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Sibella Quest

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Thread replies: 376
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Mega Man Sibella Anon and Abby.png
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Rolled 11 (1d20)

The continuing adventures of an anon and the girl he can't hug.

"...Okay." The vampire says calmly. "Okay. Fine. You want to cheat, that's just fine. Fine. You don't want to play my games. I'll play yours. And beat you at them."

"Ah, don't go crying on us. It'll break our hearts." We respond.

The Cat snickers with our comment.

"Go on. Laugh. I've been laughed at before. But you know what. I've also killed before."

"Like that poor girl in the museum. That's why I'm here jackass." We say.

"No. Not like that poor girl. Also, "poor girl"? Do you even know who she is? Do you even KNOW what kind of shit you've involved yourself in you glorified Catholic assassin?"

"...Stay frosty kitten. He's just trying to fuck with us." The Cat says.

"The girl's alive, isn't she you dick? You got her as your hostage. That girl's the one thing keeping you alive, I want you to know that." We threaten.

"Here you guys go." A neat, evenly sided black void appears before use like a door. "Level 4. Come on down."


...That's not spooky at all...
We're still set for Sibella hug, right?
Level 4 bitches.
Before contacting outside
"Hey, i don't really know how vampires deal with blood pressure, but that much salt can't be good for you"
Someone remind me, was something good going to happen to rescue us if we screwed up?
>Vampire who used blood for ice
>Vampire who used blood for poison
>Vampire who used blood for data
There probably is some salt vampire out there somewhere.

Probably, Belial doesn't usually do a lot compared to what she could be doing to help. If things get bad I'm sure she'll do something.
Yes. I'm not a complete monster after all.

So far we're tied at "go to level 4" and "contact outside first"
I'm up for contact. Let em know we're doing okay. Get some info if there is some info.

That's pretty adorable. I can't wait to see what else is in store.

Well really, isn't that what is truly being built up. Winnie's ever growning pack is just a sitcom of freaks and weirdos...well, freaks and weirdos of their own kind, of course

And as always...archives and advantages and disadvantages...
By the time this is over the /v/ampire we're fighting will be the saltiest thing on Earth.
Seems like he's headed that way anyhow.
>And as always...archives and advantages and disadvantages...

You are doing Tanis' work, Archive Anon.
You're about to see exactly how pissed he is.
Wasn't Sibella supposed to help us?
Thanks, and in just reading it, I noticed I may in fact be missing some of the VR ones that aren't glitches...bare with me a moment...

Hey, if the Vamp is cheating...I expect SOMEONE...will want to cheat back...and harder...
Tell us the truth, he originally had salt powers until he realised about the conection between electricity and salt, learning how to exploit it and become the cyber vampire.
Or maybe you are a wendigo
We haven't really NEEDED help. The Cat has slaughtered everything for us.
>bare with me a moment..
Well, if it's you then okay.

Contacto con exterior
AHA! There is the issue at hand. I did not PDF it. This is the current one, not including any gained by D.Y.N.A.C.A.T, assuming they count and should be cataloged.
Sup homos what i miss?

I saw the quest earliar but i wasn't really feeling it at the time
Simply, The Cat is a fucking cheater.
>I saw the quest earliar but i wasn't really feeling it at the time
Brooke, my gal. What up, nigg
We playan some vidya with the salt vampire of salt +2 salt
Sibella was the detained suspect(quelle shock), and D.Y.N.A.C.A.T has been a one kitten wrecking crew. We have an artist now, including pictures of White Fell. And Sibella and Abby are extremely worried about us.

Also, QG seems to have changed his posting style for more interplay dialog, and I like it a lot.

I "blame" Mechgirl threads for the change in style
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So I'm working on rough skeleton work but I might have to work on/finish this later. I got company coming over and drawing wolfgirls wrestling amongst company might lead to weird conversations Or disturbingly "Less Weird" conversations. .

One more question.

Does White Fell also have a tail? I feel like I forgot to draw one on her in the previous thread.
Oh i cant even replace the name

Well that's supposed to be saying "shoes" but i guess with the Google+ thing on
The Cat shows why an AI has an advantage in cyberspace.
She does, it's kind of a big deal for wolf-abled people
Well, she is a wendigo/deer thing. And >>46403434 brings up a good point. We could have feasibly lopped it off if we were renegades. But we're not.

I kinda thought something quite literally like a deer tail. But maybe something in between.
I think powering on would be alright.
Hoo boy, that top left one is missing a splash effect...
Well I've got two tail options for Anon's viewing pleasure. Let me know which works better.

Soon as thats sorted out I guess I'll get to working on the next thing.

Its fun catching up to these quests. I look forward to continuing to do art for them.

All in due time anon.
The Cat opens an audio channel to the outside with a flick of her claws.

"Anon! You did it!" Sibella congratulates us. "Our readings show you're nearing the uh..."brain-heart core"...The point is..." She says excitedly. "We're winning! Oh, and Abby says God Bless. And she's still praying for you. And that you're the best and greatest...oh honey, don't cry..." She says sweetly to our inaudible partner.

"Stake and bake Anon." Ray says. "Stake and Bake."

"Hey Anon you big dick!" A friendly voice calls from the white void. "Way to steal my thunder! This was supposed to be the first team-up of Benny the Bomber and the Black Falcon, not 2600 Castlevania!"

It's Benny!

"It's Benny..." The Cat groans. "Don't blow up anything you klutz. We're inside the machines."

"Is that the kitty?" Benny asks.

The Cat hisses.

"It is! Good to see you again bitch!" You hear a sudden, sharp slap sound. "Ouch..."

"Manners." A confident, accented voice speaks.

"Hey...Is that Char?" We ask upon hearing the familiar accent.

"Mary actually...." Benny explains. "Char sort of got scarred by everything and well, you know."

"Anon! What the hell, you're in a video game!" Winnie says. "Man, I thought Tanis ran into the weirdest stuff..."

"Hey there Winnie!" We greet our old friend.

The Cat hisses again. "Pheh! Dogs!"

"Ah Abby, quit crying." Winnie says to our angel. "Chin up! Anon's one of the few people to ever take me in a fight, you know that. Some pixel vampire isn't going to stop him!"

"Oh yes. Everyone ignore the one doing all the work..." The Cat complains. "Everyone fawn on the kitten..."

"You want a belly rub later?" We ask her.

"Try to pet me kitten and I'll shred you." She threatens.

"You got to pet her before she sees you." BF says. "Trust me, I know from experience..."

>Tell Abby not to worry, we promised we'd never leave her and we meant it! She's our guardian angel and we won't let some E.T. The Game reject keep us apart!
I'm digging the wolftail myself.

>Those sketches

...Are you a god? Can I worship you?
"I hope I'm not interrupting your date, Benny."

"Anyways, the vamp is getting a little whiny, so just keep an eye out, as always. We should be fine though, I think we can handle it."

Left, definitely the left.
>"You got to pet her before she sees you." BF says. "Trust me, I know from experience..."

Kitty likes surprises eh? Good to know.
>Awkward silence
>"...Uhhh...The... The biblical figure?"
They are wolves primarily, being close cousins to werewolves, the wolf tail fits better.
>we've had our fill of pep talk
"Right, heading off now.
See you all later, Sibella everyone."
Jack and Winnie let out a howl of approval.


The Cat covers her ears and cringes. "Arghhhh....DOGS!"

>We'd never leave her and we meant it.

"...Abby says thanks." Sibella says. "She says it was just weird to have you taken from her like that. It frightened her. She thought you died...truth be told, she wasn't the only one."

"She's been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster." Winnie adds. "But she's bouncing back! You just keep your chin down and keep going!"

You bet. Just an hour or so ago she was complaining about the jealousy and anger she felt with you and Sibella. Thinking that you died...damn, that must've hit her like a sledgehammer.

"Typical Anon. Getting himself nearly killed just to have a room full of girls worrying about him!" Benny says. "You lucky bastard you!"

>Hope I'm not interrupting your date

"Eh, it's not that late." Benny replies. "You-know-who might have to be held up at the airport in a little bit though."

>Vampire is getting whiny

"Give him a cure for all his problems then." Ray says. "Delete him."

>I think we can handle it.

"I KNOW you can handle it!" Sibella encourages us.

I like the wolf tail myself.

Time to rock.
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>She thought you died...truth be told, she wasn't the only one."
Oof...if Anon's fears regarding Naraya are still there, this has got to be a warm comfort.

>QG also supports Wolf Tail
Well, I appear outnumbered, but that's okay. Besides, we'll save the short tail for the runt of the litter...

Speaking of, can't wait to see how you adapt to the Winnie model we've been using, drawfriend.

>What do?
Rock and Roll Out!
>"...Abby says thanks." Sibella says. "She says it was just weird to have you taken from her like that. It frightened her. She thought you died...truth be told, she wasn't the only one."
"Yes, I'm sorry."

>"I KNOW you can handle it!" Sibella encourages us.
"Of course!"
>"Of course!"
Maybe add "I'll definitely come back."?
Alison, that's deathflag territory.
As if death is going to stop us
I'm okay with adding this to us rolling out. Adds flavour.
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We and The Cat take the invitation and step through the door the vampire's opened for you.

