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Age of Sigmar General

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Thread replies: 383
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Shadowkin when edition

I have a dream, the Shadowkin is half daemons, half ælves.

Old thread
Be'lakor is father of shadowkin
Be'lakor when
Im bored, so im up for battle reports.
What was your last game tg? Who do you faced?
How did you play? How did it went?
>You will never see /whfbg/ burn through three threads a day with End Times rumors and Be'lakor derailment ever again
Linking from previous thread for truth.
Truly, it was a golden age.
There is a hole in my heart that Be'lakor posts once filled.
I wholeheartedly concur.

AoS isn't a setting, it's an aesthetic. The background is intended to paint epic images in your mind - so you can forge a narrative. Evocative names are spread before you to make a vibrant tapestry of war with a unique flavour - ultra high magic, heroic legends fighting extreme villains in deadly battlefields.
Some players can't get their heads around this new idea - a setting designed just to set a tone rather than autistically depict a world. Age of Sigmar lets you, the players, make the rules. What's a Mortuary Factory? Who knows, but whatever you imagine is better than having one fixed image.
Let your imagination run wild - Age of Sigmar is a high fantasy, all action aesthetic where anything is possible.
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Thx Man...saving it.
not this fucking pasta again
just stop
Kinda true.
Thing i like in Aos is that the fluff can-and is incorporated in your games.
GW encouraged battleplans-aka scenarios and time of war-aka warzones. your battles actually feel like they can matte rin the fluff: your dudes can be actually defending tyheir realm-or invanding one! In whfb(latest edition) I always felt an insane gap between lore and game. Your battles never felt beign fought in the Old world, because unless you used named heroes nothing was worth shit-af it it wasnt a battle mentioned in the rules, then it did not matter.
Having a setting so defined is an awesome thing because you follow eagerly what your fav heroes are doing, but it excludes the player from the narrative, wich is pretty awful.
I kinda like the "vague" approach of Aos. It gives a LOT of freedom when playing, making your own army and creating your own fluff. It made me beign exited for a wargame after many, many years.
And no, its not definetely out of "lazyness"from GW. A company that big doesn't do things out of "lazyness".
(execpt kirby. he does things by beign FUCKING RETARDED AND BATSHIT CRAZY. Thank god he's gone)
Here's a hundred wound comp to cheer you up
Be'lakor (8)
5 hellstriders (10)
5 hellstriders (10)

35 Bleakswords(35)
8 Harpies(8)

2 treelords (24)
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So he's trying to say that AoS is good because it made fantasy more like 40k
>What was your last game
Shitty game in a horrible campaign with 20 wounds.
Idea was nice: 20 wounds, every model counts as a unit, so its pure skirmish, no monsters, no warmachines.
Problem is... named characters allowed. and only 4 units minimum, so people brought the most broken combos they could.
>Who do you faced?
nice grammar
anyway, faced a stormcast player. With my stormcasts.
>How did you play? How did it went?
he' a terrible waac, so I brought against him the most broken list I could think of. 2 dracoths-fulminators, 1 celestant prime, 1 prosecutor.

he had one celestant prime(lol), 1 judicator, one knight venator, one chamaleon skin.
I won 15-0 on objectives, but it was pretty awful. this format sucks too hard.
Where can I find an explanation of how to play? I've found the 4page rule set, but it doesn't explain what wounds are, how to roll abilities, and etc
You just use your imagination and have fun
No, seriously
So, are the fyreslayers any good? Thinking of making my first army out of them.
uhm..yes, it does?
Download a single warcsroll from the site and everything will be clear.
abilities, number of wounds, attacks and everything you need to know about each unit are written in the warcsrolls.

Seriously, that's it. The Warscrolls for each unit give you all the info you need. Push models around, roll dice. You'll get the hang of it.

There is a big hardcover rulebook, but I wouldn't recommend picking that up.
what is a wound though?
i see people complaining about them all the times, but just because they are scrubs who need to GIT GUT.
Imho they are pretty reliable.
They are a lot harder to kill than they seem because they have a second, non rendable save-base is 6+, but it can be easily buffed depending on the unit(heartguard needs an hero nearby, vulkite supersave gets better the more models are in the unit and so on.
The magmadroth is nice and in the end they are good army wich relies heavily on sinergy.
If only the posing and the faces of the regular troop was better...
its written in the 4 pages, really.
When a models wounds reach 0, he dies.
Attacks and abilities deal(subtracte)wounds.
I still don't get how people can get fucking 4 pages of rules wrong.
I had several former whfb player that said, and im not joking:
Seriously? Its not my fault if your IQ is the same of a peeled banana.
Read the rules, it's only four pages.

After all of the attacks made by a unit have
been carried out, the player commanding
the target unit allocates any wounds that
are inflicted to models from the unit as they
see fit (the models do not have to be within
range or visible to an attacking unit). When
inflicting damage, if you allocate a wound
to a model, you must keep on allocating
wounds to that model until either it is slain,
or no more wounds remain to be allocated.
Once the number of wounds suffered by a
model during the battle equals its Wounds
characteristic, the model is slain. Place the
slain model to one side – it is removed from
play. Some warscrolls include abilities that
allow wounds to be healed. A healed wound
no longer has any effect. You can’t heal
wounds on a model that has been slain.
Here you go anon
Anyone playing this in the Birmingham, AL area?
Trying to find people on a map and no such luck. Am I not looking in the right places?
I think I love you.
Last request, then i can officialy bent over and give you my ass.
Can you make this one but with any tzeench Moonman pic? I have also the moonman model and my gf wants to use it instead.
Sigmar must be haram.
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Shit you found art and everything!
Am I the only one who actually LOVES the free-form list building in Aos?
I love beign able to make all sort of fluffly armies, from small band of renegades to greater alliances.
Armies works best when fielded with their own kin so usually, unless a few exeptions(like, FUKCING CAHAMALEON SKINKS)it makes your army weaker, not stronger.
Now, we just need points...
It's one of my favorite parts, particularly with the lore allowing enough wiggle room for a lot of combinations to make sense.

For instance, I've had a hard-on for White Lions ever since Age of Reckoning, but I could never bring myself to use them in WHFB because they were part of the High Elves army, which, to me, was about 90% boring, so I never did.

But AoS allows me to play White Lions as their own separate entity, the Lion Rangers, and gives me the opportunity of having them team-up with other Order subfactions. (Also I love their lore making them warrior monks and warrior nomads instead of just bodyguards).
A-a-anon I...

So i'm having a hell of a time finding a Moonman wiz so i slapped this together
Yup! My autism is good for something
I feel the same. Collecting models you like can finally be a thing in the game again.
Only backdraw now-i have too many projects to finish and even more i want to start...
That's perfect.

printed them on a paper sheet, now all i have to do is to glue them onto something more firm and im ready to play.
Going for azyros, tzeench sorcerer and...no idea what the other guys are bringing. Is azyros any good? i just wanted to bring him cuz the model rocks.
Thanquol is a monster though. So he couldn't bring him anyway.
Could you do one for a Sunblood and Eternity Warden by any chance?
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You can get card stock on the cheap that's what i'm printing mine on. The trouble is sneaking it into work haha
Check their scroll, they're just "Hero, Wizard"
Wow, nice job GW.
Well i don't see their entries on the spread sheet but it looks like the art i used for the Oldblood is the Sunblood art >>47614346


app heros I can do about 2 more before bed maybe 4 if you guys provide the art
he's not, sadly.
10/10, new god of Aos generals.
ALSO: 2d6 mortal wounds on the fly, no hit roll, no wound, nothing.
armed with braziers is a lot of fun tho
Damn, love those models.
If I saw him bust that out I would of house ruled him as a Monster right on the spot.
that tournament is just retarded anyway.
Named character are a cancer with so many wound cap.
They should have banned named character and everyone's enjoyment would have enourmosly benefitted from it.
>yfw the slav shitposter spamming "GW Manager" whenever anything slightly positive about GW was made, hell, even not 100% totally negative posts were made
>yfw the dawn of tripless Carnac
>yfw the shitposting about Lizardmen being squatted, Ogres combined with Empire and a 5 faction WHFB was complete bollocks

Ah well.
If AoS is confusing to people, no wonder WHFB died.

Hell. The 40k FAQ literally had a question of

>Can I take Yarrick as a HQ for Temptus Scions codex cuz i want to give him a bodyguard lol xD
>Answer: No.

If people don't fucking get that (and why is it a problem anyway? TS codex sucks and has no relics, so why not use IG, use Yarrick and give him fucking Scions from the book if you must?

Fuck me. WHFB had shit loads of rules to follow, things to do, orders to do in. Some armies had unique shit like Empire and so on. It blows my mind.
I forgot at work I have postcard roughly the same size and firmness of the Silver tower ones.
i printed on them and here I have-silver tower free cards.
Thanks again bro, cant wait to play now
Meh. There are worse shit out there than Thanquol. A single Mournghoul
Forgot to send picture.

The only thing that will reliably kill this is 3 Dwarf Flame Cannons. Since they don't roll to hit and the thing can't ignore that many mortal wounds a turn.
WHFB was nice but had too many rules with little to no impact on the game. too much stuff to remember. A good ruleset allows for "easy to learn, hard to master".
Adding rules on rules is just...bad. 40k too, now it pure shit AND is broken as hell, even for 4 fun games. Its that horrible and i kinda wish they REALLY make a new edition, instead of stacking things. I want terminators to be useful again-2 3+ roll saves, for example. i want again AP work as rend again. i want the game to be FUN again. I had just like 4-5 games last year and every time it has been an awful experience.
But its a monster. this tournament doesn't allow monsters nor warmachines. Thanquol is literally the worste mini he could bring.

be careful on weapons range tho, I think ruinos blast range is missile!
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Looking good anon! I'm planning on doing a mass print and lamination next weekend when i have my office to myself
good catch fixing right now
>when i have my office to myself
You sly bastard.

Just kidding, i work at night shift so i always do things like this.
>tfw you work at a luxury hotel and you have the whole bar and kitchen for yourself
feels good, man. Nights shift is underrated.
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I work in a retirement community in the morning shift which is pretty terrific but since we have all new management they're keeping an eye on everything.
Don't be disheartened WHQ is all about homebrewing! Have fun with it
People don't get that is one of the reasons WHFB died. This is how a game went, basically.

>Unit charges
>work out charge range
>work out any special rules
>work out flanking bonuses
>work out WS v WS
>I v I
>S v T
>Armour Save
>Work out of Strength modifies Armour Save
>Ward Save
>Unique items
>Special Rules
>Magic Items
>Spell Buffs/Rules
>Cover Bonuses (if any)

And then you get to see what happens. If WHFB had survived, it would have been unplayable anyway due to how powerful Elves were by the start of End Times.
There's a few instances of weird things that should but aren't classed as monsters.
I kinda wish Fantasy had taken the KoW route and just streamlined it down a bit, Sigmar is a neat thing but there's other games that do the ideas it was trying for so much better.
my own reason was the total inability of playing with fluffy armies(due to horrible metagame) and the clashing of the units. having a lot of models just felt like having a super unit with a lot of wounds, and not blobs of warriors clashing. I only miss old cavalry, it lacks the rushing force it had before, and also i miss the insane magic rules.
Or 9th, even so 9th is just an attempt of balance to old fantasy. I kinda prefer KOW-faster rules and still compatible with GW models.
>last night in AoS
>asked if anybody knew how to get into GW/BL novel writing
>got told to ask some guy on tumblr
>got scared by somebody getting triggered that the author used the term 'battle brothers' instead of.. er... something, which triggered a mentally ill man
>asked him how he got into it anyway and any tips or if you have to be published or send samples or whatever
>no reply

I feel like he doesn't want competition, which is fair enough, I guess. See Lar Vee.
My guess is GW, wanted a game which wasn't forced to be some meta netlisting WAAC bollocks. They failed due to AoS having some really shitty rules (Thanquol, Mourngul, Dorf Flame Cannons and a few other things) but also (apparently) allowing for 'tournament play' with points.

If the two can be merged together, I think it'd be neat. If you don't want to play with points (and I seriously doubt this is happening anyway, we got any proof of this?) you can just balance it some other way.

