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No One Else Would Make It Edition >Latest News Cleric Di

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No One Else Would Make It Edition

>Latest News
Cleric Divine Domains: http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/cleric-divine-domains
Don't forget to give your opinion in the Bard survey!

>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:

>Community DMs Guild trove
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>Previous thread

Why did no one else do this? I am bad at it.
>Why did no one else do this?
Like real heroes, they wouldn't do anything unless they were paid well and given basically no other choice
See, I even fucked up the thread title thing.
>look forward to weekly D&D session
>some bullshit with one of the players cancels it
it'll be three weeks tomorrow
it's over, isn't it?
we didn't even get to level 6
I ran Curse of Strahd and they couldn't get out of Death House before people started not being able to show.
My friends want to try 5e, which adventure should I run for them?
Lost Mine of Phandelver is a great intro adventure.
Yep, happened to me aswel, 5 or 6 weeks without a session now.
Phandelver is the go to intro adventure

Phandelver to start, then leap into Strahd or SKT.
I've only been playing for about a year and finally got my character killed. I decided to make my new character a Neutral-Good Elf who's quest is to ascend to become an Arch-Lich, but I can't decide which way to do it.

1) Wizard specializing in Necromancy
2) Cleric of Death

Which would you guys recommend for becoming a Lich at level 20.
>Strahd or SKT
poor princes, forgotten already

Wizard. They're the classic liches, a Cleric could only do it through divine blessing.
Thanks, brahs.
Are there any tips for running it?

I haven't had a chance to play through PotA so I have no opinion on it. That said, while the Temple of Elemental Evil is a classic and rad D&D adventure, both SKT and Strahd are very well done and a lot of fun (so far for SKT anyways). SKT has some of the raddest magic items ever.
>wants to become a creature that relies on harvesting souls frequently to extend their own life, despite already living a long time
>neutral rather than chaotic

Fuck elves.
Be aware of how much shit the party is in during the Klarg fight. New players won't like a total party kill.

Be a minmaxing piece of shit
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Could one make an Aasimar with a GOO as their celestial heritage? I'm thinking of making an Aasimar warlock and thought it would be interesting if their patron was also potentially their sire. Like a benevolent version of Wilbur Whateley in the Dunwich Horror. Of course they'd probably keep it pretty close to their chest and pretend like it's a regular angel.
That's regular Liches, Arch-Liches don't do that. They essentially give up their afterlife to watch over the world forever.
Don't be too upset if they go off track or get TPK'd on the first instance. Don't expect them to get very far either, just let them have fun and don't freak out about getting every rule perfect for your first try.
Is there even any definition for 'arch-lich' in 5e?
An Aasimar's sire would not be a GOO, though.
Thanks heaps. Good advice, brahs.
Yeah, I've heard that 5e is less of stickler about rigidly following rules and just letting the narrative flow.
Oh, forgot to also say, my friends aren't new to gaming or D&D, just 5e.
For the most part you should still follow the rules as much as in previous editions, it's just that they're more streamlined read: simpler this time around.
>tfw no saturday group
>roll20 wants me to do a skype panel interview, drug test, and psychiatric exam in order to have the honor of playing in their game
I've been thinking about running a roll20 weekend game. Maybe I will exclusively recruit from /tg/
Reddit's lfg can be easier if youre desperate for a game and not autistic about hating reddit, ive had 2 decent experiences out of it.
>drug test and psychiatric exam
I was willing to express incredulity at "drug test," but "psychiatric exam" is too unlikely for me to bother.
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>and not autistic about hating reddit,

Where do you think you are?
>exclusively recruit from /tg/
The memes say this is a bad idea, but I've never heard of anyone that actually tried.

This tbqh. It can take a while depending on location/time zone, but it works well.
It's so transparently a bad idea that I'm not surprised no one has made the attempt.
This board is Tha/tg/uy Grand Central Station.
>The memes say this is a bad idea
I've had bad experiences with roll20 randos so it's worth a shot at this point. Worst that can happen is the game ends in 3 weeks like every other game.
Ive heard a few stories, mainly most of the people end up flaking when the day comes.
Of all the boards I've been to, this one is the least autistically anti-Reddit.

I think it's weird to go from Anon status to meeting someone. Plus, if you play with other fa/tg/uys you can't complain about them on /tg/ later.
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I'm on session 21 of my Lankhmar campaign, all 4 players will do just about anything to attend.
One of them didn't cancel the same day has having teeth pulled. We reschedule within the week if we absolutely can't get together for the regular night.
Helps that our schedules are nicely compatible, of course.

Not so much simplified, but definitely streamlined.
>the most reddit-hating board on 4chan, /pol/, acts exactly like reddit now, and unironically hangs out there
feels bad man
Oh man, wish we could have more content for 5e.
More adventures.
More class options, archetypes for one.
Actual campaign setting sourcebooks; Cloak and Dagger style, Faiths and Avatars style, Lands of Intrigue style.
We all do friendo
Even adventures in places other than FR would be nice. Little sandbox adventures like Strahd would be great.
>Why did no one else do this?
I wasn't here when we reached page 10, also I wouldn't do it even then because I'm afraid someone else would beat me to it and make it irrelevant.
>What do I add to attack rolls?
>Ability, sometimes proficiency
>What do I add to saving throws?
>Ability, sometimes proficiency
>What do I add to ability checks?
>Ability, sometimes proficiency
It's simpler. And that's not a bad thing. "Simple" doesn't mean "simplistic" or "insufficient."
I really don't see the need in having all these campaign setting books, I own old edition Lankhmar stuff but it's more or less junk;
You don't have to have every single corner of the world laid out in "rich" detail.
>More class options, archetypes for one.
The game has enough, and UA is doubling that number. Pls no Pathfinder.

I'm certain that 3rd party peoples will get around to cranking out enough splat to make the 3.5 expatriates comfy. I'll gladly ignore it.
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they're releasing them at a steady rate. if you're so starved for content, you can always just start creating your own
What are good picks for cantrip for an evocation wizard ?

Mage hand and Light, but I don't know whether to pick Fire bolt or Acid splash, because of portent cantrip.
Agreed. The min-maxers still have 3.whatever to stack their countless modifiers in.
5e makes for smooth and intuitive combat, and really fightan is the 3rd most appealing thing about D&D in the first place.

