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Assassin School Quest 72

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previous: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/45707897/
Char sheets: Layla http://pastebin.com/AZhZH83v Maria http://pastebin.com/Pz8RjLpu
Eli http://pastebin.com/MTKD1usQ Marla http://pastebin.com/xxAh2vEH

Nothing has happened. It's been two weeks and there hasn't been so much as a fist fight or even an attempted poisoning over something ridiculously petty. I swear to god if headmaster sent me here as a joke, I'm ripping his fucking throat out with my teeth, not my fangs, the teeth that are still human. Because this is...maddening, I swear I'll be barely human by time I get out of here, I'll be a whole new tier of insanity.

I groan, resting my head on the table, trying to tune out all of the noise around me, as Marlo and Mira laugh over an stupid joke one of them told, as Great dane just stares at me. I scratch the gas mask I've been forced to wear for the last fourteen days.

My skin itches, my eyes are burning, there aren't going to be any blood bags for a week, since I drank all of them and they can't be bothered to resupply this place. I want to kill something, more so than usual.

Whatever is wiping out bases needs to get here quick so I can get home to Maria and take this...fucking mask off. It's driving me to the edge. Why can't these people be dead yet, they're keeping me from Maria, and in this damn, uncomfortable mask!

"Feeling alright there honey badger?" Great dane asks mockingly, I know he is, that look in his eyes, so smug, bet that look would go away really fast when he can't move any part of his body.

I bite my tongue to stop myself from hissing in impotent rage.

"She might be sick, I mean, I don't know bout you dane, but when I got here, I was out of com for two months" Marlo laughs smacking my back, my eye twitching under my mask, as I nearly chew through my tongue "Honestly, I think we need to get a new filter or something, has to do with the water at least"

"Which is why I don't drink it" Mira says, giggling happily, blushing, must be drunk, I can hear the blood pumping under her cheeks "Tastes...off you know"

"Yeah you just get hammered" Marlo says, smirking as he crosses his arms

I smile and sit up, slumping forward, feeling my own breath wash over my face in this chocking mask. I take a second to adjust it, feeling it's sweat covered insides rub over my face....I want my normal mask, that one lets me breath, and makes my voice sound all creepy and stuff.

"Yeah...well I haven't seen her drink anything since she got here" Dane says looking at me, flicking his cigarette away "And she hasn't touched her plate, either"

I Stare at him, snarling under my mask


What do I do?
[] joke around with the other two
[]....I feel like crap, lay off
[] Try to stab him with a fork 1d20
[] Make up an excuse
[] smack my head on the table
[] Glare at him
[] Blood control 1d20
[] I need some air...get up and go out of the base, so I can take of this fucking mask for a few seconds
[] Sucker punch his ass 1d20 + sucker punch
[]force myself to eat some of this slop *with the mask still on*
[] write in
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] joke around with the other two

Well this is starting great
>[] Glare at him
>[] joke around with the other two
>[] Make up an excuse

Can we ignore that roll since it was just some retard troll anyway?
RIP UMGQ, though I was kind of expecting this to happen a little more each and every time HM started a new quest.
>[]force myself to eat some of this slop *with the mask still on*
Your timetable for these has been really weird recently, I nearly missed the start.
>UMGQ ded
Well, damn.
I mean, something was bound to have to go sooner or later especially after you started OPQ, but I didn't expect UMGQ to just drop like that, especially since it looked we were just getting into the meat of the plot recently.
Gonna miss those girls something fierce.
>just getting into the meat of the plot recently.
Yeah, it looked like we were about to get back on track with plot stuff and everything in some bizarre bid to usurp the chaotic throne, and then... *poof*
I lick my teeth, and start to laugh, a low throaty one so I don't end up falling into my usual gleeful and mad cackle. I shake my head and push my food tray away from me

"Like I can eat this slop" I say shrugging as I lean back into my chair, tugging on the edge of the mask around my neck "Pretty sure it'd kill me than not eating at all"

"Yeah" Dane says flatly, his brown eyes looking as dead as my heart is in this damn place "Honestly I think we pissed chef off somehow"

"Pretty sure he's just trying to make Badger go coo coo" Marlo says swirling his finger around his bald head

"You mean more than I already am?" I say smiling happily

"Madder than me?" Mira asks, sounding kind of hurt "Besides, its not like they need us out here, they just want us to keep to ourselves and hopefully kill eachother so we can't cause more problems"

"Oh you mean this wasn't a vacation" Dane Chuckles grimly, lighting a new cigarrete, offering me the box "Want one Badger?"

"Come on, those are a shitty brand" Marlo giggles "Besides, I know her type"

"You do?" I say teasingly, pretty sure only Maria and a handful of others really do

"Yeah, you're a cigar girl ain't cha" He says holding a cigar out towards me, I can smell it even through the mask "Imported this from brazil, good crap if you can stomach it"

"You're going to make Marrow a happy man if you two keeps smoking those" Mira sighs shaking her head

What do I do?
[]take the cigar
[] take the cigarette
[] take neither, and decline politely
[] SO I get that this place is for all the fuck ups...but does he really want you guys dead?
[]so what did you all do to get here
[] ....why are you being so nice to me?
[] get some air
[] write in

spring forward and my new schedule have been fucking with me

It was out of my hands, sorry, I'm feeling just as bad about it as you are
>[] take neither, and decline politely
>[] SO I get that this place is for all the fuck ups...but does he really want you guys dead?
>[]so what did you all do to get here
>[] take neither, and decline politely
>[] SO I get that this place is for all the fuck ups...but does he really want you guys dead?
>[] take neither, and decline politely
>[] SO I get that this place is for all the fuck ups...but does he really want you guys dead?
>[] get some air
>[] take neither, and decline politely
>[] SO I get that this place is for all the fuck ups...but does he really want you guys dead?
>[]so what did you all do to get here
>[] ....why are you being so nice to me?

I still don't quite understand why you can't just at least rotate ASQ and UMGQ, but I guess you have your reasons if you're so admant about it so I'll just have to live with that.
>[] take neither, and decline politely
>[] SO I get that this place is for all the fuck ups...but does he really want you guys dead?
>[] get some air
>I still don't quite understand why you can't just at least rotate ASQ and UMGQ, but I guess you have your reasons if you're so admant about it so I'll just have to live with that.
Maybe it's so he can finally finish ASQ and then start work on clearing up some of the backlog of unfinished quests
>Maybe it's so he can finally finish ASQ
But he was perfectly fine rotating them before with UMGQ/MGAQ/ASQ so I don't think so?
I guess dropping UMGQ does clear up backlog of unfinished quests, since OPQ and TiDQ aren't gonna go anywhere anytime soon.
I'm not getting the feeling he's in a hurry for that, UMGQ actually felt closer to finish to me than this does.
>[] take neither, and decline politely
>[] get some air
"So I get that this place is for all the fuck ups" I say leaning back in my chair, not taking my eye off dane as he keeps on smiling that same lazy smile "But does he really want you guys dead"

"Ohhh yeah, he may be able to play a good grandfather, but that man has a heart of coal" Dane says, his eyes squinting in suppressed rage "I mean...he kidnaps people and forces them into being killers, if he just finds the barest hint of a talent for it"

"Yeah, I used to be a good girl" Mira sighs, before she giggles "Well almost, I didn't kill people at least, but still, haven't seen my family for years"

"That's because you killed them" Marlo sighs smacking her on the shoulder "So cigar or?"