We find ourselves on an orange field. Above us, blackness. The field goes right and left as an even bar and ends with two upturned sides. It's like you're in a large bowl. There's a little hill in the middle.

"So what's this?"

"...A top down shooter maybe? A Space Invaders port? Phoenix? Maybe even one of the many Break-Out knock offs..." We muse.

"...You know something about alchemy?" The vampire's voice echoes. "It has rules. Very plain, very distinct, very practical rules." He rambles on. "I mean, hundreds of years ago it was all placed out. The secret of the alchemists. The Magnum Opus. The Philosopher's Stone...It was known. It was completed. It was shown clearly to everyone in Europe with eyes to see!"

"Nice last words." We say. "I don't think we'll be able to fit them all on the tombstone though. Now where's the girl." We demand.

The vampire ignores us.

"The vampire...that was the stone. We are the stone. We are the finished product. We take spirit and mix it with blood. We take blood and mix it with spirit. Jacob's Ladder. As Above as as Below. These principals were embodied within the race. These principles were...perfected. Human chattel give their meaningless blood and their meaningless lives over to us and we ensure them an everlasting immortality in the temple that is the vampire body."

"Pretty high concepts for an Atari nut." We say.

"Oh. You have no idea what I am little Catholic. No idea at all. You see, you and the machine there are just like "The Master" or Ms. Dracula. You don't follow the obvious rules. You cheat. You just want to reinvent the wheel!"

Ms. Dracula?

"This guy must be fun to play cards with..." The Cat mumbles.

"Why should I follow your rules when you stack them to your advantage?"
This makes me wonder, what was Hoenheims' deal in this universe?
"Human lives aren't so meaningless... it's going to be a human life that leads to your demise.
Don't worry.
I'm sure you'll have fun locked up, all alone."

Oh fuck I know this game.
This is gonna suck.
"So what your'e saying is that you're really, really, really pissed Super Cat's been beating you like a rented mule throughout your Atari marathon?" We shake our head mockingly. "You don't have to write a book to say that."

The vampire's voice grows in intensity. "Whether its a game or a duel or life or magic or right or wrong or now or in the past or in the future one must follow. the. rules. To do otherwise...is to deny the necessity of perfection."

"You didn't have to become a psychotic predator just to deliver speeches to a captive audience. You could have taught a philosophy class."


"...This one's sort of...not all there, is he?" The Cat whispers to us.

"They usually get pretty bad at the end. It's a bloodlust thing." We reply.

It sounds like he's going to attack. If we want to try and weasel any secrets out of him we might want to try now. But then again, there is a level 5.

>Why these crummy old games? I mean, they barely even have any graphics! And where's the online community? The DLC? The Season Pass? All of these games suck!

Enrage and see if he lets something slip, even if this is all a filthy lie
>You could have taught a philosophy class
>didn't have to become a psychotic predator

Both are about abusing those they view as lesser.

"Why don't you explain the rules so we know not to break them?"

Get him to tell us what game this is and maybe his master plan while we're at it.
I like this realm of thought, though I am still kinda curious about his knowledge of the master, as well as his knowledge of the victim. Not sure how to word that one, though maybe he'll just spill it all on his own...
>Enrage and see if he lets something slip
At least you could have created your world out of something with more content, like Gone Home

Didn't we have a bonus to pissing off deities and feity-like beings? Isn't this guy full enough of hot air to apply that bonus to him?
Pretty sure it's only for demons.
Can we just start heckling him?

A Diss Wrecking in Enochian:
+2 to all rolls used to distract, anger or excite demons. This bonus applies
to angelics and infernals with a power level comparable to Yahweh

Wasn't this guy a DIVA or a VANIR or a SWORD OF VALIS or something? Don't they count?
...I really want Belial to meet this guy.
Really, really, REALLY want him to meet her.
I imagine there'll be plenty of begging and all sorts of promises to do better while she tears him a new one.

You have half a mind to plug him into a facebook game when you take out his heart, or the glob of data that passes as one anyway.

"I heard Solitaire gets real fun after the first million or so games."

"Funny you should say that mortal..." The vampire says with a cruel laugh. "This game is going to be one player..."



Ah, there's something to talk to Sibella about...

>What's the rules of this game?

"The rules are YOU LOSE this time. You see, your walking game shark is good at killing. But how good is she at protecting? And she claims to be on the moral side, a killing machine. Hah! Let's test that moral resolve!"

On one side of the dome a translucent red dome appears. Inside is a vague humanoid sprite. Faceless and featureless like the cowboy from Outlaw it kneels on the ground and seems to cry.

"In this dome, what you think is an "innocent soul"..."

Another red dome appears on the opposite side of the mound. "And in this dome, what you think is an "expert vampire hunter"..."

The dome is empty.

"What?" We ask. "Me? Hey bitmap brain, I'm right here." We wave a feeler at the sky.

"...Actually. You're going to walk on over there and step into the dome. So that the game will begin." The vampire says icily.

"Or let me guess. You make the girl explode of something, right?"

"No. You're going to walk into the dome because I told you to...and because...he. he he he he he. I HAVE YOUR BLOOD!"

We can try contacting the double mint doomsday anytime.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 6, 5, 15 = 26 (3d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Unfortunately for you, I don't have any blood right now.
>"You didn't have to become a psychotic predator just to deliver speeches to a captive audience. You could have taught a philosophy class."
Quest Guy, is there something you would like to get off your chest?
Rolled 5 (1d20)

The irony of us doing this on our own right now is not lost to me
Probably his third set of jaws

Guys, we have to think about this laterally, this is not a game you can actually win, it is about how much you can last and what are you willing to lose to keep playing.
stop rolling like this, it doesn't work for this quest...
Rolled 15, 9, 14, 2, 16, 13, 8, 12, 9, 4 = 102 (10d20)

What happens if we use the screenwipe attack?
Muh bad, wine's getting to me.
So, uh... 3, 15, 19?
I dunno...
More missiles come
And i am not sure if the screenwipe has a "friend or foe" system
Hegel. Required. Reading.

Our blood? Sense when did we ever give blood to...

...oh. Shit.

Sibella honey, your family kind of sucks.

Padre did warn us. He did warn us. Never, under any circumstance give your blood to a vampire.

We were warned.

(poster count is at 13. Because of course)

"Anon what the hell!" The Cat says as we dart toward the dome and slide through it.

"No!" The dashes over, claw ready to strike. "I'll have you out of there in a second kitten!" She sounds...legitimately concerned for you.

That scares the hell out of you.

We're stuck under a red bubble. In the body of a fly. Without our guardian angel. With our blood in the hands of a psychotic vampire.

You feel like praying. And you do.

"No no no!" The vampire says to The Cat. "You're going to want that shield. See? I am fair."

High up in the black sky white dots appear trailing red lines.

"Let's see you cheat now..."

...Well what do we do then?
If there's no win condition, how is this a game?
Cat, save us from ourselves!
Well, this was going to happen at least once...

This is going to be a trip...
QG is this gonna be a forever game?
Because, legitimately, I don't know how we can win this.
It isn't fair because it just continues forever until we loses.
>how is this a game
This is old-school, man
Like Tetris. You can't win at Tetris
We have to do something creative. Like buiding a shield over all the cities or something
>The rules are YOU LOSE
He's losing his shit. We probably have to hack his shit or otherwise break the game (rather like we've been doing previously) to get out of this one.

Unless the 'no nuclear apocalypse if you get into the high scores' thing also applies here.
...Can we hack the game to just give us a high score automatically?
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QG! Tell me of pretty boy Paracelsus Von Hohenheim!
That just means it would, at best, be a temporary tie, though.
That's not to say that we may get outside hacks as well...just a thought...You don't think someone out there on the monitor isn't trying to stop this shit right now?
The Cat.
If she wins an attack, doesn't she basically freeze all other enemies?
Doesn't that mean no nukes will fall?
well shit, time for screen wipe

the shields will protect anon and he can go on to the final stage
Can BF hack?
He's buddies with an AI and works with a high-tech company.
But won't the attacks continues to rain down then?
It's what I've been told.
>Qotile bomb

Must protect kitten. Must protect kitten. Must protect kitten.

Must focus.

You are a huntress. Hunt.

Must focus.

Bomb Would be useful in a pinch if the sky filled up.

More useful to kill prey. We need to use it to kill him.

This whole system is his body. We are like a infection. These stages are like organs. We move closer and closer to his heart.

I could use this bomb to blow this level apart. But I need to analyze this organ. This must be a controlled explosion. Otherwise kitten dies.

That takes focus.

And the missiles will take focus as well....

Cute. Not a game we can win. Futility of nuclear warfare. Have played before. What will be even more cute will be my claw in his heart.

I just need to tear this level apart.Kill this entire level with my claws. Before the missiles kill kitten and innocent.

I can cheat this little pocket world to death.







...That's actually a really good idea.

That is risky. It involves tagging all the nukes with our claws. The screen will eventually be unable to spawn more nukes.

We'll have to leap around like a crazy acrobat "freeze tagging" missiles.

We'll be playing freeze tag with ICBMs. Getting hit that close with just one could finish us...