I pity the poor creatures who make "combat fidelity" their #1 priority, and then play D&D.
Fire bolt.
I always wonder how many of these "starved" guys are full-time theory crafters.
A lot of them, I'd bet.
If there is it's not in the MM or Volo's.

or just get a fucking torch
Are you referring to Demi-Liches?
why don't people just buy fucking hooded / target lanterns
I've been playing with the same group since Feb last year. We play weekly, with the odd bonus session mid-week if we can all make it.

We've lost I think 3 long-term players since then, and went through 2 or 3 to replace them, but the current group has been solid for months.
It's the most I've enjoyed a campaign, and we regularly just chat on skype, both about the game and general bullshit, all week.

I'm probably the most likely to skip a session, as I need the money if I'm offered an extra shift at work.

Or just play demi-humans if visibility is such a game-breaker.
Nah, I work the factory floor with half my players, we BS about the game and D&D in general all the time.
Shame about your lost players.
All I can think of is maybe the extra cost?

I've got a lamp, but just realised how shitty it is compared to a lantern. It's 15' bright and 30' dim, compared to 30' & 30' for the hooded and 60' and 60' for the bullseye, and the oil lasts for the same length of time regardless.

Only downside is we play with encumberance and as a caster that extra lb is getting close to what I can handle.
DMs I've played with ALWAYS forget about lighting.
As a DM its mainly because almost every race fucking has dark vision and loses a bit of the spook factor when the one human player is the only one effected.

this, makes variant human even stronger desu
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>wanting more content equals starved of content
>these starved guys are always full-time theory-crafters
That's some decent hyperbole you have there.
But then again, you neckbeard thrice-chins with no friends have to try to have some semblance of social interaction.

I played in an almost all-human party so it mattered a lot in that campaign (Strahd). I think the only races without darkvision are humans, dragonborn, and Tritons (bizarrely).
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Let your players be creative. Don't fully limit them by RAW. You need to find a balance between challenging enough to be enjoyable, but without limiting your players to the point that its no longer fun. Don't let any players outshine others, probably most important rule.

Plus for martials let them do silly shit with strength or dexterity checks. Casters get spells, so give your martials a chance to break physics too, except with their fists, not their heads, although they could use their heads (literally not figuratively), but that might hurt a lot.
Anyone ever played with one that allows for light and Fog of War / distance seen properly?

Entering a dimly lit tomb and only getting half a passage drawn with two doors leading to the unknown to pick between.. Could be better than the usual "that's the dungeon blueprints"
wouldn't the undying light be better for an aasimar

How long until this link actually leads to a pdf?
Jesus Christ
Not everything is about variant humans

Showing the entire dungeon ahead of time without good reason takes 80% of the exploration out of the game.
The other 20% is the players trying to figure out if this circle is a pond or a rock.
They'll probably upload it sometime on Monday. The bard one being uploaded early was a fluke.
Should be fairly easy to write a program that constantly pings the URL and gives a notification when the return code changes.
I, however, am lazy.
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it is when your dm doesn't give a flying fuck
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>want to play sorcerer
>just looking at the class, it feels bare bones as all fuck

am i the only one in thinking there isn't much at all to the class?
no need to be upset anon, all i suggested to him was to create content of his own, as is the norm for d&d if he finds there isn't enough available.

They're the only ones with metamagic now, aren't they? That's pretty neat.
Please let it be the Mystic take 3 this Monday
They have less spells but they have more ways of manipulating them. I mean when was the last time you saw anyone cast Magic Circle compared to Fireball? Plus you can cast them in different ways, make hypnotic pattern only affect enemies or cast a concentration spell like Haste on 2 targets or have an uncounterable counterspell with the various metamagics.
It's alphabetical order anon, it'll be some dank druid classes which I'm looking forward to. Maybe some Circle of Bog or something that'll have major debuffs and swamp themed stuff for the lizard folk who make decent druids.
My DM uses the dynamic lighting on roll20, but doesn't really tailor it much, and if there's a big room with a decent fight there will always happen to be a light source whether the enemies need one or not.
Truth be told, this is probably what we're getting more environments for Land Druids, some sort of gish, and a blaster.
I think some sort of weapon based Gish focused on using Scimitars or Shillelagh is likely. Maybe pinching a few Ranger spells for it.

The other one I would expect would be a Circle of the Sun for a sort of light domain type blaster.

A bug based druid would be amazing.
and Halflings.
Stop being so autistic.
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Well, I just got knocked to -7 HP by a manticore and left for dead by my party, at which point I failed my death saving throws.

Thank god it was only a one-shot.
Can anyone post a mega link for the 'Blood Magic' DM's Guild pdf?
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>negative HP
leave, 3eaboo
He's right you know.
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Speaking of UA, what does /5eg/ want from the next several Unearthed Arcana?

Something with Plants
New Gish


Drunken Master

No idea

No idea

Fiend Bloodline

Dragon Patron
Divine Patron
Patron-restricted Invocations

No idea
People seemed "starved" of content, see >>50412464
I want a druid that can be a bit fighty without wildshape.
You know what, give me a druid that gives up wildshape for something else entirely. It just doesn't work for a "default nature spell power" for me when I'm not playing moon, especially when you can't be a fish until 4 or bird until 8.
When do high ac fighting classes stop dominating combat? I rolled wizard because I wanted to make major contributions but monsters beat my spell DC pretty easy while the fighter and the paladin just waltz through combat. Sometimes they don't get hit even once and they get the most kills.

dm's guild mega in op, under the "packs" folder
sorcerer just needs more, cause holy shit storm archetype is just god awful
If they know what they're doing? Probably around level 15 or so once the really high level spells start coming online.

You're not going to just be able to dominate combat with a single spell. Consider instead making other contributions, like casting Haste on the frontliners so they're even more effective.

