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EDH/Commander General

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Thread replies: 335
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Can't be worse than the last few edition.

Old thread: >>49000680


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Thread topic: does Serra Ascendant make mono-white a good color for commander?
How about instead of that thread topic we discuss how to build the best possible mono white deck
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It is my honest opinion that cards like Serra Ascendant, Sorin Markov and Magister Sphinx should either be banned, or have new oracle rulings that are more in line with newer things like Blood Baron Vizkopa (10 less/more than starting life total).

Also ban Sol Ring already.
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Serra Ascendant can just be countered by Mental Misstep, it's clearly very weak.
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Blood Baron Vizkopa is 30/10. It is not the right example. Anya is the proper template.

Ban sol ring sure, but I think those other cards are all fine, hardly see anybody play them anyway

Like I get that the weren't designed with 40 life in mind, but if it ain't broke don't fix it

I could see Serra ascendant being a problem in medium to low power metas though
It's literally just a vanilla 6/6 flying lifelink, it should never be a problem.
In my mind it's not so much a power level issue as it is an obvious "this ruling assumed a 20 life format" issue. It's also ridiculous that the esper combo deck gets to take the brunt of the aggro/midrange deck's assault, wrath the table and ping someone for 30 damage by reanimating a Magister Sphinx. That card would be decent enough and playable in the right shell even if it only brought people down to "half his or her starting life total".
D&T, singleton edition.
Plus that would also make it better at playing a defensive role. You're down low? Magister Sphinx yourself back up to 20. It just feels more logical that way. It would be a buff under certain circumstances but at least the card would work more like it's supposed to, instead of being a "target opponent loses 30 life on ETB".

Serra Ascendant would become weak shit that only goes in lifegain decks, which is what Serra Ascendant was supposed to be in the first place.

I still don't think magister Sphinx is an attractive option as is, you need to be pretty aggro to take advantage of it, otherwise it's not as good as other splashy big creatures

The only problem with your idea is that it's shitty for people, especially noobs to have cards that don't do what they say they do

And I think that outweighs any positives of the cards playing like they were designed to play
It's not the scariest card in a Sharuum list but it's certainly one of the most annoying ones. Gruul / Boros decks have to actually work to get people down to 10, then the Sharuum player does the same AND generates a 5/5 flying just with his commander's ETB, only reminding everyone else that they're retards for trying to play decks that rely on the combat phase.

It presents no real balance issues but it "feels bad", and if I learned anything of the chucklefucks forming the rules committee, it's that they base all their decisions on what "feels" right, so this calls for either a ban or (much preferably) an oracle ruling.

EDH isn't broken because of these cards, they're just highly annoying and so very obviously not working as intended.
This thread seems off to a decent enough start to post this.


I ordered this deck a couple days ago, and it seems like it's off to a pretty good start, but I feel like it needs a bit of a tune-up, anyone got any suggestions or know other things I just outright missed?
Fair enough. I also hate when cards don't do what they say. And it would suck for a bright-eyed new player to spend 10$+ on a Serra Ascendant or Sphinx only to be told "Um actually it doesn't work that way."
yes and lightning bolt should do 6 damage to players, and blaze should do XX damage to players instead of just X, and healing salve should heal 6 damage, and
How do you personally make proxies? I'm wondering because I want to draw some cards on paper and put it in a sleeve over a basic land, due to my intense desire to make a tron deck and my intense lack of money
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I want to capitalize on Surrak Dragonclaw by using exclusively creatures (and lands).
I'll need ramp, removal, and most importantly card draw.
What are the best of those in RUG creatures?

Also, other recommendations?
Primal Surge?
Creatures that have ETB efects, Landfall, flickers, land ramp, etc.
If I'm proxying a whole deck to test, I print out pages of card images in black and white, cut them out, and sleeve them in front of one of my existing decks for a few days. If I'm only missing a couple cards in a deck I just tear off a piece of paper and write the name, cost, and rules text on it and sleeve that in front of a basic land or something.

I just color print out roughly same sized pictures of the cards and slide those in front of basic lands with sleeve

It's pretty easy but even that much effort isn't necessary if you don't care about aesthetics at all, you can just write the name of the card on a basic or a slip of paper in front of a basic
Yeah, I'll make an exception and have that as the only non-creature spell.

I know that, I was asking about specifics. I know of elves that drop lands and I know of Mulldrifter but I was wondering about other good draw engines and stuff.
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Wood elves, Sakura tribe elder, birds of paradise

flame tongue kavu, venser shaper savant, Rec sage

Mulldrifter, zegana, fathom Mage
Don't forget to have some way to deal with a Torpor Orb or Hushwing Gryff.

Go into more detail, it seems like a fine argument, why is it a false equivalence?

Every card that deals with lifegain damage or life loss was designed with 20 life in mind
It is my honest opinion that you are a whiny baby with poopy diapers that need changing

I partially agree with you about sol ring

Caustic caterpillar is okay
Well, bolt can also hit creatures.

I do wonder why people don't mention Elderscale Wurm in these arguments though. Do people feel as strongly that it should stop damage taking you below 14?

Good call
Seems like a good choice. Thank you!
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Anyone got a good Geist voltron list?
I think at that point it becomes a matter of perception. Elderscale Wurm still feels like it's working as intended. A card like Worldfire (though it's banned) still feels like it's working as intended, no one would argue that it needs to put people at 2.

