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/cof/&/wodg/ Chronicles of Fagness and World of Darkness General

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Previous Thread: >>46099175

Chronicles of Fagness
The joke hs officially worn out. Stop it now
nah, nice dubs tho.
Come on man, you know it hasn't, it never will.
One thing that has me confused is if Chronicles works of God-Machine Rules or is it just a re-skinned nWoD with a different name. It feels like it wants to be both and neither at the same time.
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>and then afterwards we became the scooby doo gang

That's no joke man

Chronicles is the GMC update applied to nWoD rules, dude.

If it feels like it "wants to be both," that's because GMC was a rules update to nWoD.
Ok but seriously, is a scooby-esqe game the only way to run a proper mortal game?

I almost forgot about that scene but it actually makes even more sense from our game. The Daeva had Malkavia and the GM houseruled that the madness was contagious through constant ingestion of her blood. We had an NPC who was killed in a similar fashion when the principal's ghouls cornered her and beat her to death with their golf clubs. She was the Queen Bee who joined us because her boyfriend dumped her and started hanging out with the Principal after class. At first she was annoying but once she realized we could take the principal down she became Ms. Moneybags and got us equipment and insider knowledge. We had to run before they chased us but it played out very similar.
Or maybe this

Just run a mortal game.
Hunters are people who encounter the supernatural and have hostility towards it (either violent or by means of exposing it).

Mortals don't have life commitments against the supernatural they might just run into it often.
You could always play True Detective(season 1)
Or Fargo(season 2)
Or The Mist/any Stephen King book/movie
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Is it true there's an upcoming OPP game that lets me be a Kamen Rider?

That was amazing

Sort of.

Deviant is basically Changeling but your captors were human and the tone is more combative; which is the archetypal Kamen Rider story.
Such is the life of someone being hunted by a Spirit with Influence (Spoons).
I'll be fine just as long as I can be a cyborg bug-man beating up werewolves and vampires, friend.
>beating up werewolves and vampires

Lowest power splat besides Hunter. That's not happening

They say this, but they also cited shit like Akira and Devilman as inspirations, so I wouldn't hold my breath on the power level being consistent.

You're aware Hunters whole point is that they fight Vampires and Werewolves right?

also lol "power levels" in world of darkness
>Lowest power splat besides Hunter

H-hunters can take on vampires...

Man, I'm sad to hear this. There was a thread on /tg/ a couple years back about a vampire encountering a Kamen Rider and the whole idea seemed fun to me.
It ALLOWS FOR the lowest-power stuff besides Hunter. The power level also scales up, with the cost being that the evil conspiracy you're fighting against is that much stronger, more omnipresent, and hard to take down.

As Dave put it: "You can play the Hulk, but then your enemy organization is 'The United States Military'."

There's a huge differene between "being a cyborg bug-man beating up werewolves and vampires" and the way that Hunters kill things.

Hunters kill shit in a way that would have the party screaming "ROCKS FALL ROCKS FALL CHOO CHOOOO" if the roles were reversed. Stand-up brawls aren't the Hunter way, because stand-up brawls are how you get turned into a werewolf's toothpick.
Good. Good...

This might be the thing that finally gets me into WoD.
So are we seriously using a Chronicle of Fagness as the continuation? Cause if so I wanna know if there are any merits/minor templates that give mortals a essence pool or do they always have to cast from willpower/health?
Please tell me this thread is archived somewhere. I want to be the karate bugman.
Does it have to be specifically essence?

Skinchangers can have 3/6 essence, and Purified get essence; though they're not really mortals.
Well I'm trying to make a spirit cultist for a mortal game with werewolf flavouring and I don't think I wanna have them be rogue wolf-blooded.
Holy shit I actually managed to find it:

Can mortals have familiars because that's 10 essence?
What are some good VtM modules? I already read all the VtR ones (or at least all the SAS ones, if there are more i'd love to know about them).
if you want to get a bit out there, Inferno Demons can give people Numina and Ban of Power lets you increase your essence maximum (presumably including a theoretical increase from zero).
Thank you, my nigga who shines in darkness!
Why not just play Changeling?
I mean, isn't the primary trope of Kamen Rider that their powers are always gained from the enemy that they're fighting, somehow? That's Changeling as fuck
I always like to say that Hunters go looking for the supernatural while Mortals have the supernatural happen to them.
A hunter properly equipped and with some planning can take on an entire vampire group.

I don't think people take advantage of that in their stories enough. One crazy dedicated guy with a rifle and access to gasoline is every bit as dangerous as a rampaging werewolf.
sounds about right
Well I know a familair is one of the wolf-blooded tells, though it's more of a 'damage sponge' than anything else.
The thing is, Changelings are ultimately helpless against the True Fae, and instead their goal is to cope with what happened to them and prevent it from ever happening again.

Kamen Riders invariably destroy the conspiracy that made them what they are in the first place.

Deviant: the Lost is an accusation that can be pretty fairly leveled against it, but the major difference is one of tone and (if the writers actually pull off what Dave said) power level.

Changeling's tone is one of evasion; you can't actually hurt the person who hurt you, so revenge is off the table. You just have to deal with what's happened to you, and deal with the new life you've got.

Deviant wants you to turn right around and start punching your creator in the face. And while it's not any more effective (5 terrorists are not going to undo a megacorp, let alone the greed and occult-industrial complex that led to Dark Science Inc existing in the first place), it's a very different tone.
A changeling can defeat a True Fae is the story is good enough.
Fae are invariably and utterly bound to their nature, and if their nature requires them to be defeated then they will be.

Something that will happen to one in ten million changelings is not part of the game's tone or intended play style.
plus word of god says Changeling is all about dealing with post traumatic stress disorder
while deviant is more owod "fight the power"
Fair enough
That's the thing. Changeling is ultimately partly about being the victim. More specifically it's quite clearly allegorical to victims of sexual assault. To say that there is a wrong way to play that is problematic in itself.
It's true that the Fae are in a league of their own to emphasize the feeling of powerlessness some people feel, but ultimately the story of victimization and "redemption" from that state doesn't have to have one particular end.

Especially of course, when the game has rules for fighting the true Fae.
Let me rephrase that.
It's quite clearly allegorical to victimization, but the allegory is most clear with sexual assault.

Pretty much yeah. Deviant is the next CofD game.
Call of Cthulhu has rules for fighting Cthulhu and there where rules for fighting caine. Just because they're are rules for it doesn't mean it's a good idea to use them.

Besides, changeling should never have a, "I have killed my Keeper moment" with out the Changelings becoming monsters in their own right.
>but the allegory is most clear with sexual assault.
>perverts forcing their agenda
it really isn't
Then why does it usually involve rape on a physical, mental an spiritual level 9/10 times?
Because you see rape everywhere?

it doesn't. your body changes because you're in a storybook, your mind changes because everything isn't real, and your spirit changes only after itsbeen raked over the thorns and replaced by wyrd (something you do yourself)
I can't wait until we get some actual Deviant info. Like the subtitle. GenCon, maybe? Surely before Mage 2e...
Changelings becoming monsters, victims becoming victimizers, is a rather big part of the game if you haven't noticed.

The stronger you are, the less human you are, and at the point where you CAN beat the true fae you are by all accounts all but a true fae yourself.
It's how the rules work, it's quite clever that way.
My point, you're supposed to stay human an clear of reality, not embrace the monstorus nature of the abusers that alredy turned you as inhuman as you are. To go farther down that hole is to fail.
What do you mean pervert?

