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...Also a 3 pronged army with dragons coming from the South, and Maleficent in the middle. Let's not forget the Night King who will need some way to get through the apparently magically imbued Wall. And why are we still watching Samwise Tarlee discovering more books? At least Arya finally came into her own, wish that could have happened 3 seasons ago.

Anyway, this is your constellation. You are the GM. How do you resolve it?
Does Cersei have any army left?

The Kingslayer could serve as general, but are there troops left? Okay, nothing that could withstand Ironborn from sea, Unsullied and Dothraki from land, and Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal from above. But is there an at least theoretical force that King's Landing could contribute to the Wall?

And what will the King of the North do when Khaleesi comes up the Riverlands? Marry her? He's her nephew!
>why are we still watching Samwise Tarlee discovering more books?

Because he's going to achieve his lifelong dream of becoming a wizard. He'll probably proceed to throw fireballs at people, since apparently half of the setting now has easy access to explosives and incendiaries.
God please yes, I've been living vicariously through that fat fuck for years now. If he can rain arcane might on even one plebian I will be happy.
>what will he do? Marry her?

>He's her nephew!
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I ensure that my players are well stuffed.
>his lifelong dream of becoming a wizard
Too bad he threw it all away for a pity fuck from Cassie Wildborn.
So the Young Wolf or the White Wolf?
Your logic has overwhelmed my doubts.
That's actually about it. I mean, there's the whole Prince Who Was Promised, but my opinion is that the PWWP and the Three-Headed Dragon are the same.

The three heads are, in my opinion, Dany, Jon, and, genuine spoilers here, either Aegon or Tyrion.
Well only one of them is alive so...
Help me out here,
who is Aegon and still alive?

But yeah, with R+L=J pretty much confirmed, Wolfboy has to be at least a part of Azor Ahai, and Daeny has been pushed as mary shoe-in from ep 1. With The Mighty Imp kneeling to Daeny I'm pretty sure he's out of the race. So who is Aegon again?
>Anyway, this is your constellation. You are the GM. How do you resolve it?

I think it's Jon, Dany and The Hound .
Book character. The baby that the Mountain allegedly killed was a replacement. Varys spirited the child out and he was raised by an exile knight to be a good Westerosi king.

He's actually not bad. But he was only introduced in book five. So, you know, probably not going to last long. I hope he does, though.

He's Dany's nephew. He's currently leading an army in Westeros right now with its core built around the Golden Company, the best fighting force in the world at the time.

But since he hasn't shown up yet, I'm afraid it's because he's to be slain off and Tyrion will be the third head. Makes sense, especially with that water-holding theory that he's actually a Targaryen.

Is this a joke, or no? I mean, if you have thoughts on why, I'd like to hear.
but since he hasn't shown up yet in the show*
So why do people want Daenerys on the throne ?
I should really catch up on the books now.
I think the last I read was the one with the Red Wedding...

She's cute. And soooo tragic.
Because they don't think very well.

Or because they want to see Tyrion succeed, and having him be the Hand behind the throne means that shit will get done well.
She's also incompetent and I doubt she has a game plan after I take the Iron Throne
Strong woman idealism, despite the fact that she is a terrible ruler
She has aspirations to being a good ruler. She doesn't understand, but she cares.

Sansa and Cersei are written way worse when it comes to reason. To bad they didn't let Margaery out of the sept, she was a sapient adult female for once. Could have watched more of her, no problem.

Wasn't there a theory that this was Varys' secret pony?
I don't. I want the Iron Throne to be destroyed, and for Westeros to go full anarchy
>wasn't there a theory that this was Varys' secret pony?
Yes. There's a theory that the boy isn't even a Targaryen, he just looks the part because Varys found a boy with enough Valyrian blood as to have similar enough features. Or that he is a Blackfyre descendant.

Honestly, I don't think it matters too much. The boy was raised to be king. He was raised well. He's the ideal King to Dany's Queen, and with Tyrion acting as their Hand they would make a very good court.

Realistically speaking, it'll probably be Dany and Jon on the throne, with Tyrion behind them and, if Aegon survives, he'll act as their Marshal. The kid has a gift for leading men, as he's doing a fine enough job with the Golden Company.
Sam discovering the recipe for Black Powder?
>I'm sorry I kept inconsequential secrets for a day longer than it would have taken to save your army of wildlings who trusted you with their lives.

> It's okay.
>Why won't you listen to me? I have lived in Winterfell just a few weeks ago. I know Ramsey. He'll try to trick you.

>Okay, I'll listen. What is your advice?

> -
Woah you just triggered me. If you're not okay with my favorite stronk womyn burning innocent men alive for no reason other than "muh dragons", then you're just a bigot. Pic related, it's her masterful strategy of winning over hearts and minds of the people. Truly an inspiration.
Show me one innocent in GoT.
Just one.
>tfw people view Sansa as a strong woman
>tfw people want Sansa to become Queen of the North
>yfw Sansa screws Jon and over so she can rule
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Oh man, my feelings.
Sansa has been a victim from the get go. No one sees her as stronk wymmenz.

But there is a definite tendency in the writing now: suddenly matriarchy. And it does smell a lot like political pandering.

No TV show will answer the complex questions of modern feminism. But even GoT will go down in flamewars if the theme is used poorly because it is a strongly polarized issue since GGate.

I'm all for strong womam characters, GoT has a few: Yara, Brienne, Margaery, ... It is an interesting story to tell.

But one has to tell the story, no preempt the outcome and then bend all the Mary Sue plots to fit.
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The throne was his by right. Incestuous criminals and traitorous dogs would try to stop him at every turn, but they would be no match for the army that he would lead. He would have taken what was his after being undermined his whole life. R.I.P. the one true king of Westoros. You were taken too soon.
Well the filename summed up my reaction to this
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I can see the show being a recreation of a table top rpg that George R.R. Martin ran as GM and the writers played the characters. Things are going well, the game has a lot of exciting/rewarding moments when the players plan things out, the role playing is good, and the GM isn't afraid to give them real risk for being lawful stupid or recklessly impulsive.

But after a few sessions the players lose respect for the DM and start trying to derail his whole plot. They min-max the shit out of female fighters to the point of god-hood in order to take over a kingdom to the war cries of "you need the bad pussy". The players even go full magical realm and pull their cocks out every time George tries to world build or progress the plot.

He tries to stop them by killing off all their characters but they just keep rules lawyering their way out of it or using loaded dice for save against death throws. It gets so bad that they can withstand a full heavy cavalry charge solo, parkour for miles just after being gutted in the slums, and in a wine fueled stupor they blow up nearly all of the NPCs that George used as quest givers to keep things even slightly on track. George has given up all hope for this campaign to be salvaged, so he does his equivalent of “rocks fall and you die” with “ice zombies wreck your shit and you die.”
Seems reasonable
The series producers are brilliant. They start the show strong. One of the best TV series with the first two seasons, then they gradually make the series shit. Season 6 is just a pile of dong with less brain cells than amoeba, so that mediocre scenes are highlighted as BESTES EVAH! Those are the real Littlefingers.

But better a littlefinger than no action at all.
He's a Blackfyre bastard.
>If you count carefully Jon killed (or distracted long enough for them to be killed) exactly 20 dudes
>Ramsey's 20 good men slaughtered
>Jon alone is worth more than Stannis' entire army
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>one true king of westeros
>when Jon is exists

still, did not deserve what happened to him. Traitors be damned
>tfw no night king in the books

Oh well at least we have Euron "Coldsteel" Greyjoy.
Another reason why the show is shit.
>varys can teleport and or create clones of himself


The thing that kills me about her bullshit is that she's had weeks or even months to speak up, and only decided to lay that out on the night before.

