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Inquisitorial Penal Regiment /tg/: Titan fall Edition

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This is Sergeant Ordenius to the Herald of Imperial Goodwill. Come in Herald! Forward Operating Base Octavia is secured and awaiting additional reinforcements as well as resupply. Otherwise we won't be able to take down that Titan...
1d4Chan: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Campaign:Penal_regiment_designation_/tg/

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/40k_penal_regiment.

>What the fuck is this?
Somewhat a campaign of crack-infused free-form roleplay in the grim darkness of the far future.

>When do you guys make these threads?
Usually mondays at 4PM GMT, but they sometimes extend to Tuesdays if we got caught in the middle of something when the thread died and it was too late to make another one the same day.

>Can I join in?
Sure, just think of a character and have fun, you can find most info in 1d4chan albeit it's ussually a little bit out of date in comparison to where the threads are.

>Is there any requirement in character creation.
Not really, we've had Xeno infiltrators, Chaos infiltrators, Villains, Heroes, Normal Guardsmen, Crazed Guardsmen, Assassins, Psykers, Space Marines, Inquisitors, Squats... just think whathever and join the fun.

>Is it allowed to have more than a single character?
Yes as long as you don't use it to powerplay.

>So how you guys do the playan'?
We tend to use spoilers for OOC chat, but nothing is set in stone.
We tend to use greentexts for describing a character's actions, but again nothing is set in stone.
Use d20s for combat checks and d100s for other things you want to roll, higher Is better.
It's important to know that the regiment is now in the employ of a radical Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, with influence from an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor and under the watch of an Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor. Yes we've been through a lot of shit.
>The young NCO would lean himself into the folding chair beneath him. The exhaustion from running the F.O.B. all by himself finally kicking in.

Throne... This must be my punishment for always making fun of the COs...

>He gives himself a quick couple of light smacks to his cheeks to wake himself up before continuing with issuing orders to the front line.
Shit! I'm late!
I was wondering where you and the others were. Anyways I'll be back in about five to ten minutes. Have to do something outside
and I'm back. Took long enough. By the way, do you know if anyone else is joining? Just curious
I'm joining now.
Im back as well
Dammit! Throne fething DAMMIT!!
>The sergeant would slam his fist angerly into the table before him at the mention og the bad news.
>Another assault wave had just been wiped out in the latest of four attempts to push the traitor chapter back from the Titan. All of which the sergeant had ordered.
>Another several hundred men that were now out of the fight, weither dead or wounded.

Emperor guide me in our time of need... I should be out there fighting with those men... not doing this...
Well then in all honesty, just fucking get in the fight then, mate. If you seriously feel as if dying with your men is a good idea then go on right ahead towards doing that.
Might as well go in for another assault while the enemy is regrouping from their last one
>The sergeant would activate his newly acquired Vox. Before send a message to the sergeant Augue.

Forward command to Sergeant Augue. You and your men have got new orders. Unfortunately they're the same as last time....

Focus your Basilisks firepower on point 3874 by 2691. Provide covering fire to our boys coming back. I'll send you new orders upon their arrival...
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Oh boy, I can't wait to see the exact same thing happen again. Also, why are you Voxing me when I'm standing right next to you. Eh, whatever
>Turns on Vox
Alright fellas, you know the drill, fire on the exact same spot we've being firing on since we got on this fucking shit-stain planet
>He'd lean back in his chair. An agitated look growing over his face.

I honestly wish I could. But my squad and I are busy running this place until reinforcements can come in from orbit. With most of the COs having never made it down, I, along side a junior Commissar, who has yet to be seen since we got here. Are the highest ranking officials currently planet side.
We... May not need to defeat them. Without reinforcements we cannot take on that Titan. But they have a goal. We may be able to deny them their prize.
Well, at least you and your boys have something to fire upon while we regroup for another push...
>The man would sigh before continuing.

Even with the additional firepower and assistance from Nyzarts Necron forces, we're just barely managing to hold this position. I guess that's what you get when you're fighting at least a company's worth of renegade Marines who are willing to risk everything for a warlord class Titan...
The Aeronautica Imperialis stands ready, sergeant.
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Warhound, not warlord.
>A group of enemy scouts has been detected past the perimeter's defenses
>He turns to face the adept, a large grimace upon his face.

That's what ive been trying to do... but those bastards are currently entrenched around the damn thing. Trying desperately to repair it.
>The man sighs as he takes a quick glance at a recently written report before bringing his attention back to the adept.

And while it might not be able to move r now, it's armaments are at the very least still partilly operational. Because of that, fleet hasn't been willing to send in additional support for fear of getting torn to pieces by that warp blasted cannon its got!

But... if you've got an idea that might work, then I'm all up for listening...
I do not believe the titan is their goal. It is but a tool for them to achieve a goal.
Alright bub, I myself have a few ideas for a good course of action, but I just need to know two things:
One, who has the larger force?
Two, what is the terrain situation like?
>draws his pistol and looks around nervously
what now?
God Emperor be praised! I almost thought you'd forgotten about us Admiral!
>The man let's out a sigh of relief at the first good bit of news he's had since crash landing the night before.

>However is short lived, as he receives a report about >>48242370

>He activates his Vox. Setting is to comm all channels.

Attention! Renegade forces have infiltrated the camp! All forces prepare to repel the enemy! I repeat! Sons of Malice forces have infiltrated the camp! Push them back in the name of the Emperor!

>He quickly grabs his gear and begins making his way towards the action. even as he switches channels over to the Herald.

Sorry about this Admiral, but we've got unwanted guests!
>He pats the Eldar on the shoulder as he passes by him, a smile on his face.

Same thing we do everyday Larrs... try to take over th- I mean! Fight in the name of the God Emperor and his holy inquisition against the forces of Chaos and heresy!
We've been spotted, places the charges! Get rid of their artillery!
How come it's always heretics despite us being under the orders of an Ordo Xenos inquisitor?
>grins at joke and inspects his pistol quickly
here's hoping I don't have to patch any of you up ayy?
I serve an Inquisitor of Ordo Sicarius, and I have never had a job involving assassins. It is not that strange.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Bring it up at the next group meeting Augue! For now, switch your attention to defending your Basilisks!

Well if course they've got a goal. They're Chaos! They always have some kind of goal!

>He quickly slides his way into cover behind a large metal crate, before taking a moment to check that his lasrifle is fully charged.
>Pleased by the affirmative chime, he crouches down and takes a few shots at the traitors before him.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>takes cover with him and fires a single shot at who he suspects to be the leader.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Follows and shoots the lasgun.

I'm too far to reach them with my flamer, but there's no cover from here to their spot!
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Oh those cock-mining sonsa demon whores! You aint touching me, my men, or my cannons if its the last thing I do!
>fires at the enemy nearest the artillery while dashing towards cover
>Drags himself to better cover
But what do they want here? If the Titan is the goal, they would have left with it. We need to find out what they want here, what that Titan has to do with it!.
Rolled 6, 1 = 7 (2d20)

Squad under fire!

I'm hit!

