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EDH/Commander general

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Weenies edition


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Do I build Skullbriar or Odric next
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Anyone feel bad for winning with certain combos?
I won a game playing Alesha today with Revielark and Karmic Guide, and it felt hollow, like I didn't accomplish anything. It was my first time with the deck, but I had used the combo before, notably in Saffi. I'm not against combo because it's needed, but I don't know.
Build Damia instead, two decks in one
Winning with Mike and Trike, or Devourer and Ooze feels pretty dull.

I was playing Kamahl with an active Beastmaster Ascension, and I just felt bad that no one could remove it.

I'm not sure I even like winning.
I want to build a Dralnu deck but I am having trouble coming up with a wincon, any suggestions?

thats a common feeling

combos are anti-climactic but its not the combo's fault, its your opponent's fault for not having anything to stop you
So /edh/ I'm currently trying to brew a Maelstrom Wanderer-Primal Surge deck. I'm on;y going to use the single copy of primal surge and just permanents, I already have things like Akroma's Memorial and Pathbreaker Ibex to assure the win. What I'm looking for suggestions for is things that let me search for Primal Surge and ways to either get it back or get around a counter or some sort of answer to it.

Now I'm doing this mainly to make primalsurge.dec so if there is a better option for my general I'm all ears.

Any ideas?
I feel the same way. I play a Prossh deck with lots of combos but it also has tons of just fun things to play with in multiplayer. Rarely do I go infinite as soon as I can and even if I have it on the board I keep it around just in case someone can answer or if someone else tries to go for the win.

I don't play the deck very often just because I don't like the feeling of winning that way. But I do play with a group of close friends that play but don't have decks and whenever one of them plays it they always have a great time (and win) so I keep it around.

I have a tappedout deck for Nahiri. I love that she has really strong synergy with a lot of awesome white effects. All good white draw is good in Nahiri due to both token and equipment synergy, she's great with wrath effects, and she runs humility like nobody else.

What I'm a lil less sure of is how she wins. How viable is it really to voltron up a token post field sweep and beat down? Is there a better way?
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I don't play my first deck much. Ezuri elves, made from the green 2014 precon. It runs a lot of tutor, the three elves that tap for mana equal to elves, and the 3 artifacts that untap a creature by paying a bit of mana. It is my most powerful deck, and it taught me a lot about EDH and what I like about EDH.

I don't run significant amounts of tutor in any deck I built after, and combos are incidental, not a primary strategy.

If I go infinite in Meren, it's probably just because I happened to get all the pieces, and I have mazirek, woodfall primus, blood artist, and viscera seer all in one place, because it would be very challenging to deliberately get all the pieces.
(replying here 'cause the other thread got abandoned)

I still can't get over the fact planeswalker cards got introduced in Lorwyn, like "here's a storybook world, where there are no humans, and everything is magical, and populated by goblins and giants and elves BY THE WAY HERE'S THESE 4 NEW SUPER MAGICAL HUMANS AND THEIR SUPER MAGICAL CAT FRIEND AREN'T THEY COOL THEY COME ON A NEW KIND OF CARD PLS BUY THIS SET"
>All good white draw is good in Nahiri due to both token and equipment synergy,
Skullclamp, Mentor of the Meek...and?
Mask of Memory
Rogues Gloves
Sword of Fire and Ice
puresteel paladin is badass
Stone Haven Outfitter is respectable because you're going to be casually wiping your own tokens and shit.
Stonehewer Giant repeatedly tutors equipment library to field, which is not true draw but still strong card advantage

No other white deck focuses on both weenies and equipment, except Kemba. And Kemba doesn't like field sweeps very much.
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Puresteel Paladin for a Nahiri deck.

Bygone Bishop is dece, better if it was ETB instead of cast.

White has no draw.
Never considered those, but I guess there's typically at least one opponent you can swing in on. Sword's a bit rich for my blood though
Ever since Stone Haven Outfitter got spoiled, I knew I wanted to get it on the field with Skullclamp, if only to say I was drawing 3 cards for 1 mana and a token in monowhite.
Giant's an auto-in, and really I'm surprised Puresteel wasn't reprinted in the Lithomancer deck
0/10 flavor
At least some of the colors match

I know what that's like. Before I dismantled my 14 decks, I had a few that I loved to play, but I didn't play often because they were just too good at what they did, at least for my group. Keep in mind that my group isn't a bunch of bad players. Most of them have been playing since at least Ice Age.

I don't know why it makes me feel bad winning with a deck I like to play.
If you are set on finding Surge as quickly as possible, add Ring of Wishes and Planar Portal.
By adding black somehow, you can also include Sidisi and Rune-Scarred Demon.
You also have access to Parallel Thoughts.
You can get around counter with something like Dosan, Boseju, Teferi or even Sphinx of the Final Word.
Aren't you afraid of cascading into Surge? It will put it on the bottom.
I need to make a new deck, /tg/.

I'm currently undecided between Daxos, Alesha, Roon and Doran.

I tend to turn all of my decks into boring control decks but I want something different for once, so which one is the most interactive and fun to play (both as and against)?
Rise from the Tides or Empty the Pits.
First one is slower play, but second one is riskier.
You can also Traumatize yourself beforehand, or activate Mirror-Mad Phantasm once or twice.
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I want to make a deck that abuses my meta. My LGS uses a points system that penalizes you for mass land destruction, infinite combos, mass discard, and similar "unfun" things.

As a result, everything is creatures turning sideways, so I really want to make a Keranos stax deck that wins by slamming Repercussion and casting Blasphemous Act.

