weeb shit it's the paradise, which is okay I guess, I'm not a super-weeb but you get the idea (mostly Jojo, Berserk, the good stuff...), since I think France is like the 2nd world consumer for manga or something. At least it used to be
I know that the deutsch have a solid community for TTRPGs too, but I don't know how it actually works out for them

He likes his women to have the bodies of 14 year old boys?
Well, our queen made illustrations for the Lord of the Rings books.
There's a lot of LARP around here, which is probably the more visible face of /tg/, along with card games like MTG and Pokemon.
I don't know if it's just my local area, but there seems to be a lot of interest in World of Darkness, too.
I think every single inhabitant in the country at some point knew someone who was into /tg/ stuff, even disregarding the current Pokemon craze.
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My fucking sides

Also thats a shame because I'm not really into manga/anime. Much more of a videogame and TTRPG person myself

Pic related is my response
Why would you want to have abortions? Ar you a nazi or something?
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>I live in canada, in a city of around 100k people
>there is exactly one game shop
>they only do magic, x-wing and assorted comic books
>you literally cannot order cards
>I basically never play magic, despite having a fuckhuge collection, because the store is so small
>plus winter and shit
>but man oh man, do bitches love a good looking guy with nerdy hobbies
Nerds tend to be leftists from the upper working class or lower middle class. There are a few conservatives or right wingers but they are mainly middle or upper class. It's fine to slaughter the enemy and rape their babies but don't suggest decreasing islamic immigration because you'll be worse then Hitler.
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>tfw you live well below the Mason-Dixon Line
>tfw ~70% of your small town's total area is comprised of farmland
>tfw most of the people who live here unironically believe that tabletop gaming is satanic and that all nerds are somehow gay
>tfw the closest game shop is over an hour's drive away and it's kind of shit
>but man oh man, do bitches love a good looking guy with nerdy hobbies
I live in an Oregon college town and I've come to the conclusion there's nothing you can admit to being into that will spoil your chances of getting laid as long as you're attractive and not a complete social retard.
I once told a girl I used to be a brony. We still hook up about once a month
The fundamental problem is that most guys who are sort of good looking lie to girls to make themselves seem better looking through association, and then have to keep up an unsustainable lie, which is counterproductive to maintaining a relationship. But, if you tell them you're into Magic/horror movies/poetry/whatever, then show them you're giant collection of cardboard, chances are you aren't lying to them about other things.

