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Flames of War: Amazing Shermans edition

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Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 63

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Flames of War SCANS database:
---Includes our Late War Leviathan rules!
Official Flames of War Free Briefings:

Current /tg/ fan projects - Noob Guide &FAQ, and a Podcast
Quick Guide on all present FOW Books:

Archive of all known Panzer Tracts PDFs: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/nyvobnlg12hoz/Panzer_Tracts

WWII Osprey's, Other Wargames, and Reference Books
and, for Vietnam.

--Guybrarian Notes:


Panzerfunk, the /fowg/ podcast.



http://www.flamesofwar.com/hobby.aspx?art_id=1949 the Azul Division: no longer linkable off the main page

Which army do you play the most?

what actual country are you from?

http://imgur.com/gallery/csesM you will love it.
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Why do players flip the fuck out if you don't have an army painted correctly for the list ??

why do they have fits when you decide to make even just 1 joke model?

seriously i think some tourneys would need to have paramedics on hand for the heart attacks if i painted a stug like this..
Rivet Counters and Autism.
I recently got my ass handed to me by a guy running a panzer list with all his command tanks painted as US/Soviet/British flags. Was awesome. Wish I had taken pictures of it.
I don't care what colour your tanker's hats are. Now, however, if it's an entire army of unpainted and/or primed only, that's pretty worthy of a 'fuck off'
>why do they have fits when you decide to make even just 1 joke model?

We tend to be fairly relaxed about that here.

We have a Pink Panther, we have an A-10 painted up in the colors of Hans-Ulrich Rudel's Stuka, we have shut working on Girls und Panzer rules.

Hell, I even made a Captain America figure, and am painting up a red T-72 to look like the Soviet tanks from Command & Conquer: Red Alert.

Joke minis are alright in our books.
Flames of War: Down in the Donbass would be awesome.

That should say "someone". My phone is doing odd things with autocorrect.
I think making it on an ongoing war would be a tad bit controversial
Don't forget to plaster faction flags all over everything, and paint coloured stripes all over it too. For that genuine reality-meets-RTS feel.

Dude, could you post up that T-72?
If I paint all of my forth coming Hinds Red with large communist symbols on them, do you think people would be upset?
Revell have just announced that they're releasing plastic 1/100 scale kits of Mi-24D Hind-Ds, UH-60A Blackhawks and AH-64A Apaches.

So if you don't want what BF is selling, there's some alternatives available soon.
Do it.

Also, where's all the Arstozka fags at? Weren't we going to see tonks with the eagle and shit?
Well, if half the thread posted their models once in a while we'd proabably at least see the shit...
I'm painting mine this way. When I can actually get them finished.
>post the Red T-72

Eventually. I can't for the life of me get the red to look right. I've painted like 10 coats and it still looks streaky and uneven.

>will people be upset with my red Hinds?

People? Probably.

Me? I'd be laughing my ass off because it would be hilarious and cool.
Will this work?

52nd Lowland

Cic rifle, 2ic rifle+bagpipe CT
2x full rifle platoons ( 7 rifle/mg, 1 piat, 1 light mortar) w/ 2x3 kangaroos+.50 cal CT
3 scout carriers CT
4 6pdr CT
2x canadian armored platoon ( 2 shermans , 2 fireflies+.50cal ) CV
2 achilles CT
4 25 pdr CV
1780 pts, 8 platoons
>it still looks streaky and uneven.
Git gu- er, Git Airbrush.

Looks solid. Pretty classic British list, really. Although I might drop the pair of Achillies and pick up more regular guns. You've got plenty of mobile firepower already, and numbers of guns'll help more than a very fragile platoon with only 2. It'll serve you better in mobile reserves games.

But either way, it's a solid list.
The thing is that i don't feel confident enough blowing up 7+ armor with only 4 17 pdrs, i usually struggle a lot with 75mm too so 6 17 pdrs seems the right number to me. Also those achilles make the perfect ambush troop if i have to defend against panthers and tigers.

That's exactly what I mean. Drop the SPATs and pick up regular ATGs instead, you'll get more.
Although checking the numbers, I seem to be over points with even your basic stuff. Can you post the PDF instead? Do all the tanks and kangaroos have 50 cals?
>ambush platoon
The regular tanks'll do that better. More shots, tougher, more meat shields for the fireflies, and you can probably do a lot of extra damage against non heavy targets with the regulars.

Incidentally, exactly how much heavy armour do you usually run into?

>checking the numbers
Disregard that, I suck dicks. Selected one of the platoons as recce accidentally.
>Git gu- er, Git Airbrush.

I've considered it, but I don't really have a good place to set one up.

Also, I'd need the world's quietest air compressor or else I'd get noise complaints.
Room is tricky, yeah, though desu anywhere near a window is a-ok.

Compressors are easy if you are able to spend a little more; several airbrush manufacturers make very nice, very quiet small compressors. I have an iwata studio series IS-875 and it is very small and light, has top features like auto cuttoff and a moisture trap that can handle tropical humidity, and is stupid quiet - it's quieter when running than most TVs.

Not cheap, no, but if you want portable/compact, quiet, or cheap, well, pick two.
I got a little testors air compressor, it's not too loud, might be a good option for you if space/sound is an issue.
Never been able to find a cheap and quiet compressor.
Cupboard full of compressed air cans, like GW's shit but generic so the price isn't jacked up.
Are those actually powerful enough to power an airbrush?
yes, you just need to be wary of pressure dropoff as the can gets used up. that and you need a bunch of them.

absolutely not ideal, 'specially not for detail work, but they are cheap if you get generic cans, and they are basically silent.
Only transports and fireflies have 50 cals, you're right about ATGs: picking two CT 17 pdrs instead of the achilles and dropping 4 50 cals from the 'roos gives me enough points to take another couple 6 pdrs and add transports to the 17 pdrs.

>Incidentally, exactly how much heavy armour do you usually run into?
I regularly play against americans and with a lot of front 7 tanks they can give me trouble since the 75s bounce a lot, Jumboes are not that bad though since they usally eat up one of the 75s leaving the 17pdrs shots to the important tanks. Also the everpresent ambush menace of tds gives me a lot of headaches since when they come on the board the usually cut off a good bunch of my 17pdrs and i can't deal with their tanks anymore.
>anywhere near a window is a-ok.

No windows (well, not really) in a basement apartment.

>compressed air cans


Just go buy one of those Ventilation hood / Spray booth setups from a hobby store/website. I've seen cheap ones under a 100 bucks.

Its basically a box you spray in and there is a fan that sucks the air in there through a filter to trap any paint.

Then you can set it up in your bathroom when need be.

I made one with a cardboard box, an HVAC air-filter and a box fan and it works ok but I'm usually spraying in a garage with the door open, wouldn't recommend it for a bathroom.

