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Does this look like the face of mercy?

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Does this look like the face of mercy?
Yeah, I think so. She looks fairly reasonable, not particularly grim or angry. I'd assume she'd show mercy, in the right circumstances. Why? What am I asking for mercy from?
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I'm so glad quests are gone. Now we have more room for threads like these.
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No, but this is
That's the face of wanting to bear my children
Am I the only one who wants Sorin to force her to rebuild the helvault and then he just slaps some cobbeled wings on her and says "whelp, you're Avacyn now"
>Am I the only one who wants Sorin to force her to rebuild the helvault and then he just slaps some cobbeled wings on her and says "whelp, you're Avacyn now"
Nope, you aren't
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I can't imagine what Sorin is going through. It'd be like coming home from work only to find you're waifu burning your home and everything you ever cared about to the ground. I'll be surprised if he doesn't an hero if he survives this.
I hope he just staples those wings on. And that they're fucking cardboard.
Why does she wear a butcher's apron?
Because she's a tacky skank.
Now we only need
>/fe/ - fantasy erotica
>/fr/ - freeform roleplay
>/tgg/ - traditional game generals
and this board will have been made great again.

/qst/ is pretty good actually
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if i pull that off, will she die?

they keep saying 'stoneforge mystic is not nahiri' but i sincerely doubt every single kor artificer wears that exact outfit with that exact hair style with the exact same build and face.
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Furfags and pedophiles won't stay in the containment boards they were given now. I only clicked on this thread to see if OP was /a/ or /vg/ because it doesn't look /tg/ and, judging by the "I'd like to be able to fuck cartoons so I'd never have to talk to real girls" replies, it probably isn't.


make it /cyoa/


make it /ccg/

Now we're talking clean-up on aisle 5.
Blacksmiths wear aprons too. Though, with that outfit, she clearly doesn't care about a bit of molten stone getting caught in her cleavage.

The random belts that serve no funtional purpose are all positioned in the same places as well. I'm thinking SM wasn't designed to be Nahiri specifically at the time, but that Nahiri was designed to be SM after the fact because of how iconic the card is. That or the lithomancy only works right when you do an accurate cosplay of the person who mastered the art.
Mercy would be someone who loved and cared for every thing, releaving torment releaving pressure showing MERCY being respectful and productive to those around. she should be a school teacher or a nun, a judge or a gardener not a war lord

It was a rhetorical question.

Also, if you think nuns are respectful to outsiders, you've never met one.
It looks like the face of someone who's about to suck vampire dick.
And then throws her off the roof.
That's not a good analogy what so ever.

1) Sorin locked her ass away for god knows how long.

2) He didn't give a shit about Markov Manor or his descendants.

3) There is no way in hell that Nahiri could beat Sorin. He's far too powerful.
>1) Sorin locked her ass away for god knows how long.


>2) He didn't give a shit about Markov Manor or his descendants.

Then the card that depicts him discovering the ruins of his family and manor is very OOC for him.

>3) There is no way in hell that Nahiri could beat Sorin. He's far too powerful.

No where in my post did I state otherwise. There's more at play here than just her. Being a harbinger means you are just the bitch message carrier of someone or something way more powerful and relevant than you are.

Why do i need to explain these things on /tg/ of all places?
If she was anywhere the hellvault I'll eat my hat!
1) Pffsh. Speculation my ass. Just wait and see.

2) Which card art?

3) Right here...
> if he survives this
Unless you think Avacyn could kill Sorin. Which we already know the answer to that. And just because she's called a harbinger doesn't mean she's working for anyone else. Kind of the point when someone calls themselves The Harbinger of Death. They are just referring themselves as "one who ends lives". I highly doubt that Nahiri is being used by anyone.
Prepare to eat that fedora.
The Zendikar art book basically says that the Stoneforge Mystics are a cult that all dress and cut their hair like Nahiri on purpose.
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No. And she's gonna add insult to injury.


This article gives the final puzzle pieces. Jace Snow (who knows nothing) links with Avacyn's mind to find out that, while Avacyn's madness filters down through her to the other angels and the church, she's not the source. She's being effected by something. And she's actually still protecting Innistrad, she's holding something at bay.

Assuming Nahiri is indeed planning to Emrapekul Innistrad I think it's not far fetched to also assume that the planar ward which is Avacyn is the last thing holding Emmy back. And that this effort is causing Avacyn's madness, since Emmy corrupts.

And since we know pic related happens that means that by unmaking Avacyn, a creation Sorin clearly cares for, he's also going to take away the last thing keeping Emmy from entering Innistrad.

