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MTG casual

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Thread replies: 148
Thread images: 31

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What are you building?
What are you playing?
What is your current group's meta like?

Thread topic:
>House rules?
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Rate my casual vampire brew I just threw together.
Yet again, another casual thread dies. Go join standard, modern, or legacy OP. You'll actually find players that way.
My groups plays either EDH, PDH, or casual sixty card decks. Currently I am putting together a phyrexian mana storm deck. It'll be good for a few laughs.
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R/W mana denial deck with 16 3CMC land destruction spells, Lodestone Golem and Windborn Muse.

I have 28 decks and I like to switch them around. At the moment my favorites are R/B Kamigawa Spirits (pic related), G/W lifegain deck that abuses Ageless Entity and Phyrexian Processor with Armadillo Cloak and its variants and the always classic U/R Urzatron.

I've got a playgroup of 5-6 friends, the strongest decks are Elves and maybe Goblin Welder, but mostly the games are laid-back and fun. We don't spend a lot of money on the game (well, one of us owns a whole bunch of Revised duals but he doesn't use them in a good deck) and focus on multiplayer.

>house rules?
You get to mulligan to seven cards as many times as you like. Nobody has abused this rule.

Looks fun! I think Vampire Nighthawk needs to be in there though. I've got a Vampire deck myself but that's monoblack and uses a lot of hand disruption (Hymn to Tourach, Distress) and Vampire lords like Nocturnus and Bloodlord of Vaasgoth.
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After 8 months of just doing prereleases (played too much comp.rel. last year, kinda burned out and lost the fun in it) I found MTG again, after couple of my GFs friends started playing. They are super casual, and after starting to feel like total dick playing against them with modern 8rack and Bogles I decided to make couple of fun semi-pauper decks.

U/B-mill. Pauper mill as a base, chucked delvers out and put consuming aberrations in. Gotta try that deck out couple of times, might tweak manabase with some more slow duals and throw Brainstorms in just for giggles. Never get to play that card, seeing my legacy-deck taking forever to build.

Second, W/x-ally tribal. Time to get those fullart promo Hada Freeblades out. Im going to keep close eye on powerlevel here, its easy to go overboard. But im gonna throw shocks and fetches in here.

Trying to throw together some kind of silly combo deck. Maybe couple, as there are so much silly combos around. Prolly going to head for some blue shenanigans involving auramancers and counterspells...

Also, pic related would be hilarious to pull off.
>Casual Magic doesn't have the biggest playerbase
That's not a combo that's just a strange interaction.
>What are you building?
GU Clues
Without Tireless Tracker because poor
>What are you playing?
4 color EldraziTron Goodstuff
Red Burn
BW Triskaidekaphobia Lifegain
>What is your current group's meta like?
Pretty various
WU Control Weenies
GB Fatties
R Belcher
>House rules?
No house rules
You're telling me no one has ever brought 4x Chancellor of the Dross 2x Soul Spike?
You should try it sometime, at least once.
>>What I'm building
U/R izzet Burntrol + some random shenanigans (Ral Zarek, Fiery Gambit, etc) thrown in for fun. Luckily my group doesn't mind using proxies for expensive cards because fuck paying $70+ for snap caster mages (yes I know they're OP)
>>What I'm playing
Either switch around decks with mates or play my own Theros+Abzan Self-sacrifice Drain deck. Managed to break the game one session when Athreos' passive interacted with Flip Liliana's -8
>>What group(s) play
Two separate groups of friends to play with, group 1 plays pretty much anything, group 2 (main play group) plays W/B Innistrad zombie spam + westvale abbey, mono B control, W/R Angels, B/G elves (cancer), mono R burn as well as EDH (I don't play that)
>>House rules
Generally 1 free mulligan, depending on opponent.
Vampire deck guy, I would put 4x nighthawk in there, except I don't own a single copy and nor do my friends. I only have 4x anything was because of gifts or trading.
>What are you building?
I've been reworying my G/W Elephant deck with some more utility cards. Secon Harvest is bananas combined with Parallel lives.