Like, she was there in the planning room. Or input was valued. She just didn't get asked the specific question she was trying to psychically get them to ask.
Does this mean that Jon has ascended past fookin legend level?
He killed the fookin legend
He killed sir twenty of house good man
And his twenty good men
So yeah I think he's getting there
Fuck you for using the word triggered because you're offended.

If you had any idea what it really means you would never use it again.
So let's recount Westeros's current living Badasses.

We have Jon 'Last Bastard Standing' Snow
We have Brienne 'The Beauty' of Tarth
We have Sandor 'Fuck Your Titles' Clegane
And we have...whatever's left of Gregor.

The list is getting pretty short. Or am I missing a few?
Gurrl powah. She is literally no better than Joffrey at this point.
I'm pretty sure there is a difference between being 16 and fucking trying to rule a fucked up kingdom, and fucking up from time to time, and being a sadistic psychopath who loves that he can get away with being a cunt.

I don't think Daenys a good ruler. I think she's a young girl, in way over her head. In a different world she could be fine.
Joffrey is a terrible person no matter where you stick him.

Ser Bronn of the Blackwater?
This is a stupid meme. She's perfectly fine.
She is, at least, willing to listen to her advisors instead of demanding someone bring him another hooker to kill.

They needed to reduce the wildings numbers to make them manageable. It was a good thing in the end.
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Nay, not him. Claganebowl is potentially still on though.

It's Happening...Get HYPE!
>Cercei is forced to flee KL
>get captured by the brotherhood
>Berric allows trial by combat
>Arya turns up and kills Cercei regardless of the outcome
>so he does his equivalent of “rocks fall and you die” with “ice zombies wreck your shit and you die.”

...your journey it began because You Died....
>What's your advice?
>I'm not a fucking warrior man, just don't run in there willy nilly. He's crafty, you have to be craftier
>yeah okay lol
>*full frontal charge*
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There, I solved one powercreep problem. Fuck, I'm good.
>Varys has actually ninja powers

How did he learn this?
No she's not. She's an above par ruler whose one moral hangup happens to be the most subversive possible thing in the place she happened to be ruling. Also, she's badly written on the show and acts like a stubborn child. The character is supposed to be a reasonable, intelligent individual. The author just needed to kill time before she invaded Westeros so he improvised a bunch of bullshit to keep her occupied. If you're faulting her for it all you're being a bit silly.

>muh feminists
George Martin doesn't pander. He writes strong men and strong women and weak men and weak men as he sees fit. He writes Dany as a strong character so what's there to bitch about?
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You forgot the muthafucking champion
>George Martin doesn't pander.

True, the books are full of nuance and complex/flawed yet relate-able characters. The show writers haven't been doing that for a few seasons and strip nearly all of the humanity from them to the point of satire. So whenever there is bashing of certain "stronk, first of her name" character they are talking about the show by default, not the books.
If we're talking about the show, you really can't use the "16 years old," argument. She's being played by, treated like, and the audience is told that, she's an adult through her actions and interactions. She's an adult. They made everyone in the show older so it was easier to connect to. She's just a bad ruler, and she likely won't do any better in Westeros because she's only Westerosi by title. She's not from there, wasn't raised like she was from there, and only wants to go back there because she was told her entire life that it's technically her brothers, and by extension, hers.

She should go back to the Dothraki Sea. She's more Dothraki than anything else.
Jamie is pretty badass, too.
Yeah, personally I would have had her stay in "Dragon's Bay", have her armies conquer the other free cities and her Dothraki continue patrolling the Great Grass Sea. And if anyone asks her to respond with:

Fuck Westeros, I'm reforming the Valyrian Empire with my self as Empress of all Essos
You automatically get them for free 12 levels after they cut off you cock. The reason none of the unsullied got them is because they never live long enough.
They made her older so it would be legal to film.
So? It doesn't change the fact that she's older and should be treated as such.
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So Bran is going to be the reason the White Walkers will be able to bring the Wall down, right?

He bears the Night King's mark, and he's going to carry it across the 'strong magic' in the foundations of the Wall.
As a single army, the Lannisters are still the biggest, but with pretty much all of them dead, Jaime looking like he is having doubts etc... and everyone else unifying against them, they don't stand a chance
Who is managing the gold now that Tywin has been dead for a season? Seems like there wouldn't be much left by now.
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"I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?"
I wouldn't be surprised if Cersei spent it all on alcohol.
Yeah what the fuck was that btw?
I assume he went fucking STRAIGHT to dorne, stayed for a day to talk, then instantly came back ASAP

The episode was spanning over the course of around a month
Her uncle Kevin probably gave the job to some intelligent men he trusted, I assume they have people working on it, not that cersei would have a clue
Yes, but if those people working on it do then they are no longer working for Cersei but for themselves, in an ostensibly deniable way.

Based Mannis for One True King
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Hahaha, well memed mannisfags!

But is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Euron Greyjoy? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Euron Crow's Eye. I’m not talking about King Euron Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, Third of His Name either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Euron Bloodeye the Conqueror with endless supply of nightshade and dark sorcery (with foresight power and being capable of both Qartheen warlock and blood magic), equipped with his full suit of Valyrian steel armor and commanding the Iron Fleet from the deck of the Silence with dozens of sacrificial holy men and magicians to feed the demons of the seas, plotting to reduce Westeros into a throne of skulls and to rule the ashes alongside his fire-handed consort
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tfw you're the King of the North, universally loved by all of your people. you just finished wiping out your greatest current mortal enemy & are free to prepare to fuck up the incoming zombie army. your two greatest marriage candidates are your cousin and your aunt.

truly the life of a king
The story was always famous because the charaters were allegedly "grey" or tried to be a bit morally complex. But this is clearly bullshit, since the story is all about predestination now. Special snowflake danny who has purple eyes and white hair and dragons and fire resistance is going to take the throne. Either her or Jon Snow who is a better character but also predestinated. Or both. I hope this doesn't happend or this story is going to be worse than a fucking fanfic. We need Stannis the mannis back to purge house special snowflake once and for all.
and? What's the worst that can happen...wait...
They need to just fuck already and produce some absurdly OP demigod offspring.
Wat the Reach hasn't done jack shit in forever or Dorne for that matter beyond getting its heirs killed
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Both Starks and Targaryens have had plenty of marriages worse than nephew/aunt
I guess this is the best place to ask but I kinda want to play/run a Game of Thrones game. I own Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire Game of Thrones Edition and the campaign guide. I'm only a showfag and the people I play with only one of them has watched the show.

So if I were to run a game, where should their house be located. I figure the North or the Riverlands would be the 'best' for players but I'm not sure.
The Riverlands in my opinion is a great place to set the game. You're torn between protecting your lands from the raiding of the Mountain whilst similarly required by the your liege lord to support the King in the North.
jaime will maybe kill cersei
the prophecy says she will get killed by a younger brother
grrm feeds on shock-effect so this will likely happen

i mean, jaime killed arys because he threatened to blow the entire city up with wildfire (which cersei did)
Up to flavor really.

Southern scheming, central power plays, or Northern blood & honor, in shades from gritty Iron Islands to the cushy Vale of Arryn. Use a house that doesn't rule a whole region but serves another, a minor one, with just a few valleys or islands, ships or toll roads.
Wouldn't scheming in the South result in failrure because you have to deal with the Lannisters and possibly the Hound or god forbid the Mountain that Rides.
He might have met the fleet at sea as well.
It's a Song of *Ice* and *Fire*, it was always about Dany and Jon, always.
But the Fire has been the least interesting thing that's been going on.
>And what will the King of the North do when Khaleesi comes up the Riverlands? Marry her? He's her nephew!

