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MTG Modern General

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Thread replies: 315
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Tier 1 Players Only

>What is your favorite color "Cranial Plating" to wear when you play Affinity?
>How long does it take you to "Thoughtcast"?
Get fucked tron players
Oh good tier 1 decks only. Thank god there won't be any merfolk players in here. Also
>being so salty you have to make a thread dedicated to your analysis pain because affinity shits on mertrash
I'm literally lmaoing at your life
Rank the following sets from 0-10/10.

>Breakfast for zendikar
>Oats of the gatemunch
>Swallows over innistrad
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I thought you already fucked off from last thread?
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Modern threads should be renamed
>MTG Shitposting General
Always a gay lumberjack to shitpost in those threads
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>having this picture saved to your computer
Gay lumberjacks best modern meme
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> I really don't care what you think. I'm going to bed
>people in these threads really thought Jeskai Ascendancy was gonna be a great modern deck
>people in these threads thought Temple was going to be banned over Eye of Ugin

/tg/ really is bad at magic
>turn 1 inkmoth, opal, thopter memnite
>turn land, drum, plating
Anyone who thinks they knew for certain which Eldrazi piece was getting banned is retarded. The could have banned the creature type Eldrazi for all you fucking know
It's not just /tg/ though, it's the community in general.
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>Recasting Ancestral Visions for free with Goblin Dank Dwellers
>Turn 4 draw 3 cards
>Turn 5 draw 3 cards, put a 4/4 Menace on the battlefied
What deck?

Aren't you tapped out when you go plating on second turn?
Well looks like Tainted Remedy and Torpor Orb are viable sideboard cards again.
>professional magic players wrote articles as to why Eldrazi Temple was going to be banned over Eye of Ugin

It wasn't just /tg/ mate.
4 actually; most merfolk lists run 3-4 hurkyl's in the sideboard.

As another affinity player, Hurkyl's is only really a problem when merfolk has a board presence, so no he doesn't have to hold 1 mana up until merfolk has a threatening board. Even then, siding in pierces against merfolk is bad. Siding in removal is much better because what Hurkyl's does is it gives merfolk more space for their creatures to race. Merfolk is a turn slower than affinity, and Hurkyl's buys you that turn. So it makes more sense to control merfolk's board instead, and go after the creatures.. Thoughtseize is fine too.
dunno, it's yours to create.
A RUG Type deck maybe ?
Based on the precedence it's obvious they would ban one of the two lands because they enable all the broken shit. One is objectively more unfair. You would have to be a complete retard not to expect one of the sol eldrazi lands to take a hit.
>>What is your favorite color "Cranial Plating" to wear when you play Affinity?
Portland gets a lot of bikers who play so you see a lot of people sitting down at big events (like prerelease) wearing their helmets to save space and not lose it.
Why you play nothing on turn 1 with both a land an online opal

You suck
All the dank Dwellers decks I have seen are RW and focused on burn and land destruction so I would not be surprised if it ends up being some wonky jeskai meme deck.


Why not play Sanctum of Ugin and chain World Breakers into Ulamog ?
Yes, it did.
Don't be such a bitch. Tron's the luckiest, most consistent deck I've ever played in Modern. Losing Eye isn't a big deal and, since they seem to want control to be a thing again, is perfectly justified.

I'm just salty Eldrazi Temple didn't go with it.
I've already slotted 1 in so the deck is legal, how many to play though? Anyone here actually tested the card?

RG Tron deserves every bit of this. I hate that it has an unbeatable endgame and can chain cast Ulamogs into Emrakul. That shit is just not right
Wut? The deck is just as consistent with out it. Just stop playing emmy main board man
>being alive on t5 in Modern
>being bad at magic
would orcish lumberjack see play in modern
>would black lotus on a stick see play in modern
cmon is this even a question
Playing blue and red means you have counterspell for combo matchups and removal for creatures decks, which should be enough to stay alive for some times if you know how to play.
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I'm sure I just don't get some new meme but I prefer to believe you clicked the wrong pic by mistake.
The real problem is that visions is a god awful top deck. If you start with it then it's fantastic, especially with gdd to cast it twice.
Holy hell this kind of thread is a testament to how childish Magic players are. The only adults who like it are still mentally little kids.
>he wasn't there when the angry gay lumberjack confessed to be a Jonsered patrician and called Stihl's user faggots.

