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Warhammer 40k General

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Thread replies: 396
Thread images: 60

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Holy shit someone actually posted busty - edition

>Rules databases


>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)

>Forgeworld Book index

>White Dwarves

>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
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Let's start this general off with some bingo.. Free tile to come in the following post
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I just finished this, first book I've read about Chaos. Really liked it, learned about siege warfare looking up some of the terms

Ending made me think of this song

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And the free tile is: BUSTY ROUGH RIDERS!
Read Priests of Mars if you want the rest of Hawkins story.
What was your last game like?

I played a 1000 point game against the Genecult with a Broodlord hunting pack against my Raven Guard/Inquisition. Unfortunately I lost, but it was still great fun.
So since I am finally getting around to building a Battle Company for my DA successors I was wondering about color schemes for the other 8 companies.

My Ravenwing and Deathwing are opposites but I have a have a third color that I use for both and was wondering if it was would be cool to do them all in White (the 3rd color) or some other random color.

As far as I can tell DW and RW don't wear Green besides some of their robes yet their Regular Dudes are all green.
>inb4 someone guesses the colour scheme
>tfw just realized that the Bolters mounted on the Box DLC can be used as pintle-mounted guns for my tenks. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Munitorum-Containers-Astra-Militarum

Time to buy about three of them. At least.

And 4 Scions boxes.

And paints for the Scions and Box DLC.
It was a 250 point kill-team game against a Tau Player. He had 3 crisis suits, 1 broadside, and a single token fire-warrior named Mamoru, who was his team mascot.

I got tabled in 4 turns, without killing an single model.
I assumed he just died from cancer after being interrogated. Sometimes the implications are too grimdark
Give me their name, and I believe that I shall be able to correctly deduce their color scheme!
Is that series good? Book seems to have iffy reviews
Not him, but I myself love them, currently reading Priests of Mars.
Isn't that the first one?
SoB MSU Meltaspam vs Iron Hands Stormlance+Smashfucker/Librarius/Gravbiker deathstar. I lost, but nearly tabled him in the process. All he had left was Smashfucker himself and one tac marine hiding in a corner.
As a mechanicus novel? I loved it. As far as authors go, Grahamn Mchneil is a Sci-fi author first and foremost. He writes sci-fi'ish sci-fi. So it's very sciency, as a novel about an explorator fleet should be.

But it's also not terribly grimdark, and not all that exciting until nearly the end.
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Also thought of this art. Any good iron warriors siege art?
Played a 1500 point game against Tyranids with my Grey Knights. It was a close game. He took double flyrants and a mawlock. I took 2 dreadknights and draigo. Ended up that he beat me 7-6 in victory points because I couldn't kill his flyrants with anything I had brought. In the end he had his 2 flyrants, I had draigo and 2 terminators. Next time I'll have my xiphon interceptor ready and hopefully it can kill at least one of them.
Jesus christ Tau players are faggots. How is that even a legal list? Not playing HoR?
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This is all I got of iron warriors
stop with this DLC meme, its a fucking supplement
Version 8 is out now of the condensed rule sheet.

Also: still looking for that CSM Warbands PDF fandex thing. It was good shit, & I need it for a friend.
I was playing Heralds of Ruin, and it was a completely legal list. He had one Crisis Shas'ui, 2 Crisis suits, and one broadside. So 1 leader, 1 core, and all 3 special slots.

Next time he pulls this kind of faggotry though, I should just counter it with my own faggotry team of 3 grav-centurions.
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I can assist you.
The post was to get (You)'s. Congratulations on being the first retard to take the bait.
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Ah Crisis HQ ok. Thats a bitch move though, cheesing kill team is as low as it gets.
Angels of Absolution have a bone white color scheme for their normal marines. They're like, Dark Angels with only half the autism. That's what I'm painting!
I like the cover of my copy more than that version of the cover
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More IWs. I once thought I could crash threads with my Iron Warrior folder, but I was wrong.
Taufags are low as they come. News at a 11.
I like that style too.
Nah, it wasn't actually bait. I've been meaning to build up my IG force, and the 4 Scions boxes will let me use them as an army if I ever feel like it. More tanks is also good too.

'Course, I'm going to convert them into Cultists though. My friends let me use 30k rules, which means that I can have a sweet list involving massive hordes of fear causing 6+ FnP melee using infantry with WS 4 and 3 attacks base.

And I've always called them Box DLC.

Looking kinda Warmachine there.
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It's terribly annoying too, since he can just ID entire teams to death with more heavy weapons than any other faction can bring.

My kill-teams group plays with a homebrew that we call "Eternal Crusade" rules, whereby if a model is reduced to 0 wounds, you just set the model on its side, and another team member can use his shooting to instead pick up a teammate if he's in base contact. At the end of your turn, any model on it's side has to make a toughness save or be removed from the table. And if you're killed by instant death, you don't even set him over, because instant death obviously means instantly dead.

It makes games last roughly 45 minutes in our experience, and makes for more tacticool, teamworky gameplay
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Literally first google result for "warmachine artwork"
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That's Ferrix isn't it?
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Hello Johnny, this is Jenny, over. Confirming order to kill them all, copy.
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Same artist.
That's the filename I got when I downloaded it.
I'm pretty sure that image predates the warmachine cover by a few years.

Could be the same artist, though. I wouldn't doubt that.
I've actually liked some of the models Warmachine has done. Sure, a lot of it is overdesigned, but I have a attraction to them for some reason.
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Why are there both Iron Hands and Iron Warriors

Why are there both Luna Wolves and Space Wolves.

Why are there both Dark Angels and Blood Angels?

Didn't the Emperor have like a mascot registration service or some shit?
I doubt that's Honsou. In the cover of the book they used that art for he's just a marine. Ferrix is always in Terminator armor

Hey look it's Angron!
what the fuck else are you gonna call a legion of space marines who cut their hands off and have robutt hands?
Ah shit Forrix not Ferrix. Something I was doing had the name Ferrix
Angels of Vindication

I wrote my own which I guess means twice the autism.
>Why are there both Iron Hands and Iron Warriors
Ferrus was found first, and Perty probably didn't know until later.
>Why are there both Luna Wolves and Space Wolves.
Moon Wolves got their names from attacking the moon.
>Didn't the Emperor have like a mascot registration service or some shit?
The legion named themselves.
Writefag here. I've been mulling a story idea over in my head to tie into the whole Oath-Broken style CSM and wanted to write about some renegades who follow that whole "loot everything, even the bodies for supplies" mentality. Being the inspired sort I am in terms of gow the story reads I wanted to start with creating a loyalist chapter but I'm a little stuck on what to name my crusading fleet of Marines.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to pick a name that doesn't suck?
Why do people like warmachine again? It looks like a Caricaturized bastardization of 40k.
>Raven Guard
>Death Guard
>Thousand Sons
>Emperor's Children/Sons of Horus
What do they do? Any theme or style they draw from heavily?

It's for those annoying douches who are too much of a jock for warhammer fantasy but too much of a nerd for just sticking to football.
Because they originally weren't called that, anon.

Originally, the Raven Guard, for example, were called the Dustwalkers. Corax then renamed them. As did every single chapter rename or get renamed. Luna Wolves became Sons of Horus after Ullanor.

The Emperor had much more original names when they formed, but they either earned the new names or were given them based on shit they did. Besides, the Emperor couldn't give a toss. He had a galaxy to conquer, not autistically change names to be super kewl, leave that shit to The Lion and Dorn.
It's OK, eventually once you reach enough autism it cancels out and youre a normal person again right? That's what I'm going for.
I like the little checker board scheme.
I hate the dreamscope sometimes.
Somehow, that's not an actual chapter. Good job.

