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Warhammer 40,000 general

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Thread replies: 353
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1 more day until WoM pre orders edition.

>Freshest Rules:

>Stale PDFs:



>Outdated FAQs and Errata:

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:


About 16 hours, NZ site update.
second for magnus is doing nothing wrong, at least until we see his full codex entry
This is an American hamster hoarding board anon, made up countries don't count
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>hamster hoarding board


I thought we were supposed to be hoarding squirrels?!
>have to get up for work at 4am
>know I wont sleep so ive resigned myself to stay up all night assembling minis and shitposting
no, its a Herzegovinian animal husbandry research collective, anon
get it right goddamnit
What format are you talking about? Because chaos daemons top player, Trent Northington, isn't even in the top 5 in the ITC. provide some proof for your claims or shut up
Magnus is so OP that he's winning games by default before his rules are even revealed.
Magnus so OP, foreseeing his rules were what drove Curze insane.
Will they apologize for overreacting when Magnus is revealed to cost as much as a Warhound titan and have crippling drawbacks? How did these retards forget that this is a CSM model?
I'm hopeful that he's strong enough that even my World Eaters and Iron Warriors armies will be called cheese without even running him.
Magnus is so overwhelmingly OP that he's giving that anon visions of the coming Chaos clusterfuck. This time next year, the top five factions in the ITC will be Tzeentch Daemons, Thousand Sons, Thousand Sons (Chaos Space Marines detachment), Space Marines, and Sisters of Battle.
Go look at the ITC Faction rankings.

Going by individual players at the top isn't the data you should be looking at, because player skill varies wildly. The top ranked player uses fucking AdMech which are ranked almost dead center average of middle tier overall.
>CSM finally might be getting something nice
>people already planning on banning it
Yes I will gladly apologize if he's a useless piece of shit, but we all know that's not actually going to be the case.
But I thought the popular perception was that player skill doesn't matter at all. If Daemons are so OP, shouldn't every highly ranked player be playing Daemons? If the top-ranked player plays AdMech, isn't that proof that AdMech are capable of competing at the upper tiers and that the average AdMech player just isn't that good?
>as much as a Titan
>can turn opponent units into ally units
>not worth the price
There's a big difference between "something nice" and "something that will never, ever, literally ever die in 100 games unless he goes up against an opponent that literally fields 50 wraithguard"
I don't think he'll be a useless piece of shit, but I'm extremely skeptical that he'll be priced low enough to be worth more than his own cost in other daemons.
>Go look at the ITC Faction rankings.
You do realize those only rank players withing a faction, and don't actually rank each faction as a whole vs all other factions?
heavy weapon in a salamander flamer tac squad Heavy bolter? Missle launcher or nothin?
>Believing anonymous rumours on 4chan
I uh.... Hmmmm.
The popular perception appears to be wrong given this information.

>If Daemons are so OP, shouldn't every highly ranked player be playing Daemons?
Not when Space Marines are still better.

There are also other factors to account for like personal taste and cost-benefit of starting a new army when you're already practiced and experienced with an almost-as-good one.
That leak is confirmed bullshit, and you're a retard for believing unsourced shit thrown out on fucking 4chan.
That's not what I meant, I meant the overall rankings showing the Factions in relation to each other. Theres a huge post analyzing it on leddit somewhere.
HA! For years we've been the ones getting shit on! NOW WE WILL DO THE SHITTING!
save the points, combi-flamer on sarge
its so silly sallies cant take a heavy flamer
>literally wanting to be a heretic faggot angel that doesn't follow the Codex
w e w
For like one game, and then no one will play you a second time when you unpack that model.

I think 1ksons players should start resigning themselves to the idea of playing without their Primarch, and honestly it would be stupid if he showed up for every fucking battle anyways.
I bet you play orks.
then link to it faggot. provide the fucking evidence, don't just say it exists.
>not perpetuating baseless rumours for maximum shitposting
>on 4chan
It's too bad GW doesn't believe in Black Friday, because I could use a discount on some transports.
I guess my FLGS is doing 20% off minis, but they don't tend to keep more than one copy of anything in stock.
Christ, I'm sorry google is hard for you:

https:// www reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/5agwhx/what_itc_ratings_can_tell_us_about_game_balance/
actually never mind. i found it. and it has eldar at number one with a mean of 85 points, then marines and chaos daemons tied for the number two spot with a mean of 80 points.
Lol, fuck off.

Give me a real source.
Sternguard can
Definitely not the same thing I read, but then mine might be outdated by now.
>caring about the codex hurrrstartes
please go, rowboat
yeah, but not in tactical squads unfortunately
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FUCK, witht he boxes I'm buying I'm going to be EXACTLY one melta gun and one grav gun short.
No! Every game we must drop kick Riptides, turn Wraithknights inside out, and juggle Imperial Knights! I don't even play 1kSons, but it will be beautiful to watch my Tzeentch brothers in chaos avenge our defeats at the hands of the cheese mongers , weeaboos, and WAAC fags! Glorious retribution will be ours!
>Theres a huge post analyzing it on leddit somewhere.
>then link to it faggot.
>provides link
>tells me to fuck off for providing link that was asked for
You're retarded.

Also who gives a shit if the analysis was posted on reddit, the ACTUAL source of the data used in the analysis is in the thread and comes directly from ITC.

You are goddamn braindamaged.
Fuck off Chaosfag you already got a better Knight that loyalists can only beat by fielding formations of Knights
his methodology seems to be really flawed. eldar get the most points on average, yet he ranks them as the number three army.
While everyone is talking about competitive, let me ask this:
Do you try to keep buying things to make the strongest list for each codex or do you just build a fluffy collection that works based on your preferred strategy?
Personally I like to fill out my troops and then get one of each auxiliary choice, two if I like the unit or none if I hate it.
ignore him. he didn't ask for the proofs, I did. he's just looking for (You)s
You asked for the link, the guy said it was from reddit in the post you're replying to. What the fuck, Anon?
ITC is just shitty house rules you stupid fuck.