Sorry mate, you can't be in the cool group of kids.
Please report to the casual thread.
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Guess who just got closer to foiling out their deck?
No one.
Eye's banned, m8.
Unless that picture was completely unrelated and you were talking about something else.
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Breaking Memedern one chainsaw at a time
I'm sorry you had to learn this way.
You really hadn't heard about it? It's all people have been talking about all day, that and the sotm and av unbannings, I feel sorry for you if you really did just get a foil eye.

c'mon though you had to have seen this coming
No you aren't, If someone built foil Memedrazi they deserve worse than this.
Don't get on social media or message boards that much and I can get a bit one tracked in my thought process.
Yeah yeah, but now I can use them in my degenerate casual Eldrazi deck at least.
Really, anyone with an Eye open would have seen this one coming from a mile away.
If you didn't guess the banning, the only person you can blame is Ugin.
You guys do realize it's still a competitive deck in Legacy if you have the money or trades.
A) Modern general, so I try to keep everything Modern-related

B) I keep forgetting about Legacy Eldrazi because of all the decks I want to play in that format, spaghetti swarm is not one of them.
Yes but this is a modern thread.
it is funny cuz u can actually drop drum and then plating both on 1st turn if you have down inkmoth opal and memnite/thopter
Will Thopter Sword benefit Mono U Tron?

4x Urza's Power Plant
4x Urza's Tower
4x Urza's Mind
1x Academy Ruins
2x Flooded Strand
1x Hallowed Fountain
2x Ghost Quarter
5x Island
1x Plains

2x Wurmcoil Engine
2x Solemn Simulacrum
1x Sundering Titan
1x Platinum Angel
1x Treasure Mage

4x Expedition Map
4x Remand
3x Thirst for Knowledge
3x Condescend
3x Repeal
2x Spatial Distortion
2x Anticipate
2x Chalice of the Void
2x Thopter Foundry
1x Sword of the Meek
1x Fabricate
1x Oblivion Stone
1x Cyclonic Rift

2x Hurkyll's Recall
2x Dismember
4x Spreading Seas
1x Chalice of the Void
2x Spell Pierce
1x Spell Burst
2x Engulf the Shores
1x Jester's Cap

I mean it's OK and all but at this point you'd really want to play Tezzerator instead.


>No Mindslaver

Come on, that's like not having Emrakul in RG Tron
So what do you do with the AV you draw T3 when you don't want it? What do you do when you don't have it in your opening hand? How many mulligans are acceptable? Do you mulligan away a Dark Dwellers? What happens when I remand your AV? Are you going to give up your T3 play so you can force it through?

The problem with building around a bad card like AV is that it never stops being a bad card. It'll always be a horrible topdeck and if you don't/can't jump through the right hoops it's a recipe for pain.
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Thopter Foundry you say? Ancestral Visions you say? Glad I picked up pic related during pre-release weekend.
African or European?
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>African Swallows in my Innistrad
Gutteral response soonnnnn
You mean what EVERY RG Tron deck now does because Newlamog is the bast titan?

Really? What lists with no Emrakul won a significant tournament?

Though my point is Mindslaver lock gives U Tron inevitability and a way to close games on the spot
>In a meta with Tier 1 Affinity, Burn, GBx, and maybe Tron or Eldrazi depending on how things shake out
Then again you're trying to brew around AV into Dark Dwellers, so you've made the worst possible decision already. So why not make another bad decision.
Im the one who posted the first post you responded to.
Why is everyone here act like they are talking to one single person ?

Im not trying to build anything tho, just higlithing a cool synergy.

And you're acting like all the decks can disrupt AV.
there are so many awsers for these decks now, its why they unbanned them.
hell black has ilness in the rankes, for thopter foundery and white has spirit of the labrynth for visions
Ever since Newlamog was printed no Emrakul has appeared in fewer and fewer lists. A turn 4 Newlamog kills more decks harder than a turn 4.5 Emrakul.
Infect shits all over your shitty decks
2 cards in 0 modern decks
Checkmate Atheists
Because there wasn't a need for them. Now there might be.
ITT people try to brew with spike cards just because they got unbanned, good goys, dont forget to buy your SoI booster boxes and phatpacks to get your foil titi's to break modern :^)
Sanctum sucks, doesn't trigger off Wurmcoil and is an overall blank before you can cast Karn, sacs itself so doesn't help casting Ulamog and Emrakul, can't cast Emrakul t6 vs control and scapeshift.
>the luckiest, most consistent deck
Aren't these qualities mutually exclusive?
I know. Its just last year that I started actively building a GW Modern collection after years of university/EDH. I expected a return of Visions (blue snapcaster.dec) and needed Stony for Affinity (Thopter is nice collateral damage), so I'm glad I finally got these pieces.
It's competitive in the sense that it has a good Miracles matchup and Delver on the play if they don't force your chalice, not much else.

>cards get unbanned
>brew with newly unbanned cards

What's wrong with this?
Yeah, I can see why you'd think that.
It just works.

Literally nothing.
It's a cool interaction, but cool isn't the same as good. AV is a bad card in decks that run Snapcaster because you can't flash it back and it's the worst topdeck, and it's a bad card in the decks that use Cascade, so it won't see play.