Suppressing fire!

>The squad fires against the enemy as one of them dashes forward to plant some charges (second roll for melta charges).
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>The man smiles before yelling out.
Because we're damn good at our job!

That! Or we're the most unlucky regiment in this segmentum! Take your pick!

>He pulls off a Krak grenade from his belt before priming and throwing it towards the Chaos Marines.

I'd be more worried about yourself Eldar! What with that hangover you're probably nursing!

Must SUCK to be you!
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Mate, this aint the fucking time to talk about goals, just fucking shoot them
>shoots the one dashing to plant the charges with boltgun
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>tosses a small grenade over cover at them
hangovers I can deal with, it's the voices and visions that throw me off.
>takes a sip from his hip flask and offers it to the Sgt.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>He smiles as he hears the results of the artillery chiefs shot hitting it's mark!

Damn nice work!

>Taking a cue from the other sergeant, his fires another few shots towards the traitor with the det-charge.

Don't let those bastards get near the Basilisks!

While I appreciate your need to know why they want it! I'd prefer it if you focused on the here and now!
Rolled 2 - 4 (1d20 - 4)

Must suck to be you, never getting to fight Slaught instead of some heretics. I´m just saying there is nothing strange about Inquisitors working against forces their Ordo does not usually combat!
This is the exact time to talk about goals! The heretics play for time. They´ll get the titan up soon and we´ll all die! We have to figure out a way to deny them their victory before that happens!
>Takes a few shots with his pistol anyways
Penalty for wounds
>All of them see the grenade yet none yells or screams for it, nobody says anything in the squad.

>Two scouts are send flying whilst another one is engulfed by the explosion, which sends >>48242683 's grenade off course, the Scout who had dashed for the artillery earlier doesn't manage to reach it, but avoids the incoming fire.

>He shoots back from a medium cover, in complete silence.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

4got roll
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Well maybe those voices should tell you how to shoot better!
>takes a swig my from own flask
Mate, I dont care if they're going to invade Holy Terra itself, if they're going to blow up my artillery I'd sooner kill them now then know what they're doing later!
>throws a Krak grenade at the one behind cover
Eat this, you mongling heretic shit!
Rolled 15, 6, 10 = 31 (3d20)

>dodges the fire and stands up firing back and screaming profanities in Eldar.
What's the third dice roll for? Screaming profanities?
>In addition to horribly missing, the pistol jams
I am of no use but of thinking! But if you insist, I will focus on the now, and how we are going to die without either a miracle or us figuring out what to do!
Very well, I should have expected as much.
of course, it's to see how offensive they are
>The blast throws him out in the open where he is shot dead multiple times.

>Even in death he doesn't scream, a white and black aura leaving the gaps of the armor as the body dies.

>This one was the "sergeant" apparently.
how many marines are there?
They form up in squads of Eleven. Right now only Five seem to be alive from this Scout Squad
Rolled 14, 1 = 15 (2d20)

suck on that you chess board armoured wearing, monkey fuckig, panda touching none beilevers!
>grins at the others before firing two more shots.
Rolled 8 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>The sergeant let's out a small cheer at the sight of the dead Chaos Marines.

Hell yeah! That's the sight every demolition expert LOVES to see!

>Aiming carefully, the man takes a shot at the Chaos Space marine still outside of cover.
>He then casts a quick glance at his men before rushing forward while yelling out.

adding plus two due to his lack of cover
>One of the scouts signals the squad to retreat as another brother falls dead on the ground, all of them leaving a white and black smoke from their armor gaps as they die, but no near as strong as the one the sergeant had.
Rolled 15 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>charges at enemy while firing at the ones retreating
-2 because of firing while running
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>fires at them as the run away.
and don't come back!
well that was easy.
Rolled 20, 11 + 2 = 33 (2d20 + 2)

>The sergeant slows down his charge at the sight of their retreat. But does not stop firing. Sending another couple of shots towards the now retreating Marines.

We've got 'em pulling back! Don't stop firing until they they stop moving! We'll cleanse their bodies with holy flames after we've secured the area!

Eisen! Check for traps and other hazards.

Larrs... you and the Adept take two squads to fill in that breach, then report back to me.
woops, that was supposed to be a minus dont know how that fucked up
Use +-2 for negatives
>Another one falls down but the remaining ones manage to get a safe distance to sprint out of the combat.

>They purposedly let something small fall on the ground as they do.
Er... they dropped something on the floor sir...
Rolled 15, 4 = 19 (2d20)

>jumps away from the object to cover, while firing at the retreating enemy
rolling 2 dice, 1 for jump, other for shooting
>has been there the whole time

Sergeant... go check on your men and your vehicle's... see what the damage is
Afterwards, I want you to start raining death back upon that Titan and the surrounding area. Understood?
>nods and grabs the adapt.
let's get going then.
By Drusus´ holy corpse... I have one mobile arm and everything beneath my ribcage has been paralyzed... Let´s see... Knife, stapler, disinfectant... Could I be dragged to a somewhat private place before I operate on myself?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>He quickly runs towards the object and picks it up. Before tossing it as far away as possible.

>He quickly dives behind the nearest crate and covers his head. Preparing himself for the worst

Rolling for distance
you know I'm a doctor right?
>hoists the adapt over his shoulder and marches quickly to cover before setting him down.
now where did the mean heretics hurt you?
>Meanwhile, back at the bunker's hangar...

So...? Is my ship ready?

>"It hasn't flown in centuries, warpsmith, the machine spirit is rebellious"

I care not for the machine spirit, brother techmarine, it will bend to my will as everything does. Is the machine ready to fly or not?

>The Techmarine sighs loudly.
>"It should, but you can't take off yet."

And who dares forbid me to take off?

>"Lord Keros himself wishes a transport into the heat of battle, he chose yours."

Oh for Malal's sake... fine tell him I'm waiting!
Alright, yeah sure.
Just give me one sec
>walks up to the chaos marine sergeant and starts shooting him with the boltgun
How do you like that, you piece of shit! Fuck you and whatever whore demon spawned you! You think you can go after me! Or my men! Or my fucking god damn cannons! I'll fucking wipe you from the face of the earth!
>stops shooting, before stomping on him and walking off
I'll report back to you with the damages, as well as that course of action I wanted to discuss with you
My cybernetic arm is in ruins, no fixing that without parts... Nerves of my spine have probably been severed, so that is unlikely to be fixable in field as well... I think it´s best to simply try and salvage what I can. You may not want to see this, being Eldar and all that.
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Beacon deployed.
>A white flash covers the area as the teleportation beacon guides the traveller safely to its destination
>pats his shoulder.
I'm more machine than Eldar at this point, I'm here to help you any way I can.
>grins again.
You are in need of cybernetics.
>The Ork Warboss begins to randomly mash buttons in an attempt to contact his best friend the warpsmith, while he waits for the repairs to finish up on the Titans leg and main cannon.
>Eventually he hits the right button, and a comm link is established.
'Ey boss! Is dis you? If so's, I wantz ta knowz when ya grots is gonna finish up da repairs ta da tiotan! Dez 'umies keep bombin' me an' it's stah'tin' ta get annoy'an!

