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/exg/ Exalted General

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>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: http://jyenicolson.net/exalted/. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. There were a lot of lesbians though. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. With the new edition, though, chances are more games will crop up.

Resources for Third Edition

>Final 3E Core Release

>Frequently updated Character Sheet with Formulas and Autofill https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pfjmZKzcUqAX9mB58IAEUIFkZr8rq4CvdRRM4kzwwgU/edit?usp=sharing
>General Homebrew dumping folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByD2BL6J89NiQzdCWWFaY0c5Mkk&usp=sharing
>Collection of old 3e Materials, including comics and fiction anthologies https://www.mediafire.com/folder/t2arqtqtyyt28/Exalted_3Leak
>Charm Trees:
>Solar Charms: https://imgur.com/a/q6Vbc
>Martial Arts: https://imgur.com/a/mnQDe
>Evocations: https://imgur.com/a/TYKE4

Resources for 2.5 Edition:
>All books with embedded errata notes, as well as some extras: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/253ulzik1j9s5/Exalted
>Chargen software: http://anathema.github.io/
>Anathema homebrew charm files: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ddtp2932ad32j/Anathema_Custom_Files
>MA form weapon guide: http://www.brilliantdisaster.net/dif/ExaltedMA.html

Resources for 1e:

The 'we need a non-shit OP' edition!

> play this tutorial: http://jyenicolson.net/exalted/. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

This reminds me, someone dug up a link for this on the internet archive a few threads ago. Anyone have it?
Anyone have any solid homebrew MAs up to the form?
Thread on "gender disparity" just got disappeared by the mods after devolving into a fantastic little firestorm. Anyone have an archive link?
Google has a cache, but it's just the usual Onyx Path inclusion garbage hullaballoo. They ran a survey of Exalted players, tl;dr no girls, someone literally started a thread saying "I know it's not true that Exalted is not jampacked full of PRETTY LADIES why are these forums so intimidating to the MASSIVE FEMALE FANBASE THAT TOTALLY EXISTS."

Women who like roleplaying games are still a small minority and women who are skilled at the mechanical aspects of roleplaying games are, like, two, and they're probably both trans. Is that because girls don't get enough Legos as kids or because girls are born with brains the size of squirrel I can't answer, but any idiot could have guessed Exalted is not going to be a popular choice for girl gamers. It's both mechanically rigorous and open-ended nontraditional and you can't be a sexy vampire or a krazy kaotic sorcerer/rogue/bard, which cuts out like nine out of ten, and the remaining woman doesn't admit to being a woman online because she can get her dick pics on Tinder like everyone else for the ten seconds she's in the mood for that, she doesn't need a hundred shitty ones dumped in her inbox every time she says something competent.

Best way to get girls into gaming is to not talk about girls in gaming and just talk about gaming, don't worry about inclusion or comfort or safety or any other fucking thing, if your table needs a pow-ow to not spam rape jokes it's already doomed anyway. These threads are all cancer and I'm glad that one reaped what it was sowing.
Exalted interview: https://swallowsofthesouth.com/2016/05/23/swallows-of-the-south-interview-with-ex3-developers/
Morke sounds like a dudebro.
" I mean, when I was writing up a part of DBs I messaged John and Holden to ask how they wanted me to handle breastfeeding, since previous editions went with 'babies leave their mother's immediately after birth to prevent bonding' (which, btw, incorrect in how this shit works) and I was like 'uh I remember what my boobs felt like after having a baby, that's not gonna be something these women go 'shit yeah take the baby away while my boobs explode and I stoically ignore them and then have to burn essence so I don't die of mastitis/retained placenta and the baby's immune system is compromised in an era without antibiotics' when reproduction is so highly valued culturally'. Which led to some neat [redacted] if I may say so myself - circling back to more diversity means more interesting stuff happening."

-Lucy Darling, Dragonblooded team
She's got a point that the old DB system for infants was needlessly edgy, though I hope they keep /ss/ and daddies fucking their little girls as perfectly normal and acceptable behavior.

Of course her smugness about diversity and her assumption that science nonsense applies in Exalted, and that it applies in the wake of medicine charmz, is a bit appalling, but oh well.
>I hope they keep /ss/ and daddies fucking their little girls as perfectly normal and acceptable behavior.
What fucking 2E book was that in? What the hell?
Its always been canon that DBs fuck their own children all the time.
Do all demon summoning groups have to be all into demon politics and whatever goes on with the Yozi?
I want to create a group that deals with demons, particularly those of the Ebon Dragon.... But I'm just not sure what to do.
>[Citation needed]
No, none of them are usually into any of that shit, most of which is no longer even mortal-comprehensible in Exalted 3E. Whatever implied you should think that way is completely retarded. No summoner groups are expected to have any knowledge of demon politics or what's going on with the Yozis. Some summoner groups might be Yozi cults, but ditto those because Hell is alien.

Most of them are just going to be, I don't know, shitty mortal politicians who use bisclavarets or chrysognanaenenae or whatever to fuck over their opponents. Or terrorists/freedom fighters rebelling against a regime change by letting blood apes loose in the galas of New Patriots. Or a bunch of weird farmers who communally fuck neomah. Or some other self-interested thing. Demon politics aren't usually a big concern for summoners, who don't need to care.
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Anyway, it may certainly have changed in 2e, along with Foffles' "incubus child slaves." I guess we'll have to find out whether DBs like that sort of thing come 3e.
Gosh look at that lack of source. Maybe you were just making shit up?
Um... pointing out it probably did change in 2e is acknowledging that it probably did change in 2e.

