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One Piece Adventure Quest 24

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Previous: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/48165885/
Char sheet: http://pastebin.com/03izEFh5
other char sheet: http://pastebin.com/1T8kaEjr

The sky is crisp and a nice bright blue.The gulls are making their noise in their sky, and I can see the island slowly rising up on the horizon as I sit on the rails of the ships, alone except with Ajax and Serri, since everyone else was given some kind of work in preparation for docking. And well, I glance over my shoulder, and smile as I see a group of my comrades chatting happily.

And then one of them turns and turns nearly as white as his uniform. He stumbles back and his friends look down at him in confusion and laugh, before they notice where he's pointing at. And slowly they turn, and freeze, all turning a little blue as their jaws drop and sweat starts to literally pour down their faces.

And they scatter without a word, heading back to work like I just threatened to steal their souls if they didn't get back to it. Yeah people are still like that. I turn back to the island and sigh, shaking my head.

Well at least I still have Ochamu, Yotshi, Bellary, Ajax, Serri...and Jack. I smile as I look over at the island.

It's uh...lot bigger than I expected it to be, and the air is a lot hotter than it was in the west blue, like it decided to turn summer all of a sudden. There are massive sea walls around the whole thing, jagged and shaped kind of like a bear trap, which I'm guessing is how it got its name. I think I can see bridges hanging between all the towering buildings.

It has a battle worn kinda ancient look to it. Well, I'm closer to finding Marty now. I smile, and then frown.


What do I do?
[] Wait to dock
[] find my friends and cheer myself up with a quick chat, and some coffee
[] Try to force the other marines to be my friends
[] Get worried and nervous
[] get excited and impatient
[] ride serri into the island, ahead of everyone else, and making quite the entrance
[] Find Mr bellow and ask why he hasn't been giving me any work
[] write in

Sorry about yesterday, but I felt like I was dying, so I couldn't have been able to give a quality thread to yall.
>[] find my friends and cheer myself up with a quick chat, and some coffee
>[] Try to force the other marines to be my friends
>[] find my friends and cheer myself up with a quick chat, and some coffee
>[] Find Mr bellow and ask why he hasn't been giving me any work
>[] get excited and impatient
>[] find my friends and cheer myself up with a quick chat, and some coffee
>[] find my friends and cheer myself up with a quick chat, and some coffee
>[] Find Mr bellow and ask why he hasn't been giving me any work
AH well. I throw my hands up and pull my hat down, pushing ajax gently off of my lap before I spin my legs back over the side of the duck and hop back onto it, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my duster as I walk over the deck, clearing the way to the other side of it, where I can hear Ochamu huffing and puffing. But all I can see when I can get there is my doppleganger and little miss bellary, staring over the railing. So I peek over the edge, and see Yotshi desperatly clinging to a piece of rope, as he and Ochamu sit on a plank together, clearing barnacles.

I giggle and his face goes red as Ochamu wheezes weakly, drinking a bottle of cola.

"Stop laughing you devils!" Yotshi cries out as he tries to climb up the rope as it strains, threatening to snap "She's going to take me down with her, help me"

"Oh such an adorable squeak" Jack says tauntingly as he flicks his knife around in his hands "Wonder what sort of noises you make if you'd"

"Don't even think about it" I say sternly, as jack keeps on with that mad cap grin of his "SO how long have you two been down"

"Most of the morning" Ochamu says pathetically, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes "My hands have been hurting since we got down here"

"And she's taking a rest right now"Bellary chimes in "So she isn't putting her weight against the ship, ergo, she's sinking with Yotshi"

"YES, I CAN SEE THAT!" Yotshi screams, as he tries to drag himself up at the rope, as Serri watches them from the water

"Oh"Ochamu says dully as she looks at the water lapping at her sides "I didn't actually notice, my apologies yotshi"

"I don't need them, just get me up!" He whines "I don't want to swim in these waters"

"Man, you're such a baby" Bellary huffs as I can't help but laugh at my four eyed friend "Well, how bout I give it a try"

"WAIT NO" He manages to shout, before a great wind forces him up into the air, and over the deck, Ochamu shrieks in embarrassment as me, Bellary and jack watch him soar.
He thrashes around like a fish out of water, and he hits the deck with a very, very loud thud. I blink, and Jack bursts out laughing as Bellary looks away, looking guilty and embarrassed, her face as red as summer rose.

But I rush over to him, and crouch next to him, shaking him as Ajax waltz over to sniff him. He looks up at me, his eyes swirling around.

"You okay Yotshi?" I ask tilting my head as he sits up slowly and looks at me like he just saw a ghost

"Yeah, yeah" He says, I smile and ruffle his hair "Just feel like I need a little drink"

"Yeah I could use some coffee right about now" I chuckle as the ship tilts slightly as Ochamu climbs back onto the deck "Any of you want sumthing?"

"Nah, that's enough for me" Jack giggles

"Some water would be nice' Ochamu sighs, pushing her messy and hair out of her eyes

"Tea!" Bellary shouts happily.

I smile and nod, and walk down to the innards of the ship, as the rest of the crew watch us, looking more than a little shocked Yotshi isn't a broken pile of himself.

Thankfully, no one was bellow deck to stop us from getting out drinks or waste our time.

