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FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - Part 43

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 59
Thread images: 12

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>You are one of three characters: Samson, a spoiled bard, Dyrus, an axe-wielding prince crowned by a successful rebellion, or Rene, an orphan adopted by a high-ranking Director of an declining Empire, now a prepromoted archer-lancer. POV will rotate between them on a thread-by-thread basis, with a HIGHLY unlikely chance that someone else might someday take a chapter.

>These protagonists' motivations and goals will very likely come into conflict with one another's.

>Character Death is always a possibility and sometimes an inevitability (this is Fire Emblem after all), but your actions can very easily influence who lives and who dies.

>Voting periods will last an average of ten to fifteen minutes, but this may be increased, decreased, or generally changed at any given moment based on voter turnout.

>Write-ins are encouraged.

>The previous threads are archived on suptg under "Silver Scales of the Past," and a pastebin summarizing each one's events will be provided at the start of the next, like so: http://pastebin.com/M3FHBEir

>A list of all current summaries and threads: http://pastebin.com/E9sXAcBx

>Our update Twitter is qmgrandflocto, and we have an ask.fm also under ask.fm/qmgrandflocto

>Preempting any memesters in the audience tonight. /qst/ is a trial board, and I am not currently under any obligation to migrate there.
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"Er... One more thing, Samson!" Dyrus says, reaching into a shabby brown bag and taking out a tome. "I, uh... Think you should hold onto this."

"Dyrus, what is-" Looking at the name of the yellow book, he shakes his head. "Dyrus, isn't Dime Thunder your sister's? I... Can't accept something so important to you..."

"Then just borrow it for awhile," Dyrus shoots back, insistent, "it's an immensely powerful spell, and I want you to be able to come back from this! You can't leave us hanging after one music lesson, after all..."

"...if you insist," the bard answers, tucking the brave thunderbolt spell away, "then I'll keep it pristine. I'm certain this Felix would be happy to see it again as well."

Entrusted with Laurise's memento as her brother travels North, Samson and co., alongside Fortune and Doran, head South to hopefully trap Rene.


Speaking of Rene, that's you! You're already quite wrapped in a heated battle as it is, the conclusion of which is destined to be your victory. A slender young man, chestnut-haired and bespectacled, stands at your side in a beat-up old temple, the two of you challenging this Bishop Lisa and one of her acolytes, a white-haired dark mage who your new ally has just finished stripping the life of with Verrine. The rest of your allies and theirs wage battle outside, bar Sara (babysitting her youngest brother from the outpost, since someone stole her ice stone).

"Ludwig," the old woman says, frowning, "you're a better person than this sort of violence..."

"And you're a better person than holding my mother hostage, what of it?" Ludwig responds.

"You know we haven't laid a hand on her..."

"What difference does it make, Lisa?" He asks, staring her down and speaking smoothly.

>A. Let new kid have his moment
>B. Shoot Lisa and be done with it
>A. Let new kid have his moment
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You keep watch for any intruders on the fight as this Ludwig person stares down his light magical rival.

Ludwig tosses a bit of Verrine at Lisa, hitting her precisely and leaving the aging woman dropping her tome.

You recall when you first properly advanced on the town, learning that Lady Anais was still alive and being held captive when Ludwig went out to meet you."My mother's taught me a little of magic, but beyond that I'm hardly an expert. I've spent most of my life switching between string instruments instead of studying important things... Still, I can hardly stand idly by as strangers save her, no matter how close to the Empire they are. If you would have me, take me with you."

You can see now, as he fights Bishop Lisa, that he was either being humble or he has far too low an opinion of his own strength. You've yet to inform him of anything but that you've come to his home's rescue on the Empire's behalf, and that's all he needed to know.

"Overconfident boy!" Lisa says, stepping forward and raising up a berserk staff, pointing it towards you. "Be struck down by your own savior and my newest weapon!"

You're unable to resist the staff, and things quickly become a blur for you.

When you come to again, Veiz is holding you back, Cicero dressing Ludwig's wounds as Lisa lies dead on the floor. Wounds dark magical in nature.

