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Cute things' thread - Merlin Township edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 207
Thread images: 151

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Continuation of >>46087886
Post cute pics, dawww stories, and anything coming from that core of childish wonder and happiness that you hide inside that jaded neckbeard exterior of yours.

Merlin Township is a /tg/-created setting about heartwarming eldritch horror in a not-so-normal rural town.

Learn more about it on the archive :

Or on 1d4chan :
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Part of the reason I decided to try and become a writer was that I think part of me was hoping I could find a magical escape into those worlds I created.

Still searching, in my own work and in others.
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That doesn't seem very cute with all that blood and fire
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I don't like you.
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Here's that pic on its own.
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So cute the MIB had to take her.
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You and me both, friend.
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That kid is going to save the shit out of that world.
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>Not playing Papers & Paychecks
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I've always found these guys cute, dunno if they fit though.
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Cutest thing in this thread.
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Do you think dwarves have surface colonies for growing foodstuffs, or do they import grain, or even fully-made bread?
Cute as hell
until they stab you
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Warcraft dwarves do have agricultural settlements I think. In the areas that were inaccessible before flight was introduced to Azeroth, and wildhammer dwarves are essentially surfacers.
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Only in some worldlines, bud... only in some worldlines.

Let's hope our current worldline is one of the good ones.
What is that from and why am I not fucking it?
That artist a some great pics.

Let's say pic is Merlin Township, to keep it thread-related
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I feel like that'd be an interesting thing to work out with dwarves, especially if they're almost totally underground. It'd be a nice way to introduce strong alliances with surface races, or even an entirely new surface race that's bros with the dwarves. Or like you said, something like wildhammers, or hill dwarves, or whatever you can call them.
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I heard you talking about female dwarves.

Jezebeth from Might and Magic - Clash of Heroes.
Be aware that she's usually not cute. Example below with the original art by Ledroit (site has great pics from the same artist, even if they are not "cute" by most standards) :
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There is no Chaos here.
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The sideburns are oddly fitting.
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Here, have a much nicer Kitten and Sororita pic.
>super sexy fire elemental mistress with demon accents
Eh, that's just boring.
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There is now
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I know. I have the wierdest boner for her.
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I wish ;_;
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I know there's another picture of a dwarven thief with those sorts of sideburns, but my folder is far too mixed up for me to track her down.

I wish I saw it more often in art - it looks good. I think it's because it helps frame and soften the jawline somewhat, and doesn't cover the face like a full beard.
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There is a distinct lack of elf slave in that thread.
Wow. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thank you ND. That's a nice picture.
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I think it's the perfect mix of sexual dimorphism, non-human features, and still feminine face.
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That's a good way of putting it. By the way, I found that dwarven girl I mentioned.
I have a Wafku folder.
Begin cute and hips dump? Y/N
Do it faggot
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Do iiiit

Y would you not do this
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>That's a nice picture.
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I've found that a combination works quite well. My settings' dwarves have topside settlements for agricultural and trading purposes, exporting precious metals and stones, handiwork, as well as various highly regarded racial foodstuffs based almost exclusively on dairy products due to the abundance of cattle, sheep, and goats. E.g.: kashk, keefir, koumiss, and ayran.

In turn, they import almost everything else.
How is that suppoused to be Eva anyways? Her skin was always rather light and I don't think she dressed like that
Season 2 she cut her hair short and dressed more in that suit and long gloves than the dress-like outfit from S1.
I don't remember the gloves looking like that. Probably cause they were fingerless
Also her hair looks just a bit too long
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Which came first, the Eva or the Eva?
Looks better now that the colors are right
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It's by Xa, one of the Wakfu MMO's designers, btw.

Alright, you bunch of ouiaboux.
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Dont forget the one time she almost screwed up (on Han's junk barge, letting the monster out) it ended up being a good thing that saved everyone.

>To quote Han Solo, that's not how the force works. It's not like your pathfinder wizards where you have to study and shit to be able to do anything, if you have the ability, you can do it, training just lets you consistently reach the proper focus.
That is how the force works. You need training to do the shit she did. Even Ahsoka couldn't mind trick for a long time despite having full faith.