Well Besides Mr bellows. I sip my coffee and watch the strange man mummer into a den den mushi

What do I do?
[] Laugh at Yotshi' trip through the sky
[] Scold Bellary for doing that
[] Ask why didn't ask for my help
[] Ease drop 1d20+perception
[] finish my coffee and get off the ship
[] Ask Bel and jack if they've been given any work
[] write in
>[] Scold Bellary for doing that
>[] Ask why didn't ask for my help
>[] Scold Bellary for doing that
>[] Ask why didn't ask for my help
>[] Ask Bel and jack if they've been given any work
>[] Scold Bellary for doing that
>[] Ask why didn't ask for my help
>[] Scold Bellary for doing that
>[] Ask why didn't ask for my help
>[] Ask Bel and jack if they've been given any work
But there's more pressing matters than my superior's private calls. I bring my cup to my lips and take a long drink out of it as I lean back against the barrel sitting propped up next to the table with the coffee machine on it, and look at my short friend.

"So bellary" I say taking the cup away from my lips reluctantly "lets both be clear on that, never do that kind of thing again unless it's life or death, got it?"

"He made it seem like it was pretty life or death" She says smirking , before I lean closer to her, opening my eyes all the way, making her turn away as fear drips out of the edges of her lips "I was just trying to help"

"Well don't try ta help by throwin the poor boy twenty feet into the air" I say sternly, as I press my knuckle against her head, before smiling again "like I said, just don't do it again, unless it really needs to happen, your still learning to control these powers, so you can't risk it on something little like this"

'Got ya" She says happily "I'll be honest, I wasn't meaning to throw him that far"

"noooo" Jack says sarcastically "Really? I couldn't tell, I thought you were trying to kill him"

"Well, she isn't you, so it's pretty obvious" Yotshi says flatly "Though I can see you making that kind of mistake"

Ochamu chugs down her third glass of water and heads for the forth, when something funny occurs to me.

"Hey, why didn't you ask me for help?" I ask draining the rest of my coffee and feeling wide awake for the first time in...two days? "You usually do"

"Commander blakes orders" Yotshi hisses

"He said not to ask you for help" Ochamu pouts "I think he's trying to get on your good side"

"Well he's doing it wrong, Adela loves working" Yotshi snorts

"Come to think of it" Bellary chimes in, rubbing her chin "No one's asked me to work since they figured out I had a devil fruit"

We all turn to jack, who tilts his head and pushes his arms under his copied chest.


"Well, I haven't shown mine, unlike you idiots" He says calmly "Buuut, it turns out everyone here is still happy to help me for some weeeird reason"

"Besides the woman" Yotshi says

"EH, I'd just steal someone else's face if I wanted that kind of help" Jack giggles, grinning widely "But I'm guessing I'd get special treatment, cause mine is a pretty strong one"

"Or they'd stop giving you work you don't even do" Ochamu says "which does sound pretty lovely, doesn't it Yotshi? I'd be able to catch up on my reading"

"You'd finish your work faster if you didn't complain so much" Yotshi sighs, shaking his head, making me smirk before.

"What are you five doing down here?" Mr bellow snorts behind our necks angrily "We're about to dock and...OH! De'terrar, sorry, I didn't see your face, sorry, continue on, we should land soon anyways, so I expect you to be on the deck"

What do I say?
[] trying to sweeten me up eh?
[] Please stop treating me and bell like this
[] OH, no need, we were just going topside anyways
[] So who were you talking to
[] Want some coffee?
[] So whats captain fal like anyway.
[]....give me your scarf, it's kind of chilly down here
[] write in

Sorry for the waits, but google keeps fucking dying for some reason? happening to any of you? captcha keeps vanishing an shit
>We all turn to jack, who tilts his head and pushes his arms under his copied chest.
I wonder if that will ever be reversed somehow.

>[] Please stop treating me and bell like this
>[] OH, no need, we were just going topside anyways

Not today, but it happens on occasion to me.
>[] So whats captain fal like anyway.
>[] trying to sweeten me up eh?
>[] Please stop treating me and bell like this
>[] Please stop treating me and bell like this
>[] So whats captain fal like anyway.
"Please stop treating me and bell like this" I say calmly as I set my cup down.

Commander bellows stops half way from the stairs and slowly turns back to me, his face red from the fact he's wearing two different coats and at least three scarves.

"Eh? Like what?" He asks, sounding a little nervous, realizing I caught onto what he was doing "I've been treating you like any other marine, you followed all of the schedules, and haven't been late to call once so I've seen no reason to confront you about"

"GIVE ME WORK DAMMIT!" I Scream, closing the distance between him in a second, as a few monsters creep out of my back before they fade away into nothing

"Ah" He says flatly and a little angrily "Well firstly, that is no language to use to your superiors, but I'll let it pass because of your abilities"

"Hey I don't want to be treated differently either" Bellary says angrily "anymore, come on give me work to"

"Er" He says looking a little confused glancing between us "it was supposed to make you feel more welcome among us and"

"working would help with that" I say crossing my arms and nodding slowly "Since no one else seems to want to get within ten feet of me"

"You're crazy" Jack says slowly "Absolutely crazy"

"I don't want to be pampered anymore!" Bellary shouts angrily as Bellow sighs

"Captain's orders" He says simply "If it was my choice, I'd use you to make the others more efficient, buuuut, well I was left out in the cold it seems, bring it up with her when we get to the island"

"So what kinda person is she anyways?" I ask tilting my head

"Strict" He says "She keeps good command and control, none of that idiocy of ginegin, a nice ordered system really, We don't have to deal with many criminals, mostly just the occasional pirate, You can guess how this makes the lower ranks view her"

"Yeah" I say with a nod "I can imagine"

"Well, Ginegin was pretty similar" Ochamu says holding up her bottle of water
"But he didn't care what you did on your free time, and it sounds like she would"

"Oh Keli doesn't allow any drinking or anything else that would cause a disturbance, we have standards" Bellow says with a smirk

"Sounds hellish" Jack says, shaking his head with a sour look on his face

"Well, good thing I don't have any hobbies that could cause one" Ochamu says with a curt nod

"Yeah, but Jacky here ...well lets hope you don't get demoted too much okay" Yotshi says teasingly, before jack starts reaching ominously towards him.

