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Assassin School Quest 75

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Previous: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/46335205/

I can barely contain my excitement, under my mask I'm grinning madly and happily as I tap my fingers on my knees. I've been honestly waiting for a chance to do this since this whole mess started. And not only that, but after all this I can finally have all the quality Maria time I deserve, and just in time for spring and summer...not that she'll want to go outside, but still I'm sure we can find a bit of summer fun indoors....Maybe a blood pool.

I giggle in the darkness of the helicopters innards, the moonlight the only thing lighting up its dull metal belly. There's not even a little tiny bit of sound in here, besides myself.

Cold metal, cold air. And horrible silence. I'm sure most people would call this kind of environment unnerving or maybe even disturbing. But for me, all it's doing is making my dead heart race with anticipation.

It's been so long since I've been on a real proper mission, a real challenge. A test for my skills and body. It's going to be wonderful

<Still as bloody thirsty as ever I see>
T Of course, she's a vampire is she not T
S a hunter of hunters of hunters, the pinical of the food chain S
[Who likes scratches behind the ears, cuddling, and lazing around in the sun]
S....silence S

Yeah yeah, I get it, but still you have to admit it's exciting to finally get to kill

Who am I destroying tonight?
[] the lord's dagger *Operation :Burning crosses and*
[] The ashen cauldron *Operation: Witch hunt and*
[] Naturis *Operation: Weeping trees and*

Choose partners *High chance of death*
[] Exploding corpse *Fraust / Thomas*
[] Salem hunter *Kimberly / hunting teacher*
[] Two faced shadows *Alex/ Isaac*
[] Wolf Willows *Willow / MARLA*
[] Poisoned blood *Clementine / Miss stone*
[] BURNING love *Elizabeth/ Thaddeus*
[] Brothers in arms *Headmaster/horsefur
[] Love birds *Maria/"Maria"/ fraust!*
[] Death and lust *Thomas/lily*
[]Cyanide sweet tooth suicide *go alone*
[] write in
[X] the lord's dagger *Operation :Burning crosses and*
[X] Exploding corpse *Fraust / Thomas*

Lets punish these fucks who started it all!
>[] the lord's dagger *Operation :Burning crosses and*
>[] Exploding corpse *Fraust / Thomas*
>[] the lord's dagger *Operation :Burning crosses and*
>[] Love birds *Maria/"Maria"/ fraust!*
>[] the lord's dagger *Operation :Burning crosses and*
>[] Exploding corpse *Fraust / Thomas*
>[] The ashen cauldron *Operation: Witch hunt and*
>[] Salem hunter *Kimberly / hunting teacher*
Wow, way early tofay HM
>[] the lord's dagger *Operation :Burning crosses and*
>[] Two faced shadows *Alex/ Isaac*
>[] Naturis *Operation: Weeping trees and*
>[]Cyanide sweet tooth suicide *go alone*
I don't want Faust to die.
>forgetting about exploder lich
All those religious zealots that have been a thorn in my side since practically day one. And really they're the reason all of this happened in the first place, cause they couldn't take a punch after they threw a few my way, they deserve this, for trying to kill me however and trying to turn my sisters against me. I bet they'll burn real good in the end.

I smile as I cross my legs, closing my eyes as I think of all the many ways I can murder them, evisceration, hanging, poison, popping them like little over ripe cherries, burning them, copious amount of explosives.Oh it's like I'm in a candy shop of death, and I'm the owner of it.

"Ya know, I always wanted to go to rome, blow up a whole lot of history, make my own where it used to be!" Fraust says happily as he suddenly wakes up, his eyes shining through his broken welders mask with a fist sized dent in it.

"Oh I can't wait Layla, and Maggot boy, this is going to be my best work yet, how many thousands upon thousands are going to see the explosive we light up the night with to night!" He screams, grabbing me and shaking me with his one hand as I laugh at his antics "IMAGINE THE HEAD LINES! OH ALL THE WONDERFUL CHAOS AND SCREAMING THIS IS GOING TO CAUSE"

"You know, pretty sure that's going to make you go to hell, you crippled crazy bastard" Thomas sighs, tugging on the cuffs oh his glove as he walks in from the cockpit "You know if you weren't going there already"

"Oh please, I have a vacation home down there in the fire and brimstone" Mike giggles madly, clenching and unclenching his fist rapidly as he stands up and looks out the window, squealing like a child "COME ON LAND ALREADY DAMMIT I WANT TO BLOW IT TO BITS ALREADY COOOOOME ON!"
Sorry,didn't realize

"Jesus christ, calm down, you're acting like your losing your V card here" Thomas groans angrily

What do I say?
[] ...Hey Want to fill thomas with c4
[] Pilot, land us here, we don't want to be right on top of them
[] Well, anyone up for sky diving? *fly out and into the night sky*
[]KehhahahahahhahahHAHHAHAHAA *True monster queen form*
[] Thomas, want to make bets in which of us get shot up the most
[]*blood control pop the pilot, crash the chopper* 1d20
[] write in
>[] ...Hey Want to fill thomas with c4
>[] Pilot, land us here, we don't want to be right on top of them
>[] Pilot, land us here, we don't want to be right on top of them
>[] Well, anyone up for sky diving? *fly out and into the night sky*
>[] ...Hey Want to fill thomas with c4
>[] Pilot, land us here, we don't want to be right on top of them
>[] Pilot, land us here, we don't want to be right on top of them
I turn my eyes to the walking corpse standing in the doorway to the cockpit, his eyes looking as furious as ever under his metal helmet, which seems to be a bit more battle damaged than the last time I saw it, I mean it barely has any of its green paint on it anymore.

I smile widely, my lips curling in the smug grin as I turn to fraust, who's wearing a large trench coat with a very large and bulging hiking backpack no doubt filled with a bunch of explosive and deadly goodies.

Well I could fill the zombie with c4, but we sort of need him right now. I sigh and lean back as the cramped room is lit up with the lights of the city

"We're nearing the hiding hole of the main branch of the lord's dagger, their esoteric order's birth place, so get prepped and ready to kill, because I won't be able to extract you when things get hot" the cold, lifeless voice of the pilot says, muffled behind his gasmask, don't know how they hell they can wear those things for so long

"No, just land us here, we don't want to be right on top of them" I sigh as I stand up, adjusting the volume on my mask's voice changer, making my calm sound like a growl of hate

"B..but aww well I can just set up some party favors along the way" Fraust says shrugging as he leans against the door

"Oh so you aren't completely retarded then" Thomas chuckles as he walks into the room proper "Fantastic, now we can take them by surprise before we fuck them in the ass"

"Roger roger" the pilot says as the chopper sways to the side, making fraust laugh as he slams against both doors and Thomas, who just growls as he tries to smack fraust as he goes sliding to the other door, giving the corpse a thumbs down as he grabs onto the doors handles to keep himself down.

I smirk, and shake my head as I lean with it and don't slip and slide around smaking into things

"Commandeering a local helipad" the pilot says as we finally start to land, and bright lights fill the interior
as someone shouts in....Italian?

S seems like it, certainly isn't Latin, don't know why you can't all keep a good language around S
T Vell, times change my dear, like they are now T
[Well luckily for you, I know a bit of Italian, he's basically wondering who the fuck is landing on his hotel]

"Oh shut the fuck up!" thomas screams angrily as he rips the door open, reaching for one of the revolver's stuck in his belt as he steps out into the night.

There's a scream and a gunshot, followed by a wet thud and laughing as Mike jumps out, with a bundle of c4 in each hand.

I sigh and giggle as I slink out after him, stepping onto the helipad as the pilot closes the door behind me, before he tosses me a little radio

"For pick up" He says simply as the door slams shut.

I nod and look up at Thomas stomping an old man's corpse as Fraust sings in russian, setting explosives around the roof.

What do I do?
[] Make them stop fooling around and follow me to the location
[] enjoy the sights
[] leave them and go alone
[] Fraust, you're artillery support, try not to get the military on your ass
[] Eat the old man's soul and blood
[] fly around for a bit
[] enter true form and cause a mass panic, bringing them to me
[] try to sneak there by fitting in with the locals
[] write in
>[] Make them stop fooling around and follow me to the location
>[] Fraust, you're artillery support, try not to get the military on your ass
>[] Fraust, you're artillery support, try not to get the military on your ass
>[] enter true form and cause a mass panic, bringing them to me
>[] Make them stop fooling around and follow me to the location
>[] try to sneak there by fitting in with the locals
>[] Make them stop fooling around and follow me to the location
>[] try to sneak there by fitting in with the locals
>[] Make them stop fooling around and follow me to the location
>[] Fraust, you're artillery support, try not to get the military on your ass
>[] try to sneak there by fitting in with the locals
>[] leave them and go alone
>[] enjoy the sights
Wait for them to set up the stage.
>[] Make them stop fooling around and follow me to the location
>[] Fraust, you're artillery support, try not to get the military on your ass
>[] try to sneak there by fitting in with the locals
I Clap my hands to get their attention. Fraust turns and looks at me with a blasting cap in his teeth and a mad gleam in his eyes, looking a bit like a way to energetic puppy. Thomas groans and turns at me, scraping his brain and skull covered boot on the roof's tiles.

"What?" He growls angrily, pointing his gun at the dead man "I'm securing the landing zone, or whatever'

"Mrrrmphmrr" Fraust says happily, trying to avoid biting down on the blast cap as he wires a few pieces of explosives together

"Just stop messing around, this is practically a suicide mission so we have to stay as close to the edge as possible, not just start wandering around doing bullshit" I say angrily as I swear I see Thomas smirk for a second "Thomas with me, Mike you're....artillery support, just don't get the military on your ass...okay?

"MRAHAHAHHHAHHAAHA" He laughs as he takes the blast cap out of his teeth and grins madly "thank ya, this is going to be a big one...good thing I brought my artillery shells, hehehehe"

"And so an entire city burned, probably before we even get there to bust some heads" Thomas says flatly as he walks over to me "So, what's the plan then cat?"

"We blend in with the locals and walk right in" I say happily "Simple"

"No, I mean look I have a fucking hole in to my rotting brain and you're a godamn cat that looks like she's made out of acid" He says calmly, flicking my forehead "that isn't going to work even if we take this stuff off, I say we just sneak over there, you can fly right? take the rooftops or something, if we take the streets we'll walk right into an ambush....not that it matters now that I think about it since the one mortal fag is up here"

"I will aim for yooooou" Fraust says as he starts setting up a row of mortars "even the dead can GO BOOM!"

