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Warhammer 40k General

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Thread replies: 360
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Red Murderface McOneEye Edition

>Freshest Rules:

>Stale PDFs:



>Outdated FAQs and Errata:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:


>Go to a lgs tournament back in Match
>Make a pretty decent Necron list
>First guy I'm up against has Orks converted to resemble some Admech stuff and runs them as a war convo
>He also has space wolves as his allies
>I end up eating shit super hard
>Current day
>Looking up some ITC stuff for another tournament
>Learn that the guy I played against is the number one ITC player
What's the difference between Altar of War, Eternal War, Maelstrom of War, and Echos of War mission types? What other mission types are there?
So I've heard around 1d4chan that there is an easy way to speed paint necron warriors and I was looking to see if anyone knows a little more detail to the method?

It's supposed to be Prime / Dip / Detail

But how exactly does a dip work? Which paint do I buy? Is it the washes? I'm completely new to painting, and I just wanted to start with something easy so I can at least have a few points to play with at my new FLGS. (Been playing with friends for a while, unpainted)

Prime black. Basecoat silver. Slap on black wash. Drybrush silver.

Anyone have any games planned this weekend?

Working on any cool new additions for your armies?

I have a 2k game v Tau tomorrow and yesterday had a great game against my cousin's IG at Thanksgiving.

Yesterday was my first time using troops, having ObSec and using metal bawkses so it went pretty well.

I ordered three sets of TL Ass Cannons for my razorbacks instead of my current TL Las Cannons.
i think i'll hang out at a gw tomorrow, i would've gone today but this cold is making me tired and i'm working on some design work
Give it to me straight Doc: Is footslogging Eldar even remotely possible without wanting to kill myself?
Hey thanks anon.

Oh for god's sake.

Okay, spray black.

Spray leadbelcher.

Cover the model in nuln oil with a brush, not by bloody dipping it.

Drybrush necron compound.

Then do gun casing either black or your dynasty's colour. The middle part of the chest also black.

Take green, brush just the raised sigil on the chest in the area you just made black. Dot the eyes green, and make the cable on the gun green too.

Then you're either done, or you can paint the shoulders in your dynasty's colour, nuln oil them shaded, add an edge highlight of one shade brighter than the first shade you used.
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Where can I buy this?
>Chaos black spray
>Boltgun Metal drybrush
>Re-paint details black
>Add green bits
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Dipping is a speedpainting method that literally uses Miniwax Polyshades wood stain as an all over shade.

Don't start with dipping unless you really don't give a fuck. Necrons are easy enough to paint as it is. Just follow the WarhammerTV tutorial. There isn't even much edge highlighing. You can leave out some of the final highlight steps if they're too hard for you:

I take back my complaints about Space Hulk Deathwing being yet another space marine game. Watching the trailer, it looks much, much better than Space Marine or Eternal Crusade. It actually looks like it will represent the lore correctly.

Who has the beta and can tell more about it?
Anyone know any online retailers with good 40k sales for Black Friday/Cyber Monday? I just came into some spending money and I need metal boxes for my Greenwing and Darkshrouds for my Ravenwing.
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Magnus & Rubic preorders are up folks. Try not to lose your shit over the kiwi prices.
Cyclops looks best.
I want to know if the story mode is worth playing.

Also if you can just play with bots on your team so I don't have to deal with matchmaking.

I am pretty sure of the latter.
neckbeard+mohawk option when
>Try not to lose your shit over the kiwi prices.

1 New Zealand Dollar equals 0.70 US Dollar

To save people the google.

Sorry, that was a little rude.

I only said "oh for god's sake" in reference to dipping. That is not a proper painting method even for just casual labor saving methods.

The best labor saver is actually having a base spray coat close to the majority colour of your model. It's a real godsend to not need to do the tedious initial coverage step and just get onto the fun parts of painting.
It's not necessary but I've had great luck doing eyes in a flat colour, laying a second colour over the centre and washing with Nuln Oil, which is basically magic in a pot. It's a quick and dirty way to get a decent colour gradiation in the eye slot without going insane on highlights.
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can someone identify what this is ?
it looks like a resin shadowsword but it doesn't look like the forgeworld ones and it doesn't look like the plastic ones either
is it third party ?
armorcast shadowsword

thanks for the answer anon
so from a quick google this is a liscenced product and wouldn't get me banned from the local gw right? it's pretty damn sexy in it's own way
Wait for Orks to do a made to order run. I'm sure it will make the cut.
Cyclops actually looks less hype than I hoped.

The mask concealing his real face is clearly the best and most thematic option, fitting in with Rubricae and offering both the appearance of a one-eye-closed face as well as the possibility that behind it he's a real cyclops now.
That mask is awesome.
Can someone please explain this picture
>as well as the possibility that behind it he's a real cyclops now.

He's a daemon of tzeentch. He has as many eyes as he feels like having.
worst that'll happen is people will ask you where it's form and you can give a little history lesson

Armorcast sculpts look a little out of place next to modern miniatures, though. They're more at home with 2nd edition stuff.

I wish I had plans for the weekend. Honestly, I don't know why I even bother with them anymore. My LGS is cool as shit, and we're trying to get shit going, but no one wants to play.

Also, I play sisters. I haven't had anything new to add for quite some time.

Kind of reminds me of something from JoJo.

Only less homoerotic.
Just type "but why" into Youtube
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Are Admech/Skitarii fun to play?

Trying to decide on my first army. Narrowed it down to Admech, Necrons, or Chaos.

Admech seem real cool, I like their lore and models, but I'm not sure if I want to bite the bullet and have to buy two codexes.

Combined codex fucking when?
It's a parody of a documentary about penguins. There's some penguin that just fucks off and runs to the mountains to certainly die, and it doesn't make sense.

I guess the point is that the g/morkanaut is a waddly retard that makes no sense and wants to die.
Actually better add Herzog to it.
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Or use pic related and wash with black.
Good point.
There are none to my knowledge.

Only discount site I've found that has Black friday sale is Wayland and they don't have any discounts on GW.
And now I know what dipping is, wow.

I watched the whole video, none of that seems too difficult, I think I'm going to try to just follow the whole thing step by step. Thank you! I didn't realize GW made such nice videos, too, I need to watch more.

This sounds a lot like a slightly more simplified version than what's shown in the video. Good tip about the gun casing, I was going to leave it black but a color sounds much nicer!

It's okay, I genuinely didn't know what dipping even was so it's good to get clarification.

Thank you for the input!
I'm trying to make my Overkill characters work in a real DW army.

Sofar I've made the DA wannabe sergeant into a librarian, but I'm wondering how to kit out the assault marines (2x LC and Chainsword/hand flamer) and whether the IH character's combi melta is worth using or if I should just leave the Anti-Tank to melta fisters/frag marines?
>Only less homoerotic.
I dunno. My hand is kinda craving some daemon misbehaving.
Yes, they totally are.