When you look at cards like Ascendant and Magister Sphinx though, it gets more subjective. Ascendant, read as is, is active at 30 life. One side says that's working as intended in EDH, another side says it's supposed to get bigger when you gain life and shouldn't be active without lifegain support (eg. the way it was designed for 20-life formats). Magister Sphinx puts people at 10 life in either format, techincally "working as intended". In one format it pings someone for 10, in another it pings for 30. Huge difference. Triple the life lost on ETB on a full-life player. So some players say it doesn't work as intended.

So in the end, this topic is really fucking subjective. None of the cards discussed are broken though so it just gets swept under the rug with a shrug and a git gud.
so it's subjective about how Ascendant and Sphinx works (X number vs. half your starting life total) but not about how Elderscale works (it's 7 life, hardstop)

People constantly complain about these fucking cards and yet you hardly every see them used. Ascendant goes from unusable to barely playable in EDH (it's a t1-3 6/6 flyig lifelink, t4+ it's a 1/1 lifelink). Sphinx goes from niche playability (halve your opponent's lifetotal, but can never kill them) to dangerous but also painting a massive target on your head (deal 30 damage to target player). By the time you can cast Sphinx you could be dropping Omniscience or Tooth and Nail or Mind over Matter combo or literally any other combo that wins the god damn game instead of just fucking over one player and making everyone hate you.

Actually people play Serra ascendant in martyr of sands mono white modern decks
is there anything good to do with iname as one? i have one and i kind of want to play it just because its so stupidly expensive, but it just doesn't really seem worth it in any scenario...
well I learned something today

I'm happy that stupid motherfucker actually gets played

It's not an amazing deck but it's pretty cute when it works

Iname death aspect is significantly better even if you ignore the difference in mana cost

Honestly I agree that Serra ascendant isn't that amazing but this meme that it becomes a 1/1 later in the game is ludicrous as fuck, if you drop it turn 1 you likely gain 6-12 life with it before it's removed depending on whether you're able to get some political swings in

It's not hard to remove but it's almost never going to be less than a 6/6, much more likely that it dies than it is you go below 30 life with it out

Honestly since when do people go below 30 life anyway? Only when they lose the game
Ban Deadeye "goes infinite as soon as it resolves" Navigator

That's not how deadeye works though, you're thinking of palinchron
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anyone ever used tetsuo?
It's a meh card with a few strong interactions. Brago is much worse, but even he's fine.
You're being dishonesty here. While I agree that it's banworthy, it certainly has more than just "a few" strong interactions. Deadeye combos with everything. It doesn't go infinite with everything but it provides crazy value with 75%+ of the UG staple creatures worth playing in this format.
I'm too drunk to type, let me start over.

You're being dishonest here. While I agree that it isn't banworthy*
But he's six mana, eight if you want to use him the turn he comes. There are lots of more powerful 8 mana creatures out there, that require half as much setup.
>Brago more broken than deadeye
dude fucking what
like 8 mana matters in UG
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Any ideas on what cool stuff can I make for it to be both fun and efficient/semi-competitive. This is Bant enchantress with Jenara so far, but I am considering throwing blue away and making it Sigarda enchantress instead.
DEN is one of those creatures that can completely take over a game when paired with almost anything, IF the game goes long and you have the mana necessary to start leveraging it properly. It doesn't require a ton of setup, just a lot of mana and any creature with a decent ETB. If you compare it to something like Brago, you come to the conclusion that though Brago is a much better card, it doesn't take over the late-game as efficiently and with as little setup as DEN, because it has to jump through more hoops.
I've looked through every commander at edhrec and I just can't find a commander that screams choose me. I love synergy and VALUE, any tips?
DEN's just a lot better in longer, grindier games. Which is why everyone should play stax or run plenty of MLD to make sure nothing can happen even in the late game. I'm not being facetious, fuck ramp and fuck your lands and fuck your DEN, if someone gets 6+ mana at my table I deserve to lose.
Karador is pretty much as good as it gets if you just have a boner for the concept of VALUE.
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Teysa the Scion. She's all about turbo charging your creatures with value and running synergy. She's not even that token heavy - all token producers are value creatures. That's my list for reference, I think it's pretty tight, although some cards are sub-optimal for flavour reasons.

The Azami Wizard deck has fantastic value and synergy. I hope you like Islands.
>It doesn't require a ton of setup, just a lot of mana and any creature with a decent ETB.
I agree with you in general, but this is one of those things that bothers me. On a normal curve you can drop brago, flicker various permanents, and win the game. DEN requires a high value creature to hit the battlefield AND survive a turn before you drop DEN and spend 8 mana flickering it, just to get the ETB once. That's no different, in my opinion, from having Xenagos on the battlefield, casting Malignus. and using a Vines of Vastwood. 8 mana in any deck should win you the game, particularly if it requires invested resources before hand. I just find dead eye underwhelming in general unless you hit one of his combo pieces. If you have good ETB creatures in UW that win the game with two ETBs, let me know and I'll start using them.
1. You talk like Brago just wins as soon as you cast him. You need to attack with him, connect with an opponent, and then have other things that provide decent value when flickered. That's more setup required than "you can drop Brago and win the game".

2. Malignus, Vines and Xenagos is a 3-cards combo that MAYBE kills one opponent if no interaction happens.

3. If you have 8 mana, cast a DEN and the soulbond trigger resolves, you'd normally keep up the remaining 2 mana as protection from spot removal until you can go crazy on your following turn. There are few cards that will straight up win the game from a single flicker, but you can't ignore that if DEN survives, it lets you flicker a whole fucking lot more than a meager two times. And it's not all that hard to protect the DEN even with soulbond on the stack, if you have the mana: beyond the usual counterspells you'd usually run, any flash creature or token producer can let you bond and flicker the DEN in response to spot removal used in response to soulbond. DEN's ceiling is equal to how much mana you have available, it's a fucking beating in the late game and a huge stall-breaker because when everyone's engaging in the cold war antics that define this faggot format (sitting back and preparing some big plays that will BTFO everyone else), a competent player with a DEN can usually work the situation to his advantage.

