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Horus Heresy General /hhg/

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Thread replies: 345
Thread images: 65

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Horus Bearesy Edition
Friday night Power Comdey Hour with Tarik Sub-Edition
In the previous thread a new form of Exterminatus was made, just how many attacks loyalist WE need to chew up their papa was listed, beep boop beep boop beep, the Order of The Sigimunds was formed, a newbie got help, which legions were the comfiest was debated and so much more in the old bread >>47341566
Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
HHG FAQ - http://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1lprm5vd99yafa3/
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: https://mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: https://mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): https://kat.cr/usearch/%22Forge%20World%22%20heresy%20user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: https://mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg
First for the Fist! Thoughts on Phalanx wardens?
Are they worth taking them over breachers?
The Stone Gauntlet: so your Breachers can pretend to be slower Iron Hands Assault squads (under certain conditions)
The way I see them is as Breachers with the option for axes and plasma guns, as well as a boost to WS when charged. Eh, it's a bit of a subtle change.

They keep the +1T in assault, when they're charged. IH -1 to enemy Toughness is only against shooting attacks.

It's fine, threadbro made a better summation than I did.

I forgot about the Order of the Sigismunds.
That was hilarious.
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Thanks quad-3.
>Being featured 3 consecutive times on threadbro's summaries
Aaaaaay, I'm on fire!

>They keep the +1T in assault
>(under certain conditions)

There's one thing I don't understand about IH Immortals. Are the Volkite snapshots better than the chance to Sweep, especially since they both test for Ld? I don't think so.
By the grace of the Emperor and a full moon on Terra The Order of The Sigismunds may combine their powers to become The One True Sigismund.
>Are the Volkite snapshots better than the chance to Sweep, especially since they both test for Ld?


If it was just the option to shoot after victory in assault, and/or it was guaranteed to succeed, it'd be a nice variation on the Terminator no sweeps rule, but the choice is basically between staying put and having a chance to do some damage in doing so, or defeat the whole unit.
I have another question on making that surreal planet guys. It's obvious that it would be a death world with blimp sharks, psychic sharks in the oceans, ammonia and sulfuric acid raining from the sky but would what sort of funk would have it have on the population? Would having semi-sentient shakes screaming in their dreams drive them crazy, or make them immune to psychic funk?
Beep for the Boop God.

How would you improve on the Iron Circle Rules to make them worth taking over Tyrant Terminators?
Give them the ability to deep strike and teleport to Pert?
>Here come the Sigismunds
>It's the Ordo Sigg, uh, here come the Ordo Sigg.
>Here come the Sigismunds,
>They won't let you surrender
>Nah nah nah.

>The good guys are loyal, remember that
>Just in case we ever face to face in close combat
>The title held by me, the-Big-Sigg.
>Means your invulnerable save didn't succeed
>So don't blink be your character there now's gone
>The black swords with the Laurels on
>Walk in Terra, issue a challenge
>Guard the Throneworld against the traitor's violence

>But yo we ain't on no Malcador's list
>We straight serve big E - singled out by our Weapon Skill
>Saw somethin' strange, watch your back
>'Cause you never quite know where the Ordo Sig is at

>Uh, eh

>Here come the Sigismunds
>They're Terra's defenders.
>Oho oho oho
>Here come the Sigismunds
>They won't let you surrender
>Aha, aha

>Now, From the deepest of the Old Night
>On the horizon, bright light enters sight tight
>Bolt rounds zoom, on the impending doom
>But then like BOOM Templar Troops fill the room up

>With extra Initiative, assault with the enemies
>Slayer of Kings, Dolorous Fighter
>Enemy Warlords become my VP's
>We're the Imperial Fists, can we please

>Do what we say, that's they way we kick it
>D'ya know what I mean
>I see my Black Sword get wicked on ya

>We're your first, last and only line of defense
>Against the traitor scum of the universe
>So don't fear us, cheer us
>If you ever get near us, don't jeer us, we're Fearless

>Ordo Sig freezin' up all the flack
>What's "Sig" stand for?

2+, Deep Strike, and transportability.

They're already expensive, but their armour resistance is lower than those of meatbags less than half their size, which makes no sense. They're already expensive enough to exceed a TS squad for value for their cost.

The most obvious flaw is their lack of mobility.
Being able to deep strike would be great, but since Dreads can fit in drop pods and even some other vehicles, it'd be stupid if you couldn't shove at least one in a drop pod or a land raider.

Eternal Warrior and fearless would be good, though I don't remember the rules of MCs well at all, so these might be covered already.
Thanks for the laugh, Anon, but there's one issue. The video's not available in my country. Just how a Men in Black video isn't available in Freedom Land is beyond me. Well night, guys. Don't let the bed Scoria bite. Hopefully the full moon will be in tactical assault mode to keep me safe.
I don't get it, it's the official source. Fucking Kelbor Hal.
Sleep tight anon, may Autek's Moon protect you from scoriapions.
Thanks. Sweet dreams, /tg/!
They're already Fearless (and cause Fear), but they don't have EW. I'd prefer a 3++ over a regular 2+ desu.
And being able to deepstrike by themselves, of course. If we need to pay for that then we'd be better off with a Land Raider SQUADRON.
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Sup guys, so I just started my World Eaters formal project's phase one. I had about 1500 painted before this but am getting right into the swing of things now.

Over the next few months I'll be making 4000+ points of World Eaters. I'll post updates everynow and then and ask rules questions as I learn. For now though I will leave you with my new Contemptor. I posted the axe on here a month or so ago but finally just got to put it to use.

Cheers mates! Keep on killin!
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Shit is came out sideways! Here is hoping it comes out better...
Adamantium Will fo sho. Maybe Deny the Witch on an effective 4+, like some sort of psychic Catachan. With Miral Skysharks
That armor is embossed, not engraved.
What loadouts do people use for contemptors? I'm thinking of fielding 3 with my Maru Skara and I want them all to be uniquely kitted out based on potential roles in life. My thoughts were
>Chainfist and CCW, heavy flamers, havoc launcher, and extra armour
Some sort of terminator veteran in life, possibly phoenix guard or a captain
>Twin-linked Volkite culverin, CCW
Probably a veteran of Terra who was used to volkite weapons
>Autocannon and CCW
Probably a line captain or first company sergeant, good all rounder with no particular specialization
Gamewise my only real need is for them to be able to kill tanks since my list is infantry heavy and lacks much in the way of anti-tank.

