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>But what does the magical doomsday weapon actually DO?

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>But what does the magical doomsday weapon actually DO?
No one actually knows.

Of the fourteen times it has been threatened to be used, no one ever has.

Even the creator never used it. And he was an insane, three armed, blind, mutant.
It causes cats to rapidly multiply at an obscene rate.
>doomsday weapon
>what does it do

It ends the fucking world, you dumbass.

Let's find out.
Supposedly, it plays really annoying music that can be heard from anywhere, even underwater or miles underground. it stops after around a decade or so, if its creators demands have been met.
It destroys a random world in the galaxy
Absolutely nothing right now, it's only going to work once doomsday comes.

What else did you think the name meant? What it actually does is anybody's guess. You'd need to stick around to see, so better get cracking on that immortality.

or bring about doomsday yourself if you're really that curious to find out
Replaces all written word, even such things as road signs and Facebook statuses, with Steven Universe/Overwatch crossover /u/boat-fic based on the musical works of Taylor Swift.
Something something vacuum energy

It reboots the campaign into an alternate universe. Everybody hands their character sheet to the left and rewrites a new character based on the stats and history of that character. The "doomsday machine" is now a font of elemental power which can save the universe.
>magical doomsday weapon
It's the gavel the judge is supposed to use when he comes down for doomsday.

It doesn't actually do anything special -he could use any old gavel if he needed to. He'll just smack it on a wooden surface every so often to call people to order while he does humanity's moral audit. It's really a quite bureaucratic and unimpressive process.
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Something elven?
Suit, what kind of doomsday can they even come up with? Making everyone trees?
It dooms the day.
It turns all the air in the world into wood.
>it turns all the air into wood

i would've sworn that i saw that post but it vanished or i'm crazy
>dear god.. a thermonuclear catsplosion
Do that quantum wave vacuum thing, what's it called eh. something something vaccuum decay.

So the people who built the doomsday weapon figured out we are living in a vacuum, and made a device that generates a single point in space that breaks the energy barrier and topples over to a lower or indeed true vacuum state, which then spreads with the speed of light and absolutely destroys the universe (and maybe rebuilds it with different physical laws and constants)
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>the switch is thrown
>the air crackles with energy
>suddenly, humans have a sexual dimorphism as vague as elves!
>dickgurlz! Everywhere

Nothing. That's the beauty of it.
It completely dissolves and abolishes any sexual lust and even reasoning for procreation, thus allowing most sentient living beings to just die off.
more simple to just permanently sterilize everything I guess.
>Tumblrette "art"
Mana killer?
Just turn it on and BAM dead magic zone.
Siphons it all into the void.
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Part 1: the Island of Many Hills Projects

All good alchemists know there are five types of fundamental particles: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Thunder (also known as Sonic). The sound of my voice is carried to you by particles of Thunder. The earth below your feet is particles of Acid combined with particles of Cold, or with particles of Fire in the case of Sulphur and Coal.

Necrotic and healing form their own separate pair, as they involve the Body specifically, while Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law are all generated by, and conjoined with, the Soul. We alchemists traditionally lump these under the Elements Divine, and deal only with the Elements Spiritual.

Acid corrodes, dissolving metal, stone, and flesh. Its colour is green. Acid combined with Lightning is called Water, for Water flows like Lightning through channels, and corrodes (but slowly!) like acid.

Next to Acid, we find Fire, its kin. Fire corrodes, but leaves behind Smoke (the combination of Fire and Thunder). Fire's colour is red.

Fire is also kin to Thunder, for Fire crackles. Thunder's colour is black, for it has no colour. Thunder combined with Cold forms Air.

Cold is next. Its colour is Blue. Cold is abundant in the world, for every stone also contains some Cold. Ice is simply Water (as described above) combined with Cold.

Finally, there is Lightning. Lightning's colour is white. Like acid, lightning can burn, but unlike Fire the burns are without Smoke or Embers.

Now, we must describe the ways matter changes, before we can discuss the Bomb Atomic.
Dude. That image is literally the MtG color pie. It's in the correct order and everything.
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I reject your elements.
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Each particle is most closely associated with its adjacent particles. Acid is kin to Fire and Lightning, but far from Cold or Thunder. We call this distance Loathing. For instance, we can say that Lightning Loathes Thunder (for Thunder flees before it) and also Fire (for Fire is slow compared to it). The exact reasons for this Loathing are unknown, as are the reasons for the Kinship between particles.

The creation of matter from particles that Loathe each other is difficult, but possible - indeed, possible in nature. For instance, alchemists have created deadly, mind-rotting sounds by mixing Acid and Thunder.

But the Wars Yet To Come demand more powerful weapons. It is not enough to combine Fire, Lightning, and Acid to create Alchemists Fire, as our ancestors did. We require weapons capable of destroying cities, fortified air-bastions, or deep-burrowed mountain strongholds.
It kills everyone except for you, Batlin, and Lord British.
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When Ice melts, the Cold particles leave Acid and Lightning behind and mix with the air. Molten stone or lava draws Cold from the air, replacing its Fire with Cold and becoming solid. These and thousands of other transformations take place all around us, every day.

