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What Kind of Jedi?

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Alright /tg/, you've just been retconned out of this life and forceably crammed into the Star Wars universe.

Now a few things are certainly about to happen to you. You are going to be born/hatched/spawned with a reasonably high force sensitivity. Not Anakin or Yoda high, but lets assume you''re pretty naturally in tune with that old mystical energy force.

The second and third thing that will happen is that the Jedi will find you, and that your deadbeat parents will give you up. You are now a member of the Jedi Order. Your dressing gown, spaceship and membership card are in the mail.

My question is this: Do you make a good Jedi, you personally, you don't have your memories but you have your exact personality, your exact character. You are still you. So how do you do?

Fall to the Darkside? Drop out? Be a hero? Keep your head down? Work in the library? Whatever. Just be honest.

Feel free to select whatever time period you want to, Old Republic, Clone Wars, New Rebublic, New EU, Old EU, whatever. Any time we've heard about.

Tell me your stories, /tg/.
I think I'd do pretty okay, unless I found myself in one of the "no fun allowed" eras (so as long as its not the prequels or bioware bullshit), and even in those I can just run off to Corellia, trade my brown robes for green, and be chill.
Either way, I figure I'd do a lot of wandering.
NJO era, I'd go looking for caches of lost knowledge, and finding those with potential and directing them towards the Praxeum.
TotJ, do what all the Jedi did back then, be basically a knight errant, traveling the galaxy and righting wrongs.
Personally I think I'd do alright, not great, but alright.

I'll get dumped in the Clone Wars era, just because I don't want to get accidentally eaten by Nihilus in the Old Republic Era.

Have a personal history with martial arts so I know how I handle that kind of discipline. Knowing how I handled Tae Kwon Do and Judo, I'd probably get a bit sick of running drills and patterns and forms when I had to do them too long and be far more eager to get down to sparring. Probably end up being better at saber to saber combat than not as a result, that and good old hand to hand. Style would be less routine as a result, less polished but harder to predict.

On the force side of things I'd love it, who wouldn't love magical powers? That said I'm a pretty practical guy so I'd probably focus on skills that I could use practically. Telekinesis, physical enchancements, sneaky sneaky, animal empathy, and basic mind-tricks. Probably wouldn't practice much else. Not out of disinterest but just because Telekinesis is cool as fuck.

Personality wise I'd butt heads with the council, I've never been that good at following orders and they, barring Yoda and Obi Wan, seem kind of out of touch. Probably be a lot like Qui Gon, flying off to see and do cool shit (got the wander lust in me, hate sitting still, if I had a space ship I'd never stop) and getting told off for it later.

Honestly think I'd resign during the Clone Wars, probably late in the game, but wars over nothing don't sit well with me. I'd probably doddle off to go try a way to cut off the head of the snake all underground like, so either I find Sidious and get killed before Order 66, or I don't and Order 66 happens, all of my buddies die and I have to go into hiding.

Assuming the later I'd like to think I'd have made a lot of friends and contacts over my adventures and would lay low with them until the heat's off, maybe in Kashyyyk's darklands. Put those "make friends with animals" powers to good use.
After that probably go back to wandering, maybe bounty hunt on the side. Keep my saber hidden except for emergencies and switch to a staff and some blasters of something. Help the Rebellion on the DL without putting myself into the limelight.

Maybe settle down, have some kids, just chill out when the wander lust fades. Somewhere chill and out of the way, maybe I could get a pipe.

Grey Jedi/10

I'd do alright, I wouldn't change the galaxy or anything, but I'd like to think I'd look out for the little guy and make it a better place in some way.

I'm going to go with Prequel era Jedi Order based on what you've said Op, the recruitment method you mention was more appropriate to that era than any other from what i remember.

I have no problems with authority, or with taking orders. I'm pretty patriotic, and i'm religious. If i replace my church with the Order, and my country with the Republic, it think it's safe to say i would have no problems going along with the council, and i would be quite willing to support the Republic. I can't say that i would have a problem with the Clone Wars, sure there might be some things i would be unhappy with, but i would probably be willing to support the war effort assuming i was in that era.

The biggest problems would be my temper and my sex drive. Assuming i had my exact personality i would want love and companion ship. I would probably feel bad about it, but i would seek it out, either with other members of the order, or someone outside of it. I'm not perfect, even knowing the Orders edicts against romance i don't think i'm strong enough to follow them. Is this enough to lead me to the dark side? I don't know, i don't think so, but opinions vary.

As for my temper, it's not like i wig out over nothing, i don't have a short fuse anymore like i did when i was a kid, but when i do get angry i get angry. As shitty as that scene was, i'm thinking of Anikan killing the sand people. Now i'm not saying it would have to be my mother or anything, but if i found someone abused to death i would loose my shit. As a Jedi i would have the power to hand out Frontier justice, and i just can't see myself not doing so. I could fall to the dark side that way, but i wouldn't fall after seeking power or any of that jazz, it would take the right set of circumstances.

In all likely hood i'm an otherwise unspectacular middle of the pack Jedi who either goes off the rails on an assignment to the boonies where he sees something horrific, or i die during 66.

Given that I am aiming towards library/archival work here in real life I'll probably head the same direction here. As long as it's Old Republic time line and there is the infrastructure still in place to support the position.

The addition of the magical powers and the advantage it brings would probably drag me out of the dusty tomes and ancient holocrons as a younger Jedi and I would explore and collect more information and artifacts. Then I would probably just spend time winding down in my old age sharing information with youngling and master alike.
OP here, nice dude. Paladin on the edge kind of thing, reminded me a little of Miles Hundredlives from Alloys of Law if you've read it. Frontier justice is the start of a slippery slope.

On the love frontier I think it depends on how you handle relationships.
Like I said I'd definitely try to have a family if I was a Jedi, screw the council, but I prescribe to the Jolee Bindo school of thinking "love saves you, it doesn't damn you". So I don't think my sex drive or wanting a family would drive me to the DS.

Like Bindo says, it's things like jealousy, rage, and fear that come from relationships that can fuck you up. So if you're a bit like Anakin personality wise you might be at risk from a tumble from grace, if not though you'll probably be alright.
Sounds good man, good era for that sort of Jedi too.
I'd break the no attachments rule. If Corellian Jedi are a thing, quickly I go green.
I'd be pretty shit at the "only the greater good matters" stuff. I'd definitely have a large bias towards my friends.
I might have some dark side moments, but on the whole I'd stay above water.
But, aside from that, I'd do okay in most eras.
Ideally I'd be in the old republic era a la dark horse comics.

As for adventures, maybe I'd be a Jedi cop in some backwater region, or a Jedi researcher of some sort.
Oh yea I totally fucking fall to the dark side, there is no way I am mentally healthy enough to deal with anything in that situation. Probably drop out and end up being some wannabe sith's apprentice
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Based on what I am like now, I would like to think myself as a Grey Jedi. Refuting the monastic life they picked for me, probably would of followed Dooku in his protest of the Republic Government.

Stick with the CIS and fight for the forces of self determination. Break all the attentment rules and live, love and laugh.

Always loved the curved sabre too, so Malakashi would be my chosen style.
Light side for life, dog.

Personally i don't think of myself as being like Anikin, i just brought up the sand people bit because i felt it was a good reference that was relevant to the topic and would illustrate the point i was trying to make.

I also personally see love as a positive thing, and like i said i really don't see love itself driving me to the dark side. Now if something happened to her, well then we go back to my temper, and what i said earlier. So i can kind of see where they are coming from, saying love and attachment can lead to the dark side, cause if i had a significant other and someone hurt or killed them, i'd make them suffer for it, which is a pretty dark thing to say. There's nothing noble about revenge, not really, but i'd do it.

I don't really do Jealousy, but Fear i may do. If i have reason to believe something will happen to someone i care about i will worry about them. There is a point where you can take it too far, but i think worry and a bit of fear is a pretty unavoidable response if there is a threat to your loved ones.

I suppose the real question is how much does it take to fall. I mean had Anikin already fallen when he killed the sand people? i don't think so, sure he was falling, but i don't think he was gone off the deep end by any means. What constitutes a fall? Is it really a single event or a slow subversive process? Can it be caught? Reversed? i think so, i don't really buy a fall from grace as a single event, i think it takes time and a series of events.