Skitarii chicken walkers are one of the most fun units ever. Charging into combat singing hymns to the Omnissiah with a motherfucking taser lance on top of a giant retarded mechanical ostrich-thing is just so badass.
Admech are badass, fun and decently powerful. They'll be good at fighting most things and are about to get some more stuff from Forge World in March, so there's a cool model or two and a nice power bump if you don't mind a price increase over regular models. Both the codexes are good, and if you aren't playing at a Games Workshop then just nick them from the MEGA in the OP, noone will mind.
>orkz can only win if they pretend to be someone else
A sad day for this hobby, but then again
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the music really doesn't help

not sure but i'm building my eldar like that. add in an avatar to hold the line with guardians, some artillery and aspects to advance on spots and other skimmers to blow up vehicles
It's how I run mine, decent success rate as long as the enemy doesn't seize the initiative and splatter your overly aggressively positioned units.
>orkz can only win if they pretend to be someone else

Now you know why true Orks hate Blood Axes.
You are no match for my Stand, 「 WE COULD ALL USE A LITTLE CHANGE」

Also I dislike the cyclops eye. It actually makes me feel like crossing my eyes just to look at it. unmasked Big Boss look is best.
What's your first thousand sons shopping list? Your initial preorders?

I'm definitely getting Ahriman, but can't pick between Rubricae and Terminators.
>Cyclops actually looks less hype than I hoped.

I've heard that Nobody likes that version of Magnus.
As a former Tzeentchian turned Khornate, World Eaters when?
>and are about to get some more stuff from Forge World in March

Any news on what stuff this will be, or do we just know something's coming?

Yeah, the fact that they're an elite-but-fragile army, and their whole "pretty mobile but no vehicles" thing seems pretty neat.

I think Ima pick up that Battleforce in december.
Rubricae will almost certainly be the more needed unit to fill out the Decurion, I would start with them.
None yet cause I already have my TS army. But honestly? Probably just Magnus. I have a few conversion/counts-as ideas for the Exalted Sorcerers and Tzaangors, so I'm waiting to get a full view of the codex first.
>World Eaters when?

They kinda just got their own entire codex, anon.

Let somebody else besides Khorne get the spotlight for a while.
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Will I be publicly flayed for bringing a Knight to 1500?

Also, is a Crusader worth the extra dosh/killbux or will the Errant or Paladin pull it's weight? I love that minigun's stats but that sword looks cool AF.

Pls no FW Knights.
That is true

But muh Angron
(and updated Berzerkers at last)

Probably, but I've never owned terminators before besides one Sorcerer Lord in terminator armour, and I'm pretty excited about them.

Not to say I'm not excited about rubrics too! A massed flamer unit piling out a rhino sounds fucking awesome!

Not usually, no. 1500 is where you should start seeing them, most people will bring enough to deal with it without list tailoring.

Crusader definitely pulls it's weight, depending on what you want it to do. It really shines at just about everything except very heavy AT and AA.
I just want to see rules for 1k sons, since that might be a decent indicator of what Traitor Legions will look like.
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Honestly as a non-Chaos player it feels pretty good to see them finally get a new Legion Codex with fully updated models and unique rules/Decurion stuff. I would almost feel compelled to start a 1ksons army myself if I wasn't already working on AdMech and GCults.

Happy 4 you dudes.
Betrayal at Calth. I'm gonna make a Tsons army with 30k bits and color scheme with minimal conversions. I have Ahriman already, I'll get Exalted Sorcerors and maybe Magnus. I'll need to get Disc bits though, I'll magnetize Ahriman and the Sorcerors to them.
I may be a slowpoke but custodes pimp-mobiles have arrived

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i didn't :(, could you explain it?
I just hope it's a step en they way towards Regiments/Klans/Hive Fleets/Craftworld/Cowens
Ikr, it's always good to have more herertics to purge
The Speshul edition.
Then I'm going to wait and see what my formations are before I decide any further.
Baby love him decurions.

>everything except very heavy AT and AA.
Must be the noob in me but wouldn't the Icarus give it some AA power? And what about the meltagun or inferno cannon for tanks? Seems like IK's lack of access to grav makes TEQ's a bigger problem.
Go read Homer's Odyssey. Culture is good for you.
A book with nine unique and not shit rules for the major Tyranid Hive Fleets would give me an erection for the next half decade.
oh. like the guy on the sheep
that's pretty funny
i should go to bed
I wish you were in my area, I want to play against Ahriman bad. I need some mind-bullet dakka in my life.
No Hive Fleets pls, Nids don't have clubs



So why are Custodes allowed to go outside now?
>No Hive Fleets pls, Nids don't have clubs

Well they kind of do....they're called Hive Fleets, which are different tendrils of the hive mind.

I think giving them chapter rules would be good from a gameplay stand-point. Make different Tyranid tactics viable. Want horde? Go Hive Fleet Horde. Want Psykers? Go Hive Fleet Zoanthrope. Want infiltration and fear? Go Hive Fleet Lictor. Etc.

It's not like they have to make them into Space Marines and start writing about how Hive Fleet Ultramar is mad at Hive Fleet Horus for betraying the Hive Mind..

Seeing as Tyranid's whole schtick is evolution, it fits that different tendrils of the fleet would evolve and adapt to the most common threats they happen to be facing.

I already own an extensive Tzeentch Daemons list, and a selection of daemon engines.

Adding some reliable shooting troops to that should be pretty rad. Don't need too much sons stuff because I can majority the Daemons.
Same reason mangus is
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What do?

It gives it *some* AA power, not a lot. Don't mistake it for being able to fill the AA hole in a list, because it doesn't do that. Basically just serves as a deterrent. Bringing along a cheap Stalker tank or something will do much better, mounting the Icarus wastes the slot that could be put towards either of the missile launcher variants.

Meltagun is gimped by the short range, your knight should not be within 12" if it's a Crusader. Inferno cannon is good, but generally people will be running the Avenger and the Cannon on it, because against absolutely anything except AV14 at half the Inferno's range, the Cannon is just mathematically better in every respect.

>tfw I have 3 Daemon Princes

I played tzeentch heavily in 5th with DPs as my ranged anti tank. Now, I can't play them without feeling bad because everything tzeentch has is bullshit.

I want to add thousand sons, but I can't blow my budget on them.

Fucking sucks, man.
When you put it that way it does make some sense, but IMO it makes even more sense that all of them have access to all tools at the same time, seeing that they're one being
This is purely lore-wise tho
Considering a 25lb bag of bird seed is only like 20 bucks.... I drop the bird seed.
>get down and succ his cloaca
Hive fleets don't have tactical schools of thought, they just so happen to be depicted fighting in specific conditions which they have adapted to, that's their thing.

You could maybe have some form of buffs to certain units but not from being part of a snowflake fleet.
>No Hive Fleets pls, Nids don't have clubs
They all operated differently and had distinct personalities.

Behemoth was compact, ferocious and melee-focussed. Kraken was sneaky, stealth-based, widely dispersed, and moved in random patterns sometimes bypassing extremely tasty worlds just to throw off defenders and go back for them later. Jormungandr has some of the most unique recorded tactics of any fleet, going so far as having developed the strategy of screening their mycetic spore drops with asteroid bombardments. Gorgon was highly focussed on rapidly gestating new smaller strains with dynamic adaptations than using large creatures. Leviathan has the greatest focus on flying strains and airborne swarms of any Hive Fleet.