As for the compressor, your neighbors may feel it but not really hear it (unless you are living in a home/apartment with tissue paper walls) and I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe just restrict yourself to spraying during the weekends and only during the daylight hours.
Did any of you bought TANKS!' starter set? I'm curious on what upgrade cards do.
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oh fuck yes. please tell me they are also going to do bradleys! and a-10's.

in other news. I have a toruney coming up this sat. and i realized i don't have 2 stands of panzershreks for my list (store won't get them in in time) so i'm fumbling about with putty trying to make em.

should i scrap the idea? (pic related)
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Thinking about playin a list something akin to this one. Might add air support and a bunch of Type 4 Ho-Ni 1's once the kits are out. Any suggestions? And of course, running at least 6 Nikuhaku teams with the Hohei platoons.
So how do you guys base your infantry? The weather is finally nice enough for me to work on getting my models basecoated and painted, but I'm not sure how to handle basing the infantry.
they look a bit big
Personally I glue my miniatures to the bases and add sand before spray painting the undercoat, but some people like to paint the figures before gluing them to the bases (and only then doing the basing). Personally I find the latter method tedious, as painting sand is a pain in the ass (I prime my models with light brown, so I only need to dry brush it before adding grass etc.). Also, I'd suggest adding a coat of watered down PVA glue on the sand before painting to add another layer of protection to keep it from falling off, and smoothing it out a little. Just my method of doint it.
Do you use fine sand or coarse sand?
I use some old GW sand I have from my Warhammer days, so on it's own it is a little too coarse for FoW figures. The PVA glue layer helps out with that.
I use Vallejo's White Pumice paste, put on before I basecoat the minis.

Gives a nice texture (they have several options) and can be applied really quickly.
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Got muh skytrex lads.
Casting's as crisp as you like, running gear detail is great, very minimal flash.
Only gripe is the T-62 barrel which looks crazy fragile, and seems to taper towards the mantlet, so I'll replace those with a brass rod.

Would recommend if youre looking for alternative TY stuff
Is TANKS out yet?

I haven't seen it yet at my FLGS.
Very nice. Definitely liking the resin stuff in that pic.

And yeah, the barrel on that tank does look a little too thin on the turret end of the cannon.

Speaking of Team Yankee, I was FINALLY able to get my hands on a single platoons worth of M113s and US Infantry.

I want to expand that eventually to two platoons worth, but I need to wait on more figures to come in to my FLGS...
I don't think it's been released yet.
anyone have a photo of zvezda t-72 conversion for TY (with smoke launchers and AA MG)?
Doesnt the Zvezda version have kontakt-5?
Ok, so my friend talked me into starting this game a little while back, and I've decide on this list. Based on what he tells me, I'll be facing a lot of German and Soviet Infantry Lists at the local store, and the occasional mechanized list. I'll also be only the second American list, so I want to represent.

How does this list look? Anything I should change or switch around?

I'll take a picture of the one I did. Should be posted in a few minutes.
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Here we go.
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And the other side.

The AA MG (not entirely correctly mounted since it's supposed to face directly back from the cupola) and the smoke launchers were added by me.
The rest of it is as it's provided. I also used the (very nicely extensive) provided decal sheet.
So i was playing battle academy for the first time in a while and noticed a lot of the italian tanks have a rough splash of green camo over the usual desert yellow. How accurate is this? All the photos i have seen have been just one colour, but it would be a nice way to make my tonk swarm less boring visually
This is the other list I am considering
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yea i'm going to probably re-do them. i still need to make 2 more (seems it's 4 to a stand not 2)

here is everything as it stands now. just need rudel and a king tiger.
I mean, the mount wasn't fixed, so seeing them rotated about is entirely plausible, especially if something appeared that might need shooting recently.
Looks good.
expect late april
>expect late april

Cool. I might just have to try it out.
oh my god those resin castings are pure sex
Having sex with resin is not advisable.
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These things are supposed to be funny
That's like the meme version of a dad joke
I would like to note that I was not responsible for this one
It's 2 shrecks on a base, with two loaders. So I think you have enough. And they will do as a stand in until you get the real stuff.
I'm definetely interested. I've no urge to get back into FoW as such, with metric ton of infantry and tanks, but a quck and dirty 3 v 3 game sounds right up my alley.
I think it's a 'The Dessert Fox' joke look it up.
It's Rommel. The dessert fox. That is the joke.
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>The Dessert Fox
>dessert fox
Assuming you're not retards, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just misspelled there. Anyway, obviously everyone in this thread "got" the joke, it's just not fucking funny.
>Assuming you're not retards
obviously a wrong assumption here

neither i.

is your internet still acting up?
was thinking of email since TS was being a shit....

also, if you want baaaaad Rommel jokes...
Have you considered perhaps that *you're* just not terribly funny?

dat Rommel-toe
>since TS was being a shit....

I think that is probably on your end.

Nobody else was having issues during the Panzerfunk recording the other day.
Paint a whole army in black and white only, including bases. Cite period photos as sources.

Bonus points if you can paint photo imperfections and creases running across random tanks.
This is a whole deck building game, right?
dammit, Japan

The game itself is actually pretty great, I played the Eastern Front version. I think they even did a limited run of real photo artwork.
>dammit, Japan

Two. Two atomic bombs.

I don't think they ever fully recovered from that psychologically as a society.
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>Turning the eastern front into waifu card game

Goddamn it Japan, not everything needs to be cute girls.
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>Goddamn it Japan, not everything needs to be cute girls.

They even put them in the side of their Apache helicopters.
bro, those are cobra's and I think a ninja, not apaches

But my point still stands. Cute anime girls on fucking everything. Even military equipment.
This isn't technically flames of war, but most of the Battlegroup rules/armylists/supliments were added to /hwg/ and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with using figures based for FoW in Battlegroup Kursk?
Girls as nose art? Where are they gonna turn up next, underwear catalogues?
i'd let that tech service my cobra .. if you know what i mean..
I... I walked right into that one, didn't I?
Honestly, you best bet is probably just to ask the guys in HWG. They tend to play, or at least are familiar with, several rules systems for a given era.

>i'd let that tech service my cobra

There's something off about her. Almost as if she was an anime character herself.

In fact, I think the nose art is supposed to be her.
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Any changes that I need for this SS fortified list?
SS infantry with token fortifications, you mean.

Looks solid, although the total lack of artillery is concerning. Even some mortars'd be pretty nice. Do those 88s have extra crew?
nah sadly I dont have enough points for extra crew, but if this was 1450 I would have taken them

What about dropping some transports? You'll probably not make much use of them, and increasing the firepower of the 88s by 50% is a big advantage.
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Would this be a better list setup?
Pretty sure the rules work perfectly fine in 15mm scale, thought don't know about single base infantry units.
If you are going to be defending, you really want an even number of platoons. As it stands now you are only going to get to deploy the infantry platoons, with the rest going in Reserves, in most missions. Which means you'll get overrun very quickly.
Ditch the schrek and the 88s, add mortars (4 will do just fine) and either a light AA platoon for air cover or a puma/2cm half track platoon to move in fast from reserve or being plain usefull in a fair fight mission. You always need atleast 6 platoon when defending, below that is italian.
Better, although the loss of the StuGs leaves you somewhat vulnerable anti tank wise, and without the same degree of mobility. Do you have the option of rockets? 3 Nebelwerfers instead of the mortars would be cheap and just as effective. Man, that points level is restrictive.