The doubt about your own identity, the blaming of yourself, the sexual connotations of at least one of the changeling groups, the whole notion of being a plaything, all are fairly classic for victims of sexual assault.

I'm not saying that it is the only type of victimization, I'm saying it's the one where the allegory is most clear. It's barely hidden with the rape metaphors, while the allegories to child abuse and the like are less clear or in your face.
Athens Georgia Art School Gothic.

And then half the crew literally died in a plane crash.
the point is to play a role
most people WANT to stay human, but that has no bearingbeyond that player
>The doubt about your own identity, the blaming of yourself, the sexual connotations of at least one of the changeling groups, the whole notion of being a plaything, all are fairly classic for victims of sexual assault.
Also of survivors guilt. They're the repercussions of any major trauma. You just want tag rape onto it for some reason.
Almost like they wants to do that because it's a theme of the game.
The problem with what you say here is that hole you refer to here is gaining the magical powers the changelings are famous for. There is inherent temptation in the system to turn into what is less human, and therefore closer to your victimizer. In fact several of the titles you can acquire are explicitly about dealing with trauma through assimilating victimizer traits.

It's clever.

I think the problem here is that you are only reading half the posts.

I'm still kind of in the "Deviant shouldn't have a subtitle at all, thus being a deviant in its own game series", but trademarking just the word probably isn't going to fly.
How is sexualizing your new identity classic for people with survivors guilt?
I know it is for sexual assault, but I haven't heard it about people with survivors guilt.
Oh nah I'm not saying it isn't clever, or that it's the 'wrong' way to play the game. I love the fucking game, but you know, gotta grasp to that clarity.
I don't want to play Changeling.
>How is sexualizing your new identity classic for people with survivors guilt?
Changelings don't universally sexualize their new identity and its not even required of the Spring Court. see, this is something you're putting on the game that isn't there.
I was talking about the fairest here. Not all changelings are part of a court after all.

True, you don't HAVE to sexualize yourself as a fairest though, but it's quite clear that its a big part of what they are.

Spring, Winter, Autumn and Summer are all ways people deal with trauma.
Depression, anxiety, anger, and hedonism.
That's separate from, or at least only one small part of, how you self identify.

I think you're objecting a bit much to what is quite clearly in the books.
Are you saying there's no link to sexual victimization in changeling?
r8 and h8, also thread theme

How do nightmares of a sub shop cause you to not be able to get a job?
Nah, son. We talking justice in the World of Darkness right now.

>GenCon will be before Mage 2e
Please no.
>Be Promethean.
>Finally become human.
>Suddenly step in a snare of thorny vines and get pulled into a bush.
>This bush is much deeper than it looks
>Become Changeling.
>Finally escape and track down the the...thing that has been enjoying MY humanity.
>Kill it.
>Celebrate becoming human...again.
>Get run over after leaving the pub.
>End up approached by a strange spooky thing who asks for a contract
>Come back from being dead, now have to eat ghosts.
>Fuck. My. Life
whining about it isn't going to make it come any faster
>choosing to become mortal

You're begging the World of Darkness to fuck you over again
The joke there is that in this you get to be mortal exactly twice (There...isn't much you can do to come back from being a Sin-Eater.)
>implying becoming mortal isn't just re-speccing
>Redeemed Prometheans are immediately killed or transformed into another type of supernatural
I wish this meme would die.
Well it's better than the New Dawn of Zeka.
>"Yay I'm human!"
>Suddenly radiation.
>"Nooo, my orga-erk!" *dead*
There are no happy endings
Also there's the option of the Zeka in question exploding during their New Dawn.
can the zeka be saved by 2e? Or will they remain shit like the unfleshed probably will.
At least the Unfleshed can become human and actually live afterwards.
>When was that?
Around 2004.
So nWoD.
Pro-tip: nWoD began in 2004
Nailed it.

Yeah - this one. Deviant was conceived as "a new classic World of Darkness game". Now, the two settings are called something different, but the idea's the same. It's supposed to merge the Punk "pcs against The Man" mood of WoD games with the CofD's grimy moral realism and slightly more realistic world.

In Changeling, the protagonists spend most of their time avoiding confrontation with the Gentry, and building new lives for themselves away from Arcadia.

In Deviant, your creators are right here, in the world with you, they're actively seeking you, and you can shoot them in the face.
Hey Dave: you've said that you won't update your rpg.net games while you're writing a book, work coming first and all. With Signs of Sorcery on the table now, and more Mage books and Deviant on the horizon, could you give any possible scenario that involves The Man Comes Around being updated within the next year (that, obviously, doesn't involve you abruptly losing your job)?
>mfw newfriends don't realize how big VtM was and the splash it made
>They probably think WoD was always a dilapidated abandoned ghetto
So what you're saying, anon, is that WoD and CoD are the Detroit of TTRPG?
Being the fairest is about being the protagonist now. Not a pretty lady.
>not being the pretty protagonist of a teen fiction novel
You say that like any of the seemings in 2e are good besides for Wizened.
Hey Dave, if a wolfblooded that has werewolf regeneration and awakens. Does the regeneration count as natural or supernatural healing for the purpose of resistance damage?
My point is your more heroic then sexy. Not saying you can't be both.

Honestly I like all the Seemings.
No, they said that because it's true, no matter how much you whine about it.

Jesus Christ, vampires don't heal without spending Vitae to do it.
You say that like I can't whine forever, it worked on the Mysteriums shit 2e merits.
I mean, that's not true to any extent that doesn't apply to any other character.
So I haven't played nWoD (CofD?) in a long time, but I'd love to get back into it. Are Vampire and Werewolf the only games 100% compatible with the new Chronicles rules right now? Are all the nWoD game lines eventually going to get second editions like them?
First my main concern is mages healing damage from paradox every turn.
Also vampires can be healed through magical means.
Demon & Beast were CofD compatible from the ground up.

Most of them, yeah

Damage from Paradox is Resistant and cannot be healed with magic.

Vampires can probably be healed with magic, although it would probably require Death rather than Life or a combined use of both Arcana.
Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, and Beast are.

Changeling has a pretty full set of 2e playtest rules, also.

Mage isn't out yet but is in the end stages of production.
Vampire and Werewolf are the only 'orignal' games from nWoD to be fully transfered to 2e, Mage is Soon(TM) and Changeling appears to be very roughly playable since the guy making it gave us a bunch of spoiler things.
This I understand, my question is werewolf regeneration count as natural or supernatural healing. Because the text about could imply either one.

Why would it matter if werewolf healing was considered mundane or supernatural?
Because they want a ordo dracul to graft on a piece of wolf blood so they can gain a bit of werewolf regeneration
Because a wolfblooded can get that regeneration. Further more when a wolfblooded becomes another kind of Supernatural creatures they keep their Tell. So a mage can have that regeneration and if it natural healing he can then heal resistance bashing damage by the turn. Those allowing a mage to risk paradox more often

I would rule that werewolf healing is supernatural. However, don't forget that instant healing of lethal damage requires Essence.
Cool, thanks guys. Glad to hear both Mage and Changeling 2e are coming out soon, too, since I never really got a chance to play around with either of the originals.
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>coming out soon

I would only allow Resistant damage to be healed at the normal human rate no matter the circumstance. Characterizing it as "mundane" or "supernatural" would be immaterial.

Since Resistant damage is a uniquely Mage construct, I wouldn't let PC's cheat supernal law.

