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Kingdom Death General /kdm/

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Thread replies: 318
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BK Edition.


Old Thread;
>tfw expansions aren't shipping till the 25th
>TFW got my expansions

So much plastic

so fucking lovely

I'm going to die from all of this love
gonna play by myself to learn the game when it gets here
is that autistic or smart or both
I usually set up a one man trial session for most of my boardgames so when the time comes I can explain them better. But that's just me.
Cuts down on first day prep time by a lot though.
I like playing solo better than with my group actually. I feel more free to experiment. Plus it generally plays a lot faster.
that last point. that. last. point.
best online store to get paints / tools from? i don't want to waste money on the cheap shit. this will also be my first time building and painting minis, so i need everything. i'd appreciate it if someone pointed my in the right direction
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Here's a little update on that dragon king.
Dunno how I feel about my glow from the eyes. I think I'll work more on the model before deciding if I like it or not.
What I do know is I need to add a little bit more white highlighting to the teeth.
Is this skin looking okay? In person it looks pretty close to an elephant's skin color, but with more black in the shading.
My game group fell apart, so I play by myself. And just the mental book keeping means it takes me a couple hours. Also having to rest my back from bending over the dining room table.
Skin looks okay to me, but the glow either seems too dim or too bright with the whiteness of the horns.

You know what might be cool? An ash grey skin. I stress "might" on this.
I have prime, so I find myself picking stuff up on amazon quite often.
Sometimes the cheap stuff is pretty good. I use 99c primer and it works just dandy. It isn't too thick and doesn't cause any loss of detail. I always get paint from the local game store, so I don't know where you could shop for that. I hear good things about Vallejo paint, but I only use Citadel and P3 paint.
The horns aren't currently painted. That's just soem zenith primer I was messing around with so it looks funny.
Does anyone have a resource for easy to print out character sheets for Children of the Stars/Sun? The one in the pdf is poor quality and looks bad and misaligned when printed out.
Yes I do agree it is a huge boon being able to play the game quicker. I also don't have to deal with cleanup because I just leave everything out on the table overnight, very handy.
I'm drunk. I do have some printed that aren't great, but might be able to scan in for you tomorrow. Dunno. Never tried scanning it in yet.
can you recommend me some brushes? think i'm gonna go with vallejo if i can't find a game store near me
I think army painter brushes with the burgundy handles are pretty good - I think they're called hobby brushes. I'd avoid their white square handled ones called wargamer brushes. I hate them.
If you google army painter you can check them out. A super detail, highlight and base coat brush will serve you well. I use a highlight brush for almost all of my non-dry brushing, non eye work painting.
If you want to spend a lot of money on a nice, expensive brush. Windsor and Newtwon series 7 are legit, but I wouldn't suggest sable brushes to newbies unless you're wealthy and the extra money doesn't bother you.
the series 7 brushes you mentioned are only for water color? they also look very thick
Hey, you should think about what I'm thinking and add some of that blue glow between his teeth. That'd be rad har as fuck.
They are indeed listed under water-colour brushes, but they are simply amazing for acrylic miniature painting.
These and Raphael 8404 brushes are what every miniature painter raves about usually.
I rather enjoy using mine.
er, it should say miniature or something. And the thickness isn't a bad thing, it helps keep the point.
I've considered it, maybe I'll try it out.

I also figured out why the glow was bothering me. The highlight should be closer to the eye. I think I was overestimating the ridge of the face thinking the highlight should be there. But it just doesn't sit well there.
Also, on the thickness, that's relative.
The #2 brush is maybe 2-3 millimeters wide at it widest point, with a sharp tip. But they have nice long bristles, giving them a good reservoir.
That is my Go-To brush, with the #3 for slightly coarser work.
Also, on a side note, don't go for the Series 7 Miniature brushes, they're great for very small, very precise things, but they have next to no reservoir for paint, making them a lot less useful for larger areas.
okay thanks guys. so maybe i should like get sizes 0-3? what about a big brush? also will those brushes work well with the vallejo paint? http://www.amazon.com/Vallejo-Basic-Colors-Paint-17ml/dp/B009162PWU/ref=pd_sbs_21_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51GP9kv8H%2BL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=1MWX5498ZBDR6R8T3HGW
0-3 is certainly a good place to start, and they'll work just fine with Vallejo paints (just remember to thin them for nice smooth layers).
Also, order some brush soap to go with them, as taking care of the brushes is quite important.
They'll last you for years if you do that.

As for big brushes, the price goes up very fast as you go bigger. The largest one I own is a #5, but I use an airbrush to base coat.
how do i thin paints? do i have to buy anything special for that? is airbrushing necessary? thanks for answering all my shitter questions.
For acrylics, just use water. It should be the consistency of milk. This is a very important /tg/ meme. Definitely hit up the WIP thread.
yeah i saw that video it was pretty hilarious. if all i have to use is water that seems simple enough as long as i'm not a retard about it. thanks for all of your help again.
Thinning paint can be done with water to some extent, like >>46110086 said, the consistency of milk is about right.
But you could pick up some Vallejo Thinner Medium (70.524) as well, Games Workshop Lahmian Medium also works really well for thinning. But water will do just fine as long as you don't overdo it.

As for airbrushing, it's not necessary at all, it's just another tool in your arsenal, useful, but not mandatory.
what about primer is that shit necessary? can't believe i'm about to spend as much as i did on the game on all this shit
oh well though that's what my new big boy job is for
Primer is necessary, yes.
Primer provides a layer for your paints to adhere to.
Bare plastic is quite slippery and paint generally won't bond to it properly, primer will.
okay. can i apply primer with the same brushes i use to apply paint with? can i apply too much primer?
If you're using a brush on primer, then yes that can be done with the same brushes (and use a bigger brush), just make sure to clean them well (but that goes for all painting).

Or you can pick up cans of spray primer, which is generally quicker, especially if you have larger models or larger numbers of small models.

As for applying to much primer, yes that's possible, though if you're brushing it on, that's not very likely to happen (you'll notice when you're clogging up the detail, and then you can correct it quite easily).

If you're spraying that's a little easier to mess up, but if you stick to short passes with the can it should go just fine. the WIP thread is a great source of information here on TG. People are generally quite helpful in there as well.

Priming can also be done with an airbrush, but again, that's a big investment, and unless you really get into the hobby, not worth doing right away.
What expansions has everyone been trying out?

We saw one guy fight the Gorm (and win!)
Someone is apparently doing a Sunstalker run.

Any other interesting shenanigans?

My group may meet up tomorrow for a antelope hunt. Either way I'm going to set up early and attempt the Messenger of Courage challenge.

Good job
Hi mate, could you reupload the megalink?
BTW awesome lightning on dragon king, have you ever tried fluorescent inks?
Playing a Children of the Stars run with Nicol Bolas leading Tarkhir settlement. Bolas ran away at the start of a lvl 2 Gorm fight due to stinky den then let everyone die to slenderman but Treyva to repopulate using graves. He's ageless now too. Dragon traits are cool. tyrant fights are ok but you get cool stuff. Tumble > Dung Beatle Knight if it wasn't obvious
>these expansion prices

I really regret missing it all during KS.

Is there a word on the availability of the expansions? Is it a limited quantity, so I have to get it quick, or can I just wait a bunch?
>Expansion Spearhead Sale Ends March 21st!
I mean expansions in general, no the sale itself
I imagine they're selling off the surplus that's arrived at the various distribution centres.
They made more than they needed for KS fulfilment for the 1st production run.
This single week of full availability is just to make some room in those warehouses I imagine.
After that they'll make a single expansion available per month, whether or not that availability is permanent is unknown to me at least.

