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http://inspirobot.me/ >Generate an inspirational quote >Create

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Thread replies: 195
Thread images: 151

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>Generate an inspirational quote
>Create a character concept or a plot based on said quote

Previous thread >>49727138
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I don't wanna play.
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Here some technocratic propaganda for you.
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>Fear and Loathing in Neo-Tokyo
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inspirational quote.jpg
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Evil Cleric, secretly spreading diseases so he can charge money to heal them.
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inspirational quote 2.jpg
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Necromancer working for Delta Green. Not even death will stop you from making a full after-action report.
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Shit. That's the kind of character I play too much of.
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inspirational 3.jpg
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Eclipse Phase psychosurgeon.
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The game.jpg
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Did someone say trapmaster?
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Hedonist Warforged
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That's a politician, I guess.
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Cultist of the Machine God.
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I am beyond Lawful Evil, I am
I am a wizard who seeks to make the universe perfectly ordered, and to make life perfectly homogeneous inb4 /pol/tards start talking about muh multiculturalism
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A cultist of Slanesh
>tfw you're God and literally can't stop making universes
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Shit. I'm a werewolf?
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Technocratic Union: Convention: Syndicate
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A self loving narcissistic retired army general who went rogue to find a life meaning, focusing on destroy everything that he built during life time
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Sounds like some kind of conspiracy shit. Like Martin Luther King Jr. was a US operative or something of the like.
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Inspirational 4.jpg
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Its'a me, Mario!
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Crazy noisy biiiiizarre town!
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My character would run business seminars.
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A hole can be pleasurable.jpg
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Oh myyyyyy.
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No. You're pic related.
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>A minmaxer made a deaf-blind quadriplegic PC.
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Landwhales get out.
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Literally x.jpg
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A tech-priest who just wants to make people happy?
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Punch the gnomes.jpg
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He really hates those goddamn tinkering shortstack bitches.
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A man cursed for killing an idol, on the run from his own reflection.
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Chaotic Horny.jpg
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Anti-establishment Bard.
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Magical Realm.jpg
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I'm not sure I want to play this campaign.
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When's that 20 year anniversary Orpheus edition coming out?
10/10 post anon
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Has Solaris actually been done in an RPG?
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>Mage: the Ascention
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A guy on a great soul-searching adventure.
Thanks, Anon. Yugioh caused me to become filled with homincidal rage towards the moon as a kid.
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You are never original.jpg
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The aliens had your ideas before you did.
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Unknown Armies would be the easy choice here.
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Inspirational 5.jpg
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Eclipse Phase, that one guy who is just way too fork-happy.
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Too fucking real.
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Laying it on too thick there. It's about Judge Death, isn't it?
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isn't this just the basics of being a bard?
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The greatest gift you can give your significant other is emotional insecurity and alcoholism.
Thanks anon and that AI, I have my new character.
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Some sort of fear-based american shaman, I guess.
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Doppelgangers in a nutshell.
That strikes a little too close to home.
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>How to play Jazz Fusion
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Modern tv executive.
holds up the spork
That's really good advice.
>You better be be beautiful, because people sure as shit won't love you for your personality.
I wish I could get people to play that with me again. It was the funniest shit.
I have a story relating to this.
>PF adventure path, on some island where a lot of shipwrecks happen (don't know what it was called)
>We eventually find some survivors on a boat
>My character is the lecherous sort, so I pick the hottest chick and start hitting on her
>Turns out she's depressed
>And she's also alcoholic
>She mentions there's some flower on the island which can cure depression and/or alcoholism (I think)
>I look down at my equipment list
>Look up, smirk
>"Nah nah, that won't cure your depression. You know what cures depression? Alcohol!"
>GM tries to figure a way out of this
>He reasons she wouldn't turn it down and as long as I can keep supplying alcohol the relationship remains steady
>mfw I get laid because I was an enabler
>mfw I have no face because I don't want to contribute an unrelated image to a mostly image-based thread
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When you realize you're not actually a bard, you just have ranks in perform.
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I'm pretty sure the Bot could run a successful political campaign. How does it even work? Is it just semantics or does it have neural network or what not?
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I'm a tiefling that enchants people into slavery and livens up his volcano home with slaves? Pretty edgy and not really practical but I guess you could become your own BBEG, that would be interesting.
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>Unknown Armies
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how bad me be
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A suspicious Art Critic as a Dark Heresy PC?
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>Chaotic Good
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A guy who's has black outs when he's being possessed by unknown entities.
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Call of Cthulhu?
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Clown bard
Enjoys scaring small children
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That's bleak.
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A dude who becomes dictator and declares war on everyone so he can be with his true love?
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there's something very /tg/ related here but i can't quite figure out what
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Deicide is always an option.jpg
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Genocide of the green races commence.
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I'm not sure I want to play that character.
low charisma barbarian
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A depressed barbarian feels he can no longer connect with the world after his brutal actions.

To real.
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Farmers are redpilled
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Hear that, Pope?
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Beep boop, son. Beep boop.
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My character is a tumblr user
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The only straight sailor on the ship.
Is it literally trying to do the (((Jew))) marks?
It's just a vampire guy who's gotta get his fix for sex, muder, and blood all at the same time.
Not that out of place, desu senpai.

You know, with him and Eva killing themselves in the bunker together.
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My character is actual real president, not the impotent figurehead chosen in elections. He doesn't know it yet.
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Character is a Twitch streamer and/or Youtube "personality"
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There's an Unknown Armies plot here somewhere, but I'm can't really put it into words.
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That's a good tagline for a prequel to a sci-fi movie.
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Another one.
>You are a Dullahan.
>Times are tough and even headless monsters must look after themselves.
>You move to the big city and, through a wacky string of coincidences end up employed by a local hi-class brothel.
>As it turns out, you are really good at comforting the weary cityfolk. Quite a few of your appointments don't even end with intercourse, but rather with a heartfelt talk and some tearful realizations.
I'd play that.
>Fundementalist Paladin
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I needed to here that, nihilism sphere.
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>Call of Cthulhu
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I've got just the picture for you.
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I guess it's a mahou-shoujo game.
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He is the first virgino-phobic in the world.