If by soon you mean in 2018 (with luck)

Then yeah, soon

Resistant Damage in 2e (Mage and - I *think* Changeling use it so far) - can't be healed *or have its healing time accelerated by* magic or powers, so werewolf or wolfblooded regeneration would not work on it.
Thank you for answering my question.
I don't care how long it takes as long as the layout is actually good. It's a bitch to find shit in Werewolf 2e core, and CofD core is a mess. Missing rules, references to rules that don't exist...

Can mages heal vampires, and if so, what Arcaana would be required in 2e? Thanks.
Alright, so we're currently helping the Prince eradicate the region's Lupine population. How can we find those loser kine that haven't turned fuzzy but could become fuzzy in the future? Is there aura distinct from the usual Joe Kine fare?
*their aura, natch
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I'm assuming WoD since you're dropping Lupine, and while there isn't any aura anomalies as far as I know, there might be some genetic ones. Depending on how powerful your coterie is, you could make some friends at Developmental Neogenetics Amalgamated, should your ST use Apocalypse canon. If not, you're going to have to hit the geneology books.

Welcome to the Mage 2e Pit of Suffering, where we sit wailing and gnashing our teeth, in the hopes that Dracula and Rich Thomas drop the damn thing on DriveThru soon.
What's everyone going to complain about once Mage is finally published?

I don't like the delays any more than anyone else, including Dave who's waiting to get paid, but the incessant "jokes" reek of adolescent entitlement.

It's no wonder there are so many inane arguments about "mage supremacy" and similarly foolish topics. Apparently, and quite sadly, many vocal Mage fans are tweens or just act like them.
Honestly the only thing I think in going to hate is exceptional success for magic.

>What's everyone going to complain about once Mage is finally published?

-Mages are too powerful
-Mages take up too much of the settting
-Mage isn't a horror game
-Beast exists
-I found a scenario where I can break Mage forever on 237 Experience build, why is Mage so awful
-Beast exists
-Mage really isn't a horror game, I read a book on the history of horror and Mage isn't in it, QED
-[Insert Arcana Here] is too powerful, nerf it
-[Insert Arcana Here] is too weak, buff it
-Mage is too anime
-CofD is too anime
-WoD is too anime
-Beast exists
how deep is that stick lodged in your ass

do you need surgery
Maybe we'll go back to bitching about Beast again, or Changeling or Prommie
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This is how I Obrimos.
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This is how I wolf-blooded.
Beast existing is a legitimate issue.
Major: Death / Forces
Inferior: Life

best path

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You forgot..


-Shitty science, with genetic engineering bacterium and viruses being easier then changing someone's hair color.

-Forces is written by someone that failed 8th grade physics.
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This is how I Obrimos.

Forces is not dependent on our understanding of physics, Matter is not dependent on chemistry, Life not dependent on biology, etc. It's magic, not science.

If you're limiting or constraining Forces by your knowledge of physics, that's just unfortunate and simply wrong. Maybe you should play a technocrat in Ascension...

I genuinely never understood the whole beef with Atlantis. Theosophy/New Age-y stuff is mostly untouched in gaming, save for Kenneth Hite/Robin Laws joints and your more Satyros Phil Brucato-y type games.
Is someone subject to a viniculum considered a Sleepwalker to a mage similar to a ghoul?
>If you're limiting or constraining Forces by your knowledge of physics
Thing is, Science is an exceptionally applicable Rote skill for Forces, and through understanding the laws of Physics, you can better fuck with the world by subverting them.

It's even more fun when you play a historical setting with a lesser understanding of physics.

I'm loving that I'll be able to say "causing directed eddies in the luminiferous aether".
Nope, it grants no Supernatural powers, so they're not Sleepwalkers.
In 1e you could affect Vampires with Life magic if you had an equal amount of Death magic. I don't see why you can't use the same rule in 2e.

Forces can certainly subvert or exploit Fallen physics, but the supernal is definitely not limited or constrained by our understanding of science.

Life and Death have been significantly revised in 2e, although I could certainly see a rationale to maintain the 1e rules with respect to vampires.

No, that's wrong but you've got the right basic idea. The limitations and effects of magic should be based on magical thinking, not on the writer's badly remebered failed attempt to learn basic science in school.

Look at page 163-166. Anything, really, it's all wrong.

>If you're limiting or constraining Forces by your knowledge of physics, that's just unfortunate and simply wrong.

Yeah, in that case bacterium and viruses shouldn't exist in the magical worldview and hair should be effected by life.
Prime is pretty much Magic magic, right? Is it still gud if you're dealing with things that aren't Mages?
The Free Council might disagree with that assertion.

However generally you're correct, by most fluff the Supernal is a realm of pure imagination and symbolism.
It looks like Matt is asking people what they would like to see in the Beast Players Guide on the Onyx Path Beast forums.
It lets you create phantasms and see the Truth.
Oh neat, I love Illusions but I thought that was a Forces thing.
Also what's the Truth?
Prime has purview over supernal truth, mana, and the concept of Magic.
Its usefulness outside of Mage interaction is dependent on if your opponents use some form of Magic.

I've used the Universal Counterspell and Dispellation on Fey Contract Magic before. Worked a treat.
Should probably work on a lot of other stuff too.
>Look at page 163-166. Anything, really, it's all wrong.
All the example spells in nMage were lazily copypasted from oMage, meaning their rules don't line up with the new practices. Shocker.

>Yeah, in that case bacterium and viruses shouldn't exist in the magical worldview and hair should be effected by life.
Bacteria and viruses are powerful symbols in Life and Death, so no, they're fine.

"the magical worldview" is not "exactly what medieval scholars thought down to the letter," it's "what is a symbol for what."
Light, sound and heat illusions are a Forces thing.
Physical objects (a la Green Lantern) are a Prime thing.

Truth is Truth.
You can use Prime to ascertain Truth.
Someone's telling you a half truth? Prime can detect that.
Someone's in denial about something? Prime can detect the lack of truth, even if they superficially believe what they're saying.
Speaking of which, a Green Lantern ring would probably work extremely well as a physical yantra for a Phantasm spell.
If they are symbols of life and death creating smallpox is a Life 5 ritual that takes a huge number of successes. If they are real things, you can make smallpox with life 2.

Beyond that, the example spell list all being shit and the powers by level for Arcanium being shit are kind of a problem.
Death cannot create Life, and Life can only create Life with the practice of Making.
Alternatively, you could turn some other shitty rhinovirus into a Smallpox level ailment with probably... Perfecting?
>If they are symbols of life and death creating smallpox is a Life 5 ritual that takes a huge number of successes.

"creating" ANYTHING with Life requires 5 dots, yes. No matter what. If you want to point at empty space and say "there's a tiger there," it takes 5 dots (Making). If you want point at a dog and say "you're a tiger now," it takes 4 dots (Patterning). If you want to point at a lion and say "you're a tiger now," it takes 3 dots (Weaving).

You can do the same with bacteria; creating a toxic sludge of smallbox? Life 5. Turning a person into an equivalent mass of smallpox sludge? Life 4. Turning one bacteria into another bacteria? Life 3.

> If they are real things, you can make smallpox with life 2.
Life 2 absolutely wouldn't help you in either case, whether they're "symbols" or "real things," because none of the 2 dot practices transform things. You can't use Ruling to make a virus evolve into another virus, anymore than you can use Ruling to make a dog evolve into a tiger.
How's that blood magic working out for you, vampy? Still can't alter reality with it?

