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avatar las/lok image hoarding

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Thread images: 137

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Hey, I'm actually working in a personal tabletop RPG on the avatar universe, post korra, and i'd like tons of lore images of avatar or avataresque stuff. Not like the one I posted. That juan was just me, bored.
Yeah, it's better here than in /a :|
>it's better here than in /a :|

Maybe you should try /co/ then.
/a sent me here, since, well, you know, tabletop :|
But i'll try /co
Thanks amigo
I have an LoK folder from back when i followed the show, but I'm on my phone at work. Memes, reaction images, Amon standup, webms and other dumb shit.
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I was thinking about posting The Boulder, but I feel like this guy in this episode was pretty sick.
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P'Li was born without arms btw for
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>complaining about nokiss

Fuck, dude. I guess those people don't find chicks in bikinis hot because notits.
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Some people, amirit
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Well, Avatar isn't an anime, so it makes some sense that it isn't /a/'s cup of tea.
ALRIGHT, I'm done.

If you haven't yet, watch Korra. Especially season 3. Good night.
>Watching any past the first 2/3rds of s1 before anons identity is revealed

trips confirm that zaheer and friends were too good for that show.

But, you have seen Season 3 right?.. Right?

I'll give you that season 1 isn't for everyone, especially people wanting a season 4 of ATLA, and that Season 2 (with the exception of The Beginnings episodes) is an actual pain, but you are doing yourself a disservice by not watching Season 3.

It is by far the best season of Avatar out of both shows.

They were one of the best things about that whole season, for sure.
>It is by far the best season of Avatar out of both shows.

There is something magical about villains who have the power of friendship on their side.
they really made me wish this wasn't a show aimed at kids, could have seen them do much more
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you aren't willing to have a discussion about this.
This made me sad.
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yes, but for a RPG purpose, it's very useful on the moral degeneration chapter :D
So much good stuff in here :|

i'd need chi/energy/spritis stuff too, here, a contribution to my own cause :D
How far have you come with the rpg?
Well, I have tons of handwritten papers with a random bestiary creation table, I have the character creation, +/- 8 classes, 4 benders and 4 non benders. I'm working on a background system that will lead to creation. I'm finishing setting the specs of skills (bender/non bender) and one of the most HUGE stages, the world : historia until 199 AG (done), geopolitics (wip).
AND after all that, writing all that in my comp, setting up, illustrating, turning that into a player-friendly pdf, and then, lots of testing :|
Firts char creations are done, and it's quite functionnal
Interesting i have to say. Are you including Wans story or skipping that part and staying more true to Atlas spirit history?
Well, I included wan, for the in depth historia.
And I don't really see any real difference between the two versions. I've been working a lot with the wikies, and the lion turtle said to aang that before bending, men, used to manipulate pure energy, and then, X generations later we have the lion-turtles giving bending to the humans they protect. There is but silence, that I use to my interest in the rpg background. Same for everithing post LOK, i had to create lots of things, and i'm assuming she's dying age 47, so tons of scenaristic stuff can happen to the players. 199 : new avatar, in the earth kingdom (which is now mainly composed of city-states), Sozin's commet going to say hello, settlements in the spirit world begining to have strange issues... stuff :|
Actually, wan's story is nothing more than mythologics for the players of my RPG. And, as with any mythologics, time has deformed reality. Plus, the only one that could had known anything, is, One : very ill from the poison she had seronating with the spirit world. Two : completely unable to ask wan, since the link with the previous avatar's is broke.
Furthermore, spirit manipulation/history is just locked to the players, except for some martial-artist skilled in chi-cancelling/blocking :|
No reason to go into detail about the differences. But the setting sounds interesting, how about the techological progress did it keep going after Kuvira or slow down?