Basically, DEN is a broken card only in those games that go long enough for mana to no longer be an issue, and it tends to be better than other big mana cards in those circumstance. If the game goes on to turn 9 then fuck yes DEN is scarier than Emrakul or whatever the fuck else you can think of. This is a symptom of EDH being a retarded format where games go on forever more than it is one of DEN being broken. In a high-powered meta with no excessive durdling, Brago or Palinchron would typically be scarier cards for their ability to take over / combo off much earlier.
Fair enough, that is a reasonable opinion.
Why the fuck has everyone in these threads worshipping STAX as the best archetype to exist? Is it REALLY that fun to lock people out of the game aND watch them scoop? Why even play EDH, much less Magic if your only goal is to make sure no one else is going to play? I can see it in high powered metas but do you need to lock out Timmy's Crawford Wurm deck? And don't tell me about getting good, I'm fine thank you.
Same anon here.
I'm bored and I have 17 more pieces of paper. Recommend me some Commanders to redraw. Quality not guaranteed
The only deck archetype anyone should worship is Skithiryx Infect
Or Ruric Thar Stax.
So basically, DEN is broken for the same reason Rhystic Study is broken: because EDH is a dumb format played mostly by retards?
A lot of people play in competitive meta. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing games where everyone is nice and just playing fun cards. But in a meta with infect Rhys,Marchesa, infinite turns Jeleva and Maelstrom Wanderer - fuck yes I will be playing Mindslaver locks and Darkest Hours combo.
Shut the fuck up, (YOU) faggots sitting are getting just as bad.
Anafenza hatebears. With MLD.
>So basically, DEN is broken for the same reason Rhystic Study is broken

rhystic study isn't broken though, just demand the person playing it not to draw any cards on your spells and you're set
Any ideas?
You funny. Me like you.
>rhystic study isn't broken
No, but it's really fucking annoying.
It's really hard to beat someone casting 15+ mana worth of UGx spells every turn unless you are yourself casting 16+ mana worth of UGx spells every turn, which feeds into the endless UGx big mana arms race that only stops when one brave player takes it upon themselves to become the stax player the format needs (not the one it wants) and makes sure no one has any mana anymore and things can be, if not fun, then at least reasonable again.
We post on 4chan anon, most of these people are edgy summer time retards who think the pinnacle of skill is making people mad during their hobbies.
Also, this.

>One-turn combo kills made of 3-4 parts that you have to protect and assemble
>"lol you're so tryhard, this isn't fun"

>Control lock or Slaver
>"haha so unfun, blue players are the worst"

>Disgusting ramp into voltron commander and cast shitlots of haste fatties with nigh infinite mana
>"This is perfectly fair! I don't deserve to get shat on, this is what magic is about!"
>Proceed to whine and shit himself when someone stax/MLD to stop him
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Did someone say ramp into Voltron?

Did someone say "Best commander"?

Did someone say "Battlecruiser Magic only Final Destination"?
>play a spell, ask if it resolves, everyone shrugs including the rhystic study player
>go through my turn, pass to next player
>Rhystic Study player, one minute later, goes "Oh, did you pay 1 extra for that spell?"
>"No, I did not."
>he moves to draw
>tell him that he can't because he forgot his trigger and that was like two minutes ago
>he argues that I'm the one who forgot to pay and therefore he should be able to draw and he never fucking lets go until the table agrees to let him have his card
Why are rhystic study players such fucking faggots, /edhg/? At least learn the rules of the fucking cards you're playing.
Meren of clan nel Toth

We had this same discussion in our playgroup, I had to lay down the law

Rhystic study is just a feelbad card all around, probably my least favorite card ever

To be fair though, sometimes people were in the habit of racing through their turn with no regard for Rhystic study, so it's not 100% on the Rhystic study player in all cases, but definitely in the situation you described where the Rhystic study player actively passes priority after your spell
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Two classic asshole commanders just for you guys
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Anyone ever built around Hellkite Tyrant? What are some good artifact generators in WBR colors? I'm in the mood for a fun, janky deck
I dunno. Usually I finish games with Azami at abput 15-25 life.

Resistance is still futile tho.
My Ephara deck very often ends the game at <10 life. It usually goes
>I'm going to take a huge chunk of damage this turn if I do nothing, but I won't die
>ok, cast Ephara, take the turn off, hope for the best
>I survive, Ephara survives, I start taking over
stuff that makes clue tokens might work.
What is /tg/'s favourite build of Oloro? I can't decide what to do with him, although I'm leaning towards esper stax.
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So I was here the other day asking advice on my Athreos commander. Here's a list, taking suggestions, criticisms, et cetera:


Artifact tokens is the right idea, clue tokens are easy to make but also it's easy to make a million thopters or myr

I also think you want Vedalken orrery otherwise tyrant will never live long enough to trigger

Lightning greaves and Swiftfoot boots are also a must
Please rate my deck? I don't know why it keeps getting ignored. :(

Uril the Miststalker AKA "enchant me, it really doesn't matter what"
>driend is priding himself on having made a 5 color superfriends deck with doubling season added to it

I want to shatter his dreams, other than thief of blood what are some counter stealing cards?
I wouldn't say it was "around" Hellkite Tyrant, but Hellkite Tyrant is a wincon in my Riku Investigate deck.
Casting Second Harvest four times in a row with Reverberate and two Riku triggers was probably my best memory of that deck. It's a joke/gimmick/amusing experiment deck at best.