It's a real shame WHFB died. But, I'm totally not surprised. AoS is neat and I'm glad my models, which I bought for display purposes ANYWAY, are not useless (well technically Morathi and Malekith are, outside of the free pdf rules).
>He sees your brass collar
>My guess is GW, wanted a game which wasn't forced to be some meta netlisting WAAC bollocks.
Definetely. It was a complete return to origins.
Big problem, without points player felt lost and since common sense apparentely is not a thing anymore waac rised everywhere to ruin the fun for everyone.
I really hope in the point system they just add points without any other limitation.
thanks! ill print those tomorrow since my shift is always over, but check it out. i just used some scissors and-boom. these looks almost legit if it werent for the HORRIBLE quality of the print.
Thanks again!
I'll counter

32 terradon riders, 1 skink chief
To learn the rules I've been playing some sample fights with a unit of Stormcast and a unit of regular other units.

I expected Liberators, the basic melee type, to be tougher. But they're about equal to the other units in other Battletomes, and everyone dies in droves.
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Looks ace to me, I can't wait until next saturday when I have free reign haha also nice errata

Well this is my last one for the night I'll do some more after work tomorrow
Not been paying attention since Sigmar got his hammer back, what's happened since?
they have the big advantage of rerolling 1 on saves and having 2 wounds. With a castellant with a gryph and in cover they are really, really tough.

they do shit damage tho and any attack buff-like the celestant-is wasted on them.
Srsly, rerolling 1s on save is pretty good. it saved, on my guys, so many wounds.

Btw, im not seeign carnac from a while.
A..are we finally free from him?
Can you confirm for me that points are incoming, or is it an assumption? I have seen nothing proving anything of the sort is coming, but I've heard it a lot.

AoS tries to make units as base equal as possible, which triumph either by special skills, rules, or tactics. This is to stop (or try to stop) units being outright better.

For example. In WHFB, a High Elf Spearmen had Always Strikes First, so always hit before any other unit (assuming other unit didn't have Always Strikes First) it also had I6 base. Meaning it hit before every other unit, bar other Elves, Chaos Lords and Vampire Lords anyway. This confered a special rule meaning they re-rolled hits to show how fast an awesome they were. They also got Fight in Extra Ranks, meaning a blob of 50 Spearmen would all attack. So any unit would face 50 hits. This was 'supposed' to be balanced by then being Strength 3. But that ignored Armour Piercing that basically all Elf weapons got. So they essentially hit through armour as if they were S4. This meant, tough units like Dwarf Ironbreakers, Saurus Warriors or Chaos Warriors, still died shit loads.

AoS tries to fix that by making them the same in base, but different by weapons, special rules and synergy.

A Saurus Warrior is 8ft tall. Yet a Freeguilder Swordsman has a better armour save. It also does more damage than the Saurus Warrior. However, this is balanced by the Saurus Warrior ignoring -1 Rend (which is the highest a non-Elite would get) and by being Bravery 10 and the Freeguilder Bravery 6 (or 5).

With certain Seraphon units, that Freeguilder unit can be wiped off despite only 1 model dying. Dread Saurian makes them Bravery 4 (or 3, I forget). Troglodon will make them Bravery 3 (or 2). Stardrake Standard makes them add +1 to their BS test. Carnosaur will make D3 extra flee.

See how, despite roughly same, they're differnet? It's about synergy and formations and crap.

It does suck, fluff wise, but there we go.
>A Saurus Warrior is 8ft tall. Yet a Freeguilder Swordsman has a better armour save.
I'm still salty my saurus knights now have worse saves than most infantry.

They were on par with chaos knights before, man.
Did nothing change? Did we learn nothing new? Come on, lads, I know books came out.
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>Srsly, rerolling 1s on save is pretty good. it saved, on my guys, so many wounds.
It is of some benefit. Its effect is stronger as your save is better and worse as it's worse, but it definitely helps. In terms of mathematical design I like that it makes your save somewhere between your value and the next value. It makes your 4+ into something between a 3+ and 4+.

Should be 28 cards altogether there and a backing for 'em
Anyone have any high quality scans of the Silver Tower map boards yet?
Lots of stuff. A Keeper of Secrets who had impecable foresight and shit, got freed from his tomb by a Gaunt Summoner. KoS basically said that Archaon has a True Name, his old name, which would allow him to be controlled if it's said allowed (and who has such knowledge? Have a guess! But Sigmar doesn't know this) and the Gaunt Summoner was like "gimmie gimmie" and then Archaon turned up and punished him. Took the KoS and used him to fuck shit up with his abilities.

Errm. Alarellie (spelling) got her home wrecked by the Sigmarines being dumbasses and leading them into her secret land under the reflection of a river. It got defiled. She then turns into a Seed Pod because reasons. Sigmarines protect her along with the remaining Treefolk (Dryads Treelords etc). They get pursued by Chaos. They get across and ocean by Alarellie calling a Nurgle infected ice mountain giant thing to die in the ocean to freeze it. They get across the ocean, lots of fighting. They find huge craters and lots of shell like rock, but no bodies, fighting occured. Dryad Handmaiden protecting Alarellie in her Seed Pod says it was "others who fight Chaos". Essentially Seraphon watched the fight, or more correctly, knew it'd happen. Khorne got mad jelly of Nurgle and wanted to steal Alerelli (cant spell) to taunt Nurgle and deny him true victory in Life Land. So he sends Skarbrand and an army smack bang on top of small Sigmarine, Dryads and Allarelli Pod, but the Slann protect them (without them knowing) and Skarbrand and his army crash into a wood. Slann appears with an army, kills the Daemon Army, but Skarbrand is, well, Skarbrand and solos the entire Slann army. Slann goes "meh not my job to kill Skarbrand" and oftens a dimension/time rift or some shit and sends him back to his prison. Allarelli escapes in a final fight when Celestant Prime appears and purges the Nurgle Lord trying to capture her for Daemonhood. Nurgle Lord becomes Sigmarine due Ghal Maraz magic. Lots of other shit.
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While it's true that the settings of both AoS and 40k are somewhat akin in terms of approach to geography, I think there is a crucial difference in that 40k uses the Milky Way Galaxy as a base and many other things that are possible to grasp. There are maps of the Imperium available that give you a broad view of the layout of things. You know where Terra is, where the Eye of Terror is, where the Maelstrom is, where the Tau Empire is, etc.

The Realms in contrast feel disjointed because we seemingly only get snapshots of a certain part of them and to my knowledge rarely get an idea of where they fit in the larger scheme of things. I think this may be the only example of a map that does so. Even what the Realms actually are is unclear. Going from the End Times you get the impression that only the old Fantasy world was destroyed and that there was a still a universe out there and that possibly the Realms exist within that universe, except they're called universes themselves so that kind of throws the aforementioned out the window. Okay so if we then say they're each separate universes or dimension connected by the Realmgates, the question then is what exactly is their makeup? Are they all big tracts of land that stretch on forever surrounded by "space"? Are they actually closer to universes with their own planetoids, stars, etc?

40k takes place in space and we have a bare inkling of what space is and how it's assembled. In contrast the Realms seem like things we're not getting a bigger view of and thus have no means of seeing how they fit together. This is what makes them feel somewhat less alive and more like landscapes GW just whipped up for the purposes of a book. 40k gives you a broad picture of the relation between Terra and Ultramar. Except for maps like this one of a piece of Aqshy, I don't think AoS has yet done something similar.
Why didn't the Slann just send Skarbrand packing in the first place?
>Nurgle Lord becomes Sigmarine due Ghal Maraz magic
Wait what? This is the kind of shit that makes it so hard for me to get into AoS. Just when I think I understand the lore, something throws a wrench into it and cocks the whole thing up.

I thought the Sigmarines were heroes that volunteered to get Marine-tized. Now it's a punishment for Chaos worshippers?
>I thought the Sigmarines were heroes that volunteered to get Marine-tized. Now it's a punishment for Chaos worshippers?

You could have answered all your question by just reading the Stormcast battletome or the Age of Sigmar first book.

Or if you are lazy, the wiki.
The chaos taint is removed from them due to the power of ghal maraz. Then their souls are sent to azyr. It is there they can choose to follow sigmar, and if so, they get reforged.

It describes him as having his soul filled with regret for being a pawn of chaos and vowed revenge against chaos. It works.

Seeing how khorgus khul has an axe that can prevent souls from returning to azyr, and fucking archaon corrupts them on their way up merely through touch, it's nice to see we have a powerful weapon on our side. It lets the readers know that nothing is certain.
>A Keeper of Secrets

It was a Lord of Change.

> which would allow him to be controlled if it's said allowed (and who has such knowledge?

Allow him to be controlled If he ascends to daemonhood which will never happen.

>! But Sigmar doesn't know this)

He knows the laws that bind daemonkind and Archaon's true name.

>wanted to steal Alerelli (cant spell)

He wanted her skull.

That's Balance of Power. You neglected what happened in GodBeasts
My problem with the Realmgate wars is that the Realmgates can be destroyed. Someone could go and destroy all of the Realmgates, in theory, cutting off most inter-Realm travel. I'd rather they were permanent fixtures that couldn't be destroyed.
Aos reminds me of amber diceless
Butterfly effect?
It could lead to some neat things like
>Welp, someone destoryed all the gates on Ghur so now it's cut off in a weird way
Yeah I meant Lord of Change, it's fucking 7:00am, Carnac.

As for the second point, I don't remember the daemonhood rule.

Second part, Sigmar knows this, but doesn't know what exactly will happen, I assume.

As for Godbeasts, dude, I have 2000 words. It'd take fucking forever to write that shit as well. It'd take multiple fucking posts.
The Slann also can permalock them or perma change their destination. They don't because, errr, reasons? JUST AS PREDICTED as White Dwarf say.
Because holding him there was the whole point. As somebody else said, butterfly effect. Slann predict shit accurately, but it isn't impossible. If it goes wrong, oopsies, the next stage just changes. The only reason the Seraphon don't rape everything is because they rarely work together and not all of them fight.

I think it mentioned that the Slann knew it wasn't his duty/job to kill Skarbrand, but to remove him from threatening Allerelli.
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>Yeah I meant Lord of Change, it's fucking 7:00am, Carnac.

That\'s no excuse.

He was named a Lord of Change and also his history was stated. He was one of the mighty Quad of daemons that challenged Sigmar in the battle of the Burning Skies. After he was defeated by Sigmar, Tzeentch punished him and he eventually ended up in the Vault. (picture related), that's him.

>As for the second point, I don't remember the daemonhood rule.

Law of true names. It's a well known bit of lore.

>Second part, Sigmar knows this, but doesn't know what exactly will happen, I assume.

Everyone who the slightest bit of knowledge of daemonic in-verse knowledge would know that to know the True Name of a daemon is to have power over it.

Refer to "Quest of Ghaz Maraz" where the True Name of a daemon was a minor plot point.

>As for Godbeasts, dude, I have 2000 words. It'd take fucking forever to write that shit as well. It'd take multiple fucking posts.

Giant-Giant got a hammer to the head.

Star Dragon got a brand new daudrin rune-tattoo on her flank, and then became Archaon's bitch.

Skaven all went SAKAQUEEEEEEK....deu

There I covered all the important parts.
>I think it mentioned that the Slann knew it wasn't his duty/job to kill Skarbrand, but to remove him from threatening Allerelli.

Correction, it was said that the Slaan knew no spell that can destroy Skarbrand. That is why he decided to put a portal in the way of the charging Skarbrand.
>Star Dragon got a brand new daudrin rune-tattoo on her flank, and then became Archaon's bitch.

Wait, what? Sigmar lost the dragons to Chaos now? Can you explain a little more? Im a different person btw, who doesnt have the book.
>there will never be an Age of Sigmar vidya like Dawn of War 1
>you will never have sync kills of Stormcast Eternals and daemons
>you will never ride the lightning into a Chaos base
>you will never stop missing the Tomb Kings
I'd play the shit out of a Sigmar game based on that Space Marine game, Thunderstriking into a khornite hold to kick ass and zap to the extreme.
Okay so I'm going through the old WHFB units given AoS rules pdfs...

I looked at Lizardmen and notice Oxoytl is there and so is Tehuahuin.

Oxoytl, if summoned, comes as a Stalker. I swear that was the name of the pack leaders of Chammy Skinks?

But the most interesting one is:

>Summon Skink Prophet has a casting value
of 5.
>Skink Prophet

Does that mean, the next update, will give us Skink Prophets? Plus the Stalker? Plus Chiefs? Seems likely.