More exotic forms of unstable matter may be created by saturating matter with an element. Fire is most amenable to this - add fire to molten stone and you get a very odd type of stone indeed, one that behaves almost like air!

But try as you might to combine, separate, or purify these particles, you can never change one to another. Fire remains Fire, Cold remains Cold.

One needs the aid of Magic to create a Bomb Atomic.
Stops time, forever
better yet, It starts reversing time in a 1:1 ratio, and everyone mind is conscious and aware of it happening. Re-experiencing their lives in reverse, unable to act, only watch on in horror.
So that's why Pluto was taken off the planet list.
We're sure it works, right?

>muh dwarf fortress


>5 element system
What's wrong with Wu-Xing?

Not flowery enough.
It stops time for an instant.
But that instant never has a chance to end.

1:1 leaves you at the moment it was used.
It would need to be slightly faster; not necessarily 2:1, but faster.
Maybe something like 10001:10000 for extra slow-motion awfulness?
If I put one of those in my setting, I'd make them do some cataclysmic, but ultimately survivable, changes to the world.
Essentially something that you would consider the point where one era ends and another begins - society collapses, knowledge is forgotten, ruins are added to the map for new waves of adventurers to dungeoncrawl. And of course it's already been activated a few times, doing such things as
>activating magic
>killing all the gods
>deactivating magic
>inverting the geography
>raining meteorites
>creating a god
>reactivating magic
>wiping every being's memory
>disabling the sun
>and so on
Hey, I built that in mine craft once, only mine was better because it didn't have those oddly shaped middle bit. Just a 253x243 cube made out of 81x81 cubes, made out of 27x27 cubes, made out of 9x9 cubes, made out of 3x3 cubes. Would have been more, but I hit the height ceiling.
And if Lord British was already dead, does he respawn like the cowardly shit he is?
Destroys the world, idiot.
>tfw the device was invented to stop the universe from being destroyed in a Big Crunch scenario.
>tfw it had to happen at some point and there was nothing you could ever do to stop it.
>tfw it's done reversing time, it all starts over again, except in this time line every conscious mind is born with the knowledge of the previous timeline but in reverse.
>We're sure it works, right?
Not even a little bit. But no one wants to call that bluff. Because if you call it and get fucked, everything is fucked. Maybe.
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A sufficiently skilled Wizard can, with a single spell, change one type of particle to another. A dragon's fiery breath could become a blast of purest Cold. More esoterically, a Wizard can change Stone to Mud, or Air to Ice - all alchemical in nature, though few Wizards will admit it.

All one needs then do is create somewhat stable chunks of matter, and then have a Wizard transform one type of particle into another type, creating a very /unstable/ type of matter. This unstable matter decays, like ice tossed into a furnace. This alone creates a powerful explosion, but the real genius comes from the Expanding Alternating Layer Theory.

The core of the bomb is metastable matter. A Wizard changes one element to another (let us say, Cold to Fire). The core is now unstable, and decays... but the next layer out became /more/ stable as Cold was changed to Fire, and contains the particles. A second Wizard then casts an opposite transformation. The second layer, energized from the first, decays and spreads into the third, etc, etc.

This was the theory behind project BARON, which was deployed above the city of Waterdeep during the Unification Wars. This weapon was relatively crude - it took up most of the airship used to transport it, and required three trained Wizards to sacrifice their lives in its firey activation.
It's a magical device that produces more magic than it absorbs, that's production scales with the amount of magic that it has access to. It has a maximum level that it can function at before breaking down, but that level is far above the densest known concentration of magic. It's not certain how that much magic will affect the world, but it is known that no known form of life can currently withstand it without being irrevocably altered, usually in destructive ways.
No part of OP's picture is a Menger Sponge.

I'd say back to >>>/v/ but you deserve >>>/vg/

It indirectly causes the most awesome event in the universe to happen. It also directly causes everyone else to be aware of the event, and to miss out on seeing it.
The sheer awesomeness of the event will be so great that everyone everywhere will spiral into deep nihilism (for lack of witnessing it).
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Project HALFLING was more refined. Instead of three layers, it had six, but pre-prepared spells cast on each layer and tied to a single word of command meant no Wizards needed to die for the bomb to activate. It's amazing what a little motivation can do for a project.

Additionally, all five elements were incorporated into the weapon, although the Fire/Cold alternating sequence was still at the heart of the design.

The bomb was deployed by airship once again, but this time, over the city of Undermountain. Due to the depth of the catacombs, the bomb was deployed just above the surface. Unexpectedly, Acid-infused Stone dust created in the explosion drifted downwind, contaminating fertile farmland and rivers. This unintentional side-effect, known as Thaumaturgic Fallout, was later made an intentional part of Bomb Atomic designs.
It makes everyone give up.
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Part 2: The Thunderhead Bomb

Thunder is traditionally one of the most difficult elements in alchemy. It is elusive, unseen, and fleeting. Puffs of Thunder are created in some processes, but almost immediately flit away. Thunder generally requires "carrier matter", that is Air, or Water, or even Stone, and can only be purified with great difficulty. Similarly, Lightning requires a carrier element, although it loves metals and Water best.

