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Warhammer Fantasy General

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Thread replies: 323
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Warhammer Fantasy General: What A Terrible Night To Have A Curse Edition

Link to last thread: >>47574843

1d4chan.org/wiki/The_End_Times (Compilation of all the End Times changes)
1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the /tg/ wiki)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki with lots of background articles too. Also AoR is not ded: /vg/ for details.)

>Resources(Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

>Third party Miniature manufactures
Is there a good system for setting up a tabletop/pen and paper game?

I doubt I could convince my friends to play the 2nd edition, given all the random bullshit involved in character creation.
So, ignoring the Fag Times, Esmer got kicked out and fled to Marienburg, Volkmar resumed his position as Grand Theogonist, and Luthor Huss stayed at his right hand, right?
You mean you want a Warhammer RPG other than Warhammer Fantasy RPG?
Not sure if you need one. You can just dress up another RPG as Warhammer, can't you?

I don't think any other RPG exists unless you want to play 1e Warhammer.
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Does anyone remember that mini-game Path to Glory?
I was thinking of one that works really well as a system.

Like, whether I should go for GURPS or something.
>I doubt I could convince my friends to play the 2nd edition, given all the random bullshit involved in character creation.

Find new friends or change the chargen rules slightly.
At the risk of being a faggot I've run into trouble and this seemed like the best place I could get help, anybody know how to stop the fucking Vargs and Skaelings in total Warhammer? They are annoying the ever loving sigmar out of me burning my shit down and running just out of my poor undead legions reach even with the home region bonus move mod and they seem inexplicably immune to attrition, anybody got any advice?
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Going through my Fantasy folder and sorting stuff, found these. Not sure what they were for or why I saved them.
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Just nake sure every province has level 2 walls, norscans cant make any chaos warrior units other than maurauders/chariots/warhounds and trolls.

You could also go send heimmlich kremler on a suicide mission with. A stack of skeletons, go to norsca and raze it down, he's a legendary lord so he"ll be back in your capital in a few turns even of hos army is wiped from the chaos attrition
>Ogre Kingdoms
>No cons

Seems accurate
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>You will never stumble upon a furry beastmen orgy while strolling through Drakwald

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You want to see animals shitting on each other?
Sincerely hope AoS fails and GW finally sees how they hit themselves in the balls with scrapping FB.

Too bad 12-year-old kids would ensure AoS thrives, though.
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Howdy y'all,

I'd like to ask around and see if there are any /tg/ based Warhammer Fantasy skype groups, and if there aren't I'd like to start one.

It'd be for both general chat about models, rules, and the fluff/setting as well as pairing off for Warhammer Roleplay.

Add me, john.law87
Doubt it.
AoS burned bridges badly with the gaming community, and especially the FLGS.

The only places it will survive long is where there is a physical GW store, which there's less than there has ever been because the business model is outdated in the current market.
Did the Lizardmen ever venture outside of the New World?
They were everywhere until someone chaos broke the planet.
That's their whole thing. They were supposed to be the caretakers for the old ones, but they can't do that anymore since they are cold blooded.
The back-to-basics kid-friendly rules and such is a good idea in my opinion.

Sure the old rules "kept normies out" but at the cost of very few new players actually making it into the community.

I don't like the new setting very much and I can't forgive them for what they did to the old world but outside of lore-rape the changes weren't awful.
>since they are cold blooded
I'm pretty sure it's not climate that stops lizardmen from acting more than simply not having clear orders to follow and being a relatively marginal faction that is not allowed to be in the spotlight
There were also some lizardmen on the southern continent, to the west and south of the Tomb Kings, as well as supposedly some on the Dragon Isles, south of the Chaos Dwarves.
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gj guys.
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I'm mostly just looking for a way to incorporate the race into a small Old World mod for Warband, but was never under any guise that it was plausible. Just have the (crappy) models available from another mod.
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Lizardmen holds active holds are not in the old world, they are in lustria, southlands and remote locations, the closest you can get is the recently built city of konquata in albion.

If you want reasons for lizardmen incursions: Relics, geomantic nodes recalibration, extermination campaign
If you want ways for travel: Underway, stargates and flying cities
What am I supposed to read here?
Why aren't you using copters?
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Can anyone help me identify these models?
Bottom-right, square-green base is Shadowblade's old model for Dark Elves. The one to his left, followed by the three other scythe wielders, are 6E-ish era Wraiths. Ghost-titties is a 6E-era Banshee, model to her right is a 6E-era Necromancer, model above her a Necrarch Vampire, model above that a Lahmia Vampire. Can't tell the other two. All the non-Shadowblade ones are Vampire Counts.
WHFB is never coming back, even though Total War is now more popular than AoS ever will be.
Thanks bud.
They had established colonies in the Southlands (i.e. south of the Land of the Dead/Araby)

They also could open up portals and teleport to other places for raids. They've attacked Nagarroth and Ulthuan this way. It required a Slaan Priest to actually care enough about something tho.
Not to mention Mordheim and Vermintide finally came out.

Burning the whole world was poorly timed, they are bungling good opportunities.
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Why does nobody ever discuss trading miniatures and such here?
At least where I live in Texas face-to-face trading and bartertown trading are pretty popular among Warhammer Fantasy and 40k players.
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Looking back, which faction was best for:

There is a kingdom in the south lands as well, mostly populated by skinks.
It's ok they have links to buy the models on the GW site that's all that's needes
Empire hands down
I don't understand what you mean by 'tabletop', like which was the funniest to play as/against or which was the bet for roflstomping?

>table top
High elves, dark elves, woc in terms of base book strength

High elves had the strongest tournament standard unit in the game ala 40 white lions with banner of the world dragon.
What is that in the lower right? Chaos Dwarves?

Never forget Chaos Dwarfs
The problem is they tried to force us to play Age of Sigmar. Instead of trying to give an option, a second mode for play, they thought "End it, our fans will follow our ass like human centipede."
Haven't played WHFB since 7th, reading 8th ed rules on a whim. Am I right that in 8th there is no benefit to taking additional spellcasters except for variety and the small increase in channeling dice chances?
Is the chaos thing without the helmet supposed the be beastmen?
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Naa, the chaos symbol without the helmet just to the right of the one with is deamons. The third banner down in the left row is beastmen.
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Odd that it has a helmet too. Have a blocked off root cellar. Family had to lock up a ghoul or mutant child? Perfect spot
no that's daemons, beastmen is the banner above the tombkings thing
Empire, Bretonnia, High Elves, Dwarfs
Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos
Beastmen, Orcs and Goblins, Ogre Kingdoms, Vampire Counts
Tomb Kings, Lizardmen, Skaven, Chaos Dwarfs
You also have a necrarch on horse. Can't tell what the last thing is because of the lighting.
Multiple lores, Miscast insurance, resisting assassination.