Either Black with a Red trim, or Blue with some other color. Possibly Green or Black.
Hipsters and so you get threads like this to feel better bout yourself.

Crusading fleet who specializes in lighting strikes to the enemy's command chain usually through use of Assault Marines and Drop Pods.

Basically cut off the head and rip out the heat and before destroying the body.
We have a Mechanicum dude who powergames in our 40k/Kill Team group. He got ostracized for like a year from our 1850 games. I think he's got 2 games since last summer.
We just started a HoR campaign a few weeks ago. Fluff heavy, everyone built + painted new stuff except him. He showed up with the cheesiest list he could, and in his first game he was instantly called out for going 30 points over.

Waac fags just cant help themselves. I cant stand the fat fuck, and I ridiculed his horrible painting skills, fatness, etc. - until he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I dont like him.
Why the Iron fists of course... Wait a minute.

the cost of maintaining these vehicles is too damn high.jpg
I like it because the rules are better. Both games are fun though in different ways. I'm also thinking of getting into Kings of War if I can find people who play.
Oh shit thats hilarious. Based Grishnak.
Still better than Black Templars and White Templars. And...wait for it...RED Templars!
It poaches disgruntled GW customers, and ultra-jaded tabletop guys.
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It was used for robots.
How posable are knights? I always see them in the same stance every time. Could you have them kneeling or leaping forward or w/e?

>>47702837 isn't me. I am guessing it is someones meme because I spent a few months reposting old pics of my army. Also wrote a bunch of fluff for them too.

The color scheme was chosen long ago. Thanks for the suggestions though.

Requires heavy cutting and cable extensions.
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Anon, there is a warband called Gladiator Group 138, and a chapter named The Nameless. Don't make fun of the Templars.
Yeah but you'll have to do some cutting on the legs. The knee joints are the only part that will require moderate modeling skills.
everything is poseable, except for the legs

converting the legs isn't impossible, there's more than a few guides online
have you ever seen someone playing a model with evidence of it being hotglued previously?
The hands have some surprise bits of articulation, as does the hips. The legs will require cutting however.
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Your insults are all invalid, kiddo.

At least I play an army painted.

>DA are Chaos Memes

I inspect all my opponent's miniatures with a blacklight before my games.
So I am getting some metal models in that I need to strip. I have a sandblaster I use for blasting rifles at work. Could I use that instead of chemicals for stripping? Or is that too harsh for these models?
My White Scars friend uses hot glue for "dynamically" posed Landspeeders and Bikers.

They look cool and angels and doing wheelies but he did say he burnt his fingers a bunch doing it.

ask slaanesh.com
Shit man I just want to watch you do it but no that is a god awful idea. You will obliterate anything that resembles details.
Anon, you missed the point. Hot gluing is something you do to slaanesh models.
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Why do some weapons have tubes extending to the armor? Extra power source?
i like to think its like the wiimote but connected to your back

Miniatures are soft tin and pewter. They aren't hardened steel like weapons. Miniatures bend with a simple push of a finger. Weapons withstand the extreme heat of a forge or explosion.
I mean its really fucking fine sand and I use it all the time on metal with finely sketched etching, but I have never tried it on pewter. Just seeing if anyone else has done it.

Usually this is only on Terminator armor and weapons, or the heaviest power armor weapons like Thunder Hammers. It's because the large weapon requires more power than a small integrated power supply would generate.
Power cables.
>muh innocence
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Quick! Tell us your OCDONUTSTEEL Chapter names!

>Space Marines
Sanguinary Angels

>Adepta Sororitas
Order of the Flaming Rose
Order of the Golden Lily For my magical realm fantasies, not that the one above isn't

>Ad Mech
Hephaestax Prime

I did lots of fluff for them in my head, but it's autism mode already, plus /tg/ has regular said that it's 'for faggots' to make up their own fluff and nobody gives a shit, both when you game and on here.
Guess you are right. Doesn't hurt to ask before I go and fuck up royally on some $50 models.
>feeble claws
>they're supposed to be able to rip through terminator armour like butter
>Sanguinary Angels

Really nigger? Do you have an Ultramarine successor named Azure Astartes too?
That guy's work is awful, and a perfect example of why CSM fandexes fail.
> Space Marines
Godslayers. A whole chapter of space marines that goes into battle with centurion suits. Including the dreadnoughts and captains. They specialize in hunting down titans, usually with extreme number of casualties.
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I can't think of anything humorous to say.
But how do you explain this joker?
Tundra Talons and the Frenzied Scions.
The Gilded Word
>Dreadnought Centurians.

Someone make a pic of this. I need this.
Demonically Possessed weapon that converts his constantly drugged blood into ammo.
not him, but is it really any different than the various other plays? Angels Vermillion? how is that anything majorly different to Blood Angels?
This hobby is expensive but a half hour drive is nothing, anon.

Start by choosing which faction you want to collect. Focus on collecting a single force for right now or you'll end up with several unfinished armies. I'd recommend looking at the armies on Games Workshop's website first. A good amount of this hobby is spent on assembly and painting so liking the look of the models is more important than choosing what's currently most powerful on the table.

When you begin to narrow down what armies you like follow the links in the OP and download some army book PDFs. Read the lore and find the faction you like the most. The books should include examples of color schemes and you're encouraged to make your own as well.

The bare minimum you need to play most games is 1 HQ and 2 troops. These should be your first purchases. If you're headed to a GW store explain to the owner that you're just getting into the hobby. He'll probably offer to show you a tutorial on gameplay and try to sell you modeling supplies and paint. You don't need to pick up everything as once. If you prefer to start with a box of plastic troops, glue, clippers, and files that's alright.

You need to remove the moldlines from your models. This is not optional. There are tutorials on Games Workshop's youtube channel to help you out with assembly and painting. Also check out the links in WIP General threads and post your progress.
again, a wiimote that shoots bullets, don't want to drop your gun when you go to bash someone's fucking head in
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That poor alien.
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That's actually pretty cool.
Knowing Chaos that probably is a thing.
Neat idea. So, the Centurion is then put inside a Dreadnought? Who are they founded on?

Who are they successors of?

I'm waiting until I see the Raging Heroes models before I decide 100% on the paint scheme for my sisters. I had planned on the colour, it's essentially the original colour scheme, but with gold added to it and different parts painted different. I'd also like Grisnak Models to combine them.

Ideally, GW would update.....
No, you don't understand. They put Dreadnoughts in centurion suits. It's literally a dreadnought that wears a centurion suit like we would wear a hoodie.

Also, world eater successors, because why not?
>Who are they successors of?
The Talons are successors of the Dark Angels and live on France in Space! but with 125% snow. The Scions are successors of the Blood Angels who unintentionally look like Christmas Marines.
>Implying the First Legion would recruit from France in Space.

For shame, Battle Brother.
They mock us as it is.
The neighborhood seemed nice enough.
Je vais dormir, /tg/. Fais de beaux rêves.

>Space Wolves.
You mean the Corgi marines, right?
je m’en fou.
>bought a box of Necron Warriors
>also something else I think
>I don't really remember what it could be
>refuse to check and see what it is so the surprise isn't ruined

Angels Vermillion at least uses a color instead of a blood word, and swaps the words around. Sanguinary Angels is literally just Blood Angels. Didn't even bother to change the order or even the second word, and straight up uses the most used synonym for Blood in the chapter, due to Sanguinor, Sanguinius, etc.

Sound tubes.
>You expected some Wraiths? Too bad! It's me, Flayed One-kun!
Just for funsies, how's this idea for Vanguard Vets?