>The Borg
These would make some fun campaigns.

Sodomy may not solve problems, but it sure helps distract from them.

This sounds like delta green.

Delta Green endgame. Or CoC.

This sounds like the 2008 economic collapse.

Cunnilingual drift.

Or Unknown Armies.

There's a lot of DG/UA stuff here.

Food stamps help too.

Dark Souls game.

All magic requires sacrifice, Ed boy.

Pimpin' ain't easy.

In order to destroy the power of magical girls, and oppressive government has mandated that all women undergo gender transmutation, and reproduction shall henceforth be carried out by cloning. You have gotten magical power from dissident fairies and must oppose this vile regime.
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That one has some Nurgle vibes to it.
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Lady Monk needs to go home and be a family woman
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Shit, didn't they blow underworld with a nuclear bomb in oWoD metaplot?
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Chaotic Monks.
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This one seems fun.
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Yeah, you keep telling yourself that buddy.
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Always go max CHA
That sounds like an awesome character.
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>Unknown Armies adept taboos
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>Waiting for OP to deliver...
>Any moment now...
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Author is Necromancer who's wife drowned during their honeymoon. He learned the dark magic to bring back his lost love. Now he goes back every year to see her bloated grotesque body float to him and whisper in his ear "BLLUHHGHHHHGOOOOSHHHHHHSHSHSHSHHHWAAAGHGHHGGGH"
I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away!
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This one has a Call of Cthulhu scenario written all over it. Then again the Color from Outer Space has already been done.
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...and so a politician was born.
No, you're the Doctor Who show and the moon's about to hatch and completely ruin your episode.
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Illithid big-bad in a Spice-and-Wolf themed adventure.
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I guess this is a guy who's a really cool parent.
>be illegal and stay female
Sounds like a Hillary voter.
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This is how I Toreador.
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>Killing me won't bring her back!
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Well fuck.
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Human courtship from alien perspective.
40k or any random dystopia
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I'm drawing a blank here guys.
Chuck Testa
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Here's some 40k science for you.
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I must play completely normal
Barbarian wearing animal hides accidentally becomes successful taxidermist. Barbarian with guild artisan backround
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That's something I would rather not think about.
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Imagine this. except taxidermy
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My character would probably be hard-boiled PI.
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...but it sure as hell helps...
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DnD character progression.
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Literally half of Unknown Armies plots.
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Shadowrun interparty conflict.
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>Eclipse Phase
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ohhh, this is totally the start to a Exalted game.
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How ritual magic works.
My character actually follows this one.
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Your average supers campaign.
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Cyberpunk humanity systems.
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That's basically every character I've ever played.
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>Reality-hopping BBEG conspires to be the most beautiful being in any reality.
>Maleficent turned up to 11
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I think I accidentally a real one.
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I don't even
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Coming to you live! A new and exciting way of capital punishment!
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>Taft Presidency
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When the world is coming to an end.
Bush Jr?
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This one's more of a fighting game motivational.
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inspiration 6.jpg
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I still maintain fucking that succubus was worth it.
Alternately, Patreon scammer going big.
While it's true that there are many idiots with college degrees, few wise men lack any education at all, though it may not be formal.
One where you play as fairies, perhaps. Though the backdrop suggests green sun prince.
Just another UA plot.
Some of these are legitimately disturbing.
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inspiration 7.jpg
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inspiration 8.jpg
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Get a lamia waifu today.jpg
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harrharr harr! lol
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Either some kind of autistic berserker, or Shinji Ikari
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This feels so deep.
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Cool, Malalite trips!

I'm just gonna leave this one here.
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Playing GURPS.jpg
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These can sometimes surprisingly be accidentally profound/poignant
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anon on tg.jpg
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The very stressed-out NG leader of a band of murderhobos.
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>not wanting to be a little girl

What are you, some kind of faggot?
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Boring fisherman.
Then thou carriedst thine ashes into the mountains: wilt thou now carry thy fire into the valleys? Fearest thou not the incendiary's doom?
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I like this one.
Is Unknown Armies good? What is it about and how does it compare against Delta Green or Hunter: The Vigil?
It would be more like Mage than Hunter. It's basically cosmic hobo bumfights. You don't play against the supernatural, you are the supernatural. Well, and you also play against other supernatural people fairly often. Characters are crazy or obsessive, and that's the source of their powers. A typical campaign might have maybe one guy who can hold down a steady job and has a legal driver's license and all that good shit. And that's not because he's sane, it's because he hides it better. But that's not to say that he, or anyone really, is insane, necessarily. It's just a different set of priorities. Prizes like wealth and stability seem less important when you could be one of the ones to define the next world.

That's the "what is it" question. As to the others, I like it. I think it's better than those other two, DG is too depressing for my tastes and HtV, too banal.
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A plague/biological warfare post-apocalyptic campaign setting.

Or a a warning about venereal disease.
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Finally I can make that drug dealer.
>Dragon's Dogma storyline
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You have made an enemy this day.
>Heretic on a shrine world
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Inspiration 10.jpg
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Barbarians vs Cannibals.jpg
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lost it
...I think GW already came up with a character based on that quote called "Tzeentch".
But do they TALK About it? Seems to me that it's the fools who put a lot of stock in how educated they are. Wise men learn, they don't call themselves learned.
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