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Hive Queen Quest 60

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Thread replies: 583
Thread images: 50

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Flashes of light pierce the soft cloud cover of the early morning like distant lighting flickering in silence, illuminating the city of New Prescott for brief moments. The swarming fleets of the Hive drift in orbit, the select formations quickly folding their drive wings and vanishing in a blink of brilliant light.

Within the vast labyrinth of the Hive ship's twisting interior corridors Lee fumbles out of a padded cocoon of woven silk and soft flesh, nearly falling as several workers quickly shove him to his feet. He walks to a chitinous counter on the far side of the room where a plate of appropriately measured nutrients sits by a holo-display. He clicks at the projector with his mind, and it flashes through various news channels, all of them offering a closely zoomed view of the Hive ship from various communication satellites and shuttles drifting between the two binary colonies. He lets out a concerned sigh as he finishes his breakfast and places the tray on the head of a waiting worker that quickly skitters away.

Welcome back to Hive Queen Quest!

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>Twitter https://twitter.com/HiveQueenQuest
>Various pasta http://pastebin.com/u/QuestDrone
>FAQ ask.fm/QuestDrone
>Discussion page http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Quest_talk:Hive_Queen_Quest
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[You feel the notice of a Distant Mind]
>Psionic research has received a small boost
>Slip drives have a 10% chance to alert you to their usage

>Current resource reserves
Nutrients: 33,077,540N
Metals: 36,844,679M
Credits: ₡602,226
Credits in Lyle’s account: ₡1,175,000

Active trade routes
>Leeland – Lanway: HMS Orphan, Captain John Spreckels
[FormOther brand Fusion Reactors]

>Construction underway
[Light Fleet] x5
[Heavy Fleet] x15
[Ambush Fleet] x10
[Fast Assault Fleet] x5

>Formed fleets and orders
Citadel Hive Ship – [Awaiting orders]
Small Heavy Defense Fleet [Patrolling Leeland space]
10 Heavy Battle Fleet [Awaiting orders]
5 Missile Ambush Fleet [Awaiting orders]
25 Light Fleets [Awaiting orders]
-20 Light Fleets [Awaiting orders]
-5 Fast Assault Fleets [Awaiting orders]

Clone upkeep/special projects and expenses
25 Human captives of the USV Hope – 750
3 Taidaren Hybrids (105)
4 Human flash clone upkeep – 120
18 Human hybrid clone upkeep – 540
[Hive space]
100 Human Hybrids – 3,000
Lyle Rogers – 57
Jackob Eisner – 56
Dillon Reager – 30
Clone/project upkeep – 3,908N

Metals: 2,950,500
Nutrients: 7,636,000

Total upkeep
Nutrient costs: 6,294,510

Holy crap that was fast.
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Hive Territory
*Leeland (capital)
N 60+40
M 45
Development 50


Defensive structures
>Surface to Orbit Missile System: Uses long range missiles to attack enemy ships in the system (1KN, Additional costs per launch)
>Anti-orbital batteries: Directly attacks enemy ships in orbit (8KN)
Military structures
>Hangar facilities: Deploys atmospheric and orbital drones to intercept attackers, uses aerodynamic and fighter drone designs (4KN)
>Psionic Shroud: Conceals hive activity from psionic senses (1KN)
Industrial structures
>Docking Pylon: (2000) (100KN)
[Empty docks: 8000/8000]
Economic Structures
>Capillary Tower [under construction]
>Smart Mines active: Calculates development stat twice for metal income
>Algae Farm: +25N
>Film harvester dock: +15N
Asteroid mining base: 50KM per day added to nearest planet.

N 90+20
M 10
Development 25


Defensive structures
>Surface to Orbit Missile System (1KN)
>Anti-orbital batteries: 35/35 (8KNN)
Economic structures
>Bloodroot collectors: Pipes running from Bloodroot trees extract nutrient rich sap +20N
>Greystalk farms: [under construction]
>Greenwall pit: Genetically engineered plant efficiently recycles waste material, Extra N income x2
>Temple alter: A place for the Ralighan locals to worship and bring offerings to your hive, built in the likeness of your local fake queen, +500N per day

>Orbital docking pylon: Space for docking and construction of 4 sub capitals or 1 capital ship, (50N)
[Empty docks: 0/4]
>Mining corvette salvage operations +2,688,000M per day (+8000M per corvette)

Derelict Sensor array

Glassed Hive world
N 0
M 100
D 10


>Smart mine mantle excavation: Calculates development stat 3 times for metal income

Deep space waystation
>100 docking pylons (10KN)
[Empty docks 400/400]
You know it baby.
>Holy crap that was fast.
You underestimate our dedication.
You forgot the three carrier battle groups that are under construction.
>Fast Assault fleets are awaiting orders.
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Best time of the week. Aw yeah.
Time to stick it up worst aunts cootch?
It is time.
QD, can we have our ships raid OQ automatically?
You guys do realize the Black Queen is attacking the system with the planets Path and Talgo.
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Finished Research

>Lithovore dissection
Astoundingly, these beasts seem to come in a number of shapes and sizes, living and consuming just as normal carbon based life, only with silicon as a base. Frustratingly, your thinkers have hit a wall unlike any previous research attempt. All methods of genetic decryption and analysis have met with failure, and all attempts to deconstruct the component materials into a properly researchable pseudo-protein compound has also met with failure. The closest thing to a genetic structure, something more similar to a series of interconnected chemical laden viruses and bacteria, offer no real hints to their internal code commanding them. Structurally, the chemical compounds react in a manner that results in a similar behavior as genetic code, but through a more complex process of relaying chemical compounds from one substance to another. A strain of virus-like cells transfer substances back and forth between a more complex chain of silicon bacterium which seems to perform cell division on behalf of the smaller cells. The process is convoluted and confusing, and you are still unsure of the reasoning behind their actions on a cellular level, or even if there is any. As it is, the dead beasts offer little clues, and their genetics, if you can call it that, is glaringly incompatible to your own.
If you are to study these beasts further, you fear you will need a live subject.

>Photonic armor
While weak and quick to decay, the photonic armor still offers a potent defensive capability in that it is capable of rapidly repairing itself and any damage it sustains, making it an invaluable tool for maneuvering over terrain with poor cover for short periods, or offering additional protection from attacks to nearby units.

My bad, copy and pasted them over from your orders but with so many sub-threads I must have missed one. Sorry.
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Alternative methods of hive creep spore dispersal is investigated, using a mixture of the semi-automated hive expansion methods already in use and altering the genetic composition to be more autonomous in nature, allowing spores to be deployed from non-stationary sources such as aerial dispersal from drones or spacecraft, as well as air-burst spore bombs launched from orbit, allowing for hive creep to be deployed in a more aggressive manner, effectively weaponizing the self-replicating infrastructure. The process is slower and more localized than the work of a Capillary Tower, however with no need for a tower to be present, the process can be undertaken more readily in the presence of hostile forces.

New Research Available

>Isolation fields
Very fast
A simple application of known technology, photonic armor projectors are installed in ships and hive facilities to permit the rapid deployment of fields to stop the progress of attackers and assist in damage control, isolating contagions, momentarily halting decompression, and stifling fires and other potential dangers just long enough for a more measured response to solve the issue. In theory, such a collection of simple stop-gap temporary solutions would drastically improve a ship's survivability in combat, allowing it to sustain far more damage than ever before and still continue to function.
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Current Research

>Crystal neural jack implant
While you doubt it will uncover any new fundamental technology, a more detailed and in depth study of the remaining cerebral implants found within the possessed humans should at least grant you insight into its design, function, and hopefully, weaknesses.

>Smith disection
A cyborg of still largely unknown details and specifications, the "smith" as they are referred, are among the most potent black ops agents within the Union, using advanced robotics technology that is otherwise highly illegal for civilian use.

>Core Rejuvenation
The inverse of Core Mining, this process utilizing powerful planetary scale electromagnets drilled deep beneath the planet to artificially force the core to begin to spin. The process causes mild geological and ecological damage, but the resulting effects can be maintained for hundreds of years with negligible disruption to the planet's environment to maintain once the core is rotating. Once the planet's core is active, the planet gains a magnetosphere, allowing it to hold a denser atmosphere capable of supporting life, and the surface becomes geologically active. Allows the terraforming of barren planets.

>Psionic Spores
While normally the hive spores used to spread infrastructure are little more than genetically engineered nanomachines, replicating and performing their function alone until their built structure is complex enough to receive mental signals, your mixture of psionic research and advancements in spore related genetic programming has made the idea of a psionically sensitive spore seem not nearly as far fetched as it once did. With a mixture of distributed networking and complex cellular reconstruction methods, it could be possible to create a spore strain that would respond to mental signals.

Also build a moth colony with fake queen moth and cute month talkers.

Yes or not?

>research posts
muh dik
Which thread was that in?
>My bad, copy and pasted them over from your orders but with so many sub-threads I must have missed one. Sorry.
I assume the rest of its been overwritten by the new construction.
Make me forget the dumb things I did in my life prior to now
It's been too long.
We really should start taking screen captures and just link those when we wsnt to reference something. To don’t make the poor Quest Drone rummage over old threads.
Wonder if we can make a more powerful version of photonic armor. If so, installing generators in sections of our ships could act as emergancy bulkheads vs the vacuum of space and help a ships survivability. Not to mention the uses vs boarders.
see >>49171613
Also https://twitter.com/HiveQueenQuest/status/762507471931871232
And on the next post. Heh.
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>Complex organ splicing
While it is easy to pull a string of genetic data from most carbon based life and infuse it into the hive, making the inefficient genetic structure of other life accept the more efficient and deliberately programmed hive genetic data is far more challenging. In an ironic way, much of the solution seems to involve the utilization of controlled flaws, rendering the mutations deliberately inefficient in order to be more compatible with the host life so as to avoid dominating the host's genetic structure in the same way as the Hive hybrids and chimeras. Such subtle alterations could offer better, more difficult methods of infiltrating or manipulating non-hive life.

>Advanced Psionic Imprinting
With the application of psionic imprinting you are able to influence and alter the state of matter using only focused and precise mental signals. Your thinkers believe this can be taken further, using more accurate signals and more precise manipulation methods to imprint more complex thoughts and ideas more quickly and easily, and at a greater range.