I have read Alloy of Law actually.
I become a Jedi archivist, work as little as possible and shitpost on the holonet all day.
Pretty similar to me then, grey peas in a Jedi pod.
Well, that's very honest of you. Well done, Anon. You passed the test. You may turn into a despotic super-powered warlord, but at least you'll be up front about it.
Fair dude, you, me and Correllian Anon seem on similar sort of pages. I mean, I wouldn't join the CIS but saber to saber combat spec means Makashi is up there. And curved sabers are pretty beast. I lament that the three of us will never gripe about Jedi restrictions before hitting up all the best bars in 1313 a few years before we all run off to be renegades, and PI's, and Bounty Hunters, and Adventurers and shit whilst the Order burned. What could have been, eh.
Yeah I think it's a slippery slope, but fair dues mate. You do you, I've had a pretty tight grip on my temper for years so I don't think I'd fall personally. But I've never been in a situation where someone murdered my Mum, that said after a burst of murderous rage, and a lot of bodies I don't think I'd have trouble letting the anger go. If I'd gotten revenge and/or brought them to justice I think I could move on and not let the bad shit build up to force a Fall.

I'm the sort of fucker who likes to underline shit then move past it, I'm not a dweller.

Good book though, eh? Do you agree with my Miles comparison?
No idea how I would be. My personallity went different ways due to a series of circumstances.
Generally follow rules, think a little more outside the box, fascinated with the specifics and fiddling with things. Kind of minor obsessive.

My knacks would probably be either defensive style saber combat or super aggresive, since any and all sword fighting ive done has shown im good at defense, and fairly ok at being intimidating with offense. Would probably end up focusing on the force a fair bit, exploring different philosphies and ideas.

Wanderer but super prepared as much as possible, yet otherwise lax attitude. Quiet and slow to warm up to people.
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>Stick with the CIS
Grey Jedi Anon. There's no reason before the Clone Wars breaks out we can't' debate the extent of the Republic should control free trade or the draconian measures the High Council imposes on us.

They idea that I am to reject the delicous taste of finely cooked meal, the touch of a loved woman is barbaric. To quote somebody I found in the Archvies, it is tantamount to creating us sick and commanding us to be well.
But do I get to rape Kylo Ren?
Hes so edjy he kills himself using the next death star weapon to be built in an act of special snowflake repention and self sacrafice, making him into a galactic hero.
You just get to witness him.
I'm not sure really. I have lots of little issues that make being a good person while having emotion-powered superpowers on tap a bit of a precarious situation.

Trending towards isolation while being non-functional without companionship probably makes me very dependent on my master-padowan relationship. Attachment too strong or just non-existent.

Lots of self-loathing mixed with some very high-minded ideals is probably a bad thing to add Force to. The overbearing arrogance doesn't help so I probably fail some trials at least once.

Probably take up sabre for purely for the purposes of self-improvement with no real thought of ever having to use it.

I end up being a lonely, miserable recluse that gets pulled onto an investigation every few mounths by people who care about me not self-destructing.

I'm an odd case case of being too weak to be brilliant but too kind to fall. I take solace in being occasionally useful and apparently being liked enough not to be abandoned.
I shitpost on the whatevernet.
Considering the extent I agree with /pol/ I would probably be a Grey due to me having an exceptional hold on my temper, and the fact that I constantly question authority. I wouldn't deal with the Order, or the debauchery of the Sith, and will probably just leave, flee to the outer rim, and re invent myself to a powerful political figure with mob ties and some pull in other, more formal political circles.
I'd become a Sith.

Fuck this Jedi noise.

Carve myself a place in the galaxy, build a Ratataki army, then continue to carve out a place in the galaxy for myself.

Then die at the hands of my Apprentice, happy knowing that the work will continue.
>Leaves Order
>Joins Pirates
>Brutally murdered for buttons on his robes.
When will this meme fucking die
>You are going to be born/hatched/spawned with a reasonably high force sensitivity.
I assumed I got to pick my species.
When it stops being relevant.

To be fair, Kylo fits it to a T.
>The second and third thing that will happen is that the Jedi will find you, and that your deadbeat parents will give you up. You are now a member of the Jedi Order. Your dressing gown, spaceship and membership card are in the mail.

Jedi get you first.
Then I leave as soon as possible.

Jedi suck and are the actually bad guys of Star Wars. The Sith will find me eventually. Or I'll just fuck around the galaxy via Black Sun or Syndicate.
I'll drink to that.
If the original trilogy came out today, you'd say Vader was edgy.
The Jedi and the Sith are just different ends of a horseshoe. They both rob you of free agency, one preaches the emotional numbness is desired and the other a numbness from endulgence. Both should be spurned and resisted.

Indeed Brother!
I'd be gray jedi as fuck. It wouldn't really matter what era either i suppose.
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One side of that is fun on the way down at least.

>inb4 pic related
This, fucking seriously.
Nah, Vader was a fairly well done bad guy. Imposing, kills when needed without going overboard, keeps to the point and his lines short. Keeps his temper without good reason not to. Acts logically. Does not pretend to be anything, his presence just looms.

The lack of self exposition helps as well.

Assuming with the settings advanced SPACE SCIENCE it'd be a non-issue (on the other hand Padme dies after childbirth for 'reasons', so maybe not), but I do wonder how the force would interact with neurological disorders.

What would happen if a force user had a seizure? If it's dangerous and untreatable how would the Jedi deal with that/them?

That aside I'd probably be pretty straight laced prequel Jedi. The whole 'detachment' thing doesn't bother me terribly much. Would likely gravitate more towards diplomacy, treat the sabre more as a tool for meditation than anything else.

If I did end up in conflict with the council it'd probably be for being too traditionally Jedi. I'd likely oppose the Jedi getting involved in the Clone Wars as anything other than peace keepers and aid workers. Picking sides in a political conflict walks far too close to the desire for power and control that ends up with folk going Dark Side.
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Nah. Vader would be a decent villian though i'd be dubious of his doublecross.
Kylo is literally angsty teen tiers of edge. That's literally his whole point. So was anakin.
Personally I'd like to be an independent dark side user.

Possibly a Sith who after graduating the academy realized how mind bobblingly stupid and wasteful the Sith as a whole were being, and decided to just strike out on his own and go on adventures, indulging in his passions and freedom without being callous or stupid.

Most likely see that the Sith have a good code, but they no longer follow it, having taken a core idea all about freedom and self fulfillment and used it to justify the most base cruelties and greed, that's destroying their own order and civilization.

Essentially like how my sith warrior in ToR went, still very much a Sith but full 'light side' roleplay direction, using passion and dark side power to still be a pretty good guy at the end of it all.

A warrior who enjoyed battle and challenges but showed mercy, honored his agreements and defended the helpless and the weak, that they might become stronger and fight by his side one day.

As far as the Miles comparison goes...maybe pretty far down the line. I don't think i'm quite that cold.
Miles probably wasn't either, slippery slope, man.
Still though, even if you did go that route, Renegade Lawman Ex-Jedi would be pretty badass.
Shit I'd run a campaign about that, two Ex-Jedi with completely different viewpoints and methods of carrying on after the war. One has to hunt the other because one went off the deep end.
Force is like Chi. You're a light side user so your everything is super healthy and you maintain youthful appearance better. It also staves off literally every diseases other than those you're born with. However some diseases are darkside based and can be insidious.
Being a darkside user grants you power in exchange for unhealthy living and eventually shit body.
If you were born with severe autism for example lightside force usage would suppress it and you'd be an eccentric type of jedi maybe seeing things a from a different point of view. If you were a darkside user it would help you force that shit down in some dark spot of your mind till you broke and turned insane but up to that point you'd probably be a better schemer than most being slightly withdrawn from social interaction and thus seeing it better.

I would totally play in that campaign, sounds like a good time.
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Run it, run it! Grey Jedi campaign!
I'd have to work out the logistics, maybe find someone better than me to DM it, I've only ever DM'd one small campaign.
This is a good interpretation of the force by the by, I've always thought about it that way but I never really compared it to Chi before. It's a good comparison.
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We believe in you anon.

I'd cram myself into the "Tales of the Jedi" era, which is technically Old Republic, but much more wild and less organized than the Old Republic (which is more like the Clone Wars Republic).

I'd probably do okay, but I'd run thing less traditionally. Instead of joining with a "Jedi Order," I'd run solo or with a partner or small group of specialists as freelancers and hold other Jedi in contact so I can group up with others or ask for advice and call in favors rather than trying to navigate a bureaucracy. Seriously, the Jedi Order's operations as shown in the Prequels is stupid. The Jedi need to be out and about in the galaxy, correcting imbalances and generally reading what's going on with their own eyes, rather than the Force.

No loyalty to an Order means I've got fewer restrictions and can operate in any jurisdiction, though sometimes only with a good deal of discretion, and maintaining a team of specialists means I employ a diverse array of skills I can call upon for whatever task is at hand. Perhaps I choose only a few more permanent companions and others act as attaches, joining up when they're free or otherwise called to a high priority task.

Falling is a risk, but that's the Force for you. I'm pretty generally good and don't really seek power, so I would probably make an okay Jedi, though never claim to be a great Jedi. With a group of buddies I'm sure I can keep myself in check, there's added responsibility that would keep a fall in check if you have a team of people who count on you, look up to you, raise objections, and need your help from time to time. Again, not foolproof, but nothing ever is. A good support system certainly makes it easier, and pure detachment isn't healthy.
I'm impulsive, prone to indulgence/addiction and extremes of emotion. But I am also very idealistic and empathic, and have romantic notions about honor and destiny.

