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MTG Modern General

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Thread replies: 327
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)

>Next MTG Purchase?

The updated Modern Metagame is below.
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Where can I get fakes for $1-2 a card? They don't need to be great, but I want to start Vintage and just use proxies for now, and I've never liked making my own. Please don't let this start another thread derail, I just want a link to cheap fakes.
How are tiers decided, anyway?
Anyway, sorry for all the shitposting. I talked to a friend of mine who loves Legacy about it and his perspective helped me understand a lot.
Do modern fakes only come in the staples?

Say I wanted goryos or something
Understanding Tiers

Modern Nexus metagame stats are prevalence-based numbers reflecting how frequently a deck appears in tournament Top 8s, Top 16s, and Day 2s (as well as MTGO finishers). It does not consider a deck’s Match Win Percentage (MWP) or other “performance-based” metrics. A deck can be an excellent strategy and a strong metagame choice regardless of its tier, although there is certainly a correlation between frequently played decks and high-performing decks.

Data for each tab is taken from the following sources, broken down by tab:

Metagame – MTGO: All 4-0 and 3-1 decks from all published MTGO dailies on the Wizards website. Includes 5-0 finishes in published Leagues and all published finishes from Premiers, PTQs, etc.
Metagame – Paper: All T8 and T16 events for all paper tournaments, regardless of size, drawn from a range of metagame websites.
Metagame – Major Paper T8: All T8 and T16 finishes from Modern Pro Tour, Grand Prix, and SCG Open events.
Metagame – Major Paper Day 2: All Day 2 metagame statistics for Modern Pro Tour, Grand Prix, and SCG Open events.

Tier Calculations

Tournament finishes for all decks in the format are tracked in the spreadsheet above. All decks receive 0-3 points in four separate categories, and then receive a total score based on the sum of their points. The decks with the highest points are considered Tier 1. Decks with slightly less points, but still passing a certain dynamic cutoff, are considered Tier 2. Finally, decks in the lowest cutoff bracket are considered Tier 3.

Points are awarded in each category based on a 95% confidence interval for average prevalences and how far outside of that confidence interval a deck’s prevalence falls. This gives us a statistically supported way of determining whether a deck is overperforming or underperforming, in a way that is transparent to all users and more “objective” than just grading decks based on personal preference. As an added bonus, the cutoffs are dynamic based on the current metagame, instead of semi-arbitrary cutoffs that are relics of older metagames no longer applicable today. So in one update, the 95% confidence interval for average prevalence on MTGO might be .95%-1.05%, with a standard deviation of 1.5%. But in another update, that interval might be 1%-1.5% and the standard deviation could be 2%. This higher variance metagame would naturally have different cutoffs than the lower variance one.

Finally, after all decks have been awarded a point total, we take the average of that point total and then set a Tier 1 cutoff at two standard deviations over that average total. Any deck with points that exceed that cutoff is considered Tier 1. Any deck that does not quite meet the Tier 1 cutoff but still meets the dynamic Tier 2 cutoff (typically 1-2 points) is then considered Tier 2. Any deck that has greater than 0 points but less than the Tier 2 cutoff qualifies as Tier 3.

Here is the system that is used to award points to decks in the four different categories:

1 point: Prevalence > upper 95% interval for average prevalence
2 points: Prevalence > upper 95% interval for average + 1stdev prevalence
3 points: Prevalence > upper 95% interval for average + 2stdev prevalence

1 point: Prevalence > upper 95% interval for average prevalence
2 points: Prevalence > upper 95% interval for average + 1stdev prevalence
3 points: Prevalence > upper 95% interval for average + 2stdev prevalence

GP/PT T8/T16
1 point: Prevalence > average weighted showings of T8/T16 decks
2 points: Prevalence > average + 1stdev for weighted showings of T8/T16 decks
3 points: Prevalence > average + 2stdev for weighted showings of T8/T16 decks

GP/PT Day 2
1 point: Prevalence > average prevalence
2 points: Prevalence > average + 1stdev prevalence
3 points: Prevalence > average + 2stdev prevalence

Thanks for copying this out, it vastly improves this thread.
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So im wondering if a G/W tokens deck could be viable. Utilizing the populate mechanic, Dromokas Command and even Doubling Season. Green gives you more beefy tokens then the 1/1 spirits and soldiers that White has access to. 3/3 Elephants all day.
Could this work?
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Thanks for the feedback, I'll include it from now on.
spellweaver helix
spellweaver helix
>Next MTG Purchase
spellweaver helix

i love this deck guys, ive been playing it on xmage for days and it feels excellent. it's not perfect but it's strong and has some great matchups.
Will they ever produce decent art for snappy?

The first one looked like some fucked up drawthread commission and this is Static Shock reject concept art...
I never loved the art, but it's based on a person. I like how the art isnt super crowded or edgy; just a simple dude. I've grown to appreciate the Asian megaman.
If you want tokens, you normally play BW. Evasive token creatures from Lingering Souls and Spectral Procession along with cheap anthem effects makes for a decent clock . That, combined with a strong discard package and a dash of removal makes for a decent deck.
Are you running it in a loam shell? I like imprinting worst fears.
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Is there a MTG thread that could help with deckbuilding? I am new to the game and need suggestions for low cost black monsters that are around 1-2 mana.
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not sure if you can use, i am a fucking casual.
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Essential for any black deck
Hmm, would've thought that Affinity would be higher after it managed to take a kid to 2nd place.
The best lesson in deckbuilding is to see what are the best decks and most played decks and play them yourself. That way you learn the weaknesses and strengths of the deck and what makes a deck good and why it is acceptable when it has a weak matchup because it has a solid matchup elsewhere. Print out some fake cards and test them against your friends.

Learning how to build a deck from scratch is basically a waste of your time and money. You can better use your time practicing with decks that are actually good, thus learning what makes a good deck and using your money once you know for certain what you want.
Is a good place to start. Print off two high % decks and throw them against each other. See how they work.
To be fair, it's not like just the deck itself took him that far. He is honestly a very good player, and obviously knew the ins and outs of the deck. You can't just play the top deck and suddenly get top 8, you actually have to be a good player as well
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Why is the new snap caster running?

He stole the spell (because he is black).
goldfish has a deck up you could look at:
I think that the Affinity deck can make you look like a good player.

But the deck pretty much plays itself.
Is jund fun? Whats it like playing and playing against it.
Well I only play affinity, but the Jund matchup feels kina 50/50 for me. T1 they like to thoughtsieze, which I love because they whittle down their health for me. Bonus points if they're dismembering my stuff. But mostly it's just a lot of removal spells, value, and swinging in with a goyf. It's the literal definition of midrange.
Well i have affinity now and want to start putting together either a modern deck or maybe a commander deck and if i get another modern deck i want something a lot different than affinity.
Play grishoalbrand
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R8 my Jund build, its currently a little bit tuned for a control/slower meta. Im thinking about taking out Chandra/P&K for another Kalitas, and possibly slotting out a Thoughtseize.