Also, being into nerd culture is trendy at the moment, so for genuine autists it's a huge plus. I've used my extensive knowledge of dark souls 1 to wheel ladies on occasion, when in reality, I just griefed people all day long in the painted world. Just make sure you have the chops to back up your talk, and you can even disguise your social retardation with the whole awkward nerd thing.
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Not him, but I can mostly confirm what he said.
Though I personally started in Highschool, I have a father who loves comics and SF/Fantasy, plus I preferred to use my money on /tg/ related stuff, and never really got into drinking or smoking, which probably also helped alot.
I live in southern Brazil, so a third world shit-hole.
Card games are seem as kids shit and any adult that plays it are considered a loser.
Board games are widely accepted, because they do note require much money to purchase.
Tabletop wargames like 40k are almost non-existant, because miniatures are extremely expensive here thanks to abusive taxes. It cost almost 6 times to buy a miniature here than in the UK for example.
Tabletop Rpgs like d&d are very rare here, because the rules books of every system take forever to be translated and it also costs 3 times more. The few people Who play it are also mocked, because it is viewed as a children game, so it's very difficult to find a good group.
Count your blessings /tg/entleman, at least you do not live here.
Eugene, OR?
>miniatures are extremely expensive here thanks to abusive taxes. It cost almost 6 times to buy a miniature here than in the UK for example.
Never understood how this could be a thing, by logic those things should be cheaper in poorer countries.
By WHAT logic?
The only consistent logic in currency and economic matters is that people WILL try to get away with whatever they feel they can get away with.
>Western Germany, town of 80k inhabitants
Board games are fine.
P&P and Tabletop makes you scoffed and laughed at, you're a either a manchild or a weakling who tries to escape reality and doesn't know how enjoyable their life i (e.g. going to the gym, going to the disco, fucking some sluts, play FIFA, repeat) is. Basically, the people here are huge turbonormies. You're getting stigmatised a lot. People imagine you as a fat basement-dwelling NEET with piss bottles and maybe two shirts who doesn't shower for months straight and wanks to really degenerate stuff 24/7. It's the same they used to do with video gamers, but that doesn't work anymore. Pretty much every adult who does it does it undercover and even most adolescent don't talk about it. There used to be, no idea what happened to it, a single game club for Magic and Warhammer (both 40k and Fantasy) here. The next GW is a one hour train ride away, you can get Magic cards quite easily in toy shops though. It only gets worse if you go further north where the farmer villages are, if you're going south to big cities such as Cologne, I'd expect the situation to be a lot better.
>The fundamental problem is that most guys who are sort of good looking lie to girls to make themselves seem better looking through association, and then have to keep up an unsustainable lie, which is counterproductive to maintaining a relationship. But, if you tell them you're into Magic/horror movies/poetry/whatever, then show them you're giant collection of cardboard, chances are you aren't lying to them about other things.
I think on top of that it's also perceived as a confidence thing. Which isn't entirely true, I just realized after my social skills reached a certain level (I pretty much had to teach myself how to talk to people like a non-sperg) that people no longer cared that I liked this stuff.
>Denmark, Copenhagen area
LARPing is huge in Denmark, saying you do RPGs will make most people assume you do LARPs. Which is seen as more of a children's thing and kind of nerdy but not stigmatised as such.
MtG is common, as is Pokemon, and both have been played by tons of people 'back when they were kids'. Playing card games as an adult is rare, but not unheard of.
Board games are big, really big. I think it's because they are easy to play out of the box. You don't need to get into a whole fantasy world to play. People of all ages play all kinds of boardgames, there's even a board game café in the inner city that has a full crowd fridays and weekends.
Miniature games are big. I've heard the nordic countries are the greatest market for Warhammer outside of England and the US. Tournaments and cons are many and the community is very vibrant.
There's a good TTRPG crowd, though small. There aren't more than two gamestores, Faraos and Fantask, but both are good. Playing at game at the store is almost unheard of, not like in the US where it's my impression you can just run a campaign out of the store.
Most roleplayers meet through friends and common acquaintances. Game Clubs aren't really a thing. The few that exist are mostly taken over by NEETs with no social skills who make up the worst of the RPG crowd. Nobody sane wants to join in that shit.
A lot of interests tend to overlap, so people from Warhammer also roleplay and so on.
It Works like this:
Lets say an space marine miniature is 20 euros in GW website. In germany the minimum wage is like 1400 euro, so it doesnt impact the buyer so much.
If i buy it here the converted price is 70 Reais (local currency), but then i must pay importation taxes, so the price goes up to 160 Reais. That is without considering the retailer's profit margin. And Our minimum wage is 880 reais.
So, as you can see, we pay a lot more for the same thing. This shit happens in all things here, from cars (some models go as high as 10 times more expensive) to video games and eletronics.
This is why the great majority of people here pirates games and movies. We simply cant afford then.
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>move in with family just north of philly
>nothing but woods and old people
>none of the woodland creatures want to play /tg/

guess its Xmage and roll20 for me
>Further South

Bavaria here, agree with you on the board games. But at least MtG, Warhammer and X-Wing are doing fine. FNM is a regular thing in both university cities near me and Munich and Nuremberg have multiple stores runnign tournaments. We got a two-day annual traditional gaming event coming up in two weeks that get pretty packed on saturdays and January is generally quite full of tournaments.

Though RPGs pretty much don't exist down here.
i hate you a lot

Huh, went to college in Salem, OR and it actually had a surprisingly strong nerd crowd
>People's Republic of Scouseland (i.e. Liverpool)
Pretty diverse, depending on where you go. The place I go to for D&D has a bunch of MTG/YGO players plus wargamers (mostly GW stuff). It's also a cafe, which is nice. There's other places to go to as well, if you know where to look.
I live in Seattle, Washington, USA

There're FLGSs all over the place. We have several nerd themed bars and restaurants, such as the Mox Boarding House and the AFK Tavern. If you're into it, it's around.

WotC is based here and I have several friends who worked there. There's plenty of normies around, too, of course, but the nerds are so common people don't even bat an eyelash.