"No thanks, I don't smoke" I say happily waving my hands around "but come on, that's a waste of resources"

"So is the whole, kill to get out of class thing he does every time he gets a new group of little psychopaths" Marlo says angrily, his eyes losing their usual good cheer as his lip twitches with disgust "You know he just does it to weed out the week and the ones he needs to temper more, disgusting"

"It works" Mira says shrugging "Still, hard to swallow it stills going on"

"Well the guy has been alive for how long" Dane says angrily "Of course...that's not the worst part, the crazy ones thrive there you know"

I feel my lips curl into a smile

"Yeah, the worst part has to be the start of the second year, sends all the normal ones out and forces them to kill, or die" Marlo says leaning back with a sigh "...but by then most people have lost their consiousness, so its a good thing, a mercy almost"

"Besides, its fun to see there faces" Mira giggles "But makes you wonder about that miller girl, you know the soul eater"

"Oooh yeah the one who caused the shadow war" Marlo says, sounding a bit afraid as he nods slowly
I'll explain why I stopped and don't think rotating is a good idea personally at the end
"Heard the old dog couldn't even bring her down, a man with more experience than some guilds, dead in a day"

"Well, a sledgehammer will break a scalpel " Dane says, eating a spoon full of grey mush as he looks at me out of the corner of his eyes "She ain't even human anymore"

"Oh yeah, that's the funnest part" Mira giggles, tapping her fingers on the table "She's practically a walking weapon, don't know why Marrow hasn't stopped her yet, she's even more loco than me"

"Guess his love for crazies finally got him one even he couldn't control, she's too dangerous to dispose of" Marlo laughs, smiling widely as I start to feel...something, not sure what it is, but I don't like it "What do you think Badger...you haven't said something in awhile...feeling alright"

"Want to go lie down?" Mira giggles, leaning over the table towards me

"Away foul whore" Marlo says smacking her gently away

"I just need some air...this place is too stuffy for me" I say flatly as I stand up and start to walk away

"Yeah...chef would kill me if I smoked in here again" Dane says smiling happily as he starts to get up "Mind if I come along, I won't bite, I'm a nice doggy"

"Yeah, besides when he pisses on the carpet" Marlo says with a smirk

"Oh so do you when you're drunk" Mira says with a huff as she crosses her arms

Yet Agent Great dane follow you for air?
[] Yes
[] No
>[] No
>[] Yes
>[] Yes
>[] No
>It would be better for your sake if you didn't
>[] No

We'll probably need to look for something to feed
"Don't like dogs" I say with a flat chuckle as dane's face falls and Marlo laughs loudly, he shrugs, saying nothing as he lights his cigarette as I walk out of the mess hall, trying to to tune out all the noise in it so I don't get any madder than I already am.

The lights in the hall light up and flicker as I push the door to it open, the artificial white light blinding me for a second as my mask tries to adjust to it.

I growl under my breath and put my hands in my pocket as I walk down it, closing my eyes as I hear the door close behind me, keeping my ears open to listen for the smoking annoyance following me.

Why is it here yet, I'm out of blood here, and I'm starting to fall apart here, being so far away from Maria is putting me on edge, and it isn't safe for me to not be on the top of my game when I'm hunting something that Headmaster seems to think requires me to kill.

And then a nagging little voice whispers in the back of my head...what if that thing actually exists? this is a place to send defects and things that are too dangerous or wild to trust in missions.

Like a dog penal.

I shake my head, He wouldn't do that, he'd know I'd kill all of them if he did that. He wouldn't be stupid enough to do that to me.

I grab onto the rusted bars of the ladder and climb up, pushing the hatch open with a creak, rain splatter on my lenses as I crawl out of it

What do I do?
[] keep thinking like that
[] take off the mask, and bask in the fresh air
[] look for something to get a snack out of 1d20
[]Patrol around, looking for...anything 1d20
[] lay down in the mud
[] try to get out of this place
[] write in
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] look for something to get a snack out of 1d20
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>[] look for something to get a snack out of 1d20
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] take off the mask, and bask in the fresh air
>[] look for something to get a snack out of 1d20
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] look for something to get a snack out of 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[]Patrol around, looking for...anything 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] look for something to get a snack out of 1d20
I lick my fangs, as the haze of thirst fill my mind. I need something to drink, and the only other thing around here would probably get me in a boat load of trouble...then again who cares about trouble, I don't all it does it make things interesting. Besides they said the headmaster wanted these people dead....still.

I sigh and look back at the rusted metal hatch. I mean I could kill all of them in a few minutes on a slow day but.

I hear something running in front of me, and turn, seeing a rabbit bouncing around in the rain, its fur matted with mud.

What do I do?
[] eat the rabbit
[]....no one would care if I killed them...
[]forget it, I'm strong enough to not need it
[] write in
>[]....no one would care if I killed them...
>[]....no one would care if I killed them...
>[] eat the rabbit
I'd rather keep the meatshields around for when crazy mcshootypriest shows up.
>[] eat the rabbit
>[] eat the rabbit
No killy the people. They must be alive to be terrified shitless when we kill the actual target
>[]....no one would care if I killed them...
>[] eat the rabbit
We still need our bait.
There is dozens of people here, one or two won't make a difference
>[] eat the rabbit
>[] eat the rabbit
>moralfags are infesting and samefagging even ASQ
God this quest can't die fast enough, this is fucking disgusting to watch
>[]....no one would care if I killed them...
Changed my mind, kill the fuckers
...it is absolutely amazing to watch the idiots in this thread.
>[]....no one would care if I killed them...
>keeping people alive long enough to terrify them even more thoroughly is moralfagging
Fuck off moralfag cancer, don't you ruin enough quests with your faggotry already, ASQ WAS GOOD BECAUSE IT DIDN'T USE TO HAVE THIS SHIT
Yes it is, its transparently bullshit because if we eat one or two there are enough left to terrify, even if Layla gave a shit about terrifying people which she doesn't
Oi. Dumbass. Some of us don't want to tip off the highly trained assassins that something is making them disappear. I don't want to have to deal with that shit, I just want to fight the churchfucker already. Hiding who we are is plenty annoying without there being people BESIDES the dog guy being suspicious.
This ain't moralfaggotry, this is trying to not have to deal with more bullshit then we need to so we can get to the fight already.
Yes because none of the trained assassins will notice their friends vanishing. We are not exactly the most subtle member of the lucky coin.
This shit is making me regret to have ever voted for finding Eli, it opened the gates for the moralfag cancer to infest and ruin this quest by making Layla not wanting to kill people.
Its emberassing to watch what logic loops these retards jump through to justify that shit.
>even if Layla gave a shit about terrifying people which she doesn't
People, this is your prime example of delusion.
>[]....no one would care if I killed them...
Layla doesn't care about other people or their mental states at all, thats why she basically never bothers torturing anyone, or never bothered taking revenge on knight dude.
...well that got stupid fast. I thought we were past the unwarranted shitposting?
He's..right though? Wtf are you on about?
Layla doesn't care about other people.
Eh, some people just never got over that this quest went lighter and softer when new people started showing up that had been kept out by the old Layla.
>[] eat the rabbit
Votes long over, you can stop samefagging kiddo.
>[] eat the rabbit
at this point I'm going to keep doing it PURELY to annoy you.
>This ain't moralfaggotry,
Lets not go into the transparent denial, this is definitly moralfaggotry, there is no practical reason not to drain one or two of these people dry, these people are completly apathetic towards eachother at best, they won't matter in the actual fight, and Layla needs blood in her and the rabbit just isn't enough.
So making Layla gimp herself ina fight just to not have to kill people is moralfaggotry.
I close my eyes, and walk over the rabbit, vanishing for a few steps as I crouch down and pick it up, digging my fingers into its neck and fazing my hand into it, grabbing its veins and slowly pulling them through its throat as I watch it scream and kick around.

