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Memorial Thread for one of the good Boros Commanders out there.

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Memorial Thread for one of the good Boros Commanders out there.

R.I.P. Gisela. May you deal double damage in the afterlife.

Brunabros can Mourn in here too.
But it's like a threeway with tentacle~
>She died so the superfriends can eanter the spotlight and save Innistrad
Fuck this gay earth.
Emmyfags get out. We're here to mourn.
The worst part is she didn't even go down fighting. She got completely fucking punked off handedly and fused with Bruna.
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No, having more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
No no no no no.

I can't do body horror. I can't do abominations pleading for love. I can't.
A rabid dog is not a man's best friend.

I just wanted a pure battle waifu whom went down fighting
This is too retarded for words.

Sorry if anyone in the thread was an angel fan. They're getting more slaughtered than Tarkir's dragons.
Again, I think alot of us wouldn't have minded if she had been actually slaughtered in a fight. We're more mad that she just got punked off screen and fused with bruna without a whimper.
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>Eldrazi Conscription on Bruna is actually canon
My new waif is clearly Taito
>cute ears
>porcelain skin
>selflessly devoted to knowledge
>able to crack mysteries that transcend her planar experience and codes made by old walkers
>able to defy Memerakul, even protects Baby Jace's mind when he isn't strong enough to do it

She guards the realms of men. Too bad she is almost certainly going to meet as grisly a fate as the angels. Gotta add more pathos to the Jacetice League's endeavor. Can we get a petition to keep her alive pretending to be concerned about women being used as victims? #nomoremtgwomeninrefridgerators
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I was greatly upset with what happened to Avacyn but I told myself at least if the Sisters survive I can be happy. I wish they'd died.

Wow it hurts to like angels in this game.
Dude, even Jace fucking Beleren needed help to not get mindraped by Emrakul.
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It's OK, baby steps.

Start by meeting your new waifu. She has a beautiful world of soft and pleasant things to show you, far from the harshness that you think is reality.
Waifufags please remove yourself from life
I told you when avacyn died
You didn't belived
But if avacyn died, no waifu was safe. rest sweet princesess, we will never forget our powerpuff girls
butthurt waifufags are the only good thing that has come of this new set thus far
So I dont fucking get it. Emrakul pops up to Innistrad and INSTANTLY these two just melt together? What? How? Why? Just because Avacyn was bonkers at that one point?

I wish they made a fucking story that actually explains what happened before they just spontaniously melted.
They're running out of mono-white waifus to kill, the two-color white waifus are next.
The way they wrote the story makes it obvious that when the Jacetice league comes back, Tamiyo is either already corrupted or dead.
They did it on purpose.
>Wow it hurts to like angels in this game
To like anything "good" you mean. It's cheap drama to fuck over powerful agents of good, and Wizards keeps going back to that tired strategy.

If WotC was a DM I'd have left the table a decade ago.
Nahiri builds the cryptoliths to draw Emrakul closer.
Avacyn gets affected by creepy Emrakul vibes and she passes those on to other angels, including Bruna and Gisela.
Avacyn gets crushed while Bruna and Gisela fall deeper into madness and mutation.
By the time Emrakul arrives, they've mutated so massively that they have fused together into an awful, Emrakul-looking thing and have lost any trace of their former self.
Where's Sigarda?
It's not when Angels are literally lower than dirt when compared to Emrakul, even more retarded are the ones who wanted a fight when even fucking Jace needs help to not get mindraped by Emrakul.
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MFW I have a Gisela & a Bruna EDH that I've gotten bored of
based green angel will save us.

Unless she fused with a flock a herons.
That would actually be hilarious, I sorta want to see it.
>horrible things happening to angels for *reasons* isn't cheap drama
The reasons don't change the fact that it's free dramatic tension to show horrible mutations and mind control happening to the one-time stalwart guardians of order and good. And that they've done so to the same characters in two different ways during the same fucking block, without any evidence of a struggle.
So did someone in WotC offices get forced to come to church as a child or something? I'm noticing a bit of spite towards angels, specifically, and White Mana in general.

At least ol' Gideon is in tact.
I get the impression this melding together has been happening for some time. Last we saw them, they were finishing each others sentences and making creepy Join Us comments, and since then they've been completely out of the picture for some time.

They're beings of pure mana who've been clinging to each other through some vague idea of sisterhood that was the only remnant of their sanity they had left. I think they've probably been a mindless mutant blob of agonized limbs for days/weeks now, and Emrakul arriving and assuming direct control suddenly gave them purpose.
Wait, for real? I can't bring myself to read it. Where and how?

Is that the latest story? Or do you mean the sorta hivemind thing they both ended up with?
Well, the creative team has a writer that seems devoted to including his mindrape/identity-death fetish in whatever he writes. That could be having an impact.
When Jace goes to grab the team and asks Tamiyo if she'll still be here when he comes back, she makes an intentionally vague comment about how everybody will be right where they need to be.

She does seem committed to saving Innistrad, so her reluctance to just say "yeah dude let's meet back up" to her only ally is kind of concerning. Seems like she may be taking a dangerous route that she does not want Jace to follow, which hopefully does not include self-sacrifice.
I think Avacyn got the better end of the deal.
Her only hope is being so fucking based that she defies the literary trope of "Gon on without me" equalling "I'm going to die"


>Tamiyo looked into Jace's face
>"You actually killed two of them, you absolute madman"
Can she just tell when a telepath who has like half of his mind fucked up is lying or not?
>WotC doesn't tell its resident "that guy" to fuck off
>instead they department-shuffle him around and he ends up in creative where EVERYONE has weird ideas
Suddenly it makes sense.
She just chose to believe.
Why wasn't sigarda effected
She also cleansed Jace's mind of Emrakul's influence just by looking at him in a mothering way.