Is this a good idea, y/n
Y, that or Mizzix ramping into fireballs. That's my go-to for my meta where everyone's too afraid to attack until they're gonna win.
Don't forget stuffy doll and pyrohemia!
interesting, got a list?
I really think Grizix would be better.
>I still can't get over the fact planeswalker cards got introduced in Lorwyn
Technically, they were introduced in Time Spiral.
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forgot pic
Build Odric 1.0. Odric 2.0 isn't as good. Still GOOD, but not "free damage and/or force shit to die" good
I want spell-clones. You play them as instant and are exact same copy of a different spell in the stack with all the attributes, like option to buyback and stuff. They don't copy the spell, but they are the spell. Why don't they already exist?
Interacting with the stack is too hard for new players.
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So, how did your games go this weekend?
Got 3 wins against Scion the Ur-Dragon, Progenitus, Ezuri and Horde of Notions.
Fuck that. I want some things that are actually fun. Like flanking, which was great keyword.
With what deck(s) were you playing with?
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Mina & Denn landfall+ramp.
Lost a 1v1 against a Teferi mono-blue combo deck, then won a 4 man game against an awfully optimized Talrand, a barely-better Daxos, and an okay Zozu. Then I narrowly won a 4 man game where the other 3 were Odric Soldier tribal, Sharuum, and Gisela.
Mostly because that wouldn't actually work within the rules of the game. There's a reason that things like Twincast just CREATE copies- rewriting the rules to have you cast a spell that copies a spell would be way more effort than it's worth when you can accomplish damned near the same thing by just having spells that create copies.
How the fuck is tribal a type and not a supertype like legendary or basic?
Because supertypes can't have subtypes, and the whole point of Tribal is giving creature subtypes to things that aren't creatures.
I play Sisay, and I can usually pull a very sudden blowout win with Avacyn, Tabernacle, and Armageddon/Vorinclex. I protect it with Dromoka if necessary. But I win pretty late and it's not completely impossible to stop, so I like it.
I hope you realize that doesn't do what you think it does.
How is Goyf related to Planeswalkers?
Your tokens don't die to skullclamp with Outfitter on the field.
Tarmogoyf listed "planeswalker" as a card type in the reminder text as a card in Future Sight, before Planeswalkers existed. They were printed in Lorwyn, 4 months later. So Tarmogoyf is the first instance of the word "planeswalker" meaning something within the actual rules of the game.
Did you read the reminder text?
Oh yeah. Neat.
Tabernacle says destroy, not sacrifice. Oracle text says destroy too. I do my research.
Stupid me, I was thinking that Tabernacle worked exactly the way the corresponding Magus works. That's what I get for not checking Oracle.
Yeah, I was surprised too. I was also surprised it wasn't banned. So is everyone I play it against.
Honestly, Tabernacle is one of those cards that I think should be banned purely on a price reason. If the Moxen are banned more for costing an insane amount of money than for being fast mana (for that, Mana Crypt is better and cheaper) then there's no reason Tabernacle and Bazaar and Imperial Seal should be legal.
Why shouldn't they be legal? Mox are banned because of powerlevel
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r8 h8 apprec8
Moxes are banned PARTIALLY because of power level, and partially because of prohibitive cost. Every single deck can legally run Mana Crypt, Sol Ring, and Mana Vault, which can lead to much more disgustingly explosive starts than having 1-3 moxen in your deck, but they're legal because they're not 600+ each.
So blue square is a tryhard asshole who I'm sure wins 9 games out of 10, orange and green square have no money for manabase, purple square hates people, red square likes smashing things, and I'd guess lavender square either has a "big boy" deck and then goofy Teysa, or it's legitimately just dragon tribal.

So the real question: which square are you?
tabernacle, imperial seal, and bazaar aren't that powerful. They're just expensive
I'm blue, me and purple are the main spikes so we win most of the games when we play our competitive decks. Orange is a waifufag, and green has autism so he must build every single mono color. You're spot on about red, and lavender has dragon tribal
Which is my fucking point.

There's 5 main 'criteria' the RC use/used for determining whether or not a card needs to be banned. Those criteria are Creating Undesirable Games/Game Situations, Warps The Format Strategically, Creates Too Much Mana Too Fast, Interacts Badly With the Structure of Commander, and Creates a High Perceived Barrier to Entry.

Fucking MANA CRYPT is legal, which is much more warping than the moxen. Why is that? Because while it's stronger at creating too much mana too fast, and possibly creating undesirable games, it doesn't create a high perceived barrier to entry like the moxen do.

Imperial Seal may not be format warping, but it's stupid expensive, and when "is stupid expensive" is one of their criteria for a card being banned...
I have a friend who has a 'modular' mono white deck where he switches out his lead based on who he's playing/how many people (e.g. Odric when there's a lot of people, Avacyn if it's just me and him or a few people). The idea has always seemed odd to me, but he makes it work enough that I can't say it's crazy.
What are your thoughts on the concept of having a deck that could swap out commanders on a whim?
>it doesn't create a high perceived barrier to entry like the moxen do
this is why the cards aren't banned
For fuck's sake.

That's why MANA CRYPT AND SOL RING are not banned. I'm not fucking calling for them to be banned.

I'm saying I'm confused why a 600 dollar Moxen is banned for costing too much, but an 800 dollar Vampiric Tutor isn't, among other cards.

If you understood how the game works you know that doesn't make sense
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Funny enough, the oracle on this card is sacrifice, which I believe the card is based from the original land.
These cards don't create a higher barrier to entry, they're just expensive. Why ban them?
They create a perceived higher barrier to entry, because without those 800 dollar cards your deck is worse than it would be with them. If Moxen were legal, would you not instantly cram the appropriate ones into every deck you could, just like every single deck starts with Sol Ring and Mana Crypt right now?
>They create a perceived higher barrier to entry, because without those 800 dollar cards your deck is worse than it would be with them.
Imperial seal doesn't make a deck stricly better, there are a selection of tutors that could be argued are better
Doran is kinda uninteresting. There's a little bit in the way of shenanigans you can pull about having low power creatures, but it's not a super interesting strategy.

Which Daxos? One is low power enchantress, one is voltron. I don't love either.

Alesha is pretty neat, there's a lot you can do with her, and she forces a somewhat aggressive play style, which is nice.