It's not too tricky to make more when they run out of what's in stock, but I don't know what the minimum batch run would be (several thousand copies minimum though), or how long the lead time for such a batch would be.

Also, the Spidicules packing issue is going to delay that expansions' general release a fair bit. The vast majority of them appears to have been packed incorrectly, which is concerning.
Though I will say, it is damn hard to distinguish between the sprues visually, I'd have included some clearer markings on the leg sprues to prevent mistakes as the one that happened.
Winsor Series 7 Kolinsky Sable. Get a 0 for detail, and maybe a 1 or 2 for large areas. Brushes are about 12- 20 bucks a piece depending on where you shop
>I really regret missing it all during KS.
same here. Well, not that I'd have anyone else to play it with, and $400+ seems a bit excessive for a single player experience. Ah well.
I've been using the square-handled ones and having little issue, but I'm also a noob with little to compare them to - what's wrong with em?
I dunno, the point seems to break up easily and the handle shape is strange for me. The point thing may just be I grabbed a shitty one from the game store, though.
Yeah, but it's 400$, not 1000$
Bump from 9.
Thinking of painting my Sunstalker up with interference paints. Thoughts? I already have purple and green from previous projects, and they look good over metalics, but don't think I'd want it itself to be metallic.
http://arcanepaintworks.blogspot.nl/2013/11/pearl-and-color-shift.html deals with some interference paints on normal paint. Works quite well I think. Might be a good read for you.
Cool, will give it a look over, thanks.
Ha, it even leads with the Flower Knight.
The effect becomes weaker and more muted, but it still works, and may well create some really cool colour transitions.
TTS Anon: Kinda curious if there's anything I can do to try and help you with the TTS mod update.
Skin looks sexy as fuck, what a man. And such a healthy row of teeth too. I actually like the bright horns, he looks like an elephant.
I think I'll have to do some experimenting
Probably the only way to find out if it works, just keep in mind that interference paint is very hard to strip as they're usually solvent based and as such bind much more strongly.

So you may want to try it out on some test models first.
I got some old space marine sprues that I don't have much use for.

Although I'm wondering if a plastic soda bottle might not work as well, to see how it looks over size.
If you're wondering about texture and stuff you could always try a dollar store and get some shitty dinosaurs or something.
Good point. Well, I'm 36 dollars out on some of this Spaz Stix. Hope it works!
What expansions would you guys say are worth buying, as somone who hasnt cleared the vanilla box? I dont to miss out on rad looking content and models if they are going to be limited.
i just bought the 2 that i thought had the coolest content and had the coolest models, lion knight and dragon king. i'm gonna buy the rest 1 at a time each month
You just got to pick the ones that appeal to you. Dragon King and Sunstalker are solid, due to their variant campaigns. You can't go wrong with quarry monsters for the extra armor. So that gives you Gorm, Spidicules, Flower Knight, Dung Beetle and Lion God on top of Dragon and Sunstalker.

Depending on your thoughts on nemasis, you may want to look at the Manhunter, Lion Knight, and Slenderman expansions. Manhunter is a dark one, and if the fight goes poorly he'll start hanging around bleeding your settlement dry unless you can fight him off. Lion Knight is a bit more lighthearted, and includes variant combo armors, which are pretty cool. Slenderman needs to see a psychologist, and so will your survivors.

The two least grabbable ones, I'd say, are the Nightmare tree, which is a very odd encounter that only occasionally shows up, and is a Nightmare to assemble as well (though it is a good looking model), and the Green Knight kit, which is a mini upgrade to a handful of other expansions.
Green Knight IS an armor kit , though, and priced like one which is appreciated. To make it in-game, you need I believe the Flower Knight, Dung Beetle Knight, and Gorm, though.

My thoughts on the others:

Dragon King: Expensive, but great campaign and great (huge) mini

Sunstalker: Alt campaign (jury out on quality), cool survivor stuff, seemingly good fight, marginal monster mini

Gorm: Plays Gorm Climate, which will mess you up until you innovate Song of the Brave and kill a Gorm. Other than that pretty terrible aspect I'm of two minds about the mini

Spidicules: Not avaliable last I saw but a cool creature with a unique looking fight and decent place in the campaign

Flower Knight: Best model, cool stuff, mini-alt-campaign

Dung Beetle: Could have sucked but Poots loved it and wanted it to be happy

Lion God: Stupid figure, Not As Advertised (no compatibility with White Lion, doesn't care about the lions you kill), but DAT LORE! and weird messing with terrain

Lion Knight: The play's the thing... seems fun as hell. Not a quarry though.

Slendy: Could have sucked, but instead seems a really neat alternate to the kingsman

Manhunter: Doesn't offer much save brutality, seems a bit light for an expansion.

Lonley Tree: WTF am I even fighting? Neat in that it "upgrades" other monsters and integrates as well as being a special showdown, but you're paying $75 for an RNG Tree.
>Green Knight IS an armor kit , though, and priced like one which is appreciated. To make it in-game, you need I believe the Flower Knight, Dung Beetle Knight, and Gorm, though.
Pretty sure you also need Innovations/Arts from the Manhunter and Spider.

Dung Beetle probably brings the most 'stuff; for the price.
So after the Butcher slaughtered our group and the only remaining female in the settlement got killed because she was caught being the Skull Eater, we decided to start over because we saw no reason to continue with only three male survivors left.
So far everything has gone well with our new settlement, only one dead survivor from our first Lvl1 Lion fight. With one Founding Stone left we made a full Rawhide armor set, bone darts, bone blade, cat gut bow, harp and Lion Beast Katar so far.
Is getting a second Katar worth it? 4 Speed seem great, but I fear we will trigger a Trap way too often with it. Should we get the Kings Spear if possible? Or would it be better to upgrade to the Weapon Maker and get some stuff from there?
Also when is a good time to start hunting the Antelope? Sorry for newbie questions
Scans when
I like the spear because it negates a lot of shit like traps (monster can't attack diagonally).
The King's Spear was one of the weapons for me that lasted into the late game. Reach is brilliant. It makes pounce and slam much easier and lets you avoid certain mechanics. Better reach weapons do come along, but that spear is it for a while.
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I'm honestly not sure if this is a typo. I think it is?

Still working on it. There are a LOT of cards.
Okay yes, that is a typo. Looking through them, all cards with the green tint should have Separation Anxiety effects. So the one on the left is correct.
My impatience does not outweigh my gratitude.
Thanks in advance!
If you take 5 damage to a piece that has 1 armor, is it an instant severe injury?

It's an instant two severe injuries and you're knocked down besides.
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No it's not. Its only a single severe injury. Regardless of the amount of damage, you only roll 1 severe injury per 'damage packet'
Oh God, our poor campaign ended for nothing.
Mistakes happen. Most games you don't play perfectly the first time through. Until encountering the Hand, my group mistakenly thought impassable terrain was impassable for monsters too, since even on a stone face you'd always be at least ADJACENT to walkable terrain (and thus attackable)
Axe is better than blade. Spear has its uses but Weapon Crafter is the way to go for zanbatos, which you should get unless you wish to avoid the best weapon in the game.