The idea of a Lighting/Thunder based Bomb Atomic, rather than a Cold/Fire based weapon, was proposed at the start of the Unification Wars but was not refined for several decades. Practical difficulties - generating and condensing so much Thunder, for example - had to be overcome.

Thunder and Lightning both travel much, much faster than Fire or sluggish Cold, and the effects of the bomb were expected be correspondingly more devastating. Project BRAVE was a two-stage bomb. The first stage was a compact traditional Bomb Atomic, which would push a great deal of Fire into the Lightning layer of the device, before the Lightning layer expanded into the final Thunder layer (and from there, outwards).

The device was tested on the neutral plane of Akatoll, far from any significant population centres. The explosive power of the device was far greater than expected - rather than ten Project Halfling bombs, its devastating impact reached more than a hundred-fold larger area. Several floating island chains utterly destroyed in the explosion.
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At this time, the Evil Empire had tested its first Bombs Atomic, and we were encouraged to maintain our advantage in armaments, though war was considered unlikely.

The first innovation was the long-forseen three-stage weapon. A Thunder/Lightning bilayer would be compressed from within by one exploding Bomb Atomic and from without by another, their explosive yields carefully designed to force the two materials together as closely as possible before the final detonation. One of these new Fused Atomic Bombs the size of a wooden chest could level a city.

But we also developed at this time Inter-Planar Thaumaturgic Missiles. These swift airships, powered by the combination of Fire and Cold in controlled amounts, had their own planar gates and teleportation rings installed and extraordinary cost. Once targeted, these weapons could devastate any location in the Multiverse. The most powerful carried weapons capable of scouring a plane bare, melting its surface into slag with one blast and contaminating the air with Thaumaturgic Fallout. We had hundreds of these weapons pointed at the strongholds of the Evil Empire, and, of course, they had their own weapons pointed back at us.

I'm not sure who fired first, or if anyone fired at all. Both empires had sages and diviners working day and night. Perhaps one of them got it wrong, foresaw an attack, and called out for a pre-emptive strike. Perhaps a Wizard working on some new bomb had stuttered and set off a catastrophic chain reaction. Who knows? But the results... well, you still can't walk through Faerun without full elemental protection gear.

I was long retired by this point, mind you. Any rumours of a Bomb Axiomatic, or that the Evil Empire had succeed in making a Necrotic Warhead, will forever remain rumours.

It's actually a magical equivalent of a satellite that channels energy from the sun into a high-density beam, like an orbital weapon.
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That's pretty good, anon. Albeit a little unexpected.
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What, you think MtG is the first system to come up with 5 opposed elements?

Nothing's wrong with Wu-Xing. It's just that dragons don't breathe Wood in D&D (as far as I remember). I'm trying to build plausible doomsday weapons built on the underlying alchemistry of that setting.
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I don't know, some sort of interplanar Cold War seems appealing to me for some reason. Imagine "Smiley's People" with access to spellbooks.

Or the aftermath of that devastating war. Not a magical war, per se - that's been done - but an explosion-based slugfest.
Actually, time going backwards is much more problematic. We'd know our entire future but wouldn't be able to remember what happened in our past. As we have no memory of the future but I remember the past, they would have no memory of the past and remember the future. But since time is moving backwards, you are constantly forgetting everything. So you are born aware of your entire life's events and die not knowing anything about anuthing. When time goes backwards, it's unmaking. Causality and entropy reverse.
Releases all the Pain.

It causes people to be assholes to each other on the internet.
Turns everything inside out.
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>and Thunder
Nigga this is some redundant shit.
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You're telling me, but it's canonical. I think WotC thought "Sonic" was too sci-fi. It threw me too at first, but it makes much more sense if you think of it as Sound - a banshee's wail, a thunderclap, a song...
Release doomguy
I want this as a clock face
The catalyst for an artifical big crunch.
it detangles DNA
Why the fuck is that an image of Menger Sponges?
Uh, no, it isn't.

Electricity=/=sound. Thunder=sound.
Signals the Creator that the world has reached the height of its glory, since mortals have found and figured out how to activate the device.

The world is then harvested.
It hurts. Really, really badly.
As you know, everything in existence has a latent magic signature that tells it what it should be. It defines a default state and keeps the object corporeal and with form.
The device removes this. Everything in existence no longer knows whether it should be a rock or a tree or a person or a fish.
Let's just say the Sun wasn't always the same way it is right now.
Turns out there is an intricate series of microscopic speakers planted throughout every metropolitan area, by the millions, by alien visitors, all set to be amplified to the decibel of a cargo plane taking off. This button sets turns on the orbital stereo they are all wireless connected to. And these aliens REALLY like dubstep.
No..Noo.. NOOO
Not too big a fan, at least in the way that it's described in >>47398419. All relationships and relative properties, but at the end of it I don't have a clear grasp of what each element IS, or at least how it stands out from the others.
and it's hard to make matter that loathes each other, but we have a ton of Earth(acid+cold)?
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It unbans Virt.
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flip the switch
>tree in left of picture

Is there an ecosystem in Doom Hell?

Could Hell be colonized?
And Jim Profit.