I think Tamiyo is actually an incredibly strong planeswalker. I hope her story doesn't end here.
>Last we saw them, they were finishing each others sentences and making creepy Join Us comments
When was that? I haven't been keeping up as much with the lore
Greeeeen is best.
who says she wasnt
Thalia lives yet
When they went to confront Sigarda. Way back near the start of Shadows.
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>new Emrakul takes control of target opponent on their next turn
>Sigarda gives you hexproof
Sigarda confirmed for saving the day, bro.

I really hope this ends up as a RUW legendary creature.
I want it to be a litteral combination of both Bruna and Gisela, mechanically speaking.
Just look out for any articles written by Ken Troop in the future. He's a good writer but mind-rape really has become an obvious theme in anything he writes.
>She loses hexproof to give you hexproof

Sigarda confirmed for saccing herself to save you
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>She died so the superfriends can eanter the spotlight and save Innistrad
Yeah, nah.
It's made clear that she's always had a more independent mind compared to her two sisters, who have pretty much just fallen in line with Avacyn since she's appeared.

Bruna and Gisela probably felt themselves slipping, but weren't as worried when the saw Avacyn was starting to act the same way. Sigarda was immediately put off and thought something was fucked up about Avacyn when she started acting nutso, rather than just accepting it.

Sigarda is probably on the edge of madness by this point, though.
Were cards spoiled or was a new story put out?

I've been out of the loop for a few weeks.
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Sigarda will fly into Emmy's eye and blow it up
Sorin made avacyn, but how did the other angels happen
Confirmed BRW
They were created by the all mighty planeswalker known as Wotc.
Sigarda has always had a mechanical theme centered around for lack of a better word "purity", in the sense of protecting against corrupting influences rather than the result of a purge. It's her shtick.
Well, that was really stupid and incredibly disappointing. Thanks anyway.
>"Emrakul, whats the next step of your master plan?"
>"Crashing this plane...with no survivors!"

>Spooky equals B

Man, even WOTC dosen't understand the colorwherl.
Sigarda is green
green is life
Emrakul twists life
Sigarda protects life
Emrakul is the opposite of Sigarda

Sigarda VS Emrakul when?
Nobody. They're like demons. Just extreme concentrations of mana that gain sentience.
When the Gatewatch stops being printed.

If they wanted to do this story correctly, it would be Sigarda + The Order of Saint Traft vs. Emrakul, not the fucking superfriends.
Sigarda will probably fight Double Waifu, not Emrakul directly.
Never because the modern MtG branding focuses on placing planeswalkers on the center spot.

If you expect anything but Jacetice League vs Emrakul, you are retarded.
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>Emrakul twists life
explain this
enrakul and kozilek had their powersets swapped between rise and bfz. actual retcon.
Silly anon. If people were capable of dealing with their own shit we wouldn't have a reason to show off the badass Superfriends.

Silly anon.

What, you expected a genuine explanation?
I'm in agreement, I'm just salty about it. Especially since the worst planeswalkers are the ones composing the Gatewatch.
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>implying Chandra isn't the best
Chandra's literally the worst. She's Jaya Ballard's humorous obsession with fire, removing the humor and adding a psychotic 'muh freedom' aspect that doesn't really work because the people on her home plane that were going to execute her were 100% in the right.
When did this happen?
I want Nissa to show saved Zendikar to Nahiri, for her to realize dooming a plane just because Sorin basically doomed hers isn't right, and for everyone to work together to seal Emrakul in Innistrad's moon like a gigantic Helvault. Emrakul's presence will still pollute Innistrad somewhat, and she will still be worshiped by cultists. Sorin and Nahiri remain bitter enemies, but their conflict is put to a halt as both decide to rebuild their planes.

What I expect to happen is Sorin to kill Nahiri in a poorly described anime battle, then the Gatewatch easily kills Emrakul with the power of friendship again, except also Liliana is there this time. Tamiyo dies because Jace is the blue one and branding doesn't want to confuse consumers. It is treated as a victory in which Innistrad has been saved despite nearly the entire plane dying and everybody just fucks off to Kaladesh for Contrived Plot Reason.
i think the fatpack guide or something? there were descriptions of emrakul having grvity distorting powers in rise, but those were all attributed to kozilek in bfz/ogw
Just wanted to throw it out there that adding the word "anime" as a descriptor to a fight doesn't make any sense because anime is more of a medium than a genre. "Shonen" would have been more descriptive and made more sense in this context.
There are no hedrons on Inistrad though. Jaceleague can't do it this time.
Everyone is yelling and bitching about Innistrad being ruined and I'm just like yeah I love this Bloodborne clone plane
Screencap this mad prophet
i agree with everything you said and it makes me sad.

except kaladesh, I inagine whatever the ending some kind of fallout drives chandra to go back home (maybe seeing sorin and nahiri protecting/rebuilding their homes? please wotc?) which is why kaladesh. There's no strong reason for her to drag the rest of the gatewatch after her, unless it's a second set thing like jace did in today's story.
At least I can fap to the idea for Brungarda tentacle-fucking Sigarda.
but there are all these weird cryptoliths that are clearly driving innistrad's leylines.
Instead of Nissa channeling her love for Ashaya through the hedrons, Sorin will channel his love for Avacyn through the cryptoliths. And instead of Chandra killing the most powerful beings in the entire multiverse with some fire, this time Liliana will kill the most powerful being in the entire multiverse with some black necro-fire.
Moving innistrad's mana. There's been no reference to leylines on innistrad
make them lose and have to retreat from Innistrad and then they have to go back in a few sets after Emrakul starts leaking all over other planes. And when they go back it's just a clusterfuck tentacle hellscape
Kill yourself.
do you know what leylines are?
>sorin and nahiri set aside their differences
>nahiri is taken to zendikar and shown that its fucked up its still there
>sorin cant into metal magic but he can use silver
>he drags the moon down
>nahiri makes a giant helvault out of the moon
>sorin puts Emeril Lagasse in there
And thats when the Fire nation attacked.

