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Penal Regiment /tg/: Do Nothing and Chill Edition

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Thread replies: 548
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Welcome back to the Penance lads, might as well relax and take care of business while we're stuck here, as it seems there isn't much else at present.
>rolling out of his bunk the Ork crashes to the ground, before getting to his feet and scratching the stump of his right arm.

Tudays the dayy, gun git meself a rite gudd choppin arm.
The question is..a real Human Arm or an Augmetic one?

Alright ma- Woah, what happened to your arm?
>Behrend and a small group of marines blink down to Gospyria's surface, into a meeting room with Nyzart in it
"Ah! Back so soon? How went the sabotage?"
>a brief summary of events is given to the phaeron
"A shame the station couldn't be salvaged, but your primary objective was completed, and for that you will be compensated."
>Nyzart summons a group of warriors carrying a large box as if it were a coffin
"A selection of wargear, and a series of tools for the maintenence of dreadnoughts."
just curious, what is this thread about?
>The anti-depressives did their job tonight.
>LIX seems to be smiling in her sleeps before slowly and groggily waking up
>grunts at the officer
got shot off by them metal spookies.

big metal one, and he's gunna get a hat, a real fancy one.
>The Trooper, still half asleep, puts her uniform on and prepares herself for the coming day.
Better get coffee...
c-can I j-join?
>Is sleep walking towards the mess hall.

Sorry, what´s the imperial equivalent to coffee?
>A ragged looking ratling walks around

h-here you go boss.
Recaf IIRC
Vaguely unruly bunch of Guardsmen and Guardsmen accessories go about the Galaxy and kill things because why not.
Admittedly they did kill one too many Daemons and got themselves noticed but....
Nevermind that, anyone can join as they wish if one wishes to goof off and do strange things.
And yes, join as whatever you want m9. I mean we have an Ork wot helpz da 'umiez afta all!

Morning lass, sleep well for once?
>Alice finishes pulling her uniform on and starts strapping her armour over it.

Recaf. And ciggies are Lho Sticks.
>carving up the carcass of a Pit Thing
of course. Make a character, and start posting.

After seeing horrors to fly your skin off, the silence here is deafening. Even when you see meltas opening up on your front lines and artillery shells tearing up the skies at least you know the nature of war you are waging. Now however... nothing, enough silence to drown in to. More than enough for any man to handle and the memories, now the have the time to creep back. I couldn't hear the back in the day, too preoccupied surviving and all. They scratch behind my forehead, bleed in to my eyes. Even this by itself could be manageable somehow, there is alcohol here, but the future laying in wait. This just isn't. I do not know where death would come, neither it's form or nature. Because I am sure as hell, death is the fate of every guardsman and it will come for me.

I wish I was somewhere else.
Boss? I´m just a trooper.
>The trooper seems to hide something in a box.
A-And how did you get into the female quarters!?!
Affirmative, tonight's been a good night...
Is good day to remove, no?
Everyone is a boss, boss and I'm here to make sure linda gets her recaf.
>after a brief inspection of the contents of the box
We shall take our leave then. If you require our services once more, we have heard tell of job prospects in eastern Tau space. Farewell, phaeron.
Medicae can probably get you an Augmetic if you want, it'll let you punch harder.

Indeed, it's a very good day to remove.

Blessed Accordion Music intensifies.
>picks up his accordion and starts playing a janky tune.
Can someone play trumpet? It goes well with this I hear.
Good, you've been worrying me sometimes, but nevermind that.
>Alice finishes with her gear and grabs her Bolter from the desk.

Shall we go and see if my mates arrived?
>Sam nods and shoulders her box, before walking towards the corridors.
Orders, eh? Fair enough. Just let me warn you. The female quarters don´t like "visitor´s" all that much.
>The Trooper shows you a devilish grin for a second before leaving the quarters behind.

Assuming you´re male, correct me if I´m wrong.
thatz the plan, I wont it wif burny and crushy actiun.
>the ork smiles wistfuly as he remebers crushings long since past.

we kan remuv all ya wont boss, you seen an Oggy runnin bout?
remove heresey brotha
>One of the Vessels of the Fleet Alan decided to bring, which identifies it's self as the 'Imperator Vult' attempts to hail the Poison Star.
I have not seen oggy.
can you play trumpet?
Remove heretic when offizier?
Orders? It's self preservation boss. You don't wanna see her without recaf boss.
>Male and or Androgynous
>Still sleep walking towards the mess hall. Guardsmen are seen clearing a path for him.
This is the strike cruiser Poison Star. Go ahead.
>Peterson picks up a Trumpet which is conveniently lying on the decking and walks over to Milo.
I can play it if you want, the 'Remove Chaos' theme is a good one.

That can be arranged, just need to speak to the Medicae, or maybe the CMO or the Interrogator.

Once the bosses wrap up their business in this System I assume, shouldn't be -too- long.
I kan sing? and play stringy stick boxxy thing
>the Ork begins to hum to himself
>the Ork chases after the Ogryn, slapping him on the shoulder.
>Stomps over
>poke poke
She truly is a inhabitants of these quarters then.
>Sam bids you farewell.
Should get some myself.
Err... I'll just... Be on my way...
>has just finished reinforcing his armor with bones
>the janky tune intensifies

removal soon chaos turk
>mutters to himself in a whisper
>He literally just handed you some......
Lord Inquisitor Wellesley, I was wondering if I may acquire the services of a few of your Battle Brothers to help ensure the safety of a.....'Field Observer', if you're with this lot then you probably know who I speak of.

I assure you, you'll be well....'supplied' in return.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>Wada slowly wakes up, he groggily takes a few swings with his hands.

That was for a Linda, I´m a Sam and a Wada.
It could be arranged. How many battle brothers do you require?
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>the big guy tries to calm down the Ogryn with a one armed bear hug.
cool it little Ork
>The callidus assassin seems surprised.
What mates?
>stops as the song finally comes to an end.
I go now to pray to god emperor.
may he help us remove many heretics and xenos.
>A lucky shot knocks the Ogryn out cold
kk. gotta get going.
I would say one Squad would be sufficient if that would be agreeable with yourselves?
Uncle Alan of course, I asked for them to come here. And to bring friends.
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>The "techpriest" seems to be toying with a filled animus in his private quarters. Said animus is shining green.
Oh I bet you hate it in there, you abominable nurlging, it's all clean and ready for insertion into the-
>The animus emits a small gas which sends the infiltrator coughing.
What magic is this?!
I don't even have lungs anymore!
Damn you Nurgle!

>Minutes later is seen coming out of engineering and into the mess hall coughing like crazy.
>finishes his prayer and starts sharpening his bayonet
shall I play remove song to welcome his angels my offizier?
>Wada struggles for a bit in Bob´s grip, before opening his eyes.
>Upon waking up, Wada grins an punches you lightly on the back.
We do not normally line to split up our company. The supplies you offer would have to be of exceptional quality and you must promise to transport their gene seed to us should any of them fall.
Alan is on a different ship, that was my bad you weren't there last thread so you couldn't have known.

If the Astartes are coming back on board I'd certainly say that warrants some more music.
>The Ork responds by puching the Ogryn back
mornin boss!
>patting his stump he grins.
Tudayz the bigg day, gunn get me klaw.
>Walking towards Bob and Wada, machinery in Sam´s box activates itself.
Be quiet for once, will you?

>Cursing, Sam comes to an halt in front of you.
implying the power of remove won't transport me to the other ship
Da, my offizier, I shall play.
>waves at you.
What? What for?
>LIX seems to have increased the speed into which she's putting her uniform and armor on top of her temple bodysuit.
I assure you, the supplies we offer would be well worth it Captain.

Some say that the equipment you would be supplied with is...'infused with the Blood of Angels'. I assume that wouldn't trouble you?
>The Ogryn just nods. His eyes turn towards your arm.
Wad klaw?

>Sam groans and drops her box. She takes a lasgun out of it, before the her drone can fly out of the box.
Weren´t you the guys, who invaded the female quarter´s recently?
>The Trooper looks ready for combat.
I'm concerned that we may have Heretics in our midst, however an Interrogator can't do much about that. A few Inquisitors however.....

>As Alice speaks she closer to LIX, to the point where her hands are concealed by both their bodies and mimes the shape of a box, along with the letters S, T and C.
>a brief pause
If what you offer is truly sanguine, then it will be sufficient. Will you agree to meet with the squad that will be escorting your agent?
Big bear man, how many xenobabs have you removed?
>he grins at Sam
men who burst into the quarter's have two arm, Iv got one now, kant be me.
I agree, perhaps we should meet on your Strike Cruiser, or on the surface of Gospyria?

The Penance is also an option, whichever agrees most with yourself.
>Still coughing.
>Something gives him a bad feeling.
>Takes a water tank from the mess hall and leaves back into engineering whilst hiding something back into his robes. Cancelling what he had planed.
The neutral ground of the Penance will work. Assault Sergeant Behrend and his squad will meet you there.
Mhm, I believe the 'Inspection Team' will be most thorough in their task. Perhaps we should tell them that we're still alive then go see the rest of our fellows here?

>Alice tucks a couple of cords from her gauntlet into her sleeve with a grimace and taps a few buttons.
>gestures towards the door.
>Wada looks at you confused, before turning his eyes back to Bob.
Xeno...bab? You mean enemy? Lot´s...

>Sam studies you for a moment, before shouldering her lasgun.
Well, I don´t believe you. I remember an Ogryn, an Dreadnaughgt and someone of your staure breaking in.

>Sam turns to glare at wada and Milo.
Even filled an report.
>Once again she nods, pets Lira for a few seconds before leaving and moves outside their quarters with Alice.
Indeed, we shall be there.
>Alan cuts the Vox Transmission and heads out of the Bridge to grab a few things.
>A minute or two later he is teleported to the Penance along with 4 Stormtroopers and a sealed case.
>He is of course wearing his Power Armour.
>the Ork provides a half shrug.
Wont me, kant pruve itz me and nobody saw me doin it.
>the red bra stilla round his head wafts faintly in the nonexistant breeze, blame tzeentch for that one.
If big bear man permits, I shall tag along and remove xenobabs with him
>Alice marches out of her Quarters and towards the Bridge, missing Alan who is closer to Midship
>Behrend and four marines wait in the meeting room
>Sees them whilst passing by back to engineering.
>Once reaching engineering, locks all entryways in the most paranoid manner.
Inquisitors in my ship...
>Coughs twice, then walks into the camera bug controls, tossing away the water tank for the time being.
What kind of shady bussiness did I miss?
>Wada shrugs and grabs you, Bob and Sam and drags you towards the mess hall.
Food first.

>The Trooper let´s out a shriek, as she is dragged along.
The higher ups... probaly know the person described in the report!

>As she fails to get away from Wada, Sam mistakes the red bra for a bandana.
>happily moves along.
fudd first then arm.
>Alan and Co. are directed towards the Meeting Room in question by helpful Crewmen.
>The five enter the room and stand on the opposite side of the table.

Ah Gentlemen, a pleasure to meet you, I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
>Alan gestures for one of his men to open the case, which he does before returning to his watch of the door.

>The case contains two Bolt Pistols, a Bolter and a Powersaber, all bearing Blood Angels Iconography.
>The Bolt Weapons look to have been constructed at some point in the last 5000 or so years.
>The Saber however, looks positively ancient.

Would these be a sufficient down payment? We do tend to keep most of them under HEAVY guard, for obvious reasons.
>appears to debate the matter before merely agreeing and allows herself to be dragged along.
I suppose food and some Recaf would be nice.....
>Following Alice as she's dragged
Alright, alright, easy there big guy, no need to drag all of us.
>appears to think for a moment
This will be a good down payment. Can you tell me anything about these items?
>exits his office looking rather annoyed
>sees Alice being dragged away
>starts laughing
Well that certainly cheered me up.
>Wada let´s go of all of you and continues to walk.
Sorry, Sir.

