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MTG Modern General

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Magic: The Gathering Modern General



FULL Kaladesh spoiler

[[[Kaladesh is now legal. No banlist changes.]]]
I want to play Modern but don't have 600 dollars. Guess I'll go fuck myself.
There's always burn if you want to be that guy.
Please do. We have enough poor people here
Burn prolly costs more than Affinity at this point.
Have you thought about killing yourself?
I mean mono-red. You don't even need goblin guides.
What are your ultimate COMFY decks?

I gotta go with Bogles, I can just chill and autopilot with it
Ad Nauseam.
Reminder that this is a goldfish format and you should sell your cards now before Wizards officially dumps the format for their Gatewatch orientated postmodern format.
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How good is an Illusion deck? I want to have some fun with a mono blue deck.
Mono U Delver isn't too bad.
Oh boy! Another video from Deso!

Your lord isn't an illusion, which is rough.

Most good illusions die to being targeted, which is alleviated partly by your lord, but because the lord is himself not an illusion, the deck is rough. The lack of synergy is real.

It suffers gravely from being a monoblue tribal deck that is not merfolk.

Frankly worse than spirits too, and that is NOT a high bar, though that IS UW

If you like monoblue agro, why are you not merfolk? The only expensive part is the aether vials, and it doesn't hurt super bad to skip the cavern of souls.
Turbofog for fun
Pillowfort is the ultimate comfy
Overall comfy? My casual UW classic control deck

Modern? My only modern deck: RG Tron

>non interactive
Forked Bolt will ruin your day, but you can probably get some decent wins going at FNM.

Take a look at
Throw in a playset of fog bank
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merfolk is blue in mana cost only
>literally has creatures that can tap and counter things and draw cards
>not blue
Downsides: no double lords like merfolk
Upsides: get to play with Invisible Pet

m-muh colour pie
Every color can do aggro
See above response
Your logic doesn't make any sense and is completely arbitrary my man
His comment section are almost as cancer as his videos. Everyone who's unironically praising him and asking for advice just reeks of down syndrome.
Only my kind of fun is objectively correct
Affinity. I always get pissed at Stony Silence, K Command or whatever, and stop playing it for a month or two, but I always come back.
Just curious, when did you start playing?
braindead "give me the tournament" deck: Infect

Deck where I actually want to think: Jund
What a fucking idiot.
Whoever gets dubs gets to decide which Dragon Sleeves color I bring to Milwaukee

No clear though. Already using gold, have teal and green. Want something else, plus I need to sleeve up other cards.
Gimme a break. Any deck that wants to immediately enter top deck mode is not going to take much skill
Spoken like a person who has truly never played Infect. For every 10 people that play the deck only 1 can actually play it efficiently. Jund is just a hurr durr midrange deck that kills whatever moves.

I of course play Eldrazi Hatebears so I just laugh at both of you.
Use clear matte, with the newly announced smokey perfect fit sleeves
1995, why?
So not Jund?

Hey, my Naya Zoo deck is only $325 and I have fun and win with it.
I've been playing infect for years now. Trust me, its not a lot of thinking.
Purple matt
Exquisite and refined
I started during Mirridon and have a tendency to lean towards artifact heavy decks. I was curious if your starting set also reflected something like that
>not using the same color for every deck

Its like you don't want to assert dominance just by pulling out your deck color. You are known and feared at your LGS, right?
That's exactly what jund is. It's not difficult in the slightest either.
jund IS topdeck.dec
I don't think you know Jund dude
>I was curious if your starting set also reflected something like that
Not really. I didn't get competitive until Apocalypse came out.

I just like powerful decks and Affinity is pretty damn good when it doesn't run into hate.
I'm certain you don't. Shut up please
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Uh, what's Jund? I mean, it'a obviously BRG, but like what's the actual play style?
So Jund isn't one of the easiest Modern decks to navigate? I'd put it slightly a step above Burn.
Value, card advantage, and grinding g your opponent out. The definition of fair competitive magic (ignoring junk).
Your post means nothing
Whatever shitbrew I'm currently running, I go in knowing I wont win and I just have fun.

Currently on UW Sundial of the Infinite with this sweet new tech, goes great on your own Flickerwisp and is instant speed card draw removal if you have Sundial out

Literally just a pile of good cards. That's why it's considered the master of top deck mode, and why anything that top decks better than it has favorable match ups.

