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Alright, there is an obvious problem regarding /qst/. Seeing

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Alright, there is an obvious problem regarding /qst/.
Seeing as the mods have pruned the last discussion regarding that, can't they at least try to explain themselves here?

Because I'm pretty sure EVERYBODY is waiting for our Glorious Overlords to say what they have to say.

/qst/ fags want to know "What gives, dude?" and /tg/ fags want to know "When is this filth taken out?"

So come on, mods, tell us what's going on.

pic related: the mods regarding the shitstorm
Care to elaborate a bit more?
A blessing, whatever the reason, goodbye questers, hope to see you never again.
are meta threads allowed now?
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The instant this got posted, the thread was taken down and this image is immediately deleted when found.
I'm not waiting to hear anything. It's super clear what the rule and intention is. The only people who are waiting to hear anything are /qst/ fags, and that's because they're in stage 1 of grief right now.
Okay, regarding the situation:
Before there was /qst/, there was only /tg/ and quests were held there. So of course, some people liked quests and some didn't.

For a long time, this didn't matter until one day, the mods decided without any kind of preparation to create /qst/ which would be dedicated to quests.
Problem is, they put in charge a guy whose only experience regarding quest was half-a-decade old quests. And even then, he obviously didn't know what he was doing.

Logically peeved, most questers tried to ask the mods what was the point of this and tried to give constructive criticism but the mods didn't answer.

Now for today:
After seeing that the board isn't working, the mods decide to make /qst/ a full-fledged board (because that's logical, right?) and (again) tell everybody to go there without any sort of explanation. At 4AM. Because fuck communicating.

Naturally, most questers are kinda pissed that they are just confined to a board that's obviously not working and so they'd like to know if there might be a way to fix this.

Meanwhile, those who are against quests are responding more or less constructively to these questions.
(See >>49276664)

But this doesn't matter, because it should be the mods that should be explaining this shit.

Probably not.
When quest threads first started popping up a lot of people didn't like them. A lot! I was one of the people to defend them.
Hell, I even ran a few myself back then.
There just got to be way too many of them over the years. And so MANY of them were in no way, shape, or form related to /tg/. The anime quests were a mistake.
I'm glad they have their own board now.
>For a long time, this didn't matter until one day, the mods decided without any kind of preparation to create /qst/ which would be dedicated to quests.
People had been asking for a separate board for years.
But they weren't people who play quests.
>People had been asking for a separate board for years.
Only the small minority who doesn't like quests,l who don't really have a say in the matter since they can utilize the filter.
>Probably not.
shitty rule. each board should have one pinned, rolling meta thread.
Of course there were some people abusing the quest system. Same for tons of other people who kept bumping meaningless threads who had nothing to do with /tg/.
Doesn't mean all quest should have been banned.

No. A vocal minority had been asking for that when in truth, the only way quests are still a thing is because they benefited from the traffic of /tg/.

Now that quests are isolated to their own board, it's slowly going to die.

Not my place nor the best thread to talk about that. But I agree.
And when the mods took no input whatsoever from people who ran/enjoyed quests on features the new board should have, and placed in charge of creating it a mod who had no experience with quests apart from a 5 year old drawquest that wasn't indicative of most modern quests in general?

There wouldn't be this many shitstorms if this was handled even remotely well. At this point it's just some guy who made a shitty board with no input angry that nobody likes it, and instead of taking input on changes that should be made, just goes "GET THE FUCK IN THERE, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED ANYWHERE ELSE"
So? There's no unbiased argument here dudes, you are as blatantly biased as the anti-questfags. My point is solely there wasn't a total absence of preparation or mandate - the reason was people had been asking for it.

And it is fairly logical to move all quests to /qst/ once it's been created. The trial thing was dumb as hell.
There has been no response for months, and will continue to be no response.

