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Jumpchain CYOA Thread #819: May the 4th Be With You A Little

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>Google Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat



>How to Jumpchain

>Last thread
Das it mang.
Thanks for actually posting the intro PDF

Jumpers! Any Jumps that you dislike/hate the setting, but like the perks?
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Wasn't there someone doing a SWTOR Jump?
Commoragh. Cause it's Commoragh.
So Gravity Rush lets you put together solid gravity. What would be a good thing to make out of solidified gravity?

Yeah, I know-it's probably the 5th technically in most timezeones. I just liked the sound of it.
I think that was KOTOR, no idea what's his progress is like
>Tell me about your minions, Jumpers.
Mostly robots because those are easiest to massproduce... But also Clones, Jade Zombies, Demons, Waddle Dees, and sometimes Skeletons if I need a slap-patch.
To those of you who bought an Original Deck in Yu-Gi-Oh, did you actually take the time to make new cards instead of just coming up with a general theme for your deck?

Literally every single 40K jump.
I think the KOTOR Jump covers that, just not specific about it
That would be cool but I don't think so, I asked the same question earlier.
Akame ga kill. I don't know why but that entire setting gets under my skin.
To continue the Harry Potter discussion, what do you see in this mirror, Jumpers?
Yeah, this.
It was a guy called Brahmastra and he posted here a few weeks ago saying he gave up his claim because he no longer had time.
five Star stories

Nope, just went with a theme. Which was in fact a theme of Random Nonsense. The point was to confuse the enemy so hard that they didn't have any idea what to do against it.
bad art
Fuck, that was supposed to be for >>47087239
Myself, surrounded by my Companions, family and whatever friends I've made throughout my millennia of travels.

It's a big mirror.
No, the jump ends long before the start of SWTOR, SWTOR is 200 years after Reven is imprisoned by the Emporer
It depends on the chain, but on my most recent "companion die permanently" run, it was my partner from the Mystery Dungeon jump. We had gone through god knows how many jumps and adventures before XANA killed and replaced her. It was...nice to see her again.
I just noticed that the inscriptions are wrong.
Like really really wrong.

Goddamn, that's going to bother me.
I saw the stone, because I know how to get it out of there. Then I tossed it into my warehouse.
My companions in our cosmic guildhall, crafting like crafters do.

Well damn, I guess you could ignore the date, but that isnt as satisfying as a whole Jump
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Squirrel and Hedgehog.
Me as the version of myself I sometimes see with Preservation of Man from Narnia.
By the way, if Sburb Anon is here, what kind of powers would a Page of Heart.
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And so that Captain Calls Dibs on the Swotor jump. I'm about to get a lot more free time to work on it and the Ork Jump
SWTOR would be fun you could be one of the eight classes, Import companions into others, and the setting of the galactic cold war is a pretty interesting one.
I see myself, withered and grey, in a grand auditorium, before a grand audience. I bear no instrument, no brush, not even a microphone. Not a sound can be heard save for my voice. The audience is all a hush, completely captivated by my narrative and wordplay. My mastery of spoken word is total and complete.
A spacebattles chucklefuck posted an outline once, and was critiqued for only including force users. He seemed shocked that people wanted to be something other than space wizards, and reluctant to provide that content. He was shouted down.

That's the last I've heard of it.
A reminder that the Sith and Jedi are shit and the Je'daii order was the true path to balance.
What perks could be good enough to to tolerate that propaganda setting for ten years, unless you wanted to use jumper powers and/or the LoT to burn it to nothing.

ORK JUMP!!!!! :)
Big booty hoes. Chaise lounges. Olive bars with assorted breads, vegetables and crackers.
Dumbledore is shaking my hand. I've won the house cup.
I kind of like Narnia.
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There were never any Force users.

There were only High Ground users.
Nice. I'll happily await it.
I did not get far into squirrel and hedgehog, what does it have to do with Narnia?
Sweet. Ghost on, you incorporeal motherfucker, you.
I think he was talking about Squirrel and Whatever.

Narnia is a fuck but it really isn't propaganda.
Everything makes sense now. Star Wars has been explained-
>Ork Jump
I just want to yell at people for never wanting to take the Black Talon.

Alternately, I want to take the Black Talon everywhere. That thing'll be the Flying Dutchman in space by the time I'm through with it.
Aren't motherboxes effectively spirittech (connection to the Source?) and Alpha lantern clones run off emotions (inb4 its-willpower-I-dont-gotta-explain-shit-wizard-meme)? You'd definitely need to upgrade your ACU before it could conversion ray those things.

Faction trade: They're not going to just hand over any schematic for five monkeylords, even if they probably would trade a whole bunch of lower-tier schematics for the T4 Monkeylord schematic, though. Assuming they didn't try to screw you over. Also the mere fact that you have Monkeylords, let alone the schematic for them, is going to make you a Person Of Interest (TM) to them.

And if you demonstrate that you have a Jovian Pattern Nova Cannon, your status will change instantly from "(very interesting) neutral mercenary" to "priority strategic asset/liability" and your jump will get real complicated, real fast.
Oh... I thought you were calling Narnia a propaganda setting, given that Aslan is pretty much Jesus and always right. Yeah, no clue how.
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Well, there's the bolstering of their soul/identity, like a greater version of themselves they can grow into.

Perhaps something like an even further enhanced version of Dirk's 'I don't break' thing. And maybe increased ability to feel emotion too?

I quite like the idea of calling on all your alternate selves, like what the Squaredsprites have, except with more than just partial access to memories.

Also considering Heart does seem to have /some/ association with romantic relationships... a Page of it turning into a harem protag doesn't seem out of the question.

Mostly just suggestion/speculation on my part, of course.
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>SWTOR jump
>Ork jump
>Black Talon
It would be fun to have your companions play the roles of the other classes, those of your own faction could be a team to go through your respective class stories and flash points like black talon together.
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>Bolstering the soul/identity
MORE BUFFS FOR THE ANGEL FORM! YES! How big a boost are we talking about here? Also, how does the "calling on your alternate selves" thing work?
I know, right?!
What they did to Revan and Exile is fucking shameful.
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How high is your Insight, Jumpers?
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Well that sounds pretty great, nice to
>harem protag
>It was at this point Alice realized she was screwed, possibly literally.
Not him, but basically, everything Revan and the Exile was for nothing, the Sith Emperor Darth Vitiate killed the latter and imprisoned and corrupted the former, to the point where he was going to commit genocide. Worse, he got killed off by the PCs, but his dark side stuck around and, believing he could kill the cosmic horror that is the the Emperor permanently, he revived him. It went about as well as you THINK it would. Oh, and the invasion went JUST AS PLANNED.
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About 7 feet.
Vitiate needs to be given the edgelord jumper treatment.
Isn't there a third faction with twin emperors that came in and butt fucked everyone?
>How big a boost are we talking about here?
Uh. Scaling from non-existent, to pretty damn buff.

>Also, how does the "calling on your alternate selves" thing work?
The squaredsprites got access to memories of all the versions of them in alternate timelines, just by virtue of being that. Through they only got partial access, not everything every version knows.

As a Page, you'd have to work for it a /lot/ more, but you could eventually go much further. Maybe eventually something like being able to actually exist in all timelines as a singular being/mind, and being able to draw some power from alternate you's from other timelines.
Me being a legitimately good person, without having to try so damn hard to be so.

Also, that art is terrible.

This is when you put Vitiate's soul into a Soul Gem
Then enchant a toilet with it.
Nope, because guess what? THAT'S VITIATE's OTHER FUCKING EMPIRE. THAT's RIGHT, HE WAS BUILDING AN ENTIRE OTHER EMPIRE BY HIMSELF THIS ENTIRE TIME. Sure, his son backstabbed and killed him, forcing him to share the PC's body, but still.
Yes but that was The second empire that Vitiate had been building in secret to replace the Sith Empire, for some reason
Happens to the best of us.
Hopefully that cluster fuck will be an optional drawback, it is really absurd.
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So we've had discussion about Native Jumpers (those who don't start from Earth, but from a setting like JoJo). We've got at least two examples, in that Skink / Lizardman jumper and Burgli.

How would you guys feel about a Jumper who starts from, say... Generic Western?
>Cowboy jumper
I could dig it. Go for it, man.
Sounds pretty cool.
I seriously don't understand why anyone thought Vitiate was a good idea. They made him one of the most over powered characters in the franchise and at this point he's like a Deviant Art tier OC.

Also would've it have so terrible to make new designs for the Sith vehicles instead of just rehashing Star Destroyers again?
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I've got eyes for days, son.
Ok, that's beyond fucking retarded. I liked my time playing in TOR, because the story, but holy fuck that's retarded. Like not even Bancho could beat that.
You mean like how they rehashed the Imperial Uniform for the Sith Empire troops/officers for some reason?

