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Can we just, like, boycott human male fighters for a while?

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Thread replies: 133
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Can we just, like, boycott human male fighters for a while?
...I'm sorry, what are you asking exactly, and what did you hope to accomplish with this thread?
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We will tell our males to stop fighting.
And? What's so bad about human male fighters? Is the character and any interactions he makes always horrible because of his class/race/gender combination on the character sheet?
How many levels of irony are you using right now

Sure. I welcome the chance to slaughter thousands of female fighter NPCs.
>...I'm sorry, what are you asking exactly, and what did you hope to accomplish with this thread?
OP is a big-game hunter, and he's hunting for (You)
Nice bait

So what's wrong with fighters besides ironic shitposting?
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Can we just, like, boycott elf female rangers for a while?
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What an ugly dyke, you are just jealous of those beautiful elfen maidens.
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Enjoy your shit non-human cowtits.

It seems there are two schools of thought on /tg/ which revolve around the "Male Human Fighter"

One side thinks the MHF is a boring, overdone, vanilla character which has basically reached its limit of interesting character ideas. It does not involve magic, it does not involve unique experience of a nonhuman race, it does not even offer the potentially untapped perspectives you get from a woman in that kind of position. As far as these people are concerned, the MHF only offers two roleplay options: Stoic knight or grizzled mercenary. This is of course wrong and shortsighted.

The other side thinks the MHF is the end-all be-all of quality roleplaying. They don't see the inherent blandness of the archetype as a handicap but rather an opportunity. They believe you can build anything up from the MHF and even feel it automatically requires more roleplaying skill because it doesn't use class or race gimmicks for its personality. They might even deride anything else as "training wheels" roleplaying because they think taking inspiration for personality from you character class or race is a bad thing. This is also wrong and shortsighted.

I don't think OP subscribes to either school. I think he just wants (You)'s and knows this is a hot button issue because exceptional individuals think the merits and weakness of the Male Human Fighter are somehow significant.
Yes anon, this is how it goes in 98% of all settings.

Elves are the only nondyke female Rangers, bless them.
>Hurr durr le neutral fencesitting is le one true way.

I can read how fat you are.

I take sides on things that actually fucking matter. Dismissing an entire class/race combo because it's too boring or dismissing every single other class/race combo because they're not boring enough is a retarded dichotomy.
Defecator, may everything turn out okay so that you can leave this place
Like, maybe 5 or 6 right now my dude.
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You are like a little baby.

Watch this.

But nobody did that and only OP went that far, your pointless moralizing exists only to stroke your micropenis.

Also glad you had the balls to admit your obesity problem.
There's nothing wrong with male human fighters. Or female fighters, I guess. If someone wants to make a meatshield, let them. If they want to give their meatshield a personality, even better.

But if you fucking go 'can I bring my kolbold sorceress/ranger into our game' then you might as well just fucking go.
Spoken like a fat projector, high on Mountain Dew and typing faster than his mind can think.

Stay fat, Fatty McFatterson.
>doesn't get trolled by OP
>gets trolled by weak millennial binary thinking bait instead

I'm embarassed for you anon
Ladies, please, you're both disgustingly obese.
I'm not sure who's trolling who any more. Am I being trolled now?
The FtM trans-nigger genderfluid demi-hominid PoC (Person of Chivalry) is the new human male fighter.
The irony here isn't lost on me.
I wish i could live in a time before ironic shitposting
I run a female kobold paladin. What's so bad about that?
I'm pretty sure even the Greeks did it, they just didn't have the internet yet.
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This is the world we live in now, where presidential candidates defend themselves with MLP, and it's impossible for anyone to not taking something seriously.
Just do what I did, run a game where there is no human option.
How'd your MLP game work out? Please go into detail, I wanna laugh.
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The fact that I'm scared that every single race that's not core is someone's race that they secretly/not so secretly want to fuck, and that any time they make a character of that race it's somehow a self-insert or a waifu, instead of just being an attempt to make a creative character of a different race.
She's got some serious Ellen-face going on

From this point on the adventurer's guild shall offer no jobs or guild services to human male fighters.

Nobody wants to fuck dwarves, only halflings.
I wanted to boycot one after I found a very detailed description of her wolf companion and 'addicted to milking herself' on her character sheet, but the player is stealthing her magical realm with such grandmastery that I've come to admire her. To my knowledge she had fucked the wolf at least three times without leaving clues or saying anything odd.
Every single short race is a risk. For some reason people consider them more fuckable than most of the tall races.
Humanaboo spotted.
How can you be a humanaboo when you are human?
>play 3.5 for years, humans min max munchkin race
>finally get out slump and play star wars saga, humans force munchkin race
>leave hobby for years
>roped into playing Edge of the Empire
>humans are best choice and min max race

Fucking shit
We need to go deeper
Well, I'm very sorry but game designers are under no obligation to confirm to your self-deprecating failure fantasy.
If they knew how to """design""" they wouldn't make humans so shit by making them so good
The other side is correct
You are objectively wrong.
That's impressive
>To my knowledge she had fucked the wolf at least three times without leaving clues or saying anything odd.