Bellows doesn't react as the two start chasing eachother throw the mess hall, making a mess of it

And then the engines stop

"Well" bellows says turning around and continuing on his way to the deck "You and Bellary don't have to report to base until roll call, so...feel free to get to know your new station"

What do I do?
[] tell him about jack's fruit
[] Report to the base anyway, with everyone else
[] go to town for awhile
[] Groan and smack my head in frustration
[] Try and find a place to keep Serri
[] write in
>[] Report to the base anyway, with everyone else
>[] Try and find a place to keep Serri
>[] Try and find a place to keep Serri
>[] Report to the base anyway, with everyone else
Can't let our friends go alone
>[] Groan and smack my head in frustration
>[] Report to the base anyway, with everyone else
>[] Try and find a place to keep Serri
"You're not going to let me go, are you?" Bellary says sadly, hanging her head as I watch Bellows slowly walk up the ladder

"What do you think?" I ask as I start to follow after him, as Jack looks rather sour and jealous of me as I start to leave

"Still as busy as ever, eh Adela?" Ochamu says happily "Glad you're going to come with us though"

"Like there was ever any doubt she would" Yotshi chuckles "Unlike some people"

"I mean I would've done it to" Jack says as we walk onto the deck, making everyone stare at her in silence for a few seconds "What"

"Don't lie" Ochamu huffs "it's unlady like"

"Well he's not a lady" Yotshi says

"Do you like getting beaten up or something?" Bellary asks as Jack glares down at him "Cause you really seem to want it"

"Yotshi just can't keep his mouth shut" Ochamu sighs shaking her head.


And I line up, and end breaking the line, before bellow screams at a few of the marines, and they rush back to fill the spots

roll 1d20+perception
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Hey HM.
Just wanted to let you know that I started reading this quest a month ago and I'm finally all caught up and really excited to participate.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

15+9= 24= success
And I march off of the deck, in the front line of the formation, probably sticking out like a sore thumb the seconds my boots slam into the wooden dock. But, no ones here, not even a fisher or a dockhand, not even some drunk lazing around there boat...its completely empty except for us. I frown and keep on marching, trying not to look around and break order as I go along. Well that's weird, but it could just be a slow day or some kind of event they have planned.

The gates to the city proper swing open, and the second Bellows steps out in front of us, the windows slam shut, and people turn to their papers and drinks. Alright somethings a little fishy right here, but I keep marching through the empty street, only bellows shouting and the stomping of our feet breaking up all of the silence.

And in not time at all, we reach the for, at the other end of the island, surrounded by walls and watch towers. it's a good bit more intimidating than the one on Popa island.

The iron gates slowly creak open, and I see a single woman standing in the center of the yard. Her face is covered by a medicale mask, and her hair is black, and hangs down over her shoulders in an orderly fashion.

"STOP, STAND, AND SILENCE!" Bellow shouts as the gates swing close behind us as The captain walks forward calmly and smiles judging from how her mask stretches.

"That is all I need bellows" She says calmly "Now, all of you report to your stations, you'll find your assignments on the board behind me, I'm not one for introductions, But I'll tell you now, I expect obedience from all of you, and that you all hold yourself as proper marines, or your time here will be worse than hell....that is all"

She nods and steps out of the way, and after a second of hesitation, all of the other marines rush to the board, and I start to follow them, before I feel a steely grip on my arm.

"Don't worry, you and Bellary have special assignments"I say turning to see her grey eyes staring at me

"Well I need to find a place for my" I begin to say

"Seaking?" She asks with a voice like a dull blade "Don't worry, our private port should do wonderfully for the beast, quite an accomplishment to tame something like that, now come on, we have much to talk about...unless you'd rather have some free time before you get to work, I can understand needing to adjust"

Her eyes are dangerous, but her tone is like she's talking to an old friend...I don't like this.

What do I do?
[] find out what I'm going to do here
[] Ask about my cat
[] Go to town for a bit, with or without bellary
[] insist on taking a normal job
[]Ask why she's treating me like I'm so important
[] tell her about jack's fruit
[]Ask if there's anyone I can spar with, since a few weeks at see with no action has made me a bit rusty
[] write in

>[]Ask why she's treating me like I'm so important
>[] tell her about jack's fruit
>[]Ask why she's treating me like I'm so important
>[] Ask about my cat
>[] find out what I'm going to do here
[]Ask why she's treating me like I'm so important
[] tell her about jack's fruit
>[]Ask why she's treating me like I'm so important
>[] find out what I'm going to do here
Have you done any more work on Malis hips, or other drawing? I'm curious how that got along.
>[]Ask why she's treating me like I'm so important
>[] Ask about my cat
>[] find out what I'm going to do here
Hands have been pissing me off as have faces, so I haven't tried lately . I'll see about doing it while I make a paste bin for Kelly and Alith. Try a different style and perspective maybe.
>Hands have been pissing me off as have faces
Hands and faces are what a lot of people always tell me are the hardest parts, maybe try focusing on getting torso-shots done perfect before moving on to the rest.
There are a ton of online tips and youtube vids on drawing faces once you move on to those.
"So why are you treating me like I'm so important" I ask as she starts to walk away towards the sprawling, masion like fort, She stops and glances over her shoulder and smiles again, as her masks shifts again.