And Flare Fag

The triumvirate of worthlessness.
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Please stop, some places are best left uncolonized.
Australia is one example, i dont think hell would be much better.
It's obviously a machine which assimilates adjacent matter into more versions of itself. Whenever there are twenty same-sized versions, they conjoin in order to assimilate larger regions of matter more efficiently. BEHOLD, DESTROYER OF WORLDS, MENGER SPONGE.
surely it would reach a critical mass and collapse into a black hole, unless that is part of the plan
Basically, it sets the atmosphere on fire.

Note that this is a simplification, as that's pretty much all anybody will be around for.

More specifically, what it does is cause all molecules in its area of effect to start vibrating with a lack of harmony, creating friction between them and eventually causing everything to melt into slag. To put it another way, it turns literally everything into a bomb that is constantly exploding.
Fuck off, Hayden, you fucked up enough times already.

Are there more gifs like that? that's cool as shit.
It turns everyone inside out.
Black holes are very efficient at assimilating matter, seems like a good end goal.
uncontrollable though and im pretty sure black holes dont move like regular objects, not sure though
Maybe the designer of the Borg Sponge understands the internal mechanics of black holes better than humans do. Maybe they LIVE in black holes, and this is basically a machine that terraforms for them.
A black hole is a solid physical object and they're not actually very large, you can't live inside one.
Hey, if it's impossible for you to imagine a super tiny extra-dimensional alien race that thinks black holes are comfy, that's fine. I'm just saying I can imagine it.
It conduct census for taxation purposes. Get it?
This is the worlds we are living in now. Here we are, safe within the rune-stabilized walls of New Waterdeep, enjoying the safety against the raw elemental magic of the countryside. The high towers of the houses, academies and temples that rule the Mageocracy soar high over the squalid commoner districts. Waterdeep is mostly built upon Waterdeep, and miles upon miles of lost buildings, sewers and catacombs filled to the brim with magical fallout and freaks make up its roots.

Here, like many of the other major settlements of the multiverse, the power is held tightly by the arcane scholars maintaining the defences against the hostile world, but also magically feeding the populace after the loss of the fields. The rest of the people eats the scraps of their masters, but some prefer to go out, or deep, to bring back fame and riches.

The former countryside is now dotted by ruins, occupied by elementals, mutated freaks that were human once, and gigantic creatures. It is dangerous, you need protection against the elements - and that's not a byword for weather, trough you'd need protection against that as well, it's all messed up. But it is also rich in artefacts from before the war and objects imbued by natural high-intensity magical fields. Of all the adventurers going outside the walls, few come back, and even fewer come back with valuable loot. But that loot is usually so valuable, great houses and temples are willing to spare no expense to launch more expeditions.
It destroys Order, plunging everything in chaos. It also destroys Mind, killing all psionics and degradating brain of sapient peoples.
Mortal plane starts to resemble /b/.
Hell becomes /trash/, but even more mindburning.
Heaven now is /s4s/.
Death dies.
It stops the timeflow. Everywhere. Freezes the universe.
It generates post-1990's pop music.
>What, you think MtG is the first system to come up with 5 opposed elements?

Hardly, just saying it almost certainly came up with it before you did. Just cite your sources, man.
there's equally likely to be a race of tiny extradimensional people living inside a random rock. And you know what, inside the rock they won't be subject to incredible gravitational forces or warped spacetime.
Shoots a big blue laser in the sky and makes a BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMP sound.
It dooms your day.
Look guy, my point is that maybe they enjoy "incredible gravitational forces" and "warped spacetime" for reasons inscrutable to us, since you know, they are weird fucking aliens that make Borg Sponges.
If there was an ecosystem, I imagine it would run off of skulls, blood, and souls, and therefore be unsustainable without the direct intervention of someone like DOOMGUY.
>Fallout Scrolls VI: Sword Coast
I'd play it.
It randomly changes the coefficient of friction of every substance in the universe.
That honestly only makes sense if you're treating it like magic rather than science.
If that's what you're doing then fine.
But you are calling them "weird aliens", and from a scientific standpoint it's difficult to imagine anything more laughably impossible.
The one thing more inevitable than death! How horrifying.
But such a safe place as New Waterdeep is very rare, and most cities in the multiverse are build on gem deposits, if only to fuel the ever-increasing consumption by the mages. Mirabar, the last dwarven hold, is built on such a deposit. Here, however, we have Megathaum, the sealed site of the first bomb that exploded. Its sealing is a prototype of the runes that became widespread to protect the cities from the thaumaturgic fallout. The site itself is a giant sink, created by the blast of the bomb that collapsed the caverns below the old city of Waterdeep. Such a site is a open-pit reagents mine, invaluable, albeit absurdly dangerous as it sometimes leak in the surrounding districts.

But outside the walls and the seals of the civilization, sentient life is still possible. Tribes, crusades, osts : all kind of nomadic bands roam the remnants of the old world, badly shielded from the elements by divine intervention, old relics and the powers of their shamans. Scrounging up what they can from the earth and the hunt of the great beasts, they are hardy folks, wielding weapons from the old world in the best case, or improvised ones more likely. Don't get fooled however : a hit from a branch that stayed too long under the storms will teach you that a mace of thunder, no matter how crude, will kill you just as good as a brand new sword.