Then how do you know she's fucked the wolf at least three times?
No, you are. Male Human Fighter is pretty much RP without crutches, where it's up to you and your character to be interesting without any snowflakey shit to fall back on.
Both of them are wrong. One side derides the male human fighter as stereotypical, the other refuses to nudge beyond the stereotype even just for variety. Both sides have merits, but also have flaws when abused.
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> cowtits
>a bad thing

maybe if you're a pedophile...
But who will lead the party?
>Can we just, like, boycott RACE_ENTRY GENDER_ENTRY CLASS_ENTRY for a while?
no (You)


Anon please, the Elf you quoted might have a large bust, but I'd hardly call them "cow-tits."
A class with the willpower and charisma to keep everyone together. In some traditions, this has been the cleric or paladin, but a ranger or sorcerer could possibly do the same. Any class really, it just tends to not be the barbarian or the wizard or the rogue.
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Underrated post/up vote/pic related
>Not having a chaotic neutral rogue as party face
Having to use your own personality in place of making one sounds like the bigger crutch to me.
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That is the last person I ever want to be the party face unless our party is a bunch of murderhobos who need the face to basically be our 'get out of going to jail' card.
>Implying making a male human fighter means making a self insert
you know this implies that any other gender+race+class is just a self insert with gimmicks pasted onto them?
That would imply other roleplayers were as shit as you in that department.
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This is going to get good.
that's what you implied though

Making a MHF=/=having to use your own personality
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Most irony deposits are found near the surface though.
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I challenge you /tg/, give me one-sentence summaries of Male Human Fighters that are interesting and would make a cool roleplaying contribution to the party.
>not always playing human for the bonus feat and perfect stat distribution/bonus skills

It's like you love having to wait 2-3 levels to bring your build online or to actually play the archetype you want.
I get it. It's a mining joke. Because irony has "iron" in it. And dwarves are filthy Jews who can't leave my fucking mines alone. Every fucking day when I come home these fucking midget shits are squatting in my mine. Every. Single. Day. Do you know how stressful it is to kick out the same group of fat retarded drunks every day?
But to find ironic joking, you have to dig deeper, to where pressure will force them to form an alloy.
I challenge you anon, give me one-sentence summaries of gender race class that are interesting and would make a cool roleplaying contribution to the party.
Martin is a young, eager would-be adventurer who has tagged along the group because of all the neat tricks he'll learn when surrounded by such a motley crew.
>no, you
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i was just tryin to get somethin constructive and fun going bruh why you gotta be rude like that
>Former conscript who has become disillusioned in petty warfare and aspires to fight for greater reasons
>A flippant and foppish mercenary who acts like a bard and fights like a barbarian
>A former bodyguard who was cast out when he failed his charge, searching for a new meaning to his life while still remaining a heavily defensive warrior
>A hotheaded youth who's better with a woodaxe than his battleaxe, but is eager to leave his mark on the world
>Khalid, aka "I-I can but try"
So his whole personality revolves around his party members and his little more than an imitation and mirror of the rest of the group. How wonderful, I will keep him in the inn with the rest of my generic mirrors.
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honest farmboy adventuring to get coin for his sick parent/sibling/love/friend back home

I dare you to kill them off, DM. I double fucking dare you to turn them evil.
>implying implications i did not imply

>Implying his personality is implied as being a mirror just because he does not have his own cliche to fit into
All those could work with different races if adjusted slightly.
Why would you go with other races though? I mean, there's nothing wrong with them, but for what reason in particular would you go for another race if not for being able to stick an extra gimmick on them?
A heretical neophyte of a nigh-extinct order of ascetic warrior-philosophers seeks to hone his abilities and knowledge through worldly pursuits, and in so doing, achieve revenge against his master that exiled him.
And genders too, in most cases, but any good character could work for most any race or gender with some slight adjustments. That doesn't change the fact that by definition, these would make good male human fighters.
You could have any backstory to any race or gender. Your human male ranger could have a similar back story to a female elf ranger, just tweak her story to say human village instead of elf village.
Because I like to play something different? Maybe there is some mechanical reason, but probably not, considering all the bonus feats. Though sometimes I might want to play the dwarf because dwarf. That makes the character not better or worse, but I might have more fun.
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>Give me an archetype without making it an archetype.

Describe a female fighter that would make a cool roleplaying contribution to the party, without describing what she looks like or what skills she has.

When she takes time alone from the rest of the party she usually has a good reason, either roleplaying or mechanical one. On certain occasions, though, she just quietly stays behind then quietly rejoins a few hours later when she has a non-meta reason to do so. This tends to happen when she can bring the wolf along, when she can guarantee privacy, and when she has access to clean water. I only noticed the pattern because I have to pay attention to what exactly everyone is doing.

