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Character Art

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 209
Thread images: 151

File: 1457603656526.jpg (166KB, 1024x1471px)
166KB, 1024x1471px
New thread, old one hit the limit.
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128KB, 1024x1066px

Finishing out your request anon
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170KB, 754x1059px
We /witch hunter/ now
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52KB, 564x745px
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231KB, 1200x636px
Anyone got some Adeptus Arbites/Judge Dredd-ish ones?
File: dark souls.jpg (307KB, 1920x1080px)
dark souls.jpg
307KB, 1920x1080px
thanks anon. didnt you say you had one more for me?
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381KB, 887x1500px

The OP one was the other. If you squint real hard pic related counts too I guess.
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124KB, 736x1072px
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368KB, 640x1444px
taking requests
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173KB, 648x1001px
File: dark souls 5.jpg (70KB, 788x1024px) Image search: [Google]
dark souls 5.jpg
70KB, 788x1024px
oh shit i didnt even look at the op pic.

i really like the top half of that pic you just posted. it just sort of drops off for me for some reason starting at the elbows.
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164KB, 750x1000px
Requesting pics of deities, or what could pass for them. Humanoid preferred, but anything eldritch or alien will do also.
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182KB, 1000x1414px
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128KB, 700x1081px
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107KB, 710x1000px
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934KB, 869x609px
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589KB, 1600x681px
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349KB, 1000x1000px
requesting some more "humble" priests/clergymen. stuff like a monk in a frock with a holy symbol, not a cleric donned in battle armor and holding a mace.
File: Priest_fantasy.jpg (189KB, 700x560px) Image search: [Google]
189KB, 700x560px
a better example of what im looking for. doesn't necessarily need to be a "good" priest either, could be a member of an evil clergy.
in the meanwhile, gonna just drop a few pics here and there.
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1MB, 707x1000px
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515KB, 1400x1798px
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902KB, 810x1080px
this is really hard to find anon.
pic unrelated
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pilgrim spirit.png
205KB, 417x704px
got some, but they are mostly eldritch

>Gameboy Advance SP
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110KB, 900x1150px
anyone wanna slap a helmet on this guy?
Need help finding a picture. It was a knight without weapons with a very sci-fi looking helmet. The picture itself had very 'fantasy world but with relics of immense technology' feel to it. The helmet had glowing blue visor and there was robe over his armor if I recall correctly.
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318KB, 1440x2596px
Posting my own
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87KB, 600x849px
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3MB, 1243x1757px
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Xun'istkiira 002.jpg
352KB, 1920x1200px
Anyone out there have any more like this?
Used this one for my tiefling psion.
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163KB, 725x1000px
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257KB, 814x1200px
Sorta depends on what ya want, fampai. This could do ya for ''hooded psion'' but if yer looking for something more specific let me know, I'll see what I can do
File: Lilana 001.jpg (106KB, 839x953px)
Lilana 001.jpg
106KB, 839x953px
This one should fit.
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63KB, 503x800px
This may be a little too angelic.
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69KB, 610x960px
Now there's a god I can get behind.
File: Longnail_by_OchreJelly [Naomi].jpg (116KB, 600x900px) Image search: [Google]
Longnail_by_OchreJelly [Naomi].jpg
116KB, 600x900px
What I'm looking for specifically, right now anyway, are Female Tieflings with subtle traits. The more formal they look, the better. (Its kind of a curveball I'm throwing at my group for the short adventure I threw together at their behest; the princess of a kingdom is kidnapped, but she happens to be a tiefling, wasn't kidnapped, and is the real villain to the campaign)

(Pic Related, and is the only one in my collection that fits)
File: 1453686228390.jpg (171KB, 1343x1000px) Image search: [Google]
171KB, 1343x1000px
How subtle are we talking? Cause horns aren't very subtle.

I can definitely make use of these with the group I've got here.
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350KB, 500x815px
This is the best I've got as regards female, sorta formal tieflings but she'd probably serve better as a gang boss than the BBEG
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78KB, 561x1425px
Meanwhile if you want REALLY subtle, you should probably just go for evil looking female nobles and just be like "oh and she has red eyes."
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139KB, 800x1132px
Probably the most subtle possible tiefling Ive got. The hair colour and pointed ears are the only sign that they could be, though they could as easily be an elf or fae.
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624KB, 1280x2436px
And then I have this last one, which looks more like a full fledged demon than a tiefling.
Can I request monstrous humanoids? Specifically animal human hybrids. Looking for a bit of creep factor, not to arouse my players, so not really looking for monster girls.
File: rqrjj.jpg (66KB, 637x604px) Image search: [Google]
66KB, 637x604px
Small horns can easily be covered with a hat or hair ribbon.
I mean like what we posted, and not like this (Pic related)
Forgot image example.
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150KB, 818x900px
This is pretty much the best I can offer. I find it pretty creepy, others might find it arousing.
>Not wanting to arouse your players
>That example

I dunno anon, she seems quite the looker.
File: DnD_Medusa.jpg (65KB, 674x1000px)
65KB, 674x1000px
Still searching my collection, but found this one so far.>>46349605
I mean at a certain point anyone could find something arousing, I just meant more, I don't want sexy furries or monster girls.