I'm also building a deck based around tricking out Emrakul, as I got a foil one, and my old idea for Ally Mill which I'm looking at again.

>What are you playing?
Red Burn Tricks and Izzet spell trickers

>What is your current group's meta like?
My friend A has a wide variety of decks that are quite powerful and balanced. He's a good metric to go by for me, if I can hold my own sometimes, it's a good deck.
My friend D has a few decks, and they all fucking suck. But he's good fun.
My other friends don't meet with us much, but their decks are also usually pretty good. It's a fun group, apart from the A players his semi-affinity or mill decks.
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>What are you building?
Thingken about building either a mono green Elf deck or a mono red Dragon deck.
Im not doing multicolored on those two because I don't think it fits thematically.
>What are you playing?
Myr/Artifact ramp deck. Lots of fun
>What is your current group's meta like?
Pretty "oldschool". We mostly play with cards from pre-Lorwyn.
We do occasionally play/draft with newer cards, but it isn't as often.
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>What are you building?
Mardu something. Smallpox/land D, Aristocrats, or some combination. Perhaps its more of a Modern deck desu.

>What are you playing?
Bant Walls, U/B Zombies and a Pauper Faerie deck which I also use casually.
Occasionally I use one of my more competitive Modern/Legacy decks if I feel like being a dick.

>What is your current group's meta like?
Friend A - Mono-Black Vampires, R/G Werewolves, Mono-G Hydras
Friend A's mom - Mono-white Angels
Friend B - Simic +1/+1 shenanigans, Izzet artifacts
Friend C - A very mediocre Naya deck based on bolster/prowess and +1/+1 counters
Friend D - some Izzet starter deck which he's slowly modifying, I gave him sets of Delver + Kiln Fiend.

Myself or Friend A win most of the free-for-alls.
A lot of the time we end up doing 2-headed Giant (we usually call it Double Dragon) since friend D and the mom are only occasional players.
Order 4x doom blade since your group is casual. They should only cost 30ยข~ each. Also "Go for the throat" is better, though if the $2.50 price tag scares you off I think another two copies of grasp of darkness would be good.
Just dropped off a big box of old cards my 12-14 year old self collected to a son of a buddy o' mine. Was just collecting dust 'round here, and I hadn't done anything or cared enough to sell 'em in ages. And now the new generation is here, heck he was even proudly telling me about the 30 year old try-hards he managed to beat. Proud af.

Still got a bit of a sour feeling about it though, 'cause searching through 'em with him I noticed it was over a few hundred quid. Nontheless, it was worth it to see his face light up.

Any other guys here gifted there old stuff to a newbie?
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Oh hey. You got a foil unnatural endurance as well? I think mine is a misprint (or just damaged) since there's a bit of the foil missing in the name bar.
BUG ramp. Deciding how much money I want to put into the land, and figuring out how to get blue in there. I ramp want to ramp into Reaper of the Wilds, Terrastomper, Phyrexian Ingestor, and Sheoldred. Also using gorgon planeswalker, and debating adding more gorgon for fun.
Also RW angels. Play the artifacts from Beseiged and New Phyrexia that draw/fetch a land when they enter play or are destroyed, use Shrapnel Blast, Angelicwhatever (the SoI sac spell), and Emancipation Angel. Day of Judgement for control, and combo with Twilight Shepherd. Other big angel is the red SoI angel that hurts played whenever they hurt me. Blanking on names today.