Katars are gimmicks at best in the base game. Specialized builds can do nasty things with them, but you're at the mercy of traps and reflexes/reactions.
>tfw Lion God is one of your favorite minis

plz stop being mean to him
No. You must worship flower knight
I'm sorry your favorite mini has a sperm head.
Can you provide a shot of him that doesn't look unfortunate? Because some of the art in his book is kinda cool, but all the photographs I've seen of the mini seem phoned in -- by HR Gieger, but phoned in all the same.
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Fixed the eye glow. Worked on the teeth. Base coated the tusks horns.
That looks fucking great. Well done. Also I really like the teeth and horns as they are, I reckon keep them as is.
Looks good. Can't wait to see it finished. Started on the Tyrant at all?
Muh mannn. Good advice and good taste. I had to shell out for the Flower Knight too though, but lk and dk take the deathcake. Also does anyone else have a dethklok themed game running yet?
>Antelope knuckles are gimmiks guys

The teeth are probably done. The horns are probably going to be a similar color to the teeth.
He's built, but I still need to gap fill. The face is literally all I've painted on this guy, besides the heart, so I've got a lot of work to do.
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Most definitely.

- The system rewards revealing only a limited number of hit locations and delivering critical hits, which favors low speed high str weapons with deadly and devastating. IE the zanbato.
- Overcoming toughness is the easiest thing to do in the game, as strength is an abundant stat gain.
- The antelope is a shitty encounter.
- The stone circle is a shitty location in general - the antelope armor is shitty, and the rest of the gear is bad or highly situational. The only real reason to build it at all is the charms, and those aren't worthwhile until the midgame or if you get an early savior you wish to put to use. Paying the 3 organ 1 hide tax, in the early game, just to build a beast knuckle is idiotic, and after the early game you have better gear etc to put your resources towards.
You have objectively poor taste.
>antelope is bad fight
>stone circle is bad location
>bone knuckles are early game
>str is a useless stat
>zanbato is good so let's compare everything to it cuz if something is good x4 of it is better

Wew lad, contain those memes. You've been playing one way so long you've gone and turned into a donkey brained man.
Well, is that your counter argument?
It works (own a few bottles myself), but it is a shame it is such a huge pain in the ass to get here in Europe. Their EU store is a scam (literally not sending out product that was paid for, so I charged back), and the US store doesn't ship overseas (volatile paint, so makes sense). In the end I managed to get a few through ebay.
Great colours and shift-effect.

Just be patient when applying. This is a solvent carried paint, it's really thin, multiple light coats is the way to go here for a good result.
It also dries fairly slowly compared to acrylic, so keep those coats thin or else it'll run.
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Now bone knuckle use 101 my young arrogant memer:

It isn't an early game item. You stated the obvious, that stone circle isn't an early game SL and then went and acted like it's meant to be. Use that brain for something other than memes. Knuckles are your t2 Katar, young buck, so plan accordingly. They're the sweet reward for your lion beast Katar user, and the reduced toughness synergizes perfectly with the specialization.

The thing is, and here is where your memes really failed you, is that you failed to see that katars are a defensive weapon type. They don't compare to the zanbato user. You bring them same reason as you bring that spear user- to handle the beast after you've got your zanbato hits off on good, safe, cat eye'd locations, but you're not memecuck enough to sit around and let one weapon carry you through the game.

Wew lad. Wew. So many memes rereading your post before this reply. I'm all memed out. You've gone and memes me to sleep.

Meme on death cowboy
The fuck is up with that speech pattern?

In any case, enlighten me then: what's defensive about katars? What's the use case beyond a vague 'not wanting to use the same weapon'? Hoping you roll a trap and reshuffle the hit location deck?
>having fun? Normie's reeeeee

Listen man, use your own damn brain. Katar mastery grants evasion tokens, SP is canceling first chosen hit location (not traps). Spear grants trap shuffle and the ability to pass on priority target.

Fuck you, dumb bastard, why do I gotta keep pointing this shit out to you in plain english? If you're so dumb you need to be educated, go to school.

>I need two masteries to make a single weapon type viable

yeah ok
You're a stupid.
Tell me what's wrong with it besides le penis tail xD
is there a way to find someone playing this in your area?
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Okay, so, hope for a few 10s and to not get knocked down - this allows the katar master to evasion tank. Then the spear master survivor attacks from behind him to get him priority target token, this ensures that the katar master can be the tank.

You're committing two weapon masters to this WHY?
has poots mentioned if they're ever releasing expansion sets without minis for people who have resin versions already, or do I have to deal with it and try to sell my extra?

Honestly, I bought the Lion Knight for ~40 back when KD launched proper, realized the expac would come with a hard plastic model, and flipped it for ~75, so I may as well have bought the expac for 40. Unless you're super attached to the resin, I'd scalp it.
Any other advice?
Last we left off, Nicol Bolas and Treyva (later Kholaghan after Treyva got a bad roll) repopulated the settlement of Tarkhir after disasterous back to back Gorm lvl 2 and Slenderman encounters
>Year 9 through 14 go on without my presence but from what I gather they did
>Year 9 Tyrant lvl 2
>Year 10 Gorm lvl 2
>Year 11 Gorm 2
>Year 12 Gorm 3, Somewhere along here Jugan gains a Rust Constellation and becomes the first true Child of the Stars. He is hobbled by a 3 movement due to multiple acid palm results.
>Year 13 Butcher 2, Bolas has enough evasion to live through hack city and gain legendary lungs. By around this time he also gets bitter frenzy. Stuff becomes dead really fast.
>Year 14 Dung Beetle Knight. From what I hear tumble negates most of the damage from the encounter.
>Year 15 Beast of Sorrow. This monster was huntable from the elder council we got on year 13 or so. It allos Bolas to gain the fighting art he needed to gain the Storm Constellation. Intet also gains Immortal disorder from hunt events.
>Year 16 Slenderman lvl 2. The hunting party was lost. Treyva becomes the host and takes over Atarka II. Newer generation that has benefits from Empire/Saga/Bloodline is birthed.
>Year 17 Lion God. Relentless is a real thing, bring AI deck manipulation. Otherwise was a straightfoward fight.
>Year 18 Flower Knight. With knowledge worm there and many survivors having destined, we created a B team with the newer generation so that A team could get back to 0 insanity. Flower Knight fight is very interesting and memorable mechanics-wise. Intet soloed it for the most part due to how the encounter works, Immortal helping out immensely.
>Year 19 Tyrant lvl 3. First off we got to unearth a calcified Zanbato! Unfortunately we were not able to get Nightmare training in time to auto get Arena. Our strategy of tank/dps/necro eye/rawhide since we couldn't pass enough wounds around to others to gain many dragon traits. Manage to get the kill on Keiga II to get her Oracle's eye.
With tomb coming up, we are realizing that we are very short on completed Constellations. Jugan and Bolas are good to go and both Intet and Keiga II only need a few more points in understanding to bingo. Everyone else is extremely far away due to Frozen Star SFA being so hard to get. Overall plan is to get the Green armor shield in time for the final encounter.
That means the plan is to do a lvl 3 Flower Knight, Lvl 3 Gorm and Lvl 3 Dung Beetle knight, with a Slenderman and another hunt in there. Kind of disappointed that we can't really afford to send the A team vs Slenderman because of how much we need constellation. So far that encounter has not been really attempted in earnest and will probably not be for this play-through.
Didn't really get to Spiderclese at all either, nor Phoenix. No one wants to hunt Antelope ever anyways. We definitely added too many things to the game initially but just having them there doesn't interact with the flow of the game much.
The newsletter said expansions will be made available about 1-2 a month, in a cyclic manner, along with the new resin release.
Supposedly, this would include new expansions as well.
Seems more of a classic choice for the dung beetle IMO
Is there a way to contact Poots directly?
>include new expansions as well
But my wallet is already bleeding dry with the current batch of expansions.
The glossier and darker the base is, the stronger the effect will be. Applied over a gloss black base they'll be at their strongest. Colours will change as a result of different base coat colours, so experiment and see what you think looks awesome.
You need to kill a Lvl2 manhunter for one of the pieces. From the spider you need an innovation, but you don't need to include the spider in your campaign (though I really like her and her unique mechanics personally).