Give me the results are real 40k games, actually played with the correct rules.
20 Guided Wraithguard kill the rerollable 2++ Magnus
>in case Magnus Denies blessings on a rerollable 2+ or some shit
36 Wraithguard kill the rerollable 2++ Magnus

Someone make a shitty 60 multimeltas meme and talk shit about that instead of shitposting about retards overreacting to his statline alone
The correct rules are whatever you/your friends or the group you're playing with uses.

The GW rules are just the original.
So how good are the Thousand Sons ACTUALLY going to be? And on top of that, how good will the Legion formations be?

The Reddit/BoLS (but I repeat myself) crowd are foaming that this'll make Chaos Marines great, and at the very least one of the best armies.

I dunno about that, I think it'll ideally be somewhere around Necrons in power, but with good psychic phase at the cost of being killed a lot easier. As for Legions, I'm expecting something between jack and shit, although some sneeki breaks Alpha Legion rules (honestly just infiltrate and scout, that's all I need) and some IG tanks for Iron Warriors would be pretty neato.
As GSC I don't have an overwhelmingly massive range with a bunch of trap choices to pick from, so I just grabbed one of everything for variety and am now expanding with the stuff that seems more effective for making strong lists. I like the ability to tune my list to any powerlevel depending on my opponent. Players with nicely painted models are shown mercy if they cannot handle my top list.
No one knows shit.

No leaks.
>ITC is just shitty house rules you stupid fuck.
When will bad players stop using this meme? You guys don't even know what the ITC changes are (and they are mostly few and minor changes), you just hear "house rules" and sperg out because you can't stand the idea of not being allowed to abuse the unintended cheese in the RAW to maximum faggotry levels.
>Do you try to keep buying things to make the strongest list for each codex or do you just build a fluffy collection that works based on your preferred strategy?
yes. I've been playing long enough and am blessed to have a very good job so that isn't really a mutually exclusive thing.
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Reposting my prospective deathwatch list, seeking assistance and guidance on playing deathwatch.


Black spear detachment
ven dreadnought - missile and tl lascannon, extra armor

Furor kill team (template death)
4x frag cannons, 1x terminator heavy flamer and melta fist, 5x shotguns
-land raider redeemer as transport with multi melta

Purgatus kill team
Librarian Ml2 w/bolter, tower shield relic, 8x vets with stalker bolters, 1x terminator w/cyclone missiles

Corvus blackstar- asscans, missiles, halo kauncher

Allied Imperial Fists

ML2 Librarian w bones of osrak
5x tactical marines w heavy bolter
5x devastators w 4x lascannons
Imperial bastion with void shields, icarus quadcannon, tanglewire
Playing without ITC just makes the game more volatile and luck-based so it's much harder to draw conclusions about balance and player skill becomes less important.

ITC is also the most popular tournament format by far, so it is for all purposes the "correct" rules for competitive.

TL;DR you're a dumb faggot.
What's your plan here? What role does your command squad have if you're footslogging them? Is the Captain running on his own? Either go all Lascannons on the Pred or Autocannon with bolters or run a Baal pattern with Autocannons. If you mix and match then you'll be wasting shots (Lascannons are wasted on anything H bolters can hurt and H bolters are useless against things Lascannons are designed to kill.)
>the Made to Order stuff are still available

What's up with that?
He's ranking them based on both the average ITC score (sum of their top five tournaments) of the top 50 players of each faction and the highest score achieved by a faction (unless you're AdMech, in which case the top player gets thrown out because otherwise it shows you how much of a shitter you are). I think.

If I had to guess, Eldar have a higher PPG average because they dominate the lower tiers of play. While cut-throat daemons and battle company lists can handle Eldar, the lower tier armies are just getting shredded by them.

I really wish Renegades and Heretics weren't included as CSM. I'd love to see how CSM placed without those ridiculous Siege Tyrant and Master of the Horde lists inflating their numbers.
It was put up last Saturday and will be available for a week, so it'll probably be pulled tomorrow.
He is a Lord of War, 5-600 points. 130$ i saw somewhere
>people still get butthurt about ITC
>despite the fact that GW explicitly acknowledges them in their most recent FAQ and even had the guy behind ITC do a guest-post on their blog
I was asking because most of them were gone by the end of the weekend and even the best sellers only stayed until the Wednesday.
Lord of War and $130 price are confirmed. There is no indication of his point cost. We have his statline from GW, as well as some hints about his rules (access to an improved invuln through a detachment, access to two full disciplines of spells (likely CSM and Daemons disciplines of Tzeentch) as well as his own Gaze of Magnus spell, and a bonus to casting).
>He's ranking them based on both the average ITC score (sum of their top five tournaments) of the top 50 players of each faction and the highest score achieved by a faction (unless you're AdMech, in which case the top player gets thrown out because otherwise it shows you how much of a shitter you are). I think.
that is what it looks like. which is really dumb. sure highest score should be a factor, but just ranking that and average score and averaging the two ranks together? it's dumb as fuck. all we can really tell is that eldar, daemons and C:SM are the top three armies, but we already knew that.
450 pts.
It's new ground of GW (or at least old ground they haven't covered in a longass time) so they might be changing up their strategy since last month. The wait period for the order is 35 days now, a week extra over last month's.
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Command squad don't have jump packs due to a bug in the system, just add on 25 points.

Captain goes in with the command squad and deepstrikes, more accurately than usual, with his special jump pack. The idea is both my HQs come down turn two after the worst of the shooting is over. the predator can move 6" and hunt av10-12 easily or do a mad 12" powerslide due to fast and give them both lascannons.

I think this one may be better, it swaps the assault squad that comes down for a tactical squad instead of a combi-flamer it has a heavy flamer, surely I can exploit the drop pods rule that my inferno pistol can melta at least one vehicle?
I don't think there's a right way to look at it. How would you rank them?
What Knight is that?

Kytan Daemon Engine?
>blood angels are objectively the weakest army in the game
Look at this you fucking chaos whiners, drop pods don't help!