Could you swap the 88s to Luftwaffe?


He needs the 88s. His anti tank at a distance is way anaemic otherwise. Air cover's of limited value with that sort of army.

He can beer run up a Kampfgruppe to even the platoon count.
when will he deploy the 88s? They cant ambush within 40cm due to being immobile, and he probably want both infantry platoons to start with, with paks in ambush. 12th SS with fausts is all the anti tank you need, unless you play unlimited time against a tank company.
>12th SS with fausts is all the AT you need.

If you're hoping the enemy tanks will dash themselves against your infantry, sure. But all he has here are 2 fausts, and the HQ stuff. Which is nice, but with such small platoons, that's a risk. Particularly with some casualties beforehand, or against heavier tanks, smoke and pinning, etc. Unlimited time is hardly needed, particularly if the bring decent equipment for digging up infantry, which they should be.
>when deploy
At the start. 40cm isn't nearly as big an issue with their ROF and AT values being what they are, particularly with a list like this where you can't exactly throw sacrificial platoons in. Beyond that, plenty of missions don't allow for full ambush, so it's something of a moot issue.

Hell, I'd want to take both. Or all 3. 88s, PaK40s, and StuGs has always been a combination I've liked. Either way, they too good value to overlook, although making them Luftwaffe would help a lot with the low points limit.
Barbarossa is a great deck building game (commando troops are my waifu) and is coming out with historical photos card art, I think, this summer.
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Ditto El Alamein, although the bulk of those stock photo art cards will be going to people who backed the Kickstarters, as it's a limited edition.

That being said, as long as you have friends with a sense of humor there's nothing wrong with the normal animu and mango art cards. Just don't whip them out for a pickup game at the LGS.
Sadly it doesn't let you take Luftwaffe 88's
Oh, right, the Gaijin release. I guess my mate must have been playing with translation inserts.

Huh, that's novel.
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Well I placed my order for the Afgansty Air Assault Briefing. Should be here, knowing Battlefront, sometime in September.
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Playing the SS be like

good call...

' know when the miniatures will be around?
naw, Hungariboo has had the worst luck w internet in his neck of the woods...
I'm still getting emails, I just wasn't reading them because I've been completely oblivious to Flames of War news lately and hadn't been up to date.

Plus all my spare time has been spent looking for a new job and figuring out where I'm going to go, so not a lot of hobby time

plus my roommate took up the desk I use for hobbies with a 47" TV, so my hobby time has been severely cut down.
So i know this is a bit off topic but i thought it might have some interest here for EW Japanese and Russian players.

The next DLC for Graviteam Tactics Mius Front has been confirmed has a steam ID number to be the Nomonhan incident! I'm pretty pumped personally. Can't wait to flip my Japanese ride-on lawnmower tanks because i tried to make them cross a gully at full speed!
Surely a civilized conversation can extricate you from that situation. Throw it out the window and say some cracked out abo broke in.
I have free reign to use it whenever I want, he has a netflix account and a PS4 hooked up to it, and it's a pretty friggin sweet TV.

Plus he leaves in like two weeks so I should be ok.

It helps he's a comic nerd and knows how to find movies like deadpool to stream on it when he's here.

Also it'd be really friggin hard to convince him an Abo broke in considering I'm 10,000 feet up a goddamn mountain in colorado. I can count the number of black people I've seen up here on my hands, with one of those being my gf who I had to bring up here myself. This is the land of the ski bunny, and a large amount of imported workers from central and south america

But yeah, /blog, I've got a shitload of Flames stuff to build, and a lot of urban terrain I picked up recently that I need to paint as well. Got a Stalingrad's worth of terrain in a lot recently and can't wait to finally use it someday.
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Played a team yankee game tonight .. 100 pts

i took 10 M1's. (2 x 4 tank platoons 1 ic and 2ic tanks) and 4 vads and 4 cobras.

my opponent

infantry companies maxed out, rpg7's 2 gophers, 3 arties. 5 scout mpb's. and 7 t72s.

scneario was defend at all costs. i manged to win the roll to attack. i chose night time. (this is fucking important as fuck)

he placed his 4 minefields.

1 denied me a patch of wheat. other 2 denied me a road and a small gap.

hind sidght i should of placed the objective on the opposite side of the table (i put it next to a factory.)

this pic is turn 1 enemy firing turn. i manged to move my tanks up in the middle 2 took refuge int the woods.

all 4 vads failed terrain rolls and bogged (fuck my 3+ rolls)

he exposed his ambush (the t72's) he scored a total of 2-3 hits and i saved them all
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turn 3 i tried to push up but only had 1 tank that could assault (on farther right side he ran some bmtp2's along the wheat field to try flank me to try get flank shots with his spandril missles.

i broke off 3 tanks (4th was destroyed) to deal with the flankers.

1 ic and 2ic both held hull down positions in the middle supporting the assault. vads moved in to supress the infantry since they had no air to fire at.

infantry were suppresed but they managed to bail the single m1 assaulting
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I wish i had taken more pics (i will remeber to next time.)

it was getting to turn 5 and i needed to push up the middle. I managed to assault and push back the inf. his gophers arrived his arty arrived and his scout platoon arrived from reserves.

i managed to bog 2 of my vads so i just let the other 2 sit there. 1 of the 3 m1's again bogged while the oethr 3 moved up to get ready to assault.

4 rpg teams in the facotry made it hell but i won the assault. i managed to drive the infantry back some. and take a defensive position near the objective.

enemy turn 5 it was geting late and store was going to close soon so we just ended it there.

i think i had a chance to push his infantry back if we played 2 more turns. out of desparation i brought up the cobras.

he managed to down one on turn 4 and my 5 i just shoved em deeper in to try cut down all inf within 4 niches of the objective

he made like 90% of his 3+ saves (only lost like 3 infantry stands total) but on the far right flank almost all the bmp2's were wiped (down to 1) last one stayed (While he complained he got very few 6's and i got alot of 5's and 6's he dint' acknolege his 90% 3+ save rolls.

the cobras were spamming flaers as the few hits they did take from the ghopers and aa missle team in the inf almost all were saved (1 failed)

Hindsight i am going to dump the cobras. they did almost nothing one turn they did salvo and it was worthless. They only really shine at taking out tanks with tows (they did manage to kill the last t72, 6 were killed by all my tanks).

my new list will consist of:

formation 1
m1 1ic 2ic
M1 platoon (3 tanks)
M1 platoon (3 tanks)
Vads platoon (4 vads)
M109 battery (3 m109's) (add copperheads for all)
Fist unit (1 fist)

formation 1 total: 79

formation 2
m113 HQ
M113 Mech Platoon
4x m249 saw/law
3x M47 dragon missle teams
4x M113
(include m47 dragon missle team)
M113 Mech Platoon
4x m249 saw/law
3x M47 dragon missle teams
4x M113
(include m47 dragon missle team)

ITV platoon (2x ITV)
ITV platoon (2x ITV)
ITV platoon (2x ITV)
ITV platoon (2x ITV)
Formation total 21 pts

total army 100 pts
Im planning on playing TY in 6mm, cause all those huge vehicles look ridicoulus in 15mm when grouped that close, and since most lists look like yours, with a heavy emphasis on Abrams and Helos, Im even more convinced. I can only imagine what the new russian airborne list would look like with 12 Hinds...
read >>46366574

i'm changing and moving away from heavy tank use. i don't think the cobras will be worth it honestly. not unless you can neutralize enemy AA very fast and early.

artillery will be key. force him to spread his tanks out and make it easier for you to knock a few tanks out and put him in bad spirits faster.