That's all there is to it.
I mean if the deck has 8 tutors + 12 cantrips and all payoff cards can be hit by said cantrips it's statistically nigh impossible to not hit a decent mixture of action and tron pieces in a given game? Where's the luck?
no luck, pure skill son
When you keep a one-lander with no dig and just draw your pieces. Or when your opening hand is three Karns and a natural Tron. Or when you're in top deck mode, tron's not on, and you keep drawing shit, but your opponent is drawing worse.

It just gives you what you need when you need it.
>When you keep a one-lander with no dig and just draw your pieces.
No one does this, every hand with only one non-Ugin land without an egg or a map at the very least gets shipped.
>Or when your opening hand is three Karns and a natural Tron.
Natural is in maybe 5% of hands, backed by Karn even less often so I think this is a moot point to bitch about.
>Or when you're in top deck mode, tron's not on, and you keep drawing shit, but your opponent is drawing worse.
Like I said, 12 cantrips and 8 tutors and Tron has the best topdeck in the format so I can't see the luck factor, it's just statistically more likely that drawing blank for several turns in a row. If you have tron pieces a and b with any other land and about 50 cards in deck with action cards in hand, your "outs" include then tron piece itself, egg into a stirrings or scrying, stirrings, scrying or a map.
I want to make a Modern Werewolf deck. Doesn't need to be super competitive tier 1, but some FNM wins would be nice. Where do I start?
You could try by compiling all of the rare or better werewolves from the last innistrad block and the upcoming one then deciding what a good curve for them is like, build a prototype, and do extensive play testing to determine what the optimal build would be to combat your local meta.

Or, hey, here's an idea: Just don't.
>Winning any games ever were the opponent doesn't die of laugh, have a serious brain injury or just straight up keel over dead at the table.

0/10 apply yourself.
Seriously though, unless your meta is full of peole like you who specifically build decks they think are cool rather than the ones that win, there isn't a way to make werewolves even semi competitive.
Nah that's just memedern players. Well meme'dard is even worse.
haha memes
>Affinity and Burn are braindead
>Infect is linear aggrobabby tier
>Eldrazi is a meme
>Jund is a moneysink
>Tron is cancer
>Lantern is anti-fun
>Merfolk and Zoo are just bad

So what's left? Don't tell me memewolves.
coco zoo is valid deck
Jeskai ascendancy was an amazing modern deck until they banned treasure cruise...
Melira Chord. Abzan CoCo, Podless Pod whatever you call it.
You don't like memes, son? Have you forgotten where you are?

Zombie Loam
Mono U Tron
CoCo variants (Abzan, Bant, Elves)
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"Where do you think we are ?"

Right in the feels man, not cool, not cool
Why does tezzerator have to be so expensive?
Because this is modern.

It wasn't expensive yesterday
it wasn't playable yesterday
Should I buy 4 moderately played tho per foundries for 5 a piece right now?

Definitely. Get everything you can and save Sword for last. You shouldn't need 4 swords anyway, it's usually 2-3, some even just run 1 if they have Academy Ruins and a way to fetch Sword
I haven't played since the Zendikar Pre-re and want to get back into it. because they nerfed my mogg fanatics w/ damage not stacking anymore

What do I expect?
Paying a lot of money.

Other than that the game's pretty fun. Keeps all of us faggots coming here, at least.
Don't get into Modern. It made sense to join in when it was created, now all the staples are expensive as fuck and the format is a whore to Wizards whimsical banlist. If you're going to pour money into cards, you might as well directly play Legacy.

Wait, ancestral vision works with meme dankdwellers but not with snapcaster/jace?

I've been thinking about just making some living room decks and just doing drafts. I don't have a shitload of money to get serious, nor the time anyway.

Whats a good way to do drafts

Can Affinity run unbanned Ancestral or is it entirely unnecessary?
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With the return of blue based permission decks, Im really reluctant to play Company - let alone trust in getting to resolve a Chord.

>So what do you do with the AV you draw T3 when you don't want it?

You pitch it for Force of willcor you can brainstorm it back into your deck and cast it for free the next turn with a cascaded shardless agent.

Why don't you play Pauper then. No deck is going to cost more than $30, guaranteed.
Completely pointless, far too slow and thoughtcast is still better if you can cast it since it's 2 cards then, which affinity cares about a hell of a lot more than 3 cards later.
snap gives flashback, flashback needs a mana cost, AV doesn't have a mana cost
jace let you play an instant/sorceries for his cmc, AV doesn't have a cmc
Dank Dwellers let you cast an instant sorcery with cmc less than 3, AV cmc is less than 3.
Yes because you can't cast something without a mana cost, so you need something to let you bypass that check for a mana cost, such as gdd or cascade.
AV does have a CMC Anon, it's 0.