See: any deck running Elspeth, Sun's Champion.
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Forgot to post pic I fucked up
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r8 my stock crap
So do jund and other midrange decks tens to have a positive match up against fast aggro decks like infect affinity and zooicide?
Looks like it dies to Affinity.
2/10 made me reply
I don't Jund, but it should beat Infect because of all the removal. I've been on the other side with Affinity and without a bunch of K Command, it loses eventually. I would think it beats Zooicide as well.

If I had to guess, I'd think that Affinity and Burn would be harder than Infect and Zooicide. Probably depends on the Jund build, though.
Why are infectfags so insistent that their deck require a fucking phd to pilot?
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I'l just go kill myself then
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Just how good is Grim Flayer in Jund/Junk?

I've been out of Modern for a while and was wanting to update my good old Junk deck. Flayer seems nice on paper, but idk if it's worth it to rebuild the deck with Delirium in mind.
Or do basic research on the modern meta game. Other way the world is for the better
>Wall of Omen
>Restoration Angel

You're a few Kiki-Jiki off a deck I remember reading about. One of the post-Twin hopeful decks that disappeared after a bit.

I can't find the article I read about it in, but IIRC the Kiki wasn't working but something else unexpected was.
If anyone could pilot the deck, the turn T2 and T3 wins you can pull off would be a major problem.
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yes, there's a cycle
It's a personal preference/meta choice. It's sort of an extra copy of goyf but doesn't get as big in favor of filtering your top 3 cards and Trample. Trample is quite a huge deal since it helps against some of the cards that makes Jund shit the bed like Lingering Souls. Or just powers through chump blockers in general.
Pretty much the only thing I did in Jund to accommodate him was start playing two seal of fire in the main. Grim Flayer is the real deal, it's pressure when you need it that filters your draws late so you don't flood out or draw the wrong thing. As a side note seal of fire has also been over performing as a turn 1 play that makes your opponent hesitant to play to the board, allowing you to tap out in the early turns and not worrying about holding up removal forever
Goyf 5-8
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The Modern general: where Jund is a braindead deck and Infect is very complicated
what? in all seriousness this deck is fine against affinity, stonys, wraths, blessed and timely come in. remands, revs and a land comes out
No one said jund is brain dead. Only that it looks to achieve top deck mode as quickly as possible
Stay mad, retard.
So it's braindead.

>do I play the card I drew, or save it?
>getting godhands or nut draws=skill

I'm not saying that literally any retard can play the deck and top 8 an event. It's mostly the people who think that deciding whether to play Noble Hierarch or Glistener Elf turn 1 takes all your brain cells.
That question should go on one of those clickbait ads

Sure. Whatever you say kiddo
Who the fuck would play g. elf in that situation?
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With Bant Eldrazi being the new big kid on the block what you y'all think of the deck? Any sweet tech you run to stop it? With this many powerful cards in one deck and all that sick synergy, it's got to be good right?
Retards, that's the joke
Here your (you)
That new cantrip counter colorless spell seems spicy

Unfortunately, Bant Eldrazi runs Caverns
What is your problem? I'm trying to generate real discussion rather than the jund/infect hissy fits and shit brew conversations we always have.

In other news, I saw a list running oath of nissa recently and that looked spicy.
Caverns was a mistake.
WotC needs to give Blue a new removal mechanic because Counterspells are too devalued to be saved.
What does everyone think about BU Faeries? I have a budget version that I play and I think it is fun
I have 0 feeling towards the deck. I know the deck exists but I can't bring myself to feel any way about it, or care that it exists. I barely recognize it as a deck because it's just so bland.
Didn't we just talk about this?
>>Also what is the chance that Faeries come back to the spotlight?

>It's just a generic UB list. The same kind of list that's underperformed ever since Bitterblossom was unbanned. You want to make mad efficient plays but you'll just get blown the fuck up.

Faeries doesn't have the value cards needed to be relevant right now.
This. And I thought junk was generic
Ha! Remember when siege rhino was the bane of everyone's existence? I think that was the real reason why pod got banned
Pod wasn't generic, it was just really annoying and really powerful.
Eldrazi Bant is just bland. It doesn't really have any defining traits that separate it from other decks. It's not as aggressive and annoying as Jund, it's not a CoCo deck, it doesn't swarm the board, it doesn't really have any synergy or combos among its cards. At least Jund can discard its own cards to pump up goyf. It's just good cards ahead of curve and that's really it.
Naw, i meant that rhino would have been an auto-include in every pod deck. Not that Watsee tests for eternal formats or anything
>it's a TCG player doesn't realize my zip code is legit even though it's never been a problem before and support isn't being terribly helpful episode
I hate this episode
>using TCG player
Better than StarOfDavisCity
>Using /co/ and /TV/ memes.
Come on /tg/, I thought we were better then this
>pretending tcgplayer is worse then any other online site
Affinity. G/R Tron, I just wish they'd give me my eye back.
I actually ended up going there since it was comparatively cheaper than anywhere else. Cost me like 6 extra dollars because I had to pay for shipping but I snagged up their non-english versions of cards which happened to be a few bucks cheaper than market price so I'm cool with that
i played a few games with it and had a really good time with 8 manlands and all the flash creatures but the deck felt really helpless against creature aggro decks, especially ones running caverns.