>Untangling herself, Sam salutes Alice, while cursing at the Ogryn.

Milo? Sorry, meant to link to you.
>pulls himself away and waves at the Officer.
you gunn giv me arm now?
Err... I find it disturbing. Reminds me of my cagemate. She left like that, too.
>bursts out of a servitor closet holding a bottle in each hand

Lashots keep flying past my head!
Just like the guy with the helmet too big for his head! Wooo!!
His noggins blown to bits! ohh!
Cause lashots kept pouring on his head, it kept pouring!


bloody hell!
Ah, jackson! Care to join us for breakfast?
The Bolt Pistols were gifts given to our family by a Captain of the Blood Angels, I believe......8th Company for services rendered, aiding them in their duties to an exceptional degree. Both were received.....twenty five hundred years ago, give or take.
The Bolter was given to a Lord General of our family some four hundred ago for a similar task.

The Powersaber however, I believe that entered our family some six thousand years, when a Regiment led by one Colonel Bernard Wellesley led an Assault that allowed the Blood Angels to recover some injured Brothers, along with the geneseed of more, unfortunately slain ones. Would have cost him his head if it weren't for the Captain at the time being VERY annoyed at that prospect.

>A camera zooms in.
Pheh a payment.
I was expecting something far more interesting than relics to bring a Malleus inquisitor here.

>Keeps checking around the ship through different cammeras.
>As Jackson speaks, he would hear a rather unamused chuckle behind him.
Don't know what you're laughing about pretty boy, you're going to with her.
>A Trio of Stormtroopers grab the 'Medical Officer' and start to drag him towards the mess along with the others.
>The rest of the squad and a second acting as escorts.
Yeah, It took the techies a little while to scale it up properly. There's a nice little surprise in there as well

I just thought it was funny that our 'superior officer' was being dragged around

Good morning Delta. Yeah I'll join you guys then I'll reattach Bob's arm.

>the cameras of the Medical wing seem to be on a different server entirely. Almost like their hiding something... nah who would hide something there.
>follows the stormtroopers with the accordion playing the following track
>the orks grin extends beyond that capable even of even a pink horror.
A'z it got burny?
>pulls boxers shorts off his head

Now where *hic* was i?

OH yeah!!

>inches on the floor like a worm

Commissar did some some talking to the lads!
He said he didn't like way they got things done!
So he shot them on the job!
Oh, a lasguns is now pointed to my head,
please fire it!
Awwweee. Harper called me pretty, I think I'm gonna blush.
>starts chuckling
>lets himself be dragged to the mess hall
>he's enjoying this, he's even reading a data slate on ork anatomy on the way
So, Harper, how's your morning?
>Arriving in the mess hall, Wada seems to be the first one standing at the counter, while wondering why the stormtroopers are copying his actions from earlier.
Ogryn Ration, please!
>The Stormtroopers carry Jackson into the Mess and set him down at a table then return to the task of 'guarding' their 'detainee'.
Eh, well all things considered. Woke up, took a look out the nearest viewport and saw a helluva view.
You alright, milord?
>Still cursing, Sam grabs her meal and follows Wada uneasy to where Jackson sat down.
Is it allright, if I sit here, Sir?
It's got blasty

Yeah, there's a of of ships here.
The Magos nearly had a heart attack when a fleet jumped out near his repair fleet.
>stands to get some food
Come, I know the cooks, I'll get you guys some extra grox patties

Yes, I'm fine.

Go ahead.
>Hailing the Penance

Penance, this is a dropship from the Mechanicus Cruiser Ferrum Renovo, of the 25th Explorator fleet. We have a package we have been bidden to deliver by Arch Magos Sathos Tyrrah. Do we have permission to come aboard?
>looks up

Im okay, i thinks....

Just having breakfast, its called whiskey...
>grabbing a double helping of food he sits down next to the officer.

thanks Dok, from the bottom of me 'eart.
>Alice grabs two trays of -good- food, two mugs and a pot of Recaf.
>walks over and sits at Jackson's table, then slides a tray and a mug over to him.
Didn't know if you preferred your Recaf black or not, just fill it as you please from the pot. But on to more important matters.

What exactly do you mean when you claim that we would become partners? I would appreciate honesty here, to avoid beating about the bush, we both know what happened last time you were dishonest.
>crawls on the floor

jack-- Jackson!!

>goes under the table

i need pills.
"One moment Pilot, I must check with my superiors"

>After a few moments, an entirely different voice comes on the line.

"Pilot, Inquisitor Elodia Maxim, we've received some disturbing reports recently and must be sure of your intentions."
"Please state your cargo and recipient."
This "whiskey"... Is it a combat drug or something?
>Sam nods and sits down.
Are those plans for a prosthetic? Sorry, if I am intruding on something, Sir.

>Under the table, Sam´s box opens itself and her tau drone lands on the ground.

>Wada happily eats his meal next to Alice.
>Notices the singularity.
Hmmm. This seems to have been made on purpose.
>Coughs twice.
What are you hiding there...?
>Walks back to the lower levels of engineering, touching a datapad. Something resembling a metal corpse teleports in.
>Tinkering with an animus filled with a red energy source.
>The animus is insertedinto a skeletal robotic shape armed with a bolter, simillar to a necron, although the head looks more like that of a servoskull and it wears no iconography of any kind.
Listen careful daemon for these metal chains force you to follow my commands.
Search in medical and dispose of anything suspicious, your prison's lenses are connected to my consoles, I will see what you see. Now go.
>With another hit of a button, the android teleports into the medical wing Inmediately shooting anyone in sight.
I´m too stupid to link,properly today.
Depends on how much *hic* you ingest.

If you take to much it just becomes a recreational stimulant or a rather effective tranquilizer! Again, depends on the amount.
It's all good.
>at hearing this Jackson perks up.
Well, this just got interesting
>taps his comm-bead
"Smith, move your men and intercept that cargo, That's not our Magos and find out who he is. Take some priests and look official"

Thank you.
>pours a cup of recaf
Well, you're going to be making a deal with the Magos. The thing is, deals with him work both ways. You will get almost unlimited resources but you'll be one of his agents if he needs it. If he needs something that only an Inquisitor can do he'll ask and he expects it done. Normally the people working with him don't interact but since we're on the same ship we'll most likely be working together, hence us being partners or on a team. This also means I'll have to trust you more.
>the android seems to be in a standard medical lab with no one around.
>there's a few terminals and several drugs boiling away.
>Alice's interest is piqued at Jackson's mention of an unknown Magos, but diplomatically says nothing.

Hrmh, interesting that the Magos didn't mention that himself, I really do dislike invisible fineprint, I believe I'll be having words with him and shall have to rethink that proposal.....but nevertheless that was surprisingly rather painless, would you wish the Stormtroopers to fetch you anything else while they're getting their own food?
>Said Stormtroopers standing and most heading over immediately to grab various meals....and lots of Recaf.
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>Begins tinkering with the cameras of the area in complete silence so they also have a camera bug installed.
Cargo is one uh... civilian? A recent creation of the Magos.

Receipient is one Inquisitor Alan Wellesley, but the cargo says that an Interrogator Alice should be able to vouch for him?
>Sam stops eating and crawls under the table, attempting to put her drone back, next to her equipment in the box.

>Wada seems to have finished his third meal. He stands up, ready to leave the mess hall.
Officer? Gonna patrol?
>Not sure who to adress, he turns to both of you.
>the medic is in his private quarters, playing on a finely crafted violin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7rxl5KsPjs
>he shfts from foot to foot fully engaged within his music as the drugs begin to take ahold.
Okay, so it's some kind of multipurpose drug?
"Hrmh....wait one."

>A brief pause is accompanied by Alan hastily calling a pause to the meeting before teleporting back to his ship, returning shortly with a Daemon Hammer and 10 more Stormtroopers.

"You may dock in Penance Cargo Bay 3, you are not to leave the Bay until further notice."

>Alan and Co. make their way to Bay 3 with weapons ready and confused expressions.
>Once that is done, the android begins checking the desks and walls.
>Given it's movement it seems to start to become frustrated of searching around, unholstering its bolter.
>Begins to shoot around, hoping to make enough holes with bolter shells on the walls to reveal anything. The shots are carefully aimed away from the cameras to make sure they suffer no damage.
>his speed begins to pick up as the young mans already twisted mind begins to be warped by the effects of the substances.
>he's sweating visibly and darting his eyes back and forth around the empty room.
Understood. Docking now.

>Landing in the docking bay, the Dropships exit ramp deploys with a hiss and a puff of vapour. Out of it walks six obvious Skitarii, and a seventh less descript individual in red Mechanicus robes, though evidently not a tech priest.
No, i'll be fine.
I don't want to scare you away from this deal. It is a very good one for both parties. But, I will say this he acts very much like a Hereticus. There will be lies and secrets you will have to keep.

>the camera is a lot more advanced, it has thermal and x-ray settings that it records in as well.
>the log sheet next to it shows it's checked daily by technicians.

>Smith and a squad of Jackson's men are waiting with some techpriests when Alan enters

>one of the shots hits a section of wall that sounds hollow, but with all noise someone has surely heard the shots.
>Leaving the mess hall, wada begins patroling the corridors.
>Goes full auto against the wall.
>No longer needs to keep the cameras going
>Actually goes full auto on anywhere in the room.
>The daemon is laughing inside the machine prison
Aye! You can also use it as a disinfectant!

It is truly one of the best things humanity has ever made.
>Cursing, as her drone sweeps out of the mess hall, from under the table, Sam´s dataslate receives a message.

Going to retire wada again, for a bit.
>Before the Dropship arrives, Alan signals to Smith and gestures at potential cover for Smith's men then does the same for his own, before shooting Smith a look as if asking for suggestions.

Halt! State the identity of your Passenger immediately! I neither approved or was notified of such a transfer.
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>The red hooded individual takes off his hood, revealing a scarred and metal plated head but non the less human head. He's carrying a black case in one hand.

Sorry for causing such a commotion boys, I've been gone a while haven't I.
Huh. That's handy.
What's with all the noise?
I know, I just convinced the Magos to allow the transfer and I was eager to get back to the unit.

I didn't realize t would cause such a situation. What's been going on?
>stands quickly
Alice, can I trust you? This is highly important.
>taps comm
"move men to breaching positions, explosives authorized. I'm on my way"

>the wall gives in and reveals a staircase behind it.
>frenzied by his own music the young mann finishes his solo by throwing the intrument against the wall.
you'll never take me alive you detestable dogs!
>still clutching the bow he strides out of his room.
>As the android only stops firing to reload Depherion is throwing curses to the dataslate recieving the visual, he did not expect the android to rebel despite following his commands. At least he knows there IS something in that bay.

>The android proceeds towards the staircase.
I'll need to think about it, I'm not sure the reward would be worth the risk when I could just buy the equipment I need, not even taking the 'recent discovery' into account.
>The rest of the Stormtroopers fetch their food and return to the table to eat.

>Alice feels a vibration from the Dataslate in her Map Case and fetches it, along with a wired headset to connect to it
Fug, fugged up the name, and I was doing so well!

Hrhm.....Rama Vakron? Wait......last I saw you you were bigger than a set of Power Armour, Oh and...I'm not the best person to ask really, I've not really been here.
>Alan nods at Rama and his men relax slightly.

>Alice nods and checks that her Bolter is loaded but doesn't raise it.
Something that serious sounding? Aye, what's happening?
>Reading her dataslate, she grabs her box and runs after her drone.