"Riiiiight" Thomas says nodding slowly "But you're the queen bitch here, what do we don"

What do we do?
[] go over the roof tops
[] Sneak through the streets 1d20+20
[] "Blend" in *Pretty funny, but will lead to an ambush*
[] Blood control fling thomas like a discus towards the dagger's little church 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Blood control fling thomas like a discus towards the dagger's little church 1d20
Rolled 18 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

>[] Sneak through the streets 1d20+20
Rolled 16 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

>[] Sneak through the streets 1d20+20
>[] go over the roof tops
Rolled 9 + 20 (1d20 + 20)

>[] Sneak through the streets 1d20+20
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] Sneak through the streets 1d20+20
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] Blood control fling thomas like a discus towards the dagger's little church 1d20

sounds fun
"Fine then" I sigh as I walk over to the edge of the building, and stare down the side of it, seeing all of the windows down it, and the alley way oh so far down below "We'll just sneak and creep our way over there, shame on me for trying to be creative here"

"Creative is not a synonym for retarded" Thomas says as he walks over to me and looks over his shoulder as someone runs up the stairs to the roof "think fraust can handle himself"

"Yeah, they're probably not even armed" I say as I vault onto the iron bars and look down at my feet as I kick them back and forth "So, my dear dead...aquantince, ready to get rolling"

"Oh so we're sliding down?" He laughs as he does the same as me "Sweet, always wanted to do this actually, don't need to worry about my legs either"

I shrug and push myself off as I hear a scream, and fraust laugh, followed by a echoing clang. And then the air rushing around me drowns everything else out as Thomas slides down next to me, kicking his legs and trying to avoid snapping them on windows.

I giggle and dig my hands into the concrete and run down it, leaping over between windows as I pick up speed and hurtle towards the ground. I start to melt myself into blood, my skin bubbling and boiling as I get closer and closer to the alleyway.

I leap off it and reform in the air, landing on my feet and nodding as I stretch and hear what sounds like a prayer. I turn, reaching for my knife as I see a bum hiding under some cardboard with a bottle of wine in his hands.

I smile and wave at him as his face turns a pale as ghost. And then I hear a very loud crack next to me.

"SHIT!" Thomas screams as he tries to stand before the bones in his legs rip through his knees "Give me a minute here Cheshire"

"Sure thing frankenstein" I say happily as the bum starts babbling and tries to drunkenly stumble into the street.

My tails flick behind me as I watch him go, while Thomas curses and snaps his bones back into place with wet ripping sounds and cracks.
"Dammit, ready" He says, standing up, his legs wrapped in garbage bags and bits of torn skin "You know we probably should kill him"

"Mhhhm, just waiting for you" I say raising my hand as I pull the man back with his blood, constricting his throat with it as I pull him close.

He winces and I smile as I stare into his eyes

"Sleeeeeeep" I say, grabbing his dirty, stubble covered face, his eyes begin to close and I clench my hand, his face contorting in pain as he covers his chest and slumps over.

I smile and turn back to Thomas

"See, looks natural and he won't be able to tell anyone a thing" I say licking my fangs as I flick my fingers

"Gave him a heart attack?" Thomas whispers as he walks out the other end of the street "Alright, we're not far, so we should stay on guard, they probably have guards every where in civies"

I nod and get down on all fours, Thomas nods, and I bound into the street, slipping like a shadow as a group of people walk past me, sliding under a bench as they get close.

I wait for them to pass and turn into blood, slipping over the street and under cars like a snake, before I reform on the other side and duck into an alley way.

Thomas just walks out, striding into the street, getting yelled at as cars swerve to avoid him and their drivers curse and scream at them. He waves his revolver around and they start to run around.

I growl, such a fucking hyporite, he has to be doing this to be messing with me

I look down the street and frown, those buildings look a bit older than the ones down here, besides, I can smell a lot of blood down there...a lot of blood.

I bite my lips and shake my head.

I'm betting they've boobytrapped it in someway, probably involving fire and crosses.
if that's were they are

What do I do?
[] Make thomas make a distraction so I can get down there without being noticed
[] continue sneaking over there 1d20+cat like tread
[] thomas scout ahead 1d20
[] true form and barrel down the street
[] Sitariiiii 1d20
[]Walk down the street like a normal person
[] "Extract" Information from Carlos
[]cast a spell 1d20
[]write in
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] Sitariiiii 1d20
>[] "Extract" Information from Carlos
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] continue sneaking over there 1d20+cat like tread
>[] "Extract" Information from Carlos
As long as that isn't supposed to mean absorbing him
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] Sitariiiii 1d20
No, It's doing literally ripping apart his memories and destroying him.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] Sitariiiii 1d20
Deleting old vote here>>46486422
Roll was a 16.
It could also mean a euphemism for interrogating him
Rolled 10 (1d20)

As in "interrogate him" or "absorb him full"? Can't we just ask him?

>[] Sitariiiii 1d20
>Ask Carlos about defenses
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] Sitariiiii 1d20
changing to
>Ask Carlos about defenses
the former, and he doesn't really like you.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] Sitariiiii 1d20
>"Extract" Information from one of the other daggers we ate.
Its not like he can disobey us really
"Smell them scoobs?" Thomas asks flatly as he leans over my shoulder "are they over there girl, Are they?"

"Oh shut the hell up" I sigh angrily as I chew on my thumb in thought, usually I could just run in and rip them to pieces or any number of horrible things, but I have a feeling I'd just end up in a much worse version of the africa job

S....I know where they are, they kept me locked away for ages, we're close alright, but this place is defended to the teeth despite appearances....mind if I get some revenge, Miller girl?S

I smirk as my black blood drips out of my lips, and I lick it up as a drop rolls down and drips off the back of my hand.

"sure, go for it" I sigh as clench my fist, holding my bloody and chewed finger inside of it "Go wild, get this party started right"

"Asss you wish" Sitaria growls as she forces her hands out of the pool of blood and tears her way out of it, howling loudly as she shambles into the street, blood flowing out of her broken face of fangs.

I lean against the wall as Thomas stares at her for a second, looking pretty disgusted or..some other weird emotion, maybe interest? curiosity? who knows with him, I can't see his face.

"So many morsels" Sitaria says as she walks into the street "So little time"

She screams to the heavens, ripping her face with her claws as some pedestrians start to run, and she chases after them like a dog, leaping on them.

I smile as the sounds of bones cracking get covered by screams of fear and pain. Dying screams soon replaced by the laughing of a dead vampire. I grin as I hear moaning mixed in all the chaos.

And then as if on cue.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Sitari growls as an ear piercing shriek covers up all of the rest of the noise of the night

"OH GOD HELP ME Heeelp..."

Well this is going to be a thing

"Good distraction" Thomas says looking out on the blood and corpse filled street. I look over his shoulder and see a few ghouls rising up in their arms of their loved ones.

A moment later, they bite down, adding to the slowly burning chaos as fires erupts in the streets as a woman in some baker's clothes steps down holding a flame thrower as Sitaria climbs on the walls, holding a man in a suit who's arm is still clutching a finely carved silver rifle, despite only hanging on to his should by a few pieces of skin.

What do I do?
[] Blindside the flame thrower girl 1d20
[] let thomas deal with it 1d20
[] try to incite the normal people into believing the dagger's are doing this *facade of innocence*
[] Use the distraction to get to their base
[] cast a spell on the girl 1d20
[] blood control, fling her down the street 1d20
[] stab her with a syringe 1d20
[] write in
>[] try to incite the normal people into believing the dagger's are doing this *facade of innocence*
>[] Use the distraction to get to their base
>[] try to incite the normal people into believing the dagger's are doing this *facade of innocence*
>[] Use the distraction to get to their base
>[] try to incite the normal people into believing the dagger's are doing this *facade of innocence*
>[] Use the distraction to get to their base
I love that Layla still has Facade
>[] try to incite the normal people into believing the dagger's are doing this *facade of innocence*
>[] Use the distraction to get to their base
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] blood control, fling her down the street 1d20
>[] Use the distraction to get to their base
>[] try to incite the normal people into believing the dagger's are doing this *facade of innocence*
>[] Use the distraction to get to their base
"Oh I think I'm in love, she can make zombies" Thomas says, sounding like a little kid on christmas "I think I'm in love, if I could feel anything by anger and hate of course, lets get going then, I have...nothing to do actually"

"No, I have an idea" I say as the girl screams angrily, as a few of the slower or braver people stand around, watching as her ghouls shamble towards the woman as Sitaria goes about eating the man in the suit on the wall.

Flames fill the street, the girl backs up down it, screaming in Italian I think.

"Oh, this has got to be good" Thomas says laughing as he leans against the wall.

"Well, I'm a good actor, I say as I step out into the street "all I need to do is pull a few strings and"

[ they don't speak English, well most of them at least]

Fuck, didn't think about that...what am I going to do now, I can't speak Italian

[don't worry, I can, just follow my leads and say what I say, first, buckle your coat and take...no leave your mask on, just adjust the settings a bit, don't need them seeing your fangs"

I nod as I walk out, twisting the dials hidden under the masks' edges as I smile about as wide as the smile that's painted on it.

I sigh, my voice turning into a high pitched whimper as jack starts mumbling off words in a broken voice, that sounds like he's about to cry.

Hmm, idea. I hold my side and stumble out, panting and gasping in a panic as I repeat what jack says, but in much more panicky and defenseless tone, pointing at the girl currently burning ghouls down with a mad laugh as Sitaria continues ripping her dead friend's guts out above her.

I continue acting like I'm hurt as a few of the native's eyes fill with fury and they pull out cell phones, and a few braver ones charge the ghouls, and manage to not get ripped into little itty bitty pieces.

the girl shouts in Italian, turning off her flame thrower. I look back at Thomas and nod, running down the street as the girl is distracted with all the madness around her.
roll 2d20


1d20 for thomas alone as you faze past her
Rolled 19, 17 = 36 (2d20)

Rolled 18, 20 = 38 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 13 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 6 = 25 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 11 = 28 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 5 = 21 (2d20)

She gasps as I run past her and she turns, fury and hate twisting her pretty little face into a scowl as she tries to lead me and burn me to a crisp.
But I'm simply too fast for her and run past all the fire she shoots at me.

And she doesn't notice Thomas, which turns out poorly for her as he pull his revolver and blows half her skull out. She crumples, still holding the flame thrower with an angel carving on the front, flames flying into the air and falling into the streets as Sitari's ghouls start pulling and gnawing at her limbs.

Wretched screams that make my spine go cold fill the air as people run around, on fire and being dragged down by ghouls.

Sirens blare and Thomas laughs.

"Seems like they called the cops" He giggles happily "never thought I'd be happy to hear those damn things, or happy at all!"