Hmm, I tilt my head as I hold it up, never knew they screamed like that. still, its making to much noise. I tug my arm back, and rip its veins to pieces, blood spraying as its kicks and struggles get weaker and weaker.

Maybe a bit excessive, but I needed to let off some steam, all this waiting is killing me, or driving me mad.

I pull my mask off just enough to suck it dry of blood. Tastes horrible
I Want Maria's blood
this tastes worse than dirt.

I growl angrily and toss the rabbit's corpse over the fence, spitting some of the blood still on my tongue into a puddle, wiping my mouth before I pull the mask over my mouth. It'd be even worse than hell if I left blood in there, I can only imagine the itching.

It wasn't enough, and no one would care if I killed them.
I scratch my neck as I stand there in the rain, weighing my options.

I can't drink rabbit blood
It's disgusting and about as quenching as shoveling sand in my mouth

There aren't any blood bags left, and I while can stomach them, but they're nothing close to the real thing, fresh blood

I want to go back home, I hate being here, I hate it, it's driving me mad.

What do I do?
[] time skip a week of eating rabbits waiting
[] Take my mask off and sit out here for a while, in a hidden corner
[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
[] cry and bang my head into the wall
[] Check my traps to make sure they're still up
[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
[] write in
you, see
i don't want to have to deal with MORE hiding bullshit.
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
Right if we don't find anything here soon ima just say 'fuck it' and vote to start slaughtering the base. Honestly if the old guy didn't see this coming then I gave him way t much credit for intelligence.
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
Maybe we accidently eat our target
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
>[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] sniff the air for any strong blood 1d20
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care

>putting Layla somewhere for several days if not weeks without blood reserves
I'm pretty sure he expects us to clean out this place.
So what better than acting contrary to his expectations?
If we ate everyone here we can go home too though, so your argument is complete nonsense.
I see no reason to be contrarian for its own sake.
Eating properly, thats better.
Also why would we act against his expectation? We like killing people, he wants us to kill people, match made in heaven.
>[] No one would care, no one would care, no one would care
different anon here, pretty sure he'd make us stay here to catch the church guy. I have no qualms about using the base as our own personal lunch box while we wait however.
>make us stay here to catch the church guy. I have no qualms about using the base as our own personal lunch box while we wait however.
In case you forgot, which is understandable given its been a while, the church guy is one of them.
The enemy infiltrates our bases, thats why we got send here anonymous.
It was never directly said, its only highly implied he is. He might also be very good at gathering information from the outside.
No one would care if I just ate one, now one would care if I just ate a handful. I lick my lips, and take a step towards the hatch, shaking my head as mud seeps into my boot, making me shiver as I look around.

Why isn't he here? Headmaster said he'd be here in a day or two, why isn't he here? Why can't I kill him yet?! WHY WHY WHY!? I've been here for two weeks, having to deal with people who are about as smart as my left boot!

Besides, these people are dead anyways, keeping me alive would be a much better use of their blood instead of just letting it spread and go to waste on the floor like a butcher's shop. Yeah, it'd be much more efficient if I just ate a few of them.

S OH FINALLY YOU SPEAK MY LANGUAGE MILLER, YES, DEVOUR THEM ALL, and if anyone tells you off, eat them to, you're the apex predator, none can tell you what to do, break free come on come on! FEAST FEAST S

<Don't encourage her, I already died once you bitch, I don't need her going crazier than she already is because of you>

[...she doesn't need to coin, besides, I doubt this would get her thrown out and if it did...well I know she could easily...force her way back]

<You've spent too long inside of her...jack>


T Men are but cattle, butcher them at your leisure, listening to them as masters is akin to selling your soul...I would know, darling T

[] Just need one...to keep sane...to keep sane
[] Hmm, I'm sure I could lure Marlo away...he has enough blood surely.
[] Mira...easy prey...easy prey
[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
[] S say it with me, they're nothing but meat, blood and bones S *Slaughter*
[] write in
In that case, wouldnt 'strong blood' be the best option? Sooner we find him sooner we go home.
>[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
>[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
I did vote for both in the eventuality that he has somehow stronger blood than average.

[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
Two birds, one stone.
>[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
>[] S say it with me, they're nothing but meat, blood and bones S *Slaughter*
Its time for genocide route
>[] Just need one...to keep sane...to keep sane
>[] Or two.. just to be sure
Don't really need to kill anyone even, if we want more bodies to throw away later, we do have Hypnotic Gaze for a reason
Hm, I would have liked to smell out stronger blood, can't really survive just on the humies for however long this is gonna take.

>[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
>[] Mira...easy prey...easy prey
>[] Dane needs to die, he knows too much already, or thinks he does
Even if anybody notices, they would understand since he's always annoying us.
You're right it, doesn't matter, they're all just blood anyways, does it really matter who kills them? of course it doesn't, besides I know one who I can do away with now.

Besides, I can't smell anything stronger than them out here, or the mud and rain all around me, so if the thing is close, I wouldn't know anyways, and being caught off guard without a drink is the last thing I want to do.

I start to giggle madly "Keheheheeheheehe"

That Dane fellow knows who I am, or thinks he does I think does it matter? that makes him a thorn in my side, a thorn I need to remove as quickly as I can. I walk towards the latch now chuckling

"Kahahahahha" I stop, laughing louder as my smile grows wider and more deranged with my laugh "KAHAHAHAHHAHAHA"

I stop for a second, taking a breath and radjusting my mask as I calm myself down, before I leap into the hallway, catching the ladder with my hand, grabbing the hatch and pulling it down with a slam.

I turn around in the tube and peek down the hallway, hanging my feet as my tails wrap around my legs

It's empty, and all I can smell is my own sweat and their blood

So much blood

I blink and hold myself up.

What do I do?
[] Wait, hiding here until dane gets out
[] Blood form into the vents
[] Just kill him in the cafeteria *How*
[] wait in his room
[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
[] write in
>[] Blood form into the vents
>[] Wait, hiding here until dane gets out
>[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
>[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
>[] Wait, hiding here until dane gets out
>[] Blood form into the vents
>[] wait for him in his room
>[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
>[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
>[] Blood form into the vents
>[] ambush him when the spirit tells us he's alone somewhere
>[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
>[] send out a spirit to spy on him through a vent
>[] Blood form into the vents
>[] ambush him when the spirit tells us he's alone somewhere
I climb up a bit further, so I no one can see me, I need to be stealthy about this. If he even thinks I'm stalking him he'll ruin everything, tell someone, or just make my day even harder than it already is in someway I can't imagine right now. I sigh, reaching for my belt and reaching for my curved dagger, flipping it around and stabbing it through my glove.

The drop of blood flows down its blade, and I lick my lips as the bit of almost black and rotten blood drips onto floor with a barely audible noise. Sounded like a broken faucet

Who goes?
[] Jack
[] Alive
[] Thradrick
[] Sitari
>[] Jack
>[] Jack
>[] Jack
>[] Jack
Should be the stealthiest, I think
>[] Alive
>[] Jack

I don't even really care as long as it isn't Sitari because I don't think she knows stealth.
>[] Alive
The drop expands into a pool, that slowly bubbles and burns around, forming the tattered and blood soaked body of Jack, his hood blowing in an unseen wind. He cracks his neck, and yawns as he forces it back into place, his form bubbling and breaking apart back into blood as he walks along the hall way.