Case and point.

This is also good.
The crossbow is wrong.
/r/ing a dragonborn in early knightly armour if anyone has any?

shield and warhammer a bonus
File: Marilith_-_Sam_Wood.jpg (126KB, 640x828px) Image search: [Google]
126KB, 640x828px
Other suggestions that I can offer are Yuan-Ti, Gnolls, or if you're looking for a major villain, Rhakshasa (see next pic)
>and just be like "oh and she has red eyes."
That sort of edit is trivial.
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113KB, 450x600px
It was custom made for black soldiers who would want to shoot it sideways.
Rahkshasa (still not sure on the spelling)
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327KB, 573x850px
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246KB, 738x950px
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1MB, 874x1652px
Gotta love evil priests

These will be perfect. Thanks /tg/
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312KB, 600x695px
Oh wow, I like it. Thanks man.
What makes her evil, other than the cross is the background?
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299KB, 1600x900px
I'm also in need of some dieties too. Guess I'll dump what I have.
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84KB, 825x1000px

Happy to help.
I think its the fact that the cross seems to be flowing with blood.

Unless thats what you meant and I was wrong to suspect the ''lol christianity evil'' joke, in which case sorry.
Oh I don't know maybe the fact that her garments are drenched in blood possibly signifying that religion was used as an excuse to commit hideous crimes?
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121KB, 500x676px
The Archangel Michael? Redone to actually sorta reflect how Angels are meant to be eldritch and horrifying?

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846KB, 1200x1200px
Where do you guys find this kind of art?
Google Image Searches, Deviantart, and several years of collecting random character reference pictures cause I can't draw for shit. Speaking of which, currently doing an Aasimar search for various male and female Aasimars (not your typical paladin preferably).
(Pic Unrelated)
I get most of mine off pinterest.
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77KB, 500x686px
Atypical Aasimar...may end up building this chara.
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110KB, 595x842px
Most of mine comes from /tg/.
What is this? Oberon Prime from Warframe?
Most of it is concept art for video games, RPGs, and artists all over the place. Deviant Art has a fair amount of decent artists that draw a bunch of fantasy not affiliated with a particular setting.
wow an edgy assmar
how terribly original
(Also that's a PF Iconic and he is also shit.)
/r/ing any tribal looking characters you got
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34KB, 459x750px
somebody post archers/bowmen

Controbuting with this.
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98KB, 1024x768px
Are - are you me?
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1MB, 960x1440px
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172KB, 863x1000px
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leof lifeleas.png
623KB, 560x900px
>arrow pointing to her tits
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I know that'd be terrifying to come up against, but all I can think of is it wants to squeeze some boobs.

You said in one of the other threads you didn't want your players to stumble onto the story. I have seen you post your plot literally 3 times now and have no doubt you've done it more often. You can ask for advice/ideas/art without revealing your entire plot. Like here for instance, that really doesn't help anyone find pictures for you.

I've got this. It was originally red db in red armor but I recolored it to fit my character.
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149KB, 591x806px
I need knights, preferrably in chainmail&Close helm but not nessecarily, that can look both Paladinish and evil.
I'm looking for more art like this. Energy beings, things like that. Aside from the ethereals from Warcraft, what other source material can I plunder from?
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186KB, 623x960px
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23KB, 276x201px
MTG has some neat looking elemental a you could steal
Pic is Hellspark Elemental
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675KB, 720x1280px
If you had any dude that screams "I am a (fire) mage" or "I throw fire on people for a living", you would make me happy, /tg/.
Will dump some stuff in the meanwhile.
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blind horned guy.jpg
97KB, 517x750px
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910KB, 861x1216px
Yo if anyone is still here I need pictures of fantasy weapon shops or forges. It's fine if its a little anime-ish like pic related.
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weps shop.jpg
110KB, 800x512px
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325KB, 1556x1037px
Its not drawn but its got armour and weapons on display, hope it helps
Now THAT is a Warforged Paladin!
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guy with a stand and flames.jpg
78KB, 600x848px
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138KB, 1200x898px
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707KB, 2304x1296px
I've used pic related for an armour shop in my game.

Owner was an eccentric dude that hid in one of the suits of armour each day to surprise customers.
Why do I never meet anyone that interesting?
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140KB, 1095x730px
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442KB, 706x1100px
Found this in a drawthread a while ago.
Probably because its terrible business practice.

He lost loads of money because people would look in, not see him and think he was gone to lunch so he gave the PCs good deals on the armour if they'd make his name famous.

I wanted to give them a pet NPC who would outfit them for the campaign because then Id need to remember less mannerisms and stuff
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119KB, 900x900px
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ginger girl barbarian w mass.jpg
388KB, 1024x1707px
Oh, I thought you meant that you'd met this guy IRL, misread the post.

