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Pathfinder General /pfg/

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Thread replies: 360
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Pathfinder General /pfg/

Friendly reminder to tell us what 3pp your game allows if you need character building help.

Last call for /pfg/'s official lewd Eastern themed fluffy tail game!

Unified /pfg/ link repository: http://pastebin.com/iYhDNSTq

Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warriors playtest: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dX4UYdtwTQKhY71Q45IHLtcu193zq1ZO5jHQ5_PnTl8/edit

Bloodforge: Infusions playtest: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GvwMclLSw15slYI7D5xLdjMzr-Nau92hNha9Sx0LOk4/edit

Legendary Vigilantes playtest (ends next monday so check it out): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hrk1hl8uXVHazaiPOCvWsFUHX3PB6fQVd13tzguJTgE/edit

DSP's Forrest started a patreon for her own 3pp company: https://www.patreon.com/forrestfirestudios

Old thread: >>49600525
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Lewd is getting boring. Let's talk Vilderavn plotlines you want to run.
I'm going to miss /pfg/ when 4chan gets shut down
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What race makes the best concubines?
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>Let's talk Vilderavn plotlines you want to run.

I want to play a campaign set in a homebrew setting where three mighty kingdoms seem poised for war after numerous international incidents strain relations!

I want to play a party hired by a wealthy, concerned third-party to investigate who is causing the tensions, and after carving through numerous proxy organizations and petty governments, it's discovered a Vilderavn was trying to start the first Great War because he wanted his name to go down in history among his kind!
Why is his right arm so stubby?
>this meme
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No theme for this thread? Lets change that:

Gms, what makes you choose an application over the rest? what are your buttons?
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
Character Sheet - (106KB zip/PDF)
If anyone's interested, I'm currently running a mildly lewd hack of Wrath of the Righteous as a quest over on Questionable Questing. It's just began, and is currently in the character selection process.

Link for those interested: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/wrath-of-the-righteous-pathfinder-golarion.4299/
Is the questioner investigator not able to cast in light armor like a bard? And would it stack with polymath?
>none of the games I run are online
My selection process is usually along the lines of, "No, Greg, you can't play a drow noble, because we already had this discussion and there are no drow in my campaign setting."
What are some good wondrous items options for Aegis other than the Crystalline Shoulders?
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ITT: Rate parties.

I'll start by posting mines!
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>mfw just found out about that Eastern-themed campaign
>mfw I check the chat and the DM says it's already full


Who got in? Congratulations!
Genzoman is such a shit artist
Normally, I'll take what I can get.

If I was able to be selective, no animal kin races.

I have room for everything else. You can be a drow, tiefling, aasimar, genasi, or dhampir. I just don't want it to get too weird.
+size magical weapons they can wield with Powerful Build customization

bonus points if you're an Initiator's Soul and have E.Flux Nimbus stance

double bonus if you also +size yourself with the Increase Size customization
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Why is Kinu so *cute?* I mean she's legitimately just adorable.

Her hyper-perky attitude and scratchy voice just completes it.
I know about customization for the Astral Suit. I was talking about Wondrous items from Psionics/weapon enchantments from Psionics that were good specifically for an Aegis.
My current setting is a made-up city state occupying a mountain pass between Cheliax and Andoran. It's got Fae in its name but there are no fae around at all. There's a history of wars in the area against a huge drow empire that lives under the mountains. Apparently the city state was founded on the blood of goodly fae who were wiped out in the conflict while fighting the drow.

A new war is brewing, yadda yadda yadda the last fae is a hidden Vildravn among the nobility burning with centuries-lasting rage who wants both civilizations to crumble to dust under their shitty wars.
Actually, why pick just one?

Thanks to the Twisted Love feat, my character has a vilderavn pining for her in a lewd game.
Don't you mean Selkie?
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That's not a dog
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But UMD is so important that you shouldn't give anything up for it, ever. Whatever I'm getting in return for UMD had better be hot shit, and Diplomacy isn't hot shit.

And seriously? d10s? What, is Nova Flare too weak at low levels? Too strong at high levels? Really?
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It's my druid's companion, a Trollhound named Pudge.

He loves belly rubs.
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I know this is a legitimate question, but that image is making me read that post like a petulant short woman (like Tatsumaki) wrote it and I'm just cracking up.
As with all things, you gotta be a bit more specific about your build, because there's a fuckton of options that don't all fit together very well.
Also, I only mentioned the customizations because that is your primary class feature, and synergizing with those customizations are how you maintain relevance as a martial.

Power stones are always handy for an aegis, with the repository and harness customizations. If you spend most of your time in the astral armor/juggernaut forms, psychoactive skins are fantastic. Ioun stones have a laundry list of benefits and no actual limit on the number being used.

If this sounds vague it's because you're asking for specificity without giving any guidelines.
Why doesn't Path of War have any magic items?
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In PoW can you be a part of multiple Traditions at once, if they don't conflict? Something like Sacred Hymn and Cagebreakers?

Can you take PoWE stuff on older Initiators like the Stalker?

And is Elemental Flux OK without any points to augment it?

I might want to be Magic KI ninja man running up walls like nobody's business spitting fireballs at people.
I plan on beind a two weapon fighter with Keen Elven Curved blades using all the weapon dice size increasing options as possible in the normal customizations, save for E.Nimbus because my DM has banned path of war yet not psionics.
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I had whole archetypes I was thinking of suggesting, but it's far too late for that and I can't remember all of them anyway. If I ever remember, I'll just go jam them into a document for later. Who knows, maybe they're something I'll be able to pitch for one of your later books.

The vigilante playtests have been fun, both to look over content and suggest things, and I look forward to your next one, even if I'm not that big into the kineticist. I'm stoked as shit for that dragon stuff tho.
So, I kinda want to play a kid in the new game I'm joining, is there any 1pp traits/feats/templates for that?

It does, the Steelforge armory or whatever.
You are the magic item Billy.
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reposting for more feedback in new thread. Rate my fluffy tail and evil? waifu factory.


Anything that helps your accuracy, or that ioun stone (get it implanted) that gives firearm proficiency. Accuracy is one thing that despite their job Aegii ido not get (no weapon training no favored weapon bonus no insight to hit without veils, etc) and with their ability to buff sizes up and their mobility and defensive options already covered, they're in a particular place where they can make extremely good use of firearms

Akashic Catalysts aren't a bad idea either given you can get 1-2 veils out (third's too expensive) with decent cost and power.

Power Stones can be harnessed so they're another one to consider. A source of the "Form Astral Suit" power adjusted for continuous durations (better +6 points all day than spending a standard or something to get +8 for five minutes) would be very good for example.

Beyond that it's a lot like any other primary combatant: You want items that help your role/combat-style/mobility/senses/skills as usual.

The difference is that Aegis can provide several of those solutions on its own, so the trick here it to balance out what you can get from customizations and what you get as items carefully.

This is where using skin form with magical armor comes from: You save a lot of Cpts by just having enchanted armor instead of buying the armor bonus up, and can install certain functions or replace them with aegis customizations (like fortitude, flight, energy resistance..)

for those who hate roll20

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Try converting some of the items from the Tome of Battle.