If you're going to do that you might as well join a forum or facebook group. Also might want to make your photos B&W so people won't immediately recognize you're buying recasts.
The only reason the tripfag is posting here is because he is using recasts.
No, just sweep.

Yeah, let them deep strike. Done and done.
>Men in black.
Isn't that the Salamanders?
That is one helluva can opener.
Hi, I'm new to the Warhammer 40k and I really want to get an army or squad together. The grey knights caught my eye and was wondering if they're any good?
Good is objective, friend. You've found yourself in a Horus Heresy thread, I'm afraid. Similar idea, but there are no grey knights here.

You should have better luck in the 40k general.
Thanks friend appreciate the response
That's not Magnus though
>Doing what Curze wants
Shiggy diggy beepy boopy.
>Read the Girlyman Primarch novel
>Girlyman is haunted by he has done
>The destruction of Lorgar's city filled him with guilt. Such beauty and wonder gone
>The look of distraught over Lorgar's face and the despair of the city's people stuck with him
>This causes him to stop the exterminatus of an Ork infested world because it contains the ruins of a human city
>He vows to defeat the Orks and take the ruins
>He vows that he will rebuild that city to glory in order to wash the stigma and guilt of being destroyers from the Ultramarines, and return to being what they were meant to be builders.

The Emperor sure likes to traumatize his sons. He should have picked Russ or Angron for the job
I hate loyalists, they're largely a bunch of pussies, and even I can't bring myself to hate Sanguinius. Guilliman sure, Ferrus maybe, Lion possibly. But not Sanguinius.

Blood Angels get a lot of hate, some of it is deserved but they're nowhere near the worst.

At least he didn't listen to Erebus, the sketchiest fucker in the Imperium, like some other baldy chump.
Alright, picking up a betrayal at calth box in the next few weeks to start an Iron Warriors army, aside from ordering a heavy weapons kit or two from FW, does anyone have suggestions of what to expand the army with? Quad mortars maybe?
Looks like there isnt a scan of the updated legions book, or is it just not in the OP? Anyway does anybody have screenshots of the new World Eaters book?

Also any ideas on how to make chainaxes work with the B@C marines? Might be a bad idea since the arms are made for bolters
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>Tfw your favorite ebay recaster is ded
Only plebs order through ebay and not direct anon.

You mean Z? Cause he's the only one I can get anything out of and his stuff is garbage, even at 80% off retail.

Some of the guys on ebay do some really good work in decent resin for like 40-50% off
get pillpitts info, only got a single test model from him so far but the mini was perfect and also cheaper than everybody but Z ( who has far inferior Quality)
I'm talking about the guy who used to be WarDream and CCON.

Also you probably don't realize that the guys on ebay are just reselling recasters' works.
>40-50% off

Holy shit, you're paying that much for recasts?
Surprised people are still dumb enough to sell recasts on ebay. Way too much of a paper trail.
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Ive tried several times to get at those guys but they never respond

>Tfw have unlimited access to Z but dont want him
>Mfw I see people beg for Z's info

Thats bog standard for forgeworld recasts on ebay. Unless you go for bottom of the barrel shit like stephen which is just Z resold for double the price
Surprised you can't get CCON to respond, he responds in usually under 24 hours.
what book?
I read somewhere that Horus killed two primarchs, the first one is Sanguinius, but who's the second?
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Or Ferrus.
We get a lot of little newfriends getting lost on the way to the 40k general here.

Should we add a big disclaimer to the thread saying something like "WE ARENT /40kg/"?
where can I buy this? amazon says the release date is 25th Oct 2016
You can't. It has been sold out. Try Amazon.
I meant Ebay*
There are no Grey Knights on Fenris. Wait....

Gib axe
No, it's already pretty clear that it's the HORUS HERESY. Adding more junk to the OP won't make people pay more attention.
It's the Talon of Horus, in the book that shares the name. The second primarch killed by it may be, as the other anon already said, Horus, but I'm not sure that counts since it was a clone, even though it was as close to perfect as possible.
Oh I see. Cloning primarchs, the third legion are nuts.
I told Fabius to clone Horus and he actually did it!

Absolute madman
Thanks, Anon. What sort of resources would the planet have? Otherwise what would the Emperor want from this world? To shut up every psychic creature in the ocean from the Sharks to the kelp?
>No, YOU suck my dick, I'm the Man Emperor of Mankind!
>What a little bitch
He was in touch with his emotions.
How was he suppose to know? He and Horus were close and what reason did he have not to trust Horus?
>Couldn't even delegate, shit leader
Right let's get Dorn who's not the best fighter to hold the gate when he should be making repairs to fortifications, or the Khan when he should be going fast at hit and run.
>Such a failure that he became a religious idol, the express opposite of the goals of the Great Crusade and what got his dad killed.
Just how is he going to stop that? Did someone take a hammer to your head?
Are lists with very heavy reliance on flyers considered cheesy?
Of course. Make the Emperor seem worse.
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I figured it was. I need to learn how to distinguish non-bait heresy to wake up over, and bait heresy to wake up over.
Probably, considering how strong 30K flyers are and how most skyfire platforms aren't too strong.

Except the Mastodon. Mastodon stronk.
It's alright, papa sang is my primarchfu too so I can see how a post like that would get someone all riled up.

The actaul title of worst primarch is joint held by Magnus and Russ
I would say Word Bear Prime is the worst.

Shame because i was toying around with idea of WB with a large number of gunships and airsupport for a nice Angels of death vibe.
And Lorgar.
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Best primarch and legion coming through, mad smurf mary sue 14 year olds ahoy

This surreal world of yours, would you consider it a death world, Catachan-style? I mean, Miral Skysharks.
Because even from such hellholes, like Catachan, Krieg or Barbarus, they can contribute the Imperium with their hardened people
And almost all worlds have some sort of mineral wealth to them. I was thinking of stuff similar to Cameron's Pandora, with less spess pocahontas and more "This is Unobtanium, it's worth 1 000 000 000 per kilo", and floating mountains where the SKYSHARKS can hunt.