I like SWTOR, I do, but it has very very little originality.
I guess they were going for some combination of Nihilus and the Emperor. And I know, right? They didn't even show off those Sith Meditation Spheres, those would have been awesome to see!
That is why I said that the whole Infinite Empire thing should be a drawback.
My insight? Before Bloodborne? I dunno, maybe 40ish? I've been through a lot of shit by then

In Bloodborne it maxes out at 99

After Lovecroft? Somewhere in the 100-200 range most likely.
Yes, yes it is retarded. This is why it was suggested as a drawback.
It is also part of why I'm never giving a dime to SWTOR.
The worst part is that's literally exactly what he is. A group of professional writers couldn't think up their own original character so they combined two of the strongest big bads they could find.
the minions I use are situational, stealth assassination? That's a job for the deathmark, an evil ecosystem? I have several layers of the tower dedicated to a primal zurg hive ready to unleash the fury of nature on them and add their biological distinctiveness to their own.
An army? My Waddle Dee retainers have more power than any sane jumper would trust them with. A incredibly massive army with superpowers? I imported the shard as a sacu for my companion with have to victory in supreme commander and have cortex command cloning and Alpha lantern blueprints which allows him to print out as many Alpha lanterns as he needs.
yes, that's why they're such good computers and much better than the computers they have in supreme commander, this mother box in particular has been imported a lot mostly in wizarding roles since Godtech computer equals more smart and has a vaguely form, think nova Herald of Galactus, I'm not trying to import her for this one or figure out how she works, just use her to infiltrate and hack ACUs. The Alpha lanterns are of all clones of myself with my brain tape which is a thing we have since I took the backup option, so they have all of my willpower-stacking for a while now, as for knowing how it all works it was imported as a SACU which gives me the information for the tech base for it and a main green lantern battery to run them off of.

Wait, so they don't have planet busters?
I noticed that they are pretty iffy in space technology since the only Cannon example is a teleportation system which barely gets a single ACU into the combat zone and there isn't much they can do about that one unit that fires from space other than destroy its relay.
And you know what? It could have been cool, if a little out of nowhere, if they had just finished the Vitiate arc before then and introduced them as separate villains, because some of their stuff is pretty cool. Even if the two royals are annoyingly invincible. Like, we get it, their cool, but so are we.
they're* Bleh.

Alroighty, gonna go ahead and start the initial pastebin write.

Now here's a question - where would one suggest our grizzled war vet-turned-cowboy start off his little adventure?
The whole GAME should be a drawback.
SWTOR was pretty good just as a single player, it was not a well designed MMO but if they had made it into a proper RPG it would have been great.
It's unforgivable for what they did to Exile and Revan.
Hmm, that depends on what kind of start you want. Might I suggest Hellsing or Soul Eater?
>Shitting on the Sith Warrior Storyline
I dislike you.
Darth Baras is a Bro-tier Sith-Master.
Literally everything else is meaningless before the pathetic spite they meted out on previously established characters.
Gravity Falls. He would fit right into the rural lonesome town, and it would be neat for him to slowly encounter more and more of the supernatural.
Pokemon, gotta get some cattle, a horse, and maybe a herding dog.
>Suggesting that Hellsing is an early chain jump

Have you seen Alucard?!?!
The Agent story line was amazing.
But really I wished they just made a KOTOR co-op game. I enjoyed playing with my brother, but I never felt the need for an MMO.
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Requesting access to some of that sweet Sith sorcery.
Then I won’t have to fanwank that I figured out a way to use it anyway.
Hey, you don't have to fight him. Yeah, he's a monster, but unless you're one too he won't go aft- actually hold on I just remembered about those cops.

Well, if you stay out of the way he won't go after you. If you're still nothing but a man, he'll sandbag just a bit to see if you can give him the death a monster like him deserves. But not for long. I give the cowboy good odds if he gets Holy Empowerment but NOT the plant nail thing.
Most of the class lines were good, but the Agent really was the best. All in all, the Empire side had the better more engaging stories.
Well when I go to that jump I intend to take the perk that will let me take him/her as a follower. Girlycard is best!
All of the empire stories were good, Republic on the other hand. . .
So, Rapidash/Zebstrika, Herdier and a shitload of Tauros and Miltank?
I heard the Smuggler is pretty good on the Republic side.
I found I had more fun when playing a Dark sided Jedi or a Light Sided Sith
But yeah I feel the Sith had the better side of writing.
>Trooper and Smuggler
>Not good
Hmmm... All good suggestions, really.

I'll give it a good ol' 1d8. Hook me up another 4 jumps.
They were okay, but they were just . . . adequate. I mean, they really didn't try to do anything with them. They were fine, but they weren't particularly memorable.
Harry Potter.
Kantai Collection.
>An American Cowboy in Hogwarts
I found it really depended on the class. For the Sith Sorc, I enjoyed the DS story more. The Jug, though, was really interesting as light side. It kinda played like Lawful Evil.

Agent was fun DS, too.

The only one that was really hurt by the LS/DS mechanic was the Bounty Hunter. If you tried to play it straight, just do what the contract said, you got a pretty cool story but the mechanics of the game punished you.
DC, jump it as the DCAU and you can partner up with Vigilante. Cowboy duo in the Justice League.
Sith Sorc was great except that you couldn't properly corrupt Ashara.
Adventure Time
Jackie Chan Adventures
Rolled 1 (1d8)

here we go then.

1 - Hellsing
2 - Soul Eater
3 - Gravity Falls
4 - Pokémon
5 - Firefly
6 - Harry Potter
7 - Kantai Collection
8 - InFamous

Gonna go ahead and keep these four for the next roll.
Yeah, that was a HUGE fuckup on their part. The psychedelic force astral plane walkabout made me smile, though.
>Immortality Talisman
I loved LS sorcerer, but mostly because I loved the moments of confusion it caused.

The problem I had with bounty hunter is that I felt that the story was weak, but their companions were cool. And I never liked that the bounty hunter/smuggler were Empire/Republic specific. They should be neutral, god damn it.
I am going Sorc in the jump and I will make sure to properly corrupt her to the dark side.

This is a bad idea, dead jump one.
I believe in you, magic cowboy man.
>The problem I had with bounty hunter is that I felt that the story was weak, but their companions were cool.
The companions were great, but I liked the story too. It had a classic western high planes drifter feel to it.

>And I never liked that the bounty hunter/smuggler were Empire/Republic specific. They should be neutral, god damn it.
The jump gets a lot easier if you side with Hellsing, and get Alucard's Embrace. Even jump one you can just play the part of a more competent Seras, then just stick to her or Alucard's side.

The whole A Jump Isn't Survivable If You Can't One-Shot The Protagonist and Antagonist is fucking stupid.
In regards to Seras, where did the Blue Feather come from again?
Harvest Moon.

If you and another vampire share a sire, though, isn't she like your sister? Marrying her is incest anon, and that's forbidden love.
Harvest Moon.
The jump is hard as fuck to survive early chain because there are Vampire Nazis trying to start WW3!
Harvest Moon.

That's when you go Werewolf instead.

Then there's no problemo.
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It could be more forbidden.
>YFW the Sith Warrior can corrupt Jaesa, but the Inquisitor can't corrupt Ashara
And yet regular cops and agents survive it fine without extradimensional powers.
The Vampire nazis are garbage and just bomb London to shit.

You can just fuck off to the USA and have X-Files/Buffy style adventures with whatever else supernatural might exist in that universe and I wouldn't bat an eye at'cha.

Shit, you could try and go through the plot of the anime with the chip implants and the demon and I'll say that's cool.
You mean slaughtered when they aren't Iscariot or Hellsing?
You do know the US was attacked by Vampire agents right? I think there was something about the white house burning or something during the attack.
Doesn't it give you goals depending on your faction? I might be thinking of a drawback.
Speaking of Hellsing, aren't the holy bayonets and mono molecular wire available there more like powers than items? The bayonets outright say that you can summon an unlimited supply of them and the wires seem like outright sorcery.
You get extra points for taking a scenario and there are drawbacks that make the scenarios worse.
The only thing I can find about the white house is a gag in the Abridged series. But I'll take your word for it.

I also found a massive crossover roleplay wiki where the Major did some shit with Hetalia America, Aya Brea, Tony Stark, and Megatron.

So both thank you and fuck you for unwittingly leading me to that.
Except for Drop-Ins, unless they take drawbacks.

Drop-Ins get the extra 400 CP automatically.
Master Race
I was sure there was something about The Major commenting the US being attacked or being preoccupied. Might be my mistake.
Also I am laughing at unwittingly leading you to that.
Ukraine best waifu
Does Conjoined Conjures relate to only a single pair of magic systems, or can more than one set of magic systems be combined? Or does someone have to purchase it multiple times to gain multiple combined systems?
Your tastes are shit anon.
Anon, you might be taking things a little too seriously.
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Lets be real most if not everyone here takes their fiction and the fiction of others way too seriously
If I remember Stupid_Dog's rulings correctly - you can conjoin more than two magic systems together, but the time it takes doubles each time.
it's the ability to combine magic systems with a great deal of work, so you combine the first two magic systems then you combine that with the third and that was a forth and so on.
Seychelles and Monaco are better
>no tits and surfboard

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>Implying tits make a woman.
This is why your tastes are shit anon.
Besides it's time to give the booty the respect it deserves.
Sweet. Thnx
Please, the booty reigns supreme in pop culture.

Don't worry, anon. HufPo has started writing articles defending pedo's, so you'll have them and SJW's to protect your proclivities.
Hey, question, the Shortcut perk from Undertale allows you to take one person with you when you teleport. Does it still count as one person if they have little spirits attached to them? Like, say they killed an enemy, and by accident that enemy's ghost got attached to them, to their soul.
Are you seriously accusing someone telling you tits don't matter for a person's quality that they must be a pedo? Goddamn get your head out of your ass, Australia.
Wait a minute, how do you know he's from Australia?
Australia is infamous for banning small-breasted women from porn for supposedly looking too young, so nowadays anybody claiming that someone who likes women with smaller breasts is a kid fiddler is accused of being Australia.
das rasis!
Can't handle the bantz?
So does anyone know what happens to the /qst/ trolls after their posts get reported?

Do they also receive a ban, or is the post just deleted?
Define Australia as a race, the country not the people.
Right, anyway, jumpers! When have you saved someone who canonically would have died, and why?
Yeah, they've certainly got the technology to pull off relativistic KKVs, but the only one-shot-super-tech-style planet busters they appear to have is Black Sun.