As for some of these stats. Saurus Cav are fucking awful, which is really sad as I have like 40.

I also have 4 Stegadons with their howdahs not stuck down. Should I just make x4 Engines of the Gods? Or x3 Engines of the Gods + Flamethrower things? I see no reason in taking the bow, despite it looking awesome, because you waste the glorious power of the Stegadon in melee.

Then again, it'd be great against Ogres and other multiwound armies, simply cause x3 D3 shots is pretty neat.

The next question is. Can the Oldblood on Carnosaur use his Hero Ability on himself? +2A to his Spear is pretty neat. He fits the criteria. This question also applies to Stegadons with Skink Alphas ) allowing you to buff a Skink unit... But the Stegadon is Skink keyword, so surely it can be targeted too for the buff?
A dragon, not dragons.

See >>47619998

Archaon corrupted Ignax the Solar Drake and added her to his side.

Now Archaon has two HUEG dragons that serve him, Ignax and Argentine.
Reformed also allows the player to not really die
No, you misunderstand (not surprising, as you do a lot). The faggot said that anybody with the true name could control him. It didn't mention the need for Archaon to become a Daemon Prince (and according to his Warscroll he IS a Daemon). The Gaunt Summoner asked for the name because he knew he could control him. Everybody knows how True Names work, you misunderstand.

As for the GodBeast sum up, that misses out lots of stuff. But what's the point...

Not surprising, but it still said the Slann wasn't meant to kill Skarbrand or die there.
In the story of the battle for the Gate of Dawn, the Stormcast leader goes through the gate into Nurgle's realm. It says that his soul will not return to Azyr. So he's permadead. This could be used to create more tension in such a game, like no saving/loading/respawning in the realm of Chaos.
It's best not to get any info from Carnac, he's notorious in leaving out details and making his own conclusions (then again, /tg/ in it's self does that).

There are Titans. God Beasts. Stupidly powerful beasts which exist. Sigmar and Co tried to stop Archaon, guided by his bitch Changer of Ways, from corrupting them and laying siege to Sigmaron. Archaon manages to corrupt the Solar Drake, Iginax. But not before the Fyreslayer Dwarfs put a super powerful rune in it's hide which will probably be activated at a later date for plot reasons. The other one was the son of the King of Gargants (Giants) or some shit. Skaven managed to corrupt it for Chaos, so Sigmarines, after years of fighting the Skaven there, decided to kill the Godbeast with Super Powerful Lightning Bolts 100000 Times Folded by Sigmars Own Hands.

Essentially, GW has once again copied something else. This is basically Titan Wars from Greek Mythology. Where the Titans lay siege to Olympus, before Zeus and Co defeat them.

Oh, look at that, Sigmar throws lightning bolts and shit like Zeus. Oh look, Titans. Who here remembers the Disney Hercules film? Well, there yo go. That's what will happen.

>Archaon besieges Sigmarion
>Crashes in
>Rune on Igninax is activated
>Igninax turns on Archaon and Co
>Sigmar wins
>Archaon runs away
>lots of death and damage blah blah blah

That's what will happen.
>(and according to his Warscroll he IS a Daemon)
That's because he's riding a daemon. It'd be more strange for Chaos rules to have him not be a daemon than it would to have him be one.
>nice b8 m8
None of the Stormcasts asked to be made into immortal warriors, at most they called out to sigmar for aid during the chaos invasion.
As for chaos champions, many of them only fell to chaos as a last resort. Just as a noble soul with a seed of corruption can fall to chaos, a corrupted soul with a bit of purity can become a servant of good. Torglug used to be nurlges greatest champion, but deep down inside he regretted falling to chaos. He thought there was no way out so kept doing it. Once sigmar redeemed him and he saw he wasn't a gross nurglite he cried tears of joy. Next time he shows up he is fucking pissed at Nurgle and intends to hunt down his greatest champions and make him pay for his centuries of torment. If anything, redeemed stormcasts have he most beef with chaos and will fight the hardest against their former slavers
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>The faggot said that anybody with the true name could control him. It didn't mention the need for Archaon to become a Daemon Prince

"Should he be blessed with daemonhood, this name could bind him to my will".

(picture related).
>(picture related)
Stop saying that. It's pretty obvious when the picture's related.
>It's best not to get any info from Carnac, he's notorious in leaving out details and making his own conclusions (then again, /tg/ in it's self does that).




Don't accuses me of what you are doing yourself.

The Daudrin rune is experimental and has failed before. At best it will usurp control of Ignax for a moment.

Dude is a massive idiot who is suffering from illiteracy. Forgive him.

He somehow missed the bit in the Grand Alliance Chaos book that says Archaon is content to walk the Path to Glory forever and will deny the offer of daemonhood from the gods.
Why buff the spear? Go for the Carnosaurs jaws.
No, it's board etiquette. We must adhere to it and respect it or else we will be no better than the savages of the other boards.
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I miss Chicken Little
So can Archaon get his shit pushed in finally or is he just constantly going to keep on winning?
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Do you even podcast?
>No, it's board etiquette.
No it isn't and never has been.
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Archaon thinks he has control of Ignax, but it seems that The rune the fyreslayers either contains the largest fragment of grimnir, or contains the essence of grimnir released when the duardin use ur-gold. But in the picture of Ignax that is definitely the rune of grimnir in her eye
God Gotrek when?
Not counting any of the wide variety of effects other units may have and considering only themselves, warhammers are a better choice for Stormfront Eternal Liberators than warblades. Whether paired or with a shield, they're identical. But when Lay Low The Tyrants turns on, the hit & wound chance of a warhammer is 0.4444, while a warblade is only 0.4167. The difference is 2.7778% in the warhammer's favor.

If using both paired weapons and Lay Low The Tyrants, the difference raises by half a percent. Warhammers have a 0.518519 chance to hit and warblades have only 0.486111. The difference is 3.2407%.

So, in this regard, warhammers are better than warblades.
So I've finished a Bretonnia battalion box, and there's no knights in my GW store and knights are disappearing on ebay like mad and the remaining ones tend to be way overpriced when I check.

I've brought a box of wizards then grey stuff molded some extra bodies so I can get 4 out of the box instead of 2.

I was thinking of grabbing some cockatrices, chimeras, and other animals and just fluff my Bretonnians as managing to tame animals and monsters to unleash hell on everyone with aide from some Empire bros.

What big monsters and animals should I grab for this?
Jabberslyth (mostly becuase it looks cool), Razorgor, warhounds, Lizardmen/Aelven Dinos, etc
I just realized I could probably GS mold the knights and put them on the mounts. I was thinking of also grabbing Thundertusks and shit, replace the Chaos knights and lords with Bret lords and shit.

Anyone know if this'll cause a shit fit for some people?

Anyhow, I've never painted Bretonnians before, what should I do/add?
who do you think the fyreslayers worship?
i can dig it. warblades are for pussies anyway.

>GS mold
do a proper mold of a sprue
Anyone know if the Brettonians look good in a knights templar color scheme?

I dunno, I only find myself making copies of the occasional body when I get kits like the Wizards and what not.

Though I suppose I could give it a go.
It says buffs one of the Saurus weapons, so I assumed only he could use the buff. Regardless.

The claim i've read is Sigmar wins. But likely will win by Sigmar dying and Archaon picking up the hammer and smiting Chaos.
Kit's only going to rise in price. If you want a unified army, that's going to be your best bet.
Then I guess so, but should I only cast certain units (Grail knights, trebuchet, etc) so I don't make it obvious that I'm recasting? The only place I can game at is my GW store.

Also thanks for the pic, it's similar to what I was thinking of doing. But blue instead of black.
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Just wanted to share this with you guys. It's a bit of fluff for the area my dudes are from.

The Ash Woodlands:

In the realm of Ghur (beasts) is an area that has been scorched by magic fire many years ago. A once thick, and dense forest is now the home of one of the most widespread chaotic beings ever known to the mortals, the beastmen.
At the heart of this dead, grey and vile place lies the aincent keep of Graazaar. This has now become the home to the beastmen that now scour the area.
The beastmen themselves call themselves "the Bloodhorn herd" and are lead by the Beastlord Kraagaar Twinblade and the Great bray shaman Gorax Spirithorn. Together they command over a vast numbers of Gors, Bestigors, Bullgors, and even a Gargant and a massive Cygor.

But the forest isn't the only thing that the Bloodhorn herd was drawn to. In the south, in the dry and arid lands of Vrukk is a realmgate known as "the gate of Val'Ra". This is what draws the attention of many factions, and a gateway to the other realms is certainly a feature that not many will slip by.
Fuck, I messed up with the picture
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Lads, I'm making my own Lord of the Plagues model for Warhammer Quest.

He's got his hefty axe but for his other arm, there's a bell flail... or should I chop that off, so he's only got the axe?
Just use it to supplement what you have already. Unless someone takes a knife to your models, they won't know.

I normally don't approve of resin casting, but it's not like you have much of a choice when the sets are completely OOP.
So basically only recast stuff like Lords and artillery and in small amounts.

Though I after working on that battalion box, I'm now tempted to just grab big minis (War machines, monsters, etc.) and just work on those instead of rank and file minis.

Probably be more fun then working production line style.

More weapons would be more better for me, but I haven't had a chance to play Warhammer quest so don't count on me knowing what I'm talking about.
Cut off his whole hand and replace it with a hook.
That remembers me of something

Stiches want to play!
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I've made a quick tool for finding your expected damage on attack with basic attacks. It doesn't yet do variables (d3, d6) or mortal wounds. Next I'll make a graph to show your chances of inflicting any amount of damage with the attack.

Anyone want to compare some stuff? Just tell me what you want.
Compare Saurus Warriors with Dryads/Crypt Ghouls/Freeguilder Milita/Chaos Warriors.
>Dark Souls style game of Age of Sigmar
You get "reforged" when you die
Bonfires are like the Gates of Azyr
You can change whether allies fall to chaos similar to hollowing
Enemies are already built into the world with an already defined tier system
it's all there
Can you compare a beastlord w/ dual axes to a lord of chaos?
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Let me know if you see any errors and I'll correct them.
Yes, if you tell me where to find their warscrolls.
There's a bit on the BL webpage about it, gotta write a short story about a marine and his squad I think. Sometimes they send out wanted ads on the mailing list as well. I'll have a rummage, see if I can find the application page for you.
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Ordered Cohort 20+ with the Jaws and Shield is wrong. I've fixed it here.
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that's pretty useful nice one man. is there a way you could upload the file you made so we can use it? (I presume it's an excel file?) might be easier then people having to ask you
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Found another error. Celestite Spear has the wrong stats. It's fixed here.

I'm still working on it. I'll upload it when it's finished and ready for others to use.
Here you go. Note that having the Mark of Khorne doesn't help a dual-axe Chaos Lord one bit.
As usual I only see my errors after I post. Beastlord axes correctly set to 1 damage, not d3.
These are really neat, but I'm fucking retarded and don't know how it really helps.

Isn't there a 40k program which basically mathhammers everything? Like you put in, say, Tactical Marines vs Banshees and it works out how many die in shooting phase, overwatch and assault?

I'd like to see these claims of Saurus Warriors being worse than Dryads and Freeguilder Swordsmen (in terms of saves and damage, ignoring battleshock).
Wow. Thanks anon. I looked on BL for like 10 mins and couldn't find anything.

Contact emails, but I can't find this short story Marine squad thing. I could do that.
Is there a full list of the Silver Tower official heroes stats?

The models seem really good and I hope they are a sign of things to come for AoS.
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I'll be able to tell you shortly. These Dryads from Wood Elves are the ones you mean, right?

Where are Freeguilder Swordsmen? I'm not familiar with them.
I think he might be talking about empire swordsmen.

Well, that didn't take long to dismantle those fools banging on about 'the truth'.

I think another point to make is GW has gone into detail about the makeup of systems typically found in the setting. Some fool noted that GW typically creates a planetary system in 40k without going into details, but the setting has gone into great detail about systems that we know so much if all GW mentions is it's made up of a primary hive world, a prison planet, a forge world, a space marine chapter planet, a death world, and so on. At a glance a picture forms in my mind about how this system works. It's grounded.

