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Kobold Thread?

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Thread replies: 127
Thread images: 79

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Kobold thread.
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You're not wanted here.
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Spurn denied!
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>Kobold thread
>posts Troglodytes

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What is this cutey furry shit. Post real kobolds.
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All that is left of kobolds is furshit
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For some reason I've always figured there was an interesting story behind that pic
Interesting that her real-in-setting species takes its name from something miners just came up with one day.
I'm pretty sure it's related to porn.
If by interesting you mean decent and by story you mean porn then you would be correct.
>inb4 404
It's a pity that japanese-style dogbolds never really caught on here, they're super cute.
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Because they never look like that.
The only dogbolds I've seen look like pic related.
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Polt Panting.jpg
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I don't know why, but Polt always seemed to be on the cusp of being a furry for me.

Don't regret the boners though.
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Because she is. It's all a step on the ladder of xenophilia anyway.
Monster girls are just furry lite after all.
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>implying an image can be the end-all be-all of an argument such as this
My image is right because I say so!
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Well, if what gets someone off is the thought that it's furry, then it's furry to that person. The furriness could just be irrelevant for others, so for them it isn't furry.

How about we just all enjoy the magical realm in peace and not try to categorise it
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comic cutebold.jpg
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Worst /tg/ ebin maymay ever

worse than flare
I always though Troglodytes were to Lizardmen as Kobolds were to Gnolls, as in smaller, uglier, more retarded cousins. Hell, this is how I played them in 2e.

When did Kobolds become cutesy dragon people? And for that matter, why do we have Dragonborn when that's basically neoKobolds?
>Not "Try and stop me~"
It was wide open, but the writer still didn't take it.
Well since dragonlance.

Dragonborn were added later because kobolds had taken the name under another moniker.
I'm pretty sure you're in the right here or at least you were... The original concepts were what you describe and while I'm not sure when the change occurred, my general explanation for this has come to be that there are kobold sub-types. The most prevalent being the tiny scaled lizard/dragons and the more furry dog/rat creatures (though there are a couple of outlier subtypes). For me, this just helps keep kobolds prevalent regardless of climate or other factors.

Aesthetics are more up to flavor, the more gritty or realistic the game is the more likely kobolds are gonna be on the ugly side, though the one constant I've notice is the they are indeed generally dimwitted and pack oriented.

I could very well be wrong on this though, kobold history isn't exactly something I know a lot about so...
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they're all fictional anyway they're whatever the fuck you want
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I like to play with all the kobold varieties concurrently. Even cutebolds. I explain it away as having very expressive genetics that are strongly influenced by environment and diet.
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>Kobolds to dragonborn
Well, in a 5e game I'm working on, the gist of it is they're both slave races created by an empire of chromatic dragons through a mix of blood magic fuckery for different, specific purposes.

Long story short, said empire collapsed due to in-fighting, slave revolt, and other races coming down on them like a truck dropped from low-orbit, dragonborn went one way (decided to jack the chromatic dragon empire shit for themselves) and the kobolds went the other. (opting to write their own history and society.)

Thus, why kobolds are tribal (they're trying to develop their own cultural identity, society, etc.) while dragonborn come off as more civilized. (they're just jacking shit from their former masters as a sort of last 'fuck you' to them)
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gtg, carry on guys.
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have you ever downloaded something for one thing (cool, glowie tattoos) and not noticed other things about it until later?
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"you cannot beat us paladin, kill one kobold and a thousand will take its place, YOU CANNOT WIN!"
A cat is fine too. Or a fox.
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Fuck Kobolds
I'm pretty sure that's what this thread is about
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>picture for ant girls
Two (sometimes four) cowtits and up to six nipples...I never knew this was my fetish...thank you /tg/ you guys are alright.
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Some of us here would fuck a mountain.
Why is he climbing a mountain?
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>starting a thread just to pass back and forth the same handful of tired old images AGAIN
I prefer Trogs as degenerate humans or dwarves who got lost in the dark places of the world and became horrid, barely sapient creatures. So nothing like the MM.
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Where do you think you are?
Where could you possibly have downloaded that where it wasn't next to other porn? That's the confusing part for me.
I'm pretty sure that's acceptable by deviantart standards.
I wanna fuck that mountain.
Did you use this as character art, anon?
Did you show it to your group, anon?
I prefer Yinglets, than are some fucked up critter from a fetish comic without porn, but for some reason you end liking they silly ways.
>shilling this hard for your tranny impreg comic
The comic is good imo, the setting is interesting and the comic is easy to read, some humor and weird races here and there. I also think the author could browse here, from the time of Old tg.
Believe it or not, from /the/.