It does work as a term.
All anime even outside of shounen have the same kind of fighting, unsurprising considering hiw incestuous anime really is.
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You first.
Fuck you Wizards.

Why do you hate White so much?

Can you kill other Waifu too?

No you had to fuck White Waifu and make that cold bitch of a Jew that is Liliana the new Heroine of EM.

Fuck you Wizards.
I think we can go ahead and settle on Innistrad definitely coming out the other side of this still being the Spooky Plane. It is one of if not the most popular plane in the game. WotC isn't going to make it unrecognizable.

That said, I really do hope they seal Emrakul away instead of killing her. Her lovecraftian essence still being present on the plane would fit snugly into Innistrad's existing flavor, while providing a permanent consequence to this block.

But fuck, the way they dispatched Kozilek and Ulamog made me lose all hope in the creative department. Emrakul's plot line being closed off seems much more convenient and would once again show the power of the Gatewatch coming together, so I can't imagine the writers not going with it.
the one reason they said the gatewatch brfo the eldrazi was because they didn't want to form a team just to have them lose their first match, if liliana hooks up with the gatewatch even more reason for emrakul not to survive this fight
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no anon

there is another

The Gatewatch will be utterly PWNED on Innistrad, Liliana will defeat Shittykul just by herself by become Innistrad new Goddess. And then she will laugh at Jace like the poor beafag he is.

Implying that she is not Liliana new Zombie Realdoll.
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>play b/w
>have massive boner for mono white humans atm
>this is the best thing I've read in a week
>Sigarda gives you hexproof
>Newmakrul lets you take control of target opponents next turn
>yfw Sigarda protects you from Eldrazi corruption
if that's even remotely accurate, we need to remove MaRo
>Sorin will channel his love for Avacyn
I don't understand where people get this notion from, I don't know why WoTC wanted Sorin to suddenly care about his realdoll with wings
>waifuing anyone but Emrakul
you fucked up, bad
my waifu is Odric.

As a mono white character, I'm quite worried they'll ruin him for cheap drama.
Yep, this is what I'm afraid of. Someone in marketing will think it'll make Liliana a less popular character if the team didn't destroy the evil eldrazi after her introduction, especially after they just fairly easily killed TWO of them without her.

I feel like Era Jul and Nahiri are just mandated to die because it's the most convenient and safe resolution for the plot moving forward.
I like how my phone auto corrected Emrakul, but Nahiri is fine apparently.
I posit the following:
>Emrakul communicated with Jace in this story
>if Emrakul can communicate, it can form relationships
>if Emrakul can form relationships, she can be my gf

Back off fuckers, I saw her first.
>>Emrakul communicated with Jace in this story
>>if Emrakul can communicate, it can form relationships
>Jace now has a cute Emrakulified Jace grill in his head.
>She weirds out every other Jacegirl already in there.
You know what would be great?

We know that, after Kaladesh, we are going back to Ravnica AGAIN for War of the Guilds.

What if the Guildwar is happening not because Jace, as the living guildpact, left the plane?

What if the reason is that Jace, the Living guildpact, dies on Innistrad?

Tamiyo takes over as monoblue walker in his place.
So did I miss an explanation as to how Tamiyo is able to go about her business on Innistrad without fear of Emrakul mindrape, or has that just gone unexplained?
Jace is WotC's Mikey Mouse, anon. He's gotta stick around to star in all the movies that MaRo is convinced are right around the corner.
old sigarda saved you from annihilator too. Sigarda confirmed for Anti eldrazi hero
>Jace dying or being sidelined in any way
Absolutely zero chance of happening.

Although it would cool.
yeah, then we kill Gideon and then make Thalia the new white walker and then the main character group can all be female and sjws win
There have been some not so subtle hints that Tamiyo is an immensely powerful Blue wizard.
Wasn't a movie confirmed years ago? What happened?
Thank you Sigarda

So far unexplained, but its probably because she used to be an Oldwalker.

Oldwalkers, even post mending, have frequently been shown to still be on a higher level than neowalker shits.

Bobby Nix kicked the ass of the Gatewatch by himself, only being forced to retreat when 4 neowalkers started concentrating their attacks on him and giving him no chance to recover or perform offense. He still survived that fight, he just was forced to planeswalk away.

Nahiri, for someone who just summoned Emrakul, seems pretty damn sane. No more unhinged than she had to have been to come up with this plan in the first place.

I doubt Sorin will be much affected by Emrakul either.
Me too bud, Im just fucking loving whats going on in this set.

I'm hype for the destruction of innistrad.

> Not wanting the multiverse to be protected by a team of color-coordinated magical girls

Is there something medically wrong with you?
Multiple producers decided the idea just wouldn't work because Magic didn't have a recognizable brand character. Eventually the creative team backed off the idea and went back to the drawing board for Magic's story, to "do it the right way".