SupCom humanity's nanotech is pretty hot, but they haven't had nearly as many millennia to improve their general dakka levels compared to 40K's humanity - and for all we know, a "stock" Jovian Cannon mightn't even work under SupCom universe physics, especially if it relies at all on Warp principles.

Heh. That'd go over well.
>"Hey, want a Jovian Cannon?"
>"What's that do?"
>"Blows up planets!" *demonstrates by blowing up a spare planet*
>"Awesome, we'll take a dozen!"
>some time later
>"You ass, you sold us a bunch of fakes!"
>"Oh, damn, that's right, I paid CP for mine."
>"Huh? CP? Anyway, we are however very interested in buying more of those 'GBE pistols'. Our scientists still haven't figured out how they work, but their ability to transmute iron into ducks is a boon to our poultry industry."
Portgas D. Ace because I had the drawback that pulled me into the war and because I could.
Warning/one minute temp ban, most likely. They still think they're right, so they'll be back again and again until they rack up enough temporary bans of varying lengths that they earn a more substantial ban.
The Jovian Cannon needs the Miniaturized tech tinker power from worm, hello planet buster handgun.
But that's so...boring.

If you're gonna do something like blowing up a planet, it needs to be visceral.
Can anyone name a single Worm power that does not have OP as fuck uses?
The ones that are physical.
You would be cutting a planet in half with a warp spasm, how is that not fear inducing?
Okay, you take the tinker shard, then the SimAnt perk, and that thing from 007.

So the Jovian Cannon is pretty smol now, right?

Well, you become a cyborg, and you put that sucker on your index finger.

Liquid Ocelot, cry your heart out.
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>First Avatar's FIVE SEQUELS
>Suddenly from the depths today

Once was luck but 2 demonic miracles in the same year isnt a fucking fluke, which one of you opened the warp
You mean five sequels to the giant cat people movie?
And now I am reminded of the cartoon where somebody Tim-the-Toolmans their lightsaber for MOAR POWAH, then the next morning tries to shave with it. Screaming ensues.
>Space Jam 2
Pretty much most of the named Evangelion characters. From Naoko Akagi, to Rei 1, to Kaji, to everyone who would have been killed by/during SEELE's invasion. I even saved Tabris. Gendo, on the other hand, got thrown in a broken Evangelion, and SEELE was introduced to a certain group of prisoners, and were then promptly EX-TER-MIN-ATED!
C̛̦̱O̴̡͚͍͈M͚͍̮͔̖É̷̸̘͓̫̜ ̩͙̣̣̟͖̩́Ọ̷̻̯̫̰̹̗͝N̲̩͇̳̝͕̪͢ ̷̹̩̼̲̰̣̙͜A̧̻̮̝̳͙N̙͚̦̙͢͟D̫̺̮̣̩͖͍ ̘̺̻̰̥̙S҉̧̛̜̣͈̲̝̤̞̺̥L͎͖̙A̴̡̠͈̤̦̙̼ͅM҉̦͖͈̬̘̳͎ͅ,̧̲ ̷̛̻̤̝̦̤͜ͅA̠̖̱N̞̭͇D̷̢̬͚ ̲̺̮͍̪̮ͅW͝҉̩̝̱̗̟̯̰Ę̹͈̮L̴̥͕̦C̰̘̪͢ͅO̦͈̣̳M̸̸̢̥̻̗͎̻̬͎͕Ę͚͙̩̗̣͇̼̹ ̧̭͈͔̣̺̀T҉͙̹͈Ờ̶̖̼̥͍ ̨͓̤̻̯̯̲T͎̭͔̖̗͘H̱̗̩̯̻̺̥͡E͚̹̺̮̖̘͝͠ ͖̫J̞̼́͡A̱̹͡͡M̺̖̺̼̹͞
Yes the cat people movie!
James Cameron's evil knows no bounds.
He bought the movie rights to Battle Angel Alita.
Why is that a miracle?
Unless the movies are two hours of watching humans beat the shit out of the space elves. In which case, carry on.
I said demonic miracle, as in EVIL, not good
I wonder if he even actually likes anime and manga.
A DEMONIC miracle, anon. He was explicitly asking who opened the Warp.

>Why is that a miracle?
>Unless the movies are two hours of watching humans beat the shit out of the space elves. In which case, carry on.

Divine wrath sent as punishment is technically a miracle.

Although hopefully your right, or we get a nicer miracle like this project failing horribly.
But but but...eh, whatever.
Wait wait hol' up.
First Jurassic Park, then Indepedence Day (hype!) and now Space Jam. Oh, and a Clinton is running for president.
Are we looking at the nineties 2: Electric Boogaloo?
I may have been opening holes to the warp and shoving people I don't like into them for quite some time now. . .

Speaking of the warp I heard that the author of the Eldar jump was almost ready to post the first draft!
Terminator came out last year too, I think.
I don't think that they rely on warp principles since the Emperor's flagship had a pair of them, and the rest of the stuff I have is pretty much explicitly technology. But I also imported Necron spider and the shard, as well as picking up some experimentals so there is tech to trade, I mean I seriously don't think they have anything that compares to necrodermis, on the materials science front, or Gauss Flayers in the energy weapons department.
pretty much what >>47089655
SC can replicate Magitek anyway, or at least your ACU can according to the notes.
I see... myself. Asleep, as always - but smiling.

I see myself at rest.

I see myself at peace. Content. Whether humble or confident, I do not know. Successful or a failure, I do not know.

All I see is peace.

I think that was just someone who'd "gone native" - i.e. really gotten into the role, more than is healthy.
>more than is healthy.
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But anon, peace is a lie there is only passion.
>Oh fuck I dropped it

>Nobody move, if you step on it we'll all die
I know that, but I don't know if it will work for them!
Not gonna lie, I'd listen to a Star Wars theme country album. As long as it's you know, good country.
I would like to suggest Fallout as well, especially if he ends up in the Mojave. I feel like a familiar, yet alien in ways setting would make for great storytelling.
Well, good-er country. Read as: not the MUH-tractor-MUH-exgirlfriend-MUH-beer, pop-with-a-twang that fills the air waves now.
*tips Stetson*
>You maniacs! etc
Oh, wait, he wouldn't have seen that movie.
eh, that Johnny Cash fellow was pretty good.
So was Woody Guthrie
Er, bancho, the Emperor's flagship definitely relies on Warp principles. It's how Imperium starships travel FTL, it's how Void shields work, etc.
That seems like a bad idea, given where you'd be standing...
Also, it carried around and was named for the most powerful Psyker in the galaxy. Can't forget that.
yeah, it seems ill-advised to make the planet killer super weapon man portable and use it yourself.
well darn I forgot those parts, could Babylon Guy please clarify?
>Can Babylon clarify if the gun that rips open Warp Tears to kill things relies on the Warp?
Bancho, do you ever think about what you're saying?
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Hopefully, he'll see it before he heads there.
I can fly and survive in space, I'll just fly away and shoot the planet behind me after leaving.
that's how it works? Because I don't remember it saying that was how it works..
okay but at that point why do you need to miniaturize it when you can just fly back to your ship and press the big red button on the console?
That is the entire fucking point of Jovian Pattern Nova Cannons, yes.
>The Jovian Pattern Nova Cannon is one of the rarest and the most feared of its kind. >Most commonly found mounted on Cruisers, the Jovian Pattern replaces the traditional explosive warhead with vortex warheads; the discharge of which results in a rift being opened to the Warp.
What if my flagship is far away blowing up a different planet? My smaller one doesn't have the firepower to frag the planet, yet.
well all right then.
if you imported it as an ACU you can just print out a new one for all the planets you visit
myself surrounded by my family, including all my Companions and various children.

Imported what as a whatnow?
Oh my friend, have you not heard of our lord and saviour, Supreme Commander? Let me put it this way: you can build an entire fleet of Light of Terras in at most a day or two. It's that absurd.
Huh. Reading the 40K wikia, they also have man-portable grav-weaponry, even if they no longer understand the principles behind it. Like a very poor man's GBE. What perks would help with immunity/resistance to being "gravy'd" by gravity weapons?
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What do you mean "that's Sigmar?" This is clearly the forked tongue of Sotek.
>Huh. Reading the 40K wikia, they also have man-portable grav-weaponry, even if they no longer understand the principles behind it. Like a very poor man's GBE. What perks would help with immunity/resistance to being "gravy'd" by gravity weapons?

Generic Sword and sorcery lets you choose one immunity with the weird origin.
...what's a Light of Terra? Is that like a fancy torch?

for serious

not for serious. fuckhuge ship and all that, there's just wayyy too damn much lore for that thing.
Portgas D. Ace from One Piece, because that seemed like such an asspull of a death that only served as a reasoning for a powerup. I made it look legit, though; he, "nearly died," but got saved.

Greed from FMA: Brotherhood, because he didn't really need to die, and he was a pretty cool dude. Palled around with him for a while, helped him set up a base of power, that kind of thing. Took his place in the fight against Wrath and Father, except I didn't die.

The Fall Maiden, I think her name was Amber, and, technically, Pyrrha Nikos, both from RWBY. Mostly just so I got the chance to foil Cinder's plans before the story even got underway. Because she's kind of a bitch, and honestly, any fully-grown adult that kills teenagers has it coming when another adult stomps a mudhole in them.