Remember, it's a cooperative game, and Fighters and Paladins are very good damage dealers. Don't worry about who's getting the most 'kills'. As a Wizard, you're better off with AoE in that department to help wear monsters down, or to try and inflict conditions.
healer/utility druid
viable unarmed options for every martial class
warlock cantrip options that can rival eldritch blast
another take at spirit animal ranger
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Can you play an effective Land Druid without summoning spells? They tend to leave a bad taste in my mouth when I'm not just taking one creature, bogs things down like hell when I'm DMing and I don't want to deal with it as a player (or inflict it on my DM)
Gatekeeper druids, for Eberron.
Goddamn, I wanted to be mvp
>Druid: plants, gish
Both would be awesome. Maybe a corruptor/disease druid, too.
>Fighter: brawler/wrestler/luchador
Please no. Nobody wants even more grappling arguments. I'd rather have a dashing swashbuckler-type archetype (but for fighter, not rogue).
>Monk: drunken master
Of course! Honestly should have been available on release.
>Paladin: no idea
Perhaps a paladin devoted to the ideal of unity?
>Ranger: no idea
Doubt we'll get anything; technically there are 3 archetypes in UA that were released not too long ago (with the class itself)
>Sorcerer: fiend
Would be tight. Also tight: a fae sorcerer.
>Warlock: dragon, divine; patron-restricted
Patron-restricted invocations won't happen, because then they'll need new ones every time a new patron comes out.
Dragon and divine patrons would be pretty cool, though; I'm imagining Harry Dresden after he gets Soulfire from the archangel.
>Wizard: no idea
Probably another tradition that used to be a prestige class, like arcane archer. Maybe a mystic theurge that can use (some) cleric spells?
I would imagine so. The only major summoning spell I recall being great is Conjure Woodland Beings, and that's dependent on what the DM gives you.
there are homebrew for pretty much everything on that list, what's your point?
If you really wanted to be MvP, you'd have played a Bard, anon.
I'd much rather have a better take on a Warlord or leadership styled Fighter rather than a Wrestler.

Paladin could potentially get a more spell focused oath to give it a bit more range

Ranger might get a sort of Seeker subclass that's more focused on a sort of primal arcane archer with elemental arrows.

Wizard might branch out into Elemental specializations, like one for Fire, Water, etc.

I feel like Fiend bloodline for Sorcerer might step on Warlock's toes a bit. I'm really not sure what bloodlines they'd go for.

Those Warlock Patrons are similarly covered. Dragon steps on Sorcerer's toes, and Divine is kinda covered by the Undying Light warlock.
>Another wizard tradition that used to be a prc
Force Missile Mage hype?
They already did Theurgy in The Faithful UA
That still wouldn't have done it. Bard is great all around, but the one area it lacks is in damage unless you really know how to cheese it.

With someone focused entirely on getting kills to be the MVP, he really would have been better off playing a martial class for big numbers.
Can I ask for some feedback on the sound of some sub-classes/Career paths I've come up with for an Alchemist class I'm homebrewing at the moment? I ain't gotten to the crunch yet since I'm still working out class features for each and the stats of the concoctions they're able to brew, but I've a fair feel of what each is gonna be like and I was wondering if they sound interesting - especially since I've never homebrewed anything before.

Core stats: Int and Con
Important skills: Medicine, Nature
Playstyle: Squishy healer with very powerful buffs - ranging from more basic things at lower levels like bonuses on saving throws and granting dark vision, to stuff like gaining bonus turns, damage resistances, and large bonuses or even advantage on attacks at higher levels. Will have the ability to sling potion vials/container over to allies by a Slingstaff/Sling, eventually becoming so accurate that their targets won't even need to roll to catch, and eventually being able to administer them via range by this method. Can also just pour them in their mouths if they're up close, essentially making them function as touch spells.
Will also have access to the "general" potion list, letting them have a small number of poisons/explosive ones that they can also sling about. Constitution is important for them because it determines how many of their own buffs they can use at any given time without overdosing, and said buffs can make theme extremely efficient as a healer.

Continued in next post.
>Force Missile Mage

Isn't that the one that's entirely based upon going full Macross with Magic Missiles?

I could certainly get behind that.

>Bombardier (or maybe just Mercenary)
Core Stats: Int and Dex
Important Skills: Survival and Nature
Playstyle: Combat focused Alchemists. Can buff their allies' damage a whole lot and also debuff their foes, who also specialise in crafting "bomb shells" that make all their damaging brews AOE. Have access to elemental explosive concoctions that are semi-costly to make, gain moderate prowess in ranged combat and tankiness, and can brew a whole slew of poisons and quick-acting psychedelics. Also can spec into using crossbows as a means of using their brews from much further range, or remotely detonated/timed ones depending on their preference. Have access to the War Sling as well.
"General" potion list gives them some slight utility out of combat, but not much.

Core Skills: Int and Wisdom
Important Skills: Arcana and Religion
Playstyle: Ritual focused casters. All Alchemists have a few transmutations cantrips they can use to make useful materials like glass vials/bomb shells easily plus some other stuff, but these guys go up to freely bending metal or stone, causing spontaneous phase changes in various materials, sculpting flesh in some kinda horrific ways, and the creation of golems and (eventually) homunculi. Much more spiritual and magic than other Alchemists, but still more scientifically minded than most other casters. Sorta of a geomancer/summoner class that needs protection from it's summons or party to be effective.
Don't gain proficiency in any form of martial combat based stuff, but will get a bonus on Wisdom saving throws.

Thoughts? Think I've covered the 'classical' bases well enough with these three, or am I missing an angle here? I can answer questions on more specific stuff if you have any.
>spell focused oath
Something like a paladin sworn to protect knowledge and such?
it's pretty much unanimously agreed upon that Sorcs are just watered down Wizards.

you trade the absurd, absurd utility and versatility of a Wizard for some combat stuff.

They are just very lacking. Laughable number of spells known, no rituals, 0 upkeep throughout the day (you get nothing, nothing on a short rest so if you have a party very dependent on short rests (IE you've got a battlemaster or warlock) then you're going to be very behind)

Do yourself a favor and play a Wizard. It's not even a matter of what's most optimal/powergamey etc, Wizard is simply better and more fun.

Sorcerer's like; oh boy this is a tough combat encounter, I'll twin Haste on the Paladin and Fighter. Encounter pretty much auto-won, but there goes all your Sorc points. Now you are straight up a strictly worse in every way Wizard. Oh no the Ranger fell off the bridge, too bad I only have five spells known so I didn't take feather fall. We need this specific spell? well in 1000xp I'll level up and can learn a new spell/swap an old one out...