You don't need everything for everything, though (you can make the helm with just one expansion), and each individual piece is fu*king powerful in itself.
Short: DBK = Dung Beetle Knight, FK = Flower Knight, LK = Lion Knight, Gm = Gorm, Sp = Spidicules, MH = Manhuter
>Helm: DBK
>Gloves: Gm, MH
> Plate: DBK, LK, Gm
> Faulds: DBK, FK, Gm, Sp*
> Boots: DBK, FK
> Griswaldo (sword): DBK, FK, Gm
> Fetosaurus (shield): DBK, FK, Gm
* - only need an innovation from the expansion, don't need the monster on the quarry list.
Not right now, I'd wager. Probably swamped with new xpacs + Lantern Festival production + Wave 3 fulfillment + Spidicules leg issues + raising a 1-year old baby.
What for?
I want to whore myself out for a deal on expansions because I'm a poorfag in a poor country
Try sending an email through their support system (kingdomdeath.com/support), Joe and Clark are also really nice and forthcoming (and Adam himself answers sometimes)
Don't have any gloss paints. Would mixing some gloss varnish into the base coat work?

And thanks for the advice, it's a big help.
Man, I don't think it's worth bothering people with begging, but thank you for a very helpful and friendly post.
Happy to assist Anon, these are cool paints to use.

mixing in some gloss varnish or gloss medium should work I think, it doesn't really care where the shiny comes from, as long as it does.

One other question, how are you going to apply these?
Spaztix might be a little friendlier than Alclad (they certainly don't smell as much), but they're still solvent carried paints.
I personally have a dedicated (cheap) airbrush for them as I've read horror stories about what these paints can do to an airbrush that has ANY acrylic residue in them, but it slipped my mind until now.
At the very least, give your brush an exceedingly thorough cleaning before spraying, preferably with some kind of solvent, not water.
Not sameanon (I don't have any experience with interference paints), but it's probably best to just use gloss varnish over the basecoat (or even over the interference paint) - from my experience, mixing varnish with paints yields discoloration, dilution, or outright being impossible to mix (all depending on the type / base of the varnish)
>>46136863 here,
>gloss medium
is very different from gloss varnish, and *would* be good to mix in with the basecoat paint.
>Begging working folks for free shit because you're a beanermonkey who can't get a job.
Poorfag entitlement is disgusting.
>thinking I'm in america
>thinking I don't have a job

Man, you live in a bubble.
>Have a job.
>Not making enough money to afford the things you want.
Literally a monkey beaner shit stain.
You both take it back to /pol/ or wherever.
What the fuck are you doing?
bypassing phone autocorrect out of habit. It's either this, or "ducking"
>Finally get my expansions.
>Pop open Spidicules to check the sprues.
>Duplicate Rear Right Legs.
>Call my brother who still hasn't opened his "everything" despite receiving it first thing.
>Convince him to open his Spidicules.
>Duplicate Rear Left Legs.

>No one wants to hunt Antelope ever anyways

This I don't get. With a little luck (possibly literally), the antelope is significantly more generous in resources than the lion, due to having many, MANY more resource-granting crits. It's also a niche balance between difficulty (It's really no harder than the lion) and prizes (The Phoenix doesn't give enough more to justify hunting it more than once or twice to go after the Rainbow Katana, though a rather advanced settlement might desire the armor since the armor rocks, I have a hard time imagining a campaign where getting it is viable)
Trying to get a better deal is not entitlement. If anything it's something that you should always go for, if you want to manage money better.

These expansion packs are pricey, you know?
A better deal on a semi-exclusive luxury good.
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This thing was so fucking frustrating to model.
Point being?
I think he's showing his progress and stuff.
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There's a case for the antelope later in the game when you have good crit chances (good luck and a club), but early on the Lion is an easier to manage fight that a) has better hunt events (innovation!), b) allows more useful stuff to be built from quarry bits, c) doesn't have a chance to destroy your gear and d) doesn't have a chance to spawn a lvl+1 monster.

And once the phoenix comes up, while the fight is more difficult, you're again faced with better hunt events (innovation!) and rewarded with better gear. In this case, the phoenix plackard is a far better item than the rainbow katana, and the rest of the set isn't bad either. Two isn't a waste. Around the time you can fight it is also when you want to start rotating out your starting population for the new blood that is coming in with better stats, so deaths against it aren't bad, and aging up your survivors gives you an immediate boost in power.
>Can't afford a toy.
>Think you should be given toys.
>Think that by not being able to afford a toy, you deserve a price reduction on the toy if not the toy itself.
That is literally entitlement you pathetically poor bean counting salvage merchant.
>This I don't get. With a little luck (possibly literally), the antelope is significantly more generous in resources than the lion, due to having many, MANY more resource-granting crits

Indeed. My group just started a new campaign, as we made alot of mistakes in our first play through and decided to try again from scratch after we fought the Hand.

Anyway, we decided to rush the Antelope immediately after Endless Screams, and we walked away with 16 resources. Granted, 2 of those were from cannibalism, but even so goddamn. So much crafting, even if we did dump a lot into opening up Stone Circle.
What are you using to model things? That shouldn't be that bad.

If you want something modeled, I am still here.
Know how I know a faggot is samefagging?

Thanks for the (you)s.

Try to use your brain m8y. Not gonna explain more than that. If I did something as basic as point out you don't need everything, and there are a million other ways to tank, get aggro, or handle fucked hit locations. Katars are not useless, and that's the only point... Shit. Meme magic is a reality. Call you a memer and you become an actual meme.

>hurr durr I don't need str
>wut is good about ignoring reactions
>omg evasion tokens on perfect hits is pointless I don't even know what fighting arts are or what synergy can be between gear, weapons, fighting arts, disorders and even other weapons!
>muh zanbatooooo whaaaaa waaa was

At least you're good for a laugh after all this. More than I expected desu.

I think more people hunt the phoenix than you might expect. Phoenix armor and weapons are really, really good, and the face that he can age your guys means you can build up a B team very quickly if you are careful.
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>Literally three different people calling you retarded.
>Try to pass it off.
>Putting 2 fighting arts on one guy for a mediocre buff.
Nah you dumb bitch, nah.
You just lurk here? Could sworn I read your shit about the antelope months ago. Thanks for quick responses at all times samefag. Back to a tolerable general now for me. Keep memeing with all your might!
Take your meds champ.
Wings3D. I know I should switch to blender, Wings is just what I'm more familiar with. "Familiar" in this case meaning I know how to spawn a cube and resize/scale/extrude it. The issue was trimming the corners off. Wasn't actually that big of a deal, just annoying when you have no experience with modeling.

Yeah, it was basically just a progress update. That is one of the two irregularly shaped tokens in the expansions, and it was too large to be scaled up to proper size using TTS's built in token/tile generator. Now that it's out of the way, the only other thing that might need a custom model is the Sun Track, and that I could just make part of the table and call it done.

As for full progress:
>Card scans mostly done
I missed 1 side of the Lion Knight reference card, and the gear from his expansion. Need to scan those in still.
>All terrain is completed and ready for import into TTS
>All scanned cards are cropped and sorted except for those from Dragon King, Spidicules, Sunstalker, and the above mentioned cards.
Progress is slow, but steady. Should be finished with that step tonight.

Then I need to bring it all into TTS, make sure everything is there, and that there aren't any other scans I missed.

After that's all done, all that remains is making Tokens for the monsters. The base game monsters have new tokens that look MUCH better than the old ones. No longer use shitty over-pixelated scans of the card backs.
Have you never bargained in your life? Nobody is talking about giving.