But a Deny-on-4+ army can be nice. That's one of the AL Mutable Tactics (maybe they recruit from there too?)
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Ingethel gestured with its two left arms. ‘Do you see the warriors clad in cardinal red?’ Lorgar couldn’t fail to see them. An entire Legion unknown to him, their bolters crashing as they
advanced in mixed ranks with the bellowing Neverborn. Imperial Fists fell back before them, their numbers diminishing with each passing moment.‘They are the Bearers of the Word.’ ‘They…’‘Yes, Lorgar. They are.’ And they were. His Legion, his own loyal sons, armoured in a shade of spilled blood and oxidised iron. Prayer scrolls marked their armour, their piety declared with defiance even as the parchments were ripped and scorched in the heat of battle. Many helms bore horns in mimicry of officer crests,
and every shoulder guard showed a daemon’s twisted visage, wrought in blackened bronze.
Watching them brought their chants to life. Who were these warriors, to adorn themselves in skulls and daemons’ faces, chanting ritual verse as they advanced? What had become of his Legion? Ingethel pried the thoughts from Lorgar’s mind. ‘The future holds many changes, primarch.’
Yeah, it's a shame skyfire isn't easier to get as 30k has some tasty flyers, I'd say more than 2 or 3 is probably a bit much depending on how much AA your opponent's bringing.
I get interred in my Bednought and this is what happens? Bait and Heresy run rampant on this thread. Find me a score of loyal posters, strong and true, who may wish to avoid shitposting.
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>Mortis Dreads
>Quad guns in fort
>Heavy weapons squads with flakk
>Xiphon interceptors
Say, what do you want for AA, enlighten me
Doom guy vs Primarch

who wins?

>I'm going to make a primarch with a zealous and fanatical nature
>but if he tries worshiping me or anyone else, ohoho there's going to be trouble

Emperor Logic right there folks. And you people say he should be the leader of mankind?

Also blame he chucklefuck duo, Erebus and Kor Phaeron for what happened to Lorgar
I would say it's Catchan levels of dangerous. Yes there are blimp sharks and psychic sharks but it's not like they're working together to aloha snackbar population centers. As for the material wealth that is going to be a thing but I guess the planet could be good for research. Kelp's psycho-reactive, fish eat the kelp, fish get eaten by sharks and sharks become psykers. Fish get eaten by people people become psykers.
>implying accepting the primordial truth and trying to bring humanity to ascension with the holy synergy of the empyrean is bad
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Read nigga!
Yeah, but not everyone is going to be taking all of those and tailoring for the specific purpose of a massed flyer list, hence why I said a list of mostly flyers is probably cheesy
literally nothing wrong with this
Doomguy would rip apart a deamon-Primarch and wouldn't attack an undeamon-Primarch.
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The Warp (Hell)

He wanted to raise a Crusader dumbfuck, an atheist one (Stalin killed millions? Who says atheism can't kill), but Chaos delivered him onto a church's doorsteps
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Ohh, so they are resistant to wichtery because they're a whole planet of witches?


*Rams it with a starship*
I was actually planning on always bringing 2 Aiolos Deredeos (2 Lightnings and a StormEagle killed per turn), but I'm trying the "The bomber will always get through" approach.

But, given how >>47362872 killed a Spartan with a single Krak Lightning volley, I might consider a Deredeo + something again.
Not exactly. It could go either way. Living on nothing but psychic flounder and clown fish might end up making Bob immune to psychic powers but Greg becomes a psyker when he tried Bob's diet.
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I'm aware it could go either way. But the Imperium isn't known for taking chances, not even the magnificent Hawkboy.
Beg that the KSons find your planet first and aren't called to use their own psychic resistance to destroy them, lest Mortarion find them instead.
After all, the huge amount of psykers only invites chaos and corruption.
Assassins in 30k when?
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They'll probably be Agents of the Emperor.
Either Iron Warriors or World Eaters for you, all caps man.
weren't they the same as they are in 40k?
I want to add sisters of silence and a culexus just to see the look on all the thousand wrongs players faces
The real question is how daemons haven't flooded the planet yet. I was going to include this planet for a Moon Wolf's backstory on how he became a psyker.
They could have beaten the world into submission using swords, DA style. Tell us about the people, beyond their eating habits.
My bruva
The people were originally colonists from the Dark Age to study the planet and why everything there was psychic. Humanity at the time wanted to understand why there was so many psychic aliens out in the galaxy, and if living on the planet where the Sharks scream in your dreams would cause humans to develop psychic powers.
How's my Alpha Legion list sounding at the moment?


Jump pack
Volkite Serpenta
Rite of War: Coils of the Hydra

>Consul: Saboteur

>Lernean Terminators
Heavy Flamer
power fists
Dreadclaw drop pod

>Contemptor Dreadnought

>Night Lords Terror Squad
Volkite Chargers

>Tactical Squad

>Tactical Squad

>Assault Squad

>Reconnaissance Squad
Recon armour
Sniper rifles

>Headhunter Kill Team
Heavy Bolter

>Sicaran Venator tank destroyer
Heavy bolters
It sounds like a waste of a Preator.
How big are those squads?
minimum sizes. Should I be getting larger squads?
I have a weird fetish for dickbikes
whats the best legion to support them? DAngles with ravenwing or white scars?
What is the point level?
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It's still a bit too early to tell, given their lack of special characters. It's WS5 bikers with rad grenades and heavy bolters that ignore marine armour 50% of the time vs Jink(3+) Bikes with some AP2 weapons and lots of rerolls, you decide.
I guess it depends how you want to use the rest of the army. If it's all out, balls to the wall speed you're after, Scars will be your best bet. If you want a bit more of a balanced force, go for the DAngles.
Larger squads are cheaper per man than minimum squads, and I say that a Chaplain rolling the Lerneans would be better than your Praetor.
2500. Bearing in mind I need three compulsory troops for the RoW, so there's only so much condensing I can do.
I've also taken the Night Lords because I have 2 other Night Lord players in my group, so I'm trying to take advantage of Alpharius' abilities in that regard.
Yes, 10 man squads are cheap grinder meat and don't last long outside of a transport. If you're already taking an expensive Assault Squad, may as well take the extra points to make them worth it.
Don't I need the Praetor for the RoW? Or will Alpharius let me take it?
Alpharius, and indeed all Primarchs, have the Master of the Legion special rule, which is what lets you take a RoW.
You need a model with Master of the Legion.
That is either Alpharius, a Praetor or a Delegatus Consul
Dangles are for if you only ever want bikes, and nothing else in your list, and you get the whole bonus to hit with swords thing

White Scars allow a bit more flexibility, so id you wanted a 20 man blob you could take one, and you get better jink saves if you move your full distance
Heralds, Skorr and Dynat also work for the Alphas.
Outside of terminators I wouldn't recommend any unit smaller than 10 models in a game of that size. Your models simply won't last long enough.
Herals too, yeah, but they can't be the compulsory HQ, and Alpharius is a LoW so you can't bring just the two of them. And Skorr is a Delegatus and Dynat a Praetor.
If there's psi-Titans are there Psi-Knights?
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When did the Thousand Sons go I'm blue da ba di dabada? Before the seige of Terra?
Just messaged the guy running our campaign, turns out we're starting at 1500, and adding points each campaign turn.