Actually if you could post some of the written stuff i'd love to read it.
Yeah, once i've written down I think i'll post some chapter here as thanking to people for the pics.
Well, techs did progress, but nothing really dramatical. i decided to create some sort of united nations office, who completely forbid the use of spirits as a mean of energy or to weaponize them. Jinora developped the "spirit relationship" and now leads the United Nations Spiritual Enforcment Forces, aiming both to protect the spirits from bad intended people, and people drom trikster spirits.
Since they have their bending, electronics never really came, and they progressed even further with their steam engined mechanics.
Almost no progress in medical studies since, well, they have the water bending healers : only the pharmacology developped. Stuff like that
Sweet, especially like the Spirit relations thing with Jinora.
She developper a variation from her astral form (which i stated as a specialization from air bending), so as to allow some very well prepared people to listen to the spirits, where ever they are, and fetch some information about their immediate surroundings. So, when a spirit is hurt, the air acolytes know it, when a spirit is corrupted, the air acolyts know it.
i implemented a corruption mechanic also, making some bendings harder, spirits rabid, and stuff like that.
i even tried to somehow map the spirit world, since I assume humans tried to get settlements (go away preston). Plus, the spirits can kill humans really easy by merging into them, so I just decided most of the spirits in the physic world are harmless. In the worst case, they're playfull and tricksters, but not evil, unless corrupted.
yeah, I did some things with the spirits, since it was my initial question. i was wonderinf what age was more interesting, the immediate post-wan age, or the post korra. And, well... you know the rest :D
I like the idea of corrupted spirits, but how would that work? Also i would love if the spirits were also acting as omens for balance and such. For example if a natural disaster is taking place the spirits begin to act up because of it, a bit like Hei Bai from Atla or General Old Iron from the comics. Other than that i like that spirits play pranks on people, but aren't evil. I think it's very important actually that spirits aren't evil unless tampered with, and are rather forces of nature.
Well, Hei Bai was just corrupted. Corruption works in some ways, complete modification of the nature can lead to corruption. Very strong and intese human emotion can lead to corruption too (that's why the air acolytes tend to lead the spirits to settle far from cities, far from dense populated areas.

Corruption works kinda like the chaos in warhammer, it's ambient, it leads into several stages of corruptions, from annoyments, to anger, to rabbid rampage. in those cases, purification rites have to be lead, either by the players, or by a shaman (shamans are quite popular, since the harmonic convergence)
Hmm, i wouldn't have considered Hei Bai to be corrupted, he was just protecting his forest afterall, unlike the Dark spirits from LoK that attack anyone at Unalaq/Vaatus orders.

I would think it is within a spirits nature to defend the balance/nature of the world it is connected to, but if it becomes violent for no reason, or travels and attacks things far away from it's habitat it would have been corrupted.

And i would think that the Spirit bending they do i LoK should be reserved for truly corrupted spirits, whereas beings like Hei Bai should be helped to calm their anger by solving the issues they have, regrowing the forest in Hei Bais case.
hei Bai as first seen, (at least in my system), is corrupted, not rampaginly agressive, but quite hostile. Plus, I suppose too Hei bai not to be a spirit per se, but an animal in the first place, merged with a spirit that got corrupted. aang's way of relieving him was more human, that took much time and investment, but it was possible since hei bai was not completely mad. The ones in LOK are not only corrupted but rabbid and manipulated beyond consciousness, hence the ritual was needed. That's how I explain those things
Then, yes, at some extend, they'd try to protect their area of living, but if too dangerous or annoying, they'll just move away or go back to the spirit world (as seen with republic city)
Fair enough.

I could see a spirit becoming corrupt over time if the issue causing it to become hostile isn't solved, but i'd imagine purifying it and sending it back to the spirit world is just postponing it's corruption since it would return to it's home eventually and still have the issue unless it got dealt with in the meantime.

I personally don't like the idea that you can just move the spirits though, it removes their importance to the setting if they're just more sentient animals that can be moved and ignored if they become too problematic for the humans.
Well, If no shaman is nearby, they can actually shred people appart, merge and transform/assimilate/kill people, or take them to the spirit realm, and, who knows, get them lost forever in there ?
And even if shamans are more popular, there are lots of fakes, and for the leggit ones, they are not allways strong enough, or sometimes, there is just no shaman nearby, so something else has to be done, let's say, if the chars are JUST in the middle of something. Spirits remain extremely powerful, they simply mean no real harm to humans
I think i know what you're saying. But even with shamans around, i don't like the idea that moving the spirit solves the issue.