These AoS maps remind me of daemon worlds. Up is down, right is left, and it's hard to wrap my brain around it because not only is everything over the top but nothing is explained and I have no idea how any of this was suppose to be a place that people live and breath in.
They are called "Freeguild Guard". They are the old Empire state troops. You can equip them with either spears, halberds, swords or Milita Weapons.

If you give them swords, they are 4/4, 5+ save, but you can add 1 to your save roll in the combat phase, and you can reroll save rolls of 1.
>These AoS maps remind me of daemon worlds.

They should, the realms are literally made of magic.
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Ah, these guys?

It's weird that they can have both halberds and shields.
>Carnac downplaying the Duardin rune because MUH ARCHAON

Dude, it's literally a plot device to turn Ignax over as Archaon tries to do something.
Heroquest is likely to become it's own specialist game like bloodbowl.

Shit is extremely popular
Couldn't find anything now, but according to 1d4chan it's an application window in the spring, so it just might have closed.
I remember reading the brief though, one story was the marine sergeant and squad as mentioned, one a battle scene think it was ork vs sm close combat) and one other thing.
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I still don't get the Vexillor in Silver Tower.

>hey guys, let's play an exciting dungeon crawler in a tower full of mysteries!
>yeah Imma play my Battle Standard Bearer

Also that Ride the Storm skill is the biggest potential dick move in the game, as you can toss another player into a room that's about to be deleted, thus instantly heavily wounding him and forcing him to go make himself a sandwich until your next recovery phase.

Great for punishing an asshole tho

Bringing the symbol of Sigmar into dark places.
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Okay, here's the data for Freeguild / Empire State Troops and Dryads. Now let's interpret it. There are a lot of potential bonuses these units as Saurus Warriors get.
too much to tell in one post. Here's the cliffnotes version:

>In the Realm of Fire Sigmarines and nekkid Dorfs are fighting Khorne and Skaven, accidentally free Skarbrand who then goes around wrecking shit for a bit
>in Realm of Life Sigmarines and Sylvaneth are protecting Alarielle from Nurgle and Skaven
>after beating the Lord of Plague who was leading the whole campaign, the Celestant Prime punches the guy so hard he knocks the Chaos out of him because apparently he can do that
>in Realm of Metal Sigmarines are fighting Tzeentch forces still and accidentally free a Lord of Change who can divine the future better than most others
>Archaon swoops in and grabs that LoC for himself
>big showdown in the Realm of Fire betwen Vandus Hammerhand and Archaon
>Vandus gets rekt by the Slayer of Kings so bad they wonder if he can even be reforged
>now after laying a smackdown on the Sigmarines Archaon for some reason decides he needs to get even more overpowered
>decides to go get the Godbeasts for himself
>some Sigmarines think Ionus Cryptborn is a traitor now
>Khul wrecks some daemons and then murders some Seraphon with the rest of them
>Bloab Rotspawned first screws with the Realm of Fire, then the Realm of Life and is then murdered by the reforged former Nurgle General from above
>it's implied the Pestilens Skaven found the last living piece of him and are fiercely protecting that
>one Godbeast, Ignax, gets captured by Archaon but the nekkid Dorfs put a rune on it before that will probably end up screwing Archy's plans in the future
>another Godbeast, Behemat, is resurrected and then killed to Archy's chagrin

tl;dr: Read the books, they're in the OP link.
>considers this difficult

I've never had a problem with fantasys rules, are you perhaps retarded?
Oh look, it's the desperate shitposter whose only gambit is questioning other people's intelligence.

Nobody said it's difficult, you mouthbreather. It's just way too much shit going on. You don't play a game like that. You play its rules. There's too much clutter that gets in the way of the experience.

Having fifteen steps for something that should only take 5 tops doesn't make your game deeper or better, it makes it a clusterfuck of rules for the sake of rules.

Cue the whining and the accusations of retardation.
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Thanks anyway anon. It looks like it'd be impossible anyway, unless new CEO has changed shit.

>i have no reading comprehension: the post

Re-read the fucking chain. Wow, you understand it! You must be a one of a kind genius! Nobody else can!

You're so fucking dense that I am laughing my ass off replying to you. The entire fucking post was explaining why WHFB died. You think it's easy as pie? Good for you.

Now, take a min, put down your hotpocket, and read the Warhammer 40k Frequently Asked Questions Draft. There is a person in there, that asked this.

This. Was a Frequently Asked Question. This is one of the most BASIC rules of the fucking game. It is so completely and utterly laughable that anybody could not understand, but guess what champ? Just because you do, doesn't mean others do not.

That guy was pointing out not that it was hard, but that it was hard for SOME people. Of fucking course it's easy to do if you're able to understand, but the fucking conversation was about why WHFB died and one reason was due to rule bloat.

If people can't understand how codex works, despite it being in the main BRB and the codex itself, how the flying FUCK do you expect them to understand WHFB?

The fact you're so egotistical and narcissitic, confident in your own intelligence could be deemed projection, but, hey, I won't comment on that.

tl;dr, just because you understand it, doesn't mean the fuckers buying the game will. People don't even understand how codexes work, faggot.

Kill. Your. Self.
High elf spearmen didn't have armor piercing what made them good was the fact that on top of being having rerolls thanks to high I and ASF was that people would cast mind blade on them. The balancing factor was that they're base S3 T3 and had a 5+ save on top of being pretty points heavy a naked block of 50 is 450 points then you have to add the Archmage cost that's mind razoring them when honestly they should be casting that on your Phoenix guard or making your white lions T7
How about Banner of the World Dragon? Or Teclis? Or having 9 lores of magic to choose from? (Unless you're WE and then you get 10 :^))
First, know that 'expected successes' is to game analysis like McDonald's is to cuisine.

Empire has a 4+ save if they have shields, and it seems you can always give them shields. We're considering sword & shield troops.

Look in the Dryad stats outside of the green box. Normal Dryads against a 4+ save have a 12.5% chance to get an unsaved wound per attack: "Chances per Die of Inflicting Damage". That means hit, wound, and the target fails to save. Each attack does 1 damage, so each attack does 0.125 expected damage. You'd need 8 attacks to expect 1 casualty. Since Dryads make two attacks each, this means four attacking Dryads.
Specifically, each model's 2 attacks have a 76.56% of both missing, a 21.88% of only one hitting, and a 1.56% of both hitting. (This is a much more useful result than expected successes, but this only considers unsaved hits. For weapons of damage 2+ I need to improve it.)

However, the swords let the Empire reroll 1s on their saves. Now look at the Dryad stats inside the green box. The chance to get an unsaved wound is now 10.4%, down almost 2% from what it would be without the swords. Ultimately this drops the expected damage per model to 0.2083, or about 0.21. Now four Dryads give you 0.8332 expected damage, rather than 1.0. You'd need five models to get over 1.0.

Since both are 1 Wound models, and it's popular to use Wounds as a points system, it's worthwhile to find the times when each gives you more damage for your Wound.
For comparison purposes, we know that against a 4+ save that rerolls 1s, each Dryad does 0.2083 expected damage with all its attacks, or 0.1042 each attack.
With Enrapturing Song active, this raises to 0.2778 and 0.1389 respectively.
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>tfw love the new rules and how easy they are (easy to get friends and gf into the game)
>tfw love the new models
>tfw love a ton of the new army-specific fluff
>tfw hate the premise of the new setting and want the old world back

Jesus fucking jew on a stick.

Deep down I love everything they've done with AoS but worldwide fluff.
As far as I can tell it's basically Stargate SG1 with swords.
Switching sides, the Empire has a to-hit roll ranging from 5+ to an automatic 1+ depending on circumstance. The Dryads' save is either 5+ or 4+.
In the worst case scenario, the swordsman hit on 5+ and the Dryads save on 4+. Each swordsman has one attack, and in this case it deals an expected 0.0833. That's a third of the damage a best-case Dryad deals with its two attacks combined (but both are 1 Wound models).
In the best case, the swordsman hit automatically and the Dryads save on 5+. In this case, each attack deals an expected 0.3333, more than the two combined from the best-case Dryads. Against a 4+ save this drops to an even 0.25.

The two achieve equal expected damage per model when the Empire hits on 2+ and the Dryads save on 5+, while the Dryads have Enrapturing Song active.
They achieve it again when the Empire hits on 2+ and the Dryads save on 4+, while the Dryads do not have Enrapturing Song active.

When hitting on 3+ and Dryads save on 5+, the Empire does more expected damage per model (0.2222) than Dryads without the Song active.
At all points worse than this for the Empire, (3+/4+, 4+/any, 5+/any) each swordsman does less damage than a Dryad.

Here's a conclusion you can draw from this. At under hit rolls of 4+ and under 12 Dryads, 5 Dryads do almost the same damage as 6 Swordsmen. With Enrapturing Song on, 5 Dryads do almost the same damage as 8 Swordsmen. With 12 or more Dryads as well as Song, each Dryad does more damage than 2 Swordsmen.
At hit rolls of 3+ swordsmen it evens out a bit. The Dryads are better if they have 4+ saves and if they have the Song active. Otherwise, the swordsman outdamage them.
At hit rolls of 2+ swordsman, each swordsman is now as good as a Dryad.
At hit rolls of 1+, they blow the Dryads away.
However, getting enough swordsmen together to get those good hit rolls will cost a massive amount of Wounds from your total. It's very expensive and fielding so many models will slot you in to certain roles in most battleplans.
Why do you die if you have zeo wounds

I would think that if you GET wounded you would die, not if you heal wounds.
I can't make heads or tails of what you just said.
Wounds have always and forever been Games Workshop's way of describing the health of a model. More Wounds - more health. Read it this way: Wounds are "the amount of wounds a model can suffer until it is dead."

If this was cluelessness, you have just been educated.
If this is anti-AoS-shitposting, you're doing it wrong because they're called Wounds in WHFB and 40k as well.
If this is anti-GW-shitposting, then fuck right off.
Do what I do and make the mortal realms stuff that was created with the great catastrophe and later colonized by order forces during the first recess of chaos

You mean the thing that Lizardmen fluff was about? Lizardmen was literally Ancient Aliens with Stargate shit. Hell, Morslieb was created when the Not!Stargate in the North blew up.

So, it's practically the same in that regard. Sigmarines are just the Order version of Chaos Warriors.

Out of curiosity, why do you want the Old World back? Outside of specific campaigns, you basically played in Not!Europe. If nobody worked on a jungle, snow or desert board, you were fucked. Sure, that can happen in AoS, but at least you can CLAIM to be somewhere else.

AoS is basically 40k but fantasy, instead of planets, you have areas of landscapes so big that a Chaos Lord couldn't visit them in 100 lifetimes.

Dryads will wreck most. Simply because they come 3+ if there is 10 or more iirc. They also get the debuff and various other sexy shit. Saurus Warriors are hilariously shit for 8ft tall war created lizard things
>Saurus Warriors are hilariously shit
hence why everyone uses the monumentally superior temple guard instead

Lizardmen rules are all over the place in terms of quality.
Of course. I can't hate my 1+ Armour Save guys which do D3 wounds if I stay still!
I think it's because I fell in love with the Old World setting.
I've only been playing and reading for around 10 years so I'm by no means an oldfag but Fantasy Black Library novels used to make me go frenetic on the inside.

The rules and half the models for WHFB were shit and I did chafe at the geographical restrictions compared to 40k.
I'd always reasoned that "oh they never specify how large the setting is so I'll just pretend there are thousands of cities they never put on the main maps" for my RPs and such.

So while I enjoy that they really opened the setting up I just can't seem to get over the quaint little feeling of interactive city-states and provinces that have to work together.

Plus I'm a huge fan of low fantasy and sword+sorcery and I usually skipped over the high fantasy elf elements in the books desu.

Echoing a sentiment I've heard before in the last thread I just don't see how normal people operate in this setting.
Like with cities and trading and such.
You don't have to remember. It's all right here.
>low fantasy
This will trigger people
Looks good anon! I'm kind of sad that I'm probably going to finish off the last few heroes today it's been a fun ride
That's a whole other can of worms it's like saying Skaven are op because of the plague banner and cheap cannons. Not saying that high elves aren't in the uppee echelon of the power scale, all I'm saying is that high elf spearmen don't have armor piercing and that I'd be much happier to see a block of 50 spearmen hit the table than a tooled out white lion or Phoenix guard block
Ah they become 4+. That's still better than Saurus Warriors. They also have 1" more range. I have like 120+ Saurus Warriors, 40 of them with Spears... WASTED.
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I'm kinda referring to the OnG and general Human factions desu.