At this point I would make a wolves deck Aland not use any of the transformable cards, except maybe huntmaster of the fells.
Correct. Non-existent mana costs can't be paid.
Because no one plays pauper anon, don't be dumb.
MTGO is fantastic for drafting if you don't mind paying for digital cards.
Why would blue permission decks return? They're still awful.
It does not. It has no mana cost, which is considered "less than" any relevant number you can suggest but is not a cmc of 0.
202.3a The converted mana cost of an object with no mana cost is 0.
It's both zero and non-existant. You can give it flashback and the flashback will cost 0, but you can't pay a non-existant mana cost. Memnite is an example of a zero cost card with an existant mana cost.
Instantspeed threats are great against counterspells.
Huh. Oracle doesn't state a mana cost. Guess I was wrong.

Still doesn't matter, you can't pay it.
We're talking about cmc. All objects have a cmc, even emblems, planes and schemes.
nope. It has no mana cost. But it's still "less than" any number. That's why you can cascade into it and recast it with dank dwellers but giving it flashback doesn't work.
CMC is distinct from mana cost. At no point did I mention mana cost at all.
Yeah and?
I-I do
I used to have a playgroup that drafted in pauper cube, shit was cash
AV's CMC isn't "both 0 and non-existent". Its CMC is 0, and its mana cost is non-existent. Flashback snapcaster-style doesn't work because it explicitly says you have to cast it for its mana cost, which doesn't exist. Cascade says you may cast something of lesser CMC (which everything has) without paying its mana cost, allowing you to cast something that doesn't have one. I'm not even sure we're disagreeing here, I'm just trying to clarify things.
We're not, I'm >>46475701 anon.

You just seemed to take offense to my use of "mana cost" as a catch all term rather than specifying the difference.
> TFW it's true
> TFW Modern just becomes worse and worse, while Legacy becomes harder and harder to start, simply because cards are lost over time

I can see it now. In twentyfive years, the supported formats will be Limited, Standard, Ultramodern and Legacy. Legacy will mostly be played by ancient grogs. Duals will have deteriorated to the point of only being flimsy, faded shadows of the cards, held togrther by seven layers of sleeves.
So what ever happened to Type2?
In twenty-five years Wizards will have found a way to bypass the resermemed list by printing dual lands that also tap to roll the planar die or something. Not to mention plenty of archetypes don't need any duals (Eldrazi, Burn, Merfolk, Dredge, Death&Taxes, Oops, etc.), and many of the ones that do only need like 1-3.
Can somebody post the spihnx's revelation meme? I'm completely incapable of finding it.
any esper controlfags ITT? I wanna slot three foundries and two swords in the deck. What do you guys think?
I challenge you fags to come up with a Vanguard ability based on gold, bribery, salary, bidding, that sort of thing.

>On each player's untap phase, that player may choose not to untap a land. If they do, put a coin counter on that land.
>On each player's end phase, that player may move any number of coin counters on lands they control to target permanents. Players gain control of permanents if they control the most coin counters on that permanent.
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>keep /pol/ in /pol/
but anon, /pol/ is everywhere
Too bad counters don't have controllers.
I know, but ignore the syntax for a minute and help me create an ability that is fun and works. I can worry about wording later.
I've been trying for a while to make esper control decent, TITI will help, as will foundry and sotm, whats the list you're running? My problem always seems to be finding the right balance, I either don't not enough counters early or not the right ones.

BUG also seems good with Visions now. Strike some balance with TITI, Tasigur and goyf maybe.
This is a thread for the modern format
"At the beginning of each player's end step, each player may move any number of meme counters from permanents he or she owns to any number of permanents. Then each player gains control of each permanent onto which he or she moved the most meme counters this turn."
Tried to clean up a bit but the ability still sounds terrible tbqh family.
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Former tron player here to tell you that rg tron in its old form is done for. It can still run its game up to a certain point, like people have been saying, but topdecking a map or scrying after the critical turn is now akin to drawing a land. After you get tron online, scrying and map turned into demonic tutors for the rest of your wincons. Nshelving Karn and friends for a while.
Will baby Jace low in price after rotation?
Good thing eldrazi tron will become a thing. People hated tron before? Well now they are even better against control and midrange decks.
Yes. People will try and keep him high valued for a couple months afterwards but there is no reason he shouldn't settle around $25-$40. Modern Grixis isn't blowing up many skirts and UW/America control should come back in a big way now that they get to draw 3.
Reminds me, I need to sell mine. Any good places to sell mtg cards in the UK aside from a LGS?
Speculators are a cancer to the MtG community and there's literally no reason WotC shouldn't go full Konami and tell them to fuck off.
Pretty sure pauper is explicitly not supposed to be cash


Why is it called 'Affinity' when literally no creatures with affinity for artifacts are played in it?
Because that's where it started and the name is still fitting on a couple levels.
anyone here use MTG Studio?
>Why is it called 'Cocoa Pebbles' when literally no breakfast cereal is played in it?
Can someone give me a decent prebanned budget splintertwin deck? It was my favorite deck to see before and I wanted to bring something spicy to a open format thing im going to.
Why is it called Four Horsemen if the Apocalypse doesnt happen when you play it?
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This is doing pretty damn good, sometimes sanctum is even better than Eye.