Isamaru really needs good equipment, you're missing all the swords of X and y and the jitte

I realize you to probably won't get those for budget reasons though
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I can give you a hint

Enchantress is pure value

>I cast seal of primordium for 1 mana, I gain 1 life and draw 2 cards, I destroy your mana rock, draw another card
>end of turn I discard 5 auras to hand size
>next turn I cast Uril and replenish :^)
You got that right. Otherwise, decent? Just dunno if it'll do better in 1 on 1 or multiplayer
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How are those investments in painted cardboard working out?
Who the hell invests in MtG cards as anything greater than immediate reselling? Nobody would resell a card that's about to be reprinted.
"Investing" in anything that isn't on the reserve list is stupid.

Not that investing in reserve list cards is all that intelligent either.
>burgeoning's getting a reprint
>investfags getting blown the fuck out again
I'm happy with every part of this.
>every green deck will now run burgeoning
Wait I take that back I hate everything about this.
I'm going to bed I'll be back to check suggestions in the morning. Goodnight /tg/, you glorious faggots
If you're still around, you should totally do Kokusho.
Just play more Wildfire effects

Pretty sure I got mine for like $12

So it looks like I paid $8 to not have the fuck ugly m15 border

Worth it
>no punctuation
Disregard this opinion, it is that of a faggots.

Punctuation is for fags
There is no better feeling than suspending both Worldfire and Emrakul with Jhoira
No, but you're consistently a fag, and your lack of punctuation makes it pretty obvious when you're posting.

Ps your comma should be a semicolon, or better yet take it out and put "because"
idk what ur tryin to splain her m8e but tis aint fuckin lelddit ok :^)

Honestly don't know why you think I'm a fag just because I disagree with you, I haven't been rude to you and I don't try to start arguments with you, you're the one who's always calling me retarded and what not

Why don't you talk about it? Nobody in these threads wants to read more arguments between us so why don't you explain just what the fuck your problem with me is
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>dropping Scroll Rack on turn 1
>mfw sculpting my hand on all of my turns
Sweet Christ this card is DISGUSTING
>exclusively creatures and lands
Boy, do I have a friend for you!

You guys see anything particularly 'wrong' with this?

Chandra is shit, the only good ability is the copy but why pay 4 to copy a spell when you could pay 2 for fork and what not?
Suspending banned cards doesn't make them legal anon.
Scroll Rack is for tryhards and faggots.

So it's perfect for people like me. Time to make the most horrific Jin-Gitaxias list I can manage.
Shes also all about boob window.
Faggot retard detected, go back to the modern thread

Your punctuation is all wrong
>Have had a burgeoning for years
>Don't care about the price drop because I play my cards instead of pretend stocks with them
Feels good, man.

What if you died right now?

When your parents tried to sell your collection it would be totally devalued by like 10 dollars!!!!
Melek needs that shit tho

And it's fun as fuck to dig and sculpt your hand like that
Hardcasting a 10 mana mono blue creature to answer a cmc2 artifact
Wew lad
Show me on the doll where the bad scroll touched you
Nah nigga I'm jamming that shit in there along with Mind Over Matter and Countertop. I'm running the Jin-Gitaxias list, not using it to counter Scroll Rack.

If I wanted to get rid of Scroll Rack I'd play literally any deck besides Jin-Gitaxias.
Nah. Looks like a Jeleva list, alright.
Only one that comes to mind is Vampire Hexmage.

You really wanna shit on his dreams tho? Blood Moon.
Ideas for Oloro? Also can someone review my Phelddagrif list?
yall forgot hex parasite
and aether snap
Blood Moon
Magus of the Moon
Back to Basics
Ravages of War
Wasteland/Strip Mine + Crucible of Worlds + Exploration
Winter Orb
>ideas for oloro
Don't. Best idea ever.

Veteran Explorer
Noble Benefactor
Indentured Djinn
Charmed Griffin
Tempt with Reflections
Mikokoro, Center of the Sea
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Should I get a Blightsteel for my artifacts.dec?
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I'm not concerned.
If you enjoy being the same as everyone else, yes.
>he doesn't cast Worst Fears into Duress to dump Bribery into his own Memory Plunder to steal his own Bribery and then to fetch out Blightsteel from his own deck and give it to his opponent
Pulled a Marchesa tonight. How do I build her? WBR goodstuff? Slight voltron with shit like Tenza?
I mean Myr Battlesphere is p cool, but I usually can't close out the game with him, even if I do power him out t3 or 4. I kinda want something more impactful to win the game with, ya dig? I'm open to other wincons if your suggesting.
stax or
>WBR goodstuff
Alesha who smiles at death
I think she works best in a token build. WBR doesn't have great evasion other than some flying, so go wide

A lot of my red tokens will be going into the new Grenzo, but I have most of an Alesha deck together still. That was mostly tokens
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Bribery and Acquire both hit Blightsteel, it's pretty reliable.
Depends on the commander
It's Mishra.
Colossus of Akros is pretty awesome
needs some mana to become a real threat, but still does lot's work protecting you when he hits the field
Post the decklist m8, I'll try to help ya.
Would you rather use Elspeth Sun's Champion or Sorin Lord of Innistrad with Alesha? They're somewhat similar.
Give me a minute-- gotta put it on tappedout first.
Both? If I had to choose, Elspeth because she wraths over your board
I don't really feel like adding the landbase-- kind of irrelevant.
36 land may be low for your curve, especially with as little artifact ramp as you have.
Cut out the "vow" enchantments, unless they're pet cards of yours. Silent arbiter is a strong choice, I like him more than crawlspace in your scenario, considering he can recur with your commanders ability. Maybe run creatures like merciless executioner (fleshbag #2) and royal assassin. Maybe run Darksteel mutation or nevermore to shutdown an opponents commander. All ideas! Run the new orzhov Ghostbuster walker too when you get the chance.
Funnest deck you own/have played?