Hope you get to see this before the thread gets deleted, because someone needs to tell you that you're never going to get what you're asking for. Just give up on ever having expectations when it comes to 4chan.
Hello newfriend, I see you have joined this website recently and are perplexed by present events. Obviously you're missing one critical piece of information that would help you understand - mods never explain themselves to the common users, because they are only responsible to site manager. Also they are doing it for free so the power trip of enforcing the rules without explanation is really their sole reward.
>And when the mods took no input whatsoever from people who ran/enjoyed quests on features the new board should have, and placed in charge of creating it a mod who had no experience with quests apart from a 5 year old drawquest that wasn't indicative of most modern quests in general?
Where do you think you are? This isn't RPG.net, how have you even been posting here and been this entitled?
You sound like the kind of faggot that would ask the city council to vote on throwing all the homeless people into the sea because you can't handle ignoring them.

Kill yourself.
>Doesn't mean all quest should have been banned.
But quests aren't banned, they even have their own board.
Thank Christ I can still make 'Stat Me' threads when I want to shitpost about anime
OP speaking.
Honestly at this point, I don't believe the mods are gonna change anything. I'd just like for them to clarify why they did this and maybe answer questions.

But as >>49276839 put it, I doubt anything will happen.

But it's alright, they do it for free.

How entitled of us to give constructive criticism and get angry when we are ignored, right?
I mean, it's not like a board for quests should be usable by questers, right?
They don't give a shit. Don't bother.
They took plenty of advice from people who don't play quests.
Which has been established to be empty, unwieldy and just plain shitposty.
When I say banned, I mean that they are "just" condemned to a slow death.

If it had been done well, maybe we wouldn't be annoyed but then again they didn't listen.

Also that.
My question is, can CYOAs and that one tacticool thread filled with people namefagging get moved there, too?

Honestly I just filtered quests and CYOAs, so I don't care a ton, but an unbiased response to forum/post reply games should be a given, whether they're "quests" or not.

And "Excuse me" threads, too!
Can someone tell me what the massive beef with quests is? They were easily filterable, they're more /tg/ related than a lot of good discussions here, and they didn't actually harm anyone. I seriously don't see the point in ruining somebody's fun just because there are 10 threads on /tg/ that you know you won't like.

I just filtered them an occasionally shitposted in ones that the filter didn't catch. The metathreads were more annoying than the things themselves.
>Quests typically run on /tg/
>New board explicitly for quests completely different from /tg/
>>"Man, why doesn't anyone like it?!"

Ah well. GM's and players have been kicked out of places of all sorts throughout the years. It's just humorously ironic that they're now being kicked out of /tg/
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>But they weren't people who play quests.
/vg/ wasn't created because the general-roaming faggots wanted it, but because it separated the community everyday.
Does that mean there'll be a /tgg/ at some point for all the generals?
the cold hard truth is, people who played quests were the minority. I've been over to /qst/, the only reason they are interested in /tg/ is because they're trying to attract players, because /qst/s aren't interesting enough to merit their own board, and get a population to come play their shitty homebrews.

Maybe the reason why /qst/ doesn't work is because the vast majority of you can't write for shit, with the possible exception of people like vox. But for every good writer you have 20 shit writers.

Do you understand why people might have thought you were not a good thing on this board?
I haven't seen one of those in a long while, tbqh.
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>humorously ironic
I'm in the same boat. I was on /q/ (that was the old meta board, right?) and I vehemently defended quests, only to see everything go pear-shaped as time went by.
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I'm sorry, could you explain to use how the board is not working? It opens, and it appears that people can post. What seems to be the issue?
>the cold hard truth is, people who played quests were the minority
yep - I see this kind of argument and outrage all the time with comic book fans in the same position
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>Does that mean there'll be a /tgg/ at some point for all the generals?

Ask yourself : How active would /tg/ and the future board be when they split ?

In the case of /v/ and /vg/, both are still alive and pretty active.

/vr/, on the other hand...
Yeah, they even have fancy formatting options.
>they're more /tg/ related than a lot of good discussions here

Have you actually looked at most quests? They always into free-form waifu simulators because the runners are hacks.
Oh Christ what happened now, have the mods actually started banning quests on /tg/? My hope for this board to recover from this debacle that is /qst/ is steadily being whittled away.
And sorry, I forgot:
Really, you don't understand why people who come to /traditional games/ don't like seeing something totally unrelated to /traditional games/ like 'Anime loli harem naruto quest part 233, who the fuck reads until this point edition?'