(Got into several tops from europe playing GR tron so I might know what I'm doing. Give the list a try!)
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We couldnt have even got Preordain back? I just want to play UR Storm and have it be decent again. I guess I should just brew up a Sword of the Meek deck instead.
Raise your hand sieg heil and you will know
What decks actually will see Visions played in them? I've been trying it in Grixis Control and being able to recast it with goblin dark dwellers is great, but running it as a 4 of meant I was consistently topdecking it in the late game.

To me it only feels decent on turns 1-3 and being recast in the late game from your graveyard (for free).

Does mono blue tron want this?
Does Tezzerator even want this?
Where exactly does this slot into? Has anyone had any success with it?
If I had one wish, it would be for a one mana cantrip that let's me put cards back into my library.

>Thinking they would ban anything that would hurt Oath of the Shitwatch sales
>Thinking they wouldn't ban eye in order to prevent RG Tron from being the powerhouse it was expected before Eldrazi raped the format.
No deck that can't cascade into it wants to be topdecking this, no deck that DOES cascade wants to hit this instead of Restore Balance or Living End.

Visions is a card like Bitterblossom: it came off the list because Wizards finally realized it would have no impact whatsoever, but since it's blue they can pretend they're actually trying to give blue permission its teeth back.
>draw 3 for U
>no impact

They won't though because then they'd hurt their relationship with their precious SCG.

On a side note, how fucked would I be trying to do RG Tron with the RG pain land instead of Grove?
Why is Bitterblossom still expensive godsamnit
It got reprinted and it sees literally no play anywhere, hell it's not even suited for EDH
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>mfw I bought a playset of Ancestrals for my casual cascade deck for $5 a piece

Trading them nigs in this Friday.
I think running either Thopter/Sword or Ancestral changes the Draw-Go core in a fundamental way.

Thopter/Sword wants to be in a more rock-style midrange deck with discard spells, Thirst for Knowledge, and Lingering souls.

Ancestral Visions could be good for draw-go, but not in the same deck as Think Twice. I think a return to the draw package Wafo used in extended needs testing. So 4 Visions, 4 Esper Charm, 3 Mystical Teachings.
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who faeries here?
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Why would anyone choose to play in Tier 3?
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Because I want to be the boomerang.
>draw 3 for U
>several turns from now
No. Impact.
It does the same thing as eye while being much worse. But tron players will refuse to play it because it's not their precious eye.
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>be U/W/x control player
>mfw this new banlist
I feel bad for people who think Ancestral Visions isn't shit without Cascade + Brainstorm effects or GDD
Maybe you need to rethink how Tron is played because old Tron will not be as strong as it was ?
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Sketched out a rough Gifts build for the unban.

baby jace is like $8 bruh
Didn't you get the memo? Millenials refer to flipJace as Baby Jace.
Combo was fine in modern, control wasn't.
You can get away with karpulsan forest. Solid budget option.
Control was fine. Tron was tier 1 before the eldrazi debacle.

That's what I was hoping and thinking, thanks!
There's nothing to rethink, plan A is still to boardwipe and cast a fattie or two and win off that. (Slower) combo and control matchups will take an irreparable hit since inevitability isn't as guaranteed and that's that.
1x Cryptic Command
3x Dismember
1x Far / Away
2x Mana Leak
3x Negate
1x Slaughter Pact
4x Thirst for Knowledge
1x Academy Ruins
1x darksteel citadel
3x watery grave
4x polluted delta
3x flooded strand
2x island
1x swamp
2x Creeping Tar Pit
3x Darkslick Shores
2x Sunken Ruins
1x Tolaria West
1x Master of Etherium
3x Spellskite
4x Chalice of the Void
3x Sword of the Meek
4x Thopter Foundry
2x Damnation
1x Fabricate
4x Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas

