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Worst Part of your favorite system

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"Gimme a sec guys, lemme pull. Out my bathtub of D6s"
People bitching about having to roll more than 2 dice.
>Legends of the Wulin
>What the fuck am I reading?
>wound on 4+, save on 3+

Etched in to my very being.
people think you can crit skillchecks

>"Hold on, this situation was addressed in a pyramid issue. Let me check real quick"
>Pulls out 3 binders with 500+ pages each
Not OP, currently in a SR4e game. Playing a mage, not even very well optimized.

On most spells, I'm rolling 16 dice. If I'm actually serious, I'm rolling 20+ dice, exploding. That's an excessive number of dice.
>Cypher System
>"Hey, I'm tired of DMing this, want to try out 5e?"
>"Nah man, we want to try another cypher campaign where we're all skeletons breaking out of hell."
"You spot some elephants feeding each other fruits. Roll chastity"
Not for a powerful character, which you are playing.

To get that, you need something of the order of Magic 6 (which is as rare as a natural Strength 6), Spellcasting 6 (which is "almost best in the world"), as well as a Force 4 Power Focus (which is exceptionally expensive, powerful as hell, and hard to bind).

So yeah, that is a large number of dice.
However the fact of the matter is you're playing a very powerful character.
Most Wagemages will have a dice pool of about 8, perhaps 10 if they're specialised or their Corp has splurged for a weak Spellcasting Focus.
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>manage to get almost all of the double cards and am racing across the board
>deftly dodge the licorice pieces
>recover from a terrible setback to the Gumdrop Mountains yet still somehow manage to regain the lead
>can hardly believe how awesome I am at this game
>the three year old I'm playing against draws into Queen Frostine and then proceeds to win the game

The Frostine card is broken as hell.
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>Burning Wheel Gold
>This mess they call a book

Seriously, I can't get enough of this game, but trying to find something in the cluttered heap (that constantly changes it's formatting) takes forever. Does help the author has some idea that it should only exist as a physical object, and won't release a PDF of it.
"I forget, what's the wounding multiplier for cutting damage on the neck? "
" I donny, let's go searching through 400 pages of poorly formatted text"

Shadowrun 5e book is an absolute mess so I sprung for 4e
>everyone has this weird idea you can crit skill checks and rolling a 1 has LOLRANDUM consequences
And no, it's not "no fun allowed!" Because it's not fun.
>"Gimme a sec guys, lemme pull. Out my bathtub of D6s"
Ork players be like "this is the first volley"

Our game is semi-serious and we find the 1/20 cri fail/success to be fun and adds to the game. However, its up to each DM and the tone of the campaign
you're not fun
>not saying "look over there!" and rearranging the deck

Okay, now I rolled my dice, let me figure out which of the THREE different methods to read them will give me the highest number.
You'd be surprised how much the game improves when you're not giving yet more grief to classes that rely on multiple d20 rolls per round for their most used abilities.

LOL UR SO RANDUM AND FUN! *holds up spork*
>"Hey, mind if I suggest a houserule?"
>"we use a lot of houserules here."

>"Oh, yeah, I'm gonna be running/playing X, it's homebrew thing(s) I found online"
You should play FFG Star Wars...
>cheating against a three-year-old.

You're despicable.

I like your style.
FFG Star Wars doesn't even approach Shadowrun levels of dice until way higher levels.
>what's that die mean again?
I can't remember anyone rolling 35 dice when I played Star Wars...
One of the easiest ways to keep that manageable is to buy those itty-bitty chessex d6es that come in the set of 36, instead of full size d6es.
Tell him to stop, you don't really need to be so by the book with GURPS just have him wing it. Or write the multipliers down at least.

Guys. Guys! This was addressed on... hold on. let me check my book...
page B497
God dammit, this.

>Ok, what does this mean?

I had to stand up so many times to look over my computer to see what they got.
Now you're fun
But then... why play GURPS?
I'm thinking of WEG Star Wars.
I have a feeling you don't actually play GURPS, do you?
>use 3d6 instead of d100 or at least another linear dice
Don't worry that's just me, I want to learn the system the best that I can and if I keep winging it instead of learning the rules' mechanic, I won't get far
For the rest of it you memester.
No, but it's a Steve Jackson game, literally the only appeal is that you can say you have rules for everything.

I'm a strong believer in the DM and players mattering more than the system, but why cripple yourself if it's not your thing?
I find the 3d6 and under with the basics of combat (GURPS-lite ish) appealing.
My favorite system is Slavic free-form roleplay which has no flaws.

Nothing you say matters. You've never played GURPS, you don't know GURPS, all your accusations are completely baseless.
>roll natural 20 on bluff check to convince guard he shouldn't be there
>guard wills himself into another dimension
skill crits/fumbles are trash an always will be trash
free-form is always the worst. Even when you were child.

>Nuh-uh! I have a forcefield!

Also, whenever I was playing legos with my brother, I was busy making generators and farms to build my base up while he made stupid shit like machine-gun saucers(basically a flat plate with 1x1 bricks on it) that would fly around and shoot fire bullets at everything.

He always insta-won(because how can one argue against the fact that my farms were burned to the ground by machine-gun saucers?). I insisted that you needed generators and bases to make your army powerful because video games said so. He said my shit was retarded.

I still think that some form of logistics is vital to military games.
Here lets get two situations

>nat 20 on bluff check to convince guard that he shouldn't be there

Guard now thoroughly believes that he shouldn't be there. When asked why he isn't where he should be he will give the reasoning that you gave him but w/o mention of you as really you had nothing to do what he sees as HIS reasoning.