Death can unmake Death and those making live by doing so.
That's not creating life, that's unmaking Death.
In the absence of Death, life remains.
You're not creating life, you're restoring it.
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c-can I be a blood mage if I have Matter magic? I want to embrace the edge.
I would imagine that Blood is still the purview of Life.
Or Death, depending
Blood is Matter the same way orange juice is. He'd be fine.
Some more things from Claire Redfield.


Welcome the Apocalypse within a your Forsaken Views.

Well, you know where to say it! I hope Beast Player's Guide turns out good. I don't ever plan on playing Beast, but I think those that do should get a nice book out of it.
"Matter is an Arcanum concerned with lifeless material, the building blocks of the world. Through use of this magic, a mage gains control over raw elements and complex alloys alike. The Matter Arcanum encompasses everything from a simple puddle of water, to a chunk of uranium, to a plank of wood, to the most intricately structure polymer."

Orange Juice and Milk are under the purview of Matter as organic derivatives.
Blood is just as much a part of a living being as any organ.
I fucking love Pentex, I'm use this if it's even a little good. Fucking Apocalypse is so good.
So would cooked,sliced beef liver be Life then?
I'd go by vampire rules. Once it's "inert"/"dead" blood by vitae purposes it's Matter. Before that it's Life.
Life can manipulate dead biological materials, but not undead beings.
Matter can manipulate non-living matter.

I think they could both cast on that liver.
Huh, interesting. What about blood pudding or bludwurst? (My grandma used to make a mean bludwurst.)
If you're going to follow the rules I postulated before, then the situation would be the same, problem is we have almost no concrete information about purviews of Life, Death and Matter in 2e.

And in 1e, they're horrendously inconsistent with speed bumps, pointless conjunctional arcanum requirements and simple oversight.

For example, no Life spell makes any reference to casting on dead biological material, other than to state they can't cast on the undead (explicitly including Ghosts, shocker).
However Death can manipulate Dead bodies to make their death seem different, but how does that change the matter itself (if for example they were atomised, but you change it to a heart attack?)

Basically it's headache worthy, and I just can't fucking wait for 2e to come out, so we can start these arguments all over again.
You know, if I ever run a game of changeling I'm going to have end the adventure with a climatic battle between the motely and a group of goblins. It'll look something like this

... I'm glad you're not my GM.
That sounds horrible.

Sounds awful, but I guess some weaboo JRPG fags like that kind of stuff
I had my werewolves fight a giant fish as their final boss and even I think that's lame :/
he just likes posting youtube links

Man, I really like that game a lot but the last game it should have any kind of influence on is a Changeling campaign.
Wow, I really need to start making these threads again so that we don't have to keep dealing with "chronicles of fagness" shit in the OP.
Well where else am I going to have a fucking mech fight?
in demon
a true fae can be a mecha
werewolves fight mecha all the time
and hunters
Nah fuck that, Changeling 2e is about taking the fight back to the gentry, so my players are gonna take it back to their keeper in a god damn mech fight.
>Changeling 2e is about taking the fight back to the gentry
What? No it isn't.
then they should be fighting the true fae, goblins aren't true fae

but that's not what changeling is about, 1e or 2e
By using a True Fae that gets impatient and just invades the material realm to take back one of the Changelings?
>Changeling 2e is about taking the fight back to the gentry
How fucking wrong can you be?
DaveH's stated that Changeling 2e is about coming to terms with what happened to you, and trying to make lemonade out of those Goblin Fruit.
>Changeling 2e is about taking the fight back to the gentry

plz no.

They can't miss the point that badly.
I mean I know they weren't exactly on point with some books, but this is just missing too much of the point.
DavidH doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, look at beast, he's gonna turn Changeling into some progressive piece of shit game. Where's the beautiful madness dammit!
You know, I liked the part of 1e which stated that True Fey are significantly weaker when they entered the material world.

It felt fairer.

And also meant that you didn't just have to run and hide when the Fey came calling.
DavidH had nothing to do with Beast (except the tokyo locale)
There are many objections I have to Changeling 2e, including the significantly higher power level, and the focus on huntsmen, but really Changeling shouldn't be a game about playing out your revenge fantasy, and Hill has at least tried to get people to stop playing angsty, suffering-riddled, tortured souls.
Oh god...

Shout out to Hatsune Prommiku! Fucking christ...
Not only was he not responsible for Beast, but he already released a bunch of Changeling shit for open testing and most people seem to think it's good.

Would lemonade made out of goblin fruits make you high?
>including the significantly higher power level

Nowhere near the level of Mage of course, obviously
Oh, you're right, I keep confusing him with that McFarland cuck. I apologize for the mistake.

Also 2e seemings are shit. All of them.
Apart from Embracing the Wyrd, how harvesting Glamour has now become an invasive procedure rather than just basking in someone else's emotion, the loss of contract groups, the focus on Huntsmen, and the much higher power level, I like it.

Thank god it's only in testing.
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>Where's the beautiful madness dammit!
All over the place?
Also, taking the fight to the Gentry is dumb.

Except that they were still stupidly powerful and immortal, so even if you didn't run and somehow defeated them, they'd come back with a grudge. It minimized the feel of the True Fae. that's why I prefer Huntsman. They're not the True Fae, so it doesn't feel like Queen Mab herself is chasing you down and then getting smacked on the nose and coming back next week after sulking a bit.

The Vocaloid Promethean is like the most interesting part of Beast. And it's typical of the rest of Beast in that it's something interesting that's completely useless and there's nothing to it beyond "here's a neat thing".
The Fairest, with a 2-dot contract, can turn your clock back to when you were a baby.

Then shake you to death.

What is this nonsense?
How good is an Ogre Kith at physical combat? Are they able to keep toe to toe with werewolves or combat vampires? 1e btw
True Fey were limited to a maximum of 6 in attributes and skills, and when they died, they lost that aspect of themselves permanently.

I don't know what rules you read.
>stupidly powerful and immortal
>complaining about some of the most powerful things in the game being too powerful
How are sub shop nightmares keeping you from getting a job?

They're agents sent by the Fae to hunt Changelings down.

Y'know, like they've been doing since 1e thus all the fucking paranoia Changelings are supposed to live with, but since 1e put 0% focus on it, Changelings looked like they were afraid for no reason.
True Fey no longer leave Arcadia, they get lesser Fey called Huntsmen to go and fetch them their slaves.

Then when they want you back, after your escape, the send the Huntsmen after you.

It completely abandons the personal touch, or the possibility that you walked into the Fey with your master willingly, only to realise the utter folly of your choice.
>Also, taking the fight to the Gentry is dumb.
Then why did 1e Changeling have an entire sourcebook about it?
>Hatsune Promiku is the most intresting part

The fuck is wrong with you.
>they'd come back with a grudge

Having them hold a grudge is missing the point.
The Fae are their own stories.
They're both the vorpal blade and the jabberwocky.
the sourcebook was about high ranking changelings and giving depth to the true fae, it wasn't all about going and beating them
What, you mean the "endgame" sourcebook which also provided the rules for creating your own contracts, courts, and eventually turning into one of the Fey when you reached Wyrd 10?

The Fey equivalent of Imperial Mysteries? Except that the Fey don't have some ultimate goal that comes hand in hand with their powers?
So isn't that just privateers from the original changeling?
Original changeling: The lost, I should say.
>It completely abandons the personal touch,
Fae don't have a personal touch. They're not people.

>or the possibility that you walked into the Fey with your master willingly, only to realise the utter folly of your choice.