Mandatory almost for VC and 9th TK.
Okay, so it is redundancy/breadth and not raw power like it was in 7th. Thanks.
No problem.

In 9th, its better to take multiple ones again.

In a way I kind of doubt scrapping Fantasy had done much damage to them. 40k has been their cash cow for a while now and they're even expanding into old territory with LotR and Specialist Games.


I've still yet to hear of the supposed flood of new players Total Warhammer was supposed to bring in.

Warseer and Dakka love their anecdotes, so if even a handful existed I'm sure they'd be on it like flies on shit.


They obviously viewed the rules portion of Fantasy as baggage, meaning there was no incentive to keep it around.

I also doubt they thought anything of the sort. They probably figured some might come along and some might stay, like with anything else.

This is honestly one of the problems with the fanbase of 40k and Fantasy online, they circle jerk each other so much over their beliefs they've lost the ability to consider for even a moment that GW is not dumber than them and that the company itself manufactures toy soldiers and in the grand scheme of things is small, it's not something on the level of a Walmart.
WHFRP 2e works really well as a system.

If chargen is your only problem let your players choose their career and give em points they can distribute 1 to 1 on their characteristics.
They have armies fighting all over the world to stem the tide of chaos. Kroq gar Is mentioned to have fought on every continent, even the southern wastes, and for rok has at least been as far as the ogre kingdoms. Despite being all over thenwod they never show up in anyone else's fluff other than the skavens. Even the tomb kings get mentioned fighting alongside imperials and wrecking the Norse
Albion had a sizable lizardman contingent on it. I think newer fluff had them conquer the continent completely.
Which faction is the absolute worst to be a captive under? What fates await the common man or woman who falls prey to the O&G, vampires, tomb kings, chaos dwarfs, beastmen, chaos warriors, dark elves and skaven?
And if you had to be a captive under one of those factions, which would you pick?
>I've still yet to hear of the supposed flood of new players Total Warhammer was supposed to bring in.
Pretty much every new player that popped up either here or on the sigmar general came due to total war tho

We have no way to measure the influx, but we more reasons to believe there's rather than the contrary
>Slavery, abuses, tortures, meat

>Bretonnian paesant tier servitude in life without the good aspects, undead, drink

>tomb kings
>Political captive, execution, execution by scarabs

>chaos dwarfs
>Too weak for slave labor, death by exhaustion

>Rape, abuses, tortures, meat

>Slavery, sacrifice, torture, execution

>dark elves
>Slavery, servitude, sacrifice, execution, torture, abuses, bath

>Slavery, tortures, abuses, meat

Dark elves<warriors<skaven<o&g<beastmen<chaos dwarfs<vampires<tomb kings

Tomb kings seem the most reasonable, at least I can ask for a quick death if I didn't fuck up a urn or something.
Got 6 necro knights and 3 chariots off ebay yesterday for £45.

Feels pretty good. Only need another 3 Sepulchral Stalkers and a unit of Ushabti and my Tomb Kings are pretty complete.

Is there any third party ushabti models that look good or am I gonna have to go to chinaman?
Damnit. I must have missed that. I'm checking the fantasy section of EBay pretty much daily. Got outbid for some Skinks this morning. Ballbags.
12yo don't play AoS tho. They play xwing or 40k
Carsteins and Tomb Kings seem to be the best.
Warriors of Khorne may give you a chance to redeem yourself by sword.
Dark elves and Beastman are the worst.
Dark Elves will torture you just for the sake of it,beastman will start eating you alive
Tomb Kings don't have any urges to satiate on their prisoners so you're unlikely to be bummed to death like with Beastmen.
Skinks and saurus are basically untouched in the new boxes. The saurus one in particular is better for making regiments, since it has 20 dudes in it instead of 16.

Only problem is bases. I'm going to need like sixty 25mms and thirty 20mms after my purchasing spree.
that doesn't sound too bad
The rules are awful, its one of the worst wargames on the market when it comes to rules. They are also needlessly complex in all the wrong ways but completely lacking in others.

The rules never kept people out in 6th edition and it frankly baffles me people think AoS was the solution instead of just going back to pre 8th edition WHFB. They were a top 5 selling game before that trainwreck.
Lad I started to play WHFB when I was 11 and the book was 300-pages thick. Stop thinking kids are retards because you are one.
I still don't understand why they included half points up until sixth edition. That shit was a pain to keep track of when writing out a list.
Not really different from full points desu.
It was difficult for my seven year old self, since I didn't want to write it out.
They don't bath with you as much as they bath IN you
3rd edition WFRP uses point-buy character creation, works well, and embeds more warhammer flavour in the mechanics than a random generic system would.

On the other hand it works best if you play with the physical cards and tokens and such, and those can be expensive or hard to get hold of.
Depends on what faction of every one you are taken prisoner by.

Sylvanians outright enjoyed being ruled by the Vampire Von Carsteins.
>Stop thinking kids are retards because you are one
>Implying implications
A necrach bloofline vampire on horse, a lahmia vampires, a necrach vampire om foot, a old necromancer, 3 wights, a spectral damsel and if im not mistaken the old dark elf assasin character
old cairn wraiths at least
I have a pdf of it on my phone, it seemed pretty damn cool, though the mutation table was rather disappointing!
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So apparently Kislev was confirmed for DLC (CA created a placeholder wiki page for them, along with the Bretonianians) which they only do for playable races.

What does everyone want to see for there units?
Bear cavalry.
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Anything but massed bear cavalry.
I had the idea for a fluffy army where a desperate Empire general recruits a local necromancer to help "bolster" his army in the face of an Orc invasion, who agrees because he doesn't want to have his lair overrun by greenskins either.

"If anyone asks, you're a legitimate member of the amethyst college, right?"
The only way that would work is if there's NO Sigmarite priests left. Or priests of Morr.

Also, he pays off his soldiery.

Or is a Border Prince, they get a lot of leeway.

Winged Hussars, Polish/Slavic legacy is a-go!
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Why are Empire Greatswords the best looking and comfiest unit in the whole of Warhammer?

I like it. I have a converted VC Army using all Empire bits.
You'd be comfy too if you were slaying monsters in your pajamas

Also it's because Perry bros scuplts are based
This might be common thing near Sylvanian boarder
Not as a unit, possibly as a commamder mount upgrade. Non-ridden warhears can be a unit.
I want to paint one up as giantdad.
If you're good looking, you might get a position as a sex slave when it comes to Dark Elves. It might get a little freaky, but it sure as hell beats toiling in misery or getting sacrificed.
As long as you don't have warpriests in your army it's fluffy.