Have you not noticed the entire plot of these books revolves around incest? Particularly the Targaryens
Bran will kill her. Did the prophecy specify whose younger brother it will be?
Not really, the prophecy said "the little brother" would kill her. She thought it was Tyrion, when it could be any little brother, even Jaime.
>Vale of Arryn.
Houses in the Vale generally start poor and lawless in the game.

Check out some of the ASOIAF quests on suptg, Karban, Harrock, and Bourdain(note, Bourdain rolled extremely high starting stats and should not be indicative of a normal campaign).

I'd say let them roll for starting location, unless you have a campaign storyline in mind already. An Iron Island campaign's problems are probably going to be quite different than one set in the Crownlands. Also, use a d10 to pick location, as the 3d6 tend to roll the average and land in the Mountains of the Moon.

Of course, you could pick a location on the map and then use different region's stats to roll. A Northern house right next to White Harbor might use Crownland stats, a Dornish house in the Kingspass might use Mountain of the Moon stats etc.

What time period are you wanting to play in? That can have a big effect on where you want to be as well.
I don't have any storyline really plot out but I was thinking about having the game take place a year or two before a Game of Thrones so Jon Arryn would still be alive, Robert's still King and Ned's in the North.
>I don't have any storyline really plot out
Good, because how a house rolls out will affect a lot of the things that they can and cannot do, and indeed how the world around will perceive and interact with them. Houses with low law will probably have to start out fighting bandits off of their lands, low influence and their neighbors will be picking at them, low wealth and it's going to be Economics, Ho! etc.

I would do the house roll up before doing your early campaign prep. Later, long term conflicts can be made ready and tailored to the house, but if it starts out dirt poor and shit covered you'll probably have to spend some time getting back on their feet.

With that timeline, I'd suggest starting them fairly far away from King's Landing or the North, as meta gaming is pretty tempting.
I like the irony of Bran killing her. She's the reasons he's crippled, he gets revenge. It could work
White Wolf sounds cooler. Plus it fits the whole "legitimized bastard uses reversed house colours" thing.
Thoros and Beric are washed up badasses.

If we're in the book universe, the Blackfish and Areo Hotah yet live, and Lord Manderly is actually kinda cool, too.
>He's actually not bad.
Well, he kinda is. Varys and whatisname, fat guy, Illiyro's (don't know if I've spelled that right) plan to raise him with a sense of how the common people live kinda failed when they brought him up in the knowledge that he is to take the throne.

Like when Tyrion beats him at chess, the kid kicks the table over and demands that Tyrion pick the pieces up. Targaryen or Blackfyre or neither, fact is that this kid is just another spoilt bratling.
Because she's a slightly better option than Cersei?
Her solution to dealing with the slavers before Tyrion interjected was burn them all.

Seems like 'Westeros would just trade one Mad Queen for another.
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I shouldn't have to tell you my feelings! You should want to know what my feelings on situations that I have no experience in are!
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>Sandor 'Eat Every Fucking Chicken In Westeros' Clegane
Fixed that for you

Sidenote: I would consider Littlefinger a badass but I realize its probably not in the context you imply. Someone already mentioned Bronn. No one mentioned Tormund tho
Give it five or six years, he could marry the Mormont girl.
Bleh, I'd give the Night's Watch expansion a try, heard it's much better.
So is the Little Bear Jorah's daughter or sister or niece or what?
>George Martin doesn't pander
>He writes strong men
>and strong women
>weak men
>and weak men
Freudian slip? Sounds about right
His niece, I think.
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Carrying the Night King's mark across the wall will only allow the Night King to finally cross the wall just like the mark let him enter and kill The Children/Three Eyed Raven/Hordor.

The only thing Bran has ever done in his life is unintentionally fuck shit up.
He spied on jaime, cercei llanister and started the war killing nearly his whole family.
He got Winterfell captured and burned killing nearly all of his friends
He got the Night King to come and kill The Children/Three Eyed Raven/Hordor nearly everyone helping him.
He will get the Night King to come down into Westeros and kill nearly everyone in the world.
I wouldn't be surprised if Cersei spent it all on cousins.
Out of the many disappointments that the television show holds, Euron is the greatest.

>From master race, Euron Greyjoy illiterate Irishman
Fucking orphans always win in novels. Why do novels even follow that story-arc? It's not like orphans are the main demographic! They don't have parents to buy them shit!
I don't want this to happen, but god fucking damn, it's going to happen, at least 'literally who' Rickon hasn't done anything to ruin anyone's lives.
So, what the hell is Euron about to do in the books? Is it gonna be a tidal wave? A kraken? Is he actually trying to become a god? Will it work?

As an aside, I really hate that his character doesn't even have an eyepatch in the show. He's also a little too scruffy looking. Not enough menace or subtle insanity.
>Not enough menace or subtle insanity.
I don't know, he had a nice sorta gleeful mania to him during the bridge scene.

"I am the storm brother. The first storm and the last."

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Here's how a Dream of Spring will end.
Also, what happened to Robert Baratheon's bastard son Gendry?
Did he die out in sea or something?
George said Arya and Gendry were going to have a reunion in the books so he's at least still alive in those.
I agree, but I'm just not fond of the actor or how he plays the character compared to how I pictured him in the books. Which isn't really a problem with the show, but it still makes me sad.

He just seems kinda like some goon to me, not the terrifying presence that the Euron in the book has.
He was told to keep the shore to the left when he was on an island.
He is still paddling.
>tfw he only went psycho because Bran forced images of white walkers and Hodors retardation onto him by accident
>He just seems kinda like some goon to me, not the terrifying presence that the Euron in the book has.
Yeah, Crow's Eye has this weird, detached vibe to him, like he's not really focused on the world around him.

I mean, I guess it's kinda too early to tell, in the show? Considering how they've tied the timeline into knots.
I heard this theory that it was actually Bloodraven, driving his grand-nephew (I think, Targaryen family trees are tricky at the best of times) mad via his focus on burning all those killed by the Great Spring Sickness to stop the spread.


Tell you what, though, the actor they got for him in the show is pretty good. Five seconds of screentime and he made them count.
Wait, I think I missed this scene, when does it happen?

I think I'm predisposed to hate any Targaryen because if not for their mercifully abundant and terrible flaws they stink of being characters belonging to another world, a standard fairytale high fantasy world. Silver-haired purple eyed beautiful and handsome and cultured folk with supermagical weapons and the sole ability to use dragons? I mean holy shit, thank god for being incestuous powerhungry sociopaths because otherwise that's a few steps away from romance novel grade fantasy. So far any Targaryen besides Daenerys in modern times has gotten their shit fucked so that's abated back any cries of plot-armor.


She's also used to the unilateral despotism of the east. Don't think god-kings go over very well in Westeros.

I hadn't read the latest book since it came out too long after having read the rest of the series but I don't like having such a major thematic paradigm shift in a story. How we're threatened with the fairytale ending of Jon and Dany coming together and ruling Westeros in peace and prosperity when the entire story up to that point had been one avowed to no plot armor, no protection, high attrition. Encountered the opposite in another book and it miffed me there too - Demon cycle went from standard plot-armor high fantasy protection to in last quarter of the last book suddenly GRRM tier attrition and rocks fall everybody dies.


Dude looks nothing like how every single artist depicted him prior to the show. Looked like some tall dark and handsome scary black-irish pirate bastard and then he's some lumpy looking motherfucker.
Exactly, he seems like he has really mundane motivations from what we've seen. Just another villain in the order of the others in the show, where in the books his ethos is more mysterious and disturbing. I'm worried he's just going to be Ramsay part two, rather than the scary magical mystery man he seems to be panning out to be.

That's the other thing, I can't see him being weirdly seductive either. He just feels really flat.