I don't know. I'd like to think I'd be good, but after a while would most likely stay away from the frantic affairs of jedi as a whole for fear of Falling, and for tranquiliy, and eke out an existence on a peaceful planet as a farmer and force-sensitive community guide.

Until something forces me back to my old life and I once again don the mantle.

I'll take my Jedi training to learn control, then just go get a day job where the I only use my powers to get things off the high shelf. Being a Jedi kind of sucks, with how much you gotta be immaculately disciplined. Their unrealistic expectations of perfection and doctrines of self-denial are half the reason so many Jedi fall, anyway.
That depends. There's "drop outs" who never make padawan but stay with the jedi who get put to work on agricultural corps and the like. Some padawans fail their terms and just become joe shmoes and the like though beint a force sensitive tends to force you into positions of power as you're a small funnel of destiny. Masters have quit as well, especially during the clone wars, and just gone on to become leaders of things or retiring like a normal person. All of the above means turning in your robes and lightsabers though there's no formal rule stating this, it's just expected of you. If the lifestyle chafes, or you just aren't jedi material, but want to still attempt to learn how to be one with the force a bit you'd wash out early as a youngling/pre padawan and be in one of the manu jedi maintained Corps. Groups. If you just generally dislike the jedi creed but have jedi master potential you'd exit the order and become a gray jedi or rogue jedi but not strictly sith. If you're a power hungry type at any stage you go sith. If you're just generally disenfranchised with it all you just plain retire from the jedi and go be someone else. They may get angry if you retire and go around using force powers on the populace to get a leg up which at best labels you a rogue jedi to be brought in or a sith/sith in the making which means lethal force is okay'd to attempt to bring you in.
To make it simple you'd probably wash out at pre-padawan level as they'd recognize training you further would be problematic. They actually wanted to do that with anakin cause they all sensed he had the same issues but fucking obi-wan also washed out at youngling stage but qui-gon claimed he saw some destiny for him which convinced the council and fucking obi-wan did the same for anakin.
That or you pass and somehow make rogue jedi or sith status. Force is picky and non-discipline types fall hard.
You don't Washout, you get assigned to one of these not-a-jedi Corps. I think there is four ranging from the medical, agriculture and a few others.
Thats washing out. They send you somewhere useful to them but they don't train you in the ways of the force anymore and you don't get a second chance. Agricultural, medical, explorational, and educational. This lets them keep tabs on force sensitives and ensures they have a reasonable idea of where you are. This is usually reserved for those that fail to reach padawan as they feel you don't have enough self control to be a responsible member of society given your position.
Masters and achieved padawans can formally resign from the jedi order being trusted to not be a dick in every day life. Failed padawans who have had decent training are also allowed this rather than take a job in one of the Corps.
Honestly I'm probably more than likely going to turn Sith-Warlord at the drop of a hat. I'm a closet megalomaniac (very big closet...) and constantly run thought-experiments as to what I would do to rise to power and what I would do with it.

Tbh unless my dog is there too, I'm pretty much guaranteed to go sith.
Hopefully become a Padawan to Micah Giett and learn to not take the Code.so seriously.

Become a Jedi Shadow and wander around the Galaxy righting wrongs. Tell the Council to kriff off if they try to give me orders.

Meet up with Jon Antilles and Zao for Sabaac and Soul Food every few years.

Eventually die because of the Clone Wars or Because Vader hunted me down.
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>Eventually die because of the Clone Wars or Because Vader hunted me down.

That would be the best, resigning from the Order in protest to using slave labour in the soldiery then assembling your own crack commando squad like that old guy in Force Unleashed. If you could live through the Great Jedi Purge, then you will be rocking.
Nonsense! I'm sure with a few years of dedicated mind numbing and soul crushing practice and meditation in the isolation chambers we'll make a fine padawan out of you or you'll die trying!
I immediately fall to the dark side and probably die like a bitch. I love violence and hate everyone, and I would never give up my own desires to further galactic peace at the behest of an hypocritical jedi council. Since I refuse to acknowledge all that jedi nonsense, the natural consequence of my misanthropy and selfishness is a nose dive into the deep end of the alignment pool.
Sorry, I meant since I refuse to acknowledge all that *grey* jedi nonsense. That shit is nothing more than one giant cop-out - *obviously* everyone would take all of the force powers with none of the drawbacks if they could.
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Alright then, brother. On behalf of the Order of Grey Jedi, itself an oxymoron as they tend to value freedom of thought and action from my interpretation, why is nonsense about it?

Far as I can view, you gain insight in to both sides of the force if you are able to retain your own identity when acting on impulse. If you can't or don't care then no, the ranks of the Grey Jedi will elude you.

One could argue it requires more forethought and a deepre connection to the force in order to prevent falling to either side.
I'm on the spectrum myself and I was wondering about that. I'm socially inept as fuck and if the force really makes it smoother, I could potentially develop some social skills, but I'd still stay somewhat reclusive. I would be the kind to hate doing work, I'm lazy as fuck and I would hate using a saber but the force would come naturally and easily to me because it would just make being lazy easier. Probably at some point I'd ask if I could leave at the beginning of the clone wars because I don't want to get involved in any way shape or form into that whole mess of an ordeal

They teach you physically before they teach you force usage. The whole idea is to use it in cases where physical couldn't produce the same result. Why go into a meditative state and sink yourself into a hard to maintain and sometimes exhausting focus just to grab a beer when you can achieve the same result much easier by standing up and getting the beer yourself?
Ex:obi-wan didn't hesitate to manhandle the troopers brains because he knew no matter how much he tried to coerce him the trooper would know those were the droids he was looking for as such the only method to achieve the proper results was force usage.
This goes same for fighting and why they aren't force hopping around or levitating rather than using stairs even if it was faster. It's why yoda uses his cane 24/7 until he NEEDS to use the force to move his body in ways it normally couldn't.
You'd want sith type training for picking up a remote that was just to far out of easy reach or to have constantly on super strength.
Mishandled that a bit. Why they aren't force hopping around or levitating when theres a perfect usable set of stairs off duty.
Then I guess I'm a Sith then, doing my own things in my corner of the galaxy not minding anybody except for getting food and such
More or less. Sith don't have to be straight evil. They just have to disregard the doctorine of emotionlessness and self control. Technically gray jedi do this but they also disregard wholly giving into wants and total lack of control. Everything in proper quantities and all that, which arguably is just another stricter form of self imposition.
Dunno what kinda force user i would be. I'm too nice to actually be evil, but on the flip side i am a giant douche who would dick around with people and use it for nothing but selfishly petty purposes.

Old Republic.
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>Shot in the back by disgruntled Commandos.
This would make for an interesting campaign or comic book
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Two of them are me.

In all seriousness I wouldn't get far because I'm an undisciplined, immature lackadaisy, and also because I think for myself. I couldn't be a Sith because I don't consider emotion empowering, and because I'm not a little bitch. There's no place for me in the Star Wars universe except, like, in a bar, selling deathsticks. There's not a soul I'd agree with on matters except some random fuck or two from the EU.

Wut, lackadaisical?
Jedi training is like military bootcamp in that is actively stamps out those unwanted traits. Unless they're actual permanent personality traits and not general undisciplined attitude in which case you could probably just choose from one of the Corps.
Jedi training is meant to completely detach you from life in all ways. To completely empty your head of all attachment and feeling and erase your personality to one of a blank slate and leave it such with defenses to prevent the slate from ever being filled in.

Bootcamp is building you completely to the State, to put that loyalty above all. They break you down emotionally (more than bodily) in order to build you up stronger with more aggression, with more loyalty and love and brotherhood. They are very different anon with different completely different goals in mind.
Every jedi master knows and several have admitted to this in the various lores that, while that is the ideal, none reach it. We are our emotions and personalities and they shape us. You can suppress them all you want but they're still their and they shape your actions whether you see this or not. This is why the jedi routinely fall. Watching the watchers and all that but the watchers can't watch themselves when they feel there's nothing to watch for.
As an earlier example obi-wan vouched for anakin just as qui-gon vouched for him rather than heeding advice and being smart about it. The council accepted it as they hoped he was what they needed and let their wants sway their path.
Ah, no. Qui-Gon was very much against much of the Jedi Orders teachings, he was a rebel and a maverick. He was a Grey Jedi in all but name. Obi-Wan had to be begged to vouch for Anakin on his Masters instruction. Obi-Wan was very much orthodox in all things, he was on the Council at a very young age, trusted beyond any by the Council and the Grand Master. Qui-Gon was not, respected for his prowess but not trusted.