1st Company Task Force - 555 points

White Scars Tactics

3x Vanguard Vets
Power Lances
Jump Packs
Storm Shields

Jet pack around, charge into things, Hit&Run, recharge for Power Lance bonuses.
>yfw you fail the hit and run test and are stuck in combat swinging power noodles
Oh shit I actually remembered what it was. Oh well, at least I don't have to suffer anymore.
So do Drop Pods really get Objective Secured since they're Dedicated Transports for Marines?
Maybe one or two of them with lances and the other one or two with claws to rush in and save them if shit goes bad.

Yes. Try to pod them onto objectives.
>power lances
Bad idea, I'd say just roll with swords.
Or you can be like me and take bolt pistols and plasma pistols. It doesn't work at all but it's funny

These are the types of morons ruining the FAQs.

Yes, drop pod tactical squad spam has been used against me several times. It works if you aren't ready for it - just fill the board with tiny 5 man units and vehicles and he runs out of time to kill them
Is anyone actually use the death from the skies suppliment?

Normally the guys at my shop eat up anything GW puts out but they basically just ignored the existence of this.
Haven't seen the rules at all but the idea of 'updating' the 40k rules in an optional suppliment sounds like a joke.

The reason I'm asking is because I was thinking about buying a flyer of some kind after seeing that one Ork comic, which one should I go for?
nope I dont even know a thing about it
If I were to play a game with my flyers I wouldn't use it. It just adds unnecessary complication. Plus my FW flyers don't have updated rules so they can't even be used with it.
>If I were to play a game with my flyers I wouldn't use it. It just adds unnecessary complication.

This, I hate flyers and I rarely use them but this supplement takes it to a whole new level and adds shit no one wanted. They should just make flyers back into fast speeders and maybe add the 'can only be snap fired at unless its skyfire'.
For orks you get the "flyboss" upgrade which is already built into the 7th editon book as the grot gunner upgrade. The death from the skies supplement was made in 6th when orkz had an actual codex. Not ORKS, its ORKZ GW!
What a genuinely horrible list to play against.

Welcome to competitive 40k.
No different then Eldar; The psychic phase with nothing but psykers-wespent2hoursinthepsychicphasealone
Veterans, expanding the keks edition. I plan on making a set for each inquisitorial branch, no defined points limit, just fluffy detachments to mix and match.



Ordo Xenos Inquisitor - 79
3x Servo Skulls
Conversion Beamer

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor - 58
Needle Pistol
Power Armor
Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon

1st Company Task Force - 555

White Scars Tactics

3x Vanguard Vets
Power Lances/Swords
Jump Packs
Storm Shields

Stormhawk Assault Group - 510

Iron Hands Tactics

Stormraven Gunship - 200

Sternguard Vets - 160
Combi Weapons

Venerable Dread - 150
Heavy Flamer

Reclusiam Command Squad - 400

Iron Hands Tactics

Chaplain - 120
Grav Pistols

Command Squad - 205
Storm Shields
Plasma Guns

Razorback - 75
Are orks going to get any help soon or should I just start parting stuff out
Don't play competitively.
Don't play competitively.
Don't play competitively.
Don't play competitively.

If you have the models already all walker lists are pretty good.

Everyone loves orkz and they appreciate your suffering.
>abloobloo my codex is bad i'm going to sell my army

Why'd you even bother playing them in the first place if that's the kind of attitude you're going to have?
i figured they would have gotten something in the past 2 years, instead of having stuff taken away. They just arent as fun as they were when i first got them. I used to put them down and expect cheeky shenannigans. Now i just expect to be tabled by turn 3
What is a fun Dark Angels kill team list? Preferable with deathwing and/or ravenwing because why else would you be playing DAngels
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>everyone loves orks he says

Wouldn't hate them half as much if they got of my fuckin rock
Consider using a homebrew codex. There's a new one floating around that's pretty solid I hear.

>pintle bolters
>not pintle heavy stubbers
My situation is I usually ony have access to do pickup games and organized leagues, so that probably wont work out too well.
why don't you play mirror matches? that way no one is up, it's all down to who wins the first turn and that's it.

You can keep conceeding after first turn until you get first turn and win.
Are those steel legion?

With hardwarel like that, its not like you must see them close very often.
>mirror match
>first turn
>not deploying at 6"
>deploying at full 12"
>not crossing the T in firepower as they try to get objectives
Its like you field green tide only.
Which one? This one? This is the only one I've seen around, and it's pretty solid.

Hell of a lot better than nothing at any rate.

How come I cant find the Blood Ravens in there?
Just use Black Legion Tactics, anon
They were gifted their own fandex
Iron Hands a good chapter for someone getting into spess muhreens? I like their history
>I like their history

That's literally the only reason you need to play them.

They're pretty solid on the table, though. They have one or two power builds, but otherwise they're definitely pretty durable and forgiving for a new player.

Ya know, I really wish they had some special rules about their usuall number of psikers, like, if you spend x points you can upgrade your sergeants to a psiker sergeant or something.

Their lore always mention the high numbers of psikers but that its never represented in any media.
Thousand Sons in >>47704364 have the option to upgrade any Marine Champion (read: not Cultists, Possessed, or Warp Talons) to be a ML1 Psyker and a Force weapon for the math-hammered price of 40pts though, in addition to being able to purchase another Psychic level for 25pts.

It's always possible to do that if you wanted to make your own Blood Ravens Tactics. Just remember that it needs to be paid for, as being able to spam that many psykers at the squad level is reward enough it itself.

Funny how the rules for the Thousand Sons fits the Blud Rahvens so well, wink wink.

Anyway, would you play with someone trying to pull that with their army?
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I've been known to field some legions of steel, yes
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you seem like a cool dude
If they paid for it, yeah. I'm not above trying new things and homebrew I mean I did write all those Warband/Legion Tactics up there, which I personally recommend you look at if you play CSM's at all or are curious if you want to make your own Tactics. Generally, as long as it costs the "normal" amount, and it comes with drawbacks (as most of the Chaos Tactics I wrote do) I'm totally down for homebrew experimentation.
My Hive Fleet is Hive Fleet Sirocco.
I've toyed with some space marine successors at work.

Raven Guard Successor: the Songbirds, vow of silence that is only broken by singing hymns in battle.

Iron Hands Successor: Sentinels of Metalica, a chapter made by the Mechanicus to supplement their great war machines. Readily replaces limbs for cybernetic alternatives.
>Hive Fleet Sirocco
That's genius. Why didn't GW use Maserati making conventions for Nids?

>Hive Fleet Khamsin
>Hive Fleet Bora
>Hive Fleet Ghibli
>Hive Fleet Mistral
>Hive Fleet Shamal

They really missed out on an opportunity there.
Armored task force with a simple CAD eventually getting a bike command squad can be quiet good and carry you to 1500pts.

For starter points just get 15 tactical, a rhino and a razorback with a thunderbird cannon, whirlwind or predator..
Naming conventions*
If you can get TL plasma on a bike platform in killteam it would be huge, if it keeps skilled rider and you can bring a darkshroud then ez gaem.

Wish I played killteam but never see it outside batreps
I just wish they'd explore on non-creature names for them and do more powerful forces of nature.
>no hive fleet sundowner
fuck off
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Are plasma pistols worth talking on veteran guardsman sergeants?
Plasma pistols are never that great, but if youre maxing out plasma special weapons it can do alright. I'd only buy it if I had leftover points for it
i would probably only take it on a tempestor in a meltacide squad
What if I included Hive Fleet Wreckhouse?
Only 0-cost pistols are worth using.
No, your paying full-price for a pistol that could've also bought you a rifle/cannon variant for the same cost and both of those are better at shooting things. If you wanted the extra die for CC just stick with whatever the dude had originally and keep him 15 points cheaper.
are they bad even if you have a weird rule that let's you ignore "gets hot"?
gets hot isn't the problem, paying the same price you do for a full plasma gun is.
It's not so much that gets hot is a problem, it's that the pistol is just flat out overpriced. So much that the bolt pistol/bolter sergeant upgrade for 1 point is arguably better
Never did find a source other than your ass for your claim that the Thousand Sons don't use mortal troops, did you?