>The dataslate shows a map of the penance´s officer´s quarter´s with a tau symbol nearby.

>I am willing to meet you now, Imperial Representative. Let us discuss things, pertaining an alliance.
>For the greater good, Por´El Va´sa Assan.
>Is still having breakfast.
Something's wrong?
>Alice taps a set of keys on the Dataslate's touchscreen and looks back up as Sam runs out of the room.
>A message is transmitted reading: "Wait one, situation has arisen, not sure where, stay there for now."
Someone is breaking into my lab. The external sensors were not triggered but the sub lab was breached. I'll need your help. I have some men standing by.

>Several auto turrets ranging from bolters to auto cannons begin firing up the stair case at the android

>loads his bolt pistol and places on rebreather
>Wakes up

"Holy shit... It worked! It's gone!"

>Beams at no one in particular his new room aboard the escort, then realizes he's not out of the woods yet.

>Looks at surveillance photos of Sam and Depherion

"So the question is, do I do the easy one first, or the hard one? I'm not a fan of bloodshed before my recaf - hopefully I can avoid it altogether. That depends on scrapheap though."
>the medic encounters the android whilst running blindly, holding up the violing bow like a cutless he growls.
have at thee you scurvy dog. you'll enter a world of pain.
>Is initially suppressed and pushed back by the fire, but seems to phase out as the Necron Wraiths do and continues forward.
Lead the way, we'll follow.
>Alice gestures for her Stormtroopers to follow, which they do, albiet with a few grumbles about missed food and 'this cursed ship'.
>They'll all follow Jackson as he would move.
That body got, ah, repossessed by it's rightful owners. A group of Magos abducted me just after we landed on Preatoria. Blows were struck, deals were made, I had my brain cut out and put in a new body, and a lucky Reductor got a shiny very old toy. End of the day, I'm no longer an entirely metal death machine, but this body is still based off a war servitor.

I'm nominally a Mechanicus attaché to Inquisitor Alan, but that's just what it says on paper because I wanted to come back to the unit and he was the most important person I had memory of. That said, I'm also still technically both a member of and the property of the Cult Mechanicus. I report to the Arch Magos when all is said and done, but I take orders from you Allen.
>So does she.
>his vox blares to life
Greely! Good your awake! We moved you back to the Penance and our 'Guest' is making a move in the Medical lab.

>Several blast doors shut at the bottom of the stares

>Jackson hurries to the Medical wing with a squad of his men already in breaching positions at the door.
Prep charges. Shoot to kill.
>The tau drone seems to become invisible, as she flyis through the ship, towards a corridor, south from Alice´s quarter´s. It lands, it´s weapon directed towards the wall.

After a few seconds, a small hatch in the wall opened and a grey hand dragged the drone inside.
It is time for our meeting, Alice Wellesley.
>Not pleased at all.
>He was ordered into uncovering anything suspicious
>This is suspicious af.
>Must uncover
>Would phase in, but energy is limited.
>Time to go louder
>Deploys breaching charge.
Hmh, that's....a pretty reasonable story actually, very well, welcome aboard, will say that I'm not usually around the Regiment, what with them not being mine, so that means you'd be attached to my Niece's retinue for your stay with the Regiment, if that's agreeable with yourself?

>Alice draws her Saber and activates it with her left hand, now bringing her Bolter to her right.
>She and her Stormtroopers flick their safeties off and form up behind Jackson's troops.
>Running through the ship, Sam pulls a comm-device and combines it with her comm-bead.
Ma´am? Ma´am! I know, where my drone went!
>annoyed by his foes obvious ignorance at his presence the medic steps towards him.
I said avast you scurvy dog!
>he waves the violin bow around in the air.

"I have plans to deal with him. Have a squad with Plasma and any leftover Haywires ready to move to bathroom 23-c on my signal."

"And If I'm taken out of action, there is a pamphlet in my quarters written in tau. Make sure it finds it's way to Hawthorne's bunk."

Farsight propaganda, natch
>As the noise grows too loud to ignore, the Armsmen are scrambled to their Armouries to fetch their weapons, mainly Shotguns and Heavy Shields, before heading towards the disturbance in Platoons.

Armsmen most likely won't be taking part in favour of making things fair, but also couldn't have the Crew just ignore the massive number of explosions.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>As the charge's timer is set to 20 seconds, it turns around and aims the bolter at Larrs before firing a single round.
Rolled 11 (1d20)


You know wat te problem is wit precognition.
>anna casually strolls to the side, dodging incoming turret fire
You don't get instant wins. You af'to work caeeerefully wit wat y'af instead. So I knew you were here. Wat a'av' now amounts to my incredibly good look, tat I reckon y're gonna ignore...
> Anna punches the android
An' the equivalent of a power fist in my left arm.
Of course, I didn't even realize Alice was a full on Inquisitor now. I was also just throwing the biggest name I knew around.

So uh, where should I go for now I suppose? And if I can stay, these boys can go.

>Nods to the Skitarii and they politely march back into the drop ship.
>the door is breached and Jackson's men file in.
>Jackson notices the hole in the wall to the stairs
Shit! They found it.
>looks down the stairs and sees the rounds firing through it
One contact. Seems to be phased out. Normal rounds have no effect.

Can't. Busy.
>charging towards the bolter round instead of away the medic screams.
yee shall fall to the blade of the dread pirate Larrs! scurge of the high sea's!
>the shot connects, ripping his left arm clean off.
that was my fapping arm you basterd!
>Turns around to face her.
>Meets a powerfist to the "face" as about to aim her with the bolter
>Backs up a few steps.
>opens eyes to the smell of recaf
>Slips and falls off the top bunk
Rolled 13 (1d20)

rolling for the violin bow connecting with the androids head
>eyeing up the psyker he grins
hello hot stuff.
She's only an Interrogator actually, but you want to be back with the Regiment so it makes sense to attach you to her, if you were with me you wouldn't actually get your wish.
And that would be horrible.

>Alan has a brief Conversation through his Vox and Elodia checks in with the crew again.
"You are cleared to depart the Penance at your leisure Pilot, apologies for the protocol but...well protocol."

We'll need to force it back into Phase then? But how?
>Alice and a pair of Troopers level their weapons but don't waste the shots.
On te ot'er and, it is a pain tat like, no one absolutely gets wat te fuck I am saying alf te time. An wen tey got it, tey ler it slip and ruin every fucking ting.
>fires with her bolt pistol
So I do av to keep te smartest moves for meself.
Rolled 8, 9 = 17 (2d20)

>A lense is struck by the rudimentary weapon.
>The android looks back at you.
>it fires two bursts, one towards Anna and the other towards you respectively in dice order
Tell me, when I should start to pray to the emperor. I´m starting to get worried.

>Sam begins yelling into her comm-bead, as she reaches the wall, where her drone disappeared.
Maám? Ma´am! Sorry, but I think you are going to have a problem!
[spoilers]Is currently undergoing his "baptism of fire"[/spoiler]

"Fine, I'll do it myself."

>Comms the Ork

"Oi, dere might be a good scrap with some machine-git in squig-droppa 23-c. Come dere real discreet-like an' follow my lead."

>And the Catachan, who probably wont respond

"Hey, Gar. We've got chaos on this ship, non-standard type. I'm gonna give him a chance to let him get the fuck out of Gospyria and set him against Virmanthras and Amelia. He probably won't go for it, though, so I was wondering if you'd be interested in seeing what a techpriest looks like on the inside?"
It phases back in to engage its enemies, needs to hit them with solid matter
Sorry guy, am taken. By a very stupid man, but...
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Delta, can your weapon hurt it?

>takes a melta gun from the Specialist.
I hope this works.
>fires at the Android
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>the shot scrapes the medics knee causing him to curse loudly
I'll be a peg legged rouge you land lubber!
>he jabs at the android with the point of the bow.
fuck yooooouuuuuuuuu
If I could get close enough perhaps, but if that thing is made of necrodermis my weapon will be useless. Can you verify if it IS necrodermis from here?
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Alice flicks her Vox on and takes cover to respond.
"What? Why? I'm already occupied with this.....thing! Daemonic or something, what's the problem?"

In that case, your anus may be mine.
>Alice takes careful aim and the Android and, biding her time 'til it rephases fires a single shot at the abomination's headcase.
>inb4 Nat 1
Rolled 3 (1d20)

> dodges it yawning
Uh, me know tis was too cliched but, always wanted to do it.
>unsheates a long, slender power sword
Tis one, thoug'? Tis is te good side of precognition. Make rich friends wit serious bling.
>hacking and slashing begins
>Phases out again.
>Breaching charge has hit 0 on the timer.
>The explosion goes through it, unaffected given that it's phased out again.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Fuck it. This always works better.
>Draws power sword.
>Charges the Android

Unless it's a brand new one then no.
>the swing hits right after it phases out
Throne dammit.
>one of her missing slashes meets his blade instead
Fancy meetin ye 'ere, mh?
Rolled 9 (1d20)

All these rolls tho
>Also charges downstairs
>Sam, taking aback by the answer, takes a few seconds to respond.
What? Daemon´s? Where?
Ah. Errm... Anyway Ma´am, my drone flew towards the officer´s quarter´s. It sounds like, one of my coworkers from the tau empire is also there.
>Sam shut´s down her comm, while whispering.
A-and good luck, Ma´am.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>thrown back by the blast he drags himself towards>>45300974 and kisses her firmly on the lips.
you are great you know that? I'll be back in a second okay?
>screaming loudly he charges again
I really don't like this attitude mister!
>The breaching charge's explosion blasts her away and makes her hit a turret with her back.
>proceeds to the mess hall for breakfast
respectfully screeches at >>45300447 on the way there.
>Phases in to try and shoot him once and for all, but misses and is thrown into the room the charge has opened.
>pinning down the android he kisses it on the forehead.
>he then points to his shot off arm.
Rolled 9 (1d20)


>follows with a downward slash
Rolled 7, 12 = 19 (2d20)

"Wonderful, I'll get to him if I survive this clusterfuck. I'll need that luck."

>This is apparently something that annoys the Interrogator.
>Alice charges down the stairs and attempts to smack the Android with both her Powersaber and Bolter.
Rolled 10, 11 = 21 (2d20)

>Silently punches him away before trying to hold >>45301082 's blade in the same hand that punched Larrs away and shoot Anna with its other hand on the process
Rolls placed respectively
"Fuck it, we're doing it live"

>Hits his comm

"Men in positions?"

>"Yes sir."

>Checks his escape route and his backup escape route


>Greely drops a cherry bomb into one of the toilets

"Maintainance Techpriest Depherion to Bathroom 23-c. Maintainance Techpriest Depherion to Bathroom 23-c."
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rude. Ow've you been 'oldin'up?
Don't make me try mindbullets, it never goes well!
> tries to grapple him with the augmented arm
Rolled 2, 2, 16 = 20 (3d20)

>Too busy overseeing the android
I'm repairing a radioactive leak on engineering, you will have to wait, throne agent
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>the blade gets stopped but just barely. Their's a lot of inhuman strength behind it
roll is for more pressure on the blade

I've been okay but I'm currently defending my lab from a chaos infiltrator so a little mad, how about you?
>Sam just nods and listens to the sounds behind the wall.
Why is that idiot lecturing a drone? Need to retune that poor sod later.
>The female trooper calmly ignores the stares from the passing personnel.
What? I´m waiting for Ma´am Wellesley.
>Holds Jackson's saber before the arm is cut by Alice's attack.
>Can't shoot amelia because she's grappling it.
>The two initial punches from Larrs hit the chest and do nothing, the thirdhits the head and makes the android hit the floor
>getting up her drags himself away.
doctor? I don't feel too good!
>he collapses to the ground with a grin on his face.
Met wit a friend, cashed in a favor. Ad time to tink about wat I want to do about e wole me an' you ting. Tried to understand ow you pit the H in your speech. Unsuccessfully.