With that in mind, here's a revised list:

>Consul: Delegatus
Mastercrafted chainsword
Jump pack
RoW: Coils of the Hydra

>Consul: Vigilator
Banestrike rounds

>Night Lords Terror Squad (5)

>Tactical Squad (10)

>Tactical Squad (10)

>Assault Squad (12)

>Reconnaissance Squad (5)
Recon armour
Sniper rifles

>Headhunter Kill Team (5)
Heavy Bolter

>Sicaran Venator tank destroyer
I was under the impression it wasn't until post-Rubric. Could be wrong though.
There is some other art where some 1k Son Termies are blue.
I was thinking of dual CCW dreads with two graviton guns each. A full talon of three can kill a Spartan from 18" away, probably leaving the transported unit stranded on difficult terrain (and Spartans usually carry cataphractii termies, meaning they wont be running).

This, but as a Cortus. BS4 is negligible with blasts and WS4 is countered by the reactor. And then you get a price cut for the trouble.
Dreadclaws are also a lovely alternative to a Talon, because semi-safe T2 deliveries are awesome.
I envisioned them as Cortus dreads, but given they are outflanking, the enemy will shoot their unshielded sides, and full atomantic shielding would be desired. But then again, they're suicide dreads after all.
If you have the money, make them Contemptor, but be aware the cheaper Cortus can do it allright.
What are your thoughts on a Questoris Detachment with a Knight Gallant Aspirant? I'm thinking that a -1 to BS and WS isn't that big of a deal when a melee knight will be hitting shit on 4s in melee anyway.
How does a shark scream?
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With its mind.
And that's what they scream.
Well, given how your dudes were scientists I'd say they'd be sworn to the TS. Otherwise I don't know how they managed to survive the chaotic shenanigans a young untrained psyker mind incites. So the resource they could provide the imperium would be...
...are University worlds a thing? Magii biologis would certainly like to see what goes on in there.
>skull picture
Iron Warriors for you.
I don't know, Anon, but university worlds should be a thing.
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>implying warhammer lacks skulls
>...are University worlds a thing?
Given the vagaries and dangers of warp travel? Not likely.

But it's a big galaxy.
I read Scars, now I'm reading Brotherhood of the Storm (in the Legacies of Betrayal anthology). It's the first time I've been able to identify with any group of space marines - unrooted, aloof, smiley, disorganized, contemplative, artful while in a profession not known for it, and I think they'd approve of my driving style.

Quite unexpected.
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They are! Prospero can't be the only one.
>and I think they'd approve of my driving style.
How do you drive?
rip and tear brother
As if every day were autocross day.

Recasts best casts.

Literally. The guy I buy from takes FW kits, fixes them up, and then bases his copies on that. It's glorious.
How many people die?
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The collectors edition is sold out. The regular edition is coming out in October.
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Woah, so enriching m8!
We know how recasts work.

Also that World Eaters Contemptor looks like shit for a recast. The exhaust pipes are thin as fuck and will break.
We send the wolves so both types of sorcerers will hopefully wipe each other out.
A Thousand Keks. We need a Magnus edit of the laughing Lex Luthor picture.
Quick question for you guys.

If I take the "Cult Horde" Provenance for the Militia and Cults list that means that the Heavy Ordnance Battery is functionally unusable as Provenance units have to Snap Fire correct?
Same thing to a lesser extent with the Rapier Battery.

I was curious as to what you guys thought because I'm not entirely sure if it is the unit firing the gun or the Arty itself being considered the firer.
Only the crews have the Provenance rule not the guns themselves. So unless I'm missing a rule where artillery guns can't shoot because of crew not being able to do something, you can still use those units.
Prospero would have been hell of a lot harder without the Sisters of Silence and the Custodes, yet they the Wolves get all the creds.
Fuck you, cocksucker.
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much like magnus, I tried and failed.
Anything else I should add to my surreal world? I'm naming it Mariana and Jellyfish the size of Rhinos are going to be in it.
It works. Thanks.
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don't bother with banestrikes IMO
Even outside your opinion Banestrikes are objectively useless on a Vigilator as they have sniper anyway. Everything they shoot out of a bolter is superior to Banestrike.
>muh fluff
That's not Horus.
Just say he has banestrike. It changes literally nothing ruleswise.
What super heavies do you guys usually bring to games? Do you start bringing them at 1850 or over 2500? I'm curious what kinda lists are out there.
Fuck superheavies

Use the 25% rule or the super heavy force org you faggot
I'm not sure, but I remember reading somewhere that the blue Sons were those who followed Ahriman and those that followed Magnus stayed red.
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How is that a question? Alpha Legion for you both. One is traitor while the other is loyalist.
Both would take Alpharius then.
>Alpharius stealing each others Alphariuses as the come from reserve.
Alphari is the politically correct term unless you want the Alpha Legion saying you committed a hate crime.
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Alphareople is the accepted term for them, watch your LA rule.
I looked it up, Alphari is plural of Omegon, the plural of Alpharius is Guillimen.
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In my headcanon, Alpharius is the traitor, the one that ended or some lonely planet, before hijacking pirates ships and finding Horus' fleet, attacking it, and staying with him, the classic story, becoming the one that woule turn traitor by staying with Horus for a long time.

Omegon, on the other hand, was the one that ended up on a planet attacked by worm xenos, being captured and subsequently mindwashed and tortured before being found by Empy himself. Stayed with Empy to have his broken mind rebuild, hence becoming the loyalist in the end.
It's just how I picture it, but since if kinda follows logic, I like that. I definitely lovz the fact that FW gave people the opportunity to choose what fluff they would want to keep as their own, without being completely different from one another, just like GW did with the new LotD "codex" where you can choose between several interpretations.
I was sadly mistaken then.
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>This post is a lie
Everyone knows dubs are AL sleeper agents! I'm on to your game, Alpharius.
Every time I see this I just get bummed out that they didn't model is so that the eagle's head and neck were the cannon.
I'm surprised, Fallen Angels was actually quite fun to read, well the lion story was kinda by the numbers but kek at the end, poor guy just can't catch a break

but was kinda confused by one thing, why is Zahariel still a librarian basically a few months before the heresy? did Luther just """"forget"""" to mention that order?
Has anyone else gotten as good result with Reacers?