Asriel from Undertale, because I have a bit of a complex that drives me to SAVE everyone, and I never had a sibling growing up. I even put the story's progression off long enough that me wrapping that up landed on Mother's Day, just for maximum d'aww.
and the best part is you get technical knowledge of every last part no matter how advanced as long as you're importing it, so I hope you loaded up on those necron components
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Sounds like Sith Inquisitor is the path for you! One of the options for it is be go Sith Sorcerer so i'll try to work the different paths you can take in game into the perks.
Necrodermis master race.
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>The Intro
God my writing's so shit.

>Hellsing - Jump 1
Origin: Drop-In - "I know what I am, fella. You springin' this shit outta the blue is just makin' me question yer head."

Age: 43-years-old (Bought)

-Unassuming (Free) - "A bad mistake I kin work to mah favor."
-Weapon Channeling - "Magic? Do I look like I fucken' addle-headed schoolboy?"
-Holy Empowerment - "I'm sorry, do I look like the kinda person God would be aidin'?"
-Unifo- "No."
-Hellsing Arms "Jackal" - "While I'm busy discountin' most of yer menu here, shore I may as well be fixin' to git a new gun. 'Course, I get the impression yer fantasy here's all sortsa fuddled."

"Now, I'm beggin' yer pardon yer honor. But it's obvious we both wasted each other's times, now if you'll be excusin' me, the train's stopped. I'm gettin' off before I become an odd fish like yerself."

>Get off the train


"Ahem. Welcome to London, Mister Bowers."

And now for some more writefaggotry. Some terrible, terrible writefaggotry.

Sure I can slot that in as Number 5 on the die.

just gonna need 3 more.
X-Men cinematic, and might I plug my own work and suggest Ghostbusters?
I think I'll just stick to Talyn, my Battlestar, and my stolen Lucrehulks.
If you're feeling bold, Evangelion is an option. Though I'd imagine the Angels would be this guy's worst nightmare. Alternatively, there's Sherlock Holmes or Splatoon.
Fallen London, maybe.

I kinda like the possible dissonance.
Er, what? No you don't. Your _ACU_ gets the imported technologies and the ability to "understand" it. As in, when you tell it to make use of those Jovian Cannons, they're all hooked up properly so it can actually do so, and if your ACU scans similar Imperium technology, it won't have any trouble capturing/converting it and building copies.

You, personally, as the Jumper, on the other hand, don't get any such knowledge unless you're willing to spend the time and effort reverse-engineering your ACU and/or its schematics (not withstanding any perks that allow you to cheat, of course).
Nemissa from Soul Hackers. 'Cause she's awesome, and I deliberately fucked up the villains plans so she wouldn't have to murder-suicide the final boss.

Hakuno. I mean, she was a rather good Master, all things considered. Just the polite thing to do.

And everyone who ever died in Naruto. It's complicated.
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lets say i converted Simurgh, Behemoth, Leviathan, and Khonsu with WoW hunter powers or 40k telepathy. would it be possible to bind them as living avatars of the chaos gods? if this is possible what perks would in need to bind them and insure compliance.
that's remarkably pedantic of you, and do you see the item marked RTFM? Yeah read that and you will even if it doesn't give it to you automatically.


Sherlock Holmes and Splatoon I'll accept however.

>Fallen London

... Tempting.
Gunnm. A lawless wasteland full of cyborgs should be interesting for him. The drop in line in particular makes for fun thematics.
>Of or like a pendant
At that point... me, back at home with my friends and family around me, happy and healthy. They may have been holding wands, among other things; I intended to be fairly generous about handing out power, back then.

Now... well, I think I'd see the same thing, with the addition of many friends that have passed away. This has been a rough year, and I'm really getting paranoid with so many people having brain cancer, it's creepy.
Indiana Jones.
synonyms:overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise, exact, perfectionist, punctilious, meticulous, fussy, fastidious, finicky. So yes
Pedant. The word is pedant.

Pedant(noun): a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.
Ah, that explains it. And yes, I realized the word was pedant >>47090953.
Rolled 8 (1d8)

Gonna go ahead and set up the roll then:

1 - DC
2 - Bloodborne
3 - Adventure Time
4 - Jackie Chan Adventures
5 - Sherlock Holmes
6 - Splatoon
7 - Fallen London
8 - Indiana Jones

Much as GUNNM sounds interesting to me, I... I've seen those power levels.

Course, I can count three on that list above that are probably worse to some degree.
Will we be playing the player character? If so will we be able to import companions into the other classes?
Well you could upload an AI to the ship to analyze, recombine, and design new schematics for production based on what you have available. You could also have that AI teach you about everything you need to know about the tech.
>reads perk
My civilian experience with service manuals is that the (decent*) ones go into great detail as to how to operate something and how to rebuild it from spares, but they don't explain the science behind those parts nor how to retool them from scratch (although they /might/ help in boot-strapping such an endeavour). I don't know if military service manuals go into more detail?

*i.e. not the crap excuse for a service manual you get with a laptop these days, assuming you get one at all, but the old ones that were thicker than the device they came with.
Sounds like a decent plan.
Would JARVIS from Marvel Cinematic work for this?
Most of the truly ridiculous stuff is in Last Order, which you need to take one of two drawbacks for it to be important to your stay. The worst thing in regular Gunnm is probably the unleashed Berserker Body, which is relatively simple to avert Desty getting his hands on (and then pushing the big red button on it). Even that's just a fairly potent physical threat that can do funny things with plasma.

There's also Tiphares with its mega doom laser that it enforces a massive no fly zone with, but they're not likely to use it for anything else unless things go extremely pear shaped (as in the one time they use it is to obliterate a massive cannon created by some rebels). Other than that it's mostly just a bunch of cyborgs, with the most notable martial arts being rather low key stuff focused on vibrations to disrupt internals or jamming the enemy's flow of energy. A guy with terrible health, psychometry, and an old katana manages to do fairly well for himself with some effort, you're not going to die horribly just for showing up.
Hmm. Aight, I'll go ahead and slot it in for 1 on next jump's 1d8.
Especially if you imported it into the Polity jump and gave it the Prototyper perk...
>Generic Sword and sorcery
You mean Generic Dungeon Crawl. You're also omitting the fact that that is specific to an alt form themed around whatever the thing is (so, in this case something like a gravity elemental), which also takes significantly more damage from the thematic opposite.
... okay, I got nothing. What's the thematic opposite of gravity? "Nothingness", since gravity is from mass/energy?
I personally went with levitation, but void is technically a classical element in many Eastern traditions.
Bad RPG logic tells me time. I mean it's the classic duality of space and time.
Well since gravity is warping space together, perhaps the separation of things does represents it? void/nothingness does sort of fall under that since it would eventually make everything to spread out to impact each other or matter >>47091536 oh god time is a void, BAD RPG LOGIC WENT AROUND AND MADE SENSE.
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"Ah, welcome back aboard Mister Bowers."

"What in sam hell did I see back then."

"Heh. That? That was but a taste of what this deal has to offer. Don't tell me you were honestly scared by that?"

"... What the hell are you? No man deserves a death like that, not even back in the old states durin' that war. He ripped through them like trimmin's."

"Yes yes, I'm well aware. And to think you still managed to survive it, whereas so many others did not. Still - it won't do you any good to ask as to what _I_ am, but rather... what will you do next?

After all - you agreed to the deal by getting on board the first time. There's no backing down now."

"You flannel-mouthed son of a bitch."

>Indiana Jones - Jump 2
Location: Barnett College - "At least it's back in the home country."
Identity: Drop-In - "Until you tell me what the sam hell you mean by 'reborn,' I am not letting you put my brain over head and ears."

Skills & Abilities:
-Catchy Theme (Free) - "What in blazes..."
-Remembered Your Charlemagne (Free)
-Puzzle Person (Free) - "The fuck is a 'Legend of Zelda'?"
-Shouldn't Touch That - "Somethin' tells me yer offerin' of 'common sense' suggests nobody here has it."
-Balancing Act
-Devil's Own Luck - "Need it before I cash in."
-Coin Counter
-Sight of God - "Look. The rest of that mumbo-jumbo you just mentioned is allers good - but after the shit I saw back there, I'm goin' to need somethin' a little stronger than John Barleycorn."

Items & Equipment:
-Shovel (Free) - "Good. Somethin' ta help bury me with later."
-Nice H- "Are you sayin' my current hat isn' good enough?"
-Macedonian Coins (Free)
-Adventuring Bag (Free)
-Canteen of Infinite Water - "Adam's Ale, don't need to worry about it now."
-Gun - "In case this hefty fucker over here runs dry."
-Motorbike - "Now how the hell do I ride this thing."
hey how long can a space marine live in 40k? i mean age wise so i know if i want to take the extended stay drawback.
Age wise? I'm pretty sure they don't actually age.
They live until killed says the quads.
Chaos or loyalist? Loyalists seem to live centuries or rarely an eon before they need to be shoved into a Dreadnaught (I think that's the term for them? which can keep them alive indefinitely).

They age like Saiyans. Never actually getting physically weaker, but it does eventually get to a point where they'll drop dead.
So, how did the Invasion and the reveal of Alucard's true form go?
Sith Sorcery is a different thing from the Sith Sorcerer class.
It's a specific sub-teaching. Like Sith Alchemy, which involves the creation of Life. Life fueled by the Dark Side, but Life.
The oldest Chapter Master, Dante I believe, is around 6000 I want to say?
Ah, Sith Alchemy. The shit so evil that it's what got the Je'daii to split into the Jedi and the original Dark Jedi (the ones that went on to become the Sith) when before they were all about embracing both the Light and the Dark sides.
Technically, it depends. Sith sorcery can do a lot of things, from blotting out the sky, to creating webs, to teleportation and flight, and a powerful group of sorcerers can ignite suns.
You're WAY overboard.