The only Roon deck I've ever seen was a control deck. I'm sure there are other options, but bant blink is a strong control archetype. Still, you could focus a bit more on the beat down with avenger of zendikar, craterhoof behemoth, zegana, armada wurm, hornet queen, etc. but in the end, it is a value deck, and value decks do best in longer, grindier matchups. That lends it to control.
>fucked up two potentially game-winning plays last night
>Group giving me endless grief for it

Shoot me now, /edh/

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This plus cantrips. but yeah, white has fuck all draw.
Run Oloro "Fuck All Creatures" deck. Some anon here probably has the link.
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>10/1/2009: "In a multiplayer game played with the limited range of influence option, Divine Intervention won't necessarily end the entire game when its third ability resolves. All players within range of Divine Intervention will leave the game. They'll neither win nor lose; as far as they're concerned, the result of the game is a draw. All other players will continue playing."

>limited range of influence option

I didn't even know such a lame mode exists
>limited range of influence option
What the fuck is that
Yup here you go. It's a bit outdated but I'm lazy and haven't updated it, I believe I dropped Garruk for Primal Command. Also I had Triskellion but I dropped it for something else, that one was a little too much feel bad.

I think it's meant for different formats, like prismatic, I think.

It's for emperor games.
How do I into Ayli lads? I was thinking just big dumb white/black creatures but maybe you'll have better suggestions.
It's MOSTLY used in Emperor and Battle Royale, because once you get past like 5 people in a game, not using limited range of influence just makes things stupid.
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You need this when playing in big groups from 6-8 players upwards to keep global effects in check. Usually you have range of influence 1 or 2, and multiple players not affecting themselves taking their turns simultaneously.

Also in Emperor Magic emperors have range 2, while lieutenants have range 1. It's a pretty rad format, you should try it. Pretty flavorful with commander too.
It's a SUPER rad format, but it takes for-fucking-ever.
It also require carefully selected decks. If an emperor play combo then it's basically a countdown on the game because the enemy can't interact with it.
Honestly, I feel like that's not a HUGE issue because the kind of group who would go "fuck yeah, Emperor Commander sounds fun" already have a healthy social contract and don't have to worry about someone wrecking the game because they're WAAC.
What was the longest edh game you played?

Back in August when I started edh and mtg, my group and I played one game for eight hours. I was playing Brago and my buddies were playing Marchesa and Zurgo. Don't worry, Brago won in the end.
Mine is fake.
What happened
I have a Maro tribal deck with 4 different commanders based on how strong the decks I'm playing against are:

Zegana is probably the strongest, since when I cast her my hand size almost always doubles or more.

Kruphix and Edric are mid power level, Kruphix provides support by making my hand size unlimited and letting me store extra mana. Edric is more aggressive, letting creatures like coiling oracle generate extra value while they're on the field.

Kaseto is for more casual games, letting Maros get in for big damage, and acts as a voltron back up plan.

This wasn't my original plan for the deck, but I like having the flexibility. My newest project for the deck is working on 3-5 flex spots so I can swap a few cards in and out based on who I'm using (Blue Sun Zenith for Kruphix, Bioshift for Zegana, etc.)
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>5-man game, playing Zirilan
>end up being the archenemy by killing a player on turn 6
>remainder of the table tries to kill me and fails

I felt like a fucking supervillain, it was radical

What other commanders make you feel like a supervillain?

Honestly, my Treva Enchantress helps with that. I just hide behind all my fucking magic circles and watch everyone kill each other because it's too hard to kill me. Then I headshot the poor bastard who 'wins' the three-way duel that I was spectating.
First game I misassigned damage from Godo (he was an 8/8 and not a 5/5 as I thought), which would have killed the player that was trading with me and likely have won me the game

Game 2 I played Atarka World Render (not on the field), some guy had an Angel's Trumpet out which I didn't know was out, and I attacked with a bunch of dragons, tapping them without knowing they had vigilance, and passed my turn only to get laughed at for tapping them out

I fucked up but it's never enjoyable to get laughed at for not seeing a card that's out
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>tfw built so much red that the other colors feel boring now
>either win in spectacular fashion or do nothing and get smoked

I just like the glass cannon explosiveness of red too much, what else could I build that comes close?
So for the second one, your friends knowingly allowed you to perform an illegal action so they could gain advantage from it.

Where I come from we call that "Cheating".
Didn't know that until now, but it's too late to call them out for cheating
Not really. Next time you play just say "Hey, remember when you guys let me tap my creatures that had Vigilance last week? You can't knowingly let me break a rule. That's called cheating and you're all shitheads."
So you want an explosive deck that has a little more durability? Or do you want to continue to be somewhat fragile.

I'd recommend Jarad. Play fatties, beat down hard, sac fatties to burn everybody for a lot. If you want to hold on to that glass cannon red feel, you could run a lot of black life drain effects, hurt yourself for advantage and ride the razor's edge of advantage.

Marchesa can also be interesting in that way.
Odric 2.0 + online Serra Ascendant + Kalemne is so juicy it hurts
They'll just come back with some argument of like "well you should have paid attention to what was on the board"

I'll just blow up their lands and lock them out of the game because I'm petty and vindictive
Direct quote from the Infraction Procedure Guide's definition of Unsporting Conduct - Cheating.

>A person breaks a rule defined by the tournament documents, lies to a Tournament Official, or notices an offense committed in his or her (or a teammate’s) match and does not call attention to it.

Yes, you absolutely should have paid attention to what was on board, but they do not have the option of allowing you to perform an illegal action.
Random Question If I use sad hypnotist to having some discard the card they just drew ( and thats the only card they have in hand) can they just play that spell in response
>they do not have the option of allowing you to perform an illegal action
Which I will tell them next time. Honestly, it's water under the bridge at this point, and most of it came from one guy who's kind of the instigator of a lot of bullshit

But I'm still going to be an asshole and use Boil and Wake of Destruction when he busts out Lazav
> Activate this ability only any time you could cast a sorcery.
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How much combat damage is assigned to defending player when they use Indestructible 8/8 Avacyn to block this Atarka that is pumped by Xenagos?

14 combat trample damage, or just 4 combat trample damage?
assuming ava is the only blocker, everything after 8 spills over
You'll assign 8 damage to Avacyn and 4 to the defending player in the First Strike damage step.