Sort of the reverse of the Von Carsteins being able to use Empire militia/ state troops because they're the rightful rulers of that area.

I'm not sure if that's still a thing. It was in the back of the VC book back in 6th ed.
Dark elves torture you for fun and view you with utter contempt. Beastmen are jealous as fuck that the civilized races control their former lands and will take out their misery on you. The beastmen rulebook pretty much states several times that you will be raped, shit on, losses on, raped again, then eaten alive. The worst fate is for captains, generals, standard bearers and mages, or anyone in general who takes pride in nice things. Think of a stoic badass imperial general being captured by the beastmen. They won't just torture him, they'll humiliate and degrade him for days on end until he is a broken, weeping mess. Then they'll eat him alive.
everything that was in their armylist with zarina and boris as LL
Could you post it or tell me where to find the pdf? All I can find is the new AoS version
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Speaking of sweet ebay purchases, I managed to snag these for £5. Came through today. Will be running them as a basic warlock and warlord though.

That's great considering that character models are the most expensive things now.
Rape is cannon in warhammer? Where does it say?
Back in the day when the Orcs could breed there was a small little story where it was inferred the townsfolk got raped.

Then there are a shit-ton of small little references throughout almost every Black Library book dealing with beastmen about it.

But overall I don't think they ever outright say that it's rape, they usually stop just short of saying it.
Its been implied a lot over the years, as far as I know only openly stated in BL boons.
Man. Rape tortured for eternal agony BDSM style by the Dark Elves, having a massive mace shoved in your anus, and dying in horrible pain by Slannesh Chaos Warriors, or animal fucked by Beastmen until you die.

What is the best option here?
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Dark Elves mang
To the folks who recently recommended me Beasts in Velvet and Wine of Dreams, my thanks.

Those two books helped me wash out the lingering sour taste of the Valkia books and short-stories.
most of the references are from before black library existed

Fimir, for example.
Vampires. Lahmians, as a Bloodswain.
>If you're good looking, you might get a position as a sex slave when it comes to Dark Elves. It might get a little freaky

When dark elves get freaky, it's not 'spanking while edging you' freaky, it's 'running fish hooks through your skin and hanging you over a fire while sodomizing you with a barbed dildo' freaky.

>What does everyone want to see for there units?

I am so disappointed that the End Times did not have Abhorash, the original Blood Dragon, kicking serious ass.

What a letdown.
Fimir, who were going to be an army, canonically only reproduce through raping real people.

It was long implied that beastmen reproduce through raping real people, but some sources mention 'docile' beastwomen. That doesn't necessarily rule out rape.
Ushoran and muh Strigoi weren't even in it.

ET was 90% shit, generously.
Fimir are going to get some support from FW: There's a lord miniature coming
Is there a consensus on the 9th age ruleset? Do people actually use it?
>Kislev before Skaven

Stupid man-things
Is it Age of Smegmar? If so, who cares?
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>Skaven before High Elves
I'll bet the Druchii are behind this.
I prefer KoW myself, it's so fast and fun than the less options you have to pimp your units aren't that much of a dealbreaker as I tought at first.
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Go Back to your island lion fucker
>lion fucker
At least it's not his mom.
Dude, that's our island, not his.
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Can you keep it down, you two?

Also don't go into our creepy forest.
Over my dead body...
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You can fuck those trees for all I care.
With pleasure.
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I love modders...
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Gee mother what are we going to do tonight?
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Meanwhile... armored berserkers
Oh god...that's Radious isn't it? Those are probally the most lore-breaking shit i've seen. Heavily armored slayers. Worst then the black orks with boys.

Chaos Dwarf Mercs are pretty lore friendly for Chaos Warriors though right?
>not even calling them brotherhood of grimnir
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>Its Mommy Time!
He admittedly knows jack and a pile of shit about the lore. He cares even less.
>who cares?
People who can swap a base?
Wanna hang out?
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>Open-faced helm

I prefer the "face shrouded in darkness" look for him. Gives him a more Darth Vader like look and makes it so you don't have to see his baked flesh.
Is he unwilling to make any concessions to it? Because some of what his mod does seems useful like not forcing Greenskins to wait for a t3 settlement to start researching the tech tree. And I thik he lowers upkeeps prrtty drastically.
>Is he unwilling to make any concessions to it?
He seemed to take the initial backlash into consideration. Don't know if anything came of that, I tend to just avoid his stuff.
I don't want to get a faceful of Dismounted Pegasus Knight Arquebusiers (Very Very Heavy Skirmishers).
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Anything but Gelt's leftover Sigmarine prototype.
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>mfw Radious already released a unit pack with 24 new units

One year from now and we will got hundreds of them. This shit is awesome.
Now to just port them to Warband.
All the old-school state troops (including greatswords) are based. 7th ed and onwards state troops look like retards in pyjamas.

This doesn't even make sense even when looking at the Age of Sigmar units. Fyreslayers wear even LESS than normal Slayers so why the fuck is someone slapping armour onto them?
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Try Savage Worlds, try just the plain rulebook with medieval themed rules, the modules for WHFRPG conversions are incomplete and clunky.
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its radious m8
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Does Naggoroth have bison beastmen?
>Be sad about WHFB squatting today, never thought much of it but meh
>Decide i miss the dwarves, go on GW webstore, maybe they still have some sweet longbeards in stock
>See the old armies units butchered to half their numbers
>Some miss core units, other miss special units
>Karl Franz The Man is reducedto a generic general

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>Kemmler is just a no-name necromancer
There's a Slann named Ulha'up who took a load of saurus and skinks to the Old World and then vanished

Those could have also been trolls, especially in the case of AoS.


What exactly makes it the worst ruleswise? There are definitely things that need work, but I think you're only saying it's the worst because the gameplay is simply not the type you enjoy.

To be honest, both 40k and Fantasy do have a lot of shit that satisfies the simulationist itch, but otherwise are just tedious. What is actually the point of having a WS chart when the result is always going to require a 3, 4, or 5+?
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Want to spit up some blood, click this.
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But to cheer you up and make you sadder at the same time...

At least they kept the models around.
Did they downgrade old Archaeon to a chaos lord? Please say yes, I need that model.
The op has the OG 2 volume 3ed edition version with entire d1000 mutation tables and several god specific ones and a whole host of lore and other goodies.
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I think they completely removed it.