Im also ripping my SB apart, but its currently looking like:

>1x EE
>2x Fulminator
>1x Finks
>1x Feed the Clan
>1x Golgari Charm
>1x Night of Soul's Betrayal
>2x Languish
>1x Thrun
>2x Painful Truths
>1x Pyroclasm
>1x Shatterstorm
>1x Slaughter Games

How many proxies are usually allowed in Vintage these days? Also, where can I get decent proxies for $1-2 per card? They don't need to fool anyone.
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Elves, U Tron, Ad Nauseam, Bubble Hulk.
Runeflare Fever(Fevered Visions Runeflare Trap combo)
>Next MTG purchase?
Fucked if I know, whatever seems underrated at the moment.

There was a G/W tokens deck that went to day 2 at a GP so yes it can work but you don't need Doubling Season.

Bear in mind the G/W tokens deck was pretty much meant to be a direct meta deck against the Jeskai decks.
Counterspell, Force Spike, and Baleful Strix get printed for modern. Is UB control now a thing?
Surprised it's not mythic

Why is Chain Lightning uncommon but this is rare?
Because MaRo

Also because, technically speaking, Chain Lightning is a strictly worse Lightning Bolt.

Well I guess that makes sense. I thought you could also pay RR after your opponent bolts you back and rebolt your opponent.

Mate I will gladly take Chain Lightning at uncommon if Lightning Bolt has to be a rare(though as far as I can tell Lightning Bolt isn't confirmed in any spoiler list right now).

Bolt is a $2 card where as Chain Lightning is like $15-$20
>the way you ordered your creatures
Your autism is adorable anon. Anyways, I always say jund should run all 4 lilianas mainboard, she is just that powerful. I would also suggest huntmaster of the fells insteas of P&K for some more lifegain
You can.
asian with a blaster is better than a photoshop rip of a basketball player with dreds attached. At least dunky nig looks like a jeskai or temur monk or something.
I want an equivalent of "let me google that for you" to exist for the gatherer page.
yes, but modern is for cucks.
>Chain Lightning deals 3 damage to target creature or player. Then that player or that creature's controller may pay RR. If the player does, he or she may copy this spell and may choose a new target for that copy.

Sorry, but you're 100% incorrect. Source is gatherer: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?printed=false&multiverseid=1563
The copy has the copy ability too.
10/4/2004: The spell copy has all the text and can result in itself being copied.
This is why Italian Legends chain lightning is the best: it can't be redirected

How so?
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Italians cant be directed to do anything
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It's fake.

What are you idiots memeing about? Lightning Bolt hasn't been revealed in EMA.
>Alphabetical order is autism
I dunno if you noticed anon, but the entire deck is alphabetical.

i am, i originally ran worst fears and it was cute but it was never as good as time stretch. now my primary helix shell is

flame jab
ravens crime

casting a time stretch (3 copies) usually into worldfire (1 copy) flame jab with enough turns or just WF flame jab raw on t3-4 is enough to demoralize.
They can't read it. A bunch of people only know that it does 3 damage.

Best feeling in the world is getting a burn ape by tapping Birchlore Ranger and 3 other elves to redirect a chain lightning to an eidolon
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i heard you want to build that sweet jeskai
Nahiri, Affinity, Abzan Company

Tweaking everything as I go.

>Next MTG Purchase?
Select EMA foils.
Skred, 8rack, naya tooth and nail

Mardu a bit

>Next MTG Purchase?
Really fallen in love with grishoalbrand. I could just save up and get Jund in a month or so but I'm addicted to jank
Did you look at the creatures?
Combos with this

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>can build basically every blue deck in modern
>nothing left that I want to build

I need a new big project, shall I build modern jund or legacy death and taxes?
Legacy merfolk desu.
I have modern merfolk and chalices so that wouldn't even be that pricey but I don't think I like the deck that much
DnT, always.
Hey, I'm mostly an edh player, but if I were to make a budget version of the Jeskai ascendency combo deck with out the fetches and with fatestichers replacing the hierarchs, and adding in a little more control, would it be viable? At least be ok long enough to build it properly?

I would be running playsets of BoPs, Fatestichers, and Sylvan Caritids
The deck is bad when built properly, I don't think a budget version is a good idea
>white boardered bolts

do you think this is a game family
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>playing spellweaver helix
>have helix + SSG + flame jab in hand, worldfire + flame jab in my grave
>opponent combos off with sword foundry + whatever for infinite life + tokens

>"do you win this turn?"
>"i have infinite life and creatures"
>"okay lets pretend you have 100000000 life and creatures"

>slap down spellweaver targeting WF + FJ
>"that doesn't work"
>"yeah it does, pass priority"
>"no i get it, gg"

this deck is so fun. i feel like if graveyard hate wasn't everywhere it could be tier with tweaks.

In a creature heavy meta, like my lgs, this might be funny!

And not super expensive
>But the deck pretty much plays itself.

how so? the pros have mentioned that affinity is one of the hardest decks to play in modern
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Sell it or nah?
It has a lot of nuances but it just isn't hard to pilot. Not that guy but I played it for over a year and none of my wins felt that great.
It's also a coin flip whether you just get hated out and can't play magic. That's lame
also essential for any black deck
I'm considering revisiting it now that I have grave trolls, and I want to use Ancient Stirrings in something. The card is busted.
>Learning how to build a deck from scratch is basically a waste of your time and money.
>no fun allowed in muh competitive collectionable toy game

as if there wasnt any fun into building your own deck and remuneration when after several attempts you adjust it in a way that steals games from the established big decks.
Price'll only drop after the hype around UWR dies down due to lack of a tournament finishes and Standard stabilizes to midrange creatures staring at each other, sell now.
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Every single fucking thread this shill is one of the first posts. And that's why we can't discuss magic on 4chan.

grave trolls won't get there. they're an expensive creature that would eat a path otherwise dead in their hand, but they dredge for a lot. unless you want it for a faithless looting engine or something, which i could see throwing in one copy or whatever but you'd never try and hard cast it. ancient stirrings is alright but the fact that it doesn't mill you sucks. straight mill/draw gives you access to all of the deck's tools. i don't know exactly what your list is, though. if I don't have a helix in my hand, I'd want an ancient stirrings, but if I do, I'd certainly even take a tome scour targeting myself before I'd cycle a card for 1 mana. I'm running glimpses mainboard, and they're amazing.

that said, it's kinda magical christmas land but using faithless looting and dredging 12 seems great. i'm currently running 3x time stretch 1x worldfire 1x sorin's vengeance for copy targets but i've been looking to remove sorin's so i could toss in a GGT or maybe even just go up to 4 time stretch.
>>47475631 Damn that makes her sound sexy.
Hey guys I need help on this situation.
If someone blinks Gideon ally of zendikar off the field with essence flux does Gideon lose all loyalty counters? I ask because I know creatures lose 1/1 counters when they are blinked.

when a planeswalker ETBs, they enter with the number of loyalty counters listed. he doesn't lose the counters, it refreshes his base number.
Ask Pascal Maynard

Real men use white boarder bolts, all in different languages and 2 of them discolored.
>not the premium deck series bolts to make your deck look more expensive than it really is
Do you even spike?