>Can you take PoWE stuff on older Initiators like the Stalker?

>And is Elemental Flux OK without any points to augment it?

You can take Advanced Study (Sleeping Goddess) to get the Unbroken Stride stance

>While you maintain this stance, you can walk and stand on liquids and other unfirm surfaces as if they were solid ground. You can move at your normal speed, but you cannot run on such a surface. This stance does not protect you from any negative effects that the surface might carry, such as the heat of lava or the stickiness of a spider’s web. At initiator level 5th, you gain the ability to move along walls and ceilings as if under the effect of a spider climb spell while you maintain this stance, except that you do not need to use your hands to climb and can fight normally.
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Well if you do, let me know and we'll talk.

I'm glad to know people have appreciated this playtest, I think it went more smoothly than the first. And I can understand not being in love with the kineticist, it's a polarizing class. I'm really hoping that the dragon book is the next one on which I can focus.

The DM's already picked out his four players, anon. He's simply holding out for a miracle 5th that might show up.

You should hold onto the concept though, titty Kitsune are fantastic.
That is in fact, why I wanted sleeping goddess.

Awesome, thanks.
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Elven Curve Blades are 2h weapons, and to be quite honest TWF is a poor option for a class that gains feats exclusively through character levels, as is a Dex-based melee build.

I assume you're an elf for the +Dex/Int and racial weapon familiarity, but that doesn't save you from the weapon still being two-handed.
where's the spellburst savant anyways?
>tfw your unfinished art keeps appearing on pfg

it's a weird feeling
Forrest's patreon, linked in the OP.
Disappointingly, these rules are written for kids, not for folks who want to play kids. Locking folks into NPC classes is one of the dumbest moves paizo made.
You also get power points for gaining maneuvers this way, and the psionic subtype.


>You gain power points equal to the highest level Sleeping Goddess maneuver you know (including stances), plus one additional power point for each Sleeping Goddess maneuver known beyond the first (including stances).
Oh, thanks a ton dude.

The gear/equipment section is adequately small, compared to one sheet I'm debating the use of where it's about half the fucking page of one of the pages. Might use this, dunno.
Powerful Build Customization explicitly doesn't stack with actual size increases.
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Maybe you could adapt this, instead:

"The aegis gains the powerful build trait while wearing his astral suit. Whenever the aegis is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the aegis is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. The aegis is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. The aegis can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category."

It explicitly DOES stack with actual size increases.
Nice taste N.Jolly.
So you can combine a size increase, powerful build (a virtual size increase) and a weapon virtual size increase (augment weaponry at low levels, a 5Essence Catalyst/Essenced armory of the conqueror at high levels) together.

Then you need to convince your GM that at the very least your weapons should qualify as siege attacks against shit like "deflect arrows" and attacking objects, since your large (counts as huge) character is firing Colossal II weapons that put both the damage and the SIZE of an actual cannon to fucking shame.
Reposting for interest.

We got a spot in a level 8 faux southeast asian/indian campaign. 25 PB with a bunch of houserules. High optimization floor. The GM is in NZ, so it runs 11pm-6am UTC-5. It should be running right now, but a few of the players are being ass, and we don't roll without at least 4. No Path of Weeaboo Fightan Magic or Spheres, unfortunately. If you're interested, drop a Skype contact or a throw-away email, and I'll message you to get you in contact with the GM. If you're a fit, and you're interested, you can join our merry band.
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>Welsh sheepfucker gives links to Nohr music

I guess it's 1 Nohrfag vs. like half a dozen Hoshitters in this game?
>No PoW
>No Spheres

You will get no interest
Oh no, I'm not OP, and you could probably just strip the NPC class part of the rules and have perfectly fine child characters. Just complaining because the one time I tried to play a child character years ago.
I'll be damned, I read that yesterday and could have sworn it said it did not stack. Odd. OH! I was thinking of Augmented Weapon! Yeah, ignore me.
How do double chained kama and kusarigama work?
man negima was hecka cool in middle school

what happened to it
I dunno, depends on the day, I mean it could be a chance to try out a spellburst or that upcoming danmaku warlock or something? That's not PoW or Spheres right?

Living Legend too.
I haven't played that game in forever, and I truly believe if it'd come out before FFVII, it'd be more widely known than it is.

But I wanna make dragon stuff like that. I'm really hoping to include more lore and such into the dragon book.
Uh, it ended like ten years ago, is what?
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It ended early after 38 volumes, then Ken Akamatsu started writing UQ Holder!
Does Powerful Build stack with other effective size increases? Paizo says only one actual and one effective, but Powerful Build just lets you weild a bigger weapon, so I'm not sure it's "effective" since the weapon is simply bigger.
more or less fantasy semen demons?
"you are shit unless you one-shot encounters" is shit attitude that ruins games
It's Saturday. I posted it yesterday and should have modified the text with the actual day. What I should have said is limited 3pp. You would have to ask about Spellburst Savant or the Warlock. I just mention Spheres and PoW because that's what I asked about when I joined.

Yeah, I figured as much. No reason not to give it a shot, though.
EhnJolly, come join the game in the OP and be a Nohrfag.
It's an "effective". It doesn't ONLY do weapons, it affects CMD as well. Also obviously does not double up with racial powerful build (like half giants), it's the same ability.

Still, that's plenty. Just from powerful build and the aegis size customs alone you can go from medium to huge counting as gargantuan, and using other methods can either wield weapons counting into the colossal range, or attain colossal yourself as well instead.
Is more like:
>You're shit if you can't one-shot encounters in a group with people who can one-shot encounters
Or maybe not shit, but you'll have a very misserable and boring life as a PC
Well to a lot of people "no pow no spheres" might at least be a yellow "wait, is this paizo-only" yellow flag. Not red, but yellow.

Anyways, Saturdays is out for me, already have game that night. Granted it ends around when this one would start but that's a bit much for one evening.
People do not realize that the further you push the pathfinder rules, the more they break and fail to function at all.

7 hours is a bit too much for me, Senpai, even though the game itself sounds fun.
There any good airship rules for PF? Hell, I'll take regular ship rules if you got them.
Well, what I'm saying is, Impact, Lead Blades, and the sort are considered effective size increases, and Paizo says they don't stack, so if Powerful Build is an effective increase, it wouldn't stack with others. You could only get to Gargantuan.
I've not been involved in this discussion so far but, as far as I can see, it works like this.

Powerful Build increases the size of the weapon you can wield. An effect on you. The weapon itself is actually larger.

Impact/Lead Blades increases the weapon's effective size.

And then things like Enlarge Person which enlarge you.

All three of these stack and work together.
Yeah, if I could get the GM to allow PoW, it would be nice. He says it turns the game into rocket tag, and I'm inclined to agree when we're already doing pretty sizable damage.

It would be nice for the rider effects, but taking damage would likely make the rider effects useless.

Also, the game is max level 11, so we won't be going into crazy wizard territory as hard.
Impact and Lead Blades affect the weapon, not you. So they're compatible with powerful build.