Not the Lizard and Elf fluff that didn't impact the setting too much aside from large historical interventions and could largely be ignored for RPs and internal world-building unless you played those armies.

Unless I'm misunderstanding the term entirely.
What was I thinking of? Was it Wood Elves which got Armour Piercing on their Spears? I swear the HE Spears had Armour Piercing.... I would have to go into my 8th edition rulebook boxes to find out.
Low Fantasy means it happens on our world.
Warhammer Fantasy was High Fantasy as it happened on an imaginary world.
Mega anon here, I'm uploading new versions of the campaign books and the Order battletomes since these have table of contents and selectable texts

Should be a couple of hours or so to upload them all, and I'll keep checking back to see if the other faction battletomes are done

Shout out to Kickass user Yaceek for making these things happen

>he doesn't know what the terms mean either
That's what it does mean tho...
good, the definition of "low" and "high" fantasy is so nebulous that it serves no purpose beyond getting nerds to argue with one another over which of their definitions is the most correct

Yeah, I'm not too sure what they were thinking with the saurus rules. They went from superheavy infantry/cavalry to extreme lightweights.
Hey guys, I'm Massive Lizardmen Army Anon. I have 4 Stegadons. I do not know what to equip them as. I have not stuck down their Howdahs and I don't plan to.

Looking at the rules, outside of multi-wound armies, the Flamethrower Blowguns seem to be the best non-EotG choice.

Should I make 3 Engines of the Gods? Or buy some more Stegadons at some point? I planned one Engine of the God for each of my Slann (I have 3 + Kroak, so 4 in total) but that means no Flamethrower Blowguns or the cool bow. Obviously I'd like them to be usable in WHFB as well and the blowguns and EotG were superior to the bow.

So, what do?

>mfw my OOP Kroq-Gar is so small
>mfw the new one is neat bar it's ugly stubby head
>mfw I want Dread Saurians so bad
>mfw I still haven't bought any of the new models (well technically got the new Carnosaur in that stupidly cheap starter box, what the fuck is GW on? That isn't like them)
>mfw I have old as fuck Terradons
>mfw I want 10 of each of the new ones
>mfw I want 4 Bastildons
>mfw I want 4 (three more in reality) Carnosaus
>mfw I want 4 Troglodons
>mfw I need more of the heroes as well

This is never going to be finished....

>b-b-b-ut you can summon them so that's OK!

Saurus Warriors were Chaos Warriors, basically. 4S, 4T, 4+/6++ (if with HW). They sucked with WS3 (creatures created for war? Better make them as skilled as some bumfuck conscript human). I1 (Purple Sun says bye bye to your entire blobs as you're slower than FUCKING DWARFS). But they were slightly cheaper.

Some reason Saurus Cav had WS4. They now are probably the weakest cavalry in the game. Gone from decent heavy cavalry to light shock-cavalry at best.

Yet they make Saurus Guard the same as every other faction Elite (and gave a shit worded rule for them too, do they gain the +2 Bravery or does the Hero?) but makes them insanely good with synergy + formation bonuses.
>the definition of "low" and "high" fantasy is so nebulous that it serves no purpose beyond getting nerds to argue

It's pretty easy, it's just that people have been using it wrong and don't like being told that.

Retards use low fantasy to mean "not many fantastic elements" but what exactly qualifies as a fantastic element and what number of fantastic elements is the tipping point between low and high is entirely vague and subjective. It is a definition that defines nothing.

Using it correctly will help better inform you about the setting.
Where are my Sylvaneth?!! GW WHERE!!!!
>mfw your autism is pretty much par for the course in the AOS playerbase

If gw can drop shits like you two then age might have a chance.
>b-b-b-ut you can summon them so that's OK!
I mean they've never been that impressive offensively, but losing their durability was pretty huge. They can't blunt charges or attrition out the enemy elite anymore, unless you take the guards.

Bravery 10 is a thing, but it's not going to mean much when you're taking a dozen casualties every combat. Especially when you're stacking the defensive buffs you get on the actually good units.

Thanks for proving my point, I guess?
>say hur dur ur returded for nawt noing xD
>Actually, it wasn't saying it was hard for them, but it was time consuming, and based on the vastly quicker and less bloated 40k, people don't understand basic fucking rules, so how the fuck were they suppose to understand shit in WHFB?

Don't bother replying, you'll just fish for (You)'s. Have this one though.

Saurus Warriors were always for holding actions since they took effort to chew through. By them, you've hopefully lined up a charge from Saurus Cav or a Oldblood or something. Perhaps even preparing a Salamander group fire. Or back stabbing by Poisoned Skinks. Or Kroxigors.

Temple Guard with Lore of Life just made your Slann safe and would hold up whatever engaged them. T8, 3+, 4+ Regeneration and reflect stuff was neat. Shame Vetock nerfed Slann pretty fucking hard.
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It's a start, It'll be nice to have something painted on the Quest board anyway, woo
Cav were a pretty sub-optimal choice, even if I liked using them. Even with a flank charge, they couldn't put out that much damage.

Better to just use the ICBM scar-vet on cold one.
Oh I know, but I liked them too. Most of them were with Spears (which suddenly become Lances in AoS) so I'm making the ones from the Starter Set with Lances too.

I've made 3 Command Squads (in case I want to play WHFB or split up them into smaller squads) but my plan is to have 40 Lance Saurus Cav. I might make a 4th command squad so I can run for squads or combine them into one big one. I need to buy some more square bases from somewhere. That's another thing I don't like bout AoS. I like my blocks....
I've been converting up a unit of ten on the DE cold-ones. Just ordered most of the parts I need to finish them off.

I really hoped they'd have gotten new models. With them being in the starter set I've kinda lost hope.
Eh. They're different things now. The Dark Eldar 'Cold Ones' aren't Cold Ones. I forgot what they are.

I have a rather large Lizardmen army I need to finish work on. I also need shit loads more stuff. The new models, Bastildons and stuff, would be neat.

I'm still blown away by how good the Dwarf Flame Cannon is. It out performs Salamanders AND Solar Gem. So many monsters have "heal D3 wounds" or "heal 1 wound" special rules, it makes me cry. Shit like the Mournghoul is just stupid as fuck.
It wasn't hard or time consuming if you're not a retard.
They look better, which is all that matters to me.

>new stuff
Bastiladon, Carnosaur and the Terradons were pretty fun kits to build and paint. Especially after experiencing the various nightmares of the metal terradons back in 5th. Still got to buy one of the new stegadons, but I heard it was similarly pleasant.

Got to get all my purchasing out of the way before square bases really skyrocket in price.
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>>Echoing a sentiment I've heard before in the last thread I just don't see how normal people operate in this setting. Like with cities and trading and such.
I'd say that's one of the major things I like less about Age of Sigmar compared to the original setting. The respective culture/civilization of most of the factions seems really under-explored.

If anything, you'd think that since the Stormcasts in general are being played up as being more heroic, that they'd emphasize them defending normal humans.
I honestly don't even get how there are normal humans left?
Didn't everyone except for super powerful wizards who hid in alternate dimensions get blown up?

Am I understanding the setting wrong?

Stop thinking and start forging a narrative!
That's my understanding as well. Which admittedly seems a shame since God Sigmar leading the survivors of the old world to the Nu-Hammer setting like some kind of warhammer wielding Moses would have been kinda baller.
>>Stop thinking and start forging a narrative!
>Didn't everyone except for super powerful wizards who hid in alternate dimensions get blown up?

No reason they couldn't bring others with them.
So far as I can remember, a vast majority of the people in the realms have submitted to Chaos or fallen to the madness of flesh eater courts and become ghouls. The ghouls are way more rampant in the realms of shadow and death. The exception of this azyr, where Sigmar rules a new version of the Empire from above.
>The exception of this azyr, where Sigmar rules a new version of the Empire from above.
Wait so it's like the old empire with shitty peasant filled cities and blackmarkets and cool run down taverns and such?
7th and 8th weren't really much better than age of sigmar for that. The world building and 'your dudes' stuff was largely in older editions.

Mind, it is a shame they haven't really made any foundations beyond WAR WAS BEGINNING. With a canvas as blank as AoS, you'd think that'd be the priority.
Because honestly I don't give a fuck about everything being on silly floating sky disk planes or whatever they've cooked up as long as the atmosphere remains.

As long as I can RP about it and have my friends trudge through the gates of a rundown shanty-city and sit at the scarred table of an ancient inn then I'm happy with the setting.

I just need some sign that life continues as normal in this new setting.

I want there to be cultures and countries and cities like it used to be, even if they are floating wizard cities.

I'm not an AoS hater, it just drives me crazy how we barely know anything about the fluff/backstory of the new setting other than what the big fighty heroes are doing.
Basically, execpt a lot less shitty because Chaos/Undead/Ork invasions are non-existant. They've had practically ages of peace, but they're still referred that the people of Azyr live in the thousands of hamlets that dot the land below. The city of sigmaron hangs in orbit, and is home totge Aelve and Duradin populations.
remove sigmarines
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>Basically, execpt a lot less shitty because Chaos/Undead/Ork invasions are non-existant.
I thought that >>47626064 ?
So where do the flesheaters get their meat if they can't attack human towns?
>So where do the flesheaters get their meat if they can't attack human towns?

Chaos worshippers, Orruks, duadrin, holdouts of pure humans, etc.
>Basically, execpt a lot less shitty because Chaos/Undead/Ork invasions are non-existant.

There are Orruk tribes that live among the stars and lands of Azyr. They need to be regularly weeded out.
Are humans still shitty to each other and there are like cool quest hooks of corrupt mayors and greedy bankers?

The way the WHFB thread hyped it up they made it sound like the new setting was full of ubermensch humans that can do no wrong and everyone's working towards the goal of making the world "good" and stepford-y.
replace sigmarine helmets
Half of what's bad about sigmarines is their shitty helmets.
Replace heads GW.
Their helmets are probably the most unique things about them. I seriously hope you're not the kind of trash who wants to replace them with generic knight helms.
>Are humans still shitty to each other and there are like cool quest hooks of corrupt mayors and greedy bankers?


But Sigmar doesn't tolerate corruption and disunity in his realm. If he gets too much out of hand, he will come down like a vengeful god.
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Forgot my picture
There probably are, but they aren't the center of the story.

There was a big tonal shift from fantasy to aos. In AoS i'ts a mythic high fantasy. The story is about the heroes, villains, and gods.

Watch this video, this guys describes the tonal shift better than I could. I like both settings, but for different reasons. It's hard for me to say which I like better.

It's a half hour video, but worth a listen.

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>Their helmets are probably the most unique things about them. I seriously hope you're not the kind of trash who wants to replace them with generic knight helms.
Dude I want Empire State troop heads.
Something to make them more human and less "we are rebranding space marines".
Even if they are just rebranding space marines.
>Dude I want Empire State troop heads.

The awful inbred retard heads? I don't remember people liking those even when they were new.

>Something to make them more human

The loss of humanity is a major theme for them.
>The loss of humanity is a major theme for them
Then maybe something that makes them look a little less like boipucci?

Like maybe grotesque style helmets?
The flesheaters aren't picky eaters, of course. They'll glady attack Skaven, Fyreslayers, Chaos, etc. along with the few remaining free peoples strongholds. Infact, it is hinted that Sigmar helped release the Flesh Eaters as a weapon against the hordes of Chaos. Remember, Azyr sealed itself from ALL the realms. Nothing has gotten in or out of it years, and it has been under Sigmars personal watch for hundreds of years. So, I suppose the best way to imagine it, would be the Empire, but better ran and managed
>Implying bretcast aren't superior in every way
>Nothing has gotten in or out of it years, and it has been under Sigmars personal watch for hundreds of years. So, I suppose the best way to imagine it, would be the Empire, but better ran and managed
So adventuring parties and warbands can't leave Azyr to fight?

Do armies and militias from Azyr fight each other?
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>literally Blood Angel Sanginary guard helms

Tell me another one.
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A darksiders esque game where you play as a Knight Questor or darkoath chieftain would be pretty interesting.
>Like maybe grotesque style helmets?

No. Their helmets already do the job. Makes close to human in aspect, but also inhuman and automaton like.