>Psionic Telekinesis
Very Slow
With the development of psionic imprinting it is now clear to the hive that tachyons can effect real matter in a very real way. While normally so minuscule in nature the forces of tachyonic radiation offers no force whatsoever, a focused, maintained wave of psionics could, in theory, impart a real and measurable physical force. The success of Psionic Imprinting seems to offer prove of the concept in theory, and the only limiting factor now is how efficiently the imparted force from tachyonic particles scales up from the molecular level.
But we didn't vote for that, so it doesn't get in. You can't just throw up an order at the end of the thread after everyone has left and claim that we all agreed to start building it anon.
Seems useful enough as it is. We could equip say, 1:10 of our warriors with it. Could help a lot in firefights or boarding actions.
>If you are to study these beasts further, you fear you will need a live subject.
Howdy QD and the fuck is that .webm? Is that a mantis?
Except there were plenty of votes for it.
True, although anyone stupid enough to board us is already dead and/or adopted. It'd still be really cool to create hard light bridges, containment, etc in addition to our armor, though. Nothing says "I'm way more advanced than you" like photonics structures.
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>Psionic Cloaking
A complex practice naturally accomplished by the Phantoms under the care of the Barren Queen, you have been instructed in the basics, and now all that is left is practice and application. In theory it is simple, using carefully woven mental signals to broadcast a sense of non-existence. While this process is most effective against being sensitive to tachyonic radiation, it can be used against virtually any organic being. A psionic race may find entire patches of planet voided from their minds like a mass-induced psychosis, while less attuned or mentally blind species find details of the cloaked unit impossible to remember or describe, or may simply not notice the unit unless it is alone and obvious in appearance. Simply turning around or standing among a small crowd is enough to become virtually invisible. Unfortunately, this invisibility comes at a cost, as it is omni-directional, and any unit enveloped in such a shroud would be unable to mentally communicate with others, effectively cutting itself off from any hive network. This ability requires at least a moderate relay or implant to accomplish, although no drone would do so willingly and cut itself off from the Queen without a direct command to do so.

>Personal shielding
By further shrinking the emitters, your thinkers believe they may be able to eventually make them small enough to be equipped to the carapace of a drone, or to the surface of an armored suit. At this time it is mostly speculation and an eagerness to please mother beyond all reason, and you cannot be sure what the limitations may be, but the thinkers are sure they can do it.

Wasp pattern mantidfly. It cannot sting, the wasp colors are all bluff.

It's also more or less the same general shape of your typical small drones, although the drones are a bit bigger (a fly would fill up most of the hand.)
Yes but it was never confirmed by QD in an actual vote. There have been plenty of times multiple anons voted for something after QD left a thread, but he doesn't usually count that unless he confirms it at the time, typically immediately after the thread concludes.
Maybe we could finally give Unity and Heretic artificial gravity in exchange for something, since that's the only thing we agreed about that tech in the past thread?
He confirmed it was valid via twitter at least once. So... yeah.
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>Shield dome
The opposite way of thinking as personal shielding, by scaling the shield emitters up further to a size that would be impossible to hold and power on a ship, your thinkers suspect they should be able to construct a defensive perimeter around a hive center protected by a powerful defensive shield. The thinkers that have proposed the idea seem to be certain in the failure of the other project, as they are of this one, and you have had to separate the quantum thinkers as they attempted to disprove each others’ theories more than develop their own.

>Advanced Psionic Reading
With your new abilities growing, you continue to hone and develop more advanced methods of using your psionic network. Your thinkers believe that with more practice they should be able to delve deeper into the minds of non-hive life, digging past surface thoughts and emotions and into more detailed pieces of information without resorting to invasive neural interfaces.

>Atmospheric static generator
Medium (is done, but working on how it adjusts the Tower's cost in the new system)
By utilizing the natural friction of a sufficiently dense atmosphere against the surface of a capillary tower, the tower can be made to generate energy to feed itself and reduce its upkeep cost.
Damn, looks like we don't need the Commonwealth's planetary shield generators after all.

Still, might be nice to finally send some ships to assist them if they want to gift us their shielding tech and some of those scav drop suits.
>We need a live Lithovore.
Maybe we should make it a joint research with Theseus and the scarred queen.
To be fair, its not like we are exactly hurting for resources. In fact, we clearly can't spend our resources fast enough as is. So getting worked up over it is silly.
>Gravity thrusters
Similar in function to your Skid drive, the Gravity thrusters essentially surf along pre-existing gravity fields, increasing their performance when in close proximity to major sources of gravitational pull, be it a large celestial body, a star, a planet, an exceptionally large structure or group of structures, or the core of a gravity drive. While in deep space it becomes less effective, the law of universal gravitation means it never becomes totally useless, and when in close proximity to a powerful gravity source it should outperform most other thruster designs with ease.

Available research options

>Psionic Cannon prototype
Very slow/Very dangerous
Detailed accounts of several experiments show the slow progress of Project Godsplitter. The cannon itself is highly volatile, and even the smallest miscalculation often results in the destruction of the ship, as well as any nearby craft. It can only be equipped to a Hive ship's spinal mount, and requires a functional Void Shard as ammunition. At least a dozen testing sizes were atomized in testing the weapon, and in the end it appears The Gardener never quite perfected it.

>Add Isolation fields to research
>Add Psionic Cannon prototype
>Add both
>Add neither
>>Add Isolation fields to research
>add isolation fields
>get a few live lithovores
Doubt that this needs focus, it can be done off-screen
>Add Isolation fields to research.
>Add both

Also that Mantis is terrifying.
>Isolation field only
So, should we give Unity nanotech in exchange of something or a lot of somethings, or just save to give it to him later if it looks like the Void Gods got a freaking army of nowhere?

Because the Void Gods will eventually get something BIG and the only way they can percive unity and Heretic is second hand by piggibacking on us and their slaves.
Combine psionic cloaking and studying the social and heirachical structures of singular civilizations may lead to a plan for function in the event of a crystal attack. It'll be way less efficient, but having functional drones during such an event should not be underestimated.
>Add Isolation fields to research
>>Add Isolation fields to research

Yeah, get Theseus in on it-- and a live sample. We obviously can't understand it, so maybe he can help. Not sure what the scarred queen could do with it though.
>>Add Isolation fields to research only
>>Add Isolation fields to research
grab a few lithovores as well
>>Add Isolation fields to research

>Add Isolation fields to research
Expedition to grab some Lithovores please!
What is with the fetish for joint research. It's not like we don't have a high enough metaphorical Relationship Stat with those guys already, and we aren't hurting for Thinkers of our own anymore, since we don't even count them now.

It's not like when we needed the initial spore research done urgently back when it was still a threat to the fledgling hive.

>>Add Isolation fields to research
>Wanting to commit suicide
Seriously we can't risk research the Psionic Cannon yet.
I just want the scarred queen there because she said rocks aren't alive.
Also we could use Unity help with thise things, what we can give him? Everyone seemed to agree it was okay for Unity to get artificial gravity before. And going for that to fully nanotech life form is not something even Unity could do easily.
>>Add Isolation fields
grab some lithovores
So uh, do we get a photonic armor module or something?

It's not a fetish. We can't understand the Lithovores, maybe Theseus can. We're practically allied now. Remember each race might get different tech options on each item.


Hah! I like you.
Coral is also full of silicon-based life, might as well send some hybrids to turn into a stealth hive there for dissection research.
Actually what I'm interested in Heretic's and Unity's computer tech since it seems like it would unlock a lot of tech for us.
Isn't heretic's and Unity's computer tech a racial tech?
I don't think we can research unity's computers more than what we already have.

Not really much point I think, we already have biological computers in thinkers. Though that reminds me, we parasitized that hacker in the anti-Lyle group didn't we? we should be able to get his specialization soon I think.
Would probably need to minimise it.
Could be a cool alternative to a hard shield thats currently a research option. Something that acts more like the halo spartan II's shielding.
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>it can be done off-screen

Nowhere is in high alert and Tenabris doubly so, getting a stealth mission to do some poaching would be of non-zero challenge. Not that hard, as we can land anywhere on the planet this time, but not instant-success either, as they may be more paranoid about flashes in the nebula.
The only way to do that would to have an AI to do the work on the computer... and that's more or less what we have with Unity.

But really we have to many thinkers and Q thinkers alredy that we are our own supercomputer. What would Quantom Crystal Thinker do anyway? Call our daughter mommy?
Oh I almost forgot. Artificial Gravity might reveal tachyons since it would imply certain particles exist which cannot exist without tachyons.
Hence why we agreed only Unity and Heretic could have it. Since the Void Gods cannot watch them directly.
We're still infinitely more capable of understanding the function of life, no matter the form, than Theseus. His knowledge of biological manipulation is basically limited to spraying plants and animals with different compounds and seeing what happens, we should just get a live specimen and do it ourselves.
Unity already knows about tachyons when he met heretic.
We should ask him how's he doing with that knowledge.
He's been talking to Heretic
Multi layered shields
I dunno, he usually has a tool/weapon/module post after that kind of stuff.

Nothing this time
At this point we should probably just gift all the computery-tech to Theseus and ally with him.

I mean, he did give us the recipe for black hole guns.
But that takes the fun out of bartering and trading.
QD said we're already allies.
I'd rather faff about and shoot the shit with theseus than go on some backwards ass planet to capture some pets.
Again, we would probably need to minimise it, which means research.

Just cause the QM aint thought of it dont mean we cant suggest it. Pretty much how we got the idea for multilayer shielding through.
You do realize that the old hives had research project to combine Skyl light-based computers with psionic tech right? And Theseus's AI research could just be applied to our clones.
If we decode the lithovores, we might be able to work with thesus to create a silicon based lifeform suitable for his computer intellect to inhabit.

Shit woud get weird fast. And interesting.
The way he said that it was already usable in some form.

I dunno man
Then we should just give him the nanotech first.

That alone will make him go happy with all the posible options.
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>add isolation fields

In a lab somewhere on Gemini's twin, Gilliam runs over various papers and reports as armed guards pillage his laboratory. He shouts at the frantic activity around him, yelling over the rushing panic of lab technicians running from place to place as military police rummage through desks and shovel through paperwork. The sounds of beakers breaking and instruments shattering against the floor is simply too much when a technician grabs his arm.