While infantry will be next to useless in doing dammage they are great for holding / denying objectives.
also russians will want to be sure to attack in most scenarios especailly if it means reserve rolls for enemy.

the less on the table there is the easier it is for him to overwhelm the americans.

however, if americans can be the attackers CHOOSE TO FIGHT AT NIGHT.

Americans rule the night.


4+ to be hit. roll for distance if unit has not fired.
+1 to be hit night time (while russians do have night vision it's not thermal and they do not ignore the +1 to hit.
+1 for consealment

so in effect russians need 5's at best 6's to hit.

pinned infantry need 6's to hit. 4+1 pinner +1 night

almost everything american has thermal wich means no penalty to hit.

3+ 4+ consealment. 5+ cover and if he's shooting at you 4+
Interesting tactical advice. I'll have to keep that in mind for my Americans.

Cool my one regret on leaving early last night was not seeing how your match up went with "J".



Prior "theory-hammer" (?) was largely based on FoW experience and analysis of stat-lines without any play experience to compare against. My own experience and what I'm seeing in battle reports is that most of that prior stuff is very wrong.

I think that like >>46366403 American players are going to move away from using a lot of Abrams and Air because Abrams are a bit too pricey and Cobra/A10's are going to struggle to make their points back before being shot down.
I'm wanting to get into team yankee but no one around here plays it, any suggestions?
Play with yourself.

Masturbation is fun.

If you live in a decent sized city there is probably a group but you just haven't found it yet.

Failing that you are probably going to have to collect a small army for both sides and offer demo games till you get people to bite. Make sure you have some appropriate terrain (it pains me every time i see people playing FoW/TY/etc on terrain clearly meant for 28mm games) and that both armies are nicely painted.

I should say a FoW group since that is the most likely and most obvious players.
Where are you located?

Perhaps someone here might also be a local.
What are you, Twelve?
Where do you think you are, exactly?
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Its fucking 4chin you idiot we're all 12
I often forget that FoWtg is on 4chan.

Typically our level of maturity is above the level of masturbation jokes.
There is no level of maturity that exceeds masturbation jokes.
>it pains me every time i see people playing FoW/TY/etc on terrain clearly meant for 28mm games

Some times you have to make do with what you have if FoW isn't already being played in your area.

Among the popular wargames FoW is a bit of the odd man out. 40K, Fantasy, Infinity, etc are all 28mm scale. Meaning most places that have a terrain collection will have stuff that's built for 28mm minis.

You might find a place with a strong Dropzone Commander community with some terrain you can borrow, but even that is 10mm instead of 15mm.
Would be interested in seeing those HiP rules of they ever get to a playable state
There was a beta version, but it suffered from a lot of rules bloat from statting up all the various characters from the anime.
never played flames of war but I have the german side of the starter box

how much stuff would I still need to get to a basic army?
also why are prices so high? this looks way more expensive than 20mm stuff.. is it because it's full metal?
and how do I paint infantry? make a line of models and THEN glue them onto the bases?
>also why are prices so high? this looks way more expensive than 20mm stuff
because it's so small it needs better quality plastic than 1/72 stuff, I think
>and how do I paint infantry? make a line of models and THEN glue them onto the bases?
That's what I do
The German half of the starter box should be about 900 to 1000 points worth of stuff. It's more than enough to get started with.

Full sized games are usually 1500 or 1750 points.
>but even that is 10mm instead of 15mm.

The scale difference isn't too noticeable for taller buildings.
>is it because it's full metal?

Most of the common stuff, at least for Late War, should be plastic. And the stuff that isn't, is usually resin.
>this looks way more expensive than 20mm stuff

Economies of scale. 20mm/1:72 is tradioionally produced in mind-boggling quantities, often by large kit companies. Prices are low because of that, at least for plastic.

15mm ismuch more limited by comparison, as the traditional big producers in the scale mostly spit out resin or metal models. Only PSC, BF and zvezda are really invested in 15mm plastic.
Did anyone convert those Banzai/Gungho pics into pdfs
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Battlefront just announced this year's tournament-exclusive objective marker.

The flag raising on Iwo Jima.
that feel when you will never own this
Some people sell them on eBay.

But yeah, I know the feeling. I'd love to get my hands in the old Indiana Jo--- I mean "Illinois Smith" objective marker.

Wait what, holl up. I haven't seen this. Pics of it?
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It was the 2010 or 2011 tournament objective marker.

It was the Ark, Marian, and the Nazis on a large base, and Indy with a missile launcher on a small base.

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I've got one hell of a tip off from my source today, hell they're even breaking their NDA to do so.

"Battlefront is pleased to announce a long waited expansion for Flames of War, inspired by several community projects!

'1946: The War Continues'
With the success of Operation Watch on the Rhine, and dogged Soviet Counterattacks thrown back, the war is entering a new phase. Command the new weapons of War, and use them to bring the Third Reich back from the edge, or break the back of the Fascists once and for all.

British Resolve:
Another year of war, well the rugged and determined Tommy can stomach this, and for once they actually have the tools to win the war! No longer do British tankers go to war in barely armoured tincans tank companies can now be armed with the powerful Centurion tank, Comet companies, Commonweath armoured companies of Sentinels, support platoons of Tortoise heavy assault tanks and of course the redoubtable British Infantry Company, which can now move forwards in Churchill Kangaroos!

American Foresight:
Patton might have bought the farm at Arracourt, but the American Army still is still resolved to see the war to it's grim and bloody end. Provisional Rifle Companies, Perishing Tank Companies, Easy Eight Companies, and of course, mass deployment of Airburst shells making US artillery more powerful than ever.

Soviet Determination:
Destroy the Fascist Viper where ever he may lurk! They may have thrown the Red Army back in Romania and Hungary but now we will destroy them with our might! Deploy the mightiest tanks of the Soviet Union, the IS-3, the T-44, T-44-100, and the T-44-122, all available under Red Banner or Hero ratings! Strelkovy Battalions get a huge new boost with the addition of Bazooka Companies and new Chemical Mortars capable of firing Lease-Lend smoke shells!