Jack the reaper
I have a feeling Ulysses is planning something here. All the fools who think Layla is the soul cause for the shadow war are fools, though they would look like blood thirsty monsters if they continued on with her death, holding grudges...sure, but the last one had those as well, which no doubt caused this one.

The so called cause gone, the war would soon follow. If anyone can kill her...still abandoning her would be a good way to get the coin out of it, and there's nothing more the headmaster loves than his children.

I creep up the wall slipping into one of the barely working vents, slipping through the halfway stuck fan, peering past the grill and into the cafeteria.

Maybe I'm just paranoid...but all of this doesn't add up, unlike Layla, I read the papers on the flight over here...or the bits and pieces her eyes saw.

whoever is doing this was going on a spree
a base a week..it just doesn't add up. There was a very clear path, with this base in the way..but now he suddenly decides to take a two week break?

Shouldn't tell Layla
she'd go berserk if I did

this is all just too fishy
and not in the way my host enjoys

I lay again the cold metal, feeling my bloody body cling to it as the Dane guy smokes on his cigarette, before a fat man in a chefs hat screams at him and he heads to the door.

What do I do?
[] report to my master
[] trail him
[] kill him myself
[] think on how...odd this all feels
[] write in
>[] trail him
>[] think on how...odd this all feels
>[] trail him
>[] trail him
>[] think on how...odd this all feels
The Coin doesn't exactly have the best information containment policies, its leaking info all over the place all the time
>[] trail him
>[] think on how...odd this all feels
>[] think on how...odd this all feels
>[] report to my master
>[] trail him
>[] think on how...odd this all feels
>[] trail him
>[] think on how...odd this all feels
Now...if I would to tell Layla now it'd be useless, she probably wants to kill him when he's alone, so as not to draw to much suspicion on herself, or at least the least amount of it.

I seep out of the back of the vent and drip down to the floor, sticking to the dark side of the wall as I slowly creep down the hall, following the footsteps of dane as he slowly...ever so slowly makes his way down it, the lights flickering above us.

Still it's...odd about how odd this is, Surely the headmaster knew sending Layla here would be a bad idea, she's dependent on Maria at this point. He must've thought the man would be here in a day or two..but still it doesn't make sense.

In fact I can only see two scenarios that could lead to this personally

the headmaster wants an excuse to throw Layla, and thus me and alive to the wolves


There's an inside man, and they're trying to make her do it to herself.

Now knowing how stupid the two main groups of people who want her dead, I doubt its the latter, they don't have any patience, being terrorists and zealots.

Still it'd be idiotic for the headmaster to risk something like that.

No matter which it is, it'd have to be the result of unusual cunning or stupidity.

The headmaster has been around far longer than he should have, and the human mind is not meant to last for such a time

Still, manipulating Layla in such a way.

I sigh internally as I see Dane walk into his quarters, shutting the door behind him

What do I do?
[] go in and reveal myself
[] return to Layla
[] weigh the likely hood of the two possibilities
[] sneak in and see what he does
[] write in
>[] return to Layla
>[] weigh the likely hood of the two possibilities
>[] sneak in and see what he does
>[] sneak in and see what he does
Well, I guess it was always possible Headmaster turns against us, though I don't particularly believe it yet.
>[] sneak in and see what he does
>[] weigh the likely hood of the two possibilities
>[] sneak in and see what he does
>[] weigh the likely hood of the two possibilities
>[] sneak in and see what he does
>[] return to Layla
>[] weigh the likely hood of the two possibilities
>[] sneak in and see what he does
>[] sneak in and see what he does
>[] weigh the likely hood of the two possibilities
Still the lord's dagger and Naturis' idea of subtlety is sending a hunger mad vampire at her, or a team of terrorists with a well trained guildless merc after her in the hopes it will kill her before she can devour them in a blood orgy of violence.

So planning something like this? out of the question, even if the ashen cauldron was in it, as it is mostly made of seers and scholars, and...our boss was never the most sane to be honest. Even if they did, I doubt the other two would listen, and I know the cauldron doesn't have any assassin capable of what this one has been doing...so can't be that

But then again, I think as I slip under the door, and onto rough, barely carved out rock, the headmaster has managed to keep a guild under his power for centuries, and that is despite his brutish recruiting methods.

He has to be a genius to do something like that, the sheer logistics of it alone would be a nightmare even for a trained, intelligent mind that an assassin would need. And sure that comes in many flavors, and I might have only seen him drinking and generally lazing around like a over fed cat, he must be brilliant to...to

he could just be lucky, those coins he gives to Layla they..do something, change cause and effect in some way, effect luck. A luck charm, a powerful one considering what I've seen them do, if they are...and he has plenty of them
in theory he could be a fool, riding on the coattails of luck to succeed and flourish so...fantastically.

I sigh internally and look around the room, all this...thinking is distracting me.

It's barren, there's a small bookshelf and table near the corner, a few dirty magazines under the bed and covered in ash

and One dane laying on his bed, smocking like a chimney.

What do I do?
[] report back
[] talk to him
[]continue pondering this conundrum
[]Assassinate him, for old times sake
[] write in
>[] report back
>[]continue pondering this conundrum
>[] report back
>[] report back
>[] report back
>[]Assassinate him, for old times sake
>[]continue pondering this conundrum
>[] report back
>[] report back
>[]continue pondering this conundrum
>[] report back
>[]continue pondering this conundrum
Good, he's alone as I expected. Layla will be overjoyed to here this little tidbit of knowledge. I crawl back up the small lip in the door and slip back into the hallways, slowly crawling down it as I go back to my thoughts, feeling a headache even though I don't have on currently, or any nerves or muscles to feel with it. Still, to assume that this is the work of the three guilds working in unity completely is a pretty large leap of faith for their ability to tolerate each other for long enough to play a game such as this. Both Naturis and the lord's dagger would object to such a plan, as they would prefer to attack head on, and both of them are populated solely by zealots, either ones thinking they're doing gods work by burning eachother or ones that think humanity is a stain that needs to be fed to the world to make it grow.

I don't think they could produce someone with the patience to wait like a good assassin should. So that leaves the Ashen cauldron, which has no assassin that uses any kind of fire arm, and the training of one would take years, or require binding more than one demon, which would require incredible willpower, Like Layla has, but she's...well she's of a special breed isn't she.

So the Assassin cannot be from either of them, unless they found one who was just logical enough to follow a plan, which from what I have seen, Naturis and the daggers don't have enough brains to put someone through highschool, combined.

Now I see an old man, using some kind of magic to extend his life, maybe a dark deal or trade of some kind, a bargain with a devil? the man in the hat? who knows, he must be in contact with some great power to not be dust yet. His main power is he is eternal, so he can't be dethroned, as anyone who would be crazy or stupid enough to not realize that dethroning him would send the guild into chaos as many scramble for the throne to rule over it.

...And Layla is similarly long lasting, and far stronger. However she has no real goals besides loving Maria and killing anything that annoys or amuses her.

But all it takes would be Maria or someone else, much more unlikely than the first, to put the idea in her that she could control the coin. And many would follow her out of fear, maybe respect...or just shared insanity

And though they would probably not follow her if she did kill the headmaster, who could stop her? she's....she's a killing machine when she puts her mind to it.