You're not getting an update. You're going to be Black Templar'd. So are the SW.
>How would you rank them?
i don't know if there is a good way of definitively ranking them. I think the tier system, which gives a general indication of how powerful an army is without trying to create some formula to give them a quantitative rank, is the best way of doing it.
Renegade Knights holy shit
>it's not better
It has more build variety, 2 battle cannons is good, 2 avenger cannons is great. Loyalists cannot do that. All you really miss out on is the loyalist Knight formations.

You ALSO get the FW Chaos Knight which can be made a daemon and so can benefit from the Grimoire.
I'd be fine with having Wolves BT'ed so long as they can keep Blood Claws and Long Fangs.
Drop the heavy flamer, you won't be able to fire it the turn you land and then you can't charge if you decide to use it the turn after. Otherwise it seems decent, however don't expect your Inferno Pistol to kill any vehicles.
Aren't heavy flamers assault weapons?
Imperial Knights in formation are better than Renegade Knights. Solo Renegade Knight is better than non-FW Imperial Knight. Daemon Knight is better than Imperial Knight.

CSM rankings are useless since they include R&H, which are actually a pretty good faction.

The math guy essentially says that in the Reddit post. He talks about the top 7 as being significantly removed from the codexes below them, basically dividing them into two tiers. The only point of contention that I would have with his tiers would be that AdMech needs to be tier 1 since the top player in the ITC rankings plays them.
They are, and the Inferno Pistol has as good a chance at popping a vehicle as any Meltagun if you abuse the absurd pod ruling to get within melta range.

>Imperial Knights in formation are better than Renegade Knights. Solo Renegade Knight is better than non-FW Imperial Knight. Daemon Knight is better than Imperial Knight.
That is literally what I said.
Huh. I guess they are. Sorry, one of these days I'll remember that Assault Cannons are heavy and Heavy Flamers are assault.
An army doesn't die as long as there are still rules to play it. Black Templars have perfectly adaptable rules if you're willing to do a bit of cut and pasting.
They would have to release all their unique models and wargear as suppliments so we would just end up as our own book anyway, the difference being we have access to your formations and all the vanilla units we don't have access to.

I would love that, shotgun scouts and land speeder storms! It would be like playing dark eldar but not shit!
>That is literally what I said.
A, that's not what you said, even if the conclusions are largely congruous with your analysis.

B, you're massively understating the value of both the Knight formations and the FW knights.
Or we could go back to the days of 3ed "there are no wolves on Fenris" Space Wolves. I'd rather have optimized devastators and Leman Russes than wolf boats, wolf wolflord, wolfriders, wolf claws, and wolf icebeams
>Renegade Knights are better than loyalists unless the loyalists are using formations
This is literally what I said.

I'll admit I didn't mention FW IKs, but that's it.
Anywhere having any decent sales for black Friday? My LGS has 20% off what's in stock, but he doesn't have anything I need, which I kinda feel bad about.
>It would be like playing dark eldar but not shit!
Sh-sh-shut the fuck up, Dark Eldar are still better than scoutspam in storms any day of the week... R-right?
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>asgard's games in houston
>25% GW merch
>mfw i already spent my tabletop fund for the next few months due to oop daemonettes and eldar get started box

oh well, there's always next year and ebay
that feeling when my local game store has 20% off of 40k minis year round
Hey guys, reading Horus Heresy, how do you pronounce Anteges?

Hard g or soft? s the last e silent or do you say it?
Fuck's sake. Antiges. Got his spelling wrong.
Congratulations, you trolled the entire deldar player base with one sentence, Cegorach is proud of you.

What's funny is there's a a store about an hour away that gives 25% all the time. I have trouble buying from my LGS because of this.
t. Britfag
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>cutting your losses and just not playing
10/10, would commend for his wise tactical decision
How's this for a 500 point KdK list using only the contents of Dark Vengeance?

500 KdK

-Chaos Lord, 75
+Blade of Endless Bloodshed, 35
+Plasma Pistol, 15
+Sigil of Corruption, 25
+Ichor Blood, 5
+Collar of Khorne, 15
+Combat Familiar, 15
Total, 185

-Chaos Cultists, 58
+Two Cultists, 12
+Heavy Stubber, 5
+8 Autoguns, 8
+Shotgun, 5
Total, 88

-Chaos Cultists, 58
+Two Cultists, 12
+Flamer, 5
Total, 75

Heavy Support
-Helbrute, 100

Total, 448

Pretty good, huh?

I know, at this point I should be an Alpharius.

I think it loses to anything with a flamer.
At that low of points your HQ is a major waste, considering it's over a third of your total. For 500 you want as many bodies on the table as possible.

Eh, like I said I just scrambled the list out of Dark Vengeance's contents.

Unfortunately, Chosen are not part of KdK, so I can't use them.
Just run them as Bezerkers or Possessed or something.
You could try to lose some of the wargear from your Lord to make room for a second Lord, using one of the Chosen or the Champ, and use them as ubersarges for your Cultist squads.

Overcosted and shit.
But then it wouldn't be WYSIWYG and trigger my autism.

True enough.

Could do a somewhat narrative thing where the pimped out lord that would use Kranon's model is for higher/regular points games.

Just use them as CSM

Otherwise, I don't see that list doing much of anything.

At 500 points, I can take 3 Immolators with TLMM on top. Two of them have a Flamer and Heavy Flamer, and the other has 2 meltas and a cannoness with a combi-plas.

How would you fight that?
So convert them. They can be extra-corrupted Zerkers if you swap their weapons (except for the one holding a bolter in two hands, but you can use him as an aspiring champ for regular chaos marines).
Wait, why are Chosen not in KdK? Wouldn't it actually make sense for them to be in there?
GW decided they're too shooty for KDK.
The problem with that is that CSM come in squads of 8.

The marines, not counting the lord, total up to 7.

I suppose, but then I come up with the previous problem of being a model short, hilariously enough.

I have no idea. Why aren't Karanak, Skarbrand, and Khârn in KdK?
With Legions on the way, here's hoping Orks get Clams and a Feral Orks supplement for my brother to play. Bring back Boarboyz and Madboyz!