Damnit, I shouldn't have asked. I need this now.

Hell yes. This sounds amazing.

German Superiority:
They think us broken, but the time has come for the Third Reich to strike back! Unleash the power of vastly superior German tanks, like the new Maus Kompanie, Entwicklung-Panzer Kompanie, supported by monsters like the P-1000 Ratte. The Luftwaffe finally returns from the brink as well with new tank busting aircraft like the Me-262 Pulkzerstörer! If the Bolsheviks threaten on the ground, destroy them with new 12.8cm Pak 44s!

Following on from the popularity of the Pacific War Points system, we're please to announce that '1946: The War Continues' will be compatible with Late War, as well as it's own 1946 points. We at Battlefront believe that 2016 is going to be a great year for Flames of War players!"

Also there's a trailer, it's unlisted on Youtube, but my mate got me a link for it.
So good, hnngh. Soviet longwar here I come.

Dammit. I've just realised what day it is in NZ. Shit.
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I have to hand it to you. It's been years since someone got me with a fish. Good show, you fucker.

The video is a nice touch. Higher production values than I'm used to from Battlefront, too.
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>1946: The War Continues

>Dammit. I've just realised what day it is in NZ. Shit.

You had me going there for a second Virus, you magnificent bastard. :-D
you fucker!
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This would literally be the coolest thing ever. I'm not even kidding.
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why is SS so hard to play at 1420
Because Fearless Veteran Tanks with Panthers.

Also, you're 5 points over.

Consider finding a CT, FT, RV, or RT list to run instead.
Tas 44M never.
So I'm interested in the 325 glider regiment. What I gather from reading is until Market Garden they wore the M1941 uniform just like any other infantry. But were then given the new M1943 uniform to wear, never wearing the M1942 uniform. My question is what uniform are the guys wearing in the Parachute Rifle Company boxed set? The M1942 or M1943?
PanzerGruppen Bamp
It's a box primarily meant for Late War, so I'd assume that it's the 1943 uniform.
I think part of your problem is that you're spending almost half of your points on 3 Panthers.

Playing FV tanks at 1420 points just seems completely non-viable if you ask me.
Most likely the M1942, I seem to recall them being designed for Normandy, and since they're real paras, they get the special uniform.

And you would be correct in the choice of uniform for the glider regiments, they wore standard army infantry uniforms.
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FV Panthers are too expensive @ 1420: I'd either go CV for Heer or preferably
FT for SS-types.

My SS-Wiking at 1420 (all Fearless Trained)

HQ - 2x Panzer IV 155
Bergepanther +15
Panzer Plt - 4x Panzer IV, Panzer Kanone 375
Panzer Plt - 4x Panthers, Panzer Kanone 720

SS-Armoured mortars x2 85
SSPanzerspah 8-Rads x2 60

1410 Pts, 4 Platoons


US Glider troops received the M1943 before the Market-Garden operation, and wore it from then onward. The only exception to the M1943 for Market-Garden was the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment which was still in the M1942 airborne uniform as they had just re-joined the 82nd from actions in Italy 1943-44.

The figures in the BF box set are actually a bit of a mix, mostly M1942 from the old sculpts with some M1943 uniforms for newer sculpts (new LMG poses, new Bazooka poses, etc.). However, once painted up it is quite difficult to tell the difference in 15mm. BF themselves has simply ignored the differences (not Germans you see...).
Thanks for the advice guys. Last night I just stared at pictures of the historical uniforms and then stared at the Parachute Rifle Company, and I just couldn't really make out enough details. I'm thinking I might just stick with the M1941 style shirts. I personally think they looked pretty slick.

I love the idea of Glider Infantry though. All of the risks; none of the benefits. The bitterness, the jealousy, the feeling of inequality that turns good men cruel.
Why would you kid around with that ):
Because it was amusing? Can you imagine the hilariousness that would be a Mauskompanie? Like a Schwere Panzerkompanie only more so...

And churchill Kangaroo: based on the Curchill VII? We now have an APC with more armour than most tanks!
You see, I'm a complete bastard.
And it was April Fools.
And I'm surprised people didn't figure it for a ruse cruise when I said "Soviets with Smoke"
This is a stupid question, but what's the best way to spread spackle on a base? Popsicle stick?
I happen to have a scuplting tool that I use. Otherwise, dull knife you're not too worried about or popsicle stick ought to be good enough.
Cool, thanks. IO wasn't sure if there was something better or if popsicle stick was considered good enough. I'll definitely look into a sculpting tool though.
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>You see, I'm a complete bastard.

The thing that really sells the "complete bastard" angle is that it was still March 31st for many parts of the world when you posted that, and people weren't expecting any April Fools shenanigans yet.
In the age of the internet and instantaneous communication, that's not really a valid crying point anymore.

If it's April 1 somewhere in the world, and you're on the internet, you *should* expect something.
Whatever works for you really. I find my sculpting tool works fantastically for me.
And to be perfectly honest, I should have realized it because I'm always having to work around the massive time difference when scheduling the recording times for Panzerfunk...
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Looks like someone just deployed their Hinds on the table.
It would have been better if you had said they were available with Red Army and Veteran ratings. Although Hero was enough of a let-down to make it seem like it was an actual Battlefront article.
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To celebrate Battlefront finally releasing pacific, thought I'd share this very informative Warlord article I found on Japanese tank development

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wip update. so i changed my list slightly and now hae to paint this stuff.. (so only thing i am going to need is a King Tiger. and someone is lending me one for this sat. I'll try do batreps wih my camera.
what's that on the right?
it looks like a wrecked artillery piece
yep. german objective counter (wrecked howitzer)
My Hind Briefing should be here in like, five or so days.
got any closeups of it? i want to get a better look at it
Perhaps on motivational propaganda
Nice. I'm genuinely curious about the Afgantsy myself.
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inc pics
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Nice progress.
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Any tips? or is this as good as the list will ever get?
whoops, list is 1400 total, also does it need recon?
Scrap Wittman, add Recce for a slightly less totaly sucky list.
Go CV...
>5 FV Tigers with Wittman in a 1420 list.

I have to ask. Why are you so dead-set on SS tanks, especially SS Heavy Tanks, in a 1420 list?
>5 tiger e's .. late war list

ya gonna have a bad time. probably lose 1/2 your tanks by turn 2 or 3.

late war allies can punch the fuck out of your tiger tanks (maybe not king tigers but e's defiently)

i suggest spamming pz4's and bring King tigers to back them up. not much of a difference between slamming a tiger armor 9 with antitank 11 or a pz4 with armor 6.