I stop, skidding along the street as my ears twitch, trying to pinpoint the noise as I get down on all fours and


A large wooden stake fires from one of the alleyways, and over my head as Thomas leaps over it with a shout.

"OOOOH cunt, I may not need that but you do not aim for that,fuck head' He screams, clutching his groin as a man in a cloak steps out from the shadows, throwing what looks like an oversized spear gun away as he steps towards us, and I hear armor clanking behind me, and chanting.

the radio fizzes to life.

"Agent Cheshire, Tsar bomba is getting twitchy and causing trouble, also you may want zzzzrt*

My ears twitching, and I hear the distinct whistling of mortar shells, right above me

What do I do?
[] blood form
[] Faze 1d20
[] Fight the knight with a knife 1d20
[] run! 1d20
[] get thomas to run to
[] HEY, this place is going to blow!
[] blood control a few of them 1d20
[] pounce the one in front of me 1d20
[] cast a spell 1d20
[] write in
>[] blood form
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] HEY, this place is going to blow!
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] run! 1d20
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] HEY, this place is going to blow!
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] blood form
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] HEY, this place is going to blow!
>[] blood control a few of them 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] run! 1d20
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] HEY, this place is going to blow!
>[] blood form
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] HEY, this place is going to blow!
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] blood form
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] blood control a few of them 1d20
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] blood form
>[] get thomas to run to
>[] blood control a few of them 1d20
"HEY, stop talking for a second and run!" I shout as I ignore the knight covered in crosses, running past him as I hear steam being let out behind me, as well as a deep laugh that sounds like it came from someone who's been smoking since they were born "THIS PLACE IS GOING TO BLOW!"

"Oh shit, godammit Fraust!" Thomas screams as he runs down the street "We're still here you team killing fucktard!

"BROTHERS RUN!!!" the knight screams as he runs along with me, as I melt myself down into blood, rushing forward like a drop of quicksilver, made out of blood of course.

"Meet you in paradise brother, my life for" the knight says calmly as I hear his little stake gun fire

a second before the street behind me explodes, bricks and glass flying everywhere as Thomas and the knight stumble forward, as the sirens get closer and a bell rings in the distance.

I pick myself back together, and start to reform, but start to laugh as I'm half way through. I look down at my blood chest and see the stake impaled in the street, covered in my blood as it shot through me...but thankfully I didn't have a heart then. I put my hand towards it and suck my blood back up as Thomas groans.

"I swear to god, the second I get back I'm replacing my legs with metal ones" He groans angrily "things are about as sturdy as fiberglass"

The knight groans, and laughs grimly.

"Speak not of him, heathen" He growls as he pulls a shield from his back, a big silver thing covered in shrapnel and with a red cross on it, covered in flames "For my brothers' deaths you will die, the rest of our holy order shall be here shortly"

He smack his sword on the shield and stands proudly as his dark green cape burns behind him, as some one shouts in Italian through a loudspeaker

T I do so hate catholics...mind if I take him, for old times sake? T


What do I do?
[] Thradrick vs knight 1d20
[] thomas, kill him 1d20
[] No I'll do it, *try to stab him with a knife 1d20
[] Out of my way *rip him apart with blood control*
[] Faze and rip his heart out 1d20
[] Spit poison blood in his eyes 1d20
[] Bite his neck and break it with my newly grown fangs 1d20
[]....I am no ordinary vampire you know, I am...so much more *Full monster mode*
[] write in
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Thradrick vs knight 1d20
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>[] Thradrick vs knight 1d20
Might as well indulge the old guy
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] Thradrick vs knight 1d20
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] thomas, kill him 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] Thradrick vs knight 1d20
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] Thradrick vs knight 1d20
Can we do this to his shield?
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] Spit poison blood in his eyes 1d20
>Thradrick vs knight 1d20
"FACE ME, LAYLA MILLER AND NO THE DEATH YOU SOLD YOUR SOUL TO AVOID!" He screams, smacking on his shield more as Thomas sighs, more ignored about his legs getting mangled than anything else "I, SIR KRICKETS WILL BE YOUR DEMISE ETERNAL!"

"FRESH MEAT!?" Sitaria screams happily down the street and behind the wall of dust.

Screams and gunshots ring out as I'm guessing she eats the police.

"No" I say smirking as I calmly set my mask back to its default "I don't need to, you're too small fry to even get my attention, let alone a fight, Thradrick, be a dear, and kill him for me"

"Prideful little...wait, Brausr?" the man says, sounding afraid as I grin widely under my mask as my ears change patter and I gnash my fangs "that brausr, the scourge of gods lands?"

"ONE AND THE SAME!" The old vampire screams, forcing his way out of my chest, hanging from me like a parasite as he steps out "And you, I shall kill you like I did so long ago, in the deserts of the holy land"

"Demon, I shall not falter in your presence, Your fate will spell her doom" the knight says smacking his shield again "Come, and be laid to rest once more"

"Oh I do so hope you can back up the insolence, child" Thradrick says calmly as he rips the stake out of the ground and rushes the man, his suit fluttering behind him as he slams it through the shield and grins "No, dance vith me"

The knight screams in rage and slams his sword into thradrick's face, parting his hair as he pushes his arm through the shield and rips it away from him. the knight reels back and grabs his sword in both hands as Thradrick laughs.

the knight rushes him and tries to stab him, only to get smacked over the head with the shield as he buries his weapon handle deep in the old vampire.

The stare eachother down, smiling.

"GO FORWARD LOVE, TAKE THE CORPSE AND RUN!" Thradrick screams as the knight headbuts him and pulls a crucifix from his side before he tackles thradrick,

Man, I loved that movie, sure
Thradrick growls and kicks the man off, peeling the cross off of his face before crushing it in his hand like a wad of paper.

He cracks his hands as claws rip through them, and his spine breaks apart to form a set of cracked wing bones, which he flaps once

What do I do?
[] Order fraust to drop a salvo on this location 1d20
[] pick thomas up and head down the street 1d20
[] watch 1d20
[] call sitari back so she doesn't turn most of rome into ghouls
[] Blood control the knight 1d20
[] Cast a spell 1d20
[] fire a syringe of ghoul into the knight 1d20
[] force thomas to walk via blood control 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] watch 1d20
>[] call sitari back so she doesn't turn most of rome into ghouls
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] pick thomas up and head down the street 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] pick thomas up and head down the street 1d20
>[] call sitari back
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] watch 1d20
>[] call sitari back so she doesn't turn most of rome into ghouls
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] pick thomas up and head down the street 1d20
>[] call sitari back so she doesn't turn most of rome into ghouls
Rolled 2 (1d20)

[] watch 1d20
[] call sitari back so she doesn't turn most of rome into ghouls
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>[] pick thomas up and head down the street 1d20
>[] call sitari back so she doesn't turn most of rome into ghouls
I nod and turn back down the wall of smoke, just as it begins to clear up enough for me to see Sitari eating a police man's face, as the rest of his friends get devoured by ghouls, or shamble with the growing herd.

"Didn't come here to kill all of them" I mummer to myself as I raise my hand and force her back, watching her howl in impotent rage as her body is ripped apart into blood, before it flies through the air and into my outstretched hand, working its way back into my veins.

I smile as I ignore her scream in my head as I walk over to Thomas, who's lazing on a bench, looking bored with his legs broken in at least three places.

"Oh, take your sweet time with it then" He says as I pick him up and put him on my shoulders "Yeah just carry me like a bag of shit then"

"You really are annoying, you know that" I growl as I carry him down the street as Thradrick roars and starts beating the knight with his own severed arm

"Yeah, well no one can kill me, so it's a privledge of mine" He giggles happily

"I could" I say seriously, and he keeps laughing, until he realizes that I am not playing around and shuts up "Aaah silence"

I smile happily as I walk down the street and.

Oh that's a lot of people. I smile as I look at the hoard of people all dressed up like they're going on a crusade, how adorable.

"Cursed cat of hell" One says, an old man with a large cross held in front of him like a shield "Long have you tormented us, but no longer shall you suffer this world with you taint, for god wills you death, all the suffering you have cause, the blood you spilt, the abomination you enacted with your...so called whore of a wife, the subjugation of people deprived of gods burning light, two counts of patricide, abandoning your humanity for your own selfish gains, consorting with the legions of hell and turning our own from the light, not to mention excessive cannibalism, and of course, LIVING WHEN YOUR DOOM WAS ORDERED BEFORE YOUR BIRTH ABOMINATION OF THE LAMIA"
My eye twitches as I feel my mouth twist into a growl, my teeth sharpening in it as my saber like fangs roll over my lips, I feel the hair on my tail and ears stand up as I nearly scream in rage and just throw myself at him to rip his throat out with my teeth.

"Look at you, there is not a shred of humanity left in you is there" He says, pulling a panel open on his cross "all of these crimes can only lead to one sentence, death and interment, like Sitari before you"

What do I say in response
[] Nice speech, but really you don't scare me *Blood control him and slowly tear him apart* 1d20 because honestly, I am the closest thing to go you will ever meet
[] RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH *rip him apart with my bare hands and teeth* 1d20
[] Just laugh
[] Fraustyyyyy mind dropping some bombs for me about...a hundred yards up from the first salvo? 1d20
[] Thomas, shoot his ass 1d20
[] Oh such hypocrisy, you pushed me down this path you know, and you're wrong, I didn't do this to myself for me, I did it to Maria, and well, no one can ever call her what you did, and live, try your best, fucker!! CAUSE IF YOU MISS, I AM DEVOURING ALL OF YOU ALIVE!! 1d20 to avoid being shot
[] Hehehe, guilty as charged *walk towards him and go full monster*
[] You know, I ate a demon a week ago, thought you'd be happy
[] take your best shot old man
[] Hmm, this will make a good painting in my castle
[] Bla bla bla bla, all I'm hearing is bullshit, maybe drink some holy water first, wretch
[] Mhhhhhhm, Jack, alive, string him up and make him suffer 2d20
[]I was going to kill you quickly, but Now I'm going to torture, everyone I meet, maybe even digest their souls, ehehehehe
[] write in
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] Oh such hypocrisy, you pushed me down this path you know, and you're wrong, I didn't do this to myself for me, I did it to Maria, and well, no one can ever call her what you did, and live, try your best, fucker!! CAUSE IF YOU MISS, I AM DEVOURING ALL OF YOU ALIVE!! 1d20 to avoid being shot
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[]I was going to kill you quickly, but Now I'm going to torture, everyone I meet, maybe even digest their souls, ehehehehe
>[] RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH *rip him apart with my bare hands and teeth* 1d20
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] Oh such hypocrisy, you pushed me down this path you know, and you're wrong, I didn't do this to myself for me, I did it to Maria, and well, no one can ever call her what you did, and live, try your best, fucker!! CAUSE IF YOU MISS, I AM DEVOURING ALL OF YOU ALIVE!! 1d20 to avoid being shot
>[] Hmm, this will make a good painting in my castle
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] take your best shot old man
>[] Nice speech, but really you don't scare me *Blood control him and slowly tear him apart* 1d20 because honestly, I am the closest thing to go you will ever meet
Rolled 7 (1d20)