Not to mention Hive Fleets actually fight each other when they encounter each other, so it makes more sense fluff-wise for each fleet to have its own Hive Mind rather than Cruddace's retarded fluff of them all being slaved to one entity with dumb shit like the "Swarm Lord".
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>Sure little birdy, i'v got some seed here in my mouth, just come a little closer...
Fuck you man
Just fuck you
>tfw started the game with Eldar
>tfw my choices are "be garbage" or "go Full Cheese"
>Hive fleets don't have tactical schools of thought, they just so happen to be depicted fighting in specific conditions which they have adapted to, that's their thing.

Yes....so therefore, Hive Fleet Zoanthrope, as a product of being in Eldar space, make more psykers to combat the Eldar.

Hive Fleet Genestealer always had a tough time getting mowed down by heavily entrenched Imperial Guardsmen....so they started creating more stealthy units.

Etc, etc. There are no tactical schools of though, just adaption.
>not being aroused by Spiderchan
what are you arachnophobia or something?
I think it's actually the other way around,with Crud adding individuality and what-not,not sure though
And desu Nids without the Hive Mind makes them a lot more boring and less unique
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>DROP $30

What do?
But why would the Custodes need to get involved again? Surely they're too busy protecting the Emperor
No they fucking aren't.

Eldar, like Tau, are perfectly capable of making balanced armies. The only one's who can't are the mono-build armies like Flyrant spam for Nids. Eldar have plenty of builds because they have plenty of good to decent units.

Their bad rep comes from spamming the disgustingly good units and taking as few of the good units as required.
Aspect Eldar arent garbage, they're fine for casual games, orks are garbage, black templar are garbage, Eldar are nowhere near garbage.
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I'd like to see the different steps of a Nid invasion more fleshed out, if that makes sense.
I know it wouldn't be a Codex:Hive Fleets
but having a decurion letting you move between vanguard, invasion, and "leviathan" or like the clean up crew

Thats really something that would make me excited to play nids

what do ya'll think of something that cycled your units out of the game?

like lets say you start with 500 points of stealers and lictors, and they can only stay until turn 2, then they automatically "disemberse" aka are removed for a new replacement formation

so effectively you'd be doing this with multiple units and bringing like 3k to a 1500 point game, but only fielding 1500 at a time

so the tyranid lists would be completely different by the end of the game and use much more models in "waves" kinda
thoughts anyone?
yes,so bad that if a spider touches me i get panic attacks

and i'm normally recklessly fearless
They still have a Hive Mind, it's just fractured between more distantly related Hive Fleets which have evolved away from each other and recombines when one of them eats the other and absorbs the weaker fleet.
>be garbage

What? Nothing in your codex is bad
After they got their asses kicked by literal clowns they went out into the universe to search for meaning in their life.
End Times are here, Chaos Primarchs will help Abaddon with Cadia and swarm the Imperium, the webway in Terra could easily be breached by a Demon Primarch and his legion forcing the Custodes to fight again and it'd be a good excuse to bring back Dorn.
That would only work as a "If fighting faction x then you get buff y" situation.

It just seems like an odd way of going about it, it seems what you want more out of it is individuality for your bugs, like how Necron players welcomed being Tomb Kings 2.0 software update because it let them pretend that robutts have personalities.
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Make you bend over and pick up the seeds.
My never-completed Codex was intended to have 3 Decurions for exactly this reason.

Incursus Swarms are vanguard seeding swarm lists, Consectius Swarm was main wave, Apocalypsis Swarm was endgame monsters and feeder-beasts.

Doing it all during a single game doesn't make sense, though. The timeframe and scale of a single battle in 40k doesn't fit.
What's a good start for Daemons of Khorne? I'm thinking about getting 2 Start Collecting, a DP and either a box of Bloodcrushers or Bloodletters.

Should I be going elsewhere, or is that a good start? I intend to add in CSM later for heavy firepower
Exactly, NewNids is not something I would want
Wrong post friendo.
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Sounds like you need to touch more spiders, until the effect wear off

put one on your cock, let it massage your balls
When will this happen?
because 30k set to sell miniatures

skullcannon + get started khorne + chaos hounds + bloodletters
Except Hive Fleets having distinctive ways of operating is not new, it's fluff that goes back all the way to Broodfather Chambers.
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>tfw think you can over come your fear by learning more about them
>tfw now you are even more scared and disgusted
Grey Knight player - having trouble with 2+ armor spam in the form of Assault Terminators.
My guys are great against MCs and 3+ armor but 2+ gives me a hard time because I only have so many Daemonhammers.

Best ally for getting rid of 2+ armor? Callidus Assassin?
I've had to much beer, your codex will be good
Are you some kind of spider fetishist?That's some serious heresy right there

I like spiders a lot though,their structure, their behaviour, I just don't want them physically near
I think if turn limits were placed on some units it would make sense, and also push a more aggressive/ swarm style playstyle
>this is of course assuming they somehow fix swarm armies and assault. (atleast a sever point cut would be nice)

and the scale of a 40k battle? I mean it could be pulled off if GMC's are limited to trygon prime/harridan in the decurion
>also harridan gets debuff and point reduced
Who would be the best Babby's First Army that aren't Imperial?
naa, i am basically like you, love those furry little fuckers, just not near my personbut this IS 4chan
iktf,even though paradoxically i find them fascinating and beautiful
it's just atavistic genes fucking with us i guess
just get more dakka
also twin hvy flamers are or too

just start forcing rolls on your opponent
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>Killing Dog Shits
>Feeling the breeze on your bare ass

Magnus is alpha as fuck.
>From B&C
>Thx veterannoob!

TS: This book contains new data sheets for Ahriman and Rubric Marines which replace their listings in the current CSM codex. The TS theme army is a Grand Coven (GC) which is made up of formations. Psykers get new and better powers and the CSM sorcerers can draw from 4 new disciplines: Sinistrum, Heretech, Ectomancy, Geomortis. We get 6 new objectives for TS focusing on psyker objectives mostly, or number 9. Also 3 cool fluffy altars of war. TS get 6 new relics, 6 new warlord traits (One gives eternal warrior!). CSM models can become TS with certain Tzeentchy condition to basically, ya know, make it work.

Special rules: detachment from CSM can become TS meeting rules (this book), then all units in a TS detachment or formation get 3 special rules (hells yeah, imo!)

1. if unit w/vet of long war (all TS except Tzaangors) affected by a blessing then invuln save better by 1 until start of your next psyker phase.

2. Units as above reroll hits every round of close combat vs. Space Wolves but also SW get hatred vs. TS

3. Rubricae becomes troops instead of elites

-Units from the formation can be in both a formation and detachment. You need your warlord in a GC as primary detachment to give the benefits to that whole primary detachment. Which is re-roll TS special warlord trait & re-roll the result of perils as well as all psykers can attempt to manifest one warp charge above their mastery level. So mastery 4 could attempt to manifest 5 powers!! Holy Psyker kickass, Batman! Oh, Eldar… ;-p

- GC is 1+ core; 0-4 command; 1+ auxiliary [TS Formations have cool benefit of re-rollingfailed saving throws of 1 when the formation uses max number of units allowed]

Core: War Cabal (formations either using healthy mix of the army) or Sehkmet Conclave (A badass Sorcerer + 3-9 scarab occult termies)

Command: Reharti, Ahriman’s Exiles, and Lord of the Legion
Aversion therapy can help with spiders
My point is that, the time between turns in a game of 40k is supposed to represent... say, minutes at most? The stages of a Tyranid invasion move over the course of days to weeks or even months if it's a large and well-defended planet.