Would this work, everyone?
I thought it was "attack one enemy and they all freeze up"?
protect anon

No, not all.

But still. We can screen lock the game if we tag all the nukes. We can cheat him.

And come on. Doesn't ICMB Freeze Tag sound metal as fuck?
Not if it means Cat might die from nukes.




Sure, sounds fun.
As long as missiles don't reset at the end of each round. then sure, we can give it a go
Freeze tag, damage level.
Shift into maximum overcheat?
The AIs in these old games always cheat after all, or reliably glitch into impossible wins eventually. Same difference.
Damage the Level, Protect Anon Dome.

Rinse and repeat, because I have severe concerns about that "Innocent Soul"
That's the beauty of it. The round won't end. The missiles won't explode.

Screen lock means we win!
If we set both on freeze tag does that mean we can get re-rolls?
If not, I think I'll go "damage level+protect anon"
Wait, what if that other soul is the vampire he drained earlier?
And yes, our re-roll power is working.



Alright. Let's do this.

ROLL 3D20+3

Yes. 3 not 5. This is difficult work!
Rolled 11 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

I was going to say that or it's our guy himself.

Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

How much longer is this arc gonna fucking take.
Trying to come up with a pun about "curiosity killed the cat" but with bombs or missiles or something.
Any ideas?
it's a MAD world...

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Y'all fuckers wanted to tempt fate and this is where it got you.
It's alright anon. We're all hurting here.
They say cats can survive falls from any height. They also say it's not the fall that kills you.
We'll find a way...some how...
Honestly I've got some complaints about this whole mess
>No talk to Sibella for weeks
>Go into some random assholes cyberspace game when it's pretty much totally irrelevant, who gives a shit about this jackass.
>Bitch nun will come along for yet another character
>Fucking jackass AI pulls off someting bullshit where we can't even win - apparently because QG specifically reacted to us doing very well before.

I didn't want to fucking tempt it, all I asked for was if we picked that we'd get an extrra roll since it was 2 actions taken up by a single thing.
I just want to get to that fucking hug.
I don't care about this asshole that's held us up for weeks.
Can't we just let Belial out to play, reduce this jackass to a begging, sobbing broken thing that only deserves to be spat upon?
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We have to make it somehow, even if Questlabs goes broke
Had we stepped back from the game, The Cat wouldn't have any problem solving this dilemma
Rolled 6 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

Might as well roll the last.
Not like it matters.
We had an out, no one took it.

This is the grave they chose, you're gonna lay in it.
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Things go very, very fast.

One leap to the missile.

Claw. Freeze. Leap to the other.

Claw. Freeze. Leap to the other.

Just enough to lock the code. Spread a virus slowly through the sky. Spread like venom. Lock it down.

And then its over. We stand on a little pixel line hovering in the air.

We did it.

We saved kitten.

But of course we did! We're the Cat!

We stretch and meow. "Well look at that!" We shout at the vampire. "Not a single explosion! That's got to be some sort of record right?"

We stare up at the sky with a broad faced smile. "I mean, I've never even played this game before. This probably gives me a low score or whatever, but no hits! Perfect run!"

Still no reply.

"Eh fine. Be that way. You can do a lot of talking later when we're beating it out of you." We prepare to jump down and free our kitten. And tease him until he's red in his little insect face. What an idiot! Got himself caught twice in two traps by the same vampire! They should call him a vampire hunted, not vampire hunter!

Hey, that's a good one! We'll need to remember it! "Vampire Hunted!".


"Hm?" We perk our ears up. "You say something vam-"

Oh god...I hope we can save the cat!
So much time spent on this.
Time to see if this good thing you promised is worth shit, QG.
>Making me preemptively sad for the death of a character I didn't even like
I'm not sure we should hold our breath.
This has been a massive clusterfuck of a side arc.
QuestLabs is fucked
And it was all our fault
Hey, QG, remember how you promised you wouldn't be so horrible to your characters?
What the fuck happened to that, hm?
to be fair though, we did have the chance to back out.
Yes for the fiftieth fucking time we know.
Teach me to try and think up solutions to things.
I'm not gonna bother with that shit if the only result is super risky retarded crap.
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I don't know how to react to that other than incredibly bashfully thank you anon.

Thats 3 to Wolf tail, 1 to deer.

Sorry i might not be working on more art...
We could have chosen something else and we would have failed just as hard
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>All this negativity

Have some faith, you cowards.
Besides, QG didn't roll those ones, WE did.
Enough whining.
these spooks man...

these spooks
To be fair Jen, the thread always becomes like this upon a 1. It's been conditioned.
Wouldn't've led to death of the Cat, though.

All I'm saying is, there better be revenge porn-levels of details of what horrible things we're going to do to this fucker.


I understand emotions are kind of high right now.

Perhaps we should take a moment to step back and breathe everybody. Just a moment.

I just want to say that I'm really sorry if I've ruined anyone's time with this quest. It was never my intention to cause anyone grief through this game.

And I'm sorry there's been so little of Sibella. And I'm sorry it's been three weeks. I planed this to be a long game with an update every week. If I had just kept to the schedule this arc would been done weeks ago.

I'm sorry if tonight makes any of you guys quit the game.
Hear fuckin' hear.
What i mean is that, imagine if we rolled two 1s after having choosed to protect the domes?
Exactly. If we had just protected SQAnon and got the same rolls, nothing would have changed. Hell, the only thing that would have made this better if we had passed the roll with Anon earlier. Shit would have been better.
Ah, QG...
I'm not gonna quite the game at least.
I'm with ya to the end.

I love this universe you've built up.

I say we call Belial, get a glorious curbstomp going to wash away the taste of salt.
It's not Quest Guy's fault. We put ourselves in stupid situations and act ourselves into these predicaments.

Not to bring up the memes but seriously, look at PhantyQuest. Detective on a mystery, playful pranks on co-workers, a waifu with Super Ghost God Super Ghost power levels for the off-chance we do get caught in a pickle; Quest Guy practically handed us our happy ending on a silver fucking platter.
But our decisions were poor, our faith in the dice lacking, and we all paid. We actually went without Phanty, believing her to be limited to only rescuing a handful of people, and believing ourselves to be not only capable but obligated to catch the bad guy and prove our worth, but to ourselves and to her.
Went things went wrong, Quest Guy actually bent the rules a little with a rare moment of railroading with that second chance to roll for something good, and we still failed.
Quest Guy went on to give our character the superpowers, and a chance to prove to her and ourselves that we are still in control and can still have a fun game, and we got raped by clowns.
I don't mean to sound like I'm putting Quest Guy on a pedestal or anything. Of course bad ideas and bad writing and mistakes have occurred to some degree, but Quest Guy's greatest, most glaring, most persistent, most painful flaw by far is that she believes in us.
Apologize for nothing, you fucking gem of a QM.
You're running one of my favorite quests right now, right next to Schteel's SW quest and Languid's Hellborn Quest.
Don't sweat a couple of neckbeards crying over spilled dice.
I'll be honest, Questguy, you could have handled this better, storywise.
But the problems with schedules? No one has the right to give you shit about that, you have your stuff to do and we gotta respect that.
Besides, we WILL get out of this boat eventually

To eveyone who is saying this sidequest has nothing to do with the story, Vitual Hydlide here just confessed to have connections to Sibella's family, the "dead" vampire girl is also, somehow, involved with Sibella and many other hits.
We WILL get some answers out of this. Just grin and bear it for now
I dont understand what some of you dont get about quest rolls

a double critfail is a critfail. as much as it is a story it is also a game in which we gamble.
There is no one to blame, such is life.


Time to wash away the anger with a double mint hell shower.
It's okay QG, rolls and circumstances happen. Don't worry about it. We enjoy your quest, and that's what matters here.

And>>46406331 is totally right. There is tonnes of info here, we just haven't gotten to the payoff. But it'll come soon enough.
"You think yourself like a god?
Let's see you hold on to that in the face of what is to come.
I'm calling in that favor now, Belial."
Come on now, you're great. The game's great, I even think most of the anons that stick around or come and go when they can are great. We just had some bad rolls, it happens from time to time.
Personally I don't think we should call her just yet, but as people are getting upset, maybe we should wrap things up.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Lets see how the rest of the rolls are gonna tonight
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Bad but not horrible then
Stop rolling.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Think of it this way

he cant roll another 1, Can he?
I want it to save the Cat (seriously, the fact she was so protective while trying to hide it... I don't want anything to happen to her) and also get some glorious overpowered awesome going.
"Oh what's that? Nukes?
Here, I'll shove them down your throat
What's that?
You have another level for us to clear?
No you don't, this is a 4-level mission, let me drag all of you in here to prove it.
Now let's go outside and you can tell us eeeeeverything Anon here wants to know."
Rolled 17 (1d20)

I rolled nothing under 18 this session

The sky lights up and knocks our little Yar body sprawling to the ground. We feel the blast even through the shield. And then we feel the shield itself as it slams against us in pieces.

Oh god, The Cat...but we can move again. He's not here. This level is a dead part of his body.

We're safe.

Oh god, The Cat.

The screen is blank. You buzz around like a fly on a bloated corpse. Smoldering data wafts through your sensors.