They're giving all the gods large kits and removing the cheap versions. Even the new ones like Alarielle so you have to buy the big expensivd kit on a huge mount.

That way if you want to field a named character you have to drop $80-$300.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is only happening because they had some remnants left over when they scrapped Warhammer Forge. To my knowledge the current Fimir kit from FW doesn't allow you to build a champion for the unit.


No, he was discontinued. Probably because a mounted Chaos Lord already existed.
I dont think i have the latest email or catalog from Z. Is the 9.27 catalog still good to use, and the email ending in vip.163 still good? Its all i got from my last package, anyway
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Man anon, why'd you do this to me...
One existed but the horse and pose was so much better for Archaeon.

Any idea where I can find a recast?
Naggaroth every kind of beast imaginable and they are known to work with Chaos armies.

Dark Elves aren't Dark Eldar who don't deal with Chaos at all out of fear. Malekith openly allies with daemons
GW's old website was so much easier to navigate and browse. Their current version is such shit.
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All that lore breaking is really rustling my jimmies. Fucking radious you're triggering me stop!

This is pretty fucking rich that people are having a problem with Radious when he is basically comes off no different from the people who place their own headcanon above the lore and worse claim that neither 40k nor Fantasy have any canon and thus they're free to do what they want.


The problem likely was that it's easy to tell that Archaon is Archaon whereas the mounted Lord they retained is just generic Chaos.
Retconned, Dark Elves are Eldar now.
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If you were making a Wardancer career for WFRP 2e, what would you include/how would you focus it?

They really aren't.
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This is the darkest timeline for sure...
Well, technically they are Aelves which are even more Eldar.

But the only thing that distinguished Eldar and Dark Elves were the DE being into Chaos. Now they're just Dark
eldar minus the soulstones.
Well Dark Eldar don't have soulstones so...
I would base it off the 1st edition write up in the Apocrypha Now book, but tone it down in power a little.
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They sorta turn their whole body into a soulstone that gets refueled with pain.

On an unrelated note I love the fluting on undead armor.

>Well, technically they are Aelves which are even more Eldar.

Not really since nothing about the Elves in AoS is known.

>But the only thing that distinguished Eldar and Dark Elves were the DE being into Chaos

Not the whole taking the racial superiority thing to the extreme and using it as a justification for their actions? Not being more ambitious, bloodthirsty, cruel, hard, etc? Not being willing to do almost anything in return for power?

Pretty sure there is quite a bit that makes Dark Elves differ from High Elves. They wouldn't have removed the secret worship of Slaanesh if they thought it was the only thing separating the two and not something that didn't sync up with the rest of the Dark Elf culture.
>Pretty sure there is quite a bit that makes Dark Elves differ from High Elves. They wouldn't have removed the secret worship of Slaanesh if they thought it was the only thing separating the two and not something that didn't sync up with the rest of the Dark Elf culture.

Got it. Remove anything unique, make one homogenous race across the continent.

Good to know that you think you know more about what makes Dark Elves unique than Priestley, Alan Merett, and Thorpe.
Funny, the golden era of lore had them as Chaos Elves.

So yes. The Atharti garbage came about in the two worst editions, 7 and 8.

I'm not sure having secret cults that worshiped Slaanesh and Malekith and Morathi bargaining with daemons really made them Chaos Elves.
but muh 4 million web design

that my wife's company did
It only gets worse.
Technically it was just another flavor of fluff you could use.

If you use Witch Elves, they're Khainite or Slaaneshi (AKA Shornaal as the Elves call him) at your discretion. If you field Morathi, they default to Slaanesh and if you field Malekith they default to Khaine.

It gave more flavor to have more than one possible allegiance. Its like taking away half the High Elf kingdoms, or getting rid of the character Ushoran and just lumping all Strigoi in as von Carsteins.

Less options is never a good thing. Its fine to call something uncommon, but putting a stamp on the lore that says "NEVER" or "ALWAYS" is pretty shitty.

Instead they just axed away half of the Dark Elf identity and in the process made Morathi completely useless, instead giving you a list of gods of which you know basically nothing except the symbol that represents them and a three sentence paragraph at best. It basically forces all Dark Elves into being Khaine worshipers.

It'd be the same as removing Isha and saying all High Elves are either Asuryan or one of the other minor deities. Or taking away Kurnous from Wood Elves. Its half of what most of their race identify with.

Rant over. I'm just against the dumbfuck idea that Elves cannot be seduced and corrupted using their pride by the Chaos God of seduction, corruption, and pride.
the Way I saw it, and I felt it was presented in earlier editions, Dark Elves weren't as much seduced by Slaanesh, but more of endulging in an partnership with mutual profit.

Maybe I can make it more clear, they are not doing evil shit because slaanesh abd khaine tells them to, they do evil shit because they love doing it, and Slaanesh+Khaine look favourable on their deeds.

But much like High Elves. Dark Elves have far higher willpower than Humans and are not easily seduced by higher beings.

They pretty much answered why they made the change though. It didn't make sense for the Elves to worship Slaanesh and yet at the same time worship Khaine instead of Khorne. One or the other had to go.

Yeah it's curtailing options, but it's for consistency and that is something I think is generally the right thing to do. Otherwise you can kind of pick apart everything and suddenly get justifications for Lizardmen and Daemons working together.
Malekith and Morathi (and many Dark Elves that practiced sorcery) believed they could control the winds of magic and Chaos and bind it to their will. I believe Malekith has struck pacts with the Dark Gods before in the lore, but 8th may have changed this. I didn't really read up on any more Fantasy after it was destroyed.

Basically the Dark Elves were never really partners with Slaanesh so much as they (thought) they were using Slaanesh for their own gain, and would be delighted to control Her and all of Chaos if they could manage it.

That's the impression I always got anyway.
>They pretty much answered why they made the change though
It was a shitty answer.

>It didn't make sense for the Elves to worship Slaanesh and yet at the same time worship Khaine instead of Khorne
Stubborn pride. Of course, back in the day it was heavily implied Fantasy Khaine was an aspect of Khorne.
It wasn't retconned as of the 8th edition. It had Malekith launching a joint invasion of Ulthuan with N'Kari and a horde of Slaaneshi daemons. Dark Eldar would never do that shit.

I don't know about Age of Shitmar though, I don't pay any attention to that.

>Of course, back in the day it was heavily implied Fantasy Khaine was an aspect of Khorne.

Pretty sure that was still in the cards when they were discussing the change.


Neither Malekith nor Morathi has yet to really show up in AoS.
But there was no Elf alternative to Slaanesh.