But that doesn't trigger autists at all.
Taking Turns

Budget Infect

>Next MTG Purchase?
Playset of Ancestral Vision and Thing in the Ice
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Why the hell isnt this Modern legal?
Why did they do a functional but shitty reprint of it with Honor of the Pure? I just want my classic White Weenie deck with White Knight , Silver Knight , Savannah Lions and Crusade
Thats some classic magic
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20 Plains

4 Savannah Lions
4 Elite Vanguard
4 Student of Warfare
4 White Knight
4 Silver Knight
2 Ranger of Eos
2 Hero of Bladehold

4 Path to Exile
4 Crusade
4 Honor of the Pure
4 ????
Because Crusade buff all white creatures. Why would you want your opponent to also get buffs? Honor of the Pure buffs only your white creatures. And the colorless adds variety to splash in other colors e.g. BW Tokens.

Scenario time. You're playing against Merfolk and they play first. You drop your Savannah Lion on your turn 1. They play Spreading Seas on your fucking Plains when you were planning to play Crusade turn 2. Tough shit, change of plans. But hey, guess what? You can play Honor of the Pure because you can use the Island for Colorless and still swing for 3.

>Functional but shitty
Here's your (You)
Honor of the Pure is an improvement in every way bar the sweet art and name, I'm sure if you really wanted it you could pay someone to alter the art.
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Ok its not that Honor of the Pure isnt strictly better. Its that Crusade is a classic magic card theyll never reprint because of shitty SJWs. The art is iconic and the card is iconic.
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Yeah but i dont care about it being functionally better. I care about the sweet art and name. I just want to play the most classic white weenie deck at Modern FNM
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How ridiculous are these triple sleeves?

Would you use them? I think they're pretty and they show off foils well.
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What? Are you sure you're talking about the right card?
They should reprint this in Kaladesh for maximum keks.
Yeah they dont want Crusade reprinted because muh muslims muh christianity oppresses lgbt and shiet
How do Asian people get to a gothic europe plane anyway?
>Someone somewhere actually believes this

I do mine with the outer sleeves facing the other way, personally.
I wish I could be half as happy as LA Lakers #1 Draft Pick Snapcaster Mage
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The last lands I need for Bogles are in the mail. I am excited, since frankly it's just the sort of deck I love to play normally.

Any advice on sideboard?

You got so many options dude. Suppression Field, Stony Silence, Nature's Claim, Rest in Peace, Pithing Needle, Gaddock Teeg. Any of these are good as your classic hate cards. Though not sure what your meta is like but Grafdigger's Cage is a viable option too.

I've seen a few lists run 1-2 copies of Retether as well. Fog/Holy Day/Ethereal Haze as well for Infect. Dismembers are also good here in the side if they're not mainboard already.

I'm sure there's a Bogles expert somewhere who can really help you out further though.
Thanks for the general words of advice. I do have Stony Silence, nature's claim and Pithing Needle already.

Personally speaking I would put in some Suppression Field's and Stony Silence since they get to heavily tax Liliana of the Veil and Spellskite activations heavily if dropped early. You'll also get the added bonus of messing up certain combos and hitting Affinity as well.
I really, really want to play Amulet Bloom. Its the only deck that I'm even slightly interested in. How do I play it and not suck eggs post Bloom ban.

Don't know how good it is but it got 2nd in the tcgplayer modern states somewhere.
So what exactly is the difference between control/combo and just combo? I'm assuming one slows the game to assemble the combo and the latter has a ton of draw, little control except to make sure the combo goes off, and some ramp
Regular combo decks tend to be all. They accomplish their game plan and either win or establish dominance on or before turn 4 with limited interaction before that. Such as grishoalbrand, living end.

Then there are control decks whose win condition is a combo they can take their time to use. Like BTL/RUG scapeshift. And while I wouldn't call them "control" decks, there are midrange combo decks like abzan company and kiki-chord that have a solid "beat face" plan to supplement the combo and have plenty of interaction available

Of course all of this is my opinion and people are free to disagree and call me a faggot.
Does anyone wanna play on xmage vs dank spellweaver helix?

You're both more or less spot on in most cases in between determining combo-control and traditional pure combo decks. But in a simple nutshell what separates most of them is more or less pure speed but i'll divulge some more details.

A typical traditional pure combo deck is just aiming to assemble its combo fast and win with it and almost cares very little about what the other person wants to do. In modern Ad Nauseam is pretty much the poster child for the pure traditional combo deck where all it wants to find is its two card combo to win. Other combo decks are like "Storm" or chain based(e.g. Storm, Eggs and Taking Turns)where they're aiming to string and chain spells into more spells to setup the win. They're both combo decks but approach the combo aspect of the deck in completely different ways in terms of card selection type(tutoring as opposed to cantripping with giant loads of mana or extra turns.)

Control-Combo decks don't aim to win as fast as possible but take their time to safely assemble the combo win like Scapeshift, Mono U Tron, Abzan Company decks and the now defunct Splinter Twin deck fit in this category. Instead of aiming to win on the fastest turn possible they play a slower game but still threaten some possible early turn wins making it hard to predict. Splinter Twin was pretty much the poster child of the Control-Combo deck before banning, there's a Deceiver Exarch or Pestermite on the field but you don't know when that damn Splinter Twin is coming down.

tl;dr traditional combo wins fast out of nowhere, control-combo makes you think you're both playing a game of interactive magic and you're both even but suddenly they make you lose.
2 stony silence
2 rest in peace
1 path to exile
3 nature's claim
2 gaddock teeg
4 leyline of sanctity
1 grafdiggers cage

That's my bogles sideboard. I usually 3-1 or 4-0 my local events with it.
Traded mine for a Forbidden Orchard Expedition. How bad did I fuck up?
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Bad camera but Foil Arid Mesa
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There's literally no point to triple sleeving.

4c BTL Shift
UW hatebears, BUG midrange bullshit
>next purchase
some pieces for the black shift variant
I find the idea of triple sleeving hilarious to me.

Thats only for extreme autists and retards.
Double sleeving is absolutely enough unless its a fucking alpha blacklotus and you shouldnt even be sleeving that thing anyways.
Forbidden Orchard sees play in like 1 vintage deck and that's it. There's no demand for it, so I would say you fucked up.

3x Kytheon
4x Champion of the Parish
4x Thraben Inspector
4x Icatian Javelineers
4x Soldier of the pantheon/Student of the warfare
4x Thalia's lieutenant
2x Mikaeus the Lunarch
2x Knight of the white orchid


3x Honor the pure
3x Brave the elements
2x Wojek siren
2x Gather the townsfolk
2x Dismember
1x Path


20 plains, add mutavaults/caverns/horizon canopies if you have some cash to burn.