"There is a call for you, sir, it's urgent." He says, and Gilliam rushes to his office where his desk beeps methodically. He seals his office from the rest of the chaos outside , reducing the sounds of the barbaric book burning to a low rumble.

"What?" He says abruptly as Winsor's face appears on the screen.

"You're being transferred. As of this moment your lab division is being shut down, permanently. I'd like to thank you for your work up until now, but we've all decided that it would be in the best interest of everyone to adjust our research focus." He says. "A shuttle will be leaving within the hour. You're needed on Darwin, and it's urgent."

"You mean like all of this was urgent?" Gilliam asks indignantly.

"No." Jack replies. "Worse." He clicks a button on his console and an image of a blurry hive corvette appears on his desk. Weapons fire lances out and rips at its hull as the image blinks to darkness, flickering from the nearby ship to a distant long range sensor that watches the ship be torn apart by several others.

"Are those..."

"We've confirmed they have the same silhouette as the hive fleet in orbit of Gemini at this moment. They are the same."

"But they're fighting."

"I'd say it looks too one-sided to be called fighting," Jack says, "but yes, that does seem to be the gist of it. The victors spent the next hour or so blasting the wreck into dust, and then collected most of the dust and left. Still-"

"You want me to study the dust."

"Good man." Jack says.
Why? We can do it all organic anyway. And artificial pyschic boosters are a bad idea with the void watching anyway.

We should do a few crystal Quantom Thinkers for our daughter instead.
Come to think of it silicon-based lifeforms either look like rocks or crystals and we have a planet in our system that looks like a crystal forest which we assumed were just crystals. Shouldn't we go check and make sure they are just crystals?
I hope we didn't leave anything of worth, even if it was just metaphorically styrofoam ships.
Damn good thing we vaporized all we could before we left.
We have crystal tech already. Why haven't we made a few crystal Quantom thinkers already to see how they react to our daughter?
Hah. Glorious. Give Gilliam a nice warm HQ hug.

Yeah. IIRC was a pretty average roll though. Not like humans could work up any bio-heresy though.
Wait, is this footage of the fight on virgo or bedrock.
Might as well lay some and prod them a bit.

Damn good thing hive biotech is nigh on uncrackable.

Most theyll realise is that for looking simular, the DNA looks utterly different, showing another strain of the species.
They can still try to clone from the DNA... hope not even that was left.
Is that all you can talk about?
This is fucking great
"So far our salvage teams have described it as 'a radiated and radioactive soup of slag and plasma-roasted flakes of unidentifiable composition' so nothing much to work with, but we've got a lot of laboratories closing down right now, so I figure it would be a good project to keep you occupied."

"Why are you so interested in it? It sounds already like they went through a lot of trouble to-"

"That is why!" Jack says suddenly. "It is painfully obvious they went through a lot of effort to blast every inch of the wreckage with some kind of high focu plasma weapon. I want to know why. If you can't figure out what they are, you can at least work on figuring out that."

"Yes sir." Gilliam says as the screen flickers and dies. He hears something shatter beyond the door of his office and he winces in pain.

Yeah. We should have done that already when we decide to upgrade our daughter.

But well, we know more about crystal tech now. Like the white one was made by mother and the dark one by the void gods.
I don't think you get it. We can't emulate it until we research it or get it from someone who has already researched it. Also what the old hives were researching was most likely farseeing if that interests you at all.
Clonings a shit tone more difficult than just copying the DNA, cell, and giving it nutrients.

For a start, most multicelular organism cells are rigged up to die on their own. Theres a few theorys on why.
Just wait. One spore gets loose, Human world infected with BQ creep.

Hive Genes are designed to be uncrackable to other hives-- and queens are masters of biological stuff.
I also agree to give artificial gravity to Unity and Heretic. And people vetoed the Moth stuff. What more do you want? Another ship design argument this early on the thread?
I am conflicted, on one hand letting BQ creep grow is bad, on the other letting it happen let's us get more power over the union.
People did veto the months. Maybe we could give the nanotech to Unity already and see what haopens?
So the BQ is essentially the Flood.

Our own creep however, should totally be spread across all the human worlds. Diplomancing is weak. Learn to love thy neighbourhood neighbourbugs from now on, space mans.
hive queen quest!!!! MY FAVORITE OF FAVORITES IS HERE!
Not if she starts to spread dark crystal infection somehow. Remember she is literally made of the stuff.
I'm just pissed at the guy that won't shut up about daughters.
Seriously, how is daughter stuff relevant to the silicon research discussion?
Anon are autistic
Anon are autistic
Anon are autistic
It isn't. He's just being a retard.
Hive creep kind of is and is not.
Flood is like Hive creep cranked up to 11 and given special bonuses to fucking shit up.
Crystals are artificial life forms in this quest. Al least the dark ones and the white ones mother made.

We already have one artificial life form to research and we studied it all we could. Now is time to create some hive life forms with the white crystals and see what happens.
Are you calling me autistic or daughter anon autistic?
Daughter anon
We've already integrated crystal formations into our own biology you retard.
Not really? Black Crystals are some form of 5th dimensional being overlaying our reality and trying to come through and corrupt things mentally iirc.

White crystals are brain storage iirc.
You sound like a retard right now. At least me wanting photonic thinkers and ridiculous bullshit they bring makes some sense.
It doesn't matter. We're soon to adopt a step-daughter when the Broken Queen decides to take a medipod bath
Show some respect

She more like our aunt
Remenber when we wanted to do White Crystal Quanta (Plural of Quantum) Thinkers? Any reason to not do that now that we know Mother created the white crystals?

Also is been two threads and we STILL haven't read the hidden memory of that Thinker that used to belong to mother.
>Also is been two threads and we STILL haven't read the hidden memory of that Thinker that used to belong to mother.
Thank you for reminding us, we need to get on that. At the very least, we should ask the Barren Queen about it and ask her if simply observing past memories can put a queen at risk of Void corruption.
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Can't without a void shard.

And no, she's not. As we saw with the 'possessed' humans dissection, the dark crystal growth is not actually the same as a void shard. It's just crystals. It's evidence of corruption, but can't corrupt others in itself, it can't even produce tachyons.
I know but you don't need to mention it in an unrelated discussion, especially three times.
>Reminder to read the thinker's locked memories.
Also no i don't remember the white crystal Quanta idea, can you post it?
Not worth risking right now.
>I know but you don't need to mention it in an unrelated discussion, especially three times.
Me talking about the Broken Queen adoption >>49172778 here is my first post in the thread.

I think you might be butthurt, or an idiot
>Remenber when we wanted to do

Thinkers already have the 'crystalline neurostructure' passive upgrade. You just described our existing Quantum Thinkers.

And if quantum is an adjective you don't turn it plural. This is English.
Yeah I think the crystal brain growths are tachyonic receivers
But we can at least ask the Barren Queen about it. If anyone would know about how the void corrupts queens and what can open them up to that, it's her. Worse case scenario she just tells us that under absolutely no circumstances are we to view the memories in question, which would end the argument full stop.
My apologies.
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Confetti rains from the sky over a loud, brightly lit street. Military transports slowly rumble in formation flanked by grav-bikes. Robed humans wearing brightly colored sashes and golden jewelry walk behind them, murmuring into their folded hands or waving simmering thuribles from chains as they leave a wafting air of incense as they make way for the marching platoon of human troops behind them, each holding a slender, meter long weapon ending in a thermal blade with a large energy pack on their backs, their marching mechanical with their move-assists rushing them along ahead of the rumbling quadrupedal tanks behind them, and the drop-troopers behind them, each with ornate decorations over their armor emblazoned with various nobility titles and family crests.

Your speaker is unimpressed as you watch the presession on the holoscreen with Admiral Yogesh. A ticker beneath slowly scrawls across the screen with the local news of Aurora, all sounding more important than the parade, as in large letters emblazoned over the screen reads the headline "Pope Donovan Aquinas VI announces Crusade. Crown Prince Augustus Reuenthal embarks to war with alien menace."

"They do not seem to be making haste to their ships." Your speaker says.

"They just want to make sure everyone gets a good picture of them." Yogesh says. A gaunt man in a drop suit, too frail looking to ever possibly make use of the suit itself, sits on a large transport, his suit's blast guard almost hiding the oxygen tube running into his nose. "And that would be the prince off to ride into battle. Wonder how many bones he broke getting into that chair." Yogesh adds. He clears his throat as he turns to your speaker. "I apologize, I should not speak ill of another admiral. My own fleet has gathered here. Sensors are already picking up your forces closing in from the edge of the systems, if we leave now, we may be able to join your fleets in combat."

I agree.
We also need to ask her about hive history pre- and post-exodus.
I REEEEEEEEEALLY doubt that QD would have a ticking time bomb from the first thread that would spell immediate Gameover corruption.

Also not something WQ would do. Let's take a look at those memories sometime soon
From Late Latin quantum, noun use of neuter form of Latin quantus (“how much”).

source: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/quantum
>Space Pope Donovan Aquinas announces crusade.
Best thing I've hear all day.
The thinker with the locked memories is from a bunker the white queen left us. Don't remember the thread.
Finally, we can assist the commonwealth and steal some scav tech! Do we have any forces there, I thought everything was busy sitting over the Union capital.
He didn't mean a ticking timebomb dumbass. He meant it might trigger the endgame early and we only just started the midgame.
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>Pope Donovan Aquinas VI announces Crusade
Yeah, our first thinker already got it's memories unlocked. It was basically our mother last moments.
>Implying the White Queen isn't humanity's god
The void is literally watching us already. Unless that Thinker has the exact instructions to build the cannon it won't make much difference. And that's not something our mother would be careless enough to leave inside a Thinker or written down.
Well even if it did have those instructions it wouldn't matter the cannon is a failed weapon it's pretty much usless
I'd say we've already triggered as much plot progression as we can without straight up poking the void gods in the eye with a burnt stick.
Yet it still made the Void gods go right after Mother with a whole army.
>implying the void isn't God
Technically speaking there is no reason to think they're lying when they tell people they created and architected this 3-dimensional universe.
It was being refined, its was not a failed weapon, just incomplete.
You are a dense mothfucker. Why wouldn't she leave the completed Psionic Cannon research for us to find when we're ready?
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I didn't say she wasn't
>yfw Jesus was psychic and a child prophet of WQ
It made them them bleed. It could kill them but it still needs work.
Get out of here void slave.
It would explain how he could be born from a virgin at lest
Actually I don't think they are gods so much as ascended lifeforms.
Healing the sick and "resurrecting" the dead? All in a day's work. We've already made the blind see...
Because it's the equivalent to summoning a whole army even Mother failed to defeat?