>turns off comm

"Well, shit."

>Comms Jackson

"You guys wouldn't happen to have the situation in hand down there? I'll send the Texorcists down if you need them."
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>For lack of a better plan, Alice stows her Bolter and puts all her strength into attempting to remove the Android's head with the 'saber.

Wait for it....
Hey watc'wat'ya doin'! Y' nearly got me ead tere...
It just the planet I was raised on. Proper speech was valued or some shit.

I think so...
>Alice slashes the head off
Yes, we do.

>Grabs tray for morning protein slurry
>rend claws sheer directly through tray and it falls to the ground
>looks disappointedly at the mess of steel ribbons that was once a proud food tray
>Screeeeeeeee's in disappointment

"Alright. I've prepared a little potty party for our resident techpriest. He can do this one of two ways. The stupid way, or the hard way."
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>The shots break the Animus stored in the android's head.
>It begins imploding as red light inside its skull begins consuming it.
>A daemonic laughter is heard.
>Bursting of the self-consuming remains of the android, a cinder-colored bloodletter pours out.
>It's tongue and horns have been forcebly removed, it looks castrated, odd.

>In an even more odd show of behaviour, the bloodletter grabs the bolter and runs back into cover rather than charging into melee whilst shooting short, controlled bursts.
And so? Mw spwak a goo ig'got'ic.
Bah, whatever.
Tis te moment on w'ich I pull down yer ead and kiss you if you got notin' to object. And be better you do not!
Well keep your head away from this thing's head! Hard enough to hit the bloody thing when it keeps phasing away as it is!
>Alice lifts the 'saber and readies it to strike the torso, should the creation continue to move.

Also my next roll will be a Nat 1, just watch, it's coming, I can feel it.
>Rather poorly attempts to reeducate the drone.
So are almost on the of independent A.I....
>The tau diplomat turns to the wall, he hid himslef behind for weeks.
Ah. It matters not. Soon, I will have acomplished the alliance, the ethereals wanted me to make. Soon the tyranid menace will be crushed.
>The diplomat stopped his ramblings...
And Gue´vesa Hawthorn, I know you are standing guard there. You need to control your drone better.
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>pointing up at the creature he giggles
hello big boy
>he throws the bow at it's legs in a vain attampt to trip it up
I don't, but he does!
>Tackles Anna and Alice behind a table
on the level of*
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Alice charges the Daemon in a fit of........well stupidity really, and attempts to repeat the same success with the Daemon this time.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Fuck. I do not get any glory.
>fires a bolt round anyway
I take it as a later.
>It makes it fall down.
>Into her blade.

and it's got brown deldar crystals in it's mouth

>Hits his comm

"Alright, private. In my room there's a pamphlet on my desk with weird blocky glyphs on it. Fetch it and show it to me. Need to make sure it's the right one."

>Mumbles something about how convenient it would be if he could bi-locate
>stumbling up giggling he collects his bow and ruffles the deamons head
oo's a cutie
>he pats her on the shoulder getting blood on her>>45301407
so, you fancy a drink?
>In a fit of anger he throws the dataslate monitoring the android to the ground, obliterating it on the crash.
Rebellious daemonic piece of trash! I didn't tell you to engage anyone!
Fucking nurgle magicks If I still had a throat It would be in pain by now.
>Taps comm-bead
I'm on my way, throne agent."
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>fires his bolt pistol at the daemon

>Some of Jackson's men are tending to Delta behind some cover.
>Alice waits for the Demon to dematerialize then heads over to LIX.

How is she? Didn't look that bad but....looks can be deceiving.
>She's got thrid grade burns all over her right eye.
>If you can still call that an eye.
>On the bright side, the fire cleaned her IW slave mark.
>starts playing his accordion, giving heart to his comrades
As me said, am taken.
By tis idiot ri't t'ere of all people. Wuld y' believe me. Besides ow do people find me attractive.
>a quick note on how Anna lacks hair on the whole left side of her head and has far more tattooes than common sense would advice.

>Comms Jackson

"Alright jackson, the bastard is en route to 23-c. If i need help, you'll hear me say " you've chosen the hard way."
Trouble, throne agent?
>Gave up on reeducating the tau drone. Is now reading through several files, pconcerning his mission.
Gue´vesa Hawthorn? Do talk to me. We need to prepare for the upcoming meeting, after all.
>Va´sa pulls out another file.
While you where in the female quarter´s I had contact with your old comrades. They send their regards.
It was ordered to shoot anyone as it teleported in

Larrs, she's mine... at least I think she's mine.

>a squad of men show up
I am Sgt. Olen of 5th squad. Jackson sent me to aid you in something.

Her eye is bad, but I can make a replacement in an hour or so. I'd need a genetic sample so the body won't reject it first.
Can I help, milord?
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67KB, 210x240px
>Walks up to the bathrooms.
>Notices the latrine has been bombed.
What the warp?!
>still bleeding very heavily he grins
you can join in?
>he collapses, the blood loss finally taking him.

"I said be stealthy out there damnit!"


"Hide in one of these stalls - not the broken one. When and if I say "You've chosen the hard way," light up the techpriest. Fair warning - he is exceedingly powerful."
I'm afraid I won't fit.
>Wishes her old superior officer would keep quiet, while he hides himself.
I hope, I´m going to be stationed here, even after the discussion...
So kiss now? Was starting t'miss it. Also we gotta talk. About a lot of stuff actually.
He wasn't ordered to shoot anyone, that it's the rebellious nature of chaos androids as stated in Warhammer 40k 1st edition, they're forced to follow any command, but will always try to pervert them.
I'll have to prep another arm...

Kiss yes, but talking will have to wait since were in a secret lab with stuff I don't want people to see. Also Greely might be getting in over his head.

>Walks out of one of the stalls. You notice his connection to the prince of anarchy is.. gone.

"We need to talk, Techpriest Depherion."

Mr. Anderson.

"I have something you want, and you're planning to do something sinister with this ship and it's passengers. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."
>You can notice it's coughing, does it even have lungs anyways?
>It turns around to face you.
Ah, so at last you wish to speak, Gree-lee. I was wondering when would you choose to meet me, I was sent here for a purpose after all.
It would need to be an Organic replacement, a Bionic one might cause complications with her unique skills.

Harper! Watch over this Medbay and especially LIX, don't want anyone to come to risk should one of those things happen by again.

>Harper nods then he and his men take up defensive positions.

She should be fine here until she wakes.
But make sure to ask LIX about the eye, that one was already gone before now so it'll be her decision.

>Alice stands and heads out of the Medbay towards >>45301556.
Well so are you. Also te secret lab stuff went too far, y'know? Did you at least destroy tat c'ip? Oh damn kiss me before I get angry again.
>lying on the floor in a pool of blood the man sings happily in his sleep.
keelhaul that filthy land lubber send him down to the depths below, make that basterd walk the plank with a bottle of rum and a yo-ho-ho.

"Here's the deal. I provide you with a new target, you bring me her head, and I give you the daemon. One of yours, I believe. Grashnut the Vengeful."
>Stopped patrolling and is sitting in a corner somewhere. He seems to hold his ribcage in pain.
Daemon? I'm not here for no Daemon, Gree-lee.
Organic. She'll be guarded. Also, ignore any further explosions, those are Greelys fault

>quickly turns around and gives her the biggest kiss she's ever had.
I missed that. Now I gotta go save Greely

>some men carry him off to be treated and detoxed.

"Really? Hmm. Then what, pray tell, are you after?"
>halfway wedged into the stall
>the door is open and the only thing blocking him from view
>"daemons? This agent must be monitored."
Btw Rama are you still around?
Tat was nice, I should scold you more often.
Yeah abot tat te techpriest is no techie, it is somet'inf else. So we better move!
>Getting a annoyed at the tau diplomat, Sam activates her comm-bead.
Ma´am? Hello? You allright? My "contact" is getting impatient. I think he going to alert the whole ship of his presence if he keeps talking to himself.

>Sam calmy ignores the Por´El´s talk about her old comrades.
Im here for the one who serves whom he hates, the one that doubts his own actions and the one who'd wish to be anywhere but under inquisitorial service.
I'm here for the worthy, Gree-lee, there's excedence in the chapter's geneseed.
>Jackson's men are crammed into a stall
>Heavy weapons poking each other
>"Daemons? This agent must be praised"

Yeah me and Greely have been monitoring him for a while.
>hurries off to Greely while some men guard the sub-lab and others carry Delta off to be treated.
I leave fer a while an' erryting goes sout', uhn?
>puts down the accordian and breaks out his knife of remove.
Jackson! What the fuck happened to the ship!
erybodies dead Dave.
"Mhm, yes sorry, crisis contained, Daemon destroyed. I'm right outside where the map said to go but.....I'm in the middle of a corridor. I'm not sure where I'm to go...."

>Harper and his men diplomatically ignore the secret stuff and follow the troops with LIX with haste.
every thread.
Watch and learn.


"The Imperium might be flawed, but it's not beyond fixing. The Inquisition is the path to that, not the renegade god. And I'm too old to be an Astartes anyway. I'm offering you a deal, so you don't have to leave here empty-handed. Most of the other officers are already aware of what you are, anyway."
What about Toddhunter? I'm sorry, I couldn't resist

Alice doesn't know......that's probably for the best honestly.
Not exactly. The entire ship was upgraded and we're now a proper Inquisitorial Cruiser, With a Nova cannon and proper sleeping quarters.
>stops at the corner of the hall from the bathroom Greely is in.
>other gaurdsmen at in the mess hall proceed to stare at what was once a proud food tray
>scurry into the vents to escape the embarrassment
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622KB, 320x240px
>Sam nods and sends you her coordinates.
It´s a bit south of your quarter´s. Sorry, Ma´am, I didn´t know.
>The trooper slowly slumps against the wall and groans, as the tau diplomat starts to mutter something again.
Look, Sir. She will be there soon. Please wait with your speeches until then.
>Coughs twice.
More the reason for me to stay then, a penal regiment is the perfect recruiting grounds, look at the cannon fodder in this ship, Gree-lee, look at them, they hate being here, they hate following orders. And they hate chaos after all the times they've faced it: They're perfect recruits.

>Coughs twice, wheezes once, doing a step closer to you.
And it's all a matter of time Gree-lee, soon you will also get tired of this putrid and broken imperium that only betrays itself.

>Takes that previous step back.

And I'll be waiting for you.
>the Guardsmen in the mess hall
What's up with Jean?
So you take te eretic an' I shot greely?
>Alice pulls the Dataslate out again and checks the map.
>follows the map on the screen further south and hesitantly knocks on a section of Bulkhead of the corridor.

I'd just like to point out that Behrend is sort of maybe working for(Didn't actually confirm if he was or not) people who would be VERY interesting in hearing about what was just discussed.

"Actually, i think I'd like to show you something I've stashed somewhere on-world. There's a transport in cargo bay six. Something I could give you in exchange for dealing with this problem sorceress. Come with me."
honestly I'm trying very hard to think of a reason for him not to attack both immediately after their conversation.
We're not shooting Greely. When he gives the signal we fire at the uh other guy priest thing.
>Sgt. Olen readies his weapon in the stall

Alice and Alan will probably know after several large explosions
>peeks over the stall after hearing voices/gun noises
Love, greely is clearly trying to 'ire te ot'er guy an while I can see te karmic value in letting 'im loose after Amelia, I am not taking te chance 'e joins er instead.
>Seems to be thinking for a few seconds.
I agree at one point of your offer. I will deal with your sorceress as I deal with all the followers to the false gods. But I will do it from here, witnessing the potential recruits on the meantime.
Well simple, his new boss may be impressed that he found Malleus grade things in their first few hours of work, he might give them a performance bonus.