[] Nice speech, but really you don't scare me *Blood control him and slowly tear him apart* 1d20 because honestly, I am the closest thing to go you will ever meet
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Oh such hypocrisy, you pushed me down this path you know, and you're wrong, I didn't do this to myself for me, I did it to Maria, and well, no one can ever call her what you did, and live, try your best, fucker!! CAUSE IF YOU MISS, I AM DEVOURING ALL OF YOU ALIVE!! 1d20 to avoid being shot
You have chosen....POORLY.
...coin that shit. I refuse to look like such a bitch in this dramatic moment.
And honestly, that old man should have given us more coins for this and if he didnt ima vote to yell at him.
Layla has such ridiculous stats that even with a 6 shes likely to dodge that.
Its all good, at worst we get a scary regeneration moment.
Coining sounds fun, flick it off his head.
I smirk and tilt my head as his cross breaks apart into some weird kind of cannon, as he falls onto one knee and pulls a sight out from his side as he aims it at me, a red dot running on me, I try my best to ignore it and do, as the anger running through me reaches its breaking point as I reach towards him, and seven knights dressed with red cloaks get in front of him and put their shields up, leaving only the tip of his cannon out as the rest of the hoard glares at me, and back up in fear a bit.

"I heard she destroyed a entire town"
"Her sisters burnt down an out post of ours"
"They say she made a pact with death itself to stay alive"
"Mother save me"
"I don't want to die like this"

Whispers, hushed and scared

I step forward and tear my mask off

"Ooooh such Hypocrisy" I laugh, pointing at the head of this little show, tossing Thomas to the ground as he calls me a very mean word "You pushed me down this path, and you're wrong I didn't do this to myself for me, I did it for Marrriaaaa"

"You were already a heartlesss heathen before, make no excuses, each atrocity" the man shouts loudly and righteously

"AND well, no one can ever call her what you did, and live" I say holding my arms out as I step forward "TRY YOUR BEST FUCKER, CAUSE IF YOU MISS I AM DEVOURING ALL OF YOU ALIVE"

"BY GOD'S WRATH, DIE CUR" He screams as he raises his canon and holds the trigger down.

I grin and spin around, away out of the first salvo. His eyes go wide, and his men raise their rifle and fire at me, I slip and duck and dance around, getting grazed as the old man reloads as I get closer to him and Thomas shouts


He raises his canon again and I leap towards him. He pulls the trigger, and I get hit and land on the ground. I wince as burning pain runs through me, as silver stakes stick out of me, sizzling my flesh and spewing out smoke.

And then, I start to laugh, as I grab the one in my gut. Two in my leg, one in my left arm. One grazed my head, and left a bit of a cut in it, about the size of my palm.

I look back up at him, I'm really close, and he's starting to reload.

"By god" one of his guards mummer "that...that worked on the other one right father"

The old priest nods as he fumbles with his cross as I lick my saber tooth fangs as my hair blows in the wind


What do I do?
[] Cast hell fire plasma 1d20
[] Send my werewolf out 1d20
[] blood form, and burst him like a bubble 1d20
[] Leap over his guard, and eat him alive 1d20
[] Doesn't...ha.ha even huurt 1d20
[] Oh...I'm not just a vampire now, I think I'm a lamia.
[] Say, ever seen a vampire before? What about a first generation vampire? What about one that ate two others? What about one who's...become the mother of monsters, Lamia?*
[] Go true monster form 1d20
[] Grab his cannon and stab him in the neck 1d20
[]write in
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] Grab his cannon and stab him in the neck 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Cast hell fire plasma 1d20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] Say, ever seen a vampire before? What about a first generation vampire? What about one that ate two others? What about one who's...become the mother of monsters, Lamia?*
>[] Go true monster form 1d20

subtle we aint
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Say, ever seen a vampire before? What about a first generation vampire? What about one that ate two others? What about one who's...become the mother of monsters, Lamia?*
>[] Go true monster form 1d20
Welp, I suck. No more rolls for me tonight, GG no re.
No kidding.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Now that we coin.

>[] Cast hell fire plasma 1d20
Sure you want to coin?
you have 1
Yes please mister Headmaster sir.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] Say, ever seen a vampire before? What about a first generation vampire? What about one that ate two others? What about one who's...become the mother of monsters, Lamia?*
>[] Go true monster form 1d20
Yeah. Fucking cheapskate headmaster doesn't even give us a fresh batch
Might as well seeing whats winning the vote.
At this point its probably not so much that as it is that the Headmaster of the school doesn't really want to hand them over to Layla.
Whatchu listening to dudes!?!?
"Ssssay" I hiss as I look into his terrified eyes as I reach into one of my armored coats pockets as his men press their rifles against my chest "Ever seen a vampire before"

"AWAY FROM THE FATHER DEVILISH CORPSE" they roar as they pull the triggers, unloading into me as I lean closer, smiling wider through the unbelievable pain as I put my hands on their shoulder

"What about a first generation vampire" I sigh a I slump against them, as a few of the braver knight run up and stab iron spears through my knees, their crosses pressing against me as I rest my head on one of their shoulders "What about one that ate two others"

"JUST STOP TALKING AND DIE ALREADY" A girl shouts, she sounds young, very young, she presses a pistol against my head and keeps pulling the trigger and backs away when it does nothing and I laugh.

I hold the hand with the coin at it and flick it at the old man

"What about one who's" I whisper as I lean over him, feeling swords sinking through my armpits and into my shoulders, crossing over my neck "Become the mother of monsters, lamia herself"

"No" the man says shaking his head :"No, we burned the texts, we hung the survivors, we killed and wiped clean all knowledge of that accursed"

"SURPRISE!" I roar as they light me up, but it's to late, I close my eyes
and think of maria.

roll 1d20 for effect of burst of natural magic
Don't worry you still have a 36 for fucking them up when you turn
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Most bossfights for Layla I usually read with

Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 14 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 7 (1d20)

I lick my teeth as my tongue grows, and my muscles flesh and bulge round my skin, breaking it in patches almost like scales. I laugh loudly as blood flows out of my many wound, and wraps around me, crushing against me as it eats away and replaces parts of me with myself as my bones grow with me, my wings of smoke flowing out of my back as I push the guards away as they howl in pain, fur bursting out of their armor as blood pours out of their helmets.

the girl whimpers as the bones of her skull flow out of her face and cover it, flowers and saplings sprouting out of her as a burst of green light flows around me as I laugh louder.

Claws push their ways out of my hands, as my arms turn to blood and then harden as I feel flesh rub against cold blood. My legs rip themselves apart, and reform into a tale of blood, my spine extending down it, followed by sickly green scales, the same color as my hoodie.

the man pulls the trigger of his cannon, and I rip it out of his hands and crush it, tossing it away as I wrap my other hand around his neck as soft, light brown fur grows out of my arms as they grow slightly, looking monsters.

He gasps for air as I lift him off the ground, and he screams "DEUS DEUS DEUS DEUS DE"

Blood flows over my hand as I tilt my head, my hair growing down my back as I realize, he's smaller now...or rather I've grown a bit. I grin as he shakes in my hand, his blood flowing over my hand as the other holy knights of god rip their heads out of their asses and start firing at me again

"HOOOOOOooooly SHIT WHA...I IWHAT?" Thomas screams in confusion as I look at the little man, grinning as my tongue lashes out

My wings wrap around me, half way solid, half way smoke, as a dainty golden collar forms around me neck, chains flying and wrapping around me as I look down at it and smile

on it ,Spelt out in emeralds is "Maria's Kitty"

"CODE HELLSCAPE, CODE HELLSCAPE" the priest screams as I lift him up a bit higher


thats all that went through my head with this.
I smirk as he winces.

"AH MY LADY, A lovely look for you!" Thradrick screams loudly "NOW KILL THE VORM"

"Now you see" I say as I squeeze my fist around his body "Your first mistake was calling maria a whore"

He whimpers and looks down, and sees the first row of his men clawing at their own skin or trying to eat themselves or each other, twisted into little monsters.

He stares me down and struggles to grab something at his side

What do I do?
[] crush him
[] toss him back at thradrick
[] Throw him back to be shot by mortars by fraust
[] Fill him with poisonous blood
[] whip my tail around like a club 1d20
[]throw him at his men
[]Eat him *Like actually eat him*
[]Poke my claws through him and grind him to bits
[] write in
>[] crush him
>[]throw him at his men
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Fill him with poisonous blood
>[]throw him at his men
>[] whip my tail around like a club 1d20
>[] crush him
>[]throw him at his men

no sneaky holy hand grenades from you mister. We still got 3 seconds before it explodes. Not 2, not 4, but 3 whole seconds before it explodes.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] crush him
>[]throw him at his men
>[] whip my tail around like a club 1d20
>[] Fill him with poisonous blood
>[]Poke my claws through him and grind him to bits
>[]throw him at his men
Rolled 11 (1d20)

[] crush him
[] whip my tail around like a club 1d20
[]throw him at his men
>[] crush him
>[]throw him at his men

I lift him up slowly, squeezing my fingers around him and breaking his arms. So fragile and weak, so pathetic, like the rest of them. I could crush him if I wanted to, I could probably eat him alive if I wanted to. But, I think I'll go with the simple option, remembering those grenades they have, the ones that nearly blew me to bits.

I lift him up as he struggles to free his arms, and now doubt drop that little present of his.

"MEN, CALL EVERYONE, CODE ARCH ANGEL'S FALL, BREAK THE SEALS, THERE'S NO OTHER WAY, THERE'S NO OTHER WAY AND REMEMBER EEEER" He screams as I wrap my other hand around him as some of his men start to run back

"Remember eeeer?" I chuckle as I squeeze him harder, his ribs shattering and buckling in as blood seeps out of his mouth and eyes "Horrible last words"

"FATHER, L..L..GIVE HIM BACK YOU MONSTER!" A whiny man screams, firing a stake into my cheek

I turn, my tongue lashing out as I stare down at him and lick the blood rolling down my cheeks.

Thomas crawls forward, laughing.

"Poor choice of words" I say calmly as I let go of him with my left hand, and pull my right hand back, as I toss him into the ranks.