Hence, the Gatewatch.
Don't forget Nahiri killing Sorin's family all by herself. Bitch doesn't mess around.
Thank god

I think?
>wanting the jacetice league in any way, shape, or form
Did you read the last lines? They're going to defeat the evil with the power of friendship. Do you really expect any creativity out of these idiots anymore?
Depends on if you like the Gatewatch or not.
They could have done a movie about the weatherlight. I mean, if they'd kept dominaria relevant. Because then you could push it as a "this is why everything got fucked up" story.
Dunno, they defeated the other two by burning them to death.
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This is our new g/b planeswalker

He hunts things and doesn't afraid of anything and that's his plot
I could buy that if WotC's favourite planeswalker hadn't lost his shit.

That's a halfway plausible explanation. I'll take it.
a planeswalker that doesn't show his face would be too cool for Wizards.

anyways, we all know, that now that Emrakul is loose.. Tonight.. Geherman joins the hunt.

Yeah, go ahead and destroy one of the most popular planes ever made, I'm sure that will go over well.
in a previous Uncharted Realms, Thalia fused with Giest of Saint Traft.

I imagine she'll be leading the charge in some weird Super Saiyan Ghost-Angel Soldier.

also the White Black Power-puff girl mentioned by Sigarda will somehow come back.
>not B/W
Link? Also Thalia wearing an angel ghost like an Synthesist sounds... well, kind of awesome.
>shows up and random times throughout random planes unannounced and murders a random giant monster of importance
>"Who the fuck is that guy"
>eventually gets a new PW card where he's a slug
hunting in magic means you're green silly
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>as she completes the Ghost Fusion


its always darkest before dawn, Thalia find the power deep inside to do the impossible.
But you could argue that hunters use black methods like drinking blood or even using alien magics to achieve white ends
When was the white black angel mentioned?
in the Odric and Thalia Uncharted realms.

Thalia's hair literally turns bright Gold as the fusion takes place.

>you believe in me, right, /tg/?

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>eventually gets a new PW card where he's a slug
>not a one where he's a slug in a baby carriage being pushed around by a weird girl
the hunter PW isn't a fucking arcane faggot

Our ruthless ass hunter PW is G/B because those are the colors you use when hunting whilst being ruthless
Sigarda and Avacyn Uncharted realms, it states that Avacyn "got rid of" the Black/White Sister.
>Emrakul, face the wrath of my Stand: [SAINT TRAFT]
wrong theme

>everyone getting their ass kicked by Emrakul
>Thalia shows up


They said that she made a deal with a demon and had to be put down to safeguard humanity.
`we need Thalia with Traft AND the angel he summons ORAORA'ing.
either Nahiri has a change of heart or tamio does moon magic but the cryptoliths are reversed and such power from emrakul goes to sorin who uses it to create avacyn 2.0 white waifu harder.
doubtful, Nahiri didn't like the concept of Avacyn even before she got mad.
So Emrakul is on the plane.

I'm guessing it's Humans/Sane Angels/Sane Spirits vs Vampires vs Werewolves vs Necromancers/Zombies vs Mad Scientists/more Zombies vs Demon Cultists/Demons vs Insane Angels vs Insane Cultists vs Emrakul's Brood/Emrakul

Can we just admit humanity is going to finally get purged from this shithole and move on?
>implying he won't just upgrade Sigarda/Thalia after selflessly dying protecting the plane
>Phone autocorrects Emrakul
Fine, that's a made up word.
>Renders it as "Era Jul"
>Avacyn survived the Mending just fine
>Things oldwalkers did with their phenomenal cosmic powers clearly weren't affected by the Mending
>Every oldwalker still has their layers of permanent buff spells active
>implying Thalia won't become corrupted by evil because absolutely no one good/of importance outside of planeswalkers can stay alive without becoming EVIL/CORRUPTED/EDGY
>implying we won't get Thaliawgmoth because after I'MRAKUL anything resembling sense went out the fucking door
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>simplying sigarda isn't going to get absorbed into Brunagisela
Reminds me of those twins from Claymore that fused into one stupid powerful awakened one.
>Implying her name isn't Brusela
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I like it.
>implying thalia won't be come a planeswalker
"you only lost for one reason, Emrakul"

"You pissed me off" Thalia.


They are still mind linked, or tamiyo left herself a quick way in when they broke the link


"Previously, on Cathar's Bizarre Adventures"
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>Think of Tamiyo as a sweet young girl.

>in reality she's actually a Milfy Oba-San, ready to Ara-Ara Jace's little boy cock.

>tfw Lili is the new BW sister
tamiyo's an autist who'd rather fucking weigh moon rocks than fuck
Jace's mental defence was already fucked up by being on the same plane as Emrakul. Any telepath could just wander in and out.

Tamiyo is doing better because she has several hundred years experience (at least), rather than an over confident twenty year old who's missing half his memories.
>Nahiri having a change of heart

Maybe when the gatewatch tell her that they saved her plane with ugin.

Won't stop Sorin from decapitating her tho.
got a source on that war of the guilds?
>Won't stop Sorin from decapitating her tho.
Oh please. That's not how Sorin does revenge. And Sorin noped the fuck out of Innistrad the very moment Emmy appeared.

