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/5eg/ - Cute Girls Playing Cute Heroes Edition

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>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:

>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:

>June 2016 Survey

Old thread:>>47904829

Not including homebrew, what is your favorite setting?
>Not including homebrew, what is your favorite setting?
Points of Light.

Eberron always been my fav for going past the medieval stasis Tolkien D&D style. Honestly its "Anything but Forgotten Realms" though
Spelljammer. Always Spelljammer.
Reposting from the old thread:

Can someone explain some of the possible strange card readings in CoS?

Some of the potential allies are really powerful and knowledgeable, but others like Stella Wachter are just useless in all ways possible. What could a commoner without power or great knowledge of Barovia/Strahd do to help the party? You would just invite them to their death.

Will characters who are not chosen by the card reading still join the party? The book says Ezmerelda D'Avenir for example will join the party if they tell her about their goal of defeating Strahd. But what then is difference of her card being drawn or another card?

Also what is the party supposed to do when their ally only joins them after they found all of the items from the card readings, when one or more of these items is in Ravenloft?
I like CoS a lot. I played a warlock who's patron was Strahd. It led to a complicated relationship with the party.
Tell me more about it. I'm running CoS soon and one of the PCs is also a Warlock with Strahd as his patron, and I'm still unsure where to take this.

>>Spelljammer content when?
>>They havent even done Greyhawk yet
>>"Whats that you want to eat more of Ed Greenwoods steaming piles of Realms?"
Running PotA and a monk found claws of the umber hulk "you can use the claw as a melee weapon while wearing it and it deals 1d8 slashing damage on hit" can the monk use these or nah?

It probably wouldnt mess up the game at all and 1D8 isnt that high compared to the damage he will get eventually
I would allow it. But keep in mind that the attacks of flurry of blows are always unarmed attacks.
personally, anything fist related is fine in my book, but that was old editions.
really it depends on their level though. obviously you're not giving this to a level 1 character, but it does make their damage comparable to a 11th level monk, but even if they're level 5, thats not a huge upgrade, and it wouldn't apply to their flurry attacks
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What race/classes are they playing?
>comic sans
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How do you guys feel about Warforged? I've been thinking about playing a barbarian who wants to be a real boy.
As I recall, the only one put out was an early draft in UA that was, quite frankly, fairly disappointing. Has something better come out since then?
Generally I dislike them... but generally people come to me wanting to play mega death killing machine robots. Yours sounds considerably less blatant android-power-fantasy so I'd probably give it a chance.
I want to have him not have an actual head or face and while the party sleeps he sculpts or paints one onto himself and inevitably goes into a rage if it gets damaged in battle.
Are warforged considered humanoids?
yo. How does this sound for a capstone ability?

One With Shadows
At 20th level, the shadowcasters connection to the shadowfell or plane of shadow alters their physical form into a denizen of the shadows. You gain the following features:
Damage resistances: You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Shadow Walk: You gain advantage on a Dexterity (stealth) checks if you move no more than half your speed on the same turn
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the shadowcaster has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Life's Twilight: When a humanoid would be reduced to 0 hit points by the cantrip Arrow of Dusk, it dies, and an undead shadow rises from its corpse and acts immediately after the shadowcaster in the initiative count. The shadow is under the shadowcaster's control.
Well considering most capstones are fucking shit, it seems to fit in.
You are giving someone disadvantage on attack rolls while in sunlight for their capstone ability? I'd probably rather not have that ability at all.
How long does the shadow last, and how many can you control?
That's adorable

its a shadowcaster, they can cast darkness whenever they want and can see through it.

lol'd, awesome.
oh, and as many as you can get. can get ridiculous but whatever, that's the DMs problem.
The phrase, "Whatever, that's the DM's problem." Is potentially indicative of balance issues.
alright, so i set a restriction of 1 shadow? Sounds better? Idk, Shadows are CR 1/2 creatures.. but the potential of creating more shadows does seem like it can get a bit overpowered. Thoughts?

I mean, its not as bad as a necromancer using all spell slots for animate dead. THAT can get ridiculous.
The real problem is that it's not only shit, but gives you a negative

Necrotic damage is rare, who fucking cares about stealth at lvl 20 with Invisibility, thanks for the fuck you have disadvantage for 90% of the adventuring day, and either the player never uses it or they go and slaughter a couple of villages and ruins your game with 20000 shadows
Which class is this even for? There is already a shadow sorcerer from UA
Thanks for the feedback. So to improve on it, I remove the negative, set a restriction on the shadow spawning ability, aaaand... what else can I do?

Nobody cares about stealth at lvl 20, youre right, necrotic damage is rare, again youre right, but both were thematically appropriate.

Also I got it off the template for the shitty shadow dragon. Explains things, eh?

trying to make a port of the 3.5 shadowcaster into 5e. Copied the warlocks spell progression because it was the most similar to the 3.5 shadowcasters spell uses and changed the prestige classes into archetypes.

I still need to type out invocations and the spell list.
Just post the whole class. A monster template =/= a class feature/archetype

Note how the shadow dragons get to Hide as a bonus action, get resistance to everything except force or radiant in shadows, and on top of that is a DRAGON
I think the simplest thing to do would be to make it a warlock archetype. And to remember the shadow sorc UA is there as well
See >>47923978

Ah yeah, I hadnt actually read the bonus action hide on shadowdragons, only copied the template itself. Fair points.
It's hard mode, with weird card readings. In my Strahd game, I'm considering having the ally(zuleika) and Ezmerala fall in combat.
why don't you just write a book then you fucking faggot
>DMing last night for some friends
>Friend brings along another guy who turns out to be that guy
Later that night
>You all go to the nearest tavern in the evening to rest from your long travels
>"Hey anon, are there any prostitutes around?"
>"Preferably one with huge tits. As big as my face."
>Um...after asking around you find that there are three women in a corner of the tavern who are prostitutes. And one of them has obnoxiously large boobs
>"I want that one!"
>You motion to her and she meekly follows you upstairs to a room
>She quietly asks you to get undressed
>You turn your back to her while you strip
>I need you to make a constitution saving throw
>"What?" *fails*
>You feel the poison seep through your body, freezing your muscles in place as your eyes get heavy and everything goes black
>You wake up an hour later naked, gagged, and tied spread eagle to the bed
>The woman reveals herself to be a priestess of Sarenrae
>She spends all night telling you about the good news of Sarenrae
>In the morning she takes the money you would have paid her and tells you that Sarenrae thanks him
>She leaves the room with you still tied up

Did I go too far?
Why not just fade to black?
Don't get me wrong, it's kinda funny, but why not just give the guy his imaginary roll in the hay with his imaginary Larkin Love?
>Larkin Love


I figured the archetypes would make the class more distinct from the warlock, filling a niche that neither the warlock nor the sorcerer fill: Sneaky caster.
If a caster wants to be sneaky he casts Invisibility
A sneaky caster is just a caster that is sneaky, that means pump dex and get stealth proficiency, and if you're a bard expertise

Then cast invisibility, like >>47924413 said

Just make a shadow patron for the warlock and let the rest sort itself out
Sneaky caster feels like something that could be a subclass of any caster. The sorcerer and warlock fit best, but its still closer to subclass material.
Id rather not be an eldritch blast spammer.

Dont get me wrong, I understand where youre coming from, you are not wrong at all in your observations. I don't believe the warlock or sorcerer really capture the essence of the shadowcaster, though. I made a compromise with the warlocks spell progression as it is, mainly due to the 3.5 shadowcaster's progression being a fucking horrid excuse of a spellcasting ability. Unfortunately, supernatural and spell like abilities dont translate well into 5th edition, the closest is removing verbal and somatic components from spells, which is something that this class does innately, without having to spend sorcery points.
You could just give "pact of the shadow" a feature at level 1 that turns EB into that shadow arrow thing

I'm sorry but I really can't justify a brand new class just because the warlock isn't edgy enough, because literally all you're doing can be done with a subclass
What would be sufficient to make it worthy of its own class, then? This is the kind of feedback I'm looking for.

That shadow arrow thing is there to give the class something to fall back on, similar to eldritch blast but not actually worthwhile; the archetype abilities grant better action usage than casting that cantrip in particular, though certain mysteries can improve it to EB levels.

The Noctumancer archetype in particular is VERY different from anything available in the players handbook, and the other archetypes also grant different abilities instead of eldritch blast spam in exchange for the class' action. Would it be better to make those archetypes different pacts for the warlock as well, while losing the core of the class?
My brother!
Eberron. Every other game at the store I run my games in uses FR or a similar medieval fantasy setting, so I have fun breaking people's expectations with magical tech like light switches, elevators, etc.

I want to get into Dark Sun and I patiently await 5e material for it. I just got the 4e campaign setting book for it really cheap so I can study the setting more closely.
Arcane Trickster would have to spend an action to cast Mage Hand first and then take an extra bonus action to carry the healer's kit to the patient. Then finally they could spend a bonus action to use the kit.

Oh and if they were already using the Mage Hand, they would have to spend another bonus action to move the hand back to get the kit.

Meanwhile a Thief does nothing different then what they would do every other combat, and they are only out a single bonus action, and maybe a move, to do a spontaneous emergency heal.