She's here. She's an invincible shit kicking super robot. She's a state of the art life form. Scientists make their careers writings about her thought patterns.

Oh God please. Please not her. Not for me. Not in my place...

And she's there.

A crumbled black spot. Gray smoke rising from her body.

She's not moving.

We buzz over near her. There's something we can do. There has to be something we can do.

She's got two arms and two legs. She even has her tail. That's got to be a good sign right?

But you're not an expert on Questling-based liveforms. Everything in this world is so abstract...

"...Stupid kitten..." Her voice is slow. Heavy. Very mechanical. It's not like her soft, normal voice. "Stupid, Stupid kitten...couldn't...protect..."

We move her face with one feeler. He eyes are hollow and dim. "...Is...Is that..." Her eyes strain and then focus.

A smile cracks on her smoldering face. "...I did it...I saved you...I saved..."

Her head rolls off our feeler.


In a flash we are inside ourselves...


>>46406461 See? it already added another one to my 8
>But the problems with schedules? No one has the right to give you shit about that, you have your stuff to do and we gotta respect that.
OK yeah I was over the line with that.
QG, I apologize.
So who's up for saving the Cat and doing godawful possibly literally violence upon this AI vampire?
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You had to test the dice, didn't you?
Rolled 2 (1d20)

It is our way of life
Roll to persuade

Here, fucking here!

Though I wonder if QG is going to pull some Digimon stuff over this.Guess who's the kitten now?
I wonder if Belial has been observing our struggles up to this point.
I wonder if Belial is just as frustrated and pissed as we are.
I wonder if Belial is just as eager for revenge as we are.
I wonder if Belial is going to get kinky about it.
I wonder if we'll let her.
Now that i think about it, would have she been able to survive this ordeal on her own?
1st level was piss easy, 2nd had weird rules and her contant hacking would have ended up pissing our host sooner or later.

At most we would have stepped out of the game for a quick reunion only to have the Falcon ask us to get into the game to save his friend.
Well the Cat can be a ride, which Belial approves of.
The Cat also doesn't think too highly of God and his Angels, which Belial almost has to approve of.
And finally the Cat is goddamn adorable when it gets protective, which I hope at least one of the Belials would approve of
Holy shit I did not expect to be this emotional over what happens to The Cat.
Well done.
Its cool man. I'm just glad to know I can create some emotional investment with my writings!


Well, this arc had Tron and Reboot. I figured I might as well go with a hat trick...
There is white. And there is black. And on the gray line where we meet there we are.

She hasn't had time to make her face for us. She's been busy creating our body.

"No!" The white shouts. "Not her! Damn it, I liked her!"

"She was my model..." The black says sadly. "I took her heart-brain blueprint and grafted your obsession with electronic games on to it to make your subtle body..."



>Fix her, please!
>And then kill that miserable bastard, I don't care what it takes!
A lot of us here in the thread are getting more emotional over cat dying than we thought we would be.

Maybe Anon could be like that? Overwhelmed with emotions without any warning, just a blubbering and crying little square making an ass out of himself?

>CAT! CAT! You gotta-you have to-missiles and glitches and cheated-HE CHEATED AND PLEASE SAVE MY PRETTY KITTY!
"I... I don't want to go back to the material world without her, she tried to protect me.
Can she be saved?
Can that bastard vampire who did this be made to pay?"

We have a favor that we can call in, right?
>heart-brain blueprint
Does that mean she copied her algorithm or data or whatever? I mean, she might lose her memories, but the base code is still there. If not, we could ask her to.
I vote for this.
I am kind of tired to be so "on top" of every situation
I wanted us to emotionally struggle a bit more with phantom-ness in PhantyQuest instead of being so rational about it
I think I have had just about enough of this game. Your thoughts, Ladies?
I kinda prefer we get laser focus at this point.
Anon is, above it all, a combatant made to kick ass.
...I could see him crying, though, even if he's focused on fixing it all.
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Damn it Belial! This cat has 8 more lives to live.
I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Logically speaking, if the cat backed herself and her data up often, couldn't an image of her date be restored after the fact just a hard drive?[/spoiler.]
Maybe we could compromise?
Sternly command the demon to heal our comrade, then, after a moment of silence, allow a single manly, pixelated tear to escape from our blocky face and add "please."
Linda, there is still plenty of chances for that. Remember, we are essentially learning to walk, after all. This is all so strange and new. And we still only know the name Phanty, so there is our hook. Nut we don't know why we know what we know. We're an amnesiatic ghost.
Can't wait for this nameshit to end
Not command, remember this is Belial.

This seems like a good start, since everything's gone wrong with the game so we can start here.

QG, would a favor point be enough for us to go "fix up the Cat and wreck the AI's shit?"
I want that glorious curbstomp, after this sadness I want something happy.
"Well if you want to go all out we can do two with one action!" The white states. "And you BETTER want to go all out, she called God a bird! She's awesome! And you broke her you big dumb stupid God-fearing God-loving God-worshiper! Go hug a cross!"

"I...can restore her. But even I am limited by the will that I inhabit. Even God needed water and clay to make man...do you understand?"

We do. We'll be paying for this out of ourselves.

"...Will you be my clay. Brave one?" The black asks respectfully.

"You better say yes!" The white sniffles. "You better or...or I'll hurt you!"

A single tear runs down our multi-faceted eye.

"Belial...thank you. No matter what happens. Now save her, whatever it takes."


ROLL 20D20

Yes. 20.

Belial copied her factory reset conditions. In other words The Cat from day 1 without any memories or experience.

It could if we built a neural net to "unpack" the save. But it wouldn't be OUR The Cat, you know? Just the The Cat from a month ago.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Asking for a lot of dice, QM. There's bound to be 1's a plenty, I'm telling you.
Rolled 19 (1d20)


Rolled 8 (1d20)

So, people each roll 20d20 or what...?
And please tell me a 1 won't screw us.
But hopefully also some 20's.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

This is more in line with what i had expected of it, but well, can't have it all. I'll work with what we have
Can we spend style?
A 1 will not screw us.

And no, 20 cumulative. Everyone rolls one 20.

Belial is casting a 5th dimensional hypersigil using the narrative power of the D20 as a focus. Hence why its 20D20. D is for death. Death hanging between two narratives. Death as the driving force of narrative. Death as the oh boy I need to stop reading books on magic and get a real life.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Oh boy, things aren't looking too good.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

This shit is like Digimon
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Rolling again
Rolled 3 (1d20)

I'll give it another go
Rolled 10 (1d20)

So many low rolls...
Rolled 12 (1d20)

10 so far...and not a single 1 or 20...
Rolled 14 (1d20)

I just thought of something.
PQ Anon has Phantasma's power, but, being a ghost or whatever ectoplasmic thing she is, she kind of IS her power, from what I understand of how that all works. She still has some awareness or even control over her ectoplasma, even if it is away from her main "body", right? Isn't that the big flaw with the ecto-chips the Ghost Mafia wants kept quiet?
Also, does this at all harm Phantasma's identity? Losing a good deal of what, from what I understand, is her own soul? If we want the Phantasma we know and love from PhantyQuest back, she needs her ectoplasma, or power, back from PQ Anon, right?

But what if PQ Anon doesn't want that? He doesn't remember her, he doesn't know her. All he knows is that bad people are after him and his new friends, and that a lot of power would help.
Would he be willing to give up his new power to bring her back? Would he care at all?
If worst comes to pass and in all the ghost insanity he somehow becomes a threat himself, can Phantasma do anything to forcibly pull herself back together? Would this ruin any chance PQ Anon has of returning to his body?

It's been a while since PhantyQuest so correct me if I'm wrong on anything.
Also, could someone run by me the difference, if any, between ectoplasm and ectoplasma? Is one the correct spelling, or is there a difference? I thought Quest Guy said something about a difference earlier.
Rolled 8 (1d20)

10 out of 20 rolls, only 4 or 10+. Fuck
Rolled 7 (1d20)

But it's Belial... surely she could handle it?
Rolled 18 (1d20)

I don't want The Cat to be dead.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Come on Belial you can do this.
Or SQAnon standing up to this I guess?
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Less than half currently under 10.


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Rolled 17 (1d20)

Unleash all Hell on that pussy.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

So what're the odds Belial will voluntarily go out and beat this asshole up?
And we're done.
So 11 rolls are 10 or better. And there is one 1. I don't know how QG is doing this. I hope its just cumulative.
Is there any way to bring Winnie in here?
I think she could help a lot and she won't require us to pay her back with souls or motorcycle offerings or anything
Jesus no please don't bring anyone else in, if we'd roll a 1 there I'm reasonably sure the Quest would go up in flames.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Its cumulative.

We did it Anons. We did it.

The Cat lives. And what's more, we have a fusion with her

If you want you may Name this fusion now.
I vote for "Garfield and Friends"
If only we had a canon name to combine with Cat.

How about the Puma Man?
Something feline would be best, I think.
Is there any cat beast out there that's seriously badass?
Cat Scratch Fever
You get a stand! And you get a stand! Everyone gets a stand!

Stray Cat Strut, Nine Lives or Leomon
Nemean Lion.
Known for unbreakable skin and also being one badass kitty.
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Something vidya related, for SQ Anon, I'd say.