Also, what. There is next to no despotism in the east. It's pure oligarchies/aristocracies. All the Free Cities and Slaver's Bay are ruled by councils of merchant princes. Even the Dothraki have a meeting of Khals to make large scale decisions. Kings are only a thing in Westeros.

My bad then, come to think of it you're right and absolute monarch is Targaryen.

Shame the bad cunts ruined Dorne because they were my favorite for sticking it to the mary sue inbred cocksuckers.
Cousin, I think.
>I'm worried he's just going to be Ramsay part two, rather than the scary magical mystery man he seems to be panning out to be.
That's certainly the worst-case scenario. Lets just pray to whoever the fuck smiles on desperate weirdoes on the internet that Georgie actually manages to get TWoW out before the next season (this time).
Well, all the kings in Westeros before the Targaryen's showed up wanted to be absolute monarchs, but couldn't because there was a balance of power between the regions. The Valyrians were also not an absolute monarchy, at least as far as we know. Just as a note.

Also, don't worry about Daenerys "winning" in the books. At least in a conventional way. GRRM is massively, disgustingly even, anti-war. No one will ever get what they want through purely military means. Daenerys going Fire and Blood will end very badly.
Everyone in Westeros will give their allegiance to Danny. Just like how everything else was given to Danny.
It's already begun with Dorne, Highgarden, and the Iron Islands
>Also, don't worry about Daenerys "winning" in the books. At least in a conventional way. GRRM is massively, disgustingly even, anti-war. No one will ever get what they want through purely military means. Daenerys going Fire and Blood will end very badly.
I've got money on Dany marrying Euron and turning out to be the BBEG.

I've also got money on who Azor Ahai is, and I think imma win.
I've also got money on who Azor Ahai is, and I think imma win.
Bets don't work if you don't mention who.
Go ahead, I'm moderately interested in who you think it is as long as you don't say the obvious answer Jon Snow.
I'm seeing a dark but still fairy tale ending for the show. So yeah you're probably right. That said, I think a lot of people forget that Dany spends the first half of the story suffering and being confused. She ends up loving Drogo, sure, but she was still sold to a barbarian horselord by her psychotic brother, was promptly left stranded in the desert, then was manipulated for almost as long by some merchant princes until she realized that just burning people alive is a viable solution.

I'm mainly talking about the books though when I say she won't won't win because that's the actual canon.

Well in a way that's worse because a conventional war would show her to be just another powerhungry monarch. Everyone just bending their knee and recieving her like a messiah would be awful unless it was undercut by the rapacious demeanor of her vassals. But no reaving, no raping, no roving for the ironborn or for the Dothraki. In the books? Yeah that might happen. In the show? topkek. Even the believable "Night King rampaging about means everyone accepts her as a Messiah as otherwise it's frozen Popsicle time" is a problem unless the minute the night king is vanquished its back to feuding and sectarianism as usual.

A series that has become a literal byword for courtly intrigue, political scheming and conspiracies in real world politics should not in the 4th quarter suddenly become lord of the rings. I'm not even an edgelord, in a normal fantasy world I would prefer their Jon and Dany win. But this isn't a normal fantasy world and that was its great virtue.


There any chance Azor Ahai is Dany? Fire and all that. Christ almighty I'll send GRRM or D&D a box of literal shit if that is the case.
Book wise:

>Level 6
Arthur Dayne, Barristan Selmy
>Level 5
Jaime Lannister, Smiling Knight, Robert Baratheon, Gerold Hightower, Oberyn Martell
>Level 4
Garlan Tyrell, Areo Hotah, Strong Belwas, Gregor Clegane, Sandor Clegane, Jorah Mormont, Khal Drogo
>Level 3
Lyn Corbray, Bronze Yohn Royce, Thoros of Myr, Andrik the Unsmiling, Victarion Greyjoy, Bronn, Syrio Forel, Greatjon Umber, Strongboar of Crakehall, Brienne of Tarth, Loras Tyrell, Oswell Whent, Qhorin Halfhand, Mance Rayder, etc.

You get the point. Level 3 is where heroes largely reside. These are individuals far above the average populace. The ability to kill lesser knights and guards without much trouble and represent a significant threat to those unprepared to deal with them. Level 4 is where characters whose achievements or physical abilities place them above the upper limits of Level 3 (for example, Jorah only gets up there due to experience with many styles, good tourney record, being one of the first through at Pyke - he's accumulated more exp. than a large number of the level 3s though this does not mean a level 3 can't kill him - for example Bronn using some backhanded tactics or Brienne overpowering him). The Level 5s and 6s would have little trouble killing most under them, and possess exceedingly high levels of skill and/or physical prowess. That being said, like the case before, an individual in a lower level (ie. 4) could kill them given the right circumstances. Selmy for example, is old, so whilst he possess arguably the highest level, he is feeling penalties on his physical stats due to this advanced age.
>It's already begun with Dorne, Highgarden, and the Iron Islands

Martell and Tyrell supported the Targaryans in the last rebellion while the Iron Islands remained neutral and ended up going with whoever looked like they were going to win.

That these houses would put their lot in with a returned Targaryan - one that has a considerable army along with actual dragons- is perfectly reasonable. They're the first folks you would think would join her.
Eh, I think people tend to seriously under appreciate Bronn. Catelyn says this about him "He moved like a panther, and that ugly sword of his seemed a part of his arm.". This a woman who has been to a lot of tourneys with high lords in her life. She's seen some of the best of the best in the world fight, and she's impressed by him.

Also, Syrio Forell was the First Sword of Braavos. That doesn't happen unless you're really, really, fucking good.
I thought Gregor would be a level 5
Jon's still a bastard regardless of his parentage.
>going to waste another 20 minutes of screentime next season fawning over his wife's son before being chased back to the wall by his much cooler dad

Unless Rhaegar and Lyanna eloped?
I would have expected the sand snakes to have immediately raised arms and marched against the Llanisters. Seeing as how their coup was predicated on the implication that the people of Drone did not agree with Doran Martell that there should be peace with the Llanisters.
It is after all their only play for the throne, seeing as how any lord of Dorne has worthier claim of blood than the sand snakes.
Although the Targaryan alliance will still likely lead to some vengeance in the setting its been at the VERY least 4 months since they took control. More likely closer to a year.
Hasn't worked out like I would have expected, and I don't find it perfectly reasonable
Randyll Tarly is an idiot. He'a solid battlefield commander, and a good soldier but not one of the best. He's only fought in one notable battle.

He seems to think that men of the pen have never changed world events, and is has the intrigue abilities of Ned Stark by all accounts. He repeatedly almost killed his son just because he wasn't a born warrior.
Mhm, he's good at commanding armies and that's pretty much it.
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>Let's not forget the Night King who will need some way to get through the apparently magically imbued Wall.
It's called the Horn of Joramun and it's supposed to blow the thing right the fuck down.
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Looking up the prince that was promised right now.

God fucking dammit. So literally dragon-jesus now. Prince that was promised, Azor Ahai, brings the dragons back after centuries of their absence, going to waltz back and take the throne. This shit is literal pulp fantasy fiction tier unless she gets her shit kicked in or at least has the consideration to die a martyr's death in the north. If GRRM pulls some great twist and has her die ingloriously or proven to not be Azhor/Prince then he's the master ruseman of all time. If she's the fairy tale king arthur then he's the greatest hack of all time.
>The irony when commanding armies is mostly clerical duties and logistics.
good thing for him intrigue ability doesn't mean a fucking thing in the show then m8
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I hope Bran doesn't hand that over to him somehow...
He's not good at commanding, he's good at leading. There's a difference between the two.