I have 24 decks, most of them technically modern, but definitely casual tier. My best are probably my RW midrange, my aggro elves that use Nissa and black for removal, and my BW lifedrain deck.
Is it the guy playing Eldrazi? No? Then any of my decks probably win 50-90% of the time. Many of my decks have been refined for casual over a decade.
I haven't donated big chunks of my collection but I'm giving my girlfriend a couple of decks as a present.
Yeah, mine wasn't anything that big, just kid stuff. But saw some pretty sick old cards pass by, since I learned it from my older cousin, so had cards dating back to like 199*
I have a friend who has a full deck of near-mint condition cards that are so old there's not even a date on them. How old are they?
Are they white-bordered or black-bordered? Cards from Revised edition and older than that don't have the year on them.
White bordered and completely shit compared to today's cards. Stuff like reef pirates.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes piles like that have treasures hidden in them, though.
Look for one called black lotus
Or Mox ______
I play some casual 93/94. Power is expensive, so this deck isn't getting finished anytime soon....
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Whoops. Forgot pic.
I wish more than anything I could play this type of deck... White removal is horseshit now, and the only good eternal control deck is Miracles, which I don't like playing
In that case, I recommend 93/94. If you go by Eternal Central rules, you can use Revised -- and suddenly the format can get quite cheap, as long as you aren't trying to win tournaments.
I'd do that, but I don't know anyone who would be willing to. I guess EDH is close enough and I do have a good EDH control list, but I love 60 card decks. Oh well, let's hope Eldritch Moon prints some good white spot removal.
I started my playgroup by convincing someone to build Channel Fireball and White Weenies. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
I might try that...
Godspeed, anon.
>What are you building?
W/R artifacts for edh. Sunforger shenanigans and that darrieti precon mixed with whatever angles I have lying around. Hopefully it'll be fun.

>What are you playing?
Mimeoplasm targeted self-mill and mana ramp with giant fatties. I don't know how well it'll work, but we'll see.

>What's your current group's meta like?
Friend A: A judge. He runs that blue teferi precon with one single card changed. I don't know which one, but he always manages to lorthos me at the worst fucking times.

Friend B: Runs a lot of high tempo stuff. Loves tokens almost as much as he loves removal. He has a mardu beatdown, a mono-white anafenza solider tribal, and a Trostani populate. His mono-white anafenza sets the bar, he generally loves a strong early game and a consistent strategy.

Me: I love fatties, artifacts, and evasion. I live and die by the mana-ramp. I generally prefer targeted hand destruction and creature-based removal, but I'm working on branching out. I run a Xenagos stomper that can easily swing with for 9 30/30s, a kruphix eldrazi colourless mana dump, and a retired Geth artifact deck. I'm probably the weakest player by virtue of drawing the most aggro and having the slowest early game, but when things get going I win pretty frequently.
No such luck. Though I did ring out the lands are worth like a $1 a piece.
I had the opposite happen.

>go to a draft, looking to trade for various things
>guy has two long boxes of cards from 4th to 7th organized by rarity, colour and set bound by rubber bands
>no one wants them
>tell him to look through my binder, pick out a couple dollar rares
>take the box home, go meticulously sort through it
>like 15 broken as shit cards for my commander deck
>enough to creatures to build a mercenary tribal
>neat as fuck under-costed discard cards
>motherfucking "Look at an opponent's hand, choose a card, put it on top of their library." for 1B
>see him at the FLGS two days ago
>make sure to thank him
>not thoughtsieze

Well it looks like you landed a couple dollars there.
Can someone recommend me a good deck using pic related? She's my fav card
a reanimator deck cost a fucking lot
>casual players
not really animate dead is cheap so is exume plus its only really 2 colors so you dont even need a bunch of rare lands if you dont have it.
Dumb frogposter
Has anyone else built an UN-Block Block Constructed deck?

Yes, I built a G/W Unhinged deck that revolved around playing Wordmail on Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental.
That sounds awesome. What do you think of mine? I feel like the combos in my deck and yours (I assume you ran Cardboard Carapace) are the only quality decks in Un-Block.
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My blue/green legacy deck, Mondo Glade:

Next un-set when?
Conspiracy 2, this year.

If you mean like unglued, probably never.
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Is a 6 pack FRF sealed event a good idea?