As for the various lores you mention and our emotions and personalities being part of us, of that I agree in the strongest of terms. We know this to be true, yet we deny it with the use of emotional deadness that we must profess.

As I said earlier we are created sick with emotions and feelings and the capicity to form the strongest of bonds with all things and then we are commanded to be well, well meaning to cut off these bonds, to refuse their comfort and strength.

I say this is a broken system and one that damages all involved, from Padawan to Master. There are species that can take to breaking these bonds easily, hive-oriented species, Nimonediens and Kel-Dor alike can do so with ease but others that form strong bonds with parents, with homelands nations and countries, it is a cruelty to force them to forsake part of who they are.
I never said qui-gon believed himself jedi. Just that obi-wan remembered being turned down for padawan once before and that qui-gon stood up for him. He saw himself in anakin and wanted to do what his master did for him for anakin. He chose with emotion not with the calm collectedness the jedi order founds itself on. The council warned him of this and even they caved once they thought him to be the prophesied one and thus coveted him rather than everyone sitting back and thinking that just because he's powerful doesn't instantly mean he's who you're looking for. They sought a weapon and got one rather than a shield and they were too blinded by emotion to see that.
It's an issue all jedi have and all iterations of the order had.
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Well, I certainly take more of a shine to the Jedi philosophy than the Sith one, so me falling shouldn't really be in the cards. I'd probably try and investigate the more spiritual/mystical side of Force-use, and the teachings of Jedi throughout history. I'm sure I'd have to fight eventually, given that archeological and religious sites in the Star-Wars universe tends to be dangerous. But the aggressive militarism of the Order and it's co-dependence with Republic politicking wouldn't jive too well with me.

Worst comes to worst, I'm working those light-side abilities HARD. Telekinesis, healing, mind-tricks, tutaminis, the works. Even the concept of becoming part of the living force sounds like a pretty good deal compared to all the Voldemort-tier life extension tricks the Sith have.

If I don't get shrekt by one of those brickhouse Vader-clones, or gunned down because I thought I was too good for proper lightsaber training, I could see myself retiring into a position where I could advise younger Jedi in their own relationships with the Force. Kind of like Yoda, or just a guru. Gaining a high rank within the order wouldn't be too important to me.
>Just that obi-wan remembered being turned down for padawan once before and that qui-gon stood up for him. He saw himself in anakin and wanted to do what his master did for him for anakin. He chose with emotion not with the calm collectedness the jedi order founds itself on

No no, that is just not true at all. Obi-Wan did not want him on the ship in Tattooine, he was on the side of the Council that the boy was too old and indeed he was. It was loyalty and an Oath sworn to his Master Qui-Gon that motivated Obi-Wan to train the young Anakin. Nobody, but Qui-Gon believed him to be the Chosen One even after several attempts at amazing force prowess, it took a blood test to show chemically that he was amazing before people began to take him seriously.

>It's an issue all jedi have and all iterations of the order had.
Then I maintain the system is utterly broken and should be repaired with one less rigid and controlling.

I'm starting to believe I would make a good Grey Jedi, debating philosphy of the Order.
That IS one of their mainstays.
There is a branch of jedi that is exactly what you're looking called the Consulars. They're researchers, healers, and seer types. Most are diplomatically involved and ensure peace is maintained by staving off wars but plenty do research, solo or otherwise, and plenty still others focus solely on meditation and learning as much as they can about the force. all knowledge and Force no arm strength, not to say they can't fight just that its not their discipline.
It is, that's typically how they begin. It always begins with questioning orthodoxy.
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Thats how a lot of things start.
Train with the Jedi Order, but ultimately leave after a time. I can't agree with their mentality. On the other hand, Sith and other darksiders are just as bad.

In short, since I have my personality, I am therefore an emotionally stable, mature and self-controlled adult. I know full well how to keep my emotions and passions in check. I mastered them both years ago, not the other way around.

Won't have much truly bad to say about the Jedi, though. I'd quite happily work with them, but their path is not mine.
That's not how you started Anakin, you were let down by the Order. Your roots in slavery should of been a source of strength, your mother taken from her humble origins and relocated to a place more suitable.

The Order forgets the plight of the families left behind once the potential Jedi has been taken, in their Towers of Ivory it is understandable but not acceptable.

Travel with us, Brother. We have no small amount of credits and have recently purchased a reliable bulk freighter for our needs. We mean to see the Outer Rim for ourselves and see how different lives are from the Core Worlds. We still have need of a small and trust worthy crew of agreeable disposition.
Jedi seem to be reasonably intelligent as a rule so I'll just do top secret runs and fix engines for the rest of my natural life.

Possibly retire onto some junk planet (ideally literally made of junk for dat Ghibli feel) and start taking drugs/meditating until I can predict the future somewhat reasonably and thus contribute to the community in a productive way once I find the time to do so.

Gotta git comfy man.
Wasted, Brother. The art of peaceful meditation is useless if you are unable to act upon what you predict will come to us. If you begin to pollute your mind and body with toxins, how can you possibly know it is a true foretelling?
Drop out and use my powers for menial tasks
Me as a Jedi?
Terrible idea; I have a very profit-based personality; I'd just drop out of the academy or whatever place I was at once I was confident in my skills, and start working for the highest bidder.
A hitman, a bodyguard, just whatever gets me paid most. Money, money, the lifeblood of the galaxy. It's always the same.

I mean, if a legitimate job would get me paid more, sure, I'd do it. But bad people tend to be rich. And I like rich people.
>since I have my personality, I am therefore an emotionally stable, mature and self-controlled adult

This is the thing that knocked Anakin for six, I think. In Legends and the movies, you see two different types of training going on.

There's the "old" Order's way, which involves raising them from almost birth (infants/toddlers, based on some TCW episodes). That way, they grow up in the temple, a controlled environment, they live with the Force and how to use it almost as soon as they can walk, so while some of them can end up as rigid, they're generally decently adjusted.

There's the "new" Order's way that Luke went, which involved getting people who already WERE emotionally mature and stable, and then adding the Force to that. Yes, he had the occasional misstep, but, yet again, though, these are people who are emotionally mature and know what they're doing. Luke's missteps were primarily with people who had shitty lives and were also late teens/early twenties at the most.

Anakin falls into neither camp. He's old enough to remember his mother, he's old enough to have clear emotions, but he never really fits into the Temple path because he continually feels himself called back to them, and he's ALSO not old enough to be able to have a decent handle on them in terms of emotional maturity like Luke's Jedi did. He got the worst of both worlds, and you can see that while he's okay around Obi-Wan for the most part, he drops his spaghetti around others (Padme in particular). TCW did a bit to make him a bit more well-adjusted, but I think the underlying, inherent flaws are still there.

In short, I think Mace Windu and Yoda were right the first time, as was Obi-Wan. Anakin really WAS too old to begin the Temple training, but unfortunately there wasn't really an option to wait until he was pushing thirty before letting him start.
No, a simple relocation of his mother to a safe and gentle place would of fixed it all. He was trained as a special exemption of the rules therefor he should not of been given to the exact same rulings. The Old Republic was the most advanced entity we have ever known, yet the Order refused to advance with it, stuck as it was in tradition and ritual.

Anybody could see that the mother was the key to Anakin, more so than the woman he loved. Had she been protected she could of been a stabling influence and prevented what followed. He was forced to abandon her to a life that we ourselves had decreed forbidden, that one person may own another completely, yet we thought to look the other way. We did not care about slavery for we would use it ourselves in the coming decades to fight a war not of our making.

Moral relativism plagued us, Brother and we suffered for it.
>We did not care about slavery for we would use it ourselves in the coming decades
Go to bed, Traviss.

Slavery was forbidden in the Republic, but Tatooine wasn't in the Republic. It's why Qui-Gon's credits were no good, why the Trade Federation couldn't follow them there, why the Jedi had no authority, and why they had to keep a low profile.
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I'd be like the younger and lazier version of pic related. I'm considered a chill and mellow kind of guy that cracks jokes and acts silly. Probably not as badass, but I would strive to be.
You know Ki-Adi-Mundi AKA That One Guy With the Forehead? Yeah. His whole existence as a jedi along with every other cerean jedi is an exception as well since he and every other male of his race is required by law to have at least 5 mates if not more since they not only have fertility problems at both ends they have a Fuck-you-why-won't-you-just-go-extinct-already?! Levels of infant mortality. He's still has to have these deep connections with more than one mate AND remain entirely emotionless to boot even though he's required tomgo back to his homeworld from time to time just to conceive, have children, and be a proper father. The same goes for every single one of his race and they are still required to maintain jedi code. Anakins excuse is that he was a little bitch and couldn't let go where all he had to do was look at superiors with 10 times the emotional baggage he ever had and watch how they still maintain their duties properly.
I'd start out as a promising student, but progressively slip deeper and deeper into depression and questioning what the point of it all is. Chances are I'd probably go sith after that, though it wouldn't be very committed. Most of the time I wouldn't start shit, and nobody would even know I was on the dark side, but then I'd have one shitty day and then it would just be a few blurry days of chopping off limbs and choking out fuckers.

