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Filename thread? Filename thread

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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 139

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Filename thread?

Filename thread
Isn't this dilemma resolved by assuming that at least two different people post on /tg/ and that those seemingly contradictory opinions are actually held by different people?

Considering that I wouldn't argue for either, and thus can't be either of the two, there may even be three or more different posters on this board.
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When DM said anything goes on character design and you're drunk AF
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On second thought, maybe "Interpitative character creation" is a better file name.
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Typical Plot Hooks.jpg
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>Three or more different posters on the board
Nope. It's just you and me here, anon.

While we're on the subject though, don't all iterations of that meme pretty much fit that description?
I think my GM ran one of these plots.

The joke is essentially "cognative dissonance" or more accurately how people's tunes change when what's socially acceptable changes.

In OP's pick for instance: /tg/ fucking hated and railed against 4e dragonborn and stated that they were just there to fufil stupid nerd fantasy sexy wish fufilment due to them having boobs and a female figure.

Cut to tumblr making the same argument but from the perspective of it being a femminist issue and suddenly /tg/ is forced to either compromise and agree with an invisible demon they've been forced to percieve or admit that they were wrong and to just let lizard people have tits.
So... nobody is gonna talk about how the Mod 404'd the last filename thread for NO FUCKING REASON?
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>Implying there are even two posters
You're talking to yourself, anon.
Why can't we just settle that it's bad on dragonborn, but completely harmless on humans? That way we're against scalies and SJWs?
It is because these threads are only /tg/ related by the barest tangent.

> harmless on humans

I don't think anyone's gonna argue humans women shouldn't look like... human women.

A better question would be: why is most artwork of female orcs still giving them substantially less musculature to the point they tend to look more like green human women with tusks.

As a general rule before you go cherrypicking random pictures to show me of giant beefy orc women. Seriously though that warcraft movie, wew
Filename threads are off-topic, just like everything else.
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real question is why don't human men look like anything
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T-Rex na Kanojo
>Filename threads are on-topic, just like everything else.

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I'm sure some people here are familiar with this feel
>I don't think anyone's gonna argue humans women shouldn't look like... human women.
Reverse-traps are all-around better.
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Free Range Greenstuff.webm
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>Wahh have a rigid defined topic like my shirty generals

... you know that actually makes me pause and consider:

have there been any reverse traps that appear to be like, MANLY men? Like, all reverse traps seem to just be "women on the slightly right side of androgynous".
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>NG necromancer
Depends if you consider transgender people "traps", especially if they're passable
Can you imagine what spontaneously gaining +10 wisdom must feel like in real life?
>Oh god I've been such a moron this entire time and I've never even realized
It would be like remembering you got so nervous talking to that girl you liked in high school you threw up in front of her multiplied by a hundred.
Flowers for algernon
None of that shit happened.
Here. It was originally a short story before Keyes expanded it.
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The version with sound is better
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>artwork of female orcs still giving them substantially less musculature to the point they tend to look more like green human women with tusks.
Is it really though?
I think to find examples that fit this you'd have to do more cherry picking than to find examples that don't.
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This needs a name
halfling druid's day off
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Nondruid player hears conversation in druidic.
On mobile, can't change name easily.
elf slav wat do?
It's actually way harder for a woman to look masculine than a man to look feminine.
Well we used to look like men.
I know this bit of info from talking to a reverse trap in the past.
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female orc.png
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>Isn't this dilemma resolved by assuming that at least two different people post on /tg/ and that those seemingly contradictory opinions are actually held by different people?


But sometimes, there are two mutually exclusive beliefs and one person holding them.

Other times, the creator is an idiot and puts two texts that are not exclusive and I want to hit both buttons.
A++ keks, I applaud.
Well, depends.
Men can always shave, women simply can't grow a beard, which is a common sign of masculinity so that has a lot to do with it, but I've seen some handsome women that could perhaps pass as refinedly masculine men.
Strong jawline helps but body language is a singificant factor on carrying out the illusion, more than people probably usually think.

No matter which sex you are you kind of have to already be on the center. Not androgynous, but your features mustn't be too strong.
A wide-hipped 155 cm girl with soft facial features isn't going to fool anyone just as a broad shouldered bear of a man with a jaw cut out of a slab of rock with an axe isn't.
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But I can't shake the feeling that picture was drawn with that joke in mind.
Would it be considered attempted murder to shoot someone known to be invulnerable? Or would be be considered some form of minor assault, like shooting spitballs at someone?