My friend loves FRF, and I love limited... is this a good format for limited?
Wait, you mean we can have another Casual-only set?
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>tfw I've probably been sitting for around 6 hours trying to figure out how I should build my Akroma deck
So far Ive come up with all kinds of decks like mono white human/angel, b/w angel demon, b/w angel warrior, b/w ramp etc
kill me
reanimator is the only real way to get any use out of it. It's not very good if played on curve so you might as well just cheat it out.
FRF is full of bombs. Probably won't be the most fun set to go with.
In our casual games my buddy plays 12post basically with the excuse that rather than ramping into Emrakul he ramps into Kozilek and Darksteel Colossus. Is there a casual fun deck I can make that beats 12post?
Mind giving me some suggestions/guidelines then? for said reanimator deck.
animate dead and exhume are cheap, good reanimator spells to start with. Other than that its up to you how you want to get stuff into the graveyard, blue has plenty of ways to let you draw and discard cards and there are black spells like buried alive that let you take stuff right out of your deck and put them in your graveyard.
I'm trying to build a mono white goat deck.
It has to be on theme so I'm running the whole kithkin package:
-4 Springjack Pasture
-4 Springjack Shepherd
-4 Kithkin Harbinger
-4 Knight of Meadowgrain for devotion and early game protection.

I'm also running Anthem effects to make the goats useful, 3 momentary blinks and 2 flickerwisps for value and 7 soul sisters.

The win conditions are:
-2 Mirror Entity because they can be tutored
-2 Nobilis of War obviously
-2 Marshal's Anthem
-1 Felidar Sovereign because I want to win with him for once in my life.

Any advice? I'm sure I'm missing some obvious synergy with tons of useless tokens.
ur mom
>-1 Felidar Sovereign because I want to win with him for once in my life.
you disgust me
literally kill yourself
What about 4xfrf 2xktk?
The recommended mix is 3xKhans/3xFate or 2xFate/4xDragon.
If you want to win with sovereign go grab a few of those 1 mana white sorcwries that give you 5 life. And a few copies of "Lifelink" or "Armadillo cloak".
spells that just gain life are trash and so is "lifelink" because it doesn't really add anything to the creature its enchanting. Armadillo cloak is pretty decent as far as life gaining auras go Gift of Orzhova is also worth considering if you want to go down that route.
What other white and/or black cards will boost your life total to ridiculous levels early on in order to have a CHANCE of winning with felidar sovereign?
Have you considered cards like Soul Warden and Lingering Souls?
the problem with cards like that is that they dont affect the board in any way. If you want to win with cards like sovereign or test of endurance is to play the long game with board wipes and other control cards, or go pure soul sisters lifegain like >>47326865 recommends.
No, its 21 commander damage

Careful Study, Perilous Researchers, Animate Dead, Exhume? You don't need Entomb if you Dark Ritual into Buried Alive.
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Is it worth it to buy a booster box of old conspiracy now or will the price go down soon or even after the release of the newer one later this summer? Massdrop is selling them for around $92.

My group wants to do a mix draft of the old and new conspiracy.
Burn aggro :^)
>tfw you hate playing white black but it's what you have the best cards for
I had to splash some u in there to make it at least kinda fun.
Speaking of splashes, whats the best thing to splash a red burn deck with?
White for Boros Charm, Lightning Helix;
Black for Rain of Gore, Bump in the Night;
Green for Destructive Revelry, Atarka's Command;
Blue for Treasure Cruise
>What are you building?
Mono black delve/discard - tombstalker, gurmag angler, pack rat, howltooth hollow, smallpox, delirium skeins, madness cards, raven's crime

>What are you playing?
B/R goblins, mono U ninja tempo, R/U instants and sorceries