"Phew..." Ludwig shuts his eyes, looking away. "I nearly thought Lisa had made you kill me. You can count yourself lucky you've such reliable friends..."

"...it wasn't your fault, Rene," Veiz reassures you, "you've always had a certain... Weakness towards effect staves."

"Regardless, Bishop Lisa was eliminated and the young prince spared. A successful mission in all," Cicero adds.

"Young what now?" Ludwig asks.

>A. Someone else wanna take this?
>B. Yeah, about that...
>C. This reminds you of the Staff of Katri...
>D. Write-in response
>E. ...
>B. Yeah, about that...
>B. Yeah, about that...
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"Right, I should... Probably get to explaining that." You clear your throat, quickly going over what the rest of your team already knows. Admittedly, you may... Gloss over the more hideously immoral details, but you don't contradict them, necessarily. He can find them out later.

"...I see," Ludwig says, at a loss for words. "My mother has long since lost the sentimental tone she spoke of father with, but if she were to find this much out..."

"So... Will you accompany us?" Veiz asks, "I can understand completely if you would rather not. Our mission is quite dangerous, and-"

"How old are you, Veiz?" Ludwig interrupts.

"I... Eighteen, but... W-wait, you can't ask a girl something like that!"


"Same age as me, then." Ludwig flips through his Verrine tome. "That settles it. My mother always tells me I need to be a more responsible person, and I won't have a peer making me look like a lazabout after her sister saved my home."

"Welcome aboard, then, Ludwig," Cicero says warmly. "Let's find Lady Anais, let her know that her child's leaving the nest soon."

You, Veiz, Cicero, Ludwig, Alfred, Kristina, Saye, and Conrad go around town, while Sara and Felix approach from the outpost as things grow peaceful.

>A. Spend time with [specify]
>B. Try to find out who this traitor is
>A. Spend time with Cicero while finding out who's the traitor
He's our most trusted ally.
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You and your butler-assassin-lover begin to go over all that you know about the assassin.


"Now... Let's go over what we know," Cicero says, the two of you sitting in a quiet room.

"Certainly, at least since we've come to Central, this mole has had access to the Witch's Pendant... Have you seen Kris with it, lately?" You ask.

"No," Cicero says, shaking his head, "but she's said nothing about losing it either. Perhaps she doesn't wish to look irresponsible by owning up to it, but on the other hand..."

"Who would be able to steal it, though, assuming it isn't her? Surely only someone who she would let near her when we're not warping, someone who can move quickly."

"...someone close to her beloved rival, who she would think nothing of being around?" Cicero asks.

"You mean... Alfred? Is that really probable?"

"He easily has the strongest motivation of those of us still present," Cicero says, "and has done nothing but object vocally to everything we've attempted since we were in the capital region. As a guardian to Veiz, as well, he might know things friendly rivals confide in one another. Where such a pendant might be kept, when it can be taken..."

"That doesn't sound like Kristina, though," you say. "She wouldn't just... Misplace it over a friend of a friend."

"Precisely," Cicero says, "but... Either of them seems like the most obvious choice."

>A. Then it's probably Alfred
>B. Then it's probably Kris
>C. It might be neither of them... (suggestions for third-onward suspects allowed)
>D. We don't know enough to act now
Vote time renewed.
>D. We don't know enough to act now
>D. We don't know enough to act now
"As... Unfortunate as it is," you say, shaking your head, "we don't have nearly enough information to act just yet. Keep a close eye on those two and their movements, but beyond that... We don't even know for certain it's between the two of them."

"We need to find out sooner than later, though," Cicero says, "since we can't exactly move when the Witch Pendant is definitely being handled by someone we cannot trust. If we haven't snuffed out the rat soon, the rebels will be upon us. General Taniel is already marching in from the South, while Sir Jovan and Lady Hauteclere are going to come in from the North soon enough."

"So... We've only reclaimed this town for a pointlessly brief stretch?" You say, soberly. "Taken out only one member of the rebellion machine..."

"And it's bought us time to think and breathe," Cicero says. "We should be using the little time we have before we're closed in upon seeking the truth."

You nod. "I'll start by..."