63 points is too expensive for a 1 W psyker forced to roll on one of the shittiest tables in the game.
Dredd mob vs Space Wolves.
Massed Grotzookas killed nearly all their melta.

After that it was just mopping up until he conceded.
Nope, vomitous yellow and purple.
hrm. i've been toying with the idea of writing a tyrant's legion army list for heralds of ruin. Open it up so it doesn't just represent the historical thing the astral claws did.

Could represent:
Marines with closely integrated allies
PDF forces
non-chaos secessionists
non-chaos renegades
human Mercenaries.

Though looking at badab war part 1, they also say a possible more extreme variation with swapping out the marine elements for equivalents from codex chaos spess marins.
Man, you really hold a grudge, don't you? The only instance of Thousand Sons working DIRECTLY alongside Cultists, and not using them as auxiliaries to a main attack, was the Battle of the Fang, at which point the Legion was broken into dozens of fractious warbands. When Thousand Sons actually take the field, they fight with Rubrics. Cultists are auxiliaries to their main attack force, just like pretty much every other Legion bar Word Bearers.

EVEN STILL, you can take as many Cultists as you want as non-compulsory Troops Choices. God forbid a Thousand Sons army include, you know, Thousand Sons. Spam them all you like, as long as you take normal Thousand Sons too.

>63 points is too expensive for a 1 W psyker forced to roll on one of the shittiest tables in the game.

A. The upgrade is 40pts, which is the cost of gaining both a Psychic Mastery Level and receiving a Force Weapon. That is the actual mathematical cost of those upgrades as applied in the Codex itself, not numbers pulled randomly out of my ass. Note that these guys still get all of their normal upgrades too - you can get psychic Terminator Champions, Chosen Champions, etc. in a unit. That alone is a pretty major buff, even if it's only to act as a Warp Charge battery for your main Psyker(s).
B. They can take additional Mastery levels to mitigate the fact that Tzeentch sucks.

If you don't like it, don't use it. These tactics are designed to bring different Legions/Warbands more in line with their fluff, not make them Super-Special OP.
Just looking over Daemons.

Would a Tallyband with a FNP Herald and Grotti, plus a seperate herald with The Doomsday Bell be effective?
>Adepta Sororitas
Hospitaller - Order of the Bloodied Lace
Militant - Order of the Sundered Chain

>Astra Militarum
21-Kiini, Phi system, Amphibious Armoured Support.
Hominum system, Mendaci Station Imperial Guard.
Crux Australium 'Glorie' Platoon - Militarum Tempestus
I'm inconsistant with platoon and founding numbers, if anyone asks I just say they are remnant platoons generally.

>Adeptus Astartes
Moss Piglets
I couldn't think of a name and colour I liked and on asking my brother what was an unkillable animal, he was quick to retort Moss Pigs, which are mocroscopic critters that are pretty much the most unkillable thing in existance.
I decided to run with that.
I'm planning on painting them soft pink and green, but I'm unsure just how horrible it'll be.
fuck yall, its kabal time
Kabal of The Endless Storm, led by Archon Malin Kresk, The Beast of Ka'tal
Maatekh Dynasty
Lawful to a ridiculous point, heavy use of Infantry and Aircraft

Kabal of the Slashed Heart
Has close links with the Cult of the Midnight Hunter Coven and the Solar Riders Wych Cult
>Ultramarines Successors
Ultima Warriors

They use a very classic style of ultramarine colors. Though a very young chapter, generous donations from a wealthy lord have allowed them to obtain much better equipment than what most young chapters use.

They think that the modern Ultramarines chapter does a lot of dumb stuff and that Cato Sicarius has probably never actually read the Codex Astartes
im working on a hive that has different color schemes for different, i guess youd call the different types of tyranids ranks in their own rite. anyway, i havnt come up with a name for my rainbow of carnage yet.
or for that matter a color for a biotitan, maybe black and dark blue
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The eldar were just announced to be included into Eternal Crusade early access this week.
Gotta admit, I am pretty exited.
>Those voices
Fucking awful

>Want nothing to do with this clearly doomed game
>but Aspect Warriors tho
>Scorpions with Predator-cloaks phasing in at the end

God damnit, I want it, but I want NOT to want it.
the game is actually pretty fun and not as terrible as you might think it is
>he fell for the "Eternal Crusade is doomed" meme

How about you actually form your own opinion, instead of listening to shitposters from /v/.

They should really stop wasting time on these trailers. It gives the game a bad reputation because the assets and production value of the trailers represent the current stage of the game rather than how good it'll look finished, or how good an actual triple A trailer looks.
eldar are gaaAAAAYYYY

I did. I looked at streams, went on forums and kept up to date with it. It looks like a half baked pile of shit with all the hallmarkings of a disaster. It came out with its shop of 'sidegrades' before most main features and its dev has no experience in anything worth mentioning. They started back pedalling on promises pretty quick (like the size of the games) and it's forum of delusional aspies fell over themselves making excuses.

That said, it's a rare source of Aspect Warriors in vidya so I'll take what I can get.
How do you gents recommend running infantry platoons? I'm interested in using infantry as something more than tank bubblewrap, and find Sabre platforms really useful (we've houseruled that they keep the skyfire/interceptor interaction from 6th), but I find 20+ blobs of them really unwieldy to field, and I'm hesitant to sink points into upgrades if they're split up. What role can they fill in a 1.5k game beyond simple meatshields?
Stupid Rule-related question:
So, I got the american version of the rulebook and I'm reading it and... well, all distances are given in inches. I live in a country with the metric system however...Can somebody tell me if the distances are 1:1 the same, just replacing Inches with cm (like, the rules state 6'' and it is 6cm in metrics) or are they actually converted?
I would like to know.

Back when Sabres were still good they were pretty much just meatshields and bubblewrap.

You can do some interesting things with massed infantry tactics regardless, like conga lines and using them as terrain to hinder enemy movement. Unless they are jump/jet/etc they will have to move around your infantry or waste time assaulting them as well as risk being assaulted back if they stay nearby and don't get away/assault.

I would just run them as Sabre taxes, so 2 of the minimum squads then as many Sabre or HWTs as possible.

If you don't have 10+ Sabres/HWTs lying around, which is understandable, simply space them out with 2 tax squads per Sabre group. You probably don't need more than 2 platoons/40 tax guys anyway.
You are aware that the reason why they started "backpedaling" was because the dev team was for all intents and purposes replaced by the most part. The asshats who promised everything were canned, and the new devs had to basically salvage what they could, and start actually making a game that they could reasonably make.
The game has been steadily improving since last january. If you liked Space Marine, there is no reason for you to not like Eternal Crusade, seeing how Eternal Crusade plays like Space Marine, but with more stuff in it both movement, and combat wise.
All languages of 40k use inches.

>he thinks inches and centimeters are the same thing

And people say Americans are stupid.

Well there's a contender for the next round of FAQ questions.

Though it does give me a crazy idea. All ranged weapons now measure their range in cm. Numbers remain unchanged. Movement and charging remain in inches.