>What is your current group's meta like?
Player A - Naya angels, Dimir mill, mono R aggro/burn
Player B - Mono G hydras, Mono B control
Player C - Seleysna tokens, five color sunburst
Player D - U/B zombies, golgari +1/+1 counters
Player E - B/G elves, mono W weenie aggro
Looks pretty cool
Your group sounds amazing.
Why Blood Cursed Knight? You have no enchantments. Find another kill spell!
Look at target opponents hand and put a card on his library third from the top, that's Lost Hours and in casual it's fun as fuck

Personally I think the need card tainted remedy is better than rain of gore even in a red deck where the two color cost doesn't matter

Tainted remedy costs 3 mana instead of 2 but crucially, tainted remedy applies to lifelink and rain of gore does not

Lifelink is one of the most powerful and common kinds of lifegain so I think it's important if you run that kind of effect to catch lifelink
Why does 93/94 Magic not include Fallen Empires?

What do you guys think? Any suggestions for sideboard and/or mainboard?
If I want to assemble a casual cube... is m12 a good place to start?

I want to introduce friends to the format, and I have the entire m12 set x4

It was the golden age of magic for me (started in 9th)
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>It was the golden age of magic for me (started in 9th)
>golden age
underage b&
M12 and following blocks were fun
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9th came out 11 years ago
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Good lord, its true
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>tfw favorite block is and always will be Odyssey
>tfw it came out 15 years ago
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Why did you remind me
Depends on how competitive you want your list to be. I personally won't run CMC 3 spells in a burn list if I can help it. I think you'll lose far more games to needing that third land than you will to lifelink.

Because the format was starter by rich, elitist Swedes. Their version of the format prohibits Revised and Fallen Empires basically because the print runs were too large and there is no pimp factor in playing those cards.

ChannelFireball and Eternal Central both have more inclusive format definitions that include Revised and FE, because... they existed in 1994. Fancy that.
I got Sorin but I'm at a loss as what to do with him.
>What are you building?
Abzani Sisters. Using Rhinos and Pridemates to beat face with a token/lifegain safety net. Not 100% on what kind of disruption to run. Currently using 3 IoK and 2 Vindetta but will probably drop the kill spells for Duress (i sold my Thoughtseizes) since the Rhinos and Pridemates run over defenders anyways.

>What are you playing?
Original Innistrad Werewolves and just started pauper Dredge.

>What is your current group's meta like?
Aggro, Aggro, more fucking Aggro. A lot of 2 headed giant.

>House Rules?
No Planeswalkers.
How to burn well?
True but the card is sideboard any way so if it's a lifegain strat you're playing against, you probably weren't winning super fast anyway

I agree that it doesn't go in the most competitive burn deck tho
What kind of Sorin you got?
I count 3 enchantments
Counter the aggro with heavy control.
Or if you can't beat em, join em!
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Can someone rate and/or come with suggestions on how to improve my reanimator deck?
What the fuck are you doing with your lands? Glimmervoid may as well be a lotus petal, and vesuva is going to enter tapped so you could achieve the same result with the grixis land. I think it's called crumbling necropolis
at first glance you dont need that many fancy lands you could do without glimmervoid and vesuva. Vorinclex and Ulamog are pretty meh reanimation targets
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I have a open slot in a W/B deck that I wanna throw a big white creature in. Here are my 3 candidates. My concerns with the cards are as follows:
>Felidar sovereign
Deck is lacking lifeline and only pings for 1 or 2 life gain at a time. It Would also have the highest base power in my deck.
>Sentinel of the Eternal watch
Great creature, but would draw hella aggro from the other players with the annoying passive tap ability.
>Serra Angel
Self explanatory. A flying creature that can decide games as long as nobody is running creature removal.