PB lets you wield a larger weapon. The weapon hasn't been affected yet; you just buy/obtain/create a bigger one.

Impact/LeadBlades/Armoryoftheconqueror/Augmentedweaponry/Earthstance all affect the wielded weapon. Not the wielder.

Now go make that Discipline-Shapes graviton cannon into a 16d6 semi-auto paradise
I should say it doesn't always go that long. I'm mainly basing that on one session that I remembered to watch the clock. Last night, we went midnight to 4 because folks got sleepy. We only have a set starting time, and we usually stop when we hit a spot that seems fitting, or people are getting sleepy.
That's how I thought it worked, but I wanted a second opinion, thanks. My GM has been running it like that, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing something I wasn't supposed to.
Question would be if impact like buffs stack together. Or at least the Elemental Nimbus Stance
It does... and it doesn't.

It in no way prevents it, and it expands the number of classes capable of comitting rocket tag, but those already existed from the core (including Fighter, Barbarian, and even the poor fucking Monk).

The main advantage of PoW is that it offers you that increase in damage output without utterly shredding your other aspects. You get to do that damage but still have mobility. You get to do that damage and still have skills. You get to do that damage and still have defenses. You get to do that damage and maybe even be the face.

It's easier to hit 1600+ DPR with a barbarian than with anything in PoW. However it's true that your basic output floor WILL be higher than unoptimized non-PoW damage dealers (this is a very good thing for newbies).

Only thing it really crushes is this vain hope that maybe you wouldn't focus your build on total annihilation as something non-PoW because of how much more complicated it can be to pull it off without shooting yourself in the foot; but honestly for all its popularity, "maybe they're not very good at the system yet" is a very poor argument indeed.
The effectives don't. No powerful build and powerful build, no impact and lead blades and gravity bow and elemental earth stance.

Again though; we can easily get to colossal, so it's not really a problem.
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Friendly reminder that the Roll20 fluffy tail GM is just a Myth-Weavers-style NPC farmer, but this time he's getting WORLDBUILDING done too.

He's not going to run the game, he's just stealing it all for his own games.
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Okay, so now that openly talking about ERP characters is apparently a thing now, what was the absolute lewdest character you've ever seen or played in a campaign?

The lewdest I've seen was a voluptuous witch tied to the fae who regularly consorted with animals and apparently suffered from monthly heat cycles. Most of it was done on the down-low, but the concepts expanded after talking with the player about it more.
Secret mountain tribe of warrior half (or quarter) dragons. Interesting idea or cliche?
I think he has put in place many houserules that can reign in the power balance a bit, including a level 11 cap, and it doesn't mesh well with what he has made. I can't be 100% sure, or argue it on his behalf. He has much more experience in Pathfinder than I do, as I have never actually gone above level 11 in a game.
Played a guy with an arranged marriage once. That's been the lewdest.
Good lewd or bad lewd? I was in a game with a character who would regularly correct people when they called her a lady, saying she was, in fact, a slut. She would give away magical items in exchange for ERP, and the player's previous character followed another player around masturbating because "she was in heat." The player would often brag about being a sex addict in Skype chat.

Damn, anon, that's very bad lewd.

Actually, I'd just call it plain That Guy behavior.
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Interesting idea.

It doesn't come up that often in fantasy.
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who the heck even wants to play a game that involves this much devotion just for some chubby fluffy tail weeb memery
I feel like it comes up in weeb stuff all the time though. As long as my mostly western fantasy minded group won't notice it's all good

The craftsman concept seemed kind of cute.
Lewd Metamorph who can become any woman or man or man-beast you desire
That entire game was, and still is a shitshow. It didn't start that way, though. It was a roll20 living campaign. I really wanted to roleplay and NOT play an adventure path. There were some really great roleplayers in the game, and I even play with some of them in our new campaign, but I will never go back to that game. A few other things that happened:

The sex addict player made a child character who tried to get in on the sex. I tried to kick them, as a GM, but only the creator of the game can do that. I gathered proof from the archives, and all the names of players who wanted sex addict gone. GM did nothing. Only after people started leaving did the GM even give a warning.

Another child character got a blowjob in the bathhouse. This was after I left, but a friend stuck around to watch the shitshow when he got bored.

Same friend accidentally received an ERP whisper between the custom race horse dude and the furry player's Catfolk dude. It sucks when a character and your username are the same. (This was a good laugh, and it wasn't awful or anything. Horse player was actually a solid roleplayer and kept the ERP out of the public chat.)

Sex addict merchant character would use magic to strip people in town, and folks acted like that was normal.

The furry player introduced Catfolk "heat" which wasn't absolutely awful, since cats do have an estrus cycle, and she wasn't like, weird about it. The character would get more aggressive and agitated.

This set precedent for Catfolk having heat, and sex addict set precedent for Tieflings having heat as well. It was all very strange.
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Anyone feel up to rating my character? randomly generated name, need some help coming up with non-shit name
Also, Can't decide if I should do Hexcrafter or not.
A hex at 4th+all curses is really nice, and while magus arcana is an interesting trade-off for more hexes, losing spell recall seems /really/ bad.
Campaign is planned to go till at least 13th, so I won't lose it entirely, but being able to just reset spells being prepped is exceptionally hard to pass up, even compared to flight at 5th.

Which living campaign was this? Sounds like Oustomia.
>virtual size increase
Powerful Build is "use a physically larger weapon"

It's not a 'size increase', it's 'use a larger weapon at no penalty'. The clause about weapons is specifically separate. That's why it's so goddamn good for size builds. You can get Greater Increased Size and then just /make/ a weapon a size category above where that lands you, and then put effective size increases on the weapon from there.

We can't come up with a name until we know where he's from, senpai.

You aren't going to get "Ulf Gunderson" from the Mwangi Expanse, or "Nathaniel Hawk" from Minkai.
You can buy sell recall for like 1000G/spell. It's called pearls of power.

Now, the greater version, that's a bit more of a loss.
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That's the only reason I'd join any game.
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Half-dragons are killed on sight in Eberron when the Great Dragon Conspiracy finds out about them.

In Faerun, there was a clan of half-shadow dragon, half-drow (Jaezred Chaulssin) that fought in the War of the Spider Queen.

There was also a clan of half-blue dragon hobgoblins (Blood of Morueme )in the Empyrean Odyssey.

The Churches of Tiamat, Tchazzar, or the Cult of the Dragon had a few.

I don't know if there were any on Krynn or Oerth.
It was Shadow Dragon, which has now become Northbend. Tales of Teleron is run by the sex addict.
Some of the options I was considering for homeland were ustalav or near/in the darklands (certain options I want need drow ancestry)
DM said not to really focus on backstory much since he'll work with us once it starts, it's actually part of the adventure. I didn't really think about it that hard because of that.

Sorry, I should have mentioned. We aren't gonna be purchasing things often, if I get a PoP it's likely gonna have to be discovered, and I don't know if I can count on that.
If it was a normal campaign I wouldn't even ask, since they're so cheap for what essentially counts as needing 2 levels of magus for a point.
Unfortunately for you the one Nohrfag is a Welsh sheepfucker blinkling.
The best way to make an interesting character is to blatantly copy them from an analogue in gaming or literature.