Dorne has never really made a pass at the throne. They had one leader willing to make peace with the powers that be, but nobody has ever shown any intentions of taking control of Kings Landing,

So which one of them should be the ruler of the 7 kingdoms is kind of a moot point. Even the ones that would be legitimate heirs have no aims to take the throne.
When I mentioned throne it was meant as the throne of Dorne, it being one of the seven kingdoms and all, but I see the confusion
Not Samwell, forced to sac Gilly to reforge Lightbringer.
What would the other two forgings be, then?
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Oh, well yeah. They aren't hereditary leaders. That's why it was a coup.

But what does any of that have to do with Martell's continued support of the Targaryans?
Strong wimmins.

But really, why wouldn't they? They were friends of the Targaryans before, can direct her to help destroy the Lannisters, and it keeps her from coming after them.
>But really, why wouldn't they? They were friends of the Targaryans before, can direct her to help destroy the Lannisters, and it keeps her from coming after them.

Exactly. Which is why them siding with her makes plenty of sense.
To be fair, he did run in there all willy nilly, and his army got blown out for it. He is almost completely dependent on the Knights of the Vale.
Main reason, took too long to get off the ground.

Smaller reason, I don't see the sand snakes following her within their character.

Danny wouldn't let them take revenge to the extent that they desire, but that can be explained away pretty easy
Azor Ahai's first two times were with water and a lion. Do we know any lions with a propensity for getting captured and potentially having a death wish now that all his children are dead?

Best decision D&D ever made; hiring Ramin Djawadi.

me again, >>48002427
I don't think I made this clear in the previous posts.
The Sand Snakes were REALLY bent on revenge. Nearly to the point of recklessness. I don't see them waiting around for months on end before joining Danny. The only reason they were able to gain power in Dorne was so they could start a war with the Llanisters. Sitting around for months after the assassination of Doran would look peculiar to the people I think. Their promise for war being the only thing to keep them in power, a lord of Dorne with a better claim could likely wrestle back control of Dorne from them with a promise for an immediate war.

Also the sand snakes seem headstrong, proud. As mentioned I don't see them willfully offering to serve under a foreign ruler, or any ruler for that matter.

That should be clearer?
>Also the sand snakes seem headstrong, proud.

I figured that out when they murdered all the Martels.
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>And why are we still watching Samwise Tarlee discovering more books?

So that he can discover some ultimate dark secret just in time to get killed by/for discovering it.

Probably that the Night King is the good guy or that the Citadel & the maesters are behind everything.
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Or they could be acting on the unpopularity of making peace of any kind with the Lannisters. Killing the guy that colluded with them may be enough to placate people. Immediately jumping into battle, especially when you hear that if you wait just a bit, you'll have the backup of Unsullied, Dothrakis, and Iorn Born is enough.

And let's not even act like Dany's invasion is going to go according to plan. It may end up alright for her in the end, but it's sure as hell not going to go according to plan.
The Night King is Azor Ahai!
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>Dorne has never really made a pass at the throne.

Oh, showfag...

What did you think the whole business with Princess Myrcella was about? In Dorne, women can be hereditary heirs. So when Myrcella married into the Martel family, they would have the best existing claim to the iron throne - at least according to their laws.
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Everything in her life has thus far worked out for her. It doesn't go according to plan but they are modest bumps in the road compared to red weddings, being stabbed to death by your men, your army decimated by 20 good men + 1, having your head crushed by an giant fucking bastard.

By the standards of the world she's had it easy.


Holy shit. That would be fucking beautiful pottery. However it's a bigger stretch than for Jon or dany. What would the water be? What would the lion be? Clearly the wife would be Cercei.
>>If you count carefully Jon killed (or distracted long enough for them to be killed) exactly 20 dudes
is this real
fucking pottery

Also has to be born of smoke and salt or salt and fire, whichever it was. I'm seething with irritation as I realize that everything is painting Daenerys as Azhor Ahai and the prince that was promised. Jon has what, Melisandre saying so - like she did for Stannis? While Daenerys was born in salt and reborn in fire, is a walking lord of fire and light, has some woodwoman heretic foretelling her mommy or some such that a child born of hers would be Azhor Ahai/prince that was promised, has Aegon the maester telling sam Daenerys is azor Ahai, and some priest of R'hllor saying so.

Also, in the BOOKS the Dornish have like... at LEAST two other plots to seize the iron throne in progress - not counting the shit with Myrcella.
I think you missed something along the way. My bonkers bet is on Samwell as Azor. Gilly's the wife, and Golden Boy's the lion. Yeah, I'm stuck on what the water would be right now. It's absolutely a stretch and yet just stupid enough that I wouldn't be shocked beyond belief if if panned out, and he does have that fucking sword with him right now.
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>My bonkers bet is on Samwell as Azor

>He christens Lightbringer by accidentally tripping over his bootlaces and plunging the sword into his wife's chest
It won't turn into lord of the rings, but it's delusional to think that most of the real badguys won't be dead (at best some of the darker shades of gray will live on) and any surviving good guys will live to a mostly happy life and the white walkers will either accept a peace agreement or lose enough to just not bother attacking.

I can see Danny dying or even being evil, but nah assuming Jon doesn't die he'll end up being the good king, and regardless he'll be hailed as the fucking messiah.
Euron Greyjoy attacking Oldtown.

That'd be a hilariously out of left field master ruseman choice. Part of me would find it ridiculous but it'd be so charmingly so I'm cool with it.

But I actually am digging the idea of Jaime being Azor Ahai after what you said. It could be a culmination of his redemption but none of the prophecies work for him. He'd have to had killed one of his relatives for the lion, maybe killed a Tully for the water. I can't remember him doing so


Does Azor 2.0 have to christen his lightbringer? If that's the case then who would Jon have to stabby? Who would Daeny?
I'd like to point out Game of Thrones as a term has exited much longer than the show
GRRM said the ending would be "Bittersweet". Take that as you will.
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In wonder how pic related is going to work out.
>Does Azor 2.0 have to christen his lightbringer? If that's the case then who would Jon have to stabby? Who would Daeny?

Stannis did...

Jon will have to stab Sansa, of course.
Denyny doesn't really give a shit about anyone but herself, so she'll have to seppuku.
Jon has the song.

Probably just a red herring.
GRRM is a master troll, remember.
True. But there's got to be some sort of reason for something that subtle to be there.

It has but before Game of thrones the metaphorical reference for the kind of palace intrigue that surrounds the political world (whether in the first world or in the third world/military juntas and such where death is a real possibility) would have been comparing it to Ancient Rome or whatever. Maybe House of Cards if no Game of Thrones arrived. And in every reference it's clearly to the show/book, not to the earlier concept.


I don't think it's delusional. This is a series that had the standard fantasy hero (ned) beheaded, the 2nd standard fantasy hero Robb butchered and betrayed and turned on its head the notion of plot armor protection. Ignoring the show revealing Jon survived the stabbing and the deus ex machinas Dany has gotten time and time again there was all the reason to believe the bad guys would win and the good guys would lose.

>'Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died.'

Maybe I'm sexist because I'll tolerate Messiah Jon over Messiah Daenerys but I'd like to think that's because he isn't so in your face offensive with his fairytale hero(ine) status. Rather he's had to work and been treated like a dog. I'd be okay with Sansa taking the throne or Mycell whatever in some deus ex machina court intrigue coup. But arriving with the cavalry to save the day as the prince that was promised, the messiah of the lord of light, the resurrector of the dragons, the return of the silver-haired purple eyed beautiful anointed ones - yeah nah go back to pulp fantasy Daenerys.

I'm 100% cool with her turning evil because of the hallmark of Targaryens going powerhungry and mad. I don't want to see her continued ridiculous 21st century morales of no slavery no rape no being mean except to mean people and the setting bending around her by sheer force of will.