>The ork goes quiet for a minute, before continueing.

>He seems hesitant to say anything.
Oi've been 'earin' some voice in me he'd since I took control o dis f'ing! And the flaming git won't shut up! 'es saying somefing bout "damage" ta some weird f'ing or Nother! Tell 'em ta stop!
In that case...
No. I am in need of paper, quill and ink. More ink than I have used thus far in my career.
Larrs, please make an incision on my chest, right beneath the collarbones.
That voice could be the machine spirit, ignore it, it will die out soon enough.

The repairs are almost complete their artillery is literally doing nothing to this mighty war machine, our techmarines will get it ready to move in less than 3 hours. Just keep firing on their battleships, the larger ones first.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>The sergeant looks out from his bit if cover after the flash of light dissipates. Expecting it to have caused some sort of explosion.
>What he wasn't expecting to see, was another chaos space marine to have appeared where he threw the device.
>He then moves back to a better position before fireing his rifle at the armored figure.

What the Hell is THAT doing here!?!
>nods and performs the incision humming to himself.
so uh, got any plans for later then? going on holiday?
But Oi can't aim da gun up der' wit da tiotans leg like dis!
Also... wotz a machine spirit?
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>The shots do apparently nothing against his armor.


>He fires a melta shot against the artillery line, completely ignoring the soldiers firing at him.

Explaining it would take hours so I'll try to make this simple... what's your God's name?
Writing, researching, making a wraith-construct of my own if I have enough time. Now, please embed this to my chest and close the incision afterwards.
>Pulls a black object from his pocket
>It looks like a beetle made of metal
>Every warning bell Larrs has tell him this is a bad thing
what is that?
>narrows his eyes.
what are you planning on doing?
>takes the black object.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>turns and sees the melta shot flying towards the artillery
Oh God Emperor fucking damn it!
>fire my boltgun with the force of a thousand suns at the Obliterator
>shouts at the entire camp
Rolled 12 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>The sergeants eyes go wide at the sight of the obliterator marine almost instantly destorying the mobile artillery piece.

Oh God! He's taking out the cannons!
>He quickly activates his Vox and sends out a message to everyone.

>He then primes, and tosses a Krak grenade towards the obliterator marine.
A Halo Device. Your race has been in Calixis-sector before, so I assume at least warnings of them are still commonly known. I plan on researching it in the only way that we have not yet tried. The only way we may find out the truth about them. And, If I die here, it will be destroyed with me.
Dey'z da great an' powerful Gork an' Mork! Why'z? Ain't deh da same fer' you?
>shrugs before doing as he's told.
I hope I don't end up regrettig this.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>It takes a few steps back as it covers its face from the damage.

Must... KILL!

>His right arm morphs, no longer using a multi-melta for hand, but rather a monstruous albeit normal-like (five fingered) clawed hand that just happens to have a heavy bolter coming out of its palm.

>Said heavy bolter begins firing at the infantry surrounding him, doing a barrage.
Mine's Malal but that's another thing, focus on the explanation:

Imagine if Gork and Mork could talk to you through machines. Got that? Good. Now imagine if the gods from other people also were able to talk to you through machines. Now imagine an enemy god is talking you through machines.
Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d20)

>attempts to dodge the incoming fire while shooting at the Obliterator
Now it will stay hidden. I´ll research it´s effects and continue my work as long as I can. Thank you. Now the area needs to be disinfected. After that, we should help with that Obliterator... Or you should. I´m useless for a few weeks, except for my brain.
Rolled 11, 10, 12, 12 = 45 (4d20)

>a group of lychguard engage the obliterator in melee
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>He morphs his left hand into yet another set of claws, but they emit energy as a power-claw would, Engaging the lych guard on melee one at a time as they push him back
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

>The sergeant screams out in pain as a bolter round rips it's way through part of his left leg. Causeing him to fall to the ground in agony.
>He holds himself back from letting out a scream from the immense pain, before yelling out.


>He grabs the one thing off his belt that he's been loathed to use this entire time.
>He slowly primes the Melta grenade in hand and then counts to three before tossing it. Praying that the Emperor will guide his hand before yelling out


+5 due to help from the Emps
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>cleans the wound and stitches him up again.
guess I'll be going to my death now.
>grins as he draws his sword and steps towards the obliterator
come on and fight me you ugly son of a bitch.
>bolter round rips through my right leg as I fail to dodge
>fires at the obliterator
Eat this you son a bitch!
be back in a bit. Have to once again do something outside. Be back in ten or so minutes.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

forgot to roll
>disengages from the obliterator and runs to the two Sergeants
shit you two better not die on me.
>takes out his pack and starts to treat the wounds,
both these legs are pretty badly fucked lads.
WELL FUCK. What'd I miss boys? I missed the start time fuck me
Well no fucking shit, knife-ears. I just got shot by a heavy bolter.
We were attacked in our FOB by Chaos Marine scouts, when the retreated an Obliterator teleported in and is fucking our shit
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>As the bullets bounce off and the lasfire seems to do nothing on him, he once again morphs the right hand into a multimelta, having created an opening by tossing aside a lych guard, he momentarily pauses the combat to fire against the artillery again.
>draws his sword.
>all I'm asking is how fond are you of this leg...
>But he forgot to generate enough melta on his blood stream for a second shot, so he morphs it to an autocannon instead, albeit he lost the chance to shoot again until the lych guard is dealt with.
Rolled 12, 8, 19 = 39 (3d20)

>one of the lychguard is too damaged to continue, but the others fight on
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>shoots at the Obliterator with my bolter with a devotion and dedication typical of a zealous Space Marine
+3 for extreme devotion
Depends on what you replace the leg with. I aint getting no pegleg shit, Eldar
>pats his own prosthetic.
one of these, they're pretty snazzy, mine even comes with a drinks compartment.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>With the attack from the scouts repulsed, Jurgen began making his way back from the FOB's perimeter.
>What he came upon was not a pretty sight, what appeared to be soome kind of heretical monstrosity was unloading on everyone in the FOB
>Luckily, the Kreiger came in from behind it
>Quickly dropping to one knee, he leveled his hellgun, aiming for the back of its knee and hoping to cripple it

rollan for de lazer
Well dont do it yet, wait till after this shit-stain is dead.
Shit, Ordenius passed out.
Grab his gun and shoot the bastard. You can cut off my leg later
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>One of the lych guards manages to make a cut deep enough to leave a real mark on the oblieterator's mash-up of armor and daemonflesh, which makes him scream in pain.

>Another one's attacks are just forcing him back whilst the other seems to not be doing anything on him at all.