There's small local conventions all the time, as well as big ones.

What else can I say? We're pretty much nerd Mecca.
>>50961253, >>50961452
The Pacific Northwest in general is god-tier for nerd stuff since we're AAAAALL about our quirky individuality up here.
You're on the internet! Speak American!
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>this is what foreigners actually believe
>Triss Merigold
>Body of a 14 year old boy
You're full of shit. Though admittedly I know nothing about her except this extremely lewd and surprisingly high quality series of cosplay pictures on DeviantArt of all places
If you play TTRPG, you are probably over 30 and was an active player in the 90s. If not, you are either hipster or your older siblings/parents were playing. The hobby is barely related with stereotypical nerds and such.
Instead, it's more related with being a metalhead/goth. Or at least was, because now it's pretty much dead when compared with how active the scene was by the tail end of 90s
>because we lack the scene w40k has in America for example

really? I lived in several cities in France and you can easily find 40k players almost everywhere, even in small towns.
Tell me your secrets fellow Corvegasite
>by logic those things should be cheaper in poorer countries
Not really. Poorer countries aren't very profitable markets for luxury nerd goods and no one wants to lower their prices so the poors can reexport the stuff at profit. It could be cheaper if it was locally made, but then again, those tasty overseas markets mean that local prices rise to meet the worldwide average and not the other way around. Maybe except rulebooks in the local language.

Speaking of export production, we have a thriving hmm... aftermarket? industry here in Poland. 40k resin bits? Not-40k minis? There's a good chance they came from Poland. Lately Infinity started gaining country-wide traction so several companies appeared selling themed MDF terrain, quality varying from "random dude in a garage" to people who studied actual design and know how to make it work with the medium and scale.

It's a good life for gamers, at least on the miniature/boardgaming side. No idea what it's like for RPGs nowadays, haven't seen much of those in recent years.
Wow, being handsome lands you chicks, news at 111!!11.
>>none of the woodland creatures want to play /tg/

Teach them anon. become the Squirrel whisperer. Be the druid.
It's probably best that you never learn more about Triss anon, it might ruin your waifu relationship with her
This is another proof how looking good can make lying, cheating bitch popular
t. Yennefer
>Enjoying shitty yandere
>Not picking redhead that is actually cute and can patch you up after fight without cuckling you into beta position
Sorceress fags are the worst
I unironically think Americans are absolute SHIT when it comes to /tg/ related gaming. I ain't no eurocuck either; I'm patriotic as fuck, but even still, Americans are absolute SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT when it comes to ANYTHING having to do with actually giving a fuck. I've seen LARPers and shit in France and Germany, and even the more casual of players in those territories are about as level with our most dedicated factions in the states, it's frustrating beyond disbelief.

I think it's true what they say, Americans are some of the STUPIDEST motherfuckers to ever walk this planet, but not because we're inherently shit, but because there's just so goddamn much of us, and since our culture is so fucking inclusive, every half-wit with a wallet can come in and join anything. Also, yes, it's true what they say; public education in America is an absolute fucking joke. I literally learnt more in my spare time on the internet than I did in my 13+ years of schooling.

I actually, legitimately get pissed sometimes because trying to organize an event, whether it be for LARPing, airsoft, tabletop gaming, a fucking SCIENCE PROJECT, it all just yields shitty, uninterested, undevoted plebians who can't even at least TRY to get into character if their lives fucking depended on it.

For example; during mil-sim events in airsoft, fucking NO ONE participates. Oh yeah, they'll show up, they'll pay the entrance fee, they'll hang out in the respawn area, but NONE OF THEM FUCKING LISTEN TO THEIR CO's, NONE OF THEM TRY TO CAPTURE OBJECTIVES, HALF OF THEM AREN'T EVEN WEARING THE APPROPRIATE GEAR, AT LEAST FUCKING TRY, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES.

And don't even get me started on LARPing. FUCK YOU, you fucking prick, this is HARD fantasy; HARD. I know your fucking lizard-ass reptile brain finds it hard to conceive of the idea that MAGIC HAS FUCKING LIMITS, YOU WARCRAFT TOKING PIECE OF SHIT

Part 1 of rant, because this has been a looooong time fucking coming.
Seriously. STOP bringing your fucking overly garish sword into battle with us, you fucking PRICK.