I can see how the headmaster can see her as a threat, none of the subtle methods could dream of harming her
Poison, explosives, accidents, I'm not even sure a knife to the heart would put her down now that she is...well has the souls of two first generation vampires on top of being one herself.

an indestructible killer, who's crazy and uncaring of her own life that if she wanted to, she could no doubt take over the coin in a manner of days if not hours

this is...getting more and more unsettling

"Jack?" Layla asks peeking down from the pipe leading to the ceiling, pulling and biting at her mask on instinct as it constricts her unnecessary breathing "Where is he? is he alone..please tell me he is, I'm going mental up here"

"Of course he is my master" I say reforming as her masks stretches with her sick grin, and she pulls my back into herself, via her mouth

Good, I say as I lick my lips, tasting my own blood as I hope down to the hallway

He's alone, this should be easy, no one to gang up on me, no one to hear him scream
just perfect

What do I do?
[] walk to his room
[] Sneak up to it 1d20
[] Blood from there
[] Summon my army and march
[] cast a spell 1d20
[] write in
>[] Blood from there
>[] Blood form there
>[] Blood from there
I don't find that logic very compelling, afterall the only person who can actually make Layla do anything would be Maria, who is a shit-in otaku who much rather leave the coin entirely..
>[] Blood from there
>[] Blood form there
it's jack trying to understand any reason headmaster would do it
since to him, headmaster betraying Layla makes the most sense
>[] Blood from there
I wasn't criticising it or anything, just felt like sharing my thoughts on the plausibility of it.
Its not really impossible and it sort of fits with the general narrative we keep having recently.
I grin, as I walk forward, slowly shifting my body into blood with a bit of a prickling pain as I force every part of my body into a nice slurry of the tasty red stuff, briefly holding onto my shape before I turn fully into a puddle of thick, almost black blood.

I fly over the hallways floor, throwing myself up with a thought, balling up and slowly pushing myself against the ceiling so I don't make a noise by just slamming into it. Dodging between the lights, I crawl down the hall in liquid form, pressing against the door way and seeping through it slowly, clinging to the ceiling so my prey hiding in his little cave of his room won't hear me.

What do I do?
[] drop down and reform
[] drop on him 1d20
[] Blood control him up 1d20
[] Poisonous blood 1d20
[] cast a spell or two 1d20
[] watch him
[] Mess with him for a bit
[] write in
I was just explaining, sorry if it came off as rude
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] drop on him 1d20
>[] Poisonous blood 1d20
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[] drop on him 1d20
>[] Poisonous blood 1d20
Make ourselves poisonous, weaken him, then feast
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] Poisonous blood 1d20
>[] drop down and reform
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Poisonous blood 1d20
>[] drop down and reform
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] Blood control him up 1d20
>Leave him alive. No point killing him when we can use him as a bloodbank, especially when we don't know how long we'll be here
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] Poisonous blood 1d20
>[] drop down and reform
I think you want to wait for when we bite him, we probably get the option to thrall him, which is probably closest to what you want.
>bite him
>thinking we won't force his blood to break out of his skin and come to us
Anon pls.
Yeah I'm not super eager on having to roll twice for that either.

People don't replenish blood that fast and we dearly hope to not be stuck here for another three weeks that would take at least.
I force a few drops of myself at him like bullets, turning them putrid with poison and venom before throwing them into the air. He gasps in pain, as the drops of blood rip through his neck, he falls off his bed at the same time I drop from the ceiling, reforming as he starts to laugh darkly.

He struggles to stand, licking his lips as he stands up, his eyes filled with pain, tears and...joy?

"Oh you're going to regret that Layla" He says, struggling to talk as his veins bulge as he claws at his neck and...oh he's grabbing a crucifix "You really, really are, say, get this crap out of me and I might be of some help here"

I move my hand back and lock the door, as I rip my mask off, so I can feed on him easier.

What do I do?
[] Pretty smug talk for a dead man
[] I don't need any help
[] what are you talking about?
[] stab him
[] Pounce and bite 1d20
[] stare into my eyes 1d20
[] Pull his blood out of him 1d20
[] Summon and use the scythe 1d20
[] Sitaria*whistle* 1d20
[] cast a spell 1d20
[] syringe him 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] Pull his blood out of him 1d20
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>[] what are you talking about?
>[] Pull his blood out of him 1d20
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] stare into my eyes 1d20
>[] what are you talking about?
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[] Pretty smug talk for a dead man
>[] I don't need any help
>[] Pull his blood out of him 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] stare into my eyes 1d20
>[] what are you talking about?
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] stare into my eyes 1d20
>[] what are you talking about?
>get this crap out of me
He's REALLY asking for it with that line, but I do actually kinda want to know what he's talking about.
Guess cats curiousity.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] stare into my eyes 1d20
>[] what are you talking about?
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Pull his blood out of him 1d20
>[] what are you talking about?
Yeah figured as much. I cross my arms, and frown, still it's kind of interesting how calm he is in the face of death, namely me..hmm maybe it'd be worth figuring out what he's blabbering about, and more importantly if he's actually telling the truth.

I leer at him, staring into his eyes with a squint as I turn my thoughts to domination, control, and ruling over those weaker than me, really the opposite of my usual thoughts...I miss Maria

He winces twitching as he freezes, hold his neck as his eyes flash red

"What are you talking about?" I ask slowly as I force him to smile

"OOoh" He says with a sick grin that looks like it's ripping his face apart "Just something that could keep you and your love alive, that's what you want right, to live in peace with her? don't give a crap about this shadow war, or the guild right? you just want your perfect little AAH!"

I make him scream in pain, forcing to his knees as I force my blood through his veins, bursting a few of them

"Yet me finish" He growls trying to sound angry through pain

What do I do?
[] force him to continue
[] ....yeah, so what
[] Kill him *how*
[] Sure sure, bullshit
[] tell me, NOW!
[] mhmm
[] write in
>[] force him to continue
>[] tell me, NOW!
>[] force him to continue
>[] tell me, NOW!

Welp, he said the magic words.
>[] force him to continue
>[] tell me, NOW!
>[] force him to continue
>[] tell me, NOW!
>[] force him to continue
>[] tell me, NOW!
>[] Kill him *how*
>Suck him dry, eat his soul, force his enthralled spirit to tell us
None of that bullshit anymore, he implied threat to maria
This, don't want to risk bim dying on us during interrogation
>[] force him to continue
>[] tell me, NOW!
>[] Kill him *how*
>Suck him dry, eat his soul, force his enthralled spirit to tell us
I glare at him, tearing his veins apart with the blood I put in him, his face contorting in agony as I take out some of my anger on him.

"Tell me" I say calmly as he screams noiselessly, because I'm forcing him not to make a noise "NOW!"

"The shadows war isn't...important it's just..a diversion" He whimpers in pain, trying to push his cross forward "there's a much older ...thing that wants all the guilds destroyed, if you side with us we'll...make sure she's safe, we just want the guilds gone, and you're...too strong to fight directly you know...but there are ways to break you s..s.still, p..please yet me t..talk"

His heart is speeding up...it's either about to give out or he's on the edge of a heart attack

<Aren't those the same thing?>

Sort of, but one is his body doing it, the other is my blood

What do I do?
[] remove the poison really quickly
[] try to force his heart back to a normal pace 1d20
[] just eat him
[]So you'd kill maria then? what makes you think I could
[] ...so you want me to betray the coins...why?
[] so you're my target then
[]...hmm so you know where my target is?
[]And how can I trust you?
[] write in
>[] so you're my target then
>[] so you're my target then
>[] just eat him
>[] Kill him *how*
>Suck him dry, eat his soul, force his enthralled spirit to tell us
Okay fuck this guy and his threats. Let's pull the truth from his trapped spirit. These people want to threaten maria? All we need is a list of address's.
>[] So... did you just threaten Maria..?!