I'd run it, if I had the time to.
Nothing, it's made to keep you wondering. It's actually a weapon of mass distraction.
Yeah, goes back to my previous point. If you can't imagine it, that's cool. I think you presume to know a lot more than what's reasonable about what's possible and impossible though. Humans don't have a theory of everything by a long shot.
In that case your "aliens" are basically magical pixies that don't have to explain shit.

Which makes me wonder why the fuck we're using scientific terminology and real space phenomena at all since all that does is draw attention to the absurdity of it.
>messaging label maker for weapon
>yes I label my weapons you heathen
>get some professional shit, embossed and everything
>goddammit autocorrect
The universe is absurd in the first place. There is a reason that fantasy and science fiction are kindred genres. You guys took my playfully suggested Borg Sponge and aspied the fuck out of it; the layers of abstraction I added can only accomplish so much. If you're unwilling to accept a universe where things exist that are beyond your current ability to explain, I'm not sure how you got into fiction.
I don't know did the manufacturer put their name and contact information on it somewhere?
In the SoS universe, there's a sorcerer called Zoph Escher who rules a small shitty province in Fantasy-Persia, and abuses his power to build huge magical devices. A direct quote from the developer on one of them:

"The Eschatology Engine is a device that, again, if Zoph Escher is to be believed, hastens the death of the universe by about a thousand years every five seconds. In return, it allows him to control the weather. It has been raining in Kar Ischil for the last eight years."
Sounds to me like you don't know jack shit about the physical laws the govern our universe m8.
It's cute to say "I can imagine an exception!" like that's an achievement worth noting, but it's not like I am incapable of imagining the image of a gnome in a purple hat superimposed over a black background. I can also imagine a rock falling up, out of my hand toward the sky.

An arbitrarily large number of things can be imagined, but are utterly impossible given their actual circumstances and the way the universe functions.
Just because some imagined concept is physically impossible doesn't also make it un-imagineable.

Thinking of three preposterous things before breakfast is commendable because it makes your mind flexible, but it doesn't help you see the big picture. And there is a big picture.
Whether by some failing of your education, or your ability to understand it intuitively, your mind may in this case be a little more flexible than is reasonable.
Star Trek did it. TNG 6x25 "Timescape"
>Nigga this is some redundant shit.

Vikings disagree. Thunder and lightning are two different, with two separate causes.

(Lightning bolts are the strikes of Thor's hammer, thunder is the rolling sound of his chariot racing across the sky)
>hastens the death of the universe by about a thousand years every five seconds.

This sounds like unsubstantiated bias from the liberal media trying to push their agenda to me. I'd like to see the 'data' they have to back this up.
Turns every woman within its proximity into a horny lesbian
That is a long way to restate your prior post and call me stupid in the process. I don't see the discussion going in a productive direction at this point; sorry I was unable to convince that my idea was cool. Hope the rest of your day is good.
I'll accept whatever until you try and explain it with black holes, since I have a reasonable understanding of what those actually are.
Can you imagine a circle that is simultaneously a square, that isn't just a circle with a square inside of it?
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You should write a letter to Nature then. So long have we awaited that theory to combine (or replace) quantum mechanics and general relativity.
A cylinder with a diameter equals to its height. When you project it on 2D it can be a square or a circle.
I said an arbitrarily large number of things can be imagined, not that all concepts that can expressed through language can be.
not that guy, but I'm getting the impression you're not the sharpest knife in the draw, no offense.
>Build universe-destroying device
>Convince everyone it's a weather control device so that they assume you're just making up the universe-destruction part to sound cool

Genius desu
not sure the world is ready senpai
>Just because some imagined concept is physically impossible doesn't also make it un-imagineable.

And what I am saying is that things that are LOGICALLY impossible are necessarily unimaginable, and thus must be avoided in fiction. Things which are physically impossible are not breaking to immersion if an explanation is provided, because the mind is capable of imagining physically impossible things but not logically impossible ones. I therefore think that your argument, which seems to be "you're not being realistic enough," is bad.

Ex, we can imagine superman, who is physically impossible. The fact that he and his feats are impossible is not the same as them being inconceivable, and so disbelief can be suspended.
I am saying "we" patronizingly here, because you and I clearly do not share this in common, as you are autistic.
It's already been DONE in fiction. Shut up and talk about something besides how both of you are stupid and whatever. No one cares.
>Manufacturer: Quixaxila Imperial Armory, Department of Applied Thaumaturgy
>If found Astral Mirror ΞΔΠΛΔΣ reward for return

Nobody knows what an astral mirror is or what nation that is meant to be.
It elects Trump
It turns off the lights...
>Information is in the form of an inscription
>It's occasionally updated
It's a meme that convinces people to make doomsday devices. Each doomsday device is itself infected with the meme, causing people to build ever more powerful superweapons until some world leader or clumsy intern invariably presses The Button.

We have met the enemy and he is us.
"Nobody is crazy enough to activate this device," says increasingly nervous PC for the third time this campaign.
>people jokingly suggest activating The Device
>they actually activate it
>"B-but we were only kidding!"