>key Khorne characters not in KID

retardation probably
>The Reddit/BoLS (but I repeat myself) crowd are foaming that this'll make Chaos Marines great, and at the very least one of the best armies
So, you are saying that GW will make Chaos great again?
Speculation but, I think they will end up somewhat like a cross between Tzeentch daemons and Grey Knights. The ability to summon chaff units could be good. It's still to early to really say though.
Are pink horrors in the new WoM book going to be the ultimate tarpitters since they split up upon death? (assuming they stay in combat)
Well if their unit gets thoroughly fucked over by your deathstar of choice they'll all die from instability anyway.
thinking about KDK, there is no instability for the daemons there.

so it could be possible to be the same in WoM
Oh jesus.

That could be awesome.
Can someone help me out. Tyranid shrikes don't have an official model, so what sized base do they require? Do they use the warrior base? I ask because the flying bases don't seem to be the same size as those. What do.
They're just warriors with wings. They don't use flying bases any more than marines with jump packs do.
Ok that's cool then. I might use a few sticks to give them more flighty poses. Should be easy enough to do.
He gave you a source when you asked for one, what the fuck else is he supposed to do?

They're foaming at the mouth due to a completely unproven rumour of the Tzeentch psychic table that has as its primaris power at +2 to invulnerable saves. Given that Tzeentchian models get a reroll of 1's and 4+ invul saves typically, that means an entire army of 2++ rerollable. That is going to make anyone sit up and take notice. If it's true. So far we know nothing, save for GW hinting that TS will have a way to increase their invul saves. If it is true, then this will most likely shake the meta up, but at the same time, I would consider it a terrible thing for the game, because playing against 2++ rerollable saves is not fun.
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BA, DA, and SW will not get BTed. They're the original full faction, non-codex marines.
>tfw want to do Khorne Daemonkin because they look cool
>But also want to do Sons of Malice
>And don't know any interesting Khorne warband colorschemes
Are plasmavets worth it or shold they just be meltavets?

Is it bad to run 2 meltas instead of 3 in a vet squad?

People already get incredibly butthurt and angry about the Necron decurion and refuse to play it.

In fact bringing a Necron decurion outside of tournament play gets you branded a cunty waacfag most of the time.

Then this guy, Mr 2++ rerollable shows up.

No one will fuckiing play them.

If its true that is.
Tbqh Melta is if you get them in close to blow up a metal box, plasma is if you're in a gunline and blow up enemy infantry and smaller metal boxes.

Of course, being vets, there's no reason why they wouldn't have a glorious chimera, in which case you should give them the melta, as they'll survive the trip.

Yeah. The thing about Decurion is that it's just not fun to play against. I run Green Tide a fair bit, and people love playing against it, even though I rarely lose. That's because it feels good to be causing damage every turn, whittling down the oncoming horde of Orks. It feels like you're having an impact, and after all, if you hit it hard enough, you will kill Boyz every turn.

Playing against Decurion Necrons is just frustrating because no matter how hard you hit them you're at the mercy of the other guy's dice rolling ability. It's the same reason i personally don't like fighting Daemons; there's no way outside of D weapons (which I personally feel have no place outside of Apoc) to outplay an invulnerable save.
Newb here. Please tell me, what is a screamer star and how I build one?

screamer star is basically a unit of screamers with a herald on disc with the grimoire and ML 3 in it.
most play also fateweaver so you can reroll the D6 for the grimoire.

screamers can kill almost anything (either 3 s4 ap - attacks or 1 S5 ap 2 armourbane attack)
couple that with the grimoire for a easy 3++. now get cursed earth or the warpchart roll and you get a 2++ with rerollable 1's (daemon of tzeentch). done
Oh! thank you!

Can it be a mini SS viable with ML 3 herald with paradox instead?

Not played 7th yet, can I use magic locked in CC?
Got it. I'd imagine 2 is alright then?
Because only 2 can shoot out, and I'd imagine you'd wanna keep the squad in the chimera for as long as possible
Cassor the Damned
Command Squad with Storm Shields and an Apothecary
A master of the forge
And with lysander as warlord
Would that give Cassor a 3++ 4+++? Plus BotO 4++++?
I had a game where He got instantly shat on due to a lack of any save at all because he's a walker and dont want to make the same mistake twice.
Cassor can't join squads.
you can get both, paradox aswell as the grimoire. the grimoire is a exhalted gift. paradox is a relic (which you can both pick)

you can use spells in close combat with the exception of witchfires (shooting powers)
This is false, an exalted gift can be traded for a relic.
The grimoire is also a relic.
The paradox staff is a relic but does not take up a gift slot however.
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Any tips for dealing with salt?

I'm getting into the game with kill team and some friends,.but they all seem to get pretty upset when dice "don't go their way" I get that statistical anomalies happen, but it feels like a simple game, and with rng elements, weird stuff happens. I've never really run into this playing infinity before with other people, is this common?

It was bad enough, that I fudged rolls so I was missing more and failing armor to keep them chill.

Should I just stop playing with them? IO'm not sure how to bring it up without being insulting.

Crisis Suit 2 burstcannons Leader
2 GunDrones, 1 has feelnopain

5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifles and a smart missile DS8 turret. Turret carrier has infiltrate

1 xv9 2 twinlinked burst cannons with reaping volley

Does this list seem cheesy at all? xv9's look cool, but don't seem very strong for how much I pay in a small game.

the exalted relic is a option for a exalted gift roll selection 0 so to speak

a daemonic artefact is something entirely different.

christ people, we have a single statline (which without special rules doesnt mean fucking much) and the unit lineup, thats it. No one knows shit, and if someone is saying they do, call them out on their bullshit unless they can fucking prove it.
I set myself up for writing that the wrong way.
He can have a pardox on another model, but he can't have both on the same model.
This is advanced autism
Because the leaks used to come from within GW.