Here's your new weenie. At least you can call it playable. It isn't even that good tho, monogreen stompy tier at the most.
Look up Villa Zheng on youtube.
Hypnotic spectre, vampire nighthawk, dark confidant
I think you miss the point of these sleeves. They are to protect sleeves that are out of print and you don't want damaged.
So if splinter twin came back would you be happy?

About the same. I like twin, but I like the format as it is.
My friend could regain his smile. I personally don't mind, side in a couple Torpor Orbs.
Mind sharing a list?
Need some advice.
I'd like to play grixis control over grixis Delver (wich is complete) but I don't have ancestrals, creepings and Kalitas.
Here there are the cards of my grixis shell.

2 Goblin Dark Dwellers
2 Kolaghan's Command
2 cryptic
4 serum
4 Thought scour
3 Inquisition of Kozilek
2 Tseize
4 bolt
4 remand
4 mana leak
2 Painful truths
1 anger of the gods
1 drown in sorrow
2 tasigur
4 gurmag
4 young pyro
2 thing in the ice
3 Snapcasters
2 Pia and Kiran
2 terminate
2 dreadbore
1 vendilion
1 keranos
1 batterskull

Any suggestion?
Who asks these questions? How do you function in life?
Are alters worth the tilt factor? I don't want anything specific, just opponents asking why I paid even more money to destroy $1000 worth of cards.
It's not so much tilt, as people will just think you're a bit of a loser. Especially if those are the alters you want.
Like I said, I don't much care what's actually on the cards. I just need it to make people involuntarily exclaim "what the fuck" without violating global rule 15.
Speaking of alters, I'm seriously considering getting my playset of Snapcasters altered. Tiago's butterface is starting to be a bit of an eyesore. A bit dry for ideas at the moment, you guys got any suggestions on what to do for the art? Only rule is its got to be sfw, and no pop culture references. I'm not going to make him fucking Darth Vader or Batman or some shit.
Geistblast-eqsue art of him killing Geist of Saint Traft.
Trippy Terese Nielsen style art.
Recoup meets Recollect, blue mage finding cool spell swirly stuff.
Make the spell hes flashbacking backfire, obscuring his face.
Stasis style art.
Yes. Everyone would keep spellskites in the side again, and hate out all the faggot boggle players as a side effect.
Well then moderns lame, there's sideboard and main board hate for like 80% of modern decks, what's your fucking point?
Living end and grixis control

Mono black midrange

>next mtg purchase?
Cards for a Geth edh deck and alters for my living end deck
Making a dredge list, I love adding spicy one-ofs and having as many lines of play as possible, even if it lowers the consistency.

Any spicy dredge cards? Stitchwing Skaab is performing really well. Considering Drowned Rusalka as a 5th bad neonate, but maybe not.
Also, tormenting voices/wild guess/dangerous wager or goblin lore any good?
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just paste the original lightning bolt art over it. you know you want to.
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mono-white D&T because it shares a few cards with legacy D&T and the (rest of the) cards are bin rares otherwise.

no more brewing, i've sold out of modern and standard in favor of buying a new hardtail mtn bike.

>>Next MTG Purchase?
nothing at all unless they print some compelling legacy D&T tech.
Wizard snapping wand/staff in half to cast the spell as a last resort.
Pick your favorite blue legendary/creature and have them depicted reanimating a spell from a tomb/scroll/magical object (Tamiyo with a scroll is an easy pick for this. Geralf picking at the brain of a Skabb also works)
Mother of runes in snapcaster's clothing
Kird ape in snapcaster's clothing
Slippery Boggle in snapcaster's clothing
A snapcaster enacting some kind of board wipe effect. (Wrath of god would have a blinding light forming above him, Damnation would have dark shadows, Supreme Verdict would have mist and gale winds, languish would have him starting to rot and boggy waters churning at his feet.)
A snap caster snapped in half
Snapcaster being visited by a flickerwisp/restoration angle
Snapcaster getting bukaked in the style of the Serum Visions promo
If you were looking to keep most of the design of the original art, you could have the device on his arm resonating with the most common spells to use him with.

Red glow and filled with lighting for Lightning Bolt.
Swirling, silvery liquid for Serum Visions.
Bright, radiant light for Path to Exile.
For the last, probably something like an Electrolyse or Lightning Helix.

Then just do a helmet/hood if you don't want to see his face anymore.
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Are 3 Kalitas too many main in Grixis? He's never a bad card to have out, and the deck he hurts the most runs a set of Path.
That's not even true at all.
>Crusder of Odric
This is false and you are also wrong and dumb
looking at the floral patterning makes my dick hard. what do i google to find that sleeve
The sweepers and the young pyromancers seem to clash. I would add spell snare and maybe angler.
I think three might be too much, because he is bad in multiples. Plus Grixis shouldn't run more than 9-12 creatures.
2 Tasigurs and 4 Gurmags are too many delve creatures I feel. also I count 22 creatures feel like it's too many for a control list.
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The only types of decks I like to play are stupid combos and super fast bullshit like burn and infect, so naturally I'm bad at memeing it up with memerange decks. Someone help me out here.
>Someone help me out here.
How does it feel trying to flaunt your penis size and noone even glancing or giving a fuck?
What are some key cards I need for a casual 5-color deck so my mana isn't screwed? Price doesn't matter since I'll be printing it out and putting it over a common.
5 mana confluence
5 city of brass
5 chromatic lantern
5 of each moxen
5 prismatic omen
I would but people at my shop keep on bullying me, calling me cacerous aggrofag.
I wanna join the memerange master race, but don't want to blow a grand on goyfs.
I've hated the original Snapcaster art since it was printed, so I'll take anything over it.
Look, you can run 6 but then you're spending too many slots on fixing

Just play Taking Turns and bully him back then.
Even a nigger?
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It's a shame because the original art was much better before they replaced the face.
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>need Lilianas for every single deck I want to make
that's not a penis, those are magic cards.

all the moxen
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infect them, billy. infect them all!
I used to play magic back in the day when I was a youngster, how should I get back into it? Are there ways to but a bunch of cards in bulk, or would it be best to just buy a starter pack or two?
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Well for this format (modern) you'll want to buy the cards individually online. They can run anywhere from a few dollars to hundreds
how fun is ad nauseam? anyone have a good decklist without the original zendikar duals?
>how fun is ad nauseam
is fun maybe the first three times you combo off. Grizzle B. is a lot more fun IMO
i just got into magic earlier this year, so far ive build tooth and nail, mono G aggro, soul sisters and a homebrew ramp/stompy. tooth and nail is getting stale though, ive found i like combo what is grizzle b? i know its gristlebrand but im not familiar with that deck
The "official" name that people like to call the deck is GrisShoalBrand
Its a combo deck that utilizes Goroyo's vengeance, through the breach, and nourishing shoal to do stupid shenanigans like drawing your entire deck and then using borborgamos enraged to do a fuckload of damage.
Its the only modern deck currently able to get turn two kills, but its easy as shit to hate the deck out of existence.