King tiger on the other hand armor 16 (?) would have a decent chance to sruvive and be worth the points.

just an observation. Trust me it's one of the things i was thinking of doing late war.
on an unrelated note:

Vk 45.02b. Is it in the game? I thought the A was the king tiger. The B has the turret sit further back. (and is fucking better armored than the A). Wich is the king tiger? also tiger P. it's an up armored tiger 1 variant.
Vk 45.02b isn't in the game at all, it's a prototype of dubious existence, the turret designed by Krupp were used on the Panzer VI Asuf B, the King Tiger, which came in a Porsche and Henschel versions, the 'Porsche' version can be recognised by the turret with the curved shot trap mantlet, and the Henschel version by the flattened turret facing.

The Tiger P isn't a Tiger I variant at all, it's a separate chassis built by Porsche to compete with the one that existed, the one that was built by Henschel. The Turrets are the same, and at least one Tiger P served on the Eastern Front, while the rest were rebuilt into Ferdinand/Elefant Tank Destroyers.
Tiger Ps can be used as straight replacements for Tiger Is in Mid War or as part of the Schwere Panzerjäger unit with the Elefants.
The B is WoT bullshit and not in the Game.

The Tiger P is, in one specific PDF LW list and as a pseudo-historical option in MWM.

Most of that WoTcrap is paper designs or prototypes and is therefore not in the game.
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Since we seem to be going over tournament lists, mind giving me your opinions on this one? Not sure about luttrell's platoon in here. Other option I had for that slot was a 2-gun 25pdr Field Battery, which would give me an overall 6-gun 25pdr bombardment (thank you british arty rules).
>Most of that WoTcrap is paper designs or prototypes and is therefore not in the game.

ah ok so pretty much tier 8+ in WoT is bascially non existent for the most part.

i liked how the b looked so i was hoping to be able to field one. guess not. i know there is a pdf for the oddball shit (maus) even tho it never saw battle).

I was not aware about the tiger P i'll have to look at that pdf (but probably not worth it)
You mean the VK4502(P)? It's not in the game, no prototypes are officialy in this game save for some mid war stuff like T14s and TOGs but those are on a special set of rules on their own. Anyway the VK4502(P) was the project that Porsche proposed for the heavy tank program, there where two versions of this tank: one with a rear-mounted turret (Turm Hinten) and one with a forward-mounted turret (Turm Vorne) probably what you are referring to for A and B are those two versions. In the end Henschell was awarded the contract for the successor to the Tiger and the plan they proposed was what then became the Tiger II. The first 50 Tiger IIs however mounted a Porsche designed turret made by Krupp that was lather changed due to the curved front being a shot trap.
The tiger P isn't either in the game being a prototype proposed, again, by Porsche for the Tiger, the Tiger I was Henschel's project.
>i know there is a pdf for the oddball shit (maus) even tho it never saw battle).
That was a fan production by some guy from here. It's not official and as far as i'm aware noone here uses it anyway either.
>The tiger P isn't either in the game
It is, In MWM and in the schwere panzerjager pdf list.
It's solid you have everything you could ask for. The only thing i have to say is be careful on how you play the Challegners, they're your only serious antitank and even something like a pzIV or a sherman or some mortar smoke could really hurt them. I don't think you need another 2 25pdrs, keep the tanks, they're CT so you need a lot of them to keep them alive
>The only thing i have to say is be careful on how you play the Challegners
Yeah, I've been using (generally 1500pt) versions of this list for a while now, and it takes some practice to get used to the fragility of the CT Challengers. Smoke support is vital, as is careful positioning.
Just starting to get into FOW with my 352nd Infantrie Division and I'm loving it.

3 platoons of MG guys
2 platoons of StuG Gs
some mortars, some Sig33s, some Pak 40s.

Just wondering though, if a platoon squad leader dies, either a tank or an infantry base, does it mean anything special for the rest of the unit? I mean for any army. I get the importance of CHQs and 2ICs, but if a regular Lieutenant leading 5 shermans gets blown to pieces, does that matter for the other four?
If you're not german or someone with a form of mission tactics, losing the platoon commander means the unit cannot move. The CiC can come and nominate a new commander, so they're not screwed for the whole game, but it still really hurts.

Those with the Mission Tactics rule (Germans) or an equivalent (a small number of british and american lists, probably some others) replace another non-command team with the command team when the command team would be killed.
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Thank you. There's a lot to sink in but we're slowly getting it.
Idk desu I just find SS really fun to play

Noob 352nd player here. Oddly enough, one of my friends is going to get into the hobby the same way. Wittman + 4 other tigers. He just loves Tiger 1 tanks.

The other guys are a Grimball's Beasts player, a Stalingrad infantry rush player, and me with my 352nd
Also, you need a command team to launch an assault or consolidate unless you're british and have Carry On, Sergeant (which all british platoons have unless noted otherwise)
Well, I hope he's prepared to lose every game forever.

Wittman + 4 Tigers is borderline unplayable even for experienced players. A new player is going to have no hope whatsoever.

minus wittman, could he take it to M war?
I'm not sure you could even fit 5 Tigers in MW. They'd be over 1600 points all on their own.

It'd also still be a terrible Idea, since you have no smoke, no AA, not much to deal with dug-in infantry...

Heavy Tank lists generally require taking the minimum number of actual heavy tanks possible (3 Tiger + support MW), or having a really nonstandard list (LW RT oddball lists) to actually be viable.
5 CV Tigers in MW is a hair over 1900 points.

5 FV SS Tigers in MW is nearly 2200 points.

Even in MW, you'll be blowing ~1150 points on a Tiger list at absolute bare minimum. At that point you can almost make it work if you pick your support carefully, but it's a very near thing.
Personally, I feel Kampfgruppe Hummel from Bridge by Bridge is the most viable Tiger I list if you want to still play fairly conventional.

You get Confident Trained Tigers without Tiger Aces or Wide Tracks, but at an affordable price and with a solid range of support options including infantry, recce and artillery.
Aye, Hummel falls under the "nonstandard" banner, and is probably still the best choice for making a Tiger I list work.

Tiger IIs you want the Panzer Ausbildungs Abteiling 500 from DM. So many Shitty Tiger IIs.
the Schwere Panzerkompanie (510.) from B@R is probably more "tournament" competitive, based on how often I see the same cookie-cutter list
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Finished a pair of Type 92 guns for my japs. Next up are two platoons of HMG teams. I'm only painting the rifle metals once I have the other figures finished, as painting metals sucks so I wish to paint it all at once.

That's what I'm taking to a tourney soon.

4 KTs, 4 Pz IIIs for counter-attacking, 2 Volksturm blobs, and some guns (light arty and quad flak) to round out the numbers.

I'm hoping that at 1420, there won't be much that can hurt the KTs. I'll be weak to swarms, or Night Attacking Brits, but I think I can at least have a fair go.
Yea, you'll deff suffer from elite assault infantry (NA Brits, RB strelk, American Wood Elves)
but it's a pretty good "Rock" to a medium tank "Scissor" list.