Now that GW are doing press stuff themselves, they don't need to leak as much.
I want some way of challenging IC's and not immediately detonating, and the guy I play against 90% of the time is an orks player with a power klaw fetish
How do you "fudge" a role?
Is not like Orks have another option beside power Klaws and hope for the best.
>what is Angel's Blade
>supplement hasn't been out long enough to shift tourney results
Someone slap this shitposter with a ban.
Roll behind a building or out of his direct line of sight and lie about the result, picking up sucessful die as if they're failures, he wasn't watching too closely.
>tfw all this BT discussion and PURGING WITH MY KIIIIIIN is making me want to start playing Templars
Blood Ravens
Black Templars
Help me out /tg/; Army, Kill team, Ignore?
Coming back after a very long time, deathwatch is its own thing now? How are they?
That's great! Thanks anon!

>Army Blood Ravens
>Kill Team Black Templars
>Ignore Salamanders
Army: BT

KT: Salamanders

Ignore: BR
What should I be taking on a plague marine squad?

Double Plasma and a combi-plasma, right?
KTs all around. Actually, BR wouldn't really have anything unique for a kill team.

Army: Both! So you can yell "FIRE AND BLADE" as your forces smash into the enemy.

Sallies and BT would have some nice internal conflicts too. But they'd bond over cleansing heretics.

You're actually wondering how to handle challenges against, of all things, Orks? He's swinging at Initiative 1. If you can't kill a 2 wound Nob before he gets to swing, you shouldn't be accepting that challenge in the first place.

I mean, I play Orks, and I can count the number of times I've won challenges on one hand. You almost never challenge or accept as Orks, because its simply suicide against virtually any melee HQ in the game.
>completely conflicting opinions

>KT's all round
I don't hate this idea, SM are flexible enough I can make super fluffy lists and still be minimally viable
GW have successfully made me feel guilty buying my shit online. It doesn't matter though because nowhere seems to sell fucking primer cans
What's the stat line we know?
>xv9's look cool, but don't seem very strong for how much I pay in a small game.

Tau players, ladies and gentlemen.
No wound count?
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Hope you're ready for the next evolution in spray primer technology from GW.
>not buying paint at your FLGS
I dunno I was expecting the Demon primarch of tzeentch to have at least 1 nine.
Because they likely want him to be used in games and the whole favoured number thing is absolute trash for game balance. Good riddance.
>>xv9's look cool, but don't seem very strong for how much I pay in a small game.
>Tau players, ladies and gentlemen
>80 points for a single guy in a format where model count matters.
Spitballing on the Thousand Sons' decurion: would a +1 to invulnerable or a reroll 1/2 be statistically better?
Anti-tau posters, ladies and gentlemen.

>Rubric Marines

>There are quite a few changes to this unit’s rules, not least of which are their, now expanded, weapon options. As you might expect, all of these are in some way sorcerously-powered, from the warpflamers that the entire squad can be equipped with (!) to the deadly soulreaper cannon, which can mow-down even power armoured foes with ease.

Soulreaper confirmed for ap3
Told you.
Those sweet 2nd ed. books. Takes me back to when I started. I liked the look of 'nids, but my older brother told me to play someone good. I chose space wolves, and then proceeded to field assault cannon cyclone missle launcher wolf guard whenever I played his eldar. His tears were delicious.
Until we see the rules, it's only fluff and may not be reflected on the tabletop.
>entire rubric squad can take flames

>exalted sorcerers
Guess they will be ML3, definitely going to have them surfing with some screamers
In the same article as the full squad flamers and Scarab occult's Sorcerer leader, I'll take them as hard rules.
Anti-anti-tau posters, lads and lassies
They are going to be assault cannons without rending, BUT you have psychic power that gives them rending. And they cost more than loyalist asscannon.
The army has access to the Traitors Hate powers
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I'm assembling all Overkill models with helmets on.

So you think this guy tucks his fabulous mane underneath or does he have a way to still

I'm going for the tucking under helmet thing, since otherwise the helmet could not possibly seal the marine against vacuum and the elements.
Naw, inferno bolt Rotor Cannons
There's already a power for that.
Good enough for me

>To still

to still display it outside like some examples seen in the chaos space marine helmets
I haven't been keeping up with the game specifics since last year, is there a power that lets you move squads? If so I'm actually erect.
Levitate from telekinesis?
I hope so, but I don't think I trust you on anything Tzeentch, Khorne.
Any rumours of what Death Guard are getting in Traitor Legions?

+1T is obviously cool, but it's so boring. Give Nurgle More Toys.


The psyker bends the power of the Warp and an eldritch bolt of lightning flashes across the battlefield. In an instant, the psyker has displaced himself, switching his location with that of his allies.
Electrodisplacement is a blessing that targets a single non-vehicle unit within 24". Remove all models in the target unit except one, then swap the position of the Psyker with that model. Then, set up all models from the Psyker’s unit (if any) within 6" and unit coherency of the Psyker, and set up all remaining models from the swapped model’s unit within 6" and unit coherency of that model.
If either unit was locked in combat, the displaced unit is now locked in combat with that enemy – models cannot otherwise be placed within 1" of an enemy model.
Unless locked in close combat, these units can charge in the same turn.
Something that reduces accuracy of attacks against them by 1 would be nice.

and it's going to be S3, like the rotor cannon it's based on
Yes, there's a couple of them actually :)
Personally I'm hoping for Plaguemarine bikers and plague Termies with power scythes.

Since Tzeench is going to be the unkillable faction now, I'd love to see some sort of explosive area of effect power for nurgle marines when they die.

+1T +1W and / or a blight/poison grenade going off when the model is removed would be great

Nurgle should be the extreme anti-infantry faction. I'm talking poison on every weapon, tonnes of templates and blasts.


Nah, that should be Slaanesh, all speed and dodging. Nurgle stuff should just be taking shots and carrying on. It's why they get FnP and +1T already.
Personally I'm hoping to see a resurgence in Inv save reduction.
Nurgle Daemons have shrouded.
honestly invulns are fine as a way to give expensive infantry models some extra durability
they should just hard cap it at a 3 or 4 ++ though
adding invul reduction will just create another layer of bloat where weapons without it will become useless just like low ap weapons that don't shit out insane amounts of shots each turn
I'd say a hard cap of 4++ for non-characters.
>Extreme anti-infantry faction

Parking lot intensifies

Well, it's not like a guardsman can even be within a few kilometers of a GUO without developing the Hepatitis Alphabet.
That's a neat power.