I might end up similar to Darth Nihilus, though instead of hunger, I'd just eat away at people's emotional stability with a natural aura of negativity.

What are Clone Troopers if not fodder for the cannons of the CIS? Slave soldiers is a step below slave labour

They call them Honor-Wives, the fact remains he should of been treated differently because he was the Chosen One, were he not and still accepted for training, his circumstances demanded his training be different because of his ability alone.
If I managed to finish the jedi education, I'd probably fuck off and be a civilian or a hermit. I think I'd make an average jedi, although I do have a short temper and negative tendencies that I should watch out for.
Not interested in becoming a monk in service of a hypocritical hierarchy or a madman doomed to pain and treachery. I might be tempted to study the dark side out of sheer curiosity, though.
I suspect a lot of people who say they would leave and live an easy life will find it hard to leave the Order. A clean, warm bed to lay your head, a pension, food cooked and a life time to study what you wish.

Not many could willingly turn away from that.
And all they ask in return is that when the Council wants to send you to settle some diplomatic FUBAR or SNAFU, you agree to go along.

And for the people who'd want to get their dick wet from time to time, the Order is very specific about being celibate, not chaste.
I'd probably do well enough with the disciple and training. I'm something of a habit builder. I'd probably focus most on practical force manipulation. All that good stuff that affects things directly.
I'd also probably be pretty outspoken against the council and while I doubt I'd leave on my own (in most time periods) I might end up being exiled if I pushed to hard.
I'd also probably end up on the grey side of things, being as I am of the opinion that it is idiotic to suppress or ignore emotions.
I could see myself ending up somewhere on the rim advocating for early sensitivity testing and registration for force users.
The vast and overwhelming missions are typically resolving disputes and diagreements, there are not always aggressive negotions with the Trade Federations.

Little more than arbitration.
>you don't have your memories but you have your exact personality, your exact character
Personality and character are mostly learned and shaped by experience and what happens to a person. What they experience. Can't have it two ways. That said, I don't know what the force feels like so I think I'd probably end up dropping out or becoming evil because its easier. No money in being a hero after all
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And me!
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What shall we do?
This. Unless you're a Consular you're basically being sent on what they'd consider an "easy" negotiation. However, they also wouldn't send a Consular on a diplomatic mission expected to turn ugly without a partner, usually a sentinel.
I'm coming with you.

Fuck this shit.

They forcibly recruited me, stuck a shit load of restrictions on me that I didn't agree to and make it impossible to have a life and tried to turn me into a good little drone.

Then the dumb fucks armed me and gave me a ship.

Bitch, I will be going as fast as this ship allows to the very edge of the map.

I'll post them the robes back at some point.
Best post your saber and ship back at the same time before you get labeled Rogue Jedi with a nice bit bounty on your head or worse, a sith which carries a high chance of being actively hunted down and, if you refuse to go nicely, a high chance of being killed. Worse comes to worse you could just join the exploration corps. and get to keep the ship and be free to fly around places, sure they know where you are 24/7 and you have visit an unmapped planet every few years but its better than being a pariah with a bounty.
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>Stick with the CIS and fight for the forces of self determination.
Yes, I'm sure the forces personally bankrolled by Sheevy P are actually fighting for that, and not the right to unlubed economic rape.

That's of course even assuming anything past his plan to get them rabble rousing enough to get himself unlimited powwwa before dropping the axe on you faggots.
Anon, the ship belongs to the Order, not you. Technically the Republic funds the Order, too, so you're just stealing a ship from the government and can expect to be labeled a thief.

Keeping the saber might be doable, though. But you can honestly just go into the Agri-Corps or one of the other Corps if you don't want to be in the Order. The Corps are usually for failed apprentices, rarely ex-Knights, but you get to basically work humanitarian things as a steady job, get to travel, meet people, etc. and all still funded by the Republic.

It's actually pretty decent.
I'd make a halfway decent one. Dark side? Eh, not my style.
I'm actually more neutral than anything but I have a bad case of wanderlust so I'm never in one place for too long.
I spend all my credits on eccentric hobbies and spaceships.
Two lightsabers (one shoto one dual phase)
Colors? Gold and silver I think.
Wouldn't be big on calling attention to the fact that I'm a Jedi.
If I get stuck in an era with a big intergalactic war, I'll probably be the one to pull an anakin solo.
The Outer Rim is without fail poorer and less economically developed than the Core Worlds. Lives are pretty hard out there and if the CIS were able to promise the men and women of those planets a slightly improved lifestyle they had nothing to lose. The sad fact is 'unlubed economic rape' is often better than brutal hand-to-month subsistance they may of previously had.

You need nod be scared of the free market, Brother. For if it was truly like that, Sheev would never of been able to amass the political power to formulate a war. It is a telling thing that the complex bureaucracy of the Grand Republic was so complicated that the Chancellor was able to command a war from both sides without problem.

It was corrupt, bloated and utterly self serving Brother, far better to let the free association of people begin, regardless of whom exploits whom.
Saber return is non-formally mandatory. As are the return of the robes and other property. They don't want a washout walking around with a jedi badge of office. It sets bad precedence and runs the risk of an untrained person's possibly horrible decision being labeled the decision of the order.
The issue is sheev had an army of clones which negated the vast issue of drafting just as the opposition had droids also negating that issue. Once he actually achieved an unrefutable position of power he actually heavily handedly started drafting people and making slavery more wide spread to ensure public cooperation. THEN people started hating that shit cause they found out he bamboozled them and thus the rebellion was born.
The freemarket offering of a better life was a blatantly lie and the opposition told the public so and they refused to listen until already underthumb. Its like trump supporters not knowing how fucked we'd be until trump actuall attained presidency and suddenly we're a bankrupt police state and the voters suddenly regret their votes.

If you join the Corps you get to keep the lightsaber, since you're still technically considered "Jedi" but just not "Jedi Knight" and nominally answer to the Jedi Order.
The slave army was clear and there. They could of taken the hard choice and refused the horrific crime we would previously of condemned, but we did not. We grew our soldiers, denied them civil liberties and forced them to fight and die for a cause they could not of truly believed in.

I'm afraid your later comment about the free market is quite wrong. By removing mandated control of the market and economy you create a more clear supply and demand or goods and services, people can more accurately predict what people want and how to get it. Thus removing conflict and suspicion which is always a good thing in trade. The less time the Government spents dictating how to live and do bussiness the better the world will be, it is the best means for lifting the greatest numbre of people to the greatest heights out of poverty.

People will fight and complain about the long-serving Senators and Councilmen that do not represent them. Finally a figure comes along whom all Senators unite against to actively prevent stepping in to the Hallowed Grounds of the Senate. This never happens in politics, always one side likes and the other loves. Business is just that, business and should be left to businessmen.

It is around this time that the youngest generation comes up to vocally announce their presence on the galactic stage and that voice unanomously cries 'Tell us what to do'.
The clones wanted to fight the war and had no problems with the Jedi except for one or two stand-outs who were actually Dark Jedi anyway. Go watch the Clone Wars TV show sometime.
Slightly incorrect. If you fail to pass onto padawan you'd never get the chance to build a lightsaber so you'd have none to keep. Only retired knights and the like that move into the Corps. Could keep their lightsabers as that is literally their only possession according to order mandate. If you fully retired to citizenship it was expected you returned the saber to the order as it's seen as a badge of office strongly tied to the order and if you aren't part of the order you shouldn't have it.
So assuming you fail in your educationa and "wash out" into the Corps. You wouldn't have a saber as you'd never gotten a chance to make one. You might have been allowed to carry one prior but its not yours as ONLY the ones you make are considered your actual property as they are exempt from the vow of pseudo poverty they live by.
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I would be a sith no doubt. However I probably wouldn't be aligned with the CIS during the clone wars, or the Empire during the original trilogy. Knowing my luck I'd get dumped right after order 66, and I would probably hide my powers. Living this hidden life I'd know that the only way to make it in The Original Trilogy time period was by dealing deathsticks and the like. I'd probably hop from bar to bar, using jedi mind-tricks to get myself out of trouble with the Stormtroopers and having a lightsaber just in case. I'd wear a large cloak and if anyone asked about my lightsaber I'd say I got it off a dead Jedi and am going to pawn it in the next town over.
They were brain-washed to believe in the cause they fought for. Parts of their natural brain were resctricted while other parts allowed to grow large. They had behavior modifcation chips stamped upon their mind, dear anon.