I usually run
Jump packs
7 power weapons
4 chainsaws
2 meltas
Chef with articier armor + power fist

Jump packs
12 volkites
3 meltas
Chef + volkite artificer armor

And they wreck face for me. They've consistently make more points back and put the opponent off footed the whole game. I played few people last Friday and everyone thought playing against SoH was going to be a steam roll.
Don't want to buy Rampagers just for one weapon, but I do want a meteor hammer for a sergeant. Anyone have recommendations for kits with suitable hammers?
>meteor hammer
the plastic empire general kit literally has a hammer with a meteor engraving
I was looking through the old epic scale space marine rulebook and I found this.

>it could have been World Eaters bringing the message of heresy to terra
>this could have lead to grey knights with butcher's nails
Guys sorry but I'm a bit of casual. Could someone tell me who the traitor legions on the left of OPs pic are specifically? Don't recognise them in those colours. It's the red guys with the weird sun logo particularly I'm confused about. Is that the Thousand Sons? I'm assuming the World Eaters were originally in white colours then? And that the grey guys at the bottom left are the Sons of Horus?

Do either of you know what a fucking Meteor Hammer is?

It's not a hammer with a Meteor on it. It's an ancient Chinese weapon which resembles a ball on the end of a rope or chain.
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so excited I forget the pic like a dipshit
>caring about chink shit

>Caring about sword number 083 from Slovenia
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>It's the red guys with the weird sun logo particularly I'm confused about. Is that the Thousand Sons? I'm assuming the World Eaters were originally in white colours then?
Yes to both.
>And that the grey guys at the bottom left are the Sons of Horus?
Also yes.
Yeah, the old space marine fluff was pretty sweet. Real shame at what the horus heresy became.
FW fluff is pretty fucking sweet, I stopped reading BL shit after Know No Fear. I liked that one but shit after that sounds like total crap.

You missed out on Scars and Path of Heaven though.
Yeah I got those on my backlog, I'll read that eventually.
Is there any reason to take a Legion Seeker Squad for Imperial Fists? A friend gifted me a 5 man set of MKII tacticals still in the FW bag to go along with my Betrayal at Calth dudes, and I'm trying to figure out a 5 man specialized role they could fill.
So I put my Lernaen Harrower in a "Come at me Bro!" pose and so far he has killed a Leviathan Dreadnought and a C'tan Shard in close combat. Should I put some trophies on him?
>Is there any reason to take a Legion Seeker Squad for Imperial Fists?

Theres no reason not to, I mean they are expensive and may be overkill against their target but I think they are awesome units. Personally I made mine out of the 40k tacticals, all have a mix of MkIV and VI chests and bare heads, except the sergeant who has MkVI helmet and a Black Templar MkVIII chest I had lying around.
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That's a Mighty Bulwark

Ok, seems the Meteor Hammer isn't enough.
But what about, and hear me out, a MOON Hammer?
What's a slovenian sword #083?
Are you reading the paperback or ebook versions? The dates of when events occurred are changed in the hardcover.
I have one of my WE tacs with his arms raised and looking up. I like to think he's screaming "WITNESS ME!" So far he's been vaporized by a Sicaran Venator.
Yeah you can go to /pol/

Based Chinamen recasters are welcome here.
That does explain why there's no hammer on the picture on forgeworld. So ok then, recommendations on kits with a good Morningstar or similar?
Yes, it could be scrap bits made out of his previous kills on his table. How the hell did he do it, PE?
Chaos marauder flails, glue the chains of 2 together
Rolled really well on his saved and smashed them back with a master-crafted chain fist.
>What's a slovenian sword #083?

Shorthand for how utterly boring and unoriginal most western weaponry is, all rather minor variations of the standard sword, spear, axe, bow and various combinations thereof. In the east and south you have weapons like bagh naka (Tiger Claws, basically real-life lightning claws), kulbeda (A crazy looking throwing knife), katar (Indian Hand Daggers), the list goes on.

All I'm saying is that western weaponry are rather utilitarian and thus boring. If you want the crazy shit, you look east and south.
>Things Luther has to give
Choose one.

I like Fallen Angels because Astellan jobbed like a bitch.

There is a Hammer. It's the flail looking weapon. A Meteor Hammer has no handle.
>Tfw now have 3 fulgrim models that i keep painting and stripping to try and get it perfect

Still not even close to being acceptable yet
First shot at making a World Eaters list. How'd I do guys?

Rite of War: The Crimson Path

Lord of War: Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters 400pts

HQ: Praetor in Cataphacti Terminator armor, Grenade Harness, Paragon blade, Combi Melta 172pts

Elites: 2 Apothecary 90pts

Troops: 20 Tactical Marines, Sargent with melta bomb and 260pts

Troops: 20 Tactical Marines, Sargent with melta bomb and 260pts

Fast Attack: Storm Eagle with Twin Linked Lascannons, Multimelta 265pts

Heavy: Predator with Lascannon sponsons 110pts

Heavy: Predator with Lascannon sponsons 110pts

Heavy Spartan Assault Tank, Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade 320pts
>Constantly painting the same model in an endless futile attempt at perfection...

Your doing Slannesh's work bro, more power to ya!
what is the points total?

If youre set on using angron in this small a list, consider doing the rite of war where he is an hq and ditch the praetor to save points

Its 2000 pts here.

I wanted a combat monster in each transport, that way both packages carry death dealers.
Anon, please, you need to supply an example.

666,666th times the charm.
Guys could /tg/ do a Heresy musical? I don't know I just think it would be amazing for Lorgar to put on a top hat and sing "I've got friends on the other side" as he seduces his brothers to Chaos. What other songs do you think would fit with it?
>"Sigismund","Sigismund","Sigismund","Sigismund","Sigismund" "Sigismund!"
>Go Sigismund!!!
>By your powers combined I am Sigismund!!!
>Sigismund he's our hero he's gonna take heresy down to zero!!
Grimdark Song writing has at least one Heresy era song.
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Chaos Heresy, what a wonderful phrase
Chaos Heresy, ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our Emperor-free philosophy, Chaos Heresy!