In the normal combat damage step, you'll slap them for a full 12, because Avacyn is alive, but has 8 damage already marked on her, so you don't have to assign any damage to her to hit 'lethal damage' for the turn. Total of 16. Were this a creature with protection, only 8 damage total.
IIRC protection means squat in regards to trample which i still don't completely agree with but Green already has enough trouble connecting so whatever
Protection prevents the damage from happening, but trample doesn't care about the damage happening. Trample means that once you've assigned lethal damage to all blockers, you can assign any remaining damage to the defending player.

An 8/8 green creature with trample can deal 4 damage to the defending player if blocked by a 4/4 with pro-green.
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The difference between protection and indestructible is that prevention prevents the damage, indestructible doesn't. so when you have doublestrike, the second strike has to assign equal to the toughness again if protection is active, but for indestructible the old damage is still there.
Yeah, I meant 16.

So after the initial strike is over, the entire 12 damage from the second strike goes to the defending player then. Good to know.
I like being fragile but being able to destroy the table in a single turn. The only time I care about my own life total is when I start to hit single digits

Jarad looks fun. I've never really built with Golgari colors before so it would be a nice change for me
I understand the ruling, I just don't feel like it should work that way. It's just like, my opinion man.

For instance, 10/10 trampler is blocked by a 1/1 indestructible. The 1/1 is marked with the lethal damage and 9 spills over, fine.

10/10 trampler is now blocked by a 1/1 pro-creatures. The 1/1 is assigned lethal but never actually marked with damage because it was prevented.

My beef is with how the keyword determines when it can 'move on' to the next creature/defending player.

Again its just
>muh opinion
and if I really wanted to one-up trample I could always just resort to banding
Who is the best commander for Big Blue sea monsters?
So basically you want the game to be able to look ahead to tell whether or not lethal damage will actually be marked?
Not look ahead, just have the game implement trample at a later stage in the phase. Instead of checking to see if lethal damage was assigned, have it check to see if lethal damage has been marked
So you want it to be "assign SOME damage, then check to see if that damage happens, then assign the rest as trample"?

So what, some kind of asinine third strike?
my saffi deck is soldier/human tribal. I can switch out for sigarda when removal is a pain
Not quite. Just have combat work as usual. Then, at the end of the step, if all blocking creatures are marked with lethal, have any excess power spill over.
Mono blue?
Maybe Braids
Meren player here with an update

>2 headed giant EDH tournament today
>signed up solo so I got assigned a random partner
>everyone at store in mid-late 20s
>one 13 year old there
>my partner is the 13 year old
>hes running ghost chieftan
>our decks run like the exact same way
>he doesn't really know how to play magic that well
>is non communicative and just plays whatever he feels like
>first round we lose to rubinia
>second round we get mimoplasamed for lethal turn 2 or 3
>third round we win because other team left before the match started
>fourth round get paired up against anafenza
>anafenza against meren and ghost cheif
>we come in last place
>spend $10 on raffle they were holding
>same guy wins both baskets
>get a free shadows pitty pack for entering tourny
>pull shit
>also my dog died yesterday

Commander is fucking stupid I'm switching over to pauper.
git gud
Sounds like you're just bad at Magic my dude
Reposting this from the other general
>I just bought the Marath precon deck but I'm looking to improve it, what cards should I replace?
that's the risk of running graveyard mechanics
Your pauper day will go mostly like this

>made an awesome pauper deck
>game 1 blown out by UB delver
>game 2 durdled to death by some 5 color blue deck with 1 wincon
>game 3 goes to turns after my opponent misses a trigger 27 mins into his infinite combo and match is a draw
>finished last
>awarded a storm crow for participation
Fuck pauper, im selling a kidney and a lung for half a modern deck
Wins at 5 or less life are the best wins

I was going to do Skittles, but an Infect general would be a big no-no in my group. It's funny, they get mad about Infect but don't bat an eye at MLD.
Oh man, tangentially related at the SOI prerelease I won my first game with zero cards in deck. That was super satisfying. Coming back when you're almost down for the count is really the best.
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Alright chums, I owe another one of my friends $10 in pizza money, and he wants to build around this. He has a bunch of Morph and Megamorph cards that he's likely going to use.

What's some good shit I could slot in an order?
Creatures that create more creatures when they etb, morphy stuff like stratus dancer and den protector, all of the 2 power or less mainstays (burnished hart, eternal witness, solem simithingy etc etc) drop in some card draw and counterspells and you are good to go
sage of hours is pretty standard, bullshit Ezuri tech.
chasm skulker
whisperwood elemental
champion of lambholt
pathbreaker ibex

Also, just check the EDHREC page for it.
Just a shitty day, bro.
Don't worry, after my playgroup died I started going to lgs and won like once in nine games because half the decks are super tuned and other half runs multiple graveyard hate options.
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>build a deck
>excited to play it
>turns out to be terrible and needs to be put out of its misery
I'm jealous of people with 20-30 decks. I've tried nearly that many but only 3 have stood the test of time. Another 3 or 4 are constantly being built or dismantled at any one time
He probably meant pauper edh.
Then his day will go even better.
>Make super awesome pauper EDH
>Game 1
>Game 2
>Game 3
>No one to play pauper EDH with
i just picked up an olivia, mobilized at booster draft on friday
a lot of people play EDH at my school—would i be able to get into EDH with olivia as my commander? i don't want to spend too much on getting into it
Probably. Depends on your meta, really. If they are more or less casual, then sure.
Madness cards are cheap, vampire lords cost a little more, but not 'sell your kidey' more.
Most vampires that you would use in olivia aren't very expensive, so I think you would be fine

should cost less than 100$ for a goodish version of the deck, maybe 50 if you were doing super budget
Hornet Queen is fucking disgusting in this
i'd probably be on super budget.
i don't think they're that serious, at least in the attitude toward it. i'd mostly just like to try the format out so i might see if i can play with one of their decks once or twice, i'm good friends with some of them.
Just toss a deck together with whatever you have. There's no reason to go out and get new cards for some casual play, especially if you're new to this format.
i'll probably do that. i just might have 100 unique rb cards.