We don't if the squids and the OB are the extent of the Void Gods forces on this plane. Sure we haven't seen much more but I wonder what else can they bring if we really piss them off?
>mother rolled low therefore the only weapon proven to hurt the void entities is useless
Sorry anom mom was an autist slut
>Jesus was born from a virgin birth.
>And lesbian sex.
>That was also inter species.
This is getting more absurd by the second.
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Your own ship, the battleship that brought your diplomat drone to the Commonwealth system, watches as a massive obelisk of metal and synthetic alloys drifts into dock. A bit larger than your own battleship, the craft is covered in the unmistakable scorch marked hull segments of missile launch tubes, far less modular than the ejectable pods of Union ship design, these are incorporated into the hull, keeping the sensitive payload beneath the armor. As the dock reaches out to the ship its armor opens like a pinecone, revealing dozens, hundreds of missile tubes of varying sizes as instruments and loading arms prod into them with sensors and robotic claws. The ship itself looks like two mostly cylindrical silos, the hull tapering in the middle where a small hab ring rotates beneath a retractable armored bulkhead. a flickering of lights beneath the layers or armored hull along the widest parts of either hull sections shows the existence of at least two hab rings within, rotating in the relative safety of the armored shell of the ship. The drive rings of the ship quickly retract beneath its hull as its chemical thrusters slowly guide it into dock, and the funnel like empty cone in the nose of the craft open up into a docking bay as shuttles quickly ferry cargo back and forth and umbilicals reach the distance to the station.

The ship comes to a halt as it is embraced in the station's cradling docking arms, its hull illuminated by the floodlights aimed against its hull along either rim of both hull segments, plainly illuminating the hull ID number and the name "IFS Khalsa" in bold paint.

"Please, follow me, if you wish you may observe the battle on my flagship, the Khalsa." Yogesh says proudly as he examines a notification on his data pad. "It has just arrived."

>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
>Keep your drone at the Commonwealth command station and observe from here
>Mother created the spaghetti monster who saved us with the gift of pasta.

Welcome to /tg/ Anon.
>>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
> Cure human aging in an afternoon.
> Tells followers to eat body and blood.

Yep, WQ pawn confirmed.
>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
More absurd than a giant mantis ant with access to infinite energy
>>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
It's important to keep our face there for real time communication and observation, not like we lose anything if it gets killed.
>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
Send those fleets that are lying inactive at home to assist.
Yeah this.

No reason not to.

>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
>>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict.

Sweet I finally made it to one of these.

>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
Can we go bigger than a hive ship?
Maybe later on when we have a much more powerful resource base we can figure out something that dwarfs a hive ship.
I think people really overestimate our capabilities compared to the humans when they decide to get serious
If the white crystals are merely "storage" how come the Void gods cannot see out daughter directly?
Engined space city weapons platform when
Anything bigger is a space city

feeling inadequate anon?
At the rate of technological progression we're at it's going to be HiveStar Remina Quest in about another 10 threads.
Our capabilities compared to the humans are actually pretty ridiculous.
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>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict

I can't fucking wait to genocide space gypsies with our galactic empire friends

We can grow space ships in a day. We could literally have our combined fleets wiped out in a day and rebuild them in time for monday.
Space Huns.
More or less accurate.
This actually fits. Huns also stole tech and used it against their owners. Chinese armour, catapults and trebuchet? Not anymore.
Space Roma would be peaceful travelers who have been unfairly persecuted.

Scavs are closers to space Mongols
>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict
Travelers was what they identified themselves as initially, hence the nickname.
You say that as if it was a bad thing.
non eurofag detected, gypsies are anything but.
>>Have your speaker join the Admiral on his ship in the conflict

Also offer to allow wise or human diplomats to observe the battle from the information/entertainer center on our battleship
It's a bad thing because some dumbass anon singlehandedly killed that meme in a span of two threads
This is probably something that should never happen, Wonder Station is approximately five million times as massive as a hive ship.
Although personally I want to get it into orbit around Leeland somehow.
neo-nazi detected
I don't follow, can you tell me more about what you mean by meme, why it was killed, how it was killed, why is it a meme, what is the meme?
Put a speaker at both locations
tbf, in my country nobody likes gypsies. They are more descriminated against than blacks.

Of course, this relates to how gypsies segregate themselves. They are known to do stuff like pulling their own kids from school and put them to beg or steal, or marrying off their underage kids.
Long ago in the early days of HQQ someone made a joke about how eventually we could make Hellstar Ramira and everyone had a good laugh and for a time, it was good.

Then a single anon started spamming the threads with with Hivestar Ramira, over and over until everyone who thought it was a decent idea never wants anything to do with it again
And no one cares. Go hug a fluffy mini speaker that squeaks when you hug it.
I can see why people'd be upset.
>anyone mugged by gypsies is a nazi

you cannot live next to an encampment of these people and maintain such deluded views of these nomadic people. regardless of what you call them their behaviour will change your mind whether you like it or not.

if you're sympathetic to them then you will likely be even more angry about their situation since it forces their children into a lifestyle that furthers the division between them and the host country they steal from, forcing them into a life of crime.
I want to make swarms of Small sized speakers to swarm Parliament
That was a single thread. It died as a meme after that and we've had (mostly) sane and grounded discussions about it after that.
So what I'm getting from this is gypsies are like gangsters
Seems like you're the only one that does mate.

If you want to make discussion about how not all gypsies are thieves and anyone that hates jews is a nazi, >>>/pol/ is that way.

Now, if everyone is finished, please stop shitting up the thread.
>anyone that hates jews is a nazi
Well that's not wrong
Actually, according to my memory. Aren't we in a process of creating a space city? It was voted on and passed, it's just that QD did not have any rules for it at the time so it was postponed, to be counted retroactively once the rules were made. I think we were hollowing an asteroid for it?
Oh ya thats right. You can't make jokes anymore or else its 'Ree back to /pol/'.

God damn it children
Yes. Also any reason we didn't make any cute mini speakers?
"Yes." Your speaker says simply. "That is sufficient." The admiral gestures with his hands to follow, and begins to lead your drone down the halls to the outer docking facility. The two of you glide through the umbilical as you hear a faint crash and a murmured curse as Wise scrambles to keep up with the both of you, flying through the umbilical before the loading bay doors seal behind him. He scrambles through the umbilical before your speaker raises a clawed foot and reaches out to grab him.

"You were nearly left behind. This is not very wise." Your drone says with concern in its voice as it releases him and turns back to the Khalsa' boarding tube. The umbilical reaches into the gaping maw of the ship's fore docking bay. Several tubes, each covered in magnetic coils, reach out from the inside of the hangar surrounding another in the center, the obvious spinal mounts of the ship. You count five in total. The interior of the armored shell seems largely hollow, a honeycomb of opening and closing docking bays where you see shuttles drifting into dock.

Yeah we're using the hollowed out asteroid in the Leeland system we mined out for the basis

Then I think there was another vote for a tourist space city over that burning pegasian giant in one of the recent demithreads
Lolicon is a sickness to be purged.
>"You were nearly left behind. This is not very wise." Your drone says with concern in its voice as it releases him and turns back to the Khalsa' boarding tube.

We have the best children.
it's kind of like being born into a gangster life, yeah. BBC did a surprisingly accurate documentary on it if you're interested, it's focused on how the children are used as resources and fucked for life as a consequence, all for the profit of a select few crime lords.

>everyone that disagrees with me is hiltler!
your mewling only makes my shitposts shitter
What does that have to do with anything? Absolutely fuck all.
>that's not very wise

Goddamit love our kids so much
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If you're talking about the asteroid in G-426, we've already extensively mined it, although last I heard we've only gone through a fraction of the overall object. What I was thinking we could do was to deploy a couple thinkers and an egglayer onto a small, metal rich planetoid and have them expand exponentially right throughout. Establish enough farms on to generate the biomass needed to build the infrastructure to fill the planet, and then use our core taping technology to redistribute the metal in the core to the upper levels of the lithosphere, creating armor plating over the organic bits. This way we can fortify an entire small planet and turn it into a nigh impregnable holdout, and while this is happening research FTL travel of super massive objects to make it possible to move the whole damn thing.
Well your autism blinds you to jokes, for one.
And then we mount a really big weapon on it. Cause why not?

That sounds horribly inefficient and by the time that comes to fruition we'll have finished the quest

Also we can't attach FTL capabilities to space cities or planetoids
You do realize building farms on anything other than a planet is inefficient right?
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That's no moon
We could probably use the rip drive, but it only opens a rift up a rift for things smaller than itself.

Solution: Build rip drive into a planet, transport smaller planetoids as weapons.
Giving it a big gun still helps if we lure our enemies to it.
I only approve of this if we also place an enormous number of weapons on it too.

Bugs: No sense of right and wrong.
Didn't OQ already have access to a planet destroying antimatter missile though? Against antimatter more mass isn't good.
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"The Khalsa is equipped with five spinal railguns, each capable of accelerating a sixty kilogram slug to nearly eight percent c." Yogesh says quietly. "In addition, the hangar facilities can carry several wings of our most advanced grav-fighters." He points to a small vessel as it drifts into a docking port, its hull a shimmering, polished silver mirror, perfectly smooth in appearance, save for the small bulbous growth where an opaque cockpit it grappled by a docking clamp that quickly carries the fighter away. Its wings, more for holding weapons, folds inward, the armor rippling like soft putty as its wings retract into a ball. "I assume you have some similar manner of sublight acceleration, but for us the grav-fighter is our primary method of system-wide sublight combat. The long range F-88 Silverhawk is our latest design. It utilizes a special non-lattice to provide a dexterous, ferrofluid armored hull capable of limited self repair." Yogesh says as you reach the airlock.