"Well, Adela" She says as her coat blows on the back of her shoulders, as a breeze picks up "You hold a powerful ability, and besides that you know how to wield it, and from what I've heard have pulled off some impossible victories, Fear is a powerful weapon dear, and you hold it as easily as others grab a flintlock"

"Ah" I say nodding slowly as I step up to her "So you want me to be a weapon then?"

"No, I want you to be under my command, you're a good marine even without the fruit" She says shrugging "But with it, well you're just a great one, a real problem solver, and do we have problems up here, I would've have requested you if I didn't think you could handle the scum that comes crawling up the line in search of glory"

"Thanks for the compliment" I say with a nod as she tilts down her own cap "So what exactly is this special assignment of yours?"

"Well" She says calmly she leads me into the building, the walls are the standard marine blue and white, with pictures of Keli's family hanging from the walls, they all have the same stern, soul piercing eyes "Despite all the defense, it's a bit of a bother keeping pirates out, since all they have to do is take their flag down and they can come right in, So I need you to patrol around and look around for any of them and other disturbances, though I do have a bit of suspicion they're having a little help getting i"

What do I say
[] understood
[] and why would you think that?
[] couldn't you just put a patrol on the docks
[] is that all?
[] Alright, is there a coffee shop anywhere around here
[] So why do they call you steel toothed?
[] You're a lot nicer than people say
[] Ya know, when I met ginegin, he challenged me to a duel to test me
[] other disturbances?
[] write in
>[] Alright, is there a coffee shop anywhere around here
>[] So why do they call you steel toothed?
>[] You're a lot nicer than people say
>[] understood
>[] other disturbances?
>[] couldn't you just put a patrol on the docks
>[] Alright, is there a coffee shop anywhere around here
>[] Alright, is there a coffee shop anywhere around here
>[] So why do they call you steel toothed?
>[] You're a lot nicer than people say
>[] and why would you think that?
>[] couldn't you just put a patrol on the docks
>[] is that all?
>[] Alright, is there a coffee shop anywhere around here
>[] So why do they call you steel toothed?
>[] You're a lot nicer than people say
>[] Ya know, when I met ginegin, he challenged me to a duel to test me
>[] other disturbances?
>[] understood
>[] other disturbances?
>[] Alright, is there a coffee shop anywhere around here
>[] You're a lot nicer than people say
Guys, I don't know if anyone remembers this but when we first sparred Ochamu on the boat we got a natural 20 on dodge and did a sort of "Rokushiki/Soru" move.

Have we ever looked into that? I didn't get much "after episode discussions" because the archive ended right after HM's last story post.
Was kind of a special situation IIRC. But we haven't really looked into powerups unrelated to our devil fruit sofar.
Probably won't until we find out about haki, especially since our devil fruit already lets us deal with logias fairly well.
"Other disturbances?" I ask as we continue walking down the hall way.

Keli stops for a moment, and slams her fist into the wall, glaring out of the window next to her as her arms shakes for a moment.

"A few of the islanders have gotten it in their minds that we're villains, so they've been giving us a little trouble" She says slowly, closing her eyes "They complain we're rough, chaffing and cruel, but then they turn around and force our hands by committing crimes and aiding criminals, you can see the problem here right"

"It's a self sustaining fire, one misunderstanding leads to another" I say with a shrug "I take it y'all have tried going easy of them"

"And they still acted like this" She sighs sounding tired "or a few of them did, which is one of the reasons I want you here, to be honest, Maybe having a devil fruit user or two will calm them down enough for them to see reason"

"Maybe it will" I say looking out the window with her "So is there a coffee shop around here?"

"Of course" She says seriously "Could get a discount for you, pull a couple of strings"

I grin.

"Ya know, you're a lot nicer than people say you are" I laugh

"Well most people who talk about me don't seem to understand" She says putting her arms behind her back "Order is necessary for society to continue, without order there is nothing but chaos, so I'm a little strict sometimes, and have to play the bad guy to make sure the order is maintained, but because I do so, Peace continues"

"So, why do they call you steel toothed anyways?" I ask.

and suddenly the air turns very cold. And she turns, her eyes empty and some how cruel. She wordlessly grabs her mask and pulls it down, opening her mouth and showing a row of perfectly aligned fake teeth, made out of metal.

"When I was a girl, a pirate smashed my teeth in" She says calmly as she smiles to show them all, her eyes looking quite mad "with the end of his pistol, took all of them, and well I had just grew the last of my adult ones"
Those are boss, those are the kinda teeth grandpa would get
I wince and she pulls her mask back up, still smiling.

"So do you understand your job Adela?" She asks "Or should I say Evil Eye?"