W-What if Greely doesn't give the code phrase tho?
I got the melta-gun. Also i think im sober enough to operate it.
>Sam walks through the corridor towards you, as a section of the bulkhead slids into the wall. You vaguely see an tau, clad in the clothes of the watercaste, sitting near a box with rations and a tau armor. The drone to his feet is obliviously the one from Sam.
Ah, finally. You surely know how to make a quest wait, Mylady. That is the term, yes?
Rolled 17 (1d20)


>"Fuck, he's not falling for it."

"I said we could do this the easy way or the hard way. Now, y'see, you're choosing the hard way."

>"Jackson you better be in position"

>Pulls out the Gauss rifle and fires at the techpriest


Thanks i waswodering what my Huma er I mean real name should be
>takes wrong turn while scurriing through the ducts
>falls through rusty panel onto Ass-Sgt. Behrend
What the!!! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeee thump
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Malal Warpsmith.jpg
249KB, 1024x985px
>Is blasted away against the wall.
>Rises from the ground.
>Throws cape away
We could have been partners, Gree-lee I had nothing against you
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>voxes Alice
We have a situation in lavatory 23-c.
>bursts out of the stall, swinging an eviscerator

Rolling for surprise.
>Is slowly dragging himslef towards the medbay, clearly in pain.
Rolled 9, 5, 12, 19, 14, 1, 18, 11, 7 = 96 (9d20)

>10 men with heavy weapons are crammed into the next stall
>one waves to Behrend

>the squad of 10 men burst out and instantly fire with the melta gun as another levels missile launcher at Depherion
first is the melta gun the next 8 are hellguns and the missile launcher is getting ready
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Go back to your flea infested warp-hole, you fucking pile of tin!

>fires melta gun
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Guh. Worse t'en expected.
>drops out and fires a plasma round at the heretek
>narrowly avoids noticing the genestealer
>Malak would take a peek over the wall of the refresher he would be seated in

Oh for the love of- What the HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS REGIMENT!?! I mean COME ON! I come in here for 10 MINUTES TO TAKE AN "EMPEROR",and then THIS HAPPENS! WHAT THE HELL JEAN!
>Alice steps inside the wall and allows it to close behind her.
>She then bows and schools her expression into a suitably apologetic one.
My apologies for the delay Ambassador, but a Daemon tried to assault our Medical Bay and since I represent the Daemonhunters.....my presence was required.
It was a most unfortunate delay.

"Damnit! What's the situation? Is it Daemons again? I wish Uncle Alan was here damnit."
Actually make that "To release the Emperor"
Greely and a... heretek have come to blows. I'm trying to defuse the situation.
>out loud
>Bursts into the room with power sword humming

>massive las fire
It's all under control!!
>melta going off
Continue with your meeting!!
>loud cursing
Rolled 18 (1d20)


"I don't think so. You know what the problem with you Chaos fucks is and always will be? No respect for human life. And you're no different from the rest."

>Fires again

"You could have gotten on the transport loaded with explosives and been blown away like a good little heretic, but no!"
Screw t'at, astartes for sale.
Rolled 2, 7, 14, 16, 14, 11, 18, 8, 17 = 107 (9d20)

>Is sent back against the wall again because of all the incoming fire.
Is that all? Hahahaha-Coff!
>Whilst coughing, its shoulder-mounted krak missiles and Meltagun fire against the soldiers trying to ambush him.
Last roll Melta.
>Va´sa takes a look onto one of his files and smiles. behind you and Sam, the bulkhead close itself.
No worries, a commander must after all, always lead their troops. Allthough personnally, I do not believe, in what the Imperium calls daemons. The ethereals have decreed them to be a grooup of seccessionists. But that is not what I wished to discuss with you.

>Behind you, Sam is facepalming at the diplomat´s behavior.
Alice, explosive ordnance is being deployed. The room is less than twenty square meters in size.
>proceeds to thrash in a panic splashing refresher water all over Sgt. Ordenius
>Manges to screeee in apology about ruining his uniform
>scampers away after breaking the stall door while somehow clogging and turning on all of the bathroom sinks
Nice Try Han Solo, but it didn't work on the Death Star and it won't work here.
What the fu......
>Alice contemplates the situation and finally comes to a conclusion.
"We're sending a squad up."
"Funny that you're here though Brother Sergeant, I thought you'd left."

>Alice taps her gauntlet and sends a priority request for reinforcements to head to Bog 23-C.....which alerts Lord Inquisitor Wellesley.
>Alan heads there with a squad of 5 and himself.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>darts back into cover
T'ere is a limit to te one liners I can spout in a day, so just drop dead quickly, ok?
>flings a grenade at the heretek
Rolled 15 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

heh. good one.

>the Missile gets fired as the squad dives to cover many of them getting hit with shrapnel.
the plus is because the room is so small
Rolled 87 (1d100)


>Pulls out a Haywire Grenade

"Goodnight, motherfucker!"

>Tosses it in his direction and dives into the servitor tunnels, clambering to get his cyborg ass away from the EMP

roll is for how far he gets
>Collasped in front of the med bay, his hand covering his ribcage. Filled with pain, he seems to no longer recognize his surroundings.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>shrugging off the debris sent flying by the blast.

Do not worry scum, there is more where that came from.

>fires melta
roll to dodge, i guess
>The young Sergeant would simply look about the mess that was now the Lavatory
>Broken stalls and refreshers leaking and spraying water all around

What. The... FUCK! I have SO many questions!
WHY are the refreshers so easy to break!
Why are the stall walls made of paper mache!
Not to mention I am NOT cleaning this up!
>stepping out of the medbay inspecting his brand new power klaw the Ork spots the Ogryn and rushes to his side
Indeed, please continue with your proposal, I do find it rather pleasant to have a civilized discussion.

>Alice is the very model of polite diplomat. It comes with the nobility one could suppose.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>tries to grab both by the neck in an attempt to pacify them
>Is blasted away. Rather than just stand there and wait for the haywire to fry him up, he activates his teleporter back into engineering, coughing.

>The other 8 chaos androids have also been teleported in.
>Coughing, wheezing and recovering himself from the explosions.
Shoot that gellar field and enable the warp travel engines, it will give us a distraction to get my ship here!
>The androids do as ordered.
>Several medical staff members come up to him
You okay, big guy? What's wrong?

>The missile hits very close to the warpsmith, but it affects everyone in the room
E'z urtin bad, E ain't talkin neither.
>shaking the Ogryn the Ork lets out a sob
get up ya daft git!
>Getting on his Vox, He'd quickly call Jackson
Uhm sir.... We've got a problem near lavatory 13-c. And before you say anything! It was NOT my fault!
Wait yer not going... ugh. Perfect.
>her eyes lights up and she opens her mouth in horror
Jackson! Te blasted gellar field!
>Comes over
Sorry I'm late! Can I-
>Notices Wada
Keep the warp drive running but make the ship remain stationary, it will make warp energy pour into the ship.

>Begins unlocking all maintenance airlocks.

If anyone that isn't me comes in, kill him, her or

>Dashes into maintenace.
>Alan sprints into the room with 5 Stormtroopers in tow and Daemon Hammer ignited looks on the scene with a perplexed expression.

>swings his Hammer as Depherion leaves.
>activates his vox.
"Elodia! Bring the Fleet into position and prevent this ship from moving!"

>The Fleet does as ordered, charging weapons and moving to a to optimal but still safe distance.
>Said Fleet is prepared to disable the ship should it try....anything.
You have dealings with chaos!?
>seems unfathomably angry
>grabs his vox
"Magos, lock down Engineering and tether the ship with the rest of the fleet. If need be blast the engines!!"

Everything is going to shit. Grab a weapon and prepare to storm Engineering to take back the Engine room
The ethereals gave me and a few other´s the duty to observe your crew. Gue´vesa Hawthorn was sen´t to be a messnger shall we say, she did not know anything else. Since your alliances with the necrons and quite a bit of splendid victorys, they deemed me fit to prpose an alliance. Long story short, a tyrnid hive fleet is approaching several integrated human colonies and it´s imperial neighbor´s.
>The Por´El hands you a file on the hive fleet as he speaks, now having a matching smile on his face.
I hope, that we can come to an anrgeement, despite the stance some of your comrades have on my people.
Pretty sure I forgot a comma or two there.

Should have been: >Alan sprints into the room with 5 Stormtroopers in tow and Daemon Hammer ignited, he then looks on the scene with a perplexed expression.
>Runs towards engineering, screaming
Itnseems... lovely.
I want to come too. Incidentally... thanks for the gellar field. I have been waiting to do this. For a loooong long time.
>the ghostly form of amelia materializes behind Depherion as her hands clutch around his head
You better have taken the deal.
>begins feeling bad about Ruining the Sgt.'s uniform
>attempts to make a card to apologize
>returns to the bathroom with a handful of soggy rend claw shredded pink paper and tries to place it in Sgt. Ordenious's hand
>accidentally cuts off Sgt's right hand with a rend claw
>Sgt bleeding out
>screeeees in panic
>Looking closer you notice that his pained face seems to be old and tired. His heartbeat seems also to be getting weaker.

>Hits his comm

"The chicken has flown the coop! I repeat, the chicken has flown the coop!"

>Crawls out of the servitor tunnel, notices the Chaos androids

"..fuck. Fucking heretics never do anything easy."


>Looks at you like you're simple.

"If by "Dealings" you mean "Try to lure them onto a transport laden with explosives," then yes."
For the love of- Fuck! Alright I'll be there shortly!
>Turning off his Vox, he'd quickly rush down the halls to the nearest armory, mumbling along the way

Sometimes I wonder If I shouldn't have surrendered to the Tau like those guys from the 28th Orvustillian Armoured Regiment... I hear they have good health benefits...
meant Wada
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>Heretics in my ship.
>Unholsters a dreadaxe of Malal and swings it towards you.
>gets on Vox
Brothers, meet me on the engineering deck. There is an incursion that must be dealt with.
>speeds off via jump pack
FUck that Noise to space detroit and back, I am NOT losing a fucking arm like that!
>looks annoyed, whether it's because of the Inquisitor or because of the shrapnel in his arm is unknown
Can I kindly ask you to shut up? Just prep your fleet to shoot any incoming ships. The Mechanicus fleet is currently disabling the engines.

>pulls out the shrapnel
>taps the comm-bead
"Everyone combat positions. Prepare to reclaim the Engine room. Form up with the Skitarii and move in."

>the men look frantic
Prep him for blood transfusion and replacement organs if necessary
>the Ork sobs loudly into the dying Ogryns chest
He ain't goin' E'z my mate! I ain't lettin Im go!
>The Ork screams a sob again before resting his forehead on Wadas chest.
you ain't goin' you ear me ya git! you aon't goin!
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Is it so shocking?
>Amelia tries to use her telepathy to stop Depherion's body from moving
>Ron stumbles into the room
What the WARP am I hearing in here? One minute, I'm sleeping peacefully next to a dreadnought with a sick black paintjob, the next you guys are louder than a grox in labor! I have a hangover for Throne's sake!

"Shit! That reminds me.."

>Hits his comm

"Jackson, send the Astartes the location of the Problem. He probably fled to his secret base. I'm taking a more discrete route."