Horny queen is nice but the game is normally over before you have 7 mana, either you have won or the rest of the group sees you are playing ezuri and assumes you are playing infect and takes turns banging you against a pinball machine like jodie foster
Really depends on your playstyle. If you like to smash things, Zurgo is the guy for this; paired with an Assault Suit and Homeward Path and you feel like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Zeduruu is pretty solid for this too, since you can completely fuck people over with your gifts.


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My group had a pauper EDH phase. Pretty cool, but durdley as fuck. Really made me appreciate field sweeps, since the best one in pauper EDH is a lil known guy named fade away.

I ran Orzhov Guildmage, Imperious Perfect, Sigil Captain as my strongest, and my personal fave, Zameck Guildmage.

Other notables in the meta were azorius guildmage, spellheart chimera, and monastery swiftspear.

The pauper EDH meta is kinda funny. Pretty well dominated by creature heavy/token decks, which can only be beaten by lightning fast voltron or truly crushing control decks that chip away at you a few life a turn for 15 turns and deadlock the game.
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>friend recently built Karador
>played against it last night
>no sac engines
>no reanimation
>never actually cast Karador

>had a look through his deck after games
>32 lands
>almost entirely Warrior tribal

Is he beyond saving?
Swap to Anafenza, I guess. A nice lil french vanilla beater to hose some strategies and play agro creatures. Toss in a few hatebear types and call it a day.
>Aren't you afraid of cascading into Surge?

Yeah I am which is one of the main reasons for needing things like Planar portal and those are great recommendations, thanks! My other ideas are to have plenty of land fetches and things that allow me to shuffle if that happens.
Jarad is a cool group slug dude who doesn't afraid of anything.

Skullbriar is voltron and I don't like Voltron.
>gives +1/+1 counter to another attacker
>also Leyline of the Void on a stick

>French vanilla
Anon what
skullbriar is voltron and voltron is far too easy to play around
Skullbriar is too linear
>play Skullbriar T1 or 2
>attack, get counter
>play stuff that gives counters
>attack, get counter

Jarad can do some dank shit
>sac engines
>get stronk as fuck through green buffs
It's just a 4/4, with graveyard hate stapled on and some minor creature buff.

In combat, Ana is a real basic, lowkey kinda girl.
Still not french vanilla. If she only had a keyword she'd be french vanilla
Ok, I guess I misunderstood the term. My only point is that Ana doesn't do anything crazy special for a particular strategy, and is a pretty basic, solid beater, making her a good head for a straight forward tribal beatdown deck. She shuts down a common advantage/combo strategy, and lets the deck do pretty straight forward creature agro.
Is their anyway to make Dralnu not go horribly wrong from him taking damage, Would I just need magebane armor?
Generally just not blocking with him is easy enough. I rarely see direct damage effects, and the few I see are shut down by shroud. Magebane seems like an easy include though.
Hexproof/Shroud or Indestructible
Try counterspells. I heard blue has some nice cheap ones.
I see a lot of red decks running Blasphemous Act though
Keep counterspell mana up when playing against a red deck. You REALLY don't want to eat a blasphemous act or volcanic offering.

Or, hear me out here....Dralnu token deck, you make sure you have plenty of things to sac should the need arise.
is selvala a good, competive edh commander? is not, what good selesnyan commanders are there? ive been thinking about humans tribal with new sigarda
Is Old Odric the best weenies commander? He seems it because free damage
to be honest, after years of running jarad, he gets linear too.especially if you use phyrexian devourerer
There's too little spells in UB that generate a good number of tokens, he's better off with Magebane Armor and Pact of Negation. Maybe Altar's Reap to dodge Act.
He is pretty great. Also great for voltron since he can have pseudo-unblockable with white's volt potential.
Does he? Fuck

I just want someone cool in those colors, since I haven't built outside mono-R or Izzet in a long time
dont get me wrong, it goes well, but the problem is you have to devote more to draw, and go without tutors.

my personal ranking is meren > jarad > Naath > savra > skullbriar

everyone else is kinda meh after
I already have a Voltron deck, don't really want or need two

I'm more into the strategery aspect of him
>you have to devote more to draw, and go without tutors.
That's fine, but why more draw and less tutors?
because you will find yourself tutoring the same shit over and over. and it gets to be like you are treating your opponents like a red headed stepchild, hitting them over and over with the same stick
Well I wanted to play him more suicide style so I'd probably run more pay life effects
You think that anon, but I will forge a deck with many a diverse dimir token spell! We shall see who is the fool then!

I am the fool but I will be a fool with a silly decklist.
Tibor and Lumia for explosions across the field? I'm gonna find a fun spellslinger somehow, I need more Izzet commanders, I need more jank.
I was planning out something similar last year, but trying to make it circus-themed. I hear they're pretty good when equipped with a Basilisk Collar.

I'll look up my old decklist and see if there's anything I can recommend.

If you want a GOOD UR spellslinger try out Jori En
Even without devotion its still draw a card or lightning bolt erry turn

Zegana. Just use green for ramp.
Who's the best commander for going absolute balls-out suicide aggro? I want to be able to bring myself down to like 5 life before turn 8 or 9 and kill the entire table while doing it

Mono-black is preferred but not required
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Skittles maybe

Definitely run this motherfucker
Incomplete, but BEHOLD AND WEEP.

Wait, no Ashnod's or Spawning Pit? I thought the point of tokens was to power a sac outlet
DESU, the tokens are a win-con, as I don't know what the fuck even is a spellslinger deck. But you raise a valid point.
q: do i build bladewing the risen (mostly red) or wait til C16 4 colour whatsits and play the nonwhite deck? not poor, just lazy in building.

Do both

You'll die just from the entire table focusing your ass.
But that's no fun

I want to smash things, sac creatures and pay large amounts of life for cool effects

Paying life is better for control than aggro

The best balls to the walls aggro deck is Xenagod and you don't have to pay any life

Shit like hatred is amazing but works just as well in a control deck as it does in an aggro deck, you only need one evasive threat

With that said I recommend heartless hidetsugu if you NEED to kill yourself as you kill your opponents
counterspells and failing that sac outlets are a great way of protecting yourself from things like angry omnath
So I'm looking to make semi-competitive artifact combo deck with Daretti as my commander, any combos I can pull off or must includes? I currently run mishra but he doesn't feel strong enough.
OP here, this is for a primarily multiplayer centric meta.