"I do" I say nodding "I'm hoping you know why I am called that"

"Because your presence is like the curse" She says cooly, leaning closer to me "When your around, a pirate ship is as good as sunk, from what I understand"

What do I do?
[] Make a joke about it
[] Go patrolling
[] see how my friends are doing
[] Chat up with keli a bit
[] Find my quarters
[] check on my pets
[] find someone to spar with
[] get more coffee
[] ask what happened to the pirate
[] write in
>[] Go patrolling
>[] see how my friends are doing
>[] check on my pets
>[] see how my friends are doing
[] Make a joke about it
[] Go patrolling
[] see how my friends are doing

Boss lady is a hard ass, but seem to be our kind of hard ass.
>[] Go patrolling
>[] see how my friends are doing
>[] get more coffee
I still don't like how she went easier on us and Bel, feels dishonest, but maybe she got a good reason.
[] ask what happened to the pirate
"Pretty much, well have a nice day, I'm gettin to work now" I say, waving goodbye lazily as I turn and walk down the hallway.

"Good luck, I'm sure you'll find why I need you around soon enough" She says calmly "Report back when you're sure there's no trouble, otherwise deal with it"

"Gotcha" I say nodding as I turn down the hallway.

"GODAMMIT!" Jack screams, throwing a mop at me, that I dodge, leaning out of the way as he fumes and stomps on the wet floor "Dirty my ass, I should be doing this kind demeaning shit!"

"Oh, who's the dumb one now" I chuckle as I walk around the puddle as Jack crosses his arms and pouts

"Oh haha, look who's all high and mighty now, but you're right, it's my own fault it's like this" He whimpers, like a little girl

"Well why don't you tell her?" I ask look back at him as he nearly leaps out of his boots and skin

"Are you crazy? Everyone knows I had the han han no mi, So she'll know who I am, and you know how she much she adores pirates" He hisses

"Oh" I say sadly as I leave him "Well I'm sorry jack, hopefully you'll figure it out soon though"

"I hope" He growls.

"Come on" Yotshi's voice sighs loudly as I step down the next hall way "does anyone know how to sharpen swords around here?"

"Oh" I say as I peek into the open door, and find him furiously sharpening a katana, his eyes red with anger as an old man in a uniform sleeps next to him, drooling into a pot of grease and oil "Having some troubles there Yotshi"

"More than you are' He growls "it's like the beat rocks with these poor things, ha god"

"Always a shame when someone abuses their weapon" I say as I lean in the door way, and her turns to face me "How're the guns though?"

"Oh I haven't checked" His says angrily, before groaning "I bet they filled them with dirt"

"If they did, I'll kill em" I say calmly "A sword's just a piece of sharpened metal, but a gun? that's craftsmanship"

"Blades require more skill" Yotshi says pushing his glasses up as he starts polishing the blue hilted katana "Oh what did they do to this thing?"

"Smacked it around the street from the look of it" I say as he holds up the dented and nicked blade "Also, do you know where Ochamu is?"

"Last I saw, some men smaller than her took her to the port, pparently they need help lifting some crap or another"Yotshi growls "Also, shouldn't you be looking for bel, since both of you go the same job"

"Yeah, but I'm worried about her" I sigh, slumping slightly as Yotshi cackles

"Ochamu? She could crush a cannon ball in her hands if she tried hard enough" He says happily "But yeah she doesn't have the personality to do it, does she...look I'll check on her once I'm done trying to bring these poor things back to the brink, alright"

"Ah thanks Yotshi, you're a real friend" I say happily as I walk away

"Yeah, just remember it" He says sadly as I walk away, before he screams "T..this ones broken in half!"

What do I do?
[] gather marines to take on patrol
[] find bel
[] Patrol the dock districts
[] patrol the parts of the island near the base
[] look through the shopping alleys
[] check out the bridges hanging above the street
[] Look around the edges of the walls
[] Put in a request to get yotshi one of the salvageable blades
[] Pick Ochamu up before I go
[] writein
>[] gather marines to take on patrol
>[] find bel
>[] Patrol the dock districts
>[] find bel
>[] gather marines to take on patrol
>[] Patrol the dock districts
[] gather marines to take on patrol
[] find bel
[] Patrol the dock districts
>[] find bel
>[] gather marines to take on patrol
>[] Patrol the dock districts
Well, better get to work. But first things first, I need to find Bel. Now where would I find her? I sigh, and tilt my hat down as I find my way back to the front yard, and step out back into the daylight as I kick the door open.

I look around the lines of training marines, and past the ones running around the building, being chased by a big man wearing a caged mask, with a cat o nine tails in his hands. He turns and waves at me, and I see a very awkward and embarrassed looking Bellary sitting on his shoulder. I rush over to him and he drops his whip, as the marines all fall over with a groan.

And with a very...very thick accent he laughs and growls "Ah Evil eye, looking for fairy"

"Er, yeah guess I am" I say nodding as I look at the marines that look like they're on deaths door, covered in sweat and calling and pleading for water "Are they all gonna be alright?"

"Ha, funneh accent' He growls as Bel returns to full size "Should be, fairy was encouranging them"

"He was making me put a cool breeze on them so they didn't pass out" Bellary says sounding a little upset about it "He also won't stop calling me a fairy"

"Sorry, I love fairy stories" the man laughs, his thick beard sticking out of his mask as his big, innocent black eyes look out at me

"Kind of like Ochamu" I says lifting my cap up "So you think you're up to patrolling with me"

"Oh yes!" Bell shouts "I could hug you right now, I've had enough of playing fan today, so thanks for saving me"

"Oh? Patrolling...good luck fairy" the masked man says with a nod

"Yeah thanks" Bell says flatly "So we heading out now?"