So while Arcane Tricksters can TECHNICALLY use a bonus action to heal just like a Thief, they really really can't. Because it would take fewer actions to just walk over and use the kit normally.
Don't fall for that bait post.
It's bait, the topic has been done to death, just let it go
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Hey guys I slapped together a Warcraft race guide. Most of the text is from the 3.5 World of Warcraft RPG book so it's all pre-BC information, I changed to I changed the High Elf entry into Blood Elf information but they're so easily switched I don't think it's too big of a deal. Some of the Racial Traits are just lifted from the 5e book with one or two extra's thrown in, others I came up with myself that felt sort of right and the goblin traits were taken from the 5e wiki Gremlin subrace.

I still need to include Worgens and Pandaren just for completions sake. Also some racial traits need to be edited or refined and spelling mistakes need to be fixed.

Someone last thread mentioned that the Forsaken racial traits seemed a bit underpowered so I upped the HD to 2 on canabalism, but I'm not sure if that's enough and maybe I should add another trait. I'm just drawing a blank on what that could be though

I'd appreciate it if you guys could take a look and tell me what's terrible, overpowered, or underpowered.
Out of the classes you have played, what class is your favorite? Which was your least favorite? If none of them were better than others, what completely original class would you want to play?
Going to have to say Fighter. It's bland but it was the only character to survive the entirety of the Starter Set whereas any spellcaster died like a little bitch.
Going to have to say Ranger, mostly because I went in with the idea of being Aragorn but every little thing required set up and he lagged behind everyone in pretty much everything.
No Draenei?
He had been annoying me all night doing randumb things
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>Human Spirit
I guess it's not too much to buff nonvariant humans.
>Stoneform (Dwarves)
What? Why? They don't need to be buffed. Also, the terminology is wrong, an 'encounter' is not a valid duration in 5e.
>Escape Artist (Gnome)
Once again, unsure why you're buffing them. That ability is also very strong, even if only situationally.
>Nature Resistance (Night Elves)
Okay, I get it you're making a point to add an extra trait to everyone. Just make sure it's balanced between each of them. Personally, I think it's unnecessary and you should replace features instead, but whatever. I don't see how lightning is particularly...nature-ish since from my experience most things that deal lightning damage are arcane magic, but whatever.
>Orc Weapon Speciallizazion (sic)
Oh look, what I just mentioned became relevant. Why do some races get very good bonuses, and some that are nearly useless? Dwarven Armor helps out dwarves who are squishy classes like Warlock or Wizard. Elven Weapons help those with only simple weapon proficiency like many casters or rogues. This doesn't really help anything.
First, why do they get +2/+2? Be careful doling this out, only two PHB races get a total of +4 racials (discounting Variant Human since that +6 isn't that valuable in practice)
Horn weapons aren't OP, but take a look at the Minotaur in the Waterborne UA for better wording.
War Stomp needs rephrasing. It doesn't specify what sort of action it takes, and consider a Dexterity save to avoid tripping as opposed to Constitution, which implies they're just standing there like a tree.
Also the whole thing seems contrived. Once per day, they can magically stomp? And nobody else can?
Again with the choosing ASI for a single race, don't go overboard with that.
Scrap Berserking. Needs clear wording, and remember that an encounter is not a valid duration for an ability.
Continuing on another post.

not commenting on the balance but if you haven't played WoW Stone Form, Escape Artist, and Nature Resistance are racial bonuses for Dwarves, Gnomes, and Nelves respectively. Lightning damage is included in nature resistance because Lightning attacks deal "nature" damage in WoW.

Personally I think instead of copying everything one to one it'd be better to just work similar benefits that work with 5e's rules instead of forcing WoW rules into 5e.
Are there any spells from 3.5 and/or 4e that you'd like to see in 5th?

Isaac's Missile Storm
Not bad, just a few things that jumped at me like "HD", the blood elves being OP (2 cantrips, one of which can be eldritch blast for free??), and the night elves being resistant to lightning
Can we get spells from earlier editions instead? I'd like to see Burning Sands and Summon Bee make a return.
So, I'm trying to work on my homebrewing skills and, so far, I've got a bunch of races and some new Arcane Traditions for the wizard. I could really use some feedback on them all, but I'm particularly worried about the class efforts.


Any comments appreciated.
Regeneration needs a rewrite as well. The first bit is incomprehensible. Do you have 2 additional hit dice? Do you regain 2 additional hit points per die spent during a short rest? Or do you regain 2 additional spent hit dice on a long rest?
The second part of that ability is fine as a ribbon, but needs to be reworded clearly.
Rephrase Troll Weapon Training and list out the weapons, or say "weapons with the thrown property"
Canabalism (sic) is very vague, again. Do you mean spend two hit dice, or regain hip points as if you had spent two hit dice?
Will of the Forsaken needs rewording. See Fey Ancestry. Something like "Advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, and immune to magical sleep."
State of Undeath needs rewording, see elves' Trance and the Living Construct ability in the Eberron UA for better wording.
>Blood Elf
Not broken, but a bit oversaturated. Just nip out the 4th language (You have it as one of choice from the trait, and then common, thalassian, and orcish under Languages) and limit the free cantrip to only one spell list.
Nimble Escape is clunky. Consider changing it, but be wary of making it stronger without nerfing something else. You might make it disengage as a bonus action, for instance.
Silver Tongue seems like it could be unfitting. Others are suspicious of the little buggers, so why are they all good at convincing them of things?
Tinkery things don't seem to be good for combat, which is a good thing. It's an alright ribbon for contrasting with the gnomes. Full approval on that, besides maybe clarifying the sentence structure some.
Almost Fire Proof is stuck inside the Blast Orb block of text. Also, there's a copy of Nimble Escape stuck inside the Speed text.
How strong are PCs in comparison with 3.5/Pathfinder?
my players are about 1-2 sessions from completing LMoP. They saved Gundren and were promised the 10% stake in the mine after they clear it out and end the whole black spider mess.

my question is, how much should that 10% be? I'll try to convince them to roll it into the manor and live there with he money for their next adventures, but they left the nothic and arent too keen on returning or dealing with him.
Here, this is a better blood elf
Ability scores:
Charisma increased by 2, strength decreased by 1
Prissy: you have disadvantage on intimidation checks
You don't belong here: you have disadvantage in all persuasion checks with members of the horde except forsaken
There are too fucking many of you: when you drop to 0 hit points you do not get saving throws, but instantly die instead, an exact copy of you will show up with a slightly changed name and another faggy hair color next short rest anyway
Magic whore: you must give a fey or fiend creature a blowjob (you must swallow) once per long rest or else you die
Maw of Chaos
>not letting him fuck the huge titty girl

It's what drunken men in those times did, wow it's like you hate fun and roleplay.
I feel like they're about the same. Only that a lot of the high-powered spells have been cut or modified. There are barely any save-or-suck/die spells left.
Some players are like that, you should have just let him fuck medieval Siri

The sad realization that he'll never be able to pull tail of that quality and has to pay to get some even in a pretend game should be enough punishment
Mul shouldn't have both ignoring a level of exhaustion AND two exhaustion levels lost when resting, just stick with ignores first exhaustion. I don't know why they are known for their fortitude but only get +1 Con and +2 strength, switch those. Also I'm not sure about both advantage on saves and resistance, pick just resistance.

Thri-Kreen: No no no no advantage on stealth checks, that is beyond overpowered. If you want them to be stealthy just give them the stealth skill. The rest are fine I guess.

Catfolk: I assume low light vision is a typo for dark vision, and no no no advantage on all Dex saves. If you want to make that the only thing they have give them proficiency in Dex saves that is powerful enough. And it balances itself out cause classes that use Dex tend to have Dex Saves anyways, so it's kind of redundant unless in special cases

Gnoll: Again just resistance is fine, I don't know how swapping a bite for unarmed would work, but that's fine I guess. For damage get rid of the extra attack just give the movement that's more than enough.

Shade-Kai: get rid of the extra stuff after the teleport and we are good, you can double the range and make it long rest too, there is a race or elves that already have misty step bonus action. You can make it a short rest but make it like the shadow step where they need to be in the dark, and moving to dark.

Android cause not reading through all those sub races: this is pretty much a better warforged, which is fine cause I think the war forge is just a tad underpowered, get rid of the nanite selection thing though they are fine without either of those.

Lamia: The grappling restriction based on size is not actually a rule, so swap that for something. I'm not sure why you are giving a half lion thin grappling. If you are referring to the half snake lady that is called a Marilith and good luck balancing that into a character. Overall I think you should focus on making something underpowered and givingit a bump.
>medieval Siri
my nigga

Bumpin' for feedback

ALSO. How good is the beastmaster archetype?

ALSO ALSO. How is this for a shadow elemental?