>Maybe you were just making shit up?
One of the very first things said about the DB on their website is how they're decadent and that its not uncommon for a mother to share a bed with her son or brother with sister.
Is lying your other fetish?
No, my fetish is for teasing newfags and amnesiacs, and since you're one or the other its activated.

Never meant to hurt your feelings though, honestly.

Try this.

Reasonable spergout levels are basically a requirement to enjoy hunting down reroll 8, 9, 7 on tuesdays, etc. stuff. This level of autism is more common to the male of the species. The rules heaviness of Exalted 2e in particular still makes me shudder in horror. Buckets o' dice.
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We have the books and internet access.

Show a book name and page number or a link to "their website" to prove "its not uncommon for a mother to share a bed with her son or brother with sister"

I'm genuinely curious where this is coming from.
It's just his fetish man, it's not in the books.
Dang. It if were true i would have something to share at our next game.
There are three really important references: one tucked away in the culture section of Dreams of the First Age in 2E, one in the chapter comics for either Aspect Air or Aspect Water in 1E, and a section from Grabowski's old blog on the former White Wolf website, the archive should be able to catch it for you.

Basically DBs fuck their kids as part of a "well inbred children have higher chances of mutation MAYBE THEY'LL HAVE HIGHER CHANCES OF ELEMENTALISM" thing, except for House Ragara which has a weird little heresy thing going on (says Grabowski) where it's about worshipping the gifts of the Dragons in the form of heavily-implied childfucking. Other Houses don't normally accept that part of the practice, but it's suggested as one possible origin for the Roseblack.

Since I already conceded, twice, I'm not sure how to help you, dude. In fact I already said, lets just wait to see what the deal is in 3e. I have a feeling the biggest shock value stuff will be largely omitted.
Ahha, thank you. Much appreciated.

DB incest is one of the ultra-grey areas of the game. I don't mean the social/erotic cause (obviously, that cause of it is sexy children), but I mean whether DBs can really get away with having a family tree that does not branch, at least as far as its exalted components are concerned.

iirc genetic disease, should genes exist, are probably a disease.
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>culture section of Dreams of the First Age in 2E

I have it open, can't find a culture section in Lands of the first age.

>one in the chapter comics for either Aspect Air or Aspect Water in 1E

Please be more specific.

>a section from Grabowski's old blog on the former White Wolf website

This one i'll take your word for.

> I'm not sure how to help you

Do what the above guy did and show a source/sources. I don't care if it's an old one in 1e. Book and page please.
>Do what the above guy did and show a source/sources.

Here's an idea: If people conceding hurts your feelings that much, do it yourself. In case you missed the prior two concessions going on (or was it three?), here's a third and a fourth. Here's a fifth.

There is no incentive whatsoever for me to re download a bunch of books I will never use when my sole interest is in Ex3e anyway.

>Book and page please.

Hmmm. How about no, do it yourself if you care? I already lost and conceded this argument at least 3 posts ago.
IIRC, Exalts don't suffer from a lot of diseases; it's not unreasonable to state that genetic diseases would be among them.
So, is jade mined like any other metal, or does it need fancy shit like orichalcum and moonsilver?
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You fucking little SLUT, you actually did it. You - mmmmMF. Okay. Listen. This is what I want you to do.

I want you to scroll to the top of the document, and I want you to CTRL-F as hard as you can.
Oh, sure. I just wonder if the intent of the devs is that or not and whether they imagine super powered inbred DBs to be normal or whether they imagine monstrously deformed and stupid people wreathed in fire flying in semicircles at horrified solars going "I'M HELLLLLLLLPIIIIING"

Normally I don't care about the intent of the devs except that I do my best to subvert them where remotely feasible but I don't know what the intent was in this case.

I do however think that you're right.
>iirc genetic disease, should genes exist, are probably a disease.

judging from the number of chromosomes implied by this sentence this is doubtless a personal subject for you

jade is produced naturally by the calcification of any OPP forum members you can actually convince that DB fuck their children

American education everyone
>judging from the number of chromosomes implied by this sentence this is doubtless a personal subject for you

As in, a lot of things are labeled "diseases" IRL without necessarily being things that Medicine charms and magic heaven booze can cure with anti disease stuff. Anything from the effects of inbreeding, to anorexia, have been variously classified as a "disease," but the impression I get from Medicine charms is that it mostly applies to what would be in our world viruses, bacteria, and so forth.
To be fair in Exalted the words "Jade Alloy" are used in all seriousness.
I have no idea if jade is a bloody stone or metal in Exalted, seeing as people somehow can alloy it with other shit which implies a metal.
CTRL-F and search for what?

It's a metal in Creation, dude.
Are they adding new martial arts in the Dragon-blood book? I wanna see shit like White Veil Style return.
Isn't it a rock?
It's basically both for all intents and purposes.
You sly minx.
Probably yes, see >>47441918
Are there any guidelines for making and costing charms, like how much various effects (autosuxx, doubling dice, rerolling dice, applying penalties, etc) cost, and when something should cost willpower?
>Creates new general from an individual question thread.
>Doesn't link it in the thread some people are sitting in as if it's the general.
>Someone else makes a second general, but links it properly.
>Have 2 generals all day.
Come on, let's keep it together and migrate here:
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