Could be a cool Apocalypse Formation for a really, really big Apoc game, but I don't think it fits standard 40k.
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I am 90% sure an aussie would do that.
chaos...maybe if the new lists make them viable.
eldar will be hard but with that much cheese you should be fine.
>not imperial
over half of all armies are imperial

Aux: War Coven (magics!), Tzaangor Warherd (bray, baby!), Daemon engines (stuff from codex), and legion armory (codex armor vehicles)

Updated discipline of Tzeentch, 4 new disciplines.

designer notes new icon of flame reflects new changes since CSM codex, new inferno bolt weapons. Bolt + mark Tz = soul blaze
Can’t spoil every data sheet but some highlights:

- Ahriman at 230 HQ (rubric become troops if he’s in the army), can take a disc, psyk 4: Bio, Deamon (malefic), divination, ectomancy, geomortis, heretics, pyro, sinistrum, telekinesis, telepathy, tzeentch [The 11] and he still has Master of Deception warlord trait.

-Exalted sorcerer 160, can take disc, Pyk 2, same 11 powers, 1/per game Coruscating Beam attack instead of shooting (unlimited,S9, AP2, Heavy 1, blast, lance)

-Tzaangors 10 w/mk Tzeentch, can swap 2 hand weapons for auto pistol & chainsword, can take up to unit 30, 7pts each. relic hunter rule for fluff in case rare instance of this comes up

-Rubric marines unit 5 (4+ aspiring sorcerer), same special rules but better weapon options now. aura of dark glory, sorcery force stav, uses Tzeentch spells, can take up to 20 (23 pts each), any # of warpflamers (7 pts), sorcerer can take meltabomb, icon, gift, rhino. 1 soul reaper cannon per 10 marines (25 pts).

-Scarab occult terms 5 (4 + sorcerer) sorcerer has WS 5, 2 wounds- 1 above normal troops, and cast 11 disciplines. units can be 10 (40/model), heavy weapon options per every 5; per 5 one hellfire missile rack, land raider road trip available:)

-Magnus is a beast at 650 points but he has some crazy powers. psyk 5, draws line of sight to any model on the battlefield, harnesses charges on 2+, never perils, 4+ invuln, and besides knowing all Tzeentch & Change spells he has that Gaze you heard about, charge 5 (but remember all bonuses TS get!) 18’ D, Ap 1, assault 1, soulblaze! His staff is S user, AP2, force, soul blaze and transmogrify. Hot.
Soon, rumors are that the Death Guard and Morty will attack a world of faith, so that could easily be Sisters of Battle+Death Guard campaign and this will all lead to the retelling of the 13th Black Crusade which could easily be retconned to Abaddon breaking Cadia or being relieved by another Primarch and breaking Cadia after that swarming the Imperium and making his crimson path to Terra and that will be the new status quo, same as the old one.

If it were up to me I'd have the 13th Black Crusade developing the same way it is now, Abaddon wins the land war in Cadia but the Imperium has won the orbital war and reinforcements are coming until Lorgar comes out of warp space with his legion to aid Abaddon break Cadia and it ends with the legions of Chaos opening a thousand fronts throughout the Imperium and the Black Legion marching to Terra. That'd be cool as fuck.
Tau is extremely forgiving of lack of tactical knowledge. While it's not a "point-shoot-I-win" like much of the Internet says it is, it's also much more oriented towards either gunlines or highly mobile suits with a solid amount of firepower.

However, if you get caught in CC by pretty much any other army, your dudes will die horrifically - even the suits in many cases. As such, proper unit placement in heavy cover will make your guys very hard to deal with at a distance.
—so as with making the TS army, it’s all about formations and besides re-rolling saves of 1, they are reflections of fluff in names and benefits. As the Rehati should be from the HH novel A Thousand Sons (by Graham MacNeill), this expensive sect can harness on 3+ and draw line of sight anywhere. Makes me happy! War cabals of rubrics and terms; war covens of sorcerers; herds of tzaangors and a sekhmet conclave of terms + sorcerers.
-these inferno weapons all S4, AP 3; soul reaper cannon 24”, S5, AP 3, Heavy 4 rending; and the warp flame weapons have warp flame special rule.

Also 3 alter of war, 6 new fluffy tactical objectives, a new Tzeentch warp storm chart if your warlord is in the primary detachment (like TS model for creating a battle-forged army above)

Pink Horrors here replace the ones from the Demons codex. 90 for 10, up to 20 (9 pts/each). 1 is iridescent horror who can take 20 pts of rewards combination) and take choice of icons and icon upgrades

Blue (50pts for 10) and brimstone horrors (30 pts for 10) have been added as units. Pink horrors die and split into 2 blue which die and split into brimstones if you have them. An awesome return to the game! One formation even doubles the amount of horrors spawned from their colorful kin. Horrors use Change discipline.
-contains new loci, transmogrification in this book replaces the one from the demons codex because horrors split differently now. Demons of Tzeentch can be demon of tzeentch detachments. Pink horrors can carry new icons as well.

-You make a Pandemoniad of Tzeentch as your primary detachment but for warlord traits you need WF 1: Curse of the Wulfen.

the Pandemoniad gives you 1 better invuln save to a max 3+ and you can reroll the warlord trait (from WF1) AND the tzeentch warp storm table.
Easy Mechanics-wise? Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Tau, or Dark Eldar

Same as a GC in format.

-1+ Core - Warpflame Host, Lorestealer Host

-0-3 Command - Lord of Pandemonium or Omniscient Oracles (Kairos plus more Lords of Change to help the blind bastard actually see the present, lol!)

-1+ aux -[this is where the rest of your demons of tzeentch come in] Agents of Tzeentch, Forgehost (soul grinders), Burning Skyhost, Brimstone Conflaguraions and Groups of Heralds.

No Psychic Phase. No worries about "what Special Weapons do I give my guys." No need to fuss over squad sergeants, vehicle upgrades, etc. Your entire army is Leadership 10. The Decurion makes them incredibly durable (while the formations are rather "fixed" in requirements, especially compared to stuff like Marine Battle Companies, Tau Hunter Cadres, etc). You don't have to worry about "do I have enough antitank" as your rank-and-file infantry can attrition most things down, and you have stuff like the Destroyer Cult...

...I would pretty much say Necrons are the best "new player" non-imperial army out there for those reasons.
yeah that makes hella sense, but something needs to be done
and I hope its not a kinda compypasta codex again.

all I want to do is play trygon tunnels and raveners
But I play flyrants with a harridan and crone because I like winning against stupid IK players and double demi's

I don't really wanna get into The Decurion, because I know that's horrific cheese. Are they still decently usable sans Decurion?
>Feels like I din do nuffin at all...
>nuffin at all...
>nuffin at all...
My pre-christmas gift to myself is going to be Ahriman, Sorcerers, Terminators and two squads of Rubrics. Depending on rules I'll probably get more Rubrics and Termis, maybe another set of Sorcs.