Knowing this, what are some games or books stuffed with characters that wouldn't be out of place in a campaign?
I think nothing still beats my tsundere succubus that wanted to be pure and elegant but found it really tricky when your body is genetically built to get turned on at the drop of a hat, and to make anything with a libido attracted to you as well.

She suffered a lot.
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What happens if you use Warp Wood on a wooden wand? Is it still usable? Does it take a -4/force a UMD for its wielder? Is there no effect at all?
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>DM is running a gestalt game
>Decided to go Wilder/Paladin for shits and giggles

It's just core and psionics for materials. how viable is that combination?
>playing skull and shackles as a druid
>fighting against an enemy ship
>cast stone call, entire ship is difficult terrain
>our entire crew just full attacks with bows and kills them all
>warp wood all their siege weapons
Is this what it's like to be tier 1? It's so much fun.

>She suffered a lot

What, she gets all grumpy and confused when a man's on top of her?
Actually, Counters help reduce the level of rocket tag if used on both sides.

It'll still be high explosives but you can parry one of the rockets once a turn, which is pretty huge.
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So besides thorium, what would be some good toxic metals to coat skeletons in /pfg/?
For this, I think you lack enough hooks. For example, the Blinkings and the Kitsune are gearing up for a possible war, which is a decent hook for the GM to grab. Your empire lacks conflict. Perhaps put something about the empire's general climate at the moment. Are they close to the Blinkling or the Kitsune kingdoms? Would they be choose a side? Would that involve possible spywork? How does the empire interact with the Khans? Is there perhaps a plot aiming for the emperor's life? Is there a faction that would destroy the hierarchical system? These are jobs that the emperor could send you on, spying, sabotage, negotiations, that sort of thing. You've said what your character does, now you have to give the GM a few ways to get you doing those things.
More like she's had to sneak off a few times to comfort herself in private and gotten caught by other party members.

And a bunch of 'he's looking at me lewdly and I hate it but I'm also getting turned on this is terrible'

Also a few other things that are too lewd to say.
I'd be inclined to believe that claim. Most mythweavers and roll20 "games" are exactly that.

I've even seen the stuff instead appear in a fanfic a year or two down the road.

Polonium teeth.
It's not a WEAPON virtual size increase, it's a virtual size increase for your character.

I explained that and listed them separately.

>That last spoiler

Anon, we've said some shamelessly lewd things in these generals. Tell us about these turbo-lewd things, please!
If I recall, as a not-unattended magical object it would get the better of its own save or the wielder's save, increased by its magical bonus equivalence (CL/3) or something along those lines.
The spell does not give a defined consequence, so it is completely GM fiat. That being said, I would rule that it actually doesn't take any significant damage. The examples given are made in a specific shape for a specific reason. I'm not sure wands are, honestly. They're just magical sticks.

If I a player did this, I would probably reward creativity with some kind of effect. Perhaps the effect goes off, but there is also a magical mishap. It would likely be dependent on the situation, desu.
I hate this general so much. With every fiber of my being.
Kind of odd, but I'm sure you can make it work. Wilders are about putting max power into each manifesting. I'm not sure what you'll get out of paladinhood beyond Grace and the Auras, but you might be able to pair up the buffs, duration-boost metas and your martial capabilities to make a hell of an archer or something.
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Once made another character brush my hair, my tail, and my teeth before making him be the big spoon for the night as punishment for breathing fire on my tent during an ambush.
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Mostly I wanted a psychic gish. Paladin gets me d10, cha into saves, full BaB, heavy armor proficiency, etc.

I'm not really going for minmaxing I guess.

Well I can't please both of you anons

I guess I'll keep quiet
That's a good one, though I'm not sure if my necromancer can separate it from uranium
If you really don't care about the environment and got enough suits to go around, make them with Cobalt-60.
So-called "depleted" Uranium is anything but, and is the most common form of naturally occurring Uranium.

In addition to its extremely high density, it is a naturally self-sharpening pyrophoric material when used as a penetrator. This means it has incredible ballistic properties and a tendency to turn whatever armor it's forced through into a burning radioactive cloud of metal vapor, which spells an equally rapid and agonizing death to anyone within

It's basically a natural warcrime.

War crimes don't exist in Golarion! There is even a demon lord associated with war-crimes!

>I can't please both of you anons
>War crimes don't exist
>But there's a demon lord whose purview is war crimes
>but they don't exist

This is just like all those NPCs who are all oppressioned because discrimination against their <iswoman/islgbtbbqmesquite> but then it's stated that particular discrimination doesn't exist but the NPC is muh struggles against it but it doesn't exist....
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>Cobalt-60 skeletons
>depleted uranium skeletons
Literal walking war crimes
They're perfect, time to salt the earth.
You should've done double-anal.
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Sexism exists.

It's most widely practiced in Qadira, the state which only exists to be Paizo's Muslim Apologia. Their state and society are openly sexist against men.
>Unfortunately for you the one Nohrfag is a Welsh sheepfucker blinkling.

What's this all about?
You should play a Vigilante (Exposed, Dragon Champion) // Bloodrager then!
And yet the NPC I'm talking about is one of those barbarians from where that sexism doesn't happen...

But yeah, I know it's done (and if I recall on the forums they claim it isn't sexism because they're just men) in that damn place.
I wish I could draw, but we have the following for a 3.PF game:
>Kobold Sorcerer/Oracle/Mystic Theurge
>Changeling (Eberron) Alchemist
>Human Slayer
>Mechanatrix Magus/Harbinger
fluffy tail eastern weeb game on roll20. Some folks don't like the applications that made it, so they have been very vocal.
I'll find a use for this one I'm sure. Keep the kaguya reactions coming anon.
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Is Wales next to Japan now?
It is in that game.
That's the first time I've seen someone latch onto fucking Wales as a fantasy expy.

I'd take Aztecs/American Indians/Inuits/Ethiopians/Balkans over that any day.
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>DnD 3.5
>Just got a tony fairy as a familiar thanks to the obtain/improve familiar feats
>This fairy is pretty badass and can go incorporeal at will and move through objects
>DM talk about all these puzzles and this crazy mansion we'll have to go through and we might get lost and die
>My brand new fairy makes the place trivial going through walls finding all the hidden doors and traps
>Basically breezed through the place since it wasn't setup to deal with something with can walk through walls and have super handy spells for scouting ahead and keeping us safe
My fairy is going to die next session isn't she
The players made kingdoms along with their characters. It became known on this board as the eastern fluffy tail game because 2 of the groups were the kitsune Not!Japanese and the Mongol Catfolk. The Welsh Blinkling empire is only represented in the name of the game in that they have fluffy tails, presumably.
So an autism game that some people were not autistic enough / too autistic to get into, but just the right amount of autistic to obsess unreasonably over the rejection and the better autists who got in?
Essentially, yes.
You're a jerk, and your DM is a complete retard.
The answer is yes.