More unique than a generic great helm conversions you see.
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>, but also inhuman and automaton like.
Because we all want weirdo robots in a fantasy setting.
The gates of Azyr are open.

People can get in or get out. Normal dudes from great armies to a singular individuals are pouring into the realms.

I have to hand it to GW. They have subverted genre expectations by making the monsterous and prone to mutations Chaos bad guys more human than the good guys! Bravo...???
They're not weirdo robots, but they invoke a similar uncanny valley feeling because they are not quite human any longer.
Greenskin genocide? Oh Sigmar
Bretcast > stormcast
Bretcast are legitimately shit.
The styles do not match at all and there is visible difference in sculpt quality because Brets are so old.
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>They're not weirdo robots, but they invoke a similar uncanny valley feeling because they are not quite human any longer.
They look silly.
Uncanny valley would be really cool for them to pull off.

These guys look like badly done cartoons.

GW fudged up.
>They look silly.

Nah, they look good.

t. games workshop
t. man with no taste
The whole world is a cartoon, lol @ this delusional objection.
Well given the current topic this is obviously the ideal time for a repost of My First Sigmarine, working on the rest of the basic Liberators now.

The heads are a major turnoff for the models, I am really struggling to think how to make the default heads interesting.

Current plan is oxidized tears running down the face, maybe naming my guys Mourners Of The Old World or similar.
bretcast are cool because they're literally what grail knights were before

all they're missing is a proper tabard for the heraldry
>The whole world is a cartoon
t. Jaden Smith.
t. man happy eating McDonalds instead of Whataburger because it's GW McDonalds
Nice warrior priest conversion
>they're literally what grail knights were before

No. I can only assume you know nothing about grail kinghts, stormcast, or both.

t. the man without a point

Its an uphill battle to make anything about the sigmarines interesting. Good luck.
Go screw yourselves. The "Saurus Knights suck" meme is getting real old. Have you ever heard of Skink Starpriests? Because they have a special rule that gives 3 of the 4 attacks each Knight makes a chance of doing double damage while the fourth already has a chance of inflicting extra mortal wounds and they can keep up with the Knights because loleightinchmove and Saurus Knights are part of several powerful Battalions. Oh, and their musicians make them run 7" instead of D6.
Sure suck in comparison to Wild Riders, Dark Riders, Drakespawn Knights and Boar Boys.
>wah wah but they used to be super good
So fucking what? Chaos Knights and Empire Knights used to be fucking awesome too.

And for that matter, the "Saurus Warriors suck" meme is getting real old, too. No, they can't mulch heavy infantry, but they kill other basic infantry like nobody's business and are annoyingly hard to kill with their shields.
>saurus warriors
>annoyingly hard to kill with their shields.
5+ is 5+, m8

Most mainline combat infantry have 4+ saves in addition to re-rolls or other defensive abilities.

You COULD make them acceptable with magic. But you SHOULD be using that magic to further buff the units that aren't garbage to begin with.
Try getting some 3rd party heads or something with a bit more character like the chaos marauder horsemen heads.
Most GW stuff is just too recognizable (especially if you use SM stuff). And going from a burial mask to a totally nondescript bald clean shaven dude seems a bit boring.
If he had hair or beard he'd look much more knightly.
Can somebody eplain to me what 't.' stands for?
I don't think it's tablespoon.
it's a way to quote someone

probably stands for transcribed or someshit
It's a memey way to quote someone.
Comes from a Finnish word for quoting someone and spread from Krautchan.
>Comes from a Finnish word
well that would explain it
Since when is "sincerely" used to quote someone?
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Nigga I don't know, I've just been seeing it used in that context for years.
>Most mainline combat infantry have 4+ saves in addition to re-rolls or other defensive abilities.

Do you read your own posts occasionally?

>Freeguild Guard
>Dwarf Warriors
>Eternal Guard
>Black Ark Corsairs
>Vulkite Berzerkers
>Wildwood Rangers
>Tomb Guard
>Grave Guard
ALL of these are mainline infantry, some are even Elite infantry and all of them have a 5+ save. You wanna know how many of these can attack twice like Saurus Warriors can? 8, and 6 of them are Elite. You wanna know how many of them have abilities that can get them to 4+? 6, 4 of them Elite.

>the Elite/Core split doesn't exist anymore!
Still doesn't change the fact that you're comparing Saurus Warriors to Bestigors when you should be comparing them to Gors.
So yeah, if you compare a basic melee infantry unit to an elite infantry unit, they lose out. What a surprise.
When you compare them to equivalent basic infantry, they have more attacks, much better Bravery and their shields. The shields, by the way, are awesome, as 90% of all attacks in the game have either no or -1 Rend, so their 5+ may not be amazing, but it's almost impossible to deny unless you're shooting cannons at them. And the one Mystic Shield any Slann can spare for them will take them to a hard-to-rend 4+, which can stall just about anything in the game. And a slow grindfest is something you don't want to get into with all the bullshit monsters the Seraphon can toss at you while you're distracted.
>and all of them have a 5+ save
freeguild guard have 4+ saves and re-roll 1s
It's as if you're signing off a fictional letter from said person / category.

"The whole world is a cartoon,

Jaden Smith"
these guys seem too good, but thats just me. maybe weaken the damage and save on the dorf and put the loremaster in the trashcan?
only with swords and only in melee, which is why I included them in "have abilities that can get them to 4+".
I have looked at 3rd party stuff, but I'm not furnishing these guys with as much love and bitz as I do my 40k dudes, as I may well bail on Stormcasts to go with Sylvaneth.

I also struggled to find a decent set of 3rd party heads that I liked, places tend to go with really wacky and out there designs when all I really want is some nice generic dudes that don't look constipated.

I'll put up a comparison between this guy and his regular-headed identical twin when I've done him.

Definitely inspired by the warrior priest- I bought him and a Questor as they're such nice models.
How likely is it that you wont be able to mix factions when the points system comes out? I want to have some vampires leading some of the freeguild empire units but i dont want any of the work i put into it to go to waste in a month or 2
They have better than a 5+ by default, even against shooting, thanks to the re-roll. We just had this discussion earlier in the thread.
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Can one of the warhammer quest card bros make one for the black ark fleetmaster? plllleeeeease?
So do Black Ark Corsairs. But -1 Rend (which a lot of shit has) and the Freeguild Guard et al have a might-as-well-not-be-there 6+ save, rerolls be damned, and the Saurus Guard have no fucks to give and still rock a 5+.
In a casual environment I would imagine nobody would mind I wouldn't anyway, official tournaments might differ though
I did that one last night it's on the imgur http://m.imgur.com/a/mgPZh

Also anyone have some color savage orc art?
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So that's how bretcast are made! I'll whip him up when my shift is over
Anyone have that story where the Ghouls are eating an Ogre, but see each other as knights? Please?
Grungi, who is not Gotrek. Which is bullshit.
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Here it is. I love stuff like this. This battletome alone actually made the flesh eater courts interesting to me. Before I had zero interest in anything undead, now I am actually considering starting them. To have a force from each grand aliance. Havent decided on what to do for destruction though.
Grimnir. The fyreslayers worship grimnir. Grungni is the god of the regular tradional duardin, who also worked with sigmar on reforging the first stormcast eternals and gave him the ability to send them via lightning.

There is still a debate and discussion on whether or not gotrek became the physical embodiment of grimnir and if the grimnir during the age of myth was the same gotrek/grimnir fusion.
>Havent decided on what to do for destruction though.

Spiders obviously.
Or Gordrakk + Beastclaw Avalanche.
Or a pure River Troll army if you're not averse to Forgeworld and their Troll Hag.
Plenty of fun there even if you find normal Orcs boring
>I don't remember people liking those even when they were new.
I liked them because they had identity. They were disheveled, raggedy, trying to hide how pathetic they were under a mask of frivolous colorful clothing and tabards. Yet despite this hodgepodge of clashing ideas, they were the everyman that was standing between the rest of humanity and the bloodthirsty assholes that wanted them dead. They were my medieval Imperial Guard. Giving them nations was the same as me giving Guardsmen a homeworld and backstory for them. To understand where they came from and why they fought for it made winning and losing have so much more impact.

Whereas Sigmarines, they die, I lose, oh well they'll be back for another go. Where's the drive?

That is what keeps me from fully embracing AoS. The lack of humanity in the faction that is supposed to be humanity.
Which is bullshit. Why they couldn't just make Gotrek a part of the Pantheon is beyond me.
gotrek=grimnir. That's the point several people are trying to make. It's ambiguous on whether or not that's true, which i think is intentional.
More of these edits are needed
>The lack of humanity in the faction that is supposed to be humanity.

Stormcast aren't supposed to be humanity though, they're supposed to be beyond human. They're Sigmar's attempt to make something that actually works against Chaos.
Me and my friends just pretend we're still in the WtW, does no harm.
>Whereas Sigmarines, they die, I lose, oh well they'll be back for another go. Where's the drive?
The drive is the battle itself. Reforging takes a while and sigmar has only so many resources. He can't keep this up forever.

If the battle is to protect a city of innocents from a rampaging chaos horde, and the stormcast eternals lose, sure they will get reforged and come back, but they still lost the battle. The city still got slaughtered and the innocents lost and chaos still won.

The stormcast eternals are invading the realms that have been under chaos control and rule for hundreds of years. It's still very much an uphill battle. Every stormcast eternal loss is still felt and effects the campaign as a whole.

The battle to protect alariel's seed pod was a big fucking deal. If the stormcast eternals lost, then alariel would be under papa nurgle's control to be the centerpiece of his garden. That was at stake. The fact that the eternals can come back after they die means jack shit if they lose the battle they fought.
well, actually, to make a stormcast sigmar infuses him with his power, wich depletes every reforging.
So eventually he'll deplete all his godliness and sigmarines wont be able to respawn so yeah, you know, the whole fucking God is at stake.
But the weight of defeat isn't felt because those places aren't fleshed out at all. Why would I give a shit about the battle of bloodstone gore mountain when I really have no idea about it compared to say if there was a battle at Altdorf
Nice shitty comparison. Altdorf was the grand human city, which the equivalent in AoS is Azyr itself.

So the battle of Azyr is a big fucking deal because it's the equivalent of the battle of Olympus. And It's well established how important that battle would be.

Try comparing the battle of bloodstone gore mountain to a little known mountain in the old world.

>but its not all fleshed out yet
I'm sorry, how old is the whfb setting? And how old is AoS? Of course very little has been fleshed out compared to the old world.

What is being fleshed out is the overarching story, and that's what the focus and tonal shift of this game is.

I didn't need to know everything about all the cities in middle earth to know what was at stake in the siege of gondor in lord of the rings. It's the same here. The fact that Chaos is battling to retain control of the mortal realms and sigmar is trying to free them is enough to make every smaller battle seem important.
>chaos invasion
>Sigmar created sigmarines
>takes his power to reforge them
>eventually Sigmar will weaken
>eventually he won't have the power to create new stormcasts, or to resurrect them
>stormcasts will die out eventually because they won't be able resurrect due to weak sigmar
>chaos will rise, slaanesh will get back
>Nagash will rise as true god, but gets defeated by whomever and has partial amnesia
>resurrects himself as a priest
>Chaos destroys sigmar's world and stuff
>chaos destroys the aelves and everything
>they lock greenskins in a pocket dimension
>they will get stupid over time
>chaos will rape everything
>the forces of order and every other grand alliance other than chaos will be shred to pieces and they will seek refuge
>they find this secret realm yeah
>untouched by chaos
>there is only one gate in the north
>takes chaos a lot of time to manifest there
>remains of humanity will create an Empire
>nagash and his human followers will create Khemri and seeks out necromancy. He doesn't remember his former self, only that he must seek out death's secrets and resurrect his generals - Arkhan, the Cartseins, etc
>some greenskins are lucky enough to escape the pocket dimension and get to this place as well - dumb and mad af
>dwarfs well - they will just hide in the mountains and will exploit technology as much as they can
>skaven will be the same, they just pursue the fleeing species and hide in sewers
>lizardmen are teleported by the 'old gods' aka slann and stuff to lustria
>Elves they go to their places
>Slaanesh is hungry so he will resurrect the dark elves (or just corrupt normal elves) and eventually will spit up malekiths and morathis souls to get the dark elf stuff goin'
>chaos starts to spread from the northern wastes

welcome to the old-new world
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lord of the rings wasn't just some nebulous world that was fought over it was filled with characters the readers/viewers have come to love and care about and become invested in. how many characters in AoS can you say the same for? keke most the stormcasts are boring stiff wood or maybe you're going to say you love the master of ANIME archaon or the cast of throw away chaos lords or no personality tzeentch sorcs ayyyyyy

Vandus, Khul and Mannfred best characters and only ones worth caring for
He's serious. AoS is that retarded.
Here's your (You)
>thinks he's arguing with Carnac
Ok, im out.
Too bad personal insults don't make this abortion any better.
Here's your (You)
>Stormcast aren't supposed to be humanity though, they're supposed to be beyond human.
Exactly the problem. The whole feeling that hooked in in WHFB is gone, the concept of imperfect, weak man with nothing more than a sword, shield and colored shirt is standing between civilization and total ruin.