Wizard's like, let me cast detect magic and make sure there's no magical traps, let me identify that object real quick, you boys tired? Let me cast Leomund's and give us a 100% safe long rest. Still have all my spell slots, rituals nigger. Oh we need (obscure spell)? No big, I have it in my spell book, it's not prepared but give me a bit and it will be. Boy, that was a hard couple encounters, I used a lot of spells slots. Let's take a Short Rest and I can get em back. Area dangerous? No worries, I'll cast rope trick/leomund's.

and then we get into traditions/origins. Draconic bloodline is solid for combat stuff and only combat stuff. WMS is trash. Almost ever Wiz tradition is pretty good, some bordering insanity (like Divination or Illusion with a lenient GM)
Homebrew can be horseshit because people don't have a sense of balance or design quality. See lots of homebrews.
Official content is nearly always better balanced and more flavourful than homebrewed stuff, and thanks to it being 'official' has a certain sense of prestige attached that makes it easier to get a group or dm to give the okay on you playing it.
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I genuinely think they'd be better off making Sorceror's just a very unique Wizard tradition at this point. I don't think they've ever managed to actually make them as good as or at least a worthwhile alternative to Wizards.
Maybe. An Oath of Knowledge could work. I was thinking more along the lines of an Oath of Fire to represent someone in a cold region who seeks to preserve communities and hearths, and gets a bunch of fire spells to blast with, as well as a way to use them fluidly.

Paladin Oaths are tough because they don't have as much to draw on.
In 4e, where every class had unique "spells," the sorcerer was actually pretty strong, with high damage to multiple targets at once. But in 3.PF and 5e, they're just watered-down wizards.
(They did not exist previously; innate magic wasn't a thing PCs had before 3rd. Even bards carried a spellbook.)
Oh, in that case Phandelver then jump to Strahd or SKT
They actually did have something pretty unique in the playtest, Dragon sorcerers being heavily armored gishes that gained claws, scales, and other features as they used up their spell points.

My preferred method of making Sorcerers a bit more appealing is to let them use the Spell Point variant rule exclusively.
If you don't know the answer to that, you're a literal retard.
I'm loiving this argument that is happening 30 mins between each post.
3/3.5 sorcs were in-fact further gimped by being a level behind in spellcasting. I think they didn't get 2nd level spells till 4th level then followed the new spell levels every even level.
>Dragon sorcerers being heavily armored gishes that gained claws, scales, and other features as they used up their spell points.

Why was this even removed?
Was it too complicated to track spell point usage or something?

The playtest was a mistake.
They wouldn't step on eachothers toes at.

Sorcerers and Warlocks are very different fluffwise.

Sorcerers are all about raw magical power within.

Warlocks are very subtle and creative, in a "deal with the devil" sort of way.

A Fiend Sorcerer would be about using raw magical power to literally raise hell.

Fiend Warlock is literally the Devils Advocate

You aren't stepping on eachothers toes, the fluff is very different, the source of the powers may be the same, however how these powers are obtained, and the fluff behind them, and how they are used are completely different.
I am the faggot who ruins it for the non-DV races in the party by asking "is it dark" and mentioning "well i've got darkvision so i'm fine" when walking into any place I know is going to be dark.

Sometimes adventures don't even think about this stuff.
>there's three bandits in the cave
>they draw their swords as you approach and charge
>they don't have torches
>well shit i guess they can't. nevermind.
>tfw I know a dude who has a complete set of the mid playtest rules from before they started stripping shit out but he fucking refuses to scan it in case he gets sued

I've offered to retype the fucking thing by hand with edits so WotC can't tell he's the one who leaked it but he still fucking refuses to even let me use it for a campaign or to run one with it himself. God, it's infuriating.
We're gonna get a luchador and you're gonna like it
battlemaster + tavern brawler is still going to be leagues better than archetype they could make
The correct DM response to that is "good question, why don't you find out ;^^^)))" and then never answer it.
Tg, I'm in desperate need of help.

For reasons that are too convoluted to explain, I need to know if bags of holding can be torn from the inside, and what happens to the soul of something that dies inside of it, especially in Barovia.

I'm at my wits end with this party of autists, so I'm outsourcing your nerd power. Please help
Yea, you're a faggot. Everybody hates the guy that does that shit, but they don't hate him enough to call him out.

All your fellow players are silently wishing you weren't there
All souls in Barovia are trapped there. You can't use planeshift to escape, so even in the bag the soul would not be able to get out.
There's nothing more autistic than asking outsiders what to do in your game. Finding out the intricacies of whatever world you're in stumbling ass backwards is half the fun, don't be that guy who says "Well anon #73658099 said Strahd should get to enter the bag cuz he owns the whole realm and we should listen to him cuz he got dubs!"
No, since the entire system was you got a benefit once you spent X of your pool. So you spend 3 you get claws, you spend 5 you get scales, etc. It might have been tricky if there was a way to recover them, but it was basically just a track as you cast your points for spells for the day.

The reason it was removed is because people whined that sorcerers should be bad wizards and not gishes. Ignoring the fact that it was probably just the dragon sorc that would be a full gish like that.
Is storm really that bad? I've never heard any complaints before
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I'd personally rather see the UA for Fighters just give more Battlemaster maneuvers. Perhaps introduce ones that require a higher level in order to take them so they can get some more powerful effects.

I really just want some Int based tactical maneuvers to justify a Hobgoblin Battlemaster.
There are two answers:
>DM decides it ejects you into the Astral Plane where you likely die because it's a massive void
>DM decides to eject you into the mists and you die from exhaustion, or they dump you exactly where the DM wants you (probably to die).
It's more that Sorcerer sucks.

Even really strong UA archetypes like Shadow doesn't fix them, and Shadow sorc is fucking stupid.
>tfw I track ammunition and encumberance too
Show me your tokens, /5eg/.
What's a token?
Images to represent characters and monsters for online D&D clients like Fantasy Grounds, Maptools, or Roll20
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One common complaint I been hearing from DMs here is that everything and it's grandma has darkvision in this edition. So i'm wondering of taking away darkvision from almost every race in my homebrew setting in an effort to, to paraphrase another anon "Bring back the spooky" to the darkness. I was going to give them low-light vision but it seems that doesn't exist in this edition, it's darkvision or bust.

What, if anything at all, should i give to these races as compensation?
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Some people avidly actually have lives.
Nothing. Darkvision doesn't make or break any race.
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It's a pretty minor benefit, so you could probably give something minor like a language or a tool proficiency in return.

Tool proficiency might be easier and allow for a bit of extra flavor for each race.

You should still leave it for some races though, possibly even breaking it up by Subrace. Mountain Dwarves, Drow, and Tieflings are the most likely candidates, though Wood Elves might be fitting as well.
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i'm probably going to get rid of light sensitivity for drow and kobolds, since that always seemed like the balance for them, though that does mean i'm taking away pack tactics for kobolds to further balance, then work from there.
I get the feeling people play darkvision wrong. Darkness is treated as "dim light" so it still imposes disadvantage on perception rolls using sight.
If you intend to make being in the dark, etc important, I think it's worth giving something in return for this loss of capability, since you've implied it won't be some tacked on effect that is largely forgotten.