>Roll 16 on bluff check

You did successfully convince the guard that he should be somewhere else. He will see you as an authority figure for example and just be convinced into doing what you told him because "that guy told me to and I felt like I should listen to him". When questioned as to why he isn't where he should be, he will mention that you told him not to be there.
We just call those the warhammer dice
>I still think that some form of logistics is vital to military games.

"Amateurs argue about tactics, professionals study logistics"
Amateurs also argue about logistics sometimes
>Guard now thoroughly believes that he shouldn't be there. When asked why he isn't where he should be he will give the reasoning that you gave him but w/o mention of you as really you had nothing to do what he sees as HIS reasoning.
>implying a 5% chance of this happening no matter how well disciplined the guard is, or how shitty my relevant skill is (hell I could even have PENALTIES to the relevant skill by being untrained and having a penalty in the base stat) is in any way a good thing
I don't want to go full autist, but how do I learn to into military tactics and logistics so that when I write settings wars don't just happen?

Okay so add your modifiers in


Everyone should just stop doing what's fun because you said so.
>roll check to have fun
>roll 16 and have fun
>roll nat 20 and have so much fun my endorphine receptors will be burnt out for the rest of my life
>roll nat 1 and have so little fun I kill myself

If you don't play Role Playing Games to have fun, then why do you play them.

To you they must be Role Playing Chores
Not my favorite, but I hate how your minimum roll in Savage Worlds never really goes up
I would make them roll again ad nauseum on top of a natural 20 to see if their combined rolls would beat the required skill check.
Reign's Unconventional Warfare rules. I get that it needs some more granularity on account of it being the PC's favorite thing to do, but if you get to the point where pic related is necessary in a system where most company actions are handled in a single roll, I think that's a bit much.
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Bruh, I said SLAVIC freeform. Educate yourself.
We all thought it was fun at first, but I'm pretty tired of my players expecting fucking magical and zany shit to happen every time they roll a 20. Also, when I hand off the DM baton, these idiots always pull shit like "you searched so masterfully that you've blinded yourself!".
>savage worlds
Let me just roll this shooting here aaaand I rolled a 40 somehow soooo...

you think I'm joking but I'm not. this is a chronic problem we've been having. maybe we shouldn't have let damage dice explode. it seems like a poor decision in hindsight.
>Don't Rest Your Head
"That's a nice successful roll you've got there. I spend 4 Despair, you instead fail and Snap. Enjoy that permanent madness die."

The worst part is that I'm almost always the GM and it takes every fiber of my being not to do this whenever I have the chance.

>13th Age
"Wait, what's the Escalation Die at now?" tied with "Does my Background apply here?"
I'm not sure what's worse, a constantly shifting modifier to attack rolls or the fact that 'skills' are so ambiguous that they might as well not even exist.
>current year
>roleplaying to have fun

>GURPS fans are known to see any legitimate criticism as an accusation.
>Shadowrun 5ED

Horrific editing.

Honorable mentions go to magic based matrix and speeds table.
>I haven't played it
>legit criticism
>it seems like a poor decision in hindsight.

It's called out as one of the things that shouldn't explode IIRC.
This is still shit though.

Bluff and diplomacy are both skills that tend to be totally ruined by GM's who overreach when it comes to the spectrum of success and failure, and players who expect miracles at the extreme ends.

Most of the time a bluffing success should reasonably be: You make them hesitate long enough for you to get out of there without immediately getting a spear in your back" not "the npc acts like a retard, fails in his job and neglects to mention it to anyone, because a total stranger said it was ok"
>I don't want to go full autist, but how do I learn to into military tactics and logistics so that when I write settings wars don't just happen?

Study history. The first thing you'll realize is how dumb a lot of the reasons for things that happened were. Don't feel like conflicts have to happen for reasons that make 100% sense, focus on how the conflicts were fought and how people messed up, it'll go a long way to making things believable.

That said, you can never go wrong with trade or greed as the reasons. Most wars start because someone can benefit from them and encourages people to do it as soon as there's a remotely legitimate excuse for it.

The brits once were so desperate for an excuse to shoot some spaniards that they had a parliamentary hearing about a british navy captain who got his ear cut of by spanish sailors EIGHT YEARS earlier, followed by spain and england half-assedly fighting it out for a couple of years in the caribbean.
He didn't say he never played it, just that he isn't playing it. Calm your pyramid-shaped tits, autismo.
I second this, but goddamn the character creation can be so horrible and I haven't figured out way to streamline it.
Pointless GURPS? There's Pointless Looting and Slaying (for Dungeon Fantasy) and Pointless Monster Hunters, replaces the point-buy system with a system of archetypes and an array of abilities.
2. You are not supposed to use targeted attack if you cannot remember such simple things.
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You sound like a pleasant person to be around. Pic related, it's you.
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Just the entire system in general.
So why is Rolemaster your favorite system and does anyone still play it? I just want to know.
Yeah the escalation die is a pain, but I like the backgrounds because the situations they apply in help flesh out character backgrounds, and my players are pretty good about that kind of thing.
Or just use a laptop at that point.
>he doesn't know about taking candy from a baby
>Savage Worlds

So open ended but no QC in their supplements... Sundered Skies is one of those settings that looks super good but the writing is trash.

But the one thing that grinds my gears is Always Exploding Dice and oh god you just killed the BBEG in one punch with an exploding d4 by rolling over 60..
>Savage Worlds
>Not playing Deadlands or Weird War

Weird War and Deadlands look cool, but Sundered Skies really captured my imagination while the group was out at a con; I brought it to the group and we all went gaga over the concept. The execution... not so much.
>dungeons the dragoning 40k
>its planned to be played for a long time but you never get enough comitment from players to do so
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