Having a nation just further reinforces that identity. Here the best I can hope for is 'free guild' or 'some tribe of forgotten humans'. And even then only the latter has ever participated in a major battle.

Yeah but the threat feels more distant and so it doesn't have the same sense of urgency, probably because all those cities they are protecting are just backdrops and the power Sigmar loses doesn't seem to have a visual effect on him yet. I have no idea what city they were protecting, who was in them, their history, or why they weren't helping Sigmar. I have no investment in them so when they fall I don't really feel anything.

All those siege battles in WHFB felt like a desperate gamble because you knew the history of the world, the importance of that location, how big the enemy was and how bad things would be if they won. The only battle(well line of battles) in AoS where I felt that was the quest for Ghal Maraz. They established what was there(Ghal Maraz, that thing has a backstory stretching all the way back to the Old World), they had this ticking timebomb(Chaos using its power to seal off Chamon) which put importance on the battle happening and they had a reason for the desperate gamble: limited numbers(they establish how the Stormcasts were trying to gather every soldier they could find before the assault) which made winning seem all that more important.

Protecting Alarielle was missing something, and it didn't feel as important. I think it was who Alarielle wasHell the battle for the Torc felt like it had more impact because there was more backstory put into that place.
>Here the best I can hope for is 'free guild' or 'some tribe of forgotten humans'. And even then only the latter has ever participated in a major battle.

Just wait you retard. Don't you have any recollection of how long it took for armies to get new fluff with WHFB? Factions could go YEARS without a new army book.
Your regular bumchums will show up more often when they get a battletome.
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>Just wait you retard.
Jeez defensive much?
>Don't you have any recollection of how long it took for armies to get new fluff with WHFB?
No, I'm actually a new arrival that was enamored by WHFB after first being introduced by Mark of Chaos. I literally have no idea how long it takes. I thought that the factions that existed had existed since the beginning.
Warning rant incoming
>Exactly the problem. The whole feeling that hooked in in WHFB is gone, the concept of imperfect, weak man with nothing more than a sword, shield and colored shirt is standing between civilization and total ruin.

So much this.

Concept that regular man armed with musket and pike not only can stand against eldritch abominations, but force them back to chaos wastes was main point of Warhammer for me.

Now it is medieval speeesh marines. If I want to have marines and fallen shithole of empire we had 40k for this.

Still no one can force me to stop playing wfrp in 1ed setting
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Savage Orruk Warboss.png
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finally off of work.
How come I have absolutely no problem finding the Battletomes as pdf online, but the "Grand Alliance" books don't seem to be anywhere. Looked at the links in the pastebin, searched a couple of torrent sites...
>Jeez defensive much?

No, I just can't believe you're actually complaining about this.

>No, I'm actually a new arrival

Maybe do some background reading then before posting about bits of AoS you don't like because it's not the same as the game you don't actually know.
Nobody is scanning the grand alliance books. Nobody.


>theyre cheap and the price gw SHOULD be pricing their books
>all the warscrolls are free on the website
>the batalions are very similar if not the same as the legacy warscroll compendium batalions, and theyre pennies on the AoS app
>the fluff is disappointingly miniscule and so not worth scanning for that alone
This: >>47631326
So much of what's in the big books is free on their website that it's just not worth the effort. Double so when you look at the price. £20 for them is a good price and should be encouraged by buying the books
awesome, welcome back. Got a long road ahead still, lol. By my tracking you have 22 to go. But it's not going unappreciated.

If you need help getting any suitable artwork, let us know. Together we should be able to find you some suitable options.
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>Concept that regular man armed with musket and pike not only can stand against eldritch abominations, but force them back to chaos wastes was main point of Warhammer for me.

That was never the point. The reason why it seemed that way was because Chaos was toying with the world. When Chaos got serious, these normal humans stood less of a chance against it. They were crushed utterly. Their defiance was drowned by the laughter of the Chaos God.

The Age of Men is over. They failed.

The Age of the Storm is now. This is the age where the the fight gets taken to Chaos. There is no more holding back the line. This is a war of reconquest and liberation. A crusade waged not by mortal men who are too flawed to stand up to Chaos but by immortal demigods willing to sacrifice their souls and humanity to see Chaos finally defeated.
>No, I just can't believe you're actually complaining about this.
About what? That the sense of a declining civilization is gone? That rather than being the last line of defense with what you can scrounge together has been replaced by demigods that made the previous sacrifices mean that much less?
The pricing is what is blowing my mind. It's like not-gw pricing.

The grand alliance chaos book is 200 pages, FULL COLOR, and that was $30.

Rumor is the general's compendium is going to be very big, and only about $25-30 range. No word if it's full color or B&W, but even so it seems like a good buy for anyone.
Meh, I liked the Mordheimmy world more. It was more muddy and desperate. This new one is too silly.
>The Age of the Storm is now. This is the age where the the fight gets taken to Chaos. There is no more holding back the line. This is a war of reconquest and liberation. A crusade waged not by mortal men who are too flawed to stand up to Chaos but by immortal demigods willing to sacrifice their souls and humanity to see Chaos finally defeated.
Yet the whole End Times established even that as a fruitless effort.
Literally everyone that was important became near godlike and they still failed.
Even AoS starts with all the Gods of the setting waging war on Chaos and failing utterly. It just gives the impression that order is winning now only because Chaos has wasted so much time fighting itself.
Ooooh I haven't heard anything about a general compendium. what's gonna be in it?
Hey thanks, if i could get the art that'd be great since my warhammer folder is running dry
>About what?

About your regular assholes having not shown up in force enough yet.

>That the sense of a declining civilization is gone?

Age of Sigmar is filled with declining civilization. The Empire was not declining in Warhammer, not until the the End Times. It had actually advanced a great deal since the its beginnings.

>That rather than being the last line of defense with what you can scrounge together

You realize that the Empire had a large professional army, right? It was not scrounged together, but a well disciplined force with high maintenance warmachines and college educated wizards.

>demigods that made the previous sacrifices mean that much less?

I don't see how Stormcasts existing diminishes sacrifices made by regular people.
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You have 20+ years of it. Time for a new take. It's Order on the offensive now. besieging the strongholds of Chaos. Purifying the lands and spread order. Liberating those enslaved by Chaos and redeeming those corrupted by it. Reclaiming the ruins of past kingdoms and rebuilding the great civilizations of old.

This is the chance for Order to be an equal to Chaos or at least a threat to it instead of being like it was in the World-that-was, a chewtoy for Chaos.

We have a real conflict on over hands with no preordained outcome. Orderfags should be jumping on this hype train.
>Yet the whole End Times established even that as a fruitless effort.
>Literally everyone that was important became near godlike and they still failed.
>Even AoS starts with all the Gods of the setting waging war on Chaos and failing utterly.

The Incarnates and Gods couldn't win because there wasn't enough of them. Sigmar specifically retires from being a fighty god to become a commander god.
make a short list of the next ones you need and we can get working on it in batches

Where have you been? The general's compendium is going to be huge. GW released on their FB site their announcement for it and that they wanted to introduce 3 ways to play AoS

Open play - which is what we know now
Narrative play - think of a campaign system a la path to glory or something like that, but for all races not just chaos
and Matched play - a set of rules for competitive play, including base scenarios, tournament limiations, and points. Points for every single warscroll in the game, including all the legacy warscrolls (like tomb kings, brets, and old sold out models)

The general's compendium will be all about the latter 2 modes of play.
Chaos fag here and Im on the hype train. Its interesting being on the defensive side of things now. Still don't know where this is going, which is why I like it.
>Yet the whole End Times established even that as a fruitless effort.

Keep up.

The Incarnates plan wasn't mean to save the world. It was meant to buy time for Lileath to create her Sanctuary. Even with their presence, the failings of their armies slowed them down and endangered them especially in the final fight. There is also the fact that they entered the war too late. Any hope of organizing of the factions of Order was lost and the world overrun.

>Even AoS starts with all the Gods of the setting waging war on Chaos and failing utterly

And you should know that Tzeentch and Archaon brought disunity between the Pantheon of Order but there was another reason why Order failed. The reason why the Stormcast were created. The reason being that mortal men cannot defeat Chaos. There is little the armies of men can do against the endless hatred of Chaos. Legions of immortal demigods? Now these guys can fight off the Chaos hosts until the end of days. Who knows, they might actually win.
>About your regular assholes having not shown up in force enough yet.
And what do you call the Spider Grots showing up to save the Sigmarines?
>The Empire was not declining in Warhammer, not until the the End Times. It had actually advanced a great deal since the its beginnings.
Yes it was, it barely had enough time to recover from a massive invasion before getting hit with another. When they weren't fighting a WAAAGH! they were fighting Northmen. When it wasn't Northmen, it was Beastmen. When it wasn't Beastmen they were fighting Skaven. When it wasn't Skaven it was another WAAAGH! The End Times was the last stand. When what was left of the fractured, broken empire united for one last fight.
>You realize that the Empire had a large professional army, right? It was not scrounged together
You mean all those state troopers looked like a disheveled mass of soldiers hastily slapped together by choice?
>but a well disciplined force with high maintenance warmachines and college educated wizards.
You mean 8 Steam tanks, and wizards that were educated with Elven Kindergarten level magic?
>I don't see how Stormcasts existing diminishes sacrifices made by regular people.
"Oh hey, sorry about your kingdom collapsing and having to endure a thousand years of hiding underground. Turns out, all you needed was the power of a God-King flowing through your veins and you could kick their asses easy. Watch."
>Sigmar specifically retires from being a fighty god to become a commander god
And also loses Ghal Maraz and decides that's when he loses, leaving everyone to die at the hands of the same douche that fucked up his old Empire.
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here ya go, I was working on the Nomad prince but apparently not all of his data is on the spreadsheet

So I'd like to keep from just using pics of the minis also color is always a plus
I'm sorry to sidetrack the subject a little, what's with the price of the Quest boardgame? Is it a promo thing? I thought it was supposed to be out already? Also, has anyone had any experience with it? Like, how does it play, comparisons and whatnot.

there ya go.
its out
yes, and its good
its a dungeon crawler, like descent, but different and in the AoS setting
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GW has gone into detail in the past, though seemingly more with Fantasy due to the RPG books and it's Fantasy I would hold up as a better example since it felt a bit more fleshed out.

40k does have details as you said, but in some instances it's still murky. For example I don't think that outside of possibly the most early books for 40k (Which were similar to RPG books) that they went into detail about how exactly something such as Warp travel works.

Honestly it's a pity that GW got out of publishing or at least having and editorial hand in RPGs for its games since those types of books are really the best for conveying information to flesh out a world. The codices have increasingly been more about the armies themselves and the campaign books are just that. FW can even be a mixed bag because the only books which seemingly flesh things out are those devoted to vehicles and such and not focused on a campaign.

An alternative of course would be books such as the Liber Chaotica, Liber Necris, etc, but it doesn't seem like GW is in a rush to print something like them again either. Off the top of my head I think the last thing from BL which was sort of similar was Age of Darkness for the HH, which in some respects was basically a reprinting of an older publication.

It's funny you bring up daemon worlds because I've felt that at least some inspiration for the Realms was the Realm of Chaos.