The interior is surprisingly ornate in design, although on close inspection the decorative golden decals all seem to be made of plastic, or some manner of rubber. The admiral seems to notice your examination.

"The trim is not only decorative. It contains a chemical compound which, when released, quickly expand to fill breaches in the hull or stop fires detected in the hall." He says. He continues to lead the way into the center of the ship, where the central hab ring slowly rotates. A nearby holo-map indicates it is a flight deck, and you arrive in a large chamber, the outer boundaries all vanishing into endless space, the walls covered in holo-projection of the space around the ship.

Yeah, why not? But we still need a way to make it self sufficient.
Are you stupid or something? The rip drive allows the drive ship itself to travel through the rip it creates.
See? The Humans have some impressive tech when it comes to their big ships
The annhilator warhead operates by creating a big enough explosion to disrupt the tectonic plates of planet to the point where massive volcanic damage occurs. This would be less of a problem on a planetoid that has had it's magmatic core replaced with hive infrastructure, the tectonic plates and outer crust would work more like armor plates for such an object.
You're thinking of the mini-rip drive that replaces a ships spinal mount. It's a mini version of the proper rip drive dedicated to launching fighters
I was thinking the space fold drive the unity uses might work, it moves the biggest space craft in the quest no problem. Could you imagine a planet sized rip drive though?
he's talking about the mini rip drive module
It would still cause massive damage and how the hell we make it self sustainable?

Quick add research : Photosynthesis
We already have that.
Impressive I guess, but they were still getting their ass beat by the Union and had half a planet infested with scavs.
What are you even referring to. All of that is either matched or surpassed by hive battleships, which can be mass produced without the production bottleneck of Canderon.

We have spinal mounts, fighters and places to store them in, and their golden decals are basically their attempt at rapid damage control fluid.
We have a whole hive that can live just from solar energy? Since when?
It makes me cringe when people ask to do research we've already done.
do we have ferrofluid tech?
I'm more impressed with Thierry fighters if you think about all the micro impacts they would suffer from in fights do to shrapnel and other space debris a self repairing hall is incredibly important
The best part is do to having living liquid carbon we could probably copy the design with little problem
Just mad that we aren't the most advanced faction around huh?

QD has said that other factions all have their strengths

We have the blue carbon goo we found on that one moon
Since like forever. It was one of the first things we researched.
That's actually inefficient.
No, but our ships can repair themselves anyway. Might be worth acquiring for trade with Theseus.
>ferrofluid armour
Ooh shiny! Maybe we can trade that for photonics then trade the ferro tech to Theseus for something
One, the hive as a singular star-spanning superorganism is already self-sustaining.

Two, don't move the goalposts moron. Photosynthetic cells were researched fucking ages ago. It's strictly less efficient than fusion farms anyway.
The funny thing is we can't put it on our fighters.
What stops us from making a whole hive planet live from just solar energy?

That way we can make weapon planet have auto sustenance.
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Feel free to actually say something concrete instead of just vaguely shitposting 'u mad' any time.
I know we have liquid metal forming tech I wonder if we could incorporate that into our hive dusting for nanobot action bonus?

Wasn't our clotting tech an evolution from the nanobot tech? We can totally use it on any ship we want, where are you getting this?
So we make our not death star fusion powered gotcha. Do fusion reactors create nutrients like photosynthesis does? Otherwise since is a whole planet we could have both.
Because it's insufficient. All other forms of biomass generation bring in more nutrients than our solar panels, and the passive upgrade we got from making all aboveground hive infrastructure photosynthetic was negligible. Please read the past threads and the pastebins before you start trying to brainstorm tech.
Rapid damage control is a module and fighters don't have modules on them they are able to have shields though
No, it was the liquid carbon lifeform, stop making things up. And its price is per 100 meters, of course it's limited to minimum 100 meter and larger ships.
IIRC some weapons need power taps to be fully effective (which need canderon). For everything else we use a network of mini-fusion reactors.
Then how you suggest we make weapon planet self sufficient?
How about we don't.
Practice what you preach bucko

or for you intelligence level: No u
Aight, thanks for the correction
And what would be the consequences of turning that death planet core into a big fusion reactor? I mean the only lifeform would be hive life but still sounds bad...
Alright, QD seems to have removed the relevant info from the pastebins so I'll give you an abridged version. Most of our biomatter is derived from electrosynethetic lifeforms derived from plants that use electrical currents instead of light to generate nutrients. This is our de facto crop on Leeland and also used in certain space stations, namely the gas planet refueling depots.

These depots draw the necessary water and other compounds needed to sustain life from the upper atmosphere of the planet they're stationed over, and use electricity from fusion power to grow the crops. Unfortunately the use of this technology is mostly limited to these gas station depots, as using them elsewhere is less efficient than creating/adapting an entirely new crop on a different planet that is better able to generate nutrients in that particular environment. But in theory they could work anywhere there is an ample supply of water and a source of large amounts of electrical power, but you would need to fuel that power source one way or another (unless it's a power tap).
>muh self sufficiency

This is a pointless and nonsensical goal. It doesn't matter where you build the nutrient-income farms. The entire hive spans many star systems, which pass nutrients between them freely with quantum teleportation.

Adding enough infrastructure to bring in X nutrients a day as well as enough weapon infrastructure that consumes X nutrients a day doesn't even have to be in the same system, let alone on the same planet. The math cancels out the same either way.

>The listed cost of ship components also indicate the minimum amount of space needed to equip them, so a fighter would be too small to utilize a damage control module, although it would be able to utilize armor, shields, or cloaking devices due to them only being priced by 10 meters.
My dudes and dudettes, I think we're focusing too much on the rather impractical battlestation planetoid
Its only impractical if it does not work Anon.

Power tap = black hole with chains. You don't want to get it damaged in battle, although at planetary sizes I'd wager you'd be pretty safe from that unless we start combatting void gods.

If the chains snap, it gets sucked into itself and anything nearby does too, although it's not permanent.
>The entire hive spans many star systems, which pass nutrients between them freely with quantum teleportation.
QD has actually stated this multiple times, but teleportation can only transport small quantities of any given resource at one time. Most of our biomass that isn't grown on site is moved by space ship.

Power taps! Infinite energy forever, as long as you don't throw anything into the black holes.
Anyone else wanna outfit our fleets (and especially the Hive Ship) with photonic armor?
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>ask someone to clarify 'what is impressive about this, we already have X,Y, and Z'
>'hahahaa u mad'

What was vague about that.
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A man operates a large terminal near the center of the bridge. He clicks over various displays before turning to Yogesh.

"Admiral." He says with a subtle salute, the muted gesture intended to prevent sending oneself careening away in zero-G. "We've finished loading our payload." He quickly hands a display to the admiral.

"Thank you, captain." Yogesh says. "What's the general overview?"

"Three hundred and thirty seven short ranged rattler PD missiles, two hundred and sixteen viper K-30 short range assault missiles, one-hundred and twenty Sidewinder medium ranged kinetic warheads, five hundred sandbags, and thirty seven long range Fer-de-lance gravitic cruise missiles. In addition we have three wings of Silverhawks and another two full wings of GF-37 raiders, along with six tugs, sir."

"Gravitics? And a full payload this time, excellent." Yogesh says. "Now if only we could get every ship this well armed." He mutters. "Status of the fleet?"

"The battlecruiser Amor Fati has just joined the group, along with the Gobind and the dreadnaught the Zarathustra. Each have brought their own compliment of subcapital support ships, and have transferred command to you, admiral. We are ready to take the fleet underway on your order." The admiral nods.

"Very well." He says. "You are relieved of fleet command. Please assume command of the ship and take her out. We will have the rest of the fleet follow our course." The man gives his subtle salute again and drifts through a large doorway to a second, smaller bridge. Yogesh turns to your drone as the door seals shut.

"This is the flag bridge. The communication center of the fleet. The ship's command bridge is there, they are separate to prevent confusion in the heat of battle. It is the duty of everyone in the command bridge to command this ship, but the flag bridge is where I command every ship in the fleet."

"A sensible hierarchy." Your speaker says.


They're taking a deadnaught too? Damn, no brakes on this crusade.

I think we really might want to send some more reinforcements later. I don't think we've seen the larger scav ships yet.
Only proving everyone's point you're upset anon. Give it a rest and stop wasting bumps
Well, let's see... power taps don't accidentally connect to the Void Gods dimension do they?
I just realized how much the Commonwealth Military is like old-fashioned feudal warlords contributing their military to their liege lords.
"I thought that would be something you could appreciate. Humans fully understand the necessity of a chain of command. We have developed a complex hierarchy for our military to make sure we are able to coordinate ourselves properly."

The starfield surrounding the flag bridge adjusts itself as the ship lurches out of dock with a firm nudge. It drifts for several minutes until someone chimes in over an intercom.

"Clear of dock, ready for gravity drive."

"Roger, begin acceleration, forty thousand gravities."

The station vanishes from view, falling into the distance in less than a second. A muffled hum drones in the distance, reverberating from the walls of the bridge as the unfolded drive rings glimmer like iridescent gold.

>Speak with the admiral (write in)
>Ask a question (write in)
Not even slightly, they're a pair of black holes orbiting one another at speeds just shy of light speed.
>>Speak with the admiral (write in)
>>Ask a question (write in)

How many Ships do you need for assistance?
>Ask a question (write in)
Where is the rest of your fleet?
That only worked on Tenebris because the Void Crystals needed a significant gravity well to weaken reality and break through. It took five of them arranged in a pentagram with some complex processes to cause that to happen
Yes and holo-projectors unless we can combine the tech.
That way we can have our ships look however we want them to like an asteroid or even a damaged dialect or what ever old abandoned ships are called
>>Speak with the admiral (write in)
>>Ask a question (write in)
How can the hive assist in this battle?
Let's just sent most of them anyway.

>Speak with the admiral (write in)

Information on the enemy please, what do you expect to be facing, roughly how many opponents-- have you seen anything larger than a raiding corvette or shuttle. What was that about the rest of your ships not being fully armed?