Why worship Khaine over Khorne? Because Khaine is an Elf, and also Malekith forbids Khorne!

Why worship Slaanesh over Atharti? Because there is no Atharti, and because Morathi says its okay!

Their logic was stupid, and the result was stupid.
In Black Library books, Morathi is literally the high priestess of Slaanesh and she outranks all Slaaneshi non-Daemons. She was also in love with him and believed she was his consort awaiting her lover.

When they retconned it, she instead became the high priestess of Atharti who was actually the Elf goddess of death Ereth Khial or some shit, who was senile and only wanted her long lost love Aenarion and totally lost her damn mind in End Times.

The retcon was stupid, and it produced nothing of value.
what the heck tower is that? It is flying an Orkish flag
>Neither Malekith nor Morathi has yet to really show up in AoS.

Malekith is a dragontaur that we have artwork of and is the only being who ever beat Archaon in a battle.

Morathi has shadow Daemonettes and is with Sigmar still.
There have been numerous undisputable masterpieces in total war modding, such as the strikingly realistic classic Europa Barbarorum or its medieval counterpart Stainless Steel. Radious mod will not join their ranks; its surface is too generic, its presentation too provocative and its messages too obscure. Its take on the abysmal is an illumination in one person’s despair, but a paroxysm of another’s perversion. It will remain underground – treasured by the most avant-garde among intellectuals for its edifying if horrifying insight into the fundaments of human morality. Philistines and self-proclaimed critics alike will shun Radious mod, but you can’t fault them for that. It takes wisdom to appreciate its subtleties, and courage to side with the unpopular opinion. Sed domi maneas paresque nobis novem continuas fututiones.

Superficially, Radious mod appears to be a mod which caters to the most proletarian among men; aloof critics dismiss it as such often without a second thought. As complacent as these self-proclaimed "understanders of strategy" are, they fail to realize that Radious mod is a cult classic, a chef d'oeuvrea buried under false preconceptions and unfounded criticism. This gem is hidden because it does not shine; it is buried because its tone is that of abyssal black. Radious mod pries into to the darkest corners of our subconscious, the most visceral of our cognition, the most carnal of our urges, and the most primal of our instincts.

As brilliantly put by Cattalus, "Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo"; to describe the artistic qualia of Radious mod would be to describe music to the deaf, color to the blind or beauty to the philistine. The painting speaks for itself, and it is up to the player to fully absorb its depth. Its sublimity will ever be debated yet always remain objectively irrefutable; the fundamental insight it provides into human and perhaps animalistic nature may shape the basis of Total War modding for centuries to come.
Castle Drachenfels, and Games Workshop had it accompany their logo as an unofficial logo for over a decade. It shows up in a lot of art from that period regardless of what is depicted.
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orks can't have towers?
my dad works at Nintendo's paranormal division, but tell me more
I thought they had lizard beastmen coming from the western region naggaroth
Yeah, from the reviews I'm reading, it was hella OP.
The guy in the picture has his pants halfway down his arse
or he's wearing a tunic
>the only being who ever beat Archaon in a battle.

Except, you know, Grimgor.
>Lizard beastmen
So lizardmen/chaos lizardmen?
Grimgor was beheaded.
"In addition, Mrs K Kirby (Lathbury) received £117,461 (2013: £73,620) during the year from the Group for her work as interim head of IT.
that's From GW's 2013-14 Annual Report
Sorry, Age of Sigmar is not canon.

So when sending my PCs to Araby, what's vital to include besides djinni and the unique situation with the Winds?
Lizard beastmen are not 'true' lizardmen.
>Sorry, Age of Sigmar is not canon.

Don't apologize. You don't have the power to make anything not canon.

Grimgor got beheaded. Tis a canon.
>end times not canon
>trying to use head canon for araby
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>He isn't running a 3000 point Goblins list
You want the Age of Sigmar thread, newfriend. Don't worry, I know it's confusing at first.
Both of the things mentioned in that post are old canon though.
gonblars are superior
skinks are superiorest
End Times is warhammer fantasy.
That has the writing and pacing of a bad fanfiction
That doesn't make it any less canon, cry harder
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Aside from malekith being asuryans chosen from the start, what other character plot twists and reveals would be as horribly lore breaking as pic related?
>dwarfs go conquer Karak Eight peak in the middle of an apocalypse
>mannfred does something
>everyone goes full retard

It's hard to summarize, when a huge cast of individually established characters all get thrown into one huge pit and bend their motivations to support a bullshit narrative, a lot of plot twists get lost on the way
>Morathi lusting after Tyrion
>Every Elf going full retard besides Alith Anar
>Mannfred being retarded

Honestly pretty much everyone in the End Times was practically a different character.

If GW had taken more time to flesh out the ordeal and given more characters more time to grow it might have turned out better, but they killed them all off in a few months. Everyone was thrown into a big pot with one plotline and some of them were forced to be a certain way to fit that narrative, or just to die. Some of the High Elves suddenly turned awfully bloodthirsty, for example, which they never seemed to be before that.

I'll never forgive GW for this shit. AoS doesn't come close to WHF.
>established characters

That's a funny way of saying "a few short paragraphs in any army book". Fantasy had no established and developed characters. They were just pretty images with a few lines of fluff. So when people say characters acted like "different characters" I laugh.
No, it was written just to cause Sigmar, so it's AoS.
Shut up, Slav.
if there are only a few lines about them in an army book and GW still can't help but retcon anything ever written about that character, it doesn't really make them look much better.
When every novel and every army books retcons things and changes characters between editions, you expected something else?

The army books don't give enough information to properly get to know the characters and the novels are a mess with each author having his way with the characters. So when an anon says warhammer had established characters, I laugh in his virtual face. Warhammer characters are just hallow plot devices that any developers can bestow any motivation on or any personality.
You'll need to go to the AoS thread, friend.

This is my thread.
No such thing on 4chan.
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The fluff stopped after Storm of Chaos with the setting of WFRP 2E.
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Found this while cleaning my storeroom, trying to sell it off. What price do you think people are willing to pay for it?

Pic is Burlock Damminson from 5th ed btw.
Chaos is the worst of all of these because this is literally Slannesh's bag baby

Do you hear that faint maniacal laughter on the wind?

Its the cruel gods.

They won... this is our fate.
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Nobody can ever take away my headcanon though.
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found a little something something on sale at the lgs, 140 yuromoneys
i feel pretty good
>and nothing of value was lost
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Sorry, I'm deaf
had a discussion with the lgs manager about 9th age, funny. I figured it hadnt landed here.
Is 9th popular all over?
Eltharion leaving Tor Yvresse.
>Fantasy had no established and developed characters
Did you ever fucking read a pre-8e army book or a Black Library book? Ever?