The problem is, NO ONE fucking does their homework. They don't even ASK what's appropriate or not. They just assume "Hey, I saw this once in a video game, it's good to go, right?" FUCK YOU, do your fucking research. Fucking hell, compared to other places, we're not even that restricting. If you want to wear 13th century armor in a 15th century setting, we'll let that slide. Easily. But if you want to try bringing a sword that'd realistically weigh 10 fucking pounds in real life, then OBVIOUSLY IT DOESN'T FIT THE SETTING, YOU ABSOLUTE DIP SHIT.

>"Oh, hey man, that doesn't really fit the narrative. You can borrow my sword and attire if you'd like."
>"Hey, he's just a noob, let him play with whatever he wants."


Retards hide behind the shield of "fantasy" whenever they're caught to be ignorant or lacking in that field of creativity. They tout "magical" solutions to practical problems because they're LAZY AS FUCK and refuse to learn some basic history and science.

And you know, it's not even like I'm a hard-ass tyrant or anything. I give out links to websites with tons of good material out there where they can learn more about hard sci-fi and historical realism. I give them fun, ENTERTAINING lessons on the practical order of gambesons, pikes, swords, bucklers. I send them links to websites where they can learn more about firearms and fitness, yet they all just come back the next day, ignorant as the day I met them. This is all stuff that people consider "geeky" and "nerdy", yet when it comes to buckling down and ACTUALLY nerding it out, no one's to be seen. Why's that? I thought this was your guy's passion; to learn and grow and become people for it. Where does it fucking go? Don't you guys LIKE to read?
Sorry. The truth is, I REALLY love fantasy and sci-fi, but I'm so sick and tired of the same derivative bullshit left over from the days of LOTR and WoW. I want people to get out of their comfort zone and actually TRY for once without having to fallback on the same, tired look they've been using for the past 20 years. It's why I quit tabletop gaming, because nobody tries anything different. They just buy a book that tells them what they can and can't do, and then they just regurgitate everything the book told them to do because they're too hard-pressed to think for themselves. It's called "throwing everything in your setting, including the kitchen sink", and it's not attractive.

When I say "my pet is a giant fucking snake", I don't mean he's a giant, electric-type limbless dragon; I mean he's a GIANT FUCKING SNAKE. Have you never seen Anaconda before? I don't need your tacky-ass gimmicks to make my character interesting; all I want is less is more, which Americans have a big problem with.

Anyways, I'm all out of steam. Sorry for my three-post long, drunk, incoherrent blogpost. I really needed to get that out of me. Back to pooping fireworks with the family. See you guys next year.
>Our education is shit
>It teaches people to not give any fucks
>Thus, nobody does
Here, solved your great dilema in 3 lines, rather than 3 posts.
Meh, if looking good didn't make men like women regardless of their personalities and (lack of) virtues, our species would probably have stopped existing a LOOOOOOONG time ago. Our reproductive success relies on men being stupid and horny.
That's not triss, it's a random peasant
What's so bad about Triss? So she may have raped you a bit, what's a little rape between friends?
I don't get it. Why is Yennefer so pretty in the games? She's quite clearly described as not being attractive in the books, at least in the first one.
I don't recall that. Don't they all enhance themselves into beautiful supermodels with magic?
In the short story The Last Wish, when Geralt is talking with Chireadan about Yennefer, while waiting for her to finish helping Dandelion, it's mentioned that Yennefer couldn't really be called a beauty, or at least something along those lines.
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Anon, pls.
Which cosplay series are you talking about anon?
That one's pretty non-lewd, but she has some lewd stuff on her profile (behind an agewall).

I'll be honest: the first time I saw it, for a moment I thought it was 3D art.
Any hobby other than soccer is considered faggotry and a waste for time for losers, not even kids are allowed to have non-populist hobbies.
The only acceptable RPGs are pretending to be a narco, or that you're not an actual slave in your wageslave 14 hour "job" for less than a dollar an hour.
If only Commiefornians weren't colonizing us and ruining the city with their faggotry...
No-one else from Africa?
In Time of Contempt all of the mages are described as being super models because of magical powers including Yenn. I do think that Geralt has seen her without her magic makeup on though.
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