I'd say just something worth .5 points on this doc, as thematically available. Should be fine.
Just bring back Low-Light Vision.
Drow, Dwarves, and Tieflings get Darkvision.
Everything else that currently has Darkvision gets Low-Light Vision.

Both are useful for different things.
Darkvision only helps you see your immediate surroundings. You can walk into a pitch-black cavern or a moonless field and see everything NEARBY in perfect (albeit colorblind) clarity. Anything beyond that is a mystery.

Low-Light Vision simple doubles the strength and distance of existing illumination. You would see in said field well enough to make out distant shapes, and if you happen to be in a cave with a bunch of enemies crowded around a campfire way off in the distance, you could see them quite well--and anything lurking in the vicinity of, but not quite near to, the campfire.

You could also take Darkvision away from Dwarves and give them Infravision back.
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One of my players got swallowed by a Remorhaz.

Since, whilst swallowed, a player takes 6d6 acid damage each turn, do you think it would be fair to say that all his armour and non magic weapons would have been corroded/destroyed?

I'm mainly channeling the black puddings effects with deal acid/corrosion damage to non magic items.
Unless it says it corrodes their armor, don't. Players don't like losing their items and will derail everything to undo your damage.
Swallow a nickel.
Strain your poop for the next week.
I'm gonna guess you'll find that nickel, because stomach acid really doesn't melt millimeters of metal even with hours of contact, let alone the less-than-a-minute he's going to be in that thing before either dying or cutting his way out.
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False equivalency senpai. My stomach acid doesn't do 6d6 damage. That's a lot. It's enough to kill most of my players in two rounds.

Clearly the MM doesn't say it does I'm just extrapolating. Acid damage causes corrosion. He'll be able to replace his cheap armour and weapon fairly easily. There's even a suit of magic armour in the dungeon they are in.
Stomach acid is highly corrosive. On a larger creature, the main difference is that you can actually submerge a person in it. Also, just because they die in two rounds from acid doesn't mean they're instantly a skeleton, just that they've had too much trauma from it.

Also also, if the player manages to survive the acid damage for a couple turns with minor acid burns, why do you think their armor would be instantly destroyed? Any acid strong enough to instantly corrode metal would do far worse things to a human body.

Unless a Remorhaz is specialized in digesting metal, a 12 second acid bath isn't going to destroy weapons and armor, save for maybe padded.
>acids that react violently with flesh automatically react violently with inorganic compounds such as metal, glass, etc.
>any acid that attacks X substance attacks all other similar substances
No. Acids are different. There's acids that'll burn right through your flesh but won't touch glass, acids that'll eat half the metals we know but can't do dick to gold, acids that'll eat glass or stone but leave you alone, acids that'll just drip through your skin without notice but then dissolve your bones, and so on.
An acid that eats glass and stone but doesn't do dick to a human? I want to know what acid this is for completely innocent purposes.
Well either their stomach acid is capable of dissolving everything, since they would frequently swallow adventurers whole.

Or they regurgitate whole pristine clean suits of armour and shiny broadswords.
You know I'm just going to give you the names of hideously dangerous acids that will destroy everything, right
actually fluoro-anything
Plenty of animals dissolve their prey and then hawk up the bones and fur. Some animals eat rocks just to grind their shit up in their stomachs, but never dissolve the rocks.
Or, their stomach acid quickly digests adventurers, and then slowly digests weapons and armor. Or as >>50414016 pointed out, they might just chuck them up later.

Either way, it's silly to have the armor not even last 1 turn in the acid when a player can last 2.
>Look it up on wikipedia
>The molecule model is colored green and purple
Thanks, doc.
>rust monsters vaporize metal but not flesh
>there can't be some other creature that melts flesh but not metal
Wat, the original designs are still in the playtest packets though, there's multiple versions.
Because literally all of that shit was mechanically awful and would have set a precedent where each sorcerous origin functionally its own class.

The armor and scales were replaced by natural armor and elemental resistance as always-on passives.

The claws were replaced by a bonus to appropriate-element spells that actually meshes with the base sorcerer design.

And also the sorcerer only appeared so early in the playtests that it only got 5 levels and many basic features of the system were altered or replaced anyway.
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>There can't be creatures that do both
And Mystic will be out before the end of the year.
All of the playtest packets that got leaked (which is most of them) are in the Mega under the Next folder already.
maybe if the creature's description said its swallow attack, which specifies all these other fucking rules and stats, mentioned melting metal
Mein nigger, I love editing old FE sprites
Other people have lives.
The playtests are all in the Mega.
I liked this better the first time
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You monster...
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How do you Grave Domain, /5eg/?
The Grave domain was released in an UA.
Personally I'd be fine with the Sorcerer becoming the dedicated melee caster with origins for sword n' armor and self buffs, touch range and close range spells with hella damage, and one for extreme mobility or something.

That would be pretty cool honestly. Really they just need a small overhaul to distinguish them from wizards more outside of "we have metamagic!"
Would you let a Barbarian who's playing completely unarmed take GWF except changed to Unarmed Strikes only or would that end up being OP as fuck?

Since unarmed attacks only do 1 point of damage+ STR, if you DIDN'T allow that they'd be 100% pure shit. More so than they'll already be without magic fists.
Favored Soul then?

Life Domain FS is actually a Sorcerer I'd love to play. Dip Pally for 2 levels and you'd be pretty amazing
Just don't let him do it while grappling. He must have use of both hands to hammerblow like he's Captain Kirk or some shit.
They obviously took the Unarmed feats to make it a d4.
is sorcerer the weakest class, flavor-wise speaking?

In terms of just flavor and fluff, I've always felt Bards to be the weakest class.
I think Sorcerers are actually pretty good flavor wise. Getting magic from your bloodline and being decended from dragons is a pretty common thing in fiction, and I think it is more interesting than 'I studied' for Wizards.