Asking just in case I run into WW.
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First session.jpg
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Does anyone have the GIF of the Skeleton buffing himself up before a fight?
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I have this.
Players realize your naming gimmick?
i have reached the point where even reading the title of a book that made me cry years ago makes me cry.
I enjoyed that anon, you're doing god's work sharing good sci-fi.
We are running low on bandwich, we gotta save the internet before the tubes clog.
That's it. Thanks
Goddammit. Made me wake up the entire flat.
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That's not a filename gag at all. The filename is a literal description of the image.
Racial trait: average iq 2 standard deviations below average.
>1 reply
Lot of underageb& on this board
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Yeah, or weeks of non-stop reposting so it lost its impact.
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That almost made me cry.
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I know that feel.

Missing player meant we played magic football for a session, they still talk about it. the dramatic campaign around it that saved New Orleans from a magic hurricane hurled by a Titan, not a peep. Fucking Scionball, I didn't even keep the rules consistent in the match and they still loved it.
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3.5 lich.webm
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Here's the original if anyone cares
I still feel bad for every time I fudged rolls or pulled a deus ex Machina or asspulls or any kind, even if my players love ez mode. I can't get myself to kill my players.
god bless the dresden files.
if only butcher would stop writting his aerunaut stuff and return to 'arry dresden.
I've just started myself, about to finish up Grave Peril.
then you have a few books to read before you are stuck like us waiting for the next book.
My only complaint with this scene is he then didn't immediately sit down and chug items afterwards to regain the mana spent in casting those buffs and for any additional food buffs.
Could he do that? I know that he can sense his HP and MP intuitively, but I'm not sure if food can give game buffs in that world.

Plus, I recall that Momonga was trying to hoard the fuck out of his potions and shit since he's not sure he can get more.
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Depends on your local jurisdiction's laws. It'd probably be considered assault with a deadly weapon, but probably not attempted murder.
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tfw you just made a filename thread yesterday and its still in the catalog
Have u seen the very first entry? Very /tg/. So is 70% of posted material posted so, on-topic
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>implying I don't have both tabs open

op shouldn't have done it, but there we are
Enjoy this time anon. Seriously. Waiting on the next book is hell. Book 16 will be written eventually right guys? Guys...?
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Pic related. Been in this particular hell for quite some time
How long have we been waiting?
welp might as well roll with it
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>One is literally a human character just colored green

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Since 2014 (he wrote a book for a different series that came out in 2015, nothing in 2016 afaik). Considering he wrote 15 Dresden Files books in 14 years, along with a bunch of short stories and six books in the Codex Alera series, I don't mind him slowing down a bit and refocusing when he's ready. Better than burning out and never coming back, or cranking out total crap that fails to even be the enjoyable genre schlock of DF.
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Bullshit. You used to look like a baby.
>he didn't master transmutation magic when he was in the womb and come out looking like a celestial adonis

top pleb

One and a quarter.

Also, go back to /pol/.
But dragonborns are reptiles.

They don't have mammaries.

That has nothing to do with SJW stuff.

The other two players turning to look at the guy who threw the grenade really sells this gif. Laughed loud enough my coworkers looked at me funny.
These opinions are in no way contradictory

>find all your enemies true love so they'll go off and be happy in a quiet life, leaving you alone.

Truly a diabolical plan.
On topic? In my /tg/?
>the high elf busts in
fuck that got me
nah, the girl's race is named Sadida (from Wakfu). Obviously Adidas backwards, and the squatting slav stereotype includes Adidas tracksuits.
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The fact that's an actual buff in the game (a fucking strong one too) makes it so much better.
But is it really deadly?
If I attacked you with a peanut butter cup, it may illicit a laugh. Yet for some, it's no laughing matter.
I'd say it's enough if it's deadly for any bystanders.
When the hell did this happen?
>running Scion
Your experience. I need it. Give it to me.

I love the idea so much, but half the systems are missing, and the other half barely work half the time.

Do you have, like. A link/PDF with your houserules?
....These are not direct quotes from the show, right? These are exaggerations on the show's weirdness? Please?
>have there been any reverse traps that appear to be like, MANLY men?