Ned played honorably, Rhaegar played honorably(ish), Robb played honorably. They all died.
I can see the the war ravaging westeros to near nothing.
Most of the great houses dead.
Winter actually is come creating great famine.
Danny dead, or at the very least the mystique of her godhood ending and so at least some (if not most) of the Dothraki deciding to just rape and pillage the land.
The North is almost dead, but alone in Winterfell stands the last of the Starks. Have them say something like I won't live long enough to see the spring but you will my child etc.
Or they die dreaming of spring.
>He closed his eyes, and he was young again and it was spring

Admittedly I haven't read the last book (came out too long from reading the rest and I didn't want to start from scratch) and I seem to have forgotten the details of her chapters compared to everyone else's but the most pragmatic realpolitik sacrificing her morals and virtues was agreeing to not further harass and impede on the slavery bay slaving.
Because, anon, you either need them to be orphans, or have horribly irresponsible parents.

I mean, what kind of responsible parent lets their 10 year old run off to live as a hobo and go on pokemon adventures?

Orphans don't have responsible parents to stop them from doing ridiculous things, and so its a convenient plot device.
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Yeah, but I've always felt the message of Martin wasn't Just "honor gets you killed", but rather "This shitty world where honorable men die needs to be changed".

Though I suppose thematically everyone (including the white walkers) dying and things starting from zero or with like 1 Stark (in a twist Rickon the last survivor) to make a new and better world.

I don't see Danny being the messiah except in her head, but I can see how the dragons and Danny will at least be helpful against the walkers.
The dragons are probably going to die in the final battle. It fits thematically with the paradoxical revival and death of magic that is going on in Westeros at the moment.
As Leaf says eventually the gaints, the CoF, the spiders, the unicorns, and even the wolves will fade away because they can't live in mans world.

Rickon's dead yo
or its a simple error. people who make theories have a bad habit of assuming the books are perfect and that everything makes sense. timeline flubs inconsistency's plot holes and changing characterization are inevitable in a series this long and complicated.

reminder that Sam found the horn at the fist of the first men

I meant GRRM's post is a red-herring.
I agree that it was likely a simple oversight, easily handwaved away by some richfags keeping citrus trees around because they feel like it. Orangeries are a thing.
Mind you, GRRM's done a very good job of keeping everything consistent so far. I think the only things he stumbled on was the colours of some people's eyes.

You can see why people would think it was there deliberately.
Oh fuck I forgot about that.

But hey, it might not have been THAT horn right? hehehe...

Even child Stannis doesn't smile.

Does Stannis just thrive off of his own suffering?
For all his buildup in the books, if something like that ended up his downfall, the tears would be delicious.

I started thinking about it as a personal exercise in stupid theorymongering for this series, but the more I consider it the more I want to consider embracing the idea earnestly. Least it's way more fun to consider than something super-telegraphed like Dany.

If it's Jaime you're thinking now, it's probably all tied into kills that have yet to happen. At least show-wise, it would've worked out nicely if Blackfish and Lancel were his first two but nooooooo. Also he refused to take back his sword from Brienne, so in the meantime he's totally missing his proto-Lightbringer.

Is there anything that leaves room for Brienne, for that matter? Perhaps the Mannis was her "water"? I'd then wonder if Jaime would be the lion, or the true love.
Not in the books not yet.
>Does Stannis just thrive off of his own suffering?
Nope, he doesn't seem to do much thriving.

Yeah, okay. You're right.
An important, interesting, well-developed character like Rickon? Totally unkillable.
She then proceeded to listen to her wise advisor.
There's hope for her yet.

I guess that's one optimistic way of coming at it but I don't feel like anything in his inspiration or past history of the world points to such a progressive notion. Aside of Daenerys you never really saw those trying to change this shitty world do well.

And yeah the magic is strange because I'm told one minute it's coming back and then the next the children of the forest and giants are being killed off to the last.


Brienne feels like a bit of a stretch but she being one of the three dragon heads I could get behind if there was anything of substance to it. But she's not Targaryen heritage'd (I'm assuming the Lannisters have some Targaryen blood in there to justify Jaime being so), and her angle works as that of the paradoxical true knight - the woman and butt-ugly as sin one who holds more to the fairytales of a chivalrous knight than any of the male blue blooded knights. Jaime could stay in his function of the "batman speech hero we deserve" role - kingslayer, maybe killing Cersei before she torches the entire city. I like him for the messiah because of how great his character has been.
I see it in the same vain as war here. Martin hates war with a passion, but in the books its never portrayed as evil to go to war. Jon isn't wrong to want to march to kill the boltons he's wrong to break his vows it is breach of honor that gets him shanked.

Or on the flip side he never portrays the cruely pragmatistic as good people, interesting yes, but good no. (less obvious in the show, but I genuinely think Tyrion is dying in the books towards the end, but will get a happy ending the show). And Martin's other writings to me have always painted him as an extremely moral man.

because dragons. I was rooting for Danny originally, because dragons. But now, i try not to hate her -because....well...dragons.

I see his depiction of the cruelly pragmatic people not as 'good' but as survivors. It doesn't feel like there is room for true fairytale good to survive in the world of Westeros. You have it hammered home often how the world is not one of the gallant sers and fair ladies of story and myth. I get the impression at least that one can achieve more good by doing a little evil than by doggedly sticking to your high virtues and honors. Had Ned done so there would have never been a war. Jaime took on the scarlet letter of Kingslayer rather than the honor of obeying his king. Dany had to sacrifice her uncompromising views of abolitionism to get anything done.

And if the show is correct Jon might get punished with death (temporarily) for not doggedly obeying his honor and oaths but in the end does much more good by compromising his integrity.

what a bunch of faggots 4chan has become. Of course her solution would be to burn them. And she didn't. And that sucks. Burn them i say. BURN THEM ALL.
thought the same.
Only if you were scheming for the throne, plenty of stories can be about ploting to get favorable trade deals or negotiating between two minor houses under the same king.
Can Jon even have kids any more? He's basically a corpse.
I figure that since GoT was inspired by War of the Roses, Aegon is the Henry VII/Tudor candidate who ultimately wins the Iron Throne.
Even if Jon and Daney take the throne, Danaerys can't have babies after the blood sacrifice to birth the Dragons, and Jon is a corpse. Corpses don't breed. Aegon is the only person who could continue the royal bloodline.
Varys went to Dorne, got the Tyrells and "Martells" to lend him their fleets, they sailed to Meereen and joined Daenerys' fleet of stolen ships and Ironborne ships. You can see Greyjoy, Tyrell, "Martell" and Targaryen sails.
Can't the king just declare an heir?
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Yes. But if it's not someone at least kind of related then things get fucked. Aegon would be the heir, in that case why not just be king?

I want Arianne to marry Dany and everyone gets to watch their consummation night.
One thing I've wondered (and don't say this is due to D&D being terrible writers, it was in the second season) is why they made Renly out to be a pure good guy in the show, as opposed to the charming yet sleazy usurper in the books.
Well Ned didn't support him in Season 1 and it's one of the few things Stannis had going for him.
Ohhhhh I disagree. Picture this.
>Daenerys and her zillions of armies show up in King's Landing
>There's nothing to fight. Cersei's forces devour each other, surrender and Cersei is taken out by Arya/whatever
>Instead, Daenerys finds herself joining with Jon's forces to face the only threat remaining- the Night King

I'm sorry to say this to you but Sam will never become a wizard. He had his chance if he waited a few years but he got his dick went on first occasion he got without thinking about consequences.
>So many people rooting for various inbred assholes to control a throne because they're related to some other rich asshole who was a terrible ruler.
This is why you got the Brexit you deserve, Eurofags.
I expect the story to end like this:
>cersei killed by the hound for some reason
>half of the "obvious ruler" characters die vs the night king
>daeny, if still alive, becomes ruler
>dothraki rape and pillage, replace wildlings as most hated people in westeros
>daeny killed for poor ruler decisions + bringing dothraki into westeros
>final line of the book is something edgy about how no one sits on the throne for long
Is it just me, or did Arya look like she was actually having an orgasm when Frey bled out?