That is fine, but I think the difference is that daemon worlds or even the Realm of Chaos kind of cover up not being fleshed out by virtue of being chaotic. It's impossible to map out something that changes on a whim or based on influence. I don't recall it ever being said that any of the Realms go through such change where one minute they look one way and the next are completely different.
you have boartd tiles, you "explore" new rooms and add tiles randomly.
Also you get a shitload of random events even tho you'll spend most of the game fighting.
Its the only complaint i have on the game, you basically hit things all the time and you have little room for exploration, movement and shit.
So I remember people saying in AoS Chaos was on it's back foot, is this still the case and Siggy is slapping their shit or are Chaos fucking up the races of Order?

Right, thanks.
It's all up in the air. Sigmar had the upper hand in many battles, but Archy is back to screw everything up(so far it's still 2-0). But at the same time, Archy's plans have some unexpected hitches in them.

So at this point it can go either way.
I feel like Darksiders is the closest thing to the overall AoS aesthetic.
It's a back and forth.

-Sigmar unleashes the Stormcast. They beat up Chaos hard
-Archaon returns to realms and organizes the Chaos hordes. The Stormcast get beaten back
-Sigmar notices the changes on the battlefield and unleashes the Extermis chambers to swing the fight back in favor of Order
-Archaon uses the Oracle of Chamon to locate the Godbeasts that he will use to siege Azyr

Mannfred is still no Ghur, doing nothing wrong.
>And what do you call the Spider Grots showing up to save the Sigmarines?

What point are you trying to make here?

>Yes it was

No it wasn't. Karl Franz was the best Emperor they had had in generations, the Empire was not fractured in civil war, new inventions were being made, trade was fine. There was always fighting going on, but that does not indicate a state of decline. The Empire was technologically and magically advancing up until the End Times. It was unified also.

>You mean all those state troopers

Yes, they were all professional soldiers. Slapped together would be Bretonnian peasants or free company.

>You mean 8 Steam tanks, and wizards that were educated with Elven Kindergarten level magic?

Steam tanks, massive arrays of cannon, helblasters, rockets. And while the Wizards aren't Elves that doesn't mean they're shitty hedge mages. These things are certainly not cobbled together.

>"Oh hey, sorry about your kingdom collapsing and having to endure a thousand years of hiding underground. Turns out, all you needed was the power of a God-King flowing through your veins and you could kick their asses easy. Watch."

Okay, how does that diminish the sacrifice of regular people though? If your village is one day liberated when some tanks roll in, does the fact that you never had tanks diminish what your village went through?
k, compiling a bunch now
So how are beastmen doing in AoS? Do they have any significance at all or are they just regular chaos peasants under Archaon?
I really like beastmen from the Konrad trilogy. I think that was the first thing that made me meet _WHFB back then
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k, dumping a bunch i found. this isnt all of them, but let me know if any wont work. get these done then we will check our list again.
>So I remember people saying in AoS Chaos was on it's back foot, is this still the case

Not really. Once the SURPRISE LIGHTNING MEN wore off the forces of Chaos began pushing back. Dracothion looked to the future and saw that bad shit was about to go down, and that only the Extremis Chambers might be able to stop it, so he went back to Sigmarion and the Extremis Chambers were completed.
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Ghost ark, doomsday ark?

Then two battalion based on the battleforce and start collector

And ill make the scrolls and place art.
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>What point are you trying to make here?
Those were regular assholes showing up in force.

>No it wasn't.
Still a religious schism between Ulric and Sigmarites. Marienburg was still it's own nation. They were unified only barely, and the entire Empire showed signs of duress from the way everything only just barely functioned.

>Yes, they were all professional soldiers
What kind of professional army doesn't issue standard armor and weapons, expects its own soldiers to pay for them, even going so far as to sending them into battle barefoot? One that barely has enough resources to go around. One that is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>massive arrays of cannon, helblasters, rockets
Cannons that the dwarfs had for ages, volleyguns that simply took the old dwarf design of an organ gun and multiplied it by 3, and inaccurate fireworks. That screams desperation.

>Okay, how does that diminish the sacrifice of regular people though?
That you were destined to lose, and you shouldn't even bother fighting and just wait until the real heroes show up. If that's all you need, why bother with 'regular assholes'?
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this here >>47632324 is the aspiring deathbringer with ruinous axe btw
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Spellcrow does nice long-haired heads.
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and thats it.
>Those were regular assholes showing up in force.

If you say so.

>Still a religious schism between Ulric and Sigmarites.

One that wasn't violent, and one that had existed since Sigmar became worshipped as a god. No decline there.

>Marienburg was still it's own nation.

And had paid the Empire handsomely for its independence.

>One that is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Read the fluff, they were a well army, not bottom of the barrel conscripts.

>Cannons that the dwarfs had for ages, volleyguns that simply took the old dwarf design of an organ gun and multiplied it by 3, and inaccurate fireworks. That screams desperation.

No it doesn't. It screams technological advancement. They were inventing new technologies rather than staying stagnant.

>That you were destined to lose

Having lost does not mean you were destined to do so. I still don't see how having a superior force win where you did not diminishes your sacrifices.
wrong aspiring deathbringer. that picture is the one with ruinous axe

i need to find one for the goreaxe and skullhammer
Heyo, is the anon making silver tower cards still around? if possible, could you add the attached art of the medusa on one please? I'd like to write my own card rules and use the medusa model cos i like it. Thanks!

on sidenote 1) if anyone wants more of the attached rt go check out genzoman on deviantart

on sidenote 2) has anyone tried putting a blood angel bare head on the darkoath cheiftan and turn him into he-man / conan?
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Oh my bad, i couldn't see his weapons and guess based on his name

Flail looks good, but it might make more sense to be barehanded.


Wood Elf spears had Armor Piercing
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>If you say so.
Then what else would you call an army that has almost nothing on it, is weaker than their cousins that have a battletome, and yet still were integral to changing the tide of battle?

>One that wasn't violent
Except you know for all the witch hunts, exiles to the border princes, and general sense of unease.

>And had paid the Empire handsomely for its independence.
Paid an Emperor that watched the Empire burn while he counted his gold

>Read the fluff, they were a well army, not bottom of the barrel conscripts.
You can still have a trained fighting force, but if you can't even afford to arm them properly, they might as well be conscripts for all the good they'll do. How does the fact that there is a soldier in this pic that has no friggin shoes not show the terrible state of the soldiers?

>It screams technological advancement. They were inventing new technologies rather than staying stagnant.
Adding more guns and taking an existing technology and making it bigger is not new.

>Having lost does not mean you were destined to do so. I still don't see how having a superior force win where you did not diminishes your sacrifices.
You said it yourself they had no chance when Chaos gets serious. That everything they fought for is swept away so easily. So why bother if your efforts will only end in failure? What's left to fight for?
Awww yes you're back. Based Silver Tower anon.
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>Then what else

I really don't care. I thought you were butthurt about regular assholes not appearing enough, if you're happy with goblins then good.

>Except you know for all the witch hunts, exiles to the border princes, and general sense of unease.

That really has nothing to do with Sigmar and Ulric. Witch Hunters were a necessary force, and weren't a new concept. So again, no decline.

>Paid an Emperor that watched the Empire burn while he counted his gold.

Right, but the newer Emperors were fine. That's not a decline but an ascent. By the modern era the tensions between Marienburg and the Empire had died down.

>You can still have a trained fighting force, but if you can't even afford to arm them properly, they might as well be conscripts for all the good they'll do.

That's wrong. Training is very important. Empire soldiers were very disciplined.

>How does the fact that there is a soldier in this pic that has no friggin shoes not show the terrible state of the soldiers?

Not having shoes doesn't mean you can't be a good soldier. At worst it might imply that whoever is in charge of maintaining the regiment is a bit cheap.

>Adding more guns and taking an existing technology and making it bigger is not new.

It is new though. The helblaster wasn't just more guns, rockets and mortars are not used by the dwarfs, not that the dwarfs would share shit anyway.

>You said it yourself they had no chance when Chaos gets serious.

Right, how does that diminish the sacrifice though? Choosing to stand in face of overwhelming adversity is typically regarded as very heroic.

>That everything they fought for is swept away so easily.

Actually places of civilization remained throughout the age of Chaos.

>So why bother if your efforts will only end in failure? What's left to fight for?

Another day.
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heres another. knight azyros
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Thanks I'm..stoked to be off of work! So the Blood secrator card is missing the 2nd ability on the spread sheet. Unless he only has 1 ability in which case i have his card done.
as far as i know that is all he has.
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Knight Heraldor.png
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Ok use this for the aspiring deathbring with goreaxe and skullhammer. It's technically of a blood warrior, but it's the closest are i can find.

use this >>47632324 for the exalted deathbring with ruinous axe (exalted deathbringer, aspiring deathbring, its all confusing)
derp forgot pic
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Knight Venator.png
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Sounds good
That's a blood warrior.
holy fucking triggered neckbeard-chan
i know, see >>47633738
i am having a hard time finding one of the exalted deathbringer with goreaxe and skullhammer. or one useable anyway.

he will just cut off the open maw belly. close enough

>That really has nothing to do with Sigmar and Ulric.
Except when you had forces of the Empire fighting each other over 'my god has a bigger dick than yours'.
>That's not a decline but an ascent.
No that's recovery, a recovery that they still hadn't finished by End Times.
>Empire soldiers were very disciplined.
And they were still only human.
>At worst it might imply that whoever is in charge of maintaining the regiment is a bit cheap.
Or strapped for money, a sign that the province they are from is not in the best shape.
>The helblaster wasn't just more guns
Except it was. Just 9 guns that fired one after the other. Basically an Organ gun with more guns strapped to it.
>rockets and mortars are not used by the dwarfs
No those came over from Cathay.
>Right, how does that diminish the sacrifice though? Choosing to stand in face of overwhelming adversity is typically regarded as very heroic.
And ultimately pointless as pointed out in>>47631410
No one talks about the sacrifices of the old kingdoms but instead the sacrifices of the Sigmarines. Do the Kingdoms even have names? No, most cases there's only a tribe left whose name gets a passing mention.
>Actually places of civilization remained throughout the age of Chaos.
Hollow shells of civilization. So far the most complex civilization I've seen has been tribes.
>Another day
Of hiding as Chaos tears down your monuments and erases your history? As it hunts you down for sport and takes everything you value? Of waiting for salvation that comes too late if at all? What separates that from the finals days of the End Times?
Is a jabberslythe ever useful ever?
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Lord Castellant.png
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Ok taking a break to make some dinner and pick up some beer.

I'm not sure how i feel about Lord Castellant I kind of liked how up until now the cards were generic heroes instead of named ones.
the photos are often used interchangeably. i wouldnt worry about it
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Here ya go anon, now it's miller time for me!
we need a new thread
>Except when you had forces of the Empire fighting each other over 'my god has a bigger dick than yours'.

Didn't really happen though. Violence rarely occurred.

>No that's recovery, a recovery that they still hadn't finished by End Times.

If you're recovering your are not declining. Kal Franz had forged the Empire into a powerful warmachine.

>And they were still only human.

Paid and professional humans.

>Or strapped for money

Or simple wear and tear. If money were the end then the puffy sleeves would be the first to go.

>Except it was. Just 9 guns that fired one after the other.

Actuall it was a crank gun. Essentially a big primitive gatling gun.

>No those came over from Cathay.

The rockets were inspired by Cathayan fire works. Mortars are entirely Empire original.

>And ultimately pointless

Real life is ultimately pointless. Just go and blow your head off now.

>No one talks about the sacrifices of the old kingdoms
>Do the Kingdoms even have names?

Please go read some fluff. Think of the likes of the Lantic Empire or Klaxus.

>Hollow shells of civilization. So far the most complex civilization I've seen has been tribes.

Highly advanced civilizations remain. Even in Godbeasts we see a world which had never known the taint of Chaos.

>Of hiding

Of life.
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leave and never return
these threads are for people with a working sense of taste
Is there a missing ability? :O

>Eh. They're different things now. The Dark Eldar 'Cold Ones' aren't Cold Ones. I forgot what they are.



Honestly it's kind of unclear. Some residents of the Realms are probably the descendants of those whose spirits latched on Mallus and those who hid out in other dimensions. The Realms may also have had races that were indigenous to it.
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Knight Venator.png
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My bad I thought i put it on there
Actually I'm drinking a country club
Amazing my man! Thank you!
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Lord Celestant.png
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thanks bro :D
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Lord Relictor.png
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No prob broski
Thread posts: 383
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