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what does a Sister of battle do when she realizes she's

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what does a Sister of battle do when she realizes she's a latent Psyker? does she just kill herself? turn herself to the inquisition?
Probably about 50/50 with the extremely rare one that just runs

Get hired by the Inquisition, trained as a sanctioned psyker, and used to fight more heretics, probably becoming a Witch-Hunter herself.

Usually they're screened from when they sign up, as I can't imagine it being very difficult to pick out a psyker gene. Genetic purity is usually a qualifier for the Sororitas anyway, as they're big on hating the mutant and have their own Hospitaliers for that.
If she's mostly ok with the idea and can control her powers pretty well (or they're minor powers to being with) then she might leave her order to be trained as a sanctioned psyker, or receive training with an Inquisitor.

Otherwise she would probably seek martyrdom in battle over suicide, potentially joining the ranks of the Sisters Repentia towards this end.


>Usually they're screened from when they sign up

They are. Suffer not the witch to live.
Wouldn't they be overjoyed by having the chance to be eaten by the Emperor and have her eyes burned out by gazing upon his visage?
Probably contact the nearest black ship for pickup.
I'd imagine that they'd be one of the easiest latent psykers around, with a complete willingness to cooperate with the authorities and a very high chance of being sanctioned.

That depends on how well she can control her psyker powers and even then with someone of her training and previous caliber it would be a waste. There are plenty of psykers who are going through the psykana who are good candidates for Emperor brand Emperor chow and there are plenty of people in line waiting to get plugged in as well.
A passage from one of the lore bits mentions that this is a somewhat common event among groups of sisters. Some begin to grow more psychic-adept and find themselves with the ability to empathize and feel the emotions of their fellow sisters. The reactions to this are varied. Many keep quiet and try to ignore it,others will go to their superiors to reveal themselves. Given the religious nature of their order, it's taken in many different ways. Most of the time they're killed, since obviously they're thought of as traitors. Other, much less frequent times it's seem as a gift of the emperor.

If Sisters ever gets an update, which it never will, they need a psychic Sister option. It just makes sense, give them a whole psyker power list of fire and holiness and fury and let them blast their enemies with purely channelled Emperor energy.
Well all of that mental fortitude training would guarantee her to end up as a sanctioned psyker, or even a full inquisitor.

all Sisters are artificially enhanced Psykers, their training and devotion harnesses and focuses their powers into "Miracles" by acts of "Faith". if they die, their psychic essence lingers on the battlefield long enough to aid their Sisters before being absorbed by the Emperor.
>good psykers die because they are not trained.
>the emps spends time letting hot chicks play with magical powers.
This makes me angry.
Suffer not the anon to ask questions.
She thanks the emperor for the miracles he works through her.
>Sister of Battle
>What is the Imperial Creed
>What is the inferior mutant known as the Psyker

Being revealed as a witch would break the mind of most pious Imperial citizens, Sisters doubly so, they'd go into a crisis of faith and likely believe themselves tainted/unworthy of the Emperor's love.
But the emperor was a psyker, one that specifically was out to make all humankind into psykers once the gift was safe
Any Ecclesiarchal Priest who tries to preach that the Emperor was a Psyker is going to get burned alive at the stake. He was a god you filthy heretic, not some degenerate mutant.
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>tfw you possessed too much psychic power, so you weren't sacrificed to fuel His Most Divine Light, and instead have to live as a witch, praying every day to find death in His service and finally atone for the sin that is your birth.

Now that you mention it, being a blank sister is quite sad. On one hand you're the best at hunting witches, but on the other you'll never do miracles or recieve genuine visions like your sisters, no matter how faithful you are.

Yeah, to your SoB, the Emperor is God. Putting 'a' in that sentence is heresy, using a different verb tense is heresy, not capitalizing the 'E' or the 'G'? Heresy. Suggesting a barely tolerated aberration of humanity like a psyker was in some way the same as the Emperor, who, as previously established, is God? Yup, heresy.
>Putting 'a' in that sentence is heresy
Don't hundreds of Imperial worlds have other pantheons alongside the Emperor where he stars more as a Zeus or an Odin of the whole shebang with various saints and heroes playing other roles.
Considering the Imperium has machines that can instantly tell if someone was psychic or not, latent included, by simply pointing it at them.
Has genetech machines that can check their DNA for psychic ability.
Mind-mapping machines that detect if they're tapping into the warp, and all manner of other handy devices. The only reason a Sisters could be found to be a Psyker, latent or otherwise, is via a shit writer.
>neat armor
>neat weapon

Oh shit this is gr-


There's always going to be exceptions in the Imperium due to the terrifically inefficient communications, transportation and general organization that's running it right now. The Ecclesiarchy, though they may seem otherwise, are actually somewhat competent and recognize that they'll have to slowly convert the faiths of reclaimed planets to the true edicts of the Ecclesiarchal Lectitio Divinatus. For those who have a strong sense of connection to this faith, though, anything but the Emperor being straight-up God, and the only God, is heresy, comparing him to something such as mankind is heresy, comparing him to a mutant is double heresy.