Other issue you'll run into is opponents ignoring your KTs entirely in favor of murdering your RT/RC support (5 plts of which!) and just running you off the board. ArtyParties will blast you off the table in, like, 3 turns. 4 if it's a meeting engagement.

The Tanks are FT at least - SS Ersatz.

But yes, I'm aware that my non-KT platoons are pretty fragile. That's why I'm hoping I can play the psychological side of the game too, and get people fixated on the big kitties.
Just got done adding the little bits of stowage to these dingos. Thoughts?

Sorry in advance for the poor lighting.
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Accidentally uploaded the old photo
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And rear shot.
The plastic one is what? PSC or Zvezda?

Noice mate, lovely little buggers.
Zvezda. The battlefront ones were cheaper per model (Zvezda pricing is great until you get to something that fits nicely on a small base), but I only needed 4 at most so getting a mix saved me a few bucks. Bit disappointing that there's a MkI mixed in with the MkIIIs, but that'd only be a real problem if there was an autistic rivet-counter in our local group (considering most of the group has half-painted tanks, not likely to happen).
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Thanks, still need to mix up another small bit of greenstuff to do the straps and tops of the fuel canisters and to make the little teapot (or portable furnace, or whatever it is) that's attached to the right front side on every pic I've found.
if i want to start late war brits, which book should i use?
What kind of list?
Rifle? Armoured? Mechanised? (Brit mechanised aren't very good)
the LW books with Brits in are:
Road to Rome
Market Garden
Nactjager (means Nighthunter)

You may want to pick an operation/theatre that you like (eg: Normandy landings/Market Garden) and make one around that.
Infantry, tanks, or mechanized? And if tanks, do you want tough tanks (Churchills), fast tanks (Cromwells/Challengers/Comets), or killy tanks (Shermans and Fireflies)?
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More the fireflies that come with them, which compared to cromwells and chuchills they are.

Plus, it's nicer than calling them "boring average tanks", which is what they are.

Cromwells for life
b-but that's a comet...

Pretty certain that's a cromwell. Look at the turret rivets and the short gun.

To explain things better, here are your three tank options in summary (which you can get as support for certain infantry and mechanized units, so figuring this out is useful regardless of tank-whoring status):

>Churchill Pros:
Thick armor (8 front standard, can be as high as 13, with 7 or 8 side and top armor 2)
Wide Tracks (And thus safer usage of woods and other cover)
Crocodiles (THE "fuck your infantry" linebreaker tank, complete with flamethrower)
Protected ammo (really nice in combination with the high armor)
>Churchill Cons:
Slow (8" move)
No heavy gun options (best you can get is AT 11 for those with 6pdrs, which have short range)
Relatively expensive

>Cromwell Pros:
Fast (16" move)
Protected ammo
Challengers (same speed and armor, but fuckoff huge AT gun)
>Cromwell Cons
Low armor (6 front, 4 side)
Limited list options compared to other two

>Sherman Pros:
Cheapest of the three
Fireflies (same speed and armor, but quite nice AT gun)
Only ones that can get AA MGs on their tanks
>Sherman Eh
American made, not british, if that matters to you
Average speed (12" move)
>Sherman Cons:
No protected ammo
Same weak armor as the cromwell (6 front, 4 side)
>Gun barrel shorter than the front end of the tank
>Enough space between the road wheels and idlers to fit your face
>Turret rivets the size of a young boy's head

Yeah that's a crummy not a vomit
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Lack of the return wheels as well.
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Comet for comparison.

Oh, and adding Comets to >>46422941

>Comet Pros
Fast like the Cromwell
Protected ammo
Better armor than the Cromwell/Sherman
Gun is an AT 14 mudermachine with HE shells (can hit infantry with it, unlike the Challenger and fireflies)
>Comet cons
7 front 4 side is still on the light side
VERY limited list options.
VERY expensive, and only available at CV rating.
So I've been occasionally glancing over at FoW, and I might pick up the game depending on the answer to this question- are American Cavalry units viable? I suspect I'll have to attach a tank destroyer platoon or two to them, so that doesn't bother me.
Like, the mechanised Recon units?

Absolutely. Chaffee are great, cavalry recon's persistently taken as your companies eyes and ears, and TDs are a very nasty surprise for your opponents. And American armoured rifles in halftracks are just evil.

Or did you mean a force that was mostly jeeps and greyhounds? Because that might be a mite harder.
Running Jeeps/Greyhouds as your core leaves you with plenty of points to spend on TDs, Armoured Rifles and some arty support, though.

It's quite viable to build an effective list with that.
>Or did you mean a force that was mostly jeeps and greyhounds? Because that might be a mite harder.
Jeeps, Greyhounds, and light tanks. Probably grab a platoon or two of TDs, as they were generally attached there.
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A Cavalry list might look a bit like this.
Seems about right for what I had in mind.
El bumpen page 10
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Barbecue bump
Speaking of burning tanks, I came up with this list, in about five minutes for a tournament I'm suddenly having to go to.
Points limit is 1275:

Heavy Tankovy Batalion HQ T-35 with AA MG (140 pts)

Heavy Tankovy Company: 3x T-35 (405 pts)
Heavy Tankovy Company: 3x T-35 (405 pts)

Armoured Car Company - Command BA-6, 4x BA-6

Motorised Artillery Battalion: 4x 122mm obr 1910/30 howitzer (140 pts)
DESU since the Armored car's aren't actually Recce in EW i'd swap them for something else.

I'd say air support but uneven platoons screws you.

Drop the BAs and the HQ AAMG, give all your platoon T-35s AAMGs and pick up a half-dozen KhT-130s, IMO.

Models permitting, of course.
Depends on what you're worried about facing. That list there will ruin medium/light tank swarms, or any of the few mech things in EW.

OTOH, if you're expecting to run into infantry, >>46430641
would be more solid, and if you're anticipating Heavier stuff like T-34s, swapping the BA-6s for 2 76mm obr 1936 guns might pay off.

What are you expecting to run into?
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The Dnepr 1943: Hitler's Eastern Rampart Crumbles (Osprey Campaign 291)

Against the wishes of Hitler, German forces under Erich von Manstein were forced to retreat following the failure of their offensive at Kursk in July 1943. The weakened force had only one possible refuge, behind the wide Dnepr River. The race to the natural defensive line was on, with the Soviets launching one of their largest offensives of the war–with over two million men on the move. Expert Eastern Front historian Robert Forczyk describes the dramatic four-month campaign that saw the Red Army not only succeed in crossing the Dnepr at multiple points, but also liberate Kiev, the capital of the Ukraine. Revealing new details about the largest Soviet airborne operation of the war and the increasingly desperate delaying tactics employed by von Manstein as catastrophic casualties mounted on either side, Forczyk charts the course of the battle that confirmed that the relentless Soviet advance westward could not be halted. Berlin would be next.

Literally no goddamn clue, and since the registration was going to close tomorrow, I already sent off the list.

Some of the NZ Veterans swing between crazy shit or conservative lists.