It's a bass cannon that, once all pieces are in place, shakes the world apart with sick beats.
Oh I can hear some laughter coming from the origami board.
...it magical doomsdays. What exactly do you not understand about this?
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But whose world does it end; the ants? The species from dimension Xy472 that died out ages ago?
Who really knows what the mad mage that built it made it to destroy? We sure don't.
Things are never "ready", the confines of readiness are arbitrary and falls apart upon closed inspection just like a man racing against a turtle.
are you just trying to sound clever or what
The device explodes non-linearly into replicants that reach the borders of time-space from and start folding the universe time and again, not three times, not four times, not seven times, but eight; the thus eightfolded reality has been compressed beyond its own events horizon: Events literally no longer have an end, time and space have become meaningless and reality has been made a moot point with the replicants forming its outer layer.

The universe inside the moot point continues the process of the eight folding and it is expanded inside itself into being until it reaches again that doomed day when the replicants holding the border of the universe inside the bag of holding spill along the spaghetti of the magical objects mislabeller and continue folding the universe for the eight time.

It keeps happening.
I'm bored

>holding the border of the universe on the other side of it inside the bag of holding
This decreases the life of the universe by a minimum of 252,288,000 years (31,536,000 years per year x 8)

so if you left the device running for a million years, you would decrease it by 31 trillion years. Which still isn't too bad, compared to the age of the universe now.
It means you're so air headed your mind is missing blood to form the wood
>Which still isn't too bad
How much do you expect the universe to be comfortable for life?
All the air turns into wood.

Not that complicated.
So the arrival of Doomguy, or someone like him, is just part of the natural Hell cycle of nature. Like how some trees need forest fires to spread.

Doomguy is the demon's equivalent of a loving nature spirit of fertility and rebirth.
Eh, no big deal.

Elephant weight geese on the other hand.
When someone dares to actually activate it, it will probe their mind for their darkest most depraved fetish.
And apply it on everyone and everything in 69d6 hundreds miles.
Globalized fetishes are at /d/, or is it /aco/ now?
lol, how can you say that and not intend offense?

I don't know, ducks are goddamn crazy.
I don't want a giant duck-dick in me.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you're a raging faggot and I hope you die in a car crash.
You fucking what now?
It creates a magical doomsday. Duh.
no longer than 100 trillion years, according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future
Zoph Escher is the mad scientist's mad scientist. The names of his machines are simply wonderful. "Mastication Array".
Unbinds the arbitrators of reality from their prison at the heart of every star, simultaneously snuffing out each sun at once and introducing a race which will methodically scour the universe of all complex matter in order to reset it to zero.
I'm pretty sure it's a joke on climate change affair.
...It creates an overrated anime that makes people gouge out their eyes when forced to watch it? That's pretty cruel.

Now fuck off.
honestly, that doesn't seem too bad...
It makes Roko's basilisk wake up
It ends the world. It doesn't destroy the planet, or the universe. It doesn't kill, maim or burn. It simply Ends. The World.

Perhaps I should explain.

You live on a planet, but you live IN a world. Your world is the totality of what you see, and hear, and taste. Every sensation and memory, framed by your mind into something coherent. It's everything that lets you process and react to the outside universe in a way that makes sense. It's the sphere with you at the centre of it. And empathy and communication let us gain some understanding of each other's world-spheres, and can pass ideas between them. These links form us together into a larger sphere of human idea: that sphere is The World. It is everything that people understand and believe, both true and false. It is what it means to be human.

The Babel Engine shatters those spheres.

When activated, the device propagates an extremely complicated wave into delta-tau phase space which... well, the details are unimportant. The effect is to randomly shuffle the data of every object and being capable of storing information within a range of roughly a light year. It begins slowly at first: computers fail to boot, and you might walk into a room and wonder why you were there more often. But the wave grows exponentially, at the cost of every mind in range.

First computers will crash more often than they boot. Then people will stop being able to understand foreign languages. Then pictures and mathematics will look like nonsense squiggles. Then they will lose their first language. Finally, while watching human society crumbling around them, they will lose understanding of their own senses. Sight will become a sphere of meaningless colour, sound will alternate between a deafening roar and hollow silence, taste will overwhelm them with all the flavours of heaven and hell. The last to vanish will be proprioception, as even the sensation of existing at all shattered and scrambled.

That, is the end of the world.

Congratulations you played yourself
It removes the boundaries between peoples' minds. Every person in the world know knows everything everyone else knows. They share emotions and memories and beliefs.

And then everyone commits suicide in a craze of xenophobia because all the religious extremists are mixed in there too.
Golan Trevize did nothing wrong
Only in the sense that Light and Shadow are redundant. One causes the other, after all.
It prints out the Nine Billion Names Of God. The process takes about a hundred days. Once it is finished the Universe's purpose will be fulfilled and God will just kinda wrap things up so He can focus on more important matters.
It'll make a pretty big explosion, but it wont actually get around to the Doomsday since most of the spell components for the rest of the day dooming spells contained within will have been destroyed in the initial blast. This is a pretty severe design flaw that only a mad wizard would overlook.
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Literally the psychic dominator from RA2
Unsong reader? Hi.
Shut up, /d/.
Wait, there was an "E" in the middle of that 99 nobody noticed?
The GroloMagitek® Doomsday Device™ has over 14,000 unique settings. The original manual is written in an ancient proto-language and the taskmages involved are long dead. The only decipherable setting is "Auto" written in common.