In no small part, this is due to the longevity of the Blood Angels, which he has ruled for 1,100 years. Dante is the oldest living Space Marine in the Imperium (excluding Dreadnoughts) and is held in awe by leaders of other Chapters, who can remember him being a famous commander when they were in the Scout Company.[1][3]

From http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Dante
Yeah, it's supposed to be a big deal that Chaos has space marines old enough to have participated in the Heresy, despite them being extremely rare.
so i you take primarch blood perk would it increase your life span
It probably would.
Jesus christ, where the fuck did I get 6000 years from? I know I was trying to overshoot slightly, not multiply it by 6.

Sith Sorcery is powerful and diverse. But it IS a sub-teaching, and a specialized one that not many Sith know beyond the bare bones basics.
Which is why I argued it isn't the same as the Sith Sorcerer class.
so if that true can i just take dark millineum for 1000 c and still not be to old to kick the bucket also thanks
And I forgot my name.
Damn it other threads, stop stealing my name.
That's a pretty fun thing about the Sith. They have a ton of unique and esoteric disciplines scattered about because of a combination of their disjuncted nature and their willingness to experiment with the Force whereas the Jedi are all about established canon and order, and very rarely does a sith actually know any of them, or even less often more than one. If you're going Dark Side, you'll have a lot of fun adventures tracking down lost knowledge.

Meanwhile a Jedi learns just about everything his order has ever known during his training, and anything else is conveniently located in the library. How humdrum.
Sure, go for it.
There is a reason I went Grey Jedi in both existing jumps.

The Dark Side and the Light Side of the force are both necessary, and both in moderation won't make you go Crazy Pants.

Of course I'm the asshole who went to Harry Potter first, so I'm going to be running around casting Spells that leave even Sith scratching their heads.
Same here. The Gray Jedi get triple whammy of discovery here.

Their training might not have been within a Jedi temple, so there are elements of the Light Side they'll have to discover on their own.

They also have the esoteric Sith disciplines to learn, obviously.

Then you have all the strange Force traditions outside of the Jedi/Sith dichotomy, all of them with their own take on the Force and their own personal Force powers and knowledge as an individualist you have an entire Galaxy outside of the Jedi and Sith to learn from in regards to the Force. Like those armadillo guys and their rainbow spectrum Force, that'll be fun to research.
"Sonny, you don't know what the hell fear is until you've got fanged devils barreling at you from the gods-damned sky as if Heaven decided it had had enough of your fuss.

It was towards night when I stumbled out of that bar and had to nail one of them atwixt the eyes. I'd been dealin' with these leeches for a few months now as a hire-on with the uh... whats-the-name... Ah, right. Hellsing Organization. Didn't go anywhere too important - perticularly because I meself weren't interested in exactly working with 'at big red bulldozer they called Alucard.

Far as I knew, these laggards weren't interested in much beyond terrorizin', so I kept meself goin' from shadow to shadow - finally forted in an old apartment complex after I found a few survivors.

Let me tell you somethin', chap. I don't care whether that empowerment came from God or Old Scratch, that healin' saved my ass on several occasions - and bein' able to keep up with these... Nahtsees? Notzies? The vampires - being able to match their speed was what saved those civilizees behind me. Call it instinct, call it shame at me 'avin' even the thought, but I couldn' abandon any of them.

Not even when those white-hooded Klan-crackers joined the party.

... When that red tide of those poor souls came floodin' in though. Saints curse me, but I wanted to rabbit for it. We forted in that apartment as long as we could - seemed those wraiths weren't interested in property wreckin', although we had to . Hid 'em and hunkered down - no potshots to draw attention, no hootin' er hollerin'. But nothin' could block out that wailin' an' screamin' outside.

If only I coulda done somethin' more. I couldn't have put up a decent scrap against that monster even if I put my life on the line for it, would've just gone up the flume."
I wonder how you can combine both sides for cool multi-side powers.

Also I learned force lightning. Just because it looks awesome.
Nice. Really captures the terrifying atmosphere of that particular jump/battle. Hey, that reminds me, that old cowboy will be running into the Nahtsees again real soon.
I'm not sure if you can combine powers, but I'm sure you can 'combo' if that makes sense.
I don't meant combine powers.
I mean, there are Light Side powers, and there are Dark Side powers.

Are there powers that require a balance of the two?
...You made the weakness you take bonus damage from levitation? How the fuck does that even work?

Very badly actually if they went with gravity like their suggesting.

Mostly since immunity to gravity means their technically always levitating, and thus are constantly being damaged while everything floats away from them.
Thankfully these ones are just human. Even if they're still the same level of monstrous.

There's gonna be a LOT of hell to pay.
Not sure, but hey, that's the joy of discovery.
Aight, gonna go ahead and get another 7 lined up. 1 is Gunnm, anyone else got an idea for a chain that's Hellsing -> Indiana Jones thus far?
Perhaps pay a visit to Firefly or Fallout.
For cruelty: Hellgate London or Claymore.
For shenanigans: Disney Princess or Hyperdimension Neptunia.
For (vague) thematics: Les Miserables or Dresden Files.
Or any of the previous suggestions.
My husbando and son, of course. We were taking the train to a zoo somewhere.

Buffy, Animorphs, Undertale, probably most places. People don't like to die in most places.
Well, going on the anti-Nazi theme, you can fight Zion the space nazis in Gundam
Nightmare Before Christmas.
Age of Mythology.
Captain Planet.
And, because it's actually kind of appropriate, Dark Sun.
>An American Cowboy in SPAAAAAACE

Dear lord imagine him trying to pilot a mech the first time.
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Zeon, not Zion. Zion being the space Nazis would be a very confusing story.

His gun is too much high power, man.
Rolled 5 (1d8)

2 - Firefly
3 - Fallout ("THE HELL'S RADIATION?")

... y'know, much as I know Dresden Files is ramping up for an apocalypse, I kind've want to see how he does there.

But for living's sake:
4 - Les Miserables

"First you expected me t' know how t' ride that durn motorbike, now a giant metal man? I am NOT your Huckleberry here, damn it."

5 - Gundam Universal Century

6 - Nightmare Before Christmas
7 - Age of Mythology
8 - FTL

H'oh boy, here's hoping.
>Gundam Universal Century

Oooh fuck me running.
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Wasn't there an entry about one dude who tried and both Sides interfered with each other?

Tried Force Lightning, it was stopped by a happy memory.

Tried Force Heal, it died because of the anger he had during the situation.
How do Force powers perform in the absence of extreme emotions?
With classical acting.
That's more trying to use powers that require extremes to function at all with their opposite power sources.

What Justice's talking about seems more creating/discovering completely separate powers that require a mix of the two sides.
That's the ideal for Jedi. So... Jedi powers?
Let's say you didn't.

Because no.

You didn't.
>it was stopped by a happy memory.
Dude what? Dark side is, supposedly, "Passion". Not Rage, though most Sith use Rage because they are idiots

Light side is "serenity", or "thinking clearly"

Why would Happiness, which is a form of Passion, be the Light Side interfering with the Dark Side?

That's what the Jedi do bro. It's the Dark side that "needs" extreme emotions.

Yes, this is what I'm talking about

Though now that I consider it, I wonder what powers you could make off of pure "Dark Side" from Passions other than Rage and Hate.

Like Love, or Pride.

It's like alcohol but with all the fun parts taken out and replaced with hangovers
Uh, stupid question, but the Dragon Age: Origins jump referenced in the DA:I jump ISN'T the DA jump, right? We're still waiting on that?
And what is the 'Oversized Mirror' supposed to do? Is it an Eluvian or just a Mirror of Transformation?
No, it is. Dragon Age 1 is Dragon Age: Origins. The DA:I jump is referencing the earlier Dragon Age jump.
Okay. And just so I'm reading this right, where it says "Any in-universe skills you purchased in the Dragon Age Origins jump will apply here." in the DA:I jump notes, I still only get discounts from the origin I picked in DA:I?

So if I go Rogue in DA and Mage in DA:I, I don't get discounts on both Rogue and Mage perks in DA:I.
>Dude what? Dark side is, supposedly, "Passion". Not Rage, though most Sith use Rage because they are idiots

Hey, I'm simply trying to remember what I read.

Ah, the stuff I'm trying too, my bad. Forget I said anything.
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"Good evening Jeremiah."

"Piss off."

"Pleasant as ever. Did you at least enjoy yourself with Nazi-Hunting?"

"We fought, yes. You saw it all, no need for me to jaw it."

"Hmph. Disappointing. I take it you didn't particularly enjoy such a glorious display of-"

"Where's the next stop."

"Tut tut, don't be so antsy. I'd rather you not die immediately - you're still my prime entertainment after all."

>Gundam Universal Century - Jump 3
Time Period: Mobile Suit Gundam
Age: 21-years-old - "Wait how in hells did you- No, don't answer that. I'm not wanting to know."
Identity: Traveler

-Adults And Their Lies (Free)
-Kamille Is A Man's Name! - "This and the other thing - wot on God's flummuxed brain is going on."
-Who Needs Legs? - "Tell me this ain't gonna be literal."
-Blessed Be The Logistics Workers - "Oh god what did you- how did. I didn't know this before- WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HEAD?!"

Equipment & Mecha:
-Comfy Traveling (Free)
-Tem Ray Circuit
-Mass Production Mobile Suit (Free) - Zaku II - "HOW DO I WRANGLE THIS THIIIING?"
--60mm Vulcans (1x Free)
--Beam Saber (1x Free)
--Anti-Beam Coating
--New Armaments
--Enhanced Sensor Equipment
-Tools of Trade - "Compared to the swacking tinman over there, this should be a quick spell to learn."
Sorry if I offended you, was just confused at that logic. But then some of the EU writers, and the SWTOR writers, are hacks.