This is literally the stereotype of dykes, Anon.
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Rules Primer.pdf
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Keep it at Hero, the game goes to shit at Demigod. Only hand out Legend as a group reward for milestones, with everyone at the same level. Untouchable Opponent is garbage, scrap it. On a similar note, keep an eye on everyone's DEX; like Exalted, DEX is the godstat, especially Epic Dexterity, so if there's only one person with decent DEX then they are going to be doing all the fighting, the others literally will be practically unable to help against any titanspawn/enemy scion with Legend or Epic Dex of their own.

Broader strokes, make sure people actually know their Boons and Purviews. Even just starting out, you have a ton, and it's easy to forget stuff (I advise having the players write them down on a separate, colour-coded sheet, there's no space on the official character sheet).

My houserule notes are all over the place; there's some in this Primer (what I gave to the players during chargen), but I don't think that's all the things I worked out over the game. Off the top of my head
>You cannot use willpower to gain an auto-success
>How you regain willpower/legend is slightly different
>Virtues are not limited in the number of times they can be channeled
>Epic Attributes provide 1 bonus success per dot purchased. All other kind of exponentially scaling stuff, except Legend, is similarly flattened.
>Healing times have been reduced to allow characters to bounce back into action quickly.
>It doesn't cover Knacks, Nature, Stunts, Boons, or Birthrights, and some other stuff, as those are pretty self-contained and straightforward.

I recommend checking out John's Scion Resources, Pairodice's house rules article, Transitive Gaming's houserules (one article has Scion in the title, the other Virtuous) and

A lot of fun, though.

Sorry, Seanbaby.
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Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
He isn't writing Cinder Spiders, he is sorta working on Peace Talks. It's just that his life is kind of in uproar now, what with moving halfway across USA, getting re-married and building a new house and stuff.
He needs stability and quiet to write well.
Thanks! iirc, JSR shut down though, I think they're trying to make their own game.
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He is. gothambynight is a closed site that redirects to Hero's Journey, but the JSR blogspot is still up.
Lizards don't have developed enough brains to reach true sentience either.
Neither can they breathe fire.

Its fantasy nigga, they got tits because its a fantastical world. If you don't want titties on your dragonborn, start GMing and when a dragonfag comes up make it impossible to know if its male or female.
It was a side story about an argonian writer. Obviously, it was a pretty well done bit of derailment that only further proves that Kaz puts a ton of creative effort in just about everything that ISN'T finishing the main damn comic.
Attempted murder.
You still tried to kill them, even if you are an idiot going against basic knowledge.
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>when a dragonfag comes up make it impossible to know if its male or female

>he can't tell the difference between reptile sexes by colouration and relative length of tail

It's like you don't even fetish.
Well I just wanted a reason to jam my hand into their neathers.

Totally justifiable if they don't start finding a way to make 99% of the sensible races realize what gender they are.
For me, it was one of those short stories that you read in middle school for the class, and it sticks with you several years ahead. It was kinda fun being able to have a good reason to bring it up. Plus it's such a depressing and mildly frightening situation, and it reflects its premise wonderfully
Imagine taking the hat off...
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Some OC after playing in a couple games with a friend. He has 6 Hobgoblins, 4 cultists, 6 skeletons, and 5 Ogres. Ogres are always the Big Guys.
In what setting or system are females masculine/unpretty? Whatever it is it sounds more amazon/dyke bait than sjw.
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/pol/ needs to go back to its containment board.
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This will always be my favorite mini
I was sure she was tucking so I was waiting for the trap to spring
>Australian Power

Every time.
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Unimportant NPC.jpg
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Look at it this way. If the PC dies, the suffering is over.
or do you not mentally, physically and spiritually abuse your Player's character's til their misshapen lumps of suet for the End Boss to chew up? Is that just me?
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That was a hilarious read
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Those overbites are painful to look at.
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I wasn't expecting a reading of an official legal document to be this funny.

>Ace Attorney homebrew first case ressolves
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>special feeling right in the middle

>It's canon that the player made them as part of his fetish
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>Broadway Karkat

Nearly drowned in a sudden wave of nostalgia and disgust.
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That was Shalltear. Those two were made by his sister, who thought crossdressing was cute.
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She's not wrong
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depends on if you knew they were invulnerable or not, if you shot them with the understanding it would not harm them.....
>First row, sixth pic
That's a proper orc matriarch, that is.
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Holy fuck... Man this plays right into one of my most primal fears. All my life people have told me how smart I am but every once in a while I start having self doubts and wondering if it's possible that they were just pitying me and letting me live out a fantasy. I have a mentally challenged cousin and we all try our best to make him feel accepted and normal and what if the same thing is just what's happened to me?
Sorry about the personal post, just that story really hit me hard.
See >>49617196
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I always wondered what it looks like when still alive.
Depressing AND it invokes a plausible and rational fear
Non stop filename threads really need to stop
I've seen this and a lot more in every filename thread i visited the last week
Either you all get really original or wait a few days inbetween these threads ti raise the quality
Really this. I love filename threads, but they're good for maybe once a week. Otherwise you just get rampant reposting.