I'm a faggot though and like to call the deck "Grizzle B. & Borgy B."
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Right now I'm running
>4 Snap
>2 Jace
>1 Clique
>2 Kalitas
>1 Dark-Dwellers
>2 Tasigur
So 12 creatures in total, plus manlands. I've considered TiTi, but it really doesn't play well in my shell.
>FtV 20 Jaces
Nice, I love curvy bitches too.
would you want 1 or 2 baby jace if you could play a full set of mind sculptors? You can always block and flip in response to jace deaths but youre still paying the cost for his flashback spell making it hard to drop the replacement mindsculptor. Hows the synergy between the two in your experience?

You don't even need the Zendikar duels for Ad Nauseam. At most you'll play 4 fetches with a 2/2 split between Polluted Delta and Flooded Strand.
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>"Grizzle B. & Borgy B."
Jeskass can pull off a turn 2 every now and then as well
>A snapcaster enacting some kind of board wipe effect. (Wrath of god would have a blinding light forming above him, Damnation would have dark shadows, Supreme Verdict would have mist and gale winds, languish would have him starting to rot and boggy waters churning at his feet.)

I really like this one
I've never actaully seen a modern Jeskai Memecendancy deck
Mind linking me to one?

More or less like this. You can add jank as you please, it's a pretty flexible meme. Manlands/zendikons/genju can act as mana creatures, interaction can be added in fairly easily like path/bolt/swansong etc as long as theres still majority cantrips, and you can add various memes like sprout swarm or Pyromancers ascension.
With a wish sideboard you can custom-fit your memes, and young pyromancer/monastery mentor can act as a cool backup plan if you expect a lot of enchantment removal.

Some next level tech, add a single Mystic Speculation. Haven't regret it since adding it, and it looks fucking CRISP.
Not the original guy but I've been looking into this for awhile. Does it actually have game?
I really enjoy your list. How consistently can you find your one ofs creatures in any given game.
How do you guys test for modern? You're supposed to play like 10 matches in a row maybe making little tweeks along the way right? Whenever I test with people at my store we play like two sets and then they salt off and play edh. Would you test against RG Scapeshift if you were playing Grixis or would you just leave after a bad match and call it a day? Aren't you supposed to test bad matchups so you can overcome them?
There are bad matchups and then there are the "Infect vs Trons" which are solved from the get go unless the 90-10 favored player mulligans to oblivion. Some matchups just don't have enough meaningful decision trees/possible branching outcomes to make practise worth it, eg. Ad Nauseam vs Jund, Tron vs Infect/Burn, Storm vs anything etc.
If im the RG scapeshift player what am I supposed to test against to get better then? So far Grixis, Kiki Chord, and UB Tezz dont want to test anymore.
Probably UWR because they the most counterspells. Against Infect and Affinity you just mull to removal or t4 kill.
>Whenever I test with people at my store we play like two sets and then they salt off and play edh.
Find dedicated modern players, people more willing to put in the effort to improve their game. It helps to have a deck that one is expected to face in decently-sized event. I play Affinity and ppl are generally eager to test against me because you're bound to face at least one affinity player in any given tournament.

>Aren't you supposed to test bad matchups so you can overcome them?
If it's overwhelmingly bad, you ignore them. There's nothing you can do about those matchups without sacrificing percentages on your other matchups.
The correct name is "Bad Tin Fins"
Next purchase? Leaving modern in the dust and starting legacy until i've got like 2 legacy decks.
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So I'm a casual player wanting to move into more competitive play. I just got my first job as a white-collar cuck for life and although I am still poor as fuck, I want a hobby that will make me happy even if I am slowly dying inside.

I know I am begging for help and you have no reason to give it but just a few pointers would be nice.

Personal requirements:
- Something that can win or possibly place at my local game store events if I become good enough.
- Has flavour creatures/pretty cards/ over all nice aesthetic (not fairies because I have a friend already doing that but would have been a nice idea).
-Around/bellow $600
-no mill centric
-something that will be viable for a while (I know this may be impossible)

Something I have been considering, it's a copypasta deck I know I'm a faggot:

2 Clash of Wills
4 Dragonlord Ojutai
2 Dragonlord Silumgar
3 Foul-Tongue Invocation
2 Grasp of Darkness
4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
3 Languish
1 Ob Nixilis Reignited
2 Painful Truths
1 Read the Bones
4 Silumgar's Scorn
3 Ultimate Price

3 Caves of Koilos
4 Choked Estuary
4 Island
2 Port Town
3 Prairie Stream
2 Shambling Vent
1 Submerged Boneyard
4 Sunken Hollow
4 Swamp


1 Anguished Unmaking
1 Dark Petition
2 Dead Weight
1 Dragonlord's Prerogative
3 Duress
1 Infinite Obliteration
2 Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet
2 Negate
1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
1 Virulent Plague

Cards I own and love:

2x phrexian obliterators
2 archangel of thrune
4x ulgin, spirit dragon
1x Karn the liberated
3x wurmcoil engin
>Cards I own and love:
>4x ulgin, spirit dragon
>1x Karn the liberated
>3x wurmcoil engin

I REALLY want to build this but how does it hold up against burn. Is it competitive?
>hey can i build a 3+ color deck without good mana fixing
uhh, sure, you can build it. But playing tapped mana sources is like giving your opponent a free Time Walk.
I should amend this, is it competitive since many people know about it?

Tron often has problems with fast decks like burn and infect but it is competitive.
You win burn post-side with Feed the Clan in addition to Pyroclasm/bolts and t3 Wurmcoil. And prayer.
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Thanks to you both, I will go with these suggestions. I wish I could show my appreciation more but this gif will have to do.
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My friends and I made a proxy 12 deck gauntlet from the most recent modern decks to look out for. I really liked the titan shift deck and wanted to build it over the summer. I already have Naya burn built and would like another deck that isn't tier 1 but is somewhat viable. Scape shift has always seen some play in modern but is the new titan shift deck just going to fade away soon or is it decent enough to stick around.