I quoted the wrong post, it was meant for: >>46138520

Thanks for the update, can't wait to get the updated mod!
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Well, if you have nothing else constructive to say except blame memes for everything like some metal gear character, thanks and you can stop now.
Some other changes I'm making to the mod. As big of a stink as I made about this in a previous thread, the main reason I'm actually doing it is to decrease filesize and improve load times.

All craftable gear has the same card back. Gear that isn't craftable has the "Rare Gear" card back. Founding Stones and Cloth are now considered Rare Gear. Gear from the Dung Beetle is no longer double sided. The 'normal' side is regular crafted gear, and the Calcified side is Rare Gear. The gear WILL be sorted out and labeled though, to make it easier to find the gear you are looking for.

Innovations that lack a 'Consequence' keyword (I.E., those that can't be innovated, and must be recieved from events) now have a different card back from normal innovations.

Principles are now double sided cards. I.E. Graves is the back of the Cannibalize card, instead of two separate cards.

Monsters card backs no longer have their unique crest on the back of it. Instead, all Monster AI share a card back, all Hit Locations share a card back, etc.

The proxy cards no longer have generic card backs. Instead, there will be a set of proxies for every card back in the mod.

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Also tokens are now sorted into different bottomless bags.
So, here's an aside. How would you think about going about keeping it from being too garish? I figure I'll want to keep the mouth "natural" looking. Teeth and gums as normal. Maybe black gums.
And yeah, was going to airbrush Spaz kids on. Good call on the thorough cleaning, I'll have to get some acetone for that. Usually I use windex, but have gotten a bit of residue.
masking fluid (make sure you use one that can handle solvents), masking tape, that sort of thing.
That way you can keep the paint away from the areas you do not want.
As for keeping it looking natural, don't apply too many coats. The effect isn't going to be too strong with only 1 or 2 coats, and if one part of the shift paint is close in colour to your base, it'll dampen that side of the shift a little bit.
So, question for people who have had a lot of play experience. Generally, is it better to try and complete armor sets, or are there certain armor combinations that have ended up better for you if you mix and match? Like leather and Antelope or something like that.
Complete set bonuses are powerful. Honestly, it's hard to justify breaking set when you have the option to have the whole thing.
True, but some sets just have a lot of dead chunks. Like, rawhide set bonus is amazing, but is it really worth having three pieces of armor in your grid that don't really contribute much to fights?
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Full sets give good bonuses, but tend to require you to use a couple of pieces of armor with no bonuses on them.

Mixed sets are generally harder to complete the affinities of, but let you tailor your build a bit more.

Its basically the same as in Monster Hunter. Go with just a normal set for the most part, but if it comes to it, you can very much get away with a niche build using a mixed set. The Green Knight armor is a great example of that. Its extremely difficult to gain the whole set, but each individual part of it is useful to add in any existing armor set, even if it breaks set bonus.

Really though, I would love for more Hybrid Sets to get released.

That I can agree with. If Poots just released a deck of hybrid armor sets, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
I got a purple/teal/green, a red/purple/gold, and a red/gold. Think I'm going to start with the red gold at the tentacle extremities, and shift up to the purple/teal/green at it's body.
I was kitbashing dragon Armour and lantern together. Just thought they'd go well visually.
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Part of me really hopes that since the Lantern Festival doesn't have armor sets with it, it instead has like 15 different Hybrid Armors, from across all the various expansions so far.

I doubt it though.
sounds good, really curious to see how they monster will turn out.

Important tip, don't apply matte varnish afterwards, the effect relies on the gloss, matte varnish will kill it completely.
Yeah, that's what the above linked blog said. I'm more excited for this monster now that I have this paint scheme in mind than Icwas previously.
You know, I'm confused. The armor icon on that set, does it mean you just have 4 armor to all locations when wearing it? Or does it add 4 armor to all locations?
A full rawhide set stays useful throughout the game, and rawhide headband+shirt+red something evasion bonus is something cheap to make and easy to slot into survivors to give some protection and utility - filling in the rest with leather armor and monster grease can make for a fairly tanky build without needing to spend the resources for the whole leather armor set.

That said, completing sets for every survivor gives very important abilities, and is something you should be striving for. The only reason I'd mix and match pieces besides not having the resources to fully outfit everyone is if you're going for a particular specific combination of affinities to activate a gear.
Rules for it are in the Lion Knight rulebook.

>"When a survivor departs with a Hybrid Armor set bonus, set their armor points at all hit locations to the number of armor points printed on the hybrid armor set card (before adding modifiers). Losing an armor set bonus during the hunt or showdown does not change armor points at any hit locations."

Also, you cant actually use the hybrid armors bonus until you earn the set bonus cards through a story event after fighting the Lion Knight once. They are sort of a psuedo-innovation.
Did I see that right, you can have all those shoulder pads and stuff IN ADDITION to your normal armor?
So theoretically if the Gear Grid was bigger you could have two armor set boni?
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You can technically use it with a partial Gorm set (no regeneration suit).

However you wouldn't have any weapons other than Fist and Tooth, and most of the Gorm armor requires a shield to activate its abilities.

these sets, and the secret fighting art that lets you turn gear on it's side to complete affinities, might be my favorite thing about the LK expansion, and that is already an expansion chock full of things to like.
Good luck getting Ageless Apprentice on anyone though.
Actual spoiler:
A survivor has to land the last blow on the LK.
That survivor has to roll high enough to not die or lose an arm immediately afterwards.
Then they have to beat the LK again,
Hitting a specific HL card.
Yes, and? It's still an awesome art to get, and an awesome idea for an art to begin with. Most of the secret fighting arts have insane requirements, like the King of 1000 battles.
The link for the rulebooks in the OP appears to be dead.
Wasn't Gorm supposed to come with two sets of hands?
There's pretty high chance KD will be making big bundle deal next Black Friday. Yeah, it's in another 8 months, but I wager anyone still following the game has already reached patience to rival Himalayan monks.

Failing that, just whore yourself for money so you can afford the stuff.
Oh really? Is it something Poots hinted at?
I can wait that much, it's not an immediate need. Thanks for the tip!
It will be in some store, and I'll have to bring Calvary, or I can order it online?
I'm not sure if poots has given any word, but he's done some pretty awesome black friday releases/deals approximately every year, so it's a pretty safe bet there will be something.
>Newfagfans needing everything spelled out for them.
Jesus christ.
Man what the fuck is your problem today?
>Wanting to unironically help eighth world bean counters.
Build Wall.
Can you please adopt a name so I can filter you?
Just ignore the redditor and he will go away.
Anyone could reup the mega link?
Your link's broken, OP
Name fags are cancer. Just look at the Fat One and his sycophants.
Let's not go down that magical road now kids.

And to be fair if you're part of pooland you should probably be concentrating on where your poo is landing instead of buying expensive board games.

Priorities yo.

I heard. I'm to lazy to upload them again so you'll have to get some other dick to do it, sorry boss.
>if you're part of pooland
I'm not. All I want is the thread to not be poo.
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No bully!
Make KDM General Great Again!

Build Wall Innovation!
wow anon, had a bad day or something?
So, Bone Earrings

The bonus from them is pretty sweet, but being restricted to bone gear... whats the best build for this? Or is this something you only ever build to get an advantage on level 1 monsters when the whole group doesn't yet have armor, and it just becomes a liability after that?
I'm helping to make America great again.

What have you done today friend?

I find it's better to just invest in some awesome weapons at first. Weapons and Bandages. Ignore Antelope, acquire Lion and DBK.
Not today, but I gave a little taste of my fight with the Gorm on Thursday. That was fun.