>[] just eat him
>[] just eat him
Yeah no, you don't get to threaten maria and live
>[] Kill him *how*
>Suck him dry, eat his soul, force his enthralled spirit to tell us
>[] So... did you just threaten Maria..?!
>[] just eat him
>[] just eat him
>Suck him dry, eat his soul, force his enthralled spirit to tell us
>[] so you're my target then
>[] ...so you want me to betray the coins...why?
I glare at him, slowly bursting every vein and artery in him as I take my sweet time to walk up to him, as he starts to chuckle darkly, showing not a drop of fear, despite no doubt knowing what I'm about to do to him.

"Have fun being stuck here bitch" He says calmly as I grab his neck, digging my fingers into the holes my blood made here "He's never g..go.go ccccc"

And he mysteriously stops talking as I bite into his neck, and start sucking, his blood flowing into his mouth as my ears shake happily as my tails free themselves as I bite into his neck and close my eyes for a second to enjoy this

I sigh and wipe my mouth grinning widely as I drop his lifeless body to the floor, his blank eyes staring out at the door as his last cigarette falls from his lips. I stomp on it and twist my boot, smushing its ashes into the floor as his soul rises up, and I rip it out of the air and jam it in my mouth, trying to chew on it for a second before giving up and swallowing it

Total people drained 12
total souls trapped inside you: 28 +1 demon

And then I hear the screaming in my head for a second, similar to the rest that I silenced long ago

What do I do?
[] leave
[] Interrogate him *how*
[] just rip his mind apart for the information
[] hide the body *how*
[] write in
[] write in
>[] just rip his mind apart for the information
>[] just rip his mind apart for the information
>[] hide the body *how*
>Have Jack drag it into the vents and outside the base
>[] just rip his mind apart for the information
>[] hide the body *how*
>Summon Werewolf and let it eat the body
If he can do that, seconding
>Welcome to eternity bastard! Your roommates will help you get settled.
>[] just rip his mind apart for the information
>[] hide the body *how*
Can we make super agressive blood poison to melt him with our blood form?
>[] just rip his mind apart for the information
>[] hide the body *how*
>Summon Werewolf and let it eat the body
I hold my hand out, waving my fingers around as they twist around each other without pain as my arm rips apart, as a mass of claws, furs and teeth forces its way out of me as I focus on keeping Dane's voice from just joining the voiceless chorus of my mind for a few seconds longer.

Pressing my finger of my full hand, I shush the werewolf, ordering it to be quite about its meal as it rips crawls out of what's left of my arm as it goes to its meal, and I use the fresh blood to reform it, watching it rip meat and bones to pieces as I focus a little harder on the screaming in my head as I suck up every drop of blood before me with the werewolf stuck to my arm.

The horrified screaming is getting annoy, so I go to "digesting" the son of a bitches mine, picking it apart of memories and anything else that might make him heart in there, it slowly grows more disoriented and broken as I rip it to little tiny pieces, forcing anything useful I find to stick around for awhile rather than just floating away on the streams of my conscious ness

<....remind me to be nicer to her, okay jack>
[ you need reminding?]
S tastes funny S

I see a man in a duster, wearing a crusaders helm, with friendly eyes, sitting in a cave talking to me...or rather Dane. I speed up the memory, and grin as I see it's a small cave on the side of a cliff, the very cliff this base is on

"right under my nose" I say giggling as I force the werewolf back into me, my arm bulging grossly as I process its body back into blood, after making it return into it, I lick up the last bit of Dane with its tongue and fangs, crushing it in my hands as I turn smiling towards the door, as I pull my mask back over my head

*Humanity decreased*

What do I do?
[] Kill everyone, head master expects them to be dead anyways...wouldn't want to disapoint
[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
[] hum and skip down the hallways
[] At least he isn't screaming anymore
[] continue ripping what little is left of his mind to pieces 1d20
[] write in

And now Layla knows how Raz felt when she ate people
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
Surprising something like this still pings on her humanity scale
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
>[] *hums quietly "backtomariasoon~"
>[] Kill everyone, head master expects them to be dead anyways...wouldn't want to disapoint
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
>[] At least he isn't screaming anymore
>[] Kill everyone, head master expects them to be dead anyways...wouldn't want to disapoint
Very subtle guys. Really great.

>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
And don't forget to put our mask back on
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
Layla aint to good at subtle. She is the assassin equivalent of a Tsar Bomba.
Layla isn't so much a assassain as she is a walking natural disaster you point in a direction and figure what you want dead is gonna be among the ensuing carnage.
>[] just go to the cave, and kill the bastard
>[] hum and skip down the hallways
>hum two lovers
pretty much yeah. Remember that cultist town where we just said "Fuck it, this is taking to long." and blew everything up?
That was pretty classic.

This mission is pretty much the same apparently, Headmaster figured once Layla goes crazy and starts killing everyone, our assassin will probably be among them.
Hence the Tsar Bomba simile.
I thought that similie was more a overkill comparison to other similarly operating assassins.
Both work, but importantly. The mission is almost over and MARRIIIAAAA will be back for a bloody great time.
Do I really even need to wear my mask!? this thing is annoying anyways..still I've been such a good girl, it'd be a shame to ruin it all now. just going to have to bear with it a little longer, and then I can have Maria rub and pet my face and hair as much as I want!

I hum happily, the filter killing the sound as I skip down the hall, skipping a few pieces of space to speed up the process, landing a few feet from where I would have landed through fazing by going so much faster than the world around me.

I don't bother to pay attention if anyone saw me, but I doubt they did, because I would've killed them if I had, Missions almost finished, don't need to leave some loose ends around just because I got a little sloppy.

I continue humming, can't wait till I get, can't wait till I get baaaaack to maria.
I smile under my mask as I trapeze up the ladder and faze through the hatch, moving so quickly I nearly slip on the mud around it.

I steady myself and rip my mask off, tossing it aside as I make the wings of smoke flow out of my back with a nice burning sensation, running through the mud and leaping into the air as I fly over the unguarded walls off the fort, the empty waste around it, and down the cliff face.


I see the cave, a small little hole in the rock

What do I do?
[] divebomb 1d20
[] sneak in 1d20
[] walk in
[] write in

Completely destroying something is more evil than she has done so far

internet went down for a few minutes
sorry bout that
>[] walk in
basically you did what raz did to the souls she ate
>Explosives? Explosives.
im assuming we still have some.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] sneak in 1d20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] divebomb 1d20
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] sneak in 1d20
Do we still have explosives from the local armory?
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] sneak in 1d20
welp. that went as well as could be expected.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] sneak in 1d20
>[] walk in

This bunker aint big enough fer the two of us.
We could coin it if we want to collapse the cave on him I guess.
A very small cave, even if its connected to a vaster system it would be easy to collapse the entrance and leave the crusader cowboy hiding out in there to either be crushed or die a nice and slow death from starvation.