As far as Casters go, I'd agree with >>50414983 that Bards are the worst there. They're jack of all trades that learn all sorts of magic by travelling, plus also music magic. There's very little reason behind it.
Honestly, I find bards much more interesting than wizards.
If Int and Wis were consolidated, I'd much rather disperse wizard of a class and sprinkle some of the title and baggage around to all other casters. Bards and Clerics can easily pick up the slack of things like spellswords, illusionists and enchanters, studious recorders, ritualistic enchanters, and just about anything a wizard could. Clerics through divine intervention, and bards through study and specific practice guided by a slight bit of personality and intuition and thrown into action by echoes of the song that created the world. If nothing else I find the idea of a grand arcane tome being a form of sheet music much more interesting than just random scrawlings and diagrams in draconic that let wizards break the universe without any rhyme or reason.
hmm, i've always found bards to be very flavorful, even if their magic is kind of pulled out of their asses. have you read the colleges flavor?

I actually agree, if 5E had the whole "magic as song" thing permeated the bard class mechanically or was more widely shown in the lore. And while it does kind of does through abilities like Vicious Mockery it mostly feels like a handwave. "They're jack of all trades who found magic in music or some shit" is what the class feels like. Sat next to wizards, sorcerers, fighters, and barbarians they don't exude the same kind of iconic imagery as those classes do and their lore isn't strong enough to make up for it in my opinion.

Bardic inspiration would have been a great place to demonstrate "music as magic", or even a small but unique list of bard spells. But instead it's reduced to "you inspire your allies with your words or music" and that's all for the fluffy part of that ability. Even rangers, while a mechanical mess, are iconic as archers and woodsmen ala' Aragorn. Bards get... Tom Bombadil who isn't exactly a cultural touchstone.


I have, but I'm speaking more generally as to the class as a whole. If we stack them up against other archetypes then I Don't think they're in a much better place. Illusionists, necromancers, frothing berserkers, wise tactical soliders and so on. Strong archetypes on top of a weak core of fluff doesn't help them that much. Though I think the archetypes just add to their muddled fluff.
So what school of wizadry is best to follow? Kind of stuck out of the choices available. So wondering what are your inputs are.
Bards are a bit lacking in justification, but I don't think I've ever played with a Bard who wasn't one of the better RPers in the party.

All their shit really lends to RP and stuff. Point out to the Drake you're fighting that it really is just a lamer dragon using vicious mockery, adapting a popular IRL song into a song about the party member you're about to inspire, whispering into the Ogre's ear about all the horrible things you've done to it's mother with dissonant whispers, sending the ten foot 700lb monster running away from you crying like a little girl

Lends itself to RP more than pretty much any class
I personally would like Bards more if they actually did have a better representation of that dabbling. Like if, for example, most Bards were also minor Clerics of a diety, had small spellbooks from brief Wizard tutelage, and stuff like that.

Perhaps explaining that doing such things as music allows them to recall and remember such swathes of information in an easier way, but if they are dabblers, then they should still follow the flavor of those spells they're picking up from place to place.

Min-max best? Illusionist (if creative), Divination (for pure mechanical power). All the schools are solid though, I'm very partial to transmutation.
Avoid necromancy.
i enjoy how many things a bard can do with just clever use of his tools but indeed they feel very unjustified for most magical things.
i don't know how much of a savant you have to be to actually be able to learn ANY spell from ANY class just through your travels and shit, where realistically speaking, you probably won't ever meet a 9th level wizard or so.

the jack of all trades and overall skill monkey does lend itself to tons of RP even if your party ends up thinking how the fuck do you know all the things your dm says you know (thanks to good history/arcana/etc. rolls).
keep in mind Illusion is really dependent on the GM

the only kinda bad tradition is Enchantment, probably.

Evocation is a bit weak due to it's level 6 ability affecting like... three spells that aren't even evocations, though Spell Sculpt is a godsend if you have 2+ martials or fight in close quarters (nothing quite like chucking a fireball into the middle of a battle and nuking all the enemies whilst your allies stand unscathed)

divination is regarded as the best, as it's level 1 is stupid good. Conjuration is fun, played with a guy once who was pretty creative with the conjuring items thing and the teleport thing is actually amazing if utilized right. transmutation is weak at first (I honestly can't fathom a use for it's level 1 ability), Abjuration is pretty solid if you use a lot of abjurations (Shield, Counterspell etc)
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Thank you.

They really should just make the transmutation level 1 like an action or something. The only obvious use is using it to break into/out of places made of stone or metal. It's just so limited for no real reason, it's a shitty ritual spell. That said, their level 6+ abilities are pretty damn cool and transmutation spells are rad.
Is there a point healing someone before they go down? People tend to complain I don't heal them, but the majority of the time I heal them and they go down anyway
To extend the fight or journey I assume. Granted fi they always fuck up right after, save the heals and try to save yourself instead.

I use lingering wounds because of this

Played in a campaign once were the Paladin realized he could just lay on hands for 1 and bring someone back to full combat effectiveness albeit with 1hp.

Que corpse tanking. Was stupid as fuck and left a bad taste in my mouth for 5e's ko/death system.

Not really, in combat healing is best used to get people back up after they go down. The exception being if the whole party is on the razor's edge of a TPK and surviving one more hit will make all the difference.
There are two schools of thought on this.

One is that since, for the most part, your character's abilities in combat are the same at full HP as they are at 1HP, healing above 0 is pointless.

The other is that numerical HP values are less relevant than the number of hits you can take before hitting 0, and that if healing will change that number significantly enough to survive another round or more of combat, especially if that extra round will assure victory, it's justified.

It makes more sense to heal the Paladin in plate mid-fight than it does to heal the wizard who just took a greatsword to his spleen.
My DM implemented something similar to get us to play more cautiously.

Generally though, the best time to use healing is on targets that are under half health to ensure they stay up, or on targets that are dying to get them back up.

I think I recalled hearing that the Channel Divinity for Life Cleric was a decent guideline on when you should be using healing in general. You shouldn't just be topping people off though unless you're out of combat.
No, no, those are Liches who fucked off to a higher level of consciousness, leaving behind their powers and hate in a completely-decayed remnant of their physical carcass, so that idiots who stumble over the old lair can have some 'fun'.
make a creature vulnerable and then let the evoker over channel and kill it
I give players a level of exhaustion every time they are reduced to zero.
I run a fairly gritty game though.
Yup I do this

Some of my players are covered in scars now and another is buttmad they lost a foot
Couldn't one just true polymorph a new foot?
Yep if they were a level 17 Wizard
One hell of a personal quest if any.
I do the same, works fairly well.
/5eg/ . Probably one of the most civil threads on this site.