That's absolutely still a choice for a changeling backstory. If you mean as an in-play event then, I don't know why you're mourning the loss of an avenue of suicide; you can kill yourself a million different ways without rules for it.
Privateers are Changelings themselves. They're pretty much "evil" Changelings, like the Forsaken have the Pure, and the Pentacle have the Seers.

Huntsmen are pretty much the Fey saying, "I want them back, but I can't be fucked to do it myself".
>Using "progressive" like it's a bad thing
You... do know you're talking about Onyx Path's games, right? The guys who have repeatedly and explicitly talked about their commitment to inclusiveness and their support for social justice?

If you think "progressive" is a bad word please go play FATAL or something, CofD is not and never was for you.

Taking the fight back to the Fae, in Arcadia, is the intended endgame of Changeling.

If this guy wants his version of that to be a mecha fight, why not.

Sort of.

Privateers were traitor-Changelings, which Huntsmen CAUSE (because you can help a Huntsman pursue his quarry to earn a mark that'll spare *you* when your own comes a-knocking), but aren't in of themselves.
The original abduction of most humans who were changed into Changelings was a personal interaction between them and their Keeper. It provided some deep insight into the Keeper and the Changeling themselves, who they used to be, as the Contract of Abuduction required the human to agree to risk being taken to some degree.

Now it's "oh, the Headless Horseman grabbed me on a road and dragged me off into the brambles".
Hey man I can hate parts of the game an like the other parts. The inclusiveness is still retarded but I'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying the good parts of CoD
>You can't criticize a direction a company is taking if they said they're taking it.

How did you even read the post when you're this retarded?
>Is the intended endgame of Changeling
I can't remember that being said anywhere.
Many Changelings may want that, but many more may not.

Plus, it hardly works for a group dynamic as a whole.
What, are you going to team up to fight the combined forces of all your Keepers in one big rock em' sock em' robot fight?
I think you are deeply confused. Huntsmen don't go after mortals. That's not their purpose. There are a million and one ways to become a changeling, and "got seduced into Arcadia by a Fae" is still one of them.

Huntsmen hunt Changelings. Period. They have no relation to how you BECOME a Changeling, because they don't care about you until you are one.
>The original abduction of most humans who were changed into Changelings was a personal interaction between them and their Keeper.

Other changelings would offer mortals up to their own True Fae so they didn't have to go.

Sometimes people just wandered into the Hedge/Arcadia.

Sometimes True Fae just grabbed you for no reason.
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pls respond

>I don't know what rules you read.
The ones in the corebook--where they're basically Changelings with Dread Powers/Numina--because frankly anything in Equinox Road matters less. I don't actually remember anything like that, and I know in some of the other supplements (that I don't own hardcopies of so I'm not going to download and pour through) they're given similar character sheets as the Arcadian Huntsman.

You can stalkerishly mock me about my mental illnesses, but can you actually read the things that I type?
That's not what I complained about. If anything I complained that they're too weak.

The game treats them as if they're sound and fury equivalent to Rank 6+ Spirits. Giving them crappy stats doesn't make it better, it makes it worse. You shouldn't be able to bop them on the nose and send them home until next Saturday morning.

See >>46124443 and >>46124470. Equinox Road is fine as a sourcebook for high level end game play. Not the default assumption of the setting, which should be putting the pieces back together and dealing with the world of occultism and faerie bullshit you've been pulled into.
>Taking the fight back to the Fae, in Arcadia, is the intended endgame of Changeling.
No, it isn't.

So then what are they?
More powerful fae creatures that aren't true fae?
Okay can someone fucking explain this sub shop nightmare thing? I keep seeing it and it's getting annoying.

What does Rick & Morty have to do with Changeling lmao fucking faggot

They're spirits of Arcadia's rocks and trees and wind (in a generic sense, not in the Spirits Of Spirit Arcanum sense), infused with the breath of life from a Fae's breast.
With enough investment in contracts they can stand toe to toe with a werewolf easy peasy in a physical contest.

Without much investment they still beat them in physical contests that aren't fights.
Did you? He's saying "that's a direction they've had since 1991".

That's not really true. It could happen, sure, but just as likely some other Changeling or a Hedgebeast or something would grab you up and kidnap you, or maybe just some other minion of the True Fae. The real personal interaction is the Durance.

If you have a problem with "people who aren't me get represented", then you really need to reevaluate your priorities, especially as "inclusiveness" stops being used as some pejorative buzzword.

No one is complaining about him wanting to do that. We're dogpiling the guy who said Changeling 2e is about taking the fight to your Keeper, which is literally the opposite.

Because Huntsmen are Mr Meeseeks.
Huntsmen are like Meeseeks.
They are created and exist for a singular purpose, and will go to any lengths to fulfil that purpose.

They also hate existing.
>but can you actually read the things that I type?
Yes, but since you claim you meant something else whenever someone points out how stupid you are it doesn't really matter.

Why didn't you just ask anon? Were nice guys, maybe everyone here can help you be less terrible.
Even I'd rather throw you some change than have your brother have to shell out cash to support your ERP hobby.
>Did you? He's saying "that's a direction they've had since 1991".

No he didn't. In fact a lot of what Onyx Path has been doing is rewriting White Wolf era stuff to be more progressive.
Even then, that doesn't the point.

I'm forced to conclude you can't read.
White Wolf was proud that people complained about the way they used female pronouns in their books. In 1991.

Wow, you really are a stalker.
Witchtooth best kith
Why would I want to be represented? I just want them to calm it down, who the fuck needs to be told, "Hey man you can play things that aren't cis white males!"?
>White Wolf was proud that people complained about the way they used female pronouns in their books. In 1991.

>Why would I want to be represented?
It's not all about you.
Rolled 15 (1d19)

That's not how you spell Soldier.

But they're not saying that. They're just putting people who aren't cis white males into the game.

YES IT DOES. The point that >>46124531 was clearly making was that if you are the kind of person who is turned off by ~progressive~ things, this company and it's games are not for you.
He literally asked why he would want to be represented, not why it wouldn't be about him. and >>46124770
said "People who aren't me get represented."
No, but it is about a bunch of white hipsters telling other people how to feel.

I am not a fan of the racist direction World of Darkness has been on since its inception, and it has not gotten better while they've started bitching about people not being inclusive.

Fuck that hypocrisy.
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Oh my god this is hilarious, how can this dude still be alive
It doesn't.

The point was made that you can criticize someone for doing something they profess to be proud of.
You said they've done it since 1991.
That doesn't mean shit.
That's not even relevant.
Uh... no one's bitching about people not being included. People are bitching that other people ARE being included.

No one is saying "rabble rabble the game needs more transpeople!"
People are bitching "rabble rabble the game has too many trannies!"
But WHY would you put people that aren't white males in the game unless they're hilariously racist cliches or sexualized vixens?

Those people don't even play our games, they're too busy being niggers and girls
Too many trannies spoil the broth.
I like more diversity in my games.
>Those people don't even play our games, they're too busy being niggers and girls
Duh, that's why you need to market to them.
It needs a more balanced level of tranny, shemale/futa, traps and whatever weird bullshit people can think of to jack off to.
No they aren't, that's not a thing people. We've gone over this like a billion times and you still have yet to produce a single such complaint, because they aren't real.
What people object to is the stupid fucking way it's done, not that it's done.

The stupid fucking genderqueer character in Changeling was dumb, not because they were transgender, but because their rebellion against gender was literally their only character trait.
The character in the hunter book was annoying because of the sidebar.