They were treated little more than robots. They had no problem fighting because they were unable to formulate a problem. The Jedi damned themselves from that moment on. Gone are the ways of morality and justice, now it is the ends mustify the means.
>If you fail to pass onto padawan you'd never get the chance to build a lightsaber so you'd have none to keep.
Plenty of Jedi have their own lightsaber by the time they reach the point of apprenticeship to a full knight, we've had multiple Legends books plus TCW show us that, including an entire arc about seven and eight year old children building their lightsabers before they even graduate from Yoda teaching.
>They were treated little more than robots.
I don't recall any of that what i DO recall is that one of the mainstays of Padawanshippery is that your master observes and guides you in making YOUR first lightsaber. The one you get to keep and own according to order law. Sure plenty of younglings have sabers or safety sabers and so do almost all initiates but by order law those are the order's, not theirs, and are to be returned after finishing initiate trials as you'd soon get your vary own.
>I don't recall any of that
It's TCW S5, episodes six through nine.

The arc features Hondo, which is why I remember it so well.
You pick the greatest of our Order, Grandmaster Yoda the most emphatic. See how none have thoughts of anything but the cold, clinical hand of Kamino upon their hearts. Their inner thoughts are entirely dedicated to how to accomplish their orders, they have no ability for much else without dedicated attention from the Jedi.

What do you believe would of happened after the War? Had they won? They would of remained entirely in the service of the Republic until their sudden deaths, you can not allow countless billions of people with identical features and genetics to roam free, it would destablize entire sectors. No, they would serve or they would die, dear anon.
Well, I'm starving for higher purpose and righteousness.
So, I think I'll do great and blossom in this environment.
I have problem with autorithy and I have some superiority complex issue, so I will certainly think that the masters try hard but they are not good enough and I will try to become one myself to change things.
Of course, it will be by the book. If I can't and I have too much struggle, I will go wander alone and be a lonesome paladin cow boy jedi.
I could have picked others. I chose that one because it's not only one of many scattered throughout, but because it's literally in the first episode and sets the tone and treatment for the clones throughout the whole series.
I suppose its what i get for breaking my TV habit a few years back... Now i feel old and outdated. Is this how VHS felt?!

What episodes are there that have them being treated as robots by people who are blatantly going dark side? Most Jedi seemed to treat them as friends.
Because they are. Like yoda said, They might be the same genetically but the jedi have the ability to tell each one is a unique individual with variances and thus worthy of the title of "Life" and therefore they are brother-in-arms and share the strife and companionship therein.
Their conditioning and brain washing is programming.

Their uniform armor and biological adaption is hardware.

The stamp upon their brain is a kill-switch.

The 150 (?) sercret orders they were given were baseline codes that could not be overwritten. We know very few of them were able to resist the order.

Their friendships they developed with their Jedi masters did nothing to prevent their cold hearted, robotic murder.

They are not created or bred for a life of idle pleasure, or farm peacefully. Many of them express fear and resentment at not being allowed to fulfill their programming, that is their orders.
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If you want to watch TCW, though, have pic related as a guideline up through S5.

>Many of them express fear and resentment at not being allowed to fulfill their programming, that is their orders.

When did that happen?
And part 2.

Season 4, the Umbara arc.

I'm going to hazard a guess that the Corps still doesn't allow you to have a wife and family because Monks.

Also still under the command of a bunch of dogmatic hypocritical Space Wizards with little to no sense of right and wrong.

So fly ship to edge of the map and a bit further, neatly fold robe, build a new laser sword, buy a shot gun, put original light sabre neatly on robes, post the order a letter saying where to pick up their ship assuming I can set it to auto-pilot home, get passage on someone else's ship some way further then see if anyone is hiring psychics.

Maybe even save up and afford my own ship some day.
Idle banter between Clones throughout the series. The fact remains they were slaves, we lost the moral high ground (Help me Obi-Wan!) to the CIS because they used robots we used slave soldiers, we ordered more like they were droids.

How can genetically modified creatures, bred exclusively for fighting and killing in a war that has nothing to do with them, nor their creators (Until CIS discovered their clone factories) be justified?

Any friendship and feelings they had for the Jedi were completely overuled by their long standing orders of the GAR to excute Order 66. Their friendship and comradeship supressed and even destroyed by their genetic tinkering.
>I'm going to hazard a guess that the Corps still doesn't allow you to have a wife and family because Monks.
It's a humanitarian aid organisation, not an order of anti-marriage monks. Yes, you can have a wife and family. The Jedi aren't stupid, they're not going to breed Force-sensitives out of existence (not that the Force would stand for that shit anyway).

As far as funding and command is concerned, it's kind of like how the Catholic Church funds humanitarian efforts and charities around the planet, basically. Except on a galactic scale. It's a plenty fine life to live with your space wizard powers.

>Idle banter between Clones throughout the series.

Such as?
So forced to join CAFOD. Whats the alternative?

Am I allowed to leave the order altogether if I can convince them that I'm not going to go batshit and kill everyone for no reason?

I'd probably end up ditching the Jedi Order, finding a girl and using my Jedi powers for personal gain.

I don't think this means I turn to the dark side. Because I think I could do this without becoming a dick. I'd probably only end up staying with the Order if we were in some sort of time of crisis. At which point I would only serve until said crisis was over and then ditch just the same.

Which is actually what I think Anakin should have done. But he was too much of an emo.
Yes, you can leave altogether if you don't want the equivalent of a confirmed steady job afterwards, nobody will stop you. That's literally what Dooku did, although he had the side issue of Palpatine deciding to seduce him to the dark side afterwards.

You're not forced to join, it's just that most ex-Padawans and ex-Knights (if any) usually will because they're the equivalent of well-paying, confirmed employment, no illegalities involved, and you're still working for the betterment of the galaxy. Dooku's family was rich as fuck ("Count" after all), so he didn't need to bother.
Yes. Citizenship is an option. You just get labeled force sensitive on their equivalent of a SSC. Assuming they found out you weren't jedi material before padawan all they've taught you is meditation to attune yourself to the force. You won't be super jumping or mind powering people as they never taught you that. you'd just be really good with reflexes and generally healthier than most. Maybe a little subconcious precog. Absolutely no threat to the population minus casinoes.
I would not be surprised if FS people were banned from casinos in the SW setting. Assuming they were registered as FS, since only the Jedi really have clear ways of determining it until Palpatine arrives on the scene and starts hunting them.
Is this all EU stuff or is it stuff that is part of the official lore?
TCW and Legends, mostly.
The issue is you're using the force in an "inappropriate manner". This corrupts the flow of the force and since you're channeling it it corrupts you in the process. This also goes over to local force sensitives a bit but unless you're anakin level powerful it won't actually effect them.
Jedi are like druids in that their powers come from its natural state. That why the sith became corrupt as they channeled their local enviroments force which happened to sit heavily in the darkside spectrum in the local area. The actual Sith race that is, not the religious order.
>using my Jedi powers for personal gain
You're going dark. The more you do it, the faster it's happening.
Said but the second trilogy confirms it somewhat with dooku. So while not brought up its still assumed canon.
The issue is during dooku's time most were temple raised so they had the familial relationship of a son to a father so while they couldn't becom jedi they still didn't want to leave the order. So they go into the corps. Which helps the order AND the galaxy and now they feel like they're doing their father proud.
>they feel like they're doing their father proud
If Yoda asked me to be in the Service Corps, damn fucking straight I'd join that very day.
Just a quick heads up for everyone saying something along the lines of "Oh I'd stike out on my own but I'm for too clever to fall, lol those Jedi and their silly rules."

You are literally a stock Star Wars villain trying to have their cake and eat it.
Well, yeah. It's guaranteed everything you'd want out of life without the scrounging and scratching and you could raisd a family as well. There's zero downsides beyond being sent places if you're medi or expo corps. routinely as part of the job. Hell, educational ranges from you actually teaching to working on the local ships at the nearby temple. Its literally any job you have the aptitude for and the local temples have plain college type classes for literally anything free of charge, which is how padawans also get their education, taught by consular types or other educational Corps. Members.
>There's zero downsides beyond being sent places if you're medi or expo corps. routinely as part of the job.
If you like traveling this isn't even a downside, it's a benefit because you get free travel around the galaxy, even into unexplored areas, and the Jedi Order is footing the bill for you.
Well that depends. Medi's are routinely used as medics in warzones or helping quarantine places to prevent galactic disease spread and explo's routinely go to uncharted or forgotten areas in small groups which means they tend to disappear from time to time as the job is inherently dangerous by being off radar, in small groups, going to places that may or may not be hostile, and possibly finding shit like say an ancient temple of a precursor race who's machinery lobotomizes them using force powered tech so they're the AI's meat puppets as it tries to awaken its dead hibernating occupants to a new era.
If that last bit seems specific its because its a routine occurance with abandoned temples in lost sectors in lore.
Why was none of this ever mentioned in the films?


It makes the Jedi not seem like a bunch of shit stains. It in fact makes them sound interesting and relatable and not like a bunch of total retards.