Gonna be a fun Xmas break though I'm going with a much darker blue for my Sons.
So,seeing what happened to Chapter Master,how would one go about dispersing a fan game now?
After Genestealer Cults I'm hesitantly optimistic that the next Tyranid update won't suck. Either way I might still end up releasing mine eventually.
But socs still have to roll 1 power on tz right?
I don't want individuality. My point is that it would be a fair trade off for making Tyranids more diverse from a crunch perspective.

Or would you prefer the current mono-build style we've got going on now?
Necrons are a good way of completely turning a new player away, boring phases where you just move in a straight line and shoot at everything WITH everything followed by looking at your friends' blank stares as you save 90% of wounds dealt.

what happened to chapter master?
Dude that shit is written in prose.
It's fucking dense.
just post the source you faggot
just on 1d4 or tyranidhive or somethin?
got canned and abandoned by everybody picking it up due to fear of getting their lives ruined by GeeDubs lawyers
now whenever i see magnus on the tabletops, all i will think is frank from its always sunny "it really lets the ass breath"
Tyranids need straight up buffs across the board, not band-aid supplements like Traitors Hate and the rest. It does nothing to fix the main army and instead replaces them.
The Decurion bonus is very good, but it comes with its sacrifices. The Necron formations as a whole are very restrictive with a lot of odd combos that aren't as efficient in practice.

A CAD lets you do things like multiple units of solo Heavy Destroyers, full squadrons of Canoptek Spyders (you can only take them as single models in the Harvest), etc. Or just run two Immortals as your minimum troops.

Then there's Forgeworld, and oddities like the Sentstar...
And so are you
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>I don't really wanna get into The Decurion, because I know that's horrific cheese
Por que no los dos?
real nigga hours ain't for reading some gay roman shit
I posted it you fucking illiterate retard
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>posting where it came from is the same thing as spoonfeeding me the url

A fully designed PDF that will appear in all respects like a scanned Forge World book. I'll drop it here, TTH, Dakka, all over. If/when it's done you'll know.
Bear in mind that the later you release it the less relevant it will be
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If a formation doesn't explicitly forbid taking transports can a unit purchase a dedicated transport if available under their upgrades?
So any news when imperial agents is gonna hit? I haven't been excited about anything GW in a long ass time so I've got an itch that needs scratching with info.

(Also sisters of silence being included now? Really looking forward to them too.)
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>daemon player mixing square and round bases; also not using GW bases

Now let's have a moment of silence for our departed friends the Oldcrons and the 'tan

Why'd they have to be castrated???
Yes, dedicated transports are unit upgrades, so unless you are told you can't, it's fine.
GK in general have trouble with 2+, but there are a few good ways. However with Assault Terminators you're likely better off avoiding the ap2 and trying to stack lots of shots, seeing as 3++ from storm shields is going to make those few weapons likely useless.

But for what you've got...
>hammers are always pretty good, just add 1 in a squad
>Dreadknights, but you might be an asshole for spamming this
>Dreadnoughts are ded Killy from a distance, but likely cost ineffective
>Land Raiders have lots of guns, but for downsides see above and multiply be five. Not easy to kill though, so that's a plus
>Kaldor muthafuckin Draigo[\spoiler]
>Psycannons can do good damage, 205 points for a kitted out Purgation squad and a Rhino isn't a bad time.
>most importantly, warpfuckery is your friend. Use it and you'll have army wide rending, smash, and any other shit to mess with.
At this point it's more like we're so close to 8th edition it might be more relevant if I wait.

Currently I'm working with a few people on developing a new core ruleset so that if 8th totally bricks the game like Age of Sigmar we have a community alternative available like 9th Age. If that ends up being the case we'll be doing ALL of the Codices to some degree.
Necrons are capable of doing fast builds, ally shenanigans, and reserve-builds too; Nullcrons are surprisingly viable too.

As an example, Jon Camacho got 7th at LVO with Deathmarks, a Living Tomb and a Judicator Battalion, and Zahndrekh; the only thing I would have done differently if running that list would have been to have both Pretorian units with Rods of Covenant as AP 2 is scarce in a Cron army, but other than that it was a solid build.

The army is forgiving due to its durability, but it has more depth than meets the eye.
yeah I've saved a few of fandexes, I've thought about making a race in 40k but that doesn't really work with how the lore and shit is
I would imagine so.

Multi-purposing models between game systems is true patriotism to /tg/. It's also okay according to 40k rules.

Newcrons are better than Oldcrons.

God-slaying space ghost terminators > Magic alien robots
I really hope you are wrong about your potential forecast
Sigmarizing 40k would increase my butthurt to fatal levels
mixing base types and styles is just plain ugly
because old crons were boring and more to the point there wasn't much they could change without it being drastically different. everyone had a monolith, time to change it up so people will buy
Cthulhu-worshipping lovecraftian terminator cancer precursors>God-slaying space ghost terminators > Magic alien robots
He looks so...horny.
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Admech or Necrons?
of course,there is no denying the need for updates
my main complaint is that they turned really fucking gay,you might as well replace them with humans and nothing will change

then again,i like trazyn as comic relief so i'm conflicted
Cyborgs or Robots?
admech for the fanboys

necrons for the real deal
Worth a lot on Ebay if not a recast.

It's legal, but consider most GW employees are young ones or not even gamers, it might get called out. Hell i got made fun of by a gw black shirt for asking for storm troopers.

That aside I still use the goofy warhound titans from armorcast
They're both pretty fuckin' rad
I'm not saying I think that will actually be the case but it's good to have a backup plan.
What's worse than this?
>ITC player
You dun goofed, don't play WAAC faggots
Totally subjective, and outweighed by the practical considerations for using square in old warhammer and lack of practical considerations against using squares in 40k.

Do you happen to have a (modern) Baneblade to do a size compare? I've always wanted to know how large the old Armorcast ones were.
Do aura bubbles work if the model is inside a vehicle. Say for example hq model #451 grants fearless to all friendly units within 12"
>designer notes new icon of flame reflects new changes since CSM codex, new inferno bolt weapons. Bolt + mark Tz = soul blaze
>Bolt + mark Tz = soul blaze
What did he mean by this?

He also goes onto say in the thread
>icon flame in unit gives all bolt and inferno bolt weapons soulblaze

So having a Bolter + mark Tzeentch gives you soulblaze but so does the icon? Then why would you need the icon?
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So "close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades"?
>Then why would you need the icon?

Tzaangors, Terminators who use special weapons that aren't bolters?

Just a guess.
FAQ clarified that area-of-effect abilities don't work for models inside a transport, because they are considered "off the board"
>don't talk to me or my son ever again

Traumatically autistic. The model being off the board does not in any way mean the unit it represents is off the board if it's inside a model on the board.
But the terminator kit doesn't have an icon. The Tzaangors does make sense. It's still completely pointless but it makes sense.