And honestly, filename jokes are always at their best when the image is used in context rather than in a filename thread.
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>tfw I recognize what site that is
>tfw I've probably erp'd you before
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>That joint was laced with cat litter and soy sauce. Kids are calling it brown christmas
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I always like how it looks off when it's minimized, but when you click on it the colours return to a perfect match.
Liartown USA is the king of filename sources
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Ralph Bakshi's Wizards.gif
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That's my jam.
I get the filename, but why does the CPU 0 have the World of Tanks logo on his head?

>The court commends Plaintiff for his vastly improved choice of crayon.

I'm dying.
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Presumably because the WoT AI is cheap bullshit.
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>In either case, the Court cautions
Plaintiff's counsel not to run with a
sharpened writing utensil in hand--he could
put his eye out.

Sides in orbit.
>SoCal combat
>That was Shalltear.
no dude he made that nazi minic thing.
His bird dick friend made leechgirl
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Who even knows any more
If all legal documents were this engaging I'd be a lawyer right now.
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Loot hog.jpg
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I laughed pretty damn hard, man.
because it uses only one core of the CPU while the others do nothing.
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>Intergender and genderfluid look like keyblades
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Shalltear IS the leechgirl, created as a nexus of a dozen fetishes.
The one who made her is Peroroncino.
The guy who made the nazi doppelganger is Momonga/Ainz.
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I'm bored of this character.gif
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whoops, didn't even realise it was that big
no wonder this place is running out of bandwidth
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and prom's tomorrow!.png
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For those who may be confused.
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Gellar Field Failure.webm
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That's a pretty tame failure.
>Third row, third pic
That was made by my dad. Gosh, memories.
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Gellar Field Failure 2.webm
2MB, 540x360px
That was quite a ride.
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slaneesh invasion tactics.webm
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Would be effective.
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Chaotic Evil.webm
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flavor town.png
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why did you join tyhe party.jpg
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>imaginary female trouble
We'd all be in there if that was still the case.
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10 pages of backstory.png
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...I recognize several of those quotes...
What the fuck?

This webcomic was great. Even have a male audino named Joy holding a silk scarf
I think it's an add for Doritos.
Music video for Turn Down for What: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMUDVMiITOU
This is what I'd expect to see in a Tool music video that's the theme song to the latest silent hill game
As a side note this game is dumb as fuck
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Houseruling systems.jpg
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>....These are not direct quotes from the show, right?

No, but what makes them so hilarious is that they sound EXACTLY like something his character would say, to the point where some of them I legit had to really think on whether it was real or not.
I don't remember these Unowns
Emperor preserve us...
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Cult of Excess.jpg
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This is way better than it should be.
I read all of them in his voice, and I honestly couldn't tell if they were fake.
Who has that one picture where some nigmo was getting intimidated by a man asking "Do you remember a very large man who destroyed everything you loved? That was me." or something of the like?
World of Tanks is meant to play computers outdated by Russian standards. It results with it being able to run okay on anything but getting shitty performance on high end computers. Best example is that it dumps all the load onto one core of a multi-core CPU. It's gotten better in recent days but still not great.
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You should have posted the better version of that pic.
This is missing Unown.
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>better version
>no Attack Helicopter option
pick one
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Kaladesh Fire Department.jpg
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That is a pontiac skye. It is a slightly better version of a chevy cobalt, with a nice body kit. It's a 20 bluff for sure, maybe a 10 on the "roll for red car" spectrum.
My sides!
>Unknown F and Australian Male

Every time
>DM only has ogres

>Not "It's all ogre now"
anon... that isn't green
Look at the top row, fourth from the left of the image they're linking to.
> -is an SJW-
> an
> S
"is a," you illiterate twat.
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I would this orc.jpg
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personally this is the style of Orc Woman I like
'A SJW' just sounds weird to me. After a bit of thought, I realized it's because SJW is pronounced with a beginning e sound- 'ess jay double-u.'