I'm actually reconsidering the whole Run Away and Become Space Smuggler plan at this point.
Because the original trilogy had them pegged firmly as space samurai monks fighting an evil space wizard. None of this shit existed then.
The second trilogy was made intentionally action heavy with super heavy emphasis on crazy force abilities and saber fights to entice the kiddies. The third trilogy vowed againsts all of what he second did but instead is doubling down hard on it.
Tl;dr first 3 this didn't exist. 2 and 3rd trilogy the directors thought it would bore audiences.
>explo's routinely go to uncharted or forgotten areas in small groups which means they tend to disappear from time to time as the job is inherently dangerous by being off radar, in small groups, going to places that may or may not be hostile, and possibly finding shit like say an ancient temple of a precursor race who's machinery lobotomizes them using force powered tech so they're the AI's meat puppets as it tries to awaken its dead hibernating occupants to a new era
I think I just found my next Star Wars campaign plot.

These Jedi Service Corps things are a fucking gold mine, holy shit. Easy way to have a party where everybody wants to be a Force user as well.
You'd have to fluff them as ex-knights or padawans for serious force power fun though.
Most in the corps are initiates who the Order thinks aren't jedi material so the most they know is meditation to attune themselves to the force. They basically have slightly better reflexes, healthier bodies, and some slight levels of precog.
Padawans get to learn Control which teaches them how to immerse themselves in the force rather than just perceive it which lets them do all the actually crazy shit.
You do realise the trade federation threw a tantrum because they were asked to abandon their monopoly? It's the senate that asked for freer trade in the outer rim. You've got it all backward.
Can PTSD knights end up in the Service Corps?

Also how likely is it that a force sensitive can get wizard levels by practice and experimentation but no official master?

This anon gets it, all yall just wanna support trade federation cause bucking the established authority is the trendy thing to do. Stop and think about it for a minute and realize that sure the republic wasn't perfect, but we've seen the evils perpetuated by the trade federation. They are worse. And the republic could be improved from within.
Like a lot of folks here I'd probably have trouble with the no attachment rules but those seem poorly handled anyway (Jedi are still fairly obviously allowed to form friendships, plus even Obi Wan who is one of the more straight laced Jedi had a bit of a fling in the clone wars).

I doubt I'd fall to the dark side because it seems like a pretty far dive to go from "Well I have someone I care about" to "time to murder children" I feel like those cases are the rarities.

One thing for sure that might distinguish me a little is that I'd carry a fucking blaster. I mean I wouldn't be some full blown innawoods jedi but I honestly don't see why more don't. It's simply pragmatic. Helps you keep a cover if you are trying to and have to fight someone in a place where drawing a lightsaber would immediately out you as a jedi (all of the places), it helps you if you get into a fight over long distances, plus lightsabers don't have a stun setting.

Job wise I feel like I might actually enjoy being a dedicated philosopher on the force. I mean I don't do anything even close to that now but I imagine if I lived in a universe where the top dog religion is immediately obvious and palpable I would want to figure out as much of it as possible. I would probably deliberately seek out alternative viewpoints and try and understand them (sith included because you can't just shut your ears to the ones you don't approve of). If anything causes me to fall it'd probably be me stumbling across a dark side tradition that somehow appeals to me or tricks me into thinking something wrong is the right way.

If its around clone wars time I mean I'll probably get unlucky and die, I mean even if I'm good at this statistics are against me here. If not I'd do my best to fuck off to someplace where I'd go unnoticed but could still help. Outer rim sounds nice but really any place where you could pass yourself off as a guy with good reflexes might count
>plus lightsabers don't have a stun setting.
They can be made to, it's just difficult and annoying and requires customised crystals that the Order doesn't really have access to.
If a Jedi has to draw their lightsaber, usually they'll just use it to deflect blaster bolts. If they're drawing it to slice, dice and kill, then they've really already failed.
Try to become librarian, drop out because laziness.
Become weakest Sith ever, use dark side powers to get girls.
Drink more and more to cope with self-loathing.
Get abducted by stormtroopers after barfight gone wrong reveals force powers.
Palpatine tries to indoctrinate me, and I'm too scared to fight back.
Become emperor's hand, get killed by first target.
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Well that's easy, Master Lem.
We become Legends.
To be honest famalam this isn't a perfect selection, up to Season 3 it's pretty on the money but after the first half of season 3 it's better to just watch everything, at that point the quality's increased to the point where the bad episodes aren't that bad.

Personally I just watched all of it.
I would really, really like to say that I wouldn't fall to the dark side, but I know that almost certainly I would. I don't think I could resist abusing my powers to get whatever I wanted. I'd certainly try but eventually I'd get frustrated, take a force shortcut, and then pretty much everything would be downhill from there.
I would drop out of padawan training pretty early - I was a huge dick as a child.

After I mellow out a bit (somewhere in the teens), I'd probably end up in the Grey Jedi. Might have some potential, but I'd more than likely squander it due to lack of motivation.

All in all, minor character that might do something useful when backed into a corner.
Doing what's right whether the Council likes it or not, but not enough of a retard to become a Dark Jedi.
That's probably where they do end up assuming they can function with it. That or permanent temple life.

Not very far. Shits hard and unless you know the exact process and wha to aim for its just aimlessly meditating hoping you hit on...something, anything. That can go on longer than you have life. It's why new powers very rarely show up on the scene or if they do they're weird natural born exceptions.
Ex: sith have discovered immortality and how to give it to others at least 3 times but each time that shit gets forgotten as they don't share it. It usually takes on average 1000 years for someone to just up and stumble on it by accident again though one case did it in 400 by hunting down a holocron that taught him.
Thats 1000 years per rediscovery for one of the most sought after abilities mind you. It would be your entire focus and you'd still never find it barring some crazy coincidence just handing it to you if it ever did happen.
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I'd be full on snufkin-tier. Roaming the galaxy, righting wrongs with words and calming influence when possible, and least violence I can use if I must.
I'd avoid the temple most of the time, I'd only really check in in passing or when called there and not busy.
I wouldn't go perhaps as far as Qui-gon in disregarding the Council but I'd be a thorn in their side if I think they are wrong on something.

I'd try and aim for knowing the force in knowing the universe, I look at it, I breath in, I breath out, I am it.
You know what? A lot of us basically said the same thing, but you were the only Anon with the sheer concentrated excellence to compare what we were talking about the based Snufkin.

Would roam galaxy being chill as fuck with.
Something I've thought of recently - just wanna check with you guys if it sounds ~feasable~ or ridiculously edge, but anyhoo.

You know how Kylo's lightsabre is unstable? What about a less stable sabre, that's so unstable that there's a chance it's containment field will sorta merge with another lightsabre's when they hit each other, either disrupting them both, or allowing the unstable one to completely phase through the normal lightsabre.
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>10/10 Would roam galaxy being chill as fuck with.
Why, thank you anon. Likewise I am sure.
No and yes. The unstable saber come from post fall sith. They use artificial crystals, hence the red glow, that aren't as pure. This give it that wavy effect. This is a double sided sword:
1. It can't cut nearly as well as its "blade" is wider and less focused.
2. It's designed to wave so when it hits another lightsaber it's like a jack hammer which fucks up whoevers blocking and possible shorts their lightsaber.

Doubtful they'd actually use either mechanic but thats the fluff. There's even crystals that do the opposite making it super focused and "sharp" at the cost of it being deflected easily and not designed for the hard hitting styles such as kylo but the dueling style like that of dooku.
Yoda's mini saber is actually just a shortsaber for offhand wielding in the duelwielding style. It just happens to be the right size for him.
> Drop out? Be a hero?
Yes to both.
Although telling us we're a member of the Jedi Order, but then letting us pick a time period is kinda' dumb. What it means to be a Jedi varies drastically depending on the era.
Drop out AND be a hero?
>Do you make a good Jedi?
No. I've got problems with being told what to do without a reason and most Eastern philosophy, which is kind of what the jedi revolve around.

>So how do you do?
My guess? Exiled, imprisoned, or runaway. I literally could not deal with any council bullshit.

Hopefully, I wouldn't fall to the dark side, because I kind of want to just go out and do what I want while following my own morals and whims. I don't think I'd kill that many people, but who knows? I used to get wicked pissed off at the smallest things when I was a teenager, and I still get angry pretty easily, so that wouldn't be in my favor. To be honest, I'd try to do good: remove the corrupt from power, and smite evil. When I'm not killing gang leaders and oppressive planetary rulers, I'd probably be selling my force powers to the highest bidder. I could put large structures like houses together in much less time and with much less effort than people using conventional means. I might become a selective mercenary/bounty hunter, only taking contracts which I think would improve the galaxy.

tl;dr: I'd do good, but I wouldn't always be good.
I thought lightsabers were unstable when they messed up the crystal structure when making it. I think you could make them too dense too.
You're thinking of a generally unstable light saber. Those can, and do, straight up explode. I'm talking purely about the blade. Impurities in crystals cause a wavy or "unstable" blade, high purity causes thin "sharp" blades, and normal crystals cause normal blades.
Both the jedi and sith philosophies seem pretty nonsense to me, don't know what that makes me. I'd probably become a freelancer on some more populated planet using my jedi mind tricks to become a PI/ infobroker of some sort.
I do have actual issues with clinical depression. The prescriptions killed my sex drive, so I at least have that. I've heard that depression has " sadness disguised as anger" and I could say that.is the case.really hope vader was a fluke, a one of a million case of bad luck, since to be honest, vaders fall is totally on the jedi's fault.