Also if >>50395656
"TS detachment or formation get 3 special rules (hells yeah, imo!)

1. if unit w/vet of long war (all TS except Tzaangors) affected by a blessing then invuln save better by 1 until start of your next psyker phase.
2. Units as above reroll hits every round of close combat vs. Space Wolves but also SW get hatred vs. TS
3. Rubricae becomes troops instead of elites"

are our "chapter tactics" from the traitors hate book honestly I am ok with this. You'll likely have plenty of warp charges and want to be handing out blessings from divination or the new heretic schools on your units anyway so a 3++ is a nice "free" upgrade re-rolling 1s with the decurion as well apparently.

Amorcast one would make a pretty nice Macharius counts as.
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So if I flamer a raider, the kabalite warrior literally standing out in the open don't get burned?
I understand where you're coming from, but I see it as the troops can't see their commander so they don't get a bonus for fighting side-by-side with him.
That still works.
I can't find a better image in a quick googling, but it is noticeably smaller in every respect.

More from limitations than anything else, as was the case with all larger models made back then (the old thunderhawk is barely larger than a storm raven).
Sorry, I meant to say that area-of-effect abilities, like the 12" inch bubble of Fearless, don't work if the model who gives it is inside a transport.
And does that work both ways correct?
Example 1: HQ model with FNP bubble in open top transport doesn't effect any squads around his transport.
Example 2: HQ model with FNP bubble outside of any vehicle doesn't effect squad in open topped transport being hit by a flamer.

In which case >>50396153 might have it right?
>using an armorcast baneblade as anything but a baneblade
actual heresy, m8
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It applies to all transports, pic related is the ruling.

Interestingly enough, while only Witchfires can be cast from inside a transport, Psykers on a chariot can cast anything.
Thank you anon
So are the models on the table or not??

Get your shit straight, gw
Thank you too anon
Anyone get the November white dwarf but dont want their Grombindal code for Total War? pls be a bro and drop it here, thanks
They are off the table for the purposes of those abilities.
Where are the updated rules for the Transcendent C'tan as a Gargantuan Creature?
I understand. I'm just mad about it.
>Magnus has a cute turtle tail
What is that terrain piece on the background?
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>thousand sons fans shitpost about their arch rivals being furries for years
>thousand son update comes around and it turns out they're also furries
the moral of the story is the thousand sons and the space wolves both suck
- Thralls of Magnus
- The Sectai Prosperine
- The Tizcan Host
- The Prism of Fate
- The Blades of Magnus
- The Exiled and Estranged

I wonder what these paint schemes will be.
That's featheries you pleb.
Far more the thinking man's fetish.
I was trying to think if there was a stupid internet word for fucking birds, but couldn't think of it.
>Magnus is a beast at 650 points but he has some crazy powers. psyk 5

Elfag BTFO
I will point out that the t-sons don't put beak/bird/talon in front of everything they use
is it not the most adorable little tail you've ever seen
Played a cinematic as fuck game today /tg/ against a good friend of mine. What about you boys? And got more pics if you have interest.
right, they just put stupid misspellings of "fire" in front of everything
++Hive Fleet Detatchment++
2000 pts

Hive Tyrant-warlord (275)
-Wings, TLDwBLW, ESG, Aerial Ace
Hive Tyrant (240)
-Wings, TLDwBLW, ESG
Hive Tyrant (240)
-Wings, TLDwBLW, ESG


Muccolid (15)
Muccolid (15)
Muccolid (15)

Fast Attack

Crone (155)
Crone (155)
Crone (155)


Harridan (735)
Gonna pick up the Tau Battleforce from TripleHelix on release as my second army, I like buying from GW since I play there but I disagree with codex prices as it is so with the opportunity to get box+codex for the price of just the box directly I can't resist. Feels moderately bad man
Anyone have any fun/memorable things happen in any recent games?

The other day I was playing my Nurgle Daemons against Imperial Guard. The Khorne result on the warp storm table (Str 8 AP3 small blast with barrage) only went off against one leman russ, but the blast scattered directly on top of the commissar in the Conscript blob. He failed his look out, sir rolls and was sniped by Khorne on turn one. The Conscripts proceeded to pass three leadership tests on their Ld5 including a double 1 to stay stuck in with some nurglings and plaguebearers.
Yep, that sure is a flyrant/mucolid/FMC list.

Wings monobuild/10
>Both me an opponent playing Orks
>My Warboss issues a challenge
>He accepts it with his Warboss
>Both Warbosses kill each other at the same time

if anyone else needs. do tell.
I know
but idk really how to deal with the lists I've been seeing lately besides going full retard
also I wanna see how harridans deal with IKs

this is obviously for local cash certificate league
I took Lucius the Eternal along with some chosen in a fluffy Slaanesh list against Khorne Daemonkin.
Got into a brawl with his Juggernaut Lord that had an AoBF and 4+ Invul.
Placed Lucius on the neck of the Juggernaut and got him down to 1 wound. Killed me after.
Chosen with a power axe finished him off. Impressive considering the guy said no one's killed his lord before.
>just real quick, then writing final fluff review part of this...

>CSM can be TS and treated in all ways as CSM w/following modifications:
>1. no rare unites besides Ahriman and Big Red
>2. If can take Mk Tz they must
>3. Units w/Mk of other 3 gods can't play our reindeer games
>4. all units that can be upgraded to VotLW must at no cost.
>5. any demon princes must have demon of Tz
>6. psykers from the detachment can choose to generate all of their powers from new Tzeentch discipline (primaris + 6)

>then they'd benefit from the 3 TS detachment/formation rules.

its almost like GW realized VotLW is crap, the way they're giving it away for free with the recent releases.
Also assuming rare = unique
I believe you can have bots. Or friends. Doesn't HAVE to be matchmaking for coop
Bunch o' Pyromaniacs
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How's does this colour scheme look?
Making a warband a bit like oathbroken but not black legion
basically reverse flesh tearers scheme. will look good, I would think.
Please, tell us more.

Not enough people post pictures and stories of actual games.
crossed with avian fetishism to the point of actually mutating into grotesque bird people

>bird wulven when
looks good though the assymetry looks weird, I'd make the left pauldron black and the right one be red.
That big orange gribly poking its head out from behind the building
Nice picture, anon
Special Edition of the book, the new paints, at least 1 Rubric, and probably the Terminators. Think my gf is picking Magnus up for me for Christmas, as I have been dropping hints for months now.
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Cheers ladz

Yeah I can see it, I tried it out first on a space marine image to see how it all look as a base
Grey Knights player again, I'm using the Nemesis Strike Force Detachment so are Land Raiders worth taking for their cost or am I better off with a Stormraven and just Deep Striking all of my units?
Fursonas include bird people
250 points is a fair price to pay in order to avoid getting tabled when the dice decide to fuck your reserve rolls right up
>What's your first thousand sons shopping list?

Two boxes of Sorcerers.
I fuckin love Sorcerers and already have an extensive Sorcerer collection.
Nothing cause i havent finished painting my fucking blood angels.
So thousand sons preorder should be coming out this saturday yeah?
I present to you the asshole formula....