>A. Talking to Alfred
>B. Talking to Kristina
>C. Doing something else (write-in)
>A. Talking to Alfred
>A. Talking to Alfred
"I'll start by talking to Alfred," you say, "you get to the bottom of why Kristina hasn't said anything about her Witch Pendant. I think... She's with Veiz right now, right?"

"I always feel so unwelcome supervising their duels," Cicero admits, "but... I will do as you ask."

The two of you go your separate ways, you finding Alfred practicing his swordplay alone, his parasol resting against his shoulder as it so often does.

Turning to face you, he sheathes his sword, adjusting his sunglasses. "What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing," you say, "just to see how you're doing."

"We both know you don't like me," Alfred accuses, turning around and huffing, "so you wouldn't approach me without reason."

"Well, it's just that..."

"You don't trust me, is that it?" He asks, eyes shut.

"Er... How did you-" You stammer, a bit caught off-guard by his knowing already.

"...you know I've already promised not to lay a hand on Veiz. I'm a wiser man than acting on such impulses."

You sigh. Right, good, he didn't know about your TRUE suspicions towards him... Wait. "What impulses?"


"At first, I had no interest in her infatuation," he says, turning his head towards the ground, "but... As this journey has gone on, her character has melted my heart to its core. I don't even know if she still carries that girlish crush that led her to spare my life, but since traveling here, I... would not just fight by and protect her, but throw my life away in a heartbeat, were it for her sake. If, without realizing it, this sentiment has done something to offend you, then so be it. Do as you will, and know how I've come to view Veiz."

Well. This is a bit out of left field. You'd honestly sort of put the reason Veiz insisted Alfred be given a chance in the first place aside.

>A. He's cleared away your doubts of him
>B. ahaha and you came here to investigate him
>C. Tell him to keep away from her as per before
>D. ...
>E. Write-in response
>A. He's cleared away your doubts of him
>A. He's cleared away your doubts of him
"I... See," you say, smiling and sighing contentedly. "You know what, Alfred? After all this time, through all of our differences... I think you've finally cleared away my doubts of you."

"Y-you mean..!" His eyes widen beneath his lenses.

"Yes," you say, "if Veiz still feels this way towards you... I'll trust you not to lead her astray."

"...thank you, Rene," Alfred says, never once seeming the wiser to what you doubted of him in the first place. "Now, I can at least allow this to run its natural course. Should your sister have wisened against the idea of settling for a smuggler like myself, then so be it. It won't impact my role as her guardian in the slightest."

That being settled, you speak to Alfred about assorted, more mundane things for the first time. He actually likes his meat thoroughly-cooked as well, unlike all these bloodsuckers who insist on rare!


"The situation is even direr than I'd thought," Cicero reports, gathering the lot of you (as well as a quite adorable older lady in a bureaucratic uniform, standing nearby her son) at the outpost shortly after your conversation with Alfred. "A group of the Lords of Chance, as well as members of the former Holmstead Resistance, led by both group's leaders."

"Samson is coming?" Veiz asks.

"And... Fortune's Felix's aunt, right?" Conrad asks. "Shit, she's gonna be pissed..."

"So not only is this liberation from the rebels fleeting, but we might all be taken down here," Ludwig says, adjusting his glasses. "Quite a first day, no, mother?"

"The situation is... Bleak, yes," the woman, Lady Anais, says. "No matter how I look at it... This town will fall. General Taniel is advancing from the South, and now from the North..."

>A. Whoever has the Witch Pendant, speak up now
>B. ...
>C. We may have to fight our way out
>D. Write-in response
>C. We may have to fight our way out
>C. We may have to fight our way out
"...it's looking like we'll have to fight our way out," you remark, "since we can't exactly risk warping out..."

"Why not?" Saye asks.

"Because I don't know where the fuck my pendant is, alright?!" Kristina snaps. "I don't even know how you found out, but it's fuckin' embarrassing... Wait, what do you mean 'can't risk?'"