(P.S. "Auto" causes it to remove all traces of its own existence from all of space-time and the multiverse)
>Doomsday device defaults to destroying itself should it fall into untrained hands
I like it
this, but keep in mind you are also crunching all planes together. All planes overlapping at once, imagine the war... You might have time for a few completely messed up sessions while your players try to figure a way to literally escape all of existence and reality to save themselves.
crlt-f "global fetish thread"
first entry

oh god what have we done
Nah, that's the Domesday device, bub.
The settings literally just answer what the Doomsday is for. So one is probably ancient platypus. Also a solid 13,800 of the settings now do nothing as those species are already extinct.

So Auto here is literally self-Doomsday
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Rah, didn't Zhorne Giovanni whoop your ass the last time you activated that damn machine?
Absolutely nothing. It was just created to make people wary and affraid. Once you turn it on it just flickers a light and then shuts down.
Mind games anon. Fucking terrifying things.
It ensures complete global saturation.
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>>But what does the magical doomsday weapon actually DO?

The Life Gate and the Death Gate are sealed. The souls of the dead cannot pass on, nor reunite with Mother Taiia the Creatrix.

Undead roam the land in increasing numbers. Civilization falters, then collapses. Only the Champion of Prophecy can brave the zombie hordes, re-open the Gates, and restore Heaven and Earth to their proper relation.

> TFW there is no Champion of Prophecy, only the PC party.
It gives every living thing on the planet a paper cut that will never heal and that magically repels bonding agents that could be used to seal the cut.
It makes all player characters roll 1s exclusively. Forever.
try it and find out? load planar gate just in case?
>players gail to stop it.
>get pre prepared onion, rub eyes behind dm screen
> "why... oh god why didnt you stop it
> let them get a bit nervous
>describe they feel the world twisting, becoming befouled
>hand out new sheets
> "it changed the game system"
> make them roll for anal circumferance
Doomsday 1:
Severs your PC's connection to their players and the world's connection to the DM.
The world doesn't actually suffer, but you now can no longer play in it.

Doomsday 2:
Sucks the fluff and background details out of the world. Entities relying on background details (such as "The wall has a physical apperance" or "The NPC has a personality") cease to function.

Doomsday 3:
DM Fiat, dice fudging, rule of cool, and autosuccess on d20s (especially in social situations) no longer benefit the PCs.
Instead, hostile and rival NPCs now make use of these things.

Doomsday 4:
Breaks the 4th wall and ruins your immersion.
Every time you ask for an in-world explanation of something, you are instead given "because Doomsday 4 has affected your shared imaginations."
>No but HOW has Doomsday 4 affected your shared imaginations?
It has made it so that whenever you ask for explanations, the answer given is "Doomsday 4 has affected your shared imaginations."
>So we don't get an explanation?
But I just told you the explanation. The explanation is "Doomsday 4 changes explanations."

Doomsday 5:
Doesn't actually do anything to the world.
But your DM is now obligated to lie to you and say that your quest is now impossible, and your goals cannot be accomplished, and that the world is doomed, and that the enemy has won.
The DM is free to invent bullshit explanations, dodge the point, or just lie to your face.

Doomsday 6:
Your PCs may now be remote-controlled by Doomsday 6 at any time, without warning. This effect tends to strike whenever players would get salty about their characters taking an action that the players did not want them to take.

Doomsday 7:
The world is now full of memes, fetishes, references to pop culture, and all the stuff that you don't like.
The NPCs and the world objects have been subtly changed to be comfortable, happy, and compatible with the changes.
But you must now cope with enemies saying "FUS RO DAH" and walls saying "Normies get out"
Doomsday 8:
The game mechanics and world's story have become lol so randumb xD.
Things may happen that make no sense, or which are inconsistent with the rest of the rules/story, or inconsistent with themselves.
This happens even when (and ESPECIALLY WHEN) none of the players at the table would be happy with this random bullshit, and not even the DM would be happy with this random bullshit.
But it happens anyway, because fuck your """consistency""" you no fun allowed puritan, your weapons are now big floppy dongs LOL!

Doomsday 9:
Every time a player says the letter 'a', he takes a -1 penalty to whatever it is he's trying to do, and the effect stacks for every 'a' he says.
E.g. "I roll to attack the goblin" gets a -2 penalty to your attack roll.
"Paladin Esmus raises his sword, its light gleaming, and slashes deftly at the foes who would dare stand between him and his quest to save his home village" gets a -12 penalty to his attack roll.
This also applies to the GM. If the GM says the letter 'a', he gets a -1 stacking penalty.

Doomsday 10:
Rules on which all players agree, cannot be used.
For example, if every player agrees that a greatsword does 1d12 damage, the greatsword cannot be used to deal damage at all.
But if one player insists that it does 1d10+1d2 damage, then the greatsword can be used.
How to calculate its damage is something the players and the DM will have to decide for themselves.
Note that if all players agree on how to calculate its damage (given these new rules), the greatsword is once again useless.