Nevermind this cutthroat competitive shit. Love me some fun crazy decks.
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Aboshan Cephalid Emperor, Cephalid tribal

I use pic related to tap opponents crap with their permission, of course!

You know a deck is crazy when you have props.

Also, I love my kraj deck. It's beautifully extended art painted by my girlfriend only adds to the comfiness of playing the most Simic-y durdly crab-fish-shark-ooze-mutant deck around. It's just nice not being targeted immediately and throwing +1/+1 counters around you know.
I go under 10 usually, depending on the deck. If I play Necropotence or Ad Nauseam, I'm going low, sometimes I just face a lot of resistance. And/or take bunch of damage from my own sources, such as Sulfuric Vortex.
Who should I use for (mostly) rogue tribal to abuse Notorious Throng? I'm thinking Edric since he's a rogue, but Leovold might be good for it, too.
Depends on the situation. It's the Study's controller's trigger, so they have to remember it. If the spell has already resolved, it's too late, but then again, some people just rush and don't even wait responses to the spells they cast, one guy actually had vomited his hand all over the table before I had the time to counter his Sol Ring.
ALWAYS wait for responses and pass priority accordingly.
>Just got a Show and Tell from FNM conspiracy
What kind of EDH deck would it go well in, and with what commander?
Jhoira. You know what the deck is.

I don't because I just started playing when Shadows of Innistrad came out. I didn't even have an EDH deck until 2 weeks ago.
Then you should probably sell the Show and Tell before the price drops and buy some cards for the deck you have.

Won't it go up after Conspiracy stops printing?
As the other guy said Jhoira eldrazi, chances are your fatty is as big as their fatty

Jhoira+Eldrazi+board wipes+counterspells

Suspend a board wipe and a fatty, trigger boardwipe then have a fatty on annopen board, repeat till you win

Problem is unless you are playing against people who have never played edh before the entire group will try to kill you before turn 5-6 soon before you have even finished shuffling
Its hit and miss in edh, you have to hope they dont have a game winner in their hand when you play it
CN2 is not a limited print, it was expensive because it only had 1 printing now it has 2 and 1 is an overprinted set, its already dropped from $55 to $28 this week
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No, Conspiracy has a large print run, and all the cards are up a little due to hype. Then again, I just checked the price and it's only $20, so if you like it, hold on to it.

This is Jhoira. The deck involves suspending a board wipe like Apocalypse, Decree of Annihilation, Obliterate etc, then suspending fuckhuge creatures so that you get them after everyone's stuff is gone.
What foil swamps should I use for my pimped the fuck out macar edh deck? Should I use Theros ones since that's where he's from or the more castley looking ones from the ravnica sets because he's a king? Or is there any sort of golden looking swamps that I'm not aware of?
the Unglued and Unhinged ones, and the European and Asian versions.

and snow-covered swamps
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Bfz full art foil
>the new card frame on fullarts
Just get the ZEN ones.
Sounds sweet. Mind sharing your list?
If you want more voltron, less general effects enchantments, then yeah drop blue and go Sigarda so that way the general is protected two ways, and the commander damage is easier to obtain.

As for more enchantments, for your CURRENT build:
Finest Hour
Alexei's Cloak
Nylea, God of the Hunt for trample
True Conviction for that sweet sweet double striking low swinging chariot
Robe of Mirrors

My Jenara deck is built around: Shroud General, use serra sanctum and enchants to make tons of white mana, then start swinging for general damage.

I USED to have a Sigarda deck, but my meta was too fast for it to be effective, because she costs 5 to get out, and even then, she is vanilla until you untap with her assuming your group doesnt board wipe or get -1/-1 counter crazy with BSZ.

Depends on your meta, but thats the best info I can give ya right now.
Yeah I get what you're saying. Your deck looks technically very good, but lacking in beaters. I take back what I said, you might want to add blightsteel. You seem to be running a lot of cost reduction and rocks, so if I were you I might take one out for Master Transmuter or Metalworker. I think also your removal suite could be improved more. Maybe part of why you're not winning is because you are spending too much time trying to play your deck for what it does and not enough time responding to threats, but thats just a guess.
someone in my group plays this guy

any cool counterplays to when he drops down game-ending spells? should i just try to kill jhoira and then smash his face if he still has stuff coming out of suspend?

the problem with that is that my group plays like total pussies so i tend to have to take care of immediate threats while they durdle and build their dumb board states, which leads me to killing someone who is about to win the game and then dying immediately myself
why are you people so ridiculously bad at the game?
Eldrazi processors
as funny as that sounds i don't know if i want to run specific hate cards for this guy's 1 deck that he plays sometimes

i was mostly wondering how to deal with jhoira players with just normal cards. do i just smash their face early on every time until they stop playing jhoira or something?
this isn't a tryhard meta group btw, it's a casual one and he mostly plays stuff like "take two extra turns" and "heres a really big guy with a big power"
Elesh Norn/New Odric with equipments, soldiers/human token swarm!
You sound like me. Answering opponents is suffering
Don't forget Kormus Bell and Urborg!
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>tfw trying to optimize a timmy deck and need to cut a few of the big creatures

but theyre my babies
I tried the same thing with Ruric That and the deck was just a hot mess, although since you'll be playing blue as well your build should be better.