Why, when he was a young cultist
When I was a young cultist
Very nice, thanks

He found his soul lacked a certain appeal
He found the Truth to be a lie made by Him
I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned
And it hurt that my friends never stood with me

And oh, the shame, he was ashamed
Thoughta changin' my name, oh, what's in a name?
And I got downhearted, how did you feel? Every time that I
Kor Phaeron, not in front of the marines, oh sorry

Chaos Heresy, what a wonderful phrase
Chaos Heresy, ain't no passing craze
It means no worries for the rest of your days, yeah, sing it, brother
It's our Emperor-free philosophy,Chaos Heresy

Chaos Heresy
Chaos Heresy
Chaos Heresy
Chaos Heresy

It means no worries for the rest of your days
It's our Emperor-free philosophy, Chaos Heresy

Chaos Heresy
Chaos Heresy
Chaos Heresy
Chaos Heresy
Interesting, so most likely post-Rubric then like >>47369193 said.
Protip, use body fluids to enhance colors and thin paint.
*applause is heard in the background along with heretical war chanting *
Pls gib info of based recast guy
Would a power fist on a chain suffice?
Eh, I like the regular sword (I'm not too savvy to differentiate arming, knightly and such), at least they got the job done, and I especially like the crossguard.

But if I used the AL's power daggers, I'd give them either tonfas or katars. The knives Headhunter minis are issued with look like that, like regular knives.
Spartan Tank or Caestus Ram for transporting my deathstar into combat?
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A giant castle made of barb wire and hate.
Give it wheels and call it "Mastodon", fortboi
Picked up some cheap as fuck old metal predators, quick base coat and my Word Bearers a shit force gets a little bit bigger.
>shit force
>Word Bearers
It would be heresy if the two weren't synonymous.
Do you think the GW method of basing Skitarii (Khorne Red + Martian Ironearth) would look good with the yellow armor of Imperial Fists?
I've found you can make a decent match to the older predators if you use the stormraven sponson mounts.

Looks pretty cool, too.
Wouldn't be bad, but you better do a good job on it
Got any pics? That sounds cool
What do you mean? Is it easy to fuck up?
I can grab a couple in the morning, light's not too good right now since it's primed black.
What is your most hated Loyalist?

Ferrus and Khan are sort of traitorish in their personality for being hard cunts, but they stayed loyal.
Easy, as we afe talking about a semi gas planet...go for rare gasses!

The cloudspires harvest those, while divers head into the methane lakes to pullup minerals that sunk to the bottlm (meteorites?) and put gas chunks that solidified through the pressure down there into special pressure capsules so it doesnt vanish when they get it out.

I think the world would be a prime Solar Auxilia recruitment world, or ship crew and void technicians.

They are so reliant on high tech, space station and accustomed to void/low gravity environment and suits that it would be a crime to ignore them.

Also, as I worked with you on this, would you mind me using this world as background for my SA guys?

Also we need a name and dangers, also how it looks like from space.

I am for not-jupiter not-bespin (cloud spires) with a lot of void/deep sea stations and a heavily mined asteroid belt that survived by being usefull as a fuel seller/refinery and limited ship repair/build society that grew from dark age of technology mining operations that survived under a elected council of tech guild and union/clans as they were to out of the way and unimportant during the warp storms.

Feels eclipse phase and I love it.
I would tone down the psyker level, but we could have an aliem species that is like the tentacle guys from the first indipendence day movie.

Maybe some sort of devolved descendants from an invasion force of psyker xenos that continue to plague the planet side operations in their tribal, inbred, techno barbarian for .
Sort of how horror movies porray native americans...deleting settlements and leaving wierd steles.

Senseof mystery and all that, because everybody having adamantium will seems a bit extreme.

Low scale psychic preadtor blimp sharks and psyker alien hillbillies sound nice though to improve psyker abilities and resistance to them.

They might be one of the reasons plus all the mineral and void shit anon mentioned to recruit from there and help them out.
Hey man, you will get it oneday.

Maybe go to a stkre or convention and get a bit of advice?
The White Scars books have been a pleasent surprise
Nice work!

I really like the colours.
It's bright colors.
bright colors look like shit unless done right.
It's irrelevant anyway.
everything should be done right.
do it right.
Why bother with cataphractii on the praetor? An iron halo gives the same save and actually let's you sweep, which you can't in cataphractii. Also, I would personally recommend a kharybdis instead of a storm eagle since it will drop turn 1. Gahlan Surlak is also practically made for this rite, find a way to squeeze him in and put him with Angron. That's a 3+++. And with him, you can make your other blob inductii for that sweet sweet +1S. And for me, you've got too many vehicles for this rite. Maybe turn the predators to dreads at least, or red butchers/legion terminators if you can fit some, but that's just a fluff choice for me and the predators would work fine.
Ok all Vehicles based, onto the troops. Word Bearers a shit, ASSEMBLE!.
>3 fulgrim models

What, you playing Alpha Legion or something?
Yoyhammer subreddit. He is also a reddit, send him a message there

Like the Oldschool Preds.

Please continue brightening them up, we need some glorious Gal Vorbak too btw.
>Also, as I worked with you on this, would you mind me using this world as background for my SA guys?
Sure, Anon.
Alright the psyker level will be toned down.
Mariana III?

I like roman numericals.

>No, it is pronounced mariannaiii.
I didn't think of putting extra planets in this mad system.
About names, I like to hide my references.

For example I searched for different translations of the word abyss and found a turkish word that reads rather well.

Could be written as Uzurum.

At least thats how i get to my funky fantasy names, translating and then rewriting words.

>Sudmerika and Jermani incoming.
>Why bother with cataphractii on the praetor?
Because terminator armour on a praetor is already pointless and nerfs your praetor to hell. No sense in spending more points than you need to on a shitty HQ choice.
Praetor with MC paragon blade, power fist, iron halo, and digital lasers: 200 Points
Praetor with MC paragon blade, terminator armour, iron halo, and digital lasers: 215 Points

Terminator armour is bulky, relentless, and has one less attack (can't take two specialist weapons unless they go for a pair of lightning claws) while costing 15 points more. At least the cataphractii praetor would end up a bit cheaper than the artificer praetor.
I choose the name as a reference to the Mariana Trench ya know the deepest trench on the earth, Cthulhu's summer home?
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here you go. I saw a guide online, changed it a bit by keeping the original sponson tops on for a nicer look. Surprisingly simple, since they're the right size for the rhino.