For instance if an area becomes heavily polluted and the spirit living there strikes out at the people living there, in my view it wouldn't be corrupted. It would be showing the humans that what they're doing (polluting) is harming the natural order of the area, and that this problem needs to be adressed by them. Now they might need a shaman to communicate with the spirit and he might have to send it temporarily to the spirit world so it doesn't cause more harm and so that they can rectify the mistake. But sending it back the to spirit world doesn't fix the pollution. Same goes for moving the spirit to another location, they haven't solved the problem of pollution, they've just ignored the message nature/the world was telling them.

And i think that by having those options work (sending them away/to the spirit world). They're reduced to really powerful animals, but are nothing more than that.
yeah, i see your point
I dind't explain quite well
You can see the corruption, system like the witches from puella magi. The corruption, once it has corrupted spirits has effects on itself, on the surroundings, and with people/spirit karma/psyche. Yeah, the ritual is meant to purify the spirits, not sending them away in mu version. I assume that in the series, the spirits were sent away because the energy needed for the spirits to remain in the physical world without a physical body, once riddent of the corruption and the strong grief, anger or whateaver, is not enought. But, that was before the harmonic convergence, now the spirits can freely go and come, so they'd be purified, but remain where they are, risking corruption again if nothing is done to reduce de causes of the corruption itself.
I tried to relate the physical form stuff from tui and la who had to abbandon their spiritual for to remain in the physical realm in the form of koi fishes, hence being able to easely remain in the physical world, while being really fragile. Then again, some sort of purification is done by korra when she is in the spirit world, with the spirit-bird-thingy, just by getting rid of her "bad" emotions.
Thus, moving the spirit is more a way to stop him from keeping being dangerous while something else is being done; plus, I assume spirits dont really like being in that state in a place they are vulnerable (I assume spirits are more vulnerable in the physic world because, well, metagame), and tes, they'll try to help humans to preserve their habitat if they're really pleased with the place they are in (tons of spirits would help the marsh water tribe to purify if it was needed), but they would not risk being habing their very essence corrupted for some place that is "just" nice (unalaq theathening with destroying someones soul with corruption).
Plus, the corruption is more a spiritual state that environmental , I got inspiration from general shinto folklore for that.
Ah that makes sense. That sounds a lot better to me atleast. I didn't mean to imply that environmental problems where corrupting in and of themselves however. Just that a spirit could lash out without being corrupted as a way of trying to communicate that something bad is happening to the nature being polluted. However if the problem isn't fixed i could see the spirit becoming angry, furious and become rampaging over time, as you said a gradual corruption of it's "spirit".
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all these words
how about some images
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Dragon Breath.webm
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Korra vs Tarrlok.webm
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Just thought talking about the game he was making would be interesting too.
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Zaheer vs Tenzin.webm
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Holy shit I meant Ming-Hua

While Korra isn't fucking Deathklok or something, I'd argue that it is definitely not for kids what with its onscreen Murder-Suicide, tentacle rape, murder by asphyxiation (onscreen!), severe ptsd trauma, and being poison-tortured to death. I dunno, at least I saw it that way.

Shit dude, sounds like it's coming along!
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have any more tenzin stuff? i like the guy
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I can look around.
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Tenzin beatdown.png
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last webm i have
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This is about all i have of Tenzin, which is kinda sad since he's awesome and should have more fanart.
And it was, It let me see wich parts of the universe were not clear and easy to understand enough

Yeah, I've been working like an ant-bee

May Avatar Juan bless you for your contribution :|
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Kuvira vs Korra.webm
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Ghazan vs Bolin.webm
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OK, I am interested. Gotta admit I atempted a similair thing, just never finished it due to being lazy. Anyways. Here's some art from my collection.
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Thread posts: 172
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