Deck is sweet. Chalice in the opening hand on the play shuts down aggro decks hard
Very fucked. Tron's biggest weakness is fast linear aggro, and burn. The few points in life can make all the difference. Also as RG Tron, you don't give a single shit about your opponent's life total, Tron has the best lategame in modern thanks to giant creatures, or ulting Karn if they have infinite life or some shit.
I disagree with >>46479207
Infect doesn't deal regular damage and the Burn matchup is beyond abysmal given the pilot isn't a complete retard (way more common amongst aggro players than one might think) even with the Groves, you win regular zoo/creature heavy aggro by landing an O-Stone/Ugin or connecting/blocking once with Wurmcoil. You can make due with the painlands if you're ready to lose 1 winnable game out of a 1000 or so. I personally run only 3 Groves at the moment along with 2 Forests and 1 Mountain, makes GQ suck less and in an emergency vs Affinity/Infect you can quarter your own redundant tron piece for a mountain and pyroclasm.
Conjurers bauble. :^)
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>Combo was fine in modern
Lol until Ponder, Preordain, Rite of Flame and Seething Song were banned. Mostly Ponder and Preordain hurt combo but god damn did Wizards fuck storm hard.
There is one, you just have to play legacy for it.
1x noxious revival; makes your piles for gifts way better. Also cut 1-2 foundries of you're running literally 0 other artifacts.
I kind of like infect, because it's pretty fun to play
This, noxious revival/academy ruins/foundry/sword gifts guarantees combo.
What about the swords? I think 2 is a good number since they turn lingering souls tokens into beaters
Does it bother anyone that for pod and eldrazi wizards has said mutually exclusive statements on the pod ban and the response to how they let eldrazi happen?

Pod: needs ban because it reduces design space for new cards

Eldrazi Menace: we don't check how new cards will affect anything that isn't standard or a block draft

Either they don't check like the eldrazi statement says and the pod bad was a load of BS, or they do check and somehow didn't see Eye, which is embarrassing so to save face they said they didn't. Which does /tg/ think is closer to the truth?
Why is it called BUG when there are literally no actual creatures with insect subtype in it?
It wasn't so much "pod prevents releasing cards such as x" as it was about "pod will only get linearly more broken with the passing of time, cut that shit out now instead of snipe banning the most broken tutor targets every few years".
The truth is that Jewzards doesn't give a shit about Memedern beyond what is necessary to keep people invested in their decks so they can still sell packs. Cards are designed for Limited first, Standard second, with a few big goofy spells for EDH players. Any future additions to Modern and high power level formats are going to be due to accidents or mistaken power judgments like Treasure Cruise, Delver, Tarmogoyf, Mental Misstep, and so on. Or they might pull some cheaty tribal crap like Eye/Temple so draft chaff and other garbage suddenly becomes playable. Something like:
>Haunted Woodlands
Wolf and Werewolf spells you cast cost 2 less to cast.
{T}: Transform all Werewolves. They gain haste and +1/+0 until end of turn.

Wizards are extremely incompetent and couldn't care less about modern. I mean it took them this long to unban Ancestral Vision. Think about that.
Wizards says a lot of dumb shit and you kinda have to take it

I mean they said Twin needed to be banned because it "hurts diversity by pushing the decks it defeats out of the competetion"

That is the definition of a good deck. Actually no that's the definition of ANY deck in ANY game. It beats other decks
>using up your 4th turn for this and then drawing nothing until you can play your combo turn 6

Seems like steaming horse shot you gaggot cuck
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>>Merfolk and Zoo are just bad
pic related, a bad deck at losing ;^)
/tg/ is just bad at magic
>"hurts diversity by pushing the decks it defeats out of the competetion"
>clinical retardation.
They said it invalidates any decks in the same colours because there's no reason to not just throw a twin package in jeskai decks or temur decks. Not that it pushed out decks it beat.
>I mean they said Twin needed to be banned because it "hurts diversity by pushing the decks it defeats out of the competetion

It's dumber then that. Twin was banned because it "pushed out" decks that DID beat it. Harder control decks beat twin(they lose to the hard aggro though, which is why they're down now), even just more attrition based decks like jund did. The twin ban was a joke that somehow became reality.
>invitational qualifiers
Lel my brother came in second at one if those with a full king allies deck
nah, he's just a fucking moron. Ignore him.
merfolk won a gp last year bro. And there was another merfolk list in the top 8 of that gp.
All that tellst me is that merfolk is still a shit deck but can be a decent meta choice.
Is every deck that's not tier 1 a shit deck then?
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
>a decent meta choice.
>Massive bans and un-bans yesterday
Yes, that's the sad truth actually, and unless you're out there with the pros playtesting and shit and analyzing how the meta will go, then not playing a tier 1 deck is just willingly lowering your odds at winning.
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
>implying I'm not referring to when these events occurred
>implying the neta has actually even changed yet, which it hasn't
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Let's be real here, no /tg/ player is going to get into a GP or a SCG Event. Winning in an IQ, PPTQ, and things like that is representative of the top tier of 99% of this thread AND 99% of the games people play.

I'd be surprised if more than 10% of this thread does anything besides FNM, Modern Mondays, and SCG Game Nights.
Allright, I've been wanting to make a Modern deck for quite a while now but never had the chance because of the price. I've now a bit of money to spare and decided to brew a cheap but effective aggro deck since control decks are so expensive.