Where he splatters into a whole lot of blood, and a small explosion. I laugh as I slither forward, licking my teeth and

What do I do?
[] cut off their escape routes with my tail
[] cast Hell plasma 1d20
[] Make good on my promise earlier 1d20
[] Draw the blood out of them 1d20
[] Summon jack 1d20
[] Rip them apart with my claws 1d20
[] play with them like a cat 1d20
[] throw knives or napalm bombs at them 1d20
[] impale the one who shot me with his own stake
[] write in
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] cut off their escape routes with my tail
>[] Make good on my promise earlier 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Grab Thomas, Move him out of the line of fire
>[] cast Hell plasma 1d20
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] cut off their escape routes with my tail
>[] cast Hell plasma 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] cut off their escape routes with my tail
>[] Draw the blood out of them 1d20
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[] play with them like a cat 1d20
>[] impale the one who shot me with his own stake
Also, holy shit Shinedown songs really do fit perfectly for layla
>Grab Thomas, Move him out of the line of fire
God it was so long ago that I suggested that for the theme....
Though the Sweet Tooth Suicide Song sounds more like something about Layla by Maria
I lick the blood off my palm, and their self righteousness seems to finally run away, over eachother, and away from the handful of monsters that are still alive.

"COWARDS, FACE HER WITH A SMILE, WE WILL BE REWARD IN THE AFTER LIFE" A man with a scroll on a staff says as he looks back at the troops running from them, screaming madly in terror and fear "DO NOT RUN COWARDS, WE CAN STILL WIN THIS WE CAN..."

"Oh I agree" I say leaning over them as I wrap my tail around them, cutting off their escape, they try to climb over it as I clap my hands together, sparks rolling out of my palms and down my fur covered arms "We're not done here let"

"God...have mercy on us all" the man says closing his eyes as I hear and feel a few gunshots.

I take a deep breath in and let it out, hellish heat rolling over the knights and priests as sickly looking flames of emerald green lick around the air, before I breath it back in and hold it, feeling the burn in my gut as I breath it out, and the air boils, laughing and cries of pain running through the air as dull green light runs from my hands in green arcs and

Roll 2d20

That gives me an idea for YDFQ
Rolled 8, 2 = 10 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 1 = 17 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 19 = 34 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 18 = 34 (2d20)


I sure hope Thomas got his own coin
At least we have that soul jar to stick him in.
Don't doubt it. Probably has quite a stockpile to as he doesn't have to worry about things that can threaten his life normally.
Wince, feeling the burn of water cooking in the air wash over me, as the air turns green and the people under me scream in pain as they're cooked alive.
Thomas wight

I sigh as I watch snake bitch do her thing, it's funny I'm not angry anymore, Not sure why, it's just sort of empty inside my head right now, not sure why. I look at me hand, and tear off my glove, pushing myself up with my other one.

I cry in pain...in pain...I felt pain besides my head. I smile as I grab my glove and rip it off, looking at the repairs I've done to myself since I died...I don't think I have any of my old skin or flesh on it, I can't remember if I lost this arm.

I wince as I move my broken legs under me, forcing me to sit up. Humanity, am I still human? never really thought about it but...I've seen some shit, I've been called a demon and killed people for doing it to lucy. I've seen fish people, I've seen a girl turn from fresh meat to a fucking god of destruction in a year, I've seen things I can't explain. And I felt nothing but anger and rage through it all
I never wanted to get back up, and judging from the size of that orb of light
I'm about to see if hell exists, hmm sure I'll get good deal for being friends with someone from it I hope

I sigh and reach into my pocket, take out my last cigarette, fishing it out from all those coins, and light it in the air as I lean back and take my mask off, feeling the air wash over my rotting brain as I stick the cancer stick in my mouth and take a drag, looking at the coins in my hands, they could probably save me, but honestly, I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't want to die.

I look back at the giant snake...cat woman vampire thing withering around in pain as smoke pours out from her coils like a hot box.

If that's what happens when you stop being human, I think I'm fine with finally going to sleep again. And besides, I don't really want to live in a world with her in it, if she can do that.

I breath out some smoke
Oh shit no Thomas, pls don't.
To late hes pulling an "an hero".
Never considered Thomas being quite so fatalistic.
If unfortunate its nice to see some internal contrast to Layla.
He isn't killing himself though.
Ah, but at any point in time he has the ability to become lucky enough to just avoid the scenario.
Lily, keep yourself girl, and don't cry like a pussy, Cause I've been dead outside and inside since that day. And, honestly I think this...Layla is right, she can kill me. and I want it, I don't want to become whatever that fucking thing is or whatever those are

.All my life, I've been angry, and I was worse in death, enjoyed it even. But now, my head is clear, for once, and I don't want it to get fuzzy again. I want this cycle of fury, and death to finally fucking end. I want to go to sleep, and dream again. I don't want to hear those two fucking again, or lily going on like an animal in front of me, making me remember every night I can't have her myself. And she would never take me even if I could...Lily....please forgive me for being such a selfish prick. Haaaa, I can actually feel the wind on my face again, how weird.

Well, time to face the end of my pitiful existence with a

Mike fraust



"WHEN ROME BURNS MY FRIEND AHAHAHA" I laugh madly as I grab my goodies, and set out into the night to give them to all the good little girls and boys

Maxwell, Maxwell

"Sir we have to break open the most holy seals" a child of mine pants as I watch many more get burned under my dragon, the demon that plagues me

"I know...she'll be here before you can" I sigh as I grab my sword, the sword of my family "I'll hold her off...Deus vult"

"Sir..?" the man asks, sounding broken as I walk past him

"Our work on this earth is soon over friend..enjoy it while you can" I say happily as I grab my great, great, great grandfathers helmet "this crusade is mine alone"

Layla Miller
I roll off, and slam into what's left of them. That was...bigger than usual. Guess it's because I had more of it than usual. I smile as I look up at my hand and watch my skin renit itself....Why do I feel, sort of empty? Eh doesn't matter, there's more in this nest any...oh, thomas, right.

What do I do?
[] look for him
[] Look for his soul
[] Hm, well that's one potential danger to maria down
[] roll through the ashes
[] go back to my *normal* form
[] look for more people to kill
[] rest and think
[] write in
File: manly_tears.jpg (8KB, 177x238px) Image search: [Google]
8KB, 177x238px
>.please forgive me for being such a selfish prick. Haaaa, I can actually feel the wind on my face again, how weird.
Goodbye Thomas
>[] Look for his soul
>[] look for him
>[] Look for his soul
>[] look for him
>[] Look for his soul
I'm selfish and I liked him.
>[] look for him
>[] Look for his soul
>[] look for him
>[] Look for his soul
You don't get to leave the wild ride, man. No one gets to leave
>[] Hm, well that's one potential danger to maria down
>[] roll through the ashes
>[] rest and think
[] look for him
[] Look for his soul

I smirk as I coil my tail up one of the burnt and probably lifeless buildings and roll around to where he was, only his helmet sitting on where he used to be. I smirk as I see his soul sitting there, calmly smoking a cigarette.

Black chains are wrapped around him and I see one of those holes to hell whirling under him as he flips me off

"Fuck off, I'm happy" He says with a smile "I'm really fucking happy"

What do I do?
[] eat him *gain summon, thomas wight* 1d20
[] try to force him in the soul gem 1d20
[] wave good bye as he gets dragged to hell
[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
[]flick him into hell
[] write in
>[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] try to force him in the soul gem 1d20
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
>[] try to force him in the soul gem 1d20

What if I told you there was a way to get a new body.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] try to force him in the soul gem 1d20
>Like I care
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
>[] wave good bye as he gets dragged to hell
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
>[] wave good bye as he gets dragged to hell
>[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
>[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
changing vote to >>46491352
>[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
"Why are you okay with being dead?" I ask as I lay onto of my oh so soft and fuzzy arms "Isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care"

"Yeah, but it's better than her fucking away the pain, I'm toxic" He laughs as a chain wraps around his neck "She used to be a nice girl before we came to the coin, maybe if I'm gone she'll move on and go back to like she used to, So yeah, I'm fine with it, so fuck off, cat"

"Funny, never took you for a quitter Thomas"I say with a smirk as arms of shadows start pulling at his face "Don't you want to try and get your life back"

"Okay fuck you, I lost long ago, I'm just cutting out before I lose anymore of who I used to be!" He roars in anger, standing up and fighting against the chains "It's unhealthy to hang onto shit that's gone, and I should've been gone a long time ago, and whatever fuck "Life" you're offering, you can shove it up you giant snake cunt, BITCH"

I glare at him as he smile smugly, flipping me off with both his hands, as he steps back towards the gate in hell.

"Dragon, demon, face me, I am here, your sacrifice, you want me right?" A voice like Maxwell's calls from behind me as Thomas teeters on the edge with a mad grin, the voice is smug and yet broken "Then take me if you can, I have..come alone, COME AND FACE THE WRATH OF A FATHER WHO'S SON WENT BEFORE HE!"

"Please Layla, I know you don't understand why I could want to die, but please, I don't want to end up getting worse like ..no" He says shakign his head as his ghostly form starts to turn black "No, you didn't get worse at all, you just got stronger, and grew a heart I guess, tell Lily I'm not coming back will ya, and go fuck a cactus for trying to slither your way into my head with your bullshit"

"FACE ME!" the voice screams in anger

What do I do?
[] "Save" thomas
[] face him
[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
[] Th..thomas?
[] write in
>[] Why are you okay with being dead, isn't this going to make lily cry, not that I care?
>[] Never took you for a quitter Thomas, don't you want to try to get your life back?
>[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
>[] "Save" thomas
>[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
>[] "Save" thomas
>[]...we can probably find a way to fix you ya know? Give you a normal body again. I'm so strong now, I can find a way.
>[] C'mon thomas. You're one of like ten people I can talk to without wanting to find creative ways to murder them.
...oh god
Thomas is going to become little miller's familiar demon!
Uhg no thanks, That's a stupid as fuck idea.
>[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
>[] "Save" thomas

Hell will get you, but not till I'm done having fun.
>[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
>[] You dying is just Going to make Lily worse. Really do not give a flying fuck about her, BUT I am not letting these church asshats get another kill notch.
>[] "Save" Thomas
>We'll Fix you up so you can fuck your girlfriend, kay? Kay. Now stop being a pussy bitch.
>[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
>[] You dying is just Going to make Lily worse. Really do not give a flying fuck about her, BUT I am not letting these church asshats get another kill notch.
>[] "Save" Thomas
>We'll Fix you up so you can fuck your girlfriend, kay? Kay. Now stop being a pussy bitch.
>BUT I am not letting these church asshats get another kill notch
Well, actually he's our kill notch.
Ha second.
Still makes us look bad, and them look good. Can't have that.
Second, Deleting old vote here>>46491852
>[]Oh you're just like me, don't act all high and mighty because you've given up
>[] "Save" thomas
Y'know, homonculous!Thomas would be really cool, a soul hopping between artificial bodies that act like enhanced versions of the real thing whenever they're destroyed.
And it would let him use his dick again!
>[]...This is all because your dick doesnt work isn't it?
Homonculi can't feel, we already explored that idea for Maria, it'd just put him back to square one.
That WOULD actually be pretty damn awesome.
Not to mention fraust would probably use him as a testing dummy.
We're lamia. We can probably create a new monster that acts like one that can.
"Oh you're just like me!" I hiss as I grab him by his waist and wrench him back as he squirms and struggles in my hand "Don't act all high and mighty because you've given up!"