"We mean someone among us still has it," Cicero says, quite plainly, as he stands behind Kris. "I know, you've put this 'person who stole Xerxes' pages' business out of mind by now, but Rene and I have been looking into it quite thoroughly. It was by their hand that Sara's Ice Pendant vanished, that Darren was able to escape..."

"Can we really put up with a damn rat still being in our group, then?!" Conrad belts out. "They could sell us out any second if we're not careful!"

"We have no way of knowing who this is, though!" Veiz exclaims. "If we lack sufficient evidence to pinpoint a culprit, such thorough distrust will only..."

"Kristina, would you empty your pockets?" Cicero asks.

"...what? The fuck're you..." Kris' eyes widen as she reaches into her clothes, producing a familiar pendant. "What the fuck? Where's this been?"

"Like hell you didn't know where it's been!" Conrad says, "miss isolation and bullshittery!"

"You... Did have an ample period of time where you were simply. Absent from the group, when I joined," Sara speculates aloud.

"The fuck? Look, no, I don't know how the hell this got in here. I haven't known where this thing's been for days, I swear!"

"Why did you not report it missing, then?" Cicero asks. "This is an integral item to our mission..."

"That's exactly the fuck why! I didn't wanna look like an idiot, screwing up this basic-ass job I have! You gotta believe me!"

>A. ...you believe her
>B. if not her, then who?
>C. Enough. You'd already narrowed it down before this
>D. Let this play out
>E. Write-in response
>B. if not her, then who?
>B. if not her, then who?
"Who else would it be, then?" You ask her calmly.

"Do I look like I would fuckin' know?!" She asks. "Fuckin, uh... I dunno, Saye."

"Me?! Why me?!" Saye asks, huffing angrily.

"They put me on the spot! It can't be any of the kiddies 'cuz they joined after this shit started, if it was Hal or Omar we wouldn't still be getting trouble from them anymore, it's absolutely not Rene or her boyfriend here, I know it's not me, and that leaves you and Alfred!"

"...does it? That doesn't sound quite right..." Ludwig remarks, rubbing his chin, before closing his eyes and shrugging after a look from Cicero. "Ah, but I don't know any of you well, or the situation, for that matter."

"...I appreciate the vote of confidence, not jumping to me out of your options," Alfred says, arms folded and eyes closed in thought, "but... Saye's loyalty has been proven more times than any of ours. Having served at her side, I can attest to her character."

"...yeah, that was a knee-jerk thing. Like I said, not an expert." Kris then turns to him, pointing. "You, though! You raise a good point that I shoulda said it was you!"

"A-Alfred would never!" Veiz defends.

"Are you saying I did it, then?" Kris asks, "because I seriously didn't."

"I... No, and... I don't know..! I can't believe that any of you would!" Veiz says, covering her face with her hands.

This madness has to end. You can sense a finger-pointing civil war coming on in a group that's already tearing itself to shreds.

>A. It's really [name], isn't it?
>B. You can't handle this either!
>C. Write-in dialogue
>D. ...
>B. You can't handle this either!
Well, fudge...
Whoop, never mind. That didn't load for some reason.
>C. Enough. Just accusing each other isn't going to help our situation. We need to focus on the more immediate threat, namely the impending rebel armies.
Switching to this. Sounds better.
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Everyone turns to face you, cutting out their squabbling. "Pointless accusations are going to do nothing to help our situation. We have no way of knowing which of you is our enemy, but we know that countless more are closing in as we speak."

"I... R-Rene is right!" Veiz agrees, beginning to calm down, "I'm tired of all this! The traitor will reveal themselves eventually, won't they?"

"Exactly, and we'll deal with them then," you say. "For now, we have to decide how we'll deal with the enemies in front of us."

"...precisely," Cicero agrees. "I've my suspicions myself, but I won't throw fuel to the fire with half-finished accusations."

"That leaves us with a more impending thing to wonder about," you say. "We have the Witch's Pendant back, but we also have key figures of Imperial opposition here. Even before we attempt to raise Xouide, the defeat of rebel leaders will help us regain lost ground."

Conrad says, "so... There's Samson and Fortune, to our North, with a looser and more varied party..."

"...and Taniel to our South, with an armored legion," Ludwig says.