Large Shadow Elemental
Armor Class 15
Hit Points: 12d10+24
Speed: Fly 50 ft. (hover)
Damage Vulnerabilities: Radiant
Damage Resistances: cold, necrotic,
physical from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled,
paralyzed,petrified, poisoned, prone,
restrained, unconscious
Senses: blindsight 60 ft.
Languages: primordial
Incorporeal Movement: The elemental can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
Multiattack: Elemental makes 2 slam attacks
Slam: Melee +9, 1d8+5 slashing + 1d8 cold
Shadow Mastery: while elemental and its
target are in area of dim light or darkness,
it has advantage on attack rolls. If elemental is in bright light, it has disadvantage on attack rolls.
Dusk and Dawn: As action, elemental can reduce light level in 30 ft. radius down to dim light
See >>47925659
I'll take a look at it once I get home in a couple hours. In the meantime, what is the shadowcaster supposed to do? What are you trying to accomplish with it? How did it use to work?
I know that feel. My warlock in OotA is now openly giving praise to Baphomet thanks to a mixture of different madness's. I think if this wasn't an AL sanctioned game the party would have seriously considered offing me by now. Or at the very least the paladin would have and the rest of the party would just sorta let it happen. Thankfully my character is best friends with the cleric so now if I die I can be brought back to life.
>Human warlock in OotA
>Goliath fighter in a separate OotA
>Half-elf Sorcerer in a now concluded LMoP and is now sorta just jumping between random adventures.

Considering making a halfing bard or tiefling druid next.
>MFW I realise I misread "they" as "you".

I feel like a dunce now.

Caiphon's Abominable Melody.
Mul - Because the "incredible stamina" aspect is being covered by their racial features.

Thri-Kreen - Chameleon Carapace is literally lifted from their Monster Manual entry.

Gnoll - Again, Rampage is lifted from their Monster Manual entry.

Shadar-Kai - Shadowform is based on their 4e racial power, and the idea is that they can turn into shadows rather than stepping between shadows.

Lamia - Actually, I'm referring to the half-snake half-woman which is how Lamias are depicted in most media that isn't D&D. D&D is the only setting to use that name for a half-lioness. It specifically refers to a watered down version of the Lamia Noble from Pathfinder, called the Lamia Commoner, that appeared in Kobold Quarterly.

So, anyone else have any comments on this material? I'm grateful for the feedback, and I really need all the help I can get.

Also... can anyone give me a hand with naming a race? I want to come up with a word that could believably translate as "Eater(s) of Vile Things" to rename the Cannibal Calibans; anyone got any suggestions?
Thanks for the input I'm making corrections and rewording some stuff right now.

For the Troll regeneration I meant for the ability to act as the charcter has 2 additional hit dice in their pool to spend during a short rest.

This doesn't raise their maximum hp just gives them the ability to heal more than a normal character would.

For the goblins although other races are suspicious of them they're still incredibly gifted merchants and negotiators. They can pretty much cut a deal with anyone/thing.

With War Stomp I didn't want it to be something that could be used multiple times a day. Originally it was going to stun creatures but that seemed way to overpowered even once a day.
Still need to add them and Worgen, I'm thinking the Dranei might just be a reskinned Aasimar
It used to be an edgy as fuck shadow-wizard with a funky spell progression and custom spell list whose spells became spell-like then supernatural abilities usable multiple times per day. The real meat of the class was in its prestige classes, which each did something different. I used archetypes/subclasses to emulate three of those prestige classes:
Master of shadows, basically a beastmaster with a shadow elemental as a pet with full casting progression
Noctumancer, a shadowcaster/theurge anticaster that specialized in hijacking other spells via dispel magic or counterspells
Shadowblade, a sudden strike skirmisher that could buff his weapon and attacks with random shit.
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hi guys

so my friend invited me to his D&D 5e group a while back, and there's a fairly cute girl there, 6/10 I would say, she's kinda curvy but not fat, just a bit thick. She's new to D&D and is playing an elf rogue my friend helped her make. My friend has a girlfriend though, and this girl does not have a boyfriend as far as I can tell (I looked through her Facebook photos and did not see a pic of her with a man besides her brother) so I am thinking of trying to ask her out. I am curious if I could hint at her in-character to see if she responds well to it? The character I made is a human ranger so I think we would go well together, it's not like I played something disgusting like a dwarf that can't mate with elves. So I am thinking... if our characters fuck in the game, she might be more open to fucking in real life? I dunno. I appreciate any advice you may have on this matter, /tg/
just ask her out IRL, dont be THAT GUY by making moves on her character.
Sorry, I forgot to complete my post.

Mul - +2 Strength and +1 Constitution is actually their traditional "positive modifier" from the AD&D Dark Sun (Revised) corebook. Also, removing two levels of exhaustion per rest better reflects the "they need less sleep before they can get back to work" aspect of them. It doesn't really have a lot of effect unless you're playing a Berserker Barbarian, to my knowledge. Also, Muls are half-dwarves and Dwarven Resilience is literally taken right from the Dwarf write-up in the PHB.

Thri-Kreen - I don't really know if that's overpowered or not, but I'm not really sold on keeping Chameleon Carapace anyway. I just want to get some more feedback first since, y'know, it's what the MM gives them.

Catfolk - I based the stats on their Pathfinder racial writeup, so that's why they got Low Light Vision. And if the Dex Save Advantage is too overpowered, then just Proficiency is acceptable to me.

Gnoll - It feels more thematic to me to have Poison Resistance and protection against disease, honestly. And Rampage working as it does in the MM honestly feels fine to me.
>Also I'm not sure about both advantage on saves and resistance, pick just resistance.
Without reading what you're replying to, if this is Poison, that's exactly what the dwarf racial does. Advantage on saves and resistance against damage vs poison.

Never played Spelljammer but the concept sounds fun as hell. I'd love to combine it with Eberron and have a space race campaign.
They're referring to the Dwarven Resilience feature I've given my drafted up 5e Muls, which as I said before I took right from the Dwarf racial write up in the PHB.
Actually reading the rest of your feedback, your feedback is shit.
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They barely get a paragraph in the Eberron UA and they're a bit underwhelming desu, but they're still my favorite race to play as, especially if you like exploring the classic "What measure is a man?" robot tropes, which it sounds like you do.

I recommend reading the Eberron supplements for more Warforged goodness.

They're Living Constructs, so yes. The only things they aren't affected by are things like sleep, suffocation, thirst, etc.
Eberron upsets the cosmic balance of things among other settings...and the Githyanki and the Githzeri of the greater wheel and space both think their origins as it relates to that world are twisted and wrong.

Eberron is a secret, guarded and hidden by Astral Skiffs patrolling the flow and the outer rim of that world's crystal sphere.

Should the ideas of this land break into the wider space it could upset the balance of things. Though the world boasts few great and surpassing magical powers, their methods and culture of industry could change the shape of the known spheres.

Imagine what the Iron Dukes could do should they acquire a Creche Forge and one to operate it? Or the Imperial Elven Navy for that matter?

And beyond that, so heavily mooned a world ripe with industry and those filthy and bestial shifters? Why the Vodyoni Empire would try to invade just to snap up so fascinating a world.

Should that world in the Sphere of Three Dragons become widely known, a balance could tip as we sit upon the cusp of yet another Unhuman War.
How does my wizard PC from Halruaa reestablish the Netherese Empire, /5eg/?
Magic. duh. Unless youre a shitty wizard, if so then

>merchant caravans
>bustling city with a trade empire

but everything is better with magic. so do that.
myth drannor
Just because it's in the monster manual doesn't mean it's balanced for players. Players have many many abilities that make them strong, so they have to start from humble beginnings. I don't know if advantage on stealth checks would keep it balanced. Why would I pick any other class as a rogue and not get advantage on stealth checks.

Well, yeah. I've never played a wizard before, tho. It's my first time, so I'm a little nervous.
Rolling up a V.Human Monk, planning on him being a Sun Soul. Want to have a bit more options, so I'm taking Magic Initiate. Which Cleric or Druid spells should I take? I was thinking Light, Sacred Flame, and Guiding Bolt. Anyone have better ideas?
I'd suggest against Sacred Flame, since you'll have hadokens to fill in about as well.

Some extra utility rather than blasting wouldn't be amiss. Shield of Faith stays pretty useful, or Healing Word if you want that sort of thing.
Yeah I thought they are meant to be half-dwarf not full dwarf.
And? Half elves still get some full elf racial traits
Light, Sacred Flame and Guiding Bolt are shit you already do
Level 8 Bard (Lore)
>Dex: 20 (+5)
>Stealth expertise (+6)
>Additional Magical Secrets: Pass Without Trace (+10)
>Stealth Bonus: +21

Level 8 Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
>Dex: 20 (+5)
>Stealth expertise (+6)
>Stealth Bonus: +11

>veil of shadows and silence
>+10 stealth

>literally invisible
>you are allowed to attempt to hide without cover

If a village of say 300 stone giants were taken over by dwarfs, how many draws could live in the same area with little expansion?

I figure it's OK to turn a 1 giant room into a 3 story dwarf house easy.
As little carving out new areas as possible but a hole in a wall to make a door is OK.
What has myth drannor got to do with Netheril?
OH. Dont sweat it. Remember to be extra creative with your spells and youll be fine. The most powerful magic isnt the thing that deals the most damage or the most battlefield control, its the one that is perfect for the situation. why cast wall of stone when a silent image could do the trick?
>roll stats
>get 15, 14, 13, 12 10, 8
Okay. "Look beyond the obvious," yeah?

GM wants to run Pathfinder Kingmaker but with 5e.
Play a mountain dwarf get +2 to str and con
Easily 2000.


>No additional tunneling or construction

I thought you said they were dwarves?
Even RNG wants you to do standard stats
Go buy a lottery ticket.
I mean living space wise, mines were already in mind for me
Nigga that aint what I said.

