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What's the strongest type of golem in the history of all /tg/?

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What's the strongest type of golem in the history of all /tg/?

Neutronium Golem.
Do you mean fantasy? Sci-fi? Actual historical golems? Physically strongest or most capable?
More fantasy, but I guess if you have a SF concept than I can just find an appropriate way to make it work in a fantasy setting.

I guess capability would be the most accurate term. I was thinking that the only synthetic being that would be capable of doing absolutely anything would be something like a golem made out of nanobots or else some sort of magical equivalent if you're in a fantasy setting.
Post the pic faggot.
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I love weird Golems and Elementals of all sorts, but yeah, >>47595384 is probably the most powerful you'll ever get. The Immortals Handbook is a fucking trip.
That planeswalker golem from MtG?
Wouldn't a version of this made out of neutronium nanobots be more powerful still? Or maybe just redundant.

The whole point of Neutronium/Neutron matter is that it's ultra-dense. An almost featureless compressed mass of neutrons, with none of the usual space between atoms. Putting aside the bizarre magic that could make such a thing intelligent, there's not really any space for some sort of particle based machinery to be going on.
Why have I never seen a GURPS statblock for a neutronium Golem?
Unobtainium Golem.
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The invisible kind
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Honorable mention for Amazo.
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Jesus Christ
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If I could pay you in laughter, I would.
Because GURPS is and has always been shit.
One of the best things I've ever read. Thanks for the kek, anon.
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shit i clicked in here to suggest a neutronium golem. beat me to it.
Either the neutronium golem or Numidium.
Golem aside, how the fuck did they calculate how much HP a planet has? and why is it so low?

'Calculate' is a very generous term for anything you found in the Immortals Handbook. The numbers in that fucking thing are practically meaningless.

The book is mostly a joke. I mean, you're still rolling a d20 with a modifier in the thousands.
Also a thought exercise. Really puts the good old "If it has stats, we can kill it." to test.
Probably one of those things from wonders of the lost age
who are these guys

I suspect various dwemer golems created to house the collective dwemer race as a living gestalt god using the Heart of Lorkan or something. I am never quite sure what I do and don't know about lore in The Elder Scrolls.
>I am never quite sure what I do and don't know about lore in The Elder Scrolls.

A sentiment we all share.
Nobody's mentioned the motherfucking calzone golem yet? It's delicious niggas! It's pizza sauce blood is ACID
Numidium, Ankhulakan, and some third one.

To sum up, one is capable of going NO to reality and erasing it, another can actively rewrite reality by forcing people to reach monstrous enlightenment, and I'm unsure of the third one.
jesus fucking christ

its worse than a final fantasy superboss
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Isn't the third one an Imperfect or something?

except, in final fantasy, the bosses were culminate monsters that you spent 90+ hours powering up and chasing after to finally reach a thrilling conclusion. having them turn into god-killing abominations is just clutch.

with a tabletop, though? it's just as bad as those RPG maker games that try to do FF's superboss battles without any buildup
Toilet paper and butter
>It has HP!
If it's got things in it that can fight monsters like that golem whose damage is measure in the hundreds of thousands and you can apparently take on an army of them, it must get pretty damn stupid.
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In game terms the only creature Karn can't remove from spacetime is the one he can't find (target).

In lore terms Neutronium golem is probably more destructive than a fully-powered-up Eldrazi titan and beyond Karn's power to manipulate. I could be wrong though, Karn fucks with time and that's generally the only way to beat an unbeatable opponent (remember this isn't Karn vs timelords or universe vs universe, it's just who made the baddest golem).

But epic/immortal play is the TTRPG equivalent of a final-boss-final-form-overtime fight. Except that, as per the medium, it doesn't necessarily end.
In d&d I'd suggest a voidstone golem.
One time, I played a game my eight year old little brother wanted to GM.
The big bad of this three level campaign was a wizard golem. Not a flesh golem who was a wizard, but a thirty story tall golem made of live wizards bound together through magic.