Not necessarily, you have to remember that not everyone is screened for these kinds of things due to how shit the Imperium is with its technology and organisation. Any latent psyker somehow entering the ranks of the Sisterhood would be an exception, to be sure, but not impossible.
Metals that'll burn a Psyker on contact with their skin.
Glasses in which only Psykers can be seen, even through ferrocrete walls.
Auspex settings that'll show warp activity.
Familiars that'll automatically track warp signitures.
Ship to surface scanners that'll ping Psykers.
Anti-warp fields that fuck over Psykers just by entering it.
Blanks will be felt more strongly by Psykers.

You can't tell me that not a single one of them is used by the Sisterhood to check potential Novicates back at the Scholar.
>Metals that'll burn a Psyker on contact
Not exactly something that would be widely used, but an effective measure.
>Glasses in which only Psykers can be seen
Rare as fuck.
>Auspexes that can detect Immaterial traces
Rare as fuck.
>Familiars that'll track Warp signatures
Less rare, but very uncommon.
>Ship to surface scanners that ping Psykers
While I can't deny the existence of these, it always seemed unbearably ridiculous that the Imperium can do this when their ship-born Augur Arrays are actually usually portrayed as pretty pathetic when determining precise information from a planet.
>Null-fields and Blanks
Rarest of all the previously discussed measures.

Out of the billions, some of which come from Schola worlds that have access to minimal amounts of technology and knowledge beyond the standard? It'd be pretty retarded of not a single one got through. I will admit that virtually no Psykers will get through, though, just a very occasional exception.
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she realizes she is actually an eldar raised by a nice order.
>Realize you're an Eldar
>Realize only later on that you completely outclass everyone else in your order, genetically, in almost every way
>Realize only later that your physiology beyond the superficial is actually incredibly different from everyone else's

Order of the Blind Martyr it is.
>all sisters line up to pleasure you in the shower.
its alright.
She's wielding a Lance, so just pretend that they're Cavalry Boots
>Sole Eldar in a Sister Ordo, utilized as physical morale upkeep outside of engagements due to her impossibly attractive features, the entire order is very protective of her

This is too much heresy for me, Anon, just make sure the Death Korps don't find out about this.
If Sisters ever get updated, I'm so including Eldar Sister as a banner barer.
don't they have shells to fire on the rubble of cities because they are vatborn retards that some moron bureaucrat has a hardon for?
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Stuff like Saint Stern.
Not just heels. Fucking En Pointe Heels.
The worst kind of high heel.
Yes. Maybe her armor even fuses into her jet bike, judging by the exhaust pipes on the back.

Y-yes... this.. soothes me...
>Sister Faemere, Confessor, Order of the [Insert Name]
>Eldar female specimen, chosen to be a morale management and general spiritual/psychological caretaker to the Order
>Eldar possess a keen intuition of psychic emanations as well as minor psychic abilities themselves, making them perfect at sympathising with those they spend time with, combined with an enhanced sense of empathy
>Primarily serves the Order through being a soft and encouraging voice to assist the Sisters through times of trauma or peril
>Order returns the favour by being incredibly protective of her

The lore fanatics will get angry at this, but I have to admit the idea isn't exactly repulsive.
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No, it's pretty fucking repulsive, and the fact you don't think so just shows how degenerate and waifu-fag infected this board has become. It may as well be 40k themed /a/
I may have sent across the wrong message. I would never condone the actual concept were hard-canon or 40k consistency a parameter in my thought process, but as a fun idea, much like the majority of /tg/'s "classic," writefaggotry it's not something I'm going to throw a shitfit about.
thanks asmodai.
Fair enough. I apologizing for engaging my frog and will relax my autism. Have this Sanctioned Encouragement Material, appropriately censored for BLUE tier communications.
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Hey, over here!
Caliban is a lie
how about you post the heretical version on imgur?
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What was that about Caliban?
Why are you getting defensive? Surely nothing of note happened there, or did it? Should I alert the Inquisition for "suspicious activities"?
m8, its a cool concept. don't listen to anyone.
>lore fanatics
ask them to explain the black crusades
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here, have something to tickle your autism
>im-fucking-plying the board quality is any different than it was since 2009
If anything, quality has improved since Hiroshimoot perma-banned virtualoptim
Well as a newfag from /v/ this board is much better.
I mean look at this thread.