Ten bucks say he planeswalked to Zendikar, which he will fuck up so hard we'll have a reprint of Obliterate. When Nahiri learns that she fucked up big time by abandonning her plane, she'll come back home. Except there won't be any home anymore, just her smashed hopes and Sorin. THEN he will decapitate her.
Sorin can't do mass removal or destruction of non-creatures.

he's a fighter, a drainer, Nahiri is the one who can make the world shake.
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It's not like exceptions haven't been made for this kind of thing before. Mass removal is usually in white or black so he wouldn't even need to break his pie to do it.
its just outside of the shit he can do, he isn't some wizard who learned how.

he specifically uses Life and Death magics, and has never done anything on a big scale.
>who is Vronos

I'm actually so sad they offed Vronos before he got a card

whomp whomp
>The power of friendship allows the gatewatch to be tentacled as a distraction while Liliana throws a billion exploding zombies at Emrakul
Avacyn was pretty sad about it too.
Avacyn is a slut.
Fuck you.
He's right, you know.
She probably fucked everyone to "please" humans. What a fucking whore.
>Guild Wars was based on Magic
>Magic prints Guild War set
It's like pottery.
Nissa looks mildly annoyed.
Gideon is overjoyed to fight eldrazi again.
Give that nigga a bit, he's going to wind killed by Nixilus after being forced to abandon a plane to die or something.

Every White using protagonist is going to get fucked in neo MtG. Thalia ain't safe either.
>Guild Wars was based on Magic
Really? Care to explain?
>We know that, after Kaladesh, we are going back to Ravnica AGAIN for War of the Guilds.

This is what Magic is now, isn't it? Endless retreading of the same fucking planes and every time we do see a new plane, it's completely shat up with the same fuckign characters yet again.

Are you ready for Mending on Infinite worlds in a few years and after that, Infinite Mending? After that New 22, where only 22 planes survive the crash of the multiverse? And then we get Magic: Rebirth.
Throw in Planeswalker War I and II in there and mix it up with Plane War Garruk and we are golden.
Ravnica 3 would break magic if it happened after Kaladesh, it would literally break any confidence the players had that Wizards knows what the fuck to do.
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Since she was recruited by Nahiri, should we prepare for the worst?
I mean, was she ever really sane to begin with?
Your waifu is gargling tentacles now because she listened to the kor whore. Get in line with everyone else mourning something they liked about this plane getting raped to death.
The cultists are emrakuls brood.
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>i think the fatpack guide or something? there were descriptions of emrakul having grvity distorting powers in rise, but those were all attributed to kozilek in bfz/ogw
Whats the point of retconning it in the first place, it's not like every bbeg needs to be corruptive assholes
>Sorin will sacrifice himself to restore Innistrad
>Lili will be the new B Walker of the Jacetice League
>Jace will sacrifice himself to defeat Emrakul
>Tami to will be the new U Walker of the Jacetice League
>Giddy will get offed next block
Finally, WotC is brave enough for an all female cast.

I'm honestly hoping that her insanity saves her from Emrakul in the sense that she never actually drank the koolaid.

>Gisa: wtf is this shit? I can't raise this crap
>Others: Be one of us'rakul
>G: What the fuck did you just say? That wasn't even a word.
>O: I'mrakul thinks you should be happy
>G: Leave my corpses alone! I can't believe in thought you were my friends! C'mon dad. We're going to save mom from that idiot brother of mine and *walks off ranting*
>O: Um... What'rakul?
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>thinking Jace "I'm the face of this planeswalker showcase" Belern will die
Barrin was a blue mage, yet did obliterate as linked.
It was explained in an interview a while back.

In GW1, they took the concept of deck-building and applied it to the way skills work. So instead of gaining 50 skills from your class, of which your build uses maybe 10 on a specific rotation (like WoW), you can learn all skills in the game, but only equip 8 at a time.

Since you can have two classes at once, but only ever change skills while in town (outside of combat), making a character build is like making a deck - for example, people who only focused on one main class anyway would take the Monk class as secondary in order to "splash" a reusable ressurection skill. In PvP, there would be a meta of a specific team composition, and people would use specific skills in their builds in order to deal with the meta.

There are also five gods (at least to begin with), which correspond to the five colors of magic (Dwayna, Lyssa, Grenth, Balthazar and Melandru = White, Blue, Black, Red and Green). Heck, even the core spellcasting classes were oriented towards Magic's colors (Monk, Mesmer, Necromancer, Elementalist and Ranger).
She's had better tentacle sex than this.
If it gets rid of Jace, I am ready and willing.
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>yfw they do this and immediately proceed to ramp up the romance storylines
You know, because female players like romance. It'll work perfectly. C'mon Wizards. Do it.
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>mahou shoujo gatewatch
>and has never done anything on a big scale
He apparently armored an entire plane, and Avacyn wasn't all of it since Nahiri described her death as the last defense being destroyed.
Well, I guess they did say they were taking inspiration from Marvel.
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lorwyn-tier set never

stop emailing me about kamigawa nerds
masques-tier set never ever ever
We're used to it, angels are the second creature type most often exposed to violence in card art, after goblins.
Not that anon, but a guy can dream, right? Jace is a shit character and it would be incredibly satisfying to see him die off.
Nahiri must die in the most goreporn way possible.
The art for Emrakul shows a large mass of people who are uncorrupted fighting the corrupted.
>he doesn't like to play with moon rocks
lol what a faggot
Thank you Sigarda.
>she makes an intentionally vague comment about how everybody will be right where they need to be.
>Seems like she may be taking a dangerous route that she does not want Jace to follow
She's gone to get Bolas who'll eat Emrakul and finally reclaim his pre-mending level, flip the finger to everyone in the plane while he boasts about how everyone was manipulated with minimum effort, then walks to Kamigawa to snack on Umezawas.