Get out of this thread, you scum sucking pile of faggotry.
$10-$30 depending on luck on eBay.
Yeah, all the old tourneys are using it and for my community its THE game now.
Shame they based it on 8th edition for some bizarre reason.

No reason to play it instead of 6th.
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So, thought experiment. If we go back to the Storm of Chaos, where Archaon lost and got cucked by an Orc in front of his entire army, what happens next?

I assume Archaon is dead within 6 months. Who would follow him after that? But Grimgor is rebuilding. Mallobaude is plotting, and Arkhan is still working on bringing Nagash back. Also, what about the schism in the Sigmarite church? And did the Skaven really kill Valten? Was he killed at all? Will his death cause a crisis in the faith?
>Archaon dying
Sadly that's not how it works.
According to a crazy old man's prophecy. Other Everchosen failed before. The prophecy could be wrong. I certainly don't see anyone following orc cuck ever again.

Perhaps he IS responsible for the end of the world...just not at his own hands.
>I assume Archaon is dead within 6 months.
Archaon is Abaddon 2.0. Or the other way around, either way, he loses so status quo is maintained but he does not die.
>According to a crazy old man's prophecy.
According to Be'lakor massaging liquid plot armour into Archaon's mutated buttcheeks. He's just going to rewrite any reality where Archaon fails to destroy everything in an autistic fit for not getting his Sigmar tendies.
Dumb and gay, let's just assume he can't and the Chaos Gods lock him away again for being some linedev's self insert.
It is pretty much the way to go if a group is organized enough to not feel forced to play GW's latest rulebook, yet unorganized enough to not homebrew a version (be it based on 6th or 8th) on their own.

I find it an improvement of balance and a refinement of the formula that has been warhammer for its latest editions.
Perhaps the last part is what gives doubts to some people (on top of being fluffed as not!warhammer): The game may be seen by some as too standardized.
Found a good theme for Archaon since we're on the topic.
>No reason to play it instead of 6th.

Its more balanced, and a lot of models don't have 6e statlines so unless you only own old models there's no reason to play 6th.

Especially for Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts players, half of most armies are things that weren't in 6th.
That's not Storm of Chaos canon, that's ET/AoS canon.
Archaon would still have his fortress and his closest forces, I assume that there would be quite the revolution in chaos armies, with everyone wanting to be the new leader of chaos, including archaon who will still adhere to his title and believe in the prophecy that brought him to that point, after all he's still the everchosen and he's still not dead, he just has to plan another way to end the world that isn't a direct attack.

I would see valten's death as another division: Between the truth of his assassination and the propagandistic role of his martyrdom in pushing back the storm of chaos; faith will spawn miracles, miracles may see parts believing they are a real manifestation of the ascended spirit of the heldenhammer (sigmar and his reincarnation both) and others accuse the church to hold too much power, be it in the followings that gave it wealth and even its own independent armies and the power of the divine which nature may be questioned as being disguised unregulated magic/chaos by some (or in a further twist some may be seeing in the rise of power of the church a plan to divide the empire fabricated by daemons and try to stop the church with this belief)
Given most new 8th edition units and/or models are crap that is no big loss.
the point is if the rules are crap, they get balanced, if the models are good they are not excluded
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>Not liking Necropolis Knights
>Not liking the Terrorgheist
>Not liking the Khemrian Warsphinx
>Not liking Crypt Horrors
>Not liking the Flamespyre Phoenix
>Not liking the Handmaiden of the Everqueen
>Not liking the Corpse Cart
>Not liking the Strigoi Ghoul King
>Not liking the Lothern Sea Helm

You are an absolute fucking pleb. This is coming from someone who loves old models too.
What did actual Egyptian Pharoaohs of the Old and New Kingdom look like?

I want to paint my Neferata as an Egyptian rather than a Scarlet Johanson playing an Egyptian.
like the Greeks
Anyone got links for Black Library books? I feel like reading warhammer fiction.
>>Not liking the Handmaiden of the Everqueen
not him but I'm not a fan of an overuse of glowing/flaming weapons

That's why I can't stand brets in total war
I don't know if it is a complete collection of whfb books, but there're some under this good old link http://www.mediafire.com/folder/2qbp22o8ch8qc/Warhammer_Fantasy_Battles#myfiles
It's 9th exclusively around here.
Much obliged, thanks!
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You're thinking of Sisters.

The Handmaiden is these ladies as a character.
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what is the comics name?
Can't remember, it was the tie-in for Warhammer Online though. I think it came with the game.
Fook! Alright, thanks anyhow anon.
so i just got into whf by twwh
i know that is it kill but were would be the best place to get a quick overview of the lore ?

also, is the custom fan edition any good ?
should i take a look at it or 8th ed ?
So basically it's like rape trolls in Berserk, but more horrifying because Chaos?
Imitation Lizardmen essentially.
Manfred going hail chaos
Drachenfals "I forgot my name" going hail Nurgle
And Balthazar becoming a necromancer
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The best way is to download any of the rulebooks present in the links in the op (there's a MEGA with a section dedicated to warhammer fantasy, under the armybooks folder you should find the rulebooks, the older ones in the similarly named folder)
Each rulebook has a fluff section that introduces the history and the factions of the world; if you desire to know more about a specific faction the armybooks are the place to look for, or alternatively background compendia in those few cases like with dwarfs' "grudgelore" in the background folder.
The best editions to look into for lore are from 6th to 8th, some people prefer to introduce the setting with the 6th edition because it is considered better written and illustrated, others the 8th edition because it depicts warhammer in its last incarnation with most of latest introductions too.
The fluff section of the 8th edition should be uploaded separately in the background folder as "an introductio", I don't remember if it was brought down though.

In terms of rules it's wiser to look for what your group (or the nearer ones) plays, but the fanmade 9th edition is largely considered to be better than 8th.

Note though that the fluff of the 9th edition is not warhammer to fend off legal repercussions, you may want to ignore it to not get confused while beginning.

Lizardmen a best
It's like change from 7th ed to 8th.
Some people moan,some people leave,tournament scen shifts to the newer version
>I think it came with the game.
I don't remember mine coming with it.
>Corpse Cart
This is 7th at least,perhaps even earlier
Approximately as bad, really. Being raped and eaten by a shit covered monster is bad in any world.
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based ty anon !
Dunno, with Berserk trolls, you know what to expect. An ugly furry thing is gonna keep fucking you until you give birth to chestburster troll babies or you die.