Personally I always saw the Bard working best as "Adventurer" rather than "Guy with the lute". Bards seem like characters out of a story that might have learned to swing a sword , has read a good amount of lore, had to sneak out of more than a few ladies bedrooms, and picked up a few magic tricks without. It strikes me as best representing the crafty hero type character and I often ignore the use of music in favor of that
>/5eg/ . Probably one of the most civil threads on this site.

You don't get out of /tg/ much do you
Nah, he's generally right. 5e has nowhere near the shit seem in other threads.
Not really.
What god's avatar would people potentially like to have the stats for/like to see in statted form? From FR, Greyhawk, Dragonlance?
>"/5eg/, at least we're not /pfg/!"
>volos ruined /5eg/ argument
>warlocks are shit argument
>warlocks are best class troll/counterargument
>muh damage spreadsheet
>homebrew is garbage and anyone who uses it should off themselves argument
>bitching about mearls
>[new content] scan FUCKING WHEN?
>psionics are bullshit garbage argument
>the fucking discord

Yup, so goddamn civil up in this bitch.
What are some interesting ritual spells?
How is the discord?
Sure. Flaming Sphere, entangle, haste, spike growth, stoneskin. Druid has plenty of options without using summons.

Of course it might be easier to just go moon.
About the same as the thread. Ranges from alright discussion to overaggressive super-spergs, depending on the time of day and who's on.
Divination and Forbiddance
So i am making a kenku cleric of the forge domain, my stats i rolled are 18,14,14,13,13,10. Doing the underdark/demon? campaign (can't remember what it is so that's all I remember i think?) And the idea for my character is that he is a weapon/armor smith who recreates historic arms/armor and was asked (divine vision from his god) to go into the underdark to collect a rare metal to remake a weapon/armor of his god. I'm aiming to be a front line fighter/secondary healer(mender) crunch wise and could use any tips or advice for clerics since it has been forever since i've played a cleric and never done one in 5th. Any and all offical 5th stuff is usable for this game if that helps.
So I think I'm going to play a necromancer with the healer feat in my next game with a heavy Frankenstein vibe. Using the feat to patch up my zombies after they get beat up, using witchbolt to power up my flesh golem, and using clone to create test-tubes filled with new me's back in my remote tower laboratory. I figure that since magic in D&D is so predictable and precise with its results, it can be played as some sort of hyper-science. Is there anything that I should look out for when playing this kind of character?
except that Bards are better spellcasters than paladins/rangers and sorcerers

imo Bard should have been a halfcaster with broader abilities. You'd take your archetype at level 1 and they'd shape what nature of Bard you were; more Roguish, Fighty, actually Bardy or magicy.

as is they are a full caster and have ritual casting whereas a Sorcerer, a being imbued naturally with magic, doesn't have rituals and less spells known and etc

use a component pouch rather than a focus, and go into detail about the way you cast spells and the materials the spells use

ie you cast fireball and dig out a vial of bat shit and some stuff and do a bunch of shit to the shit then hurl it where it explodes on impact
>Forge Domain
>create replicas of historic arms/armor
I seriously hope you intend to speak by mimicking those shitty Cold Steel infomercials.

Im playing a Tomelock so im constantly going over rituals trying to maximize my limited spell list

Identify and Leomonds Hut are always great to have and can be used pretty constantly. Divination and Commune are the best spells to figure shit out so long as your DM isnt douchy about the info he gives you. Forbiddance is great for securing the homefront and the upkeep is overrated. Rarys Telepathic Bond is basically Rarys Bluetooth headphones for the party. Find Familiar is also excellent for any character and is completely disposable for the most part
Can non-casters have Failiars?
For anyone wanting pretty much any of the 5e books physical, amazons got a 10$ off 25$ book purchase going, got myself Volo's for 21$ after tax, with free shipping.

was going to go for more of dwarven bob ross meets billy mays/vince offer(shamwow/slap chop guy) + cylon speak n'spell, never heard of cold steel before, how cheesy are they?

Comprehend languages is also pretty useful. It won't come up often but it's priceless when it does.

If you snag it from Ritual Caster yeah
kenku lack creativity

First nice dubs second yeah that is a good one.I havent used it in a while but im glad I had it during quite a few mystery solving sessions a couple levels back
See this is what I never got. If you can only cast it on yourself then surely it's a wasted spell slot since you'll only ever cast it once
I'll just let this speak for itself:


Your familiar can die, and it's worthwhile to be able to change its form to something more useful in the moment.
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What are the drawbacks to implementing a Next playtest weapon list instead of the default one? Has anyone tried this?
Shocking grasp and firebolt are your primary ways of attack.
Mage hand and Manipulate earth for utility.
How many players are you, guys who have problems with scheduling? You shouldn't have more than 4+DM, honestly even 3+DM is fine, or you can just fudge it if one player of 4 is missing
Anyone here play SKT?

How is the level progression? everything says 1-10, but my buddy who ran it for a bit says that, with the milestone thing, players get from 1-5 in a couple sessions then level up very slow past that.
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There are a dozen different weapons list from Next, anon.

that is so flat sounding.... I love it
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I realized it after I posted the message after noticing differences between two of them.

I'm playing through it right now. Chapter 1 takes you to level 5 very fast due to how dangerous most of the campaign is. After that it slows down (Though they bizarrely want you to be level 6 super fast) but the campaign can take you all the way to 13. You have to do 1 giant fortress for the story, and then every 2 you complete after that auotmatically nets you a level.

Think of them like a toned down version of Arcane Eye that is much more fragile. Your probably gonna need to reconstitute it more than a few times at higher levels when using it to scout. It also makes a fine distraction.I once got away with stalling a malicious but easily manipulated opponent by letting him "kill" my familiar over and over again. It was pretty awesome
How does a temporary resist to non-magical sla/pie/blu damage compare to a temporary AC gain? Say +5 AC in the Shield spell, it makes you a lot more likely to not get hit at all (and from sources other than mundane weapons). Whereas with resist you still take some damage, and the source is more limited. So how many bonus AC would you say that is equivalent to? +2?
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I gave one of my players a broken spine and he had to spend a couple of sessions being carried whilst the party looked for a healer capable of fixing him.

Then I still made the healing difficult with lingering madness.

There needs to be some balance between the realistic rules and being able to shrug off axe wounds, lightning bolts and literal giant boulders with a nap.
chill touch much better than firebolt
If dm does xp then they level like crazy from all the giants
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Chapter 1 power levels people to 5. Then its basically one level per chapter after that.