The game has had people transcend gender since its inception, in fact the very notion of gender doesn't make sense when you have the Tzimiche, and people aren't bitching that those guys look a bit androgynous.

That's the point, blacks don't care about RPGs they're too busy shooting at each other
I know right? I want to be more inclusive for all racial, gender and sexual fetishists.
I demand more tranny black disabled people, that's the only way I can get off anymore! Thanks 4chan!
>you still have yet to produce a single such complaint
Like this thread?
Ignoring examples doesn't mean they don't exist. Do you want me to start saving screenshots of people complaining about inclusiveness?
You mean the guys complaining about the "progressiveness" of the game, but not actually complaining about the inclusion of gay, transgender, non-white, female, or any other kind of character?
You mean those?

Or you mean the person saying that World of Darkness has been racist since 1991. Are you saying that person is complaining about the lack of non-white representation?

Or do you mean people who are currently fucking about making jokes?
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So is
this aspel faggot I keep hearing about? Also since I'm asking about him, why is he called Aspel? Something to do with Asperger or some on the spectrum shit?
That's probably Aspel, yeah.

And he's called Aspel because that's his username on several forums, including the official Onyx Path ones.

Known for being very very leftist, even more argumentative, and for posting up his homebrew all the time (although he's cooled off on that last one).
Oh isn't he the fag that made uh, that dumb cat girl bloodline for vampire and made a hunter... Compact? about being sluts?
At least Glamour harvesting was made less harsh. Losing one willpower seems fair even if I'd prefer it to be free.

>although he's cooled off on that last one).
it sounds like it's because his computer is on its last legs
But are we sure he isn't on the spectrum?

>Known for being very very leftist

Well, more socially liberal more than outright leftism. Identity politics doesn't play as huge a part in left/right politics as the internet makes it seem.

Any news on Hunter 2e stuff on the horizon? Nothing on the blogs of course, but does anyone check the OPP Hunter forums or RPGnet? Anything there?
Just self absorbed and lazy.
It's just an internet handle.
I literally just need a name for a thing I was writing, looked around, saw a cheap off-brand air fresher labeled "Aspen Air" and switched one letter. This is the secret to names.

>posting up his homebrew all the time (although he's cooled off on that last one).
That's because I'm lazy. Most of the Homebrew I've posted was to annoy people who complain about my homebrew. But at this point I've posted the same three or four things a hundred times. Here's a thing I keep trying to force myself to work on so I can run a game, but really it's not interesting me so I shouldn't bother.

You know, David Hill actually apparently liked the catgirl bloodline.
Also, it's a Magical Girl Hunter Conspiracy. Though I do have a Slasher focused Compact half written up based on the "Final Girl" trope.

Also just as an FYI I've barely even been posting in these threads the last week or so. So I can't be blamed for any shitposting. Except a bit yesterday.

I mean, I am kind of "Leftist". But the stupidity of trickle down economics don't really come up in these threads.
>Also just as an FYI I've barely even been posting
Have you been trying to get a job?
Oh christ you're Rory, no wonder you're so aggressive.
Not that I know of.
I'm seriously worried about it though, since with the direction they took beast I'm worried they won't be able to do the hunter side of the argument justice.
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Tell me about your character's relationship.
So, uh: Does 'True Faith' have an nWoD/GMC equivalent? I know there are the Goetic Gospels, the assorted hunter disciplines, and the fundamental difference between lines, but lots of things do have an equivalent.

And since I've only ever run it against vampires, anyone know what books has the effects against other owod supers?

You don't have to be a leftist to think that trickle-down economics are for idiots.


I can't really say I'm worried about it, because I don't think there's really enough info to have any judgement call on it besides "it exists". Even the whole Ashwood Abbey thing didn't turn out to be as big a deal since I never got the feeling that Monica ever came to any sort of decision.

I do hope does put up a possible outline like David Hill did, though I think that one turned out to be a big no-no? I can't quite remember.
Ghost haunting a slut and solving crimes between fucking her stupid because she's a weird masochist. Also one of them is a dick girl, guess which :V
since faith doesn't matter, no
He sent his wife back to Qatar when the game began, to keep her safe.

Not really.
They chose to distance themselves as much as they could from the Judeo-Christian stuff (Even though they failed, hard), and with that came separation from true faith.

The closest is the Long Nights discipline from Compacts & Conspiracies. Which is just about the only good thing from that book.
I meant socially leftist, not economically leftist.

I'm center-right and I think trickle-down economics is clearly bullshit.


nWoD is for free thinkers and enlightened individuals that know there is no god therefore true faith doesn't exist
What is he, some rich asshole?

Can't help you with the first question, but with the second: http://whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/True_Faith
I mean yeah, she went to the family compound to hide behind his dad's bodyguards.

He's basically a Saudi Prince with the serial numbers filled off and with no real ties to Wahhabi islam. (Although the ST has hinted that there may be some family secret with unorthodox beliefs that my character hasn't been made privy to yet)
>You don't have to be a leftist to think that trickle-down economics are for idiots.
Yes, but this is America. Our political Left is to the Right of most other civilized countries, as my limey friends remind me all the time.
Huh. I thought they were just a pack of crazies without any backup, like most 2nd tier nutters?

I mean, that's half the fun, like Van Doorn from XCOM (Quick! Aliens/Vampires! Let's assault them with nothing but our bare hands and gigantic balls!) but you get the idea.
Oh? Radical.

Unorthodox beliefs in CoD? Fuck yeah, find that shit out senpai and embrace some horrible spirit/demon/angel or god knows what else. Get that 2022 world cup!
Compacts & Conspiracies gives all the Compacts a one and done Endowment.

>[ 1 - 5 ] The Prayer ( Compacts And Conspiracies -- Page 19 )
>This isn't a supernatural Endowment, though it may certainly seem to be. The hunters of the Long Night are driven by a very deep, very potent faith. This faith, as manifested in prayer, gives them a great deal of confidence and unity even (and perhaps especially) in the darkest hour. At the dawn of each day, provided the hunter prayed before sleep, a Long Night hunter with the Prayer Endowment begins with a pool equal to the dots purchased in this Merit. We'll call these "Prayer Points." The hunter can spend these points throughout the day in a number of ways:
>(A) The hunter can "cash in" Prayer Points for Willpower points (reflexive).
>(B) The hunter can gift Willpower to other hunters in his cell, provided those hunters have dots in this Endowment. A transfer of one Willpower point costs one of his Prayer Points (reflexive). Note that the Prayer Points do not become Willpower points -- the cost is for the transfer, not the transformation. It transfers already existing Willpower.
>(C) The hunter may cash in a Prayer Point to ignore wound penalties for one turn.
>(D) The hunter may spend a Prayer Point to resist mental domination for one turn -- he can add his dots in this Endowment to any rolls or pools used to resist supernatural mental domination. The hunter regains his Prayer Points pool the next day only if he prays the night before, just prior to sleeping. He must pray for one full hour, uninterrupted.
Oh shit, that's going to be it isn't it?
I'm going to have to sacrifice my team mates to some fucking owl spirit named Sepp Blatter to get the world cup.
Well either your teammate, your wife, a family member or some of those slaves they got around Qatar.

But yes, it's for the world cup man, you gotta do it. Make the UAE great an tell Dubai to go STUFF IT.
As has been said C&C gives everyone endowments.
Well, everyone who is core.