"No, we need a few more marines before we go" I say as I look around, and spot a group that's practicing with bayonets "HEY YALL COME OVER HERE"

They turn, and start running the second they see me

"HEY GET BACK HERE YA YELLAH BASTARDS!" I scream angrily as I run after them
"Sorry about running" one mummers as I march down the streets with them"but...we thought you were the drill instructor"
"All of you have said that, I get it, and I don't mind" I say sweetly as I look back at the five I managed to catch, swear two of em jumped into the sea to get away from me "Just surprised your greatest fear is the drill instructor round these parts"

"And that you didn't notice the accent" Bellary giggles

"It was on instinct" they all groan in unison

What do I do on patrol
[] just check around the docks and surrounding buildings
[] inspect a few ships
[] investigate the gate openers
[] Check out a few seedier looking shops
[] write in
>[] just check around the docks and surrounding buildings
>[] investigate the gate openers
>[] investigate the gate openers
>[] Check out a few seedier looking shops
>[] just check around the docks and surrounding buildings
>[] inspect a few ships
>[] investigate the gate openers
[] just check around the docks and surrounding buildings
[] investigate the gate openers
I shake my head and walk down to the docks. There's a few fisher men heading out, packing up their nets and a few men carrying back crates and sacks. A barrel rolls down the pier as I look around. There isn't any trouble here, let alone any kind of piracy. I motion my head and point for the marines to look around and patrol the buildings near the docks.

"All of you, start lookin around, if you find anything suspicious, report back to me Immediately " I say sternly

"On it evil eye" One of them says, a man with red hair and wiry grin.

And they head out. breaking up into two groups that start down opposite sides of the street. And out of the corner of my eye, I see some of the shoppers and old salty dogs whispering to eachother, I bet I'm gonna get a bad reputation here

"Hey Bellary, the captain said that she thought someone was helping pirates get in" I say as I look over the broken walls to the single tower standing above the old moss covered gates blocking off the sea "Now who do you think would have the easiest time doing it"

"The gate keepers" She says, standing next to my side "There the only ones I can think of"

"want to pay them a visit?" I ask with a smirk

"Of course I do, it's my job to" She giggles, fluttering up into the air.

What do I do?
[] Send Bellary to sneak in through the window
[] walk up and ask to be let in
[] fear forge stairs up to the window 1d100
[] AKUMU AKUMU NO SUMMONS the door down 1d100
[] Ask one of the fishermen who work in that tower
[] writein
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>[] fear forge stairs up to the window 1d100
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>[] fear forge stairs up to the window 1d100
Rolled 99 (1d100)

[] fear forge stairs up to the window 1d100
>[] walk up and ask to be let in
"So want me to fly up there and look around?" She asks shaking her fist excitedly, as she shrinks down as small as she can go and flutters around my head.

"Nah" I say as I throw out my arm, as my duster flutters on the wind she's kicking up "I think I'll take the stairs, need the exercise anyways"

All the people in this street are afraid of me, hell their fear is practically blotting out the sun. I look up and glare, focusing as I pull the massive amount of fear down, making it fold in itself. The great clouds of it solidify, and drip and shine wetly in the sun as they build themselves right up to the tower.

"WH...what the hell!!?" One confused looking fishman says, as he suddenly gets covered in shade.

"Sorry, I won't be long sir" I say tipping my hat to him as I walk up the stairs humming to myself as I head to the crumbling towers window with Bellary at my side.

My duster blows to the side as I get up to the top, and look behind me, back down at the street oh so far bellow. There's a crowd gathering around the later, none of them brave enough to touch it.

I tilt my cap down and look into the room, and see an old man wearing a rain coat sitting in a chair, surrounded by maps and pieces of paper, all of which flutter around as he snores.

What do I do?
[] wait for him to wake up,
[] walk in and confront him about Keli's suspicions
[] Bellary? Work your magic 1d100
[] Sneak up onto his desk and ask, what he sees my face as 1d20+Dexterity
[] scoop up as many papers as I can before he wakes up 1d20+speed
[] Look at the maps from out here 1d20+perception
[] shake him awake gently and be polite
[] threaten him
[] write in
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] Look at the maps from out here 1d20+perception
>[] shake him awake gently and be polite
Rolled 6 (1d20)

[] Look at the maps from out here 1d20+perception
[] shake him awake gently and be polite
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] Look at the maps from out here 1d20+perception
>[] shake him awake gently and be polite
I gotta go off now, thanks for running HM, see you next tuesday.
I peek into the window, careful not to poke my head too far inside, less I wake up the old geezer. The maps stapled on his walls seem pretty basic, just a bunch of sea charts showing nearby islands with trade lines and times pasted onto them.
10+10= bare success

But there's one on his table that looks a little weird, I can't get a good look at it from here, but it doesn't look like its of any sea. It looks more like a city.

Hmm, I crouch down, and sit of the sill, before I slowly drop in, and walk over to the old man. He snores, wiping his nose as he shifts around and looks at me, still sound asleep. Gently, I place my hand on his shoulder and shake him awake.

His eyes pop open, and I scream a little, and so does he, but a lot more than a little.