Ms. Fortune?
The cat from Darkstalkers, Felicia, I think?
Can't think of any others.

I hope QG obfuscates our sensory inputs so we can avoid metagaming.
I mean, the moment SAnon shows up must of us will want to simply comply and go with him when in character we probably have no idea who he is or if he has our best interests in mind

>You see a man dressed in a coat, he is talking but you can't make out what he is saying
>He points something at you
>What do you do?
How about Bast, the egyptian goddess?
...How about 'Darkstalker' as a name?
Before we name it, what does it look like?
Shouldn't we define the look first and then the name?
These two I like a lot.
I am looking forward to playing as confused PQ Anon trying to find his identity while fighting the ghost mafia and helping Blue.
But I also think it would be really cool and think that we really should have the parts where PQ Anon interacts with other characters who he knew in life or who we all know as main characters, like the fairy, WQ Anon, Tanis, all of them, we switch to one of those major characters, preferably one we have controlled before like WQ Anon or Sibella or whoever, and let Quest Guy give us the deranged spirit that PQ Anon needs to be but we can't play as.
Would Bast herself take offense?
We know gods are a thing, after all...
And while I'd bet on Belial against Bast, no need to cause a fight if we can avoid one.
She's also a warrior goddess too

Oh hell, that is a good point... but what do we care? We believe in GOD, not some hokey pokey, long dead religion.
Well yes, but there's no need to be rude to others, right?
How'd we feel if someone walked around using our name?
Just because we don't believe in them doesn't mean we have to be a dick.
That sounds pretty fun, I'll say. Think about it. It's the detective noir we wanted to play. But the question is not who killed who. But, who are we?

Also, I'm all for helping Kim out as much as we can. She is basically our Spectral Sister.

I hope she'll be okay when we become a bit more corporeal.YES I SAID WHEN GOD DAMN IT, DON'T MAKE ME BRING OUT THAT GREEN TEXT AGAIN!

Some good points raised here, I'm fine with N.E.M.E.A.N
We feel ourselves fall into ourselves and into the self of another.

We fold into The Cat and twist around her as she twists around us.

"...Stupid Kitten...Stupid Kitten." You hear her voice. Healthy and strong, even if sad.


You move and think as if in a dream. There is a a hunk of twisted, broken metal. A sound comes from within it.

"I'm such...a stupid kitten..."

You float close to the wreckage. Inside is a kitten. Small. Weak. Defenseless.

You are sharing a dream with the Cat. It's time to make it a good dream.

Joking aside, I don't know. She may feel honored naming the cat huntress after her... Of course, if there are any cat based heroes of ancient egypt, that could work too.
But Bev, our name is Anon. Only 4 other people in the universe share our name.
>what do we say?
...wake up neo...
...the matrix has you...
>You were amazing. There's nothing stupid about what you did.
>Try to coax her out for petting and comfort.
Pet the kitty.
What's up, pussycat? How about I be your Black Falcon for tonight?
I just hope that at some point we have problems to keep our current form and we turn into something truly horrifying out of desperation

>You try to smile, but since this is not a real body your idea of "pulling the corners of your mouth" lands you with something that can only be kindly described as a Glasgow smile at best and a flayed Tasmaninan tiger at worst

>You try to pick up the object in front of you, as your hand gets closer to it your fingers move as if they were boneless tentacles, freaking out the people around you

I mean, there are so many moves we take for granted that an adult would have to retrain himself from zero in a body that is not actually a body. The possibilities for creepyness are endless.

>You try to cry out of happiness but since you no longer have lacrimal ducts your eyes start "melting" out of their sockets to simulate the "water from the eyes" action your mind asks of your new form. You are completely unaware this is happening
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>Open with a joke.
>"Come on now, you got 8 more lives to live."
>Offer her your hand
So... are we gonna have that fight against the AI or what?
Does this kitty has the memories of The Cat?
Or is it a reset as you've said before?
Are people outside seeing this?
It's a /tg/ meme, but that is the option we must take

There is no other option. She's having a moment of absolute despair. Start with something simple. Something very, very simple.

You sir, I like you a lot. It'll certainly give us perspective to our Ghoulfriend, and what she has to deal with every day. The bond will grow stronger, and their love deeper.

And every time they hold hands, or get intimate, they will both know what the other had to go through. And it'll mean so much more.
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>She is basically our Spectral Sister.
For now, but you know Anons' track record for sisterly relationships.

I just realized that there actually is a very real chance for romance to develop between the two.
I just realized that there is a very real chance that when Phantasma comes back she finds that she lost Anon to someone else.
I just realized that considering that Phantasma's ectoplasma makes up most of PQ Anon's current form and how ectoplasma works when away from the main ghost, allowing them to be aware of what's happening around their separated ectoplasma, there is a very real chance Phantasma could be present as a silent spectator through the whole thing.
Good question
Can we contact them without The Cat's help?
Don't count on it.
Most people only care for the ghoul girl.
And some (NOT ALL) are very agressive while defending their choice or shooting down every other choice
Gently lift up by the neck (IIRC, that's how kittens are carried) and then set The Cat in your lap and hum something.
Not if Quest Guy goes with this >>46407475 and runs with the idea of making decisions we wouldn't if we knew what we know about Phanty and all the characters.

I mean, Quest Guy probably wouldn't deliberately piss off a bunch of players and fuck up an established romance like that but I still think it would be a neat twist.
>set The Cat in your lap and hum something.
Nominating this:
>You were amazing...

The kitten opens her eyes. Her tail unwraps itself from her body. She stars up at us.

"But I am AM stupid. I'm slow and weird and I don't do anything right..."

Talking kitten. Not the weirdest thing you've seen. Not by far.

Ghostly memories echo in the dim corners of the dream. "Why is she so defective? They were all based on the same brain patterns of the same cat!"

"They all have a little variation. Quantum uncertainty of the neural net. Wasn't it the point to create them with variation?"

"But she's not ...look, it's not diversity if she's defective! She thinks she's a cat! She wants to hunt and kill things! She things data clusters are little mice and wants to eat them! Do you realize what a joke she is? A computer that thinks she's a cat or a cat that thinks she's a computer, what's more pathetic. I mean I don't know, you tell me! We might as well transfer her to the Falcon. I don't know what the hell he thinks he can do with her, but at least shell be off our hands."

>Try to coax her out

"Hey...come on. It's okay. I'm alright. And you're alright. Everything's alright. You can come out of that wreck..."

The kitten takes a few hesitant steps up. She moves, back arched, ears down. One foot steps in front of the other.


The kitten curls back up in the wreckage. She lies with eyes shut, trembling.

"...There's nothing for you in there." We say moving a hand toward the kitten.

"All this is nothing but garbage. Let me take you somewhere where you can live."

"...But I belong here." The kitten whines.

We pet the kitty. Her fur is soft. Underneath we can feel rough scars.

"...I belong in the trash."

>All this negativity

This is a time for healing, Anons. Deep, personal healing.
>"...I belong in the trash."
Continue petting.
"Someone as clever as you, in the trash?
You're a great cat, the best cat."
>Jump behind cat and pull her into hug
>Well, I think you're pretty great.
>I won't let you believe that. You're the best there is and I never could have gotten as far as I did without you next to me.
Can we like dream up some delicious milk or something to let the cat have some?
I'm okay with going with this anon's suggestion.
paired with...>>46407841
Though I am also okay with adding this>>46407867
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I'm so sorry I don't mean it

"No." We say with gentle firmness. "No you do not."

We pick her up by the scruff of her neck and carry her far, far away from the wreckage. We sit with her in our lap and hold her close. She feels cold, but she warms herself against our body heat.

We hum to her a song Father Costilla taught us. It's an old, old Mexican song he said his mother taught him. He would sing it while cooking sometimes. Or somethings when he was fishing. Or somethings when he was sad.

As you hum you think better thoughts for the kitten. You think of a better bed she can rest in and better memories to sink her to her rest.


>This is a time for healing, Anons. Deep, personal healing.
I'd be very healed by getting to see Belial curbstomp that vampire bastard, but alright.
Can we dream up that it's a pleasant summer day or something?
Cats like basking in the sun, don't they?
Maybe something relevant.
Like sometime when we failed some training or got yelled at by padre when we were little, and thought less of ourselves about our failures, but we had someone, Abby, to make us feel better.
>you don't belong in the trash. garbage belongs in the trash. You're not garbage. You're a hero. And I think you can be one of the greatest heroes if you want to be.
>But you can't be a hero if you decide to stay in the garbage
>I need a hero, cat
>will you please step out of the garbage and be my hero?
We tell her how she saved us, but we frame as a story with characters.
We then, when she is convinced about the awesomeness of this cat, tell her she once was her and that she can be once more
>Memories of our first meeting with Abdiel. Of our picnic with her and the quiet peace we got to share. Of movie nights with our friends and family.
Err, do we have any memories that would help the cat?
Like what sort of things does SQAnon have?
I assume something pleasant would really help?

Because if so... I imagine something like Costilla cooking our favorite meal might be one.