As you can see from the overview for The Prayer it's basically belief so strong it lets you accomplish things you otherwise couldn't.
Which is cool and all, because even if its still an extra power it stays somewhat within the aesthetic you describe (And is fairly thematic).

The rest of the endowments aren't really that great, and the lore in the book is pretty universally acknowledged as completely terrible.
Cheers. Might be worth buying the book to take a look.
It's not. A lot of people dislike C&C because of the dumb things it does to the groups. Like how Cheiron is run by SPESS ALIUNS
That alone would make it worth buying. OP puts out some fucking bizarre stuff. So it's basically the book on the tier 3 versions of the vampire covenants with added crack.
Friendly reminder that the book states outright at the start that none of it is to be taken as 100% canon, it's all just potential ways for you to portray them in your chronicles
no, it just expands information about the core compacts and conspiracies. most of the other hunter books focused (rightfully) on how they dealed with the monster the book is about

compats and conspiracies actually tells you about the compact or conspiracy

in addition, they gave you options to figure out the mysteries involved, since people can't deal with a mystery that's hinted at and not given a definite answer

there's a few different options for the cheiron board, aliens is only one of them
Fuck off back to tumblr with your friendly reminder shit, shill.
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>It's not. A lot of people dislike C&C because of the dumb things it does to the groups. Like how Cheiron is run by SPESS ALIUNS
And how it makes Ashwood Abbey out to be a bunch of rapists and perverts.
So I'm a huge fan of having groups/lodges of ghost Wolves try to become a new Tribe. Does anyone have a preference or idea for new tribes? Like which do of the three (That I can think of) Lodges in 2e core do you think could become a new Tribe, Corpse eaters, The Basra ghost wolf population or those creepy Lodge of the field fuckers.
Wait they aren't? That's half the fun of playing as one!
the basra ghost wolves seem the most likely to
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No, but you can still play as one. But you can play as a rapist (any splat).
Oh cool, I love throwing in some rape to add that edge I miss so much from my oWoD days
If that's all you want you can rape in almost every role playing game there is.
I thought it was unusual in suggesting that some Abbey members might actually prefer things consensual if possible.
No, no. It's just a bunch of bonus stuff. It's not a full book, just a like 20 page pdf or whatever.

I'm aware. I mean, I generally ignore things like the Lucifuge being super against Mages for no real reason, and I don't care either way for TFV being controlled by vampires, and I don't use Division Six because they're a dumb Ascension reference. But if the info it gives isn't that great, why buy it?

I'm like 90% sure "friendly reminder" started on 4chan.

Actually, I haven't read C&C in a while, but the impression I came away with was that they were trying way too hard to go "b-but they're not all rapey perverts!"
>Actually, I haven't read C&C in a while, but the impression I came away with was that they were trying way too hard to go "b-but they're not all rapey perverts!"
Which goes to show you how little they were portrayed as rapists and perverts in the other books.

It only really comes up in C&C and Witch Finders, but they made it seem as if it's all the Abbey does.
Holy shit, really! I thought we could only rape things in FATAL, Cthulhutech and CoD/WoD! What a magical world we live in where rape can be in ALL of my games! :D
But it's right in the corebook. Not only do you have things like "have sex with and kill monsters, sometimes in that order", you have their origin story being jerking off on a Locus.

They're sex perverts. Creepy sex perverts.
>But it's right in the corebook.
Right in there in the corebook is one branch of the Abbey who are in it for pleasure, and a small group of them who are in it for sexual pleasure, and an even smaller group who are nonconsentual about it, along with the rest of the Abbey not liking them.

Witch Finders and C&C were written as if they were the only people in Ashwood Abbey, which goes against the core book (and other hunter books)
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Have you read the corebook? The corebook makes them out to be rapey. That's why they're memetically rapey.
What's this about ghost wolves in Basra?
>Have you read the corebook?
>The corebook makes them out to be rapey. That's why they're memetically rapey.
It doesn't, so I don't get the obsession.

The Pursuit is basically just Network Zero for fun.
Fenris the firstborn is in basra and his blood talons are gathering up ghost wolves because one of his siblings is supposed to be there and having a bunch of followers for her will probably help heal her when they dig her up
It's possible they're one of those people who believe all sex and nonconsensual behavior such as looking, talking, stabbing, is rape.
A large group/pack/protecterate I can't fucking remeber of ghost wolves kicked ALL the tribes out of Basara and are trying to bring back Creator wolf, Fenris-Ur's sister.
Sounds cool. Is this in one of the sourcebooks?
Fenris summoned Blood Talons (his tribe) and they kicked out everyone who wasn't a Ghost Wolf and gathered the Ghost Wolves to be ready for Danu-Ur.

Yes, Werewolf 2e. Each of the new 2e books (except demon) has a bunch of settings. Basra is one of the werewolf ones.
the Werewolf 2e core.
It starts at page 249
Holy shit how do I keep missing all this cool shit in the core books?
for some reason the settings are way in the back
Ah shit you're right, guess I forgot. Damn, makes it a lil less interesting but oh well, Ghost wolf controlled area is covered in Field of dogs as well.
yeah ghost wolves are disgusting shitbirds
Cheers. I dug out the WW wiki on the same topic, I was hunting more the effects that that one lists on other beings, and if the discipline changes at all. Merit. Same thing. Sort of. If there's a list of those changes (aside from what the WW wiki lists, which is pretty bare bones one line stuff, like 'disrupts magic' for mages) , would like to see them.
Yeah man, it's great that the two ghost-wolf lodges are both around either 'eating' supernaturals or just eating everything (Espically humans!)
they're worse than the pure, who aat least have some honor and codes and a belief
ghost wolves are fodder for any charismatic wolf/spirit/god/anything that wants followers
There's not a focus on huntsmen, they're just a new antagonist that plays by fairy tale rules.
I don't know man, Huntsmen are the Strix/Idigam of Changeling, so I'd say a whole chapter dedicated to them amounts to a 'focus'. It's called The Huntsmen Chronicles for fuck sake.
Huntsmen basically keep the True Fae from being cheapened while still allowing for a faerie themed antagonist Monster of the Week for groups that want that.

They're basically a mixture of 1e's Loyalists and the poor handling of True Fae as characters directly involved in the chronicle.
Yeah, but just like a Vampire game doesn't have to focus on Strix, or Werewolf on Idigam, or even mortals on the God-Machine, a Changeling game doesn't have to focus on Huntsmen

They're presented as a default antagonist, yes, but that's because people are going to want an antagonist that isn't just other Changelings to work with.

Just as a Vampire game doesn't have to even need to acknowledge that the Strix exist, you don't need to have the Huntsmen exist in your game, either. Nobody will tell you its badwrongfun to do so.
your game itself doesn't have to focus on it but the book (and all subsequent books in the line) will
The book gives them a chapter at the very end, that's it.
There is nothing AT ALL to suggest that subsequent books will focus on the Chronicle of the core book; Demon is the only 2e game to get books past its core, yet, and it didn't have a core Chronicle. Vampire's subsequent books, from what we know, have ABSOLUTELY FUCKALL to do with the Strix, and Werewolf's have A HUGE PILE OF NOTHING to do with the Idigam

Stop talking out your ass, anon
>Vampire's subsequent books, from what we know, have ABSOLUTELY FUCKALL to do with the Strix, and Werewolf's have A HUGE PILE OF NOTHING to do with the Idigam
>Stop talking out your ass, anon
It seems like that's what you're doing.
>Upcoming Vampire Books
>Secrets of the Covenants: A book expanding on the info given on the covenants in the core book
>A Thousand Years of Night: A book about elders and playing as them

>Upcoming Werewolf books
>The Pack: A book we know fuck-all about, desu, but given the name it's probably about the Pack structure

My ass is silent
>(and all subsequent books in the line)
Strange, I don't remember seeing anything in the Secrets of the Covenants books about the Strix...
Really? Because it has the strix from Lullay, Lullay in it
Also see:
>VTR – Half-Damned: There are creatures tainted by Kindred blood, yet not quite among the Damned. Building on Vampire: The Requiem Second Edition, Half-Damned covers ghouls, revenants, and dhampir as playable characters.
>VTR – Guide to the Night: Specific guidelines for getting the most out of Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition for both players and Storytellers. Includes Three Tier advice for setting your Chronicle and additional ways to expand your characters and Chronicles.