>tfw swooped set of gitaxian probes for 11 dollars on amazon
>seller only has like 5 reviews. whatever, i've gotten similarly good deals before from small sellers
>supposed to arrive two weeks ago, no response to Where's My Stuff? inquiry
>tfw getting blown out for not just going to lgs and paying 10$ more
>4 git probes for 11 dollars
>tfw sitting on like 10 of them because I opened a lot of NP packs and didn't realize they were that expensive
I can see why people bitch about modern now
I'm so fucking glad I can use magiccardmarket but even then

>see playset of cursecatchers for 24€
>seller has good reviews
>check his page out anyways
>not send shipments: 76

Just what the fuck.

Whatcha playing in Milwaukee?
apple green my dude
You can get most of infect with 600. It is not as good without nobles but you can do with out them.
>elesh norn is played in almost no modern decks
>gets a MM2 reprint
>gitaxian probe sees modern play
>gets no reprint
>they charge you $9.99 per pack


Why even call it modern masters/eternal masters at this point? Call it draft masters or some shit.
It was a tossup between Ad Nauseam and Infect, went with Infect because I'm a lot more familiar with it and it's a solid pick, although it might be worse considering how much infect is already played at SCG events. I'd rather have to sit through a lot of rounds of infect mirrors than a lot of rounds of Infect vs AN, although I figure I'm fucked if I'm up against any of the really good infect players.
We'll see what happens
Nice nice. If you see a Mexican Merfolk player, thats me.
If you think infect is "lol ezpz just count to 10 lol" in the current meta the one brain dead is you
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send me some probes brother

hi devilman

this desu
>random free wins via moon
>no stress about fetching properly
>no damage from manabase
>tons of beautiful pristine snowy peaks to keep you company and sometimes burn your opponent
>board is always near-empty so you don't have to do combat math
Look for a sleep deprived brown haired blue eyed greek young man in a large black sweatshirt, grey sweatpants, and birkenstocks with socks, that's me
i actually speak decent spanish too
just got this deck a few weeks ago, its really been underperforming, should i just turn it into burn? am i missing something huge here?
didnt notice the other thread was dead
yeah, you've already got the lands and the guides, going into burn won't cost that much more. zoo decks that aren't death's shadow or something with an OTK like 4c Retreat don't fair well, ala Naya CoCo which I was running
I gotchu bruh bruh
could r/w vehicles be a thing in modern? the curve is really low and copter seems very good. plus you have depala to refuel your hand
this guy is always a good laugh
Skred brother. You're a cool guy.

If there's any other Standard deck right now I want a decent port of in Modern its UB Colossus and Aetherworks Marvel.
>UB Colossus and Aetherworks Marvel.

do you have a list?
It might be funny if it was satire, but he actually believes all the ignorant shit he spouts.
I don't get why he whines about netdecking like he's some god of brewing that's being held back by 'the man.'
He talks like a literal retard and has no idea how eternal format run. He provides no evidence and just whines and it's funny and infuriating at the same time.
The moment someone starts whining about Ad Nauseam I know not to take them seriously.
Didn't you know? In Modern, Ad Nauseum wins on turn 2 and is unstoppable. The only way to stop this scourge of a deck is to play UR Storm and Infect, which win on turn 1.
>The moment someone starts whining about Ad Nauseam I know not to take them seriously.

Same here, but what about opponents that just sigh and get all salty and passive aggressive when you combo out over their collected company or whatever green deck and then after an 0-2 defeat launch into a tirade about "fair decks" and how magic should be played?

I just don't take them seriously either :^)
laugh at them because certain archetypes are meant to beat other archetypes. Fuck CoCo anyway
There's three levels of players according to that idiot:
1: Casuals - brilliant mtg players who would win everything if it wasn't for their superior ethics.
2: Netdeckers - plebs who can't play mtg for shit, but they generally beat casuals because they can afford $5000 decks that are dreamt up by casuals.
3: Pros - pros are actually the worst at the game, but they can both afford $5000 decks AND they are skilled cheaters, giving them a leg up on both casuals and netdeckers.