Looking forward to Spidicules, but I need to do a Lion hunt first. Got a Cat Eye that needs to be made into a bracelet and I need the Catarium for that. Mebbe a harp, too.
Give it to anyone infected by the Kings Curse. You can also give them a few parts of the Rolling Armor, and the gathering tools.
I've been recovering from training fatigue

>I'm helping to make America great again.
How do you do that? Also, are you telling me it isn't great anymore?
>Not making recovery part of your work out.
That just makes me want to call you a fat ass.

As for the meat of your question; Kingdom 'Murica buds.
Hill Dog and Trumps did the whole bitter rivals but Trumps of course triumphed while the Bern felt the Burn of Gorm vomit.

Black lives didn't matter after Dindu and Nuffin got squashed and we don't even have a wall built. But someone innovated drums so we can lay down a funky fresh jammaramma in the meantime.
America was never great, they just have bloody good PR propaganda.
Would it be possible for you to take your memeing elsewhere? Like the KDM subreddit, perhaps? They would probably appreciate it more there.
Well they got Hollywood, they could propagate almost anything
>Implying people can't have fun at your expense.
>Literally can't stop mentioning reddit.
If you're so fond of the place why don't you go hang out there champ?
>le everyone who doesn't like my unfunny memes is a samefag xD

Kill yourself.
We had a good showing as the "Sleeping giant" after the New Deal, and continued for a pretty sweet run through about when we decided the fucking moon wasn't worth it anymore.

We should have a fucking moonbase and active Mars missions by now. Make America Great Again -- Fund NASA.

In Kingdom Death related stories... You know, I wish I had more recent ones but we're kinda in a holding pattern over here waiting for expansions to arrive. Looking forward to the DBK most I think, though People of the Stars is also going to rock.
>Actually upset.
Who ever said anything about samefags anyway?
I always imagine each post is by a completely different person, make using the internet easier if you don't get obsessed with identities didn'tcha know?

Why do people want to fund NASA when you could put that money towards something actually useful?

>Spaceship innovation to explore the dragonscape when.
How cool is that in every, even small community there's this one disruptive idiot that divides the place?
And every time half the community can't stand him and the other half ignores all that, getting upset at people who raise the 'issue'.

Sociology is fastning.
I find it's more people trying to be internet police and telling people what they can say and where they can say it instead of just ignoring it, brushing it off or calling them a fag and leaving it at that.

This is 4chan after all.

Besides I don't like giving handouts to mexicans. They don't even pay taxes.
>Make America Great Again -- Fund NASA.
Now that is a goal I can get behind.

>Why do people want to fund NASA when you could put that money towards something actually useful?
Because most things that would actually be useful for the general public are no so much restrained by budged limitations but rather by stubborn resistance of various vocal self-entitled minorities labeling them as "discriminatory".
Part of it is because Space is awesome and presents our biggest hope for the long-term future, because right now if something fucks up this rock, we're done. Another, more practical part is that NASA's innovations for spacecraft filter into civilian life and make it better with things like Temper Foam, Freeze Drying, and scifi shit like pain relieving LEDs.

Funding NASA is the closest thing we can do in the real world to innovating as a settlement.
>Implying you'd get to live in Elysium.

Also; why is there no 'Banner' innovation or something similar. Lots of musical instruments but no standards or anything that I can dip in the blood of defeated foes?!
>Why do people want to fund NASA when you could put that money towards something actually useful?

Because the Space Race is the icon of progress that doesn't hinge on conflict. Social progress is marred by the need for it to be a fight rather than a given, and military victory requires us to have an enemy to have victory over, something that it has become a bit rude to make a big deal about because globalization means lots of those former enemies are our allies now. The list of groups and countries that we can have a public hateboner for and not be treated as bigots is pretty small, and it basically comes down to terrorists and North Korea.

But the space race? We put a man on the moon. Its still the single most impressive thing we have done as a species. Its a goalpost for human innovation that we haven't beat, even though our technology has advanced a fuckton since then and a modern smartphone would be considered borderline magic just a couple decades ago.

NASA is less about practicality and more about how it makes us feel. Something that everyone can take pride in, regardless of ideology or background. That, and its sort of important in the long term to spread out and find a way to live on more than one planet, because we are one moderately fast space rock from being blown the fuck away. Its not a short term problem, but it is one we should be working on.
>Eating Neil Degrasse Tysons butthole.
Great physicist, but that dude is an idiot.

>space race didn't hinge on conflict
change your name to Foolish Coward of Darkness

I'm using Golden's green-orange inteference paint for my dung beetle knight. Or rather am planning on using it.

I don't think it'd be any more difficult to strip that than any other acrylic paint.
Mapping the genome is every bit as important as putting a man on the moon, and arguably more practical. But not as flashy.

Neither are arm based monsters.

Favorite armor sets aesthetically? Mechanically? Got one that you want to love but it just does not hold up?
I've previously used purple and green interference paints. They were for a Convergence of Cyriss project that I never finished.

Pretty cool, but it'd be a hell of a lot of work to use over something like the Sunstalker. DBK could work, but the multi color interference paints would probably work better for what you're talking about.
White Lion set waifu is pure.

Everything else is gross gutter trash.
Not going to shit talk White Lion, but don't be smack talking the Dragon King. It'll hit back and give you cancer
Genome shenanigans come with a whole lot of ethical constrains. That's why States and Europe limit themselves to studying it by observation, meanwhile China already goes trial-error.
Rawhide. Easy to craft, enough armor to give you the padding you need in the early game, and a kickass set bonus that keeps it relevant to armor up ranged characters into and through the midgame. Antelope is also cool, huge armor if you're insane, a special combat action you can get good synergies with, and a lot of affinities. It's a bit of a pain to make.
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Here, shitty, but you can kinda see the interference.
So now that I have the expansions, I'm going to need some kind of support for the board rather than just slanting the cards to fit the dividers under. Anyone have any tips?
I just filled the box with foam, over the cards and down the outside edge of the insert. Cut the top of the cardboard miniature box for the original game and turned it upside down so it rests on the foam on the top and down the sides.
Just throw the board on top of that.

You can even fit all the sheets and rulebooks on top of all the tokens.
I'm hoping to get a finish like this on my DBK.

Tried gloss black basecoat and a couple layers of interference paint, but the color is way too dark.

Currently trying on a brown orange basecoat and shooting the paint in multiple layers through an airbrush with layers of clear gloss in between.

It's taking a loooong ass time, so I'm hoping it's worth it.

If this isn't satisfactory, will be moving onto trying it on a green base coat and then a violet one if that one doesn't work either.

I suspect I might be out of interference paint by the time I come up with a satisfactory finish.
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would have helped to post the image.
Yeah, I don't have much experience, but will be trying the techniques advised in >>46117350
You are using an airbrush right?
I will be, but was not >>46146277 here. That stuff would never work in an airbrush.

There's actually a few good expansion monsters that have bone armor now. Dragon King armor is all tagged as bone. It got a big bump in strength.
Are you on the wacky acanthy? Only the Dragon Helm is bone. The rest isn't.
Yeah, I'm using an airbrush with Golden interference paints.

I was somewhat concerned about mica flakes clogging it, but after thinning it with vallejo airbrush thinner, some pledge future, and a little bit of water, it seems to go through fine.

The mica flakes seem to end up finer than if I were to just brush it on too, so that's a plus.

That said, it does make the effect more subtle so it kind of necessitates multiple layers of clear and interference paint whereas if I were just brushing it on, I'd only be doing multiple layers for a stronger effect.