There's also a Chinese Empire featuring an extremely top-heavy Kitsune courtesan!

She's not Daji *or* Tamamo-no-Mae, honest!
Ah, the courtesan was accepted? Last I heard, the courtesan was BTFO. Or is this a different courtesan? I left when the GM made it fairly clear that you had to be *this* weeb to ride. I was more interested in trying out some 3pp stuff, and while I can tolerate weebery, I don't find participating in it to be fun.

Well, that's good for Kitsune courtesan anon.
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I'm not particularly good at this but here's a quick doodle of my last party. I'd draw my current one but I don't quite know them well enough.
>Kobold Rogue
>Shoanti Barbarian
>Taldan Sorcerer
>Isreni Alchemist
That's pretty decent!
Good job.
If I don't care about Roleplaying and just want a Sorc that can melt face and top the DPS chart of the team what do I do

>I'm new btw so you'll probs need to explain things to me
How can we explain a build to you if you don't know how the fucking game works?

Read the CRB, APG, ACG and UM from cover to cover and then we'll talk.
DPS is not the term you're looking for. DPR (Damage Per Round) is the correct term.

Spellcasters that want to deal damage tend to blast, usually focusing on Fireball and metamagics that allow for changing the elemental damage of the spell, maximize its variable damage, and deal 50% more damage. That being said, you likely aren't going to be top damage, but that really isn't your job.

If you still want to do it, read the rules, then read this for tips: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C2ah3ZD0RVF9HdTtr0G_heCdyRXkuxQ4i0317QCwvvA/edit
Your DPS would be 1/6th of what you actually do in the required measure of time for the tabletop game pathfinder, which is DPR because it's turn based.
I know the rules I don't have encyclopediac knowledge of all the feats and shit
>Ah, the courtesan was accepted? Last I heard, the courtesan was BTFO. Or is this a different courtesan? I left when the GM made it fairly clear that you had to be *this* weeb to ride. I was more interested in trying out some 3pp stuff, and while I can tolerate weebery, I don't find participating in it to be fun.

I'm 85% sure the Courtesan was not accepted... Or maybe she was after their second submission.

Point is, the game's got four players now, and the DM seems very leery on accepting a fifth unless it blows him away.
Ive got a very movement-heavy srssion coming up, and am having a little trouble understanding full-round running versus double-moving. Lemme know if I have this right: you can take a move action instead of a standard action, but if both of those actions are used to move, you can move 4x your normal distance instead of only double.
Hey N. Jolly, you still taking requests or suggestions for the new KOP?

this is very good advice, thank you. Have some foxtits.
Technically yes, but if it's something that can also be in Legendary Kineticists II, it'll probably end up there. They're basically sister books, both in development in the same doc.
What archetypes grant proficiency with all Martial weapons at first level? I know Sohei Monk does. Any others? As well, what class features (like Revelations, inquisitions, and domains) grant proficiency with all Martial weapons, and are these features available at first level? I know Oracles of Battle/Metal can get a revelation that gets them proficiency. Is there anything similar? I'm looking into using the Squire feat as a substitute for Leadership, and into how, potentially, you can get a cohort much earlier
I feel I'm the only person that plays male, non-charmer kitsune around here.
Taking two move actions is a hustle. You move double your speed. Taking a full action to run means you can move at 4x your base speed in a single direction, so no turning. Also, if you wearing heavy armor, you can only move x3.
You can double move as two move actions, moving twice your speed and still having access to your swift action for the round, or you can take a full round action to move quadruple speed, removing your swift action and denying you your dex bonus to AC until the beginning of your next turn (unless you have the Run feat)
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What are all the spells to affect doors? Spells that both directly affect doors and/or can have utility affects on doors. What would be the best race/class combination for a spell caster that interacts with doors? I need to know for reasons.
>Play a male character

But don't you want to be the little girl?
I thought full round actions didn't eat your swift, only move ans standard?

Every little girl needs a big brother, anon. Every little girl needs an aniki.

I aim to be that big brother.
Awakened Key
And where are you getting those rules for running? http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alignment-description/movement says nothing about straight lines or Dex bonuses.
(Also, why the hell is the movement page under alignment descriptions?)
Knock, Hold Portal, Arcane Lock? Do you want to make supernatural doors that lead to magical places, or just mess with regular doors? I know Dimension Door is the go-to for short-range teleportation, but I'm not familiar with stuff like planar travel spells because I hate planar travel so fucking much.
Both mundane and supernatural doors. All kinds of doors.

combat section
Wood Shape and Stone Shape, as well as Stone to Flesh, work wonders when it comes to most doors. Since most dungeons don't have steel or iron doors, you can warp them into being no-longer in their frames and easy to simply move out of the way. This also lets you make doors where there weren't any before, for instance with wooden or stone walls.
You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. You can take a Swift Action any time you would otherwise be able to take a free action

>You move four times your speed while running (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or three times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load), and you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
For a shorter version than parsing through all the movement rules.

I never said anything about straight lines though. You can move in whatever direction you want as long as you aren't charging.
Thanks. It was the other guy who mentioned straight lines, I didn't double check before replying.
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>mfw I realize halfway through my second paragraph for the Eastern Fluffy Tails campaign that I'd be writing 1,000+ words for a campaign built around fluffy tails
So I need to make an arcane caster, and I'm trying to figure out how to make him INCREDIBLY METAL.

My current idea is a Wizard/Bloatmage who keeps a Blood Golem ( http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-blood ) inside of his own body and literally bleeds it into combat.

However, this is not metal enough. How can I get even more metal?
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Oh, and no limitations on anything. This guy's a boss, not a PC. Go nuts.
Blood Alchemist and the entire room is inside his circles?
>non-charmer kitsune

I don't believe that's possible. Even the least charming kitsune is still pretty fucking charming.
>What, is Nova Flare too weak at low levels? Too strong at high levels? Really?

Yes, actually.

The fundamentals are meant to be something like souped-up versions of the Reserve Feats from 3.5; something useful but not necessarily optimal (that's why Starspray's damage ceiling is notably a bit lower than someone would want to be for a primary DPR). Nova Flare, at low levels, was a bit underwhelming as a damage tool I found, and at higher levels, was competing strongly with your actual spells. Fundamentals are backup or secondary options; some of them are good to use alongside spells in combat as a primary thing, but Nova Flare is not meant to outpace the dedicated blasting spells once those come online for the Spellburst Savant.

The change to Fortitude came with the early-game slight damage boost as an "accuracy nerf," to make it a bit less all-purpose while also making it more useful against Evasion.

Several of the fundamentals are being retouched shortly, once I get the next Spellburst Savant update written. This weekend, I've been focusing on getting a preview PDF ready for the Avowed, which should be out in an hour or two, hopefully.