That does sound pretty neat though.
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big girl knight.jpg
260KB, 550x1054px
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477KB, 800x1626px
Nah, nearest I know irl is a hippy that runs a clothes shop and refuses to get a smartphone or a credit card reader in case he can be traced through them.

Thinking of making him an NPC in my current campaign but Im falling down on the stuff that he could eschew to keep under the radar in a fantasy setting
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5MB, 3000x4311px
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629KB, 814x1440px
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asian assassin girl.jpg
38KB, 500x769px
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cute horned girl.jpg
5MB, 2121x3000px
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elven warrior.jpg
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4 armed fire elemental.jpg
87KB, 720x976px
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546KB, 850x940px
waiting on more barbarian girls with greatswords
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66KB, 736x1164px
Why is he wearing a plate bikini?
Is that a Girdle of Opposite Gender?
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269KB, 369x580px
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barbarian girl.png
1MB, 1488x2105px
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398KB, 800x1236px
Knowing the source, that's actually a space-age human
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406KB, 700x964px
File: eagle_man_wsword.jpg (131KB, 600x849px) Image search: [Google]
131KB, 600x849px
I'm looking for some subtly magical humans.
Like NPC's that "could maybe be magical" but don't look like outright wizards.
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54KB, 547x800px
Looking for a twf fighter
Hey thanks, any more?
The character I'm looking for is male, but anything works!
File: man_of_glass.jpg (292KB, 1024x1396px) Image search: [Google]
292KB, 1024x1396px
I'll have a look.
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317KB, 1280x1632px
>Enemy? What enemy? Where? Who said that?
File: entropic_sorcerer.jpg (1MB, 1280x1872px)
1MB, 1280x1872px
This any good?
Looks good, I'll take any you have!
thats awesome anon
File: 1434645527406.jpg (133KB, 650x1181px) Image search: [Google]
133KB, 650x1181px
This'd be easier if I hadn't already posted most of my misc folder.
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15KB, 300x300px
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149KB, 779x1026px
How's this?
Looks like FF9
Detail in those splashes were top tier
File: beautiful horned girl.jpg (72KB, 600x900px) Image search: [Google]
beautiful horned girl.jpg
72KB, 600x900px
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161KB, 900x1273px
Don't know why I didn't post this earlier.

The bolt is inside a hollow chamber inside the stock of the crossbow. You can see the tip of the bolt.
/r/ing art of characters who are manipulating antimatter or at the very least look like they are.
why does this look so familiar?
File: 1290382957524.jpg (52KB, 555x777px)
52KB, 555x777px
Anything more like this guy, simple archer?
I've a hunter / trapper I need an image for.
I'm trying to get inspiration for an NPC, a half-elven hunter that uses medication from a local druid to suppress his lycanthropy. Any lean, hairy woodsman types would be awesome.
File: M-Mystic.jpg (143KB, 628x900px) Image search: [Google]
143KB, 628x900px
When I saw this, it looked perfect, but I'll post a few more that might fit the bill too.
File: M-Bird.jpg (720KB, 1056x1394px) Image search: [Google]
720KB, 1056x1394px
File: M-Castle.jpg (171KB, 925x1450px) Image search: [Google]
171KB, 925x1450px
What are the M's for, curious.
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72KB, 736x1141px
File: M-Fox.jpg (181KB, 900x1464px) Image search: [Google]
181KB, 900x1464px
Male. I classify genders in the filename. Autosorts my folders for me. The other name is just to add a bit of variety and to help with dupes.

Also, this is all I have that might help.
Thanks, that's actually pretty good- perhaps a bit more heroic than I'm looking for. >>46360374 is closer. Much appreciated.
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375KB, 656x1200px
What about characters that could be male or female due to obscuring armor or other reasons?
File: some-goddess.jpg (168KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
168KB, 1000x1000px
Labeled as A, for ambiguous or androgynous. If multiple genders are in it, it gets a B for both.
/tg/ threads, google, magic: the gathering art, artists I know from other sources, and sometimes some OC from friends
Pinterest is GREAT.
dumping and taking requests
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116KB, 668x1197px
Still looking for this, anything is helpful though.
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297KB, 1000x1395px
I desperately need a dark elf that looks like he is a medical doctor or something similar. Anything would be appreciated
Buddy is getting into DnD and I like to have some character atwork for my players,

anyone got some sort of half-elf rogue/arcane trickster art?
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189KB, 1038x960px
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2MB, 1785x1640px
Plague doctors, I need plague doctors.
new thread

Jedi/lightsaber wielding human male with bits of armor and robes please!
Handsome Spellsword/Mercenary/Sellsword?
yooo, thanks.
>maybe the fact that her garments are drenched in blood
You know these small village festivals? If there's people from neighbouring villages there, things can get very ugly.
I've seen medics attending to them, after the brawl, covered in blood up to waist. And I mean /dripping/ wet.

Which is not to say that your take can't be the right one. But there's more than one reason to be covered in blood.
can someone give him a hotdog?
Thread posts: 209
Thread images: 151

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