Some people are a founts of knowledge... Deso is basically a fount of stupidity.
>Deso is basically a fount of stupidity.
And yet people listen to him
Why isn't there a good YT channel out there that actually talks about the game? I know there are people out there that talk about magic, but not so much the in depth topics.
try any weird tech lately?
i cut my 4th stormbreath for an awaken the ancient in an attempt to lower the curve a bit but i found you really want to play it as a 5-drop or you can't take advantage of the haste...
i want another resilient turn 4 threat but i'm trying to dodge the p&k wave
>Jund is Hur Dur linear
>Only 1 in 10 Infect pilots play correctly because deck is hard and requires major thinking
>Plays Eldrazi Hatebears
Woo Lad you need a major opinion and taste overhaul.
Not Skred, but Purphoros? You don't get much use out of his ability, but it's great if you can turn it on with Koth/Stormbreath/Blood Moon
You obviously don't. Jund requires more thought and experience the just about very deck in modern. Not saying Infect is auto-pilot mode but it's pretty straight forward and definetly easier than Jund.

And before you ask I've played just about every tier 1 or 2 deck in Modern.
What about wotc forgetting about counterspells and actully giving blue good tempo cards. Something like:

Temporal Vanish - 1U
Exile target creature and put two time counters. During the upkeep of the creature's owner, remove one time counter from it. When you remove the last time counter from it, return it to the battlefield tapped. If any trigger ability would be triggered, it doesnt.

"Fuck off, back to your shithole"

I thinks this would be oke since:

1.- Timmys wont lose his creature and it will have it back in two turns, voiding him getting frustrated.
2.- Gives blue color something to do with early threats and avoid annoying ETB effects.
Jund has a very good Affinity matchup. Game 1 is 50/50ish but after board it's so easy. All your removal is live 100% of the time and between K-Command, Ancient Grudge, Anger of the Gods, and Maelstrom Pulse; the 2 for 1s are plentiful. So far I have not lost to Affinity with Jund, but it my entire city there are only like 2 Affinity players because it gets super bullied out here.
It's good
You're hilarious
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Just sayin'
W/G Hatebears. Nothin more cozy than your own gameplan advancement actively hinders your opponent.

Make it gimp on cast triggers too and we're golden.
I'm curious, why HASN'T anyone made a youtube channel about the nitty gritty of competitive magic for new players? It seems like something people would be in the market for and would help a ton of players.

It'd be a lot better than bitching about the ban list

nobody plays competitive magic
Sorry, forgot where I was
In all seriousness, you're probably right, reddit is literally dead. Anyone that wants to play at a high level already knows how and does so. I guess it's not a great idea.
yeah, even though i'm running reckoners, purphoros has a pretty low chance of paying off
probably what will happen is i'll just jam new chandra once she rotates
Sounds good, you could def use the card advantage
I actually like the idea, but eldrazis with abilities to put exiled cards on the graveyard exists and it would make them too op.
p much this, if you can't figure it out on your own no one wants you to try
>go off with storm
>wonder why I can't cast Past in Flames even though I have 10 mana
>It's my fucking draw step
words cannot express my fucking anger right now
>it's mythic
What were you playing on that allowed you priority during your draw step?
fucking xmage
I have 0 fucking idea why this is an feature, I've fucked myself over so many fucking times because of this retarded fucking shit
Well stop being retarded and keep track of your phases faggot
Why don't you just disable the stop on your draw step?
It would help if the words weren't white and incredibly tiny, and on a white backdrop

good idea
Should I bother getting into modern with Eldrazi & Taxes, go straight to the legacy version, or just go into merfolk with my 2 vials, paths, and thalias?
Have you been playing with a stop on your draw step the entire time, even though you don't like it?
Many other decks use the draw step. Not saying it hasn't happened to me though
I know I'm retarded
>Kiki wasn't working but something else unexpected was
Probably Spike Feeder + Archangel of Thune
What's so weird about Bloom Titan was how long the cards it used were around before somebody figured out the ideal combination
Really makes me think what other kinds of decks are out there
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>does this fit in robots?

Maybe an even more aggro version? Is that even possible?
Pic related.
I've seen people test it but it doesn't seem very good. What would you take out for it? It doesn't seem better than anything you would take out.
interesting, I wasn't even aware of that card in the spoiler

not sure if it solves any problems for post-board affinity, but still an interesting design
I've seen eternal scourge in a list with 4 relics, was pretty sweet, I think a single scourge is nice tech.
Alongside batterskull you have some pretty resilliant threats
I could see two less skirge, two bomat.