Granted, most of this was just eight year old dorkiness, but just imagine a properly implemented wizard golem.
The absolute mayhem of such a monstrosity could quite possibly put amazo to shame. Think of all the wish spells thirty stories worth of fully sentient wizards stitched together like a horrifying, beard-covered Megazord could pull off.
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That's pretty metal.
It's a shame it never happened.

Stealing the fuck out of that. Captured minions will now almost nothing about the BBEG, just that he is "supposed to be some kind of wizard golem", they'll have no idea what they're in for and they will laugh about it for years.

This is better than the wight dragon.
Eh, of all the dumb shit /tg/ says happened, this is pretty believable

I think it's just a dumb thing to care about, RPGs produce insane and funny stories, I come here to hear insane and funny stories and to steal ideas from them, Wizard Golem sounds exactly like the kind of thing that would come out of a little brother's game but if it's just an anon making up fun stories for us then kudos to him.
This is the shit that gets screencapped and put on plebbit. Toppest of keks, anon. Thank you. My eyes are burning from the tears of laughter.
As much as I love the Immortals Handbook the higher powered stuff does get ridiculous if only because D20 cant handle that shit at all
But the lower end stuff like Prophets and Disciples for Mortal tier and Hero and Quasi Dieties for Immortals makes for some great Epic Level campaigns
>treasure: none
I don't know why but that one line amidst the mess of ridiculously high stats is hilarious.
IH is mechanically a clusterfuck, but it's a fantastic idea mine. I still find it tragic that the DM guide never came to be. I love gonzo cosmic bullshit, so a book of nothing but Nth dimensional hypergods and ultra high power adventure hooks would be right up my alley
Funnily enough you can still kill it at a rather low level with cheese.

Manipulating a sphere of annihilation + time stop + fire immunity so you can get near it can delete it from existence.
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I know what you mean high concept metaphysical cosmic douche fuckery is my favorite shit

The only downside is finding a system that can competently run something like that that doesn't turn into roll 95621d100 for damage or my infinite stamina cancels out your infinite strength
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Bitch please. Skub Golem all day, e'ry day.
Yes, using a wholly arbitrary artifact works, too bad there's no way in D&D or in Immortals Handbook to create one and it moves at FTL I think. Though the thing is 10x higher CR than it really should and generally doesn't jive with the rest of the setting.

I much prefer Orichalcum Constructs (aka The Destroyer from Thor), PCs can make them (unlike the Neutronium Golem) and they have a fun suite of abilities.
There is theories (and related scifi media) about life forms that would live on neutron stars, whose biology weren't based on chemistry, but nuclear processes. The book is called Dragon's Egg.
To be honest, I doubt even the most OTP IH campaign would run into infinite strength type stuff, because that's 200 divine ability slots, or 1200 feats, to get infinite strength.

You're right, that's gold.
Looking over the stats I'm surprised the golem doesn't have Uncanny Atomic Mastery as a player receives that ability free with the Neutronium Body ability
You still have to take thousands upon thousands of points of damage...
It all comes down to scale anon.
To an ant we are nothing but infinite stat-line monsters so enormous that we dwell in the heavens yet our feet remain on the ground.
Yet to each other we are just a base stat-line.
A game about celestial higher planes, is essentially Normal RPing, or morally acceptable "can't beat me" DMing; depending wether you are gods among gods or just humans.
Wouldn't its corpse be pretty valuable?
You apparently didn't read the line that says when you kill it it self destructs in a 150 petaton nuclear holocaust
That is why I'm starting to look to games with a sliding scale for stats

Numbers stay the same but the meaning shifts
so you go from kicking down a door to kicking down the building to kicking down the planet all with roughly the same numerical value for your stat
Not when it's constantly exploding
Neutronium has a half life of 10 minutes, 100 kilograms will release the equivalent energy of one megaton of TNT in 10 minutes.
The golem is significantly more than 100 kilos.
Once the magic keeping it together is gone from killing it, it explodes. Constantly.
Daily reminder that unobtanium is actual mining jargon for any hard to find/very rare mineral, not a specific substance.
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