No, you don't
You only get the Mage discounts in DA:I if you do that.
>Dat MechQuest pic
Aw damn. Now I am back to wishing for Artix Entertainment jump.
Or perhaps three of them. . .for each of the games that are in different timelines. (I do not acknowledge the existence of AQW)
>Or perhaps three of them
I probably should have said, AN Artix Entertainment jump. For any of the games.

>Inb4 a mandatory Dragon Amulet CP tax

>I do not acknowledge the existence of AQW
Aye, sad story there. Although, the Voltaire event thing was neat.

You'd probably just have to buy it if you want a huge pet dragon
Or the weapons. Or good quests. Or good classes. Or to actually kill the big bads.
"Ten years a mercenary - try not to be so predictable the next time I drop you off, hmm?"

"Spent the first three tryin' ta not get acocked by that hell-fired machine."

"Ah yes, about that machine - you can't just leave it behind, so I'm expanding our deal a bit. If you'd just follow me into this next train car..."

"Wot's yer deal, Scratch- Woah."

"Consider it a gift, and a note - should you obtain any other 'attachments' similar to this, they'll be in a line past that door on the other end. Depending on them, you may have to specify where each door is supposed to "go" as it were.

Now, do take your time here. These changes are permanent."

-Point Count: 150 - "Huh, odd number compared to your usuals, but I'll use it."

-ForceWall - "Ain't gettin' stabbed in mah sleep, no sir."
-Plumbing - "How does it work in a movin' train- Nope, not askin' questions I'm gonna regret."
-Electricity - "Repeat."
-GravityLink - "Huh, wonder wot this do- WHAT DID I DO WHY AM I HITTIN' THE CIELIN'."

-Shelving (Free) - "Can use these for a-sleepin' on till I move somethin' else in."
-Housing - "Or maybe I jes' buy the essentials an' trimmin's and don't need to worry about that."
-Workshop - "'Bout time."
-Medbay - "Not likin' the look of somma that equipment there."

-Free Space - "Kinda need this f'r that fucker over there, unless you've got a spare car for it."
-Food Supply - "Aww ain't that out-and-outer."

Anywho, toss me a good 8 or so jumps for a quick 1d8 tomorrow, as I gotta hit the hay.

Say what you will about their business practices, but they made their shit have character. Each of those mechs was awesome in their own way.
>their business practices
Oi. To be fair, you only pay once for most of the good stuff. The Coins stuff is unnecessary and overpowered.
151. Sburb
Age: 12, Origin: Drop-In
Location: Shitty Apartment
Planet: Derse, Role: Sylph of Breath, Land of Flowers and Breeze, Prototyped: Laganaphilis Simnovorii + Owl
Perks: Vision Nofold (-200), God Tier (-800)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Boggle], Strife Specibus [Whipkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt, Collection of Really Terrible Movies, Colonel Sassacre's Daunting Text of Magical Frivolity and Practical Japery
Multiplayer (-200)
Drawbacks: Import Your Actual House, Crippled [Blind] (+100), I Warned You About The Stairs (+100)

Our entry order is Falco > Isaac > Asriel > Ko'el > Roberta > Choir > Toby > Chimmy > Noble, and we'll all be getting our own post, I think. So, I'm sorry if it gets annoying.

I am the last to enter our session, which means I get the most starting grist and the hardest entry puzzle. At least I got to make sure everyone got in okay.

The Land of Flowers and Breeze would be amazing, if any of the flowers would bloom. The sky is so thick with clouds that no sunlight can get through. It smells like chocolate chip cookies. I know that that's wrong, the light behind the cloud is just making it brown in the right shades, but it's still delicious and makes me hungry. I kind of want to clear the sky just so I won't constantly be smelling cookies I can't eat. Which forms the basis of my quest: Clear the Sky so that the flowers can bloom. That's the games proof that I can do the Windy Thing good enough to get a new universe. And I get to toss in a predetermined death in every timeline, the main one assuring I can do the Windy Thing good. At least I get a pretty dress with it. It's blue and has a super cool tassled hood. My sprite is a cutie, and I once saw it eat an ogre whole before vomiting up the grist. Not sure whether it gets that from the owl or the plant, but I don't really care.

So, I start as a healer class, alone on my world save for a monkey trying to build my house up, with fully upgraded enemies. And I'm hungry. Great.
Which would be sharper: a top of the line HF blade from Metal Gear Rising or a nano-thorn sword from Worm?
>-Plumbing - "How does it work in a movin' train- Nope, not askin' questions I'm gonna regret."
This was where I lost my sides.

Captcha was a railroad crossing. Spooky.
I think the nano-thorn is technically sharper since a HF blade doesn't necessarily have a mono-molecular edge.
Falco: Drop-In, Maid of Void
World: Derse, Land of Towers and Silence, Chameleon Consorts
Prototypes: Voodoo Doll + Graf Renik's Ashes
Quest: Turn on the Power
Perks: Smooth Sylladex (-200), God Tier (-400)
Items: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Jenga], Strife Specibus [Knifekind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

>"Hello again, my love"

The world around here would appear empty, but she knows better than that. Creatures of eery silence haunt these towers, forms cloaked to avoid detection by the invading imps. It is dark, but who needs eyes to see nowadays? She is the first in the insipisphere, and would like to enjoy a few minutes alone with her husband before setting up her workshop and inviting someone else into this universe. Falco has kept Renik's ashes for 1500 years, in an urn on the Light of Terra. And now she gets to say goodbye one last time.

Her first real love will guide her until her death in 4 years. The generator in the center of this world needs something to conduct a charge across two pieces, and regardless of her wishes, it will be her. A powerful jolt will drop her onto her quest bed. With the generator that powers this world activated, and her quest complete, she will ascend to a God Tier Maid of Void, a shepherd of secrets. Obscuring her fellows from harm and uncovering things man was not meant to know, Falco wears darkness as a veil, and I will never stop laughing at her for dressing like a mallgoth from here on out. She already has an Eye of Horus tattooed on her eyelids and combat boots and everything.

Falco was already a ninja-witch before this whole thing went down, and now she has perfected it.
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An HF Nano-Thorn.

No really.

HF stands for "High Frequency"; the blades are designed to vibrate at an extreme level that allows them to cleave through shit. They are basically chainsaw swords.
It's just the frequency is fine-tuned so you actually get those nice anime slice throughs, instead of spraying wood chips and bone and meat everywhere every time you go to cut something.

After that, the strength of the sword is mostly dependent on the sword (durr), which can vary wildly in quality. Because swords do that.
If you take the HF Frequency Manufacture option you can make your own. And Sam's sword in the game was actually retrofit (it is specifically mentioned as such), instead of being designed as an HF Blade from the ground up. So with some practice, I see no reason why you couldn't retrofit other things as well.

Unless there's something dumb about Worm's Nano-Thorn that would prevent you from adding the mechanisms, I dunno, I don't really follow Worm.

So, hey, why not both?
Isaac: Drop-In, Mage of Mind
World: Prospit, Land of Frost and Craters, Crocodile Consorts
Prototypes: Robot Servant + Rathalos/Deathclaw failed Hybridization attempt
Quest: Build the Engine
Perks: God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Guess Who], Strife Specibus [Fistkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt, Portable Computers (-100), A Copy of ~ATH - A Handbook for the Imminently Deceased (-100)

Isaacs world is plagued by falling rocks, and in these falling rocks are rare and valuable minerals. They keep the consorts warm and his consorts tell him that somewhere in this land are instructions for a great engine that will burn these rocks for fuel. And those blueprints are in the hands of his Denizen. Isaac has taken to sending out machines to gather materials hidden in the meteors scattered around his frozen land, and his consorts have taken to hiding in his house from the cold. When that engine is activated it, the heat from it should create a small paradise for the crocodiles to inhabit, melting snow and blocking the meteors.

He has prototyped one of my failed experiments, as I left it's bones dangling from the roof of his room on the Light of Terra, as well as one of his own constructs. And he did them both before we entered, so now we're dealing with both Voodoo Imps and Robo-Rathclaw-Skeleton imps. I get that Skaia has a prerogative to keep things interesting, but fuck, why?

Isaac will die due to one of his own curses written in ~ATH, running it in a computer powered by his own lightning in an attempt to kill Toby for what he did to Asriel. But Toby will be without his computers, in hiding. His powers as the Mage of Mind will increase drastically. Isaac knows how people think, now. He can outmaneuver them with his vast machine army, and in a one-on-one fight, nothing can touch him. The result of your every decision is plain as day.
Captain Planet
Element: Heart
Multi-Talented: Curiosity
The Power Is Yours!
Utility Band
Power Ring
Iron Fist
Heart is an Awesome Power
Hitler Hate Beams

Thoughts on this Captain Planet Build?
Nanothorns are pretty fragile, that's why Armsmaster/Defiant's weapons are "nanothorn generators" instead of discrete nanothorn blades. He needs to remake them constantly, repairing them after each attack. Adding a vibration function might just shake them apart.
Asriel: Drop-In, Heir of Heart
World: Prospit, Land of Fire and Caves, Salamander Consorts
Prototypes: Pet Goat + Golden Flower
Quest: Stoke the Flames
Perks: Vision Twofold (-200), God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Settlers of Catan], Strife Specibus [Swordkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

Asriel is sad to see his old nanny goat go, but she's fated to die soon. Every method of prediction has seen it is so, but at least now she can hang around a bit longer. The Golden Flower is something of a cruel joke by Isaac, his server player. Isaac is well aware that they can make Asriel uncomfortable, but has no idea why. I've done my best to help Asriel come to terms with his past, but he still clams up sometimes.