Inventors fair is also really sweet. The lifegain is gravy.
eternal masters was great
It was fucking awful
Seems mediocre at best. Affinity's best draws are already some of the strongest in modern, so you really don't need another "what if I play this on turn one" card. But if you topdecked this in midgame or lategame it does quite literally nothing.
Skirge at least has flying which allows it to get in for damage if the board starts to stall. And the lifelink helps a ton against aggro decks or in races.
been playing this online

4 relic
4 bolt
4 skred
1 flame slash
3 fallout
1 anger

4 reckoner
3 stormbreath
1 inferno titan

4 koth
1 chandra, pyromaster

3 moon
1 awaken the ancient
3 spirit guide

20 snow mountain
2 scrying sheets
1 valakut

i like batterskull. don't realllly want to cut anything for scourge though...
Fuck you
ancestral vision is a sideboard card nerd
Really that's the kind of thing I'd like to see Tolarian Community College doing, Their product reviews are good and honest enough for me to think they're likely to be able to cover actually playing the game pretty well.
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Hi. Any advice for my deck?
I think UWR Delver is much better than its reputation and that more people should give it a try.
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Here's the mana base
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And the side board of course
I like the look of it, anon. Hows fumarole working out foor you?
My only criticism is that I'd personally go for more multiples of the cards you really need in your sideboard.

This is kind of a Legacy style board in a modern deck, Legacy can get away with one ofs and two ofs because they're rocking 4+ dig cards and can go looking for them. You don't have that luxury as much so I'd be inclined to streamline it a little.

As a style thing I'd suggest at least 1 more leyline too.

I am also unsure as to what Ceremonious Rejection is for. If it's Trons top end then countering individual threats is far less effective than killing their land, particularly as Newlamog will wreck you even if its countered. If it's for the Bant matchup then it won't do jack, cavern is too good sadly.
How does he remember to breathe?
Yeah seconding this. Kind of frustrating that I always go last place when I play a tournament with it though, to the point where it became a running gag in my store.

In casual matches its super comfy and wins a lot.
>play your hand on curve, discard whatever you can't kill, kill anything that resolves
>hellbent, proceed to play the top card of your deck each turn
Kys my man.
Leyline is a 2-of because it's a dead draw if I already have on in play. It's a gamble I know...
Ceremonious Rejection stops Karn, Ugin, Plating and Thought-Knot Seer (if I am lucky and there is no Cavern) - cards that are really problematic for my deck.
I know that the SB should be more streamlined, but it's so hard. I don't know that to cut.
Fumarole is doing good work. It's the only land that comes into play tapped so the tempo is still good and has won me quite a few games.
You're an idiot, you can put any decks curve in green text like that and it sounds easy. Here's your (you) retard
Doesn't work well with ravager or plating really
You really can't, at least if you don't want to come across as stupid. Stay asshurt.
If your goal was to avoid coming across s stupid then mission failed
Dude, stop. Jund is easy to pilot deal with it
Leave this shit in the EDH thread.
Yeah! Leave posting your modern decks to the other format threads!
>Not understanding that the point was your mana will be inconsistent because it's full of one ofs outside fetchlands
then why didn't you just say that instead of passively aggressively complainingg about some vague thing. Also you should stop greentexting for a bit, and start writing fully formed sentences. You're more likely to be taken seriously
>Implying I care about being taken seriously
Then you should just stop posting
>Take yourself super seriously!
Back to le leddit with you.
God I hate you

I like it, but I'd definitely make some changes. I'd run a full set of Serum Visions, there's almost no reason not to. Lightning Helix, while everyone thinks is necessary in some form, is pretty meh in my opinion. I'd run Boros Charm instead. The extra point of damage will help you close out the game that much faster and it's way more versatile for the exact same mana investment. Also a full set of Remands. So something like:

- 1 Path to Exile (I'm assuming that's what that is)
- 1 Mutagenic Growth
- 1 Geist
- 3 Lightning Helix

+ 1 Serum Visions
+ 2 Remands
+ 3 Boros Charm

How well does it play out For you? Also, your mana base looks okay, and might need some work. However, I'm really bad with mana bases and not sure how to fix it.
A couple of things - when did infect get so good / hated? I was playing budget infect and having a blast, and went to by nobles to see they fucking skyrocketed.