So not only is Nahiri going to force Sorin to destroy his beloved creation, she's going to make him doom his own plane in the process.
Personally, I think the artwork of Anguished Unmaking is just to troll players into thinking that is going to be what happens.

It could be a complete fake out. Why else would they release something depicting the future of a beloved character before the set she actually does in? Also, she could just be flickered out and back in. Who knows?

Perhaps Sorin knows that Avacyn won't stop, and he wants to end her misery by taking her out of the fight. That way the Jacetice League can take out the last of the Eldrazi Titans themselves. And the momentary blink effect of Avacyn could be all it takes to allow Emeria, God of Fucking Your Shit Up to enter Innistrad.
>Why else would they release something depicting the future of a beloved character before the set she actually does in?
Nah. It wouldn't be the first time a character who was in the set died in the story of that set. She's a goner.

I'm guessing Avacyn's death, and perhaps also the arrival of Emrakul, is going the be the cliffhanger ending of the story for this set and the beginning for the next. Jace Snow is probably gonna rally the League and Sorin and Nahiri are gonna fight.
She'll "die" in the story of Eldritch Moon. But, R&D don't have a habit of releasing artwork that ruins the story before it's finished. So, I'm thinking that it's a fake out. And it's just misleading us to what the real deal will be. And I'm not saying that because I'm waifu'ing Avacyn. I personally don't care either way.

And I doubt they will leave it as a cliffhanger. That would be three run-on blocks to deal with the Eldrazi Titans. I hardly think they want that clusterfuck of an idea. I think they are going to wrap it all up and go back to another old plane. Either Rabiah or Kamigawa is my bet. The. After that probably a new plane we haven't been to yet.
Well, we'll see.

I for one would like to see a return to Kamigawa. Even though the block was kinda bad I loved the setting.
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The OP pic is an mtg card. Decidedly /tg/.
As for if it's a worthwhile thread that remains to be seen, though outlook is definitely not good.
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No. But does this look like a face of compassion?
her death is the end of the soi story, she will no longer be there come eldrich moon. the duels storyline explicitly says her death removes tye last protection innistrad has. if anything she's going to die and then an ominous rumbling will begin but anguished unmaking is one of those marque story moment cards wotc's trying to do.
>Return to kamigawa
>No gifts ungiven or umezawas jitte reprint
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Like I said, I liked the setting. And I'm sure they'd do it right this time, right?

And why is it when I hear people talk about Kamigawa they never talk about pic related? Everything in modern is costing 2 or 3, you will be able to play this easily yet nobody does. It's a free counter people, what am I not getting here?
it only would work on monoblue and is card disadvantage
It's card disadvantage that doesn't counter anything relevant enough in a format where no deck kills you before turn 4. If Bloom hadn't been banned you could maybe justify running this in the sideboard to counter t1 amulet or summer bloom.
Umezawa's is so fundamentally broken it should be a statue for generations to come, when does undercosted and versatile turn into just not fun.
>2 mana equipment that reads "you win the game versus any and all decks that rely on their creatures staying alive for anything but their ETB triggers and combo decks that can't kill you/the creature going for face in the next two turns"
>getting a non-supplemental reprint ever
I mean hell, I've lost several g1s with Legacy Dredge (if you don't get the Breakthrough+LED+looting nut draw into absolutely everything you need) against various midrange piles that happened to pull out a Jitte at the eleventh hour to exile my bridges and keep Ichorids from getting damage through. That should give you some idea on how bonkers the card is.
>it only would work on monoblue and is card disadvantage
FoW is card disadvantage and is one of the best counterspells ever printed. And your deck does not have to be mono U for this to work. There are enough good multicolor cards you can pitch to this. Heck, I'd even consider running a playset of shoal's to pitch one shoal to the other. It still has a cmc of 2 which is the sweet spot in Modern. That's why Spell Snare is good, right?

Added bonus, your opponent will never see it coming. I honestly think this is one off the yet to be discovered hidden gems off Modern's card pool.
>and is one of the best counterspells ever printed
It's actually not, it's the best "counter target turn 0 kill" card ever printed, there's a difference.
>That's why Spell Snare is good, right?
Spell Snare is good because it's NOT card disadvantage, is a hard counter and only costs 1 mana, preserving your tempo 99% of the time while staying relevant in the late game.
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Daily reminder that everyone's favorite pure angelfu dies next UR.

Or does she get better?
What's UR stand for again?

I think we have been duped, and its not actually Emrakul.

We assumed it was Emmy because we didn't see her on Zendikar, and something funky is going on. But Tamiyo's findings say that there is some kind of 'New Moon' being forced into Inistrad from somewhere else, fucking up the laws of the plane and its mana.