"We could also go and support Director Belinda up North of here, now that we have the Witch's Pendant back," Saye suggests. "Maybe I'm just being sentimental for wanting to defend Baker's old boss, though..."

>A. We'll defend Director Belinda
>B. We'll attack Samson and Fortune's group
>C. We'll attack General Taniel
>D. We'll avoid fights altogether
>A. We'll defend Director Belinda
>A. We'll defend Director Belinda
"The Central region is the last place that can definitely be called the Gerxel Empire," you say, "and Director Belinda has held out too long to fall now. Let's head to Gravern, all of us, and lend her our strength."

Kristina nods, and the lot of you find yourselves in the Central region capital. Namely, Kris decides to deposit your party in its courtyard.

This elitics a shriek from the purple-bobbed Regional Director, who was admiring a hedge trimmed in the shape of her wyvern. "What in the ever-loving... Gods, Rene, it's you."

"...sorry about that," you say, bowing your head, "we... found all but the eldest of Xerxes' children, and have come to support you in repelling the rebels."

"Right... Watch where you're going, though! Any closer and I would've filleted you on my Berserk Lance!" She waves the ornate, intimidating-looking weapon around. "I've only just retaken this fortress from one of Taniel's generals. The Wyrmite weaponry has been largely confiscated from spoils of battle, hidden away someplace in this castle. So long as we can use them to repel Hauteclere and those wyvern-riding traitors I thought of as my own, we can begin to rebuild the Gerxel from here."

"You're not... referring to Marduk and his sisters, are you?" Saye asks.

"No sense hiding their existence now, by your tone," Belinda says, "it was... a poor decision, on my part, everything from leaving Nia to her fate onwards. And because of it, one of my finest pupils is on our enemies' side..."

>A. Why did she lie about Nia and Winona?
>B. We can only move on
>C. They all made the choice to betray her
>D. ...
>E. Write-in response
>A. Why did she lie about Nia and Winona?
>A. Why did she lie about Nia and Winona?
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"Why did you do that in the first place?" You ask.

"If you want to hear my sob-story," she says, "I saw Nia and Winona like second and third daughters to me. They knew my own, before she ran away from home."

"That... explains even less," Veiz says, "why would you do something so pointlessly cruel, then?"

"I... With Nia, it was a genuinely difficult decision. She was a novice on her first mission, and was captured by King Augustus. I was certain she wouldn't make it, and telling Winona and Marduk to do nothing was one of the hardest orders I've ever given. When Winona left anyway, disappeared without a trace with her whole team, that reminded me of Isabella, how she'd abandoned me to become... I don't know what's become of her. I became angry, ordered them killed on sight out of spite, even if my assumption that they would end up joining the rebels turned out correct. As for Marduk... I think you know that one already. When I realized they might be alive, might have joined the rebels, I didn't want Marduk to follow them. It's why I sent him further East with you so much."

"D-Director, that's..." Ludwig's mother, Anais, starts.

"It's what? Speak freely, you have my word I'll take whatever you have to say in stride."

"That's..." Anais is unsure how to finish.

>A. ...despicable
>B. ...reasonable, honestly
>C. ...no sense dwelling on it
>D. ...write-in response
>E. ......
>B. ...reasonable, honestly
>B. ...reasonable, honestly
"Honestly, your actions were entirely reasonable, now that I hear them laid out in the open."

"I... What?" Belinda asks, eyes widening.

"I'm inclined to agree," Anais finally says, "I know that if something were to happen to Ludwig here, anything that reminded me of it would leave even me... reacting bombastically."

"I honestly can't say anything for your reasoning, in the case of deeming Winona and Nia traitors-if-alive, but she did defy direct orders to flee into enemy territory. Your every action... Makes a surprising amount of sense."

"People say it was pointlessly cruel," Belinda says, "and I regret how it has turned out immensely, but anyone in my situation would have done it the same for one reason or

"I've already heard of Hauteclere's youngest daughter, too," Belinda says, "and... it's a horrible thing, living on after one's child is gone. Warriors like us, without the privilege of shedding tears, must become even more resolute in their live-or-die nature. I'm certain she'll welcome reuniting with Laurise by this battle's end."