Also, I'm trying to build Izzet Prowess, but I need some shit to even it out. So far all I have is
>4x swiftspears
>4x stormchasers
>4x delvers
>4x lightning bolts
>4x serum visions

And currently a bunch of cantrips and cheap boost spells. Anyone got any suggestions?
No one is playing removal right now and infect has the fastest clock without interaction.
Fine if you want some actual critique.

>Questionable cards
Mutagenic Growth
Full set of Snaps (Having 2 in your opening hand is actually shit, there's a reason you rarely see 4)
Jeskai Charm
Pillar of Flame
Emerge Unscathed
Slip Through Space

Young Pyromancer
Spell Snare
Mana Leak

Unconventional cards are fine to try out, but you want to be playing a proactive game plan, at least in game one. This means cards like Emerge Unscathed just aren't that good. Even the Mutagenic Growth is likely not good enough as you want to T1 Delver, and T1 Bolt is sort of expected, and Growth doesn't save Delver from that. Something I'd consider trying out in this kind of deck is Boros Charm. Saving a Delver from a Terminate with the indestructible means the Charm has basically dealt 3 damage and left you with a permanent on board. Or you can just dome your opponent.

Serum Visions is also a weird one here. You're not sparse enough in threats that you'll be stuck without one, which at the same time makes your Delvers worse. It's like Delver and Serum Visions want to be in the same kind of deck, and your relatively high threat density makes both of them a little worse because you don't need the digging of Visions so much. You obviously don't want to cut the threat of Delver, so cutting Visions could be a consideration.

>Mana base
Go lighter on the white. You don't need it until you hit like turn 3, so the Seachrome definitely isn't needed. I'd add another Sulfur Falls in its place. I'm also curious as to why you went for Fumarole over Colonnade since Fumarole dies to Bolt the instant it gets activated. Also blue is so much more important than the other colours that you really should go 4 Tarn 4 Strand.

>le epic maymay shidbosting :^))))
Mutagenic Growth and other 'Free' spells are really good for prowess triggers. Temur Battlerage and Boros Charm give double strike which makes prowess awesome.

But even though I really like URx Prowess decks, Infect and Zooicide just do it better. If you're really keen on your deck, try it out, but if not, go with Infect/Zooicide.
See was that so hard? btw im not the one who posted the deck dipshit

>go back tumblr
>sweet meme bro
> no seriously, kill yourself

Im going to bed
Thanks m8, I'll check it out.

And as I said above, I play infect too (I just gotta go fast). Haven't play zooicide at all though - isn't that death's shadow based or something?
Yeah, basically Death's Shadow +Temur Battlerage. With some other stuff in there too.
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Will 66x91 mm slevees work for MTG deck?

Found cool ones with navy camo on them and was wondering of buying few packs.

Pic related.
If you go the Merfolk route, go the mono-blie route.
Infect got a lot better when Twin got banned. Twin basically stared a modern arms race and it turns out Infect was the fastest
tooth and nail is pretty comfy
If I have trading post Tron, but can't get the meishins anywhere, should I replace them with Ugin, Wurmcoil, Remand, Cyclonic Rift or Aetherize?
People are playing lots removal, it's just infect well positioned with a 1 mana threat and good disruption to keep it alive
Try out beldam reveler. Hes really good with all the free spells and pump youre gonna be playing.
Consider also Kiln Fiends and Abbots.
Is esper good enough to build around it a controll deck?
probably not, Jeskai can use Nahiri as a finisher which helps it a lot
I'm not planning on doing quick finishers, I want to grind my opponents ballz trough the game.
That might not work in modern lad
This is modern.
You'll lose to tron.
You'll also get overwhelmed by people just playing threats.
Draw go is garbage
Oh man.

Look, I get where you're coming from but this is Modern, grinding someone out in Modern means the game lasts til turn 7. I mostly play Faeries and I have had an awful time of it since Twin ate a ban and Eldrazi sped the format up, grinding someone out just doesn't work because eventually they get free and wreck you, you simply don't have the tools to grind people out that way.
It's rug, but eternal command is the closest you get to a control lock in modern without being trash incarnate
what do you want jeskai charm for? youre not even running young pyro.
why the fuck do you have german path to exiles?
I've been out of magic almost ten years.

Is Permission still viable as an archtype?
Only in vintage and (some) legacy decks.