I grin as I fly over to the front of it, slamming into the cliff face. I shake my head, feeling a bit dazed for a second, but I come to just long enough to grab the edge of the caves lip before I plummet to the ground. I pull myself up and see a massive magnum in my face, with a cross forged into either side of it, in some weird snow white metal..doesn't look like paint

I look up and see the bastard himself, his eyes hidden behind the shadows of his helmet

"Heeeeeeeeeey YOU!" I shout, grinning as he steps back, keeping his hand cannon trained on my head

"Dane...must've...given...our...offer....in some" He says, sounding like he's having trouble using his tongue "Unreasonable....terms....trust me...I do not....wish to....hurt your....love...if he....implied as such.....sister"

What do I do?
[] Try to blood control him off 1d20
[] tackle and stab him 1d20
[] Cast a spell 1d20
[] toss explosives at him 1d20
[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
[]I don't care, you might havethought about hurting her!? so you have to die? got it
[].....go on?
[] oh shut up already
[] write in
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>[]I don't care, you might havethought about hurting her!? so you have to die? got it
>[] tackle and stab him 1d20
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
>[] Try to blood control him off 1d20
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>[]I don't care, you might havethought about hurting her!? so you have to die? got it
>[] toss explosives at him 1d20
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
>[]I don't care, you might havethought about hurting her!? so you have to die? got it
>[] Try to blood control him off 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] tackle and stab him 1d20
>[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
>[] tackle and stab him 1d20
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
>[]I don't care, you might havethought about hurting her!? so you have to die? got it
>[] Try to blood control him off 1d20
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>[] Hmmm? sister, I don't have any brothers
>[]I don't care, you might havethought about hurting her!? so you have to die? got it
>[] tackle and stab him 1d20
"Hmm?" I ask as I hang there, grabbing my knife with my free hand "Sister? I don't have any brothers"

"True, but by blood we are connected" He laughs as he reaches to lift his shirt up, showing a nasty looking network of scars.

I grin and leap at him as he's distracted, tackling to the ground and stabbing my knife into his chest with the sound of ripping leather.

He smacks me on the head as I try to lick the blood flowing off of him, and he tosses me in the cave, pointing his massive gun at me again

"I have....holy bullets...sister, please....don't make me do this" He says flatly as he tilts his head almost mechaniclly "we can....destroy our...enemies together...and be...free of...the game...of death"

"I don't care what bullshit you're spouting, you might have thought about hurting her?!I scream as I glare at him, and his eyes go sad "So you have to die?! GOT IT!?"

"Please" He says once again "I want...to help"

What do I do?
[] attack him 1d20
[] listen to him first
[] tackle him off the cliff 1d20
[] Stare into my eyes 1d20
[] try to poison him with syringes or blood 1d20
[]Cast a spell 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] try to poison him with syringes
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] try to poison him with syringes or blood 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] tackle him off the cliff 1d20
>[] listen to him first
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[]Cast a spell 1d20
Hellplasma him
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>[] try to poison him with syringes
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>>[]Cast a spell 1d20
>Hellplasma him
Sheeeeeet, too bad he's probably as immune to poison as we are.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] try to poison him with syringes or blood 1d20
Dice gods clearly demand poisoning apparently
We aren't immune to poison, we ARE poison. That or we can just acid burn him with something really nasty.
I stare at him for a minute...holy bullets? hmm, considering how much just touching Sitari hurt when she just had some crosses and holy water slammed and stapled to her, I don't think I want to be hit with one of those things.

It might actually kill me,which wouldn't do, I want to be pampered by Maria, I deserve it, and she deserves to have my back.

I circle around him, pressing my stomach low to the ground as I crawl around, circling, and he backs up towards the mouth of the cave

"Not an idiot" He says flatly as he keeps his magnum trained at me.

I tilt my head and smirk, as I grab one of the syringe in my belt, pulling it out as I lower myself and gnash my teeth to distract him for the second I need to put my syringe and hand into the hole in his chest.

And then I run forward, he fires and faze a foot forward as the bullet flies towards me, I stand up and stab my hand and syringe into the hole in his chest, putting my arm around him as his eyes go wide in surprise.

"that isn't going to work I'm" He begins to say before he gasps in pain, grabbing his chest as he tries to rip my arm out of his chest.

there's a wet squelch and I press the plunger down, smashing it against his rib cage with a nasty, spine hurting scratching noise.

the glass cuts into my hand and I force my blood into him violently

He presses his gun against my head

What do I do?
[] faze forward
[] BITE HIM 1d20
[] stab him with the other knife 1d20
[] Blood form, flow into him
[] Cast a spell 1d20
[] try to grab his soul 1d20
[] fly up 1d20
[] blood control 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>[] Blood form, flow into him
>[] try to grab his soul 1d20

Get in the bag!
>[] Blood form, flow into him
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>[] Blood form, flow into him
>[] blood control 1d20
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>[] faze forward
>[] stab him with the other knife 1d20
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Blood form, flow into him
>[] try to grab his soul 1d20
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] Blood form, flow into him
>[] try to grab his soul 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] faze forward
>[] stab him with the other knife 1d20
My skin bubbles and reddens as I turn into blood and flow into him as he pulls the trigger, the gun shot ringing out as I force my way into him. He gasps in pain, and stumbles backwards, not saying a word as I work my way through his body like a parasite.

He mumbles something and I notice he's walking towards the edge of the cliff

What do I do?
[] *Pop* 1d20
[] force him not to 1d20
[] Just stay inside, blood can't be hurt by a fall
[] Mulch his insides 1d20
[] Full Layla card mode 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>[] Mulch his insides 1d20
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] Full Layla card mode 1d20

I love this option.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] force him not to 1d20
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] Full Layla card mode 1d20
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] Mulch his insides 1d20
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>[] Full Layla card mode 1d20
Rolled 8 (1d20)

>[] *Pop* 1d20
>[] let him fall, then reform and fly away laughing
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] Full Layla card mode 1d20
And then I let it all out, even though I don't need to, hands of the head, bodies, mouths, legs, misshapen and burned, so many different souls all screaming at a chance to escape erupting inside him all at once. He freezes, as his body is torn to bits in minutes, and then takes another step forward with a ragged and dying breath.

He slumps forward, bits of what's left of his body falling around him in a wonderful masterpiece of carnage

And then he reaches for something in his belt, and I hear a grenade's pin clatter to the floor

"Rest in peace" He manages to say as I start to feel the burn of something holy

What do I do?
[] throw myself away from him 1d20
[] RUN 1d20
[] Blood control him to make him throw it 1d20
[] cast a spell 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] RUN 1d20
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>[] throw myself away from him 1d20
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>[] RUN 1d20
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>[] RUN 1d20
>Faze away from him
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>[] RUN 1d20
>Faze away from him
>faze off the cliff
Those are some mediocre as fuck rolls, I'd like to blow a coin to be safe here

Also this, throw ourselves down the cliff, we can always reform from bloodform if we can't fly away
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] Blood control him to make him throw it 1d20
SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! I can hear the minds trapped in me screaming along with me as I practically fling myself out of him, fazing through the air as


I blink as I feel the shockwave slam into me, throwing me even further forward, right off the edge of the cliff. Pieces of me fly away, and in my panic to call it back, I reform, plummeting straight towards the ground a couple hundred feet under me as every nerve ending in my body screams in pain, rain falling down on me making steam rise as I swear I feel my bones turn liquid.

I blink, oh, I'm burning...hehehe

What do I do?
[] blood form again and fall
[] try to fly back up 1d20
[] summon my spirits to use to stop my fall 1d20
[] write in
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>[] try to fly back up 1d20
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>[] try to fly back up 1d20
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>[] try to fly back up 1d20
Like a goddamn undead catgirl phoenix we will rise!
Rolled 9 (1d20)

[] try to fly back up 1d20
>[] blood form again and fall
But don'tbloodform too early so we don't get splatered too much.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>[] try to fly back up 1d20
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>[] try to fly back up 1d20
I flap my wings, my bones breaking and groaning in pain as I feel the shards of them scrap along the insides of my legs. I close my eyes, feeling the way, hearing the wind. I just need..to get a little bit furth
and I can go back home to Maria and
Flashes of noises and light, people talking but I can't hear what they're saying. Burning, cold, warm and stiff. restricted by something, held back and uncomfortable. More pain...more pain.
Lights, the sounds of a helicopter, very loud, more cold, smell of gunpowder.
Beeep, beep beep, the only sound I hear as I come to, wrapped in bandages and bound to a bed with an iron in my mouth, my teeth bitten through it.

tubes of blood run into me and I'm staring at the ceiling. I manage to look over enough to see who's next to me, the belt around my neck making it difficult. My heart stops thudding in my chest as I see Maria, already asleep with her hand over mine. I smile weakly, feeling my own skin reforming over my bare flesh, as whatever they put on me burns like a bitch.