The thing I learned to remember when playing the deck is to never commit more creatures to the board than you are ok with losing, since wraths are so common. Maybe that's just my playgroup though
You'll want to have greater good in it.
For the greater good of it all ofc.
are tutors worth it if you're not playing combo or relying on specific creatures? i'm thinking i should take out the creature tutors in my xenagos deck and just put in more draw. i put in the creature tutors after my friend traumatized me when he took control of my commander and i didn't draw an answer to that in 7 turns, but now i'm thinking that these shitty creature tutors just slow down the deck. it doesn't help that most of my current tutors put the card on top of the library instead of in my hand
Tutors might be a bit too slow for Xenagos to use effectively, I think with RG you want to put those creatures into play directly; try playing cards like tooth and nail/lurking predators/see the unwritten.
yeah i knew about those first two but i'm trying to keep the deck power level (budget) somewhat low for my group. but the last one seems cheap and good and synergizes well with the rest of the deck, thanks

i'm having a hard time justifying blowing some more money on this deck considering i've only had like 3 sessions total with it, and i don't want to proxy cards either aaaaaaaaaaa
What's your playgroup like? Depending on the other decks there may be good options to explore.
Tutors are always worth it.
I want to build Ruric Thar deck with only creatures + Primal Surgeon. How viable is this and what creatures do I need to cover all my bases aka removal, ramp, protection/bounce, card draw, etc. Not really used to building R/G, so I'm not sure where to start...

there's like 8 guys and they all have various decks so it's too varied to have a "meta", but the overall budget range is around 100-150. my deck is around 120 bucks right now. but generally speaking my biggest problems have been speed, survivability and finally the whole "having answers" thing.
Edric would be ideal, since it plays into his strategy of playing small but evasive dudes. Leovold might be alright, especially considering that you could throw in edric and black sygg.

Overall, you want to just gear your deck to evasion.

EDHREC is a good resource for finding a starting point on deck construction. Generally good includes are creatures with impactful ETB triggers, so look at things like avenger of zendikar, acidic slime, etc.

What are the commanders of your playgroup? Also, do you have a deck list for your deck?
Question for everyone:

How do you go about managing your decks and card inventories? Do you own multiple copies of cards to go into multiple decks, or do you own one copy of every card that you use?

I'm asking because I'd rather not need to buy multiple copies of expensive cards.
>What are the commanders of your playgroup?

ok here's some of them

the big gruul guy who discards lands
the flying guy who forces players to reveal hands
olivia, mobilized for war
that voltron guy who attacks players randomly

and a bunch others i don't recall off the top of my head

here's my deck (if i remember it right), i've been posting it here in the past too.
i'm probably gonna proxy any extra sol rings i buy

Karador heading Kamigawa spirit tribal.
I have separate copies of cards in my decks, if I don't have more than one, I'll decide that which deck needs it the most and decide by that. Only proxies I run is a single Kiki-Jiki and few lands in my Gitrog, such as Temple of m'lady, the checkland and one tapland. I think I also have proxied RW shock for Stoutarm by scratching the blue symbol from the Jeskai monastery tapland and adding the untap clause.
I never proxy expensive cards, only those I can't find or can't get, I proxied the Kiki after I gave my second to my wife, still have one tho.
I think that your tutor is fine, especially considering that you have a few other ways to grab creatures out of your deck, but if you wanted to go the route of finding creatures off the top, then you'd definitely need to cut down on some of the card draw and bumping up the creature count.
Be a true timmy and cut lands instead.
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Where the fuck am I going to get 59 Shadowborn Apostles?
Start buying M14 boxes
I actually have one one hand, but no one will fucking draft it with me.
>Silent arbiter and merciless executioner are both nice, and will probably replace the Vows. I'll probably get the new Walker when the price drops in a few months hopefully
I have a pillowefort/voltron/spirit tribal if you're interested. I won't be home for another 9ish hours or so though. If the thread is still up and you're interested I'll post it then.
They aren't worth it anon. It's a neat idea, but the deck will be incredibly boring after the first couple games. Especially for $1.50 an Apostle.
Mono-black storm is fun, though.
There's no ask a judge thread, so...

MtG question. If my general (in Commander) has Sword of the Animist and Armored Ascension attached to him, when he attacks, will he get the additional +1/+1 from the land that pops out before blockers are declared?

I need to know, for reasons.
If it's a Plains.
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finally proper(not renamed from old edition) horror tribal is possible!

are your minds ready?
>horror tribal
>without U

Try again
U stands for Blue because B is used for Black.
yeah its sad its not "U" but at least its the first legendary horror
freed from the real lets you do just about everything you want to do and is cheap
Gallowbraid and Morinfen would like to have a word with you
>Gallowbraid and Morinfen
>finally proper(not renamed from old edition) horror

summon =|= horror
If Kraj was out and Thrun the last troll had a 1/1 counter on it, would Kraj gain the ability to regenerate himself, or would it only apply to Thrun?
I think it would only apply to Thrun, but you would be able to regenerate Thrun with Kraj.
Here's your rare draft list for Conspiracy 2: cards worth more than a booster pack.
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+1/+1 counters on not just your creatures!
Kraj doesn't have a ruling on his gatherer page, but it's the same as Dark Imposter or Necrotic Ooze:
If an activated ability references a card by name, threat Experiment Kraj's version of that ability as though it referenced Experiment Kraj by name instead.
Lattice + March of the Machines turns Kraj into a planeswalker with every loyalty ability ever printed
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Post your decks /tg/