Or, maybe she just raised the wolf like a feral child and breastfeeds it from time to time, and I'm the one with the mind in the gutter.
Okay, here's something human specific: a knight from a militant order with human-supremacist values that is yet open-minded enough to slowly, if grudgingly, learn to accept other races and their values.
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>the next two characters I have planned are male human fighters
>I am currently playing a male human fighter
Maybe I should sprinkle a Ranger or a caster in there somewhere.
there's nothing wrong with playing fighters
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>He's a human-supremacist knight who goes by the books and is always on duty
>He's an elven rogue who doesn't play by the rules and is looking for the human that killed his brother
>Okay, here's something race specific: a class from a militant order with race-supremacist values that is yet open-minded enough to slowly, if grudgingly, learn to accept other races and their values.

So unique
oh sensei, please regale me with your tales of unique elves, dwarves and women
There's a story behind this rant. I know there is.
I once played a unique woman, and made a dwarf I'd like to think is unique. He didn't get past the planning stage though. I never play elves though, hate those fuckers.
She was unique because she was a relatively stupid mercenary with a napoleon complex who joined the party for coin and glory, and ended up being the second antanogist for the next campaign after she and the wizard who tricked her ended up fighting the other two in the group, and won.
>stupid mercenary with a napoleon complex who joined the party for coin and glory
how original
Aging knight from a disbanded monastic order, joined the party to pass some of her wisdom along and have one last hurrah.

Rough and tumble gutter bitch who rose out of the back alley hellscape on brawn, wit and utter ruthlessness. She is annoyed and exasperated by the upstanding morals of the party but comes to respect them after a few close calls, where everyone demonstrates how good people can be made of iron, too. She dreams of retiring in some quiet backwater, buying herself a noble fucktoy and having a dozen kids o play tug of war with.

Young barbarian girl who run from her clanhold after the 'arranged marriage' business her father negotiated turned into 'rape by a fat old syphilitic asshole' and a side serving of honorless murder. She lies about being a warrior and a chieftan's daughter on a mighty quest.

Her brother posed as a woman to join the army as a holy healer, so she dressed up as a man to go along and look for him. Found him in a fort that had been raided by orcs the night before. Gave him as good a burial as the could manage, then went up the mountain and only came down after she run out of pigfaces to impale. She's very observant and courteous when dealing with holy people, healers, especially, but she does like impaling people. Sometimes she won't bother greasing the pole.
the fact that it's a girl makes it more original strictly because it's a girl.
Wait but if they were accepting both male and female recruits why did they cross dress.

Plus, 3/4 of those could be men instead and have nothing change. The only one that requires minor changes is the barbarian one, where the arranged marriage could be cut out and have him just leave because he couldn't stomach the brutality/his morals were too strong.
So if the gender of the character doesn't affect anything, why does the gender of the character matter?
That's a good point - most people assume 'human fighter' is a white guy in plate. Humans have a shit ton of different cultures, and possibly more depending on the setting.
black people arn't human
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Oh no, your opinion is too different from mine. Now I shall have to angrily type at you, causing your subtle ruse to draw my ire to succeed.
Bait? On my /tg/?!
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rused ma nigga
It doesn't.

What was the argument about again?
>"I identify as a foodie"
wew lad that image makes me mad as hell
I fucking detest overconsumption and resource wasting
Can we just, like, boycott shitposts for a while?
He fucked your mum.
This is why redditor cucks stay mad.

In all of human history, we have had one effective class: male human fighter.

Male human fighter is literally the guy who fought, lost, and won all wars for the big man.
If you fucking dare to perpetuate misogyny and opression of womyn by making a MALE HUMAN FIGHTER REEEE

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More examples of non-"traditional" human male fighters.
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Any more glorious beards?
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This thread is bullshit.

The reason why people are tired of human male fighters is because they have been around a long time. Personally I was tired of thri-keen psychic warblades and shit the moment they came out.

Keep classes simple and distinct, and any nonhuman races should be boiled down to something not too strange. Lizard men, trolls, deep ones, gnomes and so on are all alright. It's when you get into the dragonborn and four armed ogres and shit where shit breaks down.

Keep It Simple Stupid.
I've always wanted to get into a online roleplay group or Roll20 or something where everyone is playing the craziest shit(tiefling sorcerer, kitsune rogue, ogre monk, whatever) and then there's my character, Rupert.

Rupert was a farm boy who got levied into a war for his liege. He rather liked romping around the countryside killing bad guys and decided to sell as much loot as possible to make whatever money he could and run off to be an adventurer. He is also unconditionally optimistic and friendly.

>"Gosh, look at the horns on yer head, do you gotta trim 'em like nails?"
>"Aw neat! I ain't never talked to an elf before!"

Has a "can do" attitude.
what a useless superpower.
*grabs dick*
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Fuck your sers.

That's why female characters are the shittiest, laziest way to be "original".

Well, maybe I don't want to be an elf, dwarf or a hobbit-ripoff.
He's right though.
Doesn't she have like a shortsword or knife of some kind she uses for melee attacks? I'm not seeing it on her person right now and the most obvious joke notwithstanding, it's a little big to hide in her cleavage.
Humans are fucking trash in general desu.
>Yes anon, this is how it goes in 98% of all settings.

Unless they have a charisma modifier, you can fuck off with the pretty people fanfiction.
Can we just, like, boycott this thread for a while?
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If elves aren't always beautiful, then why aren't there any pictures of ugly elves?

czech m8, athiests.
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