We were to presume that this was a whole mess of Eldrazi, but after this last lore article I'm not so sure. Because two out of the three stories that Tamiyo drew upon for power in that short had one thing in common: planes ruined by Phyrexia.

I think the 'new moon' is, in fact, one of the small, orbiting "suns" from Mirrodin. Nahiri went looking for something that even an ancient planeswalker like Sorin would fear, and she discovered new Phyrexia.

Eldritch Moon then, instead of introducing a bunch of new Eldrazi mechanics that don't jive with SoI at all, instead goes full Horror Tribal with corruption and madness abilities.

Uncharted Realms, its the fancy name for the articles that tell the story of the current magic set.
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Emmy is the Titan of Corruption. It is very fitting that it's her being summoned by Nahiri. And Avacyn is going crazy trying to use all her power to keep Emmy out of Innistrad. Also, we have numerous artwork in SOI depicting Eldrazi tentacles.

Also, all the Tamiyo quotes on the clue tokens, if you translate them to Japanese, some of the words have dual meanings. And using them in the other meanings they read "Remember this: They came as three".
She could be a Marcy, but I think she's more of a Margot.
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No translations required.
Seeing that alot of the kor has uniform like outfits it makes sense.
I too was surprised that they would kill Avycen so early. I wonder if he can make a new one or maybe crazy theory infuse her essence with another Angel or dare I say human like Thalia. That being said regardless I hope new Thalia will be a flip card.
Yeah, the amount of shitposting hasn't increased, but without as many quests around to obscure it, you definitely notice it a lot more nowadays.
Anyone else think that Nahiri's plan was pretty impressive? Not only does she trick Sorin into killing Avacyn, but she also tricks him into dooming Innistrad. Admittedly, it's possible they might prevent Emrakul from landing, but there's going to be some significant consequences nonetheless.

What do you think Sorin will do to Nahiri when he finds her?
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>What do you think Sorin will do to Nahiri when he finds her?
Art and flavor text very related.
>Implying they're gone
My filter is filtering 11 right now.
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But didn't Sorin hold his promise? He returned to Zendikar but from his perspective it was Nahiri and Ugin not showing up. Didn't he try to restore the seal holding the Eldrazi? And wasn't it actually Nissa who fucked up? Shouldn't Nahiri be after Nissa?

Sorin did nothing wrong!
>remember this, they came as three

thats literally just Wizards thinking they're clever about releasing three sets of this. and everything else.
Your filters are shit. There are eight quest threads on /tg/ right now.

There are also some threads with "question", and one thread about Warhammer Quest, which is the name of the product.
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Nope. Emrakul Confirmed.

Pic related.
>based nipmoot finally saved /tg/
I thought the day would never come.
It's obvious that Nahiri will summon Emrakul, hell, her Card plays perfectly with Emmy and simply dosen't work with Marit's land.
Nahiri's Card is so well built, that when Sorin hits the field, considering no ramp and regular landfall, it has the option to stop Nahiri's Ultimate, but it must sacrifice itself to completely to remove her, and slowing her down is bad business because she can recovery faster than Sorin can damage. This a flavor 10/10 Card.
>He returned to Zendikar but from his perspective it was Nahiri and Ugin not showing up.
It's heavily implied he imprisoned Nahiri in the Helvault, Ugin was the only one that didn't show up from his perspective.
Poe's Law...
>And Avacyn is going crazy trying to use all her power to keep Emmy out of Innistrad.
Poor Avacyn. She's trying so hard. She's trying so hard it broke her.
>when Sorin hits the field, considering no ramp and regular landfall, it has the option to stop Nahiri's Ultimate, but it must sacrifice itself to completely to remove her
>He must sacrifice himself
>Sorin must sacrifice himself

people thinking Nahiri hasn't surpassed Sorin kill me.

the Mending robbed Sorin, but did nothing to Nahiri, who's unique power of Lithomancy is one of the strongest in the multiverse.
>the Mending robbed Sorin, but did nothing to Nahiri
The Mending changed how the spark itself works in all the Multiverse and affected all planeswalkers without exception.

Nahiri is powerful at affecting large areas, and requires preptime. Sorin is clearly the more potent of the two generally.

Fucking Liliana was convinced that he'd solo her and Jace effortlessly. Liliana "I have the magic plot veil of winning" Vess.
Soria is still a centuries-old-vampire, he can unleash shenanigans that all of the punk butch young Markovs couldn't even dream of. Not to mention that he has extremely close ties to Innistrad's mana...you might say he has The World
How does it feel to like a shitty cash grab game?
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