Official /hhg/ sneak peak into my current project, too.
Uzurum is nice. Not everything needs to be in spanish.
>Planet Bob
>At least the cataphractii praetor would end up a bit cheaper than the artificer praetor.
Aren't you proving yourself otherwise ? I was going to ask if there was a way to give a Termie praetor an extra attack for two melee weapons other than AL, WB and WE. I guess not
I know, so i changed around the theme so its not that obvious.

Well in staying with the theme there is one trench on the planet whispered in hushed tones of giant sharks with tremendous psychic power who rise every thousand years to feast upon blood and to soak psychic terror.
Can't be Australia: it's not a trenc and their psyker sharks are also poisonous
Anon, 2/3 of every planet is Space Australia.
What do you mean? I thought land poisonous creatures didn't live on either cold, mountain or coastal areas
Why you pay for iron halo in cataphractii stoopid? You already get 4++ from the armor.
It's a joke I made about how many times /tg/ has made Space Australia and just how many death worlds are around.
>Aren't you proving yourself otherwise?
No, the former points were assuming a tartaros terminator hence the iron halo, if you go cataphractii you have no need for the Iron Halo making him 25 points cheaper than the tartaros terminator or 10 points cheaper than the artificer praetor.

>I was going to ask if there was a way to give a Termie praetor an extra attack for two melee weapons other than AL, WB and WE
How can any of those except Alpha Legion give him extra attacks?
World Eaters allow them to swap a chainsword for a caedere weapon. Terminators don't have chainswords. Likewise Word Bearers let you swap power weapons for tainted weapons, but the power weapon is what you would need to swap out for a paragon blade or power fist. So pretty much you can swap the power sword for a tainted weapon or swap the power sword for a paragon blade, either way you are only getting one specialist weapon.
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Behold the beautiful ocean life of Mariana III.
That seems like an excessive amount of teeth
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God went through a deviantart period. Here's a serious idea some scientists have because that messed up jaw is too silly for them. Also now you startled it, and now it's in attack mode.
The other one is honestly less silly to me. Seems like the jaw just grows to add more teeth as it ages, to compensate for broken/missing ones.

The sawblade jaw is just too bizarre, by comparison. I know that nothing is too bizarre for sea life, and early sea life in particular, but how would it even eat.
Please don't tell me Shiban Khan is wearing Centurion armour in Path of Heaven..
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That seems like an excessive amount of NOPE
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By acting like a Khornate Bezerker. It saws everything in its path, or latches on to something and gets the chunks down its throat. With the other jaw it could act like a tentacle and lashes out with its jaw.
It's the Orkiest fish.
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Here's the mouth of a Frilled Shark.
But why are you giving him terminator Armor at all if he's not attached to terminators? Sure he's relentless, but what heavy weapons are you giving him? Bulky only matters for a few legions, and I'd rather be able to sweep than make 1 more attack. Artificer and iron halo is the way to go in a tactical squad, which his appears to be
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Did someone say DEEP SEA THREAD
No choice now but to roll with this flood.
I sea what you did there. This means there'll be dire conchequences
I've been so shellfish with my own ideas that I floundered any chance of actual HH discussion.
>But why are you giving him terminator Armor at all if he's not attached to terminators?
I'm not the guy planning to use a terminator praetor. I am simply saying that a terminator praetor is literally useless unless you are trying to create a cheap HQ that can take hits well, Salamanders and Iron Hands in particular with 3+ saves being a possibility.
Iron Hands Praetor, Cataphractii Armour, Power Fist, Cyber Familiar: 160 points
3 wounds 2+/3++ can still ID toughness 4
Salamanders Praetor, Cataphractii Armour, Shield, Power Fist: 150 Points
3 wounds, 2+/3++, can still ID toughness 4, option for eternal warrior

Outside of those two situations I would never take a terminator praetor.
What about for Rule of Cool?
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I bet they fish we stop, but water they going to do about it?
How will this thread ever seal from this?
anything anyone shoots out of a bolter is superiour to banestrike. muh DARK SEKRUT rounds are outpreformed by regular seeker rounds at all ranges all the time...
I was obviously speaking purely in practical terms. If you just want shit that looks good do whatever the hell you want? I have a friend that fields a World Eaters praetor with falax blades and a paragon blade but only ever uses the falax blades for maximum attacks 4 base plus charge, plus rage, plus digital lasers, plus paired weapons, +1 for falax blades. Gets him like nine AP 5 rending attacks on the charge. Not good against marines but hilarious nonetheless.
Ok, I understand now. My original question about it was directly responding to that guy's list, where a terminator praetor is pretty retarded unless he wants a combi-melta that badly, in which case take melta bombs
They seem allright for termies and their combi-weapons. Rapid-fired Banestrike kills more MEQs than Scorpius...but thad' mean you're 9" away from them, in a "come at me bro" spot.
They're not the best ammo they could be.
Still better than Shrapnel Shells :'(
It can't. That possibility sailed a long time ago
Regular praetor can take a combi-weapon anyway
I never wanted to krill the thread, but it didn't go quite whale. I'll clam up about my donut krill planet for a whale so people don't become too crabby.
The shrimple classic. Whale done, anon. I'll wait for the next tide of posts.
I'm just salty because headhunters don't have any source of relentless so they can't USE their "better bolters" and then use their obvious upgrades that are for melee... experimental stormbolter rules when????
It beats the manatee of same carp we have in these threads I'll give you that. I have the sinking suspicion I'm not too great at nautical puns.
I know, so much wasted potential, they'd do rather well in melee. How better can a headhunter confirm his kill than by literally claiming the head in melee?
>Their Power Daggers, at S3 with Rending AP3 generate twice as many unsaved wounds than S4 AP-- which, coupled with Hammer of Wrath from their Venom Spheres make them unexpectedly nasty in close combat. Infiltrate or Dreadclaw DTs (which can Heat Blast) will get them close, but being armed with Bolters means you'll have to choose either to Rapid fire Banestrike hoping for the best (~6.3 unsaved wounds) or charge and hope for the best too (~5.9). You'll end within charge range, so choose Counter-Attack as your Mutable Tactic to help with assaults and Combi-bolters to help with overwatch.