Too bad it's spess mahreen-only.

Why does GW constantly shove marines down our throats?

When do Xenos get a turn at being fun?
We're all the way into the greek alphabet by now.

Dave got Hep Delta last week and I think Jim's got Epsilon.

Steve made it as far as Omega before his liver just fell the fuck out of his body and began slithering away on it's own shrieking about The Greatfather.
Ah, but in a cunning ruse, whilst our brave guardsmen valiantly bear the brunt of your unclean magics, 3 Stormlords have been infiltrated behind your lines to deliver the Emperors cleansing, with bolt and holy fire.

Lads, the commissar had Hep 1. I don't know if I should be happy he's dead or scared they've started using numbers.
Because the game is about Space Marines in both flavours. Everything else is set dressing.
Maybe he'd tuck it but then have a fake ponytail on his helmet just because he wants to show off.
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Could be worse, I heard about a guy in a Vostroyan Regiment who got Hep ##ERROR##
Much like the MoN from fantasy 7th right?
could be fun, espcially fitting with typhus, and his cloud of flys
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>tfw my TSons psychic phase is going to make my friend;s GK look like Tau in comparison
What list builder is this? Got a link?
You mean your Magnus Phase?
Someone please include this in the OP, I know it has flaws, but this comes up every time someone has a list using it.
Sad but true.

I just want my favorite xeno races to be viable. None of the spess mahreen armies interest me. If I were going to go Imperium, I would go Admech.
Implications. Tsons are going to be flush with warp charges even without Magnus.
I hope you get a better codex, nid-anon. Cruddace should never have been let near them.
god i dont know if i want a extra box of 1k sons or wrath of magnus book
>tfw the SW's 5th edition codex would have been the perfect anti-TS army, but they nerfed all the anti-psychers equipment to shit in the last codex
You need the rules, Anon.
All part of Tzeentch's codex spanning ultimate plan.

Doubt I'll ever buy a Magnus, he's too big. Ruins the effect.
But you can't torrent a mini.
Specialized as fuck. The army is easy to ally in because it's built to tailor, but hard to field on its own.
Do you know that Genestealer Cults are back and are pretty fuckin' OP?

boy, even the sorceror of the scarab occult terminators is ML 2.
The Sorcerer leading the unit is a powerful psyker in his own right (note: not an Aspiring Sorcerer, a full on bona-fide Sorcerer). With a Mastery Level of 2, and access to 11 psychic disciplines, he adds a lot of flexibility to how this squad can function in your army.

Let's play guess the disciplines.

You wouldn't download a land raider.
No, they aren't worth the bandwidth.
6 Brb
4 Traitors Hate
1 Tzeentch.
I wonder if they will give Tsons infantry FNP on account of them being dust.
They normally just get 5++ for "free".
i hope they lose SnP and gain relentless when as long as the sorceror is alive
How about relentless when sorceror is alive, SnP when he ded?
which is exactly as i said.
i would love that
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You get your own damn gimmick.
ayyyy lmao I just woke up, my bad. Read the first and last part of your sentence as separate clauses.
anyone know what time GW updates their website in Canada? I want those stupid dice.

get the traitor legion supplement instead of the campaign book
death guard's original gimmick was true grit

Feel no pain has been present on khorne berserkers, noise marines and plague marines.
Anti-anti-anti-Tau posters, ladies and gentlemen.

True Grit, which no longer exists. Nurgle's whole deal now is granting FNP and Shrouded, in return for also granting SnP.
Except Plague Marines don't get this because what is consistency?
>in return for also granting SnP
S&P is objectively a buff, all you miss out on is running and some mildly tasty overwatch if for some reason you give them flamers.

>tfw no bilespewer
dont mix up nurgle CSM with nurgle daemons
Rubric Marines

Same stats as a basic chaos space marine, but has a 5++. 140pts for 5 with aspiring sorcerer. 22pts per extra, up to 5 extra.
Inferno bolters: same stats as a bolter but ap3 and soulblaze.
Warpflamer: 10pts upgrade, ap3 flamer with soulblaze.
Soulreaper cannon: 30pts upgrade. s5, ap3, heavy 5.
Aspiring sorcerer is a level 1 psyker.

Scarab occult terminators:
300pts for 5, 50pts for each additional one. ws5, bs4, s4, t4, w2, i4, a2, ld10, 2+/4++
Leader has 3 wounds and 3 attacks.
Can sweeping advance.
Combi inferno bolters are same as inferno bolters but twin linked.
Heavy warpflamer is 10pts and is a strength 5 warpflamer.
Soulreaper cannon is same as above.
Hellfyre missile packs: dual profile- s4, ap3, small blast or s8 ap3. 20pts per model.
Care to provide a source on these otherwise-baseless numbers?
pls give some hints on new psychic powers
>doesn't check namefag
Fuck the rules did we remove Wolf?
>blindingly trusting namefag
>a name means it's legit
>implying some turbofag couldn't just use a name and post shit
Wich are the odds of existing a surviving loyal Thousand Son being a Blackshield of the Deathwatch?

[Spoiler]It's for a friend who asked...[/Spoiler]
>Nurgle's whole deal now is
GW's shown they'll change the "deal" rather frequently. The only truly consistent buff has been +1 toughtness.

Giving plague marines instant death on 6's to wound with their knives again would be pretty funky.
So cult marines are still overcosted garbage. Good to know.

Do they have slow and purposeful? That would really take some spice away from those flamers.
Thanks spoiler...
>le surviving loyalist traitor legions meme
Anyone that did stay loyal was purged during the Scouring anyway and DW didn't exist back then
Are Raiders any good at ramming or tank shocking?