My group jokes that my kitsune's Charm Person ability atrophied from disuse, after he traded away the Kitsune Trickster archetype's charm with some houserules.
Stormborn Sorcerer Half-Orc, or any other suitably metal race, at high-seas or atop a snowy mountain going ape shit control weather and all of the loudest spells he knows.
I'm playing a kitsune swashbuckler, so I guess you'you're right. He's charming, but not magically so.
What kind of metal? Death metal, heavy metal, 80's metal? Would the singer be growling in a deep, masculine voice or hitting high notes all the time?
If they're only a backup then they're a complete failure honestly.

The problem is that by mid level, vancians NO LONGER NEED backups. Even if it's all blasting spells, you end up with so many stored up that you won't run out before well after the party would've been annihilated.

This problem has existed since 3.0
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Well, it comes more naturally for some.
I'm aware. I've been playing casters for as long as this problem has existed.

The fundamentals exist to serve three purposes: (a) giving you an option to use when you don't want to burn spell slots, (b) allowing you to /afford/ to spend spells willy nilly (the spellburst savant has less spells per day overall than a full caster), and (c) to give low-level spellburst savants something they can do once they use their limited spells, because Wizard Crossbows are bullshit.

They aren't the main tool of the class; they're not a warlock's Eldritch Blast or an initiator's maneuvers. They're meant to be closer to actually usable Domain/Bloodline/School abilities, and something to fill the savant's day when they aren't casting spells.

Notably, they're still /useful/ even if they won't match up to your strongest spells. Or at least they're intended to be.
How does Monk/Druid gestalt work?
Hellraiser is one of my favorite movies.
So, naturally, I like Kytons.

Is there any information available on the Kyton Demagogues besides the list of names provided in Bestiary 3? Has Paizo mentioned anything planning to expand on them?
I've seen it done once, there's better gestalts imo.
If it's power metal he'd better be able to travel through the fire and flames, and have wings of some abstract concept like freedom or dreams.
Not that I've seen.
Paizo is fucking useless, has 20 different types of outsiders, and just keeps making more shitty demons.

Also, no one on this fucking board will talk about Outsiders, I've tried.
Dowant sound terrible, wild shape and unarmored ac sounds like a good combo. If you can convince the dm to conflate natural attacks and unarmed strikes for you, you're golden. I hope you're using unchained monk.
It kinda doesn't, if your goal is to flurry with natural attacks. Flurry doesn't work with Natural Attacks unless you get Feral Combat Training, and that's two feats for 1 kind of Natural Attack. That would allow you to use that natural attack in place of an unarmed strike in your Flurry of Blows sequence.
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What are some musics you guys listen to while making characters?
By "it kinda doesn't" I mean, it doesn't put you substantially ahead of the curve. You don't get more attacks by also having natural attacks. The best use would likely be Cave Druid Feral Combat Training (Slam) for that one slime that gets a pretty meaty slam attack. It could put you at about... 7d6+str/attack?
You got to do it by the book.
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What are some good Living Campaigns currently recruiting on Roll20? Are any of you in one?
>living campaigns
Aren't these a meme?
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You're a meme.
You can take the Feral Combat Focus feat to flurry with your unarmed attacks, though it requires combat focus and so it takes you two feats to be able to do that.

Honestly dipping a level of Unchained Monk for the flurry and AC bonus isn't a bad idea for a natural attack focused druid.

>living campaigns
pick one and only one
Can someone explain akashic catalysts to me? I can't find them on d20pfsrd.
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Fuck, what will I tell my parents.
>captcha: stop callington 214
Thanks for the advice captcha
>living campaign

Pick none, honestly. Unless bread line simulator is your thing.

Fuck you, we both know Living Campaigns are a blessing to Roll20 and an exquisite place to test your roleplaying skills with like-minded people.
Alright, I went through and found every class that you can pick as a cohort with the Squire feat. Some of the more surprising results? You can grab a Magus, a Warpriest, a Skald, a Hunter, or an Occultist as a squire, which all far and away outshine the other options.

For relaxed character making
From a quick look, Faerun, Varisia, Oustomia, Tian Xi, and Teleron are recruiting.

Teleron is bad.

Faerun isn't necessarily bad, it just wasn't my cup of tea. You can choose to fight in the arena daily, and you get "weekly" passive exp. Quotations because the way time passes is a little funky. Every IRL day is a week in-game, but you're playing out one of those days. Fighting is mostly handled in the arena. You choose lethal or nonlethal, and the CR based on your level. That means level-2, level, level+1, or level+2 for the CR. The RP is fairly lackluster, but I'm not huge into bathhouse scenes.

I was only in Varisia for a little bit, so I can't really say. There is a wiki with some of their rules. One of their rules was no optimization, so I came in expecting that. I was met with nothing but talk of optimization and memes while two people desperately attempted to RP. Seemed pretty rude, and I was already in a mood, so I left. It might be good.

The others, I have absolutely no experience playing.
So, I'm thinking of making a fat little Goblin summoner character that rides in the skull of a large skeleton eidolon sort of like it was a mech

How would I build a character like this and still be useful? just general tips and ideas would be cool
Anyone got any opinions on the Magus (Spell Trapper)? Is it passable or just shite?
I need a module recommendation to try my hand at DMing. I don't want to start at low levels, because fuck low levels, so what module should I try to run?

So what you're telling me is I should play in Tales of Teleron?

Okay! I'll be sure to tell you lovely people how it goes!
People in /pfg/ doesn't actually play any game. They are autistic who like to look at text, number and furry picture but they can't actually interact with another human being.
From shore to sea if you like lovecraftian shit.
I hate lovecraft. Seriously. I LOATHE him. He was a goddamn racist hack, and though I like some derivative work, goddamn fuck lovecraft.
It's not too bad (still worst than vanilla magus, but hey you still got spells). Ranger trap rule in general is bad.
Depends on the character, honestly.

In an Iron Gods campaign my Warder made Val his squire. She turned into quite the badass little Magus.
I actually don't think anything happens in it. I joined and all that happened were two GMs' characters were kissing and licking each other's faces. That happened for 3 days. Somebody joined and was like, "Does anything happen?" and somebody was like, "This is it, kid."
Get thicker skin. Who cares if someone was racist as long as what they wrote was interesting.

I don't give a shit if someone's racist or queerer than three dollar bill, if they's a good writer who can write decent material, that's the only thing I care about.

What's problematic is when people begin inserting their own opinions and beliefs into their writing, and whether the author is a liberal or conservative this is problematic. Lovecraft, in general, never did this in particularly egregious ways. I certainly don't think it's particularly impossible to read his work without constantly wanting to punch a baby giraffe in the neck.

In that case I will join, see how barren and lifeless it is, and just leave!

Joining is easy, leaving is easy, what do I have to lose?
Nothing, I suppose. Go for it.
Anyone have Yoon (Kineticist iconic)'s stats? I'm curious as to if they used the young template or other rules for playing her as a kid.
the cat niggerman makes it really hard to take rats in the wall seriously. And his stories that deal with evolution and lesser humans are pretty shit too.

This is all I found.
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They do not, although they do make her Small-sized with all that entails, which means that there is precedent for child characters simply being "same as normal characters, but at -1 size category". Makes you wonder about Halflings and Gnomes though.
>what do I have to lose

Your dignity, self respect and the last tiny bit of faith you still have for humanity.