The land itself seems to be volcanic, and he's happy to return underground. It reminds him of Hotland, in a lot of ways. And the salamanders tell him to make it hotter. Bigger fires need bigger fuel, and he travels the Lands collecting things to burn in the center of his planet. It's not long until he's found what he's looking for guided by his visions of the future and the clouds on Prospit. His Denizen offers the choice and he takes the one he never would have considered.

Near the core of his planet, he meets Toby. Poor, desperate Toby, the whole in his chest still gaping. Truly unhealable by even my hand. Asriel offers his gem from Steven Universe to keep Toby going a bit longer. Such a source of life energy would assuredly fill in the gaps from where his own was ripped out. Asriel could then use what power remained in him to stoke the flame and burn out his form in the process. He stood on his quest bed and used the fire magic that was his birthright.

When he next awoke he was a god tier Heir of Heart, capable of channeling his SOUL far beyond what any other monster could hope. Asriel was positivity and happiness and were he to return home, he could even live on without draining the lives of his parents.
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Hm. Weird!

In that case, I agree with: >>47094738
I'm sure the Nanothorn is sharper, because at the end of the day HF Blades are just regular swords with supertech backing.
Granted they are awesome, superbly well made swords, but... they're still just swords.

HF Blades would be better suited if you actually want to keep a singular sword, not having to recreate one for each new attack.
I would say they are more reliable, but not as deadly (though granted, they can still potentially cleave through Metal Gears).
You can also actually block stuff with an HF Blade, if you know how, so that's pretty neat.

So both are cool, but if you just want straight killing power, probably the mono-molecular edge is the way to go.
Ko'el: Drop-In, Prince of Blood
World: Derse, Land of Ichor and Wreckage, Camen Consorts
Prototypes: VX88 Broadside Battlesuit + Fio'La R'ual
Quest: Fix the Ship
Perks: Ectobiologist (-200), God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Scrabble], Strife Specibus [Riflekind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

Ko'el took the entire Light of Terra with him to his Land, and it was the only ship that shined in the Land of Ichor and Wreckage. But it couldn't move from where it was lodged, upside down and half buried in the world. At least it was front-up, and it did give him an advantage in reaching his first two portals. Most of the surrounding scabs where covered in crashed carapacian battleships, damaged by both each other and the constant fall of meteors onto this world. Something was disrupting the asteroid belt seperating Derse from the player's lands.

He'd simply take a ship and see what it was. The Battle-Suit imps were a terrifying obstacle, but it was nothing the crew of the Light couldn't handle on their own. Watching them fight from the deck of the Litany of Litany's Litany, he'd resolve to be back quickly.

The disruption was simple enough, two teams of battleships fighting over a large meteor of some kind. Which would turn out to be a laboratory, the one in which our forms for this universe were concieved. Neither side would dare risk it's destruction. After thoroughly washing his hands, they'd make a daring escape from the battle, only for the Litany to be shot down. The attempt to land as close to the Light as possible would be the undoing of the life of every Tau outside the 40K universe, very many humans, and launch Ko'el unto his quest bed.

Not an auspicious start. The Prince of Blood destroys his allies or destroys using his allies. Attacks made with their allies by their side are terrible to behold, as are those made under his command. He was instrumental in the defeat of the Black King for just this reason.
Roberta: Drop-In, Witch of Time
World: Prospit, Land of Sands and Lightning, Skink Consorts
Prototypes: Stuffed Armidillo + Squall (Golden Sun)
Quest: Fill the Hourglass
Perks: Weird Time Shit (-200), God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Connect 4], Strife Specibus [Pistolkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

The lack of an hourglass really perturbed Roberta. Was she expected to craft one out of the sandglass made by the lightning strikes? Or maybe it was buried? It would help if she could look elsewhere for information, so she looked in other timelines.
And many did have their own hour glasses under construction. So, she snagged one that was closer to done than the rest and began working on it. And then another her snagged that one, so she stole another one from a different timeline.

And on and on it went, until there was a coven of Witches of Time standing around a completed hour glass. There had never been more than one hour glass in existence, and that was when they knew time travel was bullshit. And then the hourglass was struck by lightning, killing them all in a terrifying explosion of shrapnel and glass. No sand had even been poured in yet. Roberta, missing her lower half, was carried to her quest bed by Falco. Graf said some nice things, and she passed on in peace, knowing she'd awaken again.

The Witch of Time that awoke found traversing timelines so easy, and also the reversal of it that repaired the hourglass. It was huge, and filling it would take time. Maybe if she came back later she'd care to complete this quest. This world was just a game, after all.
SoB: Drop-In, Knight of Space
World: Prospit and Derse, Land of Clouds and Frogs, Frilled Lizard Consorts
Prototypes: Sky Dragon (Cave Story) + King Pumpkin
Quest: Genesis Frog
Perks: Man Grit (-200), God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Pictionary], Strife Specibus [Chainsawkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

The PumpkinDragonSprite would have been an invaluable guide in the locating of the field of frogs on the mountaintops of LoCaF, but it would come and go as it pleased. I would've warned them, but they only told Roberta, their server player. Oh well, at least pumpkindragon imps are less scary than regular dragon imps.

The frog hunt was a lot of fun for everybody, and we all got in on it. The Sisters had to do the actual frog breeding, and Ko'el taught them what he could once we got him out of the dumps for his whole accidental death of 20000 people, including our entire families, thing. Shit happens, amirite? And it took up most of the 10 years we spent here. The Choir was diligent, but with so many quests to complete and worlds to explore, this took time. They couldn't spend all day climbing mountain faces.

They were still Knights, and they did what they could in combat. It was in combat with a fully upgraded Giant Monster variant Imp that they fell. The Sisters of Battle had taken to all occupying the same space in battle, stacking the durability of their armor and damage of their weapon. Together they were a fearsome Knight of Space. If the need called for it, one of them would block while the others attacked, and that was how they died. They needed to strike from multiple angles and could not hold back the attack for very long without their stacked strength. I carried them to their quest bed myself. It was a pretty fucking big slab of stone.

A god tier Knight of Space is fearsome, combining teleportation, attack stacking, and a keen sense of space to defeat their foes. They're not at full strength unless they fuse in gem-form.
Toby: Drop-In, Thief of Life
World: Derse, Land of Leaves and Blades, Axolotl Consorts
Prototypes: Beast + Gem (Charoite)
Quest: Pull out the Sword
Perks: Dreamjumper (-100), Irons In the Fire (-100), God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Operation], Strife Specibus [Bowkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

Toby's dog was a poor choice for prototyping, but frankly, a morphic semi-psychic monster with a strong loyalty instinct wasn't the worst decision he could have made. Cierra was even pleased with the idea of such cute enemies to fight. The worst choice came after entry, when he decided to use his Sprite to meet his mother for the first time. He just had to touch it to his gem.

And then a fundamental part of his being was ripped out of his chest and connected with his psychic-link dog and things just went downhill from there. The Sprite kept him alive while he was unconscious, and when Toby awoke, they talked. Toby would have to master his ability to steal the life force of others until he could find his quest bed and remove the sword from it before he could ascend to God Tier and be made whole again. In truth, he was happy just to meet Charoite, and even if he kept dieing and reviving in the warehouse it would have been worth it to him.

The quest bed wasn't hard to find, it was the sword that made things difficult. Caledfwlch, an old piece of shit sword that was impossible to tear out without breaking the quest bed. It would take the heart of a king to pull it out. In the meantime, Toby would steal the life from anything that crossed his path to keep going. Until Asriel handed him the answer. Toby died the same day he was handed the Stichtite Heart, burning through it's energy to draw the blade from the stone.

A god tier Thief of Life can steal the life forces of others with great efficiency and even give it to others.
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Blast from the past, the last stand JoJoAnon made before leaving all those threads ago. "Steel Universe" was suppose to be Zeppeli's origin stand. Anyways I thought it was interesting stand. I couldn't find the original post due to Wasaru being down, but way back in thread #79 was when this happened.


Gonna replace my current stand with this. However here's my current stand if anyone wishes to be lazy and use it.

Destructive Power - B
Speed - B
Range - D
Durability - C
Precision - A
Developmental Potential - A
Basic Ability - Connected - allows its user to intuitively understand the inner workings of any form of technological device. This allows the user to repair machines that may be beyond what is normally accessible to the world. The Stand is also able to dismantle any machine or complex structure into its component parts by punching it, the more complicated the structure or machine, the more punches it takes to fully disassemble it.

It doesn't have an awakened ability and I'm not sure about how go about making a Requiem for this. So if you want either those abilities, gotta make them up yourself. Sorry.
Chimmy: Drop-In, Rogue of Light
World: Prospit, Land of Rain and Ivory, Turtle Consorts
Prototypes: Porter (Animal Crossing) Figurine + Gavril Madaraki Body Pillow
Quest: Play the Song
Perks: Smooth Sylladex (-200), God Tier (-400)
Gear: Sylladex, Fetch Modus [Rock'em Sock'em Robots], Strife Specibus [Staffkind], Alchemy Machines, Symbol Shirt

Chimmy's land was hilarious to me. A rainforest with giant piano ruins. He also made monkey imps and prototyped his anime body pillow on the grounds that pillows could take more punches.