Doomsday 11:
Whenever you roll a dice, take the number that lands face-up.
Multiply it by 23.
Take the remainder of this new number, when divided by the # of sides of the rolled dice.
If the remainder is 0, set the remainder to (the # of sides of the rolled dice) instead.
If some smartass decides to find a way to roll d23s in order for all of his rolls to be crits, kick him from the group.

Doomsday 12:
Makes your posts run out of space.
It turns everybody into a cute little girl
and makes you think all the other little girls are cuter than you
In all this, it's important to remember that the Lose state for people playing D&D isn't "my character dies" or "the world is destroyed".
The Lose state is "I am no longer having fun."

Make it so your Doomsday device prevents the players from having fun.

Bonus points if you can Sunk Cost Fallacy on your players.
Make it look like they can overcome the doomsday device, and resume having fun again in the same world, with all the characters and story arcs and items and such they know and are happy with.
Bait them into NOT having fun, because of the potential for them having fun again by kicking the Doomsday device's ass and saving the world.

Then, don't let them do it.

Make it so that whenever the Players "win", then DM fiat kicks in, says "No", teleports the players back to the point in time/space/story when the Doomsday device first went off, kills off a beloved NPC, destroys the PC's favourite magical item, and gets cheeto stains on their stat sheet.

You want the Doomsday device to make your players regret playing the damn game, make the entire campaign in retrospect seem like an exercise in masochism and poor life decisions.
That is how you make your players fear the Doomsday device and want to prevent it.
If you're going to ask "why would we play a game where none of the players, not even the DM, have any enjoyment?"

The answer is: You don't. The Doomsday device is the lose state.

You might then ask why any DM would put a device in their game that could ruin everyone's fun - why is it even POSSIBLE that you could lose to this thing?

For the exact same reason that it's possible to die in most D&D games. The possibility of loss makes victory meaningful, and the possibility of No Fun makes Fun meaningful.

If your players and the DM have to spend 3 sessions upvoting Sonic OCs on deviantart? Good. That'll teach you all why fun is valuable and why you SHOULD STOP THOSE DOOMSDAY DEVICES.
Thank you.

nigga you dum

It's gonna turn the planet inside-out.
It makes gravity slowly get stronger, and before long it becomes very difficult for people to move,
then everyone gets pinned to the ground, and before they can all starve to death, the gravity smashes them into the ground turning them into a paste.
It brings temporary leace to the land by forcing the fueding kingdoms to join forces to stop the end of the world. The device does no more than look scary.
The best part is that the 'gods' A Throne, and the moon are both aware of the device, and have done nothing to prevent its operation
It expands, covering the entirety of the planet. Then it slowly starts to increase the gravitational field around the planet, so much so that the planet begins to crush and collapse under the intense weight. Finally, when gravity is at it's most intense and heaviest, the planet is pressure squeezed into a giant diamond. The doomsday weapon then collects the diamond and takes it back to it's God-like master as a trophy. Or something. I'm no scientist.
Even better, Zoph Escher is demonstratively immune to divine abilities (such as a Paladin's smite). Since no-one can resist the gods, the only conclusion is that they are purposefully shielding him from interference by each other. For what purpose or reason, none can guess.
Allows transgender elves to use dwarven bathrooms.
1+x/5 wild surges where x = turns activated
You know what?
I love this! I might steal it.

Gives me an excuse to have roving dead around, a reason why the evil empire seems like a cursed bleak lifeless place, and a motivation for the evil empire to be invading: they want to get to a land where the dead can die in peace!
It makes you lose the game
oh look, it's an average GURPS party.

From left to right

"I don't know if I should want"

"Want x1000"

"I shouldn't want this...But I do."
its sentient a von neumann, i also programmed it to be an asshole.
My game runs on hollywood physics. It's a really really big bomb, with a really long, really visible countdown that slows down dramatically in the last fifteen seconds.
It puts out the sun.

Watch as the players think it was just a mindgame for eighty combat rounds (8-minute light lag) before all of a sudden it's absolute darkness except for the faint stars above, and the temperature starts to fall, fast.
It turns the world into CWCville.
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>implied 6 second combat rounds
>implied dnd assumption
Developed this with a gm friend or two all day; totally stolen :D

Thanks /tg/! It only took you 3 days to inspire me this time!
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Here a commemorative scree shot
Self referential congratulation is just a one man circle jerk.
It's the post right above yours ya nerd. It's a reference to the Candlejack episode of Frea
I really love this idea.
I want to actually run a brief campaign where this happens. My whole friend group knows all about CWC (thanks to me) so they'd for sure get it.
It destroys the world, dummy. Now we must stop it from destroying the world.
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Sublimates all life on the planet and uses that energy to restart evolution. By singing

i like you.
People will just arrange the patterns back into forms that make sense.

Blue will turn into green, frogs will be called marmasets, but so long as everything remains positioned relatively to everything else, your senses will compensate.
lazy bastard, stop quoting ellison
basically the plot of End of Evangelion
Links the sensations of all life in the universe together in an attempt at total harmony. Finally, fish will know what it is to be man.
The creators forgot to account for limits of the mind.
It is actually an illusion based device, casting a kind of perception filter on everything. Nobody can notice anything while leaving the world itself mostly intact.
Source on the art?
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