>Crawls back into the servitor tunnels

"And make sure ~no one~ uses the transport in Cargo bay six!"
>Behrend and his four assault marines meet at the entrance to depherion's chamber

Prepare to breach, brothers.
>at the last bulkhead before Engineering
>Preparing a finely crafted injector
Now that you are not going to do anything.
We can do this two ways. Wither you work for me, or I fling you into outer space and-
>Amelia stops talking, her eyes opening wide
You! Don't you dare come closer to me!
>Is held on the air, coughing.
>Isn't saying anything.
>Fighting in complete silence, truly a Son of Malice.
>The Ogryn´s arm seems to be moving for a second, before falling to the ground. His heartbeat now almost faint, it seems as if the Ogryn´s age is finally doing him in.

I´m sor sorry. But you guy´s can hook him up on life support if you want.
fair enough. we'll say GW retconned it for sales.
>looks at the Space Marine, then at Amelia
Bitch, I kinda like these guys. Put him down, or I come in for a bear hug.
>You only hear his voice
I'm loosing visual of you! I can't manifest with him around! Kill that pariah!
I could kindly ask you to shut your bloody mouth. My fleet knows what to do. They do happen to be professionals.
Come on men, we'd better go take care of this.
>Alan and Co. exit the room and head towards Engineering, the rest of his Stormtroopers catching up quickly.
>the door explodes inwards
I... I remember you. Rrrrr. Rrrron? Ron Laroque..
But I know... know this guy. He is a ff... friend.
Friend? He-help me. Friend.
Ogrynaught? Ogrynaught.
>pulling the Ogryn into a tight hug the Ork starts to hum a tune to send him on his way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acxnmaVTlZA
I luvv you, ya daft git.
An entire Hive Fleet? That's a -tall- order, I agree to your proposal but...we may not be able to save them all.
We rarely can.....
>Alice sighs and offers her hand to Va'sa.

But we shall try regardless.
Where are the chaos androids anyway?
Rolled 13, 14 = 27 (2d20)

>Amelia screams as the marines rush in, and lets loose an hail of warpflame against them before trying to toss Depherion out of the airlock, disappearing shortly thereafter.
His very pressence is painful! You need to keep away fr-
>Whathever comes next seems to be interrupted by warp flow. You can't hear nor see Virmy.
>the marines are briefly deterred by the flame, but long enough for them to miss Amelia
Wait, and you that... Fuck, where have I met you? Was it... Gospyria?
>looks around, seeing >>45302782, and makes a decision
Alright, then. Can't have this going too far.
>Ron begins to approach the Sorceress, arms outstretched
Come her, it'll be alright.
>walks in, bleeding from every pore
You hurt the big guy, didn't you? I rather liked him. Reminded me of a caretaker...
In an attempt to show empathy to the other two obviously human guardsmen Jean places a hand on Bob's shoulder accidentally sinking his claws into his back, and screees cooingly at the dying Ogryn in an effort to ease it's pain.
You can ask me that.
>Hurries off to regroup with his men as another squad comes to take care of the wounded.
>he meets up with 7 squads and a few dozen skitarii
>they breach into the warpdrive and gellar field generator room and start to secure it.
>Is tossed out into space.
>Obviously there's no sound.
>Somehow his coughs can still be heard.
>Fucking Nurgle magics.
>Attaches himself into the ship's hull with his claws, entering through ventilation shafts.
>"Time to make the others believe I'm gone."
>Orders the androids to shut down the warp drive and teleports them away from engineering.
Guardsman! Where did the traitor marine go?
Then, may I contact the ethereals? They will be happy to hear that. In the meantime, I am willing to help in any way I can. A diplomat hears a lot of things, I could provide you with additional information. Oh and Gue´vesa Hawthorn? New armor.
>Va´sa Assan points at the tau armor next to him, before shaking Alice´s hand.
Ahhh... painful, it was painful.
>Amelia appears right behind Jackson, on hand on Anna's mouth and the other around her waist
Turning one of your enemies against me, that is what you were trying? Let's see how you like it if I turn your allies against you.
> Amelia starts disappearing, taking Anna away with her
Don't fighr back, you. You will love Beshk, is it is a wonderful place...
> both psykers disappear into thin air.
>The Stormtroopers are looking at the 'Guardsman' attempting to comfort Wada with looks of concern.
>They covertly ready their weapons and back towards LIX.
>Harper whispers "Why is it always us?"
>Begins waking up.
Please tell me the genestealer is not in the same medbay wing, she'll panic and last you want is an injured Callidus Assassin panicing
>oblivious to the pain the Ork continues to sob before breaking out into a low thunderous song.
Should auld acquanintance be just a grot? and blowin up them mines?
should auld acquantance be just a grot and take an old Orks eye?
an old Orks eye me grot
an old Orks eye,
we'll tak a cuo o' squigjuice yet and drink for an old Orks eye.
>talks at the airlock
You bastard couldn't wait to die, eh? I wasted Mistress's last gift in order to make you suffer, and you just go off to space? What a disgrace.
I don't fucking know! Where'd Amelia go?! Throne, she has no idea what she's doing...

>Makes his way through the barrier Depherion put over the servitor tunnel


>Points to the Airlock

"Can't we ever have a Villain who Just Fucking DIES!?"

>Preparing himself to go out the airlock after him
>turns around to see stormtrooper buddies sneakily readying weapons
>looks around for the threat
>screeeeeeees inquisitively?
You may contact the Ethereals as you wish Ambassador, I will ensure you are not troubled by any threat of death.

How much time do you realistically think we have before the Hive Fleet will arrive?
>Before they disappear Jackson turns around with a small device in his hand
No, you don't! I just got her back!
>chucks an active Null grenade at the pair

>men file in with the most recent wounded and immediately enlist Harper and his men to help stabilize them
>Genestealer in her medbay room.
>It could not be any daemon or random xeno, no, it had to be her worst fear.
>Falls down from the med-bay's bed.
Amelianon went to have dinner.

>Gestures to all the heretical accoutrements in Depherion's base

"Someone get this shit locked up so we can have an expert figure out how we can dispose of it."


"I can survive in space briefly because of my Augs, but I'd rather have a voidsuit if there's one handy. Anyone?"
>The Stormtroopers don't shoulder the weapons, instead seeing if this rather strange 'Guardsman' will try to approach them first.
>They secretly hope the 'Guardsman' doesn't, Guardsmen who can put their hands through people are bad news.

>The Stormtroopers immediately busy themselves helping Jackson's troops with Triage, anything to not rile Jean.

You what?! Where?!
>Harper raises his weapon.
>Engineering's void suits have been purpossedly pierced open.
>There are only minor traces of tech-heresy in engineering, asshole must have teleported them away with his androids
>see's LIX flailing on the ground in a mess of sheets and fear
>approaches in an attempt calm down the fellow human crew member
>slips on a blood puddle, screees in suprise, and lands on LIX
>Starts giggling
>bleeding on the floor
>slowly wanders off with crazed look in his eyes
>one of the men hands one over to Greely.
>As you hear the faint sound of someone weeping, you heartbelt almost stops and you find yourself back where it all began for you.

>Wada. That was the name your squad had given you, when they had found you on tomb world your tribe had lived in. A small squad from catachan, allthough they were all ogryns like you. Except the commissar. She had always been more of an nutcase.

>And then three years, before you found yourself stationed on somerius, another tomb world did them in.

>So why was Commissar Aldner´s now telling to let the blood flow? She used to care, from were the blood flew, why didn´t she do that anymore? Was it because of your old age? or was it because even now you disappointed her by not dying for the emperor?
>Alan takes a look at the damaged Voidsuits and speaks into his Vox gear.
>30 or so seconds later a pair of Stormtroopers are Teleported to his position with several intact Voidsuits.

I believe this will be sufficient.
>a medical staff member runs over
Jean, watch out the floor gets slick. But I thank you for trying to help Miss Delta up.

>Points at Jean right before it falls on her.
Nn-n-no! Nooo! NO! N-n-nnn...
>Wounds, burns and bad mental psyche combined make her pass away again.
>politely screeeees good morning
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>Puts it on.

"Alright, I'm not letting this one get away."

>Prepares the Grapnel, and takes a deep breath.

"This fucker thinks he can poach men here? Not on my watch."


"Shit! Jackson, do something about Rax."

Pic Related
>still clutching the dying Ogryn the Ork takes the knife from his belt and carves 'Wada, neva forget a gudd friend' on the arm segment of his power klaw.
you woz a gudd boy, you'z goin to the great WAAAGH in the sky and you'z is gunna be winnan and fightan till da end of dayz.
>Amelia appears two feet above the ground and rolls on the floor
Urgh. It hurts, it hurts! Virmanthras!
>she crawls forwars and uses her staff to get back on her feet, looking at the prone form of Anna
Bur at least it made her fall unconscious as well.
>turns to look at LIX
>something about her seems different
>notices the contours of her face and arms
>doesn't know what to scree in order to get her attention
>proceeds to screeeeee in embarrassment cover face with hands and scurry into the nearest vent.
>Hardly manages to manifest in the room, the null grenade also hit the artifact.
It... does... hurt...
Unfortunaly it is around the time you would reach beshk. Give or take a week.
>The tau diplomat looks genunely sorry. Next to him, Sam also looks distraught, as she inspects her drone and the new set of armor.
Jackson?... Yes... Medical officer. Lies...
>Giggling intensifies
Unf. I must admit it, father, it was a bad idea indeed. And what did I get out of it? Some half assed excuse for a psyker. Where is half of this gal's hair anyway? Don't tell me I did not manage to teleport it? Who is she anyway, she does not even look important...
But, mhhh, excuse me, father. Are you hurt?
Excuse me I think that a certain Interrogator would like a 'word' with you about that.

Hrmh....that's a problem indeed, I'll need to speak with my uncle.
"Guess I'm on my own."

>Opens the airlock and fires the grapnel towards the claw marks, hanging on and grapneling his way towards the entrance Depherion used, forcing his way in.

"Jackson, Alan. I'm in pursuit of the suspect. Please tell me the homing beacon still works."
I'll be fine. >He completely ignores all your other questions out of worry.
How are you? Null grenades are not something to take lightly
"The beacon is reading loud and clear."
My right eye is not working anymore.
>it does in fact not even move
I hope it will be fixed in a while.
>Amelia frowns, scratching her back below her vest, and retrieves something. It looks like a feather
not while I'm in the vents you won't
Alice, with nothing left to do I shall join you at your current location.
Rolled 10 + 10 (1d20 + 10)

>Your heartbeat stabilized. Was that the right word? You didn´t know. All that mattered, that you didn´t wanted to disappoint Commissar Aldner anymore. She wanted the blood to flow. Your´s and the blood of the enemy.

>The enemy, that was currently weeping over your body. As you regained your strenght, your face slowly shifted to look trapped in your pain and insane. The enemy. Bob. You had to offer Commissar Aldner the blood of Bob.

>So youstood up and smashed both your fist into the orks face, as you slowly became corrupted.


>You did not know, where that came from.
>You find traces of broken chasis and a dreadaxe, but depherion seems gone, no claw marks, no oil track, nothing. He's probably used his teleporter.
I'll follow you. Fuck, I need a drink.
That is fine, with me. i can wait.
What was that, my dear?
>taking the blow the Ork laughs to see his friend back
yes! Wada you'z back
>the Orks smile slowly fades as the Ogrhn does not return his affections
>approaches medbay
>the bleeding has slowed down
>a mad grin has taken over the usually meek expression
I am not sure. I keep finding these things in my robes. Blue feathers, I guess they are a minor phenomena.
Soooooo, sooo, so, so...
> spaces out for a minute or so
This gal. I heard they called her Anna? What can i do to her brain, I wonder. Do you think she is an inquisitor? I hope she is... it seems like Jackson cherished her. Good, I hate him. So, so much.
"Affirmative, I'll meet you at my quarters."

Ambassador, if you'll excuse me, I must take my leave to arrange things.
>Alice bows and steps out into the corridor, closing the door again behind her.
>heads off to her quarters and comms Alan.