With beastmen, those are probably just two out of many horrifying options.
It was definitely later than 6th. I collected VC in 6th and definitely don't remember it. I stopped playing for a long time before 7th came out.
The picture is called "The Ogre's Tower", though. Blanche, obviously.
I'll add that in Shadow King novel (it was after the Atharti retcon) Morathi is shown having an alliance with Lord of Change.
Prelude to WAR
I think the best thing for Drachenfels is to delve into why he was what he was and take it to its natural conclusion.

He was able to resist death because of willpower, not any knowledge or planning or aid from a stronger being. He was able to command Chaos itself because of willpower and genuinely believed he is stronger than the Chaos Gods.
His only motivations are his own entertainment, because as a being of sheer willpower who cannot be permanently beaten he's only left trying to amuse himself. More specifically he has flair and drama, he has to kill in deliciously cruel or ironic ways. He's not content to kill his enemies, he plays dead and plans to kill his supposed killers during a play about his own defeat for the Emperor himself.

In an End Times event he'd end up being a manipulator who pretends to be on the sides of multiple armies and manipulates them into fighting each other, hampering every faction and chortling to himself all the while like a sadistic Tom Bombadil. He's finally beaten once and for all by just verbally tricking him into going into the Warp, where he becomes a very minor Chaos God who carves out his own realm before realizing he's stuck there forever, lile Be'lakor locked in a cage.
Like a proper mythological trickster.

The End.
I don't get why they had to kill Kemmler and have Mannfred do that.

Manny could have stayed not grimderp if Kemmler pulled a Spanish Inquisition and appeared in the final battle after being absent for all of End Times to stab Gelt.

Hell, they could have said Tzeentch then whisked him away to Age of Sigmar considering they didn't drop his model.
>Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy
http://www.mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook+%28Hardback%29.pdf (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)
And he was banished by a hero choice
The ending of SoC was just as retarded as the end times, you would need to tweak a few of the plot points in order for it to make sense. I say He never duels Valten or Huss, or any of the champions of light. Instead, he finds his way barred by Grimgor and his immortulz, and thinks it will be an easy task. He ends up getting wrecked by Grimgor, and spends his last mortal moments being absolutely humiliated as he learns the horrific truth: He isnt THE ever chosen, and this never was meant to be the end times. He was just another in a long line of powerful chaos champions who fit the bill, and he already did more damage than any before him. The chaos gods then give Archaon the worst fate one could give him: Daemonhood. Now an eternal slave to all 4 chaos gods, his dream of a world free of the interference of the gods is over. From now on he is a pawn, a daemonprince who can never gain full independence or redemption.

with Archaon gone, the Chaos hordes quickly fall into infighting and are dispersed by the Conclave of light. the most powerful warlords gather hordes to them, some fleeing east to the dark lands, some fleeing into the dark forests, one going to brass keep and most fleeing north. The chaos gods go back to infighting and turn their eye away from the warhammer world for a moment, meaning no massive daemon incursions.

Grimgor, his horde depleted but still capable of wrecking the vulnerable empire, views all the remaining champions of light as too puny to be a challenge, and decides to head west and take on the chaos dwarfs.

the chaos dwarfs went all in during Archaons invasion and lost much of their manpower, but their fortresses are still nearly impossible to take. With slave revolts among the green skins and ogres, and attacks from hordes of both, the CD start recruiting the chaos armies retreating into the dark lands.
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That'd be best.

Drachenfels is really like a mythological being, it should be just about anybody tricking him.

Shit, he was only temporarily defeated by a Lord level Vampire and a Core Empire option hopped up on a Level 8 strength Lore of Light spell in his novel.

To legitimately beat him forever in a satisfying way would just be simple clever thinking. You
Wouldn't have to nerf him either, just say his own willpower makes him a Chaos God, but stuck in his own tiny section of the Warp with no way to ever leave it Almost literally like pic related.
The worst fate ever?

Being equal to Be'lakor. Forcing them to always be together, like Be'lakor becomes his second head and he grows wings or something.

You mean Brother Nguyen Seth of the Josephites?
The Empire has lost much of its manpower during the war and the following cleanup, but their ranks are bolstered by Refugees from Kislev, the fallen dwarf holds and Mercenaries from Tilea. They, along with the Bretonnians and lizardmen, begin the long process of cleaning the lands of vampiric and chaotic taint. Valten, Karl Franz and Huss all survive the war, and it seems there will be a schism. However, Huss receives a vision that the 3 of them form a sort of holy trinity of sigmar. Valten is the hammer of Sigmar, meant to wield Ghal Maraz and take the fight to the empires most powerful enemies. Karl Franz is Sigmar the emperor, meant to be a powerful leader to keep the fragile empire intact during its most vulnerable state. Huss is the voice of sigmar, meant to spread his light in the darkest of places and preach the true word of Sigmar. The church goes through various reforms and many of the corrupt priests are excommunicated. The church schism instead gets replaced by the Rise of Myrmidia worship and the decline of the Ulricans who lost so much during the war. At some point in the future, The Church of Myrmidia will become powerful enough to get an electoral vote.

The bretonnians weren't present at the battle of Middenheim, but were crusading through much of the western empire and eliminating huge hordes of beastmen. Many of the knights believe that the lands and people they liberated belong to them, and tensions with the empire begin to rise. All out war is prevented when Malloublade reveals his hand, and the Crusade has to turn around and deal with the civil war back home.

The dwarfs go back to defending their holds from the skaven uprising, and do much better than they did in end times. Thorgrim orders the ancestral weapons to be taken from the vaults, and the dwarfs manage to fend off the skaven. With the skaven retreating, the dwarfs talk of reclaiming the 8 peaks once and for all.
Pls more.
>Rise of Myrmidia
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Mousillon reskin is here!!! Get it!!!

Modders are da best!