AWWW SHIIET SON. That one is pretty good, as long as your group remembers to have plenty of downtime to fuck around improving your stronghold and growing your city. Thankfully the book itself has few to no rules on that kind of stuff so itll be up to your DM to work it out, but its pretty important nonetheless.
That's good to hear. I've always seen mixed reviews for the Pathfinder adventures.

I definitely want to explore the downtime thing, so I've been reading in the PHB and DMG to get different ideas.
Yeah, and dwarves would certainly tunnel out or build more housing as needed.

As for living space to start with, I'll stick with 2000. Those giant rooms could easily be made into 3 story apartment buildings. If you assume 2 dwarven families move in to each house, totaling 7 dwarves on average, you could easily get above 2000. I could see it going up or down by 500 depending on how closely packed you want them.
Actually, come to think of it, you may have a harder time. 5e isnt friendly to crafting things, so im not sure what youd actually do with all the downtime. I guess thats something youll have to figure out, too.

When i played, my group had a crafting necromancer, so our stronghold was undead friendly and had an awful lot of magic items going after a few months. That is pretty much impossible to do now in 5e.
Why aren't dwarves in the small category?

Why aren't goliaths in the large category?

Why are goliaths and dwarves considered the same general size?
Hmm. I can hire people to craft things for me, right? It doesn't seem like a wizard-king should be spending a lot of his time crafting boring shit.
well thats the thing. wizard king is one of the most powerful magic users in the land. quite a few things can only be made with his/her magics.

but that doesnt fly in 5e anymore so yeah, just hire a bunch of artisans, crafters, ect. establish a thieves guild and extract taxes via larceny in a tax free trade based empire. establish a merchants guild to consolidate wealth and create a class based society which you can then exploit for cheaper labor.
I believe it's more because of certain mechanics. It's also related to the space they occupy, not necessarily their size. Saying goliaths are Large would mean they occupy 4 squares instead of one, which would be quite a nuisance. It would also mean they could grapple a Huge creature. On the other hand, if dwarves were Small they would have disadvantage using Heavy weapons, which makes no sense regarding dwarves. So, they are on the lower spectrum of Medium, goliaths are on the highest. But in the end, it's just a convention so that the game's mechanics work well.
>It would also mean they could grapple a Huge creature.
I think it's pretty reasonable that if a 4 foot, 150lb dwarf can grapple a young dragon, then an 8 foot, 350 lb goliath should have no problem grappling an adult dragon.

>On the other hand, if dwarves were Small they would have disadvantage using Heavy weapons, which makes no sense regarding dwarves.
Just give dwarves a racial trait that negates the penalties for using heavy weapons.
Pass Without Trace covers the full spectrum of senses and masks all secondary environmental clues that let people know that something is wrong. It's actual stealth.

Invisibility only covers direct sight. Not even that if it shimmers. Illusions are good at making non-Rogues tricky but have much less to offer actual Rogues.
>veil of shadows
>+10 bonus to stealth

>literally invisible
>no stealth bonus
Take ritual caster instead for more utility.
Spearmaster from UA is a great option.
Blademaster is great as well.
And mobile for lightspeed.
>And mobile for lightspeed.
Bumpin for feedback pls

MAGIC. also you can still be heard, you leave footsteps on the floor, so on and so forth

Idk, silent image is pretty good even for rogues.
Dwarfs are between 4-5 feet tall, those are just short humans. Goliaths are pretty big but they arent as broad as a horse, so they are medium.
>That guy who creaks on every board and crackles every leaf because they can't even see their feet. Bumps into vase and jams their pin into the door wrong.

Those aren't inherent factors of invisibility so you just made yourself look like a fool. Congratulations, fool.
>Silent Image
Might as well just take Minor Illusion which is a cantrip and you can also take the option of causing an auditory distraction. When the best spell in a school for you is a cantrip, then that school is just not a great investment.
Those are perfect reasons why someone with +0 stealth shouldn't get a bonus to it for being invisible. Having the opportunity to hide in plain sight is already a big benefit.
Once again, those are not inherent factors of stealth.

Juxtapose someone doing those things while invisible with someone doing those things while fully visible. The visible one is literally infinitely easier to see and extremely harder to localize.
*not inherent factors of invisibility
I have 13 unarmoured defense on my barbarian. I am almost at level 4 and I could level my dex to 14 and my con to 16 giving me 2 extra AC. Should I do this or just level up strength to 18?
>Firbolgs are coming in Volo's Guide to Monsters
>Firbolgs tend to be between 9 and 10 feet tall
>They'll somehow make them Medium size
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>imperial units
i would note that the chart doesn't show weight either.
that gnome? he weights 43 pounds MAXIMUM while dwarves and humans weigh the same
Better throw your PHB in the trash and never play 5e again then because 5e uses imperial units.
That graphic is wrong. Gnomes stand between 3 and 4 ft tall, while dwarves stand between 4 and 5 ft tall.
>13 naked ac on a barb
id make fun of your ac, but you clearly focused on other things
str is your kill shit, you clearly arnt prioritizing being the meat shield
that being said, if you up your STR (which i think you should do) you should consider buying some armor
The graph is not wrong. Last time I checked, 4 feet is within the inclusive range of 3 to 4 feet and also in the inclusive range of 4 to 5 feet.
>limited to 5ft
>cant create a false wall of stone
>cant create a dragons shadow
>can only pretend to be a barrel and make barrel sounds

yeah, okay. thats not even going into ridiculousness with Mirage Arcane.
Sure, take the tallest gnome and the shortest dwarf to use as examples, that's not biased at all. And as others said, the dwarf's build would still be larger than the gnome's.
>female character gets more clothes as she levels up instead of less
I would go for Dex and Con, but it depends on what you want. You can still wear medium armor and a shield and get 18 AC.
Biased != Wrong, sorry mate.

And the dwarf is clearly standing flank-forward, so the graph is not inaccurately depicting his build as you suggest.
Well, looking over it, I think you can condense the wording on some things. Put Arrow of Dusk as another bonus under shadow magic at level 1 instead of having it be listed as a separate class feature.

I definitly understand why people have been suggesting you fold it into warlock, although I think you could make it more distinct.

Since it has a custom spell list anyway, why not play that up? Rather than being like a Warlock, gaining higher level versions of limited slots, have them instead just gain more and more slots of a single level, and having it refresh on a long rest Basically give them a big pool to dip into for their basic utility effects, and then for more powerful stuff you can have things like the Eternal Penumbra mystery that can give them extra effects. You could still keep the once per day slots for higher level spells as well, since while that's similar to warlock, there's not really a better way to handle it.

Something like that might help make them more distinct.

As for other more specific things...

Umbral bolts seems a bit odd. Free advantage all the time on a basic cantrip is weird. Piercing shadows as well seems way too strong. I like the idea of boosting it, but these might be a bit overkill.


Unerring strike for Shadowblade should also ignore bonuses from concealment. Maybe not total concealment, but if you can strike while blind you can hit someone in a bush.

Unexpected strike seems a bit off to just be free damage. Oddly enough I would say to make it scale a bit more, but have it trigger in a similar manner to a Rogue's sneak attack. I'd also suggest something similar for the Arrow of Dusk. Have it deal some extra damage if you get them by surprise, rather than just being a wild bonus on a crit.

Shadow & Stealth should be clarified so that you have to be proficienct in stealth already in order to get your proficiency twice. Word it more closely to Expertise, or just change it so you add Charisma to stealth checks for a similar effect.

Shadowmaster seems very similar to Beastmaster, but since Beastmaster seems a bit weak, I have a feeling shadowmaster would be in the same boat. I'd suggest looking at some of the homebrew beastmaster fixes and reworking it. Or, instead of those fixes, you could give the Shadow companion some extra magical effects as you level, such as letting it teleport through shadows or other effects that make it better suited for utility. I would potentially suggest giving it resistance to nonmagical damage, but that'd require lowering its HP to offset that, and I'm not sure how well that would balance out.

Noctumancer seems okay, though there might be something I'm overlooking. The higher level ability to ignore the effects of a spell for 1 minute might end up with some odd situations. I would suggest making it automatic successess on saves and checks related to the spell, and immunity to damage caused by the spell, if only to better clarify to what extent it makes you immune.

I really like the idea of counterspelling to regain spell slots, though with them recharging on a short rest anyway it feels less useful.
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Does anyone have the Dervish homebrew in PDF form?
Deep gnomes can weigh 120 and are still same height
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>The graph is not wrong. Last time I checked, 4 feet is within the inclusive range of 3 to 4 feet and also in the inclusive range of 4 to 5 feet.
>it has the absolute maximum height for gnomes and the bare minimum height for dwarves, so its totes right
>using the vague descriptions, not the actual height chart supplied
my charts right too
Wow you really are butthurt. It's a children's game, calm down autismo.
id rather be right than retarded, thats where we differ
Hahaha, thanks anon, your chart made me laugh.

He's not me, buddy. And I don't think he's butthurt at all, he even approached with more humor than I did.
>cant create a false wall of stone
"I've patrolled this keep for two years, did you know there was a wall here going into the room with all the treasure?"
"I'll call it in"

>cant create a dragons shadow
Babbies first illusion
Novice orcs stop falling for that after 1d3 1st level spellcasters who all make illusions of dragons too.
Creating the illusion of a dragon is like creating the illusion of a nuclear bomb blast. If was real you would be dead already or hit with actual dragonfear so there is no point in believing it.