Hey man, around these parts we call it the medicinal acanthy, but yes, you are correct. I guess I saw the hat and just assumed. Still, lots of the DBK armor is in fact bone. You have a lot more options now for a bone warrior, the necklace still got a jump in usefulness.
A lot of the Dragon weaponry (aside from the nuclear stuff) is actually bone, too.
This is probably a stupid question but how to the upgrade kits work? do you get generic figs and equip them or do the armor sprues fit together to make a guy in that particular armor set
Man, I hope that we get more scythes in future expansions. Given the Scythe Mastery, I feel like it's pretty certain. But I love the clumsy things, and want to see more of them, if only for Rule of Cool.
The latter. You'd get Armor Set X with pieces for Legs, Torso, Arms, Head, and an assortment of weaponry and trinkets. The body pieces can be constructed in any which manner you feel like. So you can have Legs from X set going with Body from Y.

Each armor set will build you 4 models (2 male, 2 female) so most people seem to be building one male, one female of each set, and then saving sprues to build notable Survivors or just do fun mix and matches. Whatever lights your lantern.
That sounds hella fun, i keep wanting to get into this but the price tag is too steep for my poor ass
It's actually a bit overwhelming. There's so much stuff to paint, so many variants, so many monsters, and they all look so good. I'm honestly nervous about starting them, just because I don't want to trap location them up.

Also, since I'm very early in the game, how good are Knives overall? I've looked at a few of the gear cards, and they seem underwhelming.
Not to spoil things to badly but one monster in your core box is particularly weak to daggers.

Personally I dig them, but I also seem to have amazing luck at surviving traps and rolling high.
It brings me great pain that I do not have this game and it's expansions.
I didnt know about it until recently, and that price tag is just too steep for me. It'll be a year and a half before I make enough money to justify buying all of it.
Don't dump the cash for the core game and all expansions at once. Just get the core game when you can, see if you enjoy it, and if you do pick up the expansions over time. It's the sane thing to do.

That or wait to see what crazy deals come out on Black Friday and snag a load of stuff then.
Seconding Black Friday. He usually puts up good deals and re-releases models alongside new models on Black Friday.

I'll have my eye on it in case of a new expansion. Possibly Ring Tail Fox? A Survivor can but shouldn't dream.

IIRC The First new expansion is rather heavily implied to be Nightmare Ram. Since we've actually seen them playtest that one.

I think there was something about the Storm and Gold Smoke Knights as well.
God, I hope for Storm Knight. And Nightmare ram, too.
I finally assembled the lonely tree, if anybody wants pictures I took some from several angles. I found the ones online to be less than helpful.

(select all images with trees)
The Ram and knights are probably "small" expansions though. Fox is likely to be the next campaign-adding expansion but it's a LONG way off as to my knowledge we've heard buzz and not even seen a miniature the way we have for so many others (even ones that will never see the light of day in KDM like the Wet Nurse)
Well, yeah. I imagine the Storm Knihgt is probably a Nemasis. Ram might be a quarry, but given the weird dungeon layout it might be something completely different, like the Tree.
Never played with miniatures before. Are all those armors the game comes with detachable? Glancing at the pictures they look so small and intricate I thought they must be glued on, but then it's hard for me to imagine that you could only chose one set to attach permanently and let the rest go to waste..
the armor sets are completely separate survivors
post your top 3 kdm models. I'll start.

1. Lion God
2. Sunstalker
3. Gorm

Flower Knight is overrated trash. Sorry but it had to be said.
What this guy said. It's not that there's only four survivors and you slap armor on them - each armor set comes with four more survivors to build, and they're fairly compatible so you can mix and match. I think final count was 28 survivor minis?
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Armors are divided into bits, so you get sets of legs of leather armor, of rawhide, of phoenix armor, etc, ditto for the other locations (chest, arms, head). When building the miniature you assemble them however you like using the available pieces and now you have a finished survivor miniature representative of a particular equipment set.

Normally everything would be glued together, but some people go an extra mile and drill in magnets to make the parts detachable so survivor miniatures can disassembled and reassembled.
1. lion knight
2. dragon god
3. distracted
Your tastes are shit
Anybody ever do a "challenge run" kind of campaign? For example like restricting yourself from using certain types of items or something like that. If so what did you come up with? Also how did it work out?
1)Dragon King
1. Flower Knight
2. Fighter
3. Thief
Obvious bate.

1 Dragon
2 Black Knight because he makes the best dynamic stand-in for static hands, kingsmen, whatever.
3 Flower witches because kawaii settlements are the best.
1. Messenger of Courage
2. Survivor Pinup
3. Thief

Third wouldve been Mage, but I never managed to pick one up.
>We should have a fucking moonbase
Out Space Treaty brah.

>act Mars mission.
2020 the US is doing a manned mission to Mars while everybody else is trying to go to the Moon to remove the US flag that was planted there.
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sorry fellas but Lion God really is the best model

Just because his penis tail makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean that he's a bad model. You guys need to grow up.
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Here is a pic of Lion God, i.e., the best KDM model.
1. Black Knight
2. Gold Knight
3. Storm Knight

4. Dung Beetle Knight
5. Lion Knight
6. Thief
Wemt to buy some stuff, and noticed that the dragon king, lion knight, and manhunter are sold out on the US and UK warehouses.

"Settled" for gorm, flower knight, and dung beetle knight. I assume dragon king will be one of the expansions that will be early up on the release schedule, due to how muchbit adds and its popularity.
there's literally nothing good about this.
He is literally Poot's Magnum opus, I'm sorry that youre too much of a pleb to realize that.

Remember, sometimes true art can look "disgusting" or "truly icky" at first glance due to shocking imagry such as showcasing the male genatalia. You have to absorb it, make it a part of your daily life. Mount a picture of the Lion God on your wall, set the lion god to be your smart phone wallpaper, talk to people you've just met about the Lion God, or maybe distant relatives you havent seen for years. Sometimes it takes hours, days, even weeks to appreciate good art such as the LionGod. It takes time and lots of excruciating effort, but its worth it.
White Paladins when?
Was there ever like a bug queen, not spidicules, I'm thinking more like a Hornet or something like that poots has teased by?
Honeycomb Weaver buds.
The lion god is great. The way it's standing on a pile of lanterns is perfect.
Not enough chitin

I'm with this guy http://shop.kingdomdeath.com/collections/sold-out/products/white-knight I want this guy to come back
>Not enough chitin
I don't think the KD 'insect' monsters really have exoskeletons. The Dung Beetle made his armour or whatever didn't he?
Spuderman is all fleshy too.

Plus she has those horrible bees, who knows if those do anything.
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I doubt Adam would do that, since all the crybaby fans would cry out for "munny grubbin", like everyone is reacting to the Green Armor right now.
This, on the other hand, is a great idea.

In general, I would love to eventually see expansions that just add cards, for example:
* More settlement events (possibly even ones that don't make all the players complain they suck)
* More AI cards for existing monsters (maybe, like, a different biome - and suddenly snow lions and snow antelopes that act slightly differently from normal equivalents
* Basic Hunt cards that point to a new table, giving a 50-50 chance of randomizing between the two tables
* A stack of new disorders and fighting arts (admittedly, this actually already happens with the existing expansions)
* New legendary monsters, possibly for the existing expansions as well.
>trying to be observant / analytic
>can't spell fascinating
>judging from the mis-spell, can't even pronounce fascinating correctly
Hey guys, I think I found another American
1. Erza
2. Thief
3. Lantern Festival Pinup
Base box has a total of 34 survivors, IIRC.
> 4 starting
> 2 intimacy
> 7 x 4 armor set survivors.
or was it that one of the armor sets made 5 minis?
Guys, guys, guys, I just had an awesome idea!
You know how the Green Knight Armor needs stuff from mostly all the expansions so far, is insane to craft, etc. etc ?
What if the expansions come out in "seasons", let's say the next "season" is 3 knights (Gold Smoke, Storm, Black), and some nemeses and quarries (honeycomb, fox, ram), and at the end, KD release a new insane-o armor set (e.g. Blue Knight Armor), which uses stuff from those expansions (and none of the "season 1" expansions).