Myco lattice + vandalblast
Darksteel forge + Myco lattice + Nevs disk (+ unwinding clock)
Decree of Annihilation with Daretti on the battlefield (make sure your opponent's don't have any Planeswalkers out)
I am in a new play group and someone runs an avacyn angle of hope deck. Its pretty standard woldslayer and boardwipes the deck. Other than grave pact and -x/-x spells what does grixis have to deal with it.
Not aggro but
Maralen of the mornsong
You are in blue

There is no issue here
>Running blue

Hey, you could, you know, steal their Avacyn.

Gilded drake, treachery, cyclonic rift, evacuation, etc, etc
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Burn from within
Make avacyn swallow your multi-headed barbed prehensile penis
yeah but the 3 other people in our group are all trying to combo off. and im the only one who runs blue.
Well then get gud or play a commander that also combos off. Uninteractive combo decks for the whole table.
I had Skullbriar that I took apart.
I thought it would be super awesome fun time desu slapping counters on him. Not to mention other cool fun little combos.

Most of the time he hit 4/4 and then did nothing.
The other time I was dumping all my mana into recasting him.

At the end of the day, I was left with a very vanilla general that got really boring really quick when I wasn't drawing my evasion cards.

Don't build Skullbriar.
Corrupted Conscience on that bish
I wish there was a BG commander tha wasn't graveyard based, but that's like wishing for a RW commander that isn't combat based.
There are plenty of BG commanders that aren't graveyard based. Nath, Sisters of Stone Death, Sapling of Colfenor, and of course Skullbriar
Vhati il-dal for maximum kek
Looks like a premium commander with Night of Souls Betrayal out
Should've been an instant
>Sisters of Stone Death
They look fun but fuck they cost way too much

Can you use their abilities before combat damage?
me mom's name is martha
you can
I think you mean

>Should've been a Flash creature with a ETB trigger

Can't have good noncreature spells, otherwise people may not turn creatures sideways. We don't want another Treasure Cruise on our hands do we?
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That's rad

I might have to build them, they might do OK in my meta because it's durdle battlecruiser
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Started MtG with BfZ, what was the deal with treasure cruise?
It was really good
It was essentially Ancestral Recall in the decks that built around it.

Ancestral Recall is a retarded Magic card.
It's a slightly worse Ancestral Recall.
It was essentially Ancestral Recall at sorcery speed

Dig Through Time was equally as nuts
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>Banned in Modern/Legacy, restricted in Vintage
Which is why I traded my Foil Dig last year.
What's funny is that Treasure Cruise is a fucking common. Wotc have literally no idea what they are doing.
Maro's come back to say they knew it might be an issue in constructed but said "EH LIMITED'S MORE IMPORTANT"

Need advice on how to spice this mess up to be more cutthroat. My meta's extremely competitive and I want to compete.
Easier to ban a common thats still in standard rotation than a rare or mythic, could you imagine if they were 50 or 100 cards when they got banned instead of a 15c card? MUH INVESTMENTS
they banned dig too though, and that was a rare
who's the commander?
Soi introduced some draw into white with the investigate mechanic
Bygone Bishop would be a perfect draw engine if it was ETB instead of on cast.
If your go to color combo is blue black, you are probably a huge asshole, right?
insurrection, slave of bolas, or act of agression, and spinal embrace work too. be sure to sac it afterwards with the first two. good way to add salt to the wound is altar of dementia, mill their shit and laugh at them
It also took them a whole year more to ban Dig even though it was a stronger card on average.
Vish Kal, he seemed like the best option that wasn't very build-around for B/W.
BU is mostly underwhelming in commander because most of the Generals in that color combo are dedicated to noncombo mill, which is shit.

UG is the king of fuckface faggot players in commander.
>dig was stronger on average
In what world? Cruise was played in way more decks than dig and the days of legacy with dig weren't nearly as bad as with cruise
I hate winning with combos so much. There not even hard to piece together or skill intensive, it's by far the largest draw back of EDH.
Dig was the superior card in combo decks. Cruise was just an OP card in general.
Thoughts on this Skittles deck guys?

I think my longest one was six hours, but I'm not absolutely sure. I was playing Brion Stoutarm, against Narset stax, Karrthus Stax, and there was 3 more decks that I can't remember now. I am pretty sure that one of them was esper, either Sharuum or Zur.
It was absolutely nerve-wrecking. We started the game at midnight, we played in a cosplay event
Does anyone have a list of the value foils in EMA? As in, Commons/uncommons? Obviously Daze, Pyroblast, Brainstorm, Swords, but am I missing any?
Counterspell for sure
It would be easier to just add an extra line to protection in regards to trample than fuck with the hot mess of rules that trample is.
I play a tuned kami of the crescent moon turbostasis deck, I like trying to hit 4 hours but usually people wipe before it can get that long.
Longest was probably 6hrs
These are just the ones that came to mind

chain lightning, animate dead, young pyromancer, hymn to toarch, wall of omens, cabal therapy, blood artist, rancor, bloodbraid elf, relic of progenitus, ashnod's alter, mishra's factory
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Mfw i put a foil ashnods altar on my puca wishlist for $4 then 15 mins later it was $60
Why is ghostly prison so expensive?