"AHHHH!" He shouts, looking around in shock "D..demon! DEMON"

"No wait, I'm just a marine" I say smiling as he glances to the door and then me in confusion "I'm just here to ask some question"

"Oh" He says, walking back over to the table, pushing papers back onto the desk "What do you want to know? I've been opening the door, and making sure the traders paid the proper taxes and all that"

What do I say
[] how you're doing up here
[] Well, Miss fal is a little suspicious of some letting pirates in, crazy I know
[] Oh, it's about the map on your desk, can I see it
[] Seen anything, unusual around here
[] mind if I look at your desk?
[] writ ein
>[] Oh, it's about the map on your desk, can I see it
>[] Well, Miss fal is a little suspicious of some letting pirates in, crazy I know
[] Well, Miss fal is a little suspicious of some letting pirates in, crazy I know
[] Oh, it's about the map on your desk, can I see it
>[] Oh, it's about the map on your desk, can I see it
>[] Well, Miss fal is a little suspicious of some letting pirates in, crazy I know
"Oh" I say lifting my hat up as he rubs his throat uncomfortably "it's about the map on your desk, mind if I can see it?"

"OH!" He says laughing, scratching the back of his head "it's nothing, just a little town map to help me get around in my old age, nothing more er...so what's a terrifying little lady like you doing around here? Surely you'd be better out hunting for pirates or the like"

"Well" I say leaning against the door, blocking his way out as Bellary peers in through the window "Miss fal is a little suspicious of someone letting pirates in, crazy I know"

His eyes open up as he giggles nervously and nods.

"Yes, crazy" He laughs "they're probably just getting in through some kink in the wall or the like, yeah that has to be it"

What do I do?
[] Tell him I can smell his fear
[] Bellary, blow the papers away
[]Smile, nod, and head back to patrol
[] Tell him I'll keep his involvement secret if he gives me the map
[]Tell him about what my fruit can do
[]fire a fear bullet next to him, and summon an impy thing to pull on his face
[] write in
>[] Tell him I can smell his fear
>[] Tell him I can smell his fear
>[]Tell him about what my fruit can do
>[] Tell him I can smell his fear
huh, everyone else gone to bed/school/work already?
>[] Tell him I can smell his fear
"I can smell your fear you know" I say coldly as he looks to the window, and moves to it, only for Bellary to grow back to her usual, wingless size "And the innocent have nothing to fear of me, so why are you scared?"

"Y..well your face, why would I be terrified when something like that is glaring at me' He laughs as he backs away from the window, holding his hands up in the air, smiling a very, very fake smile "Maybe you should try some make up or something? might make people a little less afraid of you, who knows"

"Hmm, so you see me as glaring then" I say nodding slowly as I walk to him as he press his back against the table, his lip shaking as I look at him, I think I know what he sees my face as "So, I wonder, what do you see me as?"

I grin widely, making the man flinch.

"Does it really matter?" He hisses "You're going to have me arrested anyways"

What do I do?
[] Act shocked
[] laugh and shake my head
[] SO you are guilty then, Fear forge manacles 1d100
[] Akumu akumu no lock 1d100
[] Take the map from the desk
[]Cooome on, tell me
[] Actually, Bellary, what do you see me as?
[] write in
>[] Take the map from the desk
>[] Cooome on, tell me
[] Act shocked
[] laugh and shake my head
[] Despite my looks I'm not a monster. I just want to keep the peace pirates want to destroy.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

>[] laugh and shake my head
>[] Take the map from the desk
>I can do SO much worse than arrest you....
>So make this easy for yourself and tell me
I laugh, and shake my head. he gets a real confused look on his face, and I reach past him, and brush the papers off his table. And then he shouts angrily, and reaches for the map, throwing himself over the table, with a look on his face that tells me he did that only on reaction, and is now regretting her even moved pretty heavily.

"Get off" I say sternly As he covers his head and shakes it, his face as white as bone.

What do I do?
[] Pull 1d100
[]Point my revolver at him
[] Bellary? forget what I told you on the ship for a second
[]AKUMU AKUMU NO SUMMONS, drag him off of it, if ya could 1d100
[] Alright then, I'm going to get the captain...
[] write in
>[] Bell, forget what I told you on the ship for a second
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>[]AKUMU AKUMU NO SUMMONS, drag him off of it, if ya could 1d100
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>[] Pull 1d100
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>[] Pull 1d100
I sigh and take my hat off, as he wraps his arms and legs under the desk. I hit it against my thighs and slowly put it back on, twisting it back into place as he lays there, covering the map with his stomach and coat.

"Please let this work" I mummer looking up, before I grab the edge of the map, and pull it as hard as I can.

I fall back, and gasp, and then sigh in relief as the map flutters down onto my lap, without a single rip in it.

"Wait how did you" the man shouts hysterically "give that back it's personaaaal!"

Bellary holds her hand out, and a sheer wind forces him against the wall, throwing the rest of his papers against next to him.

"Don't you get near her" She says angrily "I know you're not unarmed"

the man cries out, shaking his head as he struggles to free himself. I hold the map up.

It's a map of the island, with a bunch of little red lines and circles all over it. Marking out caves and breaks in the wall. As well as times of patrols and where the head.

There's also a whole lot more red ink around the fort than anywhere else on the island.

The man hangs his head, as Bellary tries and peek and see what I'm looking so angry about

And what do do I do?
[] Take him and the map back to the captain
[] Tell him off for this
[] Ask him why
[] try and sweet talk him into becoming a snitch
[] write in
>[] Take him and the map back to the captain
>[] Ask him why
"Come on" I sternly, as Bellary stops forcing the wind to push against him "We have to take this and its owner to the captain"

the man mummers no, over and over, almost chanting it as he lays slumped on the floor as I roll up the map, and stuff it into my coat calmly. I look back at him, and grab his arm myself, since looking at Bellary, she isn't exactly made out for holding a prisoner.