"Rene and I are the ones who killed this princess," Conrad says, jerking his thumb at himself, "should we be worried?"

"I... May have told Lord Darren that Rene had no direct involvement in that," Veiz admits. "You don't mind being a scapegoat, do you, Conrad?"

"Hey, it doesn't really matter," Conrad says, shrugging.

"Regardless, Rene... Assistant-Director Lange has certainly fallen by now," Belinda says. "At this point, there's no one I would rather have on the position than..."

>A. You'll do it!
>B. Let her finish, then say yes
>C. Sorry, you can't
>D. Let her finish, then decline
>E. Write-in response
>B. Let her finish, then say yes
>B. Let her finish, then say yes
"At this point, there's no one I would rather have on the position than you," she says, never actually pausing. It was the same then-incomplete sentence that ended the previous update.

"It would be an honor to accept," you say, finding yourself the new Assistant-Director of Central.

"I've... Never had an Assistant-Director who couldn't ride a wyvern," Belinda says, chuckling a bit.

"Well, Director, I'm terrified of heights," you admit in an amused tone, "so... It's not likely going to happen. Lyka here is a horse bred and gifted to me from Emperor Ximeno's former legion of paladins, if that means anything..."

"It will suffice," Belinda says, "now... It's also to my understanding that someone among you is a rat. Allow me to stow away the Witch's Pendant for safekeeping, at least until this pest is snuffed out."

"But if it's hidden away, what if we need to make a retreat?" Veiz asks.

"Keep in mind that we could still lose," Alfred adds, nodding at his beloved's question, "while the continued living of Felix, Ludwig, Conrad, and Sara is a top priority."

Felix mumbles a rare few words for his catatonic self, "I could hold onto it..."

"Aha, cute," Belinda says, frowning with her brow furled. "No, you're not holding it."

>A. We know Ludwig and Anais can be trusted. Why not one of them?
>B. You'll carry it
>C. You have no objections to Belinda keeping it safe
>D. Write-in response
>E. ...
>B. You'll carry it
While later you give it to Cicero.
"I'll hold onto it, Director," you say. "I know who can be trusted with it..."

"Alright, Rene," Belinda says, directing Kristina to hand it to you. "Do with it what you will, just don't let it fall into enemy hands."

You nod, giving Cicero a glance. "I know just where it'll be safest..."

The lot of you are dismissed to look around Gravern and its castle as you please, with you and Cicero sneaking off for you to give him the pendant.

"I trust you with this more than I trust myself," you admit.

"Then I will utilize it to its fullest," he says, clutching it close before granting you the same luxury.

After your embrace ends, he says, "in... All seriousness, I could use this to make assassinations infinitely easier. Just say the word, Rene, and I'll immediately get to work."

>A. Samson and Fortune are expecting at least one of us... Best not to disappoint
>B. Just use it to spy around for a traitor
>C. No need for now
>D. Write-in (hit) request

After whatever you ask of him, you still have some time to kill as you await Hauteclere and her company's assault on yet another castle.

>A. Go spy on Veiz and Alfred
>B. Talk to someone else in your group (specify)
>B. Just use it to spy around for a traitor
>A. Go spy on Veiz and Alfred
>B. Just use it to spy around for a traitor
>A. Go spy on Veiz and Alfred
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"Just... Use it to gather more information on this probable traitor. Their actions are bound to give them away sometime, whoever they are. Besides, we're going to need you close by when fighting starts."

"Will do, Rene," he says, and you decide to go spy on your sister's possible love life!

Not a lot of spying, you swear, just enough to know that nothing bad is happening!


"I... Thought I was only kidding myself, thinking that you might one day reciprocate," Veiz says, pressing against the swordmaster's chest and holding her arms around him. There are tears streaking down her face, as though you've just found yourself seeing the end of a very lengthy, emotional discussion. "Everyone said I would move on too, that this was a mere girlish infatuation, but... You've only proven to be all I imagined you to be and more when we first met on the Isle of Wyrm."

"At your side, Veiz... I'll see to it that you're able to live happily as you've always deserved."