"Huh didn't know you could get mad over anything besides your girl getting bad mouth" He growls as he smacks my fist doing nothing as raise up, pulling on the chains and shattering them.

"Fine" the voice says as pain shoots up my tail and into my spine, making me wince and turn around as chains fly out and wrap around my neck

"BEAST, THAT IS MY QUARRY" A voice like a thousand iron rods smacking against my skull rolls "GIVE IT BACK TO ME, I WILL NOT BE DENIED HIS SOUL AGAIN"

"Oh...That isn't with you" A man wearing a long flowing white and gold robes says, under a rusted and bent helmet as he climbs up me "How interesting, Well, I can't really let a demon get what it wants...hmm ahahahah, THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN"

I hear a roar and spin around to see a man made out of bronze with a bulls head charging me with an axe in his hands as the crazy priest rips his sword out of me and tries to climb up me

"HAHA, GET FUCKED" Thomas cheers happily

What do I do?
[] GET OUT OF HERE, wrap around the demon 1d20
[] Grab the priest and throw it at the demon 1d20
[] bite down on one of the, *Which* 1d20
[] Cast a spell 1d20
[]flap my wings 1d20
[] collapse the buildings around me 1d20
[] JACK HELP 1d20
[] write in

I mean, no.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] Grab the priest and throw it at the demon 1d20
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] GET OUT OF HERE, wrap around the demon 1d20
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] bite down on one of the, *Which* 1d20
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] Grab the priest and throw it at the demon 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] bite down on one of the, *Which* 1d20
The Demon seems pretty uppity so I vote for biting it.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] Grab the priest and throw it at the demon 1d20
I smirk and grab the priest with my free hand, rolling and coiling over myself as I fling him at the demon as he charges me. The demon stops and freezes, looking confused as the laughing man flies towards him, sword held out and still covered in my blood.


"What is it talking about?" The demon asks as he gets stabbed in the chest, molten metal pouring out of its chest wound as he grabs the priest and gets ready to throw him right back at me as the man stabs him in the chest madly "Stop, you are annoying and far too...actually, you're just as painted in sin as he"

"HA, I have no time to listen to your lie, demon!" the priest hisses

And what do I do?
[] watch
[] Hell fire plasma 1d20
[] bite down on both 1d20
[] Headbutt the demon 1d20
[] constrict them 1d20
[]grab both 1d20
[] make bets with thomas 2d20
[] write in
Rolled 8, 10 = 18 (2d20)

>[] make bets with thomas 2d20
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] bite down on both 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] bite down on both 1d20
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] make bets with thomas 2d20
Rolled 12, 3 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolled 16, 18 = 34 (2d20)

>[] make bets with thomas 2d20
Should we lose
>[] Hell fire plasma 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] make bets with thomas 2d20
100k on the priest.
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d20)

"Hmm, that's pretty badass actually" Thomas laughs, leaning over my clenched fists "Want to take bets or something?"

"Nah, I have a better idea" I say licking my fangs as I coil myself and get ready to spring and bite down on both of them. "Then again, that does seem a little fun, sure, can't hurt can it, going to kill them either way"

"Hmm, Well I'm betting demon" He says calmly, leaning back in my hand "GO DEMON GO"

"Fine I'll take the fire happy priest then" I say as I rub the cut on my stomach and tail "Hope he loses though"

"Silence mortal fool!" the demon bellows as he lifts up the priest by the neck "I will have you soon enough and"

"SILENCE DOG OF HELL" the priest screams kicking his feet out and slamming them into the demon , swinging his sword as he cuts a gash into the things chest, making it shake in fury and charge him, pinning him against a wall.

"I said, silence' the demon hisses, like steam escaping a pipe.

"Men, fire" the priest says, waving his hand.

I glance over, and see four priests with fucking rocket launchers down the street, Like little friar john just went to the black market.

What do I do?
[] stop them *how* 1d20
[] let it happen, and claim that I won
[] Bite down on the demon and priest 1d20
[] Cast a spell on them 1d20
[] constrict them 1d20
[] Stare into their eyes 1d20
[] write in
>[] let it happen, and claim that I won
>[] let it happen, and claim that I won
It was technically the priests move.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>[] Cast a spell on them 1d20
wonder what happens if we miniaturize rockets
>[] let it happen, and claim that I won
>[] let it happen, and claim that I won
>[] let it happen, and claim that I won
>[]Say that because we never specified what the bet was, we can have anything. Which mean she's not allowed to kill himself.
>[]Now get in the fucking crystal so I dont have to deal with your traumatized girlfriend when she finds out I let you pull this stupid shit.
I smile and lean out of the way, coiling myself up to stay out of the way as the demon turns, and looks at the priests curiously as he slowly tears the priests arm off, but the man looks so peaceful not even letting a single hint of the pain he's in to surface up on his face.

"Hmm?" the demon grunts as he drops his arm, and steps on it "What do you expect some rods of metal to save you? truly you mortals are a foolish bunch"

"I die a matry" the priest says, holding his remaing stump out as he sighs "if I am destined for hell, see you there, bitch"

"Huh?" the demon grunts as the rockets fire and slam into him, bending and buckling his metal body inwards a golden light blasting out of them as grin.

The priest is blown to piece along with the demon, who sort of buckles into a empty space of black in the air, screaming in impotent rage.
Target killed: Maxwell Maxwell

The priests cheer happily and hug eachother, crying in eachothers arms, as Thomas sighs

"Dammit, that's bullshit" He groans "I was about to win to, fucking horse crap"

"Yeah, but I won" I say grinning "So don't complain"

"The fuck, the priest died to" he growls "How can you claim that as a victory"

"He killed the demon" I say shrugging, lifting him in the air as the priest try to scoot away "So he won, obviously "

"He fucking died!" Thomas shouts

"And took the demon down with him, the demon just died, So I win!" I say grinning as I lean closer to him, flicking my tongue at him

"Your breath smells like blood, and BULLSHIT!" He screams punching my nose, or trying to

the little radio I had fizzes to life

"H..help, Faus...faa...blowin...ever..stop..m..pl"

I stare down at it as Thomas continues to try and punch me, as a blinding light fills the buildings in the street down the way, and the ground as well

What do I do?
[] listen to it
[] kill the priests, horribly
[] Chew on thomas' soul to make him shut the fuck up
[] Put him in the gem 1d20
[] fly around and look for faust 1d20
[] see if I can eat the demon essence 1d20
[] Check out the light
[] Try and summon jack's scythe 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] kill the priests, horribly
>[] Put him in the gem 1d20
>[] fly around and look for faust 1d20
>[] listen to it
>[] Put him in the gem 1d20
>[] fly around and look for faust 1d20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] kill the priests, horribly
>[] Put him in the gem 1d20
File: Wrath.jpg (666KB, 1920x1080px)
666KB, 1920x1080px
Rolled 9 (1d20)

I swear to god if Faust is dead because of you....
Welp, RIP Thomas
Maybe we'll rip your soul out of hell one of these days
Can we use Thomas's coins?
What are you talking about? Fraust is alright, he's blowing everything up.
Thomas is the one we needed to put into the box.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] kill the priests, horribly
>[] Put him in the gem 1d20
I look back up at the priests running down the street towards all the golden light pouring out of everything down there. I raise my free hand and grit my teeth, but I guess they're out of my range or...something like that.

"Okay thomas now" I say turning back to see the ghost laying on the street, picking his teeth, I sigh and shake my head, rubbing my forehead "Now I'm going to put you in a this gem thing until I can find you a body and"

"Yeah like I'm going to yet you do whatever magic bullshit you have planned for me to me" He says flipping me off "I'd rather go to hell, but you let the demon die"

"Don't make me eat you" I his, as I reach in my collar "Now hold still and"

"try it" He says ducking out of the way as I try to shove the necklace in his face.

"GET BACK HERE" I roar as he runs down the street as I hear choir music behind me, nd explosion

"Wow, all that rug munching must've made you fat" He says running through what's left of the ghouls, and the melted police cars as I hear helicopters above me, and them crashing around me as I chase after him, gem in hand "Or maybe you're just slooow, in the mental meaning of it"

"GET IN THE NECKLASS YOU ASSHOLE!" I scream as I roll and slither around to avoid gutting myself on the twisted metal "I'll make you a new body"

"Yeah, you'll make me into some kind of robotic demon zombie...dragon" He says dancing out of the way as I slam my hand and the necklace in to the ground where he was as I hear crying and screaming from the buildings around me as more explosions echo in the distance and the singing gets louder and the air...cleaner "Chicken thing"

"Don't tempt me!" I scream as I jam my hand at him and he leans out of the way, and starts dancing in the street

"Can't touch this naananannaanaanana, can't this" He says flipping me off several times as he moon walks away "Your ass too fat, can't touch this, can't touch this"

"You're really stretching my generosity" I growl, glaring down at him

"Then beeee aaaah bitccccch" he sings snapping his fingers "like you are, you know if you ate my soul I'd make yooou fatter!"

"HOOOOOLY SHIT!" Fraust screams, climbing up my back "HOLY SHIT, you mmight want to get the hell out of here because there's a fucking glowing chicken back there and I've primed most of this musty shithole to EXPLODE"

"What the fuck....faust how'd you get down here so fast" I say as I twist around to see him standing between my wings, his body armor melted and in taters as his welders mask is reduced to a few pieces of metal stick out of his face.

He scratches his ass, and I notice the back half of his pants have been blasted off and he's covered in blood and soot

"I took the explosion train" He says grinning as his eyes light up and he points down the street "HEY, can I ride you into battle, always wanted to ride a dragon and your the next best thing right now!"