Right down to the post-coital haze in her eyes afterwards.
>Sam found the horn at the fist of the first men
Wait what? I don't remember that at all, and it's not in any wiki summary of the battle.
Before the battle. It was part of the dragonglass cache that Jon found, filled with dirt and with a crack in its side. Even after he cleaned it out it wouldn't make a sound, so he gave it to Sam.
In the books.. maybe. In the show, Dany is far to popular so they might just merge the 2 characters together.
...jesus christ, Sam has a bloody doomsday weapon in his fucking pocket.
Which his dad is coming to get back
Assuming he didn't forget about it during the flight from the fist, and it's not being tossed around by a bored White Walker.
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I bet Jon dies, and at his funeral Sam is all weepy and produces the horn.
"He gave this to me when we found the Dragonglass. When no-one thought anything of me, he was loyal and good. I lived because of his generosity. This ones for you Jon."
>Blows horn, world ends.
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>I bet Jon dies, and at his funeral Sam is all weepy and produces the horn.
What are you talking about, he's already dead.

Pic related.
Ok, dies again permanently. Eaten by a dragon or something.
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You think that's likely to happen? After all the kerfuffle about him dying in the first place.

Pic unrelated. Probably.
Ok who is the asshole.of the series , the most dickish character in GoT ?
In the series. Mm, tie between Ramsay and Littlefinger, I guess. Ramsay is a monster, no question, but Littlefinger started the whole War of the Five Kings in the first place.
Probably a seven-way tie. I'll be arsed to name them all though.

Also, living or dead?
Ramsey. The Night King is death, but I'd rather face a horde of walkers than be captured by Ramsey.
Living of course
>The Night King
Such a clumsy name. There are so many alternatives. My personal favourite is the King of Winter, but I once saw someone call him the Lord of the Long Night, which is also cool.
so is Jon going to marry Sansa now or some shit?
Arya of course.

If she hadn't taught fat peasant boy to pick up sticks against nobility, none of this would have happened. And now she's running around murdering people with the help of evil cult magic she learned out of spite over things not going her way after she kicked off the whole avalanche of shit?

Naw, man. Arya is the villain, and just because GRRM wrote relatable doesn't mean she's excused from moral responsibility.
Nah, he'll probably end up marrying the Little Bear in five or six years. Assuming Tormund doesn't steal her first.
I'm so glad there only 2 season left to end this show.
65% of each season is useless filler 25% is low budget in a random cave/room/street, and 10% really interesting (Jon/Daenerys).
A fan Edit of the show with only Jon Snow & Daenerys storylines would actually be tremendously more popular than the serie as a whole.
It's easy to forget, but she also might have an army of literal wolves running around somewhere
Much like the bible, many stories from that era and documented history.

It's all going to come crashing down. She left Slavers bay, again, fucking leaderless and powerless. By the next year, another set of 'kings' will pop up in every city.

The dothraki can't do shit in westeros but raid and flank, rape and pillage the villages and then run into the walls of castles - they're done for, they're going to be whittled down and the people will turn against her. Does she really fucking think the dothraki are any sort of army? Even fucking poor hordes of the kush could run circles around the dothraki in the show and books, hell even siberian tribesmen could cause them pain. The Dothraki are fucking idiots - no archery, no armor, no towns beyond one big glorifed camp.

The Unsullied are also of dubious use, book unsullied are fine enough, but show unsullied can barely hold a city because for some reason they don't have swords!

The Martells and Tyrells are going to do most of the fighting, really, which will be fine; and the dragons - she could had gone home with them years ago and ended up queen just the damn same if she accepted the gold and ships to run off. But nooo, had to stay to 'stop slavery' and 'get a dothraki horde', both things that will end up useless and broken,

The dragons, the martells, and the tyrells are all she needs; then she sees Jon snow and they fuck and then march to the wall and melt the ice king to death and go back to Kings Landing and voila, second Targ dynasty.
Why the fuck wouldn't you mass murder slavers? They're slavers. It's like feeling bad for nazis, it doesn't happen.

>B-but anon, they're just a different culture!

So? Fuck em. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Imperialists have no right to bitch and moan if they're conquered, enslaved or genocided.

Since jon is Rhaegar's son, imagine after a campaign in Westeros: Dany has alienated the people, the Martells and Tyrells got what they wanted when Jaime becomes Queenslayer and have fucked off, and then Dany meets Jon, and the dragons go over to him, leaving Dany cold and alone to die in the north?

That'll be a much more fine end.

Yes, fuck em, but you live in 2016, do you not? The USA had tried to do regime changes. They only work, really, when you have the means to do so. Dany doesn't have the means, because she doesn't have the patience, for some damn reason she's anti-slavery (when Valyria was just as slave prone as Ghis) and all she did was fuck up the current geopolitical structure and then fucked off back home. That's not going to produce any real results, it's not going to end with a 'Republic of Slaver's Bay', the slave master's minor lords and houses will come back into the vacuum she made and fill it up with the same shit she tried to end. It already happened book and show wise, and in the show, she's fucked off, so three guesses what happens in slavers bay now
There's been clear connections between him, Cthulhu, the dwarf midgets that were raping Westreos personified and the Doom of Valyria.

If you ask me, he's going to release krakens in the ritual you're referring to but he's also going to try the same ritual which Doomed Valyria. Except with night shade and blood magic, he can succeed.

Hell Braavos tried to do the same thing Dany did - a whole fucking city, for three hundred years - and all they got was Pentos, WHICH STILL HAS SLAVERY, just not in name. All it takes for Slavers Bay to be fucked up again is Ghis and Qarth to come in with their untouched armies and houses and aspirant minor lords and bam! Meeren, Yunkai, and Astaphor end up no different than when she arrived.

Being idealistic is not a problem. Being idealistic, wrecking shit up, and then leaving thinking everything is now solved is a problem.
>She left Slavers bay, again, fucking leaderless and powerless
Second Sons not good enough?
You're making a key error. I don't want to be a cunt and act like bookfags are better but in the books her failure as a ruler is discusses and the key point is that she's too soft.

If Dany just killed all of the Masters, their children and relatives or better yet ordered a proscription to redistribute wealth, she'd have no problems with the sons of the harpy, a satisfied and happy supply of skilled, wealthy citizens and all of her Unsullied in place. The biggest loss may have been Barristan but he probably would understand the necessity of it and just deal with all those dead kids. Especially if Dany made it look like someone else had ordered it, like her ruthless Ghis advisor.
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send a man to destroy them from inside
>not realising that after Dany takes the iron throne she will want Jon to stay King in the North.

Are you even trying?
The only reason the earlier seasons were less shit is they had to conform to the books. The more influence the hack duo was given the worse the show gets.
Evacuate King's Landing, then blow it up underneath the enemy.

Nowhere near good enough. They were falling to the same tricks of the Sons of the Harpy, and they had the unsullied with them. Qarth has the money and Ghis the men - 36,000 book wise versus 2,000 second sons show wise. And the free cities like Volantis might just come by as well, to prevent a 'second braavos'.


Still wouldn't had worked unless she burned down every city that allows Slavery, from Lys to Qarth. And how long until a scorpion or catapult takes out one dragon, or another?