>Mirage Arcane
>7th level spell
By the time you scrape enough wizard levels to cast it, are you really a Rogue anymore?
>That graphic is wrong.
My graphic was not wrong. You're retarded.

>that's not biased
MY graph WAS biased. You're retarded.

>dwarf's build would still be larger
The dwarf's build was not misrepresented. You're retarded.

Nothing I've said was incorrect. Huh. I guess you really are the retarded one. Guess you aren't getting your way this time, huh?
Because Dwarves are just tall enough and more than stout enough to be medium.

Goliaths are a bit more of a mystery to me as to why they are considered medium, but they are only slightly larger than half-orcs and orcs who are also considered medium so I guess thats part of it. Another part of it might be that they are not wide enough to be considered large, just tall enough. Sorta like those super tall basket ball players. Thats just my guess though.
Im sorry but can you point me towards the second silhouette's art work ?
Your dwarf is the literal minimum height of the hill dwarf race, and your gnome is literally taller than a gnome can possibly be according to the PHB height and weight chart.

As a side note, dwarves are over 3 times more stout than gnomes. That's the main reason dwarves are medium.
Thank you .
Now you are comparing a D&D art work with some random one.
Next if take the average height of Gnomes 3,5 and average of Dwarfs 4,5 we can see that the later have 1 unit more than the other.
Also dwarfs are almost as wide as they are tall, basicly made of muscle/stone. Volume wise they are the same as humans. Maybe even bigger.
Neither the human nor the goliath artwork is D&D official either. You're reading too far into my meme, friend. They're just silhouettes juxtaposed on a ruled scale to compare the heights.
(I couldn't find official silhouette illustrations of dwarf or human, so I didn't bother.)
but how else am I gonna feel smug after proving you wrong anon ?
Anon, I have yet to be proven wrong!

>PHB height and weight chart.
Could you tell me which page that is on?
I have and the chart you're referring to doesn't exist :)
>>>47917026 →
Page 121. The beginning of chapter 4.

this guy >>47929683 isn't me, and the chart does exist. Its pretty front and center on page 121.
>Its pretty front and center on page 121.
Thanks. Weird that they put it in the Personality section.
I'm looking for a suitable BBEG for my campaign, I've set it 140 years after a great war freed the country from a tyrannical lich, vampire and necromancer but there is a cult resurfacing that are said to be aligned with the newly resurrected bad guys.

However, i wanted some sort of twist, in that the three bad guys were still dead and there was one main douche who made it seem like they were back, only so he could consolidate power etc. I wanted to give him some necromancy powers but not be a vampire, lich or necromancer. What do i make/how do i stat them?
It is, but Wizards have made a number of strange decisions when It comes to 5e. Some have been for the better, and some not so much.
i would go for broke on strength teebh
Any cool ideas for a Trickery Domain Cleric build? Maybe multiclassing into rogue, or taking a feat to get longbow/heavy crossbow proficiency?
Maybe he is using a necromantic artifact originally owned by one of the three in order to fake their appearances/control their resurrected forms?
An awakened Nightmare that pretends a mundane skeleton on its back is the real BBEG

A charismatic ghost rallying other undead to help him conquer the world of the living.

A little girl has made friends with a giant golem made of graves. It has gone on a rampage to raise and gather more bodies because she said she was lonely.

An evil dragon is using his arcane knowledge to create bone golems and other constructs that seem like necromancy, but aren't. He's doing so to throw people off his trail and make it seem like the other villains are back

I'm currently playing a Trickery Domain Cleric/Arcane Trickster Rogue. I've yet to discover any really neat tricks yet, although your Channel Divinity duplicate is a nice conduit for casting Inflict Wounds safely.
Mummy lord trying to bring back the old faith.

>119 lbs

>120 lbs
I like the dragon one anon, i thought maybe he has captured a bunch of innately special magic users when they were younger and cultivated a series of necromancers and artificers who just make undead armies all day for him and the odd scary abomination.

Further question though, can any chromatic dragons shapeshift? so he wouldn't have to show his true form until he tries to overthrow the capital.
wow you sure showed them
They can, though prefer not to as they see humanoids as pathetic.
>4 ft.
>120 ibs.

The hell? Gnomes only weigh 40 pounds on average and at tallest can be 3 ft. 7 in. This is some weak bait.
Don't get so upset, anon. It's just a game!
"bu-bu-but i meant spooky rock gnomes, i just dont call them that"
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Dark Sun
no one else likes it tho
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honestly i don't remember playing in any published setting besides forgotten realms and eberron and i hesitate to call either of those my favorite. eberron is OKAY and forgotten realms kind of sucks.

this idiot thinks a rock gnome is not a gnome. rock gnomes are small just the same as regular gnomes.
I've always been a fan of Dark Sun, though it feels like there's only ever one way to go with it. Gritty desert survival until you're strong enough to try knocking down Sorcerer Kings.

I really like the idea of Psionics being a major thing, but the rules are always all over the place.
>Maybe multiclassing into rogue
For what? 2d6 sneak attack? 2d8 is already baked in with no strings.

You're a buff/debuff class with extra party infiltration and hard mind control. What you already have covers anything you would get from a Rogue dip.
4 feet tall
Well you get expertise and cunning action for one. It also fits thematically.
Nice job blocking out the part where it also says they're only 3 1/2 feet tall instead of 4 like normal Gnomes.

It even says in the paragraph before that they're usually 100 pounds and rarely break 3 feet.
Cheers brah.

Another idea was to have a corrupt Empyrean that was sent down many years ago by the raven queen to assist the old champions in defeating the three bad guys, but has now turned bad and has corrupted some of the powers given to him by the raven queen so he now brings back the dead, i was just going to keep the Empyrean from the MM but then stat him out with some necromatic powers that he would use for thematic/ plot/ mook purposes
well its dumb we are even discussing this but on the height chart gnomes can at most be 2'11" + 2d4 inches, so thats a max height of 3'7", and a max weight of 43 lbs.
minimum of course being 3'1" and weight 37 lbs. i always ignore that and make my characters 8' tall dragonborn or 6'3" humans built like linebackers (including my current rogue).
well i made one short human sorcerer.
>3 1/2 feet, 120 pounds, max

>4 feet, maybe 60 pounds, max

So you're just arbitrarily mixing the different types of gnomes together at this point?
i ran some pulpy, monster-of-the-week pit fights
it wasn't a real campaign but fit the setting well

it seems like it's great for political intrigue too, like the game could end at level 11 or so when the players are higher-up templars after stabbing enough friends in the back

mostly i like the aesthetic and the psionics
>only get to play once a week
>have no other friends that play D&D and the ones that do are busy
>bored out of my mind for the rest of the week

Help guys, what do I do?
Thats drastically different than whats in the PHB for gnomes. Deep gnomes must be some fat asses. How the hell do they get a bonus to dex with that much fat.

>"Between 3 and 4 feet tall"

Look on page 121 and you'll see where between 3 and 4 feet they are, namely 5 inches under 4 feet at best.

Also, if all of this is going to be assuming the tallest and stoutest possible gnome, why not also use the tallest and stoutest possible dwarf at 4'8 ft. and 226 pounds?
Political backstabbing could be fun, though I feel like that misses some of the fun of having a giant wasteland to explore and wander into.

I do mainly enjoy the lack of typical fantasy characters and the focus on psionics and martials.
>Deep gnomes must be some fat asses.

It says in their description in the EE guide that they have leathery skin and dense fat and muscle. They're basically as close to being made of rock as they can get.

Pretty much, Rock Gnomes are to Gnomes what Dwarves are to Humans.
Pic related, how does it feel to be



>why not also use the tallest and stoutest possible dwarf at 4'8 ft. and 226 pounds?
Because the smallest possible Dwarf is medium and the stoutest possible gnome is small.
There's no reason to stay on the front lines so Disengage weaving is unnecessary. There is no sneak attack so quick hide is unnecessary. There are still plenty of other ways to run away.

Guidance is half Expertise already.
well there's no reason it couldn't have both
like if the players are tired of the one throw em the other

i really like the scarcity, like i had the players start as slaves where they had a copper-piece equivalent on a string around their neck, and the only way to make more was to kill other slaves in the arena
>Pic related

Yep, you sure showed me.
Also, you should not use words you do not know the meaning of ;)
Thats because that is how the game is designed and has been designed for 5 editions. If it really rustles your jimmies this much talk to your DM about being a medium gnome.
Sorry, anon, I got very excited and I forgot to attach my epic meme image.
>I'll take the weight from a deep gnome, because it supports my argument
>But I'll ignore the height, since that's too short
>I'll use forest gnome height instead, since they're taller

Right. 'Arbitrary' would imply that you did it by accident. Clearly you're just trying to lie about facts and hoping nobody notices.
>>you know who this is to
But anon, you're wrong again! See >>47930603. Rock gnomes TYPICALLY stand at ABOUT 3 to 3.5 feet. But not all rock gnomes necessarily fall in that range. Then see >>47930334 which says that (GENERAL) Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall.
No. Stop being a faggot.