I open the door leading down to the wall, and start to walk down it to the stairs leading back to the harbor.

And as I walk down the seaside street, the crowd around the stairs gather around in front of me, all looking suspiciously and angrily. And they're all blocking my way back to the fort.

What do I do?
[] move the stairs and literally walk over them
[] show them the map
[] Boogeyman's stare *not devil's glare* 1d100
[] Ask them kindly to get out of the way
[] Find another way around
[] Explain what I found
[]Laugh and ask if they think they could stop me if they wanted to.
[] Say I'm not going to hurt him
[] whistle for the patrols to come back
[] write in
>[] show them the map
>[] Ask them kindly to get out of the way
>[] Explain what I found
>[] Say I'm not going to hurt him
>[] I'd really rather not have tog et into a tussle with you fine folks. Y'all might get hurt.
>[] Ask him why
>[] show them the map
>[] Ask them kindly to get out of the way
>[] Explain what I found
>[] Say I'm not going to hurt him
"Hey" One of them, a girl around my age with long blond hair says, speaking up even though she's practically a geyser of fear "What are you doing with him? He's just an old man, he hasn't done anything wrong, he couldn't he's always helping around"

"Yeah, besides he keeps out all the bad folk" another, slightly older man says angrily, as the old timer looks at his feet supiciously "Shouldn't you be helpin him, not dragging him away"

the crowd cheers in response and groups up a bit tighter, crossing their arms. I shake my head and tip my hat up.

"Well sorry, but I found evidence against that" I say, pulling the map out of my coat "He's gone and marked ways into the city, all the patrol times, even the defense of the force"

the man opens his mouth, trying to find some excuse for the man.

"If it was just the patrols, I could understand, since apparently the captain has been a bit hard on you" I say calmly as I stuff the map back into my coat "But don't worry I'm not going to hurt, so would yall kindly get out of my way so I can do my job here?"

they look at eachother uncertainly, before bellary steps forward smiling.

"She wouldn't lie, she only hurts people who try to hurt others, despite appearances" She says, I sigh, and tilt my hat down.

And slowly, and very reluctantly they part.

"Thank ya" I say tipping my hat, as the man stares the ground, not daring to look up as the rest of the pierfolk stare at him, in a mixture of sadness and disbelief.

"I COULD HAVE YOU HANGED!" Keli roars, baring her teeth at the shaking man "You committed treason, endangered not only every one on this island but everyone around it, I should have you hanged for this"

Bellary is hiding behind me.

"Pl...please I didn't...I need the" the man says trying to find excuses as he looks around at the other officers, Bellows, the man with the iron mask, and apparently, me and Bellary since we haven't been thrown at yet.

Even though we're not even ensigns.
[] move the stairs and literally walk over them

What do I do?
[] Agree with her *absolute justice*
[] ask her to go easy on him *Moral justice*
[] Suggest stocks, and nightmares *scary justice*
[] Eh, we should let him go *Unclear justice*
>[] Suggest stocks, and nightmares *scary justice*
>[] Suggest stocks, and nightmares *scary justice*
"Hanging is too finale" I say smiling as I pull the man's fear around me, and start to chew and slowly swallow it down "It's good for intimimdation, sure, but it's also cruel, I'd say, if I can, we put him in the stocks for a few days, and I surround him with a few nasty beasties to scare him straight"

"That's childish and" Bellow begins, before Keli holds her hand up

"Well, it's nicer than hanging" The man in the mask says happyily

"Yeah...yeah, I overreacted, it'd ruin us if we started hanging people for things like this" Fal says, looking tired "Since they're already nearly up in arms against the patrols"

"Of course" Bellows says happily "I can see you aren't like that idiot who brought you up to your current rank"

"Please, ginegin never hung anyone, I almost did" I say smirking "So...anyone you know with particularly potent fears, to make sure the lessons sticks"

"Hmm, I think you're going to do lovely here, Miss de'terrar" The captain says, smiling and squinting her eyes as the man sighs and leans back in his chair, laughing weakly as they drag him out "Also,I'll need to get the other marines eyes checked, since I sent them up there...too many times for them to miss it"

"Well maybe they didn't want to see it" Bellary chimes in "Or, it could be because they used the door"

"And you didn't" Captain asks tilting her head, looking curious

"Weeell" I chuckle as I pull my hat down "I took the stairs"

and we'll end here
I gotta go
but I've archived
and would love to see what you think of the new captains so far
well Fal seems easier to work with than expected so far, bit prone to an iron fist but not completely unreasonable, Bellows might get annoying as he's feels like a toady that likes said iron fisted tendencies, the black mask guy might be friend material since he seems nice, but more info is required.
>"Weeell" I chuckle as I pull my hat down "I took the stairs"
>Another short thread for one piece again.....
I ran for six or seven hours
I would've gone longer, but there weren't enough voters to do so

Nothing I could do
Seems more to do with the lack of voters than anything else(maybe consider running the second slot saturdays since this seems to be a recurring problem the last week). And honestly calling a thread running for nearly 7 hours is a bit absurd.

Thanks for running (belated), sadly I can't catch most of the thread these days, but they're still great.
I think we will get along with the our new boss, though she did make a bit of a poor impression with the pandering to us.
Other is too early to tell honestly, I think Bellows being how he is is more due to the problems in the marines right now than his fault though.
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