>How do you guys test for modern?
I just test by myself using cockatrice. Much faster and since I see both sides, plays are more optimal.
>vous pouvez vous
quebecois fag
>that decklist
this isn't Standard.
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Any good alter ideas? Cards that don't have a billion details (ravnica lands), are beautiful and are easy to get (no $50 cards). For example, the esper plains.
You guys think polluted Delta's and flooded strands will go up in price soon?
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>he plays a broken meme format where even a 13 year old can buy his way to a GP final
>Standard is shit
>Modern is broken
>Legacy is way too expensive
>Lol Vintage
>EDH is casual garbage
>Nobody plays paper Pauper and MtGO is trash
Why can't we have one good format?
Just bought my playset of foil spellweaver helix. The time is now
Because MTG died when wotc reneged on their promise to finally stop making blue the only playable color.
They should just make Limited the only official format and release a new set to draft every month
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But U is pretty bad in modern.
and shit in Standard right now
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"you can't just play the top deck and suddenly get top 8"

mfw you are actually that retarded.
Blue is gimped
red is gimped
green gets buffed
black is gimped
white is gimped
this is why magic sucks across the board.
Hey guys, I'm trying to get into Memedern

What deck should I buy if I want to win while not actually doing anything that resembles playing a game of Magic the Gathering?
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Make him into a cute anime girl. Bonus points if her panties are showing.

Infect, Affinity or Ad Nauseam. Burn is also a nice option but you need to target things sometimes so it might be too interactive for your taste.
Play Burn
basically this

a 13 year old kid bought his way into a fucking gp final.

and you still say there is skill involved in the game lol?
skill and luck are what determines victory
money are requirement to participate, you wouldn't think of participating in a bike racing without owning a bike
like i said, you are a fucking idiot if you believe there is any skill involved in playing magic.

play your dudes, remove threats whenever possible, inflict as much damage as quickly as possible.

how is that hard?

litterally all the kid did was play dudes that could not be interacted with as early as possible and swing.
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It must be hard to suck this badly.
prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is actual skill involved.

That is litterally what you do, play dudes, remove threats, swing for damage.
Short answer, yes

Long answer, it has a certain notoriously bad matchup; motherfuckin burn.


With 4 birds (no nobles), 3 ascendancy, 4 gitaxian probe and 1 noxious revival, you have ~7-11% chance of pulling off a turn 2 combo. Thats pretty neato, but burn doesn't take kindly to decks being faster than it, and as such can either:
a) bolt your bird (their deck packs a lot of bolt)
c) destructive revelry

I test a bit with my burn buddy and I've managed to win, but I barely scraped by. Sideboard should be primarily focused on burn. Swansong and leylines are a boon, and wear/tear and heroes reunion are nice too. Swangsong and tear can stop eidolon thankfully.

Try it online first, it's very solitaire and it can take a while to combo off if youre new to it, but IMHO it's very fun and challenging, as well as aesthetic and hip.

Favorite game was when I managed to combo through a Chalice on 1. Literally reached lethal with no cards left in hand, it was unreal.
Don't you think there wouldn't be such a thing as pro players if that was the case?
>prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is actual skill involved.
You've never gotten a GP top 8 and you never will.
and you have? lol.

also show proof if you have.
I think i'm getting better at piloting my burn deck.

i was going 1-3 for a while and now im more consistently going 2-2 or 3-1

I know it isn't much but i'm happy :')
I'm not that good.

That's why I haven't gotten there either (because skill is needed).
It performed quite well at the GP, I think it's here to stay.
A good deck to have too, basically if you want to go classic scapeshift you can just add 4 copies and have a different deck. Add some prismatic omens and bring to light, and you've got another deck. Add some amulet of vigor, bounce lands and some explore-type cards and you've got yet another new deck.
You can also pick up some arbor elves, utopia sprawls and a few nyx and have yourself a Tooth and Nail deck, or any of it's variants (like Valakut decks you can go in various directions)



Basically primetitan gets you a lot of bang for your buck.
Burnboi here, tell me about the losses if you can recall them.

What's your sideboard like?
Not them, but I know some good cards for side in burn are: Destructive revelry (RG, instant, destroy artifact/enchantment, shock controler), wear and tare, skull crack, atarka's command (skull crack 4-8), Edilon of the great revel
The game is best when blue is the only playable colour. Ask any legacy/vintage player. It might feel like you're having fun playing other colours, but trust me you're not

Remember that you can use your Skullcracks for the "damage can't be prevented" effect too. So when someone sacs a Forge-Tender to stop your Boros Charm, you can blow 7 on his face. Or you can use it to make your Anger of the Gods hit that Firewalker
>Remember that you can use your Skullcracks for the "damage can't be prevented" effect too
Are you fucking kidding me. Burn players are so fucking stupid they forget the second line of a card? The first two lines are the reason they even play a 2 mana bolt.

With the amount of people I see not using it that way or from the posts here claiming that Atarka's is a better Skullcrack yes, people forget that it can do more things than stop lifegain. Also, a new player may not know how "protection from [colour]" works.
I've had people Rift Bolt themselves in the face because they suspended it with Leyline on the field and no creatures.

I've had people try to target me with Skullcrack with Leyline on the field, because they thought that would let them damage me with other spells.

I've had people declare attackers with Sanctimony and Ghostly Prison on the field, giving me four life so they could deal three damage.

The only decks I've faced with more retarded pilots were Pod and Twin.
What is the cost of this mono green in usd?
You can also stop a Wurmcoil from gaining 6 by bolting your own blocker predamage.

Hold onto a land too if you plan on topdecking a searing blaze, unless it's a fetchland.
Fuck, the deck looks really fun but my group has a whole lot of burn lately
So Burn players confirmed for having too many vaccines as children
Nah brah
Does the variant with interaction shore up the burn matchup?

How can you still combo reliably when you're drawing paths and Remands in that iteration?

I've seen some lists use the board to switch into a young peezy/mentor shell. You ever tried this?
>With the amount of people I see not using it that way or from the posts here claiming that Atarka's is a better Skullcrack yes,
Are you implying that Atarka's isn't a better Skullcrack? Its like if Kommand just had more text than Blightning with G in it's cost.
It can certainly muck up a chain, but a bolt or a path can also still trigger the looting ability. With 4 cards in hand, you can constantly be filtering into cantrips, and drawing a non-cantrip would only reduce your handsize to 3, which isn't unreasonable. Personally I instead run 1 noxious revival, 1 faithless looting as my non-cantrips, and unless the matchup has a lot of discard it can chain easily.
(8rack is also bad matchup, leylines are really really nice in jeskass). I've seen people run some Scarscales mainboard to help ofset running low on cards, but imo it makes things slower and less consistent
With 2 mana creatures in play, remands can act as cantrips in a pinch.

I'd say that you can comfortably run 4 interactive cards mainboard without too much pain, although each card you add slightly increases your chances of whiffing.

I personally don't run peezy since I went full wishboard for fun
Fossil find, hide//seek, assault//battery, many spicy options.
Thanks, gives me something to think about. Just can't decide between double ascendancy or the mana dork version. Definitely looking to make the deck though
I didnt realize how similar the decklist were, thats interesting. thank you
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Yup, Atarka's sure is better for dealing with Kor Firewalker than Skullcrack.
Maybe tron. If you want to utilize those jaces you might want to play grixis, but that can be a tad expensive and well over $600. If you have the karns tron is pretty cheap.
Oh yeah, Kor Firewalker, the staple in the sideboards of all white decks in 2013.
>atarka's command (skull crack 4-8), Eidolon of the great revel
Nigga those go in the main, not the sideboard.
Atarka's command lets you swing for lethal faster and Eidolon makes every deck that isn't Jund or Junk cry like a bitch.