At least you don't have my abyssal lack of skrills
I think it's high tide we stop clownfishing around.
I have a feeling they'll be updated to have banestrike in their pistols too, just like Tybalt Marr.

I mean if slapping Banestike into pistols can be a thing, why should the SoH be the only ones doing it?
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I've been meaning to use Reavers as troops, but their price can be a bit off putting for the number of models. But they definitely hit like a freight train moving like a bullet train. I just want muh reavers with bolters and jump packs

>everyone though playing against SoH was gonna be a steam roll

Doesn't matter if you are loyalist or traitor I hope you showed them what it means to face the XVI Legion
If you got the Imperial Knight Renegade set, which two would you mostly use for your legion's allied detachment? My inner Black Templar is telling me to go double Gallant, but Papa Dorn would say I need at least one Gatling Cannon.
I personally would say make one a gallant, as there cheap and purely choppy, but make the other a crusader because it's simply called the CRUSADER.
Why is the Vengeful Spirit shooting at its own troops?
Alternatively, why is Horus trying to escape from an imperial ship on foot?

Good to hear that!

Are you going for black reaving!
The 3 squads imply it, also how do you handle spartans,land raiders and fliers?

I like reavers because they are basically a suped up tac/assault squad wigh more gear options.

All those power weapons,chain axes and volkites.
That looks fucking sweet, I'll definitely have to use that. Thanks for the pic!
>why is the Vengeful Spirit shooting at its own troops?
Poor scatter rolls?
Dat beach assault in Vengful Spirit, fucking awesome.
Quick a Horus Heresy fighting game is being made, and you must name the finishing/ultimate moves of every important character or special character for the tabletop.
>The Emperor: Great Crusade
>Horus: Let The Galaxy Burn
>Vulkan: It's also a hammer
>Leman: Overwolf
>Lucius: Eternal Jobbing: makes Lucius lose automatically
>Perturabo: 10,000 Years of Decimation
>Autek: Lunar Lander
>Scoria: Entropic Beatdown
>Fulgrim: Maru Skara
>Ahriman: All is dust
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-The Reaper's Scythe: Rams the enemy with a starship
-not an ultimate move: Teleport
>Angron: The Bucher's Nails
>Cruze: Doom of Nostromo
>Lorgar: Ruinstorm/Transfiguration

I got a giggle out of Lucius having a Fatal KO
So has there been any hint or confirmation on whether Custodes will be a full army or just an ally force? I'm trying to decide if I should wait for them to be released or start my Death Guard army
>Corax: Nevermore/The Deliverance
>Lion'El: Loyalty's reward
Are you implying Morty teleporting around wouldn't be how he moves?
It wouldn't be accurate if he didn't have a fatal KO.
Post Dropsite Corvus gets Nevermore as his finishing move.
I hadn't thought it that way. Maybe when he walks he does a step while standing on place, but teleports a step forward.

>Dorn: The Walls of Terra
>It's actually a big punch and a defense boost.
That's perfect right there, Anon. What about Guilliman?
I love all of these, please describe why Vulcan his his though.

>Codex Astartes/Spiritual Liege

Or maybe 500 worlds.
>Pre Ruinstorm: Honour and Glory/The 500 worlds
>Post Ruinstorm: Preternatural Strategy
As in : Muster of 500 Worlds?

Also we need an imperial army guy with an attack called send in the next wave.

Maybe that ruler of Agathaion, just he sends in Volkite Russes with Veletaris support for dxtra Zzapp.
Similar to Mortarions movekent that leavesshadows behind him like Akuma, an SA Marshall that attacks by conjuring tanks and soldiers sounds fun.
Big V reminded Konrad that Dawnbreaker was still a hammer the hard way.
Those are great.
Ireton MaSade
>Agathon's Might: summons helpers to aid him
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power axe.jpg
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As in, MaSade calls in several of his pic related homeboys.
Yeah, exactly.

Volkite guys for range attacks and maybe one or two axe guys that linger on the screen after a specific move and take a swing if you dont hit them fast.
Ocean puns, Horus Heresy: Crusade of Fighters, the screaming shark planet, deleted b8. This has been a nice thread.
Ps: Super Moves trigger an overlay and grapic effects of course.

Pretty Fulgrim gets the angry face of his mini onnthe screen before he tears into his opponent with s LOT of hits.

>If your opponent dies, he gets decapitated.
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>Caleb Decima
>Reductor Unleashed: channels the hopes and dreams of everyone who wants loyalist Ordo Reductor Cogboys and hits with the force of an Oridantus
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muh reductor.png
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Huh, never imagined Lotara would be in it. FItting.

What would be Kharn's special move/finisher?

Ooooh boy, it'll be the blast that pierces the heavens.
What do Ferrus, Magnus and Sanguinius get?

>I am Alpharius/Alpha Legion Geometry
Kharn doesn't have a finisher, he just keeps saying "get up" until his opponent runs away.
One of many/Alpha Legion Geometry, yes yes.
And his alternate skins are Omegon, regular Legionnarie and Guilliman
No real idea excep maybe descent into madness.
Whoever gets a 250 hits combo gets the "Guillimanjaro" achievement
Regular Legionaire's special move is a power dagger.
Adorable still and perfect.
There won't be any heavens left, Anon.
>Ferrus: Hands of Fate: Beats the target to death with his bare metal hands, and finishes them off with Forgebreaker
>Magnus: Two wrongs don't make a right
>Papa Sang: Angel's Assault: Basically Brave Bird from Pokemon, but with 60 assault cannons, and summons Moritats with hand flamers.
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Does he teleport behind the opponent in the cutscene?

Is threadguy awake? It's 2pm for me
Imma awake.
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>Hands of Fate
I remember Mortal Kombat fighter "Meat" threw his head at you

>Papa Sang: Angel's tears! Each tear is an assault cannon shell.

I got it.

Sanguinius gets Backbreaker.

Baning enemies like he does Bloodthirsters.
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fight me.gif
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The Overwolf Enrichment also ends with a Backbreaker, brotha!
Mix all three and we're halal.
>I remember Mortal Kombat fighter "Meat" threw his head at you
That's only when fighting Fulgrim.
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Laughing King Kong.jpg
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New bread
>mfw captcha asked for bread
I just want assault bolters anon, so that the entire unit functions for the purpose of getting into melee to use the venom spheres. because there is beauty in synergy and simplicity of function... :^) or are you next going to claim that learneans are well synergized with conversion beamers too? : ^)
Thread posts: 345
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