Is the game more balanced now?
In his defence literally only USA, Burma and Myanmar don't use the metric system.
Imperial is like latin. Dead.
40k is many people's first introduction to Imperial measurements.
guy at my local store said there is a new ork/space marine box that has the models from a box set from a few years ago. hes not known for spreading false shit, but i cant find anything on gw site, anyone know what hes talkking about?
It is
Centimeters and inches are different and stuff but some gamedesigners opt to just replace the metrics to keep numbers consistent and/or safe on work.
Yeah it's an upcoming thing.
Assault on Black Reach repackaged i to smaller kits and done in Blue/Green dyed plastics for the Ultramarines/Orks.
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It's the Battle for Vedros kits, which are pitched at getting kids into the hobby. They just use the old Assault on Black Reach sprues.
Well, that's not as interesting an answer as I'd hoped for, but thank you. I haven't done much in the way of area denial outside of artillery threats, so it's something to mix things up, at least.
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Hate the WAAC.
Purge the WAAC.
thanks fellahs. nov huh, guess i gotta bite the bullet and just get some orks now
Were Freeblades a thing during the heresy?

:The ancient tradition of the Freeblade harkens back over ten millennia ago, during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras. Known as Legendary Freeblades, these were Nobles who were drawn out from the ranks of their former Households, either willingly owing to the lure of adventure or the unquenchable lust for battle, or unwillingly as outcast, renegade or last survivor. These Freeblades were Knights Mendicant, owing no alliance and no fealty. Of these, many were drawn to the Great Crusade, lured by the thirst for glory or the unceasing clamour of war on the frontier, joining the Questoris Crusade forces and fighting on countless worlds in support of the Emperor's great work. Since that bygone era, the tradition has continued to be upheld by the knightly houses of the Questoris Familia."
Is it physically possible to build a competitive SM list that's built for assault and has no psyk? So far I'm having trouble just getting into assault. Metal boxes only help so much.
How competitive are you looking for?
deepstrike or skyhammer formation, footslogging from your deployment will just get shredded
"Get off of this planet and never return! And take that priceless war machine with you"
Raven guard vanguard vet formation can deep strike perfectly and Charge the same turn
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I'm pretty sure my w/l ratio is something like 1/7. I'm no tourny fag, but it would be nice to at least feel like I have a shot at winning.
Looking into it now
I appreciate the help, but I'm already pretty committed to pic related. I like the tabards.
"Muh honour"
Skyhammer will be the main driving force of your success, as it allows you early board control. From there you can fill in with a Land raider with either VV or terms, bikes with a melee HQ and whatever other bits and pieces you have.
You can't get a Land Raider across the table? Maybe a Stormraven then?
You're stuck walking at the enemy with your blobs of not!tacticals.
We've been playing 1k points so the Land Raider is a fourth of my army. It does well, but when my opponent knows what I'm about, he punches a hole in it faster than I'd like. Then I'm out a fourth of my army.
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>You get a free Warlord Titan model from Forgeworld
>BUT you may only paint it with a fine detail brush
>And you must finish painting the model within one year
>Failing to follow these rules, or attempting to sell the Titan within the year, will make it, and all your other models, disappear
Do you accept the paw's bargain?
You need adamantium spearhead in your life.
3 raiders that ignore everything but explodes results on a 2+
I don't want that resin piece of shit.
this would be easy as fuck, you didnt specify that the paintjob had to be good

turn your paints into near water and slather that shit on
Both of these are solid options. I feel like skyhammer will work better while being cost effective, but god dammit, three land raiders would be bm as fuck.

>one land raider wasn't doing it for me, so I decided to get two more.
Trouble with three land raiders is that you need to be transporting three relevant units to justify the expense.
No because the Mars Pattern Warlord is shit.
That became a nonoption when he picked BT.
He can put 3x 16 man crusaders in them
My entire force is gonna be land raiders and assault termies
This more of your style?
The paw does not set conditions or offer bargains so obviously its fake.
Australia in latin is Australis, jyst fyi
Compare and contrast:
When are these going to be up for purchase?
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Are they going to ever introduce the Imperator Titan and it's cousin the Warmonger to the modern 40k?
What is the latin word for SCRAM-Jet?
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Merely curious. How many points would it rack up? 5000?
Yeah that's the ticket.
It used to be 4k for one.
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I honestly can't tell if it's Chaos or Ork made.
What's your point?
It's not stumpy/fat enough to be an Ork one.
The boxier pattern does hold a place in my heart.
That's a little too cheap for me honestly.
But it looks like something an Ork would have made.
One of those looks and sounds good with crisp models and clear sound, actually shows the game (rather than hiding it as much as possible behind jump cuts), and as an encore, gives a sense of the eldar as a race in terms of their haughty attitude.

And a reminder, the BFG trailer was put out while the game was still in development.
Take a Stormraven, then. Grav Chutes and Power Lances are great fun.
A warlord is 2700 or so, so 4k is about right.
Space Elf ISIS has some pretty cool models. Really it's just the warjacks from the two human factions that are ugly, everything else is at least decent.

I can't fault them, though. Their art style is unique, which is worth something.
I play Tau so I don't get a fun fluffy chapter because GW refuses to fluff out the septs independent of the Empire.
>Thinking about giving up on SoB and collect an army with actual models
What do?
Communists quash individuality. This is the future you chose.
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Consider alternative sources?
What if it's *excessive* silence?
It doesn't have to be this way!

The Imperium has 11,000,000 different factions that all fight, train, and equip independently because it's a giant decentralized mess.

The Tau don't have that, and are very centralized. They're more like a real military, where soldiers train together, but are then shipped off to join the Empire's sole military, dispatched as needed.

And that's fine!

But we don't get to hear about the badass Shas'vre who led his infantry and stealth suit battalion behind enemy lines for months on end until the planet was liberated and his team was extracted. We don't hear about the Shas'o that fights exclusively with tanks as a matter of preference.

It's all Shadowtsun and Farsight-senpai all the time.
The Wazbom Blastajet is OK with a 5++ & a 5 pt upgrade to the Tellyport Blasta, since it's Assault 1 Blast & fires twice on Waaagh!.
>5 sculpts
>Not poseable
Honestly, that's not much better than GW. At least they're truescale.
>It's all Shadowtsun and Farsight-senpai all the time.
you'll just have to wait until they unthaw the next of puretide's students :^)
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The popular alternative is to grab some space germans and lady heads then slap them together with 40k weapons. They're very much power armoured rather than light power armour, of course.


>Slaaneshi cult that seek the perfection of absolute silence
>Initiates suture their ears shut, but this is merely the beginning
>Surgical removal of the ear bones and cochlea follows
>Fingertips are burnt repeatedly until vibrations in the air can no longer be felt. The process is repeated across the body
>Psychic searing of the mind removes the very ability of the subject to process sound waves. This step drives many incurably insane as they can no longer hear their own breathing and believe they are suffocating.
It works if you're after SoB Terminators. I'd sooner use their Carapace Armored IG-alikes with female heads to represent SoB.
I don't want another puretide student!

I want intermediate heroes! Tau warriors who were exceptional for one battle or campaign, midlevel commanders notable for some habit or fighting style or color scheme. Like our Tank Commander character, except something that affects the entire army play style.
I hate working with armour that curves to a ridge in the middle of a plate, like the lower legs on those. It makes removing moldines a fucking nightmare.

Not the anon asking about sister btw, just having a little bitch.
>I don't want another puretide student!
Just lie down and think of the greater good.
>the greater good.
Of one.
Got any examples for IG alikes usable for that purpose?
Wait this is coming out summer 2016? We haven't even got orks yet.
Just make the Tau MacDonald.
>Earth caste serves as the fry cooks and managers
>young fire caste must pass trial by fryer to get toy and to earn the right to perform trial by fire
>older fire caste that volunteer are smiled upon
>security system is drones and automated weapons that really should go on the Riptide, Stormsurge, and Supremacy Suit and not the ceiling.
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>It's all Shadowtsun and Farsight-senpai all the time.

>Open the Tyranid 5th ED codex
>It's a OC Tau commander being resourceful and heroic in the face of the Tyranids

>open the Tau codex numerous mentions of other Tau commanders and officers both old and new.