Tamiyo helped him out because the youngest Umezawa kid always stole her lunch on the way to the academy.
I'm sure Humans get fucked up more than Angels.
>Could have been Elspeth, Tamiyo, Sorin, Koth and Garruk
>Instead is Gideon, Jace, Nissa, Chandra and most likely Liliana.

Nahiri must die, her surviving and anyone supposedly good allying with her in the future would be condoning genocide.
She is evil and needs to be punished,
just jace my shit up

the top team is too good to ever be allowed

Oh god, it does
I don't get why anyone would prefer Koth to Chandra, other than his card being better.
>This is what Magic is now, isn't it? Endless retreading of the same fucking planes and every time we do see a new plane, it's completely shat up with the same fuckign characters yet again.

Somebody is too new to remember the weatherlight saga. Dominaria was revisited every other set and Rath was revisited after just one block. Even after the weatherlight saga, the game didn't start tripping planes until Karn decided to leave Dominaria after the events of Scourge.
Well, let's see.
>one of them was a complete moron that helped let all the Eldrazi out on Zendikar
>the other is called "The Hammer"

geomancy is more interesting than pyromancy

I'll take koth over a shitty jaya ballard
Man, they really fucked up with the writing in those. They had to recon like every characterization of those planeswalkers in that block.

I'll admit, Geomancy is cooler, but generic angry black warrior isn't as fun to me as even a off brand Jaya.

I'll admit, when Chandra is just being Jaya, that is Chandra at her best.
>generic angry black warrior
Generic snarky white girl isn't exactly any better. Arguably worse, since it's fucking everywhere these days.
I guess it might be boners affecting judgement.

I hated Chandra originally, but everything since Origins has made her seem appealing rather than annoying.
This is not Bloodborne at all, Koz is a Lovecraftian entity and none of the ending are good ending. Emrakul is just a Galactus rip-off that turns people into tentacle Daleks.

EMN would have to be Sorin/Liliana against a horde of maddened creatures and a selection of legendary thraben saints and large eldrazi to finally fight Avacyn where the Hellvault once stood, destroying her to force Emrakul fully into the plane for the last battle which we don't get to see the conclusion of.

That woud have been a good shout-out to Bloodborne and epic Cosmic Horro in general. Instead we got chalky cunt and the jacetice league.
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this is seriously fucking great art
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Truly our last hope
>Kamigawa's not popular at all guys, it polled poorly
>When a poll is taken is literally the second most requested return to plane after Dominaria.

Just give the people what they want already guys. Animu and weeaboo crap is way more popular now than it was it 2003.

A thought came to mind when the obvious became obvious. What if Avacyn's rampant killings weren't entirely because she was bat shit insane? What if she was subconsciously still following her order to protect humans and found that only death could save them from what was coming?
You know, it occurs to me that all of the Oaths (even Chandra's halfhearted "sure, whatever, I guess") refer to the ethos of the planeswalker's color...

Except Jace's, which is a sweeping, super-generic "save the world" bit.

Fucking main character syndrome.
>Emrakul killed by Chandra supercharging Lily's zombies to explode
Multiverse is blue, I guess. They are about that which lies beyond.
At least Jace has some interesting qualities, he's somewhat shady, creates illusions and shit, Lili is all fucked up in her past present and future, chandra is retarded, nissa is a fucking hippie
imo the super generic dude is gideon, who doesnt even have a personality
Chandra is the rebel tennager, jace is the emo teenager, and gideon is...? right, that dude from theros that uses white mana... and... serves the good and um... oh well

just because jace is overused and is a whiny faggot, doesnt mean he is THAT bad

Ajani should kill Gideon and wear his hair as a wig showing ultimate leonin supremacy
The hunter does too many goody two shoes things in a 100% run to not be WBG.
I always remember Gideon as that guy who punched Ulamog.
Can I cry for my pure white waifu, too?
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It's true.
by the time gideon showed up back in the day he was alright, but now cmon...
same with nissa desu
they are SJW at its best, or worse
Gideon's the friendly jock.
>Have no idea why Nahiri's working for the Eldrazi
>Check out the mtgsalvation wiki
>Apparently Sorin imprisoned her in the Helvault and then forgot about her when the Eldrazi were woken up by Nissa and friends
>Now she's pissed because Sorin didn't call her and no one told her Ugin died (or not? Thanks Sarkhan)
Should I trust the wiki? This seems pretty stupid even by modern WotC's standards.
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Do you think the Demons are gonna be the goods guys somehow?

Like, Innistrad has a literal Hell and kaiju sized demons can come out of it. Do you think they're gonna square off with the Eldrazi for who gets to corrupt the plane?