You're using the height range on forest gnomes to support your argument. That lists them at 3-4 feet. You're sticking with that as an accurate representation.

You're ignoring the deep gnome one, despite it being the exact same, because it lists them at 3-3 1/2 feet.

You're using the hill dwarf stats from the random table, which puts them at 3'10" at a minimum and 4'4" at a maximum.

You're ignoring the same table for forest gnomes, which puts them at 3'1" minimum and 3'8" maximum.

You're ignoring the size listing for dwarves that puts them at 4-5 feet.

If you want to compare heights, use the same reference for heights.
my next character is a 2 foot tall rock gnome that weighs 500 pounds
also i love the hyper-80's road warrior aesthetic

makes the whole game feel like a metal concept album
that sounds like something i would do desu. i might do this next. not be super fat, be super dense (and somewhat fat).
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Well, by that logic, nothing is stopping you from playing an 8 foot tall Deep Gnome that's only 20 pounds.

After all, it doesn't specifically say they can't be that tall and light, just that it must be rare!
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>If you want to compare heights, use the same reference for heights.
Anon, I am using the same reference. Your second and third lines are incorrect. Did you even read >>47930603 and >>47930689?

Pic related, my reference.
My players started off a bit better than that, as guards on a caravan. They steadily built themselves up to a nice little fortune as they explored and plundered the wastes

Yeah, it's really different than the typical D&D setting with knights and rolling green hills.
>But muh typically

Doesn't matter. Use the same metric or none at all. If you trust that the forest gnome listing gives an accurate range of heights, then you have to trust that all of them give an accurate range of heights.
>Pic related, my reference.
as we can clearly see on that cover, on the left is a forest gnome, and in the middle is a mountain dwarf, and on the right is a halfling. you can easily tell she is a halfling on account of her lack of half a body
What's the name of the powerful vampire lady in Hoard of the dragon queen? My Paladin is now one of her husbands.
>doesn't even know his wifes name
gawd, what kind of paladin are you
One who got drunk, fell asleep outside and woke up with a vampire wife.
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No, because the description of general gnomes (the category to which deep gnomes belong) dictates an upper limit of 4 feet. Had enough yet? :)
No, the left is a hill dwarf and the middle is a deep gnome :)
Hypothetically, the umbrella category for airplanes says that they're between 10 and 100 feet long.

The specific category for biplanes says they're typically between 10 and 15 feet long.

Has anything been contradicted here?

Does this mean 100 foot biplanes exist?
Man where is the meme list when you need it.
I'm giving bag of rats for the meme list
ahh my mistake, you see on AVERAGE, dwarves have an 8 inch beard (picture attached) and TYPICALLY, gnomes have a 0 inch beard (see second attached picture)
you can understand my mistake, i didn't know we were dealing with cherry picked characters on the cover

that probably means the right character is a half orc then, because its clearly black and half sized
How well could a tiefling moon druid work? I know the bestial forms will do a lot of the heavy lifting but if I am forced to fight in non animal form will the character concept still hold solid? I think RP wise I could make it work really solidly, and with all the goat parts you get access to he'd basically be a goat tiefling like pic related. Thoughts?
Well the description of the general dwarf puts them between 4 and 5 foot tall and weighing 150 ibs. So dwarves weigh more than gnomes.
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paladunce is still alive and well
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>3.5 isn't between 3 and 4

Do you understand numbers anon?
Good point, anon! Except while that is true...

#NotAllDwarves !!!!

So you haven't supported your argument :))
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Don't be silly. He's using the height listing from the forest gnome entry, the weight from deep gnomes, but ignoring the dwarf entry and using the random table that puts their minimum at slightly under 4 feet and 120 pounds.

And no, he won't admit that the table also proves gnomes can't be 4 feet at all.
This picture does not quite match the PHB. The tallest gnome is still shorter than the smallest dwarf.

>Gnomes 3'1" - 3'7"
>Dwarves 3'10" - 4'8"
>Humans 4'10" - 6'4"
>Goliaths 7' - 8'

Large creatures are ~10'. Goliaths just miss the cutoff. Gnomes likewise just miss the cutoff to being Medium. The lines have to be drawn somewhere and that's where they drew them.
In that case...


So your arguement is also debunked

Now for the love of Pelor can we actually discuss something more interesting that the height and weight of dwarves and gnomes. This conversation is dull.
>airplanes [are] between 10 and 100 feet long
>biplanes [are] typically between 10 and 15 feet long

>Does this mean 100 foot biplanes exist?
The given parameters indeed imply that 100 foot biplanes could exist. If biplanes are in fact restricted to the 10-15 foot range, then the person who wrote that passage is a fool.
Or, the person writing the passage assumed people wouldn't be so retarded to think that biplanes would be 100 feet long, and wrote it that way to account for biplanes that might be 16 feet long instead.
No, my argument is not debunked because, as you have kindly implied, #SomeGnomes CAN be, as I have shown, 120 pounds and 4 feet tall. Thank-you for your support!


>Dwarves can be 3'10
>Gnomes max out at 3'7


>Gnomes can be 4 feet maximum
>Dwarves are 4 feet minimum.

One or the other.
Typically about 3 to 3.5 feet does not exclude heights other than those in that range. Don't you understand english, anon?
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do teiflings have hooves or feet?
lmao guys, okay, here's my character's backstory. Okay? Okay. So, like, there was a gnome and a human, right? And they had a kid. And their kid mated with another gnome, right? You following along? And the the kid of THAT union mated with ANOTHER gnome. And a few generations down, a, like, 1/64th human 63/64th gnome is born that grows to be, like, five foot five. Isn't that funny la mayo??!@
Not according to my D&D® PLAYER'S HANDBOOK® published by Wizards of the Coast.
but can have hooves if you are using SCAG variants
Nigger, everything I just said is in the Player's Handbook. It's just that the first option is going by the random height table, while the second option is going by the size listings under race entry.

Pick one or the other to support your argument with, because you can't use both.
i think alot of tiefling traits are "choose what you fuckin want m8"
it even says some of them have shitass vestigial wings i think, and realistically they can have alot of kinds of horn.
no reason they cant have feet, or various different kinds of hooves TYPICALLY on AVERAGE #NOTMYTIEFLING
thats not how genetics work anon

It's my backstory, gawd, I just wanna be a tall gnome okay? Read the book it's totally legit, like, oh my God, like, really? I can't even.
They can have either one, depending on what you choose to have your infernal heritage be. Personally I like the thought of a tiefling with hooves, goat legs, goat horns, and leathery grey skin to match the grey fur for a tiefling druid idea im mulling around with.
I wonder if you could have small-sized tieflings if their infernal heritage was an Imp and a Halfling
Only if the DM makes a special ruling to allows it. It would not be allowed by RAW or RAI because they are medium creatures.
howbout a tiefling pirate with one hoof leg and one foot leg and one horn which covers one of his eyes and one demonic hand that is basically just a hook?

>"When a participant of an argument, after repeating the same failed points many times, devolves his argument to name-calling, know that you have won the debate."

>lmao I'mma add playful little mocking 's to my post to belittle who I'm talking to
>Whoooooooaaaa hold on buddy, you can't just mock people by calling them names, that's totally not legit

I'm not even a part of this retardation, but you need to be ashamed of your faggotry.
In this thread's adventure, the party discovers an entity beyond their understanding has been secretly enacting breeding programs of dwarves and gnomes for some unknown purpose. Can these adventurer's stop the mad schemes of WY'NEH ZHYT'POSDAH??
>lmao I'mma add playful little mocking 's to my post
Excuse my concern, sir, but I think you may be having a stroke.
I like the idea of tieflings looking more satyr-like or horrifying. Something inspired by the Jersey Devil or like Nightcrawler. I can see occult-loving backwoods people worshiping a tiefling or conversely starting all sorts of urban myths about one who lives nearby.

After I read Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror," I was surprised by everyone calling it a simple story of good versus evil, because I actually felt bad for Wilbur Whately. He didn't ask to be a monster; raised by a crazy hillbilly; had to take care of his gargantuan, invisible brother; dogs always losing their shit when he's nearby. Even when he tried to get the Necronomicon, he didn't hurt anyone, which he probably could have done being nine fucking feet tall. He was told to piss off, so he tried to steal it during the night instead, and there he died and dissolved, not even leaving a corpse behind to be buried.

The registered trademark symbol didn't go through for some reason.
>for some reason.
I'd say shitty gm but if he's the kind of second-hand friend who comes into a game and starts asking about prostitutes with big tits he probably had it coming.

Speaking of Dark Sun, beyond the Mul and Thri-Kreen, which are obvious new-race candidates, how do folks think they'll handle the racial array in 5e? Similar to 4e, where they did a lot of "substitute X for Y" - for example, Dragonborn for Dray and Goliaths for Half-Giants?
Playing a dual-wielding ranger, hunters mark with three attacks. Level 9 is coming quicker than I realized and all the good ranger spells are for bows I believe. If I take warcaster at 8 though, for advantage on concentration checks, would conjuring two dire wolves and fighting with them be an alternative to getting some utility spell? I do 30-40 damage a turn with hunters mark on, But it will go up with the dire wolves.
That sounds good. Instead of taking a ranged option that you aren't built for, take some meat shields to assist you in melee. Makes sense.