>open Kauyon and Mont'ka, introduces a new young commander who many say rivals Farsight in his genius

>Open the FW books. They have their own OC commander

>etc etc

You have to be extreme retards to have missed all these guys.
But none of them DO anything.

None of them have unique battle strategies or color schemes. Nothing I can emulate on the table.

Imagine if every space marine charter's unique traits were taken away and replaced with vague mentions to winning battles.
They are jobber just like Avatars.
are they fucking invisible ?
Ah, the less bulky space germans.

Pick a name and run with it? Flesh them out some more, give their force a colour scheme, etc?
Yes, they do.

Refer to the codex for color schemes.

The new Mont'ka commander prefers Aerial combat while the FW dude being from the Sept of Kel'shan is all about siege mentality and big suits. They are not space marines so this won't get represented in the TT rules but why do you need GW to hold your hand?

Also I would like to point at this bit from your previous post.

"But we don't get to hear about the badass Shas'vre who led his infantry and stealth suit battalion behind enemy lines for months on end until the planet was liberated and his team was extracted. We don't hear about the Shas'o that fights exclusively with tanks as a matter of preference"

You seriously typed that with a straight face? Somehow you missed the numerous mentions of heroic stealth teams and also the fact there is a tank character in the Tau codex. And you have the gall of calling all that "vague".

Please handover your Tau player license. You don't deserve it.
Except they win mostly.

The guy wanted commanders other than Farsight and Shadowsun. I directed him to the dozens of named commanders in ALL Tau fiction.

Stop trying to move his goalpost for him. The dude can do it himself.
>the FW dude being from the Sept of Kel'shan is all about siege mentality and big suits
Gentlemen! My flatmates and myself are going to play our 1st game since 4th ed tomorrow. We THINK we have a grasp on the current rule set but we'd appreciate any tips on common pitfalls to avoid involving our old 3rd/4th ed mindset. Are there common rules fuck ups?
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Based steel legion fag
Are infantry heavy IG armies viable? I've been out of the game for ages and pulled a bunch of Cadians out of my attic to paint up. Got ~60 bodies and two vehicles (a chimera and a hellhound). Might be able to salvage a leman russ too. Gonna get them all painted up regardless, but I'm wondering whether they'd make for an effective force.
>60 bodies and two vehicles
That's just two minimum size infantry platoons, not even 500 points of meat, hardly infantry heavy.

That said infantry heavy can work somewhat being able to sit hard on objectives, can't play with the really big boys though.
What would work best for expanding, assuming I wanted to keep the focus on footslogging? Not worried about being super competitive, but having an army that can function and accomplish objectives would be nice.

>Casualties are the closest models to the firer.
>Rapid fire guns can move AND shoot once outside half their range. If you have a heavy weapon that moved, and doesn't use blast markers, it hits on 6s.
>Blast weapons automatically hits targets, even if it doesn't cover them entirely.
>Blast weapons do not halve their Strength if they scatter off a vehicle.
>Roll for psychic powers and warlord traits BEFORE deployment.
>Agree with your opponent before what save each piece of cover confers before you start.
That's all I can think atm.
I know vehicle rules, especially how they take damage, have changed a few times since then. You on top of those?
For mechanised Firewarriors, Should I add to Devilfish the Point Defense Targeting relay for Supporting Fire in overwatch?
If you find your devilfish living and needing extra points to blow on -anything- go for it.
Still the same mostly. Just immobilization is now 6 and you need to get 7+ to make anything explode. Plus each penetrating hit or glance removes a hull point until they lose them all and get wrecked.
There's something really unfun about seeing IG job to CSM.

I mean, in the fluff IG are basically powerless anyway, so it's like "of course the Astartes are super badasses we get it". the Chaos side isn't really compelling and the Imperial side is doomed and shitty anyway
>The asshats who promised everything were canned, and the new devs had to basically salvage what they could, and start actually making a game that they could reasonably make.

And you're wondering why that fact inspires zero faith that this will be good?
I am not saying that is supposed to inspire faith in it being good. What I am saying is that dismissing the game as "shite" without even looking into it, based on the shit the previous devs said, and the fact that the new devs "backpedaled" on those "promises" is idiotic.

Look at the game itself, how it plays etc, to determine if it is good or not. It basically plays like a more elaborate Space Marine.
>IF get killed to show how dangerous the threat is

Well they know the way GeeDubs handles fluff alright...
Oh we can move and still snap launchers and heavy teams? Awesome! Did not actually know that. Does it work with transports and fire points too?
Is there a pdf or sit where I could find building instructions for all models?

Alternatively does anyone have the Dark Talon/Nephelim Jet Fighter instructions?
>using 2+ armour save models

you guys fucked it up
Heralds of ruin uses different rules.
Don't forget that the DC Tau commander was the 3rd Puretide student

Except no one has said that you retard. They've said it has the smell of dogshit because the devs failed to meet goals and a studio of nobodies were brought into to try and make something resembling a video game from the ashes of abject failure. There's not a single positive sign. Every ingredient is pure ass.
which are ass
>There's not a single positive sign. Every ingredient is pure ass.
Only to someone who hasn't looked into the game since last January.

The game has a solid core and plays rather well, especially for a game that is still in development. The only reason to dismiss it as "dogshit" nowadays, is because you are either uninformed of it's current state, or if you are for some absurd reason, really attached to the image you formed of the game back when we didn't even have any real gameplay footage.

If anything, EC's story shows that even if a game project has a rough start, and seems to be doomed to fail, it can still be redeemed if the necessary steps are taken (in this case, the purge of the old dev team).
2+ saves have always been allowed, usually just giving your opponent extra points to spend on special kit or extra brutes (when brute squads were a thing)

It's so people can bring terminator squads, which are THE "kill-team".

Holy shit, you are actually delusional enough to take firing half your staff as a sign of progress. Space Marine was a forgettable slice of mediocrity to begin with and they couldn't even manage to adapt its engine to a larger online player base without it looking like a steaming turd.

How anyone can watch that Eldar trailer with its jerky animations with 12fps and still think this project is going smoothly is drinking some serious koolaid. Guess you were one of the easy marks that bought the starter packs when the game was nothing more than a blank sheet of paper with a vague promise of content.
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What are the differences rulewise between the
IA8 Kustom Stompa and the 7th Edition Stompa
except the Hullpoints/Structurepoints?

AND what color does ork muscle tissue, innards
and blood have. Is it simply the same color as
>Space Marine was a forgettable slice of mediocrity to begin with
>Holy shit, you are actually delusional enough to take firing half your staff as a sign of progress.

Normally, I wouldn't think that either. However, since the former staff was fired, and replaced, the development actually started progressing, and we got actual gameplay, with updates frequently, the whole rogue trader shitfest was toned down massively and pretty much just stated that the guns etc you can buy there are just skins and so on.
So the fact is that Eternal Crusade only started having positive developments once the former devs were canned.

And Space Marine combat is awesome, and that's what matters. Eternal Crusade replicates it adequately, and ads some new stuff to it too. You'd know this, if you had played the game.

The only financial investment I have in the game was the early access I got for cheap on steam, and only after I had watched loads of gameplay videos that showcased me the potential the game has.

You might want to try again, and provide an actual argument to why the game is shit. Or, if you just want to shitpost about how horrible the game is gonna be, go to /v/.
>What are the differences rulewise between the
>IA8 Kustom Stompa and the 7th Edition Stompa
>except the Hullpoints/Structurepoints?

One if them is ancient as fuck and somewhat illegal to play and very broken/undercosted if i remember.

The other is in the codex and somewhat modern. use that one.

Finally, Ork blood is red but i suspect the muscles are green. sometimes the blood is portrayed as being green in certain books though.