Since Naya colors have the cheapest fetchlands I decided to go with a Naya Zoo-Burn hybrid because I don't like pure Burn gameplay and found out that zoo falls flat without playsets of Goyf and Hierarchs.

I've made good progress and here is where I am now. Did some playtest on Xmage and had very good results but only 2 of the ten or so matchs I played were against "real" competitive decks.

Here's the deck, I'm looking for advices to improve it, especially about the SB. Keep in mind it's mid-budget list that is aimed at FNM level play.

>not playing a tier 1 deck is just willingly increasing your odds of having fun.
ftfy. nobody wants to play Burn or Helminity
I drive 100 miles to every single GP within the area, because it's my hobby and I enjoy it. I top 32d GP Worcester last year. Funny thing is IQs and PPTQs are just as easy to enter as GPs, so I don't know what you're trying to really say here.
Yeah well I'm on the Pro Tour and going for the Hall of Fame. My dad can beat up your dad too.
>Not playing Pod 2.0
Shameful display desu
not him, but affinity is actually pretty fun.
Storm is the cáncer of combo. Unban hypergenesis
You understand that anyone can join a GP right? It's also not a good idea to join if you're just gonna play a shot deck.
>Impliying pod 2.0 can actually compare to original pod.
Fuck you wizards
Abran company chord is still tier 1 dude.
Sorry, the implication was that people would join and do well. I guess that doesn't work well with autists who read too literally.
So many decks right now can't deal with a key peice being taken or just lose to bridge
Esper Tokens
In 25 years the world as you know it wont exist. Card games are Halal and wont exist anymore.
Im proud to be the lumberjack that was getting attacked by the other lumberjack to start this meme. What a night
I'm the other lumberjack, and I don't understand why we're gay. Also no one even uses the term lumberjack anymore.
im assuming we're gay cus we were arguing over saws in a magic thread? Also i dont think forester is a term most people know so lumberjack is what they think of
I bought my infect deck long time ago (2012). Plaayed with it sometimes cause i had better ones (splinter twin and all the pieces for grixis aand jund). I sold thee infect deck a month ago without spellskites (finished foiling the commons and uncommons and the nexus). Got around 1000$ but now eye is banned and seems infect will be top tier with affinity, did I fuck up?
There's way gayer things that have been discussed in magic threads, I really don't get why cutting trees is one of them. Yeah that makes sense though, I guess if the average person thinks of a person dropping a tree they think of a lumberjack. Stihl is still inferior btw desu

You really fucked up. Enjoy getting cucked to the guy using your infect deck.
No I don't think so. With visions and thopter sword being a thing, I'm assuming at least a few more control decks will be showing up, and this in turn means that infect will be getting slightly worse. Personally I think it's always a mistake to sell your deck off, but I don't think you ducked up.
With the unbannings, control will be on the rise and infect does have problems against tons of removal, but infect can adjust. Whether or not you fucked up, probably not as you still have jund.

The guy got 1k dollarillos, he did it grea. Sell your other stuff and buy a fuckking house and car.
Oh you
pls respond ;_;
How bad will I hate my life if I run Languish over damnation for budget reasons? Will I lose every single game ever?
Just call him JtML
Just make Naya burn dude. It's a better deck and isn't too much more expensive than what you already have minus the guides which are replaceable.
No, it's actually just as good if your meta has a lot of CoCo decks running around.

There is actually very few decks that go wide in modern where Languish is worse than Damnation.
Vs tarmos you will get fucked unless there are less than 3 types of card in the graveyards.
Languish is better in certain decks like Grixis Delve, where Tasigur/Gangler can make it one-sided.
Not too worried about tarmos. I am mildly worried about a grixis delve player though, and I have a feeling it's gonna come back and bite me in the ass. But aside from the goyf and grixis delver I don't think there is anything too prevalent that will get ne
I think you mean "haram"
But I don't like the fact that 90% of Burn's nonland cards are bolt effects, it's quite boring to play.

Beside, "Burning Zoo" is an actual deck. I just don't have the money for Goyfs.
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Goddam, why did the hydra go up too?
I just brewed one but its hardly a werewolf deck just mostly wolf related stuff. And thats more incidental than anything and the "hunt" theme in the creatures is ALSO incidental, i was just trying to build a strong curve.