And next to Maria, Elizabeth is sitting, between Jasmine and Marla, who seems to have dragged a couch into the infirmary.

There's a few cards on the small table between me and Maria

I smirk as I see they're only from My loved ones, or the one's who want me to love them...as well as a few other names I don't know

I do however see Fraust and the night shift among them

I sigh, and try to scoot closer to Maria.

Well with this much blood I should be better in the morning, I better just enjoy her smell and the feeling of her hand for now

"Sooo those two fools couldn't convince Layla to join our cause, no matter, it's just one more obstacle for us, and her recklessness will be her death, and the loss of one of the Millerblooded is not irreplaceable"

And we'll end here
I've archived
Thanks for running.
Sir...That's a nice cliffhanger right thar. I tell you wut. Thanks for running even if I have a slight urge to punch things right now. Have a good night!
Shouldn't have Laylas vamp regen have taken care of this anyway?
Also its kinda weird he could still move like that even with having been literally ripped apart from the inside and then still be fast enough so the shockwave could meaningfully hit Layla 8n the way down.
Don't want to come across as butthurt over the character being hurt, but this seems wildly inconsistent with Laylas usual resilience.

and the reason I don't do the rotation no is I realized how much I dislike using it after some time away from it an reflection
And it made it longer until I quested certain quests, which made it hard for me since I had much more ideas for this one than the other two

Also to discuss another point

When this quest ends

One Previous QMC will come back

in either
continuning UMGQ *which I may have ideas for by time we do it, I'll say if I do, but I don't want to run without a good basis for how it's going to go*
Young Demon quest *RAZ back baby, though I might allow slight customization and refitting of her as she starts as an imp, maybe a sub sin, or something like that, I will work it out, Maybe make you choose what if any magic you get or something of the sort?"

I have reworked the entire system of it to be similar to OPAQ and TiDQ, as that is the system I will use for future quests"

Experimental kaiju/ Rich robotic life quest *Emily's return, in different forms since I can't do superheroes for shit*

May try third person with the second or third
if it doesn't feel right/work out *if I do them that us* I'll switch back to first

just laying out some plans to let you give feedback and advice and such

You to
Holy hand grenade
Blessed things fuck a vampire up
guy has miller blood in him, among many organs
he was resilient and had a whole lot of will power
You are probably right about the resiliance but a. It was a good way to timeskip ahead, and b. It gives us a chance for Maria pampering, so I consider it fair.
>Holy hand grenade
>Blessed things fuck a vampire up
Layla kinda practically wrestled Sitari who was coverewd in holy stuff and it didn't mess her up nearly as bad.
Since you roleplay yourself regularly, are you familiar with Vampire: The Masquerade by chance?
Just a idle thought I had and I figured I might as well ask.
And these to
I like writing pampering
but if you guys want plot we can shift focus to someone else next thread as Layla focus on pampering

True form

True form is near raz tiers level of resilience
Honestly, I've enjoyed all the stuff you've written. I haven't gotten into UMGQ and while I'm a little sad that Monster Academy isn't running right now I say you just go with what you want. Doesn't matter to me what you run as long as you have fun and enjoy it as well.
want to play it
and changeling the lost
but my group is focusing on 4ok tabletop right now
>True form
IIRC we only true formed at the end of the fight
I still say the raz quest should have us playing as the familiar to layla's kid. Would help explain the drop in power quite well too.
>want to play it
I keep having to think of how perfect a fit Tzimisce Clan is for Layla, and never sure if its intentional or not.
That sounds fun. Though at the same time, not sure if I want a Layla watching me at all times to make sure we aren't doing something wrong.
Layla is clearly a Revenant from a Assamite servant family that got embraced by a Tzimisce Methusalem.
Though I'm not sure if her morality is humanity 1 or she already follows some crude Path.


I'll see
it would be a vast time skip leaving the world as the YMQ and MMQ world if I did

and while it would be fun and give much needed direction to the quest
And really make her worse than raz
because if I do that
she'll be the one doing the ritual instead of the cult
and she'll be much more on point with her wishes
serve my daughter/son
or I will unmake you

Oooooh I like the sounds of it already

Yeah, well she does have a code of ethics
is it harming Maria or someone else, or myself
[] Yes <
it's dead, in a very painful way
>Yeah, well she does have a code of ethics
>is it harming Maria or someone else, or myself
Mh, only question now is if the Path of Mariaaaa~ uses Self-Control or Instinct.
I'd say instinct, but she does do some things with self control
but mostly instinct, lets be honest
What was your plan to get us on the plot for this session if we hadn't gone to try and eat someone?
Dane explaining much more calmly what they wanted to do
instead of panicking to try and explain as blood literally turned itself into scalpels inside of his veins
I could see both making sense, Instinct makes sense because Layla acts mostly on impulses, but on the other hand she is very self-determined in a way, reflected by how she browbeats demons, elder gods and other things invading her mind into submission, so Self-Control works pretty well too.
it's a hard choice I know. if there was a way to combine them I'd say that
Its close, but I think in the specific way the VTM system uses the terms its more Self-Control.
Instinct means letting the beast "guide you" basically, which isn't really something Layla would do, the difference is superficially not big because Layla is already basically like the Beast, buit I don't think she'd let any internal or external force control her actions.
makes sense
Its definitily going to be 7nteresting when we debrief with Ulysses if he gives us a info dump on the lamia.
Honestly if I would stat Layla at this point I'd make her Humanity 1, or if I feel particularly special snowflake Humanity 0 and declare her the worlds only stable Wight.
He really should NOT have waited for us to be starving to insanity before trying that.
>instead of panicking to try and explain as blood literally turned itself into scalpels inside of his veins
Blood Control/Blood Poison really are the gifts that keep on giving!
Dane was a dick
Most first gens have the first because it's so useful
the second only Layla has due to her Lamia blood
I think the problem was that he was sure we were a agentof Ulysses send to catch them, but he wasn't sure we were Layla.
Yeah and he was kind of a dick
Did the others find out what happened?
How did they feel about finding out who Honeybadger was, if they found out?
I'm off then, good night HM and thanks for running.
one word

Holy fucking shit
And terrified
Marlo fell into depression
Mira became paranoid
>which I may have ideas for by time we do it,
I always had the pet idea of UMGQ ending with Eli having to take the chaos throne when after the final battle Queeny abdicates her seat, and the story ends with Eli bitching about all the managing of the chaos realm she has to do to Charlotte and Queen starts of on a world travel tour with Crimson Nightmare.
lemme guess, marlo depressed that the new friend was layla, mira paranoid because holyfuck honeybadger was layla and dane was a double agent (assuming the old man told them about that afterwards. which i would assume he did.)
Hmm, I like it but no idea how to get there to be honest
and Dane was really their friend
I had assumed for the most part we'd get involved with the chaos realm stuff more when Ticktock starts his coup against the Queen, but with him dead the only way I see would have been getting players to bunt down Charlottes mom and get caught up in a battle against Lilac, leading to the whole chaos ruler business.
Hmm makes sense I suppose
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