Now, the main problem with his quest was figuring out which song they wanted us to play, but Chimmy was happy to play all day and night to find out. Actually exploring the ruins was for everyone else. If he got bored he'd just jump through a portal and visit somewhere else for awhile. He was also my server player, and would take breaks to make art from my house. Statues of people fighting, extra rooms like bathrooms with 16 toilets, whatever caught his interests.

And for awhile it was fine. But there comes a point where he needs to stop falling behind and actually start helping us move sand. The hourglass isn't gonna fill it's fucking self. No, not even if we ask nicely. At least it wasn't going to until he began really using his powers. A Rogue of Light steals knowledge and luck for the group, and he suddenly became really helpful on that front as he advanced. We just started running into solutions left and right after that, including people just lucking into new uses for old powers.

He stole us a fortune.

Unfortunately, he died painfully, trying to swallow a Ruyi Jingu Bang alchemized with a candy cane. It expanded in his throat and he suffocated, only to come back God Tier.
Why the hell are you talking about tiny solar systems?

>impact from falling

But that is "damage from the forces of gravity". See, this is why sensible people go with fire or ice or something instead of trying to figure out how complete immunity to a fundamental force works when technically just by not being a disparate cloud of subatomic particles you're letting it act on you to some extent, which may include damaging you when said interaction involves things like rocks falling on your head or being sucked into a black hole.
well I made them into tiny solar system people that is roughly human sized solar systems that are configured into a humanoid shape with their orbits and whatnot, think of vector man and you're on the right track. And I figured it wasn't immunity to gravity so much as immunity to being damaged by the forces of gravity, not impact from falling or anything just stuff like the gravity pistols in blame, and I figured the opposite of gravity is antigravity which is levitation.
no it's damage from kinetic transfer, a fine distinction but an important one.
I think it's exceptionally arbitrary and wanky considering how intrinsic gravity is to the mechanism of kinetic transfer but as long as you don't assume you can survive a dip into a supermassive black hole I don't are enough to argue sense into you.

I still don't understand why the fuck you're rambling about tiny solar system people. I don't remember those in a jump ostensibly based around D&D-style dungeoning.
did you read it? It just says weird it doesn't say like in D&D, maybe I got a little too creative all change it if the jump maker says it's out of bounds. I hope using it to become a rip off of Dell the funky Phantom was cool though.
10.5 hours until I see Civil War. I am embarrassingly excited about this fact.
Rate my Stand guys, really surprised their wasn't a Stand called this before.

Destructive Power - E/D/D/A
Speed - C/B/B/A
Range - C/C/B/C
Durability - C/C/C/B
Precision - A/B/B/B
Developmental Potential - A/B/C/E

Basic Ability: Subconscious Manipulation

Appearance: Hotel California resembles a small fairy penguin, but with a green coat of feathers and stars on its underbelly. It wears a bellhop hat and epaulets on its shoulders.

Act 1: Coming in contact with the Stand drains people of their energy, eventually bringing them into a deep sleep. It is a shy and slow stand, so it waddles near the user.

Act 2: Those that come in contact with the Stand have the forefront of their subconscious brought to their minds, making them reveal the TRUTH that they normally keep within their HEARTS. It also becomes faster, having learnt to slide on its belly.

Act 3: Those that are struck unconscious by the Stand will become consumed by their nightmares and deepest subconscious fears. During this period they will attempt to fight off these phantoms, damaging themselves as their CONSCIOUS and SUBCONSCIOUS wrestle one another. The Stand grows to become more imposing to fit the fear it generates.

Act 4: This Stand can now change the position of the subconscious and conscious minds of their targets, making meek nuns into furious berserkers or angry mobs into calm picnickers. This change affects the Stand itself, now a confident and imposing Emperor Penguin, with a uniform jacket draped over its shoulders. It is both stronger and faster, though due to its size, it can no longer move as far.

What? I like penguins.
I like it, nice potential for mindfuckery
What's the awakened/requiem?
I really want to make a joke about how as soon as you manifest it, everyone is going to try to create a version of it.

All honesty, though, it's a good stand.
Why not boost the durability of your nanothorns? Hell, why not jacket them in force fields that come down to subatomic edges to give them even better cutting power and immense durability?

Although at that point I don't know what if anything the HF would be adding to it.
It already has 4 Acts, I think that giving it a Requiem ability would be pushing it, especially since there is very little more I can think of thematically besides turning the Stand into an actual phantom hotel that all the multiversal iterations of the target have to run through while eliminating one another to leave the strongest consciousness like a Persona-Battle Royale. But that would quickly turn out badly for the Stand user.

Gee, I hope that /co/ does drawthread it, I'd love to see it.
You don't see the inherent fucking powerwanking in taking a "you have complete immunity to attacks/environmental effects from a theme and double damage/capped resistance from an opposing theme" and using one to resist only damaging attacks using the theme not all the environmental effects that should be resisted, while having the opposing theme be something that does no inherent damage? What am I saying, of course you don't, it's Tera.
At that point, why even have the nanothorns? What are they adding the forcefield isn't?
How are you even designing forcefields precise enough to coat nanothorns and sharp enough to carry out their function? I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here.
Trying to do >>47096273 is never cool. Actually, nothing about you is.
Well, you can't boost the durability of the nanothorns without making them out of non-atomic matter. It's a material limit, when you're engineering nanometer-wide serrated blades there's only so durable you can make each serration. You'd have to make them out of nuclear matter, and that's a terrifying idea. Someone with a nanothorn blade made out of strangelets is not someone I want to be within an astronomical unit of.
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Hey, it could be worse. At least it's not a nanothorn blade made out of dark matter.

Which you can get in FF9's scenario
Why would I worry about that? Dark matter doesn't even interact with normal baryonic matter, the blade would pass right through me harmlessly.
How many alternate forms do you have?
You might as well ask why bother with nanothorns when you can generate a monomolecular blade.

Miniaturization and Efficiency and A Farm for Ants, plus a shrinking power to get me small enough to make them.

That's why you jacket them in force fields. Force fields are effectively nonatomic matter.
Well, mainly because of the discussion page of this SCP, which is a scientific model of what dark matter might actually be like.


In a nutshell, apparently if the supersymmetry theory is correct than every fermionic partner has a bosonic partner (and dark matter is apparently composed of bosonic particles), and thus coming normal matter coming into contact with dark matter would cause it to collapse into a Bose-Einstein condensate, ceasing to be objects while being unhinged from normal physical interaction and becoming the amalgate of things phasing in and out of each other seen in the SCP.

Then again, this IS Final Fantasy dark matter so. Who knows? Tsukihime dark matter probably has better conceptual offensive power anyway.
Only seven right now, but three of them are different dragon forms.
You know, I onder if with the final fom perk from SOA and just collecting dragon alt-forms, you could eventually become the platonic ideal of what a dragon is.
>You might as well ask why bother with nanothorns when you can generate a monomolecular blade.
Serrations. A nanothorn blade is basically just a monomolecular blade that's serrated for better cutting action. The energy needed to sever any individual molecular bond is reduced so low by a nanothorn blade that things touching it just disintegrate.

Ah, I see. Well, that's probably not how dark matter would interact with normal matter. The author of that SCP admits that the "quantum spin annihilation" thing is something he made up. If that did happen, you'd get those results, but most particle interactions conserve spin number. It's very unlikely for that to happen. Also, as he goes on to say, recent evidence suggests that supersymmetric models of dark matter are likely incorrect, so it wouldn't matter, anyway.
Isnt the point of platonic idealism is that all dragons are a platonic ideal of themselves?

It sounds like with the final form perk all id be doing is create another dragon to into the set, not become the set
Do companions have any other use aside from extra points, living weapons and test subjects?
Having your back when the Jump depowers you or some enemy is explictly immune to your abilities.
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Me sitting in a throne. Over a mountain made of the corpses of all my enemies.Also I'm playing a 'complete' version of MGSV.
They can.

Obvious there's the waifu angle. You can also let them run around and do their own thing, kinda like a B plot. Also, sometimes I let them take the lead on a particular jump and I just support them.
Having a variety of skillsets to rely on

also, you know, friendship.
I think my definition of 'living weapons' includes that too.
Well, you get the same effect with a nanothorn submolecular blade, except finer - which makes it more functional against substances that don't obey the laws of physics and have more unusual sorts of bonds. You also have lower individual precision requirements, because you only have to jacket each thorn in a force field instead of stretching a force field across a blade.
Only if you bring them in every jump. Keeping them in stasis for 10 years isn't a very friendly thing to do.
Friends, Lovers, Sidekicks, Rivals, People you can send to get your groceries for you, proxies in your schemes, and making sure you don't turn into a sociopath.
This is the exact reason I only have eight companions. Even if importing companions usually cost quite a bit.
An extra perspective. You'd be surprised how useful it is to have someone else to talk to about things - no matter how smart you get, it's easy to get lost in your own head.

Also, companionship. It gets lonely being the only entity with your level of power and experiences in most Jumps, and in the Jumps where people can relate they're likely to be paranoid about something which can take their candy from them.
But it's true. If you can make a forcefield fine enough to have a thinner edge than the nanothorns, but also more stable/durable than they are, why use the nanothorns at all?
But you've got trillions of trillions of nanothorns at that scale, though. Getting the forcefield to conform perfectly to their shape is going to be tough.
a) You can use pods, and several other item options and the like, to stretch the companion limit.
b) You don't always have to bypass them.
Not if you explain the full implications of the process beforehand and they agree to become your companion anyway.
Er, import them, not bypass them.
Well unless you are konata and you threaten to eternally torture them if they go against you.
>That image
Seen enough hentai something something.
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