Fuck you, autocorrect.
This picture is the only worthwhile part of that image you posted.
I could believe that.
what's this from?
I think my GM claimed he was cribbing species from this at one point.
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>Her fur is especially thick near the abdomen/crotch, so it is practically impossible to shave
Yinglets are cute. It's a good comic, even as someone without a tf fetish.
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I laughed
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Kobold Archer, Hooded.jpg
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>not noticed other things

I'm not seeing a bulge in that picture, so I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, I noticed the corset and figured she was supposed to be a magical rogue kobold. I finally looked down and notice she's actually in lingerie.
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>level 1 dungeon

that kinda looks like slark
Why wasn't this post deleted yet?
You can see the scrotum clear as day famalam.
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>When did Kobolds become cutesy dragon people?
It's 3.5E bullshit that started with Neverwinter Nights.
source please
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Character from DOTA2, in the guys upload. Fish person instead of lizard person.
>Tfw afraid to tell people at lgs my favorite race is kobolds because of this shit
3 is my limit.
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post more Kobolds
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They were dragon goblins before, then to dog people and then just little dragon people.
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dnd art history kobold.jpg
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Kobolds have been vaguely lizardy things with vaguely dog shaped heads and rat like tails for several editions including 2e.
If you read the description, you find that the art for them is actually utterly wrong except in a few books that arent "core".

Troglodytes are just as big as lizardfolk, they are just stinky degenerate cave dwellers. Kobolds are utterly unrelated to gnolls and have been since their inception. They became "cutesy" dragon people in 3e, basically taking their description as scaled monsters and making it make some actual sense. Since then they have been varying amounts of lizard and dragon.

Dragonborn are nothing like kobolds, being actually draconic creatures, medium sized, and looking nothing like a kobold. In addition, their culture and stats place their role in the world as holy warriors, mages, and bards compared to kobolds ambush skirmishers and trapmasters.

Dragonborn were created, in 3e, as a template to apply to characters that were so dedicated to the causes of the good dragon god Bahamut that they went through a ritual to transform themselves into his servants. They were asexual and sterile, utterly dedicated to justice and good. In 4e this was retconned into them being a race of normal dragon people, due to lots of requests for the dragonlance draconians. They were the remnants of an ancient empire that was destroyed along with its enemy, the one that gave rise to the tieflings.

Dogbolds are a strongly Japanese thing with only a single book, the Orcs of Thar gazetteer, making them related to canines. Unfortunately this is also a book that makes hyena people related to dogs despite them being feliforms, so we have to take their designations as not exactly accurate.

I dont think you've actually run any games with that amount of utterly wrong misinformation swirling in your head.
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You forgot the part 2 years ago where they got swole as hell.
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humans are dicks.png
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>I dont think you've actually run any games with that amount of utterly wrong misinformation swirling in your head

Been doing it "wrong" for almost twenty years now. I took the dog headed, scaly humanoid and parallelled them with Coyles from Palladium. I just like dog people better than "tribal lizard men. No not those tribal lizard men..or those ones either...they're more draconic...no not THAT draconic."
Troglodytes were described as dumb, violent, smelly and smaller than human. I always assumed they were little buggers due to their 1d2/1d2 dmg attributes.

I had forgotten about Draconians in Dragonlance though.
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Blue kobold.png
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Kobolds eat cake.png
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1. Catgirl
2. Anthropomorphic
3. Furry
4. Disney
5. Bestiality

Prove me wrong.
Disney can be anything between 2 and 5.
However no one does 4 like Disney. They practically invented it.
If a human fertlized a kobold or another scaly creature, would it.lay eggs or give live birth?
It would do neither
You have piqued my interest. Please elaborate.
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RobotJoe is a treasure.
Thread posts: 127
Thread images: 79

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