>The shots force him to cover his face rather than using the right arm for defending himself, too bad he still has the left one to fight off the lych guard...
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Shot goes far to wide, Jurgen internally scolds himself for the snap shot
>Calmly remains kneeling, aiming at the same place with his hellgun, intent on at least drawing its attention with a more well place shot
>Hopefully this time the Obliterator will at least notice it
Rolled 20 (1d20)

you'll like the new leg my man, I'll bet a months wages on it.
well.. I'm off to do something very stupid.
>clenches his sword tightly and charges at the Obliterator.
>notices what 29472927383 is doing
Keep doing what your doing!
Oh hell yes, good fucking shot, Krieger!
>aims at the shoulder joint of its left arm
Rolled 5 (1d20)

fuck keep forgetting my rolls
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>The thick beam of red las collides with the back of the obliterators knee, the hellgun discharge far more powerful than its weaker lasgun cousin
>Jurgen makes no notice of congratulations from the Sgt., instead simply changes his angle, and opens fire again
>This time, the shot is aimed for its remaining leg, intent on hitting in the same spot as he did on the other
>The Obliterator stumbles down to his knee, still fending off the lytch guard when >>48243971 the eldar joins the fray, jumping on the remains of the dead lychguard and embedding the sword onto the obliterator's face.

>It remains motionless in place.
Should we only take one action for each thing until the enemy does their's? Seems like a fair thing to me
Yea probably, sorry my bad
Rolled 1 (1d20)

I think I killed it...
did I kill it?
>pokes the hulking body.
I'm pretty sure that I killed it
>he's grinning madly
>The obliterator falls fowards, towards the eldar.

>It alone's almost as heavy as a rhino transport, don't get caught!
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Jurgen stands up and carefully makes his way towards the unmoving obliterator, Hellgun never pointed away from it
>He comes to stand next to... apparently an eldar with his sword impaling the Obliterator through its head
>Which was when it started to fall
>Jurgen immediately tackled the Eldar >>48244071
out of the way, lest the beasts hulk crush his comrade
>let's out a little whine before he is tackled out of the way.
>gets on Vox, radios everyone in the base
Alright, Ordenius is out of commision at the moment, and as the next senior officer I am in charge of the base until he wakes up.
As of currently, repairs on the Titan are still ongoing, so we need to continue to regroup for the upcoming assault.
From what I can tell all our artillery is damaged, but still functional.

I need someone to tell me what the numerical size of our and their forces are, and the details of the terrain
[Spoiler] deja vu
>Malak manages to limp his way over to the others. Being carefully not to put to much weight on his just treated leg.

I'll be honest... I'm getting REAL tired of Chaos Space Marines!!!

>He then operates his Vox. Taking a moment to observe the carnage as he attempts to contact the fleet.

Forward operating base Octavia to fleet command... you might want to send those reinforcement sooner rather than later...

God I hope so...
>Quickly stands up, getting off of the Eldar once they were out of harms way, not so much a word or a hand to help up the xeno
>Quickly turns towards his new CO>>48244132 and stands at attention

I await further orders Sir. I am not certain of our numbers or the details of the terrain though Sir.
Oh good, you're up. Listen, before the knife-ear here cuts off my leg, I need to know
What are the numbers of each force, and whats the terrain?
I have a good course of action for a couple of possibilities
If it isn't obvious by now, the imperial fleet has successfully a blockade going on over the planet, preventing any major traitor ship from entering or leaving orbit, holding space superiority, but the overcharged titan weapon is crippling the fleet slowly, efficiently working as a planetary gun, also a series of disrupting towers are keeping the ship's targetting systems from aiming propperly. The troops that managed to make planet fall found themselves stranded from main command by numerous Hell Talons and StormHawk interceptor fighters, granting the Sons of Malice the air superiority factor, those stranded groups on the ground are divided and lacking an effective and organized chain of command and being picked out one by one by the traitor astartes. The terrain is tropical, jungle if far from the SoM bunker HQ and Titan, coast if close to it. Their forces are around 10 to 1 in traitor's favour.
>gets up and slaps him on the shoulder.
you have my gratitude good sir
you and me both, can't wait for us to fight some Dark Eldar.
Please... don't hope for that Larrs... that's almost as bad as this shitty situation...
Well damn, I thought we'd have reasonable numbers.
From what I've gathered, our main priority is the Titan of course, but the best course of action to solving that is to shut down those disrupting towers to get the fleet to fire on them more effectively then what 9 Basilisks can do
Where are these disrupting towers?
>grins at him
nothing I enjoy more than fighting my fallen brothers and sisters, even if I'm considerd worse than them by my own kin.
Unfortunately... the nearest one is just out of range of your Basilisks. And unless we can push the line forward, we aren't doing anything about it.

That's why I've been sending out those assault waves. To give you and your men a chance to hit them hard. But it hasn't been effective.
Sarge, if our main concern is the disrupting towers should we not begin our assault on them as soon as possible?

>Makes the sign of the Aquila before continuing
I am willing to take part in the destruction of these towers no matter the danger Sarge, should you order it it will be done
Four are spread around the coast forming an arch, in different SoM outposts, and the final one is right below the titan, there's 5 of them but only the traitors know that so far.
cloaking field mixed with a scrambling device. Ships and psyker cants accurately target the titan, because of it
Alright, what is our nearest object of importance, then?
From what the few surviving pilots who actually managed to land here told me, they found two of these suckers in the nearby area. Unfortunately. One is directly under the titan. And the other one ive mentioned, is currently just outside our cannons kill range...
There's a supply depot taken by the Sons of Malice in the tactical map, but scouts sent there say there's literally nothing, not even the supply depot, it could be an illussion (it definitely is) but no one is sure of it
Well then, once we get reinforcements, we need to launch an all-out direct assault on the Titan.
We cannot let them get it up and running, and we have very limited options.
We have fewer numbers, so we cannot attack from multiple angles. And if we wait we are screwed.
The suppression towers are too spread out for us to effectively deal with it without first dealing with the Titan

So therefore, we must do a precise, front, all-out assault on the Titan and hope to the Emperor himself we can succeed.
Any other option is failure
>Jurgen looks at Ordenius,mapproaching him
Sarge, I volunteerto take pat in an assault on the nearbye tower, outside of our cannons range. Or if I am needed in any other way give me the order Sarge.

>Stands at attention, awaiting his orders

All in favor for mission? Lets send some folks out!
Now Knife Ear, cut my leg off and get me a cool prosthetic
got it, you may wish to bbite down on this
>hands him a plank of wood.
>draws his sword and levels it.
Just do it, faggot
>bites down on the wood
>slices the leg off in one swift motion and binds up the wound as quickly as possible
over, you can stop crying now.
Shit... that looked damn painfully...
you're just lucky your wound wasn't as bad...
>hands the Sgt a stiff drink
you'll get that shiney new leg fitted when you make it back to the ship, guess you'll just limping for now.
I aint no fucking emo-ass looking Eldar like you, punk.
Now give me some of that. And how the hell am I gonna limp with one leg?
>The man chuckles at this
Like hell you're cutting off my leg as well. Besides. This is nothing. I took a similar shot during our escape from Somerius.
>His face then turns from one of joking , to one far more serious.

Larrs... assemble the men towards the center of camp.
File: SoMGrandLord.jpg (79KB, 520x600px)
79KB, 520x600px
>Meanwhile at the Sons of Malice HQ...