>Gosh, it's almost like she spent her adult life being a scavenger digging through the innards of ships for a living.
Digging through junk =/= being able to fix the same junk. She out mechaniced the falcons crew. Thats complete bullshit.

>Name me one force sensitive that hasn't been an instant fucking ace pilot.
They tended to have prior experience doing related things in the Skywalker families case. The point is more so that she was piloting the most complicated ship in the galaxy, a ship that typically needs a copilot, and she did so solo and out flew two trained pilots.
The same middle-aged man runs through the town square every night, screaming "I'm a vampire! I'm a vampire!" until the break of dawn, when he just disappears.

He has been doing this for the last two hundred years.
Occasionally, a group of Asian-looking tourists come in on a tour bus to take pictures, see the sights, and maybe swim in the lake. The language printed on their brochures and tour buses is completely incomprehensible, not resembling any modern dialect of Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.

(need elaboration, plz)
tbf her original plan would have had no casualties, most like, it just turns out getting all of those guys dead is pretty handy. And by having it be an accident, she's not at fault! Yay!

Honestly, the one moment of screwing up was great, and only punctuates the problems with her characterization more as the movie went on.
>You need training to do the shit she did.
[citation needed]
Not once did Yoda sit luke down and go 'right you faggot, here's how you mind trick people', it was all about learning how to focus.
Chucking more quotes around (going off memory, so I probably don't have this one exact)
>"Remember, a jedi can feel the force flowing through him."
>"You mean it controls your actions?"
>"Partially. But it also obeys his commands."
It's not D&D wizardry, you don't need to wiggle your fingers exactly 35.3 degrees counterclockwise while whistling dixie, you just need to find the way of going 'hey force can you give me a hand with this' that works for you.

>Digging through junk =/= being able to fix the same junk. She out mechaniced the falcons crew.
If I am remembering the scene correctly, she was familiar enough with 'the garbage ship' that she knew the previous owners had made modifications to the system that was about to gas them due to fuckupery, which is how she knew how to fix it. She hardly walked blindly onto the ship and handwaved the problem away.

On the piloting, meh, there's a fairly good chance she's a skywalker herself, and I'm not enough of a lorefag to know if the Falcon was actually particularly difficult to pilot or if most of its fuckery is from all the aftermarket modifications and a control panel spread out across two seats.
>It's not D&D wizardry, you don't need to wiggle your fingers exactly 35.3 degrees counterclockwise while whistling dixie, you just need to find the way of going 'hey force can you give me a hand with this' that works for you.

Yeah, but at the same time, Luke *did* get training. He had a character arc. He wasn't born a magical Jedi, he got his powers over a long period of time bit by bit.

A little bit of training from Obi-Wan made him ready to listen to the Force. A little bit of training from Yoda gave him the ability to use it somewhat, but still get his ass completely handed to him by the resident Sith.

Rey got mindfucked by a teenager without a helmet on and wound up three-terms pregnant with a belly full of force badassness.

What lost it for me, really, was the moment mid-swordfight where she closes her eyes and her makeup clears up, giving her the powers to beat the shit out of the guy who has been un-fucking-stoppable the whole movie. At least have the black guy get back up and shoot him in the knee or something instead of that trash.
Eh, we could probably go back and forth all day on this. Leaving aside all the years of changing movie standards, Luke was a farmboy getting the Dursley treatment from his aunt and uncle, while Rey got abandoned on a desert shithole and had to struggle to keep living day to day. Guess which of those upbringings is better suited to going 'oh fuck, I can thing, how do I use this to survive?'

As for the unstoppableness of Ben, they hyped the fuck out of the bowcaster in the fights leading up to him getting shot in the gut, he was hardly at his best at the start of the fight, much less towards the end when he's had more time to bleed out.
I cant recall a single instance in star wars of some just naturally being able to competently use the force without training. Even Anakin just had better reflexes before training and not much else. Ahsoka couldnt mind trick till well into her training with her master.

Even when the Jedi Order was around and younglings were well aware of the force and how real it was, they took years to do stuff like the mind trick that Rey did with very little trouble.

And the Falcon is pretty much held together with duck tap and glue and so heavily modified that only its originals owners should be able to ride it right.