Should I take a shock prow or just forget about it and go for the aether sails instead.
>disregard about those terminators

Didn't see the 2 wounds at first.
>terminator sergeant with three wounds

I'd be totally down for regular terminator sergeants getting that kind of buff, though. It's about all that would make me like those power-sword wielding nerds.
bearing in mind it says in the article the sergeant is a full blown level 2 sorcerer.... i can easily see that.
>rubrics are 1 point less and their invul is now worse
Mass Ramming Raiders is actually a pretty okay tactic but most importantly ______it is fun______

In any case I find the utility of Tank Shock which comes as part of the deal is usually worth more than aethersails anyway.
>Loyal Thousand Sons
Man we call them Blood Ravens now

Thats what I figured, and I do enjoy a lot of fun which is the entire reason i picked dark eldar (that and I fucking love all the regular models, hate the Haemonculus coven stuff though)
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a second wound, for sure, but three? on a unit leader?

I'd be happy they're actually buffing terminators, but doing it just for one subfaction while all the other imperial/chaos players get to eat shit? They did this with paladins and I hated it then, too.
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>200 points of models wipe 165 points of MEQs in the open
>disclaimer: only 5 models, shitty MEQs with discount invulnerable saves

1kSons have always been good at killing retarded MEQs in the open, this is nothing new. Now if they get a power to boost invulns or the Sorc can roll Divination for Perfect Timing we have something to talk about.
In future just highlight the text you wanna spoiler and hit ctrl + s

I've been on 4chan for at least 5 years and i had no idea that worked
Skitarii Players!

How tall are your Dunestriders?
They're about as tall as the Doritos Dreadnought. I'd pick something more well-known (as in not FW) but that's what I have on my desk right now so it's the closest approximation.
A surprising amount of people don't, so I always mention it whenever someone messes up a spoiler.

You should note that it works on all boards though, not just the ones with spoilers, so just because you can generate the spoiler tags doesn't mean it'll actually spoiler.
Yes, can be tacticools, but also assault marines, devastators, grey knights, death watch... :^)
Thanks, kind of

Appreciate the answer
Both are pricey. Plasma becomes better overall if you're running Emperor's Blade, because dat Preferred Enemy.
So Wrath of Magnus will only include rules for Tzeentch? and they're going to release the same day rules for the legions and the agents of the imperium
Nothing for the other armies of the campaign?
Where are the Black Friday sales!?!!!?!!!
In America, where they belong.

Actually Canada has a lot of black friday sales now too
whys that?i generally am so torn between getting traitor or magnus. no idea which one i need to play a 1k sons army
>Implying Canada is actually different from America
Nah, they're 120 for 5, 18 for more, Flamers are free to take. Can take up to 10 models per squad.

Soulreaper is 20 points. They lose Slow and Purposeful.

>Bringing politics into a warhammer thread

for shame anon I bet you are a Tau player
Fenris falls, space wolves saved by grey knights, become fleet based chapter dedicated now purely to finding russ to redeem them from losing the planet.
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>I was expecting the Demon primarch of tzeentch to have at least 1 nine.
well you were expecting it.
that was your mistake.
Oh and they do have a 5++ save, but you can boost with Psyker powers and Formation bonuses. They can get as high as a 2++.

>Canada is a sovereign country!
>We're different because we have Tim Horton's and Thanksgiving is a month off. Oh and we like hockey.
>(Proceeds to watch US TV, have US holidays, engage in US commercialism, sign free trade agreements with the US, learn about US history, and most of the population is more familiar with US law than Canadian law because of US TV)

Oh Canada,
Our home and native (or non-native since we don't want to discriminate) land!
True not particularly patriotic because that would be racist love,
in all of our gender neutral command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
One of many equally legitimate Norths, [redacted for ableism] and free!
maaaan, you trollin but it still hurts. And I can respect that.
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>Fenris falls, space wolves saved by grey knights

Lick my boots, dogfags.
This is the 4th or 5th different "leak" of what happens. Don't get your hopes up until you see pictures.
>whys that?
traitor legions is cheaper and will have thousand sons rules
warzone fenris will have formations and probably the new daemon rules

I'm not sure if the traitor legion book will have the magnus rules in them, but if you're just going for straight tsons I can almost guarantee traitor legions will have everything you want.

The rest can just be capped and printed off of the wrath of magnus epub, because fuck dragging a campaign book around for one or two unit entries.


No I was shitposting in despair over the corpse of my country, which I'm not even allowed to like. If I was trolling I would have said we like hockey but always lose to the US.
There was a reddit thread a few days ago where some tourney git reported about winning a local ITC-format tournament with an Ork army, of the Zhadsnark Bikers+Buzzgob's Stompa type, 2 CADs, 6 solo Deffkoptas.

He beat a Wraithwall army with Sword and Board Wraithknight, an unoptimized Gladius, and a spoiler army of 5 (!) Riptides and 2 Imperial Knights.

Anyway, there was a small ego-fight/shitshow where he argued Orks can compete but most players don't play Orks seriously enough/try to focus on them as a melee rush.

How much of this is "tourney player with an ego," or does he have a minor point? Are many of the bad armies simply the result of players emphasizing bad units within said armies?

...actually, what makes an army bad? Is it that it's *easy* to make a dysfunctional list, or something else? For example, an Eldar player "could" make a shitty list but would actively have to go "hurrdurr, I want to try Storm Guardians, Rangers, and Shining Spears."
i blame Vancouver, trashronto and the Trudeau family .
i wish we still had some sort of mass identity aside from fucking hockey and shit.
I feel you anon.
>not singing the good version of the anthem
oh canada in english is shit
oh canada in french is legit
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ah ok, thanks. you have no idea how much this has helped <3
we never had an identity, we were Britain lite now we're less racist america lite, MAYBE for a little while during ww1 did we have something related to an identity but that wasn't exactly long lived.

back on topic

Do either of you have any sort of proof or are we just supposed go off of faith here?
just wait for some leaks to show up before committing to buy if you're worried
I thought I made it clear I was mocking the other guy.
that's what the Trudeau family would have you believe.
Even if we don't get uber-buffs, as long as Horrors don't suffer a horrid nerfbat or points hike, I'm good.

I probably expect Horrors to lose access to Malefic Daemonology, but I generally use them as Psychic "batteries" anyway so I won't be too salty. If they axe Blue Scribes though...