people discuss waifus and laugh at hfy
anyone got more pics like this?
I'm considering doing a small amount of writefaggotry for this, but I have an intuitive feeling that /tg/ in general is getting pretty sick of stories involving Eldar and Sororitas, not to mention it's probably been done before.

With that in mind, is there any particular interest or should I shift my attention to more productive tasks?
>but I have an intuitive feeling that /tg/ in general is getting pretty sick of stories involving Eldar and Sororitas
There's only two of them out there. I say go for it.
go for it.
fuck the autists.
do you mean the macha fap pics?
If it's bad, it's gonna be ignored or used to trigger some autists in a few months, if it's good we'll all spend a good time reading it. Go, anon, go.
And you aren't obligated to make it pander to the smut or waifu crowd, either.
>do you mean the macha fap pics?
There's one story where a Farseer seduces a Hospitaller and one where an Eldar pretending to be a Sister is locked up in a penitent engine.
yeah. those don't count.
That's all I needed to hear. I'll go migrate to the Storythread under the same name so I'm not keeping this thread alive longer than necessary.
go forth namefriend
and conquer
Watch your salt levels, anon. You know how your blood pressure is.
nah. I am just tired of having the most human of all the factions get dickridden by someone's EXTREMELY EDGY EXPRESSION OF WW1
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You sound upset because of their superior siege techniques. I bet you play the Tau.
no its because they create trenchworks and elaborate gun batteries with their bodies and are totally ubermensch who don't feel a thing, and are so hardcore that they don't even poop unless ordered too.
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Trenches are what they do.
Earthshakers are what they use.
I don't see where you're coming from when you say they're made with 'their bodies'.
But I'll sleep well at night knowing you'd get flogged for that kind of talk, throne-willing.
>dude lets just bombard everything to rubble and watch it tumbling down while wearing pointy helmets and ww1 gasmasks.

ASL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DKoK = tau
But they don't wear pickelhaubes?
The Death Guard do, but the Korps doesn't.
You know what I mean.
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The masks are because they're trained in siege warfare, though. They're not as good as the Ordo Reductor, but they're still good. The masks serve to protect against chemical attacks.
yes, but at that point you are better off just gassing the entire thing and letting the vermin die.
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>Gassing them
>When they have sealed uniforms
Is that supposed to be a joke, anon?
>so hardcore that they don't even poop unless ordered too.

Section, present... Entrenching tools!
At my command... Dig!
Section, stop... Digging!
Order... Entrenching tools!
At my command... Squat!
Drop... Pants!
Begin... Bowel movement!
gassing the besieged. Why keep autist guardsmen at the front when gassing everything in a larger area is a better way to do it.
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Because there are some enemies that are resistant to gas as well, I'm sure.
With your logic, why keep Cadians at the front when gassing everything is better?

For that matter why not just train everyone to be a Grey Knight because of how powerful they are?
well you isolate them and send the non autistic regiments to deal with the resistant enemies.

>why keep cadians at the front
because cadians do other things than play the role of a besieging army.
You mentioned kriegers being the designated regiment to besiege something. Why put boots on the ground when you can just lob phosphor rounds and chem rounds to melt the enemy from far far away?
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Because sometimes the enemy will rush your position.
Anon, you can't seriously be asking me "Why do X when you can just do Y all the time?"

Because the enemy will catch on and soon you'll have opponents wearing what the Krieg wears to stop them from dying. And then you'll have to put boots on the ground.
yes, and instead of putting special autists that want to commit suicide via enemy, you put in soldiers that have tanks and armor that can deal quickly with any breakout attempt while they get gassed.

Instead you have space germans who will spend a year erecting special earthworks and then spend 9 more years shelling the city while constantly eating up munitorum supplies
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They do it for the emperor.
There's a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense in 40k that GW claims is 'for the emperor'.
they waste resources for the emperor?
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They kill the enemy super-dead for the emperor.
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