Even more nothing-related-to-Strix(beyond namedropping the Strix Chronicle instead of "Vampire The Requiem: Second Edition"
Just back from the Masquerade LARP.
Things went well. Tremere Primogen forced to give Ventrue a boon for throwing him under the bus. Sabbat Infiltrator attempted to kill the Myrmidon who was just assigned to Lexington. Anarchs are still defecting. Prince said 'fuck you' to other Anarchs by giving a Tremere Elder control of the small city that they were going to attempt to annex. A new Brujah showed up. New Keeper of Elysium was chosen. Lots of shenanigans. 31 players overall at game, even with people out at a birthday party. This is continuing to be awesome and I'm glad I kept at it for getting this going.
Do you think it has to have Strix in the title to have them be a part of it?
The Strix from Lullay, Lullay is in Secrets of the Covenants and New Orleans is revisited, which last seenwas being invaded by a plurality of strix

What's the source on that? I loved Lullay, Lullay and I've been excited to see a return to New Orleans for some time.


It's always good to hear about successful games. Great job, man.
of everything I saw there this seamed the most abusable, but it might be me being paranoid.
>●●● When a changeling allows her statements to be sealed,she regains a point of Willpower

Mostly I just see 3 of my players sealing the fourth after the fight, continue round robin until everyone is fullish willpower. Then harvest glamor. Yet again might just be me being paranoid.

Your court is coming along well, good job.

I'm way ahead of the "Mummy 2e never" curve.
demon the descent 2nd edition when
No, but I imagine if they're at all going to be a FOCUS of the book, they're going to be mentioned in the summary
The only mention of Strix in any of the summaries for upcoming Vampire books is a direct reference to the entirety of the 2e core book
They're not a focus of the edition, just an antagonist given the spotlight in the core book, because, as I recall, they were mentioned in 1e, but barely got any attention, and the Devs wanted them to get more. Same for the Idigam.
If you mean Demon being compatible with 2e rules, it already is
If you mean Demon being re-released as an actual Second Edition title that doesn't require the CofD core book to use, who knows. Maybe some day.

If you mean Demon getting a second edition that uses hypothetical CofD third edition rules, maybe in 2025
So if an oWoD Mage somehow achieved Arete 10 while keeping a really fucking close eye on their familiar, talismans, etc, could they theoretically go Liche and just keep going bonkers with the Spheres eternally until they were basically only around because they had nothing else to do and were absolute masters of reality? Assuming noone else noticed that this bizarrely powerful and reclusive mage was suddenly a liche.
Thanks man. It's been a ride. A fun, crazy, insane ride. Between now and next game, we're having a big 'meta event' outside the city via email/downtimes/narration. The reason? There is a plan to go to Montreal and grab Goratrix, who is on the Red List now. This is gonna be fun.
1960s America setting for Awakening; hot or not?
I'd play it
And, on that note, could a Sorcerer - or any other owod creature who wasn't damned eternally or in for some sort of half life/after life of their own - ever Ascend out of the universe?
That wasn't what anyone was talking about.
The original complaint was that the book focused on the Strix.

The Strix, you know those guys that show up on page 197 and end on page 235.

they have like 38 pages, or 10-12% of the book. Looking at it now most of it is NPC's.
I'm curious, anybody looking for players right now?
Preferably using 2e rules for whatever splat, hopefully not Beast
>A lot of people dislike C&C because of the dumb things it does to the groups. Like how Cheiron is run by SPESS ALIUNS
It's mostly that it makes EVERY Conspiracy secretly run by monsters.

It's clever once, maybe, but when they're all run by monsters it just makes Hunters seem stupid.
>Friendly reminder that the book states outright at the start that none of it is to be taken as 100% canon, it's all just potential ways for you to portray them in your chronicles
It doesn't make them anything. It just gives you a thought-out method of running them as 'secretly run by monsters' in case you, as a Storyteller, want to do that
Nothing says you have to
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Friendly reminder that the 'toolbox' approach, 'we can do no wrong we're just starting a conversation bro' approach is for faggots, faggot.
Not right now, been wanting to run mage or changeling when they are out.
Are you the OP/Fagness guy?
Because the entire CofD line is about the toolbox approach; there's multiple ways to interpret things in damn near every book. C&C just seems to be one of the ones people have a hard time imagining as a toolbox instead of a 'here's a list of options' despite every other book doing the same thing
No, but you sound like a faggot all the same. Your shitty toolbox approach, captain jew, is a symption of being a shitty game designer.
If you had to change the minor splats from Immortals, either to fit with GMC or just to expand them, how would you?

Turn the Reborn into baby sorcerers, similar to the owod ones? Blood Bathers stumbling onto gore streaked rituals that let them become a blood born pathogen, typhoid mary resurrections?

Take the reincarnation guys mentioned in the back and flesh them out except I already did that.
I am neither Jewish nor a game designer
Have fun fighting the Idigam who are the spirits of humanity, non-existent concepts, aliens, and Luna's children all at once, friend
>tfw Mummy 2e is likely two or three years from now
>they probably won't announce new supplements before then
Then you're defending shitty game designer, Freddie. Their entire approach is emblematic of being completely fucking unable to make a setting hang together, so they simply said "fuck this" and squirted a long brown stream of their shitty gospel onto paper. At least the separate owod game lines tried.
No they didn't.

Hunters ARE stupid

Investigators forever
Listen, man, the threads about to archive, and I'm not in the mood to start an argument over which of 2 entirely different games is better, so let's just agree that they both have their ups and downs, and leave it at that, alright?

Have a good night, sir
That's cool. We're not talking about which games are better, we're talking about how the nWoD is a prime example of a shitty way to design a game and setting. Fuck you, you limp wristed cunt.
>when they're all run by monsters it just makes Hunters seem stupid

Feature, not a bug.

It emphasizes how while fighting monsters, you become a monster, particularly if you've been working for monsters all along. It similarly emphasizes how deep and pervasive the "monster problem" really is. In an actual horror game this is to be expected.

Besides, only a few groups are actually run by supernaturals.
About the same time Inferno gets one.

God that was overpowered.
It's Prime, not Death, you gonk.
It's death, not life, you gonk.
Could you have an Idigam of Phlogiston?
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Someone should start up a new thread soon. I would but I got no clue how.
Your question doesn't make sense.

The thing about Idigam is that nobody knows what they're spirits of.

A Spirit of Phlogiston is a Spirit of Phlogiston, not an Idigam.
Ah, so THAT'S where I've been going wrong with the Idigam. I assume some measure of what they are can be inferred from their outward appearance. (Though this is implying that actually HAVE one when you see them in the Shadow.)
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