I turn and see a hawk that looks like it was cut out of the sun, with rings around its beak and trailing ribbons of silver for its legs

"Mmmm beast, you have defiled this land for the last time" it says calmly, like a bunch of chimes ringing at once

What do I do?
[] Shove thomas in the gem
[]....fuck it, I am so done with today, fine do it *charge it with fraust riding on your back* 1d20
[] Try to jam the gem into it
[] Birdie *give into your cat instincts* 1d20
[] Faust, run, I'm serious here *hell fire plasma* 1d20
[] Breath hell fire on it 1d20
[] grab faust and fly into the air 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] Shove thomas in the gem
>[] grab faust and fly into the air 1d20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] Shove thomas in the gem
>[] grab faust and fly into the air 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] Shove thomas in the gem
>[]....fuck it, I am so done with today, fine do it *charge it with fraust riding on your back* 1d20

Rolled 4 (1d20)

>[] Shove thomas in the gem
>[]....fuck it, I am so done with today, fine do it *charge it with fraust riding on your back* 1d20
hmmm, maybe thomas is right...maybe Layla does need a diet.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] Shove thomas in the gem
>[] grab faust and fly into the air 1d20
old man REALLY shoulda given us more coins.
Like what the fuck with our luck tonight?
Thomas curses loudly and starts to run. I slam my hand into him and watch his red mist get sucked into the colorless gem, coloring it crimson as he screams in rages, his face pressing against the edge of it as I grin and reach to grab faust, but he leaps off of me and looks around, ducking under a pile of debris.

I sigh and reach for him as I hear a screech that sounds like a broken pipe organ. I turn and see claws in my face trying to wrap around arms. the bird thing kicks and scratches me as I fall back and hiss in pain as I feel a pain unlike anything I can process or think about, it's like...white noise dialed up to eleven and turned into pain!

What do I do?
[] Cast a spell 1d20
[] bite its neck 1d20
[] grab faust and flea 1d20
[] claw it 1d20
[] Fly away 1d20
[]coil around it 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] grab faust and flea 1d20
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] grab faust and flea 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] grab faust and flea 1d20
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] grab faust and flea 1d20
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] bite its neck 1d20
The cat shall not be beaten by a overgrown chicken!
I whip my tail around, smacking it's head and making its head crane away, its skin cracking like glass as I shoot my hand under the pile of street and pull faust out by his leg.

"Haha, now I know what a mouse feels like!" He says happily as I slither away as the bird wraps around itself and flies towards me like a musket ball

I grit my teeth and beat my wings, taking to the air and blasting dust out of the deserted street as I lift myself up with my tail and try to get away from the bird as Faust squirms out of my hands and pulls his pants up as he walks down my arm.

"Hey, star pupil" He says as he sits down on my shoulder, grabbing onto my ear as I twist around to avoid getting doused in weird silver fire "I have an idea, lure it over to the vatican, I left a whole lot of boom juice over there"

I turn and stare at fraust as he smiles like a child, who doesn't know what he's talking about

What do I do?
[] Nod and fly over there 1d20
[] Dive bomb the chicken 1d20
[] No we're getting out of her *fly towards the chopper* 1d20
[] Nah uh
[] write in
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] Nod and fly over there 1d20
that sounds very very very fun.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] Nod and fly over there 1d20
File: Smug Layla.png (119KB, 600x600px) Image search: [Google]
Smug Layla.png
119KB, 600x600px
hmm, I seem to have an unfortunate habit of crit failing and critting at least once per thread. I'm not sure how to abuse these powers.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] Nod and fly over there 1d20
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] Nod and fly over there 1d20
were gonna need a Crazy Smile Layla picture for this one.
File: Layla Miller.png (124KB, 600x600px) Image search: [Google]
Layla Miller.png
124KB, 600x600px
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[] Nod and fly over there 1d20
Oh wow. Looks like the Vatican will have to be rebuild elsewhere.
I blink as he smiles and grabs onto my hair like rope and hangs on, nodding and drooling as he gnashes his teeth like a drug addict, whispering do it, do it do it, over and over into my ear.

The chicken screeches at me and spits out more fire at me as I go high into the sky, zipping and slithering my tail around the balls of holy fire, feeling myself burn as I get close to it.

I look over my shoulder as I make sure it's trying to follow me and catch me, and see it covered in flame, rocketing towards me as Faust dances around, lashing his tongue around and hollering madly

"Nnn..oooh ss..oph...crah.zey beetch" my radio bzzes as it falls out of my collar and drops a long way down to the streets below, probably shattering.

I sigh as I hear screams bellow me, and the distant roar of engines from somewhere

"over there!" Faust screams maliciously as he points at a walled bit of city in the distance "get us over there!

"YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME!" the thing screams, flying at me.

I grin and slither through the air wrapping around it and sticking my tongue out at it as it swings it claws at me. I faze a few feet under it, holding my arms out taunting it as faust falls towards me, laughing and smiling like a kid as I catch him and slither fly away, flapping my wings in its face.

It caws and dives at me and I roll around it as It nearly slams into the city. Faust moons it and it spits out a ball of liquid...light? at his ass. I open my mouth and suck in, drinking it in and spitting it out nearly instantly, as it burns my mouth and nearly makes me pass out.

I blink and see the chicken seething furiously, an inch from my face. its beak open up wide.

I grin widely, showing it all my teeth as I faze through it, dipping my tail to catch faust as he free falls.

"AMAZING!" Faust screams smacking my tail as I bring him back up the rest of me "Why didn't you tell me you were a dragon"
"Trust me, this is new for me to!" I yell as I look and see the angel righting itself as we get closer and closer to the vatican, and faust starts shaking like an excited puppy

"YOU HELLISH TRICKSTER!" the birdy screams as it flies towards me, just as we get on the edge of vatican, and I hear bells tolling, and screaming.

And engines of jets, really close.

I smirk and

What do I do?
[] lead the jets into shooting the angel 1d20
[] go normal modo and hide for a bit 1d20
[] fly up higher, past their altitude 1d20
[] Summon my four spirits to defend me 1d20
[] try to smack it into the vatican 1d20
[] fly over the vatican
[] Swing my tail around like a whip 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 9, 12 = 21 (2d20)

>[] try to smack it into the vatican 1d20
>[] Summon my four spirits to defend me 1d20

Fly my pretties!
>[] fly over the vatican
>[] lead the jets into shooting the angel 1d20
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] try to smack it into the vatican 1d20
That honestly didn't do much for an apparent 40 super crit.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] lead the jets into shooting the angel 1d20
> fly over the vatican
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>[] lead the jets into shooting the angel 1d20
>[] fly over the vatican
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] fly over the vatican
>[] lead the jets into shooting the angel 1d20
The option didn't really allow for much, but it really didn't do a lot.

Its gonna be one of those days I see..
Yeah, We didn't really do fuck all except dodge.
I start to twist around it, trying to lead the jets into shooting it as we fly over the vatican and.

Wow, that's loud, I think as they fly over me as I start plummeting towards the ground, watching my blood flying up into the air in big black gobs, my mind too numb from pain to think right.

I see fraust running up my chest, holding a baseball bat in his one good hand, with a detenator held in his teeth. I tilt my head back abit, seeing the jets flying over head, and the chicken dive bombing me, my blood boiling into black smoke as it gets closer

I shake my head and tail. My blood splattering as I gain my thoughts. Alright, I just go shot by a small squad of jets, and I'm alright. Sure I'm a bit banged up, but I'm fine.

I've been through worse after all

What do I do?
[] I need....blood *mass blood drain*
[] HOMERUN MOTHER FUCKER *Faust smacks it in the face with his club* 1d20
[] Try to bite and drink its blood 1d20
[] Cast hell fire plasma 1d20
[] Turn back to normal mode and hide 1d20
[] Fly away 1d20
[] Make a whirlwind of poisoned blood 1d20
[] write n=in

And the vote was fly to the Vatican and avoid being ripped to shreds
If you had chosen bite the angel, it would be near death
Rolled 20 (1d20)

[] HOMERUN MOTHER FUCKER *Faust smacks it in the face with his club* 1d20
No the vote was to fly to the vatican, Nothing about dodging or not attacking in there.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] Try to bite and drink its blood 1d20
Rolled 18, 11 = 29 (2d20)

>[] I need....blood *mass blood drain*
>[] HOMERUN MOTHER FUCKER *Faust smacks it in the face with his club* 1d20
File: Adios, Spaceman.jpg (103KB, 800x600px) Image search: [Google]
Adios, Spaceman.jpg
103KB, 800x600px
Yeah I'll agree with that, but since you got the extra twenty I decide to humiliate the angel with it
Fraust's face right now
Rolled 10, 11 = 21 (2d20)

>[] HOMERUN MOTHER FUCKER *Faust smacks it in the face with his club* 1d20
>[] Try to bite and drink its blood 1d20
>I decide to humiliate the angel with it
Jee and that accomplished what? Oh right, Nothing.
Rolled 6, 12 = 18 (2d20)

>[] HOMERUN MOTHER FUCKER *Faust smacks it in the face with his club* 1d20
>[] Try to bite and drink its blood 1d20

We voted to fly over to the vatican, and thats what the dice went towards.
not every roll is gonna be super special you dunce. Just because we got 2 nat 20's doesn't mean we win at everything.

The option was to get to the vatican, we got there very quickly and without getting hurt.
Rolled 15, 9 = 24 (2d20)

>[] I need....blood *mass blood drain*
>[] HOMERUN MOTHER FUCKER *Faust smacks it in the face with his club* 1d20
>[] Try to bite and drink its blood 1d20
>not every roll is gonna be super special
Double nat twenty.
> Just because we got 2 nat 20's doesn't mean we win at everything.
Did I say I wanted to win at everything? Also 20's boosted by coins in the past HAVE been super effective.
>The option was to get to the vatican, we got there very quickly and without getting hurt.
Again double nat twenty, It should have at least done a bit of damage or helped us in a way.
Coin boosts helped us in a huge way because we put them to choices that had huge impact, this one did not.
Thats how it works.
I blink and move to grab it and pull it close enough to sink my teeth into it. But Fraust raises his stump, and looks back at me and winks.

"Don't worry Layla, I fucking got this shit!" he screams happily as he rests his bat on his shoulder "Going to get me some fried chicken"

I tilt my head into confusion as he walks down onto my stomach right as the eagle thing lowers its beak to disembowel me

Mike Fraust
My star pupils face fills with a look of shock and surprise, no doubt taken aback by my godamn tactical genius. See I know the best way to kill a chicken, no matter its size is to



I twirl back around, and stare at it at its weird and queer silvery blue eyes as it dives towards me.