>A hulking space marine, wearing heavy amounts of regalia over his armor walks into the vehicle bay, followed by an honor guard, each looking fancier than the previous one.

>Depherion who stood taller than anyone until now is surpassed in height by mere inches, as he is covered by the lord's shadow, the Warpsmith bows.

>"My lord."

Is the transport ready to fly?

>"Ready and willing, I have been waiting for your arrival to take off,"

>The conversation goes on as they Embark a Caestus Assault Ram.

The titan?

>"Operating at 75% capabillity, will be set to 100 in the coming days."

Disruption towers?

>"Fully operational, I told you my designs don't fail."

The illusion?

>"Our psykers work on it day and night taking turns to keep it going smooth, we're invisible to radar and to naked eye, not even the necrons managed to detect us."

What about the Imperial Blockade?

>"A mere incomvenience, will be soon dealt with by the overcharged titan weapon, the warp stones are powering it up to 200% efficiency."

What about the Victoria?

>"Our battleship is still recovering from the crash from seven years ago, we expect at least a decade to be able to pull it off the ground, but I have already contacted our brothers among the stars, once we clean-up the Imperial Blockade the Malevolence will be picked up to start our crusade towards the Eye, so will our men."

And the Imperial Ground forces?

>"Disorganized and lacking a chain of command, nothing to worry about."

In the mean time... I have a few calls I have to make.

>The sergeant would start to make his way towards the command tent.
I'm afriad you'll just have to get by with a crutch made from a sniper rifle.
on it.
>moves on to gather the men.
Im sorry to bother everyone but can i join?
>the base shudders as necron flyers go overhead
>they seem not to have noticed it, however
Get in here!
sure thing, just make a char and join the madness
Feh, now what am I gonna do
Like I told the rest, mate, artillery works, but its damaged so it aint gonna shoot as well
no Need to ask man! Just take a name and join right in.
Nyzart... I'll need your help with something.
Another scout flight?

>"It's been like this for seven years, mylord, I assure you, my towers make us invisible to their pressence."

Yet the titan fired against a necron army mere hours ago, and the sightings of scout flights are increasing in our reports. They know we're here somewhere, and they're looking for us.

>"Even if they find us our troops are ready. And my own machines are more than willing to replace a few plasteel parts for living metal ones. I tested my androids on the Penance numerous times, they're quite deadly if I say so myself."

And yet you came without a single one of them.

>"My secondary project, the Exile, and my main assignement, the titan, were deemed more important to my- er... our interests. However I have instructed our minor warpsmiths and brother techmarines on how to torture the daemons to bend them to an humanoid shell. I can assure you, we have at least 30 of them operational by now."
How do i join in?
For this plan to work, I need numbers... the number of troops, fliers, tanks, and the location of all of your nearby tombs.
I will transmit the data shortly.
Just make a character and hop in.
simply come up with a character concept and a name and find a place to join in. We have all shorts of characters. Ranging from more serious (like mine) to silly ones (a tech priest who thinks he's an ork). We have Xenos and androids. Ogryn and orks. All sorts of people here
can i make a temp character until i get to know this thread more?
yeah that works as well
Good... I'll have the necessary ordinance brought forth.
>Malak let's out a sigh. Knowing that no matter what happens. Casualties on all sides are going to be enormous.

In the meantime... I want your forces to br prepared to teleport out as soon as I give the word.
Very well.
Sarge, the men are ready to get going.
>The massive Terminator armoured bulk of Neziax forced his way forward towards his lord
>His helm had several great tusks jutting from its chin, the pelt of some great warp beast draped about his armour, its strange fur seeming like undulating fire
>The flames seemed agitated and impatient, not unlike the man wearing them

My lord! I and my men are prepared to bring death to these foolish Guardsmen! Place me where we may gorge ourselves on their slaughter! I hunger my lord!

>His men, all in regular power armour forced their way through the other marines, each had a different strange pelt about his shoulders as they came up behind their terminator armoured champion, and awaited their lords response

Hope an antagonist is ok?
>takes a break from playing the guitar to wave over the redshirt.
you need to find yourself a weapon mate.
Well guys I have to leave you already. I hope you had fun today despite the lack of usual population, this is normal in follow-up threads that don't occur on mondays though.

Anyhow if you guys want to engage against any enemy of any kind, remember that various heretic cultists (AKA: Mutineers from the Penance) managed to make landfall and get to the surface, creating small camps and Foward Operating Bases here and there over the jungle, they get no marine support to not reveal themselves out of the illusion unless it is needed, but they keep radio contact with the HQ.
Any idea whats left over?
>kicks a laspistol across the ground to him
there's that, you go for close quarters combat or long range?
Thanks i mostly go for long range
>It takes Malak a moment before he looms up from a piece of paper he's writing on
>Written upon its surface would appear to be various calculations. As well as the different symbols for various kinds of chemical compounds.
>From what you're able to see, it looks like he's planning on blowing up something massive.

Oh...? I thought I told you to gather the men... So why haven't you done that Larrs?

>apparently, he'd been so deep in concentration that he hadn't even heard what you said.

Well since you're here.... I need you to gather up everything on this list and bring it to Nyzart...
>He'd hand the Eldar a long list. Most of which would contain the the numerical signature for various kinds of explosives and scrap electronics.
I also need you to gather every Enginseer to look over these calculations... I think I did it right, but I'd like to have a second opinion...
Alright fine one last post before leaving.

>Lord Keros simply walks deeper into the transport, letting Depherion deal with this.

My scouts located a small force over the northern emisphere of the jungle, around 8 miles from here, raining artillery fire onto us. They've eliminated one of my Obliterators already so expect them to be well bunkered. Albeit as disorganized as the rest. Eliminate them.

>With this Depherion also walks deeper onto the transport as the ramp shuts and it takes off to oversee various FOBs.
>limps up to Malak on a crutch
Listen mate
I aint getting that prosthetic till we get off this planet
So give me something to do so I dont have to deal with this excrutiating pain
>shouts from where he was left
I can also look those over.
>nods and takes the list before moving on
alrighty then
>wanders off to find engiseers.
>passes him a standard issue lasrifle
this'll do you for now, thou don't expect it to pierce anything but flesh.
>Smiling, Neziax turns to his men and orders them ahead, turning back to depherion
It will be done, Warpsmith

>He joined his men in their march to their own transport, and get on their way to this 'artillery' position... Neziax was excited to get back into the thick of it, and it wouldn't be too long before they were in sight of the artillery
Thank you i promise to bring them back with minimal damage once i have acquired something of my own.
>He lets out a sigh at his fellow NCOs impatients, which after a moment, is replaced by a smile as he finishes writing down something.