Then again with "season 3" and the next set of expansions / a new armor, etc.

Bonus points if Adam goes for the Green->Blue->Red Zelda armor progression.
What's the best way to get into this without actually buying anything? I don't care about the miniatures, I'd just like to try or at least check out the game. I know the OP has/had the rulebooks and TTS anon has been scanning expansion cards, but what about the base game cards and quantities?
I hope it'll turn out awesome Anon. May well give me some ideas for my own Sunstalker. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
1) Flower Witch
2) Forge God
3) Wet Nurse

Being able to do both the beautiful and the grotesque is important. Even being able to mix them is an admirable skill which for me puts Disciple 2 up there as well. If we restrict it to Monster rather than the larger Kingdom Death line...

1) Lion Knight
2) Dragon King
3) Phoenix

4th: Overrated Flower Knight, 5th: Intimacy Female, 6th: Kingsman
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Finally received my kickstarter backing items.

I remember buying a bunch of the pinups many years ago when the hype for this was unreal.

Am I supposed to receive them like this? I thought they'd all come in a nice box, with a bigger cardboard illustration of their full body.

>tfw $300 down the drain for these. I don't even collect miniatures or play traditional RPG where these miniatures are needed.
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I will never let my dick decide to buy things off kickstarter ever again.

holy shit man, a 10+ hour battery life? you must be a pro gamer or something to need a laptop that powerful
The resin pinups came with the box and the postcard-sized print. Plastics came "naked" (i.e. no packaging) and only with the smaller card-sized print.

Also, hello there 5 months ago, how did you only get these now? Are you in South America or something?

As for offloading everything, the promos and pinups go nicely on eBay.
Not to the follow up game.

White Knights, Forge Priest, Forge God, Wet Nurse, Mother, Grandmother, are all minions of the Entity and unlike the Second Lion Knight not known for straying far from his lands. And we've been told those are too deadly for the survivors in KD:M as opposed to the follow on game.

Not that I'd describe the White Knights as paladins since
"The glorious White Knights are the military might of the Holy Lands and enforcers of the Golden Entity's capricious whims. What dwells inside the exquisitely crafted armor is a mystery born in the furnace guts of the Mothers. A byproduct of generations of eugenic experimentation transforming the people of the Holy Lands in the service of the Golden Entity."

The Black Knights and the Twilight Knights come closer.
>Black Knights in general and Percival specifically
Because despite being a cat person, even Poots seems to think dogs are nicer than cats.

Also, considering how he's themed off the White Lion, and there's a variation of him (White Knight Heavy), along with that lore blurb, my money is on the White Knight being the most basic/ common enemy in KD:H.
It's possible we'll see White Knights. Being soldiers they can probably venture beyond the Holy Lands. I could see them as an alternate to the Kingsman. Chosen would also be cool but less liklely.
Anyone got new monsters or survivors to post?
You're using Acrylic interference paints, the Anon I was providing advice too was planning on using Spaztix Interference paints, which are solvent carried, rather than acrylic.

Usually the solvent versions will have a somewhat stronger effect due to higher pigment density and stronger pigments.

Your acrylic interference paint should act like acrylic paint, and will be easy enough to strip, true.
I thought metallics and other paints which carry fragments of something were harmful to airbrushes?
providing the particles are fine enough, and you clean your airbrush (you don't want this stuff drying inside the brush), then you should be fine.

Clogging is more of a risk, but if you're using modelling metallic paints, then the flake particles are very fine to begin with.

Abrasion of the coating in your brush is another risk, but not sure how much of a factor that is, unless it's in the long term.
Good to know
Would Kick still loop itself if it is the last card in the AI deck but there are also cards in the Discard Pile?
The FAQ made it sound like that, but I thought you would just shuffle the Discard Pile to the new AI Deck again.
No. If you're out and need to draw, you reshuffle the discard. When the FAQ says "Last card in the deck" they mean "The last card the butcher has access to" where everything else is a wound or in-play mood.
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how much do you want for them
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Tokens mostly done. Looking for a better images of Dragon King, Sunstalker, Slenderman, and Spidicules.

Tried using card art whenever possible, but The Hand and Kingsman didn't have any good art, so I used rulebook scans instead. I did the same for Sunstalker, Dragon King, Tyrant, Butcher, and White Lion. I'm thinking of switching White Lion and Butcher to some of their card art though.

Can't find any good images of Gorm and Flower Knight, as they aren't shown well enough on their cards.

So if anyone has some good images to use in place of some of the tokens, I'm more than happy to change them. Except Manhunter. The Manhunter image is perfect for him and I refuse to hear otherwise.
Oh right, something else I was meaning to ask:
Because the Butcher always draws two cards, does that mean he draws two times the same card if only one is left or does he perform a basic action instead of the second card? Does he perform two basic actions if on his last wound?
The old tokens were better. Now it looks like a dnd tabletop tool.
I believe he will draw the same card multiple times and only basic action if he's out or otherwise instructed to basic action.
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>the feel when you surge during a monster flow to deal just enough wounds since one AI card is neither in the discard nor AI stack.
OK, Quick test, I'm going to try to ID everything

Lion God, Phoenix (Could use a better picture, maybe the shot of its mug from "Showdown: Phoenix), Lonely Tree, and... Retinue?

Sunstalker and I can see why wou want a different dragon king image

Top row survivors, bottom row shadow and spiderling minions?

Watcher, Hand, Resin Dung Ball
Kingsman, Slendy, Dung Beetle Knight
Tyrant, Spidicules, Butcher
Manhunter, White Lion, Lion Knight, Antelope

>Dat Manhunter
My god, he's McLeach from Rescuers Down Under with less shirt and more evil!
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Did some work on the neck. Also shaded the body in a rough shade but that's not that interesting to look at so I'll continue to crop to the important stuff.
/v/ pls go
That's the picture of the four starting survivors.
The Retinue just hang out on the LK's base.
I know what the picture is, I was guessing what a 3x3 of "multiple survivors" would be used for in TTS. Retinue for the Watcher fight was the only thing I could think of and if I'm right it's a decent image for it.
Tbh, I didnt like the basecoat ate forst but after the shading, I've come around. Its looking good.
>ate forst
shit, did I have a stroke.
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You are thinking of the Court. The Retinue is used in the Watcher fight, and doesn't actually have a mini.

Yep. Got them all right.

I was also considering making tokens that use the monsters emblem, but there aren't yet high enough quality scans of the expansion rulebooks for me to use those emblems yet.

Alternatively, I might use the art from the actual Retinue card. But the plan was to use the 3x3 picture of all survivors as both the retinue, and the party token when you are in the hunt phase.
I think your dragon is going to turn out better than mind. So you have my admiration, and resentment.>>46161343
Yup. Pointed a few threads back he was MacLeatch.
Yeah, it'll take a lot of work to get the skin done, but I'm painting for an hour or so a night so I'm not letting it drain me with how much there is to do. It is however pushing commissions and my own other models to the side, so I'll probably have to take a break soon.
Thanks! Don't worry, I'm sure I'll see plenty of dragon kings that make me say, "Why do I even paint" pretty soon.
Want to do the blue glow same as you, but not sure if I want ashen grey skin, or dark, dark black.
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