Also offer them medical help after the battle. Free spinepals and immortality for everyone!
>Are all of your ship designed to explode incase the Scavenger attempt to capture them?

That's a thing. Maybe we should see if he'd let us station some warriors onboard his ships in case of boarding.
And a power tap big enough to power our not death star wouldn't be big enough?

Somehow a core sized fusion reactor sounds less dangerous. Worst case the Hive Star just explodes.
Don't we have more information on the scavengers then they do, like cloaked pods observing them?
>Speak with the admiral (write in)
Feed him all relevant information on observed space gypsy fleet tactics and capabilities along with our sensor reading.

Mutter manically about how we're going fucking skin these cunts alive.
Perhaps we should start sharing that information as well as the projected arrival points of our own fleet?
Most people voted for Space Huns.
We already decided on how many we were sending.

>>Ask a question (write in)
What the hell is a Pope Crusade.

And just how many Reuenthals do you have.
Also supporting sharing anything we know about them with the good admiral.
Mumble mumble...make convenient seating out of their flayed hides....for mother....
>Speak with the admiral (write in)
Warn him that for the duration of the trip this speaker will likely be out of range of the hive. It will be harmless, but its intelligence will drop dramatically. Please do not try to kidnap it or attack it with a Smith like the Union did. The Hive finds such shenanigans rude.
They have more experience fighting them than we do at this point. We don't know anything to change the space tactics in use.
Add my support.
Also this.
We could also avoid revealing that information, and just say we'll be resting until we arrive at our destination.
Also the drone has a self destruct mechanism that is pretty nasty
They're Space Huns dummy
And why we didn't give that Speaker Quantum brain? We are getting careless.
>projected arrival points
Anon... the fleets are already there. They already have our ships on their sensors.

This literally just happened.
>Sensors are already picking up your forces closing in from the edge of the systems, if we leave now, we may be able to join your fleets in combat."
Did we? Its intelligence is still going to drop.
Not sure we need to bother at the moment, would be bad form to kidnap and dissect the only known diplomat of the ally that's about to pull your ass from the fire.
We're better at processing information than they are. we also have predictive combat algorithms and thinkers n shit. So at the end of the day we're still much more experience than they are, even though they have move hours logged fighting these cunts or whatever.

Space fenians detected.
They didn't say go comatose. Obviously it has a quantum brain.
I thought we did.
Don't worry it dose all the ambassador class do
On another note how long till we unlock battle meditation
I'm just the imagining the reactions from the various factions as the hive ship is coated in a layer of pure light as a defence mechanism...
Hah, you're right. Silly me.
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>believing bump limit can be saved
Oh, I don't expect them to actually do that. I was just dropping that the Union was that dumb to them.
That works.
>We've nearly hit 350 posts
>We're not even 4 hours in
This is starting to get ridiculous
Is the weekend.
Ah, gotcha. Good point.

Actually now it's Monday.
Those gravatic weapons are impressive and something we don't have. Must get.
Only in gypsyland.
"You wish your fleets were more armed?" Your drone says. "Is that not the point of a warship? To be armed?" Yogesh looks to you with slight annoyance, but you sense it is not directed at you.

"Yes, it is. Unfortunately there are realities to logistics. The Khalsa is one of the largest and most powerful of our warships, standing toe to toe with Magnus's own flagship the Columbia. Unfortunately, not all of our ships are up to that standard. The Amor Fati, for instance, is a century and a half old retrofitted orbital artillery barge. It racked up a respectable number of kills in the colony wars, and honestly over the years I don't think there's a single wire of the original ship left, but it's still not the same as a new ship fresh out of the yards. We're having to keep our acceleration low for the ship to keep pace. As for weapons, our Fer-de-lance missiles are some of our most potent. Long range anti-capital missiles with micro-gravity drives installed. Typically a missile needs a good launch vector and just maneuvers to stay on target, but a grav-missile can keep tracking anywhere in the system, so long as its drive is still working. The micro-gravity drive is a temporary thing, too small to maintain the singularity. Its range is based on how long it takes for its singularity to evaporate." The admiral straps himself to a seat near the center of the bridge as he examines several readouts.

"But at the end of the day, we only have so much canderon. We can't afford to give every missile a drive, or even every ship. Our pickets are largely composed of vessels that lack warp drives. Many, in fact, even pre-date the outbreak of the colony wars. We must make due with what we have, and we have done that admirably, I believe."


It's fine, it's labor day. Gonna be typing till my fingers bleed.

We've already got singularity weapons and artificial gravity, both of which humans don't have.
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>It's fine, it's labor day. Gonna be typing till my fingers bleed.
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>It's fine, it's labor day. Gonna be typing till my fingers bleed.
You're one cool dude QD. Thanks man.
But we don't have gravetic enhanced kinetic weaponry. Yet.
Yes, but we don't have weaponized warheads (which it sounds like they may have used in the battle at Windsor). Getting some of those goodies to reverse engineer would be really nice.
"sounds like you are in need of alternative FTL methods."
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i love you
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I'm glad you plan on doing that. Because i have coffee.

Also I feel bad for these guys. They spent there money on one giant warship not overhauling the whole navy.
Do we know if the scavengers have ever encountered an AI before? Because if they haven't Theseus could have a field day.
But which one of those we know would we offer to help with, our blink drives, rip drives, Theseus's space-fold?
Shit, point noted-- Gravity drive missiles are fucking awesome. Ain't no way for point defence to stop something coming at you at .8c.
GUYS (and gals) LISTEN TO ME

What if

whatif we

Just hear me out

What if we went with fleets teamed up with Theseus fleets and captured the Wolf system? We could finally get some Canian DNA to work with

Whoever controls the Canderon controls the Galaxy
We could ask Unity help in turning our main FTL travel method into tech.
No. Not unless they become our vassals.
Well considering we have the ability to make rift missiles or miss less fired through micro rifts right in to the enemies ass we probably don't need them
Why are you so retarded?
Yeah plus our method doesn't use Calderon.
That would lead to pretty much ALL the Valen Clans, the Union, and probably the Commonwealth descending on the system and plunging the galaxy into a massive war
I was actually thinking we could send a space pod and try to telepathically communicate with them. Then we can teach them the secrets of plasma funneling, which they can use to blow up the Union's star drills.
or we could keep it as organic tech.
It would force them to work with/for us, as we'd be the ultimate controller of each blink drive.
The other choice would be to rely solely on canderon after all...
That has such shit accuracy it might as be useless.
Just offer to transport their smaller ships with our soon to be built carrier battle groups.
Or sell them the rip drive for something, although we would have to introduce them to heretic since the drive is his.
That is one of the reasons i want the union to go to war against us.
I'm against sharing the blink drive.

For one, it's awesome strategically-- warping a fleet into planetary orbit without having to deal with picket fleets is awesome.

If this commonwealth pope decides we're an abomination I'd rather have them slug it out with our missile defence system before arriving in orbit.

Secondly, it's not as manouvrable in battle as the standard gravitic drive the humans have.

As a gesture of goodwill, theseus' space fold seems the better option.
The term "waking the sleeping giant" comes to mind, if there's anything that can provoke the massive potential of the union military it's stealing their most important resource point. Lets try trading favours for access to the canians first, we want knowledge of their biology more than we want the canderon after all.
We have so many super weapons we "don't need" why get anything else cool. My guess is gravatic warheads are regular kinetic warheads that drastically increase in weight when released: aka would improve our spinal kinetic mounts by several orders of magnitude. I don't want to miss out on that chance.
We literally have a hive ship and a few fleets sitting in Union planetary orbit right now.
While I question how missiles with targeting systems could have shit accuracy I'll just assume it's a balance issue
Speaking of the space drive, we probably ought to learn how to actually build one from Theseus sometime.
We could do that ourselves by studying gravity tech more.
Aren't we still hiding tacyons from everyone, isn't this how the blink drive works? Come on you knuckle heads
Shhh. No. Don't be so easy.

Let them come begging to us for that. Much, much later.

After we copy the scavengers FTL or something.
I'm willing to bet he'd accept artificial gravity or some of our nanotech for it.
The Canian religious faction hates the Union because the star mining is hurting their god. If we could get them on our side the Union would have no choice but to surrender the system.
IIRC we've already got scav FTL.
Point taken to be honest I hope are reasurch in telekinetics let's us fire mass driver rounds at faster than light speeds like our ships
Guys, I was thinking of transporting their small fleets with micro rip drives ships when i made that comment.
We want the commonwealth to at least feel like we somewhat value their partnership to feel more secure with is. If we want them to give us something we can trade for with them, I can't think of any more valuable human tech than gravatic weapons. Assuming we do twch trades at all I'd like to trade for this.
Wait, we do?
Better check if their god is void related.
The Scavenger method is mysteriously similar to our own but without tachyons.
Alternatively, figure out how to mine Canderon, and then just use our ability to scale things to flood ourselves with it from our own stars.
We actually don't.
Don't think so, that was the one which teleported very small distances very fast
Speaking of scav FTL, that reminds me that if it's in fact compatible with ours we could basically just stick a capacitor on there and have its 'mini blinks' get progressively larger and end up going pretty far without waiting for a charge like we currently have to.
imagine you're holding an incredibly buff old guy in a headlock

you got to think of a clever way to disengage this situation, sure you'll live much longer than him in the end but you'd still rather avoid a bloody nose in the short term.

they may hate the union but they are also a pre FTL civ so no one cares
For curiosity sake, what happened last thread?
We talked to the barren queen about stuff
Except the Canians are the only ones the can mine the star.
They're also made of plasma. Can't wait to get to research them, the boosts to our plasma weaponry will be endless.

I mean, we could literally fire sentient plasma to board and capture our targets.
I meant the bit where QD just died
Good point. Forgot to say it earlier but hope you're feeling better now QD.
He got super sick
It had me worried
No, the Union uses drills for mining Canderon, I think it just has the Canians scout for it.

Either way I'd like to point out that Wolf is not the sole source of Canderon in the Union, just the biggest single one. Taking that would definitely enrage them, but wouldn't wholesale cripple them or prevent them from building new ships.
Yeah. Let's give him lots of hugs and fan art.

And cake
The Canian operate the drills genius.