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this pleases me
Depends on which dynasty. They generally painted themselves as a sort of ruddy colour, so make of that what you will, but they were conquered by the Hyksos, the Nubian Kingdom of Kush, the Persians and the Greeks throughout history.
I take it the Slann just got really pissed off at the mammals' seeming inability to achieve anything and just started teleporting in Saurus deathsquads?
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>and just started teleporting in Saurus deathsquads?
I'm just imagining scar veterans in magitech power armor and interdimensional weapons teleporting with shield mounted stargates, thanks.
With a skink in front of them just shouting "Everyone out of the area, no need to panic, but if you stand in their way, you will be utterly slaughtered!"
Lizardmen being send out across the world was already canon (pic related), now they are actually showing up in other factions fluff.
After winning the battle of Hexoatl, Mazdamundi sends Kroq-gar back to Albion at the head of a massive army intend on crusading through the old world. The lizardmen armies already stationed throughout the world are sent to places where chaos is at its most powerful. the lizardmen held back the worst of the daemon invasion again, and once the daemons retreated they turned their attentions to the mortal followers. Massive battles that no mortal man will ever witness between lizardmen and Beastmen take place in the darkest depths of the old world forests, lead by Oxyotl and many other skink commanders. It is this hidden war that prevents the worst of the beastmen hordes from overtaking the empire. The lizardmen left in Lustria deal with the skaven and pestilence gets BTFO by Tehenhauins forces. The finally battle ends with Tehenhauin shedding his skin and becoming the manifestation of Sotek, which defeats Vermilanx the corruptor and Skrolk and scatters their forces. The slann focus on stabilizing the geomantic web, which will allow them to teleport armies more precisely along with stabilizing the rampant winds of magic.

Mannfred consolidates his power in sylvannia and raises massive walls of bone around the province, declaring it independent from the empire. The empire is not yet in a state to deal with this problem, though Valten readies his followers to hunt down the worst of the vampire counts. They are aided by the most unlikely of allies: Queen Khalida. Settra was already preparing for his great purge, and when he heard about Mannfreds rise to power he dispatched Khalida at the head of a massive army to deal with the vampire problem. The armies of Sigmars chosen and the Undead of Nehekara fight side by side in a conflict that may take decades to resolve.
Does Ushoran get to take back Mourkain with his pet ghouls, vamp monsters and gypsies?

Does Valten get to ride Sotek?
What if Valten was Sotek, and after dying he ascends and rides Sigmar?
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scar vets are cooler when they do shit without tech

also there's no still technology in the old world that can match a dinosaur mount and a big stick
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screaming with rocks.jpg
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>also there's no still technology in the old world that can match a dinosaur mount and a big stick
Try a big rock dropped by a flying dinosaur.
>Does Ushoran get to take back Mourkain with his pet ghouls, vamp monsters and gypsies?
With the empire and dwarfs attention turned inwards, the greenskins spilling into the Darklands, and the tomb kings dealing with Araby and the Sylvannians, Ushoran seeks to rebuild his kingdom. In these dark and desperate times, he finds refugees from the border princes willingly come to his renewed kingdom for protection. Ushoran becomes the hero the southern humans need, one day the Empire of Mourkain will be an established nation of its own.

Abhorash returns to lead his followers on crusade pursuing the retreating chaos armies, kicking all kinds of ass along the way. Bloodthirsters, chaos lords, daemon princes and even skull taker himself fall to the prowess of the first Blood Dragon.

Sotek focuses on cleaning out lustria of the remaining skaven before chasing them back across the ocean. He leads his forces through the tunnels and eventually finds skavenblight. A vicious war beneath the world ignites, which is the only reason why the dwarfs and southern human nations don't get swamped by skaven like they did in end times. With skaveblight itself under siege for the first time ever, skaven leadership becomes much less centralized and for a while the skaven are forced to abandon their plans of world domination.
I wonder what the Glyphs on that rock say
Is Abhorash and his Blood Dragons hailed as a heroes by Bretonia and the Empire for his nobility, chivalry, and honor (for a vampire), or are they still reviled for there underneath?
same kind of shit people write on their bombs today, probably
With love from Lustria.
>Shit happens
>Look out below!
>This rocks crushes demons
>This falls, everyone dies
>The Casbah
Anyone got any good resources on the various factions' ships? What they look like, how they're armed, how they fight? Bonus points for rare human faction information.
Abhorash is viewed the same way they view vlad in the endtimes. He has the respect of Louen, Valten and Karl Franz, but they aren't friends. They view him as a necessary evil, and Abhorash isn't one to stick around and talk anyways.

>But there was no Elf alternative to Slaanesh.

And so they created one

>Why worship Khaine over Khorne? Because Khaine is an Elf

And that is why they created Atharti to take the place of Slaanesh, because the former is an Elven deity and the latter is not.

It's sound logic to me and I'm not going to try and pretend I know more about what makes a race what it is than the people who created it.


Morathi was Hekarti in the End Times, not Ereth Khial. It kind of fits with Tyrion becoming Khaine because Hekarti and Atharti got into a catfight over Khaine.

The Black Library books, with exceptions like the Horus Heresy, have no real bearing on the lore. If the Design Studio likes what was written they may incorporate it, but if they don't care they'll gladly trample all over it.


I don't recall anything about Malekith being a dragon centaur, at most there is a daemon like create that looks like him and has his crown in the form of horns.

Morathi was also surrounded by shadow daemons, not Daemonettes, and I don't recall anything about her being with Sigmar. In fact she would probably be one of the first to fuck off and do what she wants.

AoS is still young and undefined enough that GW can do whatever and something like a shadow daemon doesn't necessarily have to be a Daemonette. Honestly it seems kind of like a return to old 40k/Fantasy where the Warp/Realm of Chaos was full of all kinds of shit and the Chaos Daemons merely got top billing.
Genevieve is barely lord level. She's really on the weaker end of Lahmian other than having fairly solid daywalking and other weakness-reducing abilities. And Lahmians are hardly combat monsters.

On the other hand I must say that Sigmar himself helping deliver the final blow is more than JUST a mere spell.
You're a farmer in the lands of the Empire and you feel a tremble at your feet, hearing the clanging of metals and grunts you look behind you and see
>a horde of skaven
>a horde of Orkz
>Warriors of Chaos

what do?
Where the hell are the stats for cannons and volley guns in WFRP 2e?
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>I don't recall anything about Malekith being a dragon centaur, at most there is a daemon like create that looks like him and has his crown in the form of horns.

>Morathi was also surrounded by shadow daemons, not Daemonettes, and I don't recall anything about her being with Sigmar. In fact she would probably be one of the first to fuck off and do what she wants.
They are described as partying around her, party Daemons=Daemonettes.

But yeah, that's because we have no basis of comparison. At the moment it just seems like a way to have Order players buy Daemons.

She went to Sigmar, and was never mentioned as leaving so she was the only Elf who actually stayed with him.
She knows kung fu. Gotta have some combat skills.
Oh yeah, a few scholls of kung-fu.
>>a horde of skaven
Really nothing you can do.
They don't give a fuck nigga.
>>a horde of Orkz
Paint myself green and pretend to be a grot.
It worked in 40k so why not Fantasy?
>>Warriors of Chaos
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