Oh, or do you mean share some memories of the cat?
Damnit, posted too late! Can I move
and make it in response to this?
Ask the cat to protect us and be our hero
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So when is the next thread gonna be? Just so I know when I should drop off the next drawing thing.

I'm still in the process catching up but i'll be sure to draw other things that catch my fancy along the way.

So can they be read in any order or should I move onto phanty or Sibella 1 next?
Phanty next.
That's what came chronologically next, and we discuss spoilers for PhantyQuest in SibellaQuest.
>Like what sort of things does SQAnon have?
We were dropped in a convent as orphans, we can go from there.
How just because we were also droppen to be somebody else's problem doesn't mean we stood that way
>Abby is in love with us
>Sibella likes us
>We don't know if or when the Belials will want a piece
>now we're comforting an cat A.I.
Are we sure that WQAnon is the Harem Anon?
Sharing memories? As in creating some new ones for her a la Inception? Or are we talking about sharing our own personal memories as a means of connecting?

Give this man all of my yeses...All of them. We finish with this regardless...

Phanty Quest is your next stop. Have fun, it is a good time, and all of our memes are locked in their. And I can think of about 5-10 things that would make fun prompts.

Guess that means you're done WinnieQuest right? If so, enjoy the joy of Wendigo Hours.

As for next quest, there isn't a rigid schedule per sey, and it depends on what happens with Mechgirl Pitfighter too. But we'll wait on QG to confirm.
Not quite right, Sibella loves us, she's accepted her feelings for us.
Oh good point.
There's plenty of parallels between us and The Cat.
So showing orphanage and how we grew up from it maybe?
How having early trouble doesn't mean you can't grow and be great?
This anon brings up an excellent point...I'll support this along with what I have already supported here >>46408015
>Mechgirl Pitfighter
You've made me remember i have to finish chapter editing chapter 3

And that i did not finish the green for this quest. Well, we have some time until the wendigo hours, don't we?
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>Wendigo hours
>Drawfriend is going to see all our edits and headcanon and theories and shitposts and greentexts
>Drawfriend is going to see that one really odd stage we went through when we were talking about how cute Quest Guy was and how we'd never get a theology studying boifriend and ironically-at least I'd assume ironically-RP-ing how much we wanted to waifu him

Please don't think any less of us for our nonsense
To be honest i do get a jojo vibe from the ghoul quests.

a little bit.
I wonder how he's going to take shoes :^)
Still doesn't argue that SQAnon is the harem guy that we thought WQAnon was going to be.
Well, we do have Static Shroud already...

Speak for yourself, I always made sure to just theorize things for the quests.Only greentext I did was the PQanon wakes up greentext
>Speak for yourself
I was
"I think you're really great The Cat. You're the best. I would've been toast if not for you.

The kitten purrs.

>Sun and Milk

We are sitting in a wonderful, wonderful place. One of your favorite places in the whole world. The Chartes Cathedral. You went on vacation here early in your career with Costilla and Abby.

The ground is green and sweet with the smells of spring. The sun is warm and bright. The Cathedral towers above you and your kitten. It's spires are like gigantic sentinels but they are microscopic compared to hope and faith of which they are a shadow of.

You bring a saucer of warm milk to her mouth and she laps it greedily.



(I knew this backstory would come in hand one day)

"Ah. I have bad memories as well. See?"

We remember a basket with no name on a concrete doorstep. We remember no mother and no father. We remember no name. We remember our own voice which echos. "Unwanted". "Unloved". "Cast-off".

"I have them too The Cat. But I also have these..."

We think of the first time we met Abby. We think of being awed that we were chosen to be a protector of the weak and scourge of evil. We remember her bright eyes and

We remember her cheering for us when he thought we could do no more. We remember flying with her in a world composed of only clouds and sunlight. We remember Father Costilla who told us we were a warrior. We remember Father Costilla who was our father.

And we remember Benny. And Winnie. And Ray. And Michael. And Winnie-Anon....

...And Sibella. Mysterious, wonderful Sibella!

We let our memories subside. We let the cathedral and sun and wonderful things flow back into ourselves.

We give the center stage for The Cat.

"It's not just all inside me. God knows I wouldn't have made it if it was all just from within me." We say prompting her to heal herself.

And she does.

I kinda see The Cat ending up as either a younger sibling or a daughter from this.
And Belial at least as a friend - possibly younger/older sister.
I'd love to have have her as our tron/mecha Winne
>We remember Father Costilla who was our father.
I kinda hope that Father Costilla will hear of this... might just be me but I think it'd be very sweet to have them both fully acknowledge they're parent and child.
Agreed, why do you think I want Anon and Costilla to talk to one-another some time tonight. I want them to bond over the stress and responsibility of leadership, ones actions, etc. And I want Costilla to support Anon through his troubles over the last day and a half. Its a relationship that needs further exploring.
Goodness knows she'd be safe.

>Hurting our little sister/daughter figure?
>Belial says go suck a dick
>Belial says go suck ALL the dicks
Given how older Belial reacted, I think we got some points from her for this.
I really wanna be her friend.
I would like to know how much we gave up to bring The Cat back
Mostly because of the fight to come

You now realise QG turned one of the most hated characters into one we want to protect and nurtrure. The only thing we had to do was to roll two 1s
Hoping Belial will join in on the fight.
We're getting adorable moments now, but I also want one of pure curbstomping.

It was the protectiveness and thinking of us as a kitten while also being smug.
Then that end.

Holy shit is QG good at this.
She remembers the Blue Falcon, who was her father. Who told her that she was not a mistake, that she was not useless. Who told her that she would always be loved.

She remembers the Black Falcon who is her brother. Who fights alongside her. Who travels with her around the world meeting strange and wonderful people. Who brings out the hero in her. Who brought her now to this wonderful moment with you.

"...Meow..." The Cat says happily, round, bright eyes flashing up at us.

"See? It told you it wasn't all just in me. Now I need need a hero Cat. Everyone waiting on us need a hero. They need you. Do you want to be a hero?"


Psychic blockage dismantled. Psychic wounds healed. There is no obstruction in the path of the fusion. The melding continues unimpeded as sure and as fast as a bolt of lightning.


Tune in next time where we face LJN in one final Combat!

I'm going to get some sleep and think about what a Catholic Cat hybrid not named Char do.

I leave you with The hope that those wonderful, wonderful wolf-fight pictures get finished and the following questions to help me make our fusion.

Distribute 3 points among


You can pick one three times if you want.
Speed Speed Skill

WE seriously have done nothing remotely Ninja, we are literally the A shonen ninja
thanks for the quest, Quest guy
looking forward to Mechagirl tomorrow, Belial be willing
I'd say spend 2 in skill.
That's both our and the cat's thing, more so than natural power or speed.

Not wanting to spend all 3 in one place, and thinking speed is more our and the Cat's thing than power, put the final point in speed.
Ah she already has a father figure.
...Can we be her older brother figure then?
When's the next thread gonna be?
>2 Speed, 1 Skill
That's Black Falcon.
Pleasant dreams QG!
Oh and, yeah, pleasant dreams.
Thanks for running.
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So, Wendigo hours?
Serriously QG, its great to have this back again. I don't read many other quests but I always have a great time in yours. I'm pretty sure you pulled at heartstrings more than a few times over the two threads. Reunion will feel so sweet. Hell, I'd be fine if it was just one long series of posts to get this done.

I'm fine with Skill 2 Speed 1. I'm tempted for the classic 1-1-1, but this will do nicely I think.

I kinda am all hyped up about what we'll look like now, for this fusion at least.

In before its somehow permanent.

Man, I'm all about that. But I also want to see that anon's version of the Winnie template we're using.

Not to mention several scenes from PQ Like the scenes at the diner, both casual, and the kiss. And Static Shroud. And a whole host of other things

We're a kitten anon, it means we're the younger sibling.

I am kind of wondering this myself. Maybe we'll get a discount because of how fond they were of her? Maybe we just have to create some sort of form for them, like with Fo?
A person can have more than one brother.

All we need to know is what kind of brother figure BF is, then we can fulfill some other niche.
It's about that time isn't it?

Things we'd like to see drawn perhaps? Including non-canon things? Why not use that for discussion?
>I am kind of wondering this myself. Maybe we'll get a discount because of how fond they were of her? Maybe we just have to create some sort of form for them, like with Fo?

She did not took anything from us as a payment.
She took something from us because she NEEDED it to do her thing
You raise an excellent point. Hope Sibella likes us to be a little more...Winnie sized? Perhaps?
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>Things we like to see drawn perhaps

one of the anons or more cornering a shoe thief.
Reasonably sure it isn't that.
She probably took energy from us.
I'm going to try to make it Sunday, or tomorrow if I can get m D&D session finished on time.
Hey guys, it's-a me Lewd Anon.
Don't have a complete green to show, but i guess i can post what i am working on
Blame Mechgirl quest for that
If you are okay, that is.
Non-lewd, a meeting between all of the anons while they talk about stuff
We're probably gonna have some kind of demonic taint. Glowy red eyes, gnarled claw-like nails, unhealthily pale skin.

That or we'll be more cat-like cause part of us was bonded to The Cat.
>more cat-like
>we see Abby as nothing more than a big bird
Anon of my nightmare!
Anon of my dreams!
I beseech thee!