Counterspells haven't been viable in modern, standard or even limited in years. It's all just creature strategies now, enjoy your mythic rares.
Why would you ask that in a thread about a format that you have 0 experience in?
And no, permission does not exist in Modern

Seriously, we need to clarify MODERN FORMAT in the OP
Say, could you guys give me an abzan landbase? Getting back into mtg and first foray into modern after a short break.
There's a lot of popular abzan lists up, just look at one of them
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Hey /tg/ I've been running into martyr lifegain decks nonstop on MTGO and I just can't seem to beat them. I'm running eldrazi how should I be sideboarding against them? Do I need to make card changes to have a better matchup against them in the side or maindeck?

pic related is my list

Inb4 you shouldn't lose to that deck. If that's so maybe I'm playing wrong any advice?
>phone picture of a computer screen

This never ceases to make me laugh
Bant is better than UG in a blind meta, which, even though you're running into a lot of W lifegain, is what you're getting on modo
The UG list is great at punishing midrange, but it's going to get trampled on by whatever wonky shit your opponent runs
And learn to screencap faggot
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ok here ya go
this literally took longer to crop but whatever floats your boat. I get that it's more aesthetically pleasing
>not using snipping tool
>doesn't have puush
the capture tool exists
if you knew that, you'd know why path is so good and bant is better than UG if you dont know the meta
jesus christ
>can't get the meishins anywhere
They're cheap as fuck online. Are you homeless?
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Martyr lifegain.png
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Here is the martyr lifegain list. It seems really good sitting across from it, though I don't know how well they do against things like infect where life gain doesn't matter as much.
Squadron hawking to fill the hand, busting martyr to gain 15+, then getting 6/6 serra ascendants for 1. Also ranger of eos to find martyrs and ascendants, using mistveil plains and emerias as well as proclamation of rebirth to get things back from the graveyard, wrath to smooth things out against aggro, and ghostly prison for the same reason. The deck seems really quite solid from where I'm sitting, I'm surprised it's only 90 tix on cardhoarder.

Stuffy Doll/Prototype Portal variant Turbo Fog.

So, how many Voltaic Keys do you want this game?
I've seen some spicy things done with the list as well, adding black for castigate, athreos and blood baron of vizkopa, and a different list was using crucible of worlds and tectonic edge/ghost quarter for land destruct
Chalice stops it hard, EE stomps its nut in, Path does work to it, running blue like most bant lists do can throw a wrench in its plan. Your list isn't interactive enough, one of the strengths of the eldrazi decks is being able to power out big threats for cheap while still being able to disrupt the enemy's plan. That's why the bant list is so powerful, it can run Path, blue counters post board, and still get out TKS on turn 2.

I'm the kind of asshole that throws in Guard Duty instead of Path to Exile.

It's funnier to me and they don't get a land out of it.
Great! really good shit right here
So I need to be more interactive. I can do that! Any specific card list changes you'd advise to make it more interactive or am I on my own to figure that out?
Make it look a bit more like this list. Displacer is broken as hell too, get 4 and always keep them in. Seriously, it's a busted card
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bant eldrazi.png
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Ehheh, whoops. I cropped out the displacers and paths. (I'm a dumb fag) Yeah going bant is def the way to go
Snipping tool eh? That's some legit advice there anon thank you
Yeah gotta like chalice against a deck that is powered on 1 drops. Maybe I should add a 4th in the board. Would -1 e witness +1 engi explosives in the main deck be worthwhile?

Also, when you board in chalices, does that mean you cut your own 1 drops since you have a good chance of countering your own spells?
Yeah why are you running Drowner without Displacer? That's your combo lock that gives the whole thing an incredible inevitability

>oh I have 3 mana, you can't attack or block for the rest of the game
I'm not I'm just a stupid fag that sucks dicks. See >>49712831

Since you're running 1cc mono white, I'd say consider Emerge Unscathed, Brave the Elements, or Ajani's Presence for combat protection, Awe Strike or Angel's Grace for clutch time, Hyena Umbra would be insurance on Serra's Ascendant, and mandatory Mana Tithe for the "WTF Counters in White?!" reaction.
loving every laugh, keep it real senpai
Try fitting a regular card in there and see if they work.
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why was this printed
to make you mad

Because Hasbro thinks that no one will play MtG without outrageous cards being printed.
I do hate this card
I also hate the greasy k command as well
Opinions on lupine prototype in affinity? I'm usually empty handed but turn 2
Good sideboard card. I'm not sure why, just doesnt seem good enough main.
Ask yourself. What would you cut?

It's not better than anything already in the deck

I'm seeing Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur working swimmingly with this, the problem being trying to get it out without having to bluff, dodge and counter your way into it.

Maybe a Khalni Garden + Polymorph?

I can whittle a base deck together real quick.

It's flimsy, but I'm sure I can make it better, given more time.