I thought I lost those after participating in the numerous lewd discussions we have on here.
So what would be the most balanced to play?

>Young Simple Template
>Adjusted Stats via playing Younger Characters
>Small size

For the record, I'm looking at playing a Shabti child.
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Gareth, how come Unquiet Grave has no discipline swaps for archetypes?

Chimera Soul can be a swap for Ambush Hunter rangers.

Would it be okay for Nightmare dreads and Hidden Blade rogues to have Unquiet Grave as a swap?
Shabti child would actually probably be Small Size, since they aren't technically young. If you aren't using all of the Playing Younger Characters bits and bobs, I'd stick with the Simple Template.
Probably just the small size.
Considering Shabti are "this is the replacement-soul for someone to take their place in the afterlife", just being Small would be the best way.
Didn't Unquiet Grave come out before PoWE's archetypes got official publication?
Hey all, I wanted to drop in to, as promised, deliver a preview of the Avowed.


This link (and the uploaded PDF on the left) is to an 18-page preview, including the base class, enough options to play all the way to level 10, and a single pact (fiends). There'll be more to come about midway through October, once I get the rest written up, including many more pacts, several archetypes, and a buttload more abilities to pick from.


Not gareth, but the answer is that it was written way before the other new disciplines and even before PoW E came out.
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/pfg/, what abilities would be needed to actually make thrown weapons a competitive combat style?
The issue with thrown weapons is retrieval and needing both strength and dex.

That one belt fixes the MAD issue, and Ricochet toss solves the other.

Then it's just 'not as good as a bow' like everything else.
Ricochet toss, quock draw, twf and rapid shot. Stuff like star toss style is always a bonus too.
Throwing weapons are only good once you get the Belt of Mighty Hurling.
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It suffers a bit from being the first of its kind. Those refinements came later, after Grave had already been essentially settled.
>TWF slayer
>TWF inquisitor
>stonelord paladin
What else does this party need? Level 1 start, 25 point buy, gonna be running through Rise of the Runelords. Most third party allowed (within reason)
How many of you would want to play in a campaign where you play as knights of a kingdom. You get the Squire feat at level 3 for free, and have to go on a quest to slay dragons, rescue maidens, save the kingdom, and other such things? Maybe have downtime be composed of courtly politics. I was thinking of a small party, with gestalt and path of war being allowed (six-level initiators only), and with a somewhat-modified point buy system (as normal, but your lowest stat is automatically raised to at least 10 after finalizing it with the GM)
Some kind of arcane power. If you're not looking to outdo your party, look to something tier 3 with some ranged combat options. Arrowsong minstrel bard seems like a decent fit.
Sounds fun.
>18 pages

I don't think that word means what you think it does, Forrest.
something int based and probably casty would do it some good, especially in runelords where you probably want a guy to do ancient history nerd shit
Divine fighting tree for Cha to hit and dmg + Startoss Style
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Sup, /pfg/
Can I get some feedback and input on my homebrew class, the Empyrius?


Its designed to be a well-rounded class capable of covering offense and support with a few crowd control tricks.

Its main encompassing theme is a person capable of harnessing 'Essence'. A catch-all term for Ki, Powerpoints, Grit, etc.

He may use these Essences and shape them to either bolster his allies by using the Augment Essence Quintessences or to harm his foes using the Augment Siphon Quintessences.
>write a simple, easy-to-integrate application for game

"Nope, too light. Add some worldbuilding."

>spend hours building an entire empire around the character, resubmit

"Nope, it's too big and it doesn't have the exact set of details I wanted, even though I never specified what those details were."

>Ok, what would you like me to change?

"I don't know, since it's already not perfect I don't think we should bother."

Wow - this GM is kind of an asshole.
Anyone have legacy of dragons PDF? Its not in the trove
It's probably a long ways off. I have to do a lot of planning for it, and would need to get acquainted with GMing. But yeah, it's in the works.
nvm i found it
Aether Circus on page 10 says "using this shape
does not provoke an attack of opportunity" twice. Once at the beginning and again in the middle.
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Tell us more about this dick GM.
Whoops. I've made a note of it for fixing in the later version.
Any tips for GMing a gestalt game?
can't get enough players for a full game so i'm letting my 2 gestalt
It takes up a magic item slot (like wrist, hand, etc) that your veil covers (veils themselves don't even when bound) and gives its bonus 1/2/3 to a veil that's at that location.

So for example you have, say.... Armory of the Conqueror, and have capacity 4. Normally you just put in 3 because it does nothing at 4... But you get a +3 catalyst. You put the +3 catalyst on your wrist or hand - whichever the armory's taking up, up your invested essence to 4, and now the total in the armory is 7, which is 4 sizes up.

Congratulations, your 3d6 graviton cannon is now 12d6 (I suggest you get powerful build so it starts large because we both know literally the only way to field one is to be emulating it with DBS or a spheres armorer or the like and make that a 16 instead).
>divine fighting tree
you mean divine fighting techniques? Where's the one that gives Cha to hit and dmg?
avoid tiers 1-2 classes.

Tier 3 in a gestalt can potentially break a game. No need for throwing in a wizard or cleric into that mix.
Limit the range of things you can gestalt. One tier 3 class on one side, one tier 4 or 5 class on the other. That's my recommendation.
One wants to be a monk/something else with feats and the other wants to be an alchemist gunslinger

i'm not too worried

nah, there's no point. He had every right to say no to my application, it's just the way he did it that bothers me. You ask someone to redo soemthing with a ton of details, then reject it for the WRONG details, even though you give no instruction what you wanted in the first place? Wow.
Oh great. I just gave the OK for a Harbinger/Shadowcaster Wizard gestalt less than a half hour ago.
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Autistic elitist snob GM confirmed.
haha you are fucked
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Anon, I want you to understand what I am about to say will be written with utmost sincerity.

I want to join this game, this is exactly the type of campaign I've been dreaming of.
The ironic edge tasted too good.
>You have to make me want to have a 5th slot despite me not wanting to do that

That seems entirely reasonable, kill yourself if you think that's being autistic or elitist.
It's not going to be coming together anytime immediately, but if you can hop into the IRC and send me some details, I can start brainstorming things
>but if you can hop into the IRC and send me some details

What's your name on the IRC?
Yeah, that seems reasonable. I'd be wary of my ability to run the game with more people, but if someone makes it really interesting to include them then I'd be willing to take the risk.
Young, Drunk Great-Wyrm Red Dragon
>Forrest just has this art on hand to use
>Yet Spheres of Power has Spheres of Power art

life is pain
>recite a piece of his pact



*Itano Circus*
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Slightly hilarious related story to yours.

We once played a Camelot Campaign where we were part of the knights of the round table.

If you've ever read the Arthurian legends, the knights of king Arthur were all absolute fuck ups:
Lancelot cucked his king, Gawain accidentally declared a war, Kay slaughtered innocents, etc.

True to form, our group were also massive fuckups and the grand wizard Merlin's job was to clean up after our shit. His cleanup was pretty good too - you can tell by how the local bards sing our praises.