How're you enjoying your class [strikeout]features[/strikeout] ribbons?
Yeah if we weren't playing CoS I'd probably get a lot of use out of hunting undead but you can't swing a dead cat without hitting another undead. And all that difficult terrain we aren't hitting is easy thanks to my favored terrain, of mountains and forest.

Plus I think this is as close to a true beast master as one could get, so I will do that. I already have magic weapons so I don't need 20.
I like it but I'm not prepared for the amount of homebrewing necessary to properly play it in 5e right now.
they may have athasian subraces so they feel a little more distinct

are they working on Dark Sun for 5e? if so i'm A M P E D
Are you hunter or beastmaster?
Hunter, colossus slayer and Multiattack defense.
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How're you enjoying Colossus Slayer?
>+4.5 damage once per turn on a hit

How're you enjoying Multiattack Defense? That shit is the fucking bomb. Pic related.
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Actually, the numbers are wrong there.
I hate to break it to you m8 but I made a strength ranger cause I could. I got a longsword and a magic battle axe, 17 AC with scale mail. I just leveled to 7 yesterday so I have yet to have the Multiattack proc yet, but it should work great, I'm keeping this guy.
Thanks for the critique. Ill work on it shortly. I believe too many people get caught up in the warlock spell progression to try and see the merits of the class on its own.

I also have a shadow elemental statted early in the thread that I was thinking about using instead of the beast.

This >>47926266 ?

Seems rather strong for a companion. Resistance helps it a lot, but the starting HP pool seems really large when combined with that.

Having Flight, Blindsight, and those other benefits does make it a very nice scout and utility beast though. I think it's something to aim for, though it might be better served as mysteries to upgrade a normal beast into something more Elemental-esque.
The beast master archetype is considered one of the least powerful paths to choose from in all the classes along with the Elements Monk, I heard they get better when your proficiencies are given to AC and saves, but still that's just a 1/4 CR wolf as your companion at level 20.

There have been lots of suggested reworks for the archetype but nothing universally accepted. Some say a scaling CR like the Moon Druid.

One day I am going to make a fancy homebrew rework for the Beastmaster just like the Way of the Four Elements monk rework.
That's fine, your AC can become 1 higher in all those instances if you take THE plate mail. I suppose you are dual-wielding so no shield. Maybe take Dual Wielder feat next and dual-wield longswords with +1AC. I envy you dude
I envy you dude, *because I'm not in a game and I really want to play an impossible-to-hit ranger
I was wondering if they were subject to the reincarnation spell
>Some say a scaling CR like the Moon Druid.
i personally think thats the best way, but theres no "easy" way to scale your pet, which most likely means you're throwing away one to get something bigger and better
sure you can just advance ole' wolfy, but thats more work than it ought to be to make a pet viable.
Yup variant human with Dual wielded, 17 AC at the start and its fairer me well since 7
for the most part, they're "alive" so they can be affected by specific spells related to life. even if it isn't RAW (i think it would be, im not sure though) its still completely believable they would be
Warforged have souls for the purposes of spells, paraphrasing what the original Eberron Campaign Setting says.
So, Dexadin. Yay or nay?
why not
tfw haven't play a game in months. Every game I join gets dissolved. Wrote like 8 different characters on roll20 postings and nothing. Some people that just wrote can I join at the last minute got in.
Not as good offensively as a Strength paladin but it's not a terrible idea either. Better initiative and saving throws at least, and paladin damage is less reliant on weapon damage than a lot of other melee classes.
its fine but don't be some sissy noodle arm paladin, no one wants to see that
*base weapon damage, since smites don't care what your base weapon is

What do you think is better between a rapier and a whip?


Part of the draw for me is being better at stealth.

I really want to play a game with a bunch of thieves.
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>has never read the phb height table
>makes an image showing average heights of races according to his mind's eye
Eat a gun.
not him, id say rapier
but if your dm doesn't allow ranged/thrown smites, whip can get you a small bit more range i guess
Gonna give Matt Mercer's gunslinger archetype a try in a one shot me and some friends are doing this weekend. Would any of you allow applying the fighter's archery fighting style to attack roles made with guns? It says you get +2 when attack with a ranged weapon so RAW it should work, right?
Keep both weapons and use as the situation dictates. Sometimes the range is useful.
>average heights
Please show me where on my image the phrase "Average Heights" appears. No? XD That's right, YOU eat the gun fag haha.
>Part of the draw for me is being better at stealth.
yeah but make sure you're at least like 11 strength.
>rapier vs whip
i'd say both. if you get sentinel whip can be really amazing for locking people down.

I figure I won't have room for sentinel, since I want to make room for Warcaster/Resilient (Con) and I can't imagine much room for more feats after that. Maybe as a quest reward or something.

I might have to dump strength, i'm sorry.
The nice thing about these stupid arguments is it makes catching up with the thread quicker.
>I might have to dump strength, i'm sorry.
don't do it anon. noodle arm paladins aren't something the world needs.
>Resilient (Con)
also you don't really need this since you get your charisma to all your saves at level 6. not that you need to take sentinel instead or anything. but i mean you do you.
War Caster is nice but you don't really *need* Resilient Con if your Charisma is high after level 6. Just get your primary stats up and then decide if you need feats afterward.

The gurantee just seems nice. Nobody wants to be sitting around wasting a turn doing nothing because you rolled poorly on your save and lost focus on your haste spell. Having a +10-11 from your Charisma and proficiency seems like a good way to avoid that from happening (or at least minimize the chances).
Perfect response.

Well done.
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer

Man was that thing fun.
All those apostrophes. Is this some kind of Elf? We don't take kindly to elves around here.
Good sorcerer-king names?
Your punishment was inorganic. If you're okay with that then it sounds fine. But generally, I don't see what the big deal is with an adventurer looking for a whore to spend the night with. Seems like something that would be pretty common.
Yeah. Conjure Animals is really the ranger's strongest concentration spell, as long as you look out for monsters that counter them.
I don't get why the Beast companion requires actions if the ranger gets Conjure animals anyway. If anything, it'd make more sense to just give the beast companion freedom of actions, while summoning spells require the caster to give up their action to maintain control.
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>32 AC
Holy fuck. Is this the highest possible AC in the game without magic items/boons?
One thing that occurs to me, from time to time, is that since the beast master shares some power with their companion, they aren't as put out when their companion inevitably gets taken out.

So it can deal over half your damage when it's around, but then you only lose like 20% of your damage when it's down. It makes it feel important without making you reliant on it.

At least it would, if the base ranger class was better, instead of being propped up by OP spells like Conjure Animals.
>well if you lose the keystone of the archetype at least it wasn't so helpful that you will notice a difference

Great justification.
jerk it
defense fighting style only applies when you're wearing armor. you would want mariner assuming your dm allows it since this is using unarmored defense.
but its only 32 AC on the second attack, as you need to get hit for multiattack defense to kick in, and defensive duelist only applies on one attack.
i think a bladesinger could get more. 13 (mage armor) + dex + int, +5 ac for the whole turn with shield. 1 level dip in fighter for mariner if you want. thats what, 25 AC +5 with shield for 30? on every attack in a turn. i think thats more solid.
>Homebrew campaign
>Cleric, Rogue, Fighter, Paladin, Sorcerer
>Party is all level 3
>In some ancient Wizard's tower fighting some sort-of-undead lich-wannabe
>Almost TPK, but we all survive somehow
>Party all on single digit hit points by the end
>Sorcerer casts Detect Magic
>Wild Surge: 1d10 Necrotic Damage within 30 feet
>Rolls a 10. Entire party (bar him) goes down.
>Fighter and rogue die, paladin stabilizes, cleric rolls a 20 and gets up

Wild Magic is fun, you guys.
I think they could stand to give the animal companion more health, as well as adding in more spells or effects that can buff it.

The beast companion should be rather durable so it doesn't die randomly, since many ranger players probably want to actually grow attatched. Having Hunter's Quarry boost beast damage as well, or offering other effects that you can share with your companion could help a lot without needing to change it.

I mean, Swift Quiver exists and can give you extra attacks. Why not make a version that just buffs the beast companion and lets you and it really fight together as one?

Plus another issue is what people want from a beast companion. Some people want a big distraction like a bear that can protect them while they do archery. Some people want a wolf that they can run in alongside with a pair of swords and work as a real duo. Some people want an eagle that can function more as a scout or support.