I'm not even anti-questfag, but if you anons have your own board to post that on, then go post there- good mod or no good mod.
>It doesn't work
>It doesn't work
>It doesn't work
>It doesn't work
Still no word as to why.
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What a thing to wake up to.

Well, goodbye questers. Some of you were fun.
Three meme arrows to link to another board, anon.
The only reason I see here it's "I can't do my quest on /tg/ anymore", there is no explanation about why the new board is bad for quests.
Fuck me, I was all excited for that Bionicle quest too.
72 hour autosage.
That's kinda all
I've never participated in quests. Never had an interest.
But I just don't see why people have a problem with them. I just ignore them.
Generally neutral on this whole /qst/ debacle, I've just never understood the "People can't have fun doing something I don't like" attitude.
My hope grows.

>memes becoming IRL symbol
>quests kicked off of /tg/

What a time to be alive.
There are discussions that are literally just about anime, literature, video games, films and so on. And they're usually far better discussions than ones you'd find on their dedicated boards, because the /tg/ community is actually pretty good by the barely existent standards of this site.

Huh, that's eerily similar to quests and /qst/ now that I think about it.
This, can they not learn how to locate the sticky?
I'm under the impression that few people go there specifically to quest. When they were here on /tg/, they could get some new posters just by being in an active place.

At the same time, I like the idea of a quest board, but it might be a good idea to throw the general threads over there too. Not to hate on them, but there are a lot. They should help each other's population.
Okay, to go over it AGAIN
It has a 72 hour autosage, which fucking sucks
It has mandatory poster IDs, which fucking sucks
It has little traffic and established quests that moved frequently lost half of their playerbase
It has little traffic so its hard to find new players
It's three meme arrow and the name of the board


You can also read the rest of the thread if you want to know why.
>>memes becoming IRL symbol
Fuck this, just read it:

I agree wholeheartedly.

Generals take up valuable page 1 space that could be spent on other topics, and are generally a pain to filter if they forget to include the name in the subject field.
B-but anon, muh mod problems

Which is actually great because it kills the quest threads which A) had the person running it try to fuck off for like a week and B) the ones where there is obviously no interest for '17th century aristocrat quest 3'
Basically everyone who quests only reads one or two, and maybe they post in /qtg/. A quest board can't sustain itself because nobody reads quests just because, they do it because that quest seems interesting to them.

As a result, participation for the sake of it is extremely low, which goes poorly with the number of low effort quests on /qst/.

Basically, there's nothing good there. Nobody goes there because the concept itself is flawed. It won't get better, because nobody can improve when their quests die from zero participation.
I feel like people just flat out don't read anymore. people have stated, in multiple threads at multiple times, WHY it doesn't work.
Here's the highlights off the top of my head, despite the fact I'm sure you're just baiting:

>Forced IDs
>Forced Autosage
>Questing is an ACTIVITY, not a COMMUNITY.
>When it was first introduced, established QM's weren't able to completely overhaul their schedules to run proper quests in the beginning, so everyone from every board who saw the notification popped in and saw what was there, namely, shitposts, stupid shit, and /b/ level intelligence. This of course set the tone for the future.
>Other shit that I've forgotten because I'm uninvolved, honestly

I may not be deep into questing like some other anons, but I enjoyed shit like Homeless Mutant quest by that crusty dude. Just disappointing to see people bullied out of a place as is tradition with traditional game places.

Oh man. Have you not noticed? You're in for a treat.
Anything else?
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>Mods actually kicking out quests
Holy hell, I can't believe they actually did it. Do they have any idea what they're doing to this board? This is the biggest mistake this board has experienced since moot appointed the nazimod.

I've been holding out on the hope that /tg/ will eventually return to carefree days of years past, but after this I don't think I can keep that up...
>the /tg/ community is actually pretty good

If you're retarded.