Alright, since you're so eager to help. I want you to gather up all the remaining Mars pattern shells your Basilisks have left, and give them to Nyzart. No questions asked. Understood?
no need, it's Zeds and urr... Zed's dead.
Ah okay thanks for the gun.
[color=green]walks off to find something to shoot at.[/color]
oops sorry
no worries my man, names Mot.
>grins at him as he walks away.
you get green text by putting > at the front of what you say
Why in the Emperor's name would I do that?
Feh, fine, if you want my artillery to not do shit, then alright.
>pulls out Vox
Ay, listen up. I want you fellas to take any and every Mars pattern shell you got and put it in a transport.... Don't ask me why, just do it!
Hey you! I need you to get in a transport and bring it over to the artillery pieces. When its full up, I need you to drive it over to that Necron looking fella.
Can you do that?
I feel like such a noob right now
no worries my man, we were all new at one point
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>The dull sound of thudding artillery sounded around the transport as Neziax and his men sped towards the emplacement
>'hmmmm... sound like... basilisks, yes, firing standard shells... probaly not expecting Neziax's beasts!' he thought
>Suddenly, the thuds seemed to bbe falling closer, possibly a basilisk or twwo had spotted the approaching Land Raider, and had ipened fire on it
>Neziax growled and slammed his fist against the drivers cabin
Do not fail me!

rolling evasive maneuvers!
Be my guest Adept!

>He hands the man his calculations and various other notes, alongside a data slate.
>Upon the papers surface, would be the calculations and scientific theory needed to build a bomb capable of leveling a small city.
>Upon the data slates screen, appears to be a two laired map of the region around the titan. One lair appears to be of the surface, with the titan, and the distention tower clearly marked upon it. whilst the other shows the locations and size of each of Nyzarts local tombs, alongside his forces total strength.
>There seems to be a lot of side notes indicating the the maximum possible group that can be teleported via the Necrons as any one time.
>If you had to guess. Malak is planning on detonating a bomb in each of the tombs simultaneously in an effort to cause the ground around the titan while the main force keeps the enemy force busy. All in an effort to collapse and bury the Titan in millions of tons of rubble.
>It also notes that casualties will be dangerously high at best. While at worst, it will wipe out the entire the assault force.
>As a side note, it seems to you like it could work dispite all the risks
>gets a report on my Vox
What? Ah shit
>shouts out to everyone
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>Fires lasgun because that's definitely going to halt it
>loads his shotgun and runs to the front trench.
>Malak looms up from some additional notes at the mention if the incoming g Land raider

>He quickly stands up and grabs his gear, before Voxing the artillery Chief.

From which direction?
Also, I need details on how those shells are coming!
>draws his sword and steps forwards
to me men! may your holy golden corpse protect us once more!
the engiseers are ready to go sarge!
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Crutch-limps over to a barricade and throws a melta grenade at the transport
>turns on Vox
Where else? From the direction of the huge ass Titan and the Chaos encampment!
Frankly, I aint sure about the shells right now, but I would assume we're 25% done
... Are you certain you want to go through with this? It is the first working plan, yes, but the casualties... How about a distraction? We could do something the heretics would never expect, something that forces them to point their attention away from the strike force...
Rolled 45 (1d100)

>A few shells landed close, spraying the Land Raider with Shrapnel, clanging harmlessly against the heavy plating
>Neziax smiled as they entered the area in which the basilisks could no longer hit them, they were now too close
The sound of scattered lasfire could be heard scorching the sides of the land raider as it came to a stop at the first line of defenses, and its assorted weaponry loosed themselves on the surrounding area
>As the fire began Neziax andnhis men piled out of its back hatch, before charging along the sides

roll is for general effectiveness of the>>48245713
fire from land raider and the CSM's, not Neziax
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>aims for the eyes as i might blind him with my flashlight.
Rolled 4, 14 = 18 (2d20)

>He'd turn his attention quickly towards the Enginseers, before handing them a copy of the notes.
Look these over, and keep them safe in-case I don't come back.
>He'd then turn his attention towards the forward trench.
I hope that minefield does some damage!
rolling for minefield damage!
can I be the distraction? oh please can I?
>he's clearly drunk.
>fires my boltergun at the terminators as they come into view
Rolled 13 (1d20)

You may as well take me. A drunkard and a cripple might surprise even chaos... For a few seconds.
>He'd shake his head at this.
Unfortunately, the titan isn't the only thing that needs to be taken out. The goal of the assault is to have them bring out everything they're willing to spare, and then some. We have to make it look good as well. Otherwise they'll never take the bait...

You may not like it, but it's a chance we have to take. Even if it costs us our lives, it'll allow the fleet to deploy reinforcements to deal with what's left.

>He then takes up positions inside the hastily dig trench.
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d20)

>The Land Raider went largely unaffected by the mines and even the melta grenade, continuing to lose death about the myriad of defenses
>The marines were less lucky, as two were lost to the mines, their legs blown from beneath them abd their bodies used by their comrades to bypass whatever may be left
>Neziax growled
Lasfire pinged off of his terminator bulk, he growled and turned to face the lone guardsman firing
>Loosing a barrage from his combi-bolter at him

The bolter shells smashing against his armour did a bit more, but Neziax was better off than his men a stray bolt shell caught the power armoued marine in the face, his head exploding in a shower of gore

first roll is for redshirt from Neziax, other is from his men at the rest. AAlso, only Neziax is in Termie armour, the rest are power armoured
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>I aim my flashing at the approaching terminator eyes and fire again
Rolled 12 (1d20)


>He'd quickly take aim, and fire at the nearest of the terminator armor clad space Marines. All whilst still opening that minefield does some of the work for them.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>I fire my boltergun at the charging marines in power armor
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>aims for the eyes
>swishes his sword lazily before stepping out to face the one in termie armour
hey baby, going my way?
>he winks at him
Please just do one thing with a roll before the enemy can go, I have a lot to write comparitively
>He'd activate his Vox while shooting at the incoming renegades.
Larrs! If this fails, I want you to attach a set pack to each of our remaining Basilisks and drive them out. Understood!
I'm sorry it said I failed captcha so i did it again disregard second roll
I heard that! You are NOT blowing up my Basilisks!
Thats the back up plan Augue! Let's just hope we can kill 'em.before they get here!
Rolled 20, 19, 6 = 45 (3d20)

>This time the Guardsman fired more true, the las round colliding with the terminators eye, overloading its sensors and blinding his right eye as they sought to reboot
>Neziax roared in anger and loosed another barrage of fire at him
>His power armoured men were not doing so well as another one fell to las fire, and another to bolter fire.
>The marines hopped down into hte first trenches, peaking over and emptying their clips at the Guardsmen
>Neziax growled low at the xeno
>And brought his power fist smashing down at his new oponent

First roll is against redshirt, second is against others from his men, last one is the power fist!
well so much for redshirt. Also, only 4 marines left in power armour now
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>I fire my bolter at the man in terminator armor fight Knife Ear
I think I may be dead...
Do something heroic in your death then
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>nimbly dodges the fist before doing something crazy.
>he pulls the terimantor into a kiss, thus distracting him from everythng else.
up to you, that or you're now missing a limb?
Rolled 1 + 8 (1d20 + 8)

>Hed quickly manage to dodge the incoming chaos Marines bolter fire, but would take a punch to the gut because of it. Sending him out behind the trench.
>But his dodge had, had one other part to it. Allow him to close to the marine in order to stick a primed melta grenade onto the Marines belt.