Don't buy a Land Raider. Just bank on the 3+ turn one or try for the insta-T1 deep strike warlord trait. Then use the points you didn't spend on a Land Raider to get 2 ML3 Librarians and roll on Fulmination until you get Electrodisplacement.

Then (becasuse of course you brought at least 2 Dreadknights, so one at least comes in) switch places of the Deepstriking Terminators/Dreadknights/whatever and enjoy both units charging from Deep Strike turn one.

If you want to be a cool fluffy player, Land Raiders are badass. But cool fluffy players don't get turn 1 assault from deep strike
What type is best? Regular? Crusader? Redeemer?
What is the relic in Tzeentch daemonkin that adds +2 to invuln?
>Then (becasuse of course you brought at least 2 Dreadknights, so one at least comes in) switch places of the Deepstriking Terminators/Dreadknights/whatever and enjoy both units charging from Deep Strike turn one.
You cannot do this.
Yes. They're already on the NZ site.
>Who has the beta and can tell more about it?

I do. It seems pretty faithful lore wise so far. The admechs are super creepy to watch in first person. Upper cutting a gene stealer with a power fist is fun, but the weight of things feels a little off.
You can't assault from deepstrike, the power doesn't remove this restriction it only allows you to swap in to combat.
But not the okkas?
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It was a 2000 ish kinda game (we didn't care about the points that much) and it was hilarious as fuck. I got first turn, fired some Russes and didn't really do much nothing was in range but got a few points cause maelstrom. His turn was boring as shit so as usual we through out some insults to keep things entertaining called him bitch titties and said his mom could spawn more gaunts than him and he just trudged up the board using his stupid 2+ cover save.
solo will be good, but dont expect multiplayer to last more than a week or two.
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Oh, but how wrong you are....

It's been banned in most tournies and its 100% a RAW move, but its legal nonetheless. Don't you remember the complaining about this back when AoD came out? It wasn't as loud as Skyhammer shitposting, but people were mad.

imo if you want one I'd do the Crusader, with the Assault Cannons you're more likely to do damage than Lascannons and the Hurricane Bolters are just personal preference, I like them better than the Flamers- but there's an argument for either.

So Thousand Sons Legion Tactics are pretty good, but why are Rubric Marines still 23 points per model?
I've been flat out telling my wife I want Thousand Sons shit and showing her pics since the first pics of Magnus came out. I seriously doubt she will get any of it for me. Which is cool. I've got a small backlog of Orruks to work through first. And then I'll buy it on my own when I get my profit sharing check from work in the spring.
The "this unit can charge in the same turn" doesn't override the fact that they cannot charge on the same turn they arrived from Deep Strike, it's just clarifying that the spell does not prevent them from charging if they were already legally able to do so.
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Most likely a rematch vs my friend tomorrow.
He's speed building his Tau army and just got a second riptide so most likely 1500 points, I'll keep you posted.
>6 new warlord traits (One gives eternal warrior!)
>saga of the bear no longer gives EW
>fucking 6+ fnp
This do bothers me.
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Its one of these. Apparently they go for a lot on ebay now so I feel bad for getting one for cheap in my young and assembling it, despite not liking Battlestar. Ive seen a lot of cool terrain done with them, wonder If I can tear it apart.
and their only change is flamers for 7ppm or soul reaper cannons for 25ppm.
pretty disappointing overall
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>650 fucking points

>For a monstrous creature that can get removed instantly by a single wraithguard or any knight in the game
I'm not gonna fight over it, but everyone I've ran into disagrees, and I personally see it the RAW way, as it literally says "unless locked in combat, they can charge."

To each his own, I hope people don't really do it, that form of RAW bs is for intentionally waacfag games only. It's a fun loophole is all
for a FMC that casts on 2+, always has line of sight, knows 2 sD powers, plus all the witchfires
>implying Wraithguard are going to be able to get within 12" of a highly mobile FMC and even then they can only hit him on 6's and still need to roll another 6 on the D-table for that to matter
>implying a Knight will ever get into CC with him

You're bitching about what is, at this current moment in time, the single best non-Titan model in the entire game. Shut the fuck up.
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My turn two,killed a Carnifex a venomthrope and than veterans (well Kasrkins counting as veterans if your a fag like that) went ham and killed a full unit of Termagaunts with their Las and plasma guns. Got up to six points this turn shit went crazy his turn two afterwards. (Notice the gap next to the Carnifex where it's Carnifex brother was killed).
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>Mfw chaosfags actually thought they were getting something good for once
shit the nids have got legolas on their side we're fucked.
This is all good, I don't know what you're talking about.
The RAW would need to state "they can charge *even if they arrived from Reserve this turn*" in order to override the restriction on not charging when arriving from Reserve.

Loopholes are not fun and no one should even entertain the idea of letting fags try and use them.

The soul reaper cannon is pretty good desu. The flamers, who knows.
I'm pretty sure the FAQ said something along the lines of "unless it says it overrides core rules explicitly it doesn't override core rules".

If it's not there then it's fair game I guess.
CONFIRMED by the usual sources:

Commander Shadowsun will be the first loyalist Primarch to get a plastic model!
s4 ap3 flamers that can't overwatch without a relic and no real good delivery system? who knows
Wew lad. Are you really this bad at games? It's a FMC that can cheat in the psychic phase. It's like if a flyrant could shoot D-lasers out of its eye. It has no business being with stomp range of any super-heavies or GMCs.

Fucking frogposters.
What do you think of using Scions as stand in for Mechanicus Tech-Guard?

I just found out they're actually different from Skitarii and from what descriptions they have in fluff Stormtroopers fit the bill. Any ideas for alternatives/Conversions?
Wait Tech-Guard isn't Skitarii?
The benefits come from the Decurion + Formations. Most of the time they're going to be 4++ re-rolling 1's shitting out masses of AP 3 with TONS of psyker support.

The flamers are also AP 3 so don't be disingenuous.
If I want to make an ogre army to fill the burning hole left by WHFB is that something I can do in 40k?

And also, does anyone feel like Magnus isn't really weird enough?

Here's his in-store description:

>The air screams as Magnus the Red descends from the skies, and stone runs molten beneath his shadow. Cyclopean son of the Emperor of Mankind, his very presence is anathema to logic. To look upon him is to surrender sanity, and when the Crimson King gazes back, destruction is loosed in unimaginable measure.

but when I look at him all I see is a perfectly symmetrical daemon who doesn't have anything about him that is particularly mind bending.
Retard, just give the wraiths sky fire and a transport and Magnus is dead.
>just bought a box of Start Collecting Scions
>still need third party bits to make the Taurox Prime not awful and have unmasked/hatted heads for the Scions

What awful mess have I gotten myself into?
Pretty sure that's old retconned fluff.

Nice one anon, how about you take your frog and shove it up your ass before killing yourself? It sure beats spouting retarded shit.