Plus because these aren't mine, I just went with what I knew 100% the chap who's loaning to me has.
Fair enough. You should be solid if there's a lot of tanks on the field, at least.

Good luck. You will probably make Germans and French cry, but a Japanese list will push in your shit.
oh, ok then
A friend and I are looking at this game. If I got the Open Fire! starter set, what would be good supplement books for the models that come with it to continue Germany versus USA?

I'm also assuming the price point on this game is much cheaper than 40K to get full fledged armies. That's part of the other reason we're interested in it.

Germany vs USA:

Normandy: Atlantik Wall (Axis), Overlord (Allies)
Bulge/Ardennes: Three books, each with both factions - Blood, Guts & Glory, Devil's Charge, Nuts! - but a Bulge compilation is long-promised, so I'd consider holding off to buy this rather than three soft-backs.
Italy: Road to Rome (Allies), Fortress Italy (Axis)
Germany: Bridge at Remagen
I can't really speak for the germans, but the Allied forces from Open Fire! perfectly form an british Armoured Squadron (with the US paratrooper platoon) from Market Garden worth 1045pts. at Confident/Veteran (the allied tanks are British btw).
Is there anything you can do with an ARV aside from using it to save your vehicles? I know they can't assault and don't have the machine guns they had in real life, but aside from that can they do things like complicate enemy assaults or prevent ambushes? Just trying to get the most use out of them, since it seems like most of the time they do nothing for me.
For yanks and jerries, they're mobile machine guns that might help your tanks from time to time. Apparently, brit ones don't have those machine guns... they still block ambushes within 10cm/4", though, but that's not really that much.
>Apparently, brit ones don't have those machine guns
I don't get why not, since the Chuchill and Cromwell ARVs had hull MGs in real life. Would probably be fair to offer them as an upgrade option for 5pts.
For British Armoured Regimental Recce Platoons (the ones with Stuarts) is it better to have all Stuart Vs, all Jalopies, or a mix of both
If you want them to remove GtG and hide, then you want Jalopies since they can hide in terrain better. If you want to murder infantry in the open and hurt light tanks/Halftracks, you get the Vs and the added MG. A mix really isn't that good, since the main advantage of the jalopy isn't an advantage when you have to keep it close to the Vs.
Some people like visual historical accuracy.

I'm glad I paint the models for both sides of my games.
Do note the Allied force in the starter is actually composed of British Sherman tanks (they used different variants from the US) with the US paras as support.
It's based on the fighting during Market Garden and you could build a list using all of it from that book.

If you want to match things up historically, Bridge by Bridge contains a bunch of German lists (some conventional, others quite unique) that historically fought in the same battles.

Thanks gents. I'll be talking with him later to see what he wants to do.
Any suggestions for Soviet MW tank list including M3 Lee's? Got a batch of them real cheap, so thinking how best to use them...
I'm usually facing Soviets rather than playing as them, but this might work.
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Shilkas magnetized and coming along quite nicely lads, the number of raised panels makes them a bit tricky though.
What are we all working on? We've got a bit of WIP in ere but we need more
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Nice modulation!

I'm working on some King Tigers. Behold, my mighty work-in-progress Octopus Camo.
TBPH, i'm a bit "meh" on SU-152s, and prefer BA-64s to BA-10Ms (BA-10Ms are doubtless better, but i like being able to use models in more lists/time periods)
I also would re-arrange the squads a bit,
I'd run this:
HQ: 1x lee w/ Long gun + AA guys (optional, they can be ditched for more recon, I don't run into a lot of air in my Meta, YMMV)
10x Lee with long gun
6x Lee with long gun
(no tankos - I find 15pts to be too steep on a conscript tank, again, YMMV)
3x BA-64s (I'd normally use the AA points here to bump it up a bit)
3x SU-85s (keep that one guy's tiger honest)
4x SU-122
6x Heavy Mortars + Observer (I run into a lot of trained infantry)

Worthy note: struggles against Panthers - if anyone in your meta plays those.
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>that bright red tank
Movement blocking infantry (can't get within 2" of an enemy team unless assaulting), blocking ambushes, blocking LoS towards certain enemy tanks so you can only see the commander/firefly/whatever with your AT unit, parking them behind a unit you're assaulting to cut off their retreat, and transport for small infantry units (3 teams or less).
You have chosen the route of pain
It usually looks nice though.
Red Oxide undercoat.

Yeah, it's bright at the moment. I'm hoping it's a little more muted after a wash. I'm aiming for a factory red-oxide finish, but I'm not sure if I'm on track for that at the moment.
Working on adding straps to the fuel canisters for my dingoes ( >>46417405 and >>46417431 ), and trying to make some tiny tea kettles for them (as per >>46419129 ). After that it's time to make stowage boxes and bags for my Cromwells.
Thanks lad.
You gonna give the Octotiger a bit of a pinwash?

Probably a fairly thorough wash to bring out the Zimmerit, then brighten back up, then a detail wash.
> What are we all working on?

Kursk Panthers (x8). Still trying to figure out adding mud next...
>What are we all working on?
Assembling a winter PaK 40 platoon and a Fallschirmjaeger assault rifle platoon.

A question on the latter: would it be fine to model a regular Fallschirmjaeger platoon and just say it has assault rifles? If I were to actually intermix some assault rifle troops into the Fallschirmjaeger platoon, I'd have to buy the assault rifle platoon separate.
Only if you can live with your own concision. Otherwise basically no one will give a rat's ass.
>Otherwise basically no one will give a rat's ass.
I was just thinking as a rivet counter, for a second. I guess it wouldn't.
Another question: would it fit the Berlin aesthetic if I intermixed regular German infantry (with the regular Stahlhelms) with the Fallschirmjaeger?
I've been away this weekend helping to host a sci-fi convention, but I have a small mountain of plastic, resin, and metal on my hibby desk waiting for me to resume assembly.

When complete it'll be Team Yankee Americans.

I've already finished several M1s, Cobras, and mortar carriers. And some Paladins.

I still have more M1s, some A-10s, and some M113s to assemble.
so /tg/ I bought an SS-Panzergrenadierkompanie boxed set, where should I expand from here?
no normal person will cacre
refresh my memory: what's in the box?
Two Platoons, HQ, Panzerschreck Teams, Four HMGs, Three PaK 40s, three snipers.

Grab some Half Tracks so that you can get mounted up, some tanks are always good, Panthers or Panzer IVs, and the always ever popular, some Nebelwerfers at least three of.

If you're doing Eastern Front, grab some Sturmtigers if you like big explosions, Desperate Measures or Fortress Italy, Stukas so that you can field Hans-Ulrich Rudel or Air Support.

Really a bunch of Anti-Tank Guns, Infantry and Machine Guns are great for basically anything.
what this guy said

I forgot to mention I also have two tigers, one official one and one old toy that's about the same size
One or two Tigers could make a decent addition to a German infantry list depending on the points level you're looking to play at.
Memphis tn
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