Currently, only one of those really works, and it's the Eagle because it can fly in and Help as a bonus action.
>13 (mage armor) + dex + int, +5 ac for the whole turn with shield. 1 level dip in fighter for mariner if you want. thats what, 25 AC +5 with shield for 30? on every attack in a turn. i think thats more solid.
sorry wait
13 mage armor
5 dex
5 int (bladesong)
1 duel wielder
1 mariner
+5 from shield spell
It would have been so much better if it was the Fireball instead.
Ah, that is much better. Haven't' checked out bladesinger but that sounds great. And after level 18 he can take shield as an at will spell.
The damaging effects need to be fucking removed. At the very least, the fireball should be a simple "catch on fire" save.
Just as a thought: How would you go about killing a level 6 Hill Dwarf Barbarian Battlerager with 20 constitution?
Duel Wielder is incompatible with blade song IIRC
>wild magic "ticking timebomb" sorcerer
>ever standing in its vicinity

hit him until he dies
Was expecting it to be a druid.
it occurs to me now that if you don't care about level 18 shield at will, you could even take enough levels in hunter to get multiattack defense. you only need 2 levels in wizard to get bladesong. so if you want you could have 30 AC on the first attack, and 34 AC against any attack after a creature hits you. but you're giving up a lot, and its unlikely that a creature would hit your 30 AC twice in one turn i think. but thats hypothetically higher even than your other build.

something like hunter 8, wizard 12, or hunter 16 wizard 4, or whatever. some mix where you can get a feat and 4 ASIs.
Hunter's At-Will damage:
Longbow +13 for 2d8+10
>avg DPR 14.7, +5.6 with Hunter's Mark = 20.3
>+~4.5 Colossus slayer = 24.8
Sharpshooter +8 for 2d8+30
>avg DPR 19.95, +3.85 with Hunter's Mark = 23.8
>+~3.7125 Colossus Slayer = 27.5125
TWF +11 for 3d6+15
>avg DPR 17.1, +~6.125 with Hunter's Mark = 23.225
>+~4.4454375 Colossus Slayer =27.67

So, Colossus Slayer is about 20% more rather reliable damage.

Beastmaster at-will damage:
>Longbow +13 1d8+5 Wolf +10 (advantage) 4d4+16
>avg DPR 30.165, +2.8 with Hunter's Mark = 32.965.
Well, that was hard.
Damage is ~60% higher with the wolf, but damage split is 10.15 hunter and 22.815 wolf, so the wolf is ~70% of your damage.

I know, I know, level 17+. Also assuming AC 19 target that's already been previously wounded and switching target every other round for TWF.
They were probably 25 feet away, thinking they were safe.
I think they have their place. A well-played Wild Mage (with a DM who isn't shit) will have advantage on nearly anything they want, and a lot of the surge results are extremely powerful (resistance to all damage/regain a spell slot without level limit). There has to be some devastating results to balance out the positives.
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World building is really hard. The more I try and write to get parts done, the more parts come up in thinking about how those parts interact with other parts and what the implications of things I wrote previously were.
I'm even trying to leave it vague but just to flesh out various kingdoms and historic events takes so much work.
I know most of the game will exist probably in a certain microcosm, but I want at least names and a few traits or ideals for each race and kingdom and larger groups and churches and etc etc etc. And a bit of history about the region beyond relying entirely on tropes.

ALSO GUYS: Whats the ultimate verdict: guns in D&D, yes or no?
>regain a spell slot without level limit

its no higher than 5th level
Dude, that mess is not as legible as you think it is. Try again and actually explain what you're doing?
>There has to be some devastating results to balance out the positives.
Some rare penalties would balance out the rare benefits. Death is not a fair exchange, in any circumstance.
Nope, too tired. I can't even read it. Just checking what difference the subclass features make. Shame I don't have the patience to figure in the UA one.
>guns in D&D, yes or no?
you mean them fancy metal reloading crossbows? well why not
Iktf. Helped a friend build a galaxy for an interstellar (vidya) RPG. It was a shitshow.

Nah. Suspension of disbelief is hard enough as it is with just swords and arrows.
>59-60: You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot.

There's nothing stated about a limit. A WMS could cast Meteor Swarm, get this as one of his two Controlled Chaos results, then cast Meteor Swarm again.
This. Something like cutting off the sorcerer's access to magic for 1+1d6 turns would be devastating while not being "lol everyone die XD"
>so the wolf is ~70% of your damage.
Consider that if the wolf died, the Beast Master would start using his own attacks again with the additional Hunter's Mark that the wolf wouldn't get.

So you would have to re-compare wolf vs without wolf.
There are rare penalties, though. Being silenced for a minute in combat as a sorcerer essentially removes you from the fight. Polymorph lasts for an hour if you don't save, the ageing result can ruin a half-orc or aarakocra or reduce a younger PC to an infant, given enough rolls with that result. They aren't damage results, but they do hurt.
What exactly would be needed for an aarakocra or half orc to be killed by aging from a WMS?
Ugh I can't even imagine a whole galaxy. I'm just trying to make a fantasy world that's ~80% intense magic spooky forest.
half orcs only live 75 years on average and are adults at 14. that only gives them 60 years of "playtime"
i presume bird dudes are the same
Yes those are good examples of decent penalties. I'm not saying they don't exist, just that self damage shouldn't be among them.

Considerable bad luck, unless they were already old. Still that's a good point, the age should only be an apparent age difference, with no effect on maximum lifespan.
Their lifespan limit is more like 30 years
that 30 year estimation is if they're left to their own devices, aka getting their retarded selves killed. 75 if old age death, more likely achieved by "human" half orcs
It says nothing about it being statistics rather than maximum lifespan, no other race is described that way either. The quote is thus:
>Aarakocra reach maturity by age 3. Compared
to humans, aarakocra don’t usually live longer
than 30 years.

And that's it.
>you're talking about 30 for birds
>im talking about 30 for orcs being retarded
theres the problem

also apparently copy and pasting the text from half orc age in the phb gives me "Age. Half-ores mature a tittle faster than humans,
reaehing adulthood around age 14. They age
notieeably faster and rarely tive longer than 75 years."
Worldbuilding is exhausting, I know. There's so much stuff to cover, and even when you think you've got it all down a simple question can make you realize how much you missed.


Only in pirate campaigns. Crossbows are better for normal games, and are cooler when upgraded as neat artificer contraptions.
ah you must mean the fabled 6 foot tall 30 pound deep gnomes
Oh yeah, sorry for not specifiying
still, that shows that the birds are alot more hosed than orcs would be
even with the middleground adventurer age of 14, two instances of the age wild magic could push you off their normal limits
...Hmm. I have a inkling of making a wild magic sorcerer aarakocra who tries to attain immortality by wild surging as much as possible and playing the odds. Somewhat viable after they can control it a little.
Wait shit, I forgot the age differences are on the same result. And it slightly averages to higher aging, too. Bad gamble, unless he can find a way to be immune to magically aging older.

Hey man, comic sans is not the devil.
It's easy to read, it's distinctive, and it's fun.
When it comes down to it, comic sans is a pretty cool dude.
Guns developed before plate armor even and it's autism to even make that point because sword and sorcery is just that, not every technological advancement on earth up to the latest technological inclusion in d&d, but still, it does trigger my autism a little.
But you're probably right. Also the argument could easily be made that magic would take up a lot of technological advancement "energy" from the combined pool of researchers in a fantasy world.
But yeah it is exhausting. I've been thinking about it a lot so it's satisfying to start writing it down, but it's definitely an abyss where the more I commit to words the more words I need to commit.
its the only de-aging magic that i know of that can actually expand your lifetime though. most just say you still die when your real time is up. Wish logically could, but at the same time, could just fuck up
Isn't that how most weddings work?

>What happens it waterdeep, stays in waterdeep.
Eh, if you want guns it's up to you. I just don't like them thematically outside of pirate-style encounters. D&D doesn't have to follow history perfectly, but simple black powder weapons existed even in the earliest editions as rare novelties.

I know what that's like. You get a great idea, but you have to make it fit in with everything else, so it gets to be the big web of interlocking parts.
Druid timeless body
thats still not turning back the clock, thats just throwing your meat in a metaphorical refrigerator.

and (obviously PC's work different) 18 levels in less than 27 years is alot of work
>18 levels in less than 27 years is alot of work
Wait, really?

Once a druid starts adventuring, how long should it take to reach lv20 in universe?
Does this mean Ghosts are the ultimate counter to Aarakocra? They have an attack to age them 1d4 x 10 years.
well thats what i meant by pc's work differently
an adventuring party could easily hit 20 in less than a year. But even an npc given pc levels, druids are stereotypically... i dont know if "lazy" is the right word, but they're more "go with the flow"
and it just slows down your aging, so even if the theoretical aarakocra hit level 18 druid at age 28, he would essentially be 95 years old in human years.
It's unlikely to take effect, but yeah that super murders them
If he lived to 50 (possible if they don't die at 30 sharp) or so he'd still be the most venerable elder his people have ever known.
I wonder...could he potentially spend much of his free time wildshaped into a turtle in order to further slow his aging while he tries to level?
>il pay you 300 gold to ship that turtle i left out back your store to the local bugbear camp.
>dont ask any questions
>il know if the turtle doesn't get there, trust me
Brexit confirmed. Congratulations UK
quick question: If i were to cast a quickened spell, then a cantrip, would i be able to cast counterspell during my opponents turn?

badass. you just saved my life. thanks.

in my opinion every party should have at least one person able to cast counterspell

question for all of you, what would you consider the most optimal party composition with 4 players, 5 players, or 6 players?
Cleric fighter rogue wizard
Bard cleric fighter rogue wizard
Bard cleric fighter paladin rogue wizard

Valor, life, champion, devotion, thief, conjuration
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>Earth Genasi
>Merge with Stone
Can the spell be cast using spell slots if the character has them? I strongly assume no.
Unless it says something like 'add it to your spells known' or 'you learn the spell', then yeah, it's just limited to a single usage.

Compare the wording on Magic Initiate.
Technically no but I would allow it.
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