CONFIRMED by the usual sources:

Ciaphas Cain will be the first loyalist Primarch to get a plastic model!
Ogrens my man, look to the Imperial Guard

Rubricae arent ap3 anymore, instead they get soulblaze
don't lie.
its actually both
Too bad ogryns are SHIT.
Enjoy your AP- Soulblaze bolters :^)
>implying you can just "give" skyfire to Wraiths
>implying you can just drop any model within 12" of any position on the board if you have a transport and there won't be bubblewraps of Tzaangors and summoned splitting horrors keeping you out of range.
You're bad.
You're an idiot dude. Literally all of their guns are AP 3.
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just spam ghost arks.

I've never seen it done properly.

CONFIRMED by the usual sources:

Ghazkhul Mag Uruk Thraka will be the first Loyalist Primarch to get a pinecone with googly eyes on it model!

If they are AP3, they're passable, overwatch or not. Put a couple in each squad and do rhino drive-bys on the yiffs.
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Last turn of the game.
>-these inferno weapons all S4, AP 3; soul reaper cannon 24”, S5, AP 3, Heavy 4 rending; and the warp flame weapons have warp flame special rule.

Objectively lying. Atia chimed in on these and reposted it, too, for extra confirmation.

Skitarii are the army of the Titan legions
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Green stuff shlong fucking when??
whats the best way to access hit and run (with Imperium) on a 12" movement model?
I'm trying to ally in but all I can find is celestine and daunte
am I mising one?
playing IH cap tactics btw so no way to get WS chapter tactics
No, they're the all purpose Ad Mech army.
>reading the Beheading
>Lol I'm a 1500 year old man who was alive when Horus turned traitor, Luna Wolves followed him and when the Emperor killed him, I won't mention I must have been there when Sanguinius died and despite being loyal to the Emperor, decided not to try and fucking help lol. Oh btw, the Grey Knights are super awesome powerful, they're LITERALLY the sons of the Emperor, his own geneseed, cool huh? But it gets better. They're all psychic and that makes them better than Custodes! What? The point of Custodes was that individually they were superior to Astartes in every way but were greatly limited by their lack of brotherhood so they were weaker in others, you know, an analogy between the difference of Roman Legionaries and Spartan Warriors? Well, screw that analogy, Grey Knights are THE BEST EVER NO TAKE BACKS. Oh and by the way, the Emperor's Palace is actually covering the continent of Europe, not Asia where it's always fucking been. Okay, good talk good talk, byesies!
Nice, you're an idiot or someone pretending to be one, have a (You) to validate your existence you frogposting scum.

Looking at Ogryn's, they really shouldn't be shit though.

Toughness 5 with 3 wounds is great. It's just powercreep means everyone has the S10 that nulifies this and toughness values don't matter anymore.
That Grey Knight thing has been hinted at for a long time.

Also of course Grey Knights are better as a force.
>That one guy on top of the tank
Looks majestic as fuck, but he isn't within a mile of anything to shoot at.
I know, you're just marking who's in what transport.
Lol. Yeah right, Custodes WISH they were as good as GK's. Nothing to do with brotherhood, bro. All to deal with them being literal Emperor's Geneseed.

What? You think the Custodes use the same methods? Lol. Never been confirmed. Total outlandish headcanon theory.
s10 is the problem, high points costs, low damage and no armour is the problem.

They're only really useful as bodyguards for biomancy psykers.
>assaulting with a wizard
You're playing this game wrong
Well yeah, they both used the Emperor's genes to make them, but they clearly used different techniques.

On the individual level, any custodes can defeat any GK (not counting Draigo's bullshit), but as a force, the GK will beat a similar force of Custodes.
Literally zero proof of the Custodes being made with Emperor's Geneseed. It's never outright confirmed by anybody in any of the material. It's only mention, at best is,

>My Dad works at Nintendoarium Gene Facility and he TOTALLY saw the Emperor's own geneseed being used on the Custodes when he dropped his glasses on the floor, with a bad eye infection
>who is Loth
>who is Mephiston

You're playing it wrong, bro
>A wizard
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$335 for the wrath of magnus special edition.
Magnus sounds like he's good enough at casting and has nasty enough powers that you might actually want him slinging witchfires.
Hey, he'd kick your ass.
>plastic Ghazkhul Mag Uruk Thraka
I would like a primarch size warboss with mortarion stats and the primarch special rules + a rule to ignore unwieldy, works bionics to stack with normal fno like SM and his big shoota to become an ap3 supa shoota.
I'm just saying, he's a psyker, but he's not really a wizard.

NZ Bucks bucko. Not even once.
>imagine being so poor you worry about a trifling $335

I bet you couldn't even afford a Playstation 3. I could. Plus ONE game. Fucking poorfags shitting up another hobby.
>living on the ass of the planet Earth
>shocked that everything is expensive

You got off 56kb internet yet? Australia might have brought the wonders of 1mb broadband to you by now.
>If they are AP3, they're passable, overwatch or not. Put a couple in each squad and do rhino drive-bys on the yiffs.
Lol storm shielded thunderwolves
Stop being sorcerist. Mephiston is a big beautiful wizard who don't need no fancy spells.
Mephiston's a melee character who uses his spells to buff himself before he kicks the shit out of you.

He's a cleric.
2d6 heavy bolter shots
s~7 ap2 beam
s~7 ap1 blast
ap4 ignores cover nova
sD ap1
another sD ap1
summon d3 lascannon shots or s5 baleflamer
all this cast on 2+ ignoring perils and ignoring line of sight

And thats JUST change. He gets the entirety of the new tzeentch discipline as well.
New Thread
Rapid-Fire Weekend Edition
New Thread
Literally just die to massed S4 guns.

I've wiped thunderwolves with a single unit of skitarii.
>the Emperor's Palace
>Asia where it's always fucking been

Fuck off pleb.
So Orks generate a psychic field that bends reality.

Orks believe that red vehicles go faster, so they do.

Does that mean that Blood Angels will find themselves moving faster when on the same battlefield as an Ork waaaagh?
The previous thread is still alive. We now have 3 40k generals active.
Why do you do this
>Does that mean that Blood Angels will find themselves moving faster when on the same battlefield as an Ork waaaagh?

No, it means the BA are faster than they are.
which is why they're
Do they work well in Kill Team then?
>initiative 5 on the charge
Seems like it
>who is Loth
Reluctant wizard, he always preferred the sword, so....a Jedi?
>who is Mephiston
Literally Dracula
Have you been reading up on your classical Greek literature, anon?
>Literally just die to massed S4 guns.
>I've wiped thunderwolves with a single unit of skitarii.
LoL nope I destroyed 3 units of TS with one unit of thunderwolves
Are there actually any pics of his ass yet?
>stupid sexy magnus
Is the new Kill Team supplement any good? I never liked the bigger games, but 200 point Kill Team games were the shit back in the day.

Doesnt look good for your men
They'll beeee finnneee.
Assuming roughly equal points value, nurgle prince or great unclean one in an incursion list?
Never tried this before, I am currently thinking prince mostly for the mobility
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Is the chinese caster guy named Z still available? If so can I get his email please?

pic unrelated
No. Slave away on the internet looking for it like the rest of us. Its there, you can find it. I found it
Mostly because for months his email signature was "don't tell people my email or I may need to shut down"
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That's the mature response I should have expected from one of the non productive boards of this site
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