Will the W/B Angel appear?
because that's too intelligent for wotc
More or less. She was pissed because he didn't respond to her call (Ugin was either dead or in stasis, so it doesn't matter which timeline), he refused to admit wrong or help for no adequately explained reason other than that she was being a bitch (she was), they got in a fight, he started losing and locked her up because he'd be damned if he was going to end the fight by admitting she had a point, then he didn't or couldn't get her out the next time shit went down and failed to fix it on his own, and now she blames him for that.
>not living long enough to join to take on the glorious form of the eldrazi
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>tfw started magic just when blocks went from 3 sets to 2
>Liked the cosmic horror aspect of the eldrazi
>they just die when burned

>We will only have build-up + ending, no suspense
dont forget the part where she straight up fucks with everything by luring emrakul to innistrad, right after impaling every vampire in the markov mannor

I really hope Sorin rapes her, and then proceeds to kill her (optional)
Withengar is a 13/13 just like New'mrakul, and she lacks indestructibility, so they can tear each other to death.
I don't think she'd even care to be honest. Her sole goal was to fuck his shit up regardless of the consequences.
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>Glorious forms
Not even close to perfection.
And Withengar can get bigger somehow. I'm not sure what clarifies "Player loses in the game" in flavor terms, but it would be something to see. Maybe when Sorin kills Nahiri.
Would the Eldrazi stand a chance if they invaded Kamigawa?
can eldrazi eat spirits?
A corpse.
Depends on how powerful Kyodai has become in the past 1000 years. If she has become as powerful as her progenitor O-Kagachi was, the Eldrazi would be chased out in short order.
They died because they were given physical form through Nissa using almost all of the available mana of a planet.
They aren't normally physical beings, and what you actually see on the plane is the equivalent of a hand in a cookie jar. Nissa went beyond their hand to extend to their whole body and Chandra burned it all up because they have terrible writers who aren't satisfied with just getting rid of a hand.
Phyrexia is restricted in their means of reshaping flesh and matter, the Eldrazi have no such restriction.
And once they get together and Norn and Emrakul make glorious sapphic tentacle love, we'll see true perfection.
The Eldrazi are little more than animals.
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ayy lmao
The Eldrazi are alien beings who are older than worlds, according to Ugin.
>"Do not assume," said Ugin, "that you know anything of the minds of the Eldrazi. Ulamog goes where he does and does what he must."
that's all that our poor unenlightened minds can understand of them.
and the Father of Machines was a babbling like an elderly dementia patient, and phyrexia conquered a world listening to him.
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He cast Damnation in the teeth of akoum. Vindicate too.
He can kill Zendikar is so he wishes and Nahiri+Nissa desserve it.
That sounds a lot like an animal.

Blind idiot gods may be gods, but they're also blind idiots.
>Reverse plans vs zombies.
Ugin is a fat fucking retard who gets punked by Bolas at every turn.
They're more like machines, from the perspective of mortals. Whatever "will" you think they have, they don't. There is a pattern to their behavior, but there is nothing conscious about them.
The closest thing we have ever gotten is in the latest short story, when Jace brushes Emrakul's mind, and learns that it does enjoy what it is doing.
>gets punked by Bolas
that describes basically every planeswalker, old and new.

This is a guy who, as a new walker, has an entire plane just for thinking about stuff.
>every planeswalker, old and new

Urza would make Bolas his bitch.
Bolas and Urza interacted. Urza died, Bolas survived.
>urzafags actually this delusional
Urza's personal power was never demonstrated to be all that extreme, really. Non-walkers managed to tussle with him and even overwhelm him now and then.
Bolas at the height of his power would probably thrash him.
Nigga what. Bolas was so outrageously powerful he couldn't exist for too long in any given place without accidently draining it of all mana and it imploding. Urza was a powerful oldwalker, but Bolas was the most powerful oldwalker.
The most powerful oldwalker who got his ass handed to him by his own employee.
Nigga, Innistrad is supposedly MaRo's favorite plane and they're fucking it up like this, I don't want to know what that neurotic, vengeful egomaniac would do if he was forced to retread Kamigawa.
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gerrard and gerrard salt and pepper edition are basically the only perfect beings in magic
he wasn't an oldwalker when he suffered that defeat.
And he got out of it fine.
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I don't know, I'd say Urza's power has been well demonstrated.
Do ya think the black and white angel will be back?
Serra's realm was collapsing all its own since Serra wasn't around and it was never designed to contain black mana. And Phyrexia was invading.
All Urza did there was channel the collapse into one immense powerstone for the Weatherlight.
you'll note they never fought

also worth mentioning bolas never even tried to fight phyrexia

Oldwalker powerlevels are nonexistent. That's why the "main" cast were just regular creatures.
Bolas was dead during the interim of the invasion. There'd be no reason for him to ever interact with Phyrexia.
>Withengar was trapped by Saint Traft
>Saint Traft is now protecting Thalia
>Thalia breaks the binding blade
>Withengar sees Emrakul eating it's plane and fights it in a fit of jealousy
>This gives the jacetice faggots time to fuck Emrakul up with a Scooby-Doo tier trap and the power of friendship.
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>Includes Bruna
> Not blue
>wasted sweet tits
>wasted dem legs
A sad day indeed.
>for no adequately explained reason
He had recently created Avacyn and was at the weakest state he has ever been.
Tetsuo fucked Bolas up during the height of his power. Legends was quite a biy before the mending occurred.
Wizards are faggots, but there really aren't that many Mardu legendary creatures, so I can let this one slide.
oh right, bolas was killed by some random nip faggot, just like urza was killed by some random goatee faggot
So why did Avacyn have to become so blatantly evil?

Like if she was purity to the point of ridiculousness it would have been one thing, but making it so she was completely and utterly obsessed with killing her former worshippers to the point of basically getting off on it is another.

>there will never be Thalia lewd like this
>Tetsuo fucked Bolas up during the height of his power
I'm guessing you didn't actually read that story.
Bolas was tricked into a place where he had no mana at all. He fought Tetsuo as an Elder Dragon, not as a Planeswalker.
Tetsuo would've been destroyed with a gesture if he didn't manage that.
You should combine the decks.
>Tetsuo would have lost if he didn't win

I dunno, Bolas wasn't willing to fight Ugin by himself.