Strong or weak: those are short term solutions. She needs to build a *culture*, where slavery is not allowed. So long as one city stands, out there, with masters, where the masters and nobles and landowners of ruined cities can flock to, all she would had done would had been for naught. She doesn't have the patience or the commitment for her ideals, much less the material for it - to hold every city, to keep them secure, to build up the world she wants. She could burn every city, but she would have to move to the next or be surrounded and stuck, and either way, the masters win. She lost in slavers bay - it's just a matter of time, and the Masters have literally thousands of years of dealing with revolts, idealists, and the like. They can wait: their culture can wait. Dany will leave, or if she never leaves, she will die; and they'll move in. The dragons will die, either to mob or to scorpion or age, and the master's sons or grandsons would come in with their armies and skill and undo it all.

hey guys

what if

what if there's more than one azor ahai or multiple people fulfill different parts of the single prophecy
Yes, the dragon has 3 heads: Dany, Jon and Tyrion who has Targ blood too.
Yo fuck the three headed thing, I'm talking just azor ahai/prince that was promised stuff.

Almost every "good" character can be fit into the prophecy somehow, even Sam or Jorah, or Stannis, or Jamie.

There isn't a single person, it's a collection of people and the events they've caused that fulfill the prophecy.
Falling rocks, then go home.
>Tyrion who has Targ blood too.
Where did that theory come from?
Azor Ahai gas permeates Westeros, every Westerosi is a little bit Prince That Was Promised, and we just have to build another wall but this one like Ramsey did so that the Night King and his risen army cannot get past the giant pile of dead... hold on. We might have a problem here.
So am I the only one who feels like this season jumped the shark?
It didn't jump the shark, it hasn't stooped to totally pandering just yet.

It probably was the weakest season so far though.
>jaime will maybe kill cersei
This is what I was thinking. He didn't seem too thrilled about the whole thing.

on another note: How exactly is miss barren Dragonmomma Mc Nomorekids gonna get a successor?
You seem to not understand that of the forces that do come to meet her, all are horribly incompetent. Dany could fix things in Slave's Bay if she so desires - by retaking Astapor and that other city, she has a strong base of three cities to take the rest of Essos from or, alternatively, build up her own forces. Now, Ghis and Qarth could decide to fight her. If it was profitable. But if Dany had the full number of her Unsullied and three trained dragons on her side, Qarth wouldn't bother; there's no profit in it. Ghis wouldn't be able to take three cities either.

Anyone in Dany's position could easily take Essos after her Unsullied master stroke if they simply used proscriptions to butcher the Masters and set up Small Councils from the slaves to manage things until she has all three cities conquered. Then, centralise all power in Mereen and spend ten years building it up, unifying the cultures and having the Unsullied slowly liquidated into officers and trainers for her free men soldiers. Conscription if necessary to "defend against the evil of Slavery".

He'll, you could justify nearly any decision by saying that it's necessary to keep the three cities free and fight off the evil Masters.
In a world where expectations are so low, most shows need a season to un-jump their terrible shark pool writing before they become any good, the obvious flaws of GoT s6 pale in comparison to the relative entertainment gained from suffering through it. Jumping the shark implies the writers have given up. And I feel rather than that they're instead trying too hard. It violates the original challenging language of the show and replaces it with a less precise but more loud standard formula. But it doesn't signal that they stopped caring, or that I will.
>it hasn't stooped to totally pandering just yet.
It hasn't?
>It probably was the weakest season so far though.
Nah, 5 was the weakest season. This one was something of an improvement.
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>You are the GM. How do you resolve it
It depends who are the players.

If they are not toghether I will kick them untill they stop splitting the fuckign party.
>he's also going to try the same ritual which Doomed Valyria
What was that even meant to do? And who cast the first one? All I know is that Valyria got wiped off the map, and still has magic-radiation lingering.
She's not. The Targaryon line must end for Westeros to be free.
Season was a mixed bag. On the one hand, Hodor, Bearfu, the great finale. On the other hand, Arya, Ambush by Army and lots of filler episodes.
Why did he not want people to leave?
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>tfw cerset sent jaime away so she could burn everyone alive
at first they were talking about the queen not arriving to her trial and that it would proceed regardless. so there was confusion around and he wanted to assure that the trial will happen. so he didn't expect an explosion
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Jaime kills Cersei, both the lion and the lover. What's water?
>What's water?
Wildfire? I wouldn't put it past such a twist reveal.
>Danny arrives in Westeros
>none of her armies can do shit against Westerosi knights hiding in their castles
>the Northern army is too busy waiting for the White Walkers
>while Danny is deciding on what to do, her armies (Mongol rapists, corsair rapists and brainwashed eunuchs) kill each other, generally agitate Westeros until minor skirmishes happen and the overall lack of logistics and support are all destroyed
>the Northern armies fail at the Wall but manage a retreat
>the remnants of Danny's army, the Northern army, Dorne and whatever lords still loyal to Danny manage to stop the Night King at Moat Cailin
>the Lannister army arrives and slaughters them all the support of minor houses and those that realize how retarded Danny is
>this was Littlefingers plan all along and he somehow manages to usurp the Iron Throne
>rules as a dictator
I dislike the Lannisters and Littlefinger, but they are heaps better than Daennerys. And somewhat better than anyone else. Except for Jon, but he doesn't give a fuck about the south, so fuck him too.

Littlefinger has had literal decades to hear about Varys' little arrangement with Denyny, the Dothraki, the dragons, etc

You think he's not prepared?
>She's also incompetent and I doubt she has a game plan after I take the Iron Throne
All kings up to this point have largely been incompetent. That includes Cersei, the old Targs, and Robert.

What makes her unique is that she earnestly gives a shit about people. Moreso than any other royal or high lords (save for maybe the Starks, may they rest in peace). And while she might be naive as fuck, she's both ambitious and surrounded by good council.
Is this a bait?
>If she hadn't taught fat peasant boy to pick up sticks against nobility, none of this would have happened.
The only thing it led to was that boy and Sansa's wolf getting killed. It had virtually zero effect on the upcoming conflict. Maybe you could say it added to the preexisting Stark v Lannister ire, whatever, you're still completely fuckin wrong.

The conflict came from Ned finding out about Cersei's kids. Catelyn arresting Tyrion helped, but it was mainly Ned.
Now Cersei had a stroke of luck in that she did indeed manage to get Robert killed by drunk-hunting. Littlefinger switched to her side and enabled her to say "fuck you" to the king's order to make Ned the temporary ruler of Westeros.
Ned is imprisoned, and THEN Robb declares war.

>Naw, man. Arya is the villain, and just because GRRM wrote relatable doesn't mean she's excused from moral responsibility.

"Look at me I have an unconventional opinion I'm as sharp as glorious valyrian steelu"
>surrounded by good council
Not really, Tyrion is competent but overrated. Varys is also competent but nothing compared to Littlefinger in manipulation and the majority of his little birds are in service to Cercei. That only leaves her ex-slaves which have no understanding of Westeros's landscape, culture, method of warfare or politics.

The Sand Snakes are a liability, The Ironborn are unreliable, The Queen of Thorns is an important asset but again has her own objectives making her untrustworthy.
>the majority of his little birds are in service to Cercei.
>implying the little birds aren't spying for varys so he has inside knowledge on cercei's plots?
Anyone dumb enough to trust another mans spies with thier high level plots deserves to lose.
Sansa's heir, solidifies the northern alliances.
>Ser Davos Seaworth appears from behind the keep, riding atop a massive dragon which seems to have seen the goodness in his heart, and bestowed the crown of Westeros upon his head.

I like children's fiction. The endings are much better.
>Jorah on the same level as Drogo and the Cleganes

Areo hotah isn't black in the book either
The hound got his shit pushed in by brienne. The mountain is scary though.
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