>An Ess Jay Doubleyou

Don't be retarded.
So furry?
Boku no Sauce?
It was Yggdrasil gold he was hoarding due to being uncertain of whether he could obtain more, not potions. The reason he started hoarding potions was because they're so far beyond the quality of anything people are capable of crafting in the world they're in that people will start asking unwanted questions if he starts giving them out left and right.

It was mentioned that he cannot use potions, although I'm not sure if that's because healing potions harm undead, or because he lacks a digestive system.
"a" or "an" is determined by whether or not the next leading sound is a vowel sound or not, not by the actual leading letter.

For example: "I'll be here for an hour"
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I remember this thread. It separated the That Guys and Forever DMs on an idealogical level.
You what nigger

The Pontiac SOLSTICE is Kappa Platform, like the SATURN Sky. Saturn ION is Delta Platform aka Cobalt.

Also, the Pontiac Solstice has its engine pointing the right way and the drive wheels on the right end.
Needs a name.
>Dwarven baking
Sorry, you're right, I messed up my "I wish I were a miata" cars.

There's a reason they don't make them anymore.
I'm bready to die

2e is also around the corner.

Switch to that ASAP.
I vaguely remember him releasing the first chapter?

Thomas was emoing about being a vampire as usual and he reveals that Justine is pregnant? idk


I...are these joke ones? What the hell?
everything on that page besides male and female are jokes, yes.
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An average day in America.jpg
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In the US the jury usually take into account the probability of success that was known to the alleged attacker at the time of the attack. The state will make the case that it technically meets the definition of attempted murder, but any competent counsel will try to bring it back in perspective. This is why jury trials are fun
I wouldn't have it any other way
redheaded baker's daughter.gif
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panicked sonichu.jpg
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>Commoner multiclasses into wizard

Also, what in Satan's name is this?
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average pol thread.jpg
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Comet Lucifer.
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Fucking lost it.
If I had to pick one, Christine Love would be my favorite SJW

This triggers me
Australian male got me.
Her new body cost him an arm and a leg.
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Yes. You have won.
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I'm assuming you realized right as you posted that.
Literally in the post
Wouldn't exposing the traps nature undermine the progress?
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trying to kill the DMPC.gif
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Not when it actually helps to distract you from the actual trap. It's like putting a "watch for falling rocks" sign in from of a trap door.
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lawful good antagonists.jpg
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glorious metachaos.

vimeo version is best
>When the DM Allows EVERY splatbook

you have to stand on the bowl to close the door
I don't think I wanna know, but at the same time I really wanna know. Sauce and context?
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party interacting with npcs.png
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Even if they were invulnerable and it wouldn't hurt and you knew that, firing at someone off whom bullets ricochet is at LEAST reckless endangerment. If a rebound kills someone that makes it manslaughter.
That literally happened to me last week, except it was mostly paint-balling gear.
Qualia the Purple, I literally started reading it today thanks to the Manaka thread. You can get to the part in less than 20 minutes if you don't read slow as fuck.

Who will be mad enough to set their next game in La Mulana? WHO?
I had to listen to this a few times to realize this was actually English; holy fuck that accent.
>pages 19-20 of issue 1
Okay I'm all in now.
This series is just too easy to use for filenames
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Zeon is still mispelled
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Don't lump me with the Principality of Zeon you cis scum.

I identify as a demi-Zaku II only.

Missed opportunity, 'separatist' should be CIS for the pun factor.

I enjoyed Aeronaut's Windlass, I just wonder what the bet was this time.
I enjoyed it too, for what it was. It was a fun read.
UC Gundam trpg where?
Only for you, tubby.
>Age of Sigmar
I've never played WH anything but this
>End Times which led to the almost total destruction of the Warhammer world and the death of most of the world's population.
also makes it sound like a bad underlying idea. That's two strikes.
It also was a dig at her brother and their silbling relationship.
what am I looking at?
I wasn't aware that Aura was an Eroge voice actress who plays the type of character Mare likes the most, which leads to him not wanting to read Eroge anymore.
Also check out Interesting Ball by the same directors - https://vimeo.com/110808221
Jokes on you
I've seen that anime
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>Seduction and disappointment
This chart excludes me and Guided missile destroyers like me you fucking rapist.
Yeah... going to need a source on that one.
It's the singer from a shitty german band named Tokyo Hotel from a few years back
>masturbation for 30 years
nonstop? is that even possible?

Consider changing "agender" to the Tau symbol.
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