Kiss... my ass... cocksucker...
definitely missing limb but it is a twenty so my gun hand
Throw a grenade into the trench then
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>throws grenade
>Lays as low as he can
Rolled 20, 1 = 21 (2d20)

>The bolt shells merely graze Neziax thanks to the Sergeant trying to avoid hitting the Eldar
>Although he nimbly dodges the fist, his kiss is not even close thanks to...
>With a mere swing of his head the tusks force the eldar to pull away, or be mutilated by the sharp thrashing tusks! It was up to him
>Although succesful in placing the grenade on his belt, this exceptionally cool headed marine casually tosses it out of his trench, as it airbusts above them, causing the other marines to shield themselves rather than return fire
>He then hops out of the trench, drawing a long ornate knife, and stalking towards the sergeant before bringing it hammering down towards his chest!
The grenade narrowly misses the trench as Redshirts gun arm is torn to shreds by a withering fire of bolt shells from Neziax's Combit bolter!

First rol is TUSK ATTACK! Larrs can choose to autododge it, or attempt to still kiss him and possibly be mutilated. Second roll is the marine trying to impale Ordenius... you did roll a natty one bro, but its distracting the others so just one marine is trying to kill you
Rolled 8, 16 = 24 (2d20)

>throws my last remaining melta into the trench at the chaos marines
>then aim and shoot at the right knee of the terminator
First is for grenade, second for shot
>tries to staunch bleeding from stump
Roll for it mate
Rolled 19 (1d20)

ANTI KISS TUSKS! may deafeat me for now but Larrs will have his kiss!
>his cheek is impaled as he dodges the tusk and rolls away
'Aww you're no fun
>points his sword at him
are you ready to face death chess face?
>charges forwards
Rolled 18 (1d20)

sorry forgot
>Having been playing dead since he landed upon the ground. The young NCO waits until the very last moment before sticking the lasrifle directly against the Marines helmet.

Go to Hell!
>He then pulls the trigger. Burning a hole straight through the Marines helmet and into his head. Killing him instantly.
>He then rolls out if the way of the falling knife, before taking up position in the next closest trench.
>runs into next trench along having been disarmed

pun not intended
Am I the only one left?
nope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUW8sBaacQI
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>As the heretics have not yet acknowledged his presence, Callidon attempts to unjam his pistol
what sort of penalty do you think foreign left handed might be?
-3 probably
>he manages to unjam the gun, although it takes time and effort due to having only one working arm
give yourself a minus 3 on each roll for shooting
ok back. lemme read
back! Sorry I was cooking and eatting dinner
+-3 for rolls
Hey Redshirt, look on the brightside! You'll get a nice, shiny prosthetic powerfist after this is all over!
Rolled 19 - 3 (1d20 - 3)

Dreams do come true…
>starts daydreaming about powerfist
Rolled 7, 13 = 20 (2d20)

>The well trained marines in the trench saw the grenade and managed to take cover from it, receiving no real injuries
>The bolter was more succesful, slamming home against the terminators, the cermite cracking and showing its damage
>The Eldars blade is even more succesful, as the powered blade slams home, narrowly missing one of his hearts and popping out the other side of his armour
>He howls in pain, and growls... but uses this to his advantage
>He brings his arms to wrap around the Eldar and trap him, before crushing him with his massive bulk
>His marines popped out of the trench and fired on the man who had tossed a grenade at them!

First roll is for Eldar Death hug, second is for the bolters of the 3 marines
Rolled 13 (1d20)

We've got this men! Just hold the line!!!
>He quickly takes aim and fires a shot at the next closest space marine
Rolled 10 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>pulls himself away from the death grip and draws his shuriken pistol firing pointblank at the mans head.
bonus for pointblank
>I attempt to dodge out of the way of the shot while shooting the enemy shooting me
-4 due to having only one leg
Rolled 17 - 3 (1d20 - 3)

>fires las pistol once again
Rolled 6 - 4 (1d20 - 4)

What the fuck, I rolled on that
What are the Marines wielding? Bolters?
>Keeps hiding, ready to shoot any heretics who approach
that's it for me. Have fun guys, and see you in the next thread
Rolled 10, 6 = 16 (2d20)

The incoming fire did well, shredding the nearest marine as multiple las rounds melted through his armour, as his comrades were forced to take cover, now pinned
>Howls once more as shuriken shreds into his weakened armour, his secondary heart taking alot of damage from it
>He stumbles back and growls angrily, before roaring in anger
>And charges the Eldar, power fist hammering down at him
>The Sergeant not only missed, but a bolt shell smashed into his shoulder, taking a decent chunk with it

>The land raider made its way to the pinned marines, intent on picking them up for a retreat

first roll is for Terminator Hammer fist! Second roll is for covering fire from the land raider
Rolled 11 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Oh thank god they shot my shit arm, not my gun arm, besides, Im already in a ton of pain from my leg. This is nothing!
>take fire at the land raider, intent on destroying it
-2 for injuries
Rolled 9 (1d20)

I am Larrs the defiler! I have slain far worse than you!
>side steps the charge and fires into the back of his head
Rolled 6 - 3 (1d20 - 3)

>Throws a grenade aimed at the land raider door
Mate, if you've got a melta left, I hope you use it!
Rolled 8, 1 = 9 (2d20)

>The Bolter shells smash against the land raider to little effect,hardly even denting the armour
The frag grenade that had been thrown clattered against the hull before detonating... showering the heavily armoured transport in harmless shrapnel... shouda thrown a melta grenade
>The Eldar forgot that shooting a terminator in the back of the head is not really possible, seeing as the armour slopes above it.
>The Ponce speaking was only making him angrier, his combi bolter now hung from his arm loosely on its strap, abandoned as he threw hammering punches at his opponent

>His two remaining marines climbed out of the trench, spraying automatic suppressing fire along with the land raider to cover their escape

First one is fisticuffs, +2 for enraged only applies to first roll. Second roll is fire from marines and land raider, intent to pin not kill
Fuck, that 8 is a ten btw, the bonus didnt translate
Rolled 1 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

>The two Marines sprayed their weapons so wildly and without restraint they end up shooting eachother and dying
Wew lad, thats fucking funny
>take aim at the man in terminator armor and shoot him
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>jumps back from the fists and performs a mock yawn
you're really not, though you do look rather sleepy, mabe you should take a rest?
>laughs before firing another shot at his face.
>The machine spirit in my gun goes 'Fuck you' and jams
Oh damn it
Rolled 1 - 3 (1d20 - 3)

I don't have a melta grenade nobody ever trusted me with one
>Fireing on Nerziax
my pistol esploded
>on the vox
Come in Regiment Theta Gamma forward operating base, this is Captain Sternbridge. Attack craft are being scrambled and will be available upon request. Over.