Trying to get it for Daxos but it's a 13$ uncommon that doesn't seem like it even gets that much play
Its popular in modern
I built my ruric thar deck with primal surge as the only instant or sorcery which I thought was pretty fucking fun to build around but in practice resolving primal surge is one of the most hollow -feeling wins i can get even though I gimped my deck to work around it
avenger of zendikar, thrummingbird, sage of hours.
there are about three morph cards worth using. For the most part they shouldn't be used regardless of synergy
Same. I have 4 or 5 decks that stay. Some get scrapped on the thought level, like that I plan the decks in my head, but never make it to actuallumy build them. Then there are some that get scrapped when they're being built, some of them nearly finished and some from barely started to half way done.
With some decks, I'll keep coming back though. I'll remake those decks usually completely (because my old decks were garbage)
>with dralnu
Fucking kek
Selvala is pretty good. Good ones are Captain Sissy, Gaddock Teeg, Rhys the Redeemed and Saffi Eriksdotter. I also vote for Sigarda, she's absolutely bonkers.
Gyre Sage is pretty standard.
Vorel of the Hull Clade is also useful
I need some good Isperia the Inscrutable tech. I actually won a game with her, but I don't really think I can chalk it up to the deck's power. I just Medomai'd one guy to kill him and then beat down the other guy with my other flyers.
Force of will, and mana drain
Worth it to buy a box of eternal masters for 280 or just let other people spend their money and buy singles like usual?
$280? No.
$240 or less, really.
All of the 5 power matters cards of Mayael if you're going to use Marath and Gahiji . That deck comes with two different types of strategies mixed in but they don't work well together.
UU: draw 2
U: draw 3

Dig is a scalpel that can be used to great effect, but the raw power of Cruise is absurd. While it is HUGE to have very solid control over which cards you draw, the raw power of drawing 2 cards for 2 mana is not obscene.
I recommend bounce shenanigans like reflector mage and tradewind rider.
(lol 'cause this thread is still active almost 24 hours later)

I know they originally wanted to introduce planeswalkers in Future Sight (forgot about that reminder text though).

my point was, having them first appear in Lorwyn felt silly. Lorwyn/Shadowmoor had a style that was very different from just about every set that came before it, and I never thought the new planeswalkers felt like they fit in style-wise. it's like those commercials where everything is all cutesy and for children and suddenly it's EXTREME OH NO A MURDERER WITH A CHAINSAW AHHH (I can't remember any specific examples, but I remember this being a recurring theme in advertisement in the 2000's)
How does the command zone replacement effect actually work? If i were to steal Child of Alara or Kokusho with say, Slave of Bolas, can I force them in the grave or get the effect in any way?
I think not but that's bullshit.
What's wrong with Indestructible
Yeah , usually people get hit with the "Failure to maintain board state" when they let other people make illegal plays since they will never admit that they knew what was happening , its just shitty behavior and your friends are dicks for doing it
So, concerning the 4-color commanders...
What are the chances of
>WUBR being artifact centered
>WUBG being enchantment centered
>WBRG being creature centered
And how would the other 2 fit this pattern?
BUWR reanimator.
99% of the time they're not dicks, and frankly my decks are a lot better than theirs so I don't know if they feel threatened or what

Either way it's no biggie, they'll forget about it and I likely will too
Indestructible Dralnu can take any amount of damage.
What a terrible keyword

I played a GU Primal Surge deck that usually won with Infinite Reflections and Biovisionary, but usually had 3 win cons going off at once. There was no interacting with it because City of Solitude came out with the Primal Surge, so one the Surge resolved, the game was over.

It felt hollow after 2 games.
Alright guys I think Sisters of Stone Death is going to be my new commander

I have a question: if they leave play and come back, can you still bring back cards they exiled when they were last out? What if you exile another commander and it goes to the command zone, can you bring it out?
Nothing wrong with it. Still, it's a fuck awful thing for dralnu, as sometimes he has to die. Sure, you can sac him to his trigger, but at that point damage has already been done. Even worse, people can respond to the trigger with more instant speed burn spells.
>if they leave play and come back, can you still bring back cards they exiled when they were last out?

No, since they aren't the same object as what exiled the cards. When things change zone, they are a new object with no memory.

>What if you exile another commander and it goes to the command zone, can you bring it out?

It wasn't exiled if it went to the command zone.
Anyone had any success yet with Westvale Abbey? Seems good for later on in the game to recover after board wipes if you don't have a hand.

Also seems nice to have a wincon that fits nicely in a land slot
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Pic Related as a way to untap for cheap?
>Sisters of Stone Death
How would you even build for them? Gorgon tribal? I can't think of any tech that synergizes with their abilities.

They look cool, no doubt, and could make for some neat table politics, but I don't know how much support you'd get in those colors for exile mind control
Singles. The packs are not worth the price tag.
I need an alternate art version of the card now.
Would sundial of the infinite prevent you from losing the game here?
I'm doing one here, I had a spellslinger list saved on Forge, let's see what I can do with tokens. Wish we could then pit those lists against each other for fun.
if you end the turn in response to the trigger, sure
What about big mana? Black and green are go to colors for this strategy.
Would Rally the Ancestors be worthwhile as a death-or-glory style finisher in Odric?
I would try it out, but I don't play black.
RAMP Tribal. All the good ramp cards and stuff that care for a lot of lands on the battlefield. Also big mana stuff too.
Very true. I just don't want it to be CoffersUrborgExsanguinate.dec in Golgari colors

Maybe giving it first strike to kill shit I don't want out? A 7/5 ain't no joke in EDH, especially in my goofy meta

Big mana's probably good, especially since they cost 8 to cast. So stuff like Avenger?
>7/5 first strike
Ruin other people's commanders, kill in three shots, and run all the tutors and group slug cards.
I already run too much red and I want a change of pace
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When using this with Alesha, Trap of Death, is the copied ability the opportunity to pay 2 b/w or the reanimate?
Yep, you copy the whole line of "you may pay w/b w/b to reanimate."
Aha. Thanks.

So compared to illusionist bracers, these just create a second chance to trigger her ability whereas bracers fork her ability (if equipped on her), and resonator has the ability to trigger from anything on the stack while bracers are limited to w/e it's equipped on?
Bracers don't work at all on Alesha beause it's a triggered ability and not activated

Kurkesh can copy Strionic Resonator though, which lets you copy Alesha twice. Couple that with Rings of Brighthearth to copy it three times
Isn't it both? Or are they mutually exclusive?