>It has mandatory poster IDs, which fucking sucks

Really now? Why does it suck, because you can't upvote your own suggestion now?

Pepe is becoming an "icon" of the "alt-right"

The original thread, archivers keep mods clean.
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>Group that has been spamming /tg/ for years constantly with things that have forced users into generals or have their thread suffer and die, creating mini-cesspools of filth and slowly lowering the overall quality of the board
>Group is so spammy that many of them intentionally avoid using Quest or even CYOA in the subject purely to avoid the filters of the normal users annoyed by them
>Group finally is shoved off into it's own containment board so that /tg/ can finally start to mend the wounds and heal and be able to use a very common word related to TRPGs again
>Turns out that the spammy as fuck group, when forced into containment, is full of shitposting and whining and general scumbags
>"Our mod isn't doing anything!"

Frankly, I don't see at what point I'm supposed to give a shit. Because it sounds like a user error, and frankly, the users who have been cured from this board were nothing but a pothole on our otherwise good name. When I have to refresh the page 3 times just to see a thread that isn't related to your shit, and the mods refuse to do anything, then yeah, I'm really not going to give a single fuck if you guys are shitting in your own living room and then bitching about it.

Why don't you take your vague "It doesn't work! Please help this is problematic :(" shit back to your quest board and fix that instead of bringing this shit to us?
I don't understand why forced IDs or forced autosage is at all a bad thing.

The notion that the mods should have contacted established QMs to inform them of the change and planned out how they would open the board says... something... about QMs, but not what you think it does.
That's one of the best features for Questers.

When the QM leaves, and there's that one rando bumping it again and again, day after day, going
>When will OP come back?!

They can't do that anymore. It's literally 100% better than the alternative.
Right guys, time to close /mlp/ and repeal R15. Anyone up for discussing Savage Worlds of My Little Pony?
>Why does it suck, because you can't upvote your own suggestion now?

Because it prevents nothing unless you're Velo (and thus a moron). People can still use proxies, theirr phone and other means of samefagging.
Just makes it harder and it's kinda against the whole idea of being anonymous.
>When I have to refresh the page 3 times just to see a thread that isn't related to your shit
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>questfags now trapped in their own ironic hell forever

>in multiple threads at multiple times
Are you implying I care enough to read all the threads about quests that pass by, or that I'm always there at the right time for it to be high enough on my catalog page that I'd see it?
>Really now? Why does it suck, because you can't upvote your own suggestion now?
Because it doesn't stop us you idiot. Getting around poster IDs is literally as easy as ban evasion and we all know that happens all the fucking time.
Don't forget - a unique ISP can make only THREE THREADS until one of their threads drops off!

That's right, you make three threads, you're done, and OP threads can't be deleted! So DON'T FUCK UP.
>Really now? Why does it suck, because you can't upvote your own suggestion now?
That alone would kill most questers...
Yes, here:
>The notion that the mods should have contacted established QMs to inform them of the change and planned out how they would open the board says... something... about QMs, but not what you think it does.

So when you're creating a board specifically intended to house a community, you shouldn't ask the foremost people in that community who about what features that board should include?
That sounds pretty reasonable - probably a good rule for all slow boards to be honest.
As has been stated numerous times both on /tg/ and /qst/ not only do IDs run counter to the culture of anonymity common to the site, more importantly they bring personality into play. People start responding to the ID and not the content of the post, and that's bad for discussion.

One more ill-considered move that the mod might have avoided had he bothered to actually listen to anyone but the posters in /qa/ bitching and moaning about how quests were worse than Hitler.
>It has a 72 hour autosage, which fucking sucks
Don't see how this is a problem
>It has mandatory poster IDs, which fucking sucks
So people can actually get called out for being autists when describing how they seduce their anime waifu? Great!

>It has little traffic and established quests that moved frequently lost half of their playerbase
>It has little traffic so its hard to find new players

Who is the vocal minority here again?
Quest threads on /tg/ will be removed from now on. They belong on /qst/ and should migrate there.

Note that we won't be using the move function for any threads, because then the OP would not enjoy the OP benefits /qst/ was set up to provide.
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