Right because conspiracy dropped the price of so many of these cards

Am I supposed to be bothered by this?
How the fuck do I play Dralnu? Never played spellslinging before, so any help or primer you liked is appreciated.
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I want to run this motherfucker, any suggestions or good decklists?
He's much better as one of the 99 in Ayli or Teysa.
Counter bounce and murder your way into the ever-popular CoffersUrborgExsanguinate combo
Yeah but then it's not a deck commanded by a vampire judge
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Considering I'm sitting on 20 fat pack land packs from Oath, pretty alright

Persist and undying creatures would be cool
I got a Sorin, the new one in a trade, is it good to feed Vish Kal tokens to swing hard into people? Then purge some creatures by feeding him too? Persist/Undying lets me sac and bring them back anyway, that's good.

Blade of the bloodchief

Vish Kal definitely seems to want a tokens theme, which is good for white black and good with other sac effects too

I also recommend the karmic guide reveillark combo because you have a sac outlet in the command zone and they are both just really good cards in general

Also even without another creature in the mix the combo + your commander would make your commander infinitely big so you could one hit kill people

You could also do like an angel of glory's rise type deal with a bunch of little humans you sac to Vish Kal

The new sorin doesn't make tokens I thought? He draws and life steals?
He makes vamp tokens for the ultimate
put him in the 99 of an abzan aristocrats shell and see magic unfold
How does Karmic Guide Reveillark work exactly, I think I'm missing the forest for the trees.
>play Karmic and reanimate something
>play lark
>sac guide, sac lark
>lark triggers target guide + something else
>guide + someting else come back, guide's etb targeting lark which also comes back
>sac guide, sac lark
>rinse repeat
Is it possible to make an elves & goblins deck? I was thinking about running Uril, making 10 billion tokens to clog up the board and provide protection for Uril, before dropping him and shotgunning a player. In theory craft, it seems like it could work, but I've never built a deck with a low average CMC before, so I'm not sure if it will be hilariously weak without Uril in it.
>I'll probably get the new Walker when the price drops in a few months hopefully

Dude she's like 10 dollars. If you get her in a month she might be 7-8 due to the insane value in the set, but still.
Ah, there's the order that makes sense. Thanks anon. Any other fun White/Black combos?
Wrong, it only checks cards that are on the field at the time, along with +1/+1 counter, not any kind of counter
Whoops, you're right. Still, you can give Kraj planeswalker abilities with that combo by putting+1/+1 counters on them
I made walker control with a lot of global destruction, it was super fun!
you're splitting your tribal alongside trying to play voltron. Sounds retarded fampai
Play a jund commander or something. Why would you even play Uril for this.
World Breaker is a pretty good one.
Fair enough, I just wanted Uril to be more than a oneshot machine, and I have a fuckload of decent goblins/elves.

>implying there is a worthwhile jund commander that isn't a dragon tribal or prosh
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Ramirez de Pietro

any thoughts on how I could improve/touch up my Kraj deck? (without going too far into tryhard territory, my meta is pretty chill)
Thoughts on grixis affinity/artifact aggro? Get a plating, copy it a couple times and smash faces. I think it could be a fun casual deck
Yup. Can you use them more than once then?
get a cyclonic rift

and scavenging ooze/voidslime/slime molding for flavor
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Scavenging Ooze is overrated, don't play it
>jee, I wonder who. . .
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What this guy said. It's pretty bad in every deck possible, you should just skip it
Training Grounds should be in there.
Umbral Mantle also seems like a no-brainer.
Triskelion is a good win con for this deck once the kraj shenanigans really start flowing.
Nope, loyalty abilities of a card may only be played once per turn.

that's an older listing of my current deck. Jodah's Avenger will win you more games than you'd ever believe.
That is some ghost pepper level of spice right there.
That deck has gone from the jankiest shit to a very competitive EDH deck in the span of time since I've built it. The Avenger kill is one of my favs. "I'll hit you with a 12/1 Double Strike Shadow".
are there any other fun budget options for cheating fatties into play? red/green colors, please!

so far i've got

>Lurking Predators
>Green Sun's Zenith
>Genesis Wave
>Elvish Piper
>See the Unwritten

would like, but can't really afford

>sneak attack
>tooth and nail
Can someone explain to me what archetypes beat which other archetypes? Like, Voltron verus Control versus Aggro versus Stax vs etc? And explain why? Or at the least, can someone point me to a guide that describes each style and their strengths and weaknesses? Thanks.
Summoning Trap, Killer Instinct, Impromptu Raid and Quicksilver Amulet come to my mind
Selvala's Stampede seems okay.

I myself run a XenaGod deck. I do have a bunch of tips for your deck, however I have to leave now. I will However leave a comment on it later when I return
i kind of want to make a deck that runs a shitload of these "put the top card of your library onto the battlefield if it's a creature" and just fill the board with tons of creatures every turn, no idea if it would be any effective though
Mayael.dek basically?
Is Countertop worth a fuck in EDH?
Short answer: no
Alright. I didn't think so, but I figured I'd ask anyway in case I was wrong.
Phrophet is banned.
Wild Pair
Isn't a planeswalkers "+1: _____" type abilities loyalty abilities, not activated abilities?
I've never seen anything that explains which archetypes beat which, and, Well its not rock paper scissors, a Timmy Battlecruiser deck may be weak to stax, but it doesn't mean stax will win EVERY game.