The union is capable of mining canderon without the aid of the natives, it's just more convenient with their help. Anyway the point I was making is that they have literally no say in who has ownership over and military presence in the outlying space required to study them. For this reason I believe it is a good idea to try other options before resorting to military actions to capture these admittedly delicious specimens.
But the Union doesn't need them for that, they've got star drills on other stars that work just fine.
"Perhaps it would be best to make more ships, instead of more Reuenthals. How many of these do you have?" Your drone asks.Yogesh laughs.

"Too many, that is for certain." He says. "They rule the Aquarius system, but they claim holdings over a number of surrounding systems and planets. They are a terrible pain to deal with, but they also have one of the largest fleets in the Commonwealth, so they are necessary." He says. "Emperor Reuenthal has been around for, oh, I'd say at least two centuries by now." Yogesh strokes his beard in contemplation, the neatly bound braid of hair carefully knitted to his suit like a tie by a number of elastic rings. "There was that big ceremony not too long ago, I think that was the second centennial... Either way, the man quite nearly lives in his medical tank. I believe I was a child the last time he made a public appearance that wasn't just him in a chair."

"Yes, human mortality." Your speaker says. "It is a great shame."

"Not at all." The admiral replies. "What would the point of this world be, if not to prepare us for the next? I cannot fathom what I would do with an eternity. No, the great shame is that you are trapped in this world, forever unable to pass through this great illusion."

"Illusion?" Your speaker says, testing the word. "False sensation, a fabrication. What do humans consider false?" The admiral simply shakes his head.

"No, this universe, it is simply an illusion of the mind, filling our reality with what our senses perceive. I am fully aware that your reality and my own are radically different, but they are both true to some extent, just as the Pope on Vedra speaks his own truth, but it is still constrained to the illusion around us. As a species, humans have spent millennia discovering truths both outwardly and inwardly. Death is simply a part of that. A step in a cycle leading us to the divine truth of Mool Mantar." Your speaker chitters in confusion.

You can either get someone to do it for you.
Or you can get expensive infrastructure which most certainly has immense upkeep.
Ah the Union are just dicks as usual. Why QD thought we would ally with them again?
The ACTUAL fuck?
Man these guys and their ideals are just making themselves easier and easier to manipulate by evil celestial entities from beyond the fold.
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That speaker. Topkek.

"Not at all." The admiral replies. "What would the point of this world be, if not to prepare us for the next? I cannot fathom what I would do with an eternity.

I can just imagine our speaker blurting out that we've already conquered immortality and him changing his tone.
Should we even warn him this line of thinking is half or more the reason all sentient sapient life in the universe is in trouble? Nah, don't. They'll figure it out.

>I can just imagine our speaker blurting out that we've already conquered immortality and him changing his tone.
aww yiss
he already knows you shit
You mean human mortality, right?
Did we not already mention it?
Man, Space Sikhs are cool. Be a shame if this one decides not to use our fountain of youth potion.
Human religions get dispensed like candy in the future.
How long until we give them our candy?
When we pull up in our space van.
Fuck off Descartes
"How is this related to this Pope? What purpose does it serve?" The admiral scratches his beard again in contemplation.

"The pope is a physical representation of the truth the catholics choose." He says finally. "For me, I have the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib, perhaps you have your own. One day, I would greatly enjoy learning of your own faiths, if your immortality has not deprived you of them, but if it has, I would be more than willing to share the teachings of the Gurus with you, in time." He says as he clicks several buttons on his console. "For now, we have battle plans to discuss." He points a finger to the globe of projected space above, floating in the center of the room. It offers a graphic of various systems, not to scale, obviously, with various color coded indicators representing Commonwealth, Hive, and Scavenger fleets. Your own formations are quickly closing the distance, but the battles will commence likely several hours apart. In at least two of the systems opening salvos have already been fired, but are still nearly an hour from impact, your ships having done what they could to ensure the opening salvos miss.

"Your fleets are closing in, and will engage before we arrive. I ask only that you assist in minimizing the casualties of the local picket forces until we arrive. Any additional risk you choose to take with your fleet is appreciated, certainly, but I cannot ask your people to die on our behalf."

"They are drones." Your speaker says. "It is their function." Yogesh gives you a grim nod.

"Yes. I am still unsure of how... individual you all are." He says. "But know I do not ask you to spend the lives of your drones in this battle. I only ask you help preserve ours."

>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>Have your forces support the picket fleet but attempt to keep at range from the enemy
Making them immortal is fucking gay

I'd be fine with selling them some xenomorph eggs though.
>>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives

We're in this together.
>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety

Let's show these guys that we're giant space ants, not giant space pussies.
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
If there are any ambush fleets available, have them perform harrying attacks on the Scavengers as they approach.
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>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety

One causes the other anyway.

>>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives

We want the Scavs to not think they should flee and abandon the fight. That's the most paramount objective.

They cannot be allowed to report back to the rest of the fleet.
Seems like a far cry from suave golf player.
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety

Have a rep to uphold
That's what I meant anyways. Immortality should be reserved for people that matter to us, not the masses that would unsustainably overpopulate themselves within just several cycles. But hey, it's not like we don't have control factors if when they all get friends.

>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety
>>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety
>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety
>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety
>Have your fleet attack and press the attack, to the detriment of your fleet's safety

Hive doesn't do things half assed.
Don't we have them massively outnumbered at each point of contact?
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
But we should act as a screen for the human ships so take some unnecessary risk but don't get to risky
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives

Please roll 1d100, best of 3 for the initial engagement.
We're not going to tell them how individual we aren't in full, right?
That's not something we ought to let slip too much.
No I meant the eggs for the monster from the Alien film. As like, a biological weapon gift or something.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

Rolled 23 (1d100)

Here's hoping that it's in the right field
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)


Whelp, alright then.
too late

we're being puss puss's
Damn, what could have been.
That's also what we respected in their fleets during our official introduction to the commonwealth.
Or we could show them we're not tactically moronic.
Which is fucktons more useful than being courageous.
Hey 84 is not bad.
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"It is important for the humans to know." Your speaker chitters as the ship closes in on lightspeed. "your human warp has adverse effects on the hive. This speaker will be unable to fulfill its purpose properly until the humans return to sublight speed."

"Some kind of warp sickness?" Yogesh asks. "We have a medical bay if you wish for some treatment, I am sure we can develop something."

"No." Your drone chitters. "This speaker will become a very poor speaker. Ignore this speaker's speaking until we arrive." Yogesh looks at you with some confusion as a bridge officer counts down to warp over the intercom. The space around you has become warped and twisted, the light focused into a brilliant ring of light directly in front of the ship, a twisted starbow of contorted light as the ship hurls through space just shy of c, and then nothing. The vessel ripples away as if slipping beneath a foggy marsh, vanishing from your mind, and from the universe, if only for a short while.

Alright, I think I should get the second thread set up about now. Seems like as good a spot as any.
Thanks QD

So uh

Photon Shield stats/module/weapon?
Glorious work QD.
So this is when the admiral gets a long long lecture on the wonders of nutrient paste?
Yes, OUR nutrient paste.
Going to post this speech.
"You are right about eternity being boring, but i didn't learn this from personal experience, but from the words and history of an old enemy and later ally. They were chosen when they were primates, by the void god, a self appointed god and our forever hated enemy, and became it's worshipers, altered and given technology so they may crusade against demons, the survivors of the old hive civilization. They would later be rewarded for their faith and given immortality, it is then that the traitor, the black queen before her betrayal, would devise an idea and convert them to heretics, i don't know how but it succeed, and the heretics returned home to fight their enslaver god, they succeeded in breaking their chains and had believed that they had killed god and their society struggled with that fact but marched on, and then the void god came back and erased their home planet, and they decided to die than to return to worship, and that's how the skyl species died, they choose extinction over enslavement."
"Allow me to warn you now, general, that form of thought is dangerous, there are entities out there that will twist that faith of your until you have willingly become their slave. I care not what gods you worship or what my ancestors believed before they fell, i was born for one purpose and that is to get revenge and kill the void god."
>Have your forces attack but avoid unnecessary risk until the main fleet arrives.
When said speaker warps back into reality I have a feeling there's going to be a very dumbfounded and confused admiral and group of navigators gaping at it.
Our speaker turned fucking retarded and just started too REEEEEEE at the admiral

Please. My everything.

Nice work I think? Sikhbro seems pretty cool though, doesn't afraid of scavs and everything.
We better get a recap of what the speaker is doing during the interim travel period, though I already have some guesses.
And several buyers for our nutrient paste.
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Dropped the moment you did not capitalize I.

And in other news, Form Other's stock prices rose by 1600% after booming popularity of NUTRIENT PASTE ALPHA.
Nix the born for revenge, even if it's true I don't think we should state that at this particular juncture.
Forgive me, i was in a hurry.
Alright, should i cut the entire last bit from "I care not" or "I was born of one purpose"?
Well, what's the worst that could happen?

It's not like our drone is suddenly gonna start grooming him while whispering sweet hive secrets into his ear.

The quantum brain should prevent that...
Yeah that's for the comic book. Can we get an artist drone so get get our own comic book? Lee could write the script!
Will have that stated up. It's a drone weapon, essentially a support gun that doesn't do damage but lets the drone project cover to allies around it. As well as a cybernetic arm implant that does the same thing, and a more limited equipment device that just projects some chest high walls when tossed.
All of those are awesome
First the adventures of Lyle and now HIVE the comic book.
Are we going to own space Hollywood at the end of this quest?
>chest high walls
So we'll turn the world into an FPS.
>chest high walls
All our war drones forces now have a shield decicated war drone every five drones, does that work?
I wish this quest had artists. Where are all the damn artists?
Anon, keep in mind that the ambassador drone is speaking for itself and the hive. If he says "I was born for one purpose" that doesn't mean much other than what they suspect already.

Because they're not aware of the whole tachyonic structure. So yeah, all the last sentence is unnecessary.
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Christ, if Lyle wasn't already a walking tank now he will be able to project chest high walls as well?

Void gods won't even know what hit them.
Haven't humans studied the silicon life on Coral?

Is there anything inspiring about silicobiology on the datanet?
They ran away when we didn't vote for the more cute drones and fake queens it seems.
There's one in Indonesia.
They're trying and failing to make draw quests on the other board.