>And Space Marine combat is awesome

With standards this low you'll be pretty easily pleased.

>provide an actual argument to why the game is shit

Try looking at that new trailer and justify those animations. How about dem adobe after effects on the exploding landraider? I could make an action figure out of candle wax that would look less cheap than those models. I see they still can't actually make the Eldar do anything other than stand and shoot. They haven't even finalized rolls for them and this is all meant to be finishing early access soon? Are you beginning to see why people think it looks like a turd?
The vanilla Stompa in IA8 was 600 points; pretty fair. The 7th GW codex you should just ignore, because it's garbage; use mine instead. Talk with your group: vanilla Stompa at 770 costs 20 points more than a Warhound, but performs substantially worse in all respects, so I fixed it. If you use all the standard GW rules & loadout, make it 600 points, max.

Ork skin is green, but blood & tissue are basically the same red as other species'.
I was a little sad that it shied away from some of the weirder sides of 40k (not a single tech-priest in sight, living or dead), but it was still pretty good. Multiplayer was fun, even if the appeal was 90% about it being marines boltering each other.
>not requiring codex legal squad sides
>allowing 2+ saves

Make your own then
Or just use the regular ones from 4th Ed.
>With standards this low you'll be pretty easily pleased.
If you don't think that Space Marine had good combat, then your opinions on this matter are utterly irrelevant and we can stop the discussion right here.

>models in an inproduction game not looking that good.
No shit.
And if your argument to why the game is shit boils down to "graphics suxs" then you really don't have an argument in the first place.
He's playing a shit homebrew and then wondering why and how power-gamers manage to break it.
>If you don't think that Space Marine had good combat, then your opinions on this matter are utterly irrelevant and we can stop the discussion right here.

Other Anon here, you're fucking retarded, just leave.

>Ignore every point about horrid animations and closing deadline
>I-it's not about graphics

Not shit Sherlock, it's about providing a trailer where your models are capable of executing ANY kind of movement, because your game is supposed to be actually finished soon. Instead they couldn't show anything outside of one Banshee jerkily sperging out at a marine for a half second in a jump cut amongst fucking awful, stroboscopic effects trying desperately to hide what a piece of shit it is.
>shit homebrew
Can you do better though?
Space Marine combat was excellent. It was fast paced, and had good balance between characters being resilient, while still not complete bullet sponges.
While the game itself may have been mediocre, the combat in it was bloody excellent.

>still arguing about graphical assets.
I am talking about gameplay, you pleb. Graphics are secondary concern.
It's not like GW's kill team is a bastion of balance.
>they should really stop wasting time on these trailers because they aren't outright lies and fabrications like actual triple A trailers
You should really stop wasting posts with such shitty opinions. It gives the board a bad reputation because the content of your posts represent pure cancer.

>I-if you can't do better y-you can't criticize XDDD

Nigger fuck off back to the Youtube comments hugbox with this shit-tier mentality
What's the average point value for a Heralds of Ruin game?

About the Kustom Stompa, I am referring to these to sources that state:
Kustom Stompa Incompatible with codex This unit contains rules which reference the parent codex but no longer work - it will require house rules to use.

And I would like to know which IA8 rules exactly stand in conflict with the 7th Ork Codex.

Stay mad butthurt babby
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250 pointarinos

>check HoR because I haven't in ages
>rules for Black Templar, Last Chancers, Grot Rebel, and Rouge Trader lists
>holy and they've added a SQU-*BLAM*
>get BTFO
>better upload my bait.jpg!

Sure showed them :^)
250 points
> 1 Team Leader
"Sergeant" and toned down HQ's from the codex, all with +1 wound for no extra cost
> 1 - 20 Core
> 0 - 3 Special

A lot of Core and Special units also have their own restrictions on how many you can take. For example you can only take 5 assault marines, and you can only take 3 bikes if your team leader is not on a bike. Tau can only have 2 crisis suits in their special slot, and so on.

Each faction also has a set of relics unique only to Kill-Teams. For example a Space Marine sergeant can take the Armour of Alacrity from DOW2, or the Laurels of Endurance.
I just happened across it myself after seeing it name dropped here and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of options available. Might see about assembling a few different forces and getting my friends into playing it.
It's stuff like having old Gaze of Mork & Psycho-Dakka-Blasta rules, & wargear like the Supercharger changing old Assault range from 6" to 12". Oh, & the Repair Krew, which is worthless if you just shit some Meks into the transport. Most everything else works fine, since FW specified Structure Points are just 3 HP apiece.
Looking through the IG/AM list and it's really weird to me that a standard squad is now 11 strong, assuming you want a chainsaw wielding sergeant with each.

Regardless, I'm very pleased that I can easily make a 250pt force out of the stuff I pulled out of my attack. And still field 50 models, which seems like it should be against the principle of Kill Team but whatever.
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>point out how shit HoR is

enjoy your (you)
You can field 50 models, and then promptly get shit all over because you don't have any special weapons. A good kill team has some kind of mix between having bodies, and having good weapons. For guard you'll want about 20 or 25 bodies, not 50. The rest of the points should be in special weapons and support so you can actually do damage to another kill team.

Most teams however should shoot for having no more than 13 team members.
>no blush on the datasmith's cheeks
Apply yourself.
Man, this is an invigorating discussion. You have really shown me the error of my ways. I will never play kill teams again because it's just shit.
Kill Teams isn't shit, HoR rules are shit.

You should know this.
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if that is actually the old ass ork trukk Im going to scream in orgasm
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Was only roughly calculating, will keep special weapons in mind. Unfortunately I have exactly 1 plasma and 1 melta gun models, though I guess I can spam grenade launchers and flamers. Got 3 heavy weapon teams too, which I'm sure will take up some points.
For real, never underestimate flamers in kill teams, especially if you're playing the "Wounds" rule, where models that go down aren't immediately removed from the table. In my game, I had most of my squad killed by a pair of jet-packing crisis suits with double flamers.

They also bypass ballistic skill, which is absolutely fantastic.
Only dick sucking gw shills hate HoR kill team
they also cause D3 automatic hits on any model that charges them

flamers are right next to instant death in "ridiculously good" for HoR.
Excellent, my younger self made a bunch of flamer models so I can happily spam them.

Looking towards other forces, would picking up the Dark Vengeance box give me enough stuff to run Dark Angels and Chaos forces?
>mfw I didn't notice the anti tau bait in the op
S.m.h T.b.h Fami
That's good to know. I've not played any 40k in ages, but I recall getting into melee with your guardsmen being A Bad Thing.
Yea, the Dark Vengeance box pretty much contains everything you would ever need to play Kill Teams. You can also get a bunch more options if you use a crafting knife and greenstuff to convert the Deathwing into fallen marines.

This can be done by using your knife to 'strike' the aquilas and chapter markings from the dark angels models, effectively marking them as traitors.
New general here:


Codex mandated bingo edition!
Fantastic, that should be a (kinda) economical way to bring my forces onboard. Can you mix Chaos Marines and Cultists? I noticed that they have separate lists.
I know, I butchered it a bit so it'd sound similar to militarum.
I'm unsure if I should correct it or not.

They not Aussie guard though, just the regular Storm Trooper models with a few of the old metal ones in the Valkyrie.
I was just stuck for a name so I chose the Southern Cross constellation arbitrarily and slapped on Glorie from an old fluff piece where the guard call the stormies 'glory boys'.
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They are if you build them correctly. I'll give you some pointers.

The first thing you have to know is that, point for point by themselves, IG infantry are trash. They aren't even worth 5 points, they are worth more like 3. You overpay for each one, which means the more of them you take, the worse your army is. The only way to overcome this flaw is to take advantage of multipliers.