Same guy as Nyzart here for all you new people.
Rolled 7 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>He takes careful aim with his lasrifle before firing several shots into marine terminator

+2 from concentrated amd combined fire
>He'd answer his Vox

Thank the Emperor! Have our birds lock in on my position and open fire with everything they have!
>turns on Vox
This is Sgt. Augue of the 22nd Delaran Artillery Company. We are under attack by a squad of Chaos Marines and a land raider.
All Chaos Marines are down, but land raider is up. We are danger close, but destroy the land raider!
Rolled 7, 20, 10 = 37 (3d20)

Fire control, initiate strafing run!
Is anyone here a medic? Because I have a stump on one arm and burns on the other.
The guy currently trying to gay it up with a traitor Terminator is a medic
>The shuriken shards catch on his tusks as his land raider pilot screams into his vox
>He looks around and now sees he is without allies
>Growling he charges straight past the eldar, dashing for the Land Raider, grabbing his Combi bolter and emptying his clip back into th Eldar as he ran, hoping to get to the land raider
>The Land raider fired on anyone it could, a hail of death screaming through the air, unaware of its impending doom
>Las rounds clatter helplessly against his armour, until...

>The run was succesful enough, as enough of the ammo scythed through the drivers canopy, cutting the pilot to shreads
>Growling, he looked one way, then the other, and took off sprinting into the jungle

first roll is for the combi bolter at Larrs. Second one is for how fast he runnin into da jungles!
Rolled 7, 5 = 12 (2d20)

Fuck forgot rolls
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>props myself up onto the barricade, and throw my power sword at the fleeing terminator
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>the Eldar swiftly dodges the incoming fire and waves at him as the landraider drives away
come back soon sweetie.
>blows a kiss.
rolling to see if the kiss lands
>Malak let's out a loud cheer at the sight of the incoming fliers laying down the law upon the forces of chaos, but he soon falls to his knees. The exhaustion and his injuries having kicked in.

Thank the Emperor you guys showed up when you did! I don't think we could have lasted much longer at this rate

>He slumps back against a muddy trench wall before taking a deep breath.

I hope you've got more of that for us Admiral... because we have a plan to take own that Titan and a few of the disruption towers.
>He is running, but his armour is damaged and slows him down
>It looks like the power sword will pierce his heart throguth the back!
>Cergorach, that laughing ass hat, gives his harlequin servants kiss incredible luck powers!
>Miraculously, it deflects the sword, insted tearing off his right arm at the elbow!
>He screams and tumbles into what looks like a surprisingly nearby ravine
>His scream echoes awhile... before dissappearing completely
Look what you fucking did, Knife Ear! You made me miss out on a great kill!
God damn it!
Now get over here and help me with my shoulder wound
I am transferring command of the attack craft to you for a time, sergeant. Use them well.

I have to go to dinner.
well then...
anyone for a drink now?
>skips away from the scene.
God damn it knife ear! All three of us are wounded! Get over here
Understood, Sir!

>He switches over to the pilots.

Alright boys, you heard the admiral! Bring 'em on home. The camps secure for now....

>Affrimative. We'll see you at base with a load.
>Malak has to chuckle at this.

Speak for yourself... maybe I actually should have blown up those Basilisks. We would have taken those bastards out with half the casualties...
>saunters over and begins working on your wounds
relax round ears I'll have you fixed up in no time.
Well in case you forgot, Malak, I have a bolter wound in my left shoulder, and Redshirt is missing his right arm
So I would appreciate it if you helped us in some way
>squawking comes out of Vox
Oh, alright
>turns off Vox
That was the artillery crews, your ammo transfer is done
>as the mad beast slumps to the ground you hear a shout
>you see a strange xenos with a lizard like mouth, four fingers and pale skin in shining orange armor with a orange sword leap from the trench covered in gore and proceeds to sort of stare, first at the dead Neziax and then at the mish mash of guardsmen, confused
>waves at the creature.
he's dead Dave, everyboddy's dead Dave.
well that was anticlimactic.
>proceeds to flick a switch on the sword, turning the orange sword to one of obsidian
well.......do you need assistance against the great corruptors?
>looks around confused.
uh yeah... sure go speak to one of the sargeants.
>points at>>48247794
I dont think one person is gonna do much against a legion of Chaos, but whatever, join up, not like we're gonna say NO to help
>proceeds to walk to >>48247794 a disappointed look on his face
Huh... the way your acting, you'd think working with Xenos WASNT heretical
Oh, you're gonna say that with a Emperor damned Eldar and Necron in the regiment?
Come off it mate
Hey, don't look at me like that... I just killed some of the others. But if you're looking to help, then we could always use the extra hands. Especially >>48247877

also, you'd think that after everything that happened, I'd have been given a promotion by now (hint fucking HINT!)
>is ignoring the conversation, preferring to patrol the perimeter for opponents, stopping to pray to "the true prophets"
>He'd simply shrug.

The benefits of working with the Inquisition Augue. Maybe you should consider getting transfered over
>occasionally pray to the prophets*
Listen, you're in charge of the regiment
You can yes or no, and frankly I aint too 100% on whatever deals and such you're in with, so I aint in a position to know whats allowed or not. So long as it dont affect me or my company, I'll deal with it
Oh hey, can you grab me my sword off that corpse there?
I would get it, but I only got one leg

Hey, Ordenius. Question:
You think that land raider is operational, and untainted enough to drive?
>silently pulls the power sword out of the corps giving it back to>>48248128
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>he then returns to the corpse searching for something
maybe he still has it
>alas it is not on the corpse and as such continues patrolling
To answer both your questions at once. Yes, and if you try it I'll shoot you myself
Alright, alright, yeesh
Either way, your ammo transfer is done
Now whats the next step in your master plan
And what are we going to do about our new friend here?
I'll wait until we finally gear back from regimental command... more specifically, until I hear from the inquisitors.... they'll decide the Xenos fate.
Well, that all depends upon Nyzart and his necrons.

In the meantime, we let the reinforcements handle the little stuff until were ready for the final assault.
I would assume we start the assault next session, considering the lack of people
when will next session be exactly?
the next sessio (as much as I hate to say it) will not happen until Monday at about 11am eastern standard time. I would also suggest taking a look at joining the steam page, as we typically post when the thread is happening there as well.
Steam page is invite only tho
damn I live in Australia, might not make it
Nyzart is an admin for it. Look for "Nightmare Fuel" you'll know it's his profile because it's a necron
You would think someone would bother to update the wiki page
Alright, do I just message him then
the wiki page gets updated every time we finish up an arc. Probably after this one it will be updated, and yeah, just message him about it, saying who your character was, and that you want to join
also, I'm still waiting for that GOD DAMN PROMOTION! I think malaks proved himself capable(hint FUCKIN' HINT!!!)
Message away.
I'm sitting in the group chat, which isn't invite-only, if anyone wants to come so I can invite them.
I would. But as I've said before, trying to figure out steam while on a phone is like a fat guy trying to figure out where his penis is since he hasn't had sex in the last six years
You can't get on group chats on mobile anyways, it's all good.
What the fuck is going on?
Thread is dead. We got like three new players yesterday and today.
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