Arbor elves, utopia sprawls, bops

Huntmaster of the fells, Master of the wild hunt, shaman of the great hunt, wolfir silverheart, garruk woodpecker

mwonvoli acid moss, stone rain, primal command, garruk wildspeaker

Basic forests, less basic mountains, 4 of RG shock/battle lands

It was pretty strong, t2 acid moss is super hard, master of the wild hunt feels like a kinda weak point though I hate having 4 and drawing one mid/late cause its just a non hasty 3/3 for 4. It also taps way more wolves than you want late game including your wolfir. I think i might drop it for some good 3 drop and see where that takes me because right now you cant do shit if you dont hit 4 mana early on.
No im pretty sure he means they will be killed in a certain way under the direction of a holy man
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These lumberbros are alright with me
It was the saws that were gay not the lumberjacks
>buy a house and car with 1k

Children aren't allowed on this site
>burn is braindead
Confirmed for never having played Burn before
You're just playing a shit version of tooth and nail
Hes right, this is a memedern thread font EVER try to post a list unless its one on the approved 4 t1 netdecks, if you even think of brewing go back to casual this thread is for "competitive" players ONLY, take your freeform deckbuilding elsewhere you socialist
>tier 1

At least put some effort in with the shitposting
I love the memes used in memedern threads! Haha! Memes!
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the real question is: why does everything have so fuckstupid high prices in the united states of kikery?

is it really the higher percentage of jews in the general population?
don't you guys have something comparable to MKM?
Why is /v/ here?
Anon please, everyone knows the most thoughtless deck in Modern is Bogles.
Bogles is a control deck it takes alot of thought
I'd let emrakul-chan flying trample me for 15/15 if you know what I mean
Her tentacles will annihilator 6 in my pants if you know what I'm talking about
please don't troll me
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>pic related, but it will get (you)s because autism
Idgaf about that hook cause That fish looks tasty as fuck
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I go to a shop rife with meme spewing faggots. They sound like you guys. In fact, I'm pretty sure one of you goes to my shop. mfw I've grown rather fond of those endearing little twits
This meme has got to stop. It's not even clever.
I mean both the format and the word.

Senpai, we really need to have a talk about this meme, it needs to go
Fuck storm, i am happy it's dead as shit in modern.
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>goto scg
>build latest netdeck
>erry day im memederning
Memedern the Memerning gotta meme them all
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I bet you if someone tried to start something like that they would get sued by SCG
Tron is a control deck. Fight me.
No i think I'll just laugh at you.

i also dont google build my decklists
Then get the fuck in the casual thread you fucking loser
>typical triggered memedern babby
Can't wait to get my Force playset in the mail so I can stop frequenting this cesspit of a community and finally ascend to patrician status.
Quit stalling and present evidence to the contrary.
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>I play memedern like an onion
I make people cry and i have a green penis

the dude who built lantern didn't google build his decklists either.
twinniger at it again.
They said that Twin made it imossible to play any other things in blue. Every deck with blue in it threw Twin in the 60 and called it good, making it retarded.
You guys can't handle the intense competitive environment of a network meta so you brew so you can have an excuse when you lose
OR perhaps we get bored pretty quickly of autopiloting yet another iteration of Burn/Tron/Affinity/Infect every fucking time, who knows? Why is it that Legacy has such a diversity of viable archetypes when Memedern only allows for 4-5?
>Not playing both formats
Nigga plz
What deck are you planning of building?
He also didn't do it alone.
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>intense competitive environment
All of my bait/10
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SEE ??? They are at it again. Shitposting furiously.
Green eldrazi tron will be the future of tron decks.
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You forgot your mtg themed meme
You don't even play legacy. You'd shit your pants when ANT kills you turn 1 before your shitbrew even gets off the ground
> implied playing egacy
>implying there is a turn 2
>draw FoW in opening hand i win, gg bro next round

what point are you trying to make?

>you just build your own decks so you can have a john
yeah no
New thread.
>not cabal therapy into fow every time
Storm players don't usually go off turn 1 unless they have a g-probe or discard or you've mulligan a fair amount, or they just simply don't give a fuck. Having said that, it's not gg if you do and they don't have discard. You still need to win the game and they can reassemble the combo.
Do people seriously still complain about netdecks in 2016?
Cabal therapy. You have no idea what you're taking about

>force of will saves everything XD
Yes. I've been trying to get my friends into modern and legacy but they're staunchly against netdecking. Something about originality or some bullshit. I need a new magic group
Fuck off justin
New thread for actual not retarded discussion
fuck off
The guy who made it good did though.
On the plus side, it stops some Abzan Chord persist shenanigans. Also bypasses indestructable and lasts until end of turn I believe (so they can't CoCo immediately after a boardwipe)
Do you bananaman in your list?
It's got a linear gameplan that does not care about what your opponent is doing apart from a few sweepers and Karn. The only similarity is that both control and Tron try to win the long game.
>stops some persist shenanigans

>they can't CoCo immediately after a boardwipe
Yes, they can. Creatures that enter the battlefield after Languish resolves are not affected by it.
Wrong on both accounts.

-1/-1 until end of turn is very different from having a -1/-1 counter.

Languish only affects creatures that were on the battlefield when it resolved.
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