What's a multiplier? They are abilities on unit that add bonus effects to "a unit" regardless of its size. Predominantly, this means orders, psychic powers, and priest hymns. To illustrate what I mean, you pay 25 points for a psyker. He casts prescience on 10 guys, and you get 10 twinlinked shots for 25 points. Now put him in a blob of 50, and he still costs only 25 points, but you get 50 twinlinked shots.

When you compound the first rank fire second rank fire order with prescience and a priest, you get an infantry unit which fires up to 3 times, rerolls misses, is fearless, and in combat can have either the statistical equivalent of power armor or strength 5. Suddenly, infantry becomes worth not only the 5 points you pay per guy, but more like 8 or 9 points. To take advantage of that, you need as many big units as you can get with priests and psykers in all of them.

You can also get some mileage out of infantry using Kurov's Aquilla on your commander. It allows you to reroll failed hits of 1, so it suddenly becomes a good idea to spam 5 plasma rifles in your giant unit since they overheat only 1/36 shots instead of 1/6.

Conscripts are also a must-have. They benefit from everything regular infantry do, but cost 2 pts less each. They might have lower BS and WS, but it hardly matters - with rerolls you a conscript still hits 66% or the time comapred to 75% of the time for basic infantry. He also still hits a marine on a 4 in melee, just like a normal guy. Totally worth it.

I am entirely fine with priests and psykers. May have to go off-brand to get some interesting variety, but I'm entirely fine with that too.
>guardsmen should be three points
How much would conscripts be then rofl
Bloody guard players...

Now that you have to DOs of IG infantry, here are the DON'Ts:

Never, fucking ever, take 10 man units that sit in a corner with a heavy weapon all game. You need to think about you much utility you get out of each soldier per turn. That heavy weapon fires 6 times, sure, so those 15ish points get some use (assuming they have good targets). But the other 8 guys in your squad? They sit around being worthless most of the game, performing no function at all but being extra wounds. If you take a lascannon in your squad and shoot it at a tank, all your rifles are useless. If you shoot the rifles at infantry, not only do they suck without multipliers, but your cannon is practically worthless. So, always take anti-infantry heavy weapons in your squads - heavy bolters, autocannons, missile launchers - or don't take any at all and save the points.

Never take 10 man units, always at least 40 and always with some kind of independent character buff.

Watch out for templates, and use cover. The Aegis Defense Line is 50 points and a free 4+ save for an entire platoon. There's also a dark angels character that you can use to get a 4+ cover save on a 50-man unit. Pskyers can randomly roll a cover save ability, too.
>canon is practically worthless
Aside from instantly vaporizing an infantry model it hits and wounds
How many Aegis Lines would I need for a platoon? In terms of boxes/models, rather than points.
Scramjet is Supersonic Ramjet
Super is latin, Sonic is Sonus, google translate won't show ram and jet is jactere.
It's practically all latin as is.

Consider the points you pay for it, chief. You get 6 shots per game. You hit with 3. If you are killing terminators, sure, but if you are killing boyz or gaunts, you are not getting your points back for that 25 point cannon.

Pretty sure you can only take 1 fortification per game, but I don't remember 100%
Is the dakka blasta jet rules out

Ah, and I forgot a thing about the ADL people never seem to know:

The rules say that each section of the wall must be connected to one other section. Most people assume this means the wall must be one long line. It's doesn't. It means that you have to deploy the wall section at least in pairs, so that each section is touching ONE other section, minimum. So, you can use the walls in 3 different places to make existing terrain larger for your platoon or tanks to fit behind.

When/if new faq comes out it says it has to be one line
Are the Wall of Martyrs terrain pieces fortifications you can buy, or are they just cool terrain?
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Pretty sure it has to be one line.

They come with stats in the fortifications supplement. In my opinion, most of them are not worth what you pay for them. They do things like give your guys Stubborn. Oooooo, shit. Stubborn. When you have a priest in there making your fearless who the fuck cares? One of the bunkers is ok, and the emergency escape hatch upgrade basically lets you deep strike a squad of meltas into the center of the board once with no roll. Other than a few tricks like that, though, they are generally too expensive for what they do.

Ah, ok, so they did FAQ that. Thanks anon, I don't like to be wrong so I'm happy to be corrected. I will save this image for future reference.
How about the Imperial Bastion? And any other bits of fortification/cool looking emplacements I've forgotten to mention.
check out the Stronghold Assault expansion book in the mega. It has all the fortifications in it

I don't have the book in front of me, so I can't say for certain, but I can tell you that las tI looked through it the ADL, Void Shield Gen, and one of the smaller bunkers where the only things that stood out to me. Since I take sometimes 3x 50-man units per game, bastions aren't much use to me - they are too small, and make me sit back instead of maneuver into rapid fire range and capture points. The ADL is nice because it's dirt cheap and gives cover saves for the first half of the game when I need them.

Void shields are very good at soaking AT fire if you invest in three shields per unit.

Probably about 2 points. Because they are only 1ish points overpriced, conscripts are some of the most cost-efficient units in the IG list.
>No hive fleet MC12

Kill thyself
Got a local doubles tournament coming up, 2 points per side, There's quite a few tryhard/waacfags coming so my usual 'fun' list wont even be fun so I figured I should put a disgusting list together too but idk where to start, this is what my initial draft up of 1k points looks like


5 wraithguard
wave serpent / twin linked shuri cannons

5 rangers

3 windriders with scatterlasers

Crimson hunter
pulse laser/two bright lance

Vyper shuri cannon

Vyper shuri cannon

two heavy wraithcannons
Rog'O Dorn
You're fucking Ork/CSM player level retarded fullstop

Ditch vypers for hornets if able. Leave rangers in the webway and bring more bikes.

Do you have an actual logical argument in there, or should I just ignore you?
You'll ignore me anyway because you think guard should be op just cause you own them and always lose with them you moron
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Hey guys, so I found pic related at a yard sale and paid 25£ for it. I was wondering how much it was worth and how I would go about selling it. I've checked all the pieces and none of it has been touched. Its a Space Marine Megaforce 48-98 according to the box.
'bout tree-fiddy

>telling me what I think or how I will respond
Ok, opinion discarded.
You're the fucking reason everyone despises homebrew
get a room

I'd be happy to lay out a rational argument for you in a civil conversation, but I don't want to waste my time if you won't extend the same courtesy. I've been wrong before, but I have put a lot of thought into this. I welcome dissenting opinions, but not empty insults.

Fuck off fag enabler

How many points do you think cultists, boyz, grots and gaunts should be then?

I can't speak for other armies since I don't claim to know them as well as my own. I'm also not going to argue a position I don't hold - there seems to be an assumption here that because I said guardsmen were overpriced at 5pts each, I also advocate decreasing them to 3. I don't. If you read the original post I said this in carefully, it's more complex than that.

What I said was that if you field vanilla guardsmen with no consideration for multipliers (which are built into the codex), every guardsmen you field is wasted points. Guardsmen only become points efficient when you leverage orders, psykers, priests, and/or commissars and characters that add multiplying buffs to their large units.

That means there is nothing wrong with infantry being 5 pts, but players who fail to use the other mechanics in the book are not getting their points worth. Guardsmen should remain 5 pts because they have mechanics available to them to make them worth more than 5pts, IG players jsut often fail to use them properly. Without the use of those codex mechanics, guard are worth only about 3 imo.
>The first thing you have to know is that, point for point by themselves, IG infantry are trash. They aren't even worth 5 points, they are worth more like 3. You overpay for each one, which means the more of them you take, the worse your army is.

Okay faggot.

There is nothing in that statement that contradicts what I'm saying. If you use them BY THEMSELVES they are trash. They aren't worth 5 points, they are worth maybe 3. You are overpaying for them.

Fortunately, you don't have to use them by themselves, do you?
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