One big problem is that one player has 3x control magic in his deck and I have 4x grasp of darkness in mine. If he takes control of Serra angel I can easily remove it, the other two would be a bit tougher.
gonna need to see the deck before i can really recommend what to put in it
> want to make u/b zombies
> realize I barely have any zombies and the zombies I do have are shit
It's a W/B flying vigilance deck. The mana curve is about 2.8 and I have some 0/6 walls in there for land defense. Would post the deck but it's already shuffled, and I don't want to organize it all out for one card reccomendation, no offense.
Best block for a casual cube?
Zendikar+magic origins.
Serra angel sounds like it would fit best it keeps your curve low and fits the theme
have you considered teysa?
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Dayum. I might just see a copy in 4-6 business days.
Currently building a BG zombie token deck, here's what I've got so far:

Swamp x12
Forest x12

Ghoulcaller's Chant x2
Spidersilk Armour x2
Diabolic Tutor x4
Cryptolith Rite x2
Dark Ritual x2
Caravan Vigil x3
Shadows of the Past x1
Endless ranks of the dead x1
Army of the damned x2
Moan of the unhallowed x2
Explosive vegetation x2
Parallel Lives x1
Bone Splinters x4
Second harvest x2/4

Diregraf Ghoul x4
Cemetary Reaper x2
Liliana's Reaver x2
Diregraf Captain x2
Returned phalanx x3
Zombie master x2
Zombie Trailblazer x2
Grimgrin, corpseborn x1
Lily; heretical healer x1

Any thoughts or suggestions would br welcomed as this is my first attempt at brewing my own deck
ditch dark ritual. outside of pure combo decks its card disadvantage early game and just a terrible draw late game
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Nothing at the moment. Can't think of any good ideas.
Junk Tokens/Life gain with Trostani and Ajani Goldmane, or Devastating Summons, because sacrificing all of my lands, dropping a bushwhacker, and attacking with a board full of hasty tokens is always fun.
One dude plays tribal vampires, another plays a swampwalk deck.
I'd still go with the sentinel. Why? Because passively tapping every opponent's most dangerous creature (especially in 3+ player games, which you allude to play often) is such a massive advantage compared to the other two. Also, it would be easy to smack her with a grasp of darkness+Any creature with power at or above 2 if she gets stolen.
No dual lands?

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What do your groups think about using un-set cards, when they're actually not that jokey/broken, approve or dissapprove?
If not, any cards you wish your group would let you use?

Thinking of adding pic related to one of my EDH-decks I use in casual Planechase.
My group seems against it for some reason. I don't really understand it. The card you posted seems perfectly fine. No goofy requirements, no dexterity based mechanics. The only reason it's in an un-set is because of the implied monkey fucking.
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budget decks for beginners/ players who are looking to expand their deck collection (for lack of a better term) currently mono blue tempo at the moment. mainly focused on ruining opponents tempo with memory lapse. not sure if i want to make it super control heavy (faeries) or more casual friendly (newbies tend to hate blue)

my own version of a faerie/tempo control deck.

u/r burn/prowess

jund 2 for ones feat. sin prodder

r/w "zoo" (its an aggro deck i put together based off of some zoo decks, call it zoo in the group so it doesnt get confused with other peoples w/r aggro decks)

b/w/g rock. early disruption is replaced with living wish and cards that allow the deck to run smoothly. wish for a whatever bomb fits the board state (we use tourney rules with wish cards)

mono black vampires

player A: G/W stompy, mono white ETB effects, U/B/W stoneblade
player B: rock, rock, rock, madness
player C: phasing, suspend, board wipe deck, actual zoo, psychatog, r/w angels, mono blue tempo
player D: r/b sac abuse, reanimator, g/u control
player E: delver, mono G beasts, boggles
player F: stifle-naught, werewolves, white cat/equiptment
player G: mono white pillow fort, mono green stompy, tooth and nail, mono B zombies, g/w renown

its very diverse. we only really discourage using completely busted combos. the only cards that ruffle jimmies are progenitus and mass discard. wouldnt trade the diverse meta for the world. i love it.