Your eavesdropping is interrupted by your happening to glance at Cicero, watching them suspiciously from another angle, before both of you turn a bit embarrassed and go your separate ways, Cicero by pendant, you by foot. But why was he watching after them..?

You, of course, are heard, Veiz asking "R-Rene? It's, this is..." She just starts giggling a bit, a deep red. "Tease all you want, I haven't been over him since he first crossed our paths."

Alfred is just wordless, pale flesh a similarly embarrassed hue at having been seen in this moment of confession.

>A. Teasing comment
>B. Protective but approving comment
>C. Thoughtful silence
>D. Write-in dialogue
(suggestions allowed for all of the above options!)
>A. Teasing comment
>B. Protective but approving comment
>C. Thoughtful silence
>A. Teasing comment
>B. Protective but approving comment
Nothing for actual words to put in Rene's mouth? Alright, I'll work it out either way.
I believe in you, Octo.
You remain quiet a moment, keeping your back turned to them.

"You haven't changed a bit, Veiz..." you say in a teasing, if sentimental tone.

"I... R-Rene..." She says, still chuckling a lot.

"I don't want to hear that anything bad has happened as a result of this pair-up. Other than that... I hope you two can be happy together."

You give them some space once again, still wondering just why Cicero was watching them.

You know he's not terribly invested in other people's love lives, and he's supposed to be looking out for signs of the traitor...

He doesn't think Veiz has something to do with all of this, does he?

No, that would be crazy.

>To be continued next thread
And so the mole in Rene's squad remains undiscovered, the paranoia in the back of everyone's minds. Samson and Fortune, meanwhile, are probably going to be very very annoyed that they were ordered to take a whole big detour for nothing.

Thanks for playing, as always. Update twitter/ask.fm are qmgrandflocto, and I'll be around in-thread to chat for awhile.
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Thanks for running, Octo.
Always a pleasure.

It's looking like this won't be wrapped up in 50 parts at this rate. Might try to make it a nice multiple of 3, if not a multiple of 3 and then +1 more.
Thanks for running.

It's totally Veiz, doing it to protect her sister.
Running's a fun time.

And how, pray tell, might actively sabotaging Rene protect her? Not denying or confirming a thing, I just never get a chance to see speculation in-thread so I'm encouraging it.
Pretty tired so I might not explain this in a way that makes sense, accidentally latch on to nonsensical points or overlook some important detail, but basically, she's sabotaging Rene in a way that will hopefully cause the least damage to their group (the parts she cares for anyway) and the fewest casualties.

Her motivation would be that she's seen the mental and emotional strain Rene's been under since...basically when Augustus died forwards and that it's only been getting worse, even with Cicero, coupled with Rene being all-too-willing to sacrifice her own life for theirs - she doesn't want to lose her sister - and their situation becoming even more dangerous and desperate every day, and a more desperate situation means more chance of her sister pulling a self-sacrifice. She delivered the notes containing Rene's true identity to Hauteclere so the queen could justify a larger force to capture Rene without any kind of opposition/suspicion from her officers, and a larger force would ideally make it less likely for Rene to escape or die to prevent escape/rout. It's probably why Veiz told Darren that Rene had nothing to do with it, in spite of the fact that she shouldn't have known that would mean anything (unless I forgot something), since she knew that if Hauteclere knew Rene had a hand in her other daughter's death, she wouldn't try to keep her alive, and she subsequently released Darren nearby to prevent any other news source from reaching Hauteclere that didn't contain her lie. Veiz is the only kind-hearted person in the group, and the traitor had previously wanted Sara to be spared because of the perception that she's innocent, which I don't think anyone else would care about all too much. That's also why she stole the ice stone, not just to make it even easier to take Rene alive by removing the dragon, but to make Sara into a true noncombatant, meaning that her death is extraordinarily unlikely.
That's a very in-depth theory, though one that relies on some very specific things being found in the missing pages of Xerxes' journal...

And I mean, I'd call Saye kindhearted too, in her own ways. Though obviously nowhere near as many of the things you said would apply to wolfgirl.
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