But being serious, I'm pretty sure cute moth drawerer was in a monster make thread not too long ago, same style.
Oh, how bout i change it to "our destiny is to avenge our species and kill the void god."?
Not really sure what coral research would give us aside from better filtration tech-- last time we had undersea adventures we got filter towers and aquatic bodies.
Not enough waifus.
Save for Audit Quest, that one is awesome.
Yeah that's nice.
He's Sikh so he'll interpret it as our clinging to a variant sort of a War Faith, which is good enough.
We are about to have a battle above Path. Maybe we could work with Theseus on making a Pathian cartoon.
It's not like we're trying to crack similar silicon biology on another planet recently.

At least as similar as independently-evolved carbon based life is to us.
Larro never fails to make good shit, it's really impressive actually.
WHAT, how could you say that, we are playing as the objectively best waifu right now.
That's better. Still not really in with the whole vengeance thing. More like, it is our purpose, our way to bring about the end of the void gods that meddle with our dimension.
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They're busy making QM-tans of new QMs.
That's because the chibi style works wonders for draw quests. And also works wonders for comedy.
That 'battle' appears to have been won and finished offscreen already.
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I know the resident artist of Death Among the Stars Quest, Mr Smiles, has been catching up on HQQ after it was suggested to him so we can expect to see some stuff from him in the future

This is a WIP of Lyle's dream sequence when the Hive starts helping the Commonwealth against the Union back in the War
You won't convince fanatics of shit just by dramatically telling them a story, faith means not having to care about facts
QD has no QM-tan
Ok, just "Our destiny is to kill the void god."
Isn't religion a dramatic telling of one or several stories?
Kiiiiiick ass
It also means that the moment we tell him this story everyone in the room would instantly begin spinning their own interpretations behind the perspective of their own faith, so it's fucking pointless bullshit.
>against the Union

Those were local rebels.
Honestly I'd be fine just telling him that we respect his beliefs.

I thought it was the systematic mass rape and pillage of everyone that doesn't subscribe to your system of belief.
But anon, killing a false god is our religion, and he'll respect that.
Horrible movie.
But the dream sequence isn't in the archive.
And they seldom convince other religions that theirs is correct, so...
We have to fix this.
Our religion is slaying false gods.

You called?
Anyways, could anyone remember which thread did I put the species pics in, the hard drive with the pics got bricked. Gonna take some more time until I can get enough money for data recovery - which precludes buying a new 1 TB drive.
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>implying the void is not more real than your third dimensional brain can comprehend

We're bugs. Our destiny is to devour everything.

>Union supported rebels
I know QD has them saved
is that shadowquest
Our destiny is to adopt everyone.
Or he'll be very careful and testing of how we interpret that belief.

Like, he's sure as hell going to ask what constitutes a "False God" and about what other religions we consider harboring false gods.
Ofc, we can just say "False Gods are gods that can be killed," which is a bit badass actually.
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I'm glad he likes it. The pic looks very tyranid-ish, very nice.

I have all of them saved.
Are you anons trying to re-enact some edgy teenage fantasy of xXxQueenTheGoDSlAyErxXx?
I like it. Very give like for everything to have a purpose. Our speakers speak, our warships war, and our hive will end the so called void God.
Thread 40607626.


Jesus saves, and makes incremental backups. Use the cloud in future man.

Also, just want to say I love your work. I'd send you money for a new HDD if I weren't already 5 figures in debt.
Xena the demigod slayer and ocasionally god slayer? I liked that show.
>Implying the void god isn't a fourth dimensional asshole with a god complex.
>Implying he doesn't get bullied by the other fourth dimensional beings for being an unlikable asshole.
Yeah, I like it too I just think it's a bit grand for our speaker.
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>"False Gods are gods that can be killed"
It was alright, I recall that it even got its own videogame or several
>implying your 3-dimensional universe isn't its science fair project, making it literally your creator
>and it's frantically trying to get you rebellious lot into a presentable shape before the judges arrive
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>implying the void god isn't the winner of the fourth dimensional struggle between all void entities
>implying you're anything significant and not just next on the bucket list
Just do like every starving artist online and do commissions.

I would buy you something but is been seven years and I still got no news of a comision I paid in advance - -

The guy just moved out and I never heard of him again.
>we power the Void's car
Don't worry, I'll probably have enough money to do that by... November. Or December.

Muchas gracias, anonitas!
That show, and the associated Hercules show, were practically my childhood.

There was also Steve Irwin wrestling crocodiles and games sprinkled amongst the drudgery like jewels.
"False gods are also gods that can bleed."

We have our answer.
Sounds comfy
What if thats the covo between the Admiral and Speaker? A debate on religion that transcends time and space and when we reconnect a new religion is formed?
>believing Commonwealth propaganda

Next you'll say full mod secret agents exist. Go back to space/pol/.
Fuck yeah.

Speechfag, supporting this by the way-- and good work on the speech. So metal.
Well I've got a job, but I've already put out a commission post on my deviantart for some time now. Nobody replied yet ;_;


also tell me if the prices are too high or something, I went with the advice of 'no starting price too high'.
I know a heretic when I see one.
Those prices are fine, if you want to start drawing porn I'd say raise them all by a base $25-$35.
Prices for digital art are best, frankly, attached to how much you value your time. You're kinda on the low side.
Agreed. This is awesome.
Just do a price comparison with other artists also offering commisions.

I got no clue how expensive things are were you life so all I can say is, don't sell your art cheaper than a Big Mac.
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More examples of his work.

>Jadyk of the Wormstar
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>Reconstructed Undead
Those are on par with what i pay for Commission's for my DnD group.

No nudity or sexual acts, please. - I found you're fucking issue. Being a whore works.

Mr. Smiley is pimpin he already had a sketchy up this morning? I believe of the void Juggernaut made that thread.
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74KB, 300x256px
>Don't worry, I'll probably have enough money to do that by... November. Or December.

>needing money to make online backups of images you draw yourself

But you have a deviantart.
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994KB, 1500x1200px
>Just before telekinetically grabbing an alien temple and lifting it out of the ground as a giant middle finger to some evil lizards
Make a gmail account and you get free storage for files up to 10GB.
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322KB, 990x900px
He's amazingly fast, I'm so glad he started following
Or even a fucking private dropbox.
Really I got 15, I wonder why?
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>google has been lying to me all this time
The nudity thing is because I posted it on deviantart but for 4chan I'm willing to make amends

I meant for the data recovery. There's so much more stuff in that drive, like some skirmish quest plans, work-in-progress mods for stellaris and starbound, gigabytes of music, film and games, etcetera etcetera.

First thing I'm gonna do after getting it fixed is to upload all of the important things on google drive or dropbox or something, and make a redundant copy on my other external drives.

Yeeeah, I would've done that had I remembered to. Uploading it to cloud that is.

In any case, I might start drawing more HQQ fanart in the meantime. Suggest me races/individuals/scenes that I haven't drawn yet!
Our daughter in the healing tank with her new body?
>Suggest me races/individuals/scenes that I haven't drawn yet!
Oh shit time to drag out my list of 1000+ scenarios.

But the first meeting of Queen and Lee, with the whole drawing the system and planet on the fungal cave floor, with the lighter too, that was really nice and comfy, and SFW.
Salty Obsidian Queen as her minions are foiled by that upstart yet again?

Fluffy speaker freaking out a Sikh spaceship Admiral on the joys of non-human nutrient paste while the ship command crew is trying not to notice.
I'd suggest a dropbox because it allows you to have more storage space I THINK then google and it dones't spy on you as often as Google does.

Also, Lee spilling his paste all over the floor when he has to do a speech for us.

DA loves sell outs and nudity, trust a man has been on that website for years and got banned 5 times for stupid shit.
He got a 10 year old account he doesn't want to get ding dong bannu.
Careful of Dropbox. They had a massive data theft recently where 60K+ accounts were hacked
He can just link adult content to a tumblr or art account somewhere else, right? Don't artists still do that or is even linking offsite to other art sites against "da rulez"?
Please IG, if you doing requests could you make one of a drone joyously calling out 'For Mother!'. I really want some art I can post when we roll high for Mother.
Tumblr might be a good place to try searching for commisions as well. Ton of artists there
You didn't notice how dropbox is now integrated into Android since a few years ago did you?
>high roll comes along
>17 instances of "For Mother!.pngif" blocked from reposting instantly

You don't get shiny shit on DA for having an old account and nudity isn't ban-able unless the terms recently got updated. in which case I need to re-read the rules.

Well atleast Samsung will sell our data for money, Not just spy on it for shits and giggles then hand it out for free.
Is QD dead?

Has he ever taken this long to set up a second thread before?
Yeah but you need an account proving you're over 18 to view anything with sexy bits these days. It's kind of a pain for those of us who just want to look at stuff and don't take offense to the odd pair of tits.
Patience, anon.
Just think, had you waited a moment longer, you'd have hit the jackpot. Instead, you made like bad programmer and suffered an off-by-one error.
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That sounds oddly like my own childhood, honestly. With a bit more Stargate mixed in.

I love the gif version of that.

>and SFW
uh... what else are you planning on asking for?

New thread's up!
Shhh, Mother lives anon. Just wait.

Its his page, his call i dig the artwork tho If i was employed, I would hit him up currently. Been needing a new picture for something.
Right, putting these into the txt list of HQQ deliveries to be made:

Vaughn, Daughter of the Hive

The Lighter Handoff

Obsidian Queen Pours Too Much Salt

Speaker High on Warp feat. Yogesh

Oh Joyous Drone!

and also the Phantoms, I'd imagine them being kinda insectoidish but with arms longer than their feet, right?
Doing God's work here
Think Sabulba from Star wars. Similar general body plan. Also if you have any questions about anything I'm always up to talk on twitter.
Actually the Phantoms come across as mostly mamillian with the odd reptilian trait to me. You can always just ask QD when you get the chance, of course.
fucking radical
>these days

But that changed. A while ago.

I'm no good at drawing, but there is something I can contribute here. I'll post it before the next thread is over.
About that...


Hope you change your password at least once a year.
What are they gonna steal from me? DnD books? lol.

Fuckkkk, I should do that tonight.

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