"He teleported. Left some wreckage behind, and a suspicious artifact, looks like an open-mouthed skylizard head on a stick. Illumination."

"Taking Picts."

"You'll probably want to look for yourself, Lord Inquisitor. I'm at the co-ordinates. No sign of a trail. Why can't we ever have a Heresiarch or Xenolord just die and not come back?"
Bugger my sideways and call me an Eldar. I messed up the name thing again. sokfn[aisg[ianhg[
>Worried face
>Blue feathers.
>He is never going to be fred from the changer of ways and sadly that involves her.
>Preffers to remain silent and analyze the situation for now. It might just be a warning, no need to cause panic.

Is she wearing any inquisitorial regalia?
>Wada doesn´t seem to hear you, as he unhosltered his ripper gun and smashed it itno your stomatch.
>The Ogryn seems to have become more bloodthirsty than normal, he started to chant insults to the god-emperor.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

forgot to roll
>The Dreadaxe calls for you, to use it, to bring death to the enemies of mankind, to kill daemons for good with it.
>For some reason you know it was left there on purpose.
>It was left there for you.
>blinded by tears and sadness the Ork smashes his powur klaw into the Ogryns chest, smashing him to the ground.
dis ain't you! Wada won't hurt any friend!
>the Ork starts to cry
you ain't Wada!
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>the Ork begins to crush the Ogryns chest in his grip, still sobbing as he squeezes the life out of his chest.
this ain't no propa end for you, you'z a hero.
Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d20)

>Two Stormtroopers start firing at Wada with Shotguns loaded with Stunshells.
>Knocking him out seeming more their intention than killing him.

Rolling for Non-Lethal Takedown.
Doesn't seems to me. Whay a bummer.
I don't remember her but... this means nothing, right? I may as well have forgotten her like that other girl, that... a...aaa... what was her name again...
Doesn't matter, we will met again. I still have to thank her.
... I got sidetracked again, right father? It is just so... so difficult! To keep everything in line, while my thoughts are so scattered. Like my brain was in a bowl of water and things kept flowing in and out...
The girl right. Uhm, what is this...?
> takes a small inquisitorial rosette from her body, and a pendant.
Uhm, well she works for them, lucky me!
>Behrend makes his way to Alice's room
>The tau diplomat smiled, and also bowed. As the door closed, he turned to Sam.
You have quite the competent superior, Gue´vesa Hawthorn. I just hope, the tau fleet, stationed to aid our sept, isn´t the one with the Shas´O constantly screaming Greely. Porr guy. He´s been driven insane.

>Sam, still ignoring the diplomat, points at the armor and her drone.
How am I going to carry that stuff or hide it in the female quarter´s?

You don´t. Ask Miss Wellesley to relocate you.

"The Emperor Protects."

>Greely remembers the nightmarish, Albinistic parody of himself from his nightmares and stubbornly refuses it's siren call. The nightmare that cared not for the fates of others as long as Chaos died.

"I still have things and people worth fighting for. Those who turn to Malal are those with nothing left but hate and vengence."
Then we can use her. She seems important to the people with power in the regiment you want to toy with, what would you do to hurt them? How can you use her to make them pay for all the somerians that we liberated and they exterminated?
>stares at the fight, smiling and laughing at their struggle
>Alice nods as Behrend approaches and offers him a welcome smile.
Ah Sergeant Behrend, it's a pleasure, but I must ask what you're doing on the Penance still. I thought you and your Brothers were heading out for another contract.

>Alan walks down the corridor to her quarters as well and Alice takes a knee as he approaches.
My Lord, I'm grateful you arrived.

>Alan sighs and gestures for her to rise.
Enough of this, you know I don't care for the behaviour.
Do you really need me to spoil the surprise, father? They tried to pit other heretics against me. I will do the opposite to them, isn't it wonderful?
>The weapon consumes itself in white warpfire, disappearing.
>You can hear Depherion's voice in your head.
Your resolve won't last forever, soon you will repent for not accepting the gift that could have ended the daemons for good when you had the chance. We all repent of our first rejection in the end...
>Walks in behind Behrend, and watches. Ron looks very tired, in both mind and body.

>Imagines bringing Dreadaxe down on the star of Virmanthras, and smiles a bit


>Forces himself down.


"The universe is full of the light of the Emperor's Dharma."
It's mischeavous, and hard to detect. Good thinking, my dear. The question is how will you toy with her mind? You did not face other psykers in your inquisitorial tortures before, she might be harder to break...
Rolled 13 - 10 (1d20 - 10)

>You lose grip of your ripper gun, as the enemy crushes your chest, even as you hands enclose his neck, you are not sure if your weakened body can grant your old commissar that favor.. The shells, that smashed into your back had no effect on you.
>Who was Commissar Aldner anway?

roll for suffocating bob
But she will break. It is just a matter of time, besides, I have an expert on the matter here, right here.
>taps on the staff
>the Ork raises the frenzied Ogryn into the air and screams
>the body is smashed with an audible crack against the floor.
>For once, the daemon laughs at your comment

>Hits comm

"Yeah, uh, the lizardstick just vanished in white fire. I'm still looking for any sort of trace of how he got out of here."

>Greely begins thinking

"A thought occurs to me - If he's got a teleporter on board, why wasn't it in his secret base? Either he's got a second base, or he has a ship nearby. Jackson, can you get Anna to try and find this pigfucker?"
You alright mate?
>Alice looks geniunely concerned.
>Although she does rub her head absentmindedly.
You look like crap. Want some booze?
Rolled 19 (1d20)

I gotz to do dis Wada, I'm sorry ya daft git
>he lifts the Ogryn again before smashing him down one last time.
I'm sorry
I have been into dark eldar care for months. I know all the tricks of the torture trade... i was on the receiving end though, so something will be new now, and I can not just wait. And Arnthrax was more than used to goad psyker into doing his bidding. I will be fine father.
>claps his hands, giggling in delight
>looks up, but doesn't really see who he is talking to
I would love some. Won't take any, though. Right now, what I need is something to do. Trapped in my head, I am.
Rolled 11, 3, 14 = 28 (3d20)

>The Stormtroopers again attempt to neutralize the thread without killing him. Doing so might upset Bob....and Bob is a big Guardsman.
>The anger in his voice is bleeding through the comms

"Jackson? What the fuck?"
That fucking bitch Amelia got Anna. I thought she could be saved but fuck that now. We have to do something. Find where she's hiding. I am going to kill her then rip out her soul and flay it in front of her.
What happened? Must have been something serious.
Stop interfering with it! You're ruining the show!
>body starts jerking almost unnaturally
>Your head smashed with an audible crack onto the ground, followed by the rest of your body. Your felt your bones breaking. Blood was flowing out of the wounds that opened themselves.

>You where kind of disappointed, that you could not feel the pain and offer it to Commissar Aldner.

>Commissar Aldner? Your Commissar´s face changed. Why was she looking like a giant monstrosity sitting on a throne?

>The monstrosity smiled at you, as he accepted your offering. His smiling only stopping as golden light overtook his realm of blood.

>The light was disappointed of you, even as it protected you. You found yoursefl back before Bob, as light and blood clashed. Your mind was clear, as the stormtrooper shell´s hit you right in your wounds.
>Those where your last words as you joined the emperor and fell.

>You where Wada, an Ogryn that reached the age 24. And as you died, a single photo fell out of your pocket. Even your squad abandoned you.

Goodbye, wada.
What do you mean?! The guy is screaming about Khorne!
>The Stormtrooper's look unnerved, but don't shoot at Wada any further.

Also new thread now?
>still not paying attention, Ron keeps talking
Too many dead. Not enough of the right people. Xenos, mutants, daemon summonings, it's a lot to take in. Now, there's kids, and I'm sure I felt something I haven't felt since... Bah.
>Ron looks up
I'm not sure about this whole "penal legion" thing any more. Seems like I've been punished enough.

"Alright. Between Amelia, Virmanthras, Diptheria, and...

>Greely is distracted by a mutilated figure crawling out of a vent

>You here a vox crackle and a sinister, oily voice that could only come from an eldar throat. You know who this is.

"Speak of the devil and he will come. Let's make a deal, Throne Agent. I'll tell you where they went, you get me Ozymandias Buckingham Jr's autograph. Or that tasty sorceress. Either will entertain me."

>Greely speaks.

"Uh, Jackson, you hearing this?"
Is that who I think it is? Because if it is, if he knows where Amelia is I'll happily remove her.
>angerly pacing in cargo hold 3 which was converted into a hanger for the Mechanicus.
>Begins to wake up, again.
That was underwhelming... Scream! Fight! Tear down the lies! No more masks!
>turns at the stormtroopers
Don't you see the beauty of their struggle? Their pain?
>Twitching intensifies
>the Ork takes the body of his friend in his arms
you died fighten and you died as Wada, thatz all I gotz to know.
>Bob doesn't move with the body in his arms, he stayed there for several minuets, whispering to the corpse about how much he would love it in the great WAAGH.
you woz a gudd boy, you woz my boy.
>Her almost closed eye focuses into the twitching blur as he tries to get herself into sitting position on top of the bed.

"It's someone who has his eyes and mouth stitched shut and a vox he uses to communicate stuck in his throat. Be glad you're not looking at this."

>The vox crackles

"Look, I know this one was a rushed job, but It's a Darasar Original!"

>Greely sighs.

"Ok, Jackson says yes. I hope you know what you're doing, taking a chaos sorceress of her power alive is no easy task, and who knows where the hell OBJ went."
>After having left her equipment with the tau diplomat, Sam walks through the ship, looking for Alice.
The fuck did he mean by requesting another room? And why is an entire sept screaming for an Greely?
>the sounds of machinary and a strange sensation in his left arm, the feeling of nothing.
>the strange feeling in his left leg, the same feeling.
>slowly the young man shifts of the bed, opening his eyes he notices a strange hue, his left eye was... machine?
>looking down at his left arm he can see wires and the metal plating.
>flexing his fingers the young man runs the metal hand through his hair.
>suddenly everything he had done earlier was rushing through his mind.
how in the thrones name did I get away with that?
>The Stormtroopers look between themselves nervously.
>Most of them find a stretcher for LIX and move her to it to carry her back to quarters.

>Harper and two of the other Stormtroopers walk over to Bob and Wada to stand at attention.
>standing up with the dead man in his arms the Ork turns to face Haper.
E woz gudd, too gudd for any of uz, don't you forget 'im, don't you dare forget any of uz that die, cuz when you forget uz iz when we iz really ded.
>LIX only has strength to whisper.
Thank you...
>She begins following the lead of what she assumes are the stormtroopers. Everything is blurry.
>giggling like a madman
Where are you going now? Why don't you stay and have fun with me?
>walks towards them slowly

I have no idea, honestly. Greely's home sector is stuck between two septs, but I never got a chance to test out those syringes Nyzart gave me.

"She's on Beshk. I can already ~taste~ her eyeballs..."
R-rax? Is that you?
>Again she only sees a blur approaching.
What happenned?
Greely, It'll take some planning but she'll be dead. Now where is she. She pissed off the wrong Inquisitor. Do you think a virus bomb works on daemons?
>The same Armsman who previously helped Ron walks past on patrol and flags Sam down.
Looking for Interrogator Wellesley ma'am?
She's in her quarters.
>You see a single photo of Wada´s old squad and the box, once given to him by Ozymandias Buckingham Junior lying next to Wadas ripper gun.
>the Ork bends down to pick up the photo and slip it in one of the Ogryns pockets with the lukky toof.
Sorry, if I went to far. Just thought the phrase was appropriate, considering Greelys plan´s with Sam.
I just finally dared touch Mistress's gift... I feel better than ever! Why was I afraid of this sweet pain... Why would you be afraid of it?
Keep back Trooper, you've no business here.