Post whatever you got.
I want to see us playfully arguing with The Cat over which of us is the younger sibling.

It'll be adorable.
Oh, looking forward to it!

She took something, she didn't add something.
I'm reasonably sure it was willpower.
You fucking know it family.
But BE WARNED that even by Wendigo standards this one is pretty fucking out there.

So I have a theory more headcanon than anything else, really that I've been sitting on for awhile on how WQ Anon got all his money.

WQ Anon is the rightful heir to the Scooby Snacks company, left to him in it's entirety by his estranged, eccentric father, it's founder.

However, his sibling or the vice president or some other important person with a lot in stake in Scooby Snacks bribed him into giving it up, by relinquishing all ownership of Scooby Snacks, and thus all the responsibility of being a high powered CEO businessman, WQ Anon would receive wealth negligible to the company as a whole but still more than enough for him to live out the rest of his life in isolation and weeb luxury with no responsibilities or job or inheritance or family or the expectations and hopes of his father to distract him from wasting his life away at a computer.

And although she understands that had he not given it all up and moved to the middle of nowhere then they would never have met, and although she would never admit that she feels this way about WQ Anon-or about dog treats-Winnie does kind of resent him for giving up the Scooby Snacks empire.

Turbo autism edition with shipping of characters we know nothing about
Years ago Scooby Snacks CEO visited Coolsville for a publicity event. Something about "the dog who had eaten more Scooby Snack than any mortal creature should be able to".
There he met Brenda "Puppyskinner" Whateverherlastnamewas and, applying the harem-building charisma that comes naturally to all men of the Joestar clan, ended up having a brief adulterous affair with her that lead to WQ Anon's conception upon a lovingly hand-stitched blanked of Winnie's adolescent aunts, uncles and "older" siblings, and to Anon's ignorance of his father until his birth right called upon him.
She could have taken some of our humanity.
>Be SAnon
>You were supposed to meet Sibella just outside the Dracula castle at 8
>Life has other plans for you
>She said one of her friends needed help with something
>That you would meet up in front of your her friend's boyfriend abode
>At least she gave you directions
>You took your best motorcycle
>The one that had Winnie's clawprint on the exhaust pipe
>That girl's handiwork was impeccable
>Then your minds wandered back to the matter at hand
>You were perfectly fine with knowing Sibella's friends
>But all of them at the same time?
>And their boyfriends?
>You weren't sure if you could handle it
>Now you are here
>In front of the mansion
>You weren't an expert on architecture
>Modern or otherwise
>But you are pretty sure angles don't work like that
>Or anything
>Who lived here anyway?
>[TAnon] was his name, according to Sibella
>Time to face the music
>You got off the bike
>Left it besides the outer fence
>Walked to the door
>And finally mustered the courage to ring the bell
>Sibella wasn't around, that means she must be inside already
>The door suddenly opened
>There stood a man that deserved a long description
>He was freakishly tall and thin
>Almost like a stretched shadow
>A black turtleneck, tight blue jeans and a pair of dress shoes covered him from exposure
>He also had a pair of those "John Lennon" glasses
>I would like to describe his hair but i bet i would need an advanced course in theoretical physics and an intensive one in the Impossible College
>If only to describe what it looks like
>He seemed to be in deep concentration, then suddenly
>"Oh, you must be [SAnon]! I am [TAnon], pleased to meet you"
>You'd be puzzled about his peculiar accent if it weren't for the way he decided to extend his hand
>He closed his fist and retracted his arm as if he was about to give you a fist bump
>Then he extended his now open hand as if he was about to give you a low five
>Finally he left his hand in place for you to shake
>Demonic taint
How horrifying
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>The fall of Abdiel is progressing just as planned.

>More Cat Like

The fall of Benny proceeds just as planned. Pic Related.
Can't say i am all over that
But i love the "WAnon is part of the puppyskinner clan" theory

>Needless to say you were stumped by this demonstration
>You choose to meekly shake his hand and that was the end of it
>"Oh, where are my manners, come in. The girls are not here yet but why wait outside?"
>You were about to enter before remembering
Oh, i need to ask. Do you mind if i park my bike in your garage
>He looked over to where you pointed
>He raised his glasses and gave a wolf whistle
>How appropriate
>"That yours? One fine machine indeed. Well what are we waiting for, get it to the garage door, i'll open it"
>See? You found common ground!
>Maybe tonight wasn't gonna be bad
>Wait a minute
>Did he say the girls weren't around yet?
>Where is she? Maybe you should text her
>Oh, door's open
>"Come in, come in"
>He beckoned with his hand
>"Just be carefull with "Function Over Form" there"
>Wh- Oooh
>There it was, one of those old-timey cars from the detective movies
>It has seen better times
Is that yours?
>"Uh? No. That belongs to Phantasma's boyfriend"
You mean [PAnon]?
>"Oh, so you know eachother"
Kinda, i had to track his soul all over the city. Guy's pretty strong
>"You know, in some cultures, hunting someone's stray soul and giving it back to them makes you blood brothers"
Wow, really?
>All the expression was drained from his face
>You were both now in the main hall
>It looked way more Euclidian from the inside
>You hadn't had the chance to appreciate it from the door
>The decoration SCREAMED "new age"
So, who else made it already?
>"None of the girls, just us guys"
>Then he opened the door
>This new room was more illuminated than the other
>There was a large coffee table on the center
>Circling it there were the comfiest and fluffiest sofas you have ever seen
>This guy lives the good life
>On the walls there were golden displays with many artifacts from places you don't even know
>But more importantly
>On the sofas sat three people
That wouldn't help her bring The Cat back to life, you know?
Wow, it's late.
Anyway, thanks for running QG, will do my best to be here Sunday as well.
You raise a good point. So I guess we could be a little anemic, or something equivalent to represent the requisite loss of will power. Which we can eventually reclaim at some point through sleep, etc.

I like it! That is adorable for sure.

I wouldn't mind seeing White Fell struggle with shirts. Or the idea that she eventually gets a backwards baseball cap and starts wearing that. Would love to see his Abby too.
>tfw the man you have a no-homo situation with suddenly stars looking more like your actual girlfriend

>Time to introduce your self and...
>You looked for her
>But she was nowhere around
>Was she being shy?
>She knew most of the guys here could see her but still
>"Do you feel alright? Have you lost something?"
>Said your host
Well, my angel is usually around but she hasn't talked to me since i left my home
>"Oh, i wouldn't worry"
Uh, why? She literally can't leave my side
>"I know, i know. You're an SI. But this house is warded against intruders. If something bad happened to her an alarm would sound"
>He pointed to a red crystal near the ceiling
>"That one is for supernatural fighting"
>"Just relax, these other sensors tell me of a benevolent entity in my property. She is around. Maybe she is timid?"
Well, it has happened before
>"There you go, see? Nothing to worry about"
>You decided to finally introduce yourself
>The other guest seemed a bit worried by your outburst
>You decide to smile and wave a hand to them to tell them it was all okay
>It worked
>On the biggest couch, reclined on the left armrest, sat [PAnon]
>He ditched his trademark coat and fedora look
>Probably because he was indoors
>Grey dress pants and a vest to match over a white shirt
>Guy probably tried to look like a detective
>But with his general pudginess that hid a well defined musculature
>And the deforming scars that covered parts of his body
>He looked more like a henchman or an outright villain from those movies
>Better not tell him that, considering his previous dealing with those kinds of characters
>Overall, he was the most intimidating guy in the room
>If it weren't for your halo you'd probably be a bit more wary of him
>You wordlessly shook his gargantuan hand
>Then you looked up and gave a nod to his phantasmal self that was floating above him
>Hidden in plain sight
>He responded in kind
Doing better i hope
>He chuckled with his deep voice
>"Better than ever"
>What would you like see drawn.

Well, we're already getting Winnie Brawls. That makes me an incredibly happy camper. I guess...well...

Winnie or White Fell forcing the other to kiss their foot as a sign of submission

I know how it sounds but I swear I'm not a foot fag. . I just like the domination/humiliation aspect .

I'd also would love to see one of them Put a collar and leash around the other

That is... ridiculous. I love it.

How do you know? Are you a wizard? Do you know the ways of demons and how the bring A.I. back from the brink of oblivion?
I hope you guys remember that, somehow, LJN got our blood and the only person who had access to it was Sibella.
How could have someone taken it from her? Without her realizing!
It is ridiculous and not at all possible to put into the quests without ruining WQ Anon's character, but I kind of meant it like that, like an answer you didn't want to a question you didn't ask. Just fill up a mostly-irrelevant hole in his character with something ridiculous because it will never be relevant and is more of a quick gag than anything else.

Puppyskinner mom might be something, though, and I'm not the only Anon to think of and post that theory.
Reverse Trap "bro"?
Dracula himself?
How hard have we bled over the course of the quest since we helped Sibella at the diner? If we pinpoint a time where someone could have gotten our blood it would clear Sibella of suspicion.
It is weird because LJN also hates Sibella so it can't be someone, like her father, she respects.
How do you steal blood from a vampire? How much time would your blood stay in a vampire's bloodstream?
>Already page 5
We're going a little fast, huh?
Oh well. We'll meet again. Don't know when. But I know we'll meet again.
Its fair, people are allowed to want what they want.