I swear I could make a simple program that could go even in MTGO leagues. If I made it more complicated it could probably even win some leagues.

burnbot 5-0 all day
Both double ass and manadork version are really close to Storm too, if you want to have multiple decks it's a cool deck.

Combo memes are the best memes
God dammit Chris stop

2016 make helix great period


yeah, here's my list. it's not perfect because it's homebrew but it's beginning to feel really nice. the sideboard is feeling pretty versatile and the land and card base feels solid. it's not weak to discard unless you have a spellweaver in opening hand, it has a strong discard engine in loam-crime so it has a short game (turn 3-4) and a long interactive game plan (discard and flame jab on bobs, snaps, birds, hierarchs, etc and on 2 toughness when you need it)

also, an incredibly stylish and consistent win condition.


i'm open to suggestions, i've been messing with the list for a while and it's beginning to feel pretty refined.
What is the best way to find a group to play mtg with?

Besides weird neckbeards that is. I know some of you are normal. Where do I find normal people to teach me the ropes without being elitist dicks?

also note that the deck is less vulnerable to blood moon than many decks because it can win entirely on red mana, just really emphasize getting a green source for when you inevitably hit a loam. speaking of loam it works as a great secondary win spell if you don't have two-of ravens crime or flame jab.
Just download mtg duels to learn the basics. Then lurk mtgs forums and tournament streams.
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Man the first time I played against that... there were a lot of whats and fucks thrown around. Fun deck.
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There has to be a way to make this thing busted as fuck. Help me out /tg/
except every midrange deck runs path or abrupt decay
Eldrazi Conscription?
Your local games or comic store usually. If people are elitist there, well that's a shame on them considering their expensive pieces of cardboard would become worthless joint filter if it weren't for new players keeping the game afloat.
If you want to learn the rules of the game quickly, torrent some old mtg pc game, it'll show you the basics on how the card game works.
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Celestial mantle, elder mastery, tutors and stuuff
I just checked, most of the Modern-legal Auras above CMC5 is "you control enchanted creature" or some such shit you wanna put on the opponent's guys. So really just the Conscription or Elder Mastery.
The rules in regards to flickering and cloning not interacting all too well with Auras really keeps this card down.

The best really does seem to be Eldrazi Conscription, and then give it like Haste+Double-Strike from some source. Stack the rest of the deck with Cantrips/Tutors.
I mean, we could use flickerform, but at that point we are reaching next level glass canon jank
Gift of Immortality+Sacrifice outlet would kind of do the same thing without the 2W cost. Granted, it wouldn't keep the attached Auras... but I feel like going overboard with the Auras would be a mistake.
Spellweaver bro,
How have you been liking the red inclusion?
I've mostly been playing pure sultai, in a gifts shell. I like sultai as you can run 3-4 abrupt decay in the mainboard, rather than relying on sideboard to beat RIP. I assume the way to get sorceries into the yard is heavy self mill? The gifts is super nice to be able to tutor up your wincon if needed.
I refuse to belive you aren't the same fag talking about this deck
Believe what you may, but this deck is fun as hell to play. List I'm running http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/sultai-helix-ver-2-1/
Spellweaver Helix is shit tier and will never be playable in a competitive scene.
could Fact or Fiction ever see print in Modern?

Its a quality memedeck, don't hate
Memes are what keeps Memedern fresh
can anybody explain why infect is legal?
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not exactly modern meta but has anyone tried building around this

one of the worst cards ever printed

i dare you to try to brew something "around" that

im not sure you can even come up with a list that would want to cast the card, like even if you tried your hardest im pretty sure the final result would rather spend its mana differently
ah, yes, there it is
Creature based combo good. New players understand creature. Turn creature sideways, this magic!
Spell based combo too confusing! Ban! Ban!
Too slow. Just play infect.
Fire good?

Guys. I'm trying to get my friends into Magic but I only have a modern burn deck and a commander deck So I built these two 40 decks out of a stack of old 9th edition cards I had laying around. I based them on the sample decks which was what I wanted to use in the first place but my LGS didn't have any for some reason. I tried to make them as balanced against each other as possible, do they seem alright?

Deck 1:

17 Mountain
Shivan Dragon
Two-Headed Dragon
2 Raging Goblin
2 Shock
Volcanic Hammer
2 Rogue Kavu
Guerrilla Tactics
2 Balduvian Barbarians
Ridgeline Rager
2 Lightning Elemental
Ogre Taskmaster
Sandstone Warrior
Flowstone Crusher
Lava Axe
Throne of Bone

Deck 2:

17 Swamp
Sengir Vampire
2 Festering Goblin
Raise Dead
2 Unholy Strength
2 Ravenous Rats
2 Drudge Skeletons
2 Severed Legion
Looming Shade
Dark Banishing
2 Giant Cockroach
Primeval Shambler
Soul Feast
Consume Spirit
Iron Star
>FTV Jace
Literally no reason for this.
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Same desu

>MFW checking the price on star of david games hoping for a drop
Really like this idea, nice simple cards for timmys to enjoy a game of magic, seems interactive and most of all fun.

Really like the balance you struck, I feel that Red has too many firebreathing cards. Between rager, the dragons, the enchant, and the stone bros, it's too much of one ability that doesnt stack well. Imo get red of stone bros and rager. Add another taskmaster. Guerilla tactics is kinda cute, but with only 2 rats it might seem a bit obtuse. I'd say it'd cause more "wtf bullshit" and "wtf bad shock" then it would cool plays. Replace with another Hammer. Add a cool early creature, preferably with 2 toughness to make enfeeblement better, and add a red 1cmc charm.

1 less severed legion, 1 more shade. Fear should be rare in the deck. I almost wanna say 1 less unholy strength, and add a black charm
There's a guy at my store that owns all of the cards for Jund, Twin, and Pod who still never finishes well at weekly modern events. He's just bad. Like today here's some shit he did...

>He's on Jund I'm on RG Scapeshift
>He keeps a one lander with inquistion game 1 and complains about how he got mana screwed.
>Ults his liliana with 6 counters and makes me sac 5 of my ten lands. Proceeds to draw lands and have nothing on the board for like 4 turns.
>Shows me a Kolaghans command on his turn, changes his mind about playing it, and then never plays it on my draw step even though im hellbent with enough lands to kill him. Ends up pitching it to lilly because he thinks its a dead card.
>Terminates a Sakura Tribe Elder

There's a lot of skill to this game dude, you just don't appreciate it until you play someone really bad.

Mate that shit will in many cases just die to a Twisted Image. In other cases an Abrupt Decay, but hey at least it's bolt proof.