Aye, he will forever be remembered as one of the Emperor's Finest.
Misstress? Pain?
>She's too groggy to even notice your physical (read: twitchy) condition.
What are you talking about?
>Jackson comes in looking fuming mad.

>"I think we know someone who could figure out how to make one..."

"Probably not. Virus Bombs feed nurgle and that's why we don't usually use them. Though I did have an Idea for a project I wanted to discuss with you later.."

Greely may despise most Tau, but he's never really had a chance to act on it. All he's done so far is have someone slip Farsight propaganda into Sam's bed."
Suppose you could always......join the Inquisition if you wanted, always room for talented people here, hopefully if we get enough reasonable people in one place we'll be able to make a different, eh?
>Alice takes a couple painkillers and rubs her forhead again.

>Alan takes note of this.
>The blurs start becoming shapes.
>Inquisitorial armor, so easy to recognize.
forever? yeah, forever... itz wot he deserved.
>gesturing weekly the Ork sighs
'E din't deserve dis tho.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

No business? NO BUSINESS?!
>leaps at the stormtrooper in sudden burst of rage and starts clawing at his face
>Too weak to actively scream, only raises her voice slightly.
R-rax please stop this!
>Ron furrows his brow
Inquisition. What would that even... I just want to go home, damn it. I want to meet a nice girl. I want to marry her, have kids, and die peacefully in my sleep.
>Ron clenches his fists
No, never mind, I don't have a soul, that fucks that plan up at step one. Fucking Inquisition. You fucks are the ones that burn cities, raze continents, and destroy planets, all in the name of an Emperor who does not care much for people like myself.
>looks around the room, almost disbelieving
Why would I become a part of that?
"Anyway, I've logged this location in case Lord Inquisitor Alan wants a look for himself. I'll be down to medbay in a bit."
I know it feeds Nurgle but if it removes her...
What's the project? Where do you want to meet, cargo bay 4?

Yes, Delta?
>his voice still sounds very mad.

>grabs Rax and throws him to the ground.
Someone get detox over here!!!
Ah, okay. Tau or Human Propaganda? It´s two different perspectives.

>Walks around the corner, her lasgun on her shoulder, as she the the mourning ork.
Hey, have any of you seen Ma´ -
>Sam stops, as she sees the scene before her.
by the greater good...
Rolled 11, 14 = 25 (2d20)

Assaulting a servant of the Inquisition is Heresy!
Stand down!
>A pair of Stormtroopers try to deck Rax and keep him down.

The good ones never do lad. The good ones never do....
>The Stormtroopers by Bob turn towards the commotion with a look of alarm.
W-what happenned? Last I remember is an explosion and... a genestealer? I must have hit my head too hard...
>It's when she raises her hand to her forehead that she notices the clinical patch in her eye.
>Is about to panic about that.
it would kill anna too. I know you want both my characters dead but try being more subtle about it.
>Roars in anger, surprisingly strong but at too big a disadvantage to use that strength effectively
>running down the empty corridoors in order to test the springs in his augmentation, the medic starts to laugh loudly
I am invincible!
>running blindly into>>45304730 he tackles him to the ground.
it's a miracle trooper! I went hand to hand with a chaos android and won!

It's anti-Etheral, pro-Commander Farsight. Greely's practical in regards to turning people. It's written primarily from a Tau perspective, but it suggests that Gue'Vesa will be vital in overthrowing the Ethereal's chemical control of their Tau brothers


Sounds like a plan. Besides, if my idea is feasible, we won't need to. Make sure "It" isn't able to listen in.
>Slowly raises her lasgun at rax and prepares to fire.
Why did I leave my pulse rifle with the ambassador? I´m a moron.
We, that is the Inquisition, do what we do so that others need nod. -Yes-, I'll admit that some of our fellows aren't the most.....caring of people, but that's why we need good people who can make the difference.

Besides, if you are as damned as you -claim- you are, then why -wouldn't- you join and save someone else from the same fate?

Although if you wished we could have you returned home, it is entirely your choice.
No, I'm trying to save Anna. I'm just playing him as not thinking straight because of anger

Well you lost an eye and a new one is being grown for you.

>some medical personal come by with a syringe of D-tox. and inject it into Rax's arm.
I- WHAT!?!
I mean it was blind already but from being blind to loose it there's a big gap!
My face must be a mess right now!
>screams like a cornered animal, blood mixed into the spit that now flows freely
Down with your lies! Down with all the liars! Pain is the only-
>De-tox seems to have little effect on the mental condition but Rax loses all of his strength rapidly
need not*
>looks extremely saddened by the choice to go home
Home's never really been home. You know full well people like me aren't actually accepted anywhere.
>scratches his beard
Why couldn't I have been born normal...
>smoothes his beard, and comes to a decision
Fine then. Can't see any good reason not to. Don't want to be a criminal forever. What's the next step?
>Sam calmy unloads her lasgun.
Lies? Look, mister, I have different views than you do, but at least I am not shouting them across the ship.

I will shoot on your command, Sir.
>patting the raged man on the chest, Larrs gets up and looks around with a large grin.
what have I missed?
>looking at>>45304949 he smirks.
why hello gorgeous, ain't no rest for the wicked is there?
>Currently Mid-panic.
>Can't seem to listen to him.
It was, But your face was reconstructed and it's fine except for the eye. Which takes time to grow especially a genetic copy.

I'll meet you there, plus my friends can help us.
R-reconstructed? T-this won't affect my polymorphine, will it?!

A-and where is Alice?! Is she alright? Last I know we were all engaged in a battle against the android and- and-


>Greely pops in brandishing a wooden toy rifle with a flashlight attached to the end of it, activated by a series of rubber bands


"Decided here was fine!"
>At this point Alan steps in.
A little training would be in order, we can take care of that on Praetoria, I run an Academy that excels in training the best of the best.....well....not counting the Astartes that is.

After that you'd be able to get assigned to the retinue of an Interrogator or Inquisitor of your choice. It's good work......just uh.....if you choose the Malleus then watch out for the Space Wolves. They didn't exactly take too kindly to that colossal fuckup after the first War for Armageddon.
>Turns away from Rax and attempts to knock Delta out.
Sorry, but I think you need to rest.
>shrugging off the oblivious rejection he slinks off whilst humming to himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq4j1LtCdww
Eh, eh, eh, relax ma'am! Interrogator Wellesley is safe in her quarters, she's waiting for you, we can carry you there if you wish.
>The Stormtroopers set LIX's stretcher on a bed near the bay entrance.
Praetoria? Not usually the sort of place I'd go visit, but...
>loses his smile
Sure. Sounds fine enough. Though, since I'm being sent by you, Alice, it only seems fair you get stuck with me when I'm done. Fair warning.
It won't that's why we're going with a genetic replacement so it will polymorph with you. I assure you that it will be fine. Alice is okay, she actually ended up killing it and the daemon that followed.

>A suspicious servoskull floats next to Jackson. It looks rather happy to be here.
Ignore this post. I'll delete it when it lets me

I really don't think that Miss Wellesley would be happy about that you know.....nevermind, come with us, I assume you're looking for her.

>Harper nods at Jackson as his Troopers again lift LIX and carry her back to Quarters.
>squirms weakly for a moment before finally stopping
>coughs up some more blood
Down with the false... Gods...
>blacks out
>Raises the wooden gun, it has the words "ROGAN BANISHER RIFLE - PROTOTYPE" crudely etched into it

"I got to thinking, a lasgun is just a really powerful flashlight, right?"


>Greely pulls the trigger, and the flashlight projects the form of a simple hexagrammatic ward. He taped over the flashlight and cut one of the simple patterns he saw Rogan make as a symbol of warding into it.

"So, if we have a Lasgun that can do this, burn it into daemons, I figure they won't enjoy it too much."
>Sam nods and follows Harper.
I´m sorry, if I acted to rash. She was panicking and I... Sorry...
Sounds fair enough, 'ought to be interesting. Although I will warn you that the Instructors at the Academy will treat you like you're a new recruit, they do that with everyone though, even me, so don't take it personally.
>Alice offers Ron her hand to shake.
Me and Mecha double fuk'd. We both deleted things and now there is no thing.
As I and Aliceanon accidentaly our posts, the canon is that Sam managed to knock down LIX kk?
>Ron takes her hand firmly and shakes it
I'm still just a 20-year-old Guardsman, ma'am. I'm as close to recruit as they come.

>points the flashlight-ward at rax

"What's up with him, anyway? He went nuts when Diptheria went out the airlock."
That just gave me an amazing stupid idea that might just work. Take that and scale it up to planet size and use a star as the light source. We'd exterminate half a planet of daemons at a time. but the las-gun thing is more practical.

>The servoskull is practically shaking from excitement
Kay. Noted.

>Sam follows Harper, as he carries the unconcious LIX, looking ashamed.

This okay?

>Whispers conspiratorially

"We need to keep "it" out of the process of making these though. If "it" were to get ahold of a ward, which can be easily altered for more nefarious purposes, I dread to think what would happen."
Hey, you've got more experience than me truthfully, I've not even got two decades in me.
But a question if you don't mind, what are your preferred weapons, both ranged and melee so that they can be manufactured in time for the conclusion of your training?
>oblivious to the petty squablings of those around him the medic returns to his quarters in order to perfect his craft.

>collecting his intrument he begins to play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMw0EjLFPXw
That's what cargo hold 4 is for. The entire place was properly made into a forge. We can make tanks if we had the materials and time.
Also I have a proposition for you, would you like to hear it?
>on Rax's arm, there is a small wound caused by an injector
>even as it is less than a hour old, it is already infected
I quite like laspitols, but if there's something better, I'd like to try it. On the melee side...
>Ron considers the power-glaive he left in the cargo hold, and smiles. That'd be worth a lot of cash.
...I think a power fist would be nice.

"But "it" can't be involved in the process for security reasons, natch."

"And your proposition - I'm listening."
A Bolt Pistol perhaps? Hrmh....but I assume you're wishing for something light. We'll find something.
The Powerfist is easily doable.
Not sure if I'll be able to hold on to a second thread tonight, I am really falling asleep here...

>points to the wound

"Someone doped him. Someone who didn't know what they were doing"
Well you are aware that Alice is Going to enter in a deal with the Magos. The deal being use of his unlimited resources for the small price of becoming his 'agent' and doing what he asks. Since we are aboard the same ship me and Alice would be forced to work together. I convinced him to extend the same offer to you as well. Meaning you have access to his resources, both official and unofficial for being one of his 'agents'. You'll work with me and Alice once she accepts the deal.
New thread tomorrow guys? Seems that there's only a few of us left. Or today?
Okay... So what now? Do I get on a shuttle or something? Or do I have to wait for something?
I'm cool with today
Don´t know. I have plans for tommorrow.

"It's important I start making connections of my own if i'm ever going to be a full inquisitor, so I'm game."
If we do one tomorrow I'll be late since I have class.
2 sleepy for 2day, will join in any thread that rises 2morrow... if any...
Fuck it, I'll make a new one tonight. 1 minute.
I'm down for either
Good night to you.
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custom for sleeps in this setting, and tommorow evening there's an adventurer's guild thread, where I portray a crazy old wizard
I'm the Necromancer
I'll still be around... only for a short while tho, I've just switched to mobile so I can get into bed...
You where the guy with the adventurers guild? I always seem to miss it. When? Where and how?
Few more minutes, the Captcha for making threads won't connect.

it's around 6pm est or so, just joined last week

New Thread.
A. Thanks. It´s structured the same way as this one, rightß
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