They couldn't understand emotion because they
chose to shun it.
Like i mentioned earlier. Shit like depression is almost a non-issue if you apply yourself to the lightside. Whole healing properties and balanced Chi type thing.
Honestly i stopped those pills just because of the reduced sex drive, shits not right and they fucking KNOW it'll happen and do they tell you? Nuuu. Then i found out how much fucking better i feel off pills and how its so insidiously subtle and mind changing that you don't realize how shit you feel until you're back off them. Its honestly what made me realize how great life feels when i have actual unhindered agency in it.
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>Clone Wars fuck yeah
I'd strive for the light, but I don't have such a good handle on my emotions, so I would inevitably fall prey to the dark.

I'd probably leave the order become a merc of sorts, the idea of exploring everything the galaxy has to offer appeals to me greatly. Also space babes, tons of space babes.
If any of you greys or lights are in the area, feel free to come aboard my crusier for a chat and some tea. Darks are welcome too, but you backstabbing Sith better stay away, you fuckers poison everything you touch.
I know that feel, anon. I got fucked by pills too. I was on prozac and I gained a shit ton of weight in a small amount of time. I'm only now starting to work it off. I was 260 and now I'm 230. It just took me a few years to dial in the right meds with my psychiatrist. It turned out that my depression was caused by anxiety, so when we finally figured out the right meds for that, life just got a billion times better. Good luck, Anon.
well shit. Now my weight gain makes sense.
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Well knowing myself, I'd probably go full on Sith. The asceticism of the Jedi order doesn't appeal to me (especially if we go with the no-fun variant of the Jedi code) and the Sith code emphasis on self-reliance and freedom is something that I find very appealing. It also doesn't help that my passions are far stronger than my 'inner peace'. Also because red sabers are the coolest.

Now mind you, I wouldn't go full retard puppy kicking orphanage burning Sith. I'd probably do something like the "Light Side" Sith Warrior in SWTOR, ruthless and prideful, but honorable and virtuous in my own way.

That said, like the rest of you, I'd take my own ship (Can I have a Fury class? It's my shipfu.) and fuck off into the Outer Rim for some sabbacc and twi'lek hookers.
I'd probably be the kind of goof who follows someone like Revan because of me loving noble ideals far more than a pragmatic approach. Though, brain problems tend to keep me apathetic to most things.
I'd drop out of the Jedi order. I would use my powers for good but I don't like the structure of the order, so I'd become a Jedi outcast I guess.
>International law background
I'd honestly probably be a jedi librarian or work in the diplomatic corps. Depending on the era that would be pretty sweet. While I have some military experience (if conscription counts), it's not something that would mean i would translate to a good front line fighter, though I have dabbled in some fencing.
If it's in one of the more corrupt era's, I guess I could end up as Dooku light.
I'd probably make a shit Jedi. Too emotional and I hate being told what to do.

I'd probably travel the galaxy being a force powered vigilante, and if I live long enough, I'd settle down somewhere nice to raise a family.
>That said, like the rest of you, I'd take my own ship (Can I have a Fury class? It's my shipfu.) and fuck off into the Outer Rim for some sabbacc and twi'lek hookers.
I can imagine everyone ITT visiting some backwater Outer Rim world's notorious bar and it being a truce area for /tg/ forceusers to kick back and shoot the shit.
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Be pic related or die trying.
Now that sounds god damn brilliant.
It would be awesome, until someone walks in and shouts "Skub is the embodiment of the Force, your waifus are all sluts, 3.5 > 5e, FATAL game of the year all years, we need more women designing video games!" and slams the door shut. The bar will be waist deep in bodies within the first ten minutes.
I'd rather chase after the bastard who shouted that.
I have... three issues. One is a very strong moral compass. Second is a bad habit of giving into 'righteous' fury. Third is a high libido. I'd probably get myself killed, but I'd go down doing what I hope is the right thing.
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"We're all going to stand up and back away from the ja'bast table, put away one weapon each. If you got scores to settle and a bounty to settle take it outside."

You have no issues, you have declared what you want and will seek positions and places that increase the chances of you obtaining what you want. Righteous fury is no different to indignant fury, one becomes the other within a moment. Your path is already picked and it is a short one, Brother.

>Indignant, feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment..
We need to get in to Star Wars Combine. This has got to be something /tg/ could fall in love with.
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I went through a huge personal change about 2-3 years back but that was a circumstance of the job I was in so hard to say which route I'd take.

If I had a choice I'd probably roll clone wars.

Before my change I'd have definitely been right at home with the jedi order. I liked gaining the respect of my peers/superiors and I liked learning. I've done various martial arts and while never being the best at any of them I am usually above average, I did better in competitions because I can think quite fast on the spot and be unpredictable. But anyone who may have known me or sparred with me before found me a lot easier to go against. I'd imagine I would have stuck to the Jedi code and tried to be a prime example of a Jedi. Definitely not main character material.

However if it was my mentality now, including the change? I'd have faked my death. Become a grey jedi/sith. Following my own code pursuing power via ancient knowledge/having powerful allies such as senators. At heart still good, like I'd probably have tried to stop Palpatine if I found out. But I would suit myself above everything and make sure I am in the best position possible.
I'd probably end up dropping out no matter what era I was in (maybe I'd stick around for Luke's old EU with Katarn and company, but that's the only exception I can think of).
I've already left one cult group (Family Int.) my deadbeat parents abandoned me to IRL, so I'd probably end up leaving the Jedi too.

As for falling to the darkside, I doubt I'd ever be able to do that. I lack the ambition needed to become power hungry. While I am a bit more selfish and introverted than the average person, I can too easily empathize with anyone I hurt to continue a behavior I know is making people miserable. I've also developed a nasty habit of constantly questioning just about every belief and assumption I make, so that'd potentially keep me out of dark side trouble too.

With access to a ship, and I assume no other marketable skills beyond spouting Jedi rhetoric while feeling various amounts of confusion and shame, I'd pick up a job as cargo hauler or passenger transportation to the outer rim.
It'd be nice to see the galaxy for myself.
I'd describe myself as a good person with impulse control issues, so how I turned out would greatly depend on what kind of Jedi took me on as a padawan. I don't think I'd fall to the dark side, but "fuck it I quit" would definately be a strong possibiltiy. The exception to that would be if I wound up in the Clone Wars or New Order era, then the odds of me falling to the dark side would be a lot higher, if only because I doubt being in a turbulent time would help my temper or impulse issues any.

As for specalization, ideally I'd like to go down the Consular path but I'd probably do better as a Knight, for already stated reasons.
>Be post Order 66
>Enjoying nice game of ja'bast with some random fuckers you just met at the bar.
>They kind of look familiar though...
>Some nerf herder triggers the entire bar and pegs it outside.
>Everyone on their feet straight away.
>Everyone's holding a lightsaber.
>We look like a fucking parade.
>Everyone too surprised to be angry anymore.
>It clicks.
>H-hey...didn't I sit behind you in Mind Tricks 101?

Just hope the bartender doesn't realise what a fortune in Jedi he's got squaring off in his pub.
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>Implying the Bartender isn't a secret Jedi
>Guards outside are Jedi
>Ja'bast dealer is Jedi
>Bith Musicians are Jedi
>Standing pointing blasters at guy that looks like that prick that said behind me in Mind Tricks 101
>Fucker kept making me write gas the Bothans on my dataslate
>Bothan Instructor gets mad at me
Old Republic Era, 3634 BBY-----2 years prior to the Outlander's release.

In all likelihood I'd be a LS Sith, embracing freedom and striving to be loyal to my companions as I travel throughout the stars.

I'd probably spend work as a mercenary loyal to the Sith Empire, and specifically Empress Acina. Not grand ambitions besides trying to reform the Sith Empire within after the disappearance of both Marr and the Empire's Wrath.

Became a local hero of Imperial settlements in Taris after me and my companions held off a terrible Rakghoul assault. Some time later assisted a fellow LS Sith, Jaesa Willsaam who was setting up a Sith Academy on Drezzi in improving the state of affairs of the settlements there.
>classic wzard archetype
Goddamn anon, I like your style.
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