However, some of the chapters are very open so the players can spend weeks not doing the right things.

I like the milestone system, gives the players a reason to get back on track.
That's a male, isn't it? I know your ways, 4chan.
I hope it is
>chill touch much better than firebolt

But not better than the SCAG ones
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The fuck anon.
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Sup senpai?

Alchemist sage who manipulates plants
A gish that gets natural weapons at will.

Wis based EK with druid spells

Blood demon tradition - think blodmagic
Drunken master - improvised weapons as monk weapons and some shitstick about brewing magic booze
Iron body - takes body tempering to further extremes by means of magic (calculates Hp with Wis instead of Con , can cast shield at lvl 6 and gets to spend ki for concentration buffs to unarmed damage)
Sharpshooter monk

Mercenary order (I.e. honourable contract killers)

Storm ranger
Earthbender ranger

Celestial bloodline
Fiendish bloodline
Planerouched or elemental themed bloodlines
Alchemical-experiment bloodline
Royal bloodline (literally sorcerer eugenics)

Celestial patron
Mythic beast/totem patron
Revenant patron
Dragon patron

Invocations that grant class features from other classes like Martial arts from monk etc.
Invocations that grant saving throws.
Craftsman invocations.

Artificer revised - take the forge cleric example and work from there.
Blood mage revised - no bullshit blood points please, just straight up copy most of long death monks and totem barbarian features.
Is it bad form to request a change in character class from my GM?

We've only played one session, I was a Paladin level 3.

I would like to swap to Cleric. Wouldn't change anything about the character, but we lost our Bard and now have no healing besides for me, and frankly my Vengeance Paladin isn't much for wasting his action healing.

I just want more spells and ranged ability, honestly. I was thinking of swapping to Tempest or Light or War domain.

The only real issue is that if I swapped to Cleric I'd need to swap my CHA for Wis, and maybe change out my gear. Like I said, we only have played one session, lost two of our party members, so I feel like me swapping some shit wouldn't be that disruptive. He already has to handwaive half the party disappearing
Fr: Ilmater.
Dragonlance can suck it.
Greyhawk: Pholtus.
For a pure wizard it is

have fun being mad and getting into melee with d6 hit die
I'm really tired of people thinking of Sorcerous Origins only in terms of bloodlines.
Please elaborate. I maintain 5eg is nowhere near the levels of shit we see in other threads.
How do you design dungeons? I want to have an element of exploration, but I always feel like it drags on forever? Should I try to have shorter, more theme oriented design?

Relatedly, I can never keep monsters alive for more than ~3 turns, even boss monsters. Either they almost wipe the party in one hit (cuz they deal way too much damage) or they get like, one attack off (which misses), OR I can't keep track of their abilities and how they would actually behave because I have way too many fucking monsters on the battlefield.

EX: Running Against the Cult of the Reptile God. Players fight the CR 7 Spirit Naga at 3rd level (plus a 7th level NPC). The rogue and druid never even fell below half health, even when I threw in some random crocodiles, plus a GIANT crocodile (cr5) halfway through the fight. The calculator I'm looking at says that this should be a CR 14 encounter. Without the crocodiles they would have wiped the Naga in less than 2 turns. What am I missing?
I'm just saying, we have our fair share of shitflinging, which despite being relatively low compared to some other regular threads on this board, is still comparatively high compared to a good number of other hobby-specific boards on this site.
Alright, thanks.

I intend to run it; goldfields, triboar, or bryn shander? Which is the best, or are they all pretty much the same?

it'll ultimately come down to the players, but if one of the paths sucks and another is great, I'd like to know so I could steer them

Making tough encounters is less about one big enemy, whom the PCs can always smash unless it's WAY above their CR and more about lots of small, smart enemies. Read up on Tucker's Kobolds for some inspiration. But big fights are often made hard by two things:

1) The environment. A fire elemental is easy for the players to kill. A fire elemental dipping in and out of a magma river is less so.

2) Small enemies to bolster and help the big bad. That can be brilliant Tucker's Kobolds style enemies, a few small (But annoying) creatures with stuns such as dust mephits, or constantly respawning foes.

As for dungeon length I really think that's an art. I made my first dungeon the other day, and deliberately kept it quite short - the whole thing can be run in one adventuring day, but that will make the final fight quite hard. If they dilly dally, I'll toss fire elementals into the last boss to make it harder.
Don't care for the others.
Now I just need some damn gold to actually spend on the fucking spell.

DM be stingey, yo

Goldfields is the easiest IIRC, Triboar 2nd hardest, and Bryn Shandar (what my party did) is the hardest of the 3. So I can only speak to the frozen north which has been fun enough so far, it's certainly an under-utilized area of the world.
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Well firstly where do you want the players to be in the world? Triboar and Goldenfields are close to where they start but Bryn Shander is literally at the end of the map.

Look at the sidequests they will start. Think about the rewards and where the players will end up by following them.

I had my players go from Goldenfields to the High Forest over about 4 sessions because the tree told them to look for a druid. They became convinced it was important.

Also think about what Giant Chapter you're planning to run. The players are going to be introduced to Hill, Fire or Frost Giants and will probably want to investigate further.
I thought I recognized those hair clips.
Spooked me
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Who is this person, and where can I find more reaction images of her?
That's alexadra gaier, google it.
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I'm running it right now. Good shit. The Wizard burned down half of Red Larch by chucking a fireball straight at a bunch of Fire Cultists activating a Deveststion Orb. We all had a good laugh.
Not bad at all, friend. It should be allright balance wise. Perhaps also make one to be some kind of fighter-alchemist that uses status effects to debuff his enemies and "potions" to buff himself. Strenght - Intelligence based.
It's 12 o'clock
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Come at me
Can I
No it isn't, bitch is holding a pistol.
It's High Nyet
why does this include homebrew shit
Everything there is either Officially published, created by a wotc employee and published on the official website, or has been endorsed through the official Dragon+ digital magazine.
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I'm a sorc and I already have enough firepower but really would like some utility or chances to use spells creatively.

I know haste is great, but should I take levitate or FUCKING FLY instead? What are some good spells in the sorc list that have many/endless possibilities?
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>Character options

Human or fuck off.

Everyone who plays anything else is a degenerate furry or beta.
New thread.
We haven't even entered autosage yet, you fuck.
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