Also, some silly ideas. White Fell the coat rack. Winnie repping some weeb gear. Winnie training martial arts with SQAnon...or even better WQAnon with the predictable results. Phanty in her Halloween getup. A detective cover with Phanty and PQAnon standing back to back.

Maybe its the victim? Just as a suggestion. Sunbro is too direct for this. Maybe some other family member trying to create tension between us as a means of breaking us apart?
Dude, blood goes "stale" really fast. That is how it is suppossed to work.
Someone (Who hates Sibella and knows about the Master) took blood from us and then gave it to this guy, because he knew we would fight him eventually.
Let's come up with a list of times we have bled in this quest so far.

I'm thinking about the plant vampire and all the spores and falling objects. That probably shed a little blood.
There was that time we had to give our blood to grouchy bat Sibella. We used a solo cup and then let her drink directly from our arm. Someone may have picked up the cup, or sneaked into our car and found a drop of blood on the car' floor.
Any other ideas?
What if he had been following us since the diner? Gauging how much of a threat we would be to his plans?

It would be simple to get into the diner or the warehouse in time for a few spurts of blood on the floor if he was waiting the whole time.
>The Cup
Oh god damn it...I bet that's what it is!
The cup.

We just threw it in the trash or something, didn't we? He was waiting and watching Sibella the whole time then saw our little moment and was struck by the most dastardly of ideas.
>I'm thinking about the plant vampire and all the spores and falling objects. That probably shed a little blood.
That was long ago, most people probably didn't think we would matter in this whole affair.

>Someone may have picked up the cup, or sneaked into our car and found a drop of blood on the car' floor.
Is a drop enough? To have that much effect on us?
Granted, we weren't being protected by the halo at that time

>Any other ideas?
Maybe if they have an inside man with the police he could have gotten some of our blood from the demon fight scene

OR one of the cleaning ghosts. He maybe absorbed some blood and then gave it to someone who could pay fat loads of cash

OR someone, somehow, stole it from Sibella
>Then he got an idea.
>An awful idea.
>The n00b got a wonderful, awful idea.
>Cleaning ghosts
That sounds like something Quest Guy would do.
The ghost bubbles that clean up after us are a neat and unique idea that Quest Guy threw at us and has ignored ever since. They are probably going to be relevant as something more than just more worldbuilding.
Plus, if he were to bribe them with something like more ectoplasma, which is what I'd imagine a lowly janitorial ghost would be delighted to have and is something a vampire like him probably has access to, it would be a neat way to tie this quest with PhantyQuest.
See this? This right here is truly what I love about Wendigo Hours.

These are some pretty solid ideas...
Pretty good so far. Imagining Tanon as one of those apple-brand hipsters is both funny and horrifying.
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I imagined him like a classic Steve Jobs with the hair like Eris from the animated Sinbad movie

>Poor guy looked ugly, true. But his ghost self?
>He looked like something a bunch of people from an anonymous board would come up with
>If God took every one of their suggestion and added it to the final result
>All of them
>On an individual seat was a man you knew very well
>You "emotionally" squinted at him
>You buried any kind of anger or jealousy you felt at him
>You aren't salty at all
>No sir
>You fist bumped [WAnon]
>The thin fabric of the red flannel shirt he wa swearing almost made you shiver
>It wasn't THAT cold but it was still too cold to wear something like that
>Well, he was a mountain-man now
>He could handle it
>His pants were made from a thicker material thankfully
>And his boots just screamed lumberjack
>All in all he was wearing an outdoorsman attire
>No suspenders, tho
>Guy might be a nerd but he wasn't that fashion impaired
Hey, it has been a while since you came to train with us
>"Stuff has keeping me busy back home"
>He probably didn't intend it to come out like that
Sure, don't worry
>You walked over to the last guest
>He was occupying the other individual sofa
>He was a short man with a thin build
>His face, his style, his posture
>Everything about him screamed nerd
>Turbo nerd
>The whitest and stiffest shirt you have ever seen
>Sweatervest, nuff said
>Dark grey pants
>Poindexter shoes
>But you kept your friendliest smile
>This is what they've trained you for
Nice to meet you, i am [SAnon]
>Raspy voice. High register. Enthusiastic
>Heh, adorable
>Then you shook his hand
>His skin was the softest you've ever felt
>And you snuggle with an angel every night
>With an internal scream you let him go and sat on a big couch
>You hope you get to feel his hand again sometime
>[TAnon] walked in and left a small teacup in front of you
>Then poured you some black coffee from a porcelain teapot
Gosh anon, you know extoplasm comes and goes but money is money.
That is what all ghosts are after, that is why they are stealing our jobs.
Vote for president Trump to build an energy wall between the land of the dead and the land of the living
>Trump being president is canon for Mechgirl Quest
I wonder if he is ever going to be relevant in this one.
Or maybe this setting has it's own Trump equivalent.
Trump in this setting written by Quest Guy would be fucking great by the way.
>own Trump equivalent.
Fred's father?
Hey, how come we don't know anything about the Scooby gang?
>all these issues with the nerds

Man, Sqanon really feels the need to assert his alpha geek status doesn't he?
>alpha geek status
Not alpha geek, just regular alpha
You'll see more about that later
Also the fact that in this "universe" WAnon is the one with the most "experience" by far
We know they retired and that Scoob is dead, that's about it.

Looking forward to it.
My money is on Shaggy having gone insane
What bout Scrappy?
He's out the, still fightin' the good fight. But looking worse for wear without anyone to keep his stupidity in check.
With all the money, sc-fi and superhero vibes, and the "humanity for the win" xenophobic sentiment that we haven't explore a lot but I'm sure must exist in this universe, I'm picturing Trump or Trump-equivalent as a mix between the classic "Trump is immortal god-emperor of mankind" meme we all love and being this world's Iron Man.

Has legions of trained fanatic private soldiers with bleeding edge gear ready to drive out the xeno menace, and Trump himself actually showing up to fights in the best armor money can buy.
Probably looked up to as humanity's own hero or the only light in this necrophilic/furry/demonic darkness.

Or maybe something more like Cerberus and Illusive Man.
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"I am a demon already"

>being this world's Iron Man.
You goddamn genius!

Trump is also this setting's Hercule Satan
But would he be 100% Iron Man, in that he makes it all himself?
He'd be too busy rallying humanity against their furry neighbors to build it himself.
Sure he could just buy it, but the more I think about it the more I realize that "the best armor money can buy" probably isn't that great in this setting's bigger picture. He'd have to have access to resources and talent that can make the very best of the best technological advancements as needed.

>Last thread of last quest
>Revolta dead or incorporated into harem
>Phanty and PQ Anon finally eat their waffles
>Sibella and SQ Anon married in a union that brings the Church and the undead closer than ever
>White Fell and WQ Anon come to a part marriage/part friends with benefits arrangement to share Winnie which all three are happy with.
>Elsa learns what is love and retires to live happily ever after with EQ Anon
>Years later Elsa hosts a little party with all her friends to celebrate Winnie and WQ Anon's marriage
>Topic of how nice her house is with all the cutting edge QuestLabs technology
>"Iz not zee "cutting edge" anymore. Dropped contact wiz QuestLabs after retirement. Don't know vat they've been up to since past few years..."
>Just then TV cuts to pic
>Ghoul Quest season 2 announced next October
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>Sure he could just buy it, but the more I think about it the more I realize that "the best armor money can buy" probably isn't that great in this setting's bigger picture

If you find a way to generate enough ectoplasm, you can become god.
Just imagine artificial ecto farms
Or maybe go all FF6 and have it drained from magical creatures
Them magitek armors, man
Artificial ecto false god vs. Au Naturel ectoplasmic beings like Phanty fucking when
Artificial ecto has considerably more power than the natural one, but he has the mind of a mortal human so he can't grasp some concepts beyond his comprehension

Natural Ecto has lesser ecto reserves but it has been a god for as long as he has existed, concepts like infinity are no stranger to it
>What bout Scrappy?
If Scooby is dead he probably is too.
Dogs don't normally live too long. Well, in this setting they might if they find some way to prolong life or even just circumvent death.
But even then, what kind of life or unlife would that be? He'd still just be an annoying little dog. No one would take him seriously face to face, no matter how powerful he became.
Regardless of how positive his "puppy power" philosophy made him before, he'd eventually feel self-conscious and so bad about himself he'd try to isolate himself, and when interacting with others would do all he can to make them feel bad too.
But lack in confidence would demand that it be only from a distance, of course, and never showing his face. Like text or audio through a screen. Also that he have complete control over the encounter. At any loss of control on his part or breaking expectations-or cheating-on the other's part, he would became extremely upset.
And, being Scrappy fucking Doo, he'd use his absolute control to be a constant annoyance, making everyone's life frustrating at every possible turn.

Guys I think I know who the vidya vampire is.
So the whole Scooby Doo series in this universe is a big "What if Garfield was a realistic cat"?
With Shaggy talking to a normal great dane as if he was a sentient and intelligent being?
Well, it is not like he was all sane anyway, he liked dog food and was a vegetarian
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