pic also related. we all love alters.
If you're playing a deck with a good number of apes in it that ape gets to be quite powerful. Let's say you have 3 apes on the field before you summon him. If all 4 survive you can tap them all for 2 apes, then tap those two apes for another ape. Now with your 7 apes you can tap 6 for 3 apes, then tap 4 for 2, and then tap those two for one more. In just two turns you've turned a field of four apes into a field of 4 apes into 13 apes, and the numbers just go up from there.
It's an 8CMC creature. There's far more broken cards out there.
True. But it's also got the horrid art and it's illegal in every format.
This is a casual thread, format shouldn't enter into it. The question was whether anyone's play group has a problem with un-set cards that aren't particularly goofy or broken.
Did anyone say broken un-cards?
Protip, it works with Planeswalkers
Oh my. That is indeed overpowered, if you can actually afford planeswalkers.
>What are you building?
Currently reworking my Werewolf deck to put in the Shadows Over Innistrad stuff.
>What are you playing?
GU Turbofog
>What is your current group's meta like?
Player A: BU Mill, Temur Aggro, GW Ramp
Player B: Red Deck Wins, Mono B Aggro, GR Infect
Player C: Mono Black Vamps, UR Burn/Mill
Me: GR Werewolves, Temur Aggro, BW Tokens, Naya Slivers, BR Hand Control, GU Turbofog, Mono Green Stomp
Uhh. There are plenty dirt cheap planeswalkers who'd be hilariously broken if their ults INCREASED loyalty. Tibalt, the Field-blooded; Ajani, Caller of the Pride; Jace Beleren?
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Should I get the MTG origins clash pack? Its 31.99 at my FLGS.

Collected Company gets me hard
M14. A nice, comfy draft. No surprises, though.
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I'll just leave this here.
So my little brother and I just broke open a couple of old Theros prerelease packs and decided to play sealed with what we got.

Holy fuck, this is the most fun I've had with this game in years. Got some neat stuff like the god weapons and a Purphoros, and we each have a 40 card deck that give some super fun games

Is this a thing people usually do?
Looking for some atm but dolla be short yo
Have you seen the squirrel polymorph modern deck? It works by making a bunch of squirrel tokens with no creatures cards in deck except emy and uses polymorph on one of them.
build a cube, m80. recently got into it and it's the most fun and pure piece of MtG i've played since i've started, not counting the utter beggining, when my group thought equipments counted as auras, or differented between remove from the game and exile for some reason, or when we never learned how to use Fireball properly
i discovered it. some weeks ago. after six years of playing magic, our retarded bunch of about 8 people never thought of reading the damn card we use so fucking often, we just rolled with wrong use
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>No Tireless Tracker
C'mon anon, they are only 5 bucks.

>Friends mom plays monowhite Angels
That's cute. Sounds like a fun, nice woman.

Bombs make for a fun limited experience. As long as they are in YOUR pool.

New Sorin is great for Commander. Other than that B/W lifegain/lifedrain control with pic related and Divinity of Pride would work pretty well.

Alms of the Veins is also an extraordinary card to use in Burn, specially if you have discard outlets, which you can easily include in BR. Also Blightning is a thing. Honestly I'd splash Blue too for Delver, Snapcaster and Treasure Cruise. Grixis burn best burn.

I get the feeling you haven't been playing magic for too long, haven't you?, There are far, far better things you could play in a deck like that.

Get Relentless Undead and a few Diregraf Colossus. If you want blue in the deck Diregraf Captain and maybe Geralf's Masterpiece are good picks. If not, Death Baron.

Top kekerino
Return to ravnica and gatecrash. Cut out maze and it's amazing
Slivers can be a pleasant surprise
That's not really a problem for me.
As it's Casual, I can use busted bullshit like Pattern of Rebirth and go searching for whatever Eldrazi I want.

Add in stuff like Cryptic Gateway and Summoning Trap, and I'm in the black.
And that's why we do M14 and not a different core set.
Should I sell it, or hold on to it?
I'm not exactly poor, but do you guys think it will increase or decrease in value, over time?
If you're worried about accumulating value, sell the thing and invest the cash. If you wait a few years you might get $10 more for it. Not really worth it unless you simply aren't playing with it.
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