"I may have lost my arm" I say raise my stump as I get into a batters stance "BUT I'M STILL THE BEST THERE IS, AND YOU'LL GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER"

"WHAT FOOLISH!" the thing laughs as I slam my bat into it's dumb face as it gets within and inch of biting my favorite student


its neck twist away from me, its eyes filled with confusion and pain as its body follows after it as my big student wraps her BIG arms around it.

"She's going to have a family" I say calmly as I tap my bat on my foot "and I'll be damned if I watch it crumbled BECAUSE OF A FUCKING CHICKEN!
Layla Miller

I wrap my hands around the birds necks as it realizes that it just got hit by something. I don't think it got hurt by it, but it go surprised long enough for me to get my hands on it.

It squawks and kicks at me as I bite into its neck, sinking my saber like fangs into it and biting its neck as I feel my mouth burn from its blood. I close my eyes and take a deep slurp of it, feeling my wounds nit themselves as I hear the jets flying around me.

[....reminds me of a story I head]
<the fuck just happened>
S. I don't know? S

Sorry I couldn't resist having that happen, it just was too cool to pass up

What do I do?
[] use it as a shield 1d20
[] DRAIN IT DRY 1d20
[] try to use that weird magic that came out of me earlier on it 1d20
[] drop it into the vatican 1d20
[] Breath hellfire into its veins 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] drop it into the vatican 1d20
The hell happened? Everyone just suddenly die?
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] DRAIN IT DRY 1d20
Probably be the only time we can try to do this as Layla.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

[] use it as a shield 1d20
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] DRAIN IT DRY 1d20
I sink my fangs deeper and wrap around it as we free fall, each drink I take burning my mouth as its silvery blood sprays in my face and its talons rake my stomach.
but I keep drinking, and drinking, and drinking, and drink, even the bullets ripping into my back do nothing but make me keep on drinking, repairing every scratch, wound and hurt, but I'm running out of blood, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't need it.

What do I do?
[] snap its neck 1d20
[] blow up the vatican 1d20
[] Vomit hell fire into its mouth 1d20
[] Rip its wings off 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] DRAIN IT DRY 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] snap its neck 1d20
>[] blow up the vatican 1d20
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>[] blow up the vatican 1d20
>[] snap its neck 1d20
>[] blow up the vatican 1d20
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[] blow up the vatican 1d20
Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d20)

>[] Rip its wings off 1d20
>[] blow up the vatican 1d20
goddamn the dice gods really want to make this night a pain
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Sorry, didn't notice i forgot
I push against its neck and try to twist it around, wrenching my head back and forth as it rips and bites at me in an feral panic to try and get me to let go. But that just makes me bite down on it harder as I hear fraust laugh loudly on my back.

I try to turn around and see what's going on, but the thing drags its talons down my face, forcing me to bite it harder and hiss as I try to kill it and


Oh...Oh you son of a bitch fraust!

What do I do?
[] run run run 1d20
[] Blood form 1d20
[] finish it off 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 13 (1d20)

They are displeased by the lack of Maria in this thread. Rolling to see how mad they are by said lack.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] run run run 1d20
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] run run run 1d20
Rolled 11, 20 = 31 (2d20)

>[] finish it off 1d20
>[] run run run 1d20

God Damn it Fraust.
How fitting
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] finish it off 1d20
>[] run run run 1d20
And the 20 doesn't count because you rolled two dice, Nice going.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] run run run 1d20

Noooope, nope no no! I am not dying here because fraust is jackass. I let go of the thing and push it away as it tries to chase after me, yowling in anger like a thousand storms all stuffed into a single part of the world and played over eachother again and again.

It flies at me again, I glare at it, my hear racing as I swear I hear the wires fraust hooked up hissing with electricity under me. It wants to take me from maria, it wants to take me from her, it wants to kill me, it wants to make maria suffer.

It wants to make maria suffer. And with that my mind blanks as I run my hand down my chest, coating it in my blood, and curdling it and turning it poison as I stab my pointer finger like a syringe.

And stab it right in the neck, it freeze up, and starts suffering the effects of pottasium poisoning as it vomits light and starts juttering and struggling to fly as I flip around, grabbing fraust as he falls and flying away as


the world behind me explodes, and I'm thrown forward, but I somehow didn't die and, I'm actually just a bit


the rest of the city starts to explode as I fly....wait, If I went up I wouldn't get hurt.

I twist up and look down as rome burns again. A capital of the world and religion, vanishing in clouds of black smoke and fire as fraust laughs madly in my hand.

I blink and sit up there, high in the sky. The jets crash into the ground from the force of the explosions ripping the city.

I stare at the baby blue sky as smoke rises around me, more explosions ring in my ears as I pant, my hands shaking as I struggle to keep myself and this giant body in the air.

"Awww" Fraust sighs "Well there goes my dream hehe, just have to wait for them to build another one"

I stare down at him as he lounges in my hand and looks up at me

"Y..you what?" I ask, a little concussed and very confused

Nah, when that happens I count the highest
"Oh, my dream was always to die as the most famous unknown terrorist in the world" He sighs shaking his head "And well blowing up the vatican was my best chance it soooo I'll just...WAIT, I still did it so I'm still going to live my dream, FAaaaaaaaaaaAAANTASTIC"

What do I do?
[]Get angry with him, very angry
[] call him and idiot
[] see if the chopper pilot survived some how
[] roam around the wreckage
[] Drink in all of the blood of the city I can gather 1d20
[] fly back to the lucky coin island and maria
[] Bring Thomas back to lily
[] take Fraust to headmaster
[] write in
>see if the chopper pilot survived some how
>[] roam around the wreckage
>[] fly back to the lucky coin island and maria
>[] Bring Thomas back to lily
>[] fly back to the lucky coin island and maria
>[] Bring Thomas back to lily
>[] fly back to the lucky coin island and maria
>[] fly back to the lucky coin island and maria
>[] Bring Thomas back to lily
Drop him off with lily, we fix him later, now we need MARIAAAAA
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>[] see if the chopper pilot survived some how
>[] Drink in all of the blood of the city I can gather 1d20
>[] fly back to the lucky coin island and maria
And he just keeps laughing and laughing, before he frowns and says in the calmest voice I have ever heard him use "What am I going to do now"

I shrug and fly off, as he starts having a panic attack, screaming and shouting and gibbering as he struggles to get out of my hand.

"What am I going to do now!!!!!!" He screams loudly until his voice goes hoarse.

I leave the smoke strewn city, the broken city, the dead city, rome by flying as high as I can go with faust without killing him, and flying over the sea, dipping down low enough that most things won't see me as I drag the tip of my tail over the water and sigh, I want to go back to maria, I'm tired and need her loving warmth and bites, and just her, I want to be back with Mariaaaa!

I close my eyes to stop myself from crying as I fly over the sea, to the little island somewhere in it

I drop Fraust off at the beach, leaving him to figure out what he's going to do with his life now.

When I leave he's mummering and blabbering about magical explosions and chewing on his hair...I'm sure he'll be "normal" by morning.

I fly over the trees and hand down ontop of the second year dorms, knocking on Lily's balcony door.

She walks out and freeze in fear as sees me.

And hand her the locket, making her shy away and whimper

"Not going to hurt you, Thomas is in this, I am done with his shit for today, give it back when I'm not having thoughts about just killing him again, and I'll get him a new body somehow" I say, as she stares up at me, pale as a sheet, and then her cheeks turn rosey as I realize she's looking at my...you know

I push her away with my finger and she realizes that she's really pressing her welcome, and scurries back inside.

"Thomas, how did...what happened to you?" she says sadly "I...well that's an idea"

I shake my head and look over to my dorm to see Maria sitting on the couch cuddling with a little stuffed me, eating ice cream and watching some kind of anime?

What do I do?
[] watch her
[] Turn back to "Normal" and cuddle with her, whining and trying to get love
[] Squeeze this body in the room and do the same
[] try to scare her
[] write in
>[] Squeeze this body in the room and do the same
>[] Turn back to "Normal" and cuddle with her, whining and trying to get love
>[] Turn back to "Normal" and cuddle with her, whining and trying to get love
>[] Turn back to "Normal" and cuddle with her, whining and trying to get love
I crack my jaw and coil up as I force my body back into my normal shape, feeling my spline split down the middle and my scales fall of as my bones shrink and my skin and flesh withers down back to my normal size. I rub my arms to get the fur off, sliding down the roof before I catch myself and drop down.

Maria turns and sees me, smiling happily, and puts her ice cream down to pat her lap.

"Come here darling" she says alluringly as she leers at me and flashes her fangs.

I smile and faze through the door and run across the room, pouncing on her lap and laying down on her as she yelps in surprise, purring the second I smell her sweat scent and feel her soft, perfect skin.

"Had a hard day then?" She asks softly as she runs her hand through my hair and scratches my ears "Well feel free to vent about it, and pay no attention to the tv okay? just let it all out and uh...such I guess"

"Oh yeah" I sigh as I crawl up and hug her, smiling as I feel her put a blanket down ontop of me and lean back "First I got shot by stakes and nearly blown up by fraust, then I got shot some more and killed Thomas ON COMPLETE ACCIDENT, then I had to fight him to make him not commit soul suicide, and then there was a demon and priest, an weird chicken bird thing came along, nearly got killed by it and some jets and fraust blew up the vatican and rome"

"...Wow, you're life is kind of like an anime" She giggles hugging me tightly "Oh uh, sorry you had to go through all that and...wait he blew up rome"

"Yep" I say as I curl up against her and close my eyes

"W...why?" She asks sounding horrified "Why didn't you stop him either, I mean besides the obvious"

"He already hit the button, and I only had enough time to get out of the blast zone before it happened" I sigh as I feel her grip tighten

"He isn't allowed over at the castle" Maria says angrily as pulls me closer and puffs her cheeks out "Okay"

I open my mouth and just nod, closing it as I roll over to see what she's watching.

....there's a girl with a snakes tail, some kind of bird woman, and a centaur on the screen

Yeah, no idea what's it about, but it looks boring. I close my eyes and rest my head on Maria's shoulder and...why do I suddenly want pickels and ice cream. I don't like either of those things, eh, who cares, I can get some of it later when Maria's asleep, right not is Maria time, and I am not missing it for anything in the world

And we'll end here
I've archived
and will answer questions
also got some new ideas for ydfq in this thread
including for lil miller
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>why do I suddenly want pickels and ice cream.
Thanks for running.
You're really dedicated to finish this, I see. Good ride sofar.
I hope we can fix Thomas, for that bukkshit he oulled he deserves getting raped by Lily for the next few weeks after getting a functional body.
Thanks for running dude. Lots of fun tonight. Now get some sleep you crazy man!
Thread posts: 333
Thread images: 7

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