Whenever she attacks is a trigger, and then pay mana to activate something is the activated ability.
Mutually exclusive. Activated abilities are written cost:effect. They key thing to look for is the colon. It's an optional payment in the trigger, but that doesn't make it an activated ability.
I think no, when you are paying the b/w b/w it is the trigger resolving, not an activated ability
Mutually exclusive. This here is an activated ability. They're written "cost: effect"

Alesha has a triggered ability. Triggered abilities start with "when," "whenever," or "at," as described on the Resonator
It's a triggered ability with an optional cost to be payed. An activated ability would just be Cost: Effect, the "whenever x happens" indicates that it's a triggered ability.
wish she was grixis so you could run leyline of singularity
That would be fucking awful
The uptenth deck I've made on Forge and probably will stay there like the others
I forgot the fucking link: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/lo-and-behold-the-tokens-overlord-1/
Just build Dralnu voltron
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So have you ever run a deck that is somehow flavour-related to your commander? I'm thinking about using pic rel and all these cards like pyromancer's gauntlet, goggles etc but I'm not so sure if there is enough of them to make an EDH deck
I prefer my Dralnu Lose-the-Game Tribal:
I think the pattern is too simplified.

I believe WOTC will pull out effects that are completely new or crazy which we haven't see yet.

Black has no synergy with a straight up artifact theme unless you are tutoring or using Esper artifacts.

Same with enchantments. Black does even less with enchantments.

I am honest more curious about how on earth they are going to address the manafixing.

Gain lands, Vivids, and Bouncelands will not cut it.
I have a Chandra and a Liliana deck, and I put stuff related to them in if I can, but I've never built a deck specifically for that purpose.
What about 2-color per side commanders with flip - transform - flip?
Go to MTG Salvation and look up all cards that quote her or depict her. Then look at all the red cards that appear in sets that she appears in.
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Fug, bad idea.
Those would quite possibly be the worst looking cards ever. Slow down, satan.
> I can't chalk it up to the deck's power I just won using cards that the deck is built around using
I don't deserve to play anymore.
>he has one plains untapped
>I'm smug thinking I have enough mana to burn for win
>"Too bad there's no one drop white counterspells"
>"Heh, yeah. You're toast :^)"
>slam my red sun for everything

Yes actually. I did it with Chandra and Liliana.
Chandra was an iteration of my Ashling Burn Control with just about every Chandra related card there was within reason. Some things were cut to make the deck at least playable, but I'm not going to pretend it was good. Somehow, the deck won like 4 games and I'm not entirely sure how.

Liliana was basically black hand control that would grind the game until I hit an emblem. The first version had a bunch of Liliana related cards, but then I saw the potential and tweaked it into a well oiled machine that my group absolutely hated playing against. This was by far the stronger deck.

I'm actually thinking about rebuilding Chandra.
Liliana would be nice but she costs like 4 times higher than Chandra so poorfag gonna poorfag so I will stay with ginger
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He could've Angel's Graced, anon. You don't know.
Does the pinging, Planeswalker-ablilities and emblem count as commander-damage?
Commander damage is only combat damage.
>Too bad there's no one drop white counterspells
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>Too bad there's no one drop white counterspells
It's terrible cause I have a monowhite deck where I've done shit like that before. Angel Grace to save my ass and then stall the game out by giving myself protection from everything.
I don't know why I underestimated the one white mana.
Won 2 matches vs Elesha using Titania in french tournament practice.

Beat Wrexial,Mayael,Ayli and intet with Xenagos. Beat Daxos the returned, the ug snake legend and Meren with Ezuri claw of progress (invisible stalker and trygon predator did lots of work).
>Too bad there's no one drop white counterspells
Use Xmage.
>play meren
>go all in on GY stuff rather than it being a GB value deck that can win without recursion, but the recursion just puts it over the top.

I learned the hard way with Karador, going all in on GY stuff is never a good idea in a format where every black player rocks Bog and every green player should be playing Scooze.

Maybe next time try to find a partner before hand? Playing 2 decks that compliment each other well is a great feeling.

Sorry about your dog though, losing a pet is never fun.
Oopsie poopsie
If he's going the morph route then whisperwood elemental is a must.

Secret plans, aphetto runecaster, pinewalker and unblinking bleb are all great fun.
For some reason Xmage lags to hell and beyond on my computer. I do have a somewhat decent set-up, it seems they have the same scheme DotP has, there's fucking nothing but still it is slow as fuck.
Hey there guys.
Im new to commander. I Have seen alot of games online (MTGgoldfish and some others) and this seems like the format for me!

But my problem is I dont know which commander or deck I should get.
Do you guys have any recommendation, based on the following:

I really like:
> BIG slow creatures with crazy or weird abilities
> Playing control and copying my opponents stuff (be it creatures or instant and sorcery's - Control Magic and Talent of the Telepath is right up my alley)
> Enchantments
> "Powerfull" jank

Im not a big fan of:
> Combos that instantly win me the game (I do like combos, but not those who wins the game on the spot)

The commander i already have though about is "Grand Arbiter Augustin IV".
Im not sure about him b/c green is also a really nice color. Maybe another color combination is even better for my wants. I dont know.

What do you think? Do you have any links?
I would like it to be under 100 dollar. I dont mind playing with less optimal cards. I can upgrade over time.
Also I prefer grindy deck!
I put in Duskmantle Guildmage/Mindcrank for emergencies, I find myself using it way too much.
Experiment Kraj seems right up your alley
New thread when?
Well, the sorts of things you're describing can be found in most colors. In my experience the best way to find new fun things in EDH is play more games and see what people are doing. I would probably suggest looking for legendary creatures and finding one that you really like to then build a deck around.
If you have an idea of certain abilities you like you can search for cards with that text and in a certain color to give you ideas of cards you can use.
I play Sisay, that might be fun for you.
Ha, that seems like a weird deck and fun deck. Thanks for idea!
Yeah, that is good advice. Also kinda what I have tried by now. Will try doing that more.
That also seems like a fun commander. I will look more into decks. Thanks
You're going to want a bunch of sac outlet creatures anyways, so I go shield of the avatar.

They all cost the same to me.

Still, if you can grab her, give her a try. Here's one of the lists I was using. I never updated it after tweaking it further, which sucks because I thought I did.

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