And bump, I'd like to see someone create a diagram showing off what archetypes are strong against which/weak against which/ etc
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>pic related is my board state when my opponents scoop after a 2 hours game
the four seperate cards in the top right corner are my exile and under rhystic study and propaganda is a scroll rack

Loyalty abilities are a subset of activated abilities
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What even are all of the deck archetypes?

Timmy Battlecruiser

What am I missing?
>oh look, it's some idiot playing a shitty artifact deck that can't win unless someone scoops
You don't even have a playmat. Your land organization also bothers me, why the fuck did you pile all your enchantments in an unreadable mess, and how the fuck did you not draw something good with Arcanis after 2 hours?
I had no idea! Thanks!
Please god try to organize your boardstate man
>You don't even have a playmat
so what? I'm not planning on getting one either.
>why the fuck did you pile all your enchantments in an unreadable mess
they were organised at one point but this was 2 turns after an overloaded cyclonic rift hit the board and since I had infinite mana I just threw most of my hand no the board
>and how the fuck did you not draw something good with Arcanis after 2 hours?
I was playing against Azami wizard tribal/control and Anefenza Aristochrats and I had to handle their stuff while my threats were handled too. Also random chance, if I had drawn my Lattice it would've over way sooner. It just took my opponents some time to realize they can't win.
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>this guy
Anon, I disagree with you in so many different I'm going to summarize my contempt with a macro image.
>the city of me
I meant to say I disagree with you in so many different ways...
I honestly don't get what you're one about.
My lands were organized that way because I tapped them in that order btw.

No point of doing this with kraj, he only gets the abilities of creatures so you still have to make non creature permanents into creatures
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>itching to play edh
>decide to try stuff on xmage
>get into a game
>half an hour later start pulling off a really cool and interesting play that would give me lethal on a guy
>no wait, the client bugs out and i can't click on anything
>ok ok ok i'll reconnect i guess
>reconnect and it automatically conceded me

starting to remember why i don't like playing on xmage
If I explained everything wrong with what you've said, it would completely derail the thread into the depths of abyssal shitposting. To keep it simple, get a playmat, build your deck with more than one way to win, and organize your board better.
Oh, so you're just autistic. whatever then.
It's worth it to make an actual deck and okay with people in person. It's a very political format.
i do have an actual deck but no players to play with. and i'm too much of a dick to play with random people in real life
I may be autistic, but at least I'm not a smarmy douche who recently learned how to punctuate.

Obviously you do get what he's on about since you had to explain that there was a cyc rift and you just threw your hand on the table afterward

By the way that's a reasonable explanation and should be the end of the discussion
thank you for being a reasonable person.
Actually here's a pretty decent EDH primer including a small section on play style. Check out this link at section 2 in particular:
i will attack if you
>play artifacts
>play theros gods
>have a planeswalker as your general
>choose colors primarily as a way to dickwave your expensive cards
>complain whenever someone counters your spell, or otherwise don't get your way

feel free to add to the list
>Are my opponent
>I have a creature in play bigger than your creatures
There we go
Fuck people who have things bigger than my creatures.
You'll have to turn the permanent into a creature first in order for Kraj to use its ability, right?
Am I insane or is Palace Jailer pretty good?
>Try to play EDH with strangers
>They team up and kill you ASAP or "help" each other through the entire game.

How do you guys deal with this?

You're not insane, fiend hunter is a decent card and this is slightly less abusable and 1 more mana but it cantrips, and can even draw you more cards if things are going well that game

>didn't know we were playing archenemy, I've been forgetting to draw from my archenemy pile

Just call them out, they'll probably deny it but from then on they'll likely try to keep it fair so as to appear consistent with their denial
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I've got a good number of 'em made, but for my LGS's EDH pod we've made an agreement to try and bring decks who have everybody's fun in mind; so I've specified a 1,2,3, and 5 color deck to bring. And I'll be testing þe waters to see if I can't get a pass on an inktreader deck.

Tomorrow is Grenzo's debut.
Presently torn between Alesha, who I know and understand, and Queen Marchesa who is much more up in the air at present.
doesn't the card stay exiled if Jailer dies before someone else becomes the monarch?
looking for some Marchesa secret tech and some good token producers that aren't just Assemble the Legion
No, that would be ridiculously over powered, to be honest.
Just prevent em from ever becoming the monarch if you want.

Assemble the Legion is honestly eh, desu senpai.
Hero of Bladehold and the new Rabblemaster can be pretty good, though. And you can freeroll the land to get that meld going on.
>choose colors primarily as a way to dickwave your expensive cards
where on the card does it say they get it back if it dies
BUG, USA, RUG, Esper goodstuff et al
No dude, the only way for them to get their shit back is by you not being the monarch anymore. If it dies or gets blinked, the things it exiled are still going to go back to their owner if you stop being the monarch.
what's wrong with theros gods
They "feel bad" because they're difficult to remove
I think I misrepresented what I meant, if my buddy wastes removal to Jailer to get back his nerd, and I inform him he doesn't get it back until he becomes the monarch, would I be correct?
Yes. Like I said, it don't matter what happens to the jailer as long as the prison is still functioning until your kingdom.
Rad. Cool variant of Fiend Hunter. Ran into that issue last night

New Threadlino
sounds like the dude hating on the gods is just being a little bitch imo desu senpai

there's plenty of answers and they're open to double the possible removal
>Try to play EDH with strangers
>Try not to look like a try hard and drop one of my jankier decks
>Table round goes T1 Sol Rings into tops and Mana Vaults
>Realize it's UGX all around
>"Land go"
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