I love red. It gives me access to flame jab, which is a whole other win con and makes the deck so much more consistent. Faithless looting is excellent for ditching wincon cards and flashback is gravy. You can also use it as mill 6 in a pinch with a couple loads. and it allows the deck to beat blood moon by having a mono red win con.

The thing about gifts: dont get me wrong, it would almost guaranteed set up a t5 win con, i guess could set up a t4 if you have simian spirit guide. Thing is, you throw so many things into the graveyard, and it just feels so slow. If I dont have my combo set up on turn 4, i generally ratherthan pushing hard for the combo i will usually try to loam-crime to dry up their hand first so I can combo safely rather than getting Kommanded or countered.

I dont think gifts is wrong for the deck though dont get me wrong though, i just haven't found room for it in my list and playstyle.

Also, you dont beat RIP in m ainboard with abrupt decay. You still lose when they drop it on t4 and you lose everything you were accomplishing. its mainly why im running a bunch of answers that prevent the ETB effect, right? i tried to have a pretty variable sideboard.

liliana is a good inclusion, i feel she would be excellent although i dont nearly have any means to afford her irl. im not feeling everything in your list though. for example Im not feeling the darkblast (im running flame jabs), not feeling the dark petitions or exsanguinate (too slow i feel) or the ancestral vision (ideally i wanna have won by the time it triggers, i would rather mill a shitton than draw three most of the time, so im running cheap self mill like hedron crab and glimpse)

im so glad to see someone else who likes the archetype though, i feel like it could go places. Try my list out and see how you feel, you might just like it. I wish i could work in gifts (maybe cut a serum visions, but i always feel like if I have 4 mana i would rather be playing a spellweaver and winning)

wow you opened your mouth and all i could hear is jelly

sorry for when i worldfire flame jab you friend
Yeah I got yea. I feel the main difference between my build and yours is how well it plays the grindy game, yours feels very explosive and more glass cannon-y. I feel like the inclusion of a ghost quarter would help A LOT with very low risk.
Fuck I love this deck

Im also not running wraths, i have pyroclasms in my SB. the way i see it, if they have problematic aggro deck, i can still possibly win g1, i can pyroclasm small threats and dismember bigger ones in g2 while i set my win up. I feel multiple copies of wipes in mainboard would be dead so much of the time.

But yeah cool list, thanks for sharing the love
np bro, may you always have flamejabs and worldfires in your yard
janky UWR control with Cancels as permission and Chandra as finisher
My strongest opposition is probably Elves, who can play a turn 1 mana dork into more mana dorks. Otherwise this looks promising.
>Next purchase
Probably the above deck, if it turns out all right. It's quite cheap.
Also EMA draft.
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rules question

Kira Great Glass Spinner says creatures I control have "(see pic related)", does it mean that each of those creatures have the ability in quotes? or does it mean collectively, they share the property in quotes

does the phrase "for the first time in a turn" apply to each creature separately or do all my creatures share the same check?

if one of my creatures is targeted, do they all lose the protection, or does each creature have its own 1-spell per turn shield?

i suspect from what ive heard from other players that if one of my creatures is targeted, they all become vulnerable, but that doesnt make sense given the wording on the card, i also cant find the ruling on the internet so im not sure
Each creature has ability in quotes
Each creature individually
Each has its own shield

how do you like the cancels? are they better than mana leaks and such? why wouldnt you run one of the strictly better 3 mana counterspells that exiles or scrys? as far as i know those are 25 cent cards

cool cool, somebody at my lgs was trying to deceive me for personal gain apparently
These are only the vards I own, it is a list of cards, not a brew
I play Jund competitively, and it's basically the catch-all for an unknown meta.
It's a flexible deck, and can be tuned to beat the best deck in any particular format you're choosing (in this case, Modern), even if that is Jund itself.
Can post proof.
Same anon, playing turn one Cliffs into Inquisition, turn two Bob and finally turn three Liliana is practically unbeatable; hands like that happen all the time, give or take a Tarmogoyf or Kolaghan's Command; Jund is great because it's consistent without having to rely on draw spells, rather engines that push the midgame hard.
anyone else having trouble connecting to Xmage servers today?

It's possible that they just didn't know the interaction either. Always ask a judge anyway.
>wow you opened your mouth and all i could hear is jelly
Yeah... we're all jealous of your tier 4 deck. Keep telling yourself that.
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>RG valakut breach
>ancestral visions
Moving from meme deck to another meme deck
Love this meme format!!
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Faeries, Burn, Legacy Lands

Ad Nauseam, Shardless BUG

>Purchase next?
The odds n ends cards worth less than a buck that I can't reliably get on puca
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>sit down to play at LGS
>opponent playing knightfall
>kill his knights, all is good
>out of nowhere
>"I cast Bring to Light into Scapeshift"
Four color Knightfall + Scapeshift combo package. Wew lad.
Must not have been Knightfall because it begs for Forests and Plains and Valakut needs Mountains. You got rused by BTL Scapeshift playing Knight for some reason.
He was playing a green enchantment that gave all his lands all the basic land types. So all his lands could tap for any color of mana, could be sacced to knight, and would trigger Valakut.
The best way to play Modern is to play a deck whose goal is to beat all memes mercilessly.

Which is why Jund is the greatest Modern deck.
I guess Prismatic Omen helps. BTL Scapeshift is better overall though.
Quick, name a starting hand that wins on the draw, on your opponents first upkeep.
Hard mode: Mana monkey is banned.
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I'm not a Modern guy by any stretch— I mostly play Standard/Limited. Last year I won some GPT's, a PPTQ and an IQ so I'm getting there. Haven't done great at a GP yet. I play in a very competitive area.

I'm looking at taking my game a bit further. I built Infect a few months ago to learn Modern. Lately I've been longing for grindier games so I switched to G/B Infect. GP Dallas is a month away and I feel like I'm better off with G/B, although I know U/G is overall the better deck. This guy is just so damn good right now playing him feels amazing. Thoughts?
Modern is much more like legacy than it is standard. Playing the deck you know, and the deck you can play optimally, is key, not playing the best deck. Of course U/G is a better deck, but if you are better at piloting B/G, play it.
Lantern Control. Enjoy not playing the game.
I can get behind that. I'm more of a midrange player (though I'll play everything from Combo to Control). I'm at my best behind a deck like Jund or Abzan, but I haven't gotten Goyfs and whatnot yet. B/G Infect plays somewhat of a midrange game, only faster. I think with all the Nahiri decks out there it's hilariously good right now and unexpected (slightly fringe). With U/G I think I do fine. I'm a decent magic player, I know what I'm playing around and when my opponent has no outs. But I feel more disadvantaged somehow because my guys are all so vulnerable, I have to play a lot more careful and tight or I'll get blown out.

With B/G 9 times out of 10 I can just say here's Phyrexian Crusader hope you've got something that isn't a path or bolt. It also Turn 3 wins pretty frequently if they don't deal with Hierarch which a lot of times they don't— seeing as how she's not an immediate threat.
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