As for models...I bought 3 Burning Chariot kits. I found chopping them up gives me spare Heralds, Horrors, and Screamers. I have 2 spare Heralds to Sacrifice, I gave my Chaos Lord a Disc, and I made a Blue Scribes kit. And all the leftover flame will probably be used for making Brimstone Horrors and shit.

Seriously, that kit is amazing for what you get.
Horrors are getting more annoying to fight because of the extra split after Blue Horrors.
SW fifth edition was horseshit. Runic Weapons were utter bullshit, and the entire code was just SM+1.
>Aspiring Sorcerer confirmed for 1 wound and 1 Mastery Level
Fuck. He better at least have access to a Familiar.
i can imagine horrors getting back to a regular shooting attack instead of psychic powers.
i would prefer it actually. i loved them in the 4th edition codex.
I wouldn't say that entirely, since they did have all sorts of weird tradeoffs compared to Marines. They could do a better infantry army thanks to Loganwing's letting you do CML Terminators with Power Armor bullet-catchers, but that's kind of quaint nowadays. Plus this was in an edition where Rapid-fire was really restrictive, and Marines were the main Bike army of the day. (Even before Grav).

Yes, the Chooser of the Slain was BS and an auto-include upgrade for a Runepriest, but the only real horror from that 5e codex imo was Njal, simply due to his 24" bubble of "I shut down Psychic powers on 3+", and his Stormcaller ability occasionally becoming a Chain Lightning...

...or as Dashofpepper went right before losing his Venomspam army at Nova 2011:

"He does WHAT now?"

Maybe make the Iridescent Horror a ML1 Psyker who can only roll Tzeentch?
Post a fucking picture already.

I want to believe its real
There are a lot of 40k players even at more competitive levels that think that shooting is the only way to win in 7th edition. I could definitely see a fast Ork list actually shitting on armies like eldar or mass riptides by just putting them into unwinnable assaults very early.

Most people's reaction to losing is to play more cautious and gun line-y, someone smart about exploiting that could definitely take some upset wins
its fake

a good place to get a 40k rulebook that isnt £50?!
buy the mini-rulebook on ebay for twenty bucks
Just torrent it from the OP if you need to learn the rules.

If you need one on hand while playing most game stores/tournament organisers/opponents will have one.

If you wanna have your own copy look at independent retailers. It'll normally only be a 10% or so discount but that's pretty much the best you can do for rule books.
3rd party stores
Ebay for the mini rulebook from DV, Death Masque etc.
Any of the boxed sets that say they come with a rulebook
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What are pic related?
Oh eight hundred double oh, ten sixty six.
>tfw i print models for fun

I think they might act as converted destroyers if someone doesnt like surfing gauss, ghost-like might act as jet inf.

But their weapon looks more like tesla so i dunno.. immortals?

Looks like warrior bodies with Deathmark heads, and the barrel trimmed on the gauss rifle to shorten it, stuck to fantasy Banshees.

Could be ran as either a Deathmark or last edition's shroud and flamer Cryptek. Probably the former given that there's clearly two of them.

Ah, those are some of my crypteks! Back from when they could all take different wargear, and there was a point to owning a whole bunch of them because they made for cheap sergeants.
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i meant one to bring with me to games, i know of the ones in OP
I want the new rules for Pink Horrors so bad

Because I have 90 pewter ones and I never have a reason to use more then 2x11
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Big shooty centerpiece tier model for a mixed chaos army?

As far as I know neither Daemons nor CSM have any sufficiently shooty artillery unit in their books, so I'm thinking either forgeworld or a knight titan with the dakkaest loadout I can model. Forgeworld wise I kinda like the Felblade, but also like the Macharious Vanquisher, and the Praetor rocket bus, Minotaur and some others fit the bill of just being really shooty and a sort of survivability.

If I'm buying a model from forgeworld, it will probably be the vanquisher, just because its rad, alternately I'm thinking of using the rules for something big and shooty from forgeworld and try my hand at moddelling something fittingly crazy looking. Already have a knight, just need the extra gun parts for most dakka. Can chaos take an ordinatus?

The whole theme of the army is a massive dork of a daemon prince obsessed with firepower and biomechanical monstrosities, sending in chaff to make the enemy stand still long enough for them to be blasted to pieces.

>The whole theme of the army is a massive dork of a daemon prince obsessed with firepower and biomechanical monstrosities, sending in chaff to make the enemy stand still long enough for them to be blasted to pieces.

...So, the Iron Warriors?
I guess tl;dr: wut gun is gud?
Pretty much yeah.

The idea originally sprang from playing too much HoMM5 and blasting niggas with fireball shooting machine gun murder ballistas.
I haven't read the chaos codex in a good few editions, but don't defilers both fit your theme of biomechanical monstrosities and have a battle cannon mounted on them?

Although battle cannons might actually be far too quaint in post-Lords of War 40k.
>You're Battle cannon only fires once?
>AND makes you barely able to fire other weapons
Already got a guard army with three basilisks, two russes and a knight titan with a auto battle cannon.

Regular pieplates just don't scare anyone anymore, and I often find 50 lasguns to do more magic, if for no other reason than their hits not being limited to the amount of models they're shooting at.
My store is 100% GW but with a 10% credit given. :(
Calm down rotinaj
Genestealer Cults were the same way
Still no new leaks
Magnus and Russ fags at each other's necks
A shitstorm of unremembered scale incoming
a renegade knight using two gun arms is probably the closest you'll get to what you're looking for

FW does have a few CSM gun-platform vehicle options if you're willing to look into that
>its so silly sallies cant take a heavy flamer
They can't?

That's such fucking bullshit.

It's also bullshit that my CSM's can't take a Heavy Flamer as well. We gave up the Codex long ago, why can't we use a Heavy Flamer?
>less racist america lite

Oh, the things I hear Canadians say about the Chinese suggest the opposite of that one.
Promethium ain't cheap anon
We also are terrible about natives. Don't believe other canadians when they act like we dont do anything wrong
With cannons or scythes?
(not that anon, but) cannons. You need the 6 to kill an invisible 2++ rerollable magnus.
I hope the Wolves get BTFO and become fleet based.

>Magnus let slip a wry smile
>Truly, there were no Wolves on Fenris
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