The issue is less that Rey drove it. Its that she was so incredibly skilled at driving it.
>I cant recall a single instance in star wars of some just naturally being able to competently use the force without training.
If you accept Legends content, there's probably loads in assorted flavors. Off the top of my head, Jaden Corr was able to construct a lightsaber untrained.
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Are cute ELONA things welcomed?
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The thread is dead.
I've always loved that picture and wish there was more to expand on it.
.... i wonder what pictures of real life would look like if the AI was fed anime instead of dogs.
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Somehow I can't find the one where dhe's in his fish tank eating the goldfish.
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so much cute ITT!
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Awesome, thanks!

captcha: select all oceans
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You are now aware sharks have sandpaper skin
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You are now aware I don't mind and it's only rough one way anyway.
I am more aware of the fact you never handled sharks before

Very smooth skin when you stroke along the grain, but if you were to pet upwards, then it would be rough and not so great. Source: worked with them
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Chibi Tiamat 1.jpg
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This was a great thread.
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Godspeed, Major Tom
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that dragon has huge honkers
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Don't make me share more of these.
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You are now aware that making assumptions is never a bright thing to do. I have in fact handled sharks before, used to help a friend who kept two catsharks. Or are those too small to demonstrate the true razor skin you speak of?
Go for it. On my phone and having disagreements with deviantart when trying to find the rest.
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I just happened to have been there when they were dumped once. You've already shared some of what I have.
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And that's what I've got.
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His ancestor?
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And what better way to end off my little dump than with a random picture of a dorf with a monkey?
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Found a few more while I was looking at least.
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I've seen this image several times and only now am I noticing he has a leash around the dragon kid's neck and that there's faeries around the edges.
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These are really cute.
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Artist is Sharkie 19 on deviantart or tumblr. Tons of cute art.

captcha knows what's up. Keeps asking to pick boats and bodies of water
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I'd love to play in a campaign that was all about wandering the world and having cute and heartwarming encounters.
Rolled 10 + 6 (1d20 + 6)

You know what? Sure. Probably a Will save.
Same here. Went into writing so that I could just find happiness. Course, in the end it just turned out that writing itself was what brought me happiness.

Who would have thought? :)
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I love Nadja, need to get back to it.
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There's a very real chance my campaign could end in a dance-off against God, and it's an Eva campaign.
Does that count?
I should add the pilots are all cute girls who do cute things in their spare time.
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I'd say yes.
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Crystal Discovery.png
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I'll happily admit that most of the stuff here fits my favorite niche. Just a bunch of fantasy critters that live in your town and really don't raise a fuss.

A Dragon who claimed the title of Mayor and everyone just works around it.

A Minotaur selling organic veggies at a Farmer's market.

Tiny people who moved into your house, but they play co-op games with you and now you can get that Portal 2 achievement.
What TD is this?
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What the entire fuck.
There is absolutely nothing unusual about that.
>Indian Lamia

That is interesting.
My issue with Rey is that she took away screen time from Poe and Finn. She didn't contribute anything I could care about and all her scenes were honestly ignorable. I got up to go to the bathroom when she found the lightsaber.
Er, Source?
Notice that the blueprints in the wall depict the engineer, not the girl.
Isn't that that one dwarf chick from Dragon Age Origins?
No, still cute.
Just stabbing you while being cute.
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You should check out the Merlin Township links in the OP if you haven't already for a modern-day equivalent of this idea.
That picture was created as part of a paladin succubus waifu thread. Not sure if you knew that and wanted more on top of that.
It is in fact Thai.
File: hatyay.jpg (99KB, 600x506px) Image search: [Google]
99KB, 600x506px
Alright, taking this occasion to ask a thing:

Do you have homebrew cute races or monsters in your settings, /tg/?
Tell me more about them!
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179KB, 1111x833px
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67KB, 800x600px
Hey, Mister. Do you wanna buy some cute?
How much?
Is it wrong that the worlds we make is kinder than the one we live in?

cep't the grimdarkones.
What is that?
I was going to say a raccooon or tanuki but they're brown ain't they?
No, that's World of Warcraft fanart.
>i don't understand how post numbering works
yes, but we hit the image limit
>You'll never adopt a little girl with aspirations of being a merchant and bring her on adventures
Thread posts: 207
Thread images: 151

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