//Artifact (9)
1 Elixir of Immortality
4 Isochron Scepter
4 Jester's Scepter

//Instant (8)
4 Manamorphose
4 Sprout

//Creaturs (5)
4 Lupine Prototype
1 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur

//Sorcery (16)
4 Explore
4 Polymorph
4 See Beyond
4 Serum Visions

//Land (22)
7 Forest
4 Halimar Depths
7 Island
4 Khalni Garden
What the horse fucking shit am I looking at here? You want to Polymorph a Lupine Prototype into a Lupine Prototype? You want to cheat Jin-Gitaxias into play so he can eat a Path or Dismember before doing anything?

I think I've hit my quota of /tg/ for the day.

I just slapped it together in a few minutes. Stop jacking off the high horse.

No, you don't grease your Lupin to get Jin, you grease a token for Lupin or Jin. 4 come from Garden and 4 from Sprout. I thought of doing Fists of Ironwood and mass polymorph, but Fists needs a creature in play and mass costs are too high.
Okay here's what you just did with your deck. Going off the premise that Affinity vomits its hand really fast so Lupine Prototype might be good in Affinity, you then completely forgot Affinity existed and make a random ass pile of cards with Polymorph in.

Like make a deck with 4 Madcap Experiment and 2 Platinum Emperions as the only artifacts or something.
Jesus man
Use 4 polymorph, 3-4 shape anew, 4 lingering souls than counters and bombs like Iona, elesh norn, and a bunch of removal and counters. Fuck, you can max out wraths because lingering souls has flashback
And for shape anew run either blinkmoths and 2 masters call and a platinum emperion if you want (angel in the side for ad nauseum and sundering titan for Jund)
>Literally took longer to crop
What the fuck does that even mean?
He's using ancient hardware and saving a png takes ten seconds.
whats the benefit of adding a card like wolfbot to a polymorph deck? the only creature cards you want in that type of deck are your wincons. jin-gitaxias probably wont win you the game on the spot. emrakul is what you are looking for.

besides, werent you talking about affinity in the first place?
Because it's a sweet card.

I don't even play Burn and can appreciate that.
Polymorph is balls. There's way too much removal in this format.
hahahahahaha this is so fucking jank
It's busted. If they gave anything to blue that was even remotely as useful or powerful it would cause an outrage
Because blue always gets everything.
The last time good blue cards were printed was original innistrad. Even then they acknowledge snap and delver as mistakes
Delver was never considered a mistake.
>I have never read MaRo Blog
He now says he didn't say it was a mistake but he definitely was vocal about it after release
Is Bant Hexproof/Bogles a good deck to start off modern with? I have a good Bant manabase but don't really want to play Eldrazi.
go strict GW but yeah it's good
angel against infect and turbo mill too.
Choose two --
* Your opponents can't search their libraries this turn.
* You draw a card and lose 1 life, then scry 1.
* Counter target noncreature spell.
* Creatures your opponents control get -1/-1 until end of turn.
What is modern missing?
Another good control card
Another good sideboard piece or two
Big booty bitches
yes. people will probably hate you but the deck works. dont forget the dryad arbors to fetch in response to the liliana activation
I'm actually kind of surprised none of the storm decks have picked Pyromancer's Swath back up. I remember it saw play waaaaaaaaay back in the day when seething song and rite of flame were lethal and you could go off turn 1, but I'm surprised it doesn't see play now with electromancer making it a lot easier to get to 5 mana quickly
this is ridiculously busted. a one sided instant speed mini wrath is way more than ub, let alone adding card draw AND scrying to it
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You're crazy if you think this would ever be printed, but at least it's better than this waste of time that some poor bastards got as a promo.
all this had to do was cost 1 less and counter any spell and it would have been great
but no, fuck blue
That's what you get for playing unfair colors :^)
It seems like to professor is a casual at heart.

His videos about like decks and stuff are either by someone else or look like stuff people who don't know much about how the decks play think.
Silumgar looks fucking disgusting in this
Twin, Pod, Bloodbraid, Stoneforge
I feel like this was originally designed as a 4 mana spell

All the other commands were very good and undercosted and this was just lukewarm piss
>creatures your opponents control get -1/-1
Golgari Charm already kinda does that, sorry senpai
Hey bud I thought you got your choices switched. But don't worry, slow cerebral activity is common in your typical Jundfag :^)
Why mono white prison isn't played much?

It seems a pretty decent and very cheap deck for modern standards.
Here we have a typical butthurt Jundfag in his habitat. He's mad he spent 2000$ in a deck only to get beaten dead by a bunch of 1/1's
New thread. >>49721827
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