He and Ugin were long-time rivals but Bolas didn't try to take Ugin out until he had agents on Tarkir to back him up, and before outside parties got involved they were quite evenly matched. If Bolas hadn't planned ahead, Ugin might have killed him outright when he basically cast Dragonstorm.
That's a silly strawman.
>Tetsuo would have lost if the plot didn't let him get into the exact circumstance where victory even existed as a possibility
it's almost like trying to compare oldwalker powerlevels is retarded
But that's just evidence that Bolas isn't the smartest being in the multiverse like a lot of people think.
>there will never be Thalia lewd like this
Come on now, you know as well as I do that there's already plenty of Thalia lewd.
>watch the people you work for ruin the Weatherlight series you held so dear
>relive the trauma every time you make a new plane because you know the mouth breathers you work with will fuck it all up
>every time a place gets fucked, everyone blames you over the internet
I feel pretty bad for MaRo
Urza's power was within his retardedly vast ammount of overthinking, he had an oldwalker's power but what put him out of peril were his contingencies and correct portent of people's actions. He quickly crumbled when he faced something he hadn't planned for.

Bolas, if his plans go sour, is still a massive dragon that needs do notthing but walk out of the grixis leyline intersection of a plane to start causing cataclysm by his mere presence.
you'll note I didn't use the term fought. But the impression I got was that Urza wasn't confident he could 'make Bolas his bitch'.

wasn't legends also before Bolas became a planeswalker?
>gf emrakul
>live in her, final she trusts you
>coaxes you towards find her human-sized love-hole
>make love to her, as entire planes are destroyed by her moans
That you don't risk defeat doesn't mean you're not powerful.
It actually means you're MORE powerful because you're beyond your own ego. Which means you're more likely to achieve your goals.
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>is still a massive dragon
lmao dragons thinking they're hot shit

I'm more scared of Tim
I mean stories, not art.
>Chandra is Mugi

Exactly. Tetsuo had destroyed his anchor to Madara and Bolas, uncharacteristically like a dumbass, followed him into his meditation plane where he could use his anime spirit sword on him. So yeah, Bolas could have killed him easily, but got out done so bad by his own champion that he spent his time after that hunting down the bitch who brought grandpappy Toshi to Madara in the first place.
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>Implying Wizards can't just turn Jace into a girl.
But what about Traft's angel stando?
Are you going to post the finished version in the drawthread or something?
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>those "proportions"

Heck, one of his imaginary mind-fragment buddies turned into a girl in imitation of Tamiyo while he was going nutso, and the the one that acted like Liliana was just a matter of time.
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You're right, she's a little THICC for a 2/1 there. Is this a more accurate representation of Thalia one turn after Newmrakul hits the board?
>that censorship

I laughed.

Why would you sexualize Thalia rather than have cute fanart for her instead
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Well, judging by the art on Pixiv, Nahiri and Lilianna are for cute fanart, and Thalia is for sex.
I am so desperate for MTG fanart, how do you navigate that site?
What does that say?
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Make an account, search "MTG" in the search box, then follow tags for each image if you're looking for a particular character or image.

Searching up a character on the Gatherer and then using their Japanese name sometimes works too.
You'll need to make an account to browse, but after that you just need to know the proper keyword to search on. Lucky for you, the magic stuff is under the keyword "mtg".

I have to warn you, there's a lot of crap. Lots of card alters, custom cards, a a bizarrely large number of touhou/MTG crossover pics, and a shitload of scaled wurm fanart (which is apparently Japan's favorite creature).
Thanks. Scaled Wurm is pretty great.

Wait, Scaled Wurm? Scaled Wurm wasn't even printed in Japan before Conspiracy. I pulled a foil one from that.
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>scaled wurm
Interesting, I don't remember seeing those last time I visited, a few months ago.

I did see some Armada Wurm though
This is the best I could do.
I don't have the skill/materials to colour/finish this pic. Sorry.
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Haha, Palisade Giant doesn't even look like that.

Also, also, this is already my favorite thing. I found an adorable Arc-slogger! Who even remembers Arc-slogger?
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It was printed in Japanese in 5th edition and a few later core sets. I'm guessing that was when magic started to gain popularity in Japan.

Search 甲鱗のワーム There's 8 pages of scaled wurm art. He seems to have achieved meme status over there.
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plague spitters.jpg
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I found a few plague spitter artworks which made me happy
Rough translation
Text on right: "shut up/you're annoying"
Text on left: "EMRAKUL THROW" (something akin to venting one's anger or throwing something)
Sauce on confirmation? That'd be pretty rad if it's true.
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The followup.
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This is everything I ever wanted. Random art for random MTG cards, no matter how currently irrelevant.

That's awesome. I'm definitely gonna be saving a bunch of these things.

Also, weird, magiccards.info says there were only two printings in Japan, 9th and Conspiracy. I guess it is just wrong.
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Ah, the good ol' Pithing Needle Surprise. One of my favorites.
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>pithing needle
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No problem, anon. It's always fun to dump a few pics that you never found a reason to post before. Like this one!

Thread's dead anyway.
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sick moves
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I think this is supposed to be Kristina but some of the titans never got art depictions. I guess they weren't important enough or died off too quickly.
Anon, they're both 13/13. They trade.
>Implying a combat phase doesn't take hours of gruelling massacre.
Thread posts: 357
Thread images: 68

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