The issue is leading people on to think they can join, placing a heavy preparation burden on them with few guidelines, then refusing to work with them when - holy shit - the preparation they do isn't the exact thing you ambiguously wanted.
I love the talk of this and sounds amazing, but can I get a link or a PDF to look at?
They didn't enjoy the character you brought to the game so they rejected it. That's entirely within their right.
I've gotta ask, how /m/ are you? I've noticed a fair amount of references to gundam/macross.
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uh... where the fuck was the supplemental...

this may be ancient and out of date, maybe, who knows these days.
Not them, but what's /m/?

you have a point - I probably won't care tomorrow, but it sucks to be rejected after you put so much work into something
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From battletech to guyver, to all the other things that are amazing and full of dreams
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I've been reading through Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and I've got a question about Chapter 1.
How are the players supposed to know to go to Thistletop after dealing with the Catacombs of Wrath?
Like, they go to the Glassworks after hearing about Ameiko being gone. Then, they find Tsuto and a path to the Catacombs of Wrath.
They deal with the quasit/sinspawn there, and then the book suddenly shifts to Thistletop.
Am I missing something?
I have watched a grand total of 2 mecha animes; Gundam SEED and Full Metal Panic. Some episodes of G Gundam on toonami but not a lot.

I've absorbed a lot through cultural osmosis and read a lot about various shows instead of watching and mechas are just great in general, though. Box-on-legs mechas a best.
/m/ truly has that burning soul of a hero.
I've never seen this before, but thank you anon.
Oh wait, Gurren Lagann too. Forgot about that one.
Can I play my shota dog cavalier?
So what is everyone's favourite Medium spirit combination?

>Champion, Butcher, Savith
>Guardian, Terminator, Arnisant
>Trickster, Deceiver, Ambras Imre
>Marshal, Warmonger, Azghaad I
>Archmage, Lich, Sulesh the Great
>Hierohpant, Heretic, Abrogail Thrune I

In theory, there is also Nex in the archmage category, but it locks you into the Nexian Channeler Archetype.
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This saddens me to no end, when so many tabletop games have ships and mechs and starfighters and power-armor and tanks and all those other things we know and love...

Seriously; from tactical games to model-making, /m/ and /tg/ have a ridiculous level of overlap on many points of interest.
You have so much more to learn my child. Though FMP is great.
Is he a badass?
>Gurren Lagann too

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Boxy you say?

How do you feel about the flying kind of /m/?
Also, we need to fix this severe lack of things to have seen or played. If you're ever interested in emulation or shit to watch...
I don't really enjoy watching anime alone, so I haven't seen a lot.
Yet there are precious few /m/-focused ttrpgs. Many have /m/ related content, but it isn't really the main point.
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Then why was the GM still advertising for THREE THREAD OPs even when he already had four good players?

That's just being a dick.
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Can I be the leader of an order of "Not quite, but close enough"-Paladins?
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>LITERALLY powered by courage.
which shouldn't surprise you when you know its pilot's voice actor was also known for owning the triforce of it too.
I know, each time I open my hardcover copy of Spheres of Power and see their horrendous deviant-art, I die a little on the inside.
So they could find good interesting players instead of just the normal /tg/ level of shit players.
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You any good with a sword?
>don't really enjoy watching anime alone
You mean to tell me you know actual people to watch anime with? Why would you tell unbelievable lies?
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Or maybe someone was just being a troll and trying to get /pfg/ flustered?
They're just not all that popular but they exist.

Heavy Gear, Jovian Chronicles, Fragged Empire...

It's true that they tend to be more tactics games instead though. Still, that's fully included in /tg/
I watch anime with my older sister when I visit her, and for years my family would get anime dvds from Netflix to watch each week. That's how I saw Full Metal Panic (and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, which is the other one that comes to mind that my family watched when I was younger).
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Doesn't anime not even render if you've got a second person in the room?

I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.
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But he already had four apps he was GOING to use from the start, and rejected everyone else! That's being an asshole.
How do I become powered by courage /pfg/?
we should probably recommend a few epics then
Scream, a lot, but in a heroic way.
I'd say LoGH, MSG, GGG, Votoms and SDF Macross as well
Because someone else put him as the OP, and not him; people do that purposefully to rile up both potential players and the GM to stress them out.
It actually ran off some stone that flat out converts the wielder's courage into energy.

Naturally, making some sword or something would've been dumb as fuck, so they took a stealth bomber, a drill tank and a bullet-train and made them combine with a giant robot lion, and had it power the result.
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He wants too.
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Very good, possibly among the best, though I have yet to meet every swordsman.

Fuck why is it so hard to find good gifs and webms, I need to go hang out in the GG threads.
>early saturday morning children's show
>I'm jealous, japan
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Treat Rage as Hotblooded Manliness and testosterone pumping through your veins and letting you do the impossible, see the invisible...
Remember, green is the color of COURAGE
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there's also so many games...
>Charged Shots Related
>Planet-busters on mass-produced fightercraft Related
>see the invisible
>touch the untouchable
>break the unbreakable
Barbarian with veiled moon and a DR piercing boost.
Holy fuck it's link.
funny enough, an angry barbarian can become huge with a rage power.
Well, >>49614605 DID say that. Exactly.

I want to pet that breast seer.
Row! Row! Fight the Powah!
I might allow it. Contact GeneralXao on the /pfg/ IRC for more details
Skalds (be sure to sing something pure hotblooded from JAM Project or Dragonforce)
Warlord with Golden Lion (Badass Inspirational speeches bitches!)
Does a Harbinger's Dark Wings ability have a duration or is it just "You have a permanent fly speed now"?
I think for a lot of people anime's that thing they curl up with their laptop in bed and watch secretly so no one else knows they've been secretly loving Macross Delta's songs.

... or so I heard
New thread:

I highly recommend Boku no Pico. Its a real masterpiece.
Paladins with Colossal Blades. Smacking Bitches with their giant goodness.


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I said first come first serve, and people are surprised I took the first four applications? Amusing.

Yes, because when you look up at the OP, that's me posting. I stopped posting "hey, join up" links before the thread OP's started advertising for me, for some reason. See pic
Like >>49613303 said, it depends on the character/system. I actually try to determine the characters musical style, and that helps make characters.

Mystery Skulls or Voltaire are pretty much always good fallbacks while I do that, though, failing that, orchestra or video game soundtracks
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Damn son, calm down.
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>using only seed and FMP as a refrence for mecha
my inner /m/ is screaming.
FMP isn't bad, but it's not something people normally think of when you say "mecha" for some reason.
So only a few classes get pounce:

Barbarian at level 10
Monk gets a sorta-pounce at level ?
Beastmorph alchemist gets one at level 10
Dervish dancer archetype gets a bad one at level 12.
Magus gets to cast bladed dash as part of a full attack really early.

Anything else I'm missing?
VOTOMS, Layzner, any of the Brave series...

hell if you're gonna Gundam, IBO